Convention Mission Statement
The Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada exists 1) to assist in extending the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in lands of central and eastern Europe, particularly the Czech and Slovak Republics; 2) to support the work of Baptists and other evangelical churches in North America that minister to persons of Czech and Slovak descent, and 3) to provide a Christian context for worship, fellowship, teaching, and appreciation of heritage among those in the United States and Canada who bear interest in the nationalities we represent.
Misijní poslání konvence
Československá baptistická konvence Spojených států a Kanady byla ustanovena za účelem: 1) napomáhat v šíření evangelia našeho Pána Ježíše Krista v zemích střední a východní Evropy, zvláště v České a Slovenské republice; 2) podporovat práci baptistů a jiných evangelikálních církví v severní Americe, které slouží českým a slovenským potomkům; 3) předkládat formu bohoslužby, obecenství a učení, vážit si dědictví těch, ve Spojených státech a v Kanadě, kterým leží na srdci národy, které reprezentujeme. Contents: Editorial–Natasha Laurinc..................................................................... 2 Dr. John W. Upton Letter....................................................................... 3 102nd Annual Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada........ 4 The First Witness–Stan Mantle............................................................. 6 The History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Church in Toronto, part 3–Natasha Laurinc............................................... 8 Historie Československého baptistického sboru v Torontě, 3. část–Nataša Laurincová........................................... 9 Letnice a Starý zákon–Miloš Šolc ml.................................................. 10 Youth Scene–Josef Šolc....................................................................... 12 Children’s Corner - The Great Mission.............................................. 14 Dětský koutek - Veliké poslání.............................................................. 15 Shattered but Revived–Neville Callam.................................................. 16 Ladies’ Page–Deborah Mulder............................................................... 17 Meet the Váhalas–Editors........................................................................ 18 Baptist World Alliance Day Observed on April 30 and May 1............... 19 Poenaru Post .......................................................................................... 20 From the President–Robert Dvorak.......................................................... 22 Prorok Malachiáš–Ana Lomen Franka............................................... 23
Glorious Hope/Slavná nadìje Volume 37, No 2, 2011 (USPS 009334), ISSN 0700-5202 Published Bi-Monthly by The Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada. Periodical postage paid in Philippi, WV.
Editor-in-Chief: Natasha Laurinc email:
[email protected] You may send articles to above address.
Desktop publishing and art: Vit Malek Assistant Editors: Janice Cermak, Ondrej Laurinc, Ph.D. Production Manager: George Sommer Editorial Staff: George Sommer, Joseph Novak POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Love’s Message
nd I have revealed you to them and will keep on revealing you. I will do this so that your love for me may be in them and I in them. (John 17:26) The above-mentioned words were spoken by Jesus Christ as he was praying for believers. Shortly thereafter he was arrested, judged and condemned to a degrading death on the cross. The cross stands in contrast to love. Love is the fulfillment of the message of Christ. Loving our neighbour testifies to our love of God. The story of this dramatic manifestation of love occurred during the Passover holiday. From a historical perspective, this particular Passover was a turning point of sorts. The Israelites were remembering their exodus from Egypt, from four hundred years of slavery. Other nations perceived this as a time of nature’s awakening to new life, etc. This led to the development of certain practices, which became permanent customs and traditions. It concerned every aspect of a person’s life, from ceremonial fasting and feasting, to wearing specific attire and costumes. Continues on page 21
Poselství lásky
já jsem jim dal poznat tvé jméno a ještě dám, aby láska, kterou jsi mě miloval, byla v nich a já v nich. (Jan 17; 26) Výše uvedená slova zazněla z úst Pána Ježíše, když se modlil za věřící. Krátce na to byl zatčen, souzen a odsouzen k potupné smrti na kříži. Kříž stojí v kontrastu s láskou. Láska je náplní poselství Ježíše Krista. Láska k bližnímu svědčí o lásce k Bohu. Příběh dramatické manifestace lásky k bližnímu se odehrál v období velikonočních svátků. Z historického hlediska byly tyto svátky určitým mezníkem. Izraelité vzpomínali na odchod z Egypta, ze čtyřista let trvající poroby. Jiné národy vnímaly toto období jako probouzení přírody k novému životu a pod. To vedlo ke vzniku různých praktik, které se ustálily ve zvycích a tradicích. Dotýkalo se to všech oblastí života člověka—přes ceremonie provázené půstem, hostinami až ke specifickým oděvům a kostýmům. Velikonoce 21. století jsou směsicí všech možných dochovaných zvyků a praktik. V tomto století se tradiční církev Pokraèování na stranì 7
Publication Office:
Glorious Hope / Slavná nadìje Rt. 4, Box 58D, Philippi, WV 26416-9717 USA.
[email protected] WWW.CZSKBC.ORG
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Covers: Photo from
Vol 37 No 2, 11
Celebrating 400 Years of Baptist Heritage
BAPTIST WORLD ALLIANCE 405 North Washington Street | Falls Church, VA 22046, USA +1-703-790-8980 TEL | +1-703-893-5160 FAX |
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May 4, 2011 “I look forward to joining my brothers and sisters again at the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention. It will be a time of renewing old friendships and making many new ones for all of us. The theme of the Convention is “Decisions of Faith” with a focus on Hebrews 11. Every sport has its Hall of Fame which chronicles the lives and stories of the heroes of the sport. Basketball, Football, Soccer, and Baseball all have Halls of Fame. Hebrews 11 is God’s Hall of Fame. It is a Hall of Fame of those who walked with Him in trusting faith. Through these heroes of faith God has much to share with us about what the nature of a walk with Him involves. Scripture will give us very specific guidance and instruction as we seek to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ. It is my hope as we leave the Convention we will see ourselves on a pilgrimage like Abraham and like Moses making new refusals and new choices as we journey our way in faith.” May the Lord guide you as you and the committee make your plans for the Convention. See you in July,
John V. Upton, Jr. President Baptist World Alliance
Vol 37 No 2, 11
102nd Annual Czechoslovak Baptis
July 14-17, 20
Theme: Decisions of Faith (Hebrews 11) Enoch’s Believing (Hebrews 11:5-6a) Noah’s Building (Hebrews 11:7) Abraham’s Going (Hebrews 11:8) Moses’ Choosing (Hebrews 11:23)
Guest Speaker: Dr. John Upton John Upton is a newly elected president of Baptist World Alliance as well as executive director of the Baptist General Association of Virginia (BGAV) and of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board (VBMB) in the United States. Dr. Upton attended the Baptist-affiliated Averett College (now Averett University) in Danville, Virginia; the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, in the US; and the Taiwan Language Institute. He received a Doctor of Divinity degree from the International Baptist Theological Seminary in Kerrala, India. For the copy of the more detailed biography, please visit our web site:
Visit our web site and follow the link to:
July 14-17, 2011 102nd Czechoslovak Baptist Convention
…or look for printed registration inside this issue
Vol 37 No 2, 11
st Convention of USA and Canada
011, Philippi WV
Tentative Program Thursday, July 14, 2011 9:00 a.m. General Board Meeting 12:30 p.m. Lunch 1:30 p.m. Budget Committee Meeting, followed by Publishing Committee Meeting 5:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. CONVENTION OPENING SERVICE Service will be held in Philippi Baptist Church. Sermon: Donald Shoff Worship Leader: TBA Song Leader: TBA Philippi Baptist Church Choir Convention Welcome: A-B College President Sermon: Enoch’s Believing. (Hebrews 11:5-6a) “By faith Enoch was taken so that he did not experience death; and he was not found because God had taken him. For it was attested before he was taken away that he had pleased God. And without faith it is impossible to please God.” Friday, July 15, 2011 9:00 a.m. Ladies Missionary Rally Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast with John Upton 12:00 p.m. Lunch 1:30 p.m. Convention Soccer Match 2:00–4:00 p.m. Activity Recess (Swimming, Tennis, Golf, Soccer) 4:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal 5:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. “BOB DVORAK AND FRIENDS” Night of traditional-style music, Old Fashioned Hymns and your music contributions Convention Memories Your music contributions to the program must be submitted by Thursday 10 P.M. Sermon: Robert Dvorak Sermon: Noah’s Building. (Hebrews 11:7) “By faith Noah, warned by God about events as yet unseen, respected the warning and built an ark to save his household; by this he condemned the world and became an heir to the righteousness that is in accordance with faith.”
