By: DEWI YUSUF 106014000350
ABSTRACT IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF IF CONDITIONAL TYPE 2 BY USING PROBLEM SOLVING ACTIVITY A Classroom Action Research in the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 2 Jakarta. Skripsi of English Education at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Training of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2013. This research was carried out to improve the students‟ understanding of if conditional type 2 by using problem solving activity in the eleventh grade of SMAN 2 Jakarta. The subjects of this study were consisted of 40 students. The method used in this research was Classroom Action Research (CAR). The classroom action research design applied in this study was a collaborative classroom action research. It meant that the writer collaborated with the classroom English teacher of SMAN 2 Jakarta to design the lesson plan, the teaching materials, and the tasks for the students‟ activity in the class. The writer used the action research design of Kemmis and Mc Taggart. The research was carried out in two cycles and following procedures of action research; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Each cycle consisted of two meetings. The data collecting in this research was taken from interview, observation, field notes, and test. The result of the research showed that there was the improvement of the students‟ understanding of if conditional type 2. Most of the students‟ gradually gained good scores at the end of each cycle. The score of Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM) of English lesson at SMAN 2 Jakarta was 75 (seventy five). The students‟ mean score in preliminary study was 60.38. The mean score in the first cycle was 70.23. The mean score of the second cycle was 80.8. In addition, the improvement of the students‟ score from pre-test to the first post test was 16.31% and the improvement of the students‟ score from pre-test to the second post test was 33.82%. The class condition during the teaching learning process was good. The students were more enthusiastic and well-participated in the class. The teacher was also more creative in designing the task for the students‟ activity and encouraged the students‟ to be active in the class. In conclusion, problem-solving activity can improve the students‟ understanding of if conditional type 2 and it is the effective activity to make the students active and more enthusiastic in learning grammar.
ABSTRAK IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF IF CONDITIONAL TYPE 2 BY USING PROBLEM SOLVING ACTIVITY A Classroom Action Research in the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 2 Jakarta. Skripsi of English Education at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Training of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2013. Kata Kunci: Problem-Solving Activity, If Conditional Sentence type 2, Eleventh Grade, SMAN 2 Jakarta Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa SMAN 2 Jakarta kelas 11 dalam menggunakan if conditional type 2 menggunakan problemsolving activity. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri dari 40 siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilakukan secara kolaboratif antara peneliti dengan guru kelas bahasa Inggris SMAN 2 Jakarta. Penulis dan guru bersama-sama merancang rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran, serta latihan-latihan untuk kegiatan siswa di kelas. Penulis menggunakan model penelitian tindakan kelas oleh Kemmis dan Mc Taggart. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus dan mengikuti prosedur dalam penelitian rindakan kelas, yaitu planning, acting, observing, dan reflecting. Ada dua pertemuan pada setiap siklusnya. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini diambil dari wawancara, observasi, catatan lapangan, dan tes. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pemahaman siswa terhadap materi if conditional type 2. Nilai rerata siswa secara bertahap mengalami peningkatan dari siklus satu ke siklus berikutnya. Nilai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) untuk pelajaran bahasa Inggris di SMAN 2 Jakarta adalah 75. Nilai rerata siswa yang didapat dari nilai pre-test adalah 60.38. Nilai rerata siswa pada post test pertama adalah 70.23. Nilai rerata siswa pada post test kedua adalah 80.8. Peningkatan nilai siswa dari pre-test ke post test pertama adalah 16.31% dan peningkatan nilai siswa dari pre-test ke post test kedua adalah 33.82%. Kondisi kelas selama proses pembelajaran sudah baik. Siswa lebih antusias dan berpartisipasi dengan baik di dalam kelas. Guru juga lebih kreatif dalam merancang latihan-latihan untuk kegiatan siswa dan lebih memacu siswa untuk dapat aktif di dalam kelas. Kesimpulannya, problem-solving activity dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam mempelajari if conditional type 2 dan problem-solving activity sangat efektif untuk membuat siswa antusias dan aktif dalam mempelajari grammar.
In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful
All praise be to Allah, Lord of the World, who has blessed and given the writer abundant mercy, help, and guidance, so she could finish the last assignment in her study. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his families, his companions, and his followers. This „skripsi‟ under the title “Improving Students‟ Understanding of If Conditional Type 2 by Using Problem solving Activity” is presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Training in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of Art) in English Education. The greatest honor and deepest gratitude are expressed to her advisor, Drs. Bahrul Hasibuan, M.Ed, who has been very patient to devote his attention, energy, time, valuable help, guidance, and motivation to assist the writer, so that the writer is able to finish this „skripsi‟. The writer also wishes to express an acknowledgment and deep gratitude to: 1. Prof. Dr. H. Rif‟at Syauqi Nawawi, M.Pd., the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta 2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., the Head of English Education Department 3. Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd., the Secretary of English Education Department 4. All lectures of English Education Department who have taught and educated the writer during this study 5. Drs. Abdullah Tiahara, the Principal of SMAN 2 Jakarta who has given the opportunity to do the research 6. Ade Herawaty, the Classroom English Teacher of SMAN 2 Jakarta who has given time, ideas, advice, and support to do the research 7. The most special person in her life, her beloved mother, Casmi, who has given love and greater support for her to finish this study. Her beloved husband,
Firdaus Sahlani, who always encourages and gives motivation to her during finishing this „skripsi. The writer does realize that this „skripsi‟ cannot be considered perfect without critiques and suggestions. Therefore, it is such a pleasure for her to get critiques and suggestions to make this „skripsi‟ better.
Jakarta, May 2013
The Writer
APPROVAL ........................................................................................................ i ENDORSEMENT SHEET ……………………………………………………. ii ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………... iii ABSTRAK ……………………………………………………………………... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………….. v TABLE OF CONTENTS .……………………………………………………. vii LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................ ...x LIST OF FIGURES …………………………………………………………… xi LIST OF APPENDICES ……………………………………………………... xii CHAPTER 1
: INTRODUCTION A. The Background of the Problem …………………….. .1 B. Identification of the Problem ………………………….4 C. The Limitation and Formulation of the Problem …..… 5 D. The Objectives of the Research …………………….... 5 E. The Significance of the Research ……………………. .5
: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. The Conditional Sentences 1.
The Understanding of the Conditional Sentences ... .6
The Types of the Conditional Sentence …………… 7
The Uses of the Conditional Sentences ……...…… 14
B. Problem-Solving Activity 1.
The Understanding of Problem-Solving Activity... 15
The Problem Questions of Problem Solving Activity..................................................................... 16
The Stages of Problem Solving Activity ……...….. 18
Teaching Conditional Sentences Type 2 by Using Problem-Solving Activity ………………..…….… 20
C. Classroom Action Research
1. The Understanding of Action Research …...………… 21 2. The Process of Action Research ………………...…... 22 3. The Design of Classroom Action Research ………..... 23 4. The Uses of Action Research ……………………..…. 24 D. The Previous Related Studies ………………………...24
: METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH A. The Objective of the Research ……………………… 27 B. The Place and Time of the Research ………………... 27 C. The Method of the Research …………………...…… 27 D. The Design of the Research ………….……………... 28 E. The Subject of the Research ………………………… 30 F. The Role of the Writer and Classroom Teacher in the Research …………...…………………………………. 30 G. The Procedures of Classroom Action research …...… 30 1. Planning ……………………………………… 30 2. Acting ………………………………...……… 30 3. Observing ……………………………………. 31 4. Reflecting ……………………………………. 31 H. The technique of Data Collecting …………………… 31 1. Interview …………………………………….. 31 2. Observation ……………………………..…… 32 3. Test ……………………………………...…… 32 I. The Technique of Data Analysis ……………………...32 J. The Criteria of Action Success ………………………. 34
: RESEARCH FINDING A. The Description of Data 1. Before Implementing the action …………………….. .35 2. The Implementation of CAR ……………………….. .37 3. After Implementing the Action ……………………… 45
B. The Analysis of Data ………………………………... 46 C. The Interpretation of Data …………………...……… 49
: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ………………………………..………… 52 B. Suggestion …………………………………….……. .53
BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………………….. 54 APPENDICES
LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 Schedule of Research ……………………………………………. 44
LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1 Action Research Design of Kemmis & Mc Taggart ……………….. 28 Figure 3.2 Procedure of CAR Modified by the Writer ……………….………... 29
LIST OF APPENDICES 1. The Outcome of Interview Before CAR …………………………………. ...57 2. The Outcome of Interview After CAR …………………………………… ...60 3. The Instrument of Test ……………………………………………………. ..61 4. The Lesson Plan in the First Meeting of Cycle 1 …………………………... 67 5. The Lesson Plan in the Second Meeting of Cycle 1 ……………………….. 72 6. The Lesson Plan in the First Meeting of Cycle 2 …………………………... 76 7. The Lesson Plan in the Second Meeting of Cycle 2 ……………………….. 80 8. Observational Notes ……………...………………………………………… 84
A. The Background of the Problem Language is a means of communication. In Contextualising Difficulties in Literacy Development, Joseph A. Diorio stated “Language is an instrument through which we express ourselves, act on to the world, and pursue our objectives”.1 It means that language is used to express what people want to convey and make the people understand what the speakers mean. There are few basic concepts of language as a means of communication. In social skill, language is used to make friends and participate in the games, music, and movies. In academic skill, language is used to participate in a small group oral discussion about issues and ideas, give oral responses to the teacher’s questions, and complete homework assignments.2 It means language can be used not only to socialize with other people but also to participate in the classroom activity. English has become the first foreign language that is taught in every level of education. In Indonesia, English is taught as a local content in primary school, as a compulsory subject in secondary school, and also as a complementary subject in university. This is organized to make the students
Janet Soler, Janice Wearmouth, and Gavin Reid, Editor, Contextualising Difficulties in Literacy Development: Exploring Politics, Culture, Ethnicity, and Ethics, (New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2002), p. 287. 2 Jodi Reiss, Teaching Content to English Language Learners: Strategies for Secondary School Success, (New York: Longman, 2005), pp. 10-11.
master English as well through learning and acquiring process in the classroom. English has four skills that need to be mastered by the students. The skills are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition, the skills are closely related to grammar as the rule of sentence pattern. Therefore, the students need to learn grammar so that they are able to comprehend all of the skills. Ur states “There is no doubt that a knowledge – implicit or explicit – of grammatical rules is essential for the mastery of a language: you cannot use words unless you know how they should be put together”.3 It means that grammar is important because it has many rules that can combine the words to form meaning. Because of its function, grammar is one part of English language that needs to learn by the students. In the grammar teaching, the teacher needs to make the students involve in the meaningful activities. Harmer states “Students must be encouraged to respond texts and situations with their own thoughts and experience, rather than just by answering questions and doing abstract learning activities”.4 It means that the teacher needs to create the activity that engages both the students’ background knowledge and the teaching material. Therefore, it gives the students an opportunity to express their idea and thoughts in learning activities. Teaching if conditional sentence type 2 at the eleventh grade students of SMAN 2 Jakarta is aimed at the ability of the students in using speech act: giving advice in the analytical exposition text. It is attached in the syllabi of the eleventh grade students of SMAN 2 jakarta that the students are required to be able to use speech act: giving advice to response transactional and interpersonal conversation and to make them understand the analytical exposition text in daily life. 3
Penny Ur, Grammar Practice Activities: A Practical Guide for Teachers, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988), p. 4. 4 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (Essex: Longman, 2001), rd 3 Ed., p. 39.
Often, the students do not know how to apply the rules of grammar to the actual situation. It is because the teacher often asks the students to do several tasks which are not related to their background knowledge. The teacher does not get the students to make their own sentences, but she gets them to make the repetition of model sentences. She also does not create a new situation in the classroom which makes them to think and engages both their knowledge and the material. There are many schools where the teacher uses this kind of teaching model in teaching if conditional sentences. One of them is SMAN 2 Jakarta in which the teacher presents the material taken from the textbook, gives many model of sentences to the students, and asks them to change those given sentences into the correct form. According to the interview that was conducted to the teacher, the students have difficulties in using if conditional sentence type 2. They do not know when they use if conditional sentence type 2. It is because if conditional sentences have different forms based on the particular situations. Moreover, the model teaching of the teacher does not make the students active in learning activities. Because the students need to use their background knowledge in learning grammar, especially conditional sentences, the teacher has to create the activity that can provide a new situation for the students in the classroom. A new situation that makes the students use their knowledge to express their idea and thoughts. Therefore, they can learn if conditional sentences from what they experience in the classroom. The activity which is appropriate with this situation is problem-solving activity. Problem-solving activity is the activity of learning that provides the students an opportunity to use their knowledge in solving a problem. Michael Legutke states “In a problem-solving activity participants are similarly invited to negotiate a solution, but they are normally all exposed to the same input
data.”5 It means the teacher gives the same problem to all of the students. They discuss it with their friends to seek a solution to the problem. After that, she checks their answers for the appropriate solution. The writer is the alumna of SMAN 2 Jakarta. When she was a student in SMAN 2 Jakarta, she was presented the patterns of conditional sentences type 1 and type 2 by the teacher. Then, she was asked to change the model sentences of conditional sentence type 1 into the model sentences of conditional sentence type 2 based on the pattern of conditional sentence type 2. As the result, the students knew the rules of conditional type 2, but they still could not use it meaningfully. The writer chooses problem-solving activity as the model teaching of if conditional type 2 in SMAN 2 Jakarta, because it requires the students to use their background knowledge in learning grammar. Therefore, the students do not only know the rules, but also they know how to apply if conditional sentence type 2 to the actual situation. The writer confirmed it to the English teacher of SMAN 2 Jakarta and she allowed the writer to conduct an experiment in her class. Based on the statement above, the writer is interested in conducting an action research by using problem-solving activity on the title: “Improving Students Understanding of If Conditional Type 2 by Using Problem-Solving Activity in SMAN 2 Jakarta.” The writer assumes that problem-solving activity can stimulate the students to explore their ideas and thoughts. The students need to seek a logical solution to the problem which they might encounter then they express it in written or spoken language.
