© Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014 Obsah testového sešitu je chráněn autorskými právy. Jakékoli jeho užití, jakož i užití jakékoli jeho části pro komerční účely či pro jejich přímou i nepřímou podporu bez předchozího explicitního písemného souhlasu CERMATu bude ve smyslu obecně závazných právních norem považováno za porušení autorských1práv.
Maximální bodové hodnocení: 37 bodů Hranice úspěšnosti: 44 % 1. Základní informace k zadání zkoušky Didaktický test obsahuje 37 úloh. Časový limit pro řešení didaktického testu je uveden na záznamovém archu. Povolené pomůcky: pouze psací potřeby a individuální kompenzační pomůcky. U každé části je uvedena váha části/úlohy v bodech, například: 5 bodů/1 bod = v celé části můžete získat nejvýše 5 bodů, za jednu správnou odpověď získáte 1 bod. V uzavřených úlohách je právě jedna odpověď správná. Za nesprávnou nebo neuvedenou odpověď se neudělují záporné body. Poznámky si můžete dělat do testového sešitu, na počítači nebo na volné listy papíru, nebudou však předmětem hodnocení.
2. Pravidla správného zápisu odpovědí Pište modře nebo černě píšící propisovací tužkou, která píše dostatečně silně a nepřerušovaně. Povoleno je psací i tiskací písmo a číslice. Při psaní odpovědí rozlišujte velká a malá písmena. Nejednoznačný nebo nečitelný zápis odpovědi bude považován za chybné řešení. Zvolte si, zda budete své odpovědi zapisovat do záznamového archu, přímo do testového sešitu, na počítači, nebo na volné listy papíru, které jsou součástí záznamového archu. 2 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
Pokyny pro vyplňování záznamového archu U uzavřených úloh zřetelně zakřížkujte odpověď, kterou považujete za správnou, v příslušném poli záznamového archu, a to přesně z rohu do rohu dle obrázku, například takto: A
Pokud budete chtít následně zvolit jinou variantu odpovědi, zabarvěte pečlivě původně zakřížkované pole a zvolenou odpověď vyznačte křížkem do nového pole, například takto: A
Pokud zakřížkujete více než jedno pole, bude vaše odpověď považována za nesprávnou. U otevřených úloh pište odpovědi čitelně do vyznačených bílých polí.
Pokud budete chtít následně zvolit jinou odpověď, pak původní odpověď přeškrtněte a novou odpověď zapište do stejného pole. Vaše odpověď nesmí přesáhnout hranice vyznačeného pole.
3 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
Pokyny pro záznam odpovědí do testového sešitu Na testový sešit přepište ze záznamového archu svůj identifikační kód a napište své jméno a příjmení. U uzavřených úloh zakroužkujte variantu odpovědi, kterou považujete za správnou, například takto: A) B) C) D) Pokud budete chtít následně zvolit jinou variantu odpovědi, zabarvěte pečlivě původní volbu a zakroužkujte zvolenou odpověď, například takto: A) B) C) D) Pokud zakroužkujete více než jedno písmeno, bude vaše odpověď považována za nesprávnou. U otevřených úloh je místo pro odpověď označeno takto: Odpověď: Odpovědi pište na toto místo.
