Curriculum vitae Dr. Tibor Valuch
Date of birth: 19 June, 1963 Place of birth: Tata, Hungary Marital status: Married, with two children Contact: E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Phone: +36-30-9286-786 Mailing address: H-4032 Debrecen, Babits M. u. 44. Qualifications: 1981 GSCE, Nyíregyháza 1987 University degree, secondary school teacher of history and geography, KLTE, Debrecen 1994/95 research student of the Ph.D. program at the Institute of History, KLTE, Debrecen Ph.D. dissertation: Local revolution -- revolutionary organizations and their social composition in the county of HajdúBihar in 1956 Habilitation-thesis: Hungarian social history after WWII. DsC. dissertation: The changing of everyday life in Hungary in the second half of twentieth century –
Degree: Ph.D. (History) KLTE, Debrecen, 1995. Habilitation: (History) University of Debrecen, 2006 DsC (History) Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), Budapest, 2009. Scholarships: 1988 to 1991 Soros Foundation - 3 years 1992 to 1993 Pro Renovanda Cultura Hungariae Foundation - 2 years 1995 to 1999 OTKA/HNFR (Hungarian National Foundation of Research) – 4 years 1999 HAS Bolyai Foundation 1 year 2002 to 2005 OTKA/NFR - 3 years 2003 HAS Bolyai Foundation -1 year 2000-2007 National Research and Development Foundation Hungary - 3+4 years 2013 - Erasmus Foundation - 2 weeks, Paris 2013 - Hungarian Scholarship Board Office – 1 month, Vienna
2013-2014 National Excellence Fellowship Program, Budapest, Hungary – 1 year 2014 – Erasmus Foundation – 2 weeks, Valencia 2014 – Hungarian Scholarship Board Office (Klebelsberg Kunó Scholarship) – 2 months,Vienna 2014 – DAAD Scholarship – 2 months, Berlin, Free University Friedrich Meinecke Institute 2015 – Erasmus Foundation – 1 week, Trondheim 2015 – 2018 - OTKA/HNFR - 3 years 2016 – Senior Core Fellowship Budapest, Central European University Institute for Advanced Study - 6 months, Scholarships and researcher experiences abroad 1995 – Vienna 1998 - Helsinki 2003 - Sligo 2005 - Warsaw, Wolverhampton 2006 - Amsterdam 2008 - Berlin, Lisbon 2010 - Berlin 2013 - Paris, Vienna, 2014 - Valencia, Vienna, Berlin 2015 – Trondheim Employment: 1987 National Archives, Nyíregyháza 1991 to 2006 senior research fellow at the Institute for the History of 1956 Hungarian Academy of Sciences 1994 -1995 Deputy Managing Director at the Institute for the History of 1956 Hungarian Revolution 1997 - 2013 Associate professor at the Department of Historical Sociology, ELTE (part time job) 2007-2009 Senior Research Fellow at Institute of Political Sciences of HAS 2008 –2011 Associate professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Debrecen 2009 – Scientific advisor at Institute of Political Sciences of HAS 2011-2014 Head of Institute at the Institute of Political Science and Sociology, University of Debrecen 2011 – 2015 Full Professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Debrecen 2015 - Full Professor at the Department of History, Eszterházy Károly University of Applied Sciences Eger Experiences: 1984 to ‘87 participated in social history and sociology survey at Homokmégy since 1985 research papers published 1987 student’s research paper: first prize with distinction 1986/87 founding editor of HATÁR (social science journal), a periodical published by KLTE 1988 Rekviem a parasztságért/ Requiem for the Peasantry - monograph 1988 to 1995: editorial board of several volumes comprising the work of Csécsy Imre, Kovács Imre, Donáth Ferenc, Vámbéry Rusztem Co-editor of the volume Power and Society in 20th century Hungarian history 1990/91;1995/96/97/98 invited lecturer at the Department of Modern and Contemporary History, KLTE (University of Debrecen, KLTE): seminars on social history after 1945 1995/96 invited lecturer at the Department of Historical Sociology, University of Budapest (ELTE) 1996 ”Fifty-six’s”(”Ötvenhatosok”) - monograph 1998/99 Co-author of the volume A Cultural History of Hungary (Hungarian and English version too) 2001 Social History of Hungary after Second World War period - monograph (Osiris Publishers) 2004. Social History of Hungary... monograph (English version) 2006. The everyday life in the Kádár-period (Corvina Publishers)