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Saturday, July 16, 2011 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Annual Youth Picnic at Blackwater Falls State Park 9:00 a.m. Prayer Time and Bible Study 10:30 a.m. Business Session 12:00 p.m. Lunch 2:00–4:00 p.m. Activity Recess (Swimming, Tennis, Golf, Soccer) 4:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal 5:00 p.m. CONVENTION BANQUET 7:00 p.m. YOUTH NIGHT Night of contemporary-style music Special youth and children’s program. Your music contributions to the program must be submitted by Thursday 10 P.M. Sermon: John Upton Sermon: Abraham’s Going. (Hebrews 11:8) “By faith, Abraham obeyed when he was called to set out for a place that he was to receive as an inheritance; and he set out, not knowing where he was going.” MOVIE NIGHT–Facing the Giants Following the evening service. Sunday, July 17, 2011 9:00 a.m. Memorial Service 9:15 a.m. Devotional 10:00 a.m. CHOIR REHEARSAL 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Service Sermon: John Upton Worship Leader: TBA Combined Choir Communion Sermon: Moses’ Choosing. (Hebrews 11:23) “By faith Moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called a son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to share ill-treatment with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin.” Convention picture 12:00 p.m. Lunch
The First Witness Rev. Stan Mantle John 20:1–18
aster, the very word beams hope and life calling all to come near and hear what God says, see what God has done. Happily we turn our eyes once more to the familiar scene in the garden where Mary Magdalene was the first to encounter the risen Lord. John’s telling of the events of that first Easter morning gives particular attention to Mary. The spotlight, as it were, shines brightly on her and we are given to observe the wonder of the resurrection as it affects her personally. We may be grateful for this beautiful closeup, for Mary was the first to see Jesus alive again after He had died. She was the first witness of the resurrection. The gospel of Mark puts it plainly: “When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene…” (Mark 16:9) We may wonder why Mary was chosen as the first to see Jesus alive again. What kind of a woman was this whose name and memory so stands out among the first followers of Jesus? Let us see what this, the first witness of the resurrection, was like. Let us see what the risen Lord would teach us through her. First, observe how she was not distinguished. We have no record that she was well-educated or accomplished. There is no indication that she came from a good family or had made a success out of life. In fact, rather the opposite is apparent, for we are told that Jesus had driven seven demons from her. The first witness, the one Christ chose first to reveal Himself to after His rising from death was one who lacked the qualifications, the credentials normally desirable in a witness. Modern advertisers desiring to launch a publicity campaign seek out a spokesperson whose face is recognized. If someone were to speak on our behalf we would wish them to possess respect and credibility. Mary Magdalene lacked all of these. First of all, she was a woman in a world where a woman’s word as a witness didn’t count for much. Second she had been possessed of demons. Her mind had been in bondage, oppressed and out of her control. All of this would allow others to dismiss her. She was no good to them. She had a history, she had baggage, she had an unsavoury background that made some folk nod and whisper and wink when she went by. Her testimony was of no use, except as a source of ridicule and laughter. 6
But Jesus doesn’t think that way. He chose Mary as His first witness because He loved her. He saw what she might be. He had begun a healing work in her when He freed her from the demons, but that was only the beginning. Where others focus on outside criteria for acceptance, Christ looks on the inside. He saw the devotion which flowed in her for Him since her liberation. He understood the look of gratitude in her eyes as she watched Him teach or reach out to heal some other sufferer. He knew the fierce flame of loyalty for Him which burned in her breast, loyalty which found her beholding with untold sorrow the public spectacle at Calvary and staying on to follow the lifeless body to where it was laid at last in Joseph’s tomb. Jesus observed the same tired frame, faithfully making its way back to the tomb before dawn early Sunday morning. He discerned the hidden spring within, swollen and choked with sorrow, yet still gushing forth a torrent of love. No, the first witness to Jesus’ resurrection was not distinguished except by her devotion to her Lord. A second thing to note concerning the first witness is that she was not deserted. Now we don’t know what were the contributing factors to the seven demons taking up residence in Mary Magdalene. We don’t know what circumstances or events opened the door for her life to become disarrayed, torn apart and dominated. Had she made some bad decisions? Had relationships gone sour? Had she been deserted by someone or a whole cycle of someones? Had she been used and then cast aside? We can wonder but we just don’t know. In Jesus, however, Mary had found someone who changed her life around completely. Her new life with order and purpose centred on Him. He was the focus of her love and gratitude. She wanted no more than to serve Him, follow Him, be with Him, for it was safe when He was near. The old trouble, the danger could not threaten her while He was present. And then suddenly, terribly HE WAS GONE. They had killed Him and now even His body… even His body was taken away. To the angels who asked her why she was crying, pitifully Mary answers: ...“They have taken my Lord away and I don’t know where they have put him.” (John 20:13) Jesus knew as no other what all this was doing to Mary. He knew her dependance on Him, her love for Him, her confidence in Him, and so to her first He comes, with the Vol 37 No 2 11
blessed reassurance that He has not deserted her. What a precious scene is this meeting in the garden between Mary and Jesus. Overwrought with grief she thinks Him the gardener and addresses him formally: …“Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.” (John 20:15) And to this Jesus answers affectionately, personally: “Mary.” All at once her heart leaped. It was Him. He was here and joyously she blurted out: “Rabboni.” Jesus came to Mary not with money, not with news she had won the lottery. To listen to the advertisements you would think that winning the lottery had the capacity of healing broken hearts. No, He came to her with the one thing she most needed to hear and know…that He was alive, that He had not deserted her…would never desert her. This is what people foremost need, not more things, not success, not even material security. They need, I need, you need to know that He who knows all about you, He who has followed your course from before birth to the present and in Whose presence is healing and acceptance and safety… is ALIVE, and will never desert those who put their trust in Him. The first witness was not deserted. Finally the first witness was not disobedient. When Jesus called her “Mary” we may be sure she instinctively reached for Him. She wanted to hold Him, clasp onto Him and never ever let Him go. But Jesus knew it wasn’t to be like this. The time of their knowing Him physically was just about over and a new age about to begin. Shortly He would pour out His spirit upon those who were His, but first He had to return to the Father. And so He gave Mary instructions which must have been very hard to receive: …“Do not hold on to me… Go instead to my brothers and tell them I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” (John 20:17) “Let me go,” Jesus was saying, “and go and tell my brothers.” Surely Mary would dearly have loved just then to keep Jesus to herself, or failing that at least to have had Him accompany her back to tell the others. But that was not the way Jesus put it. He wanted Mary to learn to walk with Him by faith. He had a great part for her to play in spreading the news. And Mary proceeded to carry out her assignment. She went to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!” (John 20:18) The first witness was not disobedient. And so as we have seen, the one the risen Christ chose as his first witness Vol 37 No 2, 11
was not distinguished, was not deserted and was not disobedient. Since then many others have encountered the risen Lord. He has come and met them also at their point of need. They have not often been distinguished. Not one has He ever deserted and all He has sent to be His witnesses. This Easter we will do well and be richly blessed if like Mary before us we come to the empty tomb, not as distinguished witnesses but as obedient ones, ones whom our risen Lord will never desert.
