CURRICULUM VITAE Name Place/date of birth Official title/position
: TJIA MAY ON (M.O. Tjia), Ph.D. : Probolinggo, 25-12-1934 : Guru Besar / Professor of Physics (retired January 2005) Head of Conjugated Organic Materials and Superconductors Laboratory (Laboratorium/Kelompok Fisika Material Organik Terkonjugasi dan Superkonduktor, FISMOTS) (until 2004) : Departemen Fisika, FMIPA-ITB Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132 Telp. 022-2500834, 2512672 Fax : 022-2506452, 2512672 Email :
[email protected]
Education and Fellowship Sarjana Fisika, ITB, 1962 Ph.D., Northwestern University USA, 1969, Fisika Partikel (particle physics), thesis title: "Saturation of A Chiral Charge - Current Commutator" Research fellowship at ICTP, Italy, 1974 (particle physics) JSPS research fellowship at Osaka University, Japan, 1980 (applied spectroscopy)
Official position 1) Head of research group and laboratory of Material Physics in conjugated organic materials and superconductors (Fisika Material Organik Terkonjugasi dan Superkonduktor/FISMOTS) 2) Member of Editorial Board, Proceedings ITB, until 2002 3) Editorial Member of Physics Journal of Indonesian Physical Society, since 2001 4) Member of National Advisory Board, Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia, since 2001 5) International member of Editorial Boad of Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials (JNOPM), since 2004 6) President of the Indonesian Optical Society (InOS), 2011 – 2013
Special experiences 1) Invited speaker at the 1st Asian Pacific Symposium on Nanoscience and Frontier Materials, organized by RIKEN Frontier Research System, February 2-4, 2006, Tokyo, Japan 2) Guest editors of special issues of Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials (JNOPM), Vol 10 no 3 (2001), Vol 12 no 2 (2003), Vol 13 no 2 (2004), Vol 14 no. 2 (2005), Vol 15 no 2 (2006), Vol 17 no 2 (2008). 3) Invited speaker at the International Conference on Photo-Responsive Organics and Polymers (ICPOP) 2001, August 19-25, 2001, Cheju, Korea 4) International Advisory Board member of International Symposium on “Magneto Electronics International Symposium”, Shinsu University, Nagano, Japan, 1999 5) Chairman of Organizing Committee, “National Workshop and International Symposium On Mathematical Aspects of Modern Optics And Its Applications”, (WS-MAMOA 2001) 6) Chairman of Organizing Committee, WS-MAPOS, and IS-MOPOS, November 2001 7) Chairman of Organizing Committee, WS-ETAMOA and IS-MOA, June-July, 2002 8) Chairman of Organizing Committee, 3rd ISMOA, August, 2003 9) Chairman of Organizing Committee, 4th ISMOA, August, 2004 10) Chairman of Organizing Committee, 5th ISMOA, August, 2005
11) Member of Ph.D. Examination Committee at University of Twente (2004) 12) External examiner of Ph.D. dissertation at UKM, Malaysia (2005) 13) External reviewer of two candidates for full professor appointment in UKM, Malaysia (2003, 2004) 14) Joint Supervisor with T.T.M. Palstra of RuG in KNAW postdoctoral program for Dr. A.A. Nugroho 15) Honorary Chair of Organizing Committee, 6th ISMOA, August, 2007 Special Award Recipient of “Anugrah Sewaka Winayaraha 2007” award from Indonesian government for distinguish services to higher education in Indonesia. Recipient of “Ganesa Cendikia Widya Adiutama 2009” award from Institut Teknologi Bandung for unusually wide ranging internationally published research contributions in material physics. Leading Scientist and Engineers from OIC member states ( Recipient of “Achmad Bakrie Award 2012” from Freedom Institute for exceptional contribution to scientific research output of Indonesia and the development of research culture in Indonesia. Recipient of “LIPI Sarwono Award 2016” from the Indonesian Institute of Science betowed for the services in developing science and technology in Indonesia.
Supervision Principle supervisor of Ph.D. students (with Prof. M.Barmawi and Prof. W.Loeksmanto as co-promotors) ITB : 1. R.E.Siregar, “Korelasi Elektron pada Keadaan Dasar dan Keadaan Eksitasi Poliena”, 1993 (presently Professor of Physics at Universitas Padjadjaran/UNPAD) 2. Jarwani Soeharso, “Kajian Komposisi dan Struktur Senyawa Mineral Dalam Kutikula Macrobrachium Rosenbergii dan Penaeus Monodon Serta Evolusinya Selama Perioda Molting”, 1999 (presently Professor of Medical Physics at Universitas Indonesia) 3. Darminto, “Doping Oksigen dan Substitusi Pb Pada Struktur dan Dinamika Vorteks dari Kristal Tunggal Superkonduktor Bi2Sr2 CaCu2O8+”, 2001 (presently Associate Professor at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November) 4. Markus Diantoro, “Efek doping pada transformasi struktur dan pining vorteks dari senyawa superkonduktor RE-214 dan BSCC 2223”, 2004 (presently lecturer at Universitas Negeri Malang) Principle supervisor of Ph.D. students (with Prof. M. Barmawi and Dr. Herman as co-promotors) ITB : 1. Fitrilawati, “Fabrikasi Film Tipis Polimer Untuk Aplikasi Pandu Gelombang Fotonik”, 2001 (presently senior lecturer at Universitas Padjadjaran) 2. Heindrich Taunaumang, “Fabrikasi Film Tipis Molekul Fotoresponsif Disperse Red 1 Dengan Metoda PVD untuk Aplikasi Fotonik”, 2002 (presently Professor of Physics at Universitas Manado) Principle supervisor of Ph.D. student (with Prof. M. Barmawi and Prof. R.E. Siregar as co-promotors) ITB : 1. Harsoyono, “Kajian analitik mengenai pola kopling dalam sistem pandu gelombang nonlinear berstruktur planar”, 2003 (formerly senior lecturer at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November, now deceased) Principle supervisor of Ph.D. student (with Dr. A.A. Iskandar and Prof. Dr. T.P. Valkering from Univ. of Twente as co-promotors) ITB : 2
1. Husin Alatas, “Stationary Optical Solitons in One Dimensional Deep Nonlinear Bragg Gratings and Their Potential Applications”, 2005 (presently lecturer at Institut Pertanian Bogor) Joint principle supervisor of Ph.D. students at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) with Prof. J.Franse (with A.A.Menovsky as co-promotor) : 1. Agung Nugroho, “Magnetic Order and Superconductivity in Perovskites Distortion and Disorder Effects”, 2001 (presently senior lecturer at Institut Teknologi Bandung) 2. Inge M.Sutjahja, “Crystal Growth and Physical Properties of T*-Phase Sm La 1-x Srx O4- and TPhase La1.6-xNd1.6-xNd 0.4SrxCuO4- ”, 2003 (presently lecturer at Institut Teknologi Bandung) Principle supervisor of Ph.D. students at University of Indonesia (UI) (with Prof. K.Kagawa and Dr.H.Kurniawan as co-promotors) : 1. W.Setia Budi, “Confined Plasma Induced By Nd-YAG Laser Bombardment at Low Pressures”, 1999 (presently Professor of Physics at Universitas Diponegoro) 2. A.M.Marpaung, “The Dynamical Processes of Laser-Induced Shock Wave Plasma Generation at Various Surrounding Gas Pressures”, 2000 (presently senior lecturer at Universitas Negeri Jakarta) 3. M.Pardede, “Comprehensive Study of Laser Plasma Generation Using Charge Current Method”, 2002 (presently senior lecturer at Universitas Pelita Harapan) 4. R.Hedwig, “Contributions of Sub Target and Confinement Effects in Extension of Laser Induced Shock Wave Plasma Spectroscopy to Non-Metallic Targets”, 2002 (presently senior lecturer at Universitas Bina Nusantara) 5. Hery Suyanto, “Study of Schock Wave Plasma Confinement and Bending Effects for the Application of Laser Induced Shock Wave Plasma Spectroscopy to Powder Samples”, 2003 (presently senior lecturer at Universitas Udayana)
Professional Organizations 1. Himpunan Fisika Indonesia (Indonesia Physical Society), founding member, and a member of the General Council 2. American Physics Society, (APS), member 3. American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS), member 4. Himpunan Polimer Indonesia, HPI, member 5. Asean Association of Theoretical Physics, member 6. Optical Society of America (OSA), member 7. Indonesian Optical Society (InOS), founding member, and President of InOS 2011-2013
Research Cooperations 1. Magnetic and Transport Properties and Their Potential Applications, FI ITB - University of Amsterdam, 1997-2001 2. Optical Device and Nonlinear Optics, FI ITB - University of Twente, 1998-2004
Book translations (with M.Barmawi) : 1) J.Millman and C.C.Halkias. “Integrated Electronics”, Mc Graw Hill (1972) 2) A.P.Malvino, “Semiconductor Circuit Approximations”, Mc Graw Hill (1985) Text books : 1) “Gelombang”, Penerbit PT. Dabara Bengawan, Solo, 1994. 2) “Mekanika Kuantum”, Penerbit ITB, Bandung, 1999. 3
3) ”Orbital Kuantum” (bersama I.M. Sutjahja), Penerbit Karya Putra Darwati, Bandung 2012. 4) ”Pengantar Sistem Komunikasi Serat Optik” (bersama R.E. Siregar), Penerbit ITB, Bandung 2016. International Collaborative Research project granted/awarded 1.
“Magnetic and Transport Properties of Superconductors and Their Potential Applications”, KNAW 95-BTM-33 Program for research collaboration between van der Waals-Zeeman Institute of the University of Amsterdam and the Department of Physics, ITB. “Nonlinear Optics” subprogram of EPAM project supported by KNAW for collaborative research between the group of Light Wave Technology of University of Twente and the photonic group of ITB (2000-2005). Joint Supervisor of a Scientific Program Indonesia Netherlands (SPIN 2) Post Doc titled “Study on Strain Controlled Magnetoelectric Coupling” with Prof. T. Palstra from University of Groningen, the Netherlands (2006-2007). Coordinator of a Research Oriented Educational Cooperation between ITB and University of Groningen, the Netherlands (since 2006).
National Research project granted/awarded 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11. 12.
