Curriculum Vitae Magda Michielsens – Kleine Reesdijk 69 – 2300 Turnhout Tel. (0496) 55 01 53 - Email:
[email protected] Prof. Magda Michielsens, At the University of Antwerp M. Michielsens is Director of the Postgraduate Degree in Women’s Studies (VAO) and Director of the Centre for Women’s Studies. She teaches Women’s Studies, i.c. “Feminist Theories: Authors and Trends”. From 1980-2001 she was researcher and lecturer at the University of Nijmegen (The Netherlands), where for 1989 till 2001 she was working in the context of the Centre for Women’s Studies. She combined this activity with a part-time (20 % from 1994 till Dec. 2001; 5 % since Dec. 2001) professorship in Women’s Studies at the University of Antwerp. From December 2001 onwards she is loaned by the University of Antwerp from the University of Nijmegen as Director of the Policy Research Centre on Equal Opportunities. On the 1st of March 2005 she retired from that position. As part-time professor in Women’s Studies she continues her work. She received her PhD in philosophy in 1973, at the university of Ghent (Belgium), where she was appointed as researcher and senior researcher from 1969 till 1977 (NFWO). From 1977 till 1980 she was lecturer at the Arbeidershogeschool HISKWA, Brussels (Higher Education for Social and Cultural Work). There are three accents in her work: - representation (portrayal and presence) of women in traditional and new media; - feminist philosophy: theory & methodology; - the principles and instruments concerning equal opportunities. She is since many years involved in many managerial and representative activities in the field of Women en Gender studies in Flanders and in Europe. She: - was editor in chief (with Prof. dr. Mary Evans form the University of Canterbury) of the scientific journal European Journal for Women's Studies, published by Sage, London; 1996-2002; - is, since September 2000 member of the board of AOIFE, the European Association of Women’s Studies Institutions; - is a member of the commission on Women and Science of the Flemish Ministery of Education; - was a member of the VLIR working group on Equal Opportunities in the Flemish universities; 2001-2004; - is president of the council of RoSa, the Flemish Documentation Centre and Archives on Feminism, Equal Opportunities and Women's Studies; - is webmaster of EuroMap, the first website in the field of Women’s Studies and still the e-place to for Women’s Studies in Europe ( dixit a review in Library Review, volume 15, number 3, 2001); - is a member of the Flemish Council for Television and Radio (Commission installed by the Flemish Parliament) [Vlaamse Kijk- en Luisterraad], installed on 07.05.2001; - was projectmanager of a mainstreaming-project for the federal government in Belgium; - was the Flemish partner in the Socrates ODL project Diotima, in which and ODL course about Gender and Politics was developed and taught in a network of 7 European universities (19961999); - was co-ordinator of the Women and ICT-panel of the European Thematic Network on Women's Studies (Athena I- 1998-2001); - is an active partner of Athena II; - was teaching, in the context of the Erasmus network NOISE, at the Women’s studies Summerschools in Odense (1995), Utrecht (1996), Dortmunt/Bielefeld (1997), Pisa (2000) and Antwerp (2003);
between 1991 and 1995, she regularly did research about gender portrayal for the commission Imago of the Flemish Television Company; was, at the faculty of social science at the university of Nijmegen, chairing the Steering Committee for Affirmative Action, from 1995 till Oct. 2001; was a member of the ad hoc commission about the position of women and science of the Flemish Council on Research Policy (Vlaamse Raad voor het Wetenschapsbeleid) (Fall 2000);.
A selection of recent presentations Equal Opportunity Policy in Flanders Conference “Women learning for an active Life”, Udine, Socrates Project Grundtvig, September 2004. Verkiezingen 13 juni 2004. De campagne op televisie; een analyse met de MEER. VLD-Vrouwen, Brussels September 2004. Verkiezingen 13 juni 2004. De campagne op televisie; een analyse met de MEER. CD&V-fractiedagen, Antwerpen, september 2004. A place for Women in the Academia: Past en Future of Feminist Pedagogy. Conference “Gender and Power in the New Europe, the 5th European Feminist Research Conference”, Lund University (Sweden), August 2003. Mainstreaming for the federal government Conference "Gendermainstreaming” , Maastricht, European Institute of Public Administration, september 2002. Inscribing one's self on the Net Conference "Gender, University learning and ICT. Research, Theories and Experiences” Universiteit van Lund (Zweden), 11.05.2001. Media-aspecten van gender-identiteit. Lezingenreeks Stemmen: Identiteit, Grens en Verschil. Centrum Leo Apostel: Stemmen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 21.02.2000.
