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LISTING PROGRAM 1. Menu Utama Private Sub Label1_Click() frmSoal2.problemType = 1 frmSoal2.Show Me.Hide End Sub Private Sub Label2_Click() frmSoal1.problemType = 2 frmSoal1.Show Me.Hide End Sub 2. Menghasikan soal dari Excel dan Antar Muka Private Sub GenerateProblem(typeOfProblem As Integer) Dim row, column, blank, txtBoxNo, boxtop, boxleft As Integer For txtBoxNo = 1 To txtProblem.UBound Unload txtProblem(txtBoxNo) Unload txtAnswer(txtBoxNo) Next Randomize ex.ActiveSheet.Cells(18, 1).Value = Int(Rnd() * 39) + 1 row = 5
L-1 http://digilib.mercubuana.ac.id/
column = 1 blank = 0 txtBoxNo = 1 boxtop = 0 Do While blank < 2 If ex.ActiveSheet.Cells(row, column).Value <> "" Then blank = 0 Else blank = blank + 1 End If ReDim Preserve word1(txtBoxNo) ReDim Preserve word2(txtBoxNo) If typeOfProblem = 1 Then word1(txtBoxNo) = ex.ActiveSheet.Cells(row, column).Value word2(txtBoxNo) = ex.ActiveSheet.Cells(row + 5, column).Value ElseIf typeOfProblem = 2 Then word2(txtBoxNo) = ex.ActiveSheet.Cells(row, column).Value word1(txtBoxNo) = ex.ActiveSheet.Cells(row + 5, column).Value End If 'word1() untuk menyimpan soal 'word2() untuk menyimpan jawaban column = column + 1 If column > 5 Then column = 1 row = row + 1
If row > 7 Then blank = 2 End If End If txtBoxNo = txtBoxNo + 1 Loop boxleft = txtProblem(0).Left + txtProblem(0).Width + 10 txtAnswer(0).Left = txtProblem(0).Left txtAnswer(0).Height = txtProblem(0).Height txtAnswer(0).Width = txtProblem(0).Width txtAnswer(0).Top = txtProblem(0).Top + txtAnswer(0).Height + 100 For txtBoxNo = 1 To UBound(word1) - 1 + 1 * (row <= 7) Load txtProblem(txtBoxNo) 'txtProblem(txtBoxNo).top = txtProblem(txtBoxNo).top + boxtop * _ (txtProblem(0).Height + txtAnswer(0).Height + _ 500) 'txtProblem(txtBoxNo).Left = boxleft txtProblem(txtBoxNo).Text = word1(txtBoxNo) txtProblem(txtBoxNo).TabIndex = UBound(word1) + txtBoxNo txtProblem(txtBoxNo).Visible = True Load txtAnswer(txtBoxNo) 'txtAnswer(txtBoxNo).top = txtAnswer(txtBoxNo).top + boxtop * _ (txtProblem(0).Height + txtAnswer(0).Height + _ 500) 'txtAnswer(txtBoxNo).Left = boxleft txtAnswer(txtBoxNo).Text = "" txtAnswer(txtBoxNo).TabIndex = txtBoxNo
txtAnswer(txtBoxNo).Visible = True If Len(word1(txtBoxNo)) > Len(word2(txtBoxNo)) Then txtProblem(txtBoxNo).Width = txtProblem(0).Width _ * Len(word1(txtBoxNo)) txtAnswer(txtBoxNo).Width = txtProblem(0).Width _ * Len(word1(txtBoxNo)) Else txtProblem(txtBoxNo).Width = txtProblem(0).Width _ * Len(word2(txtBoxNo)) txtAnswer(txtBoxNo).Width = txtProblem(0).Width _ * Len(word2(txtBoxNo)) End If If boxleft + txtProblem(txtBoxNo).Width > _ Me.Width - 1000 Then boxtop = boxtop + 1 boxleft = txtProblem(0).Left + txtProblem(0).Width + 10 End If txtProblem(txtBoxNo).Top = txtProblem(txtBoxNo).Top + boxtop *_ (txtProblem(0).Height + txtAnswer(0).Height + _ 500) txtProblem(txtBoxNo).Left = boxleft txtAnswer(txtBoxNo).Top = txtAnswer(txtBoxNo).Top + boxtop * _ (txtProblem(0).Height + txtAnswer(0).Height + _ 500) txtAnswer(txtBoxNo).Left = boxleft boxleft = txtProblem(txtBoxNo).Left + _
