Curriculum Vitae
Ildikó Barna
[email protected] November 3, 2016
EDUCATION Habilitation
Sociology, ELTE (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary), Faculty of Social Sciences, 2013. Thesis: Old Methods in New Form. The Analysis of the Identity of Hungarian Jewry Sociology (summa cum laude), ELTE, Faculty of Social Sciences, 2009 Thesis: Outlawry, Assimilation, Emancipation and All Over Again. The Socio-Historical and Empirical Sociological Comparative Analysis of Hungarian and Russian Jewry Sociology, ELTE Institute and Training Center of Sociology and Social Policy (predecessor of ELTE, Faculty of Social Sciences), minor: research sociology and survey statistics, 2000
PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS 2016– 2013–Present 2013–Present 2010–Present 2009–2013 2002–2009 2000–2002
Institute Director, ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Empirical Studies Department Chair, ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Research Methodology Associate Professor, ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Research Methodology, Program Director, Social Sciences BA, ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, Assistant Professor, ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Research Methodology, Assistant Lecturer, ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Research Methodology, Lecturer, ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Research Methodology,
2015 2012
A rendszerváltás családtörténetei. [Family stories of the Transition] Budapest: L’Harmattan. (With Beáta Dávid, Veronika Bóné, Réka Hegedűs, Éva Izsák) Political Justice in Budapest after WW II. Budapest: CEU Press. (With Andrea Pető) A politikai igazságszolgáltatás a II. világháború utáni Budapesten. [Political Justice in Budapest after WW II] Budapest Gondolat Kiadó. (With Andrea Pető) A siker fénytörései. [The Refractions of Success.] Budapest: Sík Kiadó. (With Mária Székelyi, Antal Örkény, György Csepeli) 1
Túlélőkészlet az SPSS-hez. Többváltozós elemzési technikákról társadalomkutatók számára. [Survival Kit to SPSS. Multivariate Techniques for Social Science Researchers.] Budapest: Typotex Kiadó. (With Mária Székelyi)
Refereed Journal Articles 2016 “Egocentric Contact Networks in Comparison: Taiwan and Hungary” [with Beáta Dávid, Éva Huszti, and Yang-chih Fu] Social Networks Vol. 44. No. 1. 253–265. 2015 “Teaching about and against Hate in a Challenging Environment in Hungary: a Case Study” Casopis Za Kritiko Znanosti Vol. 43. No. 2. 272–283. 2004 “Bizalom és gyanakvás. Szociálpszichológiai akadályok a piacgazdasághoz vezető úton Kelet-Európában” [Trust and Suspicion. Social Psychological Objectives along the Way to a Market Economy in Eastern Europe] Szociológiai Szemle [Review of Sociology] Vol. 14. No. 1. 3–35. (With Mária Székelyi and Antal Örkény) 2002 “A bizalom fogalmának értelmezése az empirikus kutatásban.” [The Interpretation of Trust in Empirical Research] Szociológiai Figyelő [Sociology Observer] Vol. 6. No. 1–2. 44–59. (With Mária Székelyi, Antal Örkény) 2001 “Trendek és tévhitek.” [Trends and dillusions] Szociológiai Szemle [Review of Sociology] Vol. 11. No. 1. 42–62. (With Zsuzsa Himesi) Book Chapters 2016 Jewish Identity of Three Generations of Holocaust Survivors in Hungary. Quantitative Analysis Using Structural Equation Modeling. Forthcoming in Diversity and Identity, edited by Michael Brenner, Johannes Heil, and Guy Katz. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 2015 Törvényesített emlékezés [Legalized Rememberance] In 1944/1945: Társadalom a háborúban: Folytonosság és változás Magyarországon. [1994/1945: Society in the War: Continuity and Change], edited by Bódy Zsombor and Sándor Horváth, 191–206. Budapest: MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Történettudományi Intézet 2015 Budapestinek lenni. A helyhez való viszony meghatározó tényezői Budapesten. [To Live in Budapest. Factors Influencing Place Attachment in Budapest.] In Hely, identitás, emlékezet [Place, Identity, Memory], edited by Zsuzsanna Bögre and András Keszei, 93–115. Budapest: L’Harmattan. 