B. Identification of the Problem The problem identified in this research are the students have difficulties in using if conditional sentence type 2 in actual situations, the grammar teaching model of the teacher is not communicative in the class, and 5
Michael Legutke and Howard Thomas, Process and Experience in the Language Classroom, (London: Longman, 1997), p. 100
how to improve the eleventh grade students’ understanding of if conditional type 2 by using problem solving activity in SMAN 2 Jakarta.
C. The Limitation and the Formulation of the Problem In this paper, the writer limits the problem only on teaching if conditional type 2 by using problem solving activity. The formulation of the problem discussed in this paper is as follow: Can problem solving activity improve the students’ understanding in using if conditional type 2? and How can problem solving activity improve the students’ understanding in using if conditional sentences type 2?
D. The Objective of the Research The objective of the research is to find the empirical evidence whether problem-solving activity can improve the students’ mastery in if conditional sentence type 2.
E. The Significance of the Research The writer hopes that the result of the research can inspire the English teachers to improve their teaching of grammar to be more successful. It is also to provide a communicative activity to learn grammar in the classroom.
A. The Conditional Sentences 1. The Understanding of the Conditional Sentences Conditional sentence is a part of the English grammars which the students need to learn. It has many different types that can be used in many different situations. However, before we discuss the types and the uses of conditional sentences, it is better to talk about the understanding of the conditional sentences which are derived from many grammarians first. According to Devitiis, et al, ”Conditional sentences deal with an event or a situation which is, or which was, dependent on the fulfilment of a condition.” 1 Hurford defines, “A conditional clause is a subordinate clause introduced in English by if or unless, stating some condition under which an adjacent clause applies.”2 According to Hall, “Conditional sentences with if indicate that the truth of the main clause depends on the presence of the condition in the if clause.”3
G. De Devitiis, L. Mariani, and K. O‟Malley, English Grammar for Communication, (Harlow: Longman, 1989), p. 161. 2 James R. Hurford, Grammar: A Students’ Guide, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), p. 45. 3 Eugene J. Hall, Grammar for Use: A Realistic Approach to Grammar Study for Intermediate and Practical Application, (Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara, 1993), p. 277.
Cowan also states in his book, The Teacher’s Grammar of English, that conditional sentence is a sentence that express a condition and the result of the condition.4 The writer summarizes that a conditional sentence is a sentence which begins with if or unless and the sentence expresses a condition and its result, where the main clause indicates the truth depending on the condition in the sub clause.
2. The Types of The Conditional Sentence Based on its use, the conditional sentence is divided into three types. Each of them has basic pattern. Basically, the conditional sentence consists of the main clause and the if clause. However, when the main clause and the if clause are put into the sentence, they have many variations in each type of conditional sentences.
a. The Conditional Sentence Type 1 Conditional sentence type 1 describes future events that will happen, or are likely to happen. It is a real possibility in the speaker‟s mind, not imaginary. 5 It means when someone uses this kind of sentence, she expresses a possibility that may happen in the future. However, she does not know whether it can happen or not. This sentence is to talk about possible situation. The first type of conditional sentence is presented as follow:6
If Clause (Simple Present) , Main Clause (will/shall)
Ron Cowan, The Teacher’s Grammar of English, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), p. 449. 5 Michael Vince and Paul Emmerson, Intermediate Language Practice With Key: English Grammar and Vocabulary, (Oxford: Macmillan, 2003), p. 50. 6 Carroll Washington Pollock, Communicate What You Mean: A Concise Advanced Grammar, (Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall Regents, 1997), 2 nd Ed., p. 227.
For Example: 1)
If you are not careful, you will break the plate.
If I run, I shall get there in time.
If Clause (Present Continuous) , Main Clause (will/shall)
For Example: 1) If you are looking for Peter, you will find him upstairs. 2) If he is working, I shall not disturb him. If Clause (Present Perfect) , Main Clause (will/shall) For Example: 1) If he has written the letter, I will post it. 2) If you have finished dinner, I shall ask for the bill. If Clause (Present Perfect Continuous) , Main Clause (will/shall) For Example: 1) If he has been studying, I will not disturb him. 2) If we have been standing here, we shall see the accident. If Clause (Modal) , Main Clause (will/shall)
For example: 1) If I may see him today, I will tell him to call you. 2) If I can study, I shall pass the test. “Will” and “shall” are not the only modal verbs used in the main clause. The verbs in the main clause are varied. In A Practical English
Grammar, there are other variations of the verb in the main clause in conditional sentence type 1:7 1) May/Might (possibility). For example: If the fog gets thicker, the plane may/might be diverted. 2) May (permission) & Can (permission/ability). For example: If your documents are in order, you may/can leave at once. If it stops snowing, we can go out. 3) Must, Should, or any expression of command, request, or advice. For example: If you want to lose weight, you must/should eat less bread. If you want to lose weight, you had better eat less bread. If you want to lose weight, eat less bread. 4) Another Present Tense. For example: If you heat ice, it turns to water. If the temperature rises, the water evaporates. From the variations above, the writer summarizes that the tenses used in the if clause are simple present, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, and modals. Besides, the tense used in the main clause is future tense. “Will” and “shall” are used as the future verbs. Beside the future verbs, main clause can contain other modal auxiliary verbs; may/might, can, must, should, or any expression command, request or advice, and even another present tense.
A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar¸ (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980), 3rd Ed., p. 187.
b. The Conditional Sentence Type 2 Conditional sentence type 2 is used to talk about unreal or improbable situations now or in the future; this type use past tense in the if clause and would + infinitive in the other part of the sentence.8 It means that conditional sentence type 2 is used when someone imagines the situation which is contrary to the real situation. It uses past tense in the if clause and “would” in the main clause. These are the patterns of if conditional sentence type 2:9 If Clause (Simple Past), Main Clause (would/should) For Example: 1) If I worked harder, I should make much money (But I don‟t work harder). 2) If I had a map, I would lend it to you (But I haven‟t a map. The meaning here is present). If Clause (Past Continuous), Main Clause (would/should) For Example: 1) If my car was working, I would drive you to the station (But my car is broken down). 2) If John was studying, he should pass the test (But he is playing games now).
If Clause (Modal), Main Clause (would/should)
Michael Swan, Practical English Usage, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995), 2 nd Ed., p. 247. 9 Pollock, op. cit., p. 229.
For example: 1) If I could see him today, I would tell him to call you (But he does not come to the office, so I cannot see him today). 2) If John could study, he should pass the test (But he cannot study because he is sick now). Beside “would” and “should”, main clause can contain the other past form of the modal auxiliary verbs. These are the other variations of verbs in the main clause:10 1) Might and Could For example: If you tried again, you might succeed. (possible result) If he had a permit, he could get a job. (ability or permission) 2) Continuous Conditional Form For Example: If I were on holiday, I would/might be touring Italy. (Peter is on holiday; he is touring Italy. I am not Peter). If you were a parent, you would understand how I feel. (But, I am not a parent). 3) Past tense For Example: If anyone interrupted him, he got angry (whenever anyone interrupted him). If he did not take the pills, he felt dizzy (he takes the pills to relieve his dizziness). The writer summarizes that the tense used in the if clause are simple past and past continuous. In addition, main clause can contain several past forms of modal auxiliary verbs, continuous conditional form, and past tense. “Were” in the if clause is used for all subjects. Although the tenses used in the if clause are simple past and past continuous, the
Thomson and Martinet, op. cit., p. 189.
time reference is in the present or future. It is because conditional sentence type 2 expresses the situation which is contrary to the present truth.
c. The Conditional Sentence Type 3 Conditional sentence type 3 is used to talk about an imaginary past situation and its results.11 It means that conditional sentence type 3 is used when the speaker imagines the situation which is contrary to the situation in the past truth. These are the patterns of conditional sentence type 3:12 If Clause (past perfect), Main Clause (would/should + have + past participle) For example: 1) If he had tried to leave the country, he would have been stopped at the frontier (but he didn‟t try). 2) If Leslie had studied, she should have passed the test (She did not study, so she did not pass the test).
If Clause (past perfect continuous), Main Clause (would/should + have + past participle)
For example: 1) If I hadn‟t been wearing a seat belt, I would have been seriously injured (Luckily I was wearing a seat belt). 2) If you had been driving the car carefully, you shouldn‟t have got an accident (you were driving the car carelessly). If Clause (past perfect passive), Main Clause (would/should + have + past participle)
11 12
Scott Thornbury, Natural Grammar, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004), p. 60. Pollock, op. cit., p. 232.
For example: 1) If my application had been mailed on time, I would have taken the TOEFL test last week (My application was not mailed on time). 2) If a shopping list had been made before going to the store, you shouldn‟t have forgotten to buy soda. (But you did not make a shopping list, so you did not buy soda). In conditional sentence type 3, would or should have is used in the main clause. However, there are other variations of the verbs in main clause as follow:13 1) Could or Might For example: If we had found him earlier, we could have saved his life. (ability). If we had found him earlier, we might have saved his life. (possibility) 2) Had can be placed first and if omitted. For example: If you had obeyed orders, this disaster would not have happened. = Had you obeyed orders, this disaster would not have happened To sum up, the tenses used in the if clause are past perfect, past perfect continuous, and past perfect passive. Besides that, the main clause contains any kind of modals added with have and past participle. If can be omitted and replaced with had and it is put at the beginning of the sentence. Although the tenses used in the if clause are in the past perfect form, the time reference is in the past.
Thomson and Martinet, op. cit., p. 190.
3. The Use of Conditional Sentences As Pollock mentions in his book, Communicate What you Mean, conditional sentences can be used by a speaker or a writer to communicate many different ideas. Among them are:14 a. to make predictions. For example: If I study hard this quarter, I will get “A”s in every class. b. to discuss mistakes in the past. For example: If I had studied more last quarter, I would have gotten better grades. c. to express dreams. For example: If I were rich, I would travel around the world. d. to give advice. For example: If I were you, I would save money instead of wasting it. e. to make apologies. For example: If I had known you were waiting for a call, I would not have stayed on the phone so long. I‟m sorry to have kept you waiting. In Collins Cobuild English Grammar, Sinclair also mentions the use of conditional sentences. Among them are:15 a. to talk about a situation which sometimes exists or existed For example: If I saw him in the street, he‟d just say „Good morning.‟ b. to talk about a situation which the speaker knows does not exist. For example: If I could afford it, I would buy a boat. c. to talk about a situation which may exist in the future. For example: If I marry Celia, we will need the money to live on. In Advanced Learners’ Grammar: A Self-Study Reference & Practice Book with Answers, Foley and Hall explains the use of each types of conditional sentences as follows:16 14
Pollock, op. cit., pp. 226-227. John Sinclair, Collins Cobuild English Grammar, (London: Collins, 1990), p. 349. 16 Mark Foley and Diane Hall, Advanced Learner’s Grammar: A Self-Study Reference & Practice Book with Answers, (Harlow: Longman, 2003), pp. 121-123. 15
a. The first conditional sentence is used to describe possible future events or situations and their results. For example: If you are not careful, you will break the plate b. The second conditional sentence is used to describe an improbable future event or situation. The condition is unlikely to be fulfilled because the future event is unlikely to happen. For example: If I worked harder, I should make much money (But I don‟t work harder). c. The third conditional sentence describes a hypothetical situation or event in the past. The past situation or event is contrary to known facts. It is an unreal or impossible situation. For example: I would have used your builder if I had managed to contact him (But I did not manage to contact him). Based on the explanations above, the writer infers that that conditional sentence type 1 can be used to make predictions and to talk about a situation that may happen in the future. Furthermore, conditional sentence type 2 can be used to express dreams, give advice, to talk about a situation which sometimes exists, express an imaginary situation, and express an impossible event in the future. In addition, conditional sentence type 3 can be used to express regret, to make apologies, to describe an impossible situation.
