ANALYSIS ON MAXIM OF COOPERATIVE PRINCIPLE VIOLATION BY DODIT MULYANTO IN STAND UP COMEDY INDONESIA SEASON 4 A Graduating Paper Submitted to the Board of Examiner as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga
“Do not be too burdensome the soul with all the seriousness of life. Refresh yourself with the light and funny things. Because, if the soul continues to be forced to bear the heavy burdens, it will be gloomy. "(Reported by Ibn Majah)”
DEDICATION This graduating paper is dedicated to: 1. My God the Almighty. 2. My beloved parents (Drs. Bahroni, M.Pd.I and Dra. Hanik Murtafi’ah), who always pray for me and give their endless love for me.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, The Lord of Universe. Because of Him, the writer could finish this thesis as one of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan in English Department of Educational Faculty of Salatiga State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga in 2015. Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness. However, this success would not be achieved without those supports, guidance, advice, help, and encouragement from individual and institution, and the researcher somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for: 1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga. 2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty. 3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D as the Head of English Education Department. 4. Setia Rini, M.Pd. as the first writer’s counselor who has educated, supported, directed and given the writer advices, suggestions, and recommendations for this thesis from beginning until the end. 5. Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd. as the second writer’s counselor who has educated, supported, directed and given the writer advices, motivation, suggestions, and recommendations for this thesis from beginning until the end. 6. My dearest parents and my big family, thanks for everything.
7. All the lecturers of English Education Department. 8. All the lecturers of International Class Program. 9. All staffs that have helped the writer in processing of thesis administration.
Thanks for the supports, advices, suggestions, and other helps that you all gives. The writer hopes this research will be useful for everyone.
Salatiga, March 6th, 2015 The Writer
Ahmad Ulliyadhi Satria Raharja 113 10 123
ABSTRACT Raharja, Ahmad Ulliyadhi Satria 2015. ANALYSIS ON MAXIM OF COOPERATIVE PRINCIPLE VIOLATION BY DODIT MULYANTO IN STAND UP COMEDY INDONESIA SEASON 4. Graduating paper. English Department of Educational Faculty, Salatiga State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga. Advisor: Setia Rini,M.Pd, Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari,M.Pd. Keywords : Cooperative Principle,Violation, Stand Up Comedy. This study focuses on cooperative principle violation done by Dodit Mulyanto in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia Season 4 using Grice’s theory. Grice expressed cooperative principle to suggest that in conversational interaction people work on the assumption that a certain set of rules is in operation, unless they receive indications to the contrary. The maxims of cooperative principle are maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relation and maxim of manner. This research aims to answer the following questions: (1) What are the maxims of cooperative principle which are violated by Dodit Mulyanto in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia season 4 in order to raise humor; and (2) How Dodit violates maims of cooperative principle to raise humor in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia season 4. This research is conducted using qualitative method. The data source of this research are the 17 videos of Dodit Mulyanto’s speech during his performance in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia Season 4 which has been transcribed by the researcher. The data are the utterances of Dodit Mulyanto which considered contain the violation of cooperative principles. The data are collected using the check list instrument and then analyzed based on the violation on each maxim. At the end, the researcher draws the conclusion which is in accordance with the research finding. The results of the study show that there are four maxims of the cooperative principle violated by Dodit Mulyanto during Stand Up Comedy Indonesia season four. These maxims are: (1) maxim of quantity (2) maxim of quality, (3) maxim of relation, and (4) maxim of manner. The dominant maxim that is violated is maxim of relation which occurred 22 times, whereas the other maxim such as maxim of quantity occurred 12 times, maxim of quality 13 times and maxim of manner only occurred 2 times.
TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE ............................................................................................................
ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES .............................................................
MOTTO ........................................................................................................
viii x xi
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the study
B. Statement of the problem
C. Objectives of the study ...................................................................
D. Significance of the Study ...............................................................
1. For the Lecturer ........................................................................
2. For the Studemts .......................................................................
E. Limitation of study
F. Review of the Related Literature ...................................................
G. Clarification of the Key Terms Used ............................................
1. Analysis
2. Maxim Violation ......................................................................
3. Stand Up Comedy Indonesia Season 4 ....................................
H. Organization of the Graduating Paper
B. Cooperative Principle (CP) ............................................................
1. Maxim of Quantity
2. Maxim of Quality
3. Maxim of Relation
4. Maxim of Manner
1. Maxim of Quantity Violation .................................................
2. Maxim of Quality Violation ...................................................
3. Maxim of Relation Violation ..................................................
4. Maxim of Manner Violation ...................................................
C. Maxim Violation
D. Humor
E. Stand Up Comedy
F. Stand Up Comic
G. A Brief History of Stand Up Comedy and Stand up Indo..............
1. Warkop …………………………………………………. ....
2. Taufik Savalas …………………………………………... ....
3. Ramon …………………………………………………… ....
4. Iwel Wel …………………………………………………. ...
5. Indra Yudistira …………………………………………… ...
6. Agus Mulyadi ……………………………………………. ...
7. Raditya Dika ……………………………………………......27 H. Stand Up Comedy Indonesia (SUCI) Kompas TV ………………
I. Biography of Dodit Mulyanto ………………………………….. 33 1. Characteristic ……………………………………………….. 33 2. Early Carrier ………………………………………………… 34 3. Facts About Dodit …………………………………………..
B. Data Sources and Data Research ...................................................
C. Unit of Analysis
D. Method of collecting data ..............................................................
1. Sadap Technique ……………………………………………. 39 2. Simak, bebas libat, cakap Technique ……………………….. 40 3. Transcribing ………………………………………………...
E. Technique of Analyzing Data ........................................................
F. Triangulation
1. Audition …………………….. ...............................................
2. Preshow …………………………………………………….. 50 3. Show 1 ……………………………………………………… 55 4. Show 2 ……………………………………………………… 57 5. Show 3 ……………………………………………………… 58
6. Show 4 ……………………………………………………… 59 7. Show 5 ……………………………………………………… 64 8. Show 6 ……………………………………………………… 66 9. Show 7 UTS ……………………………………………….. .
10. Show 7 UAS ……………………………………………….. .
11. Show 8 ……………………………………………………… 75 12. Show 9 Stage 1 ……………………………………………... 80 13. Show 9 Stage 2 ……………………………………………... 82 14. Show 10 Stage 1 ……………………………………………. 84 15. Show 10 Stage 2 ……………………………………………. 86 16. Show 11 …………………………………………………….. 87 17. Show 13 …………………………………………………….. 89 B. Data Analysis …………………………………………………….
B. Suggestion
A. Background of the Study The language used in daily life is a unique, arbitrary, and conventional sign system / emblem / speech sound which is used by the public in order to communicate each other. According to Longman Advanced American Dictionary (2007, p. 895), Language is a system of communication by written or spoken words which is used by the people of a particular country or area. The language built from the habits and the geographical area where the speakers are living. Good language developed based on a certain system and a set of rules were observed by the speakers. Originally, the function of language is as a communication tool ( Bühler (1934) in Diessel, 2014, p. 3) Hence, the language has more specialized function that is for establishing relationships, solidarity, and cooperation within the community, the language had been used to express mind with the feeling so that the listener will able to sense what is discussed about. As a communication tool, the language is used to convey the ideas, feeling, whether real or imagination. The imagination function is usually in the form of art works, including poetry, stories, fairy tales, and jokes. In the jokes, language is used as a communication tool by violating maxims of communication, they are cooperative principle and politeness principle maxim.
The linguistics which examines the violations of maxims in communication is pragmatic. Pragmatics is the study of language from the point of view of users, especially of the choices they make, the constrain they encounter in using language in social interaction and the effect their use of language has on other participant in the act of communication (Crystal 1985 in Kasper 1997). On the other hand, Leech (1983, p.11) explained that general pragmatics is abstraction between the study of language in total abstraction from situation, and the study of more socially specialized uses of language. Hence, it is clear that pragmatics is the study about relation between language and context that are used in community. Judging from the language variations, the humor in Stand Up Comedy can be viewed from the speakers, the usage, the formality, and the facilities. Based on speaker aspects, the language users (comics) are the intellects who use allegro. In the terms of usage, there are various themes are used according to the specified theme. Based on the formality, the comics are using a wide variety of casual and familiar languages. And based on facility aspects, the humorous language in Stand Up Comedy using spoken language. The violation of cooperative maxims commonly used in creating humor. The utterances that made by Stand Up comedian (comic) in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia (SUCI) event on Kompas TV –in this case Dodit Mulyanto- shaping a discourse based on a predetermined theme. The discourse is about the problems in society and attractively packaged in
humor and tends to give the information in the form of persuasive discourse to the viewers of Stand Up Comedy to provide a solution to these problems. It was discovered while the researcher watch the show of Dodit Mulyanto in Kompas TV Stand Up Comedy Indonesia on you tube Thursday, 23 January 2014. The researcher looked directly the phenomenon at the event. The Phenomenon which raised by Dodit in Stand Up Comedy humor was himself, the village boy who adheres to European culture. According to Dodit, even though he was born in village, he has the taste and lifestyle like a European aristocrat. This contradictory phenomenon is packed with humor language by Dodit Mulyanto. Example: 1. “Nama saya Dodit Mulyanto, Walaupun saya Jawa, keluarga saya itu memegang erat budaya Eropa. Makanya saya diajari main biola dari kecil. Cara menidurkan saya pun beda sama bayi bayi biasa, kalo bayi biasa itu kalau orang Jawa itu dinyanyikan tak lelo lelo lelo ledung cup menengo anakku cah bagus. Kalo saya tu beda, saya tu minimal twinkle-twinkle little star, twinkle-twinkle little star penekno blimbing kui” (“My name is Dodit Mulyanto, even though I am Javanese but my family adhere the European culture. Therefore, I had been trained to play the violin since my childhood. My parent has the different way to put me to sleep. Usually the ordinary
Javanese people put their baby to sleep by singing Tak lelo lelo ledung (Javanese lullaby), but I am different, I usually sung twinkle-twinkle little star : twinkle-twinkle little star penekno blimbing kui… 2. “Dan orang Indonesia itu, terutama di desa itu selalu salah memahami sound track atau backsound, misalkan backsound lagu seperti ini
(playing pink panther with violin) orang
didesa pasti ngomongnya itu lagunya Dono Kasino, padahal itu lagunya Indro”. (And also the Indonesian people, especially those who are living in the village, they always misunderstood to the soundtrack or back sound, for example (playing pink panther with violin). People in the village must think that the song belongs to Dono and Kasino, whereas it is Indro’s Song. If it is viewed in terms of the context of the speech, the purpose of the discourse is that Dodit tries to boast about himself, that he comes from the upper class in his village, and his manner was totally different with any other villagers even in the way to make the small Dodit fall asleep. He had to be sung an English song, but in fact he cannot avoid the Javanese song, it is proved by a stanza of the Javanese song in the end of his twinkletwinkle little star. Furthermore, the researcher found in Dodit Mulyanto second speech that he blamed the villagers who have mistaken in naming the tittle of the soundtrack, here he tries to straighten something wrong,
but it turns out that he still wrong in mentioning the name of the soundtrack. Based on these utterances, there is the violation of maxim in conversations principles, namely: violation of the maxim of relation. This is evidenced by the sentence: “….“My name is Dodit Mulyanto, even though I am Javanese my family adhere the European culture…… My parent has the different way to put me to sleep. Usually the ordinary Javanese people put their baby to sleep by singing Tak lelo lelo ledung (Javanese lullaby), but I am different, I usually sung twinkle-twinkle little star: twinkle-twinkle little star penekno blimbing kui…
If we hear
twinkle-twinkle star, the people talk about an English children’s song, a full English language song. But according to Dodit, twinkle-twinkle star ended by a stanza of Javanese children’s song –in this case Lir Ilir song-. On the other hand, the second statement violates maxim of Quality, here he tries to inform the truth about a legendary soundtrack in Warkop DKI show that most of Indonesian people do not know the name of this song, but in fact he still wrong in giving the information and not telling the truth. It is proved by his statement “People in the village must think that the song belongs to Dono and Kasino, whereas it is Indro’s Song. Thus, His utterances violating the maxim of Quality. Stand Up Comedy is the art of humor delivered in person in front of a live audience (Nugroho, 2012, p.1). Simply put, Stand Up Comedy is a humor that the comic usually stand alone on the stage and speak directly
in front of the audience to perform humor. Hence, the comedian himself should be able to make the audience laugh.
