Balance-Recovery – Domovská Stránka Přidej se k nám na život proměňující cestu! Pokud začneme znovu prožívat vše se stává láskou. Vše tě osvobozuje. Vše tě uzdravuje. Skrze vše se propadáš do tvojí pravdy. Zázrak být člověkem. Činí to život velmi jednoduchým. Osvětluje ti to tvou cestu a ty se stáváš opět normálním Být nikým. Rozplynout se se vším. Být jedním s Bohem. Být jedním s vesmírem. -Wilri WaarloNadcházející akce:
Sebeuzdravující-Moment – Německo, NRW – Leden – Potvrzené Leden 21 - Leden 22 Přidej se teď! ▼ Chci se dozvědět víc!▼
O nás
Balance-Recovery znamená najít rovnováhu v každé jednotlivé části tvého života Rovnováhu ve tvojí mysli, pocitech, těle, duši … ve všem. Činí to život jednoduchým a snadným jaký život je. Být jedním se vším, co je. Balance-Recovery je jako život sám … rostoucí, proměnlivý, pečující. Žádný učitel, žádný student, není co dělat. Stačí jen BÝT tím, kým DOOPRAVDY jste. Balance-Recovery ti pomůže:
Znovu se spojit s tvým opravdový m já Prohloubi
t tvé vztahy Uskutečni t tvá přání a sny
Uzdravit příčiny nemocí a jiných obtíží Užívat si život
tak, je
Pojď a oslavuj život s námi, protože život je radost, život je zábava, život je jednoduchý.
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Reference „Nikdy jsem nic podobného nezažil. Nejsou proto slova. Psychologové a psychiatři nemohou lidem pomoci, ale tahle práce ano. Tohle je práce budoucnosti.“ − Vladislav, Psycholog a učitel, Česká Republika −
I had such a profound healing, life changing. They hold such a deep safe space, you can transform your deepest fears with Wilri & Jakub. I am looking forward for my next session. It’s time to transform, I highly recommend a session. It´s the biggest gift you can give yourself. Thank you Mary for making it happen. − Damien Wynne, Spiritual teacher, Greece − „Ze srdce díky za hluboké setkání… už jen když jsem vstoupil do prostoru “místnosti”… byl jsem opět doma… v hluboké Jednotě se sebou, se vším… bylo pro mne překvapující sledovat léčení “posedlosti” energetických blokád, starých omezujících vzorců… úžas… dějí se zázraky… někdy třeba rád… na viděnou a sdílenou… − Andrej, Czech Republic − „I wanted to tell you both, the space that is there in the groups it feels so secure. You create it. It is a gift to me. So deep, so filled with love, respect, humbleness. It is the ground and nourishment for healing and transformation. Something in me opened up so deeply, it feels to me like a crack in the earth’s crust. When I go in there, I find everything. Love, freedom, Nothing. There is no way words can
express what you do. Thank you.“ − Yinka, Germany − Wilri is a love surgeon. What a gift he has. Without any blah blah, Wilri goes bam! right into your deepest core places with a laser to shine a light where we are tangled up with self-hatred, confusion, darkness, fear or whatever it is keeping us from experiencing our true selves and feeling completely connected. His courage is contagious. His rebellious spirit is like standing under a cool waterfall deep in the forest and letting all the crap wash away. I love him and am so grateful for his work and his being. He meets everyone where they are. I felt very safe. I encourage anyone to go and experience. Life is so beautiful. He helps to bring us back here. − Jill − “Thank you Wilri and Jakub! I feel so incredibly blessed to have met you in my life! I can say from the bottom of my heart that attending your workshop in February has been the most loving thing I have ever done for myself. I had such a wonderful experience, especially on the last day of the workshop. I literally felt like I was reborn again…. Grasping and filling my lungs with air for the first time, letting the world
hear my voice while crying. Your work is beyond words and I’m looking forward in meeting you all again for an other workshop! Today I feel more whole in my being, almost walking through my life with more ease and love – for your message to me reassured me yet again to integrate all aspects of myself and that itself is so freeing and releases so much tension:) Lots of love from Sabine?❤️?” − Sabine − “I think of you and your work (and also of the energy of the group) a lot in these last days. I appreciate more and more the way, how you work with people and I can see, that the whole existence is saying “yes”. Because you are in many parts of the world right now. And it is simply big. And blessed. It is not a coincidence that it is happening right now. I was thinking a lot about it today and I shared with my friend, that you aren’t offering instant and superficially appealing solutions and you don’t try to be a savior. You offer to people the opportunity to look, feel, sense and accept what is. Whatever it is. And that is the way, which is healing. And it is so powerfully apparent today in here that I just have to write it. Thank you..” − Avani, Czech Republic − “Thank you Darlings! It’s always my pleasure and honor to work and Be with you…
Balance-Recovery Work brings us so many Blessings… Wilri and Jakub you humble me.. I love you dearly ♡” − Mary − “In the Land of Feelings I walked on the street that led away from my house… far away! It seemed awfully long. But no feeling of homesickness overcame me. On the contrary, my heart seemed to open, the sun peeped in and the birdsong filled my belly as though it was my own melody. Any doubts and fears that bothered me in the house that I had christened ‘home’ were like swept away… And I began to experience that one has to leave one’s past behind and that home is only to be found in one’s self. “Find your home in yourself and your home will be everywhere”, I loudly shouted into the deserted wilderness.” − Anna, Germany − „For a long time, I felt the darkness in me and my anger inhabit every single cell of my body. I had dark sports on some places of my body, and my skin was very rough, partly like that of a very old woman. I had a lot of fears and panic during the weekend. It felt like dying. Wilri took me by my hand and worked with me on it. I felt how light penetrated into my cells, and I could breathe much better.