2013 “Én már nem görögül álmodom”: A magyarországi görögök második és harmadik generációjának identitása. [“I do not dream in Greek anymore”: Identity of Second and Third Generational Greeks in Hungary.] In Identitások határán [On the Borderline of Identities], edited by Nikosz Fokasz, 56–75. Budapest: Új Mandátum Kiadó 2011 Régi módszerek új köntösben. [Old Methods in New Fashion.] In Roma kutatások 2010: Élethelyzetek a társadalom peremén [Researches on the Roma 2010: Life Situations on the Edge of Society.], edited by Erika Kurucz, 189–202. Budapest: National Institute for Family and Social Policy. 2004 Blindness to Success. Social Psychological Objectives along the Way to a Market Economy in Eastern Europe. In Creating Social Trust in PostSocialist Transition, edited by János Kornai, Bo Rothstein, and Susan Rose-
Ackerman, 213–240. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (With György Csepeli, Antal Örkény and Mária Székelyi) Conference Proceedings 2015 Introducing a New Subject in a Challenging Environment among Students of Military Sciences, Public Administration, and Law Enforcement in Hungary: A Case Study. In The Future of Holocaust Memorialization. Confronting Racism, Anti-Semitism, and Homophobia through Memory Work, edited by Andrea Pető and Helga Thorson, 54–59. Budapest: Tom Lantos Institute. Manuscripts in Preparation “Pattern of Anti-Semitism: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Structure of Anti-Semitic Prejudices.” (With Wassilis Kassis, Annamaria Orla-Bukowska, Ireneusz Krzemiński, and Charlotte Schallie) (To be sent to Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.) “Hannah Arendt’s Moon-Condition Hypothesis on Anti-Semitism.” (With Wassilis Kassis, Annamaria Orla-Bukowska, Ireneusz Krzemiński, and Charlotte Schallie) (To be sent to European Sociological Review) Online Publications 2011 Magyar állampolgárok deportálása: a mauthauseni fogolykártyák adatainak elemzése. [The Deportation of Hungarian Citizens: the Analysis of the Mauthausen Prisoner Cards] 295:magyar-allampolgarok-deportalasa-a-mauthauseni-fogolykartyakadatainak-elemzese&catid=35:naci-fogolykartonokOther Publications 2015 Anti-Semitic Hate-Crimes and Incidents in Hungary 2014. Yearly Report. Budapest: Brussels Institute. ( 2014 Anti-Semitic Hate-Crimes and Incidents in Hungary during the May 2013– April 2014 Period. Yearly Report. Budapest: Brussels Institute. (
Károly Polányi Award by the Hungarian Sociological Association for the best publication of 2002 (Túlélőkészlet az SPSS-hez. Többváltozós elemzési technikákról társadalomkutatók számára. [Survival Kit to SPSS. Multivariate Techniques for Social Science Researchers.] Budapest: Typotex Kiadó. (With Mária Székelyi)
GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS Visiting Fellowship at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington DC, August–November 2015. PhD Fellowship, ELTE, Faculty of Humanities, 2000–2002.
2015 2015
A magyarországi antiszemitizmus különböző rétegei. [Different Layers of Anti-Semitism in Hungary] Invited by the USC Shoah Foundation International Educational Program in Hungary. Budapest, Hungary, July 3. Getting Closer – Ideological and Rhetorical Shifts on the Right of the Hungarian Political Spectrum. Invited by the Nationalism, Religion and Violence in Europe Summer Seminar. Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, June 27. Hungarian Jews from 1945 until our Present Time. Invited by the American University. Washington DC, US, November 16. Szélsőjobb és antiszemitizmus a mai Magyarországon. [Extreme Right and Anti-Semitism in Contemporary Hungary] Invited by the USC Shoah Foundation International Educational Program in Hungary. Budapest, Hungary, June 30. Régi módszerek új köntösben. A strukturális egyenletek modellezése módszer alkalmazási lehetőségei. [Old Methods in New Form. The Possibilities of Utilizing Structural Equation Modeling.] Invited by the Methodological Section of the Hungarian Sociological Association. Budapest, Hungary, January 16. A Népbíróság története és emlékezete. Kvantitatív módszerek használata egy történeti kérdésfelvetés megválaszolásához: dilemmák és eredmények. [The History and Memory of the People’s Tribunal. Using Quantitative Methods in Answering Historical Questions: Dilemmas and Results. Invited by the Political Behavioral Section of the Hungarian Sociological Association. Budapest, Hungary, May 2. (Joint paper with Andrea Pető, presented by Ildikó Barna).