Stand Up Comedy as a genre of verbal humor is very interesting to be studied, it is due to the rarity of this kind of humor. However, it becomes famous in Indonesia lastly, especially after repopularized by Raditya Dika as a founding father of Stand Up Comedy Indonesia (SUCI). SUCI gives a new atmosphere in the world of Indonesian comedy which has been dominated by group comedy such as: Warkop, Extravaganza, Opera Van Java (OVJ), and Pesbuker. When it is compared with the other events, SUCI has a sense of humor which is different from other comedy event. Extravaganza for example, the humor here generated through the plot. Meanwhile, in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia, the humor emerged from the thoughts and creations of the comic, which most of the comics have a higher educational background. Therefore, the humors were presented in the form of smart humor that concerns about our society today. Dodit Mulyanto is the one of famous comic who graduated from Stand Up Comedy Indonesia Kompas TV Season 4, his popularity is proved by the great number of his twitter followers which reach the number up to 150.000 followers. He made his own unique persona by combining a Javanese village people who grasp the culture of European
aristocrat and it becomes a new taste in stand up comedy world. His ability in playing the violin supports his comedy delivery on the stage.
Based on these phenomena, reasons and the examples of speech above, the researcher is interested in knowing more about the language of humor used by Dodit Mulyanto in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia season 4 through pragmatic study and to find out how Dodit uses the language to raise the humor on his show at Stand Up Comedy Indonesia Kompas TV, with a research entitled “ANALYSIS ON MAXIM OF COOPERATIVE PRINCIPLE VIOLATION BY DODIT MULYANTO IN STAND UP COMEDY INDONESIA SEASON 4”.
B. Statement of the Problems Based on the research background, the writer formulates some problem statements as follows: 1. What are the maxims of cooperative principle which are violated by Dodit Mulyanto in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia season 4 in order to raise humor? 2. How does Dodit violate cooperative principle to raise humor in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia season 4? C. Objectives of the Study Dealing with the problems above, this study is intended for several objectives as follows:
1. To classify the maxims of cooperative principle which are violated by Dodit in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia season 4. 2. To explain how Dodit violates cooperative principle to raise humor in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia season 4.
D. Significance of the Study 1. For the lecturer The findings of this study are hoped to enrich the scientific knowledge on pragmatic study, especially in the area of cooperative principle. Therefore, the lecturer will comprehend more about the violation in maxims. 2. For the students This finding is expected to be useful for the readers, especially English students of Salatiga State Institute for Islamic Studies when they are interested in doing similar research in future. Generally, the others who read this research hopefully know what the maxim violation is, and how it is used to raise humor.
E. Limitation of Study This research is merely focuses on the types of cooperative principle violations made by Dodit Mulyanto in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia session 4. Besides, the researcher only uses Grice’s cooperative principle theory in analyzing the data.
F. Review of the Related Literature The study of Maxim violation was done by some researchers; some of them are as follows: The first study is done by Noviana (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, 2011) with her bachelor thesis entitled “The violation of politeness principle in using conversation language for interaction in Bahasa Indonesia teaching and learning activity and its application in teaching speaking skill on XI grade student 1st Seyegan vocational school”. In this research, the writer focused on analyzing the purpose of the violation which is done by the speaker, and it was divided into ten purposes, such as: to explain, to make humor, to tease, to reject, to quip, to steer the conversation, to express anger or upset, to argue, to insult, and to praise. Furthermore, there are three patterns of interaction on the violation of cooperative principle occurred; teacher to student, student to teacher, and student to student. The other previous study is conducted by Purwanti (Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2006) who focused on the flouting of politeness maxims in humorous discourse of “Extravaganza” comedy. She used the qualitative research design in his analysis. The humor in Extravaganza comedy is created interpersonal by flouting the maxims of politeness. The participants in Extravaganza comedy violated the maxim of politeness by minimizing benefit to another to make comic effect. In addition, they ignored agreement and sympathy to their interlocutor. The humors in
Extravaganza, as a matter of fact, are not only created from the flouting of politeness maxims but also deviated from nonverbal aspect, the presence of television as the visual medium. Meanwhile, my research focused on maxims violation done by the comics in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia in which, the comics are the single speaker. The research in similar object came from Rini (2010, p.10), on her journal article entitled “Violating the Maxim of Quality and Quantity on the ‘Demo Sabun’ Sketch of Extravaganza Situation Comedy TV” the researcher tried to reveal the violation of maxim quality and quantity that can create humorous situation in verbal interaction. After choosing one of the sketches in one series of extravaganza TV sitcom, transcribing, and analyzing the expression which considered violating the Gricean maxim, the researcher found that the content of the humor is dealing with the trademark of a kind of famous product of detergent called “Sunlight” which is very popular among the housewives, this detergent has the best quality and very useful to clean up many things around the house, such as: kitchen utensils, clothes, even fruits and vegetables. Here, the comedian imitates this detergent by calling “Sanjay” and doing pragmatic manipulation by misleading the usefulness of this detergent, and those manipulations made humorous situation for the audience. The other research is conducted by Čapková (Masaryk University, 2012) who focused on Pragmatic Principles and Humor in "The IT Crowd". The writer aimed this thesis to explore verbal humor used in
the British sitcom "The IT Crowd" from a pragmatic point of view. It focused on humorous instances created by non-observance of the Gricean Cooperative Principle and the Politeness Principle proposed by Geoffrey Leech. All the maxims of these principles are taken into consideration in the analysis of the humorous instances in "The IT Crowd". This research became the supporting reference to reveal the use of politeness principle to raise humor as well as in this research. Damayanti (Universitas Negeri Semarang, 2011) did similar research on flouting maxims found in Kung Fu Panda Movie script written by Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger. In her research she supposed to find out the types and the frequencies of maxim flouted. At the end of the research she revealed that all kinds of Grice’s maxim are flouted and the most often is maxim of quantity which is flouted twelve times. Lastly, the similar research on maxim violation was come from Darojat (STAIN Salatiga, 2011) with the research entitled: “An Analysis on the Violations of Politeness Principles Used in English Conversation in “Son of Ranbo” Movie”. From his study, the researcher found many violations of politeness principle occurred during the conversation in this movie, such as: to lie, to curse, saying bad words, talking about other people, excessive argument, calling people roughly, and speaking of which brings no benefits. The results of the research tended to the negative behavior it is due to the genre of the movie and in this case action movie.
In contrast, this research only focused on maxim violation which rise humor. Essentially, this research is different from the other, because the researcher tries to reveal the maxims violation found in Dodit Speech in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia season 4 which is very new in the term of comedy style, the comedy content, the comedy sense and the way the comic violate cooperative principle in order to rise a humor.
G. Clarification of the Key Terms Used In order to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation of words in this study, the researcher defines the meaning of the following essential terms as follows: 1. Analysis The word analysis derived from New Latin, from Greek, from the word analyein which means to break up or to loosen (Derrida, 2002, p.7). Hence, analysis is an integral part of the research, because it describes the activity that separates something into a smaller part of the entity by identifying, comparing, and finding a relationship based on certain parameters as an effort to test or to prove the truth (Siswantoro, 2010, p.10).
2. Maxim Violation According to Grice (1975) in Khosravizadehv and Sadehvandi (2011, p.1), a violation takes place when speakers intentionally refrain to apply certain maxims in their conversation to cause misunderstanding on their participants’ part or to achieve some other purposes. 3. Stand Up Comedy Indonesia season 4 Stand Up Comedy Indonesia session 4 is the fourth edition from Stand Up Comedy Indonesia (SUCI) in Kompas TV). Stand Up comedy is a single comedian show by doing a monolog performance. This agenda firstly broadcasted in Indonesia by Metro TV, while Kompas TV presents the similar show with the same theme but with different format of the competition. Nowadays, Stand Up Comedy has become very popular in the Indonesian entertainment, especially among the young people. In fact, Stand Up Comedy known since the 18th century in Europe and the United States. In Indonesia Stand Up Comedy rooted in culture for a long time, but it is widely known in recent years. The talent hunting event “Stand Up Comedy Indonesia KompasTV” can be called as a pioneer of Stand Up Comedy in Indonesia.
H. Organization of the Graduating Paper Systematics in writing is very important because it can give a clear picture of the research steps and the issues in the study. And according to Saerozi (2009), the organization of the paper is as follows: 1.
Chapter I: Introduction This chapter contains the background of the problem, formulation of the problem, research objectives, and benefits of the research, definition of key terms, and writing systematics.
2. Chapter II: Literature review This chapter consists of the literature review, theoretical foundation, history of stand up comedy, and biography of Dodit Mulyanto. 3. Chapter III: Research Methodology This chapter consists of the research design, data source and data research, unit of analysis, data collection technique, data analysis, triangulation, and data result presentation. 4.
Chapter IV: Research findings and data analysis. This chapter consists of the finding of the violation of politeness principle and cooperative principle and discussion about the using of maxims violation done by Dodit in order to rise humor.
5. Chapter V: Closure The chapter contains the conclusions of the study and suggestions.
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter discusses some related literature that consists of the definition of pragmatics, the theory of cooperative principle, the theory of politeness principle, and the definition of maxim violation. A. Pragmatics There are some definitions about pragmatics that can help us to understand it deeply. Grundy (2000, p.3) states: “Pragmatics is about explaining how we produce and understand such every day, but apparently rather peculiar uses of language.” It means that pragmatics, the study explains us how to produce utterances and comprehend what people say in daily conversation although maybe they use unfamiliar language. Levinson (1983, p.9) gives a definition that pragmatics is the study of those relations between language and context that are grammaticalized , or encoded in the structure of a language. This means pragmatics has relation with grammar because what we will say must grammatically correct. Thus, this study cause us learn how to make utterances that are right in grammar and the hearer can interpret the meaning. Besides, pragmatics is a systematic way of explaining the language use in context. It seeks to explain aspects of meaning which cannot be found in the plain sense of words or structures, as explained by semantics. (Moore, 2003).
Crystal (1987, p.120) states that pragmatics studies the factors that govern our choice of language in social interaction and the effects of our choice on others. In theory, we can say anything we like. In practice, we follow a large number of social rules (most of them unconsciously) that constrain the way we speak. It means when we speak something to others, there are other factors, such as thinking effect of what we will utter to them. Thus, we can arrange what we will say to be understandable for the hearer. In addition, Leech (1983, p.11) explains that general pragmatics is abstraction between the study of language in total abstraction from the situation, and the study of more socially specialized uses of language. Hence, it is clear that pragmatics is the study about the relation between language and context that are used in the community. From the definitions above, it can be concluded that pragmatics is a field linguistics study which does not only explain about language but also explain how to produce and understand the language use in our real life following the factors that influence the language choice. It teaches us how to apply it in our daily life. Pragmatics is relevant with politeness because politeness is a strategy (or series of strategies) employed by a speaker to achieve a variety of goals, such as promoting or maintaining harmonious relations (Thomas, 1995, p.157). The politeness principle including its maxims is one kind of the strategies.
B. Cooperative Principle (CP) The Cooperative Principle (CP) is proposed by H. P. Grice. Grice expressed CP to suggest that in conversational interaction people work on the assumption that a certain set of rules is in operation, unless they receive indications to the contrary (Thomas, 1995, p.62). CP consist of a limited set of conversational maxims to which Grice maintains interacts in a conversational exchange should but frequently do not adhere (Watts, 2003, p.57). When speakers violate any of the maxims lead the addressee or hearer to make what Grice calls implicature. Those maxims will be explained as follows. 1. Maxim of Quantity In this maxim we must (a) Make the contribution as informative as is required for the current purpose of the exchange, (b) Do not make our contribution more informative than is required (Leech, 1983, p.8). Those rules mean that the number of utterances used to deliver message must be informative as what is required and does not more or less than it; so that, the information does not boring or disappointing, for example: A: “what is your job?” B: “I am teacher.”
