Halo Vale
Bekerja dengan Aman, Pulang dengan Selamat GLU, Para Lajang yang Suka Bersenang-senang Sorowako, Surga Kawanan Burung 10 Cara Kurangi Stres Saat Berhenti Merokok
Pembaca yang budiman.
Dear readers,
Selalu ada perdebatan menarik dalam rapat redaksi Halo Vale. Dalam menentukan angle laporan utama edisi kali ini, misalnya. Tema telah disepakati, tentang keselamatan kerja. Pelatuknya adalah program “Global Safety and Prevention Week”, yang dilaksanakan serentak di unit bisnis Vale seluruh dunia Juli lalu.
There are always lively discussions in the editorial meetings of Halo Vale. Take for example the task of determining the angle of this edition’s cover story. The theme, work safety, was agreed after the “Global Safety and Prevention Week” program conducted simultaneously at Vale’s business units worldwide in July.
Persoalan muncul ketika sebagian anggota redaksi mengusulkan angle ”know how” seputar keselamatan kerja, sementara yang lain lebih memilih ”cerita inspiratif” dari pengalaman karyawan. Masing-masing punya argumen sendiri.
The problem started when some people in the room suggested a “knowhow” angle on work safety, while others preferred having “inspirational stories” of employees’ personal experiences as an angle. Each side had its own valid argument.
Pendukung ”know how” bilang, informasi praktis lebih dibutuhkan pembaca. Sementara pembela ”cerita inspiratif” mengatakan, cerita dari sudut karyawan, misalnya karyawan yang pernah melihat temannya sebagai korban, bakal menarik karena terasa lebih dekat dengan karyawan.
Those in favor of the “know-how” angle said readers were in more need of practical information. Those for the “inspirational stories” angle said that personal stories, such as those from workers who knew colleagues that had fallen victim to accidents, would be more interesting, as they would be closer to employees’ hearts.
Sama-sama ngotot, sama-sama punya argumentasi, jalan keluar sempat buntu. Nah, dalam kebuntuan itu, seorang rekan yang tubuhnya subur memberikan jalan keluar, ”Ok, begini saja, ceritacerita dari pengalaman karyawan nanti kita bikin dalam buku khusus, semacam Chiken Soup for the Soul bagi karyawan. Terlalu sayang jika cerita-cerita itu ditulis pendek di majalah kita. Ini bakal seru.”
Both sides were determined, both had their arguments, and so we had an impasse. It was during this deadlock that a colleague, a plump fellow, came up with a solution. “OK, let’s do it this way. We’ll compile the stories of employees’ personal experiences in a special book, something like Chicken Soup for the Soul for employees. It would be a pity if those stories were cut short to fit our magazine. It will be exciting.”
Mendengar usul tersebut, kontan teman lain menyahut, ”Wah, situ kali ini cerdas, Bung.” Tawa pun pecah. Solusi telah ditemukan.
Upon hearing the suggestion, another colleague quipped, “Wow, this time you’re being smart, man.” There was laughter in the room. A solution had been found.
Demikianlah pembaca sepenggal cerita dari ruang redaksi. Kami merasa gembira model laporan Halo Vale banyak mendapat tanggapan positif dari pembaca. Tentu semua itu tak lepas dari tradisi diskusi dan perdebatan yang kami jalankan di ruang redaksi.
And that, dear readers, is a short story from the editorial office. It is pleasing to know that Halo Vale’s reporting style has been well received by readers. All of this, of course, has to do with our tradition of having discussions and arguments in the editorial meeting room.
Semoga Anda menikmati laporan utama Halo Vale kali ini. We hope you enjoy this edition of Halo Vale.
Pelindung/Patron: Board of Directors PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, Penasihat/Advisor: Basrie Kamba (Director of External Relations & Corporate Affairs), Penanggung jawab/Chief: Teuku Mufizar Mahmud (General Manager Communications), Redaksi/Editors: Teuku Mufizar Mahmud, Sihanto B. Bela, Iskandar Siregar, Cetak/Printing: X-Graphics Alamat Redaksi/Address: Jl. Ternate No. 44 Sorowako, Kab. Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Telp. 0215249100, Ext. 5987 Fax. 021-5289587. Redaksi Halo Vale menerima sumbangan naskah dari pembaca. Naskah ditulis dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti dan populer. Panjang naskah maksimal satu setengah halaman kuarto, spasi satu setengah. Sertakan foto atau ilustrasi baik gambar maupun grafik jika diperlukan. Saran dan naskah dikirimkan ke alamat email editor:
[email protected] dan
[email protected]. Readers are welcome to contribute articles for publication in Halo Vale. Articles should be written in prose that is easy to understand, with a linespace of 1.5 and a maximum length of 1.5 A4 pages. Include photos or illustrations, drawings or graphs, if necessary. Please send suggestions and articles to the editor at
[email protected] and
[email protected].
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
Keselamatan bukan hanya menjadi prioritas di tempat kerja. Banyak area lain keselamatan dan sikap antisipatif perlu diwujudkan sebagai budaya. Safety is not just a priority in the workplace. We need to enculturate safety and anticipatory attitudes in many other areas. Cover Illustration: Sandy Pauling
04 04
LAPORAN UTAMA I COVER STORY Karena Hidup Begitu Berharga 05 Because Life is Matters Most 09 Aturan, Inisiatif, Pelatihan 12 Rules, Initiatives, Trainings 16 Mengenal Lebih Jauh APD 20 More About Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 23 Lebih Baik Mencegah dari pada Menyesal 26 Prevention is Better Than Sorry 26 Siap dalam Kondisi Darurat 28 Ready in Emergencies 28 Waspada di Jalur Logistik Sorowako-Balantang 30 Beware on the Sorowako-Balantang Logistics Route 32 KINERJA I PERFORMANCE Setahun Implementasi OMIP First Year OMIP Implementation Keselamatan Kerja Kembali Diingatkan Work Safety is Reiterated Rasa Memiliki, Kunci Sukses 5S Sense of Ownership, Key to the Success of 5S INTERAKSI I INTERACTION Turnamen Bola untuk Sorowako Soccer Tournament for Sorowako
34 36 38 41 42
Buka Puasa Bersama di Tiga Provinsi 50 Fasting Break in Three Provinces 52 PROFIL I PROFILE K9 Trainer: Tegas, Berani, Sekaligus Penyayang 54 K9 Trainer: Firm, Brave and Loving 56 KOMUNITAS I COMMUNITIES Para Lajang yang Suka Bersenang-senang Singles Who Like to Have Fun
58 60
ATMOSFER I ATMOSPHERE Sorowako, Surga Kawanan Burung 62 Sorowako, a Paradise for Birds 64 SEHAT SELAMAT I HEALTHY SAFETY 10 Cara Kurangi Stres Saat Berhenti Merokok 66 10 Ways to Reduce Stress When Quitting Smoking 68 KUIS 70 QUIZ 70 ZOOM IN
46 48
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
SALUT DENGAN EDISI AGUSTUS Saya salut dengan Halo Vale edisi Agustus, laporan utamanya diulas santai dan informatif. Laporan seperti ini mengingatkan kami, para karyawan kalau Sorowako yang kata orang di tengah hutan, banyak hobi yang bisa ditekuni untuk mengurangi stres. M a rlina S ilamb a [SSO D ep ar t m en t ] Terima kasih atas pujiannya. Inilah yang membedakan Halo Vale dengan majalah internal sebelumnya, yakni angle yang segar, diulas ringan, dan informatif. VERSI INGGRIS JANGAN DI HALAMAN TERPISAH Saya saran laporan bilingual (Indonesia-Inggris) disajikan tidak terpisah di halaman lainnya atau langsung mengikuti versi Indonesia. Selain itu, saya saran pengaturan foto-foto di Halo Vale agar seakanakan tidak terpisah dengan berita tulisnya karena bagi saya pribadi ini cukup membingungkan. Lya n iza Meliza [ Med ic al S er v i c es] Pengaturan seperti itu karena menurut kami akan memudahkan pembaca memilih versi Indonesia atau Inggris yang ingin dibaca.
CONGRATULATIONS ON THE AUGUST EDITION I applaud the August edition of Halo Vale. The main report was presented in a casual but informative manner. The report continues to remind us employees that we can always dabble in our hobbies to reduce stress, even if we do live in Sorowako, which people consider as being in the middle of the jungle. M a r l i n a S i l a m ba [S S O D e pa r t m e n t ] Thank you for your compliments. This is what sets Halo Vale apart from the previous internal magazine; the articles are fresher, lighter and informative. DON’T PLACE ENGLISH VERSION ON A SEPARATE PAGE I would like to suggest not placing English texts on a separate page. Also, photographs should preferably not be separated from their article. Lya n i z a M e l i z a [M e di c a l S e r vi c e s ] The layout has been designed this way because we think it will be easier for readers to choose between reading the Indonesian version or the English version.
ULASAN PADAT DATA Saya usul Halo Vale mengulas laporan dengan topik-topik pencapaian perusahaan. Misalnya angka produksi atau kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dalam bentuk statistik dan padat data secara periodik. Kiranya semacam ini dibutuhkan karyawan sebagai update informasi.
DATA-RICH REVIEWS I would like to suggest Halo Vale carry reports discussing the company’s achievements. For example, data-rich reviews containing production figures or health and work safety statistics could be published on a regular basis. Employees need these to keep up-todate with the latest information.
Ku rniawan Ed y M [ Min es & E xp lorat i on D ep ar t m en t ] Terima kasih atas usulannya. Topik-topik seperti Anda sebutkan akan kami akomodasi di rubrik “Kinerja”.
Ku r n i awa n Ed y M [M i n e s & E x pl o r at i o n D e pa r t m e n t ] Thank you for your suggestion. We will accommodate the topics you have mentioned in the magazine’s Performance column.
BERITA LINGKUNGAN PERLU DIPERBANYAK Saya berharap Halo Vale mengulas interaksi atau inisiatif perusahan terhadap lingkungan di sekitar area operasinya, misalnya mempublikasikan kekayaan flora dan fauna yang ada di Sorowako. Sederhananya, mirip-mirip National Geographic.
MORE ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS PLEASE I hope Halo Vale reviews the company’s interactions with, and initiatives in environmental issues affecting its operational areas. For example, it could expose the rich diversity of flora and fauna in Sorowako. Simply put, something like National Geographic.
Atma G amara [ETDS -En g i n eeri n g S er v i c e D ep ar t m en t ] Untuk edisi ini, di rubrik Atmosfer, kami mengulas tentang keindahan burungburung endemis Sulawesi yang ada di Sorowako. Semoga menyukai ulasannya.
At m a G a m a r a [E T D S - E n gi n e e r i n g S e r vi c e D e pa r t m e n t ] In this edition’s Atmosphere column, there is a review on the beautiful endemic birds of Sulawesi found in Sorowako. We hope you enjoy the article.
HALAMAN KURANG PADAT Saya apresiasi laporan-laporan Halo Vale yang bagus. Namun menurut saya, tampilan halaman per halamannya terlalu banyak ruang kosong. Mungkinkah dapat diisi untuk informasi lainnya agar lebih padat?
PAGES COULD BE FILLED UP MORE I appreciate the wonderful articles in Halo Vale. But I think the layout of the pages reveal too many empty spaces. Can they be filled with other information to make the magazine more substantial?
S u kirman L au [MEM Dep ar t m en t ] Minimalis dan ramah dibaca merupakan prioritas kami dalam mendesain Halo Vale. Terima kasih masukannya.
S u ki r m a n L a u [M E M D e pa r t m e n t ] The minimalist, reader-friendly layout has been a priority in our design of Halo Vale.
Kirimkan kritik, saran, dan tanggapan Anda tentang Halo Vale ke
[email protected] atau kirimkan surat ke DP 23B. Surat yang dimuat akan mendapatkan suvenir menarik. Pengirim surat pembaca yang dimuat, silahkan mengambil suvenir di External Relations Department pada hari dan jam kerja.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
Send your opinion, comment and feedback about Halo Vale to internal.
[email protected] or letters to DP 23B. For each letter published will receive a souvenir. For letter senders, kindly pick up your souvenir at External Relations Department during the days and working hour.
Karena Hidup Begitu Berharga Menjaga keselamatan diri adalah wujud menghargai hidup.
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
Pintu-pintu air PLTA Balambano
Suatu siang di tahun 2009. Mochtar keluar dari ruang kerjanya sebagai pengatur jadwal di PLTA Balambano. Dia berdiri tepat menghadap tembok bendungan. Tiba-tiba penutup pintu air 1 (spill way 1) terbuka. Tak seperti biasa, bila operator hendak membuka pintu air, tentu akan ada pengumuman dan sirene meraung-raung. “Pasti ada yang salah,” pikir pria yang sudah 34 tahun bekerja di PT Vale itu. Perlahan air meluncur dari saluran buang dan menerabas ke Sungai Larona. Saat itu PLTA Karebbe masih dalam pengerjaan. Ratusan pekerja dan alat berat hilir-mudik. Melihat ada yang janggal, Mochtar bergegas kembali ke ruangannya. Dia meraih alat komunikasi dan menghubungi operator bendungan. Operator berlari dengan sigap. Ternyata telah terjadi kesalahan sistem. Pintu air terbuka sendiri tanpa ada yang mengoperasikan. Pintu air terbuka selama 20 menit. Namun waktu yang singkat itu telah membuat kendaraan operasional terendam air. Jika pintu air terbuka lebih lama lagi, niscaya kerusakan yang terjadi bakal semakin besar.
Beberapa hari kemudian, penasaran atas apa yang terjadi, para pekerja pun melakukan investigasi. Ternyata garagaranya adalah gangguan control system.
Hargai Kehidupan Apa yang dilakukan oleh Mochtar, yang lebih dikenal dengan sapaan Rambo, adalah teladan seorang karyawan yang peduli pada kehidupan dan lingkungan kerjanya. Kesigapannya telah menyelamatkan nyawa para pekerja dan alat-alat di PLTA Karebbe. Lebih daripada itu, dia telah menghindarkan terjadinya bencana banjir di Malili. Kisah Mochtar adalah gambaran makna kata-kata bijak dalam dunia kerja: “Know safety, no injury. No safety, know injury”. Dalam konteks ini kita tentu sepakat bahwa menjaga keselamatan diri dalam kerja adalah salah satu cara menghargai kehidupan. Maka tidak berlebihan jika PT Vale menjadikan “menghargai kehidupan” sebagai nilai pertama perusahaan. Dalam surat elektroniknya pertengahan Mei lalu, CEO Vale Murilo Ferreira, mengabarkan bahwa 13 pekerja Vale meninggal dunia. “Saya tidak ingin ada keraguan bahwa di perusahaan ini nyawa lebih berharga dibandingkan produksi. Jika harus memilih di antara keduanya, pilihlah nyawa,” tulis Murilo dalam surat elektroniknya. Pertambangan memang pekerjaan dengan risiko tinggi, dan sepertinya target zero harm tidak realistis. Namun, kata Murilo,
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
“Jika prosedur diikuti, jika risiko diidentifikasi menyeluruh, dan praktik manajemen perubahan dijalankan, hasilnya pasti berbeda. Jika kita bayangkan orang-orang yang kita sayangi, bisakah Anda membiarkan mereka cedera, sakit, atau meninggal dunia? Tentu saja tidak!”
Imbalan Hari Esok Ya, jika kita semua peduli, mengikuti prosedur keselamatan kerja, dan saling menjaga, bukan mustahil kecelakaan tinggal menjadi catatan sejarah. Kita tentu akan melakukan apa pun agar keluarga dan orang-orang terdekat kita tetap sehat, selamat, dan bahagia.
Saling menjaga dan bekerja dengan cermat adalah kunci mencapai zero harm. Namun demikian, praktik keselamatan kerja itu perlu dijalankan pada setiap aktivitas, di mana pun, kapan pun, bahkan dalam hal yang tampak sederhana. Mengutamakan penggunaan bus karyawan, misalnya, merupakan langkah untuk menekan insiden dalam perjalanan menuju dan dari tempat kerja. Menjauhkan korek api dari jangkauan anak-anak merupakan antisipasi awal mencegah kebakaran di rumah. Mengenakan jaket pelampung adalah cara mengamankan keluarga dari risiko tenggelam saat liburan. “Tomorrow is your reward for working safely today”, hari esok adalah imbalan atas kerja aman Anda hari ini. Tentu kita sepakat dengan kalimat bijak tersebut. []
Mereka Berbagi Cerita
Muhammad Gazali: Hal Kecil Manfaat Besar Di workshop Mobile Equipment Maintenance (MEM), tampak hilir-mudik pekerja mengenakan pakaian putih-biru, pelindung kepala, kacamata, sepatu boot, dan penutup telinga. Tak ada ceceran oli atau kendaraan yang belepotan tanah. “Kebersihan akan mempermudah pekerja menjaga keselamatan, karena semua benda bisa terlihat,” kata Gazali, Manager DH & Component Rebuild Shop.
Setiap hari supervisor dan karyawan di workshop MEM memeriksa semua kelengkapan dan prosedur keselamatan. Briefing seputar keselamatan dilakukan setiap Selasa dan Jumat, sementara untuk kontraktor dilakukan setiap Rabu.
Ada 18 bahaya utama yang punya standardisasi penanganan MHS (major hazards standard), yang sekarang dintegrasikan menjadi RAC (critical activity requirement). Pengecekan reguler kendaraan besar seperti truk dan dozer dilakukan setiap 250 jam operasi atau 14 hari. Sebelum dilakukan perbaikan, kendaraan dipastikan benar-benar bersih, terbebas dari lumpur dan debu. “Ini hal kecil, namun kita menjaga kemungkinan yang ada. Pekerja atau para mekanik bisa saja menghirup debu dan dapat menganggu kesehatan,” kata Gazali.
Mengenakan sarung tangan juga hal “sepele”, tapi dampaknya besar. “Ada risiko tangan pekerja terjepit material atau terpukul palu. Bayangkan bila pekerja tidak menggunakan kaos tangan. Bisa jadi jari tangan sudah remuk,” tambah Gazali. Berdasarkan kajian investigasi internal Departemen MEM, kecelakaan kerja ringan biasanya terjadi karena ada yang bekerja terburu-buru dan mengambil jalan pintas.