2007-2010 – Participant researcher and advisor – Jazz in the Eastern Europe after WWII. Volkswagen Stiftung – Freie Universität, Berlin 2009. Hungary under Soviet Domination 1944 -1989 – monograph (English version) 2012-2013 HURO-Rural Youth jobs Project – Researcher 2012- Founding editor of METSZETEK (Cross-sections) Social Science Review 2013. Everyday life in Hungary from the WWII to the end of twentieth century - monograph 2013 - Guest professor in Paris, University 13. 2013 – Guest researcher in Vienna 2014 – Guest Professor in Valencia, Universitaria Florida 2014 – Guest researcher in Vienna 2014 – Curator of exhibition Border in Vienna (The opening of Austrian-Hungarian Border in 1989 from everyday life point of view) 2014 – Guest researcher in Berlin, Free University 2015 – Guest professor in Trondheim, Norwegian University of Science and Technology 2015 – Contemporary Hungarian Society - monograph 2016 – Guest researcher at Central European University, Budapest From 1995 permanently teaching experiences at university Languages: German, English Education and Research: The Social History of Hungary after Second World War period The Cultural History of Hungary after Second World War period The History of everyday life in the contemporary Hungary The Contemporary European Social History The Labour History in Hungary and in (Central-)Europe The Social History of Consumption in the modern Age Europe Main research projects in the latest years 2003-2006 – Social history of Hungarian everyday life in the second half of twentieth Century - project leader 2006-2012 – Social history of contemporary Hungarian consumption – project leader 2007-2010 – Jazz in the Eastern Europe after WWII. Volkswagen Stiftung – Freie Universität, Berlin, researcher and advisor 2008- Life hi(story) and social stratification of Hungarian industrial workers – project leader 2012-2013 HURO-Rural Youth jobs Project, principal researcher 2013 - Social history of consumption in Central Europe after WWII from comparative point of view, project leader 2015 –2018 OTKA/NFR -Worker, Society, History – the social stratification of Hungarian workers in the 20th Century Membership European Society of Rural Sociology - member European Labour History Network – member of Organization Committee Global Labour History Network - member Centre for the History of Retailing and Distribution (CHORD) - member István Hajnal Circle – Hungarian Association of Social Historians - chair Korall – Review of Hungarian Social History – member of Advisory Board Metszetek (Cross-sections) – Social Science Journal – editor Múltunk(Our Past) – Hungarian Review of Political History - member of Advisory Board Euro regional Journal of Socio-Economic Analysis – editor, advisor Hungarian Archival Review – member of Editorial Board
Selected List of Publications I. Monographs 1./ The Sunset of the traditional World Working papers on Sociography 68 pages Budapest, National Centre of Education, 1988.
2./ Requiem for the Peasantry Határ publications 160 pages Debrecen, KLTE, 1988 3./ “Fieftysixs” – Life story analyses of former Hungarian revolutionists in 1956 Cívis books, Debrecen, 1996. 4./ A Cultural History of Hungary (Co-author, Hungarian and English version) Osiris publishers, Budapest, 1998. (other editions: 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005)
5./ The Social History of Hungary in the Second Half of the 20th Century. Budapest: Osiris, 2001. 392 pp. (other editions: 2002. 2003, 2005) 6./Chapters entitled ‘The Transformation of the Hungarian Economy, 1944–1956’, ‘Hungarian Society between 1945 and 1956’, ‘Daily Life in Hungary in 1944–1956’ and ‘Culture and Education 1944–1956’. In: Magyarország a jelenkorban II. Magyarország története 1944-1956 (Hungary in the Present Period II. The History of Hungary 1944– 1956). CD—ROM. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2001. 7./ A lódentől a miniszoknyáig. A XX. század második felének magyarországi öltözködéstörténete (From loden coat to miniskirt. History of Hungarian dress in the second