In these utterances, what B says is informative for what A asks. When A asks about B’s job, B answers, teacher, is enough because the message is delivered. 2. Maxim of Quality There are two rules in this maxim, they are: (a) Do not say what you believe to be false and (b) Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence (Leech, 1983, p.8). The meaning of these rules is clear that the delivered message must be truthful and does not lack suitable evidence, For example: A: “Where is my coat?” B: “It is in the wardrobe.” In this case, B put the coat in the wardrobe. So that, when A asks where his coat is, B can answer it truthfully because he can prove it. 3. Maxim of Relation In this maxim, the rule is being relevant (Leech, 1983, p. 8). The meaning of “relevant” is the connection between what the speaker says and the addressee hears is related each other, for example: A: “Where is my box of chocolates?” B: “It is in your room.”
In these utterances, what the hearer answers is connected with what the speaker asks about place of his box of chocolates. 4. Maxim of Manner The rules are: (a) Avoid obscurity of expression, (b) Avoid ambiguity, (c) Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity), and (d) Be orderly (Leech, 1983, p.8). It means utterance that is conveyed must be clear. There are two kinds of clarity, clear text and clear message. Cleat text is constructed by syntax and phonology of the language. Then, the clear message is when the sense of illocutionary goal conveyed is understandable, for example: A: “Where is the car key?” B: “It is on the table in my bedroom.” In these utterances, B’s answer is constructed by clear syntax and the message that is conveyed does not make ambiguous. So that the utterance is clear text and message. The cooperative principle and the politeness principle have a close relationship because they study about the use of language in communication using a set of principles or maxims to manage it. Besides, the politeness principle appears to argue the cooperative principle. The politeness principle
says that not all people are being cooperative in a conversation to be polite.
C. Maxim Violation According to Grice (1975) in Khosravizadeh & Sadehvandi (2011, p.1), a violation takes place when speakers intentionally refrain to apply certain maxims in their conversation to cause misunderstanding on their participants’ part or to achieve some other purposes. Grice (1975, p.45) in Tupan & Natalia (2008, p.68) gives the criteria of violation of maxims used as distinguished guidelines. Here are the guidelines: 1.
Maxim of Quantity Violation: a. If the speaker does circumlocution or not to the point b. If the speaker is uninformative c. If the speaker talks too short d. If the speaker talks too much e. If the speaker repeats certain words
2. Maxim of Quality Violation: a. If the speaker lies or says something that is believed to be false b. If the speaker does irony or makes ironic and sarcastic statement c. If the speaker denies something d. If the speaker distorts information.
Maxim of Relation Violation a. If the speaker makes the conversation unmatched with the topic b. If the speaker changes conversation topic abruptly c. If the speaker avoids talking about something d. If the speaker hides something or hides a fact e. If the speaker does the wrong causality
4. Maxim of Manner Violation a. If the speaker uses ambiguous language b. If the speaker exaggerates thing c. If the speaker uses slang in front of people who do not understand it. d. If the speaker’s voice is not loud enough.
D. Humor Ross (1998, p.1) discusses the definition of humour as "something that makes a person laugh or smile". Neutral to these conceptualizations of humor is Raskin's script-based semantic theory of humor (1985), which was the first linguistic-based theory of humor. Raskin's theory posits that the text of a joke is always fully or in part compatible with two distinct scripts and that the two scripts are opposed to each other in a special way. ... The punchline triggers the switch from the one script to the other by making the hearer backtrack and realize that a different interpretation [of
the joke] was possible from the very beginning (Attardo & Raskin, 1991, p.308). Although the definitions and points of view on the humor-laughter relationship may vary, the researchers usually agree on the fact that one function of humor is to cause amusement, which is also closely associated with the genre of situational comedy.
E. Stand Up Comedy According to Nugroho (2012, p.1) Stand-up Comedy is one kind of comedy art which is delivered through the monologue to the audience. Usually, this kind of comedy performed live and the comedian will perform a one man show. Although this form of comedy so-called standup comedy, the stand up comedian do not always stand in conveying a comedy. There are some comedian who do the stand up comedy by sitting, like the person who do a story telling.
F. Stand Up Comic The Stand-up Comedy performer is commonly called the "Stand up Comic" or in short called "Comic" (Nugroho, 2012, p.4). The Comic provides a variety of humorous stories, short jokes or criticisms in the form of satire to the common things with various movements and style. Some Comic was even using props to enhance their performance on stage. Furthermore, it's not impossible if there is a racy, racist and vulgar jokes in
Stand-up Comedy. They usually make a script and little notes in order to facilitate them during performance. G. A Brief History of Stand up Comedy and Stand up Indo Stand-up Comedy is one kind of logic humor that is popular in Europe and America in the 18th century or the 19th, the show originally performed in music hall performances. In 1979 in England, Peter Rosengard established the first Stand-up Comedy group with American style. Along with the establishment of this group there are many groups stood with similar Comedy style in various parts of the world and then getting bigger. Since that time, many communities and Stand-up Comedy performances spread throughout the world, including Indonesia. In Asian region, there are many of the famous stand up artist that emerged from this Stand-up Comedy, for example Akmal Saleh of Malaysia, Paul Ogata from Singapore, Johny Lever from India, Dany Cho of South Korea. There are a few names, which cannot be separated from the culture of Stand-up Comedy in Indonesia According banner Pragiwaksono in his book Freedom In Joking there are 7 names were not released from Standup Comedy in Indonesia (Nugroho, 2012, p.8) Here are 7 that name: 1.
Warkop Indeed, this was not a Stand-up Comedy, but the evolution of Stand up Comedy in Indonesia came from 3 people: Dono, Kasino,
Indro, who introduced to Indonesia. The comedies that rely on speech. Not the gesture and slapstick. For the younger generation, who knows Warkop from movies and TV show would be confused. Because their original format and idealism was in radio show and stage. 2.
Tauvik Savalas He has the similarity with Warkop in the term of comedy concept, Warkop makes a comedy that introduced the concept of passing remarks, or creating a comedy through the late greeting and alone on stage. On the other hand, Tauvik introduce a comedy style that called Joke Telling, unlike with Stand Up, Joke Telling tells the anecdote, the common joke, ask and guess. Such as: "There are Americans, Japanese and Indonesian people go to the bar", or "cow, what kind of cow that can be stuck in the wall? Cow-dermaaaan ". “Ada orang Amerika, Jepang dan orang Indonesia masuk ke bar”, Atau “Sapi, sapi apa yang bisa
nempel di temboooook? Sapi-
dermaaaan”. Whereas, Stand up Comedy was a hilarious monologue that recounts the social phenomena which exist in the community. The comic takes a sample from the real life and re-told to the audience. Hence, at the launch of KompasTV, Indro said: “Stand up comedy is a serious comedy, just like Thesis. With analysis, with deep thinking ".
Ramon Ramon is the founder and owner of the Comedy Café, since 1997 he has been providing a place for openmic. This was the proof of his consistency and firmness in the comedy world. Moreover, Ramon himself likes performing openmic and also one of the most appropriate people to be the master in stand up comedy. Without his presence, Stand-up Comedy will never have a home.
Iwel Wel Since 1998 Iwel had been paying attention to the world of stand up comedy. Finally, he has the chance to perform Stand Up on national TV in 2005 for the show Bincang Bintang on RCTI. Firstly, on March 6, 2004 Iwel, performing Stand Up in GKJ. In May he was asked by TV7 (Now: Trans7) to perform stand up in the show Jayus Plis Dong Ah, firstly broadcasted on May, 21 2004. In that program, Iwel featuring Stand Up Comedy as a comedy option which are offered. Equipped with the tape for the program, Iwel came to RCTI looking for Indra Yudhishthira to offer himself as a Comic. After that, the rest is history. Iwel, was the first man who really brings Stand-up Comedy and penetrative to the Indonesian pop culture.
Indra Yudistira During his career in RCTI, Mas Indra who was formerly then head of the production division spawned RCTI TV program called "Star Talk" with Dicky Setiawan as the producer, who for the first time designed the event collaborated with Stand-up Comedy and involved Iwel as the comic. Today, he leaves his position in RCTI and joined “Kompas” as the Director of Production and compass TV programmer.
encouraged the idea to create a TV show that tells all about the real Stand up Comedy. Continuing his goals when in Bincang Bintang. Finally, This TV show was ultimately made Stand up Comedy famous in Indonesia. 6.
Agus Mulyadi The contribution of Agus Mulyadi in Stand-up Comedy will be felt when the audience watch the TV show Stand Up Show by Metro TV every Thursday at 22:30. If Kompas TV focused on talent search, whereas, Metro TV gives a real show. Such as "Def Comedy Jam" in which some Comic has appeared for several minutes, alternating each other. Agus Mulyadi, who is the Production Manager and Creative division in Metro TV has dreamed to make a stand up comedy TV show.
Raditya Dika Currently, Raditya Dika is the name with the biggest influences in Stand-up Comedy in Indonesia. Some people say, there are many comics who have the similar style with Radit, Therefore, there was a special genre of comedy called Raditism. Radit and his influence on the Internet was quickly spread through youtube videos and his own website. For today, Radit is the people who ever truly learn about Stand-up Comedy. During his study in Australia, he had followed such short courses of Stand-up Comedy. Those materials and knowledge make him a primary source to learn stand up comedy. Now, he's the biggest name owned by Stand-up Comedy Indonesia. Those are 7 names that cannot be separated from the Stand-up
Comedy in Indonesia. In the past, Stand Up Comedy didn’t get a good response from the public, maybe at that time, the people were more prefer to a slapstick or "physical comedy" rather than Stand up Comedy. But now, Stand up Comedy comes back to provide alternative entertainment among the splendor of comedy entertainment that seems monotone. Since the emergence of Stand-up Comedy in Indonesia, Stand up Comedy lovers took part by establishing a community of Stand-up Comedy lovers called Stand up indo. This community founded by some people who are interested in the world of Stand-up Comedy such as Ryan Adriandhy and Ernest Prakasa, they met each other in the audition of
Stand up Comedy Indonesia which organized by Kompas TV. Those who later became a finalist of this event thinking that they need a place to prepare and practice stand up comedy. Starting from some friends in social networks, they involve Panji Pragiwaksono and Raditya Dika and the humor writer Isman H. Suryaman to establish this community. For additional information, before establishing this community Panji and Raditya Dika had already known by their Stand-up Comedy actions from their own videos in youtube channel. Equipped with their twitter followers, they ventured to hold an event that they named Standupnite. The first Standupnite was held on July 13, 2011 in Comedy Cafe, Jakarta. Although they only make a promotion through twitter, the people are enthusiast with this new entertainment alternative. Arief Budiman, Intan AP, Asep Suaji who also the finalists of Standup Comedy in Kompas TV, Isman HS, Ernest, Ryan,Panji and Raditya Dika, took the huge attention from the audience. The night was incredible, many real celebrities and who the celebrity who only famous on twitter or #selebtwit are attending the agenda. The second Standupnite held on August 2, 2011 at Bober Cafe Bandung. This time, there are a lot of names that adorn the line up, such as:
Mo Sidik Zamzami, Dwika Putra, Tomy Malewa, Jonathan End,
Reggy Hasibuan, Acho and two names who have been performed in the first Standupnite: Asep Suaji and Raditya Dika. The Bober Cafe was full of people, the audience exploded beyond the capacity of the cafe. Most of
the audience must be willing to watch even by standing or sitting on the floor during the event. Moreover, on August 17, 2011 at the Rolling Stones Cafe Indonesia - Jl. Ampera Raya, Jakarta, Indo Stand up held a charity event titled # laugh4love. This event is intended to raise funds for triplets’ baby Adeela, Adeena and Adeeva – who are abandoned by their mother who died during the birthing process. This event set a minimum donation of IDR 50,000.00 and succeed to collect about 700 visitors with a donation value reached IDR 24 million. Some social network activist such as Aulia Masna and Rahne Putri helped to enliven this event. The new comics who were fully experienced with open mic event also came to this event, such as: Luqman Baehaqi, Sammy DP, and Shani Budi. Also Asmara Letizia and Farhan who had first known as a radio announcer, came to this event. A career coach like Rene Suhardono and a hilarious journalist Saleh Solihun also included in the line up. This event was closed by the final appearance from Panji. The third standupnite was the first paid event conducted by Indo Stand up. Still in the Rolling Stones Cafe Indonesia, on August 24, 2011, this event succeeded in bringing more than 900 visitors. The solid line-up does not stop in churning the stomach of visitors who thronged the RS Cafe that night. Most of them watched by standing but remain in place until the event is over. The event was opened by Indro Warkop and
featured: Pandji, Ryan, Miund, Isman HS, Ernest Prakasa, Asep Suaji, Mosidik and Raditya Dika. After this event, Stand up Indo staged many performances: 1.