13. 14. 15. 16.
"Studi Perbandingan Teori Kinetik Cairan Polimer", Research Project ITB no. 7942185, 1986. "Penentuan Sifat Viskoelastik Polimer Berdasarkan Model Dinamik Polimer", Research Project ITB no. 9322187, 1988. "Struktur Elektronik Poliasetilen-Trans dalam Kerangka Pariser-Parr-Pople", Research Project DIPITB No. 9462188, 1988/1989. "Pengaruh Suhu terhadap Sifat Viscoelastik Cairan Polimer dalam Aliran Geser", Research Project SPP/DPP-ITB no. 9602188, 1990. "Pengembangan Program Komputasi Struktur Elektronik Bahan Konduktif", Research Project DPPMITB No 205/P4M/DPPM/BD XXI/1990, Maret 1991. "Sintesa dan Karakterisasi Superkonduktor Oksida Tembaga", Research Project DPPM-ITB No 199/P4M/DPPM/BD XXI/1990, Maret 1991. "Sintesis Bulk dan Doping Superkonduktor", Research Project Basic Science ITB, No. 08/P4M/DPPM/L-3311/MS/1992, Januari 1993. "Pengembangan Bahan Polimer Konduktif dan Aplikasinya", Research Project Hibah Bersaing No. 54/P4M/DPPM/PHB II/1993, Januari 1994. "Kajian Proses Pembentukan Fase Tc Tinggi Dari Sistem (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O", (Sintesis Bulk dan Doping Superkonduktor Tahap ke II), Research Project Basic Science No. 57/P4M/DPPM/L3311/MS/1993, Januari 1994. "Pengembangan Prototipe Baterei Rechargeable Dengan Polianilin", Research Project OPF-ITB No. 009/LP/OPF-ITB/1993, Maret 1994. "Pengembangan Bahan Polimer Konduktif dan Aplikasinya - Tahap 2", Research Project Hibah Bersaing II/2, No. 040/P4M/DPPM/94/PHB.II/2/1994, Maret 1995. "Pengembangan Proses Alternatif Untuk Pembuatan Superkonduktor Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Berfase 2223 Murni Dengan Ukuran Makro" (Sintesis Bulk dan Doping Superkonduktor Tahap ke III), Research Project Basic Science, No. 005/P4M/DPPM/L-3311/MS/1994, Maret 1995. “Pengembangan Bahan Polimer Konduktif dan Aplikasinya, Tahap 3”, Research Project Hibah Bersaing No. 007/P4M/DPPM/95/ PHB II/3/1995, Januari 1996. “Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Conjugated Chain Non Linear Optical (NLO) Material”, Research Project Tahap I, No 004/HTPP-II/URGE/1996, Maret 1997. “Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Conjugated Chain Non Linear Optical (NLO) Material”, Research Project Tahap II, No 004/HTPP-II/URGE/1996, Maret 1998. “Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Conjugated Chain Non Linear Optical (NLO) Material”, Research Project Tahap III, No 004/HTPP-II/URGE/1996, 1999.
17. “Pengembangan Bahan Superkonduktor Sistem (LRE)1+xBa2-xCu3O7- Untuk Aplikasi Magnetic Bearing’ Tanpa Gesekan”, Research Project RUT IX.1, No. 097.12/SK/RUT/2002, Des 2002 18. “Organic Photonic Devices For Application To The Gigabit Ethernet System” Research Project RUTI Tahap I, No. 148B-11/SK/RUTI/2002, Des 2002 19. “Pengembangan Bahan Superkonduktor Sistem (LRE)1+xBa2-xCu3O7- Untuk Aplikasi ‘Magnetic Bearing’ Tanpa Gesekan”, Research Project RUT IX.2, No. 097.12/SK/RUT/2002, Des 2003 20. “Organic Photonic Devices For Application To The Gigabit Ethernet System” Research Project RUTI Tahap II, No. 148B-11/SK/RUTI/2002, Des 2003 21. “Pengembangan Bahan Superkonduktor Sistem (LRE)1+xBa2-xCu3O7- Untuk Aplikasi ‘Magnetic Bearing’ Tanpa Gesekan”, Research Project RUT IX.3, No. 097.12/SK/RUT/2002, Des 2004 22. “Organic Photonic Devices For Application To The Gigabit Ethernet System” Research Project RUTI Tahap III, No. 148B-11/SK/RUTI/2002, Des 2004 23. “Multipoint OTDR Measurement” riset kolaborasi dengan RisTI TELKOM dibiayai oleh European Union Small Project Facility (SPF) program, Maret – Des 2004. 24. “Photonic Devices for WDM Optical Communication Systems and Optically Integrated Sensors” RUTI-IV, 2005-2007
Publication in International Journals 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7.
10. 11.
12. 13.
C.H. Albright, L.S. Liu, M.O. Tjia, Quark Model Approach in The Semileptonic Reactions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 16, 921 (1966). M.O. Tjia, C.H. Albright, Saturation of A Chiral Charge - Current Commutator with Representations of SU (6) O (3), Phys. Rev. D1, 2286 (1970). C.H. Albright, C. Jarlskog, M.O. Tjia, Implications of Gauge Theories for Heavy Leptons, Nucl. Phys. B86, 535 (1975). H. Kurniawan, M. Barmawi, M.O. Tjia, T. Kobayashi, K. Kagawa, Compact N2 laser oscillatoramplifier system for laser microbeam application, Optics and Laser Technology 23(2), 115-117 (1991). M. Hafidz, R. Wigayatri, M.O. Tjia, M. Barmawi, Five-output Optical Power Divider Based on Multichannel Coupled Waveguide Structure, Electronic Letters, IEEE, 29 (13), 1168-1170 (1993). R.E. Siregar, M.O. Tjia, The Low-lying Excitation Energies of Polyenes Investigated with a Chainlength-dependent Screened Potential, Int. J. Quant. Chem. 43, 267 (1993). M.O. Tjia, R.E. Siregar, A Modified Pariser-Parr-Pople Formulation for The Study of Low-lying Excitation Energies of Polyenes, Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials, Edited by P.N. Prasad, Plenum Press, New York (1994). M.O. Tjia, R. Hidayat, Mikrajuddin, Dopant and Charge Carriers Correlation in Polyaniline Prepared by Potentiostatic Method, Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials, Edited by P.N. Prasad, Plenum Press, New York (1994). H. Kurniawan, M.O. Tjia, M.Barmawi, S. Yokoi, Y. Kimura, K .Kagawa, A time-resolved spectroscopic study on the shock wave palsma induced by the bombardment of a TEA CO 2 laser, Appl. Phys. 28, 879-883 (1995). H. Kurniawan, M. Pardede, Kichiro Kagawa, M.O. Tjia, The Effect of Selective Vaporization on TEA CO2 Laser Induced Schock Wave Plasma, J. Spectrosc. Soc. Japan 47 (5), 20-227 (1998). M.O. Tjia, I.M. Sutjahja, Darminto, A.A. Nugroho, Thermal Fluctuation Effects on the Magnetization in Bi1.8Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 Polycrystaline Sample, Proc. 11th International Symposium on Superconductivity, Nov 16-19 , 1998, Fukuoka, Japan, in Advances Superconductivity, ed. Kochizuka Tajima, Springer Verlag Vol II, p. 943 (1999). R.E. Siregar, M.O. Tjia, Study of Nonlienar Optical Response of Trans-(CH)N with a Chain Length Dependent Screened Potential, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 200(5), 1150-1156 (1999). W. Setia Budi, H. Suyanto, H. Kurniawan, M.O. Tjia, K. Kagawa, Shock Excitation and Cooling Stage in the Laser Plasma Induced by a Q-switched Nd-YAG Laser at Low Pressures, Appl. Spectrosc. 53(6), 719-730 (1999).