The use of ICT in women's studies in Europe Wings-seminar, Universiteit van Torino, 9.06.2000. Home sweet Home. Traditional metaphors for a virtual world (Invited speaker), 4th European Feminist Research Conference, 30 .09. 2000, Bologna. Women and Autonomy Chair Théodore Verhaegen Leerstoel, Free University Brussels, 2000. Morphing Body Images: visualizing change (invited speaker), International Interdisciplinary Conference: The Body in Culture: corporeality in social practice, Universiteit Nijmegen, 13.10.2000. Gender and Media Literacy (invited speaker) Workshop: "Image Education and Media Literacy" Organized by EU Directorate- Generale for Education and Culture Multimedia: culture - education - training. EU-Expert Meeting, organized by the Directorate-General for Education and Culture, 16.11.2000, Internationale Vrouwenstudies netwerken [International Women’s Studies Networks] Keynote speaker, 08-12.2000, Sophia - Bicommunautair netwerk vrouwenstudies Conferentie: Women's Studies. Vrouwenstudies in België. Etudes feministes en Belgique 1997-2000, 08-09.12.2000, Brussel.
A selection of recent publication Michielsens, M., Lefever, K. , Angioletti, W. (2004). Verkiezingen 13 juni 2004. De campagne op televisie; een analyse met de MEER.. Michielsens, M. Lefever, K. (2004 – ter perse). MEER zien : Media Emancipatie Effect Rapportage. Kritisch televisie kijken met het oog op gender. Brussel, NVR. Michielsens, M., Breda, J., Van Haegendoren, M., Vranken, J. (eds) (2003). Steunpunt Gelijkekansenbeleid. Jaarboek 1. Antwerpen: Garant, 319 pp. Dewaele, A. & Michielsens, M. (2003). Structurele en culturele belemmeringen en succesfactoren in het leven van holebi's: een verkenning. Antwerpen: Steunpunt Gelijkekansenbeleid, 88 pp. Claeys, L. & Michielsens, M. (2003). Vrouw-zijn in de digitale samenleving. Literatuurstudie ‘Vrouwen, gender en informatie-en communicatietechnologieën’. Antwerpen: Steunpunt Gelijkekansenbeleid, 115 pp. Goodman, S., Kirkup, G., Michielsens, M. (2003). ICTs in Teaching and Learning Women’s Studies Perspectievies and Teaching in Europe. Lund: Lund University press, 158 pp. Michielsens, M. (2002). Computers zijn intelligenter dan mensen. In: Stevens, J. Het filosofisch woordenboek. 30 wijzen over de zin van het bestaan. Leuven: Jan Stevens en Uitgevrij P, p. 104-108. Michielsens, M. & Ceulemans, Ch. (2002). Emancipatie en taakverdeling. Nieuwe randvoorwaarden voor het emancipatiebeleid. Wetenschappelijke monografie 8, Brussel: Gelijke Kansen in Vlaanderen. Michielsens, M. (2001). Mechanisms and structures in favour of the equality between men and women, particularly ‘mainstreaming’. In: Woman and men in Belgium. Towards an equal society. Brussels: Fed. Ministry of Employment and Labour, Equal Opportunities Unit, p. 21-29. Michielsens, M,. Van der Heyden, K. (2001). Tweemaal anders: vrouwelijke allochotonen in het Vlaamse onderzoek. In: Vranken, J. et al, (Eds). Komende Generaties. Wat weten we (niet) over allochtonen in Vlaanderen ?, Leuven: Acco, p. 283 – 295. Michielsens, M. (2001). Internationale Vrouwenstudies: netwerken. Les réseaux d’ études Féministes. In: Etudes féministes en Belgique 1977-200. Vrouwenstudies in België 1977-2000. Brussel: Sophia, p. 4-7. Michielsens, M. (2001). Vrouwen hebben haast. Over meervoudige belasting, arbeidsethos, zorgen en passie. In: Mertens, Jan (red). De groei van groen. Antwerpen: Houtekiet, 125-144. Ceulemans, Ch., Michielsens, M. (2001). Emancipatie en taakverdeling. Nieuwe randvoorwaarden voor het emancipatiebeleid. Antwerpen: UIA, 149 pp. Michielsens, M. (Ed.) (2000).Vrije Vrouwen. Antenne vol. 18, nr 4, p. 47-51. Michielsens, M. (2000). Women, Media and Violence. Routledge Encyclopedia on Women's Studies. Michielsens, M. (2000). Memory Frames: the role of concepts and cognitions in telling life-stories. In: Cosslett, Tess, Lury, Celia and Summerfield, Penny (2000). Feminism and Autobiography. London, Routledge, p. 183-200. Michielsens, M. (2000). The use of Information and Communication Technologies in Women's Studies. In: Braidotti, R. & Vonk, Esther (2000). The Making of European Women's Studies. Utrecht, Zuidman & Uithof, p. 71-77. Michielsens, M. & Saeys, F. , Spee, S. (2000). Beeldvorming M/V: diversiteit en emancipatie. wetenschappelijke monografie 1, Brussel, Ministerie van gelijke Kansen, 50 pp Michielsens, M. (2000). Rina Van der Haegen (1954-1988). Differentie-denken in Nederland tussen 1978 en 1988. In: De Feeks (eds) Vrouwen van Nijmegen. Nijmegen: De Feeks, p. 64-81. Michielsens, M. & De Wachter, Betty (2000). Vrouwenprojecten in de Sociale Economie.Kleinschaligheid en verkoopbaarheid. Antwerpen: UIA, 55 pp. Michielsens, M. (Ed.) (1999). Bouw een vrouw. Sociale Constructie van Vrouwbeelden in de Media. Gent: Academia Press, 188 pp. Michielsens, M. (1999). Fiftieth Anniversary of The Second Sex. European Journal of Women's Studies, vol 6. issue 3. p. 362-368. Michielsens, M. (1998). Mary Wollstonecraft (1751-1797). Ethiek & Maatschappij, 1, 4, 36-55. Michielsens, M. (1998). Seksuele differentie en bestaansrecht. Filosofie, 7, 5, 8-12. Michielsens, M. (1997). (Ed.) Women, War and Conflict. European Journal Women's Studies, special issue, 3. Michielsens, M. (1996) A World of Difference. Women in the Netherlands and Flanders. In: Jozef Deleu (ed) The Low Countries. Arts and Society in Flanders and the Netherlands, A Yearbook. (p. 65-73.), Rekkem: Stichting Ons erfdeel.
Michielsens, M. & Annemarie ten Boom (1996). Illustrating human suffering: women as victims on the news. In: Nevena Dakovic, Deniz Derman & Karen Ross (Eds) Gender & Media (p.188-199), Ankara: Mediation. Michielsens, M. (1995). Beeld voor beeld. Vrouwbeelden in media en publicitieit. Brussel: Dienst Gelijke Kansen. Michielsens, M. (1995). Televisie Kijken in Ballingschap: Italiaanse vrouwen in Limburg en RAIUNO. In: Rutten, P. & Hamers-Regimbal, M. (Eds). Internationalization in Mass Communication and Cultural Identity. (p. 127-142), Nijmegen: ITS. Michielsens, M. (1993). Strategies of Difference in the Education of Girls. In: M. Brügmann, D. Long, S. Heebing & M. Michielsens (Eds) Who's afraid of Femininity. Amsterdam, Rodopi, p. 133145. Brügmann, D. Long, S. Heebing & Michielsens, M. (Eds) (1993).Who's afraid of Femininity. Amsterdam, Rodopi. [boek] Michielsens, M. (1991). Italia mia. Televisie kijken in ballingschap. Acco: Leuven/Amersfoort, 204 pp. [book] Michielsens, M. (1990). Samen zweren wij dat zij niet bestaan. Turkse meisjes en vrouwen in Limburg. In Lis/POG (Red.), Limburgs Mozaïek. Nieuwkomers rond de Limburgse Maas ( p. 81-102). Heerlen/Hasselt. Address Prof. Dr. M.C.E. Michielsens Centre for Women’s Studies Universiteitsplein 1 2610 Wilrijk Belgium +32-3-820 28 50
[email protected] [September 2004]