Editorial… Pokračování ze strany 2 stává přežitkem. Mladou generací je církev častěji odmítána než přijímána. Poselství Velikonoc je tak tlačeno do pozadí, až se stává neznámým. Na otázku, proč se vlastně slaví Velikonoce, se odpověď většinou týká jara. I přes dramatičnost událostí v tomto období před dvěmi tisíci lety, člověk neví. Uniká mu poselství Velikonoc naplňující poselství Vánoc. V tomto století, o kterém se hovoří jako o století nepředstavitelných možností, člověk postrádá to základní—mít soucit s bližním, s druhým člověkem. Uniklo mu poselství lásky. Pán Ježíš Kristus mezi lidmi žil, vyučoval o Bohu, dával praktické rady k životu, vedl ke vzájemné snášenlivosti a lásce k bližnímu. S odstupem doby toto poselství lásky oslovuje se stejnou naléhavostí. Jen Boží láska zjevená skrze Pána Ježíše Krista a praktikována jednotlivci může vystihnout náplň Velikonoc. Nataša Laurincová, šéfredaktorka 7
The History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Church in Toronto Part Three
fter the departure of Josef Novak, the church went two and a half years without a pastor. In this period, several pastors took turns leading the congregation. Dr. Josef Solc was the pastor for the first three months in 1979. Then Josef Hynek took over the spiritual administration of the church. A number of brothers became actively involved in the church: Anthony Springle, John Alac, Peter Vesely, Milan Sury, Ken Kupisz. In December of the same year, Milos Solc Sr. from Prague took his place as pastor, although he was already retired. In August 1980 he had to return to CzechosloJozef Hodul
vakia. In the meantime the church asked Jozef Hodul, a member of a church in Windsor, and Paul Jedlicka, a major in the Salvation Army in Montreal, to preach God’s Word. J. Hodul drove into Toronto three times a month and P. Jedlicka, once a month. At the same time Paul Jedlicka they approached Milos Solc Jr., who for some time could not get government officials to renew his pastor’s licence. Permission to preach in other countries had to be obtained from the Ministry of Culture. In light of the political situation in the country it was impossible to hope for a favourable response. However, within six months, official permission was obtained, and in March 1981 Milos Solc Jr. and his family moved to Toronto. With the arrival of a new pastor, the Toronto congregation (at 47 members) entered its third phase. This was also the time of the last wave of emigration from Czechoslovakia. A number of young families with children also moved to Toronto. Once again, the mother tongue found its application. The church in Toronto was the last church on the North American Continent where sermons were preached in the Czech language. Sunday school was taught in Czech, Slovak and English. The need for the presence of the English language during services could not be
overlooked. Before the main sermon, Ken Kupisz regularly had a Biblical introduction in English. Each sermon was translated into English, Czech, or Slovak. In January 1987, an English-speaking group named Annette Street Baptist Church was formed under the leadership of Martin Alac and Gordon Springle. Its activity was discontinued in the summer of 1989. The Solc family was known in Czechoslovakia for their charisma. In serving at the Toronto church, the Solc family had the opportunity to fully use all their talents. At first it was the younger son Josef, then the father, Milos Sr., and finally the older son, Milos Jr. Their shared love of sports enabled them to work closely with the younger generation. The start of a whole series of concerts and other programmes, which caught the attention of Czech and Slovak emigrants city-wide, was thanks to Pastor Milos Solc Jr.’s musical talents. A two-week-long summer camp for children and youth with lectures in Czech and Slovak national history, books of the Bible, sporting tournaments (in tennis, swimming and in January hockey), tennis lessons, skiing trips, camping trips, trips taken as a congregation all became a part of the church’s regular activities. The Czechoslovak Baptist Church in Toronto became an inseparable part of Czech and Slovak life in Toronto and its surrounding areas. Continues on page 13
Šolc family
Vol 37 No 2, 11
Historie Československého baptistického sboru v Torontě 3. část
o odchodu Josefa Nováka byl sbor dva a půl roku bez kázalo česky. Nedělní kazatele. V tomto období se ve vedení sboru vystříškola byla vyučována v dalo několik kazatelů. První tři měsíce v roce 1979 češtině, ve slovenštině byl kazatelem Dr. Josef Šolc. Potom se duchovní správy i v angličtině. Potřeba sboru ujal Josef Hynek. Do činnosti sboru byla aktivně angličtiny během zapojena celá řada bratří: Antonín Špringl, Ján Aláč, Petr bohoslužeb nemohla Veselý, Milan Surý, Ken Kupisz. V prosinci téhož roku na být přehlížena. Před místo kazatele nastoupil Miloš Šolc starší z Prahy, toho času hlavním kázáním prav důchodu. V srpnu 1980 se však musel vrátit do Českoslovidelně sloužil bibvenska. Na přechodnou dobu požádal sbor Josefa Hodula, lickou úvahou Ken člena sboru ve Windsoru, a Pavla Jedličku, majora Armády Kupisz v jazyce angspásy z Montrealu, o službu Božím slovem. J. Hodul dojížděl lickém. Každé kázání do Toronta třikrát měsíčně a jednou do měsíce P. Jedlička. bylo překládáno do Zároveň bylo zahájeno vyjednávání s kazatelem Milošem angličtiny nebo do Šolcem mladším, kterému v Československu státní orgány češtiny a slovenštiny. Josef Hynek neprodloužily souhlas k výkonu kazatelské služby. Povolení V lednu 1987 došlo k ke sluzbě v zahraničí muselo jít přes Miniustanovení anglicky hovořící skupiny Annette sterstvo kultury. Vzhledem k politické situBaptist Church pod vedením Martina Aláče a aci v zemi se zdálo téměř nemožné doufat v Gordona Špringla. Činnost této skupiny byla kladné vyřízení žádosti. Do šesti měsíců však ukončena v létě 1989. úřední povolení bylo uděleno a v červnu 1981 Rodina Šolců byla v Československu známa se celá rodina kazatele Miloše Šolce ml. přesvou charismou. Ve službě v torontském sboru stěhovala do Toronta. měli možnost svého obdarování Šolcovi plně Příchodem nového kazatele vstoupil využít. Nejprve to byl mladší syn Josef, potom torontský sbor (čítajíc 47 členů) do třetí etapy. otec Miloš a nakonec starší syn Miloš. Jejich Ve stejné době došlo k poslednímu záchvěvu společná láska ke sportu jim umožňovala emigrace z Československa. Do Toronta přiúspěšnou práci s mladší generací. Hudební Miloš Šolc st. šlo několik mladých rodin s dětmi. Mateřský obdarování kazatele Miloše ml. se zasloužilo o jazyk krajanů znovu našel své uplatnění. Torontský sbor byl odstartování celé řady koncertů a dalších programů, které posledním sborem na severoamerickém kontinentě, kde se upoutaly krajanskou veřejnost. Pořádání dvoutýdenních letních táborů pro děti a mládež s vyukou historie národů (Čechů a Slováků), seznámování s Biblí, sportovní turnaje (v tenise, v kopané i v ledním hokeji), tenisové výcviky, lyžařské zájezdy, stanování a společné sborové výlety doplňovali činnost sboru. Torontský československý sbor baptistů se stal neoddělitelnou součástí krajanského života v Torontě a jeho okolí. Kazatel Miloš Šolc ml. se zasloužil o ustanovení bohoslužeb pro krajany jednou v měsíci v městě Kitchener (100 km od Toronta). Každý rok na jaře se uskutečnilo setkání tři sborů – Windsor, Kingsville a Toronto. Během třinácti let působení Miloše Šolce ml. v Torontě se sbor rozrostl na 85 členů. Pád železné opony mezi východem a západem se postupně začal odrážet nejen v Československém sboru baptistů, ale i Young Couples Pokraèování na stranì 13
Vol 37 No 2, 11
Letnice a Starý zákon Skutky 2, l–4