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
Yusri Yunus: Belajar dari Pengalaman Buruk
Tahun 2005, ketika pintu air Petea di hulu Danau Matano macet tak bisa ditutup, Agus Sanco mengepalai satu tim untuk melakukan penyelaman. Agus Sanco memiliki keahlian menyelam. Yusri Yunus, Manager of Hydro Operation, Utilities Department ikut dalam tim tersebut, di barisan kedua penyelam. Permukaan air begitu tenang, namun di bawah papan pintu air yang terbuka tampak lubang menganga dengan pusaran air yang kuat. Dibutuhkan bantuan alat berat untuk menutup pintu air itu.Seraya menunggu bantuan alat berat, Agus Sanco berniat membuktikan kekuatan pusaran air tersebut.
Tali pengikat disematkan di badannya, dan menyelamlah dia. Pusaran air tiba-tiba mengisap tubuh Agus. Beberapa lama kemudian dia ditemukan tak lagi bernyawa. Itulah pengalaman buruk Yusri seputar keselamatan rekan kerjanya. “Sejak saat itu, aturan penyelaman diperketat,” kata Yusri.
Menurut Yusri, pemahaman tentang keselamatan kerja di PT Vale sudah berjalan baik. Meski demikian masih terdapat kesalahan persepsi mengenai urutan prosedur keselamatan. Banyak orang menganggap alat pelindung diri (APD) sebagai rujukan awal. Padahal, kata Yusri, APD merupakan rujukan paling akhir. “Yang utama adalah bagaimana mengenal potensi bahaya, kemudian melakukan mitigasi, baru kemudian menyiapkan APD,” katanya.
Di PLTA, setiap pekan atau 48 kali dalam setahun dilakukan audit prosedur keselamatan, mulai dari kegiatan di area bendungan hingga check list kelayakan kendaraan operasional. Tak heran bila di area PLTA kadang terjadi penghentian pekerjaan bila standar keselamatan tidak terpenuhi.
Bernat Luhur Panuwun: Menunjukkan Kelas Perusahaan
Ada 14 bahaya utama di Departemen Process Plant. Namun standar penanganan bahaya sebagaimana termaktub dalam buku pedoman tidak bisa serta-merta diterapkan. Perlu dibuat format dan prosedur lebih jauh lagi.
“Tim kami membuat kerangka penerapan lebih jauh dan melakukan sosialisasi standar penanganan bahaya,” ujar Luhur, sapaan Bernat Luhur Panuwun, Process Plant Department MHS Champion.
Sudah dua tahun terakhir Luhur menjabat MHS Champion. Menurut Luhur, standar keselamatan menunjukkan kelas perusahaan. “PT Vale ini kan bagian dari perusahaan global. Ketika kita menerapkan standar yang diakui dunia, kita semakin percaya diri bahwa kita ini perusahaan berkelas internasional. Standarnya tidak main-main,” kata Luhur. Saat ini PT Vale menggunakan sistem manajemen Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 18001 yang diakui secara global.
Luhur pernah melihat rekannya tidak mengenakan body harness ketika bekerja di ketinggian lebih dari 1,8 meter. Dia juga terkadang melihat orang tidak memasang kacamata dengan benar ketika sedang mengelas. “Yang seperti itu harus segera diingatkan. Siapapun harus mengingatkan rekannya agar bekerja sesuai prosedur keselamatan,” kata Luhur.
Insiden yang pernah dia saksikan adalah pekerja yang jemarinya retak kecil lantaran terjepit material berat dan tangan pekerja tergores alat bergerak. “Memasang safety guard dan signage bisa mengurangi risiko insiden. Tapi yang utama tetap kesadaran pekerja memperhatikan keselamatan,” ujar Luhur lebih jauh.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
Because Life is Matters Most Keeping safe shows one’s appreciation for life. One afternoon in 2009, Mochtar was leaving his office where he worked as a scheduler for the Balambano hydroelectric power plant when suddenly, as he stood there facing the dam wall, the gate at spillway 1 opened up. This was odd; usually, before the operator opens a spillway gate, an announcement is made and sirens would be wailing loudly. “Something must be wrong,” thought the employee who had worked for PT Vale for 34 years. Water was making its way slowly down the spillway and into Larona River. At the time, Karebbe hydropower plant was still under construction. Hundreds of workers and heavy duty equipment were in operation. Seeing that something was seriously wrong, Mochtar quickly returned to his office. He reached for his communications device and contacted the spillway gate operator. The operator responded swiftly. It turned out there was a glitch in the system and the gate had opened on its own, without anyone operating it. The gate was open for 20 minutes, but in that short amount of time operational transport had been inundated. If the gate had been open any longer, the damage would have undoubtedly been much worse. A few days later, the workers investigated the incident out of curiosity. They discovered the cause of the incident was control system interruption.
Valuing Life The actions of Mochtar, who is known fondly as Rambo, exemplify those of an employee who values life and his work environment. His quick response saved the lives of fellow workers and the equipment at Karebbe hydropower plant. What’s more, he prevented a flood from occurring in Malili. Mochtar’s story illustrates the old workplace adage: “Know safety, no injury. No safety, know injury.” In this context we can agree that keeping safe at work is a way of demonstrating our value for life. Therefore it is not an exaggeration for PT Vale to state “valuing life” as its foremost corporate principle. In an electronic message in mid-May, Vale CEO Murilo Ferreira said that 13 Vale employees had died. “I don’t want anyone doubting that this company values life more than production. If there has to be a choice between the two, choose life,” Murilo said in his message. Mining is a high-risk job and having a “zero harm” target may seem unrealistic. However, Murilo said, “If procedures are followed, if overall risks are identified and change management practices are implemented, the result would be different. If we think about the people we love, could you imagine leaving them injured, sick or dead? Of course you couldn’t!”
Future Rewards Indeed, if we all care, follow work safety procedures and look out for each other, it is possible that accidents would be a thing of the past. Of course we would do anything to keep our family and the people closest to us healthy, safe and happy.
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
Mohtar posed in front of Balambano Hydroelectric Power Plant
Looking after each other and working carefully is the key to achieving zero harm. However, work-safe practices must be carried out in every activity, at every place, at any time, even when doing the simplest things. Using the company’s employee bus, for instance, reduces the chance of having an accident on the way to and from the workplace. Keeping matches away from children is an early anticipation against fires occurring in the house. Wearing life jackets provides protection for the family against the risk of drowning when on holiday. Tomorrow is your reward for working safely today. Surely we can all agree with these wise words. []
They share stories •
Muhammad Gazali: Small Things have Big Use
In the Mobile Equipment Maintenance (MEM) workshop, workers were busy moving about, clad in white and blue outfits, protective head gear, safety glasses, boots and earmuffs. There were no oil spills or mud-splattered vehicles about. “Cleanliness makes it easier for workers to stay safe because everything can be seen,” said Gazali, Manager DH & Component Rebuild Shop. Every day, MEM workshop supervisors and employees check all safety fittings and procedures. Briefings on safety issues are conducted every Tuesday and Friday; and for contractors, they are held every Wednesday. “We never tire of imparting an understanding of work safety issues because employees are the most important thing,” said Gazali.
There are 18 hazards that must be dealt with under the MHS (major hazards standards), which have now been integrated with the RAC (Requirement Activity Critical). Regular checks on large vehicles such as trucks and dozers are done every 250 hours of operation, or every 14 days.
Before repairs are conducted, vehicles must be completely clean and free of mud and dust. “This is a small thing, but we are avoiding any possibilities. Workers or mechanics could easily inhale dust and this will be detrimental to their health,” said Gazali.
Wearing gloves may seem a “small” thing, but it has a big impact. “There is the risk of workers’ hands getting caught in materials or being hit by a hammer. Imagine if workers didn’t wear gloves; their fingers would have been broken by now,” said Gazali. Based on MEM Department’s internal investigations, light accidents usually occur when people are in a rush and take shortcuts.
Yusri Yunus: Learning from a Horrific Experience
In 2005, when the Petea floodgate in the upstream regions of Lake Matano was stuck and could not be closed, Agus Sanco headed a dive team. Agus Sanco was an experienced diver. Yusri Yunus, Manager of Hydro Operation, Utilities Department, was in the team’s second line of divers.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
The water’s surface seemed very calm but under the open floodgate was a big hole with a strong current running through it. Heavy machinery was required to close the floodgate. While waiting for the machinery to arrive, Agus Sanco decided to test the strength of the current.
Fastening a line to his body, he dived into the water. The rip immediately caught his body and sucked him in. Moments later he was found lifeless. That was Yusri’s horrific experience in relation to work safety. “Since then, diving regulations have been stricter,” said Yusri.
Yusri said people’s understanding of work safety at PT Vale has been good, but there are still misperceptions about the sequence of safety procedures. Many people consider personal protective equipment (PPE) as a first reference. Yusri said PPE was in fact the last reference. “The key thing is to recognize potential dangers, follow this with mitigation and then prepare PPE,” he said.
At the hydroelectric power plant, safety procedure audits are conducted every week, or 48 times a year, targeting everything from activities in the dam area to the roadworthiness of operational vehicles. It is therefore not surprising that work at the plant is sometimes halted when safety standards are not met. In 2010, for example, a job of painting water pipes at the Larona plant was stopped because the contractor’s practices were deemed unsafe. “Having a delay is better than having a fatal accident,” Yusri said.
Bernat Luhur Panuwun: Showing Company Class
There were 14 major hazards at Process Plant Department. But hazard handling standards, as described in existing guidelines, could not be implemented in their current form. It was necessary to further extend the standard’s format and procedure.
“Our team created a framework for further implementation and conducted a socialization program for hazard handling standards,” said Luhur, the name that Process Plant Department MHS Champion, Bernat Luhur Panuwun, goes by.
For the last two years, Luhur has been a MHS Champion. Luhur said safety standards showed a company’s class. “PT Vale is part of a global corporation. When we implement standards that are acknowledged worldwide, we can be confident that we are an international class company. You don’t mess around with standards like that,” said Luhur. Currently PT Vale uses the globally recognized Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 18001 management system. Luhur has seen colleagues fail to use body harnesses when working at heights of over 1.8 meters. He has also seen people not wear their safety glasses properly when welding. “These things must be pointed out immediately. Everyone should remind their colleagues to work according to safety procedures,” said Luhur.
He once witnessed an incident where a worker fractured a finger after getting it caught between heavy materials, and another where a worker’s arm was grazed by moving machinery. “Having safety guards and signage can reduce the risk of accidents, but the main thing is for workers to be aware of their safety,” Luhur added.
M. Gazali
Yusri Yunus
Bernat Luhur
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
Aturan, Program, Pelatihan Aturan main, inisiatif, dan pelatihan dibuat untuk mencegah insiden serta memerbaiki kondisi kerja. Semua demi keselamatan.
ATURAN Major Hazard Standard (MHS). Terdapat 18 bahaya utama yang dapat terjadi di area kerja, seperti bahaya kelistrikan atau sistem penguncian. Kini MHS sedang digodok untuk diintegrasikan dengan “Critical Activities Requirement”, sistem baru Vale Global guna pemutakhiran sistem K3 di seluruh unit bisnis Vale.
Karyawan menggunak an crane untuk bekerja di ketinggian
Plang wajib APD
Golden Rules. Aturan baku mengenai standar keselamatan kerja PT Vale, antara lain standar mengoperasikan kendaraan, bekerja di ketinggian, bekerja di area peledakan, bekerja di dekat air dan lumpur, serta standar keselamatan pemangkasan atau penebangan pohon. Penerapan Golden Rules bertujuan meyakinkan seluruh karyawan selalu berperilaku aman dalam bekerja dan kembali ke rumah untuk berkumpul dengan keluarga dalam keadaan sehat.
Sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang tambang, PT Vale menyadari keselamatan kerja merupakan prioritas. Perusahaan berusaha menekan angka kecelakaan, meningkatkan standar dan memperbarui sistem keselamatan kerja. Sebenarnya prinsip pelaksanaan aturan dan sistem K3 sangat sederhana, yakni plan, do, check, act. Selain itu kunci sukses pelaksanaannya adalah komitmen manajemen dan karyawan juga kepedulian dan rasa memiliki yang tinggi. Henry Ekazandri, GM EHS Department PT Vale.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
PROGRAM Penilaian risiko umum (General Purpose Risk Assessment). Prosedur identifikasi bahaya, menghitung risiko terkait. Diterapkan oleh semua personel yang melaksanakan penilaian risiko umum. Analisa Keselamatan Kerja (Job Safety Analysis). Prosedur untuk memastikan bahwa semua pekerjaan sudah direncanakan secara aman. Izin Kerja (Permit to Work). Prosedur otorisasi pada pekerjaan instalasi, konstruksi dan/atau perawatan di area kontrak karya. Manajemen Perubahan (Change Management). Prosedur untuk memastikan alat, mesin, proses dan sistem di perusahaan untuk melalui pengkajian/penilaian dan disetujui oleh personel yang kompeten dan disetujui oleh manajemen. Pengelolaan Insiden (Incident Management). Prosedur pengelolaan insiden, meliputi pelaporan, investigasi, pengelolaan tindakan perbaikan dan pengkajian. Bagian ini juga termasuk site safety reporting yakni pelaporaan kepada site manager yang akan membuat catatan, melakukan analisis, dan mengambil tindakan demi mencegah insiden terulang. Inspeksi EHS (EHS Inspections). Prosedur standar inspeksi yang terdiri dari; ASA (Advanced Safety Audit)/JSA (Job Safety Analysis) yang bertujuan mendorong perilaku bekerja dengan aman dan EHS Inspections untuk memastikan ruang kerja secara fisik sudah sesuai dengan standar EHS termasuk soal perawatan dan menjaga kebersihan serta kenyamanan ruang kerja (housekeeping); dan EHS Audit untuk mencatat tingkat kepatuhan terhadap standar EHS yang telah dibakukan melalui behaviour dialogue. Safety Talk. Tiap pekan, leader mengajak karyawan untuk membahas isu keselamatan. Terutama ketika terjadi masalah di area kerja. Leader dan staf berdiskusi dan mencari solusi bersama. Jika ada kebijakan baru seputar keselamatan kerja, pimpinan juga berkewajiban mensosialisasikan kepada staf. Inspeksi jalan. Misalnya di jalan logistik sepanjang 60 kilometer dari Sorowako – Balantang, untuk menjaga keselamatan kendaraan, inspeksi dilakukan oleh Civil Road Maintanance setiap pekan. Inspeksi ini meliputi kelayakan jalan dan rambu lalu lintas. Program itu dibarengi dengan perbaikan jalan (major road maintanance) yang dilakukan secara periodik.
Inspeksi jalan
Manajemen limbah B3
Safety talk dengan pelajar
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Safety Events. Perusahaan menggelar serangkaian kegiatan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan K3. Rangkaian ajang “Health & Safety Global Week” yang salah satu tujuannya adalah mendorong karyawan agar pergi dan pulang kerja naik bus karena potensi dan tingkat kecelakaan juga kerap terjadi di jalan raya ketika mereka pergi dan pulang kerja (commuting accident). Ada juga kampanye mengurangi atau berhenti rokok, serta kampanye penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD) yang aman dan tepat. Juga melalui pelaksanaan “Day of Reflection” dan Bulan K3.
“ “
Major road maintenance dilakukan periodik setiap delapan tahun sekali. Namun hal itu tergantung kondisi jalan dan volume kendaraan. Terakhir perusahaan melakukannya pada tahun lalu 2011, sebelumnya 2002. Ridwan, Civil Road Maintenance PT Vale.
Semangat inisiatif ini bukan untuk mencari kesalahan bawahan, tapi mengoreksi dan melakukan peningkatan K3 di area kerja. Leader membuat laporan ter tulis seputar safety untuk diberikan ke kami (EHS Dept) sebagai bahan evaluasi, monitoring, dan kontrol. Budiawansyah, GM OMIP PT Vale.
PELATIHAN Isolasi dan penguncian/Isolation and Lock Out (LOTO). Pelatihan berdurasi 4 jam ini, diprioritaskan bagi pekerja mekanik, listrik, dan teknisi agar mengerti penerapan lock out dan tag out terhadap energi berbahaya. Dilakukan refreshing dalam dua tahun sekali. Izin Bekerja/Permit to Work (PTW). Berdurasi 4 jam dengan target peserta karyawan yang fungsi kerjanya mengharuskan untuk mengeluarkan atau menerima PTW. Pelatihan ini agar pekerja mengetahui prosedur, sikap dan kemampuan sesuai ketentuan PTW. Refreshing setiap dua tahun sekali.
Pelatihan LOTO
Menyiapk an perala tan untuk bekerja di Confine d Space
Pelatihan Bekerja di Ruang Tertutup. Pelatihan ini agar pekerja di ruang tertutup mengetahui prosedur dan risiko bekerja di ruang tertutup. Berdurasi 4 jam dan refreshing setiap dua tahun.
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Pengelolaan Hidrokarbon/Hydrocarbon Management. Pelatihan ditujukan bagi karyawan dan kontraktor agar tahu prosedur, penanganan dan pengelolaan hidrokarbon. Berdurasi empat jam dan refreshing setiap dua tahun. Pengelolaan Limbah/Waste Management. Pelatihan berdurasi empat jam ini bermaterikan identifikasi dan klasifikasi limbah, metode pengelolaan, prosedur, pemantauan limbah, dan lain sebagainya. Refreshing setiap dua tahun sekali. Safety Driving. Pelatihan yang bertujuan memberikan pengetahuan berkendara yang aman dan handal, materi yang diberikan berupa prinsip defensive driving, mengelola risiko, pemeriksaan kendaraan 4WD, teknik mengemudi, respons dalam kondisi darurat. Bekerja di Ketinggian/Working at Heights. Memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan bagi pekerja di ketinggian (lebih dari 1,8 meter). Materi yang diberikan berupa pengetahuan peralatan bekerja di ketinggian, memilih alat yang tepat, inspeksi, mampu mendeteksi situasi bekerja di ketinggian. Berdurasi 4 jam dan dilakukan penyegaran setiap 2 tahun. Pelatihan Alat Pemadam Api Ringan. Pelatihan yang diberikan kepada karyawan dan juga masyarakat untuk memahami teknik dan penggunaan alat pemadam api ringan, menganalisis faktor-faktor kebakaran, dan penanganan dini pada kebakaran. Pelatihan Pertolongan Pertama Pelatihan untuk mampu melakukan tindakan pertolongan pertama pada kecelakaan secara tepat dan cepat. Pelatihan ini diberikan Perusahaan kepada karyawan dan masyarakat.
