Curriculum vitae of dr. Péter László KANIZSAI
Personal data
Péter László KANIZSAI
Date of birth:
Contact details:
H-1125, Budapest, Kútvölgyi út 4. Tel.: +36 20 825 0963 E-mail:
[email protected]
Professional data Present posts:
Associate Professor, Head of Division and Department Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Division of Emergency Medicine and Oxyology H- 1125 Budapest, Kútvölgyi út 4. Tel: +36 1 355-6565, +36 1 325-1236, +36 1 325-1222, +36 1 325-1210 Fax: +36 1 325-1148, +36 1 355-6565 Semmelweis University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Oxology and Emergency Care H- 1088 Budapest, Vas u. 17. - +36 1 4864800 Consultant Emergency Physician Uzsoki Hospital H-1145, Budapest, Uzsoki u. 29-41 Board Examiner of the European Society of Emergency Medicine (EuSEM) President of the Central Hungarian Board of Emergency Medicine and Oxyology, Semmelweis University, Budapest
Highschool studies:
Nagy Lajos Highschool (Pécsi Nagy Lajos Gimnázium) 19821986 A levels in Physics, Biology, Hungarian language, Mathematics, History and English language
Medical studies:
Medical University of Pécs, Hungary (Pécsi Orvostudományi Egyetem) 1986-1992
Medical diploma:
General physician, September, 1992
Medical registration:
Registry of Hungarian Physicians, #51 302 (1992) General Medical Council, UK, Specialist Registration Registration Number: 467 7857 (2004) (suspended on my request)
Anaesthesiologist and Intensive Therapist, 1997 Diplomate of the European Academy of Anaesthesiology (DEAA), Paris 1997 (Part 1), Nice 1998 (Part 2) Emergency Physician and Oxyologist Budapest, 2012
Scientific degree:
PhD (2011)
Undergraduate experience: 1988 - As a result of a four year research in the Department of Physiology at Medical University of Pécs I summarized my results in a thesis: “Opioid-oestradiol interaction in oestrogen sensitive tissues”. 1990 - Orthopaedic/trauma rotation in Blodgett Memorial Medical Center, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, under the supervision of Perry W.Greene, MD, Al Swanson, MD (1990). Postgraduate experience: 1992 - After graduation I started to work as a resident in the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Medical University of Pécs, Hungary. During that time I became familiar with basic ICU and anaesthetic procedures, gave anaesthetic under supervision and later on my own. The wide spectrum of this tertiary centre gave me the opportunity to learn the basics of mechanical ventilation, patient monitoring, nutrition, toxicology and acute coronary care. 1996 - I started to work as an SHO in the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals, Liverpool, UK. This is one of the biggest hospitals in the Northwest region of the UK therefore I had a chance to deepen my knowledge in all fields of anaesthesia and I also worked in a busy, 16 bedded ITU. After passing the test for the European Diploma of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care I was appointed as a registrar. I joined the Mersey Deanery and took part in the structured teaching. Later on I became a clinical fellow and than a consultant anaesthetist. 2004 - Returning back to Hungary I rejoined the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Medical University of Pécs, Hungary and started to work on my PhD thesis that I completed in 2011. I was a scientific fellow in the Department of Pathophysiology and Geriatry and took part in the undergraduate teaching, organized courses on clinical pathophysiology. 2007 - I was appointed as lead anaesthetist and intensivist in a district general hospital in Dombóvár, Hungary. Over the three years I spent there I ran a 5 bedded ITU, directed anaesthetic and emergency services.
2010 - I returned to the University of Pécs, Medical Faculty and became deputy chief in the Department of Emergency Medicine.
2012 - Semmelweis University, Department of Anaethesia and Intensive Care, Division of Emergency Medicine and Oxyology, senior lecturer than reader and lead in Emergency Medicine. 2013- At present my main job is organizing the teaching of emergency medicine at graduate and postgraduate level. It is my responsibility as well to oversee the construction of a new emergency centre in Budapest where I will be responsible for the running of the Department of Emergency. I am in charge of recruiting the staff for this busy emergency unit. As president of the Central Hungarian Board of Emergency Medicine and Oxyology I am responsible for teaching and supervision of the residents. Since February, 2014 I am the head of the Department of Oxyology and Emergency Care at Semmelweis University, Faculty of Health Sciences. In this capacity I am in charge of the national paramedic training program in Hungary.