ro každého křesťana jsou Letnice známým církevním svátkem, ve kterém si Boží lid připomíná seslání Ducha svatého a tím zrození církve Pána Ježíše Krista. Pravděpodobně však ne každému je zcela jasné, že mají Letnice své pozadí ve Starém zákoně. Čteme o nich ve 3. Mojžíšově 23, 15–21. Jejich význam je dokonce takový, že byly jedním ze tří svátků, při kterých se měl každý muž „postavit před Hospodinem“. Letnice byly původně slavností žně, při které se obětovaly „prvotiny“, to je první chleby z pšeničné sklizně, a proto se také nazývaly „den prvotin“. Užívanější názvy jsou však „Den padesátý“ anebo „Slavnost týdnů“. Bylo to zcela náhodné, že k založení církve došlo právě při starozákonním svátku Letnic? Jistě ne! Vždyť za každým ze svátků uvedených ve zmíněné kapitole lze vnímat Boží poselství ukazující k Pánu Ježíši Kristu. Vedle Slavnosti odpočinutí (soboty), to je sedm svátků: Hod beránka, Slavnost nekvašených chlebů, Snopek prvotiny žně, Letnice, Den troubení, Den smíření a Slavnost stánků. Nový zákon nás učí porozumívat prorockým obrazům, které za těmito slavnostmi jsou. V listu Koloským 2,17 čteme v souvislosti se starozákonními svátky: „To všechno je jen stín budoucích věcí, ale skutečnost je Kristus.“ Smyslem starozákonních svátků bylo především prorocky ukazovat k Pánu Ježíši Kristu a jeho dílu! Tak například v 1. Korinským 5,7 čteme: „Odstraňte starý kvas, abyste byli novým těstem, vždyť vám nastal čas kvašených chlebů, neboť byl obětován náš velikonoční beránek, Kristus.“ Jsou zde tedy jmenovány hned dva ze sedmi svátků s ohledem na Ježíše Krista–Slavnost nekvašených chlebů a Hod beránka. 10
Den slavení Letnic se odpočítával od svátků, které mu předcházely—Svátku prvotiny žně a od Hodu beránka. Hod beránka nám srozumitelně poukazuje na oběť Pána Ježíše na kříži. Když tento svátek Pán Ježíš slavil se svými učedníky, řekl o kalichu: „Tento kalich je nová smlouva zpečetená krví, která se za vás prolévá.“ Jeho krev tedy byla naplněním zákonního obrazu Hodu beránka. A Svátek prvotin odkazuje na vzkříšení Páně! V 1. Korintským 15,20 je
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Pán Ježíš výslovně nazván „prvotinou“ ve smyslu budoucího vzkříšení věřících. Když se tedy naplnil prorocký obraz Hodu beránka a Svátku prvotin v novozákonní době, je namístě, abychom si kladli otázku, jak se naplnil prorocký obraz Letnic! Nezbývá, než se zahledět na událost tak, jak je nám podána v Novém zákoně a pak ji promítnout do popisu starozákonního svátku. Co se tedy stalo o prvních Letnicích po dokonání spasitelného díla Pána Ježíše Krista? Shromáždění ctitelé Pána Ježíše Krista byli naplněni Duchem svatým a ve vytržení začali mluvit nejrůznějšími jazyky o velikých skutcích Božích. Naplnilo se tak zaslíbení Pána Ježíše, když je vyzval, aby z Jeruzaléma neodcházeli, ale čekali na Otcovo zaslíbení: „Jan křtil vodou, vy však budete pokřtěni Duchem svatým, až uplyne těchto několik dnů.“ Na Petrovo kázaní se obrátilo na tři tisíce lidí z nejrůznějších národů, všichni byli pokřtěni a připojili se k apoštolům! Tak došlo k zrození církve Pána Ježíše Krista! Když se začteme do statě ve 23. kapitole 3. Mojžíšovy, která pojednává o starozákonních Letnicích, zjistíme, že se věnuje popisu nejrůznějších obětí, které Pán Bůh ustanovil pro tento den. Popis obětí začíná obětováním dvou kvašených chlebů. Victor Buksbazen ve své knize „The Gospel in the Feasts of Israel“ (Evangelium ve svátcích Izraele) vykládá obětování těhto dvou kvašených chlebů následovně: „Proč kvas? Proč dva kvašené chleby? Kvas je přece symbolem hříchu! Chléb při Hodu beránka byl kvašený! Ten však hovořil o těle Krista, které bylo bezhříšné a stalo se hříchem pro naši spásu. Dva kvašené chleby však byly symbolem Izraele, který je hříšný. Jde však výslovně o dva chleby! Proč? Protože církev Páně je tvořena jak ze Židů, tak i z pohanů. Kvas jako symbol hříchu nám připomíná lidskou hříšnost a varuje nás před tím, abychom hleděli na církev ve smyslu dokonalosti. Jen při Pánu Ježíši je naprostá dokonalost, v něm kvas není. “ Tyto dva chleby byly nazvány „prvotinami Hospodinu“ a v povstalé církvi se jednalo o první ovoce Ducha svatého—o jakousi první žeň. Jednalo se o přinášenou oběť, protože i věřící jsou svými osobnostmi obětmi, tak jak o tom svědčí apoštol Pavel v listu do Říma 12,1: „Vybízím vás bratří, pro Boží milosrdenství, abyste sami sebe přinášeli jako živou, svatou, Bohu milou oběť; to ať je vaše pravá bohoslužba.“ Nezapomeňme však, že ony dva chleby byly obětovány s krvavými obětmi, které pro prolitou krev ukazují k oběti Pána Ježíše na kříži, pro kterou jsme očištěni a stáváme se Božími dětmi. Ano, Letnice byly naplněním jedinečného prorockého obrazu dne padesátého, jak byl po staletí slaven. Pro dokonané dílo Pána Ježíše Krista mohla sesláním Ducha svatého povstat církev, která vidí své poslání v odevzdání se Pánu Bohu. Vol 37 No 2, 11
Dále je užitečné, abychom si řekli, že Židé během Letnic čtou knihu Rut. Činí tak ze dvou důvodů: Předně proto, že kniha Rut je situována na venkov—do Betléma v čase žně. Proto je vhodná pro slavnost sklizně. Dále je kniha čtena pro skutečnost, že hovoří o Rut, která byla Moábka, pohanská žena, která přišla k poznání Boží lásky prostřednictvím Noemi–Židovky. Zde dochází ke spojení naděje a proroctví. Vyhlíží se den, kdy budou Židé a pohané uctívat Hospodina společně prostřednictvím „zastánce Krista“ zastoupeného v Bóazovi, který pojal za manželku pohanku Rut. (Opět čerpáno z dříve uvedené knihy Dr. Buksbazena.) Závěrem si ještě řekněme, že pozdní židovstvo zdůvodňuje Letnice duchovně ve smyslu vydání Zákona na hoře Sinaji a chápou tento den ve smyslu zrození Izraele. A my můžeme na podkladě Písma svatého užít i tuto skutečnost ve smyslu novozákonního poselství. Smrtí Pána Ježíše na kříži byl naplněn Hod beránka a ve skutečnosti Stará smlouva. Lidé přijatí Pánem Bohem již nejsou závislí na starozákonních obětech zvířat. Letnicemi byla nastolena Nová smlouva—Zákon Ducha! Ve 2. Korintským 3,6 apoštol Pavel píše: „(Bůh) nás učinil způsobilými sloužit nové smlové, jež není založena na liteře, nýbrž na Duchu. Litera zabíjí, ale Duch dává život.“ A ve 3. verši téže kapitoly apoštol ukazoval na rozdíl mezi oběma smlouvami poukazem na to, že první byla psána na kamenných deskách, zatímco druhá je psána na živých deskách lidských srdcí. Jedná se tedy o zásadní rozdíl—přímo o dějinný přelom, ke kterému právě o Letnicích došlo. Jak jsme si již řekli, Letnice byly jedněmi ze tří svátků, při kterých se měl každý mužského pohlaví ukázat před Hospodinem (5. Mojžíšova 16,16), tedy přijít do Jeruzaléma. Proto byly v Jeruzalémě shromážděny obrovské zástupy lidí. A tak dříve než začali apoštolé ve zmocnění Duchem svatým plnit pověření nést evangelium do celého světa, přivedl Pán Bůh „svět“ k nim! Obyvatelé ze všech končin Římské říše byli svědky seslání Ducha svatého a slyšeli Boží poselství o smrti Božího Syna, o jeho vzkříšení a nanebevstoupení, a roznesli o tom zprávu do míst, kde žili. I tato skutečnost je mocným svědectvím o Boží moudrosti a předivnosti Božích záměrů. Letniční událost nás učí nejen vidět Boží moc v minulosti, ale také s ní počítat v přítomnosti. Nejen apoštolům, ale i nám jsou určena slova: „Ale dostanete sílu Ducha svatého, který na vás sestoupí, a budete mi svědky…“ Kazatel Miloš Šolc ml. Z knihy 37 kázání aneb ohlédnutí za 37 lety služby na Božím díle
Similarities Between Christianity and Sports from the book Communicating on the Playing Field by Dr. Josef Šolc
ommitment is the next similarity. Christianity demands total commitment to Christ and His teachings. “Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever will lose his life for me will find it,’” (Matthew 16: 24–25 NIV). There is no greater commitment than to be willing to die for someone else in order to propagate his teachings. And that is exactly what Christ asks for in this statement. Nothing less will do. Many Christians either do not know about this demand, or are not quite ready to live that way. But history teaches us that Christian martyrs were willing to offer this ultimate sacrifice because of their total commitment to Christ. The great athlete shows a similar attitude. His life is completely focused on his training and involvement in the sport where he wants to prove his superiority and world domination. He pays no attention to the distractions of everyday life because he knows that without single-minded devotion and commitment to his sport there is no ultimate victory. No wonder Paul uses athletes as examples to Christians on how to live the Christian life. “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that does not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever,” (1 Cor. 9:25 NIV). In 2 Timothy 2:5, Paul writes, “Similarly, if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not receive the victor’s crown unless he competes according to the rules.” Commitment within the rules is the ideal. Christianity has a great opportunity in this area to correct some of the aberrations in modern sports. Large institutions are vital for sports and Christianity. The church grew rapidly in the first century, but it was not until Christianity became the state religion of the Roman