4 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
Pokyny pro záznam odpovědí na počítači a na volné listy papíru Odpovědi zapisujte vždy tak, že napíšete číslo úlohy a k němu zvolenou variantu odpovědi nebo její slovní řešení, například takto: 1) A (u uzavřených úloh)
nebo 8) apple (u otevřených úloh)
5 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
5 bodů/1 bod
Přečtěte si pět krátkých textů. Na základě informací v textech vyberte k úlohám 1–5 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–D. TEXT 1 Cycling Trips Timothy had a holiday from Monday to Sunday last week. He planned a lot of cycling trips, so he hoped for sunny weather. And it really was until Wednesday! But then, on Thursday, the weather suddenly changed. There was a storm in the afternoon and the weather got worse. The wind was blowing and it was quite cold. The next day, it was cloudy but fortunately, the wind stopped blowing and it was still OK to ride a bicycle. On Saturday, however, it rained a lot, so Timothy decided to stay at home and watch television. (CERMAT) 1
What was the weather like the first day of Timothy’s holiday? A)
6 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
TEXT 2 Swimming George loves swimming. In winter, he goes to the swimming pool in the town five times a week. During summer, he swims in the river not far from his home or he goes swimming in the lake near his grandmother’s cottage. Last week, George wanted to go for a swim in the lake, but unfortunately he had to stay in town because his grandmother was ill. The river was still quite cold, so in the end, George decided to go for a swim in the swimming pool. He met his friend Jimmy there. Jimmy had just returned from a holiday by the sea and told George about beaches, big ships, diving and colourful fish, and George started dreaming about swimming in the sea. (CERMAT) 2
Where did George go swimming last week?
7 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
TEXT 3 Going to the Cinema Alison and Jacob wanted to go to the cinema on Friday but they couldn’t agree on what film to see. Alison likes love stories but Jacob is usually very bored when he watches romantic films. He prefers action films, and he wanted to see the new one with Bruce Willis. However, Alison doesn’t like this actor at all. They both enjoy comedies but on that day there were only old comedies from the 1980s on. In the end, it was clear the only possible film for them was the new historical film called King Arthur. But unfortunately, it was completely sold out. So Alison and Jacob ended up with one of the old films but they still had a lot of fun. (CERMAT) 3
What kind of film did Alison and Jacob watch at the cinema?
8 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
TEXT 4 Brad’s Crazy Morning Yesterday I got up late and nothing was in the right place. First I couldn’t find my T-shirt for P. E. My mother had cleaned my room and put it in the wardrobe. I never put it there! She had also mixed up my books so it took me some time to find my Maths book. Mum was very busy in the morning and didn’t have time to prepare a snack for me, so I quickly took an apple from the fridge, threw it into my school bag together with the P. E. T-shirt and ran to school. When I arrived at school, I believed that I had everything with me. What a terrible mistake! The first lesson was Maths. We had a test so finally I didn’t even take the Maths book out of my bag. But when I wanted to start answering the questions, I had to borrow a pen from Mike because I’d forgotten to take my pencil case. What a crazy morning! (CERMAT) 4
What did Brad leave at home?
9 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
TEXT 5 Tom’s Day My daily routine is usually the same every working day. I get up at quarter past seven and go to work by car. But yesterday was a holiday. I planned to get up at quarter past six and go on a trip to the capital city. Unfortunately, my alarm clock didn’t work properly, so I got out of bed late: at quarter to seven. I was angry because it was too late to catch the train at half past seven. So finally, I decided to stay at home and watch TV. (CERMAT) 5
When did Tom get up yesterday?
10 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
11 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
ÚLOHY 6–11
6 bodů/1 bod
Přečtěte si leták o novém kině. Na základě informací v textu odpovězte na otázky v úlohách 6–11. V odpovědích použijte nejvýše 3 slova.
How many people can get special presents? Odpověď:
What date does the cinema open for the first time? Odpověď:
Which means of transport can you use to get to the cinema? Odpověď:
On which day can you watch a film at 9 o’clock? Odpověď: on
How much does a student pay to see a 2D or a 3D film? Odpověď: £
What can you get to eat in Kix café? Odpověď:
12 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
Cinema Kix Do you like films? Do you want to have fun with your friends? Watch a film in Cinema Kix and have a drink in Kix café! Cinema Kix is opening in the town right now! Don’t miss the chance to be among the first 25 visitors who will get special gifts. You can look forward to DVDs with the latest films, Kix T-shirts and posters of film stars. And that’s not all! Come on the opening day – March 27th – and get a free ticket for The Dark World film! Where can you find us?
The new modern building of Cinema Kix is at 21 Yester Street next to the post office.
How can you get to us?
If you go by bus, get off at Yester Street stop and cross the road. The blue Cinema Kix building can be seen from the bus stop. If you use the underground, take the green line and get off at Chatham station. When you get out of the underground, the Cinema Kix building is on your left.