Hospital emergency drill
Tim FES sedang simulasi penyelamatan
Bekerja di ketinggian
Oxygen Acytelene Training
Pekerja dapat menolak pekerjaan bila kebutuhan alat pelindung kerja tidak ada atau tidak lengkap. Karena hal itu merupakan hak pekerja dan dilindungi UU dan disebutkan di Golden Rules. Termasuk soal pembekalan pengetahuan melalui pelatihan, itu juga merupakan hak pekerja. Budiawansyah, GM OMIP PT Vale.
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Rules, Programs, Trainings Rules, initiatives, and training designed to prevent incidents and improving work conditions. All for the sake of safety.
RULES Major Hazard Standard (MHS). There are 18 major hazards that can potentially occur in work areas, such as those affecting electrical and locking systems. Currently MHS is being integrated into the critical activities requirement (RAC), which is Vale Global’s new system. Golden Rules. The rule of thumb for work safety standards at PT Vale. This includes standards for vehicle operation, working at heights, working in blasting areas, working near mud and water, and safety standards for tree felling or cutting. Golden Rules were made to ensure employees always act in a safe manner at work and return to their homes safely.
Inspection in confined space
As a mining company, PT Vale is aware of the impor tance of making work safety a priority. The company tries to keep down accident numbers, increase standards and update work safety systems. The principles of implementing Work Health and Safety rules and systems are in fact very simple: plan, do, check, act. Key to its successful implementation is a commitment from the management and employees and having a sense of concern and ownership. Henry Ekazandri, GM EHS Department PT Vale.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
PROGRAMS General Purpose Risk Assessment. General Purpose Risk Assessment. The procedure used to identify hazards and calculate related risk. Implemented by all personnel who conduct general risk assessment. Job Safetyt Analysis. Procedure to ensure each work has been planned safely.
Safety driving & riding training
Permit to Work. Authorization procedure for installation work, construction and/or maintenance in Contract of Work area. Change Management. Procedure to ensure every equipment, machine, process and system in the company has been through the assessment by competent personnel and approve by management. Vehicle inspec tion
Incident Management. Incident management procedure, including reporting, investigation, corrective action and assessment. Its consist Site safety reporting., the entire incident reported to site manager who will make a record, analyze, and take action to prevent repeat incidents. EHS Inspections. The standard inspection that consist of procedure, consisting of ASA (advanced safety audit)/JSA (job safety analysis), aimed at encouraging safe work practices; and EHS inspections, to ensure work environments physically meet EHS standards, including in terms of maintenance, cleanliness and comfort (housekeeping); and EHS audits, to record adherence to standardized EHS standards throught behaviour dialogue. Safety talk. Every week leaders in operational areas invite employees to discuss safety issues, particularly if a problem has occurred in the work area. The leader and staff discuss and seek solutions together. If there is a new policy regarding work safety, the leader is obliged to make staff familiar with it. Road inspection. To ensure vehicle safety, road inspections are conducted by Civil Road Maintenance each week. An inspection which targeted the 60-kilometer logistics route between Sorowako and Balantang, for example, assessed road and traffic signal conditions. Along with the inspections, major road maintenance work is conducted periodically.
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Safety Events. The company holds various events encouraging employees to increase their concern for health and safety. One of the aims of events held during “Health & Safety Global Week” was to urge employees to take the bus to and from work because they were at high risk of having commuting accidents. There has also been a campaign urging smokers to cut down or quit their habit, and a campaign on the safe and correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Also “Day of Reflection” and “Occupational Safety Month”.
“ “
Major road maintenance is conducted periodically every eight years, though this depends on road conditions and traffic volume. The last time the company had one was in 2011 and before that, in 2002. Ridwan, Civil Road Maintenance PT Vale.
The spirit of initiative is not to look for employee’s mistakes but to correct and improve safety in working areas. Leaders make written repor t about safety to be given to us (EHS Dept) as evaluation, monitoring, and control. Budiawansyah, GM OMIP PT Vale.
TRAININGS Isolation and Lock Out (LOTO). A four-hour training session on lock out and tag out applications against hazardous energy, with priority given to mechanics, electricians and technicians. Refresher courses are conducted once every two years. Permit to Work (PTW). A four-hour training session for employees authorized to issue or receive permits to work. Participants learn about procedures, attitudes and abilities according to current stipulations. Refresher courses are conducted once every two years. Confined Space Training. Giving employees the knowledge of procedures and risk working at confined space. Refresher for employees every two years. Hydrocarbon Management. Training for employees and contractors on the procedures for the handling and management of hydrocarbon. Duration of the session is 4 hours and refresher courses are conducted once every two years. Waste Management. A four-hour training session on waste identification and classification, management methods, procedures, monitoring, etc. Refresher courses are conducted once every two years. Safety Driving. Training aimed to give acknowledge safe and skillful driving. Refresher courses are conducted once every two years. Training material covers defensive driving principles, risk management, 4WD vehicle inspections, driving techniques and responding to emergency situations. Working at Heights. Skills and knowledge training for employees working at heights (over 1.8 meters). Training material covers knowledge of equipment used at heights, choosing the correct equipment, inspecting and detecting situations at heights. Duration of the training is four hours and refreshers are conducted once every two years.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
Fire Extinguisher Training (FET). Training provided to employees and public to understand the techniques and use of fire extinguisher, fire analyze factors and early treatment in the fire. First Aid Training Training to be able to perform first aid measures accurately and quickly. Training is provided by the Company to employees and communities.
Fire Extinguisher Train
ing to community
BTCLS Training
Working at height
An employee may refuse to perform a task if appropriate safety gear is absent or incomplete. This is a worker’s right and is protected by Law and mentioned in the Golden Rules. The same goes for acquiring of knowledge through training: this also constitutes a worker’s right. Budiawansyah, GM OMIP PT Vale.
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Mengenal Lebih Jauh APD APD penting dalam penerapan keselamatan. Benarkah kita sudah memahami seluk-beluknya? Mengenakan alat pengaman diri (APD) barangkali telah menjadi second nature alias kebiasaan bagi sebagian besar karyawan PT Vale dan kontraktor. “Hapal mati” dalam bahasa lokal. Kendati demikian, kata Hari Ananto, Sekretaris PPE Committee (Komite APD) PT Vale, “Belum tentu kepatuhan tersebut dibarengi dengan kesadaran dan pengetahuan memadai mengenai kegunaan dan manfaat APD.” Hari dan timnya terkadang menemukan APD tidak standar atau dimodifikasi ketika mengadakan inspeksi lapangan. “Padahal kualitas APD berperan besar menyelamatkan pemakainya jika terjadi accident. Juga mencegah terjadinya penyakit akibat kerja,” tambah Hari. Meski punya peran penting, ternyata APD menempati urutan paling buncit dalam urutan prioritas pengendalian bahaya. Prioritas pertama adalah eliminasi (bahaya itu dihilangkan sama sekali), kemudian substitusi, pengendalian rekayasa (engineering control), disusul pengendalian administrasi (administration control), baru kemudian penggunaan APD. Kalau dilihat dari urutannya, tentulah eliminasi adalah kontrol yang paling efektif, sementara APD yang paling tidak efektif. Namun tingkat efektivitas berbanding terbalik dengan biaya, sehingga APD yang menjadi pilihan utama. Di PT Vale, kata Hari, PPE Committee melakukan review pemakaian APD berdasarkan spesifikasi teknis, keamanan, kenyamanan, daya tahan, harga, dan tingkat penerimaan pemakai. Review menyeluruh oleh Komite APD dilakukan setiap dua tahun sekali. []
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
Inilah beberapa jenis APD wajib dikenakan di hampir semua area kerja PT Vale:
HELM SAFETY Fitur: - Standar warna putih. - Tali penahan. - Braket untuk pelindung telinga. - Bantalan kepala. Manfaat: - Melindungi kepala dari benda ukuran kecil yang jatuh dari atas atau melenting dari samping. Bantalan tali di dalam helm berfungsi meredam kejutan dari benturan atau hempasan benda jatuh sehingga leher tidak cedera. - Melindungi kepala dari sengatan listrik langsung. Perawatan: - Jangan mencat atau melapisi helm dengan cairan lainnya. - Ganti tali atau bantalan yang aus/rusak. - Ganti jika sudah pernah terkena benturan keras.
KACAMATA SAFETY Ada beberapa model kacamata safety yang diperbolehkan di area kerja PT Vale, bergantung pada kondisi tempat kerja. Fitur: - Pelindung samping (side shield). - Bahan polycarbonate. - Lensa minus/plus (berdasar kebutuhan). - Pilihan lensa bening atau gelap (untuk indoor dan outdoor). Manfaat: - Melindungi mata dari paparan debu, serpihan batu atau percikan api. - Melindungi mata dari radiasi ultraviolet. Perawatan: - Ganti jika terdapat goresan, retak, bengkok atau patah. - Bersihkan dengan kain halus untuk mengilangkan debu atau minyak.
RESPIRATOR Harus dikenakan di area dengan potensi bahaya partikel/debu dan gas, terutama di area Process Plant. Fitur: - Respirator separuh muka (half face). - Kaleng (cartridge) filter ganda. - Kaleng filter dapat diganti sewaktu-waktu. Manfaat: - Melindungi pernapasan dari partikel debu, termasuk partikulat aerosol. - Melindungi pernapasan dari gas SO2 dan HSO. Perawatan: - Respirator harus dibersihkan/dicuci dengan air dan sabun lembut (filter dilepas terlebih dahulu). - Simpan respirator dalam kemasan plastik tertutup. - Ganti cartridge filter jika tersumbat, bocor, atau tercium bau gas.
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L APOR A N UTA MA SEPATU SAFETY Fitur: - Lapisan baja pelindung jari-jari (captoe). - Lapisan tambahan pelat baja (steel midsole). - Alas antilistrik dan antijamur (antistatic dan antifungal sole board). - Sol tahan aus (high abrasion resistant sole). - Tahan air (water resistant). Manfaat: - Melindungi kaki dan jari dari tumbukan benda keras atau tusukan benda tajam. - Meredam sengatan listrik. - Mencegah selip/terpeleset dan melindungi pergelangan kaki.
PELINDUNG TELINGA Dikenal juga sebagai earplug/earmuff, digunakan untuk melindungi telinga dari paparan suara bising. Terutama digunakan di area Process Plant dan Utilities. Fitur: - Earplug (sumbat telinga) biasanya terbuat dari gabus atau karet lembut; ada yang sekali pakai, ada pula yang beberapa kali pakai. - Earmuff (penutup telinga) dapat digunakan berkali-kali. - Kedua pelindung telinga tersebut mempunyai nilai pengurangan intensitas suara. Manfaat: - Melindungi pendengaran dari bahaya tuli. Perawatan: - Kedua jenis pelindung telinga harus dipakai sesuai dengan petunjuk dari produsen. - Untuk earplug jenis pakai ulang, harus segera dibersihkan dengan air dan sabun lembut setelah dipakai. - Untuk earmuff, bisa dilap dengan kain lembap untuk menghilangkan kotoran.
Perawatan: - Jangan simpan sepatu lebih dari enam bulan tanpa dipakai, karena sol polyurethane justru lapuk jika tidak dipakai. - Segera keringkan jika basah agar fungsi antistatic tetap optimal.
BAJU FIRE RETARDANT Dikenal juga sebagai “baju proban”, wajib dikenakan di area Process Plant. Fire retardant bukan berarti tahan api. Jika terkena api kain tetap terbakar namun api tidak menjalar. Fitur: - Flame resistant (api tidak menjalar). - Reflektor ganda di bagian dada dan punggung. - Kain nyaman dipakai dan menyerap keringat secara optimal. Manfaat: - Perlindungan dari pancaran api langsung dan panas. - Reflektor membantu visibilitas personel di area berdebu dan tertutup asap. Perawatan: - Cuci dengan deterjen.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
More About Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) PPE is important for safety. Do we know enough about it? Wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) has perhaps become second nature, or habitual, to most employees and contractors of PT Vale. “Hapal mati” remembering by heart s how locals describe it. However, according to PT Vale’s PPE Secretary, “This compliance is not necessarily coupled with an awareness and adequate knowledge of the uses and benefits of PPEs.” Hari and his team sometimes come across substandard or modified PPEs on the field. “In fact, the quality of the PPE plays a big role in saving the wearer when an accident occurs. It also prevents illnesses resulting from work,” added Hari. Despite its important role, PPEs are last on the list of priorities when it comes to hazard control. The first priority is elimination (removing the hazard altogether), followed by substitution, engineering control, administration control, and lastly, the use of PPEs. “Elimination control, for example, is done by deleting the hazard source; substitution control may be done by replacing hazardous material/equipment with something safer; and engineering control may be done by isolating hazards using equipment guards,” said Hari.
Administration control comprises the installation of warning signage, the establishment of work procedures and training sessions. “If these things have been done properly, PPEs are hardly needed except for precautionary purposes,” said the ERH&S Department’s former industrial hygienist. Based on their order in the priority list, elimination is clearly the most effective control, and PPE the most ineffective. However, effectiveness is inversely correlated to cost, making PPE the first choice. At PT Vale, said Hari, the PPE Committee conducts reviews on the use of PPEs based on technical specifications, safety, comfort, durability and the wearer’s acceptance rate. “Before the company puts in an order, PPEs are tested for comfort and durability by randomly selected volunteers. If they do not pass the test, we will exchange them,” he said. Overall reviews are conducted by the PPE Committee once every two years. []
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Here are some PPEs that must be worn in almost all of PT Vale’s work areas:
RESPIRATOR Must we worn in areas with potentially hazardous levels of particle/dust and fumes, particularly around Process Plant areas. Features: - Half face respirator. - Twin filter cartridge. - Filter cartridges replaceable at any time. Benefits: - Protects the respiratory system from dust particles, including aerosols. - Protects the respiratory system from SO2 and HSO fumes. Maintenance: - Clean respirator in a mild soap solution (remove filter beforehand). - Store respirator in a covered plastic container. - Replace cartridge filters if they are blocked, leak or smell of fumes.
Features: - Standard white. - Strap . - Brackets for ear protection. - Protective cushioning. Benefits: - Protects the head from small objects that may fall from above or bounce from the side. The internal harness functions as a shock absorber in case of bumps or strikes from falling objects, providing protection to the neck. - Protects the head from electrocution. Maintenance: - Do not apply paint or any other liquid onto the cap. - Replace straps or cushioning that has been damaged or deteriorated. - Replace if cap has been subject to a hard strike.
FIRE RETARDANT CLOTHES Known as “proban suits” these must be worn in Process Plant areas. Fire retardant does not mean fireproof. If the material catches fire, it will still burn but the flames will not spread. Features: - Flame resistant (fire will not spread). - Double reflectors on chest and back. - Material is comfortable and absorbs perspiration optimally. Benefits: - Protects against direct flames and heat. - Reflectors ensure personnel visibility in areas with dusty and smoky conditions. Maintenance: - Clean with detergent.
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HEARING PROTECTION Known also as earplugs/earmuffs, they are used to protect the ears from exposure to extremely loud noises. Used especially in Process Plant and Utilities areas. Features: - Earplugs are usually made of foam or soft rubber; they may be either disposable or reusable. - Earmuffs can be used repeatedly. - Both types of ear protectors have noise- intensity reduction properties. Benefits: - Protects the ears from potential hearing loss. Maintenance: - Both types of hearing protectors must be used according to manufacturers’ instructions. - Reusable earplugs must be cleansed in a mild soap solution after each wear. - Earmuffs need to be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dirt.
SAFETY SHOES Features: - Steel toecap. - Steel midsole. - Antistatic & antifungal sole board. - Abrasion resistant sole. - Water resistant. Benefits: - Protects feet and toes against strikes from hard objects and punctures from sharp objects. - Absorbs electric shocks. - Prevents slipping and protects the ankle. Maintenance: - Do not store shoes for over six months without wearing them as polyurethane soles will deteriorate from lack of wear. - Dry shoes immediately if they are wet to ensure their antistatic function remains optimal.
SAFETY GLASSES There are several models of safety glasses that can be used in the work area of PT Vale, depending on workplace conditions. Features: - Side shield. - Polycarbonate material. - Minus/plus lenses (depending on need). - Choice of clear or dark lenses (for indoor and outdoor use). Benefits: - Protects eyes from exposure to dust, pieces of rock or fire sparks. - Protects eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Maintenance: - Replace if glasses are scratched, cracked, bent or broken. - Clean with a fine cloth to remove dust or oil.
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
Lebih Baik Mencegah daripada Menyesal Keselamatan berawal dari rumah. M ari melihat lebih dek at tiap ruangan di rumah agar kita semua dapat mengambil tindak an pencegahan yang diperluk an untuk keselamatan seluruh anggota keluarga. S afet y b egins a t home. Let ’s take a closer lo ok into each ro om in the house so tha t we can all take the necessar y precautions for the safet y of all family memb ers. Ruang keluarga I Living room Dapur | Kitchen • Jika tercium bau gas, buka seluruh pintu dan jendela. Jangan menyalakan kompor gas atau perangkat listrik karena percikan bisa menyulut api di dapur ketika terjadi kebocoran gas. If there is an odor of gas, open all the doors and windows. Don’t turn on the stove or any electrical appliance, as even a minute spark might start a fire in the kitchen during a gas leakage. •
Kamar tid Kids’ bedro
Hindari meletakkan perangkat makan dan piranti masak di bagian pinggir kitchen set demi mencegah benda-benda berbahaya itu jatuh menimpa anak Anda. Avoid keeping utensils and other crockery items near the edge of the shelf because anything might fall on your child.
Dapur I Kitchen
• Jauhkan benda tajam & korek api dari jangkauan anak-anak. Keep sharp objects & matchboxes away from children’s reach. •
Selalu gunakan sarung tangan saat memegang piranti panas dan menuang cairan mendidih untuk mengindari luka bakar pada kulit. Always use kitchen gloves while handling hot utensils and pouring boiling fluids to avoid splashes and getting blisters on the skin.
