CURRICULUM VITAE Prof. PhDr. Petr Matějů, Ph.D. PERSONAL DATA Place and date of birth: Prague, Czechoslovakia, July 22, 1950 Marital status: Married, two children, born in 1972 and 1985 Citizenship: Czech Republic Languages: Czech (native), English (fluent), Russian (passive) ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Professor of Sociology, Masaryk University in Brno (2004) Docent; Habilitation in Sociology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University in Brno (1999) Ph.D. in Sociology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University in Brno (1996) Ph.Dr. (Doctor of Philosophy), Charles University, Prague (1972) PRESENT POSITION: Chair of the Department of Sociology, University of Finance and Administration, Prague (2011 - ) President of the Czech Science Foundation (2008 - ) Senior researcher (former chair) of the Institute for Social and Economic Analyses (2002 - ) PREVIOUS POSITIONS: Chair of the Department of Education and Social Stratification, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (2002 - 2010) Director of the Department of Analysis and Strategy, Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (2007 – 2008) Deputy Minister for Science and Higher Education (September 2006 - January 2007) Chair, Institute for Social and Economic Analyses, Prague (2002 - 2006) Vice President for Research, Anglo-American College in Prague (2002 - 2005) Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology and Department of Political Science, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL (USA) (Fall 2003) Member of the Czech Parliament, Chair of the Committee for Science and Higher Education (1998 - 2002) Member of the Czech Delegation to the Council of Europe (1998 - 2002) Head of the Research Team on Social Stratification, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (1994 - 1998) Deputy Director, Institute of Sociology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1991 - 1993) Faculty member, Central European University in Prague (1991 - 1992) Research fellow, Institute of Sociology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1988 - 1991) Visiting fellow, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin in Madison (1987) Research fellow, Institute of Sociology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1972 - 1987) 1
MOST IMPORTANT RESEARCH AND POLICY PROJECTS: Fulbright New Centrury Scholar, project Higher Education in the 21st Century: Access and Equity (2007 – 2009) Unequal Access to Higher Education: The Extent, Sources, Social and Economic Consequences, and Policy Strategies (2004 – 2009). Economic, social and cultural sources of educational inequality and determinants of lifesuccess: The initial phase of a longitudinal study (2003-2005). Obstacles to the implementation of a cost-sharing principle in financing university education, Grant from the Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (2002 - 2005) University Reform and Accessibility of Tertiary Education in Eastern and Central Europe. Secrets of the Admission Process in the Czech Republic. Policy oriented research on inequality in access to higher education. Grant from Open Society Fund (2001 - 2002) Czech Universities at the Crossroad, Grant from Open Society Fund (2001 - 2002) Social Trends, Grant from the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (1996-1999). Winners and Losers of the Transformation, Grant from the START foundation (1996 - 1997) Circulation of Elites in the Post-Communist Czech Republic, Grant from the Grant Agency of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1994 - 1995) Social Stratification in Eastern Europe after 1989, Grant from the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (1992 - 1995) International Social Survey Program, Grant from the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (1992 - 1998) Determinants of success during the transition from redistributive to market economy. Changes in social stratification in Czechoslovakia, Grant from the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (1991 - 1993) MAJOR PUBLICATIONS (a) Edited volumes and chapters in monographs: Matějů, P., J. L. Peschar 1990. Family Background and Educational Attainment in Czechoslovakia and The Netherlands. Pp. 121-145 in Class Structure in Europe. New Findings from East-West Comparison of Social Structure and Mobility, ed. by M. Haller. New York: Sharpe. Matějů, P. 1993. Who Won and Who Lost in a Socialist Redistribution. Pp. 251-272 in Persistent Inequality. Changing Educational Attainment in Thirteen Countries, ed. by Y. Shavit and H. Blossfeld. Oxford: Westview Press. Kluegel, J. R., P. Matějů. 1995. Principles of Distributive Justice in Comparative Perspective. Pp. 209-238 in Social Justice and Political Change: Public Opinion in Capitalist and Post-Communist States, ed. by J. R. Kluegel, D. S. Mason and B. Wegener. Hawthorne, NY: Aldine deGruyter. Matějů, P., and E. Hanley 1999. Die Herausbildung ökonomischer und politischer Eliten in Ostmitteleuropa. Pp. 145-172 in Eliten im Wandel. Politische Führung, wirtschaftliche Macht und