14. W. Setiabudi, W.T. Baskoro, M. Pardede, H. Kurniawan, M.O. Tjia, K. Kagawa, Neutral and Ionic Emission in Q-sw Nd-YAG Laser Induced Shockwave Plasma, Applied Spectroscopy 53(11), 13471351 (1999). 15. H. Harsoyono, R.E. Siregar, A. Soehiani, M.O. Tjia, Numerical study of beam propagation in multilayer planar waveguide with optically nonlinear medium, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 3896 (1999), 585-593. 16. A.A. Nugroho, I.M. Sutjahja, M.O. Tjia, A. Menovsky, F.R. de Boer, J.J.M. Franse, Vortex State in a Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4- Single Crystal, Phys. Rev. B60(22), 15379-15383 (1999). 17. A.A. Nugroho, I.M. Sutjahja, M.O. Tjia, A.Menovsky, F.R. de Boer, J.J.M. Franse, Reversible Magnetization of a Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4- Single Crystal, Phys. Rev. B60(22), 15384-15387 (1999). 18. F. Fitrilawati, M.O. Tjia, J. Ziegler, C. Bubeck, Fabrication of planar waveguides of poly(Nvinylcarbazole), Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 3896, 697704 (1999). 19. A.A. Nugroho, I.M. Sutjahja, M.O. Tjia, A.A. Menovsky, F.R. de Boer, Magnetic Relaxation of Nd 1.85Ce 0.15CuO4- Single Crystal, Physica C332(1), 374-377 (2000). 20. M.O. Tjia, Darminto, M. Diantoro, A. Rusydi, W. Loeksmanto, Effect of Intermediate MeltSolidification Process on the Transport Property of 2223-BPSCCO/Ag Tape, Proc. 12th International Symposium on Superconductivity, Morioka, Japan, 17-19 Oct 1999, Advances in Superconductivity XII, Yamashita and Tanabe (Eds), Springer Verlag, p. 679 (2000). 21. Darminto, M.O. Tjia, T. Motohashi, H. Kobayashi, Y. Nakayama, J. Simoyama, K. Kishio, Effects of Pb Substitution on the Vortex State of Oxygen Overdoped Bi1.6Sr2CaCu2O8+ Single Crystal, Phys. Rev. B62(10), 6649-6655 (2000). 22. Darminto, M.O. Tjia, A.A. Menovsky, Disentangled vortex liquid phase in BSCCO-2212 singe crystal highly overdoped with oxygen, 6th International Conference on Materials and Mechanism of Superconductivity and High-Temperature Superconductors, VI, February 20-25, 2000, Houston, Texas, in Physica C 341-348, 1323-1324 (2000). 23. H. Kurniawan, T. Jie Lie, K. Kagawa, M.O. Tjia, Laser-induced shock wave plasma spectrometry using a small chamber designed for in situ analysis, Spectrochimica Acta, Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 55(7), 839-848 (2000). 24. A.M. Marpaung, R. Hedwig, M. Pardede, T.J. Lie, M.O. Tjia, K. Kagawa, H. Kurniawan, Shock wave plasma induced by TEA CO2 laser bombardment on glass samples at high pressures, Spectrochimica Acta, Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 55(10), 1591-1599 (2000). 25. A.M. Marpaung, M.H. Sya’ Roni, H.Kurniawan, K.Kagawa, M.O.Tjia, Selective Vaporization in Q-sw Nd-YAG Laser-Induced Shock-Wave Plasma at Low Pressures, Rev. Laser Eng. Vol 28, 435-440 (2000). 26. H. Kurniawan, H. Suyanto, K. Kagawa, T. Maruyama, M.O. Tjia, Low-background laser plasma induced by Nd-YAG laser at low pressures, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers 40(1), 188-194 (2001). 27. F. Fitrilawati, M.O. Tjia, Effects of Phenylene Ring Derivatizations of Polyniline on Its Optical Properties, Optical Materials Vol 16(3), 361-367 (2001). 28. H.Kurniawan, K. Lahna, T.J. Lie, K.Kagawa, M.O.Tjia, Detection of Density Jump in Laser Induced Shock Wave Plasma using Rainbow Refractometer, Appl. Spectrosc. Vol 55(1), 92-97 (2001). 29. W.Setia Budi, Abdul Rahman, H. Kurniawan, M.O. Tjia, Kichiro Kagawa, Bending of Shock Wave Plasma Induced by Qi Switched Nd : YAG Laser at Low Fressures, Rev.Laser Eng. Vol 29, 180-183 (2001). 30. A.M. Marpaung, H. Kurniawan, M.O. Tjia, K. Kagawa, Comprehensive Study on the Pressure Dependence of Shock Wave Plasma Generation Under TEA CO2 Laser Bombardment on Metal Sample, J. Phys. D : Appl. Phys. Vol 34(5), 758-771 (2001). 31. D. Darminto, M.O. Tjia, A.A. Nugroho, A.A. Menovsky, J. Shimoyama, K. Kishio, Variation of Vortex Glass Dynamics and Critical Region with Oxygen Content in Bi 2Sr2CaCu2O8+ Single Crystal, the 13th International Symposium on Superconductivity, October 14-16, 2000 Tokyo, Japan, in Physica C357-360, 1182-1185 (2001). 32. M. Diantoro, M.O. Tjia, P. Kovac, I. Husek, Pinning Mechanism in Bi-2223 Tapes with Reinforced Hg-sheath and Oxide Additives in the Core, the 13th International Symposium on Superconductivity, October 14-16, 2000, Tokyo, Japan, Physica C357-360 (2001) 1182-1185. 6
33. H. Kurniawan,Tjung Jie Lie, Nasrullah Idris, M.O. Tjia, Mosahiro Ueda, Kichiro Kagawa, Detection of the Density Jump in Laser-Induced Shock Wave Plasma Using Low Energy Nd : VAG Laser at Low Pressure of Air, J. Spectrosc.Soc. Japan Vol 50, 13-18 (2001). 34. H. Kurniawan, M.M. Suliyant, T.J. Lie, K. Kagawa, M.O. Tjia, Application of primary plasma standardization to Nd-YAG laser-induced shock wave plasma spectrometry for quantitative analysis of high concentration Au-Ag-Cu alloy, Spectrochimica Acta - Part B Atomic Spectroscopy 56(8), 14071417 (2001). 35. M. Pardede, H. Kurniawan, M.O. Tjia, K. Ikezawa, T. Maruyama, K. Kagawa, Spectrochemical analysis of metal elements electrodeposited from water samples by laser-induced shock wave plasma spectroscopy, Applied Spectroscopy 55(9), 1229-1236 (2001). 36. I.M. Sutjahja, A. Nugroho, M. Diantoro, M.O. Tjia, H. Gelders, A. Menovsky, J.J.M. Franse, Single Crystal Growth of T*-phase SinLaSrCuO, Physica C363(1), 25-30 (2001). 37. H. Taunaumang, Herman, M.O. Tjia, Molecular Orientation in ‘Disperse Red 1’ Thin Film Produced by PVD Method, Optical Materials Vol 18(3), 343-350 (2001). 38. H.P. Uranus, M.O. Tjia, Refractive Index Profile Resconstruction of Planar Waveguides from Itn Mode Intensity Using Characteristic Matrix Method, J. Nonlin. Opt. Phys. Mat Vol 10(2), 169-179 (2001). 39. H. Harsoyono, R.E. Siregar, M.O. Tjia, A Study of Nonlinear Coupling between Two Identical Planar Waveguides, J. Nonlin. Opt. Phys. Mat Vol 10(2), 233-247 (2001). 40. H. Alatas, A.A. Iskandar, M.O. Tjia, Bright and Dark Solitary Waves in Kerr Medium with Higher Order Linear and Nonlinear Dispersions, J. Nonlin. Opt. Phys. Mat. Vol 10(2), 223, (2001). 41. I.M. Sutjahja, A. Nugroho, M.O. Tjia, Peak Effects and The Solid Vortex Phase of a T*-phase SmLa0.8Sr0.2CuO4- Single Crystal, Phys. Rev. B64(21), 134502 (2001). 42. D. Darminto, I.M. Sutjahja, A.A. Nugroho, A. Rusydi, A.A. Menovsky, M.O. Tjia, Suppression of 2D fluctuation effect in Bi1.6Sr2CaCu2O8+ single crystal with excessive oxygen content, Proc. EuroConference on Vortex Matter in Superconductors at Extereme Scale Conditions, Crete, Sept 15-24, 2001, Physica C369(1-4), 286-290 (2002). 43. D. Darminto, M. Diantoro, I.M. Sutjahja, A.A. Nugroho, W. Loeksmanto, A.A. Menovsky, M.O. Tjia, Different roles of Anisotropy and Disorder on the Vortex Matter of Bi1.6Sr2CaCu2O8+ single crystal, Proc. International Symposium on Superconductivity, Kobe 25-27., 2001, Physica C378-381, 479-482 (2002), Erratum Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 385(4), 571 (2003) 44. I.M. Sutjahja, M. Diantoro, D. Darminto, A.A. Nugroho, M.O. Tjia, A.A. Menovsky, J.J.M. Franse, Fishtail Effect and the Superconducting Phase Diagram of La1.6-xNd0.4SrxCuO4 Single Crystal, Proc.International Symposium on Superconductivity, Kobe 25-27 Sept., 2001, Physica C378-381, 541545 (2002). 45. I.M. Sutjahja, D. Darminto, R. Sutarto, A.A. Nugroho, M.O. Tjia, A.A. Menovsky, J.J.M. Franse, Thermodynamic fluctuations in T(*)-phase SmLa0.8Sr0.2CuO4-δ single crystal, Physica C Superconductivity and its Applications 369(1-4), 291-294 (2002). 46. H. Suyanto, K.H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, M.O. Tjia, K. Kagawa, Application of laser plasma confinement and bending effect for direct analysis of powder sample, Spectrochimica Acta - Part B Atomic Spectroscopy 57(8), 1325-1332 (2002). 47. M. Diantoro, W. Loeksmanto, M.O. Tjia, F. Gomory, J. Souc, P. Kovac, AC Loss and Crytivcal Current Density in Bi-2223 Tapes with Oxyde Additives and Reinforced Ag sheats, Proc.International Symposium on Superconductivity, Kobe 25-27,Sept., 2001, Physica C378-381, 1143-1147 (2002). 48. I.M. Sutjahja, A.A. Nugroho, M.O. Tjia, A.A. Menovsky, J.J.M. Franse, Intrinsic Parameters of T*Phase SmLa0.8Sr0.2CuO4- Single Crystal deduced from reversible magnetization data, Phys. Rev. B65(21), 214528 (2002). 49. M. Pardede, K.H. Kurniawan, M.O. Tjia, K. Kagawa, Direct Measurement of Charge Current by Employing a Mesh Electrode in Laser Plasma induced by Nd-YAG Laser at Low Pressure (I), Appl.Spectrosc. Vol 58(8), 994-999 (2002). 50. H. Taunaumang, R. Hidayat, Herman, M.O. Tjia, Effects of Substrate temperature and external poling field on molecular orientation and aggregation effects in vacuum deposited photorefractive DR1 film, J. Nonlin. Opt. Phys. Mat Vol 12(2), 213-219 (2003). 51. H. Alatas, A.A. Iskandar, M.O. Tjia, T.P. Valkering, Analytic Study of Stationary Solutions in Nonlinear Deep Grating, J. Nonlin. Opt. Phys. Mat Vol 12(2), 157-173 (2003). 7