txtProblem(txtBoxNo).Width + 10 Next txtAnswer(1).SetFocus End Sub 3. Validate Answer (Memeriksa Jawaban) Private Sub txtAnswer_Validate(Index As Integer, Cancel As Boolean) Static numberOfTry As Integer If Trim(UCase(txtAnswer(Index).Text)) <> Trim(UCase(word2(Index))) Then numberOfTry = numberOfTry + 1 If numberOfTry = 3 Then numberOfTry = 0 txtAnswer(Index).Text = word2(Index) txtAnswer(Index).ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) If txtAnswer(Index).Text = "" Then txtAnswer(Index).BackColor = RGB(255, 200, 200) End If MsgBox "Incorrect answer." & vbCrLf & _ "The right answer is " & _ Chr(34) & UCase(word2(Index)) & Chr(34) & "." Cancel = True ElseIf numberOfTry = 1 Then MsgBox "Incorrect answer. " & vbCrLf & "Please, try again." Cancel = True
ElseIf numberOfTry = 2 Then MsgBox "Incorrect answer." & vbCrLf & _ "Click the OK button to show the lesson." displayLesson (Index) Cancel = True End If Else numberOfTry = 0 If Index = txtAnswer.UBound Then btnNext.Enabled = True End If End If End Sub
4. Menampilkan Lesson Private Sub displayLesson(indexNo As Integer) On Error Resume Next Load frmLesson On Error GoTo 0 If word2(indexNo) = "a" And Trim(txtAnswer(indexNo)) = "" Then frmLesson.startslide = 2 frmLesson.endslide = 3 ElseIf word2(indexNo) = "an" And Trim(txtAnswer(indexNo)) = "" Then frmLesson.startslide = 2
frmLesson.endslide = 3 ElseIf word2(indexNo) = "" And _ (LCase(Trim(txtAnswer(indexNo))) = "a" Or _ LCase(Trim(txtAnswer(indexNo))) = "an") _ Then frmLesson.startslide = 4 frmLesson.endslide = 10 ElseIf word2(indexNo) = "an" And _ LCase(Trim(txtAnswer(indexNo))) = "a" Then frmLesson.startslide = 12 frmLesson.endslide = 14 ElseIf word2(indexNo) = "a" And _ LCase(Trim(txtAnswer(indexNo))) = "an" Then frmLesson.startslide = 15 frmLesson.endslide = 17 ElseIf LCase(Trim(word2(indexNo))) = "am" And _ (LCase(Trim(txtAnswer(indexNo))) = "is" Or _ LCase(Trim(txtAnswer(indexNo))) = "are") Then frmLesson.startslide = 20 frmLesson.endslide = 21 ElseIf LCase(Trim(word2(indexNo))) = "are" And _ (LCase(Trim(txtAnswer(indexNo))) = "is" Or _ LCase(Trim(txtAnswer(indexNo))) = "am") Then frmLesson.startslide = 22 frmLesson.endslide = 25 ElseIf LCase(Trim(word2(indexNo))) = "is" And _ (LCase(Trim(txtAnswer(indexNo))) = "are" Or _ LCase(Trim(txtAnswer(indexNo))) = "am") Then
frmLesson.startslide = 26 frmLesson.endslide = 27 ElseIf Right(word2(indexNo), 1) <> "s" And _ Right(LCase(Trim(txtAnswer(indexNo))), 1) = "s" Then frmLesson.startslide = 28 frmLesson.endslide = 34 ElseIf Right(word2(indexNo), 1) = "s" And _ Right(LCase(Trim(txtAnswer(indexNo))), 1) <> "s" Then frmLesson.startslide = 35 frmLesson.endslide = 37 Else frmLesson.startslide = 1 frmLesson.endslide = 1 End If frmLesson.ActivateLesson frmLesson.Show vbModal, Me End Sub