Empire in 375 AD that a hierarchical system of authority developed and became a powerful insti- tution influencing not only the church but the world as well. Squabbles over who should run the church resulted in a major division between the West and the East. Tradition and false teachings gained acceptance among many Christians, and the church had to correct its teachings through a major
reforming effort led by Martin Luther in Germany. With the Reformation in place, new denominations formed and the Roman Catholic Church had to accept competition from Protestant churches. Catholics have a pope, cardinals, bishops, and priests. Protestants have presidents, chairs, pastors, elders, and lay leaders. At the present moment, there is no institution in place that would truly unite and guide all Christians. Sports had to wait much longer for an effort to create national sports organizations. England led the way in the middle of the nineteenth century. International organizations followed and the crowning result of this development was the birth of the International Olympic Committee in 1894. Many nations saw the need to establish a governmental sports bureaucracy to control Continues on page 19
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History… Continues from page 8
Historie… Pokračování ze strany 9
Pastor Milos Solc Jr. started holding a service for fellow countrymen once a month in the city of Kitchener (100 km outside of Toronto). In thirteen years under Pastor Milos Solc Jr.’s leadership, the congregation grew to include 85 members. The fall of the iron curtain between the east and the west gradually began to be reflected not only in the Czechoslovak Baptist Church, but also in other ethnic religious groups. Emigration stopped, and with it, new members. Use of the mother tongue likewise began to die out. Pastor Milos Solc Jr. felt that his calling in Canada was coming to an end. In 1994 he returned to his homeland, to Prague, where he accepted the position of pastor in Prague Baptist Church, once headed by his father, Pastor Milos Solc Sr. The Toronto church was once again looking for a pastor, and once again brothers in the church were sharing the pastoral duties. In the transitional period that followed, Martin Alac, a theological seminary graduate, became pastor. He preached in both English and Slovak. In 1997, Jan Banko from Slovakia became the pastor. Under his leadership a generation of youth in the church grew up, and a larger language barrier developed. The recession coupled with students leaving for universities or work placements caused the departure of the younger generation. The relentless accumulation of years became an obstacle to the older generation attending regularly. This caused a weakening in the church’s fellowship. The situation that the church found itself in was a natural progression. The Toronto church had been established in order to create a spiritual home and meet the spiritual needs of fellow countrymen. For 68 years countrymen had found refuge and needed assistance, spiritually as well as practically. The mission of this church and its congregation was fulfilled. The church building became an object of interest to builders of modern living space. For historical reasons, of course, the façade of the church remains. In July 2010 the church had its celebratory closing service. With that the third phase of the Czechoslovak Baptist Church in Toronto came to a close. At this time the congregation, small in number, gathers every fourth Sunday in St. Paul’s Slovak Evangelical Church in Toronto. Pastor Jan Banko, Reverend Edmund Bauer and Ales Brezina take turns preaching God’s word. Natasha Laurinc Translated by Elizabeth Jane Fields
u všech etnických náboženských skupin. Emigrace se ukončila, a tím skončil i příchod nových lidí do sboru. Začala se vytrácet potřeba mateřského jazyka. Kazatel Miloš Šolc ml. cítil, že se jeho poslání v Kanadě chýlí ke konci. V roce 1994 se vrátil do svého rodiště, do Prahy, kde přijal místo kazatele v pražském baptistickém sboru, kdysi působišti jeho otce, Miloše Šolce staršího. Toronský sbor znovu hledal kazatele, znovu se služby ujali sloužící bratří. Na přechodnou dobu se stal kazatelem Martin Aláč, absolvent teologického semináře. Sloužil anglicky i slovensky. V roce 1997 se služby ujímá kazatel Ján Banko ze Slovenska. Za jeho působení dorostla mládež sboru a vzrostla i jazyková bariéra. Hospodářská krize, odchod za studiemi či za prací zapříčinily odchod mladé generace. Neúprosně přibývající léta se staly překážkou v pravidelné účasti na bohoslužbách u generace starší. To zapříčinilo velké oslabení sborového obecenství.
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Šolc and Zeman families
Situace, ve které se sbor ocitl, byla výsledkem přirozeného vývoje. Torontský sbor vznikl na základě potřeby duchovního zázemí pro krajany. Po dobu 68 let krajané v něm nacházeli útočiště a potřebnou pomoc jak po stráce duchovní, tak i existenční. Poslání tohoto sborového společenství bylo naplněno. Budova kostela se stala zajímavým objektem pro moderní bytovou výstavbu. Průčelí kostela je však z historických důvodů zachováno. V červenci roku 2010 se v kostele konaly slavnostní bohoslužby. Tím se uzavřelo třetí období Československého baptistického sboru v Torontě. V současné době se sbor, v malém počtu, schází každou čtvrtou neděli v měsíci ve Slovenském evangelickém kostele augsburského vyznání sv. Pavla v Torontě. Při službě Božím slovem se střídají kazatel Ján Banko, farář Edmund Bauer a Aleš Březina. Nataša Laurincová 13
The Great Mission Use the code chart below to finish the verses. For example, letter M = 24.
Then he opened _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ so they could understand the 32 18 15 19 29
24 19 25 14 31
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . He told them, “This is what is written: _ _ _ 31 13 29 19 27 32 33 29 15 31
32 18 15
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ will suffer and rise from the dead on the _ _ _ _ _ 24 15 31 31 19 11 18
32 18 19 29 14
_ _ _ , and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14 11 37
29 15 27 15 25 32 11 25 13 15
16 26 29 17 19 34 15 25 15 31 31
_ _ _ _ _ _ will be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in his name to all _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 26 16
31 19 25 31
27 29 15 11 13 18 15 14
25 11 32 19 26 25 31
beginning at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. You are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of these 21 15 29 33 31 11 23 15 24
35 19 32 25 15 31 31 15 31
things…” (Luke 24:45-48)
1A 2J 3S
Vol 37 No 2, 11
Veliké poslání Dokončete verše pomocí níže uvedené kódové tabulky. Napřiklad písmeno M = 32.
Tehdy _ _ _ otevřel _ _ _ _ , aby porozuměli _ _ _ _ _ _ . 28 26 32
32 53 42 31
36 27 42 32 48 32
Řekl jim: „Tak je psáno – _ _ _ _ _ _ musel trpět a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 32 18 42 26 12 43
44 39 18 44 27 24 34
_ _ _ vstát z mrtvých. Počínaje od _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pak v jeho 16 33 18
28 18 38 46 55 11 31 19 32 11
jménu musí být _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _
a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
29 12 55 12 33 34
36 34 29 12 33 27
34 16 36 46 43 44 21 33 27
_ _ _ __ _ všem _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Vy jste toho _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ …” 24 39 27
33 12 38 34 16 48 32
42 49 21 16 29 34 49 19
(Lukáš, 24; 45-48) 1
1A 2Ě 3L 4Ŕ 5W
B G N, Ň Š Y
Veľké poslanie Dokončite verše pomocou vyššie uvedenej kódovej tabuľky. Napríklad písmeno M = 32.