Standupnite2BDG in Bandung Food Festival, Jl. Sumatra, Bandung, on the 10th of September 2011, this event succeeded and estimated for about 1,000 spectators packed the venue. The line up of this event are: Ernest, Ryan, Mongols, Isman HS, Luqman, Sammy DP, Dedy Dahlan, Intan AP, Budi Kusuma and closed by Panji.
Standupnite1BGR in Bogor, O'Lounge Cafe, on 18th September 2011 This event is also forced a standup enthusiast in Bogor to overcrowding in O'Lounge Cafe. Seven Comics of standupindo like: Luqman, Arief Budiman, Reggy Hasibuan, Asep Suaji, Acho, Sammy DP and Mosidik fill the event, along with local comics in Bogor. The local comic who was stealing the attention that day include: Jui and Kuat.
Those all the viruses of Stand up Comedy enthusiasm continue to infect the other cities. The openmic independently performed in various cities. The media certainly capture this phenomenon. Metro TV then creates a special program titled Standup Comedy Show and some comics from stand up Indo have ever performed in this event.
H. Stand Up Comedy Indonesia (SUCI) Kompas TV Began in 2011 and broadcasted every Thursday at 22:00 pm, while the show is repeated every Sunday at 15:00 pm. Stand Up Comedy Indonesia (SUCI) has entered its 4th season. The format of the competition consists of 13 comics (except the 3rd season which consist of 18 comics) who have chosen through auditions in Bandung, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, and Medan (in the 4th season the audition opened in Padang and Denpasar) those who are selected will struggle in the last Stand Up Show with different themes and challenges in each week. The time allowed for comedy is 5 minutes and when it reaches the big 5, there is “Call Back stage”, where the participants who had been a close-mic competed back to earn 1 point into best 6. The assessment process carried out by three judges and which gets accumulated the lowest score will be eliminated. In the 4th session, there is a stage named UTS (Stand Up team test) in the 7th week, the big 8 contestants were divided into 2 groups and each group will play in the school that has been specified, the system of assessment is conducted by the school students by voting, for the losing team must follow the UAS (Final Test of Stand Up) with the same format as the previous UTS round. And at the end of season 4, SUCI held an event called Play Ground, where the event was titled reunion between SUCI participants (Wikipedia 2015).
Table 3.1 List of the Winners of Stand Up Comedy Indonesia Year
1st Winner
2nd Winner
3rd Winner
Insan Nur
Babe Cabita
Fico Fachriza
Arie Kriting
Dzawin Nur
Kemal Palevi
Table 3.2 List of the Judges of SUCI Year
1st Judge
Indro Warkop
Indro Warkop
2nd Judge Butet
3rd Judge
4th Judge
Astrid Tiar
Raditya Dika
Guest Judge
Indro Warkop
Raditya Dika
Guest Judge
Indro Warkop
Raditya Dika
Fenny Rose
Guest Judge
Beside the main judges, there are also a guest Judges who were invited alternately, and always different in each week, they are: Wulan Guritno, Virnie Ismail, Pevita Pearce, Tora Sudiro, Feni Rose (on 2nd and 3rd season of SUCI), Fitri Tropica, Prisia Nasution, Jono Gugun Blues Shelter, Fanny Fabriana, Alexandra Asmasoebrata, Pongki Barata, Tyson James Lynch, Bedu, and Rico Ceper. Moreover, in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia season 4 there are many of talented stand up comedians who compete each other in this season. By bringing their own personas, their social backgrounds, and their special tastes of comedy, they try to win this season, but there was one comic who really takes the attention of the audience, he was Dodit Mulyanto, the new comer comic from Surabaya who brought the unique persona namely Javanese aristocrat who really embrace the European culture. Even though he was eliminated in his 13rd performance but his uniqueness made him different from the other comics.
I. Biography of Dodit Mulyanto Dodit Wahyudi Mulyanto was born in Blitar east Java on June, 30, 1985 (29 years), Religion: Catholic, twitter account: @dodit_mulyanto, is an Indonesian single comedian and musician. His name skyrocketed after following a stand-up comedy contest on one of the private television station in Indonesia (Jawa Pos, 2014 edition) 1.
As a comedian, he always brings his typical character as socalled “Java man who embrace European Culture”. In addition, in many of his performances he always carried a violin to support his show. He also has the other features such as a unique greeting by saying “Hi guys.., Good night fans, masyarakat (society), penduduk (inhabitants), Khalayak ramai (general public), and throws a seduction to one of the female audience such as: “it’s a love arrow for you, yes you….” This youngest of five siblings has always been identified as someone who had a happy childhood by playing in the rice field, and sometimes he included that to his comedy material. Besides, he has a unique habit before the show. Ten minutes before performance he took a deep breath moved with tai chi movement, then he screamed, five minutes later he drank a lot of water and sat quietly without wanting to be disturbed. According to his own admission, he never took a bath before the show. In addition, he also has a tattoo on his right arm with a picture of a mic and violin. 2.
Early Carrier Before becoming a comedian, Dodit worked as a music teacher in Santa Clara elementary school Surabaya. This alumni of Sebelas Maret University was firstly performed in stand up comedy show in a café in Surabaya in 2012. At that time he stood onstage without any preparation, because his friends are forced him to try.
After that, he followed the stand up comedy Indonesia season 4 at Kompas TV, together with the other comics (stand up comedian) such as Abdurrahim Arsyad, Yudha Keling, and many others, but unfortunately he eliminated in his 13rd show.
Facts about Dodit There are several unique facts about Dodit Mulyanto: a. Dodit describes his childhood as the black skin children, dull, and loves to play in the rice field. b. His favorite food is pecel (vegetable salad with peanut sauce) and grilled chicken. c. Dodit has five violins, some of which are named; A red electric violin named Jet, while the violin that most often carried anywhere named “Si Dia”. In addition, he has a cello named Syrus, three guitars and a mandolin. d. Dodit like hiking (mountain climbing), but because it requires a considerable physical preparation, he prefers to do what socalled beautiful camp or having fun with friends on the beach, playing guitar, barbeque party, and take pictures. His favorite place is Pundak beach in south Blitar. e. Dodit assumed that all the comics are his idol and inspiration. f. If the schedule of stand-up began to lose, he has chosen to go back to teach music.
g. Dodit is the last child of five siblings and the only man among his sisters. h. His idol is Taylor Swift i. Dodit is the finalist of SUCI 4 who has the biggest number of twitter followers and youtube viewers. j. Dodit appearance was successfully tickled the senior musicians like Armand Maulana, the politicians like Pramono Agung, and the famous composer Eka Gustiwa.
The word research comes from the verb researching which means investigate or examine. Whereas, the term methodology is derived from the word metodos and logos. Metodos means: way to go to achieve a goal, whereas logos means: science (Arikunto, 1990, p.16), so methodology means a science that discuss about the ways of achieving a truth. Based on the understanding above, the methodology is a way to search for truths that can be justified scientifically. This chapter consists of type of the research design, data source and data research, unit of analysis, data collection technique, data analysis, and triangulation, and data result presentation.
A. Type of the Research According to Arikunto (1990, p.5) a qualitative research must be reported descriptively, in other word the result of data analysis must be delivered in the form of phenomenon descriptive, neither reported by numerical data or the coefficient of relationship between parallel. And the result is reported in the form of word and pictures instead of numbers.
Based on the description above, the right approach for studying Dodit Mulyanto’s utterances in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia is a descriptive qualitative method. Because, a qualitative approach is a research procedure that produces the descriptive data in the form of written words.
B. Data Sources and Data Research. According to Arikunto (1997, p.7) the research data are the subjects from which the data were obtained. Furthermore, the data sources in this study are the utterances of Dodit Mulyanto in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia Kompas TV season 4. The total amount of the video is seventeen from the audition until the 13rd show, which the duration of each video is for about 3 minutes. The researcher got the videos by downloading it from You tube site.
C. Unit of Analysis Crossman (2014) as quoted in (17 May 2014) a unit of analysis is the most basic element of a scientific research project. That is, it is the subject (who or what) of study about which a researcher may generalize. Therefore, the unit of analysis in this research was Dodit’s utterances in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia season 4.
D. Method of collecting data Data collection is an important part of the research process. In this activity, the researcher has devoted all abilities, especially the mastery of theory or concept structure, to retrieve the required data in accordance with the structural parameters in order to obtain accurate results. This is in accordance with the statement of Miles and Huberman in Siswantoro (2010, p.74): During the analysis in the time span of data collection, the researcher moves back and forth between assessing the data that have been obtained and the previous data or finding a new data with higher quality (1984, p.49) The way of collecting data in this research is by conducting data reduction or data collection. In other word, the researcher focuses only on the data needed according to the type or parameter that have been decided on the statement of the problem. Siswantoro (2010, p.74) suggested that the data of the literature research are collected by doing the following steps such as: Preparing data collector sheet, selecting the data, giving the description, drawing conclusion, and data verification. Therefore, the method of collecting data in this paper is below: 1. “Sadap” Technique Kesuma (2007,p.43) states that the data in language research can be collected through “simak” (observation) method, this method is realized through basic and advanced techniques,
the basic technique called “sadap” (tapping) technique. Tapping (sadap) technique is the implementation of the observation method by tapping the use of language of person or some people, the use of language can be tapped in the form of oral and writing. 2. “Simak, bebas libat, cakap” Technique. There are two advanced technique of collecting the data, they are: “simak, libat, cakap” (observation, involvement, conversation) and “simak, bebas libat, cakap” (observation, free involvement, conversation) technique (Kesuma, 2007, p.44). Hence, the appropriate method to collect the data in this research is “simak, bebas libat, cakap” (observation, free involvement, conversation) technique. Here, the researcher collected the data by listening to the use of language without any involvement in the process of conversation. 3. Transcribing Kesuma (2007, p.45) proposed the technique of note taking technique, according to him the data can be recorded on a data card by using one of three types of transcribing namely: phonetic, phonological, and orthographic transcribing. Meanwhile, the appropriate
transcribing, orthographic transcribing is the transcribing process which uses spells and this type is used to record non-phonetic and non-phonemic data.
According to Eggins and Slade convention (1997, p.2-5) as quoted in Mustikasari (2010, p.43-44) the technique of transcribing are as follows: a. Full stops (.), these mark termination (whether grammatically complete or not). b. Commas (,), these signal speakers parceling of nonfinal talk. c. Questions marks (?), these are used to indicate questions or to mark uncertainty. d. Exclamation marks (!), these mark the expression of counter
amazement,ec). e. 1, 2, 3, …… these show turn number. f. (
), words or phrases with parentheses indicate the
speakers’ nonverbal action. g. (…..), shows untranscribable words or sentences. h. Some word written in italic to indicate non-English language. i. […] is used to indicate audiences’ action.
Based on the statement above and by taking consideration that the object of the research is in the form of video, therefore the researcher collected the data by doing some steps as follows:
1. Selecting, watching and observing the video of Dodit Mulyanto during his performance in SUCI 4 Kompas TV. The other Dodit’s show outside SUCI 4 was not included. 2. Taking notes related with the important issues which relevant to this research in the observation form. 3. Transcribing the video. 4. Classifying the data which contains maxim violation.