B. Problem-Solving Activity 1. The Understanding of Problem-Solving Activity According to Ur, “A Problem is described orally; learners discuss how to deal with it, and/or write down a suggested solution.”17 In problem solving activity, the teacher provides a problem orally through dialogue or monologue and the students discuss with their friends or write down many possible solutions.
Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), p. 114.
In Communication in the Classroom: Applications and Methods for a Communicative Approach, it is stated that there are information transfer, decision-making, and logical solution in problem solving activity. 18 In problem solving activity, the students collect the information given by the teacher then they assume as many as possible answers until the best solution is found. The students can also use their imagination to imagine the situation from the information they hear, so they can decide what to do related to the context. In addition, the students give their responses to the problem displayed on a short story, then they decide the logical solution to the problem, such as: who is right or who is false, and why, etc. According to Legutke, “In a problem-solving activity participants are similarly invited to negotiate a solution, but they are normally all exposed to the same input data.”19 The students are given the same problem then they discussed it with their friends in group to find the solution. Harmer states, “problem-solving activities encourage students to talk together to find a solution to (a set of) problems or tasks.”20 In line with Legutke, the teacher lets the students to discuss the problem together, to share their ideas, and to find the solution. The writer synthesizes that problem-solving activity is a learning process where the problem is given to the students in oral or in written text, then the students discuss the solution with their friends. They use their imagination to imagine the situation and their logic to decide the best solution of the problem.
2. The Problem Questions of Problem-Solving Activity The teacher who wants to apply problem-solving activity in the classroom needs to know many kinds of the problem questions. Therefore, the 18
Keith Johnson and Keith Morrow (eds.), Communication in the Classroom: Applications and Methods for a Communicative Approach, (Harlow: Longman, 1981), p. 138. 19 Michael Legutke and Howard Thomas, Process and Experience in the Language Classroom, (London: Longman, 1997), p. 100. 20 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (London: Longman, 1991), New Ed., p. 129.
teacher can choose the questions which are appropriate and easy to use in the classroom. McKay explains some examples of problem questions which can be used with less advanced students. The questions are:21 a. Objects The teacher hides the object in a bag and has the students feel the bag. Then, the students guess what the object is by asking with yes/no question. This activity can be used to introduce yes/no questions. b. Riddles Riddles are another type of questions that require students to solve the problems and are a natural way to provide the students with practice in using wh-questions. Example:
“What has legs, but cannot walk?.” (A table) “What is the longest word in the English language?.” (Smiles. Because there is a mile between the first and the last letter.)
c. Actual Problems of the students. Each student explains his/her own problem on an index card. After the cards are collected by the teacher, she gives each card randomly to each student. Here, every student writes down the possible solutions to the problem and then discuss together which solution is the best. This activity can be used to introduce ways of stating the problem and making a suggestion. Example:
“I need/want/ a job to support myself.” (State a problem) “I would suggest/recommend you look in the want ads for a job. (Make a suggestion)
d. Imaginary Problems The students assume one of imaginary roles, and then suggest solutions. The identity which the students have to assume depends on their age and 21
Sandra L. McKay, Teaching Grammar: Form, Function, and Technique, (New York: Prentice Hall, 1987), pp. 127-134.
interest. In designing the problem, the teacher need use dilemmas so it seems there is not an easy solution. This activity can be used to introduce the present and the past conditional sentences. Example: Assume that you are an ESL teacher. You wake up in the morning with a bad cold. You don‟t feel well, but you know all of your students are expecting you. What would you do? e. Classroom problems Real problems which can be shared by the class, such as crowded classroom conditions, noise, attendance or discipline. The teacher begins by stating the problem, asking for individual solutions, using their suggestions to generate a list of possible questions, and asking the students to rank the solution which they believe is the best. This activity can be used to introduce conditional sentences. Example:
“There are forty students enrolled in our class but only twenty-five textbooks. It will be four weeks before more books arrive. What should we do?
1st solution: We should devise a system for sharing the books we have. 2nd solution: We should wait to use the textbook until the book arrives. 3rd solution: We should use another textbook. From the explanation above, the writer infers that problem-solving activity requires the students‟ creativity to make suggestions or solutions. Because of the reason, the designing of problem questions is adjusted to their ages and interest. The writer chooses actual problems and imaginary problems as the devices which are used in teaching conditional sentence type 2.
3. The Stages of Problem-solving Activity Before problem-solving activity is applied in the classroom, the teacher needs to know the stages, so it can be done orderly. Morse and Ivey
explain the several stages of problem-activity in the classroom. The stages are:22 a. Rapport and Structuring. In the first stage, the teacher‟s task is to provide an environment where all students can feel comfortable and safe. Then, the teacher starts to take time for informal conversation and tell the students that they will define the problem and goals for the meeting, generate alternative solutions and select concrete action. b. Defining the problem. The teacher starts to present the problem by saying: “I need to discuss with you of …”, or “I‟d like to discuss my concerns about that, but I‟d also like to hear from you about the details of the ….” Then, the teacher allows each group member to express their ideas of what the problem is. c. Defining goals. The teacher summarizes individual or group ideas and feelings about those facts through brainstorming, particularly if the discussion is getting hotter and produces controversy. The teacher gives the opportunity for the individual student to suggest the solutions. d. Generating alternative solutions. The teacher employs the open question for students so that they can participate. She can use the skills of the encouraging, paraphrasing, and acknowledging feelings to draw out each member‟s ideas. The teacher has at least three alternatives solutions to be considered. e. Commitment to action. The teacher and the students decide the best solution for follow up and she ensures that individuals or groups agree to the selected solutions. In conclusion, problem-solving activity has several stages when it is put into practice. The time is allocated much for the students‟ activity, so they can expresses their thoughts to suggest a possible solution. The stages of 22
Philip S. Morse and Allen E. Ivey. Face to Face: Communication and Conflict Resolution in the Schools. (Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press, 1996), pp. 62-66.
problem-solving activity are rapport and structuring, defining the problem, defining goals, generate alternatives solutions, and commitment to action.
4. Teaching Conditional Sentences Type 2 by Using Problem-Solving Activity The writer presents the steps of problem solving-solving activity as a technique for teaching conditional sentence type 2 based on the stages explained by Morse and Ivey and the problem questions chosen from Mckay‟s explanation. The steps are: a. Rapport and Structuring The teacher takes time for informal conversation and gives energizer to make the class relax (if needed). Then, she asks the students to assume any of a number of imaginary roles. The teacher stimulates the students by telling a story which contains a problem that needs to be solved. Then, the students are required to give as many as possible solutions based on the imaginary role they have. b. Defining the problem. The teacher specifies the problem which the person has and asks the students to suggest the solution. In offering a solution, the teacher introduces the conditional sentence type 2. She gives an explanation about the using if conditional sentence type 2 and the model sentence of the second conditional type 2 which the students have to use. Then, she asks the students to suggest the solutions by using conditional sentence type 2. c. Defining goals The teacher gives an opportunity for all the students to express their ideas. The class is divided into groups and each group gives the solution which they consider it is the best. The teacher summarizes and writes down their suggestions on the white board, so all of the groups can read the other groups‟ opinion.
d. Generating alternative solutions When the teacher has several possible solutions, she explores possible consequences of each solution. Then, she asks the students to give their response whether they agree with the teacher‟s consequences or not. The activity continues until the teacher has at least three alternative solutions. e. Commitment to action The students discuss which solution they believe is the best and give their reasons for holding their opinion.
C. Classroom Action Research 1.
The Understanding of Action Research In conducting the research, the researcher needs to know the method that she will apply. Action research is used as the method in this study, since it is very important for the researcher to develop a suitable technique to solve the diagnosed problem in teaching-learning process in the classroom. To deepen the researcher‟s knowledge about action research, there were many statements related to the understanding of action research. According to Burns, “Action research involves taking a self-reflective, critical, and systematic approach to exploring your own teaching contexts.”23 Wallace states that action research nearly always arises from some specific problem or issue arising out of our professional practice.24 Allwright states, as quoted by Ann Burns and Dewi Rochsantiningsih, that in action research the participants seek to identify problematic situation, issues, or puzzles in teaching that they wish to investigate further through data collection and analysis.25
Ann Burns, Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching, (New York: Routledge, 2010), p. 2 24 Michael J. Wallace, Action Research for Language Teachers, (Cambrige: Cambridge University Press, 1998), p. 15. 25 Ann Burns and Dewi Rochsantiningsih, Conducting Action Research in Indonesia: Illustrations and Implications, Indonesian JELT, Vol 2, No 1, 2006, p. 21.
In Research Methods in Language Learning, Cohen and Manion argue that action research is the first and foremost situational, being concerned with the identification and solution of problems in a specific context.26 Based on the statements above the writer concludes that action research is conducted based on the specific issues appeared in the classroom. It is investigated through data collection and analysis. It also consists of reflecting aspect to improve the way of teaching in the classroom and to bring the better changes in teaching practice.
2. The Process of Action Research In Dynamics of Effective Teaching, Kindsvatter et al explains the process of action research that can be conducted by the researcher in the classroom:27 a. Action research is started from a question which has the greatest potential to immediately affect one‟s teaching effectiveness. The example question is “Will my teaching be more effective if I change my movement pattern?.” b. Devising a new approach/behavior that is an intended improvement over the current practice. c. Action research determines the nature of the data that will be required to test the hypothesis and making provision to obtain them. The data can be collected by the students‟ test performance, journals, interviews, or any available source. d. Implementing the new approach. e. Analyzing the data and reflecting on the outcome of the new practice, especially as it compares to the former practice. From the citation above, the writer may infer that the process of action research involves the selection of a new approach based on the problem that is 26
David Nunan, Research Methods in Language Learning, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), p. 17. 27 Richard Kindsvatter, William Wilen, Margaret Ishler, Dynamics of Effective Teaching, (New York: Longman, 1996), 3rd Ed., pp. 367-368.
found, the preparation for the data collection and observation instruments, the implementation of the new approach in the classroom, the data analysis and reflection were made for the improvement of the next cycle.
The Design of Classroom Action Research In Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, Ghony explains that there are four models of action research implementation. “Penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) dikenal dalam pelaksanaannya dengan beberapa model di antaranya: Model Kemmis & Mc Taggart, Model Mc Kernan, Model Ebbut, Model Elliot.”28 The writer chose Kemmis & Mc Taggart design as the model of the classroom action research, because the model is simple and easy to carry out. According to Ghony, “Model Kemmis & Mc Taggart menggunakan empat komponen penelitian tindakan (perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi) dalam suatu sistem spiral yang saling terkait.”29 (Kemmis & Mc Taggart design uses four components of action research (planning, acting, observing, and reflecting) in one related system). In Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, the four components are defined as follows:30 a. Planning is an action to address a problem issue or question in his/her own context b. Acting is a small-scale intervention c. Observing is systematic observation of the outcome through a variety of procedures for collecting data d. Reflecting is the process of the researcher‟s reflection on the outcome and planning a subsequent action after which the cycle begins again. The writer may infer that planning is developed from the questions appeared to find a way out for the problem, acting is the involvement of the
Prof. Dr. H.M. Djunaidi Ghony, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Malang: UIN Malang Press, 2008), p. 15-16. 29 Ibid., pp. 15-16. 30 Marianne Celce-Murcia (ed.), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, (Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 2001), 3rd ed., p.490.
researcher to apply a new approach, observing is done systematically to collect the data, reflecting is conducted for evaluating and changing classroom practices as the response of the outcome.
The Uses of Action Research Although action research is regarded as a new one in the field of language teaching, it can be used: 31 a. To build theories that in turn help determine the best practices in education. b. To facilitates teacher empowerment. c. To help teachers develop new knowledge directly related to their classroom. In conclusion, action research is used to build theories from the data and the observation conducted in the classroom. In addition, teachers are empowered when they are able to collect their own data used in making decisions for their teaching improvement. Furthermore, teachers can put a new knowledge which they get from workshops or books into practice.
D. The Previous Related Studies Some studies dealing with conditional sentence type 2 and problem solving activity were conducted by Lia Nurshohifah, Fanny Arboleda, and Neneng Hudaipah. The brief descriptions of the research are shown as follows: First, Lia Nurshohifah conducted an action research about Improving Students‟ Ability in Learning Conditional Sentence type II through Songs. This research was aimed to know the improvement of students‟ ability in learning conditional sentence type 2 through songs, the improvement of the students‟ ability in mastering form of simple past tense through songs, and the improvement of the students‟ motivation in learning conditional type 2 31
Andrew P. Johnson, A Short Guide to Action Research, (Boston: Pearson, 2008), pp.
through songs, the different achievement of the students in learning conditional sentence type 2 with or without songs. The population of the study was the twelfth grade students of SMK YANUSA, Pondok Indah, South Jakarta. The number of students in this class was twenty. The method used in this research was Classroom Action Research. Observation, test, questionnaire, interviewing guide, and field notes were used as the instruments.32 The result of this research stated that the students‟ ability in mastering simple past tense was more improved than before. Their motivation was also improved after using songs in the class. Those are proved from the result of the interview, questionnaires, and the improvement of the students‟ score percentage from pre test to first post test and second post test. It showed that there was 28.64% improvement from pre-test to the first post test and 56.80% improvement from pre test to the second post test.33 Second, Fanny Arboleda conducted a classroom-based research about The Use of Discovery Technique or Problem Solving in Teaching Grammar. The population of the study is the fourth year English class at Daniel R. Aguinaldo High School. The method she used was a classroom-based research. The teacher‟s log, the observer‟s questionnaire, and the student‟s descriptive questionnaire were used as the instruments. The result of the research was the students could understand grammar not only the rules, but also they knew how the meaning of grammar in their daily life. The students also were confident to practice the new language and enjoy the learning process in the classroom.34 Third, Neneng Hudaipah conducted a pre-experimental study about the effectiveness of teaching conditional sentences type 2 by using collaborative learning. The objective of this study was to know how far the effectiveness of collaborative learning in teaching conditional sentence type 2. A pre32
Lia Shohifah, Improving Students’ Ability in Learning Conditional Sentence Type II through Songs (A Classroom Action Research at the Twelfth Grade Students of SMK YANUSA Pondok Pinang, Jakarta Selatan), Unpublished paper, (Jakarta: UIN Jakarta, 2011), p. 36. 33 Lia Shohifah, op. cit., pp. 66-67 34 Fanny Arboleda, The Use of Discovery Technique or Problem Solving in Teaching Grammar: A Classroom-based Research, The ACELT Journal, Vol 3, No. 2, 2001, p. 3.
experimental study was used as the method of the research and one class was taken as the experiment and the control class. The data collecting was taken from pre-test and post test. Each test contained 20 questions and it was divided into multiple choice and essay test. The result of the research showed that teaching conditional sentence type 2 was more effective than teaching the same subject using the traditional method. Students were found more satisfied in collaborative classroom. It was proven that collaborative learning provided the opportunity for the students to express their opinion toward their learning and to solve the problem in understanding the English subject.35
Neneng Hudaipah, The Effectiveness of Teaching Conditional Sentences Type 2 Using Collaborative Learning, (A Pre Experimental Study at the Second Year of SMK YANUSA Pondok Pinang, Jakarta), Unpublished paper, (Jakarta: UIN Jakarta, 2010), p. 4.
A. The Objective of the Research The objective of the research was to find the empirical evidence whether problem-solving activity could improve the students’ mastery in if conditional sentence type 2. The empirical evidence was the progress of students’ score in learning if conditional sentence type 2.
B. The Place and Time of the Research The research was held at SMAN 2 Jakarta. It is located in Jl. Gajah Mada No. 175, West Jakarta. The research was conducted for three months and it started from January up to March 2013.
C. The Method of the Research In this research, the writer used Classroom Action Research. The research consisted of two cycles and each cycle included four stages; planning, acting, observing and reflecting. In order to get the accuracy in data collecting, the writer combined both qualitative and quantitative data. For qualitative data, the writer observed the students’ activity in the classroom when they were learning if conditional sentence type 2. The writer conducted the interview to the classroom teacher and asked several questions around the process of teaching learning grammar, the students’ difficulties in learning grammar, and the method that she used in teaching grammar. The students’ 27
activity included their participation in the classroom and their enthusiasm in problem solving activity. For quantitative data, the writer used Pre-test and Post-test to measure the effectiveness of problem solving activity in improving the students’ understanding of if conditional type 2.
D. The Design of the Research In this research, the writer used Kemmis & Taggart Design in which there are two cycles and each cycle consists of four phases. They are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.
Figure 3.1 Action Research Design of Kemmis & Mc Taggart (1988) (Adapted from The Action Research Planner)
The writer discussed with the teacher about the problems of the teaching learning process in the classroom. They evaluated it to make a better acting of the next cycle.
The writer found the problem by observing the class. She interviewed the teacher and gave a pre-test. Then, the teacher and the writer worked collaboratively in making lesson plan.
CYCLE 1 The writer observed the teacher’s and students’ activity. She also observed the condition of the class and gave additional information on the field notes. Then, she gave post test 1 after the first cycle was done.
The teacher conducted the teaching learning process. She taught If Conditional Sentence Type 2 by using problem solving activity as the implementation of lesson plan.
The writer discussed the result of the second cycle with the teacher whether there was the improvement of students’ understanding of If Conditional Sentence Type 2. The second cycle was the final when the students’ score achieved the criteria of action success.
The teacher and the writer modified the lesson plan collaboratively by designing a better task for students’ activity in the classroom and developing the teaching strategy.
CYCLE 2 The writer observed the teacher’s and students’ activity. She also observed the condition of the class and wrote it down on the field notes. After the teacher conducted the second cycle, the post test 2 was given.
The teacher implemented the new lesson plan modified with the writer. She gave a different model of problem solving task in teaching If Conditional sentence type 2 and encouraged the students to be more active.
Figure 3.2 The Procedure of CAR Modified by the Writer based on Kemmis & Mc Taggart Design (1988)
E. The Subject of the Research The subject of the research was the second grade students of Senior High School at SMAN 2 Jakarta which consists of 40 students; 16 males and 24 females.
F. The Role of the Writer and Classroom Teacher in the Research The role of the writer on the research was as an observer who collaborated with the English teacher. As an observer, she made lesson plans together with the teacher and she also made research instruments (test, field notes, and interview). On the other hand, the role of the classroom teacher was a teacher who taught and carried out “the action” based on the lesson plans made by the writer.
G. The Procedures of Classroom action Research
1. Planning In this phase, the writer conducted the observation to SMAN 2 Jakarta while the material of if conditional sentence type 2 was being taught. After observing, the writer designed lesson plan based on the syllabus and made research instruments, including test (pre-test and post test), observation form to observe the teacher’s and the students’ activity in teaching learning process in the classroom. The writer also prepared teaching material and problem solving worksheet.
2. Acting Because the writer’s role was an observer, she observed the teacher’s and the students’ activity in teaching learning process. The teacher gave the test (pre test and post test), conducted problem solving activity in teaching if Conditional sentence type 2, and gave the understanding of if conditional sentence type 2 based on problem solving worksheet given to the students.
3. Observing The writer observed the teacher’s and the students’ activity in the classroom, teacher’s performance, the students interaction to their friends and to the teacher, the students’ behavior, and the students’ enthusiasm in teaching learning process. The writer wrote down the activity on the field notes as the evaluation to the next cycle.
4. Reflecting The writer and the teacher discussed the result of observing, the test, and the worksheet done by the students. They evaluate them by assessing the teaching learning process which was carried out, the progress of the students’ score from pre test to post test. They discussed the activity which was well performed and which one was not. That evaluation could be the next step to select the appropriate teaching strategy and make a better changing in teaching learning process.
H. The Technique of Data Collecting The instruments in the research used qualitative and quantitative data. For qualitative data, it was taken from interview and observation. For quantitative data, it was taken from pre-test and post-test. 1. Interview The interview was done to find the problem faced by the students and to find the problem in teaching learning process in the classroom by asking to the teacher about her opinion and ideas. The interview was conducted with the teacher before and after the research was carried out. The writer used semistructure interview because it helps the writer to improvise the questions list and it made the teacher felt free to explore her ideas and opinion about her teaching of grammar in the classroom,, especially teaching if conditional sentences.
2. Observation The observation used was participant observation in the role of passive participation. It means that the observer was present at the scene of action but does not interact or participate. The observation was carried out by using field notes. It was used to help the writer, as an observer, explore what they observe in the classroom in the writing from. She could write down other additional information related to the teacher’s and students’ activity in the classroom at that time.
3. Test
The tests used in this research are pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was carried out before problem solving activity was applied. However, posttest was carried out after the implementation of problem solving activity at the end of each cycle. Both pre-test and post-test are presented in the form of multiple choices. There were 30 multiple choices form; 22 were if conditional sentence type 2 questions and 8 were distracters
I. The Technique of Data Analysis Because there were two kinds of data collecting, the technique of data analysis was divided into two different ways. For the qualitative data including observation and interview were analyzed by using Miles and Huberman Model which consists of three steps: reducing the data taken from the result of instrument of the research, displaying the data in the form of systematic sentence and narrative text, and the last drawing conclusions.1 On the other hand, the quantitative data was analyzed by descriptive statistic where the researcher attempted to get the average score of students’ grammar test, the improvement of students’ score in if conditional sentence type 2, and the percentage of the students who got 75 score and above. The following is the formula which was used to analyze the quantitative data and to analyze the average score of students’ grammar test in each cycle:2 1 2
Sugiyono, Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2005), p.91. Sudjana, Metoda Statistika, (Bandung: PT Tarsito, 2002), p. 67.
xi = n
: mean
: total score
: number of students After analyzing the average score of students’ test, the writer determines
the students’ percentage that gets score of ≥75 as passing-grade score which is widely known as Minimum Mastery Criterion – Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) - by the formula:3
F x 100% N
: the students’ percentage
: total students with scores 75 and above
: number of students Then the writer analyzed the students’ score from pre-test to post-test by
using this formula:4
y1 y x 100 % y
: percentage of students’ improvement
: pre-test result 3
Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2008), p. 43. 4 David E Meltzer, The Relationship Between Mathematics Preparation and Conceptual Learning Gains in Physics: A Possible Hidden Variable in Diagnostic Pretest Scores, (Iowa: Department of Physics and Astronomy, 2008), p. 3.
: post-test 1
y2 y x 100 % y
: percentage of students’ improvement
: pre-test result
: post-test 2
J. The Criteria of the Action Success The Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM) for English subject in SMAN 2 Jakarta is 75 (seventy five). It means that a student is considered to succeed if he/she gets ≥ score of 75. Seventy five is based on the meeting among the English teachers of SMAN 2 Jakarta, the facilities available in the school, the students’ ability that were showed in their minimum score to go into SMAN 2 Jakarta. In
addition, the number of students who get that score have to reach 75%. It was based on the agreement between the writer, as an observer, and the teacher who know well the students’ skills in English. When the students can reach these criteria, the cycle is stopped. On the other hand, if the students cannot reach them, the writer and the teacher create another activity for the students and teaching material that can be applied in the next cycle.
A. The Description of Data 1. Before Implementing the Action a. The Result of Interview The interview was conducted on Monday, 14th of January, 2013. The writer asked some questions to the teacher around her responses while she was teaching English subject in the eleventh grade students, the students‟ difficulties in learning English, the Minimum Mastery Criterion that had to be achieved in SMAN 2 Jakarta, the grammar material that were taught in the eleventh grade, the students‟ difficulties in learning if conditional sentence type 2, and her model of grammar teaching in the classroom. According to the teacher, the students of SMAN 2 Jakarta still lacked vocabulary, so they could not comprehend the text. They were also afraid of doing mistake while they were speaking English in the class. The Minimum Mastery Criterion in SMAN 2 Jakarta for English subject was 75. The grammar material that had already been taught at the eleventh grade students were simple past, simple present, conjunction, if conditional sentence type 1 and 2, and direct and indirect speech. However, direct and indirect speech and if conditional type 2 were difficult for the students to understand. For if conditional type 2, the students were confused why there was a changing verb into the past form,
whereas the fact indicated to the present situation. The teacher usually gave a model of if conditional sentence type 1 and wrote it down on the whiteboard, then she let the students to change the sentence into the model of if conditional sentence type 2 based on the pattern of if conditional sentence type 2. The teacher seldom applied a communicative activity in teaching grammar in the class because it was difficult for the students to answer the questions in English orally.
b. The Result of Observation The observation was carried out on Tuesday, 29th of January 2013. It was started from 10.00 a.m up to 11.30 a.m. The observation was aimed to observe the way the teacher taught grammar and the attitudes of the students during the teaching learning process. There were 40 students in the class. 16 were males and 24 were females. Few of the male students were quiet and passive in the class, but the others were talkative. On the other hand, the male students were tended to be active. Some of them looked like listening to the teacher‟s presentation, but they chatted with their friends while the teacher was writing on the whiteboard. Some of them also drew something on the paper, played with their gadget and even slept. When the teacher realized that there were some students who did not pay attention to the explanation, she called the students‟ name and told them to explain it again or asked something which is related to the material. As the result, the students listened to the teacher‟s explanation, but they backed to the previous activities again. The way the teacher present the material gave less opportunity for the students to explore their ideas and to exercise them to think creatively. The teacher gave the explanation of grammar based on the rule and had the students answered the questions with the rule. She gave the rule of grammar first, then she made a model of sentence based on its rule. For the students‟ activities, she asked them to make their own sentences based on
the rule. After that, the teacher asked the students to do the students‟ workbook (LKS) for grammar practice. The students felt bored and they were not interested.
c. The Result of Pre-Test The pre-test was conducted on Tuesday, 26th of February, 2013. It was started from 10.15 a.m until 10.45 a.m. Thirty minutes was given to the students for doing thirty items of multiple choices. From the pre-test result, it found only twelve students or 30% who could pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM). In addition, the highest score of the pre-test was 80 and the lowest score was 36.