Saat memasak, selalu kenakan apron untuk melindungi pakaian dari dari percikan api. While cooking, always wear an apron to save your clothes from catching fire.
• Matikan kompor saat ditinggalkan. Turn off the stoves when leaving. • Jangan pegang panci panas, pakailah sarung tangan. Dont hold a hot pot, use a gloves.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
Ruang keluarga | Living room • Bungkus atau ganti semua kabel yang terbuka dan rusak. Insulate or replace all open and damaged wires. • Jangan meninggalkan jarum, gunting, silet, klip, dan benda tajam lain di karpet. Don’t leave needles, scissors, blades, thumb pins, etc. on the carpet. • Cabut kabel seluruh perangkat elektronik seperti komputer, televisi, charger telepon genggam, dan sebagainya sebelum Anda tidur untuk mencegah korsleting. Take out the plug of all electrical appliances like computers, television, cell phone chargers, etc. before going to bed to avoid short-circuits.
Prevention is Better than sorry
Kamar mandi | Bathroom •
Pasang pegangan yang akan Anda genggam setiap kali keluar dari bathtub atau shower, atau berdiri dari toilet. Install grab bars to hold onto when getting into and out of the bathtub or shower, or off of the toilet.
Pasang karpet antiselip di dalam bathtub, di bawah shower, dan di sekitar bak mandi. Use a non-slip mat or adhesive safety strips inside the bathtub, shower, and around the tub.
• Kenakan alas kaki antiselip selama di kamar mandi. Wear non-slip footwear in the bathroom. •
dur anak I oom
Simpan perangkat elektronik, seperti pisau cukur dan pengering rambut, jauh dari wastafel. Store and use all electrical appliances, such as shavers and hair dryers, safely away from the sink.
Kamar mandi I Bathroom Kamar tidur anak | Kids’ bedroom •
Pilih perkakas yang kokoh dan tidak membuat anak tersandung. Pastikan rak, laci, dan berbagai perabot yang berdiri ditempel kuat di dinding. All furniture should be sturdy and untippable. Secure shelving units, dressers, and other freestanding items to the wall.
• Kunci laci, pintu, dan cabinet. Pasang pengunci ekstra pada tempat penyimpanan barang-barang yang berbahaya diakses anak. Lock drawers, doors, and cabinets. Install safety latches on all storage items that your child should not have access to.
• Segera buang pecahan gelas, kaca, vas bunga, dan benda pecah- belah lainnya ke tempat yang aman. Dispose of broken things i.e. glass, mirror, vase, etc. in a proper place. •
Biasakan semua lemari dalam keadaan terkunci karena anak- anak, yang senang bermain petak umpet, sering bersembunyi di dalamnya dan kehabisan napas. Make a habit of keeping your cupboards locked as children, while playing hide & seek, may hide there and suffocate.
• Hindari kabel overload di terminal/electric socket. Avoid overload cables on the terminal/electric socket. • Lantai tangga jangan licin. Lengkapi dengan pegangan. Don’t let the stair’s floor slippery. Equipt with handrails.
• Tutup steker listrik. Pastikan setiap sumber panas dipasangi pelindung agar anak terhindar dari kontak langsung terhadap sumber panas. Cover electrical outlets. Make sure any heat sources have guards around them to keep your child from touching them and burning himself. •
Jangan meletakkan mainan yang menarik perhatian anak di rak tinggi atau di laci yang terbuka. Anak akan tergerak untuk memanjat atau masuk ke laci. Never place attractive toys on high shelves or in open drawers, which could encourage him to climb or to step into.
Lapisi sudut-sudut tajam. Bantalan khusus untuk pengaman sudut tajam dapat mencegah cedera. Pad sharp edges. Specially designed corner cushions guards help prevent injuries. []
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
Siap dalam Kondisi Darurat Ready in Emergency Conditions Insiden tidak pilih k asih. M ak a tidak ada salahnya jik a kita siap memberi per tolongan per tama dalam kondisi darurat. Inc idents do not play favorites, so there is no harm in b eing prepared to give first aid in ca ses of emergenc y. TERSENGAT LISTRIK | ELECTRICAL SHOCK Bahaya sengatan listrik tergantung dari tipe arus listrik, besaran voltase, cara arus listrik menjalar ke tubuh, kondisi kesehatan korban, dan seberapa cepat korban mendapat pertolongan. Segera panggil bantuan jika jantung korban berhenti berdetak, gangguan denyut jantung, gagal napas, sakit dan kontraksi otot, korban mengalami luka bakar, kejang, mati rasa, dan tidak sadarkan diri. Sambil menunggu bantuan datang, ikuti langkah berikut: • Lihat dulu, jangan sentuh. Korban mungkin masih bersentuhan dengan sumber listrik. Menyentuh korban dapat memindahkan arus listrik ke tubuh Anda. • Jangan memindahkan korban sengatan listrik kecuali korban dalam bahaya. • Matikan sumber listrik, jika memungkinkan. Jika tidak, jauhkan sumber listrik dari Anda dan korban menggunakan obyek isolator kering berbahan karton, plastik, atau kayu. Anda sebaiknya menjauhi kabel bertegangan tinggi hingga sumbernya dicabut. • Cari tanda-tanda sirkulasi (napas, batuk, atau gerakan). Jika tidak ada, segera lakukan CPR tapi pastikan Anda sudah terlatih. • Hindari syok. Baringkan korban dan, jika memungkinkan, posisikan kepala sedikit lebih rendah dibanding punggung dengan kaki terangkat. • Setelah terjadi kontak dengan listrik, korban perlu mengunjungi dokter untuk mendapat pemeriksaan luka dalam, meskipun dia tidak menunjukkan gejala apapun. The danger from an electrical shock depends on the type of current, how high the voltage is, how the current traveled through the body, the person’s overall health and how quickly the person is treated. Call for help immediately if the victim having cardiac arrest, heart rhythm problems, respiratory failure, muscle pain and contractions, burns, seizures, numbness and tingling, and unconsciousness.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
While waiting for medical help, follow these steps: • Look first. Don’t touch. The person may still be in contact with the electrical source. Touching the person may pass the current through you. • Don’t move a person with an electrical injury unless the person is in immediate danger. • Turn off the source of electricity, if possible. If not, move the source away from you and the person, using a dry, nonconducting object made of cardboard, plastic or wood. Don’t get near high-voltage wires until the power is turned off. • Check for signs of circulation (breathing, coughing or movement). If absent, begin CPR immediately but make sure you are trained well. • Prevent shock. Lay the person down and, if possible, position the head slightly lower than the trunk with the legs elevated. • After coming into contact with electricity, the person should see a doctor to check for internal injuries, even if he or she has no obvious signs or symptoms.
CEDERA KEPALA | HEAD INJURY Kebanyakan cedera kepala bersifat minor dan tidak perlu dirawat di rumah sakit, lakukan hal berikut sambil menunggu tenaga medis: • Baringkan korban dengan perlahan, kepala dan bahu sedikit diangkat. Jangan menggerakkan tubuh korban jika tidak diperlukan dan hindari menggerakkan leher korban. Jika korban mengenakan helm, jangan dilepas. • Hentikan perdarahan dengan memberi tekanan pada luka menggunakan kain kasa atau kain bersih. Namun jangan berikan tekanan langsung jika Anda mencurigai ada retak tengkorak. • Jika korban tidak bernapas, tidak batuk, atau tidak bergerak, mulai lakukan CPR. Most head injuries are minor and do not require hospitalization, do the following actions while waiting for the arrival of medical personnel: • Lay down the victim gently, slightly raising the head and shoulders. Do not move the body unnecessarily and avoid moving the neck. If the victim is wearing a helmet, do not take it off. • Stop any bleeding by applying pressure to the wound with gauze or clean cloth, but do not apply direct pressure if you suspect the presence of a skull fracture. • If the victim is not breathing, not coughing, or not moving, start applying CPR.
COVER STORY LUKA BAKAR | BURN INJURIES Untuk luka bakar minor dengan diameter tidak lebih dari 8 cm, lakukan teknik berikut: • Basuh area luka dengan air mengalir bersuhu sejuk (bukan air dingin) selama 10-15 menit atau hingga sakit mereda. Anda juga bisa merendam atau mengompres luka bakar dengan air sejuk. • Tutupi luka dengan kasa steril, lalu bungkus dengan plester longgar agar luka bakar tidak tertekan. • Jangan gunakan es untuk membasuh luka, karena justru memperparah kondisi korban. • Jangan oleskan putih telur, mentega, minyak, krim, dan sejenisnya, karena bisa menyebabkan infeksi. • Jangan memecah luka yang membengkak. For minor burn wounds measuring less than 8 cm, use the following technique: • Clean the wound with cool (not cold) running water for 10-15 minutes or until the pain eases. You may also apply a cool water pack or soak it. • Cover the wound with sterile gauze then wrap loosely with a bandage so there is no pressure on the wound. • Do not use ice to clean the wound because this will aggravate the condition. • Do not apply egg white, butter, oil, cream or other substances because this may cause an infection. • Do not attempt to break swollen wounds.
Untuk luka bakar parah, segera cari bantuan medis. Sambil menunggu bantuan datang, lakukan hal berikut: • Jangan membuka pakaian yang terbakar. Pastikan korban terbebas dari bahan-bahan yang mudah terbakar dan jauh dari asap serta panas. • Jangan menyiram luka bakar besar dengan air dingin karena suhu tubuh akan turun drastis dan korban bisa mengalami syok. • Jika napas korban berhenti, lakukan CPR. • Tutupi area luka bakar dengan kain kasa steril dan lembap atau kain bersih dan lembap, atau handuk lembap. For serious burn injuries, seek medical assistance. While waiting for professional assistance, do the following actions; • Do not attempt to remove burnt clothing. Ensure the victim is free of flammable objects and far from smoke and heat. • Do not pour cold water over large burn wounds as this will cause the victim’s body temperature to drop drastically, which may result in shock. • If the victim has stopped breathing, apply CPR. • Cover the burnt area with damp sterile gauze, a damp clean cloth, or a damp towel. []
Isi Kotak P3K I First Aid Kit: Satu kotak berisi perlengkapan P3K bisa membantu Anda mengatasi berbagai cedera dan keadaan darurat. Sediakan satu kotak P3K di rumah dan satu di mobil. Pastikan perlengkapan berikut ada di kotak P3K Anda: A First Aid kit can help you deal with various injuries and emergency situations. Have one First Aid kit ready at home and one in the car. Ensure you have the following items in your First Aid kit: • 50 gram kapas putih | 50 gram cotton wool • 100 gram kapas | 100 gram cotton wool • 2 rol pembalut elastik | 2 roll of elastic bandage • 2 rol pembalut gulung lebar 5 cm | 2 roll of roller bandage 5 cm width • 2 rol pembalut gulung lebar 7.5 cm | 2 roll of roller bandage 7.5 cm width • 2 pembalut segitiga (mitela) | 2 triangular bandage • 2 pembalut cepat steril/snelverband | 2 sterile bandage • 10 buah kassa steril ukuran 5x5 cm | 10 sterile gauze 5x5 cm size • 1 rol plester lebar 1 cm | 1 roll of medical adhesive tape • 20 buah plester cepat (misal tensoplast) | 20 pcs adhesive dressing strips • 1 gunting | 1 scissor • 1 buah sabun | 1 soap • 1 buah pinset | 1 tweezer • 1 buku catatan | 1 pocket book
• 1 buku isi kotak P3K | 1 first aid manual book • 1 lampu senter | 1 flashlight • 1 bidai | 1 splint • 1 dos tisu | 1 pack of tissue • Obat pelawan rasa sakit (paracetamol, antalgin) | Pain relief medication • Obat sakit perut (antasida) | Stomach ache medication • Obat diare | Diarrhea medication • Cairan antiseptik | Antiseptic liquid • Obat tetes mata | Eye drops • Salep anti gatal | Calamine lotion
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
Jalur Logistik Sorowako-Balantang
Waspadalah di Spot-spot Ini Wa s p ad ai p e r i l aku ke nd ar aa n umum, pengenda ra motor, da n ke r i ki l taj am. 1.
Km 1,5 (Pertigaan GFS)
Terdapat pertigaan dan tikungan, lalu-lintas kendaraan
dan pejalan kaki kerap padat. Kurangi kecepatan, maksimal
50 km/jam, taati rambu, dilarang menyalip di tikungan.
Km 2 (Pertigaan Brojonegoro-Puskesmas-Sorowako)
Jalan berkontur, terdapat tikungan kombinasi, lalu-lintas
kerap padat. Kurangi kecepatan, perhatikan jarak aman,
hati-hati terhadap kendaraan yang akan belok langsung ke
arah Puskesmas.
Km 2,5 (Pertigaan Bandara)
Lalu-lintas kendaraan kerap padat, terdapat pertigaan.
Perhatikan rambu dan waspadai black spot, hati-hati
kendaraan lurus dari kedua arah sebelum keluar dari
pertigaan bandara dan pertigaan ke Pasar F.
Km 5,5 (Sebelum Gunung Batu)
Jalan berkontur, tikungan kombinasi, ada perempatan di
depan (jalur kendaraan keluar-masuk dari gate Gunung Batu).
Jaga jarak aman, kurangi kecepatan.
Km 7 (Selepas Gunung Batu)
Daerah sangat rawan kecelakaan! Waspada kendaraan dari
depan (arah Plant Site), kurangi kecepatan.
Km 10
Terdapat tikungan kombinasi, jembatan layang di depan,
jalan seakan menyempit. Dilarang menyalip, kurangi
To Wotu
Balantang Barge Wharf
19 18
Pongkeru River
kecepatan. 9.
Km 19 (Selepas Palumba)
Km 11 (Sebelum Enggano)
Terdapat tanjakan tajam, daerah permukiman warga, pengguna jalan berlalu-
Jalan berkontur, lurus bebas hambatan, dekat persimpangan.
lalang. Dilarang menyalip, dahulukan kendaraan berat, jaga jarak aman berkendara.
Kurangi kecepatan, patuhi rambu kecepatan, prioritaskan
kendaraan berat, jaga jarak aman.
Km 16 (Asuli ke Palumba)
Terdapat turunan panjang, daerah permukiman warga,
pengguna jalan berlalu-lalang, banyak kerikil lepas. Dilarang
11. Km 22 (Turunan Wasuponda II)
menyalip, perhatikan rambu, dahulukan kendaraan berat,
Daerah sangat rawan kecelakaan! Jalan berkontur dan tikungan tajam kombinasi.
hati-hati kendaraan kencang dari arah Sorowako.
Kurangi kecepatan, jaga jarak aman, prioritas kendaraan berat!
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
10. Km 21 (Turunan Wasuponda I)
Daerah sangat rawan kecelakaan! Kurangi kecepatan, ikuti rambu petunjuk
sepanjang jalan turun, jaga jarak aman.
Balam MakeStock
Fakta: - - - - - -
Panjang jalan 60 kilometer. Membaca peta dari Town Site (Sorowako) ke Balantang (Malili). Km 0 (Town Site/Exrel). Km 60 (Balantang Barge Wharf) Lebar badan jalan 7,2 meter. Lebar bahu jalan 1 meter masing-masing di kedua sisi jalan.
Town Site
1 2
KM. 00 Post Office
Plan Site
6 8
To Wawondula
hati-hati kendaraan kencang dari arah Malili.
17. Km 40 (Selepas Jalan Baru Reroute)
Jalan menyempit sepanjang 100 meter, berkelok, ada tikungan
tajam, jarak pandang terbatas. Kurangi kecepatan, dilarang
menyalip, perhatikan rambu.
18. Km 42
Jalan menyempit sepanjang 100 meter, jarak pandang terbatas.
Kurangi kecepatan, perhatikan rambu
Jalan berkelok dan ada turunan. Perhatikan rambu, kurangi
kecepatan. 20. Km 45 (Pancuran)
Jalan berkelok, ada turunan, daerah permukiman, lalu-lalang
penjual di area Pancuran. Perhatikan kecepatan sesuai rambu.
21. Km 49 Sora-Sora Quary Silica
bano To Larona
Terdapat turunan agak landai, berkelok-kelok. Kurangi kecepatan,
19. Km 43 (PLTA Karebbe)
5 11
16. Km 36
mbano -up Pile
Daerah sangat rawan kecelakaan! Tikungan tajam, ada tanjakan,
jarak pandang terbatas. Perhatikan kecepatan sesuai rambu,
dilarang menyalip.
22. Km 55 (Malili kota)
Padat pengendara, persimpangan, daerah permukiman. Kurangi
kecepatan, dilarang menyalip.
23. Km 56 (By Pass Bunker)
Jalan urus panjang, berkontur, daerah permukiman. Perhatikan
kecepatan, dilarang menyalip.
Dam Site Larona
Tips Berkendara yang Aman Etika Berkendara 12. Km 26
Jalan berkelok-kelok, dekat permukiman warga. Perhatikan rambu, upayakan
jangan menyalip.
13. Km 33 (Turunan Balambano)
Terdapat tikungan, jalan berkontur kombinasi, licin. Kurangi kecepatan, taati
rambu, dahulukan kendaraan berat, jaga jarak aman berkendara.
14. Km 34
Daerah sangat rawan kecelakaan! Terdapat tikungan kombinasi. Kurangi
kecepatan, jaga jarak aman berkendara.
15. Km 35 (Jelang PLTA Balambano)
1. Taati rambu lalu-lintas. 2. Jaga jarak aman kendaraan. 3. Kurangi kecepatan. 4. Sabar dan tidak terburu-buru. Adopsi teknik “The Smith System” 1. Selalu melihat jauh ke depan. 2. Selalu gerakan mata Anda. 3. Dapatkan gambaran sekitar secara menyeluruh. 4. Sediakan ruang untuk menghindar. 5. Pastikan pengguna jalan lain melihat Anda.
Terdapat tikungan tajam, jalan berkontur. Kurangi kecepatan, waspada blind spot.
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
Sorowako-Balantang Logistics Route
Beware on These Spots Watch out for behavior public transport, bikers, and loose aggregate. 1.
Km 1,5 (GFS Junction)
Km 19 (After Palumba)
There is a three-way intersection and a curved road; the
There is a steep incline, with residential areas and many road users about. Do not
road is often busy with traffic and pedestrians. Reduce speed
overtake, give priority to heavy vehicles and keep a safe distance with other vehicles.
to a maximum of 50 km/hour, obey road signs and do not
overtake traffic where the road curves.