E. Technique of Analyzing Data After collecting the data, the next activity is data analysis. The data analysis is done by giving the descriptive information about the data functionally and relationally. In this session the data are displayed through conceptually clustered display or the data are analyzed based on each topic, theme, feature, concept or type of the data (Siswantoro, 2010, p.81). Furthermore, the data in this study are analyzed according to the type of the maxim.
F. Triangulation Triangulation is a technique which is applied to check the validity of the data by employing the elements outside the data and the function is as the checker and the evaluator of that data (Siswantoro, 2010, p.79). According to Dezin (1970, p.472) as mentioned by Cohen (2007, p.143) in Mustikasari (Universitas Negeri Semarang, 2010, p.44-45), the
triangulation methods that are used commonly in education are: time triangulation,
methodological triangulation. Furthermore, the researcher felt that the appropriate triangulation to be used in this paper is methodological triangulation. Methodological triangulation refers to the need of different instruments in gaining the data. In this case, the researcher conducted observation and transcript analysis.
This chapter consists of finding the violation of politeness principle and cooperative principle and discussion about the using of maxims violation done by Dodit in order to rise humor. Besides, the analysis is used to discuss the answer to the research questions.
A. Research Findings This part explains the analysis of the data using Leech’s and Grice’s theory. The data are the utterances of Dodit Mulyanto during his performance in Stand Up Comedy Indonesia (SUCI) session 4. The data of this research presented in the form of descriptive by using informal presentation. The data presented sequentially according to its edition, from audition until the last show (13rd show), each analysis completed with the translation in English, then finished with the analysis in each sentence. The code after each sentence refers to the script sources in the appendices. For example: A. Audition; (Paragraph 1 line 5-6) it means that the utterances found in the audition show, 1st paragraph and 5-7th line.
Audition (No theme and genre, the participants of audition are free to express their stand up comedy skill)
First Sentence: Cara menidurkan saya pun beda sama bayi bayi biasa, kalo bayi biasa itu kalau orang jawa itu dinyanyikan: tak lelo lelo lelo ledung cup menengo anakku cah bagus. Kalo saya tu beda, saya tu minimal twinkle-twinkle little star: [juri takjub] twinkle-twinkle little star penekno blimbing kui. [Penonton tertawa] (P.1 L.3-6) Translation: (My parent has the different way to euthanize me. Usually the ordinary Javanese people put their baby to sleep by singing Tak lelo lelo ledung (Javanese lullaby), but I am different, I usually sung twinkle-twinkle little star: [the judges were amazed] twinkle-twinkle little star penekno blimbing kui…) [the audience laugh] Analysis Based on these utterances, there is the violation of maxim in conversations principles, namely: violation of the maxim of relation. This is evidenced by the sentence: “My parent has the different way to put me to sleep. Usually the ordinary Javanese people put their baby to sleep by singing Tak lelo lelo ledung (Javanese lullaby), but I am different, I usually sung twinkle-
twinkle little star: twinkle-twinkle little star penekno blimbing kui…”
If we hear twinkle-twinkle star, the people talk about an
English children song, a full English language song. But Dodit didn’t sing twinkle-twinkle star completely, but ended by a stanza of Javanese children’s song –in this case Lir Ilir song-.and it is violated maxim of relation because the context is different. The Javanese people think that only the European expatriate who lives in the city who sings twinkle-twinkle little star, meanwhile Lir-ilir is the original Javanese song which usually be sung by the Javanese in landers. Second Sentence Dan orang Indonesia itu, terutama di desa itu selalu salah memahami sound track atau backsound misalkan backsound lagu seperti ini (playing pink panther) [Radit tertawa], orang didesa pasti ngomongnya itu lagunya dono kasino, padahal itu lagunya Indro. [Penonton tertawa] (P.2 L.1-3). Translation (And also the Indonesian people, especially those who are living in the village, they always misunderstood to the soundtrack or backsound, for example (playing pink panther with violin) [Radit laughs]. People in the village must think that the song belongs to Dono and Kasino, whereas it is Indro’s song [the audiences laugh].
Analysis The second sentence violates the maxim of Quality, here Dodit tries to inform the truth about a legendary soundtrack in Warkop DKI show that most of Indonesian people do not know the name of this song, but in fact he still wrong in giving the information and not telling the truth. It is proved by his statement “People in the village must think that the song belongs to Dono and Kasino, whereas it is Indro’s Song. In this case, Dodit takes the context of Javanese villagers who live in the rural area who didn’t recognize the western song and tended to ignore any information, they only know that the song was belong to Dono Kasino, and Dodit tried to correct this paradigm but he still wrong. Moreover, Dodit has the other purpose by saying these sentence, it is due to Indro-the last member of Warkop DKI who still alive- who became the judge in the audition, and Dodit tries to mock him. Thus, His utterances violating the maxim of Quality. Third Sentence Saya itu dilahirkan istimewa, saya dilahirkan secara otodidak, [Penonton tertawa] saya lahir bidannya baru datang, jadi saya keluar sendiri [Penonton tertawa]. (P.3 L.1-2).
Translation I was born specially, I was born autodidactly [the audiences laugh], and when I was born the midwife came late, so I go out alone [the audience laugh]. Analysis According to Dodit, his born was very special, even he can go out from his mother’s womb by himself. This utterance violated maxim of Quality, because he said something that he believe to be false. Moreover, no body belief that the baby could go out by himself without any helping from nurse. Fourth Sentence “……itu menurut saya karna kesalahan pemerintah yang tidak serius merancang palang pintu kereta api, turunnya pelan tiluut tiluut, coba kalo itu dibuat cepat dan tajam; mobilnya lewat, ngeng-jleng [Penonton tertawa dan tepuk tangan], pasti gak ada yang mau melanggar (P.4 L.1-5). Translation According to me, these accidents are occurring because of the government which is not serious on designing the train doorstop, it downs very slow tiluut tiluut, it will be better if it’s made in quick and sharp; every car that passed, ngeng-jleng [the audiences laugh and applause], of course no-one wants to violate.
Analysis Dodit tries to give the solution concerned with the accident in train doorstop, He blames the design of train doorstop which exist today, according to him the doorstop should be designed in fast and sharp form, then every car that breaks the doorstop will be broken immediately. These utterances violated maxim of Quality, because, making such kind of doorstop is impossible and will not be approved by the people. The context of his speech is that Dodit want to be care with public condition and try to give a solution, but his idea was not applicable. Fifth Sentence Kalo pacaran sama pemain biola tu enak, bisa main titanic-titanican -musiknya langsung pakai biola-………… tapi pacar saya biar dipeluk orang lain, lha gmana saya bermain kalau saya harus meluk pacar saya-?[Penonton tertawa] (P.5 L.17). Translation It is good to go out with a violinist, we can play like in the titanic scene -The music is immediately from the violin-............ but someone will embrace my girlfriend, so how can I play -If I embrace my girlfriend-? [the audiences laugh] (P.5 L.1-7).
Analysis The fifth sentence violated maxim of relation, it is proved with the first sentence “It is good to go out with a violinist, we can play like in the titanic scene” has no relation to the last sentence “but someone will embrace my girlfriend, so how can I play?” Firstly Dodit was proud to be a violinist because he can play like in the titanic best scene -when Leonardo De Caprio hugs his girl from behind- and accompanied by his own live music, but in the last he realized that he cannot embrace his girlfriend if he must play violin.
Preshow (Free Theme, preshow conducted as a warming up for the participants before the real competition). First Sentence Saya ndak boleh ngejar ngejar layangan sama bapak saya, saya tu bolehnya ngejar ngejar kamu…[Penonton tertawa] I love u! [Penonton tertawa] (P.1 L.3-4). Translation My father does not let me chase a kite, I was only allowed to chase you...[the audiences laugh] I love you! [the audiences laugh].
Analysis This sentence violated maxim of relation, it is approved with the first sentence: “My father do not let me chase a kite” which has no relation with the second sentence: “I was only allowed to chase you... I love you”. In this case, the audience was thinking that Dodit’s father didn’t allow him to chase a kite because he afraid Dodit will be dirty, tired and looks plebeian. But in fact, Dodit answered it because he only allowed to chase a beautiful woman. If the sentence is changed like: My father does not let me chase a kite, because he afraid I will be tired. The sentence doesn’t rise humor effect. The context here is that Dodit is trying to be a romantic man like a classic European man who really adhere women by using his own words to flirt the girl. The Second Sentence Saya makan itu table manner, peralatannya harus lengkap ada sendok, garpu, silet [Penonton tertawa] (P.2 L.2-3). Translation I used to eat with table manner, the equipment must be complete: spoon, fork, and blade [the audiences laugh].
Analysis This second sentence violated maxim of quantity, the word “blade” in the last of the sentence should not be mentioned or may be replaced with the word “knife”, because a blade is not included in the table manner equipment or not used as tableware, but this kind of violation has raises humor among the audience successfully. The context of his speech is that Dodit want to explain about his breakfast. As the Javanese family that embrace European culture the breakfast in his family conducted in table manner, but in fact he has mistaken in mentioning the table manner stuffs. The Third Sentence Kalau orang jawa biasa itu makannya nasi pecel, es the sudah. Saya tidak begitu, ada hidangan pembuka, hidangan utama dan hidangan penutup, hidangan penutup isinya pudding dan diakhiri dengan minum wine [penonton kagum]. Air putih muntah saya! [Penonton tertawa] (P.2 L.3-6). Translation The ordinary Javanese people are accustomed to eat pecel and iced tea, that’s it. But I am different, there is an appetizer, main dish and dessert, the dessert consists of a pudding and topped off
with drinking wine [the audiences amaze]. Drinking a pure water makes me gag [the audiences laugh]. Analysis The last sentence “Drinking a pure water makes me gag” has violated maxim of Quality. It is in accordance with maxim of quality rule: a. do not say what you believe to be false and b. do not say for which you lack adequate evidence. The information that Dodit does not want to drink a pure water is something that believed to be false, or in other word, he lies to the audience. Because all human in this world are drinking a pure water. The context still connected with the context above in table manner, here Dodit explain about the order of the dishes during table manner, because he feels that he is very superior and tends to be different from the other Javanese people, he said that he don’t want to drink a pure water. Fourth Sentence Mamah saya tu anu, bartender [penonton kagum]. Iya, punya minibar dibangun depan rumah ada terpalnya, [penonton tertawa] warung [penonton tertawa]. Isinya tu ya: beras kencur, temu lawak [penonton tertawa], beras kencur campur temu lawak. (P.3 L.1-3). Translation
My mother is anu, the bartender [the audiences amazed]. Yeah, she had a minibar built in front of the home, roofed with a tarp...[the audiences laugh] a tavern [the audiences laugh], She sells: rice and Kaempferia Galanga, curcuma [the audiences laugh], rice and Kaempferia Galanga mixed with curcuma. Analysis The sentences in this paragraph are not related each other, it is evidenced with the first sentence “My mother is anu, the bartender. Yeah, she had a minibar built in front of the home” from this sentence the audience will think that Dodit’s mother is a bartender and has a minibar that provides a beer and the other alcoholic beverages. But their assumption immediately broken by the second sentence “roofed with a tarp... a tavern, she sells: rice and Kaempferia Galanga, curcuma, rice and Kaempferia Galanga mixed with curcuma.” That has the meaning that Dodit’s mother minibar is not like the bar in general, but it sells various kinds of herbs or in other word an herbal tavern. Therefore this paragraph violated maxim of relation. The context here is that Dodit want to boast his mother, because his family embrace European culture he didn’t said that his mother has an herbal tavern but the minibar. Whereas, an herbal tavern was totally different with a minibar. Fifth Sentence
………koruptor jahat! (P.7 L.4) Translation The corruptor are criminals! Analysis In the last of his speech, Dodit said the sentence above without any reason and without any foreword and makes the audience confused. At the end, the audience laugh at this ambiguity. Because this sentence is unclear, so it has violated maxim of manner. The context is when Dodit delivers a speech that he was confused with the condition of this nation, then he plays a fast rhythm by his violin and in the last he said the sentence, of course the audiences amazed with his ambiguity.