Big Data: Paradigma vagy parafrázis. [Big Data: Paradigm or Paraphrase]. Annual Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association. Pécs, Hungary, October 20-21. (Joint paper with Tibor Dessewffy and Renáta Németh; joint presentation with Tibor Dessewffy.) A népbíróságok vizsgálatának módszertani és elméleti kérdései nemzetközi összehasonlításban. [Methodological and Theoretical Aspects of the Research on the People’s Tribunals in International Perspective]. Annual Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association. Budapest, Hungary, September 21. (Joint paper with Andrea Pető; presented by Andrea Pető.) Hungarian Jewish Displaced Children in the Western Zones of Occupation. Children and War: Past and Present Conference. Salzburg, Austria, July 13-15. Complex Measurement of Tie-Strength Using the Contact Diary Method. Second European Conference on Social Networks. Paris, France, June 14–17. (Joint paper with Beáta Dávid, Éva Huszti, and Ágnes Lukács; presented by Ildikó Barna.) Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Rehabilitation Path of Hungarian Jewish Displaced Children Within a Digital Humanities Framework Using the ITS
2015 2015
2014 2014
Digital Archive. Life in the Aftermath – Displaced Children and Child Survivors on the Move. New Approaches in Education and Research Conference. Dachau, Germany, May 30–June 1. The Topography of Anti-Semitism in Hungary. Holocaust Museums and Memorial Places in Post-Communist Countries: Challenges and Opportunities Conference. Riga, Latvia, May 16–17. Rethinking Holocaust Education. Holocaust Museums and Memorial Places in Post-Communist Countries: Challenges and Opportunities Conference. Riga, Latvia, May 16–17. Challenges of Teaching against Hate. A case Study: Hungary. Global Connection Conference. University of Victoria, Canada, September 1–3. Contact Diary: Representative National Sample Research Design and Fieldwork Experiences. XXXV. Sunbelt Conference International Network for Social Network Analysis. Brighton, UK, June 23–28. (Joint paper with Beáta Dávid, Éva Huszti, and Ágnes Lukács; presented by Ildikó Barna.) The Jewish Identity of Three Generations of Holocaust Survivors in Hungary. Diversity and Identity Conference, Hochschule für Jüdische Studien. Heidelberg, Germany, January 10–12. Antiszemita gyűlölet-cselekmények és az ellenük való jogi harc lehetőségei Magyarországon [Anti-Semitic Hate-Crimes and Legal Means to Fight Against Them] Holokauszt-emlékezet és antiszemitizmus a közvéleményben konferencia [The Memory of the Holocaust and Anti-Semitism in Public Opinion Conference]. Budapest, Hungary, December 17–18. Félmegoldással sérelmekre? Népbírósági tárgyalások és zsidó identitás a háború utáni Budapesten. [With Partial Solutions to Grievances? People’s Tribunals and Jewish Identity in post-war Budapest.] A Holokauszt Budapest társadalomtörténetében [The Holocaust in the Social History of Budapest]. Budapest City Archive, Budapest, Hungary, November 18. (Joint paper with Andrea Pető; presented by Ildiko Barna.) Hungarian Postwar Justice through the People’s Tribunal of Budapest: Quantitative Research on Archival Data. The Holocaust in Eastern Europe in the Records of the International Tracing Service Digital Archive Conference, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington DC, US. July 28– August 1. Jewish Identity in Transition Changing Strength and Content. European Association of Jewish Studies Conference. Paris, France, July 20–24. Introducing a New Subject in a Challenging Environment among Students of Military Sciences, Public Administration, and Law Enforcement in Hungary: A Case Study. Future of Holocaust Memorialization Conference. CentralEuropean University, Budapest, Hungary, June 10–11. Constructing the Strength of Ties Index from Comparative Contact Diaries: Hungary and Taiwan. International Sociological Association Research Committee on Social Stratification Conference. Budapest, Hungary, May 8– 10. (Joint paper with Beáta Dávid, Éva Huszti, and Yang-chih Fu; presented by Ildikó Barna.) Political Justice in Motion after WWII in Hungary: who were the Persecuted Perpetrators? European Social Science Conference. Vienna, Austria, April 23-26. (Joint paper with Andrea Pető, presented by Ildikó Barna.) A népbíróság története és emlékezete. [The History and the Memory of the People’s Tribunal] Háborús társadalom, háborús traumák 1938–1948. [War
society, war traumas 1938–1945] Institute of History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Budapest, Hungary, May 14. (Joint presentation with Andrea Pető.) Budapestinek lenni: a területi identitás meghatározó jellemzői. [Living in Budapest: Main Factors of Spatial Identity.] Hely, identitás, emlékezet [Place, Identity, Memory] Conference. Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary, October 4–5. Methodological problems of the analysis of legal databases. Conference of the Gender Difference in the History of European Legal Cultures International Research Network. Budapest, Hungary, May 10–12. (Joint presentation with Andrea Pető) Kvantitatív társadalomkutatás tengeren innen és túl. [Quantitative Social Research in National and International Perspective]. Annual Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association. Budapest, Hungary, November 5-7. (Joint presentation with Júlia Koltai.) A magyar zsidó identitás mértéke és „iránya” [The strength and the “direction” of Jewish identity in Hungary]. Annual Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association. Debrecen, Hungary, November 13–14. Coping with Disadvantages Stemming from Minority Status: Dimensions of Success among Young Successful Roma Minority Citizens. 6th Annual Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities. Columbia University, New York, US. 5-7 April. (Joint presentation with Zsuzsa Himesi.)
RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 2016–present 2016
2013–2016 2012–2015 2012–2013
“Jews in Hungary 2016.” Principal Investigator: András Kovács. “Victimization and Offending Among Children and Juveniles”, qualitative (interview and focus-group) research for the National Council of Crime Prevention. ELTE, Faculty of Social Sciences, Methodological Research Centre. Principal investigators: Ildikó Barna, Júlia Koltai “The analysis of Hungarian Jewish Displaced Persons Using the International Tracing Service (ITS) Digital Archive and Other Related Resources – An Interdisciplinary Approach.” “Integrative and Disintegrative Processes in the Hungarian Society. Contact Diary on a Representative National Sample.” Principal Investigator: Beáta Dávid. Encoding and analysis of the testimonial files of the National Committee for Attending Deportees (DEGOB). Principal investigators: György Csepeli, Gábor Kádár, Zoltán Vági. “The Born and Unborn Children of 1989 Transition: the Effects of the Sociocultural Circumstances of Giving Birth to Demographic Processes.” Principal Investigator: Beáta Dávid. Monitoring anti-Semitic hate crimes and incidents on a monthly basis, Action, and Protection Foundation. “Contact diary as an alternative method to explore ego-centric networks.” In collaboration with Beáta Dávid, Éva Huszti. Representative survey of people with addictions for the National Institute for Family, Youth and Population Policy. Researcher and expert of methodology. In collaboration with Júlia Koltai.
2011–2014 2011–2013 2011–2012
2008–2012 2008–2010
2007 2005
2002–2004 2001–2003
2001 2000
Representative survey of patients with mental illnesses and psychiatric problems for the National Institute for Family, Youth and Population Policy. Researcher and expert of methodology. In collaboration with Júlia Koltai. “Greeks and their Descendants in Hungary”. Research Center for Greeks in Hungary.” Principal Investigator: Fokasz Nikosz. “Budapest Research 2012”, ELTE, Faculty of Social Sciences, Methodological Research Centre. Encoding and analysis of prisoner cards of Hungarian citizens from the Mauthausen Concentration Camp. Principal investigators: Gábor Kádár and Zoltán Vági. “Memory of WWII and Transitional Justice”. Principal investigators: Ildiko Barna and Andrea Pető. “Jewish Identities and Community Development in Europe.” JDC International Center for Community Development. Principal Investigator: András Kovács. “Jewish Children in Need.” Principal Investigator: András Kovács. “Hungarian Agora 2005. Deliberative Survey about the Relationship of the Roma and non-Roma Populations in Hungary.” Principal investigators: Antal Örkény and Mária Székelyi. “Factors of Success after the Transition.” Principal investigators: Antal Örkény and Mária Székelyi. “Honesty and Trust. Theory and Experience in the Light of Post-Socialist Transformation” In collaboration with Györggyel Csepeli, Antal Örkény, and Mária, Székelyi. Principal investigators: János Kornai and Susan RoseAckerman) “The Situation of Young Disabled People in Hungary.” Principal investigators: Antal Örkény and Mária Székelyi. “Comparing the Health and Health Behavior of Roma and non-Roma Children.” In collaboration with Mária Székelyi and Zsuzsa Himesi.
TEACHING EXPERIENCE Graduate Jews in Central-Eastern Europe (Fall Terms of 2013–2014) [in English] Jews in Hungary (Fall Terms of 2010–2014) [in Hungarian] Anti-Semitism (Fall Term of 2014) [in English] Anti-Semitism, Racism, and Hate Speech (Spring Term of 2015) [in Hungarian] Multivariate quantitative data analysis using SPSS (Fall and Spring Terms of 2005–2015) [In Hungarian and English] Research Management [Spring Terms of 2009–2013] Undergraduate Advanced quantitative data analysis using SPSS (Fall and Spring Terms 2000–2015) [In Hungarian and English] Intermediate quantitative data analysis using SPSS (Fall and Spring Terms 2000–2013) Basic quantitative data analysis using SPSS (Fall and Spring Terms of 2000–2010) [In Hungarian and English] The Statistical Description of Hungarian Society (Fall Terms of 2008–2014) [in Hungarian]
Member, Faculty Committee of ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences Member, University Senate of ELTE
2014 2012 2011 2011
The Holocaust in Eastern Europe in the Records of the International Tracing Service Digital Archive International Research Workshop, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington DC GESIS Spring Seminar, Cologne: Longitudinal Network Analysis. (Prof. Dr Tom A. B. Snijders) GESIS Spring Seminar, Cologne: Statistical Modeling in Mplus. (Prof. Dr Joop Hox) ESS Train, Ljubljana: Multilevel Modeling for Comparative Research (Bart Meuleman) GESIS Spring Seminar, Cologne: Categorical Latent Variable Models. Extended Latent Class Analyses. (Prof. em. Jacques Hagenaars, Prof. Dr Ruud Luijkx) GESIS Spring Seminar, Cologne: Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling with Program Amos (Prof. Dr Peter Schmidt, Prof. Dr Eldad Davidov)
European Commission, H2020 Societal Challenges 6 calls, Independent Expert
“Hate Crimes and Incidents in Hungary” Interactive lecture presented in Dániel Berzsenyi High School organized by Action and Protection Foundation. “Anti-Semitism in the Contemporary Hungarian Society.” Interactive lecture presented for high school students organized by the Museum of Óbuda. “Results of the Sociological Survey on Jewish Children in Need” Public lecture organized by the Hungarian Jewish Social Support Foundation.
Research Director, Action and Protection Foundation
LANGUAGE Hungarian: native English: fluent 8
German: can read with dictionary Russian: can read with dictionary
member, International Network for Social Network Analysis member, International Sociological Association, Research Committee on Social Stratification (RC28) member, International Sociological Association member, Hungarian Sociological Association