2. The Implementation of CAR a. Cycle 1 1) Planning In this phase, the writer discussed with the teacher to make the lesson plan for the first and the second meeting in cycle 1. They discussed on the teaching material and problem solving worksheet for students‟ activities. There were two kinds of problem solving worksheet they made. First, it was displayed as a problem page and the second was displayed with some pictures. It was aimed to relieve the students‟ boredom. Moreover, the writer also made research instruments; test and observation sheet. Test was used to know whether there was an improvement of students score from pre-test to post-test. Moreover, observation sheet was used to observe the students‟ and the teacher‟s activities in the teaching learning process.
2) Acting Acting phase in the first cycle was conducted on 5th and 7th of March 2013. On 5th March, the first action of cycle 1 was started from 10.00 a.m until 11.30 a.m. On the other hand, on 7th March, the
second action of the cycle 1 was started from 1.00 p.m up to 2.30 p.m. At the first action of cycle 1, the teacher presented the If conditional sentence type 2 material based on the lesson plan designed together with the writer. The teacher got the students‟ attention by telling a story related to the traffic jam happened in Jakarta. Then, she asked the students‟ opinion by imagining themselves as a governor of DKI Jakarta. Before the students gave their opinion, the teacher gave a model of sentence if conditional sentence type 2 which could be used for them to employ their opinion. In problem solving section, the teacher gave a problem page which was to be discussed by the students in pairs. The teacher provided more less 15 minutes for them to discuss. When time was out, both the teacher and the students discussed the answers together. The teacher gave a chance for each group to give their opinion orally. The opinion was discussed together and the teacher chose which response was the best. At the second action of cycle 1, the teacher explained if conditional sentence type 2 material, but not too much. It was to remind the students of the last activity. The teacher asked the students to make some sentences of if conditional sentences type 2 based on the pattern. In problem solving section, the teacher gave a set of pictures. Different from the first action of cycle 1, the teacher asked the students to do it individually. It was aimed to know whether they, themselves, understand the if conditional sentence type 2 material so far. There were four pictures and the students had to give their responses based on the problem illustrated by the pictures there. After they finished doing the worksheet, the teacher called the
students‟ name and asked them to give their responses. Then, the teacher chose the students‟ best response.
3) Observing In observing phase, the writer observed not only the teacher‟s performance, but also the students‟ behavior in teaching learning process. At the first observation of the action 1, the writer noticed that the teacher accomplished the teaching learning process in line with the lesson plan. She also could encourage the students to follow her instructions as well. However, the teacher often used Indonesian in the class and she spoke too fast while explaining the material, so it made the students confused in understanding if conditional sentence type 2. Her usual in using Bahasa Indonesia also made the students were not accustomed to using English in the class. Moreover, she just sit on her chair and did not go around the class to monitor the students‟ work, so the students did not discuss the material with their friends, but chatted about their lives and even played their gadget. The students‟ attitude was not really good. Some of the students chatted with their friends while the teacher was presenting the material. Some of them ignored the task and fell asleep. However, almost all of the students took a note of the teacher‟s explanation. At the second observation of action 1, the writer noticed that the teacher gave the instruction clearly, so the students knew well how to do the problem solving activity. She also gave the allocation time to finish the task, so the students did not ignore it and tried to finish it on time. The teacher tried to use English in the class, although she sometimes mixed it with Indonesian language. She sometimes came to the students‟ desk to see their works. Therefore, the students did the individual task seriously. They also felt
enthusiastic in doing problem solving activity However, there were still some of the students played their gadget and chatted with their friends while the teacher was writing on the whiteboard
4) Reflecting In reflecting phase, the writer and the teacher shared their ideas about the teaching learning process and the students‟ works in the classroom. They analyzed the students‟ improvement based on their first post-test score. They also exchanged their points of view about the weakness and the strength of the action in the first cycle. It was used to modify the action in cycle 2 in order to make the students more comprehend in using if conditional sentence type 2. The writer also discussed on the field notes with the teacher. From the writer‟s observation, the teacher needed to present both the material and the techniques of problem solving activity slowly in order to make the students could understand them. Furthermore, the teacher also needed to be active in monitoring the students‟ works. Then, the teacher needed to ask some students who used to chat to sit on the front line of the seats. The teacher also needed to take the students‟ gadget if they still played it in the class. For problem solving activity, the teacher needed to stimulate the students to explore their ideas and to be more active in the class. Therefore, they did not feel shy or afraid of employing their opinion in front of the class. From the result of the first post-test, it showed that only eighteen students (45%) who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM). Therefore, the teacher and the writer still needed at least twelve students more (30%) who could pass the KKM. It was because the target of the action success was 75% of students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM).
Based on the observation of the students‟ score result, most of the students got problem on the items in the term of determining in the meaning of if conditional sentence type 2 and the using of „was/were‟. Besides that, most of them also did mistakes in answering the distracter items in term of if conditional sentence type 1, the simple past, and the present future. Because the observation and the test result indicated that the action in the first cycle did not achieve the action success yet, the teacher and the writer need to design a better action for the next cycle.
b. Cycle 2 1) Planning Both the writer and the teacher made the lesson plans based on the result of reflecting phase. They modified the previous lesson plan to make the teaching learning process was on the same line with the problem occurred. The teaching materials were designed to make the students felt more interested. Problem solving games would be given to the students. The problem solving worksheets were displayed in the problem page and in the set of pictures. The writer prepared the observational sheet to observe the teacher‟s and the students‟ activities in teaching learning process. Furthermore, the writer also prepared the second post-test to know whether there was an improvement of the students‟ score in learning if conditional sentences type 2.
2) Acting Acting phase in the second cycle was conducted on 12th and 14th of March 2013. On 12th March, the first action of cycle 2 was started from 10.00 a.m until 11.30 a.m. On the other hand, on 14th
March, the second action of the cycle 2 was started from 1.00 p.m up to 2.30 p.m. At the first action of cycle 2, the teacher asked for the students to play problem solving games. Each student was required to write down his or her problem in English on a piece of paper without giving his or her name. The teacher would give the instruction to the students to give the paper to their friend who was sitting on their right side, if they were ready. When the teacher said “one”, the students started to give the paper on their friend beside. Until the count of “ten”, the students read the paper on their hands. The teacher called the student‟s name and asked them to stand and read the problem on the paper. He or she was asked to give the advice or suggestions by using if conditional sentence type 2. The activity was aimed to show the students that if conditional sentence type 2 could be used in giving advice or suggestion. The teacher divided the students into eight groups. Each group contained five students. The teacher gave problem solving worksheet to the students. Then, the students needed to discuss the problem and give their responses by using that if conditional sentence type 2. When time was out, both the teacher and the students discussed the answers together. The teacher gave a chance for each group to give their opinion orally. The opinion was discussed together and the teacher chose which response was the best. At the second action of cycle 2, the teacher explained the pattern of if conditional sentence type 2, included the tenses and the modals that were used. She also explained the using of if conditional sentence type 2 in daily activity. The teacher divided the students into pairs and gave the problem solving worksheet. That was some problems in a set of pictures. There were four different situations on the pictures. First,
someone who was in the desert, but he needed much water to drink. Second, in a thunderstorm and lighting was near. Third, in a forest fire and you need help. Fourth, in a boat on the edge of a waterfall. The teacher asked the students to imagine and how to survive if they were in those situations. They needed to give their responses by using if conditional sentences type 2. When time was out, both the teacher and the students discussed the answers together. The teacher gave a chance for each group to give their opinion orally. The opinion was discussed together and the teacher chose which response was the best.
3) Observing Generally, there were improvements of the acting phase in the second cycle. The teacher‟s performance and the students‟ behavior in teaching learning process showed better changes than the previous cycle. For the teacher‟s performance, the writer noticed that she did not speak too fast anymore while explaining the material. She also used English in the class. She often went around seeing the students‟ work, so the students could ask what they did not know when she came to their desk. The teacher also could make the students active in the class, so they did not fell asleep and did not have time to play their gadget and chat with their friends. It was because the teacher often asked the students while she was explaining the material and the students were shy if their answers were wrong. There were no students who play gadget and who fell asleep anymore while the teacher was explaining the material. It was because the teacher asked the students who chatted with their friends to sit on the front lines. Because problem solving activity required the students to use English in the class, they accustomed to speak
English in teaching learning process. Most of the students looked more enthusiastic in doing problem solving activity than previous cycle.
4) Reflecting The writer and the teacher did reflecting phase by exchanging their points of view and sharing their ideas about the teaching learning process in the classroom. Assessing the students‟ second post-test result was also done in this phase. From the second post-test result, they knew that most of the students were able to determine the using of „were‟ in if conditional sentence type 2. Almost all of the students also could determine the meaning of if conditional sentence type 2. Because the score result of the second post-test reached the requirement of action success which was above 75% students passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM) in the score of 75, it meant that the researcher and the observer did not need to move to the next cycle. The following is the schedule of Classroom Action Research: Table 4.1 Schedule of the Research Month and Week No
January 1
Cycle 1
Cycle 2
February 4
3. After Implementing the Action a. The Result of Interview The interview after implementing the action was conducted on Thursday, 21st of April, 2013. This interview was aimed to know the teacher‟s response and point of view of teaching if conditional sentence type 2 by using problem solving activity, and is there any improvement of the students‟ understanding after using problem solving activity in the class. According to the teacher, problem solving activity was effective to made the students active in the class and explore their cognitive and affective aspect. Teaching if conditional sentence type 2 by using problem solving activity also made the students felt free to explore their ideas and opinion in the class and enthusiastic in learning if conditional sentence type 2. They could learn if conditional sentence type 2 based on its context, so they know the using of if conditional sentences type 2 in real situation. By giving them exercises in solving the problem, it made the students think creatively.
b. The Result of Post-Test Because the action research needed two cycles to achieve the action success, the post-test was conducted twice. The first post-test was conducted in cycle 1 and the second post-test was conducted in cycle 2. The first post-test was carried out on 7th of March, 2013 at 2.00 p.m – 2.30 p.m. The second post-test was carried out on 14th of March, 2013 at 2.00 p.m – 2.30 p.m. From the first post-test, it found that there were eighteen students who got score above 75 or 45% from the total number of the students.
B. The Analysis of Data The following is the analyzing the qualitative data by using Miles and Huberman Model: 1. Data Reduction The data reduction was taken from the field notes and the result of interview. They were limited and summarized from the effectiveness of the activity in presenting if conditional sentence type 2 and the implementation of problem solving activity in teaching if conditional sentence type 2 2. Data Display The data was displayed by the writer in the form of systematic and logic sentence and narrative text. It was aimed to describe the result of interview and the observation. 3. Conclusing Drawing Based on the qualitative data displayed, the writer with the teacher as collaborator concluded that there was a significant improvement of the quality in presenting if conditional sentence type 2 and the quality in implementing problem solving activity from the cycle 1 to the cycle 2.