When can you come?
We offer three different film times. You can watch a film at three, five or seven o’clock every day. On Saturday there is even one extra time at nine.
Come and enjoy our comfortable seats and fine prices! For 2D films:
For 3D films:
Adults: £2
Adults: £3
Seniors: £1.50
Seniors: £2.50
Students: £1.50
Students: £1.50
Kix café is situated on the ground floor. It offers a wide choice of cold and hot drinks and sandwiches. The atmosphere of the café is really like in a film. You can sit in the Matrix section or you can choose Harry Potter’s chamber and many more. It is possible to buy popcorn and chocolate bars from the vending machine on the first floor. (CERMAT) 13 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
ÚLOHY 12–16
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Přečtěte si email, který Catherine napsala z výletu kamarádce Pam. Na základě informací v textu vyberte k úlohám 12–16 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–C. Hello Pam, How are you? What about your work? I’m writing you this email from our trip to the countryside. We are all really enjoying our time here. As usual, we had a bad start and arrived at the cottage late. This time Jeremy and Martin got up early, but Jeremy couldn’t find the car keys and of course Liz overslept and wasn’t ready at nine. The only person always ready on time is me. The wooden cottage is fantastic! There is a large fireplace in the living room and the boys like cutting wood for it every morning. I love it too but of course here it is a man’s business. Can you believe that Liz started to love going to the sauna here? You know that Liz and I always hated the sauna. It was fun to see her jumping into the cold lake in front of the cottage afterwards! Not for me! What I like the most here is fishing. Can you imagine me sitting by the lake and fishing? But it is relaxing and we always have a great dinner. You know how I love cooking. Did you know that it was Martin’s birthday on Thursday? We prepared a great celebration for him. Last year and a few years before we always went to a restaurant to celebrate, so this year we wanted a change for Martin. At first we thought of a visit to the skiing museum not far from the cottage but it is closed on Thursdays. Then Jeremy remembered the bowling centre in the neighbouring village. Finally, we spent three hours bowling and Martin loved it. He says it was the best birthday celebration in his life. He didn’t even miss the big birthday cake and champagne we always got in the restaurant. On Friday we all took a trip to the mountains. You can’t imagine how beautiful the countryside is here. We walked about 30km, so in the evening we were really tired but happy. The next day Liz wanted to relax, so she stayed in the cottage and read a book. You know, she always takes one with her. The boys and I went swimming on that day but I spent most of the time sunbathing because the water in the lake was still too cold for me. Tomorrow we are going to do some sports. We are thinking of biking or playing volleyball. This holiday is great, so I think next time you and Tom must come with us. Don’t forget that your work can wait. I know you are on a business trip now but you must also relax a bit or you will get sick because of the long hours in the office. And, I know how much you love the countryside. You can forget about everything here – worries, stress and work. Bye, Catherine (CERMAT) 14 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
Who got up late? A)
What doesn’t Catherine like doing? A)
preparing wood
going to the sauna
How did the friends celebrate Martin’s birthday? A)
They went bowling.
They went to a restaurant.
They visited a skiing museum.
What did the boys do on Saturday? A)
They read a book.
They went swimming.
They went to the mountains.
Why isn’t Pam on holiday in the countryside, too? A)
She is sick.
She has to work.
She doesn’t like the countryside.
15 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
ÚLOHY 17–22
6 bodů/1 bod
Podívejte se na sedm informačních cedulí, se kterými se můžete běžně setkat. Na základě informací v textech přiřaďte k úlohám 17–22 vždy jednu ceduli z nabídky A–G. Jedna cedule je navíc a nebude použita. 17
You bought a new jacket packed in a huge plastic sack. There is this notice written on the sack saying it can be dangerous for kids. Odpověď:
You are going to see an exhibition of life in old Egypt. You are at the building and want to go inside but there is this sign on the door saying that you can’t go in this way. Odpověď:
You are driving your car on the road running close to a primary school. There is this sign warning drivers not to go too fast because of the kids. Odpověď:
You and your friend are going to spend one week in a camp by the river. At the entrance to the campsite, you can see this sign saying how much you must pay to stay there. Odpověď:
You are in a very tall building. On the walls you can read signs like this, warning that in danger you must walk down the steps. Odpověď:
You are late for school. You quickly took off your jacket and now you are hurrying to your classroom. There are these signs everywhere in the school saying you can only walk. Odpověď:
16 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
17 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
ÚLOHY 23–30
8 bodů/1 bod
Přečtěte si text o muzeu Madame Tussaud. Na základě textu vyberte k úlohám 23–30 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–C. Madame Tussaud’s Museum Have you heard of the famous Madame Tussaud’s Museum? It is a museum where wax figures1 of well-known people are presented. Do you know (23) _____________ Madame Tussaud was, where she lived and how she learned to model the figures? Her real name was Anna Maria Grosholtz and she was born in France (24) _____________ 1st December in 1761. Anna’s mother later (25) _____________ for Mr. Curtius in Switzerland. Mr. Curtius was (26) _____________ doctor and knew how to make wax figures because he used them to teach anatomy. He taught Anna this art. Among her first figures were Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin and her self-portrait. In 1802, she went to London to show her collection and soon afterwards, a museum of wax figures was opened in London. After Anna‘s death, the museum moved to (27) _____________ present location in London. Today, the museum is (28) _____________ than most of the other tourist attractions in London not only because of the wax figures and the famous Chamber of Horrors2, but also because of the planetarium. Now you can (29) _____________ the museum every day except on Christmas Day. It is accessible3 to handicapped people and it is possible to (30) _____________ photos there. There are 300 wax figures in the museum. (, upraveno) wax figure: vosková figurína 2 Chamber of Horrors: Strašidelná komnata 3 accessible: přístupný, dostupný 1
18 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
A) who
B) which
C) why
A) at
B) in
C) on
A) working
B) worked
C) work
A) ---
B) a
C) the
A) its
B) his
C) their
A) the famous
B) the most famous
C) more famous
A) to visit
B) visit
C) visiting
A) take
B) produce
C) do
19 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
ÚLOHY 31–37
7 bodů/1 bod
Přečtěte si krátký článek o spisovatelce J. K. Rowlingové. Na vynechaná místa 31–37 vyberte vhodné slovo z nabídky A–H. Jedna nabídka je navíc a nebude použita. The Author of Harry Potter: J. K. Rowling J. K. Rowling’s real name is Joanne Kathleen Rowling. This famous writer was born in 1965 in Yate, England. Joanne has a younger (31) _____________ called Dianne; she was born just two years after Joanne. Rowling’s mother died when Joanne was 25 years old, but Joanne’s father still lives in Bristol, where he works as a (32) _____________ with Rolls-Royce. Joanne knew she wanted to be a writer when she was only five or six years old. At that time, she started to write short fantasy stories and read them to Dianne. When she was a child, her (33) _____________ moved twice. One of their houses was situated in Bristol in Winterbourne, where little Joanna played with a (34) _____________ from school whose name was Ian Potter. Later, Rowling would name Harry Potter after him. In 1992, Rowling married a journalist from Portugal and soon after that they had a (35) _____________ and named her Jessica. Unfortunately, shortly after her birth, Joanne and her (36) _____________ divorced. Joanne left with her child for Edinburgh in Scotland. There she finished her first Harry Potter book and called it “Harry Potter and the Philosopher‘s Stone”. Today Rowling’s books about Harry Potter are very popular and are printed in 35 languages. In the beginning, Joanne was afraid that boys wouldn’t like a book written by a (37) _____________ writer, so that’s why she used only her initials “J. K.” and not her full name, Joanne Kathleen. (, upraveno)
20 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014
A) daughter B) son C) manager D) friend E) family F) woman G) husband H) sister
KONEC DIDAKTICKÉHO TESTU 21 © Centrum pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání, 2014