Km 2 (Brojonegoro-Puskesmas-Sorowako Three-way
10. Km 21 (Wasuponda I Decline)
A very dangerous area prone to accidents! Reduce speed, follow road signs
along the decline and keep a safe distance with other vehicles.
Road follows a contoured terrain, there are multiple road
11. Km 22 (Wasuponda II Decline)
curves, and traffic is often busy. Reduce speed, keep a safe
A very dangerous area prone to accidents! Road follows a contoured terrain and
distance with other vehicles and beware of vehicles turning
multiple sharp curves. Reduce speed, keep a safe distance with other vehicles and
into the Community Health Center (Puskesmas).
give priority to heavy vehicles!
Km 2,5 (Airport Three-way Junction)
Traffic is often busy and there is a three-way intersection.
Follow road signs and beware of black spots; watch for
oncoming vehicles from both ways before exiting the airport
junction and the three-way junction to Pasar F.
Km 5.5 (Before Gunung Batu)
Road follows a contoured terrain, there are multiple road
curves and a four-way intersection ahead (the route for
vehicles entering and exiting the Gunung Batu gate). Keep a
safe distance with other vehicles, reduce speed.
Km 7 (After Gunung Batu)
A very dangerous area prone to accidents! Beware vehicles
from forward (from Plant Site), reduce speed.
Km 10
There are multiple road curves, an overpass ahead and the
road seems to taper. Overtaking is forbidden; reduce speed.
Km 11 (Before Enggano)
Road follows a contoured terrain, straight and unobstructed,
near an intersection. Reduce speed, obey the speed signed,
give priority to heavy vehicles and keep a safe distance with
other vehicles.
Km 16 (Asuli to Palumba)
There is a long decline, with residential areas and many
road users about; loose gravel is present. Do not overtake,
follow road signs, give priority to heavy vehicles and beware
of vehicles coming at high speed from Sorowako.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
Fact: - - - - - -
The road is 60 kilometers long. Reading the map from Town Site (Sorowako) to Balantang (Malili). Km 0 (Town Site/Exrel). Km 60 (Balantang Barge Wharf). The road is 7.2 meters wide. The road shoulders are 1 meter wide on either side of the road.
16. Km 36
There is a gentle, winding decline. Reduce speed and beware of
vehicles coming at high speed from Malili.
17. Km 40 (After New Reroute Road)
The road tapers for about 100 meters, winding with sharp curves,
reducing visibility. Reduce speed, do not overtake and follow road
signs. 12. Km 26
18. Km 42
The road tapers for about 100 meters, visibility is reduced. Reduce
speed and follow road signs.
The road is winding, near residential areas. Follow road signs and try not to overtake.
13. Km 33 (Balambano Decline)
The road curves, follows multiple contoured terrains and is slippery. Reduce speed,
19. Km 43 (Karebbbe Hydropower Plant)
follow road signs, give priority to heavy vehicles and keep a safe distance with
other vehicles.
The road is winding with declines. Follow road signs, reduce speed.
20. Km 45 (Pancuran) 14. Km 34
The road is winding with declines; there are residential areas and
A very dangerous area prone to accidents! There are multiple road curves.
street hawkers moving about in Pancuran area. Stay within the
Reduce speed and keep a safe distance with other vehicles.
speed limit displayed on road signs.
15. Km 35 (Heading Towards Balambano Hydropower Plant)
21. Km 49
There are sharp curves and a contoured terrain. Reduce speed and beware of
A very dangerous area prone to accidents! There are sharp road
blind spots.
curves and inclines; visibility is reduced. Stay within the speed limit
displayed on road signs and do not overtake
22. Km 55 (Malili town)
Traffic is busy with intersections and residential areas. Reduce
speed and do not overtake.
23. Km 56 (Bunker Bypass)
A long straight stretch of road following contoured terrain passing
residential areas; watch your speed and do not overtake.
Tips on Safe Driving Driving Ethics 1. Follow road signs. 2. Keep a safe distance with other vehicles. 3. Slow down. 4. Be patient and do not rush. Adopted “The Smith System” Techniques 1. Aim high in steering and look far ahead. 2. Get the big picture of your overall surroundings. 3. Keep your eyes moving or scanning. 4. Leave yourself an out, ensuring you have room for evasion. 5. Make sure others see you.
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
Setahun Implementasi OMIP
Membuka Komunikasi, Bekerja Sistematis Implementasi OMIP di Process Plant berhasil baik. Sejak diimplementasikan September 2011, Operation & Maintenance Improvement Program (OMIP) di area Process Plant memberikan hasil yang menggembirakan. Bukan hanya membantu kestabilan performa mesin, tapi juga mampu mengatasi pelbagai hambatan dalam proses kerja operator dan kru perawatan mesin. Tumbuh pula budaya kerja yang positif. Pelaksanaan OMIP di Process Plant adalah yang terbanyak. Untuk tahun pertama ini dilaksanakan di area dryer, kiln, dan furnace. Sebagian improvement tuntas dilakukan pada shutdown sepanjang 2012. Menurut General Manager Ore Preparation PT Vale, Sudirman Payangan, OMIP membantu mempercepat pelaksanaan rencana improvement yang sebelumnya terkendala karena kurang fokus. Salah satunya adalah pengendalian ore size di dryer yang kerap menimbulkan masalah di kiln dan furnace. Pencapaian lainnya terjadi di area kiln. Sebelumnya, pada bagian ini sering terjadi gumpalan (chunk) hingga harus dihentikan operasinya karena perlu dibersihkan. Salah satu perbaikan yang dilakukan adalah menerapkan Ore Cascade System (OCS). Sistem ini mengubah pengaturan umpan ore ke kiln secara manual menjadi otomatis. Ini memudahkan operator mengatur keseimbangan antara laju umpan ore dan putaran kiln secara konsisten. Penanganan variable control lainnya juga dipermudah.
Inisiatif perbaikan dengan konsep ”a simple approach with big impact” seperti ini sedang dan akan terus dikembangkan di Process Plant, ungkap Senior Metrology Coordinator PT Vale Jonatan Pailin. Sementara itu Sudirman mengatakan, tim yang terlibat dalam OMIP dapat belajar merunut kemajuan suatu project improvement secara konsisten, terukur, dan terstruktur.
Komitmen General Manager Kiln & CTS PT Vale Jinan Syakir menilai, OMIP memberikan budaya kerja positif bagi para pekerja. “Selama ini banyak operator yang menjalankan mesin atau memperbaiki mesin berdasarkan naluri. Dengan OMIP, fenomena dan masalah diurai secara sistematis untuk menemukan standar. Semua pekerjaan dapat diukur dan punya best practice,” ujar Jinan. Implementasi OMIP juga membantu tim Process Plant dalam hal komunikasi. Pasalnya, rekomendasi OMIP bukan hanya masuk ke hal-hal teknis, melainkan juga non-teknis dengan pendekatan kultural. “Intinya, OMIP dapat mencerahkan dalam hal ownership, approach, empati, dan sistem yang membumi. Tim maintenance dan operations sekarang kompak dan saling dukung,” ujar Jinan. Hal itu dibenarkan Wasis Budiharto, Instructor Kiln & CTS, dan Yulius Erwin Tandiayu, Project Leader Conveyor System Improvement. Mereka menambahkan, dengan OMIP,
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Conveyor setelah diperbaiki. Insert: Conveyor sebelum dieksekusi.
improvement bukan hanya memperbaiki sisi prosedur, peralatan, dan teknis, tapi juga menyentuh sisi perubahan perilaku, cara pandang, dan komunikasi antar-kru. General Manager Process Plant Maintenance PT Vale Dewa Wirantaya menyatakan bahwa Process Plant Maintenance sebelumnya sudah melakukan beberapa program peningkatan yang bersifat internal melalui pendekatan Analyze & Improve. Improvement ini sudah pernah memberikan hasil dalam bentuk penurunan waktu delay akibat kerusakan alat, namun sustainability program ini berjalan on-off dan beberapa bagian banyak yang belum terdokumentasi dengan baik dan lebih banyak tergantung dari pelaku maintenance. Dalam hal ini, target kapasitas produksi sebesar 72,5 ribu metrik ton menjadi tantangan. Maka diperlukan terobosan-terobosan untuk mencapainya. “OMIP membuat iklim operasionalisasi menjadi antisipatif, bukan reaksioner. Namun kesuksesan OMIP ini juga butuh komitmen manajemen,” ujar Jinan.
OMIP, salah satu program yang dijalankan oleh Process Plant dan didukung oleh Operational Excellence (OE), merupakan program untuk meningkatkan kinerja operasional. Fokusnya adalah mewujudkan kestabilan operasi melalui upaya improvement secara terus-menerus. Keberhasilan OMIP bukan hasil dari satu orang saja, melainkan kesuksesan teamwork dan kerja sama lintas departemen. Ini sejalan dengan nilai-nilai Vale, yaitu “Meningkatkan kinerja bersama-sama” dan “Mewujudkan tujuan bersama-sama”. Dengan berlangsungnya program OMIP ini semangat melakukan improvement yang sistematis bisa terselenggara kembali secara sinergi antara operation dan maintenance, dan diharapkan kedepannya menjadi bagian peningkatan yang berkesinambungan. Selain pelaksanaan program OMIP ini, hubungan baik dengan berbagai pihak pendukung maintenance seperti warehouse, kontraktor, training, perlu ditingkatkan pula sehingga apa yang diharapkan dalam OMIP bisa tercapai secara menyeluruh. []
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First Year OMIP Impementation
Open Communication, Work Systematically Implementation of OMIP at Process Plant has shown good initial result.
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Implementation of the Operation & Maintenance Improvement Program (OMIP) in the Process Plant area since September 2011 has so far shown pleasing results; not only has it stabilized the performance of machinery, it has also helped machine operators and maintenance crew overcome various obstacles in their work. A positive work culture has emerged. Most of the initial operational and maintenance improvement programs has been implemented in Process Plant. For this first year, the program is focused on the dryer, kiln and furnace areas. Some of the improvement works were completed during the long shutdown period in early 2012. PT Vale’s General Manager Ore Preparation, Sudirman Payangan, said OMIP has helped speed up previous improvement plans which were delayed due to a lack of focus. Among them was the issue of controlling ore size in the dryer, which often led to problems with the kiln and furnace. Another accomplishment took place in the kiln area. In the past, chunks were often formed here, causing a halt to operations so equipment could be cleaned. An improvement was made by using an Ore Cascade System (OCS) which allows for automatic, instead of manual, ore feed into the kiln. This enables the operator to balance more consistently the speed of the ore feed with the kiln’s rotation. The handling of other variable controls was also made easier. Improvement initiatives based on “a simple approach with big impact” concept like these will continue to be implemented in Process Plant, said PT Vale’s Senior Metrology Coordinator, Jonatan Pailin. Sudirman said that the team involved in OMIP can learn to implement improvement project in a consistent and structured manner, as well as measured the result of improvements.
Commitment PT Vale’s General Manager Kiln & CTS Jinan Syakir said OMIP has created a positive work culture among employees. “Currently, many operators use or fix machinery using their instincts. With the OMIP, incidents and problems are scrutinized systematically to certain standards. All work is measurable and abides by best practices,” said Jinan.
The implementation of the OMIP has also helped the Process Plant team in terms of communications. This is because recommendations coming from the OMIP are not limited to technicalities; they are also non-technical and may involve cultural approaches. “Basically, OMIP sheds light on issues of ownership, approaches and the need for empathy and down-toearth systems. The maintenance team and operations team now get along well and are supportive of each another,” said Jinan. Kiln & CTS Instructor, Wasis Budiharto, and Project Leader Conveyor System Improvement, Yulius Erwin Tandiayu, agreed. They added that under OMIP, improvements not only focused on procedures, equipment and technical issues, but included changes to behavior, attitude and communication among crew members. General Manager Process Plant PT Vale Dewa Wirantaya stated, Process Plant Maintenance had been done internal increasing program through analysis & improve approaches. Improvement program has been delivering decreasing in time delay as a results caused by equipment damage. But the sustainability program is running on-off and some parts are not many well documented and more dependent than maintenance actors. Underlying all this is the challenge of achieving a production target of 72,500 metric tons. Breakthroughs are needed to reach this goal. “OMIP has made the operational climate more anticipatory and less reactionary. But the success of OMIP also depends on the management’s commitment,” said Jinan. The OMIP, which is conducted by Process Plant and supported by Operational Excellence (OE), is a program aimed at increasing operational performance and focuses on creating stable operations through continuous improvement. The success of OMIP depends not on one person, but on teamwork and cooperation between departments. This is consistent with Vale’s values of “Increasing performance together” and “Creating a goal together”. []
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Town Hall Meeting
Keselamatan Kerja Kembali Diingatkan Optimalisasi biaya menjadi poin sosialisasi manajemen. Town Hall Meeting yang digelar di Gedung Ontaeluwu pada 27 Juli lalu tampak tak biasa. Sebelum memasuki ruang serbaguna, peserta dibagikan stiker berisi ajakan untuk mengutamakan keselamatan kerja. Kampanye ini sejalan dengan peringatan “Global Safety and Prevention Week” yang dilaksanakan serentak di unit bisnis Vale seluruh dunia. Tujuannya untuk merangkul semua pemangku kepentingan perusahaan agar memegang nilai utama Vale: “Keselamatan jiwa adalah yang terpenting”. Town Hall, yang dihadiri Presiden Direktur & CEO Nico Kanter, Wapresdir Bernardus Irmanto, dan COO Josimar Pires, diikuti puluhan karyawan level L1 ke atas. SGM Operational Excellence PT Vale, Mario Paventi, membuka acara dengan menyebutkan fakta bahwa catatan keselamatan PT Vale hingga pertengahan 2012 tidak terlalu menggembirakan. Salah satu tindakan yang bisa dilakukan untuk menekan angka kecelakaan adalah penggunaan bus karyawan untuk pergi dan pulang bekerja. “Angka kecelakaan kendaraan bermotor menuju dan pulang dari tempat kerja meningkat belakangan ini. Bus karyawan adalah perangkat aman dan nyaman bagi karyawan,” tambah Mario.
Sementara Nico Kanter menjelaskan, kinerja produksi PT Vale nyaris membukukan EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) negatif untuk pertama kali dalam sejarah perusahaan. Maka optimalisasi biaya menjadi poin yang mutlak dilakukan oleh seluruh karyawan. Namun, kata Nico, “Berkat kerja keras kita semua, terutama rekan-rekan di departemen operations, akhirnya kita tetap membukukan positif.” Manajemen juga menyampaikan kesiapan perusahaan untuk merenegosiasi Kontrak Karya dengan Pemerintah RI. “Pertengahan Juli lalu, CEO Vale Murilo Ferreira datang ke Indonesia untuk menjadi keynote speaker di acara ASEANLatin Business Forum. Dalam kesempatan itu, Murilo Ferreira bertemu Menko Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa. Vale bukan hanya siap merenegosiasi Kontrak Karya, bahkan sudah mengajukan proposal renegosiasi,” kata Nico. Perusahaan juga telah menandatangani nota kesepahaman dengan Pemda Sulawesi Tengah, yang dihadiri Bupati Morowali. MoU, antara lain, mencantumkan komitmen PT Vale di Sulteng dan dukungan Pemda untuk menyelesaikan masalah izin usaha pertambangan (IUP) yang tumpangtindih. []
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Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
Town Hall Meeting
Occupational Safety is Reiterated Cost optimization becomes the point of management socialization. The Town Hall Meeting held at the Ontaeluwu Building on 27 July was out of the ordinary. Before entering the hall, participants were handed stickers with messages reminding them to prioritize work safety. This campaign was part of the “Global Safety and Prevention Week” held across all of Vale’s business units worldwide. The campaign is aimed at getting all company stakeholders to uphold Vale’s principal belief that “Life matters most”. Town Hall was attended by President Director & CEO Nico Kanter, Vice President Director Bernardus Irmanto, COO Josimar Pires and dozens of level L1 employees and above.
PT Vale’s SGM Operational Excellence, Mario Paventi, opened the event by stating the fact that PT Vale’s safety records as of mid-2012 were not very pleasing. One way to reduce the number of accidents was by employing buses for workers going to, and coming home from the workplace. “The number of motor accidents occurring to people going to and returning from work has recently increased. Employee buses are a safe and comfortable option for employees,” added Mario. Nico Kanter explained that PT Vale’s production performance almost showed negative EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) figures for the first
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time in company history. For this reason, cost optimization must be an absolute point of consideration for all employees. However, Nico said, “Thanks to everybody’s hard work, especially colleagues in the operations department, we had a positive balance in the end.” The management also stated the company’s readiness to renegotiate its Contract of Work with the Indonesian government. “In mid July, Vale CEO Murilo Ferreira came to Indonesia to be a keynote speaker at the ASEAN-Latin Business Forum. During the event, Murilo Ferreira met Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Hatta Rajasa. Vale
is not only prepared to renegotiate the Contract of Work; we have even presented a renegotiation proposal,” said Nico. The company has also signed a memorandum of understanding with the Central Sulawesi government, which was represented by the Regent of Morowali. The MoU contained PT Vale’s commitment to Central Sulawesi and the authorities’ support in resolving issues of overlapping mining business permits (IUP). []
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
Rasa Memiliki, Kunci Sukses 5S Ditargetkan 80% area operasional menerapkan 5S tahun ini. Puluhan karyawan PT Vale, termasuk COO Josimar Pires, SGM Process Plant Andi Mappaselle, SGM Corporate Services Abu Ashar, dan sejumlah GM serta staf senior berbagai departemen berkumpul di depan Main Office, Plant Site, Sorowako (7/7). Matahari terasa terik, namun mereka tampak semangat. Masing-masing menenteng kantong plastik.
“Kita akan mengadakan acara semacam ini secara rutin di berbagai area,” ujar General Manager VPS, Martifia Fradevita. Program 5S menjadi bagian dari Vale Production System (VPS). “Selain itu signage dan tempat sampah akan diperbanyak di lokasi-lokasi strategis dan pusat aktivitas karyawan,” tambah Martifia.