In analyzing the quantitative data both pre-test and post-test in each cycle, the writer does four steps; calculating the average score of the students (mean), calculating the percentage score which passes the Minimum Mastery Criterion, and calculating the improvement of students‟ score from cycle 1 to cycle 2. First, calculating the mean of students in the pre-test result: ___
X= ___
xi n
2415 40
X = 60.38
After calculating the mean of Pre-test, the next step is calculating the percentage score which passes the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM). P=
F x 100% N
12 x 100% 40
1200 40
P = 30% Based on the calculation of pre-test above, the mean of the pre-test is 60.38 and the percentage of the students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion is 30%. At the first cycle of CAR, the writer calculated the result of first post-test to know the improvement of the students‟ score from the pre-test to the first post-test. There were three steps to measure this improvement. Those were calculating the students‟ mean score of the class, calculating the students‟ improvement score into percentage and calculating the class percentage. ___
X= ___
xi n
2809 40
X = 70.23 From that calculation, the students‟ mean score in the first post-test is 70.23. The mean score of pre-test is 60.38. It showed that there was improvement from the pre-test to the first post-test. The second step was calculating the percentage of the improvement of the students‟ score from the pre-test to the first post-test. P=
y1 y x 100% y
70.23 60.38 x 100% 60.38
9.85 x 100% 60.38
P = 16.31% Based on the calculation above, it showed that the improvement of the students‟ score from the pre-test to the first post-test is 16.31%. The third step was calculating the percentage of the students who passed the KKM. The calculation was done by using this formula: P=
F x 100% N
18 x 100% 40
P = 45% From that calculation, the class percentage which passed the KKM in the first post-test is 45%. There were 18 students who passed the KKM and there were 22 students who got the score below the KKM. There was improvement of class percentage who passed the KKM from the pre-test to the first post-test. It improved from 30% up to 45%. Furthermore, at the second cycle of CAR, the writer also calculated the result of the second post-test to know whether there was improvement from the result of pre-test and first post test. There were three steps to measure this improvement. Those were calculating the mean score of the class, calculating the percentage of the students‟ improvement score, and calculating the class percentage which passed the KKM. First, the writer calculated the mean score of the second post-test. ___
X= ___
xi n
3232 40
X = 80.8
From the calculation, the students‟ mean score of the second posttest is 80.8. It showed that there was improvement from the first post-test to the second post-test. It improved from 70.23 up to 80.8. Second, the writer calculated the percentage of the students improvement score. P=
y2 y x 100% y
80.8 60.38 x 100% 60.38
20.42 x 100% 60.38
P = 33.82% Based on the calculation above, it could be seen that there was improvement from the pre-test to the second post test. It improved from 16.31% up to 33.82%.. The last step was the writer tried to get the class percentage who passed the KKM. P=
F x 100& N
30 x 100% 40
P = 75% From that calculation, the class percentage was 75%. It meant that there were 30 students who passed the KKM and there were only 10 students who got the score below the KKM. There was improvement from the previous test; the improvement was 45% from pre-test (30%) or 30% from the class percentage of the first post-test (45%).
C. Interpretation of Data The interpretation of the data was around qualitative data and quantitative data. For the interpretation of qualitative data, it was taken from the result of interview and observation done by the writer. On the other hand, the
interpretation of quantitative data was taken from the tests which were pre-test, first post-test, and second post-test results. The pre-test was done before the action, the first post-test was done in the final of cycle 1, and the second post-test was done in the final of cycle 2. 1. The Interpretation of Qualitative Data The interpretation of Qualitative Data was around the implementation of problem solving activity to improve the students‟ understanding of if conditional sentence type 2. Based on the result of interview and the field notes taken by the writer, she found that in cycle 1 the implementation of problem solving activity in teaching if conditional sentence type 2 did not succeed yet. The teacher did not explain the rules of problem solving activity clearly, so it made the students confused. Moreover, the writer found that there were some students who did not discuss the material, they chatted with their friends, and played their gadget. In addition, because the teacher often used Indonesian language in the class, the students did not accustom to use English in teaching learning process. On the other hand, the implementation of problem solving activity in teaching conditional sentence type 2 in the second cycle worked effectively. The teacher explained the rules of problem solving activity clearly and she encouraged the students to explore their ideas freely in the class. Therefore, it made them feel interested and enjoy doing problem solving activity. The teacher also used English in teaching learning process, so the students spoke English when they interacted with their friends and the teacher. The teacher got involved in monitoring the students‟ work. She went around from the students‟ desk to another desk. Therefore, there were no more the students who played their gadget or chatted with their friends. They discussed the material under the allocation time given by the teacher.
2. The Interpretation of Quantitative data. The result of pre-test showed that the average scores of students was 60.38. Furthermore, there were only twelve students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM) with the percentage 30% from the total
number of the students. The highest score was 80 and the lowest score was 36. Next, from the result of first post-test in cycle 1, it was obtained the mean of the students is 70.23. In addition, there were eighteen students who got the score above 75. So, the percentage of the students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM) was 45% with the highest score was 83 and the lowest score was 53. The improvement of the students‟ score from pre-test to the first post-test was 16.31%. The second post-test result showed that the mean of students in cycle 2 is 80.8 with the highest score is 93 and the lowest score is 66. Moreover, the percentage of the students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM) was 75% with the improvement of students‟ score in if conditional sentence type 2 from the pre-test to second post-test was 33.82%
A. Conclusion The conclusion is initiated from the aim of the research which is to increase the students’ understanding of if conditional sentence type 2 by using problem-solving activity in the eleventh grade students of SMAN 2 Jakarta. The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) with Kemmis & Taggart model. The research was conducted in two cycles and each cycle consisted of four phases. They are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The subject of this research was the total number of the class members which are 40 students. Besides, the object of the research was problem-solving activity, because it could stimulate the students to explore their ideas and thoughts in learning conditional sentence type 2. Therefore, the students were active in the class and they could understand the using of if conditional sentence type 2 in their daily life. The Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM) was 75 and the criterion of being success was 75% achievement of the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM). It meant that the students was considered to get success if they could get the score at least 75 or above. Furthermore, the number of students who got the score had to reach 75%. Based on the data analysis done by the writer, she found that there were only twelve students who got the score of 75 and above or 30% from the 52
total number of the students before the intervention was carried out. However, there were eighteen students who got the score of 75 and above or 45% from the total number of the students in the first cycle. Because the students’ score was still under the 75% achievement of KKM, the writer and the teacher needed to improve it by continuing the action to the second cycle. In the second cycle, there were 30 students who got the score of 75 and above or 75% students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM). The improvement of the students’ score from pre-test to the first post test was 16.31 % and from pre-test to the second post test was 33,82%.
It means that by using problem-solving technique in
teaching if conditional type 2, the students can improve their understanding of conditional sentence type 2.
B. Suggestion The writer would like to give some suggestions to the teachers. First, the English teacher should use problem-solving activity in the class, because it is helpful to explore the students’ cognitive aspect and make them feel free to share their ideas in front of the class. Second, the teacher needs to encourage the students to involve in problem-solving activity. It is because the more they enthusiastic in the activity, the more effective the teaching learning process in the class. Third, the teacher needs to be able to decide the best solution from the students and give the reasons why, so the decision can be accepted by all the students.
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Lampiran 1
:Bagaimana tanggapan Ibu selama mengajar bahasa Inggris di kelas XI?
: ”Masing-masing kelas memiliki kemampuan yang berbeda-beda ya. Ada kelas yang siswanya pintar-pintar dan rajin, ada kelas yang siswanya tidak semuanya pintar tapi mereka rajin-rajin. Saya senang kalau mengajar kelas mereka. Tapi ada juga kelas yang siswanya agak rendah kemampuan bahasa Inggrisnya, Nah, kalo ngajar di kelas yang ini, agak stres saya (tertawa).”
:Apa permasalahan yang biasanya dihadapi siswa dalam belajar bahasa inggris?
: ”Biasanya siswa itu lack vovabulary jadi mereka tidak mampu memahami teks bahasa inggris yang diberikan. Selain itu siswa juga takut untuk bicara bahasa Inggris di kelas. Mereka takut salah dan mereka juga tidak tau bagaimana menterjemahkannya ke dalam bahasa Inggris.”
: Berapa standar nilai KKM untuk pelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah ini? Apakah siswa sudah memenuhi standar nilai tsb?
: ”Standar nilai KKM untuk bahasa Inggris disini adalah 75. Ada yang sudah, namun banyak juga yang belum.”
:Materi grammar apa saja yang sudah diajarkan di kelas XI?
: “Simple past, Simple present, Conjunction, if conditional sentence tipe 1 dan 2, direct and indirect speech.”
Lampiran 1
:Dari sekian banyak materi grammar yang sudah diajarkan di kelas XI, manakah yang dirasa sulit oleh siswa?
: “Mereka masih merasa sulit pada materi direct and indirect speech dan if conditional sentence type 2. Minggu lalu saya tes mereka materi itu, nilainya masih di bawah KKM, apalagi untuk materi if conditional, nilainya masih memprihatinkan.”
: Dari kedua tipe If Conditional sentence yang sudah diajarkan, tipe manakah yang dirasa sulit oleh siswa?
: “Tipe kedua. Kalau If Conditional sentence tipe 1 kan tidak merubah bentuk verb jadi mereka tidak sulit memahaminya. ”
: Menurut Ibu, apa kesulitan siswa dalam mempelajari materi If Conditional sentence tipe ke-2?
: ”If conditional sentence tipe ke-2 kan meaning nya bertentangan dengan fakta yang sekarang. Mereka bingung tuh kenapa verb nya pake past tense, kan merujuk fakta yang sekarang. Karena yang mereka tau, kalo sekarang itu tenses nya pake present. Berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia yang tidak mengalami perubahan bentuk kata kerja dalam kalimat pengandaian.”
: Metode pengajaran seperti apa yang biasanya ibu terapkan di dalam kelas ketika mengajarkan if conditional sentence tipe ke-2?
: ”Biasanya saya beri mereka model kalimat if conditional tipe ke1, lalu saya minta mereka untuk merubah bentuknya ke sesuai dengan pola kalimat if conditional tipe ke-2. Saya tulis kalimatkalimat tersebut di papan tulis dan minta mereka untuk maju satu per satu. Atau saya minta mereka menuliskan jawabannya di buku tulis dan dibahas bersama-sama.”
Lampiran 1
: Apakah Ibu pernah menerapkan model pengajaran grammar yang komunikatif di kelas?
: ”Jarang. Karena siswa biasanya sulit merangkai kata dalam bahasa inggris jika disuruh menjawab pertanyaan secara lisan.”
: Apakah ibu pernah mendengar teknik problem solving activity? Apa yang Ibu ketahui mengenai teknik pengajaran ini?
: ”Saya pernah dengar, tapi saya kurang tau pasti bagaimana aplikasinya di dalam kelas.”
Lampiran 1
: Bagaimana tanggapan Ibu mengenai penggunaan teknik problem-solving activity yang telah diterapkan di kelas?
: ”Menurut saya teknik ini cukup efektif membuat siswa aktif di dalam kelas dan mengasah kemampuan kognitif dan afektif mereka”.
: Apakah menurut Ibu penggunaan teknik problem-solving activity ini tepat digunakan dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas Anda?
: ”Sangat tepat, apalagi problem solving worksheet nya bisa divariasikan dengan gambar, jadi mereka tidak merasa bosan. Saya lihat mereka cukup antusias dalam mengikuti kegiatan tersebut
: Bagaimana mengenai peningkatan pemahaman mereka mengenai if conditional sentence type 2 setelah menggunaka teknik ini?
: ”Ya, ada peningkatan pemahaman mereka mengenai materi tsb. Mereka menjadi lebih paham kapan if conditional sentence tipe ke-2 digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Lampiran 2
Choose the Correct Answer by Crossing a, b, c, or d! 1. ______ if you invited him. a. He came b. He would come c. He will come
d. He is coming e. He comes
2. _______ if you open the bag a. You would find the book b. You will find the book c. You find the book
d. You found the book e. You have found the book
3. If I _______ near my office, I could be in time for work. a. am living d. lived b. live e. have been living c. have lived 4. ________ her some flowers if she were my girlfriend? a. Would you gave d. Did you give b. Will you give e. Do you give c. Would you give 5. Yesterday, the students ______ a discussion about keeping our environment clean. a. have d. had b. has e. have had c. are having 6. My mother ______ angry if I broke any more plates. a. is d. has been b. was e. will be c. would be 7. A: Why don’t you try to find a job in a factory? With the money you earn, you can buy things you need. B: If I worked in a factory, I wouldn’t have much time to study. What does the underlined sentence mean? a. B works hard in a factory d. A allows B to work in a factory b. B doesn’t work in a factory e. A and B work in a factory c. B didn’t work in a factory 8. ________ me a present if I told him my birthday? a. Did you give d. Would you give b. Do you give e. Have you given c. Will you give
Lampiran 2
9. If I ______ you, I would go home immediately. a. am d. is b. was e. are c. were 10. If she doesn’t answer the telephone, ______ the good news. a. she will not hear d. she does not hear b. she will hear e. she is hearing c. she hears 11. I couldn’t play the piano if _______ a. my father doesn’t teach me d. my father hasn’t taught me b. my father hadn’t taught me e. my father taught me c. my father didn’t teach me 12. If I had a car, ______ a. would you drive to Florida? b. will you drive to Florida? c. did you drive to Florida?
d. have you driven to Florida? e. do you drive to Florida?
13. You will pass your examination if ______ a. you have worked d. you work hard b. you will have worked e. you are working hard c. you worked 14. You wouldn’t pass the examination if _______ a. you hadn’t study hard d. you don’t study hard b. you haven’t study hard e. you study hard c. you didn’t study hard 15. If he played well, _______ the game? a. did he win d. can he win b. does he win e. has he wined c. could he win 16. If he ______ my friend, I would invite him to my birthday party. a. is d. are b. was e. am c. were 17. ______ dinner when she came a. I was having b. I had c. I am having
d. I were having e. I have
18. _______ if her teacher marked the important sentences.
Lampiran 2
a. Maria understands the text b. Maria can understand the text c. Maria understood the text
d. Maria could understand the text e. Maria has understood the text
19. Joe would get better marks if _______ a. he improves his grammar d. he is improving his grammar b. he improved his grammar e. he has improved his grammar c. he could improve his grammar 20. ‘If the plane took off on time, we would not be late for the opening seminar.’ This means that we are late because the flight ______ a. is not delayed d. is delayed b. was delayed e. was not delayed c. is going to be delayed 21. If Jenny worked harder, _______ a better job? a. has she got d. can she get b. will she get e. would she get c. does she get 22. The accident would not happen if the driver in front did not stop so suddenly This means that the accident happens ______ a. because the driver in front stops suddenly b. so that the driver in front stops suddenly c. when the driver in front does not stop suddenly d. although the driver in front can stop suddenly e. but the driver in front stops suddenly 23. _______ if they wait. a. They will find me b. They were finding c. They found
d. they had found me e. they would find me
24. If we ______ the car, we would get there sooner. a. have taken d. take b. took e. are taking c. would take 25. If Abraham ______ French, he would live in Paris a. spoke d. speaks b. is speaking e. will speak c. has spoken
Lampiran 2
26. _______ if we had the money? a. Did we buy the car b. Have we bought the car c. Would we buy the car
d. Can we buy the car e. Do we buy the car
27. If Susan ______ her homework, the teacher will give her a low mark. a. will forget d. forgets b. would forget e. have forgotten c. has forgotten 28. _______ differently from the leader of your country if you were the leader? a. What would you do d. What do you do b. What did you do e. What have you done c. What will you do 29. The farmers ______ the crops next month. a. is harvesting d. are harvesting b. will harvest e. harvested c. was harvesting 30. If she had enough money, she ______ out tonight. a. ate d. has eaten b. could eat e. will eat c. eats
65 Lampiran 3
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: XI/2
Pertemuan ke-
Alokasi waktu
: 2 x 45 menit
A. Standar Kompetensi Mengungkapkan
interpersonal resmi berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
B. Kompetensi Dasar Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi)
resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menasehati,
memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan, serta menyatakan perasaan relief, pain
C. Indikator Memberikan contoh kalimat if conditional sentence type 2 sesuai dengan pola yang sudah diberikan Menggunakan if conditional sentence type 2 secara lisan sebagai bentuk nasihat dan saran terhadap permasalahan yang diberikan oleh guru
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran Siswa dapat memberikan contoh kalimat if conditional type 2 sesuai dengan pola yang sudah diberikan
66 Lampiran 3
Siswa dapat menyatakan pendapat secara lisan mengenai permasalahan yang diberikan oleh guru dengan kalimat if conditional type 2
E. Materi Pembelajaran Problem Solving Worksheet (Terlampir) Pola Kalimat: If Clause (Simple Past), Main Clause (Would/Could)
F. Metode Pembelajaran Brain Storming Diskusi
G. Teknik Pengajaran Problem-Solving Activity
H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
No 1
Pendahuluan Penanaman
Apersepsi: 1) Guru mengucapkan salam dan menyapa siswa 2) Guru mengulang sebentar materi if conditional type 1 3) Guru melakukan tanya jawab kepada siswa untuk mengingatkan mereka materi if conditional type 1 yang sudah diajarkan pada pertemuan sebelumnya
konsep dan apersepsi
67 Lampiran 3
Kegiatan Inti
Eksplorasi: 1) Guru melemparkan masalah yang akan didiskusikan oleh siswa melalui topik yang berkaitan dengan kemacetan di Jakarta Elaborasi: 2) Guru mengajak siswa untuk memberikan tanggapannya terhadap masalah tersebut dengan membayangkan diri mereka sebagai gubernur DKI Jakarta 3) Guru memberikan pola kalimat if conditional type 2 yang akan mereka gunakan untuk menyampaikan saran atau nasihat. Pola kalimat tersebut adalah: If I were ........., I would .......... Konfirmasi: 4) Siswa diberikan Problem Solving Worksheet berupa beberapa masalah yang akan didiskusikan pemecahannya dengan teman sebangkunya 5) Siswa melakukan kegiatan problem solving dengan menyampaikan saran dan nasihat secara lisan menggunakan pola kalimat: If I were ....., I would ...... 6) Siswa dan guru membahas pendapat-
68 Lampiran 3
pendapat yang diajukan, serta sama-sama memilih saran mana yang paling cocok di antara yang lainnya.
Penutup 1) Untuk membangun pemahaman siswa,
mereka diminta untuk menyimpulkan perbedaan If conditional sentence type 1 dan If conditional sentence type 2 mengenai penggunaannya dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari 2) Guru
mengucapkan salam
I. Sumber Balajar Silabus Buku More Grammar Games: Cognitive, affective and movement activities for EFL students. Buku Teaching Grammar: form, function, and technique
J. Penilaian Jenis: Tugas Kelompok Kriteria Penilaian: 1) Bentuk Penilaian: Menjawab pertanyaan, 2) Aspek yang dinilai: Kognitif dan Afektif
69 Lampiran 3
Jakarta, 5 Maret 2013 Mengetahui Guru Bahasa Inggris
Drs. Ade Herawaty
Dewi Yusuf
NIP. 196803132000122001
Lampiran 4
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: XI/2
Pertemuan ke-
Alokasi waktu
: 2 x 45 menit
A. Standar Kompetensi Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari.
B. Kompetensi Dasar Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menasehati, memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan, serta menyatakan perasaan relief, pain
C. Indikator Memberikan contoh kalimat if conditional sentence type 2 sesuai dengan pola yang sudah diberikan Menggunakan if conditional sentence type 2 secara lisan sebagai bentuk nasihat dan saran terhadap permasalahan yang diberikan oleh guru
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran Siswa dapat memberikan contoh kalimat if conditional type 2 sesuai dengan pola yang sudah diberikan
Lampiran 4
Siswa dapat menyatakan pendapat secara lisan mengenai permasalahan yang diberikan oleh guru dengan kalimat if conditional type 2
E. Materi Pembelajaran Problem Solving Worksheet (Terlampir) Pola Kalimat: If Clause (Simple Past), Main Clause (Would/Could)
F. Metode Pembelajaran Brain Storming Diskusi
G. Teknik Pengajaran Problem-Solving Activity
H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
No 1
1. Guru memberi salam dan menyapa siswa
Pendahuluan Apersepsi:
2. Guru mengabsen siswa 3. Guru menanyakan kondisi siswa 4. Guru mengulang sekilas pelajaran if conditional
Kegiatan Inti Eksplorasi: 1. Guru melakukan brainstorming kepada siswa untuk mengetahui pemahaman
Lampiran 4
mereka terhadap materi if conditional sentence type 2 2. Siswa diminta untuk memberikan satu contoh kalimat if conditional sentence type 2 dengan pola yang benar Elaborasi: 3. Guru memberikan worksheet problem
solving activity berupa gambar kepada siswa 4. Siswa
tanggapan mengenai gambar tersebut menggunakan if Conditional Sentence Type 2 Konfirmasi: 5. Guru
tersebut bersama siswa 6. Siswa
mengemukakan argumennya 7. Guru memilih tanggapan atau solusi yang terbaik di antara yang lain 3
Penutup 1. Siswa
pembelajaran 2. Guru memberikan menutup pembelajaran dengan memberikan motivasi dan salam
I. Sumber Balajar Silabus Buku More Grammar Games: Cognitive, affective and movement activities for EFL students.
Lampiran 4
Buku Teaching Grammar: form, function, and technique
J. Penilaian Jenis: Tugas Kelompok Kriteria Penilaian: 1) Bentuk Penilaian: Menjawab pertanyaan, 2) Aspek yang dinilai: Kognitif dan Afektif
Jakarta, 7 Maret 2013 Mengetahui Guru Bahasa Inggris
Drs. Ade Herawaty
Dewi Yusuf
NIP. 196803132000122001
Lampiran 5
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: XI/2
Pertemuan ke-
Alokasi waktu
: 2 x 45 menit
A. Standar Kompetensi Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
B. Kompetensi Dasar Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menasehati,
memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan, serta menyatakan perasaan relief, pain
C. Indikator Memberikan contoh kalimat if conditional sentence type 2 sesuai dengan pola yang sudah diberikan Menggunakan if conditional sentence type 2 secara lisan sebagai bentuk nasihat dan saran terhadap permasalahan yang diberikan oleh guru
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran Siswa dapat memberikan contoh kalimat if conditional type 2 sesuai dengan pola yang sudah diberikan Siswa dapat menyatakan pendapat secara lisan mengenai permasalahan yang diberikan oleh guru dengan kalimat if conditional type 2
Lampiran 5
E. Materi Pembelajaran Problem Solving Worksheet (Terlampir) Pola Kalimat: If Clause (Simple Past), Main Clause (Would/Could)
F. Metode Pembelajaran Brain Storming Diskusi
G. Teknik Pengajaran Problem-Solving Activity
H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
No 1
Pendahuluan Apersepsi: 10’
1. Guru memberi salam dan menyapa siswa 2. Guru mengabsen siswa 3. Guru menanyakan kondisi siswa 4. Guru
conditional type 2 pada pertemuan sebelumnya
Kegiatan Inti Eksplorasi: 1. Guru memberikan games kepada siswa 2. Siswa diminta untuk menuliskan 1 masalah tentang dirinya di 1 kertas dan mengopernya ke teman sebelahnya sesuai instruksi 3. Sampai hitungan ke sepuluh, siswa diminta untuk membaca kertas yang ada ditangannya 4. Siswa memberikan solusi terhadap masalah
Lampiran 5
tersebut dengan menggunakan if conditional type 2 Elaborasi: 5. Guru membagi siswa ke dalam beberapa kelompok 6. Guru memberikan lembar kerja siswa berupa masalah 7. Siswa memberikan solusi atau nasihat terhadap masalah tersebut menggunakan if Conditional Sentence Type 2 Konfirmasi: 8. Guru membahas jawaban-jawaban tersebut bersama siswa 9. Siswa
mengemukakan argumennya 10. Guru memilih tanggapan atau solusi yang terbaik di antara yang lain
Penutup 1. Siswa menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran 2. Guru
dengan memberikan motivasi dan salam
I. Sumber Balajar Silabus Buku More Grammar Games: Cognitive, affective and movement activities for EFL students. Buku Teaching Grammar: form, function, and technique
Lampiran 5
J. Penilaian Jenis: Tugas Kelompok Kriteria Penilaian: 1) Bentuk Penilaian: Menjawab pertanyaan, 2) Aspek yang dinilai: Kognitif dan Afektif
Jakarta, 12 Maret 2013 Mengetahui Guru Bahasa Inggris
Drs. Ade Herawaty
Dewi Yusuf
NIP. 196803132000122001
Lampiran 6
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: XI/2
Pertemuan ke-
Alokasi waktu
: 2 x 45 menit
A. Standar Kompetensi Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
B. Kompetensi Dasar Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menasehati,
memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan, serta menyatakan perasaan relief, pain
C. Indikator Memberikan contoh kalimat if conditional sentence type 2 sesuai dengan pola yang sudah diberikan Menggunakan if conditional sentence type 2 secara lisan sebagai bentuk nasihat dan saran terhadap permasalahan yang diberikan oleh guru
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran Siswa dapat memberikan contoh kalimat if conditional type 2 sesuai dengan pola yang sudah diberikan Siswa dapat menyatakan pendapat secara lisan mengenai permasalahan yang diberikan oleh guru dengan kalimat if conditional type 2
Lampiran 6
E. Materi Pembelajaran Problem Solving Worksheet (Terlampir) Pola Kalimat: If Clause (Simple Past), Main Clause (Would/Could)
F. Metode Pembelajaran Brain Storming Diskusi
G. Teknik Pengajaran Problem-Solving Activity
H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
No 1
Pendahuluan Apersepsi: 10’
1. Guru memberi salam dan menyapa siswa 2. Guru mengabsen siswa 3. Guru menanyakan kondisi siswa 4. Guru
conditional type 2 pada pertemuan sebelumnya
Kegiatan Inti Eksplorasi: 1. Guru menjelaskan pola if conditional type 2 beserta
sehari-hari 2. Guru menanyakan apakah ada bagian materi yang dirasa sulit oleh siswa 3. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa yang belum paham untuk bertanya
Lampiran 6
Elaborasi: 4. Guru membagi siswa secara berpasangan 5. Guru memberikan lembar kerja siswa berupa masalah dalam bentuk gambar 6. Siswa memberikan tanggapan atau solusi terhadap gambar tersebut menggunakan if Conditional Sentence Type 2 10’
Konfirmasi: 7. Guru membahas jawaban-jawaban tersebut bersama siswa 8. Siswa
mengemukakan argumennya 9. Guru memilih tanggapan atau solusi yang terbaik di antara yang lain 3
Penutup 1. Siswa menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran 2. Guru
dengan memberikan motivasi dan salam
I. Sumber Balajar Silabus Buku More Grammar Games: Cognitive, affective and movement activities for EFL students. Buku Teaching Grammar: form, function, and technique
J. Penilaian Jenis: Tugas Kelompok Kriteria Penilaian: 1) Bentuk Penilaian: Menjawab pertanyaan, 2) Aspek yang dinilai: Kognitif dan Afektif
Lampiran 6
Jakarta, 14 Maret 2013 Mengetahui Guru Bahasa Inggris
Drs. Ade Herawaty
Dewi Yusuf
NIP. 196803132000122001
Lampiran 7
Observational Notes
: March 5, 2013
Cycle : 1 of the 1st Meeting Time : 10.00 a.m - 11.30 a.m (2 x 45 minutes of time allocation)
What Learners
What this
The students
Students are
Teacher’s Purpose The teacher
Comment The teacher does
tried to give the
involved in
reviewed the the
not detail and
example of
pairs work and
material of the
speak too fast in
last meeting to
explaining the
sentence type 2
remind the
material and
orally The students do
The question is
students of if
The teacher gives
around the
the translation to
the worksheet of
problem in
sentence type 2.