half of the 20th century) Budapest: 1956-os Intézet/Corvina Kiadó, 2004, 166 pp. 8./ A hétköznapi élet Kádár János korában (‘Daily life in the Kádár period’). Budapest: Corvina Kiadó, 2006. (other editions: 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013) 9./ Metszetek. Válogatott tanulmányok [Cross -sections. Selected studies] Budapest, Argumentum – 1956-os Intézet, 2006, 270 pp. 10./ With Gábor Gyáni and György Kövér: Social history of Hungary from the Reform Era to the end of the Twentieth Century. Budapest/New York: ARP Publishers Ltd. 2004, 771 pp. (English language monograph) 11./ With György Gyarmati: Hungary under Soviet domination 1944-1989. BudapestNew York, ARP Publishers Ltd., 2009. 654 pp. (English language monograph) 12./ Hungarian every days. Everyday life in Hungary from the WWII to the end of the twentieth Century. Budapest, Napvilág Publisher Ltd. 2013. 348 pp. (other edition: 2014) 13./A jelenkori magyar társadalom (Contemporary Hungarian Society) Budapest, Osiris, 2015. 312 pp. Editor/Coeditor: 1./ Imre Csécsy: Radicalism and Democracy (Selected writings) Aetas books, Szeged, 1988 2./ Imre Kovács: Ethnicity, Radicalism, Democracy (Selected writings) Századvég-Gondolat-Nyilvánosság Klub publishers Budapest, 1992
3./ Ferenc Donáth: From the Front of March to Monor (Essays, sketches, reminiscences) Századvég-MTA Közgazdaságtudományi Intézet publishers Budapest, 1992. 4./ Documents of the 1956 Revolution from Hajdú-Bihar County Hajdú-Bihar research group of the Institute for the History of 1956 (with István Gazdag and Filep Tibor) Debrecen, 1993. 5./ Rusztem Vámbéry: Celestial Pilvax (Selected writings) Századvég-Nyilvánosság Klub publishers, Budapest, 1994
6./ Power and Society in 20th century Hungarian History Osiris-Institute for the History of 1956 Revolution publishers Budapest, 1995 . 7./ Edited with Levente Püski: Mérlegen a XX. századi magyar történelem—értelmezések és értékelések [Weighing 20th-Century Hungarian History—Interpretations and Assessments]. Contemporary History Workshop III. Budapest: 1956 Institute, and Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetem Történelmi Intézete Új- és Legújabbkori Magyar Történelmi Tanszék [Debrecen University Institute of History, Modern and Contemporary Hungarian History Department]. 538 pp. 8./ Magyar társadalomtörténeti olvasókönyv 1944-től napjainkig (Reader of Hungarian social history from 1944 to the present day). Budapest: Argumentum, 2004, 1095 pp. 9./ With Ildikó Simonovics: Öltöztessük fel az országot! Divat és öltözködés a szocializmusban (Dress the country! Fashion and dress under socialism). Budapest: Argumentum/BTM/1956-os Intézet, 2009. 214 pp. Selected Studies from the last years: 1./Változó idők—változó szokások. A tevékenységszerkezet, a jövedelem és a fogyasztás átalakulása a magyar falvakban a kollektivizálás időszakában (Changing times— changing habits. Activity structure, income and consumption change in Hungarian villages in the collectivization period). In: Ormos, Mária, ed., Magyar évszázadok. Tanulmányok Kosáry Domokos 90. születésnapjára (Hungarian seasons. Studies for the 90th birthday of Domokos Kosáry). Budapest: Osiris, 2003, 311–22. 2./Értelmiség, politika, kultúra a Kádár-korszakban (Intelligentsia, politics, culture in the Kádár period). In: Vonyó, József, ed., Társadalom és kultúra Magyarországon a 19-20. században. Tanulmányok (Society and culture in Hungary in the 19th and 20th cc. Studies). [Pécs:] Pannónia Könyvek/Magyar Történelmi Társulat, n. d. [2003]. 3./A történeti parasztság változásai az 1960-as években (Changes in the historical peasantry in the 1960s). Századvég 1:3–31, 2003. 4./‘Községünkben nagy előrehaladást értünk el a szocializmus építése terén’—A történeti parasztság és az életmód változásai Magyarországon a hatvanas években (‘Our village has made a big advance in building socialism’—The historical peasantry and way-of-life changes in Hungary in the 1960s). In. Rainer, János M., ed., Múlt századi hétköznapok, Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2003 129–76, 2003. 5./A bőséges ínségtől az ínséges bőségig - a fogyasztás változásai Magyarországon az 1956 utáni évtizedekben (From plentiful destitution to destitute plenty—changes in consumption in Hungary in the decades after 1956). In: Rainer, János M., and Éva Standeisky, eds, Magyarország a jelenkorban. Évkönyv X. 2003, Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2003, 51–78, 2003. 6./A hosszú háztól a kockaházig. A lakásviszonyok változásai a magyar falvakban a
