Dr Hanny Nasution
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Outline 1. Penentuan jurnal
2. Pemilihan topik 3. Persiapan penulisan artikel 4. Proses pengajuan dan
penilaian 5. Revisi dan pengajuan
kembali 18/06/2011
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1. Penentuan Jurnal Tujuan dan Pendekatan: Mendapatkan masukan dari penilai => Jurnal kelas atas Peluang dipublikasi lebih besar => Jurnal kelas menengah/bawah
Peringkat Jurnal: A*, A, B, C, not-ranked (ERA – Excellence in Research for Australia) Analisa jurnal: Analisa jurnal 5 tahun terakhir: tema utama, metodologi, dll. Pendekatan kuantitatif atau kualitatif Ruang lingkup dan konteks jurnal 18/06/2011
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4. Prooses Pengajuan & Penilaian – lanjutan Tanggapan terhadap kritik Diluar lingkup, misi, atau tujuan jurnal
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Forum Diskusi KAGAMA
Contoh: Artikel Ditolak - JAMS 2009 Reviewer #4: Reviewer Comments Ms 08-00344 Assessing fit as coalignment and profile deviation This paper provides a reasonably good review of the configuration theory literature, and correctly suggests that it may have applicability in the consumer research setting. Unfortunately, this study does not advance this agenda, for several reasons detailed below. First, the attributes utilized are all vector (as opposed to ideal point) attributes. More is better, such that some measure of similarity to a given configuration or set of ideal points is irrelevant. An "ideal point" derived from the scores of the top 5% of the hotels under study is an illustration of this point. Higher is better for all of the attributes. The model depicted in Figure 2, and its 'superiority' to the direct effects model in Figure 3 are both due to the high intercorrelation among the attributes. This 'halo' or strong general factor underlying the attributes is very common in studies like this, but it cannot properly be labeled 'coalignment'. It is nothing more than a general second order factor accounting for the intercorrelations among the first order factors. Since the first order factors are strongly correlated, there is a high level of multicollinearity in the direct effect model, and finding sign reversals and inflated standard error estimates (and thus lack of significance for the associated parameter estimates) are classic symptoms. Taking the top "x%" as representing an 'ideal point' is similarly misguided. The ideal point for a vector variable is simply the top possible score. Further, the use of deviation scores (squared or not) has been severely criticized by Edwards in several articles (cited below) even though in this case it largely amounts to subtracting a constant. Other points: I can't figure out the reported degree of freedom difference between the direct effect model and the "configuration" model. Why four? Also, respondents are nested within hotels, violating the independent observations assumption. This sampling effect should be accounted for. Edwards, J. R. (2001). Ten difference score myths. Organizational Research Methods, 4, 264-286. Edwards, J. R. (1995). Alternatives to difference scores as dependent variables in the study of congruence in organizational research. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 64, 307-324. 18/06/2011
Forum Diskusi KAGAMA
Contoh: Artikel Diterima-IMM 2011 Reviewer 1
Comments to the Authors: This paper suggests a solid and extensive knowledge of the literature on market orientation as well as entrepreneurship, innovation, learning orientation and HRM practices. It is also well structured and underpinned by a good level of analysis. Its overall impact might gain from the following improvement suggestions: Make greater attempt to relate the paper, particularly the introductory and concluding sections, to the focus of the special issue, i.e. strengthen its fit with the Special Issue and bring out more of the managerial implications. Include a paragraph or two on the profile of your study sample – this could help in the above regard Do more to ground the methodology section in the relevant best practice literature; a few references to support or justify such research design decisions as the use of hotels and hotel managers as sampling units, the choice of Indonesia as study location etc. might help Edit your work more carefully, e.g. leaving out “references” is P20 seems a bit … and “medium-size” should read “medium-sized”. Here are a few more examples from pp1-11: P2, L2: replace „its‟ with “their”. P2, last para, L2: Insert “and” before „human‟ P3, L1: Insert „and‟ before „human‟. P4, second para, L5: insert “to” after „need‟ P7, L1: rephrase “sacrifices have been identified with various interpretations”. P7, second par, L2: clarify “..customer services a business unit…” P8, first full para, L10: rephrase “ Despite learning orientation ….” P8, second para, L1: see spacing problem after „innovation‟. P9, line 6: rephrase “….higher levels of organizational learning tend to adopt ….” P10, L3: „in term‟ should read „in terms‟
Forum Diskusi KAGAMA
Contoh: Artikel Diterima-IMM 2011 Reviewer 2
Comments to the authors:
I SET OUT SOME MINOR POINTS THAT THE AUTHOR MAY WISH TO ADDRESS. 1. does the title accurately reflect the content of the paper and the findings of the research? (compare the statement at the bottom of p19 with the title) 2. There is no mention of HRM in the title yet it appears as significant in the findings – there needs to be more explanation of the link between HRM and marketing if the HRM finding is to be regarded as evidence of the impact of marketing orientation on entrepreneurship. 3. the word ,model, is used – should these models be shown diagrammatically even though the reference may imply a conceptual model. This might assist the reader . 4. In some areas of the discussion of hypotheses the literature seems somewhat dated. Is it possible to include some more recent references e.g. H1; H4 and H% discussions. 5. overall a well written and well argued and well supported paper. 18/06/2011
Forum Diskusi KAGAMA
Komentar Umum-Isi 1. Latar belakang – perumusan masalah dan tujuan 2. Kontribusi utama: Dinyatakan secara eksplisit, menarik, mengatasi masalah penting
3. Kajian teoritis: Artikel terbaru, posisikan artikel 4. Rancangan Penelitian: sampling, sample size, data collection method, instrument development and validation, and appropriate data analysis techniques 5. Kesimpulan, implikasi, keterbatasan 18/06/2011
Forum Diskusi KAGAMA
Komentar Umum - Teknis Artikel ditulis untuk pembaca tertentu dan penilai
Pahami tradisi jurnal tersebut. Pastikan mengutip artikel dengan benar Manfaat partisipasi dalam konferensi international Manfaat partisipasi dalam sesi „Jumpa Editor
Forum Diskusi KAGAMA
Keputusan Akhir Diterima –
Rayakan keberhasilan
Peluang untuk diundang menjadi penilai
jurnal (reviewer) atau Board of Editors 18/06/2011
Promosi jabatan, dll Forum Diskusi KAGAMA
Kesimpulan Kiat-kiat praktis: 1. Tentukan jurnal sesuai tujuan 2. Topik sesuai dengan tema jurnal 3. Artikel mempunyai kontribusi yang berarti bagi perkembangan ilmu 4. Ikuti standar penulisan jurnal 5. Revisi sesuai hasil penilaian 6. Pengajuan kembali setelah direvisi
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