the students too
problem solving
The teacher give
The solution is
a short story of
The students are
employed by
the problem and
still shy and
discuss with
asked the
afraid of giving
their friends
students’ opinion
their responses in
about the
sentence type 2
or solution
front of the class
activity The students
solution of the problem The students
The students often talk to their friends while the
give their
teacher is
response orally
explaining the material The students fall asleep and get bored
Lampiran 7
some of the students play their cell phone in the classroom.
Lampiran 7
Observational Notes
: March 7, 2013
Cycle : 1 of the 2nd Meeting Time : 1.00 p.m - 2.30 p.m (2 x 45 minutes of time allocation)
What Learners
What this
The students
Students are
Teacher’s Purpose The teacher do
Comment The teacher
give the
involved in
brainstorming to
explain the
example of
group work and
the students about
teacher more
the material of
detail, although
sentence type 2
she still speaks
sentence type 2
fast in explaining
orally The students do
The question is displayed on
the worksheet of
some pictures
problem solving
The solution is
activity that was
The teacher ask the students to
the material The teacher try not
give one example
to give too much
employed by
of conditional
displayed on
sentence type 2
The students are
some pictures
The students
still shy and
the worksheet of
afraid of giving
discuss with
problem solving
their responses in
their friends and
activity that was
front of the class,
write the
displayed on
but some of them
solution of the
some pictures
looked active in
problem The students
sentence type 2
The teacher give
The teacher call the students’
the class and give their opinion The students often
give their
name when they
response in front
are talking in the
talk to their
of the class
friends while the
The teacher
teacher is
Lampiran 7
discuss the
explaining the
response and
Some of groups do
choose the best
not discuss the
material, but they sometimes talk about their life, hobby, with their friends in group. some of the students play their cell phone in the classroom.
Lampiran 7
Observational Notes
: March 12, 2013
Cycle : 2 of the 1st Meeting Time : 10.00 a.m - 11.30 a.m (2 x 45 minutes of time allocation)
What Learners
What this
Teacher’s Purpose
The students are
Students are
enthusiastic in
involved in
game of problem
English in the
doing the
group work and
solving activity to
problem solving
relieve their
boredom and to
to give too much
deepen their
The students
The question is
The teacher gives a The teacher uses
The students feel
write their own
arose from their
problem on a
own problem
piece of paper
which is written
around to the
comments in
on a piece of
students’ seat to
front of the class
check their works
The another students give
The teacher try not
The teacher walks
The students often
responses about
The solution is
the solution and
employed by
the worksheet of
friends while the
what they
problem solving
teacher is
should do
activity that was
explaining the
sentence type 2
displayed on
The students give their response in front of the class
The teacher give
free to give their
problem page
talk to their
The students feel
The teacher call
monitored by the
the students’
teacher, so they
name who are
focus on the
talking during the
worksheet and
teaching process
and asks them to
Less students play
Lampiran 7
sit in the front
their cell phone in
the classroom
The teacher discuss the students’ response and choose the best solution
Lampiran 7
Observational Notes
: March 14, 2013
Cycle : 2 of the 2nd Meeting Time : 1.00 p.m - 2.30 p.m (2 x 45 minutes of time allocation)
What Learners
What this
The students are
Students are
Teacher’s Purpose The teacher
Comment The teacher uses
enthusiastic in
involved in pair
explain the using
English in the
doing the
work and
of if conditional
problem solving
sentence type 2 in
daily life The teacher ask if
The teacher try not to give too much
The students
The question is
discuss the
displayed on
there is a question
solution based
some pictures
from the students
free to give their
on the context
about the material
comments in
translation The students feel
The students
The solution is
The teacher walks
give their
employed by
around to the
response in front
students’ seat to
English in
of the class
check their works
teaching learning
sentence type 2
The teacher give the worksheet of
front of the class The students use
process The students feel
problem solving
monitored by the
activity that was
teacher, so they
displayed on
focus on the
problem page
worksheet and
The teacher call the students’
discussion There are no more
name who are
students who fall
talking during the
asleep and play
Lampiran 7
teaching process
their cell phone in
and asks them to
the classroom
sit in the front line The teacher discuss the students’ response and choose the best solution
Lampiran 8
Students’ Score of Pre Test, Post-Test 1, and Post-Test 2 Students’
Post-Test 1
Post-Test 2
Lampiran 8
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senlenee type 2t
Assume that you are an Euglish teacher. You wake up one moming with a bad
cold. You don't feel well, but you know all of your students are expecting you. What would you do?
You get you the checkout stand inttrc grocery store and you discover you have left your wallet home. What would you do?
It's ten o'clock on
Monday evening. You're quite tired and you need to do sonre
work before you go to bed. There is a knock at the door. A close friend is standing there. He looks upset and needs someone to talk to.
4" A friead wants to oorne and stay with you. She is an old &iend, but smoke all the time, has a shower three times a My, tlrrow away the newspaper before you've read
,1 1,
and uses the place
hotel. She waats to stay a weck.
Imagine that you experience these situations and give your responses by using ,,If conditional sentence type2
The people are lost on the island. Then, they see a boat sailing in front of them. They want to ask for a help. If you were on this situation, what would you do?
,{, Mr & Mrs. Brown want to go to their best friend's party, but it is raining. They are confused whether they cancel to go or wait until the rain stops. If you were them, what would you do?
j It is midnight and Ben cannot go to sleep. He looks at the window and sees the moon in the sky. If you were Ben, what would you do so that you can fall asleep?
ri' -I
1 i
your advices as the reslronses of
these problems by using
if condltional
1. I'm going out with a really nice guy. He says he loves me, and he even wants us to get married. The problem is, I don't love him. I'm in love with his best friend. My friends say I should stop seeing my boffiend. Bu! If I can't have the boy I love, surely he is the next best thing? Julia, 19
I've got a great girlfriend and we've
been together for about six months.
It's all been
quite serious but now I'm not sure. You see, I saw my ex-girlfriend again at the party Iast Saturday. She really wants us to start going out together agatn
you were me,
what would I do? Do I tell my present girlfriend that we should break up2 Barry, 21
met an otd boyfriend the other day and we agreed we wanted to stay friends,
although I don't want to go out with him again. He asked me to have a drink together one evening. Should
Sluron, 19
I tell his prcsent girlfriend or is it
better that she doesn't know?
What would you do to survive in this sitrution? (Give two or three answers by trs@
Conditional Sentences Type 2!)
What wurld you in ffre desert have enoughwater?
if you didn't
lYhat if you urere outside in a &understorrn and near?
What would you do if you were in a forest fire?
\ilhat if you wsre in
bod oa the dge of
a waterfall?
,1 h
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5412 lndonesia
sr,rRAT BIMBINgAN Nomor : IJn.01/F.1/PP.009/ Lamp. :Hul : Bimbingqn Skripsi Kepada
Terbit :
Jl. lr. H. Juanda No 95 Ciputat
I Tgl.
27 Juli 200e 111 i
Jakarta, 14 Juni 2010
Drs. H. Bahrul Hasibuan, M. Ed. Pembimbing F-akultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah .
I As
salumu' alaikum wr.wb.
dihhrapkan kesediaan Saudara untuk menjadi pembimbing
(materi/teknis) penulisan
Deu/i Yusuf
Semester Jurusan
VIII (Delapan)
Judul Skipsi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Students' Understandlng of Conditional Type 2 by Using ' Probldm-Solving " Improvlng
Judul tersebut telah disetujui oleh Jurusan yang bersangkutan pada tanggal 30 April 2010, abstraksi/oatline terlampir. Saudara dapat melakukan perubahan redaksional pada judul, tersebut. Apabila perubahan substansial dianggap perlu, mohon pembimbing menghubungi Jurusan terlebih dahulu. l
Bimbingan skripsi
ini diharapkan
selesai datam u,aktu
6 (enam) bularr, Can dapat
diperpanjang selama 6 (enam) bulan berikutnya tanpa surat perpanjangan.
Atas perhatian Oal kerja sama Saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih. l[/as s a I amu' al a i htm w b.
199103 Tembusan: Dekan FITK Mahasiswa ybs.
l. 2.
-{ I
't "e i
iml Ll$tj" SJ
FtrK Jt. h.
Juanda No
s5 ciputat 15412 tndonesia
No. Tgl. No.
Terbit :
Revisi: :
FITK-FR-AKD-082 1 Maret 2010 01 1t1
SURAT PERMOHONAN IZIN PENELITIAN Nomor : Un.01/F.1/KM.01 .31........12013
Jakarta, 21 Februari 2013
Lamp.'. Outline/Proposal Hal : Permohonan lzin Penelitian Kepada Yth. Kepala Sekolah SMAN 2 Jakarta Ditempat A ssal a m u' al aiku m w r. wb.
Dengan hormat kami sampaikan bahwa, Nama
: DewiYusuf
: 106014000350
: Pendidikan Bahasa lnggris
Judul Skripsi
XIV (Empat Belas)
:200612007 : lmproving Sfudents' lJnderstanding of
lf Conditional Type 2
by Using Problem Solving ActivitY adalah benar mahasiswi Fakultas llmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Jakarta yang sedang menyusun skripsi, dan akan mengadakan penelitian (riset) di sekolah yang Saudara pimpin.
itu kami mohon
Saudara dapat mengizinkan mahasiswa tersebut
melaksanakan penelitian dimaksud. Atas perhatian dan kerja sama Saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih. Wassal am u' al ai kum wr.wb.
Bahasa Inggris
IA Pd 199103
1. Dekan FITK 2. Pembantu Dekan Bidang Akademik 3. Mahasiswa yang bersangkutan
NTh.IA Q 1glturguYst DInI$TITNTIT ulltru ItItIll ,allllL
ElHf,fiUEEE illful.Eli n lr^r^ rr^ rrE r^L-*-
l!u.l r rd craAae t r. \rIaJUu!:t:Euir, ^^:-r-
NI llllrllrrt!
al f lltlrlllrt
EiE$ i.$trtri FaEilEiii a rEnfliiifl Il^*+ u4a!-
(t{l-r2ro Dt t t oitl ,r.^r^ D-. I It r n.v&/u.u !llsv l!!P. u-ruiu
id email: spanZ
[email protected]
Vaar La*anzla i Ll a!, vEl lvl aug
a -l-l-L A\aurur
Yanerln]rr.5 I zlll-awarh YrEY 'r Y. I lnl
laaaaa .vr lYv.
tllA Naaafia lakarta rrrFnaratnrlkan: -.'s----"
rt^ rt^-l-&--i It(r.lf Bgl:llLIJI
.l I lrt t l-aJwqrus
Pendidlkon Bohoso lnggris
lslom Negeri Syorii Hicloyoiuiioh iokqrlo
l^^--' lrgl
t^l^li lslsl
Danaliliern lanrrrrerl l,.- rlt.rt'. larrrrrrri ,OI-? r{enoon .3trst:t5. a
Sfudenfs' Undersfonding of ff eonditionoi lype 2 "Imttrovind --"v --
Using Problem Solving
Demikion suroi keierongon
ini ciiberikon uniuk dopol
dipergunokon sebogoimanc
-^-l!-tnellrIryL.. -
5 Moret 2013 NEGERI2 JAKARTA
xlo-. ra oconnl rl 9nAml aJaYv llal
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