Meinungsbildung im neuen Osteuropa, ed. by M. A. Hatschikjan and F. L. Altmann. Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh. Matějů, P., B. Řeháková, and G. Evans 1999. The Politics of Interests and Class Realignment in the Czech Republic, 1992-96. Pp. 231-253 in The End of Class Politics? Class voting in comparative context, ed. by G. Evans. Oxford: Oxford, University Press. Večerník, J. and P. Matějů (eds.) 1998. Zpráva o vývoji české společnosti 1989-1998. Praha: Academia. Večerník, J. and P. Matějů (eds.) 1999. Ten Years of Rebuilding Capitalism. Czech Society 1898-1998. Praha: Academia. Matějů, P. 2000. Mobility and Perceived Change in Life-Chances in Post-Communist Countries. Pp. 291232, in: New Markets, New Opportunities? Economic and Social Mobility in a Global Economy. ed. by C. Graham and N. Birdsall. Washington, DC.: Brookings Institution Press. Matějů, P. and K. Vlachová (eds.) 2000. Nerovnost, spravedlnost, politika. Česká republika 1991-1998. Praha: Slon. Matějů, P., B. Řeháková and N. Simonová. 2007: Structural Growth of Inequality in Access to Higher Education. Pp. 374 – 399 in: Shavit, Y., G. Menahem, R. Arum, and A. Gamoran (eds.). Stratification in Higher Education: A Comparative Study. Stanford: Stanford University, 2007. Matějů, P., J. Straková. 2006. Nerovné šance na vzdělání. Vzdělanostní nerovnosti v České republice. Praha. Academia. Matějů, P., B. Řeháková, N. Simonová 2007. „Czech Republic: Structural Growth of Inequality in Access to Higher Education.“ Pp. 374-399 in: Y. Shavit, G. Menahem, R. Arum, and A. Gamoran (eds.). Stratification in Higher Education A Comparative Study. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Matějů, P., J. Straková, A. Veselý (eds.). 2010. Nerovnosti ve vzdělávání. Od měření k řešení. Praha: SLON. Matějů, P., S. Weidnerová, H. Vossensteyn, T. Konečný. 2012. The Social Dimensions of Modernizing Higher Education. A Czech-Dutch Comparative Study on Student Finance and Equity. Pp. 167-198 in M. Kwiek and A. Kurkiewicz (eds). Modernization of European Universities. Cross-National Academic Perspectives. Frankfurt am Main. Peter Lang. (b) Articles in professional journals: Matějů, P. 1985. K využití logaritmicko-lineárních modelů v analýze mobilitních dat. Sociologický časopis 21: 53-70. Matějů, P. 1989. Metoda strukturního modelování. Přehled základních problémů. Sociologický časopis 25: 399-418. Boguszak, M., I. Gabal a P. Matějů. 1990. Ke koncepcím vývoje sociální struktury v ČSSR. Sociologický časopis, 26: 168 - 186. Matějů, P. 1991. Kdo získal a kdo ztratil v socialistické redistribuci: Čtyřicet let vývoje vzdělanostních nerovností v Československu. Sociologický časopis 27: 3-38. Matějů, P. 1991. Vzdělanostní stratifikace v Československu v komparativní perspektivě. Sociologický Časopis 27: 319-345.
Matějů, P. a B. Řeháková. 1992. Od nespravedlivé rovnosti ke spravedlivé nerovnosti? Percepce sociálních nerovností a sociální spravedlnosti v současném Československu. Sociologický časopis 28: 293-318. Matějů P., B. Řeháková. 1992. Vliv mentálních schopností a sociálního původu na vzdělanostní aspirace. Sociologický časopis 28: 613-635 Matějů, P. 1993. Determinanty ekonomického úspěchu v první fázi postkomunistické transformace. Česká republika 1989-1992. Sociologický časopis 29: 341-366. Matějů, P., B. Řeháková. 1993. Revoluce pro koho? Analýza vybraných vzorců intragenerační mobility v období 1989-1992. Sociologický časopis 29:309-325. Matějů, P. and B. Řeháková. 1993. Revolution for Whom? Analysis of selected patterns of intragenerational mobility in the Czech Republic 1989-1992. Czech Sociological Review, 1: 73-90 Matějů, P. 1993. From Equality to Equity? The Czech Republic Between Two Ideologies of Distributive Justice. Czech Sociological Review, 1: 251-276. Matějů, P. and B. Řeháková 1994. Une revolution pour qui? Revue d'etudes comparatives Est-Ouest, 25:15-31. Matějů, P. , Nelson Lim. 1995. Who has gotten ahead after the fall of Communism? The case of the Czech Republic. Czech Sociological Review, 3: 117-136. Matějů, P. 1995. How not to make historical comparisons empirically. Czech Sociological Review, 3: 221229 Matějů, P. 1996. In Search of Explanations for Recent Left-Turns in Post-Communist Countries. International Review of Comparative Public Policy, 7: 43-82. Matějů, P., B. Řeháková. 1996. Education as a Strategy for Life Success in the Post-Communist Transformation. The Case of the Czech Republic. Comparative Education Review, 40:158-176. Matějů, P. 1996. Winners and Losers in the Post-Communist Transformation: The Czech Republic in a Comparative perspective. Innovation, 9: 371-390. Matějů, P., B. Řeháková. 