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88. M. Pardede, R. Hedwig, M.M. Suliyanti, Z.S. Lie, T.J. Lie, D.P. Kurniawan, K.H. Kurniawan, M. Ramli, K. Fukumoto, H. Niki, S.N. Abdulmadjid, N. Idris, T. Maruyama, K. Kagawa, M.O. Tjia, Comparative study of laser-induced plasma emission of hydrogen from zircaloy-2 samples in atmospheric and low pressure ambient helium gas, Appl. Phys. B89(2-3), 291-298 (2007). 89. H. Alatas, A.A. Kandi, A.A. Iskandar, M.O. Tjia, New Class of Bright Spatial Solitons obtained by Hirota’s Method from Generalized Coupled Mode Equations of Nonlinear Optical Bragg Grating, J. of Nonlin. Opt. Phys. and Mat. 17(2), 225-233 (2008). 90. Muldarisnur, A. Soehianie, A. Iskandar and M.O. Tjia, Analysis of Asymmetric Bragg Coupler Based Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer Operating on certain Phase Matching Conditions, Journ. of Appl. Phys. 103(12), 123110 (2008). 91. Z.S. Lie, M. Pardede, R. Hedwig, M.M. Suliyanti, K.H. Kurniawan, Munadi, Y.I. Lee, K. Kagawa, I. Hattori, M.O. Tjia, Spectrochemical Analysis of Powder Using 355 nm Nd-YAG Laser-Induced Low Pressure Plasma, Anal. and Bioanal. Chem. 390(7), 1781-1787 (2008). 92. Munadi, M. Pardede, R. Hedwig, M.M. Suliyanti, T.J. Lie, Z.S. Lie, Koo H. Kurniawan, K. Kagawa, M. Ramli, K. Fukumoto, T. Maruyama, M.O. Tjia, Study of Hydrogen and Deuterium Emission Characteristics in Laser Induced Low Pressure Helium Plasma for the Suppression of Surface Water Contamination, Anal. Chem. 80(4), 1240-1246 (2008). 93. M. Pardede, T,J, Lie, K.H. Kurniawan, H. Niki, K. Fukumoto, T. Maruyama, K. Kagawa, M.O. Tjia, Crater effects on H and D emission from laser induced low-pressure helium plasma, Journ. of Appl. Phys. 106(6), 063303 (2009). 94. Z.S. Lie, M. Pardede, R. Hedwig, M.M. Suliyanti, E. Steven, Maliki, K.H. Kurniawan, M. Ramli, S.N. Abdulmadjid, N. Idris, K. Lahna, K. Kagawa, M.O. Tjia, Intensity distributions of enhanced H emission from laser-induced low-pressure He plasma and a suggested He-assisted excitation mechanism, Journ. of Appl. Phys. 106(4), 043303 (2009). 95. K.H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, M.M. Suliyanti, M. Pardede, S.N. Abdulmadjid, K. Kagawa, M.O. Tjia, Quenching of He-induced intensity enhancement effect in H and D emission produced by Nd-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser irradiation on solid targets in low pressure helium gas, Journ. of Appl. Phys. 105(1), 013301 (2009). 96. K.H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, M.M. Suliyanti, R. Hedwig, M. Pardede, M. Ramli, H. Niki, S.N. Abdulmadjid, N. Idris, K. Lahna, Y. Kusumoto, K. Kagawa, M.O. Tjia, The role of He in enhancing the intensity and lifetime of H and D emissions from laser-induced atmospheric-pressure plasma, Journ. of Appl. Phys. 105(10), 103303 (2009). 97. A.A. Nugroho, Risdiana, N. Mufti, T.T.M. Palstra, I. Watanabe, M.O. Tjia, Changes of spin dynamics in multiferroic Tb1-x Cax MnO3, Physica B404(5-7), 785-788 (2009). 98. I. Karnadi, A.A. Iskandar, M.O. Tjia, Analysis of Ag-Superlens Performances using Spatial Convolution Formulation, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A27(2), 268-275 (2010). 99. H. Alatas, A.A. Iskandar, M.O. Tjia, Tailoring spatial soliton characteristics and its dynamical behaviors in nonlinear reflection gratings, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B27(2), 238-245 (2010). 100. H. Alatas, A.A. Iskandar, H.J.W.M. Hoekstra and M.O. Tjia, Performance changes of a grated waveguide at resonance wavelengths next to its band-edges due to modified edge sections, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B27(12), 2743-2749 (2010). 101. D.R. Wenas, Herman, R.E. Siregar, M.O. Tjia, X-ray diffraction pattern and optical properties of disperse red-1 thin films deposited by electric field assisted PVD method, AIP Conf. Proc. 1250 349352 (2010). 102. Risdiana, Fitrilawati, R.E. Siregar, R. Hidayat, A.A. Nugroho, M.O. Tjia, Y. Ishii, I. Watanabe, Field and temperature dependent charge transport characteristics in regio-regular Poly(3-octylthiophene2,5-diyl) studied by Muon Spin relaxation, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 225, 012003 (2010). 103. Risdiana, Fitrilawati, R. Hidayat, R.E. Siregar, M.O. Tjia, I. Watanabe, μSR study of electron radical dynamics in regio-regular polythiophene, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 200 (SECTION 5), 052024 (2010). 104. Risdiana, Fitrilawati, R. Hidayat, A.A. Nugroho, R.E. Siregar, M.O. Tjia, I. Watanabe, Intra- and inter-chain polaron diffusion in regio-random polythiophene studied by muon spin relaxation, Physica B405 (11 SUPPL.), S381-S383 (2010). 105. S. Nur Abdulmadjid, Z.S. Lie, H. Niki, M. Pardede, R. Hedwig, T.J. Lie, E. Jobiliong, K.H. Kurniawan, K.-I. Fukumoto, K. Kagawa, M.O. Tjia, Quantitative deuterium analysis of titanium 10
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121. A. Caretta, R. Miranti, A.H. Arkenbout, A.O. Polyakov, A. Meetsma, R. Hidayat, M.O. Tjia, T.T.M. Palstra, P.H.M. Van Loosdrecht, Thermochromic effects in a Jahn-Teller active CuCl4- 6 layered hybrid system, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 25(50), 505901 (2013). 122. K.H. Kurniawan, M.O. Tjia, K. Kagawa, Review of laser-induced plasma, its mechanism, and application to quantitative analysis of hydrogen and deuterium, Appl. Spect. Rev. 49(5), 323-434 (2014). 123. G.W. Putra Data, A.A. Iskandar and M.O. Tjia, Numerical study of anomalous TE-polarized light scattering by metallic nanowires using realistic data, J. of Nonlin. Opt. Phys. and Mat. 23(1), 1450005 (2014). 124. M.O. Tjia and A.A. Iskandar, Physics Research in Indonesia – a perspective, Australian Physics 51(2) 47-51 (2014). 125. R.N.S. Suryadharma, A.A. Iskandar and M.O.Tjia, Enhanced Energy Confinement Induced by Metallic Coating of Central Rod in Square Array Photonic Crystal of Dielectric Rods for TM Light, J. Opt. 16 075102 (2014). 126. M. Pardede, R. Hedwig, S.N. Abdulmadjid, K. Lahna, N. Idris, E. Jobiliong, H. Suyanto, A.M. Marpaung, M.M. Suliyanti, M. Ramli, M.O Tjia, T.J. Lie, Z.S. Lie, D.P. Kurniawan, K.H. Kurniawan and K. Kagawa, Quantitative and sensitive analysis of CN molecules using laser induced low pressure He plasma, J. Appl. Phys. 117, 113302 (2015). 127. Z.S. Lie, M. Pardede, M.O. Tjia, K.H. Kurniawan and K. Kagawa, Nanosecond Nd-YAG laser induced plasma emission characteristics in low pressure CO2 ambient gas for spectrochemical application on Mars, J. Appl. Phys. 118, 083304 (2015). 128. N. Idris, K. Lahna, S.N. Abdulmadjid, M. Ramli, H. Suyanto, A.M. Marpaung, M. Pardede, E. Jobiliong, R. Hedwig, M.M. Suliyanti, Z.S. Lie, T.J. Lie, K. Kagawa, M.O. Tjia and K.H. Kurniawan, Excitation mechanisms in 1 mJ picosecond laser induced low pressure He plasma and the resulting spectral quality enhancement, J. Appl. Phys. 117, 223301 (2015). 129. K.H. Kurniawan, M. Pardede, R. Hedwig, S.N. Abdulmadjid, K. Lahna, N. Idris, E. Jobiliong, H. Suyanto, M.M. Suliyanti, M.O. Tjia, T.J. Lie, Z.S. Lie, D.P. Kurniawan, K. Kagawa, Practical and highly sensitive elemental analysis for aqueous samples containing metal impurities employing electrodeposition on indium-tin oxide film samples and laser-induced shock wave plasma in lowpressure helium gas, Appl. Opt. 54(25), 7592-7597 (2015). 130. I.M. Sutjahja, F. Berthalita, M. Mustaqima, A.A. Nugroho, M.O. Tjia, Effects of partial Co replacement by Fe in Sr0.775Y0.225CoO3-δ on its magnetic property, oxygen deficiency and crystal structure, Materials Science-Poland 33(3), 579-587 (2015). 131. S. N. Abdulmadjid, N. Idris, M. Pardede, E. Jobiliong, R. Hedwig, Z.S. Lie, H. Suyanto, M.O. Tjia, K.H. Kurniawan, K. Kagawa, Sensitive analysis of carbon, chromium and silicon in steel using picosecond laser induced low pressure helium plasma, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 114, 1–6 (2015). 132. K. Lahna, R. Idroes, N. Idris, S.N. Abdulmadjid, K.H. Kurniawan, M.O. Tjia, M. Pardede, and K. Kagawa, Formation and emission characteristics of CN molecules in laser induced low pressure He plasma and its applications to N analysis in coal and fossilization study, Appl. Opt. 55(7), 1731-1737 (2016). 133. A. Azwar, A. Soehianie, A.A. Iskandar and M.O. Tjia, Fano-like spectral profile in TE wave scattering by nanowire of dissipative and dispersive materials, J. of Nonlin. Opt. Phys. and Mat. 25(1), 1650005 (2016). 134. F.R. Widiasari, A.A. Iskandar and M.O. Tjia, Validity of classical coupled oscillators model for elucidating surface plasmon effects on optical scattering by silver nanocylinders, J. of Nonlin. Opt. Phys. and Mat. 25(1), 1650006 (2016). 135. S.N. Abdulmadjid, M. Pardede, H. Suyanto, M. Ramli, K. Lahna, A.M. Marpaung, R. Hedwig, Z.S. Lie, D.P. Kurniawan, K.H. Kurniawan, T.J. Lie, N. Idris, M.O. Tjia and K. Kagawa, Evidence of feasible hardness test on Mars using ratio of ionic/neutral emission intensities measured with laserinduced breakdown spectroscopy in low pressure CO2 ambient gas, J. Appl. Phys. 119, 163304 (2016). 136. R.N.S. Suryadharma, A.A. Iskandar and M.O. Tjia, Photonic States Mixing Beyond the Plasmon Hybridization Model, J. Appl. Phys. 120(4), 043105 (2016).