I got more air and my skin felt fresh, young and very sensitive. As I looked into the mirror 20 minutes later, I saw little spots in my face that were not there before. At first sight they looked like little pimples, but when I looked closer I saw that they were not pimples. It was not on the upper surface of the skin. My cells in the lower skin layer had burst apart and renewed themselves. This happened on some spots of my body, as well. I cannot describe exactly what happened there. I just felt that completely new cells are developing. My skin feels very soft and young like by a baby. What a blessing to have had such an experience.“ − Olesja, Germany − „Hi my dearest ones, You have been so busy creating and living miracles continuously all over and making people and the world a healthier, joyous and more beautiful balanced experience as we find our truths. Thank you. Thank you. Your blog is absolutely marvelous. Great Work!!! WOW! I did receive and do appreciate my own personal video. I am feeling better and looking a bit better. I look forward to your next visit. Take good care. Much love & kisses to the team.“
− Minerva − „Thank you for a profound healing of my mind and body! This work is shifting my understanding of what is possible. I feel absolute trust in Wilri and Jakub and highly recommend the workshop. A life changing , heart opening experience. With love, Susanna“ − Susanna Claussen − „Working with Wilri and group is heart and mind blowing. I witness people getting information …not what they asked for..but what they seem to need and then realizing it’s what they ‘asked’ for. I have seen my own life expand since knowing and working with Wilri… my determination to shift and be more present for myself first is because of what I’ve experienced with his Balance-Recovery. Sorry, old friends, I wont’ be the old me, but I believe the new me is so much more loving ..take me deeper into the change…it is like going home again.“ -Nancy„Dear Jakub I feel the deep love that both of you carry and know that the world needs it. What makes it special for me is that Wilri is not
some mystic guru distancing himself in any way from “the people”. He is so human and so in touch and that is what heals! I am soooo looking forward to being in your energies for a whole weekend!“ − Marina Maurino − „I did enjoy your workshop and feel both Wilri’s extraordinary accuracy in depicting and feeling peoples needs and problems is a REAL–Rare and a true gift! Jakub’s sensitivity, sweetness and intuitive artistry in knowing exactly what to do is as masterful as and complementary to Wilri. I am grateful and happy for everything–and I do mean everything that you said and did for me. You made me more aware and conscious of where I came from–who I was– who I am and how people interpret my personality. I don’t believe I am arrogant but perhaps I am and my silence and desire to explain myself can be perceived as such.“ − Anonymous Artist − „I want to thank you for what you have done to my life. Your presence has changed me, has brought me nearer to myself, away from all my countless confused structures. Around you I have grown and become riper. What has happened? Not much, actually. Nothing extraordinary except that you’ve constantly shown me a mirror until I had the courage to look into
the mirror and accepted what I saw there. You have bitterly disappointed me. I was looking for somebody who tells me what I should do with my life. Somebody who instructs me what I have to do or not to do. You’re not that somebody. You have done nothing else but to love me as I am in spite of what I’ve done. You have played along with my stupid games until I realized how useless they were. You have given me the most awful gift that I can imagine at all: complete acceptance! I had fought my whole life. “I am wrong! I have to do this or that to be OK.” The whole time I was struggling against myself to try to be what I am not. You have shown me that I am just me. That’s all. You have rendered all my struggles useless. Life continues as before. Sometimes there is joy, sometimes despair, sometimes I am almost going crazy. But now there is something else, as well. The confidence that everything is OK. And step by step I stop to block and control the flow of life. You have shown me the most ordinary thing of all: the miracle to be human. Thousands of kisses to you, Jakub and the team.” − Jens, Germany −
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Partneři a organizátoři
Olesja Německo
Jitka Česko
Jiří Technická Podpora
Eda Dubaj
Dina Turecko
Margalit Izrael
Laura Itálie
Birute Litva
Marijus Litva
Tajemství života Nadcházející události Vyber si svůj Balance-Recovery Sebeuzdravující-Moment s Wilrim a Jakubem!
Sebeuzdravující-Moment – Německo, NRW – Leden – Potvrzené Leden 21 - Leden 22
Sebeuzdravující-Moment – Litva – Leden – Potvrzené Leden 27 - Leden 31
Sebeuzdravující-Moment – Německo, NRW – Únor – Potvrzené Únor 25 - Únor 26
Sebeuzdravující-Moment – Praha – Březen – Plánované Březen 3 - Březen 8
Sebeuzdravující-Moment – UAE, Dubai – Březen – Plánované Březen 15 - Březen 21
Sebeuzdravující-Moment – Německo, NRW – Březen – Plánované Březen 25 - Březen 26
Sebeuzdravující-Moment – UK, Londýn – Duben – Plánované Duben 13 - Duben 19
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Daruj Pro ty, kdo by rádi přispěli k úspěchu Balance-Recovery, pro ty, kdo by chtěli přispět lidem, kteří nemají dostatečné prostředky, aby si mohli Balance-Recovery-Momenty dovolit. Rádi bychom vás pozvali, abyste trochu darovali a tak je podpořili. Příspěvky v jakékoliv výši jsou vítány a hluboce ceněny. Dary třídíme podle jejich účelu. Dary budou rozděleny do tří různých oblastí. 1. pro lidi, kteřé svou účast nemohou zaplatit
2. pro naše nové Centrum 3. do správní oblasti Ty rozhoduješ, ve které oblasti bude dar použit. Uveď prosím požadovaný účel.