Vtedy _ _ otvoril _ _ _ _ _ , aby pochopili _ _ _ _ _ . 26 32
38 34 55 46 32
36 27 42 32 11
Riekol im: Tak je napísané, že _ _ _ _ _ _ _ musel trpieť a na _ _ _ _ _ 29 38 26 42 44 46 42
44 38 18 44 27
_ _ _ vstať z mŕtvych a že sa musí _ _ _ _ _ v Jeho mene _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16 18 33
29 12 55 11 45
na _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34
16 36 46 42 44 18 33 26 18
36 34 29 12 33 26 18
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ všetkým _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
24 38 26 18 25 34 49
33 12 38 34 16 34 32
počnúc od _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Vy ste _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ toho…” 28 18 38 46 55 11 31 18 32 11
42 49 18 16 29 34 49 26 11
(Lukáš, 24; 45-48) Vol 37 No 2, 11
Shattered but Revived
n Matthew’s account of the trial of Jesus, one memorable moment the evangelist captures presents Pilate washing his hands (Matthew 27:24). The governor’s wife had sent him word of a warning she had received in a dream and Pilate appears to have wanted to avoid having anything to do with Jesus. Throughout the passion narrative, Matthew depicts Jesus as the person in control of the situation. Our Lord is accused, arrested, sentenced, and crucified, but none of this comes as a surprise to the one who comes with royal splendor to accomplish the will of the Father. Pilate appears to have decided to use the provision of a Passover amnesty as a means of freeing himself from the difficult bind in which he found himself. When this strategy failed, Pilate washed his hands, in a gesture aimed at creating distance between himself and Jesus’ verdict of guilt. Whatever the reason for Pilate’s action— and speculations are many—the governor was unable to evade responsibility for what he had done. He, too, had a share in the guilt of those who desired, and made possible, the execution of the Messiah. Many are the situations in which we may face the dilemma of making difficult choices. Yet, there is no escaping responsibility for the decisions we make. The complex challenges of the decision-making process— developing an accurate definition of the situation, clarifying the loyalties informing our values, applying sound reasoning, and so on—do not release us from responsibility for the choices we make. Jesus’ refusal to choose the path of selfdefense did not make Pilate’s dilemma any easier. His majestic silence bespeaks his resolute decision to do the will of the Father. In the circumstances, Jesus decided to remain loyal to his Father, whatever the cost. As it turned out, our Lord faced the terror of the cross. He suffered the death of a criminal! Yet, suffering does not have the last word when we are guided by the Holy Spirit to make hard choices. On Easter Day, Jesus rose from the dead unveiling for our benefit that, sometimes, sovereignty is mediated through brokenness. When we have to make painful decisions,
we may need to remember that, in the end, the purity of our motives and the defensibility of our actions may be vindicated. Easter reminds us that, from the crucible of harsh choices, we may rise with confidence and joyfully take hold of the future that God unfolds before our eyes. The resurrection of our Lord Jesus reveals that life trumps death and truth shines brightly when, by the grace of God, we refuse to avoid the path of costly discipleship. Neville Callam, General Secretary, Baptist World Alliance
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o matter what is happening to us, we always have the ability to extend grace to others as our Father daily extends grace to us…. Life is good—we get an increase at work. Life is hard— we hear a prognosis that we’d rather never hear. Life is full of amazing moments, challenging moments and struggles. Life is dotted with things that frustrate, things that encourage, things that exhilarate…Up and down and up and down…a bit like a yo-yo. But as I’ve been going through one of those yo-yo seasons in my life, I’ve come to realize (or I should admit, I’ve come to remember) that we have a choice in how we handle life. It’s funny how I can cheerfully wake up in the morning, determined to keep a good attitude and surrender my day to the Lord. “Lord, use me today. Help me to show your love and your grace today.” But then I’ll open my e-mails and see a hurtful message about the music last Sunday, a dissatisfied parent will call about their child’s mark on a report card, someone at work will gossip about me… and all of a sudden my attitude doesn’t stand up under the negativity, and my good attitude and best intentions disappear. My heart is snagged. My emotions run over… can you relate? Maybe you’ve been there? I ask the Lord, “ Why do I always seem to have little pieces of brokenness in my life every day?” Naturally the answer came to me in the form of Scripture, one that for me was a little obscure. “Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord…” Hosea 10:12 (NIV). Sow for yourselves righteousness… I’m thinking that I must sow righteousness into my life—I need to consistently and conscientiously make right choices that honour God. I have to remember I always have a choice in every situation. I can choose to honour Jesus in the midst of it all. Reap the fruit of unfailing love… There will be fruit in the midst of every choice that honours God. It will be the fruit of being able to remember God’s unfailing love. It might not seem like a huge
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blessing, but our God’s unfailing and unconditional love set Him apart from all other gods. In Romans Chapter 8 I read that nothing shall separate me from the love of God. Yet, that is Satan’s great tactic to get me entangled in little things, making me forget or doubt God’s unfailing love. I need to remind myself of that daily! Break up your unplowed ground… My grandfather was a farmer, but being a city girl I know very little about farming. I do know, however, that the farmers need to leave fields fallow for certain periods of time. After a time, breaking up the unplowed soil will allow the crops to absorb the untapped minerals from the soil and the crops will grow strong and healthy. The unplowed ground of my heart will make it ready for new life and most importantly, new growth— and hopefully greater maturity. I need to actively prepare the place where I want the Lord to work. For it is time to seek the Lord… It’s time for me to actively seek God. When the circumstances of life leave me dry, I need to see this emptiness as an opportunity. Instead of reacting out of emptiness, I can choose to see that this emptiness is the perfect spot for grace to grow deeper and more widespread in my life. Spring has sprung (and that’s an exciting time here in the Great White North) and summer is just around the corner. I would love to encourage you all to set aside the dates of our annual convention July 14–17, 2011 in Philippi, West Virginia. You’re certain to be blessed! Deborah Mulder, Ladies President
Please write to: Glorious Hope Rt.4, Box 58D Philippi, WV 26416 USA or send email to :
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Meet the Váhalas Bringing the Gospel back to the Czech Republic
nthony and Jamie Váhala attended our Convention in July 2010. At the Convention they shared their vision about the work that God has called them to do in the Czech Republic. Anthony visited the Czech Republic in order to begin to solidify the vision for ministry in the country. He met with other believers who are already at work there. The meeting went really well, new friendships were formed and a future partnership is, Lord willing, only a matter of time. Anthony also visited the city of Přerov, which is the potential place of their residence. This city has over 53,000 people and there is not one Bible-believing church, a perfect place to plant a church. Being in the Czech Republic served many purposes. Anthony was able to share the gospel with many people, including his parents and old friends. The tension of being a missionary is quite interesting. On the one hand, there is sad-
The Váhalas at the 2010 Convention in Philippi
ness over the lostness of the vast majority of people that one comes in contact with. On the other hand, it is very refreshing and invigorating to know that every conversation has the potential of becoming a life-giving encounter. Being there further confirmed their call and desire to go and minister there. Anthony has recently finished writing his dissertation and is now in the editing stage of his work. After the editing is complete, he will submit the dissertation to his advisor; then it will go on to other selected readers and Anthony will defend his dissertation. Anthony is preparing to graduate from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in May 2011. As we are approaching the end of the PhD program we are now looking ahead more closely at partnering with you and your 18
churches to reach the people of the Czech Republic with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We look forward to sharing with you more about the vision we believe that God has given us for ministering in the Czech Republic and how you can be a part of that for God’s glory. Isaiah Luke Váhala We have been looking forward 7lb 5oz., 19.5 inches December 19, 2010 to sending you this newsletter for quite some time so that we can share with you the exciting things that have been happening around here. On December 19th, right on his due date, our son Isaiah Luke came into this world. We are all excited about having another little Váhala joining the clan. As some of you know, it was quite an entrance. Although we tried to make it to the hospital for the birth, we did not get there. Jamie’s contractions sped up very quickly and she knew we would not make it to the hospital. The nearest hospital from where we live is about a 40-minute drive depending on traffic. So, on our way to the hospital we called 911 and coordinated with the dispatcher where to pull over and wait for the ambulance. We were instructed to pull over on one of the main highways from Wake Forest to Raleigh right under an over-pass. A few minutes later a fire truck pulled up and shielded us from the passing traffic and soon afterwards an ambulance pulled up and placed Jamie onto a stretcher and into the back of the ambulance. To make a long story short (or really not so long story!), the EMS workers had just enough time to put on their gloves and little Isaiah was born. Anthony was just minutes away from having to deliver our baby in the front seat of our van. Isaiah was born under a bridge (inside the ambulance), which has now become a very special place to us as you can imagine. (from Váhalas’ Newsletter, March 2011) The plans to partner with other workers in the Czech Republic are coming together and are very exiting. Anthony created a video presentation Ransom for Many The Czech Republic that they hope to show to any individual or church interested in the gospel work in the Czech Republic. This video will better inform you of the work they hope to do there. It can be seen on: M4I&feature=youtube_gdata Natasha Legierski Vol 37 No 2, 11
Baptist World Alliance Day to be Observed on April 30 and May 1
aptist World Alliance Day was originally called Baptist World Alliance Sunday. It was begun in the mid-1920s, and was to be a day of “World-wide Fellowship in Praise and Prayer.” The Baptist Times first reported on the event in England on February 7, 1926. Quickly becoming an important tradition, BWA Day is now observed on either Saturday or Sunday worship days, and provides an opportunity for people around the world to join in prayer for the wider Baptist family and especially to remember those Baptists who are suffering persecution and deprivation. This is also the one day each year when churches are encouraged to collect an offering for the global work of the Baptist World Alliance.
In 2007, BWA Day moved from the first Sunday in February to the first worship day in May to provide a mid-year emphasis for the Baptist world family among the churches. The celebration now includes the Saturday prior to the first Sunday, for the Seventh Day Baptists in our global family. 2011 BWA Day worship materials have been composed by Myra Blyth, Tutorial Fellow in Worship and Pastoral Studies at Regent’s Park College, Oxford, England, contemplating our quinquennial emphasis, “In Step with the Spirit.” Blyth has been a deputy general secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and was a featured speaker at the BWA’s 2005 Baptist World Congress in Birmingham, England. She is a well- known Baptist author, songwriter, and minister involved in ecumenical work.