hatvanas években (From the long house to the square house. Changes in housing conditions in Hungarian villages in the 1960s). In: János M. Rainer, ed., „Hatvanas évek” Magyarországon. Tanulmányok (The Sixties in Hungary. Studies). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2004, 386–408. 7./„A közellátás helyzete az utóbbi időben romlott.” Az élelmiszer-ellátás és a táplálkozás néhány jellegzetessége Magyarországon az 1950-es években. (‘The public-supply situation has deteriorated in recent years.’ Some features of food supply and nutrition in Hungary in the 1950s). In: János M. Rainer and Éva Standeisky, eds, Évkönyv XII. 2004. Magyarország a jelenkorban (Yearbook XII. Hungary in the present period). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2004, 232–44. 8./From long house to square. Changing village living conditions in Sixties Hungary. In. György Péter and János M. Rainer ed. : Muddling Trough in the long 1960s. Ideas and everyday life in high politics and the lower classes of communist Hungary. Trondheim, 2005. The Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and Program on East European Culture and Societies. 9./Cukros-zsíros kenyér és borjúbécsi - az élelmiszer-fogyasztási és táplálkozási szokások változásai (‘Bread and sugar/lard and veal scallopschanges in food consumption and nutrition’). Műhely 2005:1, pp. 57–63. 10./Sorsok és pályák - az '56-osok életút-vizsgálatának néhány tanulsága (Destinies and careers-some lessons of the life-path examination of 56-ers). In: Pál, Lajos, and Ignác Romsics, eds. 1956 okai, jelentősége és következményei (Causes, significance and consequences of 1956). Budapest: Magyar Történelmi Társulat, 2006, 251-266. 11./A nemzeti azonosságtudat néhány sajátossága Magyarországon 1945 után (Some characteristics of the national sense of identity in Hungary after 1945). In: Sutaj, Stefan, and László Szarka, eds: Regionális és nemzeti identitás formák a 18-20. századi magyar és szlovák történelemben (Regional and national forms of identity in 18th-20th century Hungarian and Slovak history). Eperjes: Universum Kiadó, 2007, 134-142. 12./Rántott leves, cukros-zsíros kenyér és borjúbécsi (Brown soup, bread and sugar and dripping, and veal scallop). In: Hudi, József, ed.: A fogyasztás társadalomtörténete. Rendi társadalom-polgári társadalom 19. (Social history of consumption. Feudal society-civil society 19) Pápa/Budapest: Hajnal István Kör/Pápai Reformátusgyűjtemények, 2007, 293-308. 13./A hétköznapi élet Magyarországon a XX. század második felében (Everyday life in Hungary in second half of the 20th century). In: Majtényi, György, and Csaba Szabó, ed.: Rendszerváltás és Kádár-korszak (System change and Kádár period). Budapest: ÁBSZTL/Kossuth Kiadó, 2008, 429-440. 14./Csepel bicikli, Caeser konyak, Symphonia, Trapper farmer. A fogyasztás és a fogyasztói magatartás változásai a szocialista korszakban (Csepel bikes, Caeser brandy, Trapper jeans. Changes in consumption and consumer behaviour in the socialist period). Múltunk 2008:3, 40-59. 15./"Kéz-kezet mos"-szocialista összeköttetések a Kádár-korszakban (Helping hands. Socialist connections in the Kádár period). Bárka 2008:6, 76-81. 16./A városi öltözködés változásai Magyarországon 1948-2000 (Changes in urban dress in Hungary 1948-2000). In: Öltöztessük..., pp. 99-129. 17./Hétköznapok a hatvanas évek Budapestjén (Everydays in the 1960s in Budapest). In: István Feitl, ed.: Budapest az 1960-as években (Budapest in the 1960s). Budapest: Napvilág,
2009, pp. 171-188.