Courses Course of the European Gastrosurgical School on Enteral Nutrition Amsterdam, Hollandia, 1994 Primary FRCA Course, Liverpool, 1996 Advanced Trauma Life Support Course, Whiston Hospital, 1998 Good Clinical Practice Course, Pécs, Hungary, 2011 Advanced Sepsis Life Support Course®, Budapest, Hungary (core trainer) Scientometric values Cumulated impact factor: 8,0 Citatons: 37
List of publications, lectures and posters 1. P.Kanizsai, J. Garai, M. Vértes: Opioid-oestradiol interaction in rat uterus. Poszter, 1996, Biannual Meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies, 1990, Budapest, Hungary 2. P. Kanizsai, I. Szabó: Presence of oestradiol binding sites on a leukemic cell line, K-562. Előadás a Tudományos Diákköri Konferencián, Pécs, 1991, 1. hely. 3. P. Kanizsai, I. Szabó: Changes in oestradiol binding after opioid agonist (D-met2-pro5enkephalinamide) and antagonist (naloxone) treatment in leukemic cell line K-562. Előadás az Országos Tudományos Diákköri Konferencián, Szeged, 1992, különdíj. 4. P.Kanizsai, A.J.Horvath, M.Tekeres: Treatment of pericardial effusions. Aneszteziológia és Intenzív Terápia, 1994 5. Tekeres M., Safrankó A., Bogár L., Kanizsai P., Horváth J. A.: A sucralfat- és cimetidinkezelés összehasonlítása a tartós lélegeztetés szövődményeinek megelőzésében. Aneszteziológia és Intenzív Terápia. – 1994:24; 79-85. 6. Horváth J. A., Bogár L., Kanizsai P., Szabó A., Tekeres M.: Somatostatine as a non-opioid analgesic in the management of the intolerable tumor pain. Int. Care Med., 1995. 21. S172 7. P.Kanizsai, A.Szabo, M.Tekeres: Comparative study of total intravenous anaesthesia and peripherial nerve block (femoral-sciatic) with propofol sedation on the operations of the lower limb. Poster at the Annual Meeting of the Central European Anaesthetists. Vienna, 1995 6. P.Kanizsai, A.Szabo, M.Tekeres: Comparative study of total intravenous anaesthesia and peripherial nerve blocks (femoral-sciatic and axillary) with propofol sedation on the operations of the lower and upper limbs. Poster at the International Congress of Regional Anaesthesia (satellite meeting of the International Congress of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care), Auckland, New Zeeland, 1996 7. Horváth J. A., Szabó A., Gáspár T., Kanizsai P., Tekeres M.: A morfin szulfát retard kapszula (M-Eslon) ambuláns alkalmazása a tűrhetetlen tumoros eredetű fájdalmak
csillapításában. Use of morphine-sulphate tablets (M-Eslon) in the traetment of intolerable cancer pain. Aneszteziológia és Intenzív Terápia 1997: 27; 145-148 8. P.Kanizsai: On the opioid-oestradiol interaction. Anaesthetic implications. Presentation on the Registrar`s Prize, Liverpool, 1998
9. P.Kanizsai, R.Pórszász, D.Iharos, Z.Szelényi: Effect of hypothermia on peripheral and central blood flow in anaesthetised rats. előadás, MAITT Kongresszus, Siófok, 2000 10.P.Kanizsai: Termoregulatorikus változások anesztézia során. Focus Medicinae 2002 (4) 21-23 11. P. Kanizsai, A. Garami, Z. Hummel, Z. Szelényi: Changes of daily rhythms induced by stress. Poszter, MÉT Vándorgyűlés, Budapest, 2005 12. P. Kanizsai, A. Garami, Z. Hummel, Z. Szelényi: Changes of daily rhythms under different stress situations (fasting, anaesthesia, laparotomy). Poszter, International IBRO Congress, Budapest, 2006 13. Zoltán Szelényi, Péter Kanizsai, András Garami, Zoltán Hummel, János Szolcsányi: Daily rhythms of body core temperature and activity in TRPV1-KO and wild type mice: effects of feeding state. 