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S.Syarif, M.Barmawi dan M.O.Tjia, "Data Acquisition System for Opto-Electronic Measurement", Proc. Regional Symposium on Optoelectronics Optical Fiber Communication & Solar Cell, Bangkok, 19-20 Nov 1984 H.Sunarno, M.Barmawi dan M.O.Tjia, "Design and Construction of an Optical Fiber Photometer", Proc. Regional Symposium on Optoelectronics Optical Fiber Communication & Solar Cell, Bangkok, 19-20 Nov 1984 M.O.Tjia, "Theoretical Description of Conducting Polymers with Linear Conjugated Chains", Proc. Regional Symposium on Polymers Science and Technology, Bandung, Nov 1986 R.E.Siregar dan M.O.Tjia, "Observation of Magnetic Resonance in The Studies of Polyacetylene", Proc. Regional Symposium on Polymer Science and Technology, Bandung, Nov 1986 A.Rusli, H.L.The dan M.O.Tjia, "Study of The Curtiss-Bird Theory for Shear Flow", Proc. Regional Symposium on Polymer Science and Technology, Bandung, Nov 1986 J.E.Batubara, M.O.Tjia, M.Barmawi dan K.Iga, "Evaluation of Coupling Property of Distributed-Index Microlenses", Proc. First Micro Optic Conf. Tokyo, Oct 1987 M.O.Tjia, R.E.Siregar dan Suwato, "Computation Schemes for the Study of Electronic Structure of Linear Polymers", Proc. Int.Conf. on "Future Trends in Plastics and Rubber Technology", Singapore, September 1987 K.H.Kurniawan, M.Barmawi dan M.O.Tjia, "Single Stage Pulsed Molecular Nitrogen Laser", Proc. 2nd Asean Science and Technology Week, Manila, 30 Jan - 4 Feb 1989 Sunarto, M.Barmawi dan M.O.Tjia, "An N2 Laser Fluorescence Spectrometer with Gating Photomultiplier", Proc. 2nd Asean Science and Technology Week, Manila, 30 Jan - 4 Feb 1989 Herman dan M.O.Tjia, "Computerized Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Two-Component Optical Spectra", 1st Indonesia - JICA Symposium Cum Workshop on Polymer Characterization, Bandung, April 3-5, 1989 R.E.Siregar dan M.O.Tjia, "Computation of Electronic Structure of Polyacetylenes using the scheme of Pariser-Parr-Pople", 1st Indonesia - JICA Symposium Cum Workshop on Polymer Characterization, Bandung, April 3-5, 1989 M.O.Tjia dan R.E.Siregar, "Iterative Configuration Interaction in Polyenes", 1st Indonesia - JICA Symposium Cum Workshop on Polymer Characterization, Bandung, April 3-5, 1989 E.Poernomo S., M.Barmawi and M.O.Tjia, "Frequency Stabilization of A He-Ne Longitudinal Zeeman Laser", Technical Digest, Second Regional Symposium on Optoelectronics, Jakarta, Nov 27- 28, 1989 K.H.Kurniawan, M.Barmawi, M.O.Tjia, K.Kagawa and T.Kobayasi, “A. Compact Nitrogen Laser Oscillator-Amplifier System for Laser Microbeam Application", Technical Digest, Second Regional Symposium on Optoelectronics, Jakarta, Nov 27-28, 1989 S.H.Tirtamihardja, M.Barmawi and M.O.Tjia, "Data Acquisition Using Diode Array Spectrometer", Technical Digest, Second Regional Symposium on Optoelectronics, Jakarta, Nov 27-28, 1989 R.E.Siregar and M.O.Tjia, "Empirical Parameters for Calculating Low-Lying Exited States of Polyenes", Proc. Second Indonesia - JICA Polymer Symposium Cum Workshop, Bandung 7-9 March, 1990 M.O.Tjia, B.Prasetya and T.B.Lestyaningsih, "Valence Effective Hamiltonian Method for the Determination of Electronic Structure of Linear Polymers", Proc. Second Indonesia - JICA Polymer Symposium Cum Workshop, Bandung 7-9 March, 1990 Herman and M.O.Tjia, "Pure Component Extraction form Mixed Spectra by Unconstrained Optimization Method", Proc. Second Indonesia - JICA Polymer Symposium Cum Workshop, Bandung 7-9 March, 1990 M.O.Tjia dan B.Prasetya, Studi Struktur Elektronik Trans- Poliasetilen Dengan Metoda Hamiltonian Efektif Valensi (VEH), Proc. Second Indonesia - JICA Polymer Symposium Cum Workshop, Bandung 7-9 March, 1990 R.E.Siregar and M.O.Tjia, "Effects of Periodic Defects on The Electronic Structure of TransPolyacetylene", Proc. 1st Asean- Japan Symposium on Polymers, Bandung, 6-9 March 1991 M.O.Tjia, Widayani and R.E.Siregar, "Effects of Processing Parameters on Polypyrrole Films Prepared By Electrochemical Method", Proc. 1st Asean-Japan Symposium on Polymers, Bandung, 6-9 March 1991 13
22. M.O.Tjia dan E.Sihombing, "Effects of Pb Doping in Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconductors", ASEANJAPAN Regional Seminar on Fine Ceramics, Kuala Lumpur 1-2 Oct 1991. 23. Widayani, R.Hidayat, Mikrajuddin, R.E.Siregar dan M.O.Tjia, "Electrochemical Polymerization of Conducting Polyaniline and Its Characterization", 2nd ASEAN-JAPAN Symposium on Polymers, Bandung, 29 June - 1 July 1992 24. R.E.Siregar dan M.O.Tjia, "Chain Structure Dependences of Electrical Polarizability of Polyenes", 2nd ASEAN-Japan Symposium on Polymers, Bandung, 29 June - 1 July 1992 25. M.O.Tjia, "High Tc Superconductor Research in Indonesia", Regional Workshop on the Utilization of Research Reactors, PPTN-BATAN Jakarta 30 Nov - 3 Des 1993 26. M.O.Tjia, B.Prijamboedi, I.Supardi, "Effects of Pb Doping and Ag Cladding on BSCCO Superconducting System", The Second International Workshop on Materials Science", Hanoi, Vietnam, 19-21 October 1995 27. M.O.Tjia, M.Abdullah, F.Fitrilawati, R.E.Siregar, T.H.Nufus, "Syntheses and Characterization of PANI/PPTA Polyblend as Electrochromics Materials", 4th Pacific Polymer Conference, Kauai, Hawaii, 12-16 December 1995 28. M.O.Tjia, M.Abdullah, R.E.Siregar, "An Alternative Scheme for Theoretical Study of Non-Linear Optical Properties of Conjugated Molecules, 4th Pacific Polymer Conference, Kauai, Hawaii, 12-16 December 1995 29. M.O.Tjia, E.Rosdiana, Mikrajuddin, “Redox Induced FET Characteristics Using PANI as an Active Material”, Proc.Int.Conf. Microelectronics (ICME), Bandung 16-17 Jan 1996 30. F.Susanto, M.O.Tjia, “The Z-Scan Method and its Realization in Third Order Susceptibility Measurement”, XVII National Physics Symposium and AAPPS Seminar on Physics of Materials, Yogyakarta, 8-10 Des, 1998 31. F.Fitrilawati, H.Eichner, Herman, M.O.Tjia, “Synthesis of Poly (Ethoxy-Aniline) Thin Film and its Optical Characterizations”, XVII National Physics Symposium and AAPPS Seminar on Physics of Materials, Yogyakarta 8-10 Des 1998 32. D.Darminto, M.O.Tjia, T.Motohashi, J.Shimoyama and K.Kishio, “In-Plane Magneto-Resistance of Bi1.6Pb0.6Sr2CaCu2O8+ Single Crystal”, Proc. Magel’99 International Symposium, Shinshu, October 20-22, 1999 33. Harsoyono, R.E.Siregar, A.Soehianie, M.O.Tjia, “ A Numerical Study of Beam Propagation in Multilayer Planar Waveguide With Nonlinear Optical Medium”, Proc. International Symposium on Photonics and Applications ISPA ’99, Singapore, 29 Nov - 3 Dec 1999 34. F.Fitrilawati, R.E.Siregar, M.O.Tjia, J.Ziegler, “Fabrication of Planar Waveguide of Poly (vinyl carbazole)”, Proc. International Symposium on Photonics and Applications ISPA ’99, Singapore, 29 Nov - 3 Dec 1999 35. H.P. Uranus and M.O.Tjia, “Determination of mode field profile and its evolution in planar waveguides with arbitrary refractive index profile using characteristic matrix method”, Proc. 2001 Int.Cont. on Electrical, Electronic Communication and Information, Jakarta, Indonesia (2001), p.p. CO40-CO44. 36. M.O.Tjia, “Coupling Characteristics in Optically Nonlinear Coupler with Planar Structure”, Invited Talk presented in International Conference on Photo-Responsive Organics and Polymers 2001 (ICPOP ’01), Cheju, South Korea, August 19-25, 2001 37. M.Diantoro, I.M.Sutjaja, A.A.Nugroho, A.A.Menovsky, M.O.Tjia “Structural Effect on Superconductivity of La1.6-xNd0.4SrxCuO4 with x = 0.0, 0.10, 0.125 and 0.20”, presented to ISS 2002, Yokohama, Nov 2002 38. A.Miniewicz, M.Solyga, H.Taunaumang and M.O.Tjia, “Optical Grating Recording in Highly Organized Thin Film of Disperse Red 1”, Proc. ESPOS-9, Poland 39. W.Setia Budi, I.Marhaendrajaja Wuryanti, M.Pardede, H.Kurniawan, M.O.Tjia and K.Kagawa, “Effect of Focusing on Charge Current and Spectral Emission in a Plasma Induced by a Q-Switched Nd-YAG Laser at Low Pressure”, Proc. Int. Conf. on Electrical, Electronic, Communication and Information (CECI) Jakarta, 2001, pp. OL15-OL19 40. M.O.Tjia and D.Darminto, “Oxygen Doping Induced Effects on Vortex Characteristics of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ Single Crystal”, p 36-42, Proceedings of the Workshop on High-Tc Superconducting Materials & Applications (WHISMAS’ 2004), Hanoi, Vietnam, April 15-16th, 2004
41. M.Diantoro, R.Martin, W.Loeksmanto, M.O.Tjia, “Effect of Oxygen Annealing on Superconducting Properties of Melt-Grown NdBa2Cu3O7- Compound, p 66-71, Proceedings of the Workshop on HighTc Superconducting Materials & Applications (WHISMAS’ 2004), Hanoi, Vietnam, April 15-16th, 2004 42. I.M.Sutjahja, A.A.Menovsky and M.O.Tjia, “Evidence for Mixed Valence State of Sm Ions in T *phase SmLa1-xSrxCuO 4- From Specific Heat Data, p 86-91, Proceedings of the Workshop on High-Tc Superconducting Materials & Applications (WHISMAS’ 2004), Hanoi, Vietnam, April 15-16th, 2004 43. N.Mufti, M.H.Harahap, I.M.Sutjahja, M.Diantoro, A.A.Nugroho, W.Loeksmanto, M.O.Tjia, “Effects of synthesis parameters on the transport and magnetic properties of (Sm,Eu) based 123 and 211 superconducting composites”, 17th International Symposium on Superconductivity, Nigata, Japan, November 23-25, 2004 44. M.O. Tjia, “Researches in Magnetic Oxides and Photonic Sciences in ITB and Their Prospective Extension to Nanoscience Researches”, Invited Talk at 1st Asian Pacific Symposium on Nanoscience and Frontier Materials, organized by RIKEN Frontier Research System, February 2-4, 2006, Tokyo, Japan
Publication in National Journals and Research Reports 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
14. 15. 16.