18./Család, háztartás, a női tevékenységszerkezet és szerepfelfogás változásai 1945 után (Changes in family, household, and female activity structure and role after 1945). RubiconlinePlusz, 2009:4. 19./"Mosdunk, fürdünk, fogat mosunk...."A tisztálkodási és a testápolási szokások változásainak néhány jellegzetessége 1945 után ("We wash, we bathe, we brush our teeth...." Some aspects of washing and bodily hygiene habits after 1945. In: Katalin Juhász, ed.: Tiszta sorok-tanulmányok a tisztaságról és a tisztálkodásról (Clean linesstudies on cleanliness and washing). Budapest: L'Harmattan, 2009, 174-181. 20./Enni és lakni is kellene... A nagyüzemi munkásság életkörülményeinek néhány sajátossága Ózdon a II. világháborút követő évtizedekben (You have to eat and live.... Some aspects of the living conditions of workers in large-scale industry in Ózd in the decades after World War II). In: Évkönyv XVI, pp. 75-114. 2010. 21./Urban Dress in Hungary, 1948 to 2000. In. Djurdja Bartlett (ed.) Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion. Volume 9. East Europe, Russia and the Caucasus New York, 2010. Berg Publishers Ltd. pp. 183-189. 22./A Social History of Twentieth-Century Europa by Béla Tomka HUNGARIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW 2012/3-4.:(3-4.) pp. 475-480. 23./A társadalmi rétegződés és a társadalomszerkezet változásainak néhány jellegzetessége a rendszerváltás Magyarországán (The changes of social stratification and social structure in Hungary after change regime) AETAS - TÖRTÉNETTUDOMÁNYI FOLYÓIRAT 4:(2013/4) pp. 101-119. (2013) 24./Social transformation and changes in daily life in Hungary, during the period of the change of system METSZETEK, 2014/1. pp. 205-214. 25./Soziale Veränderung in der ungarischen und österreichischen Gesellschaft der K(reisky) und K(ádár) Ära und danach/Social changes in the Hungarian and Austrian Society in
Kreisky and Kádár period and after In: Szabó Csaba (ed.) Österreich und Ungarn im 20. Jahrhundert. Bécs: Collegium Hungaricum, 2014. pp. 47-59.
26./ Gesellschaftliche Veränderungen und Konflikte im Alltagsleben Ungarns seit 1989/90. In. Zsolt K. Lengyel (ed.): Ungarn und seine Nachbarn 1989-2014. Eine Bilanz. Hungaricum – Ungarisches Institut der Universität Regensburg. Number of publications: Monograph: 14 Monograph Co-author:4 Edited books: 13 Papers: 158 Citations: 831 List of publications on
Selected conference papers in the last years
- The activity structure, income and consumption in Hungarian villages in the collectivization period - European Society of Rural Sociology 20th Biennial Conference, Sligo, 2003. - The changes of everyday life in Hungary after World War II.-Power and Society in the Central European Transition. The Conference of Free University and 1956 Institute. Erdőtarcsa, 2004. -The everyday life in socialist Hungary University of Warsaw-CEU, Warsaw, 2005.
- The changes of everyday life in Hungarian transition. International conference “Dilemmas of the Post-Communist Conditions” University of Wolverhampton 2005. - The Changes of Social Structure in Hungary after WWII: Theoretical and methodological Questions. Social History in East-Central Europe: Regional Perspectives in a Global Context. Eastern European Regional Seminar in Recent History – CEU, Budapest, 2005. - Consumption and Society in socialist Hungary after 1956. European Social Science History Conference, Amsterdam, 2006 - Schiksale und Lebensläufe. Lebenswege der Revolutionäreren im Jahre 1956 in der Kadar-Ära Eisenstadt, 2006. - Social mobility and identity problems in the Hungarian society after WWII. „Social Transformation and Social Identities in East-Central and Southeastern Europe under Socialism, 1944/45-1989/91. – CEU - 2007. - Society and subculture in Hungary after WWII. Workshop on Free University, Berlin, 2008. - The power of consumption - The changing of fashionable clothing in Hungary in the second half of the 20th century. European Social Science History Conference, Lisbon, 2008. Music, subculture from point of view East European comparison. Stiftung and Free University, 2010.
Berlin, Volkswagen
Political Governance and Society in Hungary today – short course at University 13, Paris, 2013. Soziale Veränderung in der ungarischen und österreichischen Gesellschaft in der zweiten Hälfte 20. Jahrhunderts. Ludwig Bolzman Institut-Ungarisches Institut, Vienna, 2013. Consumption and Society in the Contemporary Europe – short course at Universitaria Florida, Valencia. 2014. Gesellschaftliche Veränderungen und Konflikte im Alltagsleben Ungarns seit 1989/90. „25 Jahre. Ungarn und seine Nachbarn 1989-2014. Eine Bilanz“.Hungaricum – Ungarisches Institut der Universität Regensburg (HUI) in Zusammenarbeit mit Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde (DGO) Forschungszentrum Deutsch in Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa der Universität Regensburg (Fz DiMOS) Institut für Ostrecht (IOR) 2014. Consumption and Consumer Society in Europe after 1945 – East-West Comparison and the Hungarian Case. Free University, Berlin, 2014. Goulash-communism in Hungary – Warsaw, 2015. Present Time - Society - History - Methodological Considerations - Boundaries of Contemporary History – International Conference at Pázmány Péter University, Budapest, 2015. The remembrance of the contemporary workers life in Hungary - 1st ELHN Conference, 2015, Turin, SISLAV-IISH-University of Turin