Prorok Malachiáš… Pokračovanie zo strany 23
Similarities… Continues from page 12
len prvorodenstvo malo na Blízkom Východe veľký význam a vysokú cenu. Prvorodenému synovi patrilo pri jedle prvé miesto pri otcovi, čo jasne hovorilo o jeho postavení v rodine (Gen.43:33). V otcovej neprítomnosti prvorodený syn bol hlavou rodiny, predstavoval otcovu autoritu, jeho slovo sa rešpektovalo a patrila mu veľká úcta (Gen.37:2130). Prvorodenénu patrilo aj zvláštne požehnanie, ktorým ho otec požehnal, prv než zomrel (Gen.27:35), a po otcovej smrti dvojnásobok dedičstva (Deut.21:15—17). Keďže Ézavovi nikdy nezáležalo na prvorodenstve, Jákobovi sa podarilo uchvátiť si to, po čom tak veľmi túžil. Jákob si vedel vážiť prvorodenstvo, čo ho aj veľa stálo. Za čias Malachiáša akoby sa zopakoval Ézavov príbeh. Izrael bol natoľko vysilený, natoľko unavený a sklamaný, že opovrhoval svojím vyvolením tak, ako kedysi opovrhol prvorodenstvom Ézav. Len preto, že sa veci neodohrávali podľa ich predstáv, sklamali sa v Bohu a odovzdali sa apatii konštatujúc: Čo máme z toho, že sme vyvolení, že je Hospodin s nami? Z trosiek voľakedajších nádherných hradieb, ktoré Nabuchodonozor zbúral a spálil ohňom, horko-ťažko obnovili Jeruzalem, ale keď sa naň dívali, jeho vzhľad ich nútil k plaču a cudzincov k smiechu. Očmudené, polámané kamene a hrady vyvolávali dojem veľkej biedy. Ľudia sa nemohli tešiť z práce svojich rúk. Nemohli očiam a rukám dopriať odpočinku, lebo nepriatelia stále útočili, okrádali ich o sebadôveru, o pokoj a hmotné statky. Trpeli nedostatkom, a k tomu stratili aj to najzávažnejšie–dôveru k Bohu. Prestali mu dôverovať. Pochybovali o tom, či ich miluje, či je vôbec s nimi a či svoje zasľúbenia vyplní. Pochybnosť a nedôvera narušili ich vzťah s Bohom—podrezali im vitálnu žilu, a oni začali duchovne chradnuť.
and regulate national sports through a central institution. A major sports powerhouse, the United States of America, is the exception, as if Americans did not need a central agency. The only time sports administrators try to cooperate in their efforts is once every two years in order to create an American Olympic team representing the United States in the world forum. Hopefully, the American individualistic spirit will give in to the cooperative effort to facilitate a network that would provide for the best sports competition in all states and throughout the world. It is interesting to note that even the church denominations in America do not have a nation-wide church organization that would be acceptable to all Christians. The World Council of Churches is looked upon with suspicion by conservative denominations such as the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in America. Since there is nothing comparable to the Olympic Games in Christianity, there is just about no constructive effort made to create a world-wide event that would bring all churches together for a worshipful celebration where the ritual would be acccepted and enjoyed by all. To be continued. Drawing George Branda
Vol 37 No 2, 11
April 2011
OENARU POST “Diamonds last forever, but cleft lips last a lifetime”. I learned this pithy saying in India last month, during a three-week work visit sponsored by SmileTrain to learn cleft surgery from “the masters.” In this case the “master” was an 80-year-old surgeon who had done over 10,000 cleft lip and palate surgeries–but more importantly, he had set up an excellent cleft program, with meticulous care, long-term follow-up, and full commitment to these precious little patients. Observing the excellent results and superb quality of care at the Charles Pinto Centre for Cleft Lip and Palate in Kerala, I couldn’t stop asking myself–why can’t we at BethanyKids have similar results in Kenya? Don’t African children have the same right to excellent care? And yet, for now what we have are mediocre results, and above all almost no follow-up. Our patients come to have their cleft lip repaired, but seldom return for palate repair, nose deformity correction, dental work, or speech therapy. So, with help again from SmileTrain, we will embark on the slow journey of improving our cleft care, so that these precious children too will have pleasing faces and be reintegrated into society. Please pray for us as we try to bring both “healing and hope” to these children and their families. REASONS TO PRAISE GOD - visiting surgeons and others: We have just finished almost three weeks of hard work with Ron Sutherland, a superb pediatric urologist from Hawaii on his fifth trip to Kijabe. Ron did 44 major surgeries, a veritable surgical tour de force which included many unusual and complex cases. Besides, Ron taught the entire time, not only our 20
pediatric surgical trainees but also Erik and Ruth, the new BethanyKids surgeons who, like me, never did pediatric urology procedures in North America...We also had great visits from Malcolm and Barbara Robinson, overall administrative director of BethanyKids, and Don & Terri Davis, involved with fundraising and administration for BethanyKids USA. - Joshua the pastor in Ndabibi: You may recall Joshua’s colourful wedding two years ago (with Dita providing all the wedding cakes). Well, he and his wife Tabitha have just had their first child, a lovely baby girl whom they named... Dita! (after Dita whom they call their “spiritual mom”). Ndabibi church hall: After almost a year of effort, the church hall at Ndabibi was completed last month, with a colourful ceremony! The fullday event included a festive “exodus” march with dancing through the little village, “double” preaching (Rev. Barbara Robinson in the old mud hut and Dan in the new hall), dedication plaque unveiling and ribbon (actually rope...) cutting, Maasai dancers, and of course a huge feast for all with goat stew... The theme of the new building came from 1 Peter 2:5: “You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” Many thanks to all those who contributed towards the brick machine and the other building expenses! Now the challenge for this little church community is to fill the big hall with people who can find there the love of Jesus... -Heuric: As you may recall, our first fellow (trainee) was from Madagascar, and his desire and plan all the way along was to return to his home country after completing train Vol 37 No 2, 11
ing. So last month Heuric left us, ready to begin work in Mahajanga, a large coastal city in the north of the country. He will be only the third trained pediatric surgeon for a country of over 20 million people! Please pray for Heuric as he starts a pediatric surgical service working in conjunction with the Lutheran Malagasy Church. FOR PRAYER - BethanyKids Africa: Our desired work in both Ethiopia and Tanzania remains uncertain, with several possibilities but no clear direction from God. Please pray for us as we plan to travel to these countries and seek God’s direction through meetings with various potential partners. - BethanyKids finances: For the past few months, giving has not kept up with our budget, particularly for the needs of our surgical work at Kijabe. We appreciate your prayers and gifts to help us continue the work! Online donations can be made directly on our web site www. - our boys: Daniel is finishing his first year of studies at McGill and needs to decide how and where he will spend the summer. He hopes to return to his beloved Kenya
for the graduation of his brother Chris. As for Chris, his anxious wait for replies from universities came to a joyful ending when he was accepted (so far) to three engineering schools, including Waterloo (the “MIT of Canada”). Please pray for wisdom in following God’s choice for him! - educational leave: As some of you already know, after Chris’ graduation in July this year we will return to Canada for 12 months. This is an education leave granted to us by AIM, which will allow both Dita and me to complete our current professional studies. We will also be closer to Dita’s
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family and our boys in Canadian universities. Finally, we want to take time to review our ministry in Africa for the past eight years (yes, it’s been that long since we left!) and discern God’s will for the years in Africa ahead. During this upcoming year Dan hopes to take a couple of trips back to Africa to oversee the work of BethanyKids. He will also join the McMaster faculty in research, and work at McGill for a short while to help with finances. This arrangement will hopefully allow us to fund our own personal expenses, and therefore your gifts to us will be used fully for missionrelated needs during our year in Canada. God willing, we plan to return to the mission field in Africa in the second part of 2012. On behalf of our family and the thousands of children cared for by BethanyKids, we thank you for your partnership in the work and the gospel. In this Easter season, we are reminded that “if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins...If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men,” (1 Corinthians 15:17,19). But Christ is risen! In the strength of Christ’s resurrection, Dan, Dita, Daniel and Chris