2nd International Meeting on Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature Regulation. Phoenix, AZ, 2006 14. Kanizsai, P., Vámos, Z., Szelényi, Z.: Effects of steroid treatment on the return of circadian temperature and activity rhythms after surgical stress in mice. Poszter. A Magyar Idegélettani Társaság Tudományos Ülése, 2007, Szeged. 15. Kanizsai P., Vámos Z., Kardos M., Szelényi Z.: Possible mechanisms in the return of daily energetic rhythms after surgical intevention. MÉT 2007, Pécs. 16. Kanizsai P, Garami A, Solymár M, Szolcsányi J, Szelényi Z.: Energetics of fasting heterothermia in TRPV1-KO and wild type mice. Physiol Behav. 2009 Jan 8;96(1):149-54. 17. Solymar M, Kanizsai P, Petervari F, Garami A, Szelenyi Z: Mechanism of fasting heterothermia and refeeding normothermia in mice. Acta Phys Hung, 2009;96:125-126. 17. Kanizsai P.: A láz kórtana. Felkért előadás a MAITT Dél-Dunántúli szekciójának ülésén. Siófok, 2009, január 18. Kanizsai P.: Hőmérséklet és láz (Temperature and fever ). Felkért előadás a MAITT Kongresszusán, 2009 május, Balatonfüred
19. Kanizsai P., La Malfa, M.: Comparison of effectiveness of popliteal block and ankle block in complex day-case forefoot procedures. Poszter a MAITT Kongresszusán, 2009 május, Balatonfüred 20. La Malfa, M, Kanizsai P: Popliteal block for complex forefoot reconstruction. Poster on NYSORA, New York, USA, December, 2009 21. P. Kanizsai, A Garami, M. Solymár, J. Szolcsányi, Z. Szelényi: Energetics of fasting heterothermia in TRPV1-KO and wild type mice. Physiol and Behav, 2009;96:149-154 21. Kanizsai P., Vámos Z., Solymár M., Garami A., Szelényi Z.: Effects of repeated surgical stress on daily changes of body core temperature in mice. Acta Physiol Hung, 2010; (97), 203–210 22. Solymar M, Kanizsai P, Petervari E, Garami A, Szelenyi Z: Mechanism of fasting heterothermia and re-feeding normothermia in mice. J Therm Biol, 2010;35:280-283. 23. Kanizsai P, Jónás A, Juhász V, Pető A, Vámos Z, Potó L, Szelényi Z: Mag- és axilláris hőmérséklet alakulása ortopédiai nagyműtétek után. Aneszteziológia és Intenzív Terápia, 2010; 40:189-193. 24. Kanizsai P: Újabb biomarkerek (copeptin, pro-ANP, adrenomedullin). Focus Medicinae, 2011 25. Kanizsai P: Újabb biomarker – copeptin – az akut diagnosztikában. Előadás a X. Magyar Sürgősségi Orvostani Kongresszuson, Budapest, 2011 26. Kanizsai P: Esmolol – an ultra-short acting beta-blocker in the emergency care. Lijećnićki Vjesnik, 2012;134 (Suppl):16-20 27. Kanizsai P: The use of esmolol in anaesthesia and intesive care. Invited lecture on the 5th International Congress on Haemodynamic Monitoring. Zágráb, 2012 28. Kanizsai P: PCT guided antibiotic therapy. Conference of the Czeh Society of Anaesthetists and Intesivists, Plzen, Czeh Republic, 2012-09-03 29. Kanizsai P: The use of USA beta blockers in emergency situations in the elderly. Congress on Anaesthesia for Seniors, Praha, 2012 30. P.Kanizsai: High copeptin and adrenomedullin levels in emergency patients. Association with TIMI scores. Poster on the SepsEast Conference, 2012, Budapest and abstract in Sepsis, 2012;4:139