Hari itu, mereka punya misi penting: Memungut sampah di area selasar pejalan kaki dari Gate 1 sampai Process Plant, MEM, dan Support Services. Hasilnya, puluhan kantung plastik berisi sampah terkumpul dalam 30 menit. Sebagian besar berisi sampah plastik, kemasan minuman, dan puntung rokok.
Sejak diluncurkan COO PT Vale Josimar Pires pada 7 Juni lalu, Program 5S secara bertahap diterapkan di sejumlah area. Saat ini baru poin Ringkas (sort), Rapi (set) dan Resik (shine) yang diimplementasikan, setelah sebelumnya didahului dengan workshop.
Kegiatan itu bukan gotong royong biasa, melainkan kick off 5S. Inilah filosofi kerja yang terdiri atas 5 langkah untuk menjadi lebih disiplin, peduli, dan bertanggung jawab, terutama dalam hal housekeeping. Program 5S menjadi salah satu tahap penting implementasi Vale Production System (VPS) di PT Vale. “Ada prinsip yang penting dan mendasar, yaitu sense of ownership (rasa memiliki),” ujar Josimar Pires, saat peluncuran kembali program 5S untuk tahun 2012. “Tanpa rasa memiliki, kita tidak punya kepedulian pada hal-hal yang ditemui sehari-hari. Termasuk pada kondisi peralatan dan lingkungan kerja, APD, pakaian kerja, bahkan pekarangan dan rumah kita,” tambah Josimar. Aksi bersih-bersih dan memungut sampah itu, menurut Josimar, merupakan salah satu contoh kecil tindak nyata Program 5S. “Program ini hanya dapat berhasil bila dibangun secara kolektif dan terus-menerus. Sebagai tanda komitmen terhadap program ini, penilaian 5S akan dilakukan secara reguler, terutama untuk area operasional,” lanjut Josimar.
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Workshop Workshop 5S berlangsung pada 17-19 September bagi 12 karyawan dan kontraktor Electric Shop. Workshop bertujuan mensosialisasikan dan mengimplementasi 3S di Electrical Shop seperti area pengetesan, area barang masuk, area pengerjaan, dan area stripping motor. Electric Shop merupakan bagian dari rangkaian workshop 5S tahun ini yang juga digelar di Instrument Shop (Utilities), Electric Shop (Support Service), dan Mechanical Toolstore di Process Plant Maintenance (PPM). Tercatat, sepanjang 2011 telah dilakukan empat workshop di area perkantoran, yaitu di kantor General Facilities & Services (GFS), Mining Harapan, serta area industrial yang mencakup Casing Shop di Support Service dan Packaging Area di Process Plant. “Target kami, 80% area operasional menerapkan 3S tahun ini,” ujar Martifia Fradevita. []
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Sense of Ownership, Key to the Success of 5S Eighty percent of operational areas are expected to implement 5S this year.
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Dozens of PT Vale employees including COO Josimar Pires, Process Plant SGM Andi Mappaselle, Corporate Services SGM Abu Ashar and several GMs and senior staff members from various departments gathered in front of the Main Office, Plant Site, Sorowako (7/7). The sun was blazing but they were full of energy. Each of these people carried a plastic bag. That morning, they were on an important mission: to collect rubbish around the pedestrian breezeway between Gate 1 and Process Plant, MEM and Support Services. The result was a collection of dozens of bags full of rubbish after just 30 minutes. Most of the rubbish consisted of plastic waste, drink containers and cigarette butts. The activity was not a regular gotong royong or voluntary cooperation event, but was a kick-off to the 5S program, a work philosophy comprising 5 steps to improve discipline, awareness and responsibility, particularly in housekeeping. The 5S program is an important stage in the implementation of the Vale Production System (VPS) at PT Vale.
“An important underlying principle here is sense of ownership,” said Josimar Pires, during the re-launch of the 5S program for 2012. “Without a sense of ownership, we have no concern for things we see in daily life; this includes the condition of our equipment and work environment, APD, work attire, and even our own backyards,” added Josimar.
Since its launch on 7 June by PT Vale COO Josimar Pires, the 5S Program has been introduced in phases at some areas. Currently, only “Sort”, “Set” and “Shine” have been implemented following a workshop on the program.
The rubbish collection and clean-up activities, Josimar said, were a small example of the 5S Program in action. “This program can only succeed if it is developed collectively and continuously. As a sign of our commitment, evaluation of the 5S Program will be conducted on a regular basis, particularly in operational areas,” said Josimar.
The 5S workshop held on 17-19 September for 12 employees and contractors of Electric Shop was aimed at introducing and implementing 3S in areas within Electric Shop, including the testing area, goods received area, workshop area and motor stripping area.
“We will hold similar activities regularly in various areas,” said VPS General Manager Martifia Fradevita. The 5S Program is part of Vale Production System (VPS). “Apart from that, signage and rubbish bins will be added in strategic locations and in centers of employee activity,” added Martifia.
Electric Shop is part of the 5S workshop this year, along with Instrument Shop (Utilities), Electric Shop (Support Service) and Mechanical Toolstore in Process Plant Maintenance (PPM). Throughout 2011, four workshops have been held in the office areas of General Facilities & Services (GFS) and Harapan Mine, as well as in the industrial areas of Support Service’s Casing Shop and Process Plant’s Packaging Area. “Our target is to have 80% of the operational areas implement 3S this year,” said Martifia Fradevita. []
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Nickel Cup 2012
Turnamen Bola untuk Sorowako Untuk pertama kalinya, label piala “PT Inco” diganti “PT Vale”. Maharani FC akhirnya menjadi juara setelah menang tipis atas Sorowako Baru FC, 1-0 di babak final. Inilah akhir dari turnamen Nickel Cup 2012. Sepanjang September-Oktober, Stadion Persesos, Sorowako, saban sore tampak ramai penonton. Mereka antusias menyaksikan turnamen sepak bola tahunan Nickel Cup. Kejuaraan, yang telah diselenggarakan untuk keempat kalinya ini, diikuti 16 klub sepakbola di Luwu Timur, termasuk klub departemen-departemen di PT Vale dan kontraktor. Turnamen dibuka oleh Camat Nuha Amran Aminuddin dengan tendangan bola pertama, didampingi SGM Mining PT Vale, Agus Superiadi. Amran berharap turnamen dapat berlangsung sportif. “Saya berharap semua klub bertekad menang dan permainan tidak dikotori kecurangan dan perkelahian,” ujar Amran. Amran juga menyampaikan prestasi olahragawan Luwu Timur di tingkat regional maupun nasional. “Atlet tinju, karate, dan taekwondo dari Sorowako yang mewakili Luwu Timur mencacat prestasi di beberapa kejuaraan. Baru-baru ini Perslutim juga memperoleh peringkat empat di Habibie Cup,” urainya. Harapan sama disampaikan SGM Mining PT Vale, Agus Superiadi. Dia mengimbau agar semua tim bermain dengan respect dan sportif.
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Selain mensponsori Nikel Cup, PT Vale siap mendukung berbagai kegiatan olahraga di Luwu Timur. “Tentunya dukungan itu sesuai kemampuan perusahaan. Apalagi saat ini dunia pertambangan sedang terkena imbas krisis ekonomi Eropa dan Amerika,” kata Agus. Dalam kesempatan itu, Agus Superiadi mengganti label piala bergilir “PT Inco” menjadi piala bergilir “PT Vale”. Turnamen diawali dengan pertandingan antara Sorowako United dan Laskar Sawerigading. Nickel Cup berakhir Oktober 2012. []
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Nickel Cup 2012
Soccer Tournament for Sorowako For the first time, trophy’s inscription is changed from “PT Inco” to “PT Vale”. Maharani FC finally won after slim win over Sorowako Baru FC, 1-0 in the final round. This is the end of the tournament Nickel Cup 2012. Throughout the months of September and October, Sorowako’s Persesos Stadium has been crowded with spectators every evening, keen to watch the annual Nickel Cup soccer tournament. Sixteen soccer clubs from Luwu Timur, including those under PT Vale’s departments and contractors, are participating in the event, which is in its fourth year. The tournament was launched with a kick off by Head of Nuha Subdistrict, Amran Aminuddin, who was accompanied by PT Vale Mining SGM Agus Superiadi. Amran hoped the tournament would be conducted in an atmosphere of good sportsmanship. “I hope all the clubs will play to win and the matches will not be tainted by cheating and fighting,” Amran said.
Amran also commented on the achievements of Luwu Timur athletes at the regional and national levels. “Boxing, karate and taekwondo athletes from Sorowako representing Luwu Timur have made their marks in various competitions. Recently Perslutim came fourth in the Habibie Cup,” he said. Similar hopes were conveyed by PT Vale Mining SGM Agus Superiadi, who asked all teams to respect each other and display good sportsmanship. Besides sponsoring the Nickel Cup, PT Vale is ready to support other sports in Luwu Timur. “Of course our support will be to the best of our ability, as at this time the mining industry is feeling the impact of the economic crisis in Europe and America,” said Agus. During the opportunity, Agus Superiadi changed the inscription on the trophy from “PT Inco” to “PT Vale”. The first match of the tournament saw Sorowako United play against Laskar Sawerigading. Nickel Cup continue until the end of October 2012. []
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Buka Puasa Bersama di Tiga Provinsi Silahturahmi sekaligus saling menegaskan komitmen operasi dan investasi. Selama bulan suci Ramadan lalu, Manajemen PT Vale mengadakan buka bersama dan silaturahmi dengan sejumlah stakeholders di Sorowako, Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan), Morowali (Sulawesi Tengah), dan Kolaka (Sulawesi Tenggara). Acara buka puasa bersama hari pertama dilakukan manajemen PT Vale dengan Muspida Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan dan pemangku kepentingan, berlangsung di Sandeq Ballroom, Hotel Clarion, Makassar (11/8).
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Acara tersebut dihadiri sekitar 200 undangan, termasuk Asisten II Pemprov Bidang Ekbang mewakili Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan, perwakilan Polda Sulsel, staf ahli Pangdam VII Wirabuana, perwakilan Kejaksaan Tinggi, perwakilan Danlantamal VI, dan perwakilan Koops AU. Hadir pula sejumlah kepala dinas dan lembaga negara, anggota DPRD I Sulsel Komisi C, D, dan E, serta wartawan.
Hari berikutnya, Manajemen PT Vale menjamu ratusan undangan di Gedung Ontaeluwu, Sorowako. Acara dihadiri anggota DPRD Luwu Timur Ir. Witman, Kajari Luwu Timur Arik Rahman SH, Komandan POM Palopo Kapten Cpm Yanuar H, Kapolsek Nuha AKP Kafrawi Husein, serta tokoh-tokoh agama dan masyarakat dari empat area pemberdayaan di Luwu Timur. Di Morowali, acara buka bersama dan silaturahmi digelar di rumah dinas bupati (13/8). Selain Bupati Morowali Anwar Hafid, hadir Ketua DPRD Abudin Halelu, Kapolres AKBP Suhirman, Dandim 1307 Morowali Letkol Infantri Bobby, serta puluhan tokoh masyarakat. Dalam kesempatan ini Presiden Direktur & CEO PT Vale Nico Kanter menegaskan kembali komitmen jangka panjang PT Vale di Sulawesi Tengah. “Kami akan selalu transparan kepada masyarakat mengenai komitmen tersebut. Sebagai bukti keseriusan, PT Vale telah menandatangani MoU dengan pemerintah Provinsi Sulteng dan Pemkab Morowali pada 26 Juli lalu,” tutur Nico Kanter. Anwar Hafid mengatakan, MoU tersebut menjadi landasan baru, sebab masyarakat Morowali sudah lama menunggu operasional PT Vale. “Jika PT Vale mulai beroperasi, artinya
akan tersedia lapangan kerja baru di wilayah ini,” kata dia. Ke depan, PT Vale akan berinvestasi hingga sekitar Rp18 triliun di Morowali dan Sorowako untuk pembangunan infrastruktur pelabuhan dan jalan.
Bertemu Bupati Kolaka Pada hari selanjutnya, manajemen PT Vale menghadiri undangan Bupati Kolaka, Buhari Matta, (14/8). Bupati menyatakan jaminan pemerintah daerah perihal keamanan dan kenyamanan dalam berinvestasi. “Termasuk jika diperlukan perizinan khusus,” ujar Buhari. Nico Kanter menyampaikan rasa terima kasihnya atas dukungan Pemda Kolaka, walau lebih dari 4 tahun PT Vale tak beroperasi setelah joint venture dengan PT Antam berakhir. “Ke depan, PT Vale akan bekerja sama dengan Sumitomo merintis proyek HPAL di Pomalaa,” kata Nico Kanter, sembari memaparkan proses renegosiasi Kontrak Karya yang masih berjalan. “Harapan kami, Pemda juga menjadi bagian dari rencana renegosiasi,” lanjut Nico. Hadir dalam pertemuan ini investor pertambangan dari Rusia yang juga tertarik berinvestasi di Kolaka. []
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
Fasting Break Gatherings in Three Provinces Gatherings and a reconfirmation of each other ’s operational and investment commitment. During the holy month of Ramadan, the management of PT Vale held iftar gatherings with several stakeholders in Sorowako, Makassar (South Sulawesi), Morowali (Central Sulawesi) and Kolaka (Southeast Sulawesi). The breaking of the fast gathering started with South Sulawesi Provincial Muspida (Regional Consultative Leadership) and stakeholders, at Sandeq Ballroom, Hotel Clarion, Makassar (11/8). The event was attended by about 200 guests, including Provincial Government Assistant II for Economy and Development, representing the South Sulawesi Governor; representatives of South Sulawesi Polda (Regional Police); expert staff from Pangdam (Military Regional Command) VII Wirabuana; representatives of the Office of the State Attorney; representatives of Danlantamal (Commander of Naval Base) VI; and representatives of Koops AU (Air force Operations Command). Several heads of government offices and state institutions, members of Commissions C, D and E of South Sulawesi DPRD (Regional People’s Representative Council) and journalists were also present.
The following day, PT Vale management hosted hundreds of guests at the Ontaeluwu Building in Sorowako. The event was attended by Luwu Timur DPRD member Ir. Witman, Luwu Timur Chief District Attorney Arik Rahman SH, Palopo POM (Military Police) Commander Kapten Cpm Yanuar H, Nuha Kapolsek (Chief of the District Police) AKP Kafrawi Husein, religious figures and community leaders from the four empowerment areas in Luwu Timur. In Morowali, the fasting break gathering was held at the official residence of the regent (13/8). Present at the event, besides Morowali Regent Anwar Hafid, were DPRD Leader Abudin Halelu, Kapolres (Chief of the City Police) AKBP Suhirman, Dandim (District Military Commander) 1307 Morowali Letkol Infanteri Bobby, and dozens of community figures. PT Vale President Director & CEO Nico Kanter took the opportunity to reiterate PT Vale’s long term commitment to Central Sulawesi. “We will always be transparent about these commitments to the community. As proof of our sincerity, PT Vale has signed an MoU with the Central Sulawesi provincial government and Morowali regency government on 26 July,” said Nico Kanter. Anwar Hafid said the MoU has become a new foundation because the Morowali community has long been anticipating the start of PT Vale’s operations. “If PT Vale starts operations, that means there will be new jobs in the area,” he said. In future, PT Vale will invest up to IDR18 trillion in Morowali and Sorowako for infrastructure such as harbors and roads.
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Met Kolaka Regent The following day, members of PT Vale’s management were guests of Kolaka Regent, Buhari Matta (14/8). The regent guaranteed local government support for the safety and comfort of investors. “This includes cases where special permits are required,” said Buhari. Nico Kanter expressed his gratitude for the Kolaka government’s support, despite the cessation of PT Vale’s operations for over 4 years following the termination of the joint venture with PT Antam. “In future, PT Vale will be cooperating with Sumitomo to start an HPAL project in Pomalaa,” said Nico Kanter, adding that Contract of Work renegotiations were still ongoing. “Our hope is that the local government will also be part of renegotiation plans,” said Nico. Mining investors from Russia, who were also interested in investing in Kolaka, were present at the event. []
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
K-9 Trainer
Tegas, Berani, Sekaligus Penyayang Bagi seorang pawang anjing penjaga, pepatah “anjing adalah sahabat terbaik manusia” benar terbukti. Sore itu, selepas jam kerja, seekor anjing herder (German Shepherd) berbaring tengkurap beralaskan rerumputan. Deris namanya. Selama lebih dari satu jam Deris tampak tenang. Posisi kepala dan tubuhnya rileks. Sesekali ia menjulurkan lidah karena kepanasan. Anton yang berada di sampingnya mengusap punggung serta leher partner kerjanya itu. Anton Kalembang (35) adalah Supervisor K-9 Unit Departemen Security Services (DSS) PT Vale. Bersama 12 rekan di K-9 Unit, setiap hari dia melatih, berpatroli, merawat, dan berinteraksi dengan tujuh ekor anjing yang punya keahlian unik. Deris, misalnya, dapat mengendus bahan peledak dalam jumlah terkecil yang tersembunyi. Tugas khusus yang dijalankan K-9 Unit adalah deteksi bahan peledak, pelacakan, pengendalian huru-hara, pengawalan VIP, pengawalan tersangka maupun barang, dan pengawasan area yang tingkat kerawanannya meningkat. Tujuh anjing di K-9 Unit PT Vale terbagi atas anjing patroli kriminal dan anjing pendeteksi bahan peledak.
Mengawali karir di PT Vale sebagai petugas security pada 1996, Anton direkrut menjadi staf K-9 Unit pada 2004, ketika tiga ekor anjing didatangkan oleh perusahaan langsung dari Jerman. “Waktu itu saya belum tahu apa-apa soal anjing, baik perilaku maupun keahlian yang dimiliki anjing. Pawang dan anjing samasama dilatih selama enam bulan di Subdirektorat Satwa Polri,” kata Anton. Setelah lulus pelatihan, Anton mendapat sertifikat specialist dog handler atau biasa disebut pawang anjing penjaga. Akhir tahun lalu, dia mengikuti pelatihan lanjut sebagai asisten instruktur.
