No. Urut : 096/S2-TL/TPL/1998
Olch : SYAMSUL BAHRI NIM. 253 95 007
ABSTRAK Kinetika pertumbuhan bakteri Thiobacillus thiooxidans pada partikel belerang dan proses bioleaching timbal (Pb) dari timbal hidroksida (Pb[OH] 2) serta Lumpur limbah industri baterai timbal asam pads reaktor batch, temperatur kamar dan pH 4 telah dipelajari., Pada reaktor tanpa kontaminan Pb dipelajari terhadap faktor waktunya dengan mengukur parameter konsentrasi sel-sel bakteri yang teradsorpsi plea. partikel belerang (XA), konsentrasi sel-sel bebas yang tersuspensi dalam medium cair (X L ), jumlah belerang yang teroksidasi (a). Sedangkan pada reaktor yang mengandnng kontaminan Pb dipelajari teatang senyawa sulfat yang terbeatuk dari basil metabolisms bakterial dan efektivitas pelindian timbal yang terjadi. Seperti halnya partikel belerang yang teroksidasi menjadi ion sulfat (SO4 z ), konsentrasi sel-sel bakteri yang teradsorpsi pada permukaan partikel bekn-ang per unit mama belerang didekati oleh suatu nilai maksimum (kapasitas adsorpsi maksimum terhadap partikel belerang), namun sebaliknya konsentrasi sel-sel bebas berlanjut meuingkat terhadap waktu. Di sini terdapat hubrnngan yang erat antara konsentrasi sel-sel bebas dan sal-set teradsorpsi selama oksidasi belerang secara mikrobiologis, dan dua macam konsentrasi set tersebut berkorelasi rnenguikuti postulat adsorpsi lsotterm Langmuir. Berdasarkan basil percobaan konstanta keseimbangan adsorpsi (KA) adalah 0.244 ml per mg berat kering biomas (13KB) dan kapasitas adsorpsi maksimumnya (X Ai) sebesar 2.704 mg BKB per mg belerang. Konsentrasi selsel total ()CT), yaitu gabungan sel-sel bebas (XL) dan sel-sel teradsorpsi (XA) meningkat paralel dengan jumlah sulfat yang terbeatuk. Parameter kinetika dan stoikiometri yang muncul dari model diestimasi dari data percobaan, di mana laju pertumbuhan spesifiknya to = 0.699 per had, rendemen pertumbuhannya 86.71 mg/ml per gram belerang untuk konsentrasi awal bakteri sebesar 0.033 mg/ml BKB. Efektivitas pelindian timbal dari Pb(OH) 2 sebesar 4.17 % pada 3 ban, sedangkan pada perlakuan lumpur industri timbal-asam memberikan nilai 36.24 % yang diperoleh pada 6 hari.
Kata kunci : bioleaching (biolindi), timbal, lumpur industri baterai timbal-asam, ThiobacilIus thiooxidans .
(Program Studi teknik Lingkungan, Program Pascasarjana, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 1998)
The kinetics growth of Thiobacillus thiooxidans on elemental sulfur in batch reactor and bioleaching process of lead from Pb(OH) 2 and sludge of lead-acid battery industry wastewater treatment, at room temperature and pH 4, ware studied In the reactor without contaminating of lead was studied by measuring the time course of concentration of adsorbed cells on sulfur (X A ), the concentration of free cells that were suspended in liquid medium (X L) and the amount of oxidized sulfur (a). Sulfate compound that was produced by bacterial metabolism and lead leaching effectivity was studied in the reactor containing of lead As the elemental sulfur was oxidized to sulfate ions, concentration of adsorbed cells on sulfur elemental surface per unit mass of sulfur was approached by a maximum value (maximum adsorption capacity of sulfur particles) whereas the concentration of free cells increase with time. There was a close relationship between the concentration of free and adsorbed cells during the microbial sulfur oxidation, and the two kind of cell concentrations were well correlate to Langmuir isotherm of adsorption. Based on the experiment, the adsorption equilibrium constant (K A) was 0.244 ml per mg Dry Weight of Biomass (DWB) and maximum adsorption capacity (XAm) was 2.704 mg DWB per gram of sulfur. The total concentration of free and adsorbed cells increased parallel with the amount of sulfate produced. The kinetics and stoichiometric parameters that were appeared in the models were estimated from the experimental data and the specific growth rate (µA ) was 0.699 day-u and yield (Y A) was 86.71 mg ml "I gran-1 , under level of initial concentration of bacteria 0.033 mg ml' l DWB. The effectivity value of lead `a leaching from Pb(OH)2 was 4.17 % at the 3 day and in sludge treatment of a lead-acid battery industry wastewater treatment was 3624 % at the 6 ' day.
Key Words : Bioleaching, Lead, Sludge of lead-acid battery industry wastewater treatment, Thiobacillus thiooxidans.