M.O.Tjia, H.L.The dan Wiwik S., "Penggunaan Pulsed NMR Dalam Analisa Bahan-bahan", Laporan Penelitian Badan Riset ITB, 1976 M.O.Tjia, "Relaksasi Spin-Latttice C-13 Dalam Studi Molekul Organik", Laporan Penelitian Badan Riset ITB, 1977 Penelitian Seismik untuk Geohydrologi Karst di Gunung Kidul, Laporan Badan Riset ITB, 1978 (bersama Kelompok Geohydrologi Karst ITB) M.O.Tjia, M.Ridwan, A.Rusli dan R.E.Siregar, "Relaksasi Spin-Kisi Dalam Zat Padat", Laporan Penelitian Badan Riset ITB, 1978 M.O.Tjia, H.L.The, Suparno S. dan Sutrisno, "Karakterisasi Struktur PP, PS dan PVC dengan NMR", Laporan Penelitian DIP-ITB no. 4872181, 1981 M.O.Tjia, H.L.The, A.Rusli dan Suparno S., "Waktu Relaksasi NMR dan Deformasi Struktur Polimer", Laporan Penelitian ITB no. 5922182, 1982 M.O.Tjia dan Herman, "Modeling Komputer untuk Analisis Spektrum ESR Zat Cair", Laporan Penelitian ITB, 1987 A.Rusli, M.O.Tjia dan H.L.The, "Studi Perbandingan Teori Kinetik Cairan Polimer", Laporan Penelitian ITB no. 7942185, 1986 A.Rusli, M.O.Tjia dan H.L.The, "Penentuan Sifat Viskoelastik Polimer Berdasarkan Model Dinamik Polimer", Laporan Penelitian ITB no. 9322187, 1988 M.O.Tjia dan R.E.Siregar, "Struktur Elektronik Poliasetilen-Trans dalam Kerangka Pariser-ParrPople", Laporan Penelitian DIP-ITB No. 9462188, 1988/1989 A.Rusli, M.O.Tjia dan H.L.The, "Pengaruh Suhu terhadap Sifat Viscoelastik Cairan Polimer dalam Aliran Geser", Laporan Penelitian no. 9602188 SPP/DPP-ITB, 1990 M.O.Tjia, M.Barmawi, R.E.Siregar, B.Prasetya dan Agus Supriadi, "Pengembangan Program Komputasi Struktur Elektronik Bahan Konduktif", Laporan Penelitian ITB No 205/P4M/DPPM/BD XXI/1990, Maret 1991 M.Barmawi, Waloejo L., M.O.Tjia, R.E.Siregar, Khairurrijal dan Maman Budiman, "Sintesa dan Karakterisasi Superkonduktor Oksida Tembaga", Laporan Penelitian ITB No 199/P4M/DPPM/BD XXI/1990, Maret 1991 M.O.Tjia dan E.Sihombing, "Pengaruh Parameter Sintesis pada Struktur dan Sifat Superkonduktor Sistem Bi", Laporan Penelitian No. 11620291 Dosen S2 FPS-ITB, 1992 M.O.Tjia, Waloejo L., R.E.Siregar, E.Sihombing, "Sintesis Bulk dan Doping Superkonduktor", Laporan Penelitian Basic Science ITB, No. 08/P4M/DPPM/L-3311/MS/1992, Januari 1993. M.O.Tjia, R.E.Siregar, Mikrajuddin, Rachmat Hidayat, " Pengembangan Bahan Polimer Konduktif dan Aplikasinya", Laporan Penelitian Hibah Bersaing No. 54/P4M/DPPM/PHB II/1993, Januari 1994.
17. M.O.Tjia, W.Loeksmanto, R.E.Siregar, B.Prijamboedi, Agung Nugroho, "Kajian Proses Pembentukan Fase Tc Tinggi Dari Sistem (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O", (Sintesis Bulk dan Doping Superkonduktor Tahap ke II), Laporan Penelitian Basic Science No. 57/P4M/DPPM/L-3311/MS/1993, Januari 1994. 18. Widayani, M.O.Tjia, Mikrajuddin, Rachmat Hidayat, Sugito, "Pengembangan Prototipe Baterei Rechargeable Dengan Polianilin", Laporan Penelitian No. 009/LP/OPF-ITB/1993, Maret 1994 19. M.O.Tjia, R.E.Siregar, Fitrilawati, Mikrajuddin, Rachmat Hidayat, Tatun H.Nufus, Endang Rosdiana, "Pengembangan Bahan Polimer Konduktif dan Aplikasinya - Tahap 2", Laporan Penelitian Hibah Bersaing II/2, No. 040/P4M/DPPM/94/PHB.II/2/1994, Maret 1995 20. M.O.Tjia, Waloejo Loeksmanto, B.Prijamboedi, A.A.Nugroho, R.E.Siregar, "Pengembangan Proses Alternatif Untuk Pembuatan Superkonduktor Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Berfase 2223 Murni Dengan Ukuran Makro" (Sintesis Bulk dan Doping Superkonduktor Tahap ke III), Laporan Penelitian Basic Science, No. 005/P4M/DPPM/L-3311/MS/1994, Maret 1995 21. R.E.Siregar, M.O.Tjia, “Effect of Overlap and Screening Factors in a Pariser-Parr-Pople Model for Polyene”, Kontribusi Fisika, Vol 6 No 1, Januari 1995 22. M.O.Tjia, R.E.Siregar, Fitrilawati, T.H.Nufus, Mikrajuddin, Junus S., “ Pengembangan Bahan Polimer Konduktif dan Aplikasinya , Tahap 3”, Laporan Penelitian Hibah Bersaing No. 007/P4M/DPPM/95/ PHB II/3/1995, Januari 1996 23. M.O.Tjia, M.Abdullah, R.E.Siregar, Fitrilawati, T.H.Nufus , "Fungsionalisasi Polianilin Melalui Blending dengan PPTA dan PPMA”, Artikel Ilmiah Hibah Bersaing II/2, Juni 1996. 24. M.O.Tjia, R.E.Siregar, Agoes Soehiani, Herman, Fitrilawati, H.Taunaumang, Mikrajuddin, Made Darmaputra, Dedi Sasmita, “Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Conjugated Chain Non Linear Optical (NLO) Material”, Laporan Hasil Penelitian Tahap I, No 004/HTPP-II/URGE/1996, Maret 1997 25. F.Fitrilawati, R.E.Siregar, M.O.Tjia, “Penggunaan Polipirol sebagai Matriks dan Sintesis Bahan Komposit Elektrokromik Prussian Blue”, JMS Vol 2 (1) 16-27, 1997. 26. M.O.Tjia, R.E.Siregar, Herman, Agoes Soehianie, Fitrilawati, H.Taunaumang, Harsoyono, Monika Raharti, Sulur, Freddy Susanto, “Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Conjugated Chain Non Linear Optical (NLO) Material”, Laporan Hasil Penelitian Tahap II, No 004/HTPPII/URGE/1996, Maret 1998 27. M.Diantoro, Darminto, W.Loeksmanto, M.O.Tjia, “Beberapa Karakteristik Fase Vorteks Bi1.8Pb0.5Sr2Ca2Cu3Oz di Sekitar Daerah Kristis, Simposium Fisika Nasional XVII, Yogyakarta 8-10 Des 1998, Jurnal Fisika, Vol 2, 76 (1999) 28. M.O.Tjia, Darminto, M.Diantoro, A.Rusydi, “Effect of processing Parameters on the Critical Current Density of BPSCCO (2223)/Ag Tapes”, XVII National Physics Symposium and AAPPS Seminar on Physics of Materials, Yogyakarta 8-10 December, 1998, in Physics Journal of Indonesian Physical Society Vol 2, 69 (1999) 29. M.O.Tjia, R.E.Siregar, Herman, Agoes Soehianie, Fitrilawati, Harsoyono, H.Taunaumang, Sulur, Freddy Susanto, “Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Conjugated Chain Non Linear Optical (NLO) Material”, Laporan Hasil Penelitian Tahap III, No 004/HTPP-II/URGE/1996, 1999 30. Darminto, W.Loeksmanto, M.O.Tjia, “Efek Substitusi Pb pada Sifat Transport Kristal Tunggal Superkonduktor Bi1.6Sr2CaCu2O8+‘’ , Kontribusi Fisika Indonesia, Vol 10, 98 (1999) 31. D.Darminto, A.A.Nugroho, A.Rusydi, W.Loeksmanto, M.O.Tjia, “In-plane Excess Conductivity of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ Single Crystal and Its Variation with Respect to Oxygen Doping”, Kontribusi Fisika Indonesia, Vol 11 (2000) 46-50 32. Fitrilawati and M.O.Tjia, “Planar Waveguide of PPV Derivatives”, Proc.ITB, 2001 33. H.Taunaumang, Herman and M.O.Tjia, “Effects of Subtrate Temperature on Vacuum Deposited Thin Film of Disperse Red 1 on ITO Glass”, Proc ITB,Vol 33 (2001) 25-28, 2001 34. Fitrilawati, M.O.Tjia, J.Ziegler, C.Bubeck, “Fabrication of High Quality Thin Film of PPV Derivatives Using a Spincoating Method”, Kontribusi Fisika Indonesia Vol 12, 25-28, (2001) 35. Rahmat Hidayat, Darminto, M.O.Tjia, “Studi Pembentukan Superkonduktor Ba1-xKxBiO3 Melalui Proses Elektrokimia”, Kontribusi Fisika Indonesia, Vol 13 No 1, Jan 2002 36. I.M.Sutjahja, M.Diantoro, A.A.Nugroho, A.Menovsky and M.O.Tjia, “Magnetic Phase Transition of T-Phase Cd2CuO4 Single Crystal”, Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia Vol 3 (2002) 43 37. M.Diantoro, I.M.Sutjahja, M.O.Tjia, F.Gomory and P.Kovac, “AC Magnetic Response of (Bi2223 + SrCO3)/Ag Superconducting Tapes”, Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia, Vol 3 (2002) 90 16