Antara Teknik dan Seni Memberi perintah dengan tegas, melatih dengan keberanian, merawat dengan kasih sayang. Itulah yang dilakukan Anton. Ketegasan adalah teknik yang diperlukan agar anjing tahu siapa “tuannya” sehingga dia patuh pada perintah. Keberanian adalah hal yang harus dimiliki setiap dog handler. Tidak jarang dalam sesi latihan dia harus berpura-pura menjadi pelaku kejahatan. Kalau sudah demikian, dia siap dikejar dan digigit anjing dengan kekuatan penuh. “Wah tidak main-main itu. Harus berani betul. Pergelangan tangan akan digigit kuat sekali oleh anjing. Meskipun memakai alat pelindung, kalau nyali ciut pasti akan mundur.” Merawat dengan kasih sayang, di sinilah letak seni pekerjaan seorang pawang. “Mungkin semua orang, asal mau belajar, bisa jadi pawang. Tapi tidak semua orang menjiwai pekerjaan ini,” kata dia. Jika tidak menjiwai, kedekatan pawang dan anjing sulit tercipta.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
Selangkah Lebih Maju
Penjiwaan juga dituntut agar pawang sepenuh hati merawat anjing. “Anjing-anjing ini tahu loh kalau kita setengah hati. Mereka jadi setengah hati juga. Malas dan tidak mau menurut,” kata Anton yang juga memelihara dua ekor anjing di rumah. Karena setiap hari bergelut dengan sang sahabat berkaki empat, otomatis kecintaan Anton pada satwa tumbuh. Anton mengaku, dulu dirinya biasa-biasa saja terhadap satwa. Kini dia merasa lebih peduli. Bagi Anton, anjing adalah partner kerja sekaligus sahabat paling setia. Ketika anjing yang dilatih mencapai tingkat kepatuhan yang diinginkan dan bisa mencapai hasil yang ditentukan, pawang layak bangga. “Kalau bisa mengamankan suatu lokasi, saya rasanya puas sekali,” kata Anton.
Banyak Pengalaman Setiap hari anjing dan pawangnya berpatroli lapangan. Mereka mengamankan pabrik pengolahan, area penambangan, dan daerah perumahan. Patroli dilakukan dengan kendaraan dan berjalan kaki. Latihan untuk menyegarkan naluri anjing dalam bertugas juga dilakukan secara rutin. Lima tahun menjadi dog handler, banyak pengalaman yang didapat Anton bersama partner-nya. Yang paling sering adalah mengungkap kasus pencurian di internal perusahaan. K-9 Unit PT Vale juga membantu pencarian korban bencana alam tanah longsor di poros Palopo-Toraja pada 2009 dan dua kali membantu pencarian korban untuk bencana serupa di Morowali. Mereka bahkan pernah membantu polisi mengungkap kasus kriminal di Malili.
K-9 Unit PT Vale dibentuk tahun 2004. Saat itu marak pencurian slag dan tembaga di wilayah operasional perusahaan. “Kasus yang bisa kami ungkap setelah ada Unit K-9 sangat banyak. Kami juga sering kali membantu pihak kepolisian,” kata Syairuddin, Manager of Security System and Services. Namun kehadiran unit ini bukan tanpa hambatan. “Dulu kami pernah didemo oleh masyarakat. Mereka belum bisa menerima anjing ini sebagai alat pelacak. Menurut mereka, sadis sekali manusia harus dikejar anjing,” kata Syairuddin. Ternyata keberadaan K-9 Unit terbukti efektif mengungkap kasus kejahatan. Minimal memberi petunjuk bagi pihak berwajib untuk mengusut kejadian. K-9 Unit merupakan aset perusahaan yang berharga. “Tidak semua satuan wilayah di kepolisian punya K-9 Unit. Dan sedikit sekali perusahaan yang dilengkapi unit ini. Itu artinya PT Vale sudah melangkah lebih jauh dalam hal pengamanan. Hal itu perlu kita sambut baik,” ujar Syairuddin.
Anton Kalembang bersama Deris, salah satu anjing pendeteksi bom K9 Unit.
Berhadapan langsung dengan kasus kriminal memang tidak mudah. Risiko pekerjaan ini terbilang tinggi. “Rasa khawatir tentu ada, wajar saja. Tapi pada prinsipnya keluarga selalu mendukung pekerjaan saya. Dukungan mereka, bagi saya, sangat penting,” kata Anton yang tinggal di Wasuponda bersama istri dan empat anaknya. []
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
K9 Trainer
Firm, Brave and Loving For guard dog trainers, the old adage that a dog is a man’s best friend rings true. That evening, after working hours were over, a German shepherd lay down on the grass. Called Deris, the dog lay down peacefully, calm and relaxed, for over an hour. Occasionally he would stick out his tongue, panting from the heat. Anton, who was nearby, reached out to pat the back and stroke the neck of the dog, his work partner. Anton Kalembang (35) is Supervisor of the K-9 Unit of the Security Services Department of PT Vale. With 12 other colleagues from the K-9 unit, he trains, patrols, looks after and interacts with seven dogs, each of which has a unique expertise. Deris, for example, can sniff out the smallest amount of explosives that may be hidden inside a fist. The K-9 Unit’s special task includes the detection of explosives, tracking, riot control, escorting VIPs, escorting suspects or objects, and supervising areas which have increased levels of vulnerability. The seven dogs in PT Vale’s K-9 Unit consist of crime-patrol dogs and explosives-detection dogs. Starting his career at PT Vale as a security worker in 1996, Anton was recruited into the K-9 Unit in 2004 when three dogs were brought in from Germany. “At the time I knew nothing about dogs, their behaviors and skills. The handlers and dogs trained together for six months under the Indonesian Police’s Animal Sub-directorate,” said Anton. Upon passing the course, Anton was awarded a specialist dog handler certificate, or a guard dog handler. At the end of last year, he underwent advanced training to become an assistant instructor.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
Technique and Art Instruct firmly, train fearlessly, care lovingly. This is what Anton does. Being firm is a technique that lets the dog know who the master is so that he obeys orders. Regarding the fearlessness that every dog handler should have. Quite often during training sessions he has to pretend to be a criminal offender. When this happens, he must be prepared to have the dogs chase after and bite him with full force. “It is no joke. You have to be very brave. The dogs will come down and bite very hard on the wrists. Although you wear protective clothing, is still frightening and you would back down if you were gutless.” Caring with love is where the art lies for a handler. “Maybe anyone can be a handler, as long as they are willing to learn. But not everyone has the soul for this job,” he said. Without that passion or soul the bond between the handler and dog will be hard to create. Passion is also required to enable to the handler to care for the dog whole-heartedly. “These dogs know when we do things half-heartedly. They will also be half-hearted; they will be lazy and refuse to obey,” said Anton who has two dogs of his own at home.
Because he deals with his four-legged best friends every day, Anton’s love for animals has grown. Anton admits that in the past, his feelings were neutral when it came to animals. Now he has concern for them. For Anton, dogs are work partners as well as the most loyal of best friends. When a dog is trained to the desired level of obedience and has accomplished a set target, the handler has reason to be proud. “If I am able to secure a location, I feel very satisfied,” said Anton.
Plenty of Experience Every day a dog and its handler patrol the field. They secure the processing factory, the mining area and residential areas. The patrols are conducted by vehicle and on foot. Training to keep the dog’s instincts fresh in terms of carrying out its duties, is done routinely.
One Step Ahead PT Vale’s K-9 Unit was formed in 2004. At the time, slag and copper theft was rampant in the company’s operational area. “We have managed to solve many cases since having the K-9 Unit. We also often help the police,” said Manager of Security System and Services, Syairuddin.
In the five years he has been a dog handler, Anton has had many experiences with his partner. Most frequently, they have solved theft cases occurring internally within the company. PT Vale’s K-9 Unit also assisted in the search for victims of the PalopoToraja landslide disaster in 2009, and twice helped under similar circumstances in Morowali. They even helped the police solve a criminal case in Malili.
But the presence of the unit has not been without its detractors. “In the past we have received protests from community members who could not accept having dogs as a tracking device. They considered it too sadistic for humans to be chased by dogs,” said Syairuddin. As it is, the K-9 unit has been highly effective in solving criminal cases; at the least, it can provide authorities with clues which assist in investigations.
“Dealing directly with criminal cases is not easy. It can be said that this job is high-risk. “A feeling of apprehension is there, of course, that is normal. But basically, my family supports my work. Their support is very important to me,” said Anton, who lives in Wasuponda with his wife and four children. []
The K-9 unit is a valuable company asset. “Not all police units have a K-9 unit, and very few companies do. This means PT Vale is steps ahead in terms of security. This is welcome knowledge,” said Syairuddin.
K9 Unit is conducting simulated crime prevention
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
Golongan Lupa Umur
Para Lajang yang Suka Bersenang-senang Misi: ngumpul dan memeriahkan Sorowako. Minggu pagi, awal September lalu, tampak 26 orang karyawan PT Vale berkumpul di Pantai Ide. Mereka menanti raft yang akan menjemput mereka piknik ke Matano dan berkeliling danau. Langit tampak cerah, secerah tawa dan canda mereka yang rata-rata masih muda dan lajang. Ya, mereka adalah “keluarga besar” Golongan Lupa Umur (GLU), komunitas yang eksis di PT Vale. Ketika raft merapat di Pantai Ide, langsung saja berhamburan menyerbu naik. Logistik piknik pun hampir ditinggal begitu saja. Melihat hal itu, Sudirman Basri karyawan Central Engineering PT Vale, salah satu senior komunitas, kontan berteriak. “Woii.... yang badannya tegap-tegap, angkat dulu logistiknya.” Langsung saja anggota dengan nada berlagak ngedumel menyahut, “Baiklah, Pak Dewan Pembina.” Melihat tingkah anggotanya, Bang Boy, panggilan akrab Sudirman, cuma bisa terkekeh sambil berucap kepada Halo Vale, “Ya beginilah kami.” Beberapa saat kemudian raft bergerak membelah danau menuju Matano. “Hari ini kami bukan sekadar jalan-jalan. Akan ada suksesi pengurus dan ”wisuda” salah satu anggota,” ujar Ardian Indra Bestari, engineer Plant Maintenance yang juga Ketua GLU. Mendengar komentar bernada serius itu, celetukan usil pun meluncur. “Beberapa jam lagi lengser yaaa?” ujar seorang anggota yang disambut tawa anggota lain. GLU memang jauh dari kesan serius. Hampir setiap detik muncul celetukan dan guyonan.
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Awal Berdiri GLU konon berdiri awal 1970-an. “Konon”, karena tak satu pun dari mereka yang tahu kapan persisnya komunitas ini berdiri. Tak ada dokumen yang bisa dijadikan acuan. “Dulu salah satu founder-nya adalah Pak Roimon Barus. Tapi sebelum beliau, kalau enggak salah, komunitas ini juga sudah ada,” ujar Bang Boy, yang diamini dengan anggukan Ardian dan beberapa senior GLU lainnya. Roimon Barus yang diwawancarai Halo Vale secara terpisah mengatakan, “Saya bergabung di GLU tahun 1989, tapi jauh sebelum itu sudah ada. Salah satu pendirinya Pak Omri Samosir (eks Vice President of Operation PT Inco, red).” Roimon kini menjabat Senior General Manager Engineering Technological Development and Support. Meski tidak jelas asal-muasalnya, setidaknya GLU punya tujuan berkumpul. Apa itu? “Having fun,” ujar Ardian singkat. Hanya itu? Tidak juga, karena semangat berdirinya komunitas ini adalah memperjuangkan hak karyawan yang masih single alias lajang. Salah satu hasil perjuangan para founding father itu adalah keberadaan televisi di Blok A D-Single (nama lama dormitory, red) dan meja biliar yang saat ini terdapat di Gym. ”Dulu Sorowako kan sepi dan fasilitasnya serba terbatas. Karena kondisi itu, mau tidak mau GLU dan eks GLU pada ngumpul. Kami kemudian membuat kegiatan agar Sorowako dan masyarakatnya meriah,” kenang Roimon.
GLU, menurut Ardian, salah satu komunitas yang di-support manajemen. Bukan hanya aktivitasnya, tapi juga hak-haknya. ”Salah satu yang diperjuangkan GLU, misalnya, uang makan untuk karyawan single. Terakhir, pada 2012, GLU mengajukan review uang makan yang akhirnya disetujui manajemen, meskipun tidak full sesuai yang diajukan,” ujar Ardian. Saat ini, sedikitnya terdapat 150 lajang yang tinggal di dormitory. Kata Ardian, sebenarnya seluruh penghuni dormitory adalah anggota GLU.
Gelar Kegiatan GLU tak melupakan kegiatan sosial. Serangkaian kegiatan pernah digelar GLU, antara lain Soroathon atau Maraton 10 kilometer di Sorowako, pertandingan sepak bola menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan RI bertajuk Kambing Cup, lomba dayung, dan turnamen basket three on three. Ada pula acara bernuansa lingkungan dan kreativitas seperti bersih-bersih danau atau pentas band. Sayang, kegiatan itu sudah lama tidak digelar. Terakhir, 2011 lalu, mereka membagi-bagi parcel untuk para cleaner di dormitory. Bagi-bagi parcel ini merupakan salah satu tradisi yang dipertahankan di GLU. “Sekarang dengan masuknya anggota baru, kegiatan GLU seperti dulu akan kami hidupkan lagi,” kata Ardian.
Suksesi Tak terasa 1,5 jam telah berlalu dan raft sampai di daratan Matano. Para anggota GLU pun beranjak berdiri. Mereka tak sabar melihat mata air Bura-bura yang dipromosikan Lili Lubis, anggota senior GLU yang menjadi pemandu wisata. “Nah, mata airnya ada di sana!,” ujar Lili. Kontan anggota berhamburan turun. Hari itu, Kristina Fransisca Muntu, kerap disapa Chika, akan diwisuda. Kristina adalah karyawan Process Plant. “Ada dua hal kenapa anggota perlu diwisuda. Pertama karena dia menikah, kedua karena dia resign dari perusahaan,” ujar Ardian. Acara berlangsung penuh canda dan seru. Chika didandani layaknya wisudawati, baju toga lengkap dengan topinya. Puncaknya adalah pemilihan pengurus baru. Mereka melakukan voting dengan membentuk formasi seperti antrean. Terpilih sebagai ketua Febrin Sitorus, diikuti Herly Firma (wakil ketua) dan Anisa Fitri (bendahara). Setelah itu, ramai-ramai mereka nyebur ke danau. “Semoga GLU saat ini menjadi lebih kreatif, memeriahkan Sorowako, dan memperkenalkan Sorowako ke luar,” ujar Roimon memberi selamat. []
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
Golongan Lupa Umur
Singles Who Like to Have Fun The Mission: to get together and brighten up Sorowako. It was Sunday morning in early September when 26 employees from PT Vale gathered at Ide Beach. They were waiting for the raft that would take them on a picnic to Matano and a trip around the lake. The sky was clear and looking every bit as cheerful as the people who were present, mostly young and single. They were members of the “big family” known as the Golongan Lupa Umur (GLU) community (which literally translates to the “Age Forgetting Group”), one of the many community groups existing under PT Vale. The moment the raft landed at Ide Beach, group members rushed out to board it, leaving behind their picnic supplies. Seeing this, Sudirman Basri, an employee from PT Vale’s Central Engineering department and a senior member of the group, yelled out. “Hey… all of you with big strong muscles, pick up the supplies.” The members returned, replying with faux grumbles, “Yes, Mr. Supervisory Board.” At this, Bang Boy as Sudirman is fondly called could only chuckle as he said to Halo Vale, “Yes, well, this is us.” Moments later the raft moved away from shore, slicing through the lake towards Matano. “Today we are not just having a leisurely stroll. There will be a management succession ceremony and a ‘graduation’ for a member,” said Ardian Indra Bestari, an engineer of Plant Maintenance and Chairperson of GLU. Upon hearing the serious comment, another member let out a nosy remark: “Isn’t it just a few more hours until dethronement?” His colleagues joined him in laughter. GLU was far from serious; every moment was filled with chitchat and noisy banter.
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Early Founding GLU was supposedly established in the early 1970s. “Supposedly”, because no one knows when exactly this community was founded as no document exists to confirm this. “One of the founders was Pak Roimon Barus. But before him, if I am not mistaken, the community already existed,” said Bang Boy. Ardian and other GLU senior members nodded in agreement. In a separate interview with Halo Vale, Roimon Barus said, “I joined GLU in 1989 but it had existed long before that. One of its founding members was Pak Omri Samosir (former Vice President of Operations for PT Inco, ed.).” Roimon is now Senior General Manager for Engineering, Technological Development and Support. Despite its vague beginnings, GLU members have a clear reason for getting together. And what is that? “Having fun,” Ardian said. Is that all? Not quite, because the community was established to fight for the rights of single employees. One of the achievements of the founding fathers was to have a television and a billiard table, now in the Gym, placed in Blok A D-Single (the old name for the dormitory). “In the past, Sorowako was very quiet and had limited facilities. Because of that, there was no choice for GLU and ex-GLU members but to hang out together. Then we created activities to add cheer to Sorowako and its residents,” Roimon reminisced.
According to Ardian, GLU as a community enjoys the support of the management not only in terms of its activities but also its rights. “One of the things GLU fought for, for example, was a food allowance for single employees. Recently, in 2012, GLU proposed a review for a food allowance, which the management approved in the end, though not to the full amount as originally proposed,” said Ardian. Currently, about 150 single people live in the dormitory. Ardian said everyone living in the dormitory belongs to GLU.
Conducting Activities GLU members have not forgotten to hold social events as well. Activities GLU has hosted include the Soroathon or 10kilometer marathon in Sorowako; a soccer competition the Kambing Cup commemorating Indonesian Independence Day; rowing competitions; and three-on-three basketball tournaments. It has also held environmental and creative events such as lake clean-ups and band performances. Sadly, it has been a while since such events were held. The last was in 2011, when GLU distributed gift parcels to dormitory cleaners. The distribution of parcels has been a long standing GLU tradition. “Now, with the new members that have just come in, we intend to hold events like we used to,” said Ardian.