1997. Turning Left or Class Realignment. Analysis of the Changing Relationship Between Class and Party in the Czech Republic, 1992-1996. East-European Politics and Societies, 11: 507-547. Matějů, P.. and K. Vlachová. 1998. Values and Electoral Decisions in the Czech Republic. Communist and Postcommunist Studies, 31:249-269. Matějů, P. 1999. Who Votes Left after the Fall of Communism? The Czech Republic in Comparative perspective. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 40: 13-40. Matějů, P., M. Kreidl. 2001. Rebuilding Status Consistency in a Post-Communist Society. The Czech Republic, 1991 – 1997. Innovation, 14: 17-34. Matějů, P. 2002. Making Capitalism Without Capitalists: Szelényi’s Homage to Bourdieu’s Theory of the Forms of Capital. Sociologický časopis /Czech Sociological Review, 38: 380-385. Matějů, P.; B. Řeháková, N. Simonová. 2003. Transition to University under Communism and after Its Demise. The Role of Socio-economic Background in the Transition between Secondary and Tertiary Education in the Czech Republic 1948–1998. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review. 39: 301-324.
Matějů, P., N. Simonová. 2003. Czech Higher Education Still at the Crossroads. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 39: 393-410. Matějů, P., J.Straková. 2003. Role rodiny a školy v reprodukci vzdělanostních nerovností. Sociologický pohled na úlohu víceletých gymnázií ve světle výzkumu PISA 2000. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 39: 625-652. Matějů, P., J. Večerník. 2003. Czech Higher Education at the Crossroads (Editorial to the special issues on higher education of the Czech Sociological Review). Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 39: 296-299. Matějů, P., J. Straková 2005. The Role of the Family and the School in the Reproduction of Educational Inequalities in the Post-Communist Czech Republic.“ British Journal of Sociology of Education, 26: 17 - 40. Matějů, P., B. Řeháková, N. Simonová. 2004. Kulturní a sociálně ekonomické zdroje nerovností v šancích na dosažení vysokoškolského vzdělání v České republice v letech 1948 – 1999. Sociológia, 36: 3156. Matějů, P. 2005. Ke kořenům sociálně psychologického modelu sociální stratifikace. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 41: 70-30. Matějů, P., M. Smith, P. Soukup, J. Basl. 2007. Determination of College Expectations in OECD countries: The Role of Individual and Structural Factors. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 43: 1121-1148. Matějů, P. M.L. Smith, J. Basl. 2008. Rozdílné mechanismy – stejné nerovnosti. Změny v determinaci vzdělanostních aspirací mezi roky 1989 a 2003. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 44: 371-399. Matějů, P., M. Smith. 2009. The Perceived Value of Education and Educational Aspirations in the Czech Republic: Changes in the determination of educational aspirations between 1989 and 2003. Comparative Education Review, 53: 13-29. Matějů, P., T. Konečný, S. Weidnerová, H. Vossenssteyn. 2009. Financování studia a vývoj v nerovnostech v přístupu k vysokoškolskému vzdělávání v České republice a Nizozemsku.“ Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 45: 993–1031. Matějů, P., T. Konečný, S. 2009. Může sociologie přispět k deficitům veřejných politik? Odpověď na polemické příspěvky Tomáše Katrňáka a Martina Kreidla “ Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 45: 1045-1054. Smith, M. L., P. Matějů. 2011. Restratifikace české politiky. Vývoj třídně podmíněného volebního chování v České republice v letech 1992 – 2010. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 47: 3359. Matějů, P., M. Smith: 2012. Kontinuita a změna v přesvědčeních o distributivní spravedlnosti v České republice v letech 1991 a 2009. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 48: 65 – 84. Smith, M., P. Matějů. 2012. Two Decades of Value Change: The Crystallization of Meritocratic and Egalitarian Beliefs in the Czech Republic. Social Justice Research, 25 (DOI 10.1007/s11211-0120164-9). PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Co-Editor: International Journal of Comparative Sociology (1996 - 2006) 5
Member of the editorial Board: Czech Sociological Review (1990 - 2010) Member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University in Brno (2002 -) Member of the Scientific Board of the Social and Economic Studies, University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně (2002 – 2006) Member of the Board of the European Consortium for Sociological Research (2004 - 2010) President of the Czech Science Foundation (2008 –) Member of the Council for Research, Development and Innovation (2006 – 2010), currently a permanent observer
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