38. Harsoyono, A.Soehianie, M.O.Tjia, H.J.M.Hoekstra, “Coupling Analysis of Wave Propoagation in a Nonlinear Planar Waveguide System”, Phys. Journ. of the Indonesian Physical Soc., A5 (2002), 1-6 39. S.Hidayat, M.O.Tjia, Karakteristik Model Batere Sekunder Menggunakan Elektroda PNI-NMP”, Kontribusi Fisika Indonesia, Vol 13 No 3, 165-168, 55, Juli 2002 40. J.Prawiroharjo, A.A.Iskandar, and M.O.Tjia, “Band Structure of an Omnidirectional 1D Dielectric Gratings”, Kontribusi Fisika Indonesia, Vol 14 No 1, 1-8, Januari 2003 41. H.Alatas, A.A.Iskandar, and M.O.Tjia, “Shallow Nonlinear Bragg Grating for High Intensity Application” Kontribusi Fisika Indonesia, Vol 14 No 1, 17-22, Januari 2003 42. Muksin, R.E.Siregar, A.A.Iskandar, and M.O.Tjia, “The Effects of Sinuaoidally Modulated Linear Refractive Index on the Wave Characteristics in Linear and Nonlinear Media”, Kontribusi Fisika Indonesia, Vol 14 No 1, 23-31, Januari 2003 43. H.Alatas, A.A.Iskandar, M.O.Tjia, T.P.Valkering, “Study of Nonlinear Periodic Optical System”, Proc. ITB, Vol 35, 333 (2002) Proc EPAM General Meeting July 1-4, 2002 44. D.Ulfaty, M.Diantoro, W.Loeksmanto, M.O.Tjia, “Oxygen Doping Effects on the Re-entrat Point of Vortex Melting Line in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ and YBa2Cu3O7- Superconducting System”, Kontribusi Fisika Indonesia, Vol. 14 No 3, Juli 2003
Presentation in National Symposia, Seminars, Conferences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
M.O.Tjia, "Arus Netral dan Model Teori Gauge Dalam Interaksi Lepton", Proc. Simposium Fisika II, Bandung, 1973 M.O.Tjia, Unifikasi Teori Interaksi Lemah dan Elektromaknit", Proc. Simposium Fisika III, Jakarta, 1974 M.O.Tjia, "Penentuan Koefisien Difusi Diri Dari Zat Cair Dengan NMR Pulsa", Proc. Simposium Fisika IV, Yogyakarta, 1975 M.O.Tjia, "Pendekatan Grup Renormalisasi Dalam Studi Fenomena Kritis", Proc. Simposium Fisika V, Surabaya, 1976 M.O.Tjia, "Spektroskopi Raman Laser Untuk Industri Polimer", Pertemuan dan Presentasi Ilmiah HFI, Kelompok Kerja Opto Elektronika dan Aplikasi Laser, Jakarta, 1977 M.O.Tjia, "Model Teori Medan Supersimetrik", Proc. Simposium Fisika VI, Bandung, Januari 1978 M.O.Tjia, "Perusakan Simetri Dalam Model Gauge Supersimetri", Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional VII, Jakarta, Januari 1979 M.O.Tjia, "Informasi Struktur Polimer dari NMR Resolusi Tinggi", Proc. "Simposium Masa Depan Polimer di Indonesia", Bandung, Maret 1979 M.O.Tjia, "Hamburan Cahaya dan Dinamika Makromolekul", Proc. Pertemuan dan Presentasi Ilmiah Kelompok Kerja Opto Elektronika & Aplikasi Laser dan Kelompok Kerja Instrumentasi Himpunan Fisika Indonesia, Jakarta, 4 Juli 1979 M.O.Tjia dan E.Sucipto, "Struktur Higgs dan Beberapa Implikasi Fenomenologi Model WeinbergSalam", Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional VIII, Yogyakarta, Januari 1980 M.O.Tjia, "Pengaruh Konfigurasi Polimer pada Relaksasi Spin-Kisi, Proc. Simposium Polimer II, Jakarta, Desember 1980 M.O.Tjia, "Osilasi Nutrino dan Pelanggaran Konservasi Lepton", Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional IX, Surabaya, Januari 1981 Suparno S., R.E. Siregar dan M.O. Tjia, "Taktisitas dan Kristalinitas Polipropilen", Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional X, Denpasar, 1982 M.O.Tjia dan E.Sucipto, "Beda Massa KL - KS dan Massa Quark", Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional X, Denpasar, 1982 M.O.Tjia, "Konsep Dasar Teori Laser", Proc. Kursus Laser dan Aplikasinya, LFN-LIPI, Bandung 1923 Nov 1984 M.O.Tjia, "Prinsip Kerja LIDAR", Makalah Ceramah Ilmiah tentang Laser, Puslitbang BPPT Dephankam, Jakarta 4 April 1985 M.O.Tjia, "Spektroskopi Laser Inframerah", Ceramah Diklat Teknologi Laser CO2, Puspitek Serpong, 1986
18. Farid W.M., K.Tejoyuwono dan M.O.Tjia, "Penentuan Tebal Lapisan Tipis dengan Metoda Tolansky dan Analisa Deret", Proc. KIM, Jakarta, 1986 19. R.E. Siregar dan M.O.Tjia, "Studi Struktur Elektronik Poliasetilen Melalui Pergeseran Kimia NMR", Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional XI, Bandung, 20-22 Januari 1987 20. Darminto dan M.O.Tjia, "Perhitungan Nilai g dari Cacat dalam Silikon Amorf", Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional XI, Bandung, 20-22 Januari 1987 21. Krishna L. dan M.O.Tjia, "Studi Hamburan Sinar-X Sudut Kecil dari Bovin Albumin Serum", Proc. Simposium Nasional XI, Bandung 20-22 Januari 1987 22. J.E.Batubara, M.O.Tjia, M.Barmawi dan K.Iga, "Lensa Mikro dan Evaluasinya dengan Konfigurasi Ruang Fasa", Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional XI, Bandung, 20-22 Januari 1987 23. Togar P., M.Barmawi dan M.O.Tjia, "Pengukuran Kecepatan dengan Differential Type Laser Doppler Velocimeter", Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional XI, Bandung, 20-22 Januari 1987 24. B.Kusumoputro, M.O.Tjia dan M.Barmawi, "Sensor ISFET-ENZYMA Terpadu", Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional XI, Bandung, 20-22 Januari 1987 25. Adri S. dan M.O.Tjia, "Penentuan Lebar dan Energi Pembentukan Soliton dalam Trans-Poliasetilen" Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional XI, Bandung, 20-22 Januari 1987 26. A.Rusli, H.L.The dan M.O.Tjia, "Pengaruh Suhu Pada Koefisien Tegangan Segmen Curtiss-Bird", Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional XI, Bandung, 20-22 Januari 1987 27. M.O.Tjia, "Perkembangan Polimer Konduktif Baru", Proc. "New S1 Program of Material Science and Engineering", Bandung, 13-14 Desember 1988 28. R.E.Siregar dan M.O.Tjia, "Pengkajian Pola Alternasi Poliasetilen Dalam Kerangka Perumusan Pariser-Parr-Pople", Proc. "New S1 Program of Material Science and Engineering", Bandung, 13-14 Desember 1988 29. M.O.Tjia, "Beberapa Aspek Perkembangan Superkonduktivitas Tc Tinggi", Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional XII, Yogyakarta, Januari 1989 30. R.E.Siregar dan M.O.Tjia, "Efek Korelasi Elektron pada Keadaan Eksitasi Optik Poliena dalam Kerangka PPP", Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional XII, Yogyakarta, Januari 1989 31. Herman dan M.O.Tjia, "Analisis Spektrum Komponen", Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional XII, Yogyakarta, Januari 1989 32. Fitrilawati, R.E.Siregar dan M.O.Tjia, "Pola Alternasi Rantai Berkonjugasi Berdasarkan Model Longuet-Higgins-Salam", Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional XII, Yogyakarta, Januari 1989 33. Ering Poernomo, M.O.Tjia dan M.Barmawi, "Sistem Solenoida untuk Stabilisasi Laser He-Ne dengan Efek Zeeman", Proc. PPI- KIM '88, Jakarta, 16-17 November 1988 34. Bisman P., B.Kusumoputro, M.O.Tjia dan M.Barmawi, "Spektrometer Fluoresensi Laser N2dengan Menggunakan Integrator Boxcar", Proc. PPI-KIM '88, Jakarta, 16-17 November 1988 35. M.O.Tjia, "Polimer Konduktif dan Superkonduktif", Makalah Simposium HIMAFI, ITB, Bandung, 26 Sept 1989 36. R.E.Siregar dan M.O.Tjia, "Variasi Struktur Elektronik Poliasetilen-Trans Terhadap Kadar Soliton", Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional XIII, Puspitek-Serpong, 22-23 Jan 1991 37. B.Cholis S., M.O.Tjia dan M.Barmawi, "Sensor Kimia Optis Berdasarkan Efek Resonansi Plasmon Permukaan", Proc. Simposium Fisika Nasional XIII, Puspitek-Serpong, 22-23 Jan 1991 38. M.O.Tjia, "Peranan Fisika Material Dalam Perkembangan Teknologi Tinggi", Orasi Ilmiah pada Sidang Terbuka Senat ITB dalam rangka Dies Natalis ke-32, 2 Maret 1991 39. Mikrajuddin, M.O.Tjia, R.E.Siregar, "Dinamika Evolusi Soliton dan Polaron Dalam PoliasetilenTrans", Simposium Fisika Nasional XIV, Medan, Januari 1993 40. A.Agung Nugroho dan M.O.Tjia, "Studi Sistem Kisi Hubbard Linear dengan Setengah Populasi", Simposium Fisika Nasional XIV, Medan, Januari 1993 41. Rachmat Hidayat, Mikrajuddin, Widayani dan M.O.Tjia, "Studi Korelasi Kadar Dopan dan Konduktivitas Serta Sifat Optik Polianilin", Simposium Fisika Nasional XIV, Medan, Januari 1993 42. M.O.Tjia, W.Loeksmanto, B.Prijamboedi, R.E. Siregar dan E. Sihombing, "Pengaruh Kadar Dopan Pb/Sb dan Kondisi Sintesis pada Superkonduktor Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O yang dibuat dengan Reaksi Serbuk", Simposium Fisika Nasional XIV, Medan, Januari 1993 43. H.Kurniawan, A.M.Mangasi, W.Setiabudi, W.Hardjoutomo, M.O.Tjia, M.Barmawi, "Laser Nitrogen Daya Tinggi untuk Analisis Spektrokimia", Simposium Fisika Nasional XIV, Medan, Januari 1993 44. A.M.Marpaung, H.Kurniawan, M.O.Tjia, M.Barmawi, "Sinkronisasi Osilator TEA dan Penguat TE pada Laser Nitrogen", Simposium Fisika Nasional XIV, Medan, Januari 1993 18
45. M.O.Tjia, "Peluang Ilmu MIPA Bagi Perkembangan Teknologi Maju di Indonesia", Seminar Nasional "Sumbangan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Indonesia", ITB, Bandung, 28 Januari 1994. 46. R.E.Siregar, M.O.Tjia, "Dinamika Optik Nonlinear pada Poliena Untuk Keadaan Eksitasi Rendah", Simposium Fisika Nasional XV, Surabaya, Desember 1994 47. Fitrilawati, M.O.Tjia, "Sintesis Bahan Elektronik dan Karakterisasinya", Simposium Fisika Nasional XV, Surabaya, Desember 1994 48. M.O.Tjia, W.Loeksmanto, B.Prijamboedi, A.A.Nugroho, R.E.Siregar, "Hasil Kajian Sintesis Sistem Bi dengan Doping Pb Melalui Rute Padatan dan Prekursor Larutan", Simposium Fisika Nasional XV, Surabaya, Desember 1994 49. M.O.Tjia, Mikrajuddin, Rachmat Hidayat, Tatun H.Nufus, Endang Rosdiana, Widayani, Soegito, R.E. Siregar, "Beberapa Hasil Penelitian Aplikasi Bahan Polianilin", Simposium Fisika Nasional XV, Surabaya, Desember 1994 50. Z.A.Imam Supardi, M.O.Tjia, "Pengaruh Parameter Pemrosesan Pada Komposit (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox/Ag", Simposium Fisika Nasional XV, Surabaya, Desember 1994 51. M.O.Tjia, "Perkembangan Fisika Bahan Superkonduktor" Forum Komunikasi Penelitian Bidang MIPA", Depdikbud, Cipayung-Bogor, 24-27 Okt, 1994 52. T.H.Nufus, M.O.Tjia, "Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Serat Poliblend PANI/PPTA", Simposium Polimer Nasional 95, Jakarta, 11-12 Juli 1995 53. F.Fitrilawati, R.E.Siregar, M.O.Tjia, "Elektrokromisitas Bahan Komposit Polianilin-Prussian Blue", Simposium Polimer Nasional 95, Jakarta, 11-12 Juli 1995 54. E.Rosdiana, M.Abdullah, M.O.Tjia, "Prototipe Devais FET dengan Medium Saluran Polianilin", Simposium Polimer Nasional 95, Jakarta, 11-12 Juli 1995 55. Mikrajuddin, Widayani, R. Hidayat, Sugito, M.O.Tjia, "Pembuatan Prototipe Baterei Sekunder Polianilin", Simposium Polimer Nasional 95, Jakarta, 11-12 Juli 1995 56. M.O.Tjia, "Perkembangan Polimer Konduktif dan Aplikasinya", KIPNAS VI, Serpong, Tangerang, 1115 Sept 1995 57. T.H.Nufus, Fitrilawati, A.Heriyanto, M.O.Tjia, ”Blending PANI-PPMA Untuk Pengembangan Bahan Antistatik dan Elektroda Transparan”, Simposium Fisika Nasional XVII, Bandung, Des 1996 58. O.Hurhilal, R.Nur Atikah, Fitrilawati, R.E.Siregar, M.O.Tjia, ”Penggunaan PANI-dan Oksida Tungsten Sebagai Pasangan Elektroda Pada Pembuatan Prototipe Devais Elektrokromik”, Simposium Fisika Nasional XVII, Bandung, Des 1996 59. Fitrilawati, R.E.Siregar, T.H.Nufus, M.O.Tjia, ”Blending PANI dengan PPTA Untuk Pengembangan Bahan Elektrokromik Baru”, Simposium Fisika Nasional XVII, Bandung, Des 1996 60. R.E.Siregar, M.O.Tjia, ”Modeling Molekul Optik Nonlinear Dengan Susunan Donor Akseptor”, Simposium Fisika Nasional XVII, Bandung, Des 1996 61. M.Diantoro, Darminto, W.Loeksmanto, M.O.Tjia, “Kinetika Pembentukan Superkonduktor Sistem BPSCCO Fase-2223 melalui Prekursor Fase-2212”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika Terapan Dan Lingkungan ’97, LIPI, Serpong 8 Desember 1997 62. H.Taunaumang, Fitrilawati, Herman, R.E.Siregar, M.O.Tjia, “Blending Pani-EB/PI dan Karakterisasinya”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika Terapan Dan Lingkungan ’97, LIPI, Serpong 8 Desember 1997 63. A.Soehianie, M.O.Tjia, “Studi Semi Empiris Pengaruh Struktur Model pada Hiperpolarisabilitasnya”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika Terapan Dan Lingkungan ’97, LIPI, Serpong 8 Desember 1997 64. H.Taunaumang, Fitrilawati, Herman, M.O.Tjia, “Efek Optik Nonlinear Dari Poliblend PANI-PI”, Simposium Nasional Polimer II, Bogor 8 Juli 1998 65. Fitrilawati, H.Taunaumang, Herman, M.O.Tjia, “ Karakteristik Film Tipis PANI Hasil Evaporasi Vakum”, Simposium Nasional Polimer II, Bogor 8 Juli 1998 66. M.O.Tjia, “Fluctuation induced transport and magnetic phenomena in high-Tc superconductors”, Seminar & Workshop High Temperature Superconductors, Bandung 5-6 Oktober 1998 67. M.Diantoro, I.M.Sutjahja, W.Loeksmanto, M.O.Tjia, Abdurahman, “Studi Sifat Transport Intrinsik Dari Superkonduktor Bi1.8Pb0.5Sr2Ca2Cu3Oz “, Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Sains Materi III, Serpong 20-21 Oktober 1998 68. H.Taunaumang, Herman, M.O.Tjia, “Pembuatan Sistem Host-Guest Disperse RED 1/Poliimid dan Karakterisasinya”, Simposium Fisika Nasional XVII, Yogyakarta, 8-10 Des 1998 19
69. A.Soehianie, Sparisoma Viridi, R.E.Siregar, M.O.Tjia, “Studi Numerik Pengaruh Struktur Molekul Terkonjugasi Pada Hiperpolaribilitas dan Karakteristik Absorpsinya”, Simposium Fisika Nasional XVIII, Serpong 2000 70. Darminto, A.A.Nugroho, M.Diantoro, A.A.Menovsky, M.O.Tjia, “La0.75Ca0.25MnO3 crystal grown by floating zone technique and its characterization”, Simposium Fisika Nasional XVIII, Serpong 2000 71. R.Sutarto, M.O.Tjia, “Analisis Rapat Arus Kritis dari Data Magnetisasi Berdasarkan Model Wiesienger-Sauerzopf-Weber (WSW)”, Simposium Fisika Nasional XVIII, Serpong 2000 72. Fauzi, D.Sawitri, Darminto, M.O.Tjia, “Fabrikasi dan Karakterisasi Pita Superkonduktor BPSCCO2223/Ag Berfilamen-5”, Simposium Fisika Nasional XVIII, Serpong 2000 73. D.Sawitri, Fauzi, Darminto, M.O.Tjia : “Karakterisasi “Loss” AC Pada Pita komposit superkonduktor Bi1.8Pb0.5Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox/Ag”, Simposium Fisika Nasional XVIII, Serpong 2000 74. F.Fitrilawati, M.O.Tjia, H.H.Hoerhold, J.Ziegler, C.Bubeck, “Fabrication of low loss slab waveguide of MEH-PPV”, Simposium Fisika Nasional XVIII, Serpong 2000 75. Harsoyono, A.Soehianie, R.E.Siregar, M.O.Tjia, “Studi Karakteristik fungsi gerbang optik dari pandu gelombang planar optik nonlinear yang tergandeng”, Simposium Fisika Nasional XVIII, Serpong 2000 76. H.Taunaumang, Herman, M.O.Tjia, “Preparation of disperse red 1 thin film by vacuum evaporation method”, Simposium Fisika Nasional XVIII, Serpong 2000 77. M.Diantoro, A.A.Nugroho, W.Loeksmanto, M.O.Tjia, “The Effect of Ce Doping and Oxygen Reduction on Nd2-xCexCuO4 Structure”, Simposium Fisika Nasional XVIII, Serpong 2000 Bandung, 1 Agustus 2016
M.O. Tjia