Editorial… Continues from page 2 Easter in the 21st Century is a mesh of all sorts of spiritual customs and practices. In this century, the traditional church perspective is becoming somewhat of a relic. The church is more rejected than accepted by the younger generation. The message of Easter is so pushed to the background that it is becoming unknown. The popular answer to the question of why we celebrate Easter is usually that it is regarding the coming of spring. Despite the dramatic events during that first Easter two thousand years ago, people don’t know; the message of Easter which fulfills the message of Christmas escapes them. In this century, which is described as the century of unimaginable opportunity, human beings lack the foundation to enable them to have compassion for their neighbour, for other human beings. The message of love has escaped him. Jesus Christ lived amongst people, taught them about God, gave practical advice on how to live, led people to tolerate one another and to love one another. Even after all this time, the message of love speaks with the same urgency. Only God’s love revealed through Jesus Christ and practiced by individuals can realize the meaning of Easter. Editor-in-Chief Natasha Laurinc Translated by Elizabeth Jane Fields
ccording to John 20:16, when Jesus came free of the tomb on the morning of the resurrection, Mary Magdalene was at the cemetery near his grave. It had been a bitter weekend for her: a great friend gone, many hopes for the future dashed. And now, on top of everything else, the tomb had been opened and Jesus’ remains were missing. That very low moment is exactly when the Lord spoke her name: “Mary!” He knew her instantly, and by his vocal tone she knew it was he. Everything became different. The miracle of Jesus in our faith, life, and times is that he knows us by name, calling personally on us and to us. When the Lord calls a name, an invitation immediately follows – to go with him where he leads, to work hand in hand with his purposes for redeeming all things. Centuries ago, God spoke the child Samuel’s name three times in the night. Before that, at the flaming, but unburnt, bush, the same thing happened for Moses. And even earlier, God called out once to Abram saying, Go out now to a new home far distant. Easter morning is another in these personal name patterns. So to speak, “Mary, dear Mary, I am here with you. Believe with me that, with God, all things are possible.” You, I, and all our Christian brothers and sisters in this blessed Czechoslovak Baptist Convention have long known the name of Jesus. To us his name is so familiar. And we have called it out frequently down through the years of a lifetime. Some of our best hymns celebrate our close attachment to the name that is above all names. (“Jesus, Jesus, Name Most Precious,” “There Is a Name I Love to Hear,” “Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know,” “At the Name of
Jesus.”) We hold onto his name dearly in the relationship with him of trust and faith. But equally profound – he knows our names as well. What could be better news for us. As he spoke to Abram, Moses, Samuel, Mary, and to so many persons noted in Scripture, his voice comes quite personally directed also to us, lo these many centuries later. “Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult” (that would be: tumultuous days through which we now are living). You know how sometimes you feel embarrassed upon reconnecting with another person whose name you really should know, but which has temporarily skipped away from your mind? And you work and work in your head to recall the name before that other individual comes to the conclusion that you have actually forgotten. In those few seconds the harder you work through your brain cells, the farther that name drifts away. But it does not happen that I know of for anyone calling on Jesus. Has anybody ever forgotten his name? And most certainly the problem does not exist for Jesus. We are so thoroughly known to him that his recall of us penetrates right down to our very nicknames. So he does not pause to call out our names whenever urging us that there is something to do, somewhere to go, someone whom we are supposed to become before God and in the presence of many around us. Christ, risen from the dead, immediately called out to Mary, one of his own. Hope you too have heard his voice speaking your name recently. Easter time, for sure.
Robert Dvorak
Mail your US contributions in enclosed envelopes. Do not mail them to Detroit address!!! All donation should be send in enclosed envelope. The checks will be delivered to right financial secretaries (Vera Dors, Henry Pojman, Marija Sommer or Donna Nesvadba). ! Gifts for Ladies’ work—make check payable to Czechoslovak Baptist Women’s Missionary Union. ! Gifts for Convention—make check payable to Czechoslovak Baptist Convention. On the bottom of the check mark to what account you are sending your contribution: Convention, Glorious Hope, Trust Fund, or Scholarship Fund. You may send separate check (one for Ladies and one for Convention accounts) in the same envelope. If you are sending contributions for Convention (Convention,
Glorious Hope etc.), you may send only one check, and write on the bottom how you want to divide the amount (for example: Total $150; $100 Convention, $50 Glorious Hope etc.). You do not have to send two separate checks. For your information, financial secretaries’ addresses are as follows: USA: Vera Dors 6621 Elmdale Rd. Middleburg Hts, OH, 44130
Canada: Henry Pojman 1305 Inglehart Dr Burlington, ON L7M 4X6
Vol 37 No 2, 11
Prorok Malachiáš Ana Lomen Franka
Duchovná letargia Malachiáš1:1-5 Pokračovanie z minulého čísla niha proroka Malachiáša je akoby rozhovor dvoch veľmi blízkych osôb, medzi ktorými prišlo k narušeniu vzájomného vzťahu. Je to rozhovor medzi Bohom a Izraelom. Pán Boh chce doviesť ten vzťah do poriadku a prvý sa prihovára Izraelovi. Prihovára sa mu nežne a vyjavuje mu svoju lásku: Miloval som vás–vždy som vás miloval. Izraela však nedojíma výjav lásky. Otupený ľud pozostalého Izraela zabudol na všetky slávne deje a udalosti, na všetky dojímavé prejavy Božej lásky počas dejín. Vyvracia Božie tvrdenie slovami: A čím si nám dokázal lásku? Vtedajší Židia, navrátilci z babylonského zajatia, zápasili s ekonomickými ťažkosťami a boli pod stálymi útokmi opozície. Nehemiáš v zajatí počul, že pozostalí, ktorí zostali po zajatí, nachodia sa tam v kraji vo veľkej tiesni a potupe; hradby Jeruzalema sú zrúcané a jeho brány sú spálené ohňom (Neh.1:3). Keď sa národ vrátil zo zajatia, začal obnovovať Jeruzalem, a to pod stálym dozorom nepriateľsky naladených pohanov, ktorí im veľmi prekážali v živote a v práci. Sťažovali im už aj tak veľmi ťažký život a hatili obnovu krajiny. Nehemiáš o nich zapísal, že ...vzplanuli hnevom a posmievali sa Židom: Čo to stroja títo bezmocní Židia? Dovolia im to? Budú môcť obetovať? Dokončia to za deň? Či oživia kamene z hromady zrúcanín? Veď sú spálené! Aj keď budujú, líška im zrúti kamennú hradbu, ak vyskočí na ňu. (Neh.3:33—35). Za takýchto neprajných okolností žili a obnovovali svoju spustnutú krajinu Židia, ktorí sa vrátili z babylonského zajatia. Vyčerpalo ich to fyzicky, duševne i duchovne. A práve týchto zmalátnených a sklamaných, letargických Židov Malachiáš ponúka pozrieť sa na súdobý národ Edóm, ktorého otcom bol Ézav, brat ich otca Jákoba. Edóm bol ovládnutý a pokorený Babylonom, takisto ako Júda, ale nikdy viac sa nepozdvihol, nikdy sa neobnovil. O súde a príčinách súdu nad Edómom prorokoval Obadiáš. Izrael bol jediný národ jedinečného otcovsko-synovského vzťahu s Bohom. Za čias Malachiáša Izrael týmto krásnym vzťahom opovrhoval. Opovrhoval Božím vyvolením tak, ako Ézav pohrdol svojím prvorodenstvom. V Genesis 25:27—34 je zaznamenaný údaj o Ézavovi, ktorý sa vrátil z poľa a ktorý bol natoľko vyčerpaný, natoľko vysilený a unavený, že
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bol schopný za obyčajné občerstvenie dať čokoľvek. Misa červenej šošovice podľa jeho hodnotenia mala väčšiu cenu než jeho prvorodenstvo. Vymenil s bratom Jákobom provorodenstvo za misu šošovice. Veď za prvorodenstvo sa vôbec nenamáhal, ani zaň nezaplatil vysokú cenu. Nemusel zaň slúžiť, ani ho odplácať či odrábať, nemusel sa snažiť ani len byť dobrým. Prvorodenstvo získal jednoducho tým, že sa manželom, Izákovi a Rebeke, narodil ako prvé dieťa. Aký mal Ézav osoh z prvorodenstva? Je pravda, že zaň nič nedal, ale ani prvorodenstvo mu veľa neposkytlo–aspoň nie za otcovho života. Nepridalo mu krásy, bohatstva ani šťastia. Kým otec žil, prvorodený prakticky nemal z neho nijaký materiálny zisk. Keď otec zomrel, pripadol mu dvojnásobný diel z dedičstva. Prvorodenstvo sa viac-menej vzťahovalo na synovo postavenie v rodine—bol to jeho titul, ku ktorému ho viazali určité práva i povinnosti. Ézav bol pravdepodobne človekom, ktorý si vážil veci podľa toho, aký zisk prinášajú. Ak neprinášajú konkrétny alebo materiálny zisk, nie sú cenné. Aj keď Ézav v prvorodenstve nevidel veľkú zvláštnosť a cennosť, predsa Pokraèovannie na strane