Succession Time seemed to fly when 1.5 hours later the raft reached the shores of Matano. Members of GLU started getting up. They were eager to see the Bura-bura springs promoted by Lili Lubis, a senior GLU member who was also tour guide that day. “Well, the springs are that way,” Lili said. Immediately there was a flurry of excitement as members jumped off the raft. That day Kristina Fransisca Muntu, fondly known as Chika, was graduating. Kristina is a Process Plant employee. “There are two reasons members graduate. First, because they get married; second, because they resign from the company,” said Ardian. The ceremony was held in an atmosphere of fun-filled laughter. Chika was dressed up like a graduate, in a toga and academic cap. The highlight that day was the election of new members of the group’s management. Members cast their vote by lining up. The chairperson elect was Febrin Sitorus, followed by Herly Firma (deputy chairperson) and Anisa Fitri (treasurer). Then they all jumped into the lake together. “Hopefully GLU will be more creative, brighten up Sorowako and introduce Sorowako to the outside world,” said Roimon, extending his greetings. []
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
Sorowako, Surga Kawanan Burung Lebih dari separuh burung unik Sulawesi berada di pesisir Danau Matano. Halo Vale pernah bertanya kepada beberapa pekerja PT Vale tentang pengalaman mereka tinggal di Sorowako. Rata-rata, mereka merasa betah dan senang tinggal di daerah yang memiliki pesona alam seperti di Sorowako. “Saya senang sekali tinggal di sini. Alamnya sungguh cantik,” ujar COO Josimar Pires pada satu kesempatan. Josimar tidak salah. Sorowako, memang memiliki alam yang indah dan kaya flora-fauna karena berada di kawasan Wallace. Di sinilah tempat tumbuhnya pohon endemis seperti eboni dan dengen serta bermukimnya babirusa atau anoa. Berada di ketinggian 400 meter dari permukaan laut, dengan hutan masih lestari, membuat Sorowako juga dihuni banyak spesies burung. Weldi Purwanto, pencinta dan fotografer amatir burung, mengatakan, sedikitnya ada 81 spesies burung yang berhabitat di area tambang PT Vale. “Tiga belas di antaranya spesies endemis Sulawesi,” ujar pria berkacamata karyawan Mechanical Civil engineering PT Vale ini. Buku A Guide To the Birds of Wallacea: Sulawesi, the Moluccas and Lesser Sunda Islands karya Brian J. Coates dan K. David Bishop juga mengungkapkan hal yang sama. Di Pulau Sulawesi sedikitnya tercatat dihuni 117 jenis burung unik. Berarti lebih dari separuh spesies burung di Sulawesi berada di Sorowako.
Kata Weldi, yang sedang menyiapkan buku tentang burungburung di Sorowako ini, dinamika satwa ini tak lepas dari keberhasilan penghutanan kembali area pascatambang oleh PT Vale. “Meski berada di daerah tambang, habitat burung seperti di beberapa pohon besar di area tambang atau pabrik masih dipertahankan tumbuh menjulang. Maka burung tetap memiliki tempat bermain, mencari makan, atau beristirahat,” ujarnya. Dr Dewi M Prawiradilaga, peneliti senior burung dari Pusat Penelitian Biologi Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, mengatakan, kehadiran burung merupakan pertanda suatu alam/tempat masih dinilai asri. “Burung sering dijadikan indikator bagi lingkungan yang sehat dan memiliki fungsi bagi kesinambungan alam,” ujarnya. Maka tak heran, warga Sorowako masih mudah menikmati kicau burung, bahkan menyaksikan mereka terbang membelah langit. []
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
Burung Endemis Sulawesi yang Ada di Sorowako •
Elang Ular Sulawesi (Spilomis rufipectus): Dapat berukuran besar sampai 50 sentimeter. Mudah dijumpai di hutan atau area terbuka. Memangsa mamalia kecil, reptil, unggas, dan serangga.
• Elang Sulawesi (Spizaetus lanceolatus): Berukuran sekitar 60 sentimeter. Habitat berada di tepian hutan berpohon tinggi. Memangsa mamalia kecil, reptil, dan serangga. • Perkici Kuning Hijau (Trichoglossus flavoviridis): Burung berukuran sedang (21 sentimeter). Biasanya tinggal di pohon tinggi dan lebat. Memakan buah dan biji. • Kring-kring Dada Kuning (Prioniturus flavicans): Berukuran sedang (sekitar 37 sentimeter). Tinggal di hutan pedalaman. Memakan biji dan buah. •
Tionglampu Sulawesi (Coracias temminckii): Burung berukuran sedang (32 sentimeter). Tinggal di tepian hutan dengan pohon bertajuk tinggi dan rumput terbuka. Memangsa serangga.
• Cabai Panggul Kuning (Dicaeum aureolimbatum): Berukuran kecil (sekitar 9 sentimeter). Tersebar luas di hutan hingga permukiman. Memperoleh makan dari cairan manis bunga.
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
Sorowako, a Paradise for Birds More than half the birds unique to Sulawesi can be found on the shores of Lake Matano. Halo Vale once asked several PT Vale employees about their experience living in Sorowako. On average, they said they felt at home and enjoyed living in place that had such a stunning natural environment. “I like living here. The nature is very beautiful,” COO Josimar Pires once said. Josimar is not wrong there. Sorowako has an extraordinary environment that is rich in flora and fauna because it lies in the Wallace region. This is where endemic trees, such as ebony and dengen can be found, as well as animals like the babirusa and anoa. Located at a height of 400 meters above sea level, Sorowako still sustains forests inhabited by numerous bird species. Weldi Purwanto, a bird enthusiast and photographer said there are at least 81 bird species living in PT Vale’s mining area. “Thirteen of them are species endemic to Sulawesi,” said the bespectacled employee of PT Vale’s Mechanical Civil Engineering Department. The book by Brian J. Coates and K. David Bishop, A Guide To the Birds of Wallacea: Sulawesi, the Moluccas and Lesser Sunda Islands, also contains similar findings. The island of Sulawesi is home to 117 unique birds. This means that more than half the bird species in Sulawesi can be found in Sorowako.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
Celebes Endemic Birds in Sorowako • Sulawesi Serpent Eagle (Spilomis rufipectus): May grow up to 50 cm. Easily spotted in forests or open areas. Preys on small mammals, reptiles, birds, birds and insects. • Sulawesi Hawk Eagle (Spizaetus lanceolatus): Measuring about 60 cm. Its habitat is the periphery of high canopy forests. Preys on small mammals, reptiles and insects • Yellow-and-green Lorikeet (Trichoglossus flavoviridis): A medium-sized bird (21 cm). Usually lives in tall trees with thick canopies. Feeds on fruit and nuts. • Yellow-breasted Racket-tail Parrot (Prioniturus flavicans): A medium-sized bird (about 37 cm). Lives in inland forests. Feeds on fruit and nuts. • Purple-winged Roller (Coracias temminckii): A medium-sized bird (32 cm). Lives on the periphery of high canopy forests with open grassy areas. Feeds on insects. • Yellow-sided Flowerpecker (Dicaeum aureolimbatum): A small bird (about 9 cm). Widespread, from forests to residential areas. Feeds on nectar. Weldi, whose preparing his book of Sorowako’s Birds, said the dynamics of these creatures were closely related to the success rate of reforestation in PT Vale’s post-mining area. “Although they live in a mining area, the birds’ habitats like the big, tall trees in several mining and factory sites have been maintained. The birds still have a place to play, forage and rest,” he said. Dr Dewi M Prawiradilaga, a senior researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Science’s Research Center for Biology, said the presence of birdlife is an indication that an environment or location was still good. “Birds are often used as an indicator of a healthy environment and have a role in sustaining nature,” she said. No wonder Sorowako residents still find it easy to hear birds singing and soaring into the sky. []
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
10 Cara Kurangi Stres Saat Berhenti Merokok Banyak orang berpikir rokok dapat menenangkan pikiran. Benarkah? Absennya nikotin membuat perokok merasa cemas. Kecemasan itu yang kerap disalahartikan sebagai stres. Menyalakan rokok membuat perokok merasa lebih baik, tapi bukan karena rokok menenangkan pikiran, melainkan karena rokok mengantar sejumlah nikotin ke otak. Nikotin, seperti telah diketahui banyak orang, membuat penggunanya kecanduan. Tanpa nikotin, perokok merasa cemas alias sakaw. Berikut kiat meringankan sakaw tanpa tembakau. 1. JANGAN TERLALU KERAS KEPADA DIRI SENDIRI Menghilangkan kebiasaan bukan hal mudah. Ketahui sejak awal bahwa Anda bakal merasa stres, sedikit pemarah, bahkan depresi. Coba tanamkan sikap optimistis dan fokus pada tujuan utama Anda: Berhenti merokok. Bahkan jika Anda telah mencoba dan gagal, jangan patah semangat. Kebanyakan perokok harus mencoba berkali-kali sebelum akhirnya sukses berhenti merokok untuk selamanya. 2. SELESAIKAN PROBLEM JANGKA PENDEK DI DEPAN Jika Anda sudah sadar bahwa tingkat stres akan meningkat setiap kali melihat asbak di teras rumah, singkirkan asbak itu sebelum tanggal yang Anda tetapkan untuk berhenti merokok. Jika setelah makan Anda gelisah ingin merokok, siapkan permen sebelum Anda mulai makan. 3. SINGKIRKAN KEKHAWATIRAN JANGKA PANJANG Minggu-minggu pertama berhenti merokok adalah periode tersulit. Jangan bebani diri Anda dengan mengkhawatirkan masalah jangka panjang, misalnya bisakah Anda bertahan hingga 6 bulan atau akankah kecemasan ini meningkat 3 bulan ke depan? Fokuslah pada hari ini.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
4. LAKUKAN HAL YANG ANDA SUKAI Salah satu cara paling mudah meredakan stres adalah mengalihkan perhatian dengan kegiatan yang memberi rasa senang. Mendengarkan musik, menonton stand-up comedy, bermain dengan anak-anak, mandi air hangat, atau apapun. Lakukan hal-hal kecil yang membuat hidup Anda semakin menyenangkan. 5. BANYAK BERGERAK Studi menyatakan bahwa aktivitas fisik dapat mengurangi stres dan kecemasan. Olahraga bahkan dapat melepaskan senyawa kimia dalam otak yang dikaitkan dengan rasa gembira. Hampir seluruh aktivitas fisik dapat membantu. 6. BERLATIH TEKNIK RELAKSASI Misalnya yoga, latihan menarik napas dalam, dan berbagai bentuk meditasi. Relaksasi, yang membuat Anda fokus terhadap saat sekarang, dapat membantu perokok menghilangkan kebiasaannya. Cari yang paling pas untuk Anda. 7. TULISKAN KEGELISAHAN ANDA Cari tempat tenang dan luangkan waktu 15 menit untuk menuliskan hal-hal yang membuat Anda cemas. Jangan banyak berpikir, membaca ulang, atau mengoreksi tulisan Anda. Tuliskan saja. Setelah itu, sobek dan buang kertas Anda. Kegiatan menulis ini sendiri sudah membantu Anda mengenali stres dan meluapkan rasa cemas.
Sebelum berhenti, buat daftar orang-orang yang bisa Anda mintai dukungan dan mampu menampung keluh-kesah Anda dalam pembicaraan hangat. Jika kecemasan Anda memuncak, hubungi orang itu. 9. KONSULTASIKAN DOKTER SEPUTAR OBAT PENGGANTI NIKOTIN Obat yang tersedia dalam bentuk permen karet, permen hisap, koyo, dan bentuk hirup atau inhaler tersebut bisa mengurangi keinginan seseorang untuk merokok. Terapi pengganti nikotin tidak memberikan sensasi yang sama dengan merokok, tapi terapi tersebut dapat menghentikan gejala kecanduan. 10. BERSABARLAH Memang sangat mudah terpancing stres di hari-hari atau minggu-minggu pertama berhenti merokok. Hampir semua mantan perokok mengalami masa di mana mereka ragu dapat melewati cobaan itu. Ingatkan diri Anda secara rutin: Efek sakaw semakin melemah setiap hari. []
Berhenti Merokok Selamanya
Champix, salah satu obat ketika terapi sebagai pengganti nikotin.
Jika rokok bagai candu, bisakah saya berhenti merokok untuk selamanya? Bisa. Setiap orang yang ingin berhenti merokok punya 3-5% kemungkinan untuk berhasil. Mereka yang sukses berhenti merokok perlu mencoba beberapa kali. Namun setiap kali berhenti, Anda punya tambahan 5% kemungkinan berhasil. Contoh perhitungannya, jika saat ini Anda dalam percobaan keempat untuk berhenti merokok, artinya Anda punya 20% peluang untuk berhasil (4 kali percobaan X 5% peluang = 20% peluang berhasil). Jika Anda gagal, jangan terlalu larut menyalahkan diri. Para ahli percaya, kebanyakan orang yang gigih mencoba pada akhirnya akan sukses berhenti merokok. Konsultasi lebih lanjut seputar berhenti merokok bisa dilayangkan kepada: Dr. Kristiawan Basuki, MKes Occupational Health Specialist RS PT Inco
[email protected] Dr. Ghurusami Assogan, MBBS, Dipl.Emg.Meds Senior/Expatriate Medical Advisor RS PT Inco
[email protected]
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
10 Ways to Reduce Stress When Quitting Smoking Many people think smoking calms the mind. Is this true? The absence of nicotine makes smokers anxious. This anxiety is what people often misunderstand as stress. Lighting up a cigarette makes a smoker feel better, not because smoking calms down the mind, but because it sends nicotine to the brain. Nicotine, as widely known, is addictive. Without nicotine, smokers feel anxious or experience a withdrawal. Here are a few tips to ease withdrawals without tobacco 1. DON’T BE TOO HARD ON YOURSELF Getting rid of a bad habit is not easy. Be aware from the start that you will feel stressed, irritable or even depressed. Try to be optimistic and focus on your main goal: to stop smoking. If you have tried but failed, don’t be discouraged. Most smokers try repeatedly before they finally succeed in their effort to quit smoking once and for all.
“This medication, which is available in the form of chewing gum, sweets, patches and inhalers, reduces the urge to smoke” 4. DO THINGS YOU ENJOY One of the easiest ways to reduce stress is by focusing your attention on activities that bring you joy. Listen to music, watch stand-up comedy, play with the kids, have a bath anything. Do small things that make your life more fun.
If you are aware your stress levels increase each time you see an ashtray on your home verandah, put the ashtray away before the date you intend to stop smoking. If, after mealtimes, you become restless and have the urge to smoke, have some sweets ready before you start your meal.
Studies show that physical activity can reduce stress and anxiety levels. In fact, doing sport releases chemicals in the brain that are related to feelings of happiness. Almost any physical activity helps.
3. REMOVE YOUR LONG-TERM WORRIES The first few weeks after you quit smoking are the hardest. Don’t burden yourself with long-term worries, such as wondering if you can survive for the next 6 months, or whether your anxiety will increase in the next 3 months. Focus on the present.
6. PRACTICE RELAXATION TECHNIQUES These include yoga, deep breathing, and various meditation practices. Relaxation, which lets your mind focus on the present, can rid smokers of their habit. Find one that works for you. 7. WRITE DOWN YOUR ANXIETIES Find a quiet place and set aside 15 minutes to write down things that worry you. Don’t over-think, re-read, or correct what you have written. Just write it down. After that, tear and throw away the paper. The simple act of writing helps you recognize your stress and bring it to the surface.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
8. CALL A FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER Before you quit, make a list of people you can count on for support and will be willing to engage you in deep conversations. If your anxiety increases, contact that person. 9. CONSULT DOCTOR ON NICOTINE SUBSTITUTING MEDICATION This medication, which is available in the form of chewing gum, sweets, patches and inhalers, reduces the urge to smoke. Nicotine substitutes do not produce the same sensation as smoking, but they can stop addictive tendencies. 10. BE PATIENT It is very easy to feel stressed in the first few days or weeks of having quit smoking. Almost all former smokers go through a period where they doubt their ability to resist the temptation. Remind yourself regularly: the withdrawals will continue to weaken every day. []
Quit Smoking for Good If smoking is an addiction, can I stop smoking for good? Yes, you can. Every person who wants to quit smoking has a 3-5% chance of success. Those who succeed have had to try quitting several times. Each time you manage to stop yourself from lighting up, your chance of quitting for good the next time increases by 5%. For example, if you are on your fourth attempt at quitting, it means you now have a 20% chance of succeeding (4 attempts X 5% chance = 20% success). If you fail, don’t drown in self-pity. Experts believe that most people who are determined to try will eventually succeed in quitting smoking forever. For further consultation on quitting smoking, you can contact: Dr. Kristiawan Basuki, MKes Occupational Health Specialist PT Inco Hospital
[email protected] Dr. Ghurusami Assogan, MBBS, Dipl.Emg.Meds Senior/Expatriate Medical Advisor RS PT Inco
[email protected]
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
Get this prize
1. Tali pengaman tubuh yang digunakan pengemudi & penumpang mobil. 4. Job System Analysis (disingkat). 7. Masker yang digunakan untuk memasuki area pabrik. 9. Pelatihan yang harus diikuti pekerja sebelum memasuki area process plant. 11. Bendera yang dipasang di bumper depan kendaraan untuk memasuki area tambang (Inggris). 12. Dapat mengganggu penglihatan pengendara. 14. Salah satu proses “Lock Out -Tag Out” terhadap energi berbahaya. 16. Perancah (inggris). 20. “...........Protector” atau pelindung layar (Inggris). 21. Bahan beracun pengendali hama. 22. Salah satu aturan keselamatan PT Vale.
1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 8. 10. 12. 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
Surat izin mengemudi kendaraan perusahaan. Penyakit menular. Alat pelindung pendengaran (Inggris). Lampu strobo (Inggris). Alat Pelindung Diri (disingkat). Falling Object Protetive Structures (disingkat). Departemen pengawas K3L PT Vale. Alat pelindung mata. Racun yang terkandung di rokok. Orang yang melakukan pemeriksaan pekerjaan. Kaca intip pada kendaraan. Tali pengikat tubuh yang digunakan untuk bekerja di ketinggian (Inggris) Zat ringan yang sifatnya seperti udara. Alat untuk melindungi kepala (Inggris).
Pemenang Kuis Halo Vale edisi 2* 1. Rambung Oktovianus Lunda, 6904 2. Glorinophika, 6863 3. Abadi Setiawan, 7559 4. Arif Achmad, 7544 5. Yenny Adriani, 8077
*Hadiah dapat langsung diambil di External Relations Department pada hari dan jam kerja.
H a l o Va l e I Edis i D es em ber 2012
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SALAH PARKIR Eko Rusdianto
Ed i si D esember 2012 I H alo Val e
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