31. Kanizsai P: Vérgáz és laktát mérés, mint lehetőség a sűrgősségi ellátásban. A laktát szerepe. Felkért előadás a Magyar Sürgősségi Orvostani Társaság XI. kongresszusán. Székesfehérvár, 2012. 32. Kanizsai P: Légútbiztosítás: „tube, or not tube”? . Felkért előadás a Magyar Sürgősségi Orvostani Társaság XI. kongresszusán. Székesfehérvár, 2012. 33. Kanizsai P: Pain management in the emergency department. Előadás. 1st expert meeting on Intensive Care and Pain Management. Salzburg, 2013. 34. Kanizsai P: Pulmonális embólia az akut jellegű betegellátásban. Előadás. InDia Kongresszus, Budapest, 2013. 35. Kanizsai P: Szedáció aktuális problémái, MSOTKE Kongresszus, Kaposvár, 2013. 36. Kanizsai P, Berényi T: Pro-con vita a biomarkerekről. MSOTKE Kongresszus, Kaposvár, 2013. 37. Kanizsai P: Early rule out of MI. Thermo-Fisher Symposia, Istanbul, Ankara, 2013. 38. Kanizsai P: Fájdalomcsillapítás a klinikai gyakorlatban. Továbbképző előadás egészségügyi szakdolgozóknak, Budapest, 2013. 39. P. Kanizsai: PCT in the management of sepsis: from ED to patient discharge. Előadás az IDEAL szimpóziumon, Magaliesburg, Dél-Afrikai Köztársaság, 2014. 40. Kanizsai P: Szepszis, súlyos szepszis, szeptikus sokk. Magyar Mentő és Mentőtiszti Egyesület Továbbképző Nap, Hajdúszoboszló, 2014. 41. Kanizsai P: Amit Budapesten tervezünk – sürgősségi betegellátás. MAITT 42. Kongresszusa, Siófok, 2014 42. P. Kanizsai: Copeptin – a new biomarker in endocrine diseases and in the differential diagnosis of chest pain. National Congress of the Anaesthesiologists and Intesive Therapists of the Czeh Republic. Ostrava, Czeh Republic, 2014 43. P. Kanizsai: CBRN diagnostics in the prehospital care in Hungary. Előadás a NATO FHP Konferenciáján, Budapest, 2014. 44. P. Kanizsai: Trauma prevention in the elderly population. The role of the emergency physician. Előadás a NATO FHP Konferenciáján, Budapest, 2014.
45. Kanizsai P: Early recognition and triage of septic patients in the ED. 2nd International SepsEast Conference, Budapest, 2014. 46. Berényi T, Kanizsai P, Kovács L. G., Becker D.: A biomarkerek interdiszciplináris értelmezése eseteken át - pro - con felvetések. InDia, Budapest, 2014
47. Kanizsai P: A minőségi diagnosztika hatása a sürgősségi ifferenciáldiagnosztikára. India, Budapest, 2014 48. P. Kanizsai: Early rule out of NSTEMI in the ED. Előadás a Vilniusi Orvostudományi Egyetemen, Vilnius, Litvánia, 2014. 49. Vámos Zoltán, Kanizsai Péter: Többszervi elégtelenség Focus Medicinae 2014:(16)8-13 50. Kanizsai P, Berényi T, Gál J: Correlation between sepsis severity and biomarkers in the Hungarian Sepsis Register, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 2015;(30):s123. 51. Berényi T, Kanizsai P, Gál J: Szepszis- a prehospitális ellátók szerepe. Magyar Mentésügy 2015;29:13-20
Persons who can be contacted for references
Dr. Gál János Med. Habil., PhD Professor, Director SE Aneszteziológiai és Intenzív Terápiás Intézete 1125 Budapest, Kútvölgyi út 4. Telefon.:+36 1 355-6565 Fax.: +36 1 325-1148 Dr Bogár Lajos DSci, Med.Habil., PhD Professor, Director PTE ÁOK, AITI Pécs, Ifjúság útja 13. Tel: +36 72 536440 e-mail:
[email protected] Dr.Szelényi Zoltán Med.Habil., PhD Professor emeritus PTE ÁOK Kórélettani és Gerontológiai Intézete Pécs, Szigeti út 12. Tel.: +36 72 536246 e-mail:
[email protected]
Dr. Bátai István Med.Habil, PhD associate professor PTE ÁOK, AITI Pécs, Ifjúság útja 13. Tel: +36 72 536440 e-mail:
[email protected]
Dr. Bálint Lehel PhD, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon The Cheshire & Merseyside NHS Treatment Centre Earl’s Way, Runcorn WA7 2HH, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1928 793700 e-mail:
[email protected]