Show 1 (Annoyed with ex-girlfriend) First Sentence Saya mau maen lagi buat kamu, sebel saya! (bermain lagu tema susu murni nasional).[penonton tertawa] itu lagu susu buat kamu [penonton tertawa], biar sehat (P.1 L.3-4). Translation
I want to play –violin- again for you, I was annoyed! (Playing the theme song of “nasional” pure milk) [the audiences laugh]. It is a song of milk for you [the audiences laugh], so that you will be healthy.
Analysis This first sentence in the 1st show edition has violated maxim of relation, it is due to the song that played by Dodit is not appropriate to his condition. He was annoyed with his exgirlfriend, he felt angry, disappointed and desperate, but he plays a milk song instead. Of course, a sad feeling should be represented with a sad or a love song. But Dodit didn’t do that, instead he played a milk song and wished his ex-girlfriend will be healthy. The context of this show is that Dodit feels annoyed because there was one of female audience who has the similar face with Dodit’s ex-girlfriend, then Dodit plays one song with his violin. Not a love song or romantic song he play but the milk song instead. Second Sentence Saat saya pertama kali stand up, saya tu sangat takut menatap mata penonton, saking takutnya saya menatap mata saya sendiri [penonton tertawa] (P.3 L.1-2). Translation
When I performed stand up for the first time, I was so scared to look at the audience's eyes, because of fear I looked at my own eyes [the audiences laugh].
Analysis The second sentence has violated maxim of Quality, it is proofed with the last sentence: “because of fear I looked at my own eyes”. As we know that looking at our own eyes is something impossible. In this case, Dodit told the audience something that believed to be false. This was happened when Dodit’s perform his second speech and told his experiences during the first performance, he said that he was nervous and feared to look at the audience’s eyes.
Show 2 (Party Coalition) First Sentence Exit light jangan exit light [penonton tertawa]. Kalo tiada enter night [penonton tertawa], enter night boleh saja kalo ada exit light… [penonton tertawa] (P.1 L.7-9). Translation
Exit light should not exit light [the audiences laugh]. If there is no enter night [the audiences laugh]. Enter night is allowed if there is a exit light ... [the audiences laugh] Analysis In this edition, Dodit presented the politic theme about party coalition, in his speech he imagines if the presidential candidate who loves Metallica music (Jokowi) coalesced with another candidate who makes sonata music (Rhoma Irama). In his imagination, they will be united and sing their most favorite song Jokowi will sing exit light by Metallica and Rhoma will sing begadang song. And the song will be like the song stanzas above. Dodit used his imagination to inform the audience about this possibility. Of course, this is not in accordance with maxim of quality rule, and violated it.
Show 3, music and food theme First sentence Pecel.. kalo saya memiliki warung pecel saya akan membuai pelanggan saya yang datang biar krasan dengan alunan biola klasik (bermain lingsir wengi dengan biola) lingsir wengi.. [penonton tertawa] sliramu tumeking.. sirno… (P.1 L.1-3). Translation
Pecel .. if I have pecel shop, I will lull my customers with the strains of classical violin so that they feel at home (play Lingsir Wengi with violin) Lingsir wengi.. [the audiences laugh] sliramu tumeking,. sirno .... Analysis The first sentence of the third show violates the maxim of relation. It is due to the last sentence which not related with the sentences before. The stanza of Javanese song: Lingsir sliramu tumeking Wengi .. .. sirno .... is not related with the utterances of dodit before, in this case Dodit told that he will lull his customer with a classical song, then he didn’t sing a classical song but he sings a Javanese song instead. The context of his speech is that Dodit wants to combine Javanese culture (in this case pecel stall) with European culture (classical music), but in fact, the classical music he had plaid was not European classical music but a Javanese song.
Show 4 (Broadcast Message) First sentence Kentongan itu ada artinya, Kalo dipukul sekali “tuk” “ tuk” “ tuk” sedang terjadi peristiwa pembunuhan. Ya, serius di desa tu seperti itu. Kemudian kalo ada bunyi dua kali “tuk tuk”
“tuk tuk” sedang terjadi pencurian, kemudian kalu dipukul bunyinya gini (memukul seperti penjual mie ayam) maaf kentongannya dibajak. [Penonton tertawa dan tepuk tangan]. (P.3 L.3-7). Translation Kentongan has a variety of meanings, if it is hit once "tuk" "tuk" "tuk". it means there is a murder. Yes, seriously. That what happen in the village. Then, if it is hit twice "tuk tuk" "tuk tuk" it means the event of theft, then if it is hit like this (knocking such as chicken noodle seller) sorry, the kentongan has been hijacked [the audiences laugh and applause]. Analysis This sentence was violated maxim of quantity, the researcher found an unnecessary sentence in the last of the paragraph, the sentence is: “then if it is hit like this (such as chicken noodle seller) sorry, the kentongan has been hijacked”, this information is not required by the audience, but Dodit adds this in order to raise humor. Second sentence Follower-follower saya , saya dikatain mirip Yudha Keling [Penonton tertawa], ya saya…. terima lah [Penonton tertawa]. (P.1 L.3-4).
Translation My followers, I have been considered similar to Yudha Keling [the audiences laugh], so I……… I accept it. Analysis Usually the people do not want to be equalized with other people, moreover, if the person who is being equalized feels better than the people who is being equalized with. But Dodit did a different thing, he accepted his follower perception that he is similar to Yudha keeling. Hence, this sentence was violated maxim of Quality. The audiences know that Yudha Keling was also SUCI 4 participant who brings small, black skinned, and pathetic boy persona. Third sentence Di hatiku ini ada kentongan buat kamu, kalo dipukul ada nadanya “tuk” tau nggak itu nada apa? Itu namanya nada “tuk”, untuk mengetuk hatimu…. [Penonton tertawa] (P.4 L.4-6). Translation There is a kentongan in my heart for you. It will produce a tone when it is struck. "knock". do you know, what kind of tone is that? It's called "knock" tone, to knock your heart .... [the audiences laugh].
Analysis The third sentence violated maxim of quality it is caused by the first sentence in the first paragraph;” There is a kentongan in my heart for you” this statement was not the truth, and cannot be believed. It is impossible for the people having the gong inside their heart. The context is that Dodit still want to show his romanticism by arranging the words from his stand up materials into seduction sentence. Fourth sentence Karna saya suka pamer, pacar saya tu marah sama saya. Dia nagis saya diamkan, “aku nangis kok kamu diemin?” biar semua orang tau kalo aku punya pacar [penonton tertawa]. (P.2 L.3-5). Translation Because I like to show off, my girlfriend became angry with me. She cried and I didn’t do anything, "I am crying, and you don’t do anything?" Let everyone know if I have a girlfriend [the audiences laugh]. Analysis This sentence was violated maxim of relation, it is evidenced with the first sentence which has no relation to the next
sentence. Here, Dodit said: “Because I like to show off, my girlfriend became angry with me. She cried and I didn’t do anything”. Then his girlfriend asked why Dodit doesn’t care about her. In order to be related each other, Dodit should answer”: because I am angry or because I am bored because you always cry. But Dodit answers: Let everyone know if I have a girlfriend instead. Fifth sentence Jadi menyampaikan pesan apapun karna itu kentongan sangat penting di desa dan takkan tergantikan. Kaya kamuu.. [penonton tertawa] (menunjuk penonton wanita) iya kamu.. (P.4 L.1-3). Translation So it delivers any message. Therefore, kentongan is very important in the village and would not be replaced. Like you.. [the audiences laugh] (Pointing female audience) yes, you. Analysis In this case, Dodit equalize Kentongan with the female audience, he said that Kentongan is unchangeable like her. Of course, those two things are different, and Dodit has violated maxim of relation. In this case the context is still related with Dodit’s persona it was a Javanese man who embraces European
culture, in order to be similar with a European aristocrat man he must be as romantic as possible, therefore, here he shows his romanticism by saying seduction sentence. 7.
Show 5 (the maid role) First sentence Kalau saya nanti ditawari main film Malem Minggu Miko… mas… [penonoton tertawa] saya nggak akan mau jadi pembantu saya pemain biola kok. Lagian saya kenal mas Radit minimal kami jadi partner, partnernya mas Anca [penonoton tertawa]. (P.1 L.2-4). Translation If I would be offered to play the “Malam Minggu Miko movie later. ... Mas ... [the audiences laugh] I would not want to be a maid. I am a violinist. Anyway, I know mas Radit well. At least, we become a partner, Mas Anca’s partner [the audiences laugh] Mas Anca is the maid in “Malam Minggu Miko” movie-. Analysis Dodit Has violated maxim of relation again in this sentence, at first he said that he doesn’t want to be a maid if he plays in Malam Minggu MIko movie, because he feels superior, a violinist and he knows Raditya -The director- well, but in the last of the
sentence he violates his own words: At least, we become a partner, mas Anca’s partner -Mas Anca is the maid in “Malam Minggu Miko” movie-. The audiences have known that Mas Ancha was the name of the maid in Malam Minggu Miko, but in the first of the sentence, Dodit wants to show his superiority: even though he is Javanese -Javanese people are stereotyped with the maid- but he was different from the other Javanese people because he was embracing European culture and his family is respected in his village, hence he doesn’t want to be a maid, he wants to be a partner at least, but surprisingly he said:
“a partner of Mas
Ancha”. Second Sentence Kalau saya disuruh acting jadi pembantu saya gak usah belajar akting ya udah gini aja, kalau dipanggil “Dodit” “inggih ndoro”, beres [penonoton tertawa] selesai masalah saya akan mencoba akting saya coba kamu panggil aku, iya kamu, iya kamu, coba panggil namaku. Dodit!! “Inggih sayang” [penonoton tertawa]. (P.2 L.4-7). Translation If I am asked to act as a maid. I do not have to study acting. I just need to be myself, when I am called. "Dodit" "yes master", the problem is finished [the audiences laugh]. I will try my acting.
You try to call me, yes you are, yes you are, try to call my name. Dodit !! "Yes, dear". [the audiences laugh] (P.2 L.4-7). Analysis This second sentence violated maxim of relation, it is happening because dodit violated his own sentence:” If I am asked to act as a maid. I do not have to study acting. I just need to be myself, when I am called. "Dodit" "yes master", the problem is finished” with the statement in the last: I will try my acting. You try to call me, yes you are, yes you are, try to call my name. Dodit !! "Yes dear". Dodit should answer like his statement before: “yes master” in order to be relevant. The case is that Dodit wants to show to the audience that he was a Javanese romantic boy which pretty similar with classical European man. He tried to flirt one of guest judge-in this case Raline Shah- by using the sentence which related with his stand up material.
Show 6, electorate theme song First Sentence Tau kan Presiden kita sukanya baris-berbaris? Piye kabare? [penonoton tertawa] Iseh penak jamanku tho? [penonoton tertawa] #aku rapopo (P.1 L.2-4)
Translation Do you know our former president who loves marching? How are you? [the audiences laugh] Is my decade still the best? [the audiences laugh] #I am okay. Analysis This sentence made some audience do not understand about who is the president that being told by Dodit. Hence, this sentence violated maxim of manner. This sentence was found after Dodit singing the mars of general election, after singing he explained that the song was created by the president at that time. Because the president was a former general of armed forces so the song beat was very fast like a marching soldiers, furthermore he tried to ask the audience who the president was by giving a code sentence. Second sentence “Pemilihan umum telah memangil kita, kita? loe aja keles” [Penonton tertawa] (P.1 L.5-6). Translation “The general election has called us”, we? Just you yourself [the audiences laugh].
Analysis The first sentence of the 6th edition was violated maxim of Quantity, it is evidenced with the last sentence: “we? Just you yourself”, this sentence should not be said, because the stanza of the song is only: “The general election has called us” no additional word. The context is that when Dodit sings the new song of general election which created by Kompas TV. Third Sentence Rakyat
harus…(menunjukan jari kelingking yang terkena noda tinta) [penonton tepuk tangan] servis printer [Penonton tertawa] (P.1 L.9-10). Translation People, abstention is not a solution, do not forget, you have to ... (showing stained little finger) [the audiences give applause] printer service [the audiences laugh]. Analysis In this case, Dodit tried to suggest the audience to involve in the general election and don’t do abstention by showing his little finger that stained with the ink -the symbol that the person has already elected-,the audiences understand that Dodit call the people
to be involved in the general election. But the fact, when the audiences achieve this moment, Dodit immediately opened his hand, and his hand was full of tint, then said to the audience that he just serviced the printer and all the audience laugh immediately. In this section Dodit has violated maxim of relation, because the involvement in the general election has no relation with printer service. Fourth Sentence Sayangnya di desa itu banyak caleg yang melakukan black campaign, kampanye gelap, listrik belum masuk [Penonton tertawa]. (P.2 L.3-4). Translation Unfortunately, in the village, many candidates do the black campaign, a dark campaign, the electricity has not been entered [the audiences laugh]. Analysis This third sentence was violated maxim of quality, it is because of Dodit who wrong to give the information. According to him, black campaign is the dark campaign which caused by the condition of the rural area with no electricity. Instead, this is not the true definition of black campaign. Here, Dodit still maintain his
persona as a naïve village boy who try to be exist, but he doesn’t aware with his naivety.
Show 7 UTS (meeting with ex-girlfriend) First sentence Biasanya murid-murid mencontek menggunakan kode, misalnya mengelus telinga kalau mengelus telinga itu C, kemudian megang dagu itu berarti D, ada yang garuk garuk hidung itu memang hidungnya gatel [Penonton tertawa] (P.4 L.1-4). Translation Usually, the students cheat by using a code, for example: stroking the ear, if the ear is stroked, it means: C. Then, holding the chin which means D. Then, if there is a student who scratched his nose, it means that his nose is itchy [the audiences laugh]. Analysis This sentence was violated maxim of Quantity, it is proofed with an unnecessary sentence in the last: “Then, if there is a student who scratched his nose, it means that his nose is itchy”. Dodit could talk about the situation of school examination because he was a secondary school teacher and in this edition he informed the cheating tricks to the audience.
Second Sentence Kalau saya jadi caleg. Konsentrasi pertama saya yaitu pada pendidikan dari anak SD sampai sma nggak ada yang boleh bayar biaya pendidikan [Penonton tepuk tangan]. Anak-anak nggak boleh ada yang bayar, biar orang tuanya yang bayar [Penonton tertawa]. (P.2 L.2-4). Translation If I were a candidate, my first concentration is on education. The elementary school student to high school students should not pay for the cost of education [the audiences give applause]. Children should not pay anyone, let the parents pay [the audiences laugh]. Analysis The utterance should related from the beginning of the speech till the end, in order to make the hearer understand. but in this case, Dodit did the opposite. Here, he violated his own promise, that if he became the legislative candidate, he will prohibit the school students to pay the tuition fee, from this sentence the audience understand that he will make the free education program. But in the last of the paragraph, Dodit said that the students don’t have to pay the tuition, but let their parents pay. This statement broke the audience understanding about free
education and they realize that Dodit violates audience understanding with his last sentence. Hence, this sentence was violated maxim of relation. The context is that Dodit wants to show that he was really care about the education till he imagine if he were a policy maker and could make a new policy which related with school fee. Third Sentence Waktu SD tu saya sudah mulai mencintai, saya itu punya gebetan, tapi gebetan saya itu membuat saya ilfil karena kaos kakinya kendor [penonton tertawa], terus dikareti [penonton tertawa], kalau karetnya satu itu nggak papa. Itu karetnya dua, kayak nasi bungkus, itu artinya rasa kakinya pedas [penonton tertawa]. Waktu dia merapikan bajunya ternyata ikat pingganya itu korpri [penonton tertawa], punya bapaknya, saya gak mau punya pacar yang memakai fasilitas Negara [penonton tertawa]. (P.3 L.1-5). Translation When I was in elementary school, I have started to love, I have a close friend, but my friend made me uncomfortable, because her socks are loose [the audiences laugh] and kept tied with the rubber [the audiences laugh], I will not be worried if the rubber is only one, but the rubbers are two, like rice packets, it
means that her legs are spicy [the audiences laugh]. When she smoothed her dress, I saw her belt, a KORPI’s belt [the audiences laugh], his father’s belt, I do not want to have a girlfriend who wears the State facilities [the audiences laugh]. Analysis This third sentence was violated maxim of relation, it is approved that Dodit equalized his girlfriend’s leg with rice packet. And his second statement, Dodit doesn’t want to have a girlfriend who used the state facilities only because of his girlfriend wearing a KORPRI’s -civil servant corps- belt. Leg and rice packet are two different things and also wearing KORPRI’s belt cannot be equalized with using the facility of the state. The context is that Dodit want to show that he was a woman lover, but he has disappointed because he loved a typically Javanese village girl who has such kind of condition.
10. Show 7 UAS (a teacher story) First sentence Sebagai guru saya itu dikatakan kalau saya mengajar itu ngomongnya medok itu bukan salah saya soalnya saya memang lahir di desa, jangankan saya, biola aja kalau kelamaan di desa itu medok [penonton tertawa] (P.1 L.2-4).
Translation As a teacher. My students said that my accent is very bad when I am teaching. It was not my fault, because I was born in the village. It’s not only me, the violin will has a bad accent if it stays in the village [the audiences laugh]. Analysis This sentence contains the maxim of quality violation. It is proved with the sentence: “It’s not only me, the violin will has a bad accent if it stays in the village”. Here, Dodit told something that believed to be false, how come the violin will have the bad accent, as the audience know that violin is a music tool that don’t have accent and it is only producing the sound, the same sound. Here Dodit show his original persona which combine Javanese and European culture, Dodit shows that he know the violin well because he tries to be similar with the European. According to Dodit, violin is the identity of European culture. Moreover, he said that the violin would be changed if it stay in Javanese village, the violin’s accent will be similar with Javanese people’s accent.
Second Sentence “Takkan sanggup menghadapi semua [penonton tertawa], hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa [penonton tertawa]…. Yen ing tawang ono lintang” [penonton tertawa]. (P.1 L.6-7) Translation "I will not be able to face it all [the audiences laugh], only with you I will be able to .... [the audiences laugh] if there is a star in Tawang " [the audiences laugh]. Analysis The second sentence was violated maxim of Quantity, it is due to unnecessary additional song in the last of the stanza. The first stanza is a song entitled “Sempurna” by Andra and the Backbone and ended with a song entitled “Cidro” a campursari song which is not necessary to be sung. The context is that Dodit give an evidence that the violin would be changed if stay in Javanese village for a long time. Here, he sing the Indonesian song together with his violin but the song and the tone turn into a Javanese song immediately. 11. Show 8 (woman theme) First sentence
Saya jadi ingat perempuan2 yang mengubah hidup saya. Saya jadi ingat pengemis [penonton tertawa] (P.1 L.1-2). Translation I remember the women who changed my life. I remember a beggar [the audiences laugh]. Analysis In this edition Dodit tried to remember the women who have been deserved in his life, but in the last of the sentence he said something which has no relation with the sentence before. Here, he said: “a beggar”. All the audience laugh at him because the audience think that the woman is his mother, his sister or his girlfriend. But Dodit answered that the woman is the beggar instead. Therefore, this sentence was violated maxim of relation. The theme of the show was woman because the day was the born of R.A Kartini -an Indonesian woman emancipation hero-. Here, Dodit mentioned the memorable woman in his life. Second Sentence Pengemis itu disimbolkan tangannya di bawah (diulang) soalnya kalau tangan di atas itu konser [penonton tertawa] (P.1 L.2-3). Translation
The beggar was symbolized by the hand below, because if the hand is on top, it is a concert [the audiences laugh]. Analysis This first sentence was violated maxim of Quantity, it is due to the additional sentence in the last of the paragraph which is not necessary, and the sentence is: because if the hand is on top, it is a concert. Third Sentence Saya itu memiliki kelembutan hati seperti ibu saya kalau saya melihat pengemis, itu saya, dia itu kasihan naik turun angkot susah, saya pengen nganu… mbarengi. Saya pengen membonceng dia, saya Kan naik motor ayo bu saya bonceng mbonceng naik motor saya. Ngeeeng… [penonton tertawa] “Siahkan turun bu kita sudah sampai. Dimana ini?” “Kantor satpol PP” [penonton tertawa].(P.1 L.5-9). Translation I have a soft heart, like my mother, if I saw a beggar, I feel sorry for, heaving on a public transportation, it looks difficult, I want to give her a ride, come on ma’am, I gave a ride with my bike. Ngeeeng ... [the audiences laugh] Please come down ma’am, we've arrived. Where is it? "" Office of the civil service police force [the audiences laugh].
Analysis The third sentence was violated maxim relation, it is proved by the last sentence which is not in accordance with the statements before. At first, Dodit said that he has the soft heart he always wants to help the beggar, but in the last of the sentence he took that beggar to the civil service police force head quarter. The context is that Dodit still talking about the woman who changed his life -in this case a beggar-. Here Dodit felt sorry if he saw a beggar in the street and he tried to help her. Fourth sentence Ada yang lucu dari lagu Kartini. (bermain musik Kartini) Nunggu lucunya? [penonton tertawa] Lagu pahlawan tidak pantas untuk dilucukan keles... [penonton tertawa] (P.2 L.1-3) Translation There is something funny from Kartini song. (Playing Kartini song) you are waiting for humor? [the audiences laugh] Hero theme Song, does not deserve to be made a joke.. [the audiences laugh]. Analysis This fourth sentence has also violated maxim of relation, it is due to the first sentence of Dodit speech: “There is something
funny from Kartini song”. Here, he tried to inform the audience that there was something funny in Kartini song. But he didn’t support his statement by showing that funniness and told the audience that a hero song is not appropriate to be made a joke. The context is still in Kartini or woman theme. Fifth Sentence Kartini itu punya gelar bangsawan, gelar bangsawan jawa untuk perempuan jawa ada banyak yang pertama itu RA, raden ajeng untuk perempuan jawa yang belum menikah, raden ayu untuk perempuan bangsawan jawa yang sudah menikah, RA-ditya, Raditya [penonton tertawa]. Itu orang biasa yang belum menikah [penonton tertawa]. (P.2 L.3-6). Translation Kartini has an aristocratic title, there are plenty of Javanese nobility titles for Javanese women. First: RA, Raden ajeng. For Javanese aristocrat women who didn’t marry, Raden Ayu for Javanese aristocrat women who are married, RA-Ditya, Raditya [the audiences laugh]. It was an ordinary person who has not been married [the audiences laugh]. Analysis This sentence has violated maxim of quantity, it is proved by the last sentence which is not important, and not the information
that required by the audience, the sentence is: RA-Ditya, Raditya. It was an ordinary person who has not been married. The context is that Dodit humiliated Raditya Dika -the main judge- because Radit is often humiliated him and in this edition he took a revenge. 12. Show 9 Stage 1 (sport theme) First sentence Sebenarnya penerima olimpiade, medali olimpiade yang pertama itu adalah panahan tapi orang tahunya adalah bulu tangkis. Makannya kita harus memasyarakatkan panahan dan memanah masyarakat [penonton tertawa] (P.1 L.2-4). Translation Actually, the recipient of the first Olympic medal was from archery. But, many people know that it is from badminton. Hence, we have to promote archery and shoot the people with archery [the audiences laugh]. Analysis In this stage, Dodit informed the audience about Olympic history that the first recipient of Indonesian athlete in that event has come from archery, but unfortunately he added an unnecessary statement in the last of the paragraph by saying: and shoot the people with archery. Therefore, this sentence violated maxim of
quantity. The context is that Dodit wants to inform the audience about the truth of Indonesian sport history. Indonesia got it first gold medal in Olympic in archery, hence he wants to socialize archery. Second sentence Kemudian bedanya basket sama bola, kalo basket itu ada sound tracknya, ada back soundnya (bermain lagu tema basket) [penonton tepuk tangan] Three point by Raditya Dika, emang mas Radit bisa basket? [penonton tertawa] (P.1 L.7-9). Translation Then, the difference between basketball and football, the basketball has a sound track, (playing basketball theme song) [the audiences give applause]. Three points by Raditya Dika, can Mas Radit play basketball?. [the audiences laugh]. Analysis There was violation on the maxim of relation in this sentence, it can be evidenced by the statement that basketball has a theme song and illustrated that Raditya Dika is a basketball star who made a three points, but in the last he said something different from his illustration with the sentence: “can Mas Radit plays basketball?”. In this edition, Dodit still takes a revenge to Radit the main judge- by humiliating him. In his speech, Dodit said that
he is not sure that Radit could play basketball because Radit has a short body. 13. Show 9 stage 2 Free theme First sentence Sekarang ini saya from nothing to something, [penonton tertawa] orang yang dekat saya tu jadi ramah, bu kost yang dulu biasanya jutek, sekarang pagi-pagi menyapa saya, “mas Dodit kemarin tampil di kompas TV ya?” Iya buk kompas TV inspirasi Indonesia raya, [penonton tertawa] “bagus tampilanya, sudah mbayar kost?” [penonton tertawa] (P.1 L.1-4). Translation Right now, I am from nothing to something [the audiences laugh], the people who close to me turned into friendly, my boarding mother who usually curt, now greets me in the morning, "mas Dodit, you appeared in Kompas TV yesterday, did you? Yes ma’am, compass TV, the inspiration for great Indonesia [the audiences laugh], what a good performance! Have you paid the instalment? " [the audiences laugh]. Analysis The violation on the maxim of relation happened in this part, here Dodit told the audience about himself that he faced a
great change in his life after following stand up comedy Indonesia. He said that the people surround him turns into friendly, and this condition is not in accordance with his last statement that his boarding owner still asking about monthly payment and didn’t show a behavior change to Dodit. The context is that Dodit told his daily life to the audience, he said that his life changed since he competed in Stand Up Comedy and became famous. The people surround him turn into friendly. Second Sentence Selain itu sekarang saya berinteraksi, sering berinteraksi dengan orang banyak, jadi saya harus mengendalikan bau badan, bau mulut, bau badan yang mirip bau mulut [penonton tertawa].(P.2 L.1-2). Translation Besides, now I often interact with many people. so I had to control my body odor, mouth odor, body odor which similar to mouth odor [the audiences laugh]. Analysis In this sentence, Dodit has violated maxim of quality, it can be proved by the finding of an unnecessary sentence in the last of the paragraph, the sentence is: “body odor which similar to mouth odor”. He researcher feels that these sentences is not necessary do
not need to be mentioned. The context is still same with the context above, because he was famous and the people turn into friendly he interacts with the other people more often than before, hence, he must be able to control the smell of his body. 14. Show 10 Stage 1 (employment) First Sentence Saya, nama saya Dodit Mulyanto, saya tu dari desa, tapi ibuk saya tu wanita karir, berkarir di sawah [penonton tertawa dan tepuk tangan], (P.1 L.1). Translation My name is Dodit Mulyanto, I come from the village, but my mother was a career woman, working in the paddy field [the audiences laugh and give applause]. Analysis Dodit’s statements in this chapter are about his mother’s occupation, he said that his mother is a career woman, but then he gave the different perception about a career woman by his sentence: “working in the paddy field”. In Indonesia, working in a paddy field is not a career woman but a farmer. Therefore, those two sentences have no any relation and has violated maxim of relation. Dodit still maintain his persona of Javanese aristocrat, it is
shown in his sentence that his mother an career woman. Dodit said so in order to show his superioriy among the villagers who are usually work in the rice field. Second Sentence Di pekerjaan itu selalu ada teman-teman yang,,, rekanrekan yang sukanya nggosip, pasti ada [penonton berbisik], yay a sekamu itu, sukanya nggosip, menggosipkan atasan, menggosipkan bawahan, menggosipkan atasan yang nggak pakek bawahan [penonton tertawa dan tepuk tangan] (P.1 L.3-6). Translation In the workplace. There are friends who always,,, fellows who like gossiping, certainly there [one female audience whispering her friend]. Yes you are, you like to gossip, gossiping the boss, gossiping the petty officials, gossip the boss who does not wear under wear [the audiences laugh and give applause]. Analysis The second sentence of the 10th episode 1st stage has violated maxim of quantity, it is proved with the last sentence: “gossiping the boss who does not wear under wear”. This sentence should not be said, because it gave more information than required. This edition was conducted in one company, and Dodit performed
stand up in front of the employees, in this edition Dodit talk about the bad habit of the employee who are used to gossip each other. 15. Show 10 Stage 2 (Transportation) First Sentence Mengendarai kuda itu caranya, di andong kalo talinya itu ditarik kencang kudanya itu berhenti, kalo kudanya eh talinya dikendorkan kudanya itu tak bergerak, kalo ditarik kenceng kendor kenceng kendor itu sopirnya ngajak berantem. [penonton tertawa] (P.2 L.4-6). Translation There are many ways to ride a horse, in the carriage, when the rope is pulled tight, the horse will stop, if a horse, eh… the rope loosened, the horse will not move, if pulled tight-loose, the driver asks to fight [the audiences laugh]. Analysis The violation of quantity occurred again in this episode, here Dodit tried to inform the audience about how to ride a horse, but he gave the information more than required. It is evidenced with the last sentence: if pulled tight-loose, the driver asks to fight. The theme is transportation, because Dodit comes from the village
so he talk about horse. Here, Dodit informed the audience the way to ride a horse.
Second sentence Kalo kudanya bisa ngomong pasti ngomong, apa sih mau kamu? [penonton tertawa] kurang nurut apa sih aku sama kamu? (P.2 L.7-8). Translation If the horse can talk, he would say, what do you want exactly? [the audiences laugh] Don’t I obey you already? Analysis The second sentence contains the violation on maxim of quality. Here, Dodit told to the audience something that difficult to be believed, Dodit said that if the horse could talk like human. The context is still same with the sentence before –a horse-. In this case, Dodit equalized the horse with the boy who talks to his girl fiend.
16. Show 11 (Environment, a battle show) First sentence
Walaupun saya guru music tetapi gelar sarjana saya itu pendidikan geografi [penonton tepuk tangan], saya lulus dengan predikat sangat memuaskan empat belas semester [penonton tertawa].(P.1 L.3-4). Translation Although I am a music teacher, but my undergraduate degree is a bachelor of geography education [the audiences give applause], I graduated with honors, fourteen semesters [the audiences laugh]. Analysis Dodit has violated maxim of quality in his utterance by giving a statement that he graduated with honors because he finished his undergraduate study in fourteen semesters. Of course, his statement is not acceptable and not in accordance with the audience thought. The context is that Dodit shown the fact about himself, he said that he is an old university student who is difficult to be graduated. At the last he said that he has satisfied to be graduated after 14 semesters. Second Sentence Lingkungan hidup, ada dua unsur lingkungan hi… hidup ada biotik dan abiotik, lingkungan abiotik adalah lingkungan fisik
yang tidak hidup terdiri dari air tanah udara tapi semua berubah sejak Negara api menyerang [penonton tertawa] (P.2 L.2-3). Translation Environment, there are two elements of the environment: biotic and abiotic, biotic environment is non-living physical environment, consist of: water, soil, air, but these all are changed, since the fire nation attacking [the audiences laugh]. Analysis This sentence contains the violation on Maxim of quantity, it can be proved by the finding of the last sentence which is not necessary to be said and the sentence is: “but these all are changed, since the fire nation attacking”. The sentence is not necessary to be said because it is not the part of environment definition, but the popular sentence from avatar movie instead. The context is that Dodit wants to show his majority in environment because he was a bachelor of geography. He show to the audience about his mastery and deep knowledge about environment by saying the scientific definition o environment, but in the last, his explanation turns into the sentences in avatar cartoon movie. 17. Show 13 (Fashion Theme) First Sentence
Saya sekarang sudah gaul [Penonton tertawa], harusnya cara bicara saya juga beda , eh eh gue Dodit [Penonton tertawa], gue model, bintang iklan pupuk kandang [Penonton tertawa], jadi kandangnya. (P.1 L.1-2). Translation I'm cool right now [the audience laugh], and I should talk in a different way, uh uh, I am Dodit [the audience laugh], I'm a model, the star of the ad, advertisements of manure [the audience laugh], became it’s cage. Analysis Those utterances were violated maxim of relation, it is due to Dodit statement that not related between the first sentence: “I'm cool right now, and I should talk in a different way, uh uh, I am Dodit, I'm a model, the star of the ad” with the second sentence: advertisements of manure, became it’s cage. Here Dodit do not give the right definition about a cool model, but he said the worst thing instead. The context is that Dodit wants to inform the audience that he was famous after competing in SUCI until 13rd edition, and he changed to be fashionable and cool guy. In his speech he said if he became a model some time, but not a clothes model who is handsome as usual. He wants to become an animal cage model.
Second Sentence Harusnya waktu upacara bendera tu memakai sepatu hitam tapi untuk menunjukkan eksistensinya remaja itu ada yang menggunakan sepatu futsal, biar keliatan pemain futsal, pakek sepatu basket biar keliatan pemain basket, ada yang nggak pake sepatu kalo ditanya kamu anak pencak silat? (geleng-geleng) kepala kamu anak judo? (geleng-geleng kepala), maaf pak kemarin kebanjiran [penonton tertawa]. (P.1 L.6-10). Translation During the flag ceremony, the students are required to wear black shoes, but to demonstrate their existence, there are some students who use indoor soccer shoes, so they will look like a Futsal player, wearing a basketball shoe, so they look like a basketball player, but there was also the student who does not wear a shoe, if they are asked, are you a member of Pencak Silat? (Shaking his head). Are you member of Judo? (Shaking his head). Sorry sir, yesterday I was flooded [the audience laugh]. Analysis The second sentence of this edition contains violation on relation maxim, here Dodit gave the story about his student who use variations of shoes to show their own existence. But in the last, he said that there was a student who wear a shoe not because to
show his existence but because he was flooded. The flood victim is absolutely different with the student who wants to show their existence. Therefore, those utterances were violated maxim of relation. Here, Dodit inform the audience about his experinces of bein a teacher, one of them is during the flag ceremony. He told that his students have their own ways to express their existence. Third Sentence Tau susunannya pake tuxedo? Kemeja putih lengan panjang pakek dasi biasanya saya pakek merah ada tulisannya tutwurihandayani [penonton tertawa], pakek vest, pakek jas singlet diluar [penonton tertawa], biar gokil [penonton tertawa] (P.3 L.35) Translation Do you know the composition to wear a tuxedo? Longsleeved white shirt, a tie, usually I wear red, there is the words tutwuri handayani on it [the audiences laugh], wearing vest, wearing a jacket, the undershirt worn outside [the audiences laugh], in order to be cool [the audiences laugh]. Analysis Dodit Mulyanto gave the information about how to wear a tuxedo to the audience, but he gave the information that cannot be believed, it is evidenced with his statement a red tie with Tut Wuri
handayani writing on it and wearing an undershirt outside. Because his information cannot be believed and lack adequate evidence, then this sentence has violated maxim of Quality. Because Dodit is a Javanese who embraces European culture he knows well how to wear a tuxedo and the order of it. But, in fact he was wrong in telling how to wear tuxedo he said that wearing tuxedo must be combined with the red tie with tut wuri handayani letter on it, the audiences know that that model of tie was not for tuxedo but the uniform of the elementary students. Fourth Sentence Didesa itu ya banyak orang yang memegang erat budaya Eropa, jadi kalau nikah itu nyewa, nyewa gaun yang ada ekornya, trus ada lagunya (bermain musick pernikahan) orangnya sampai disini gaunnya masih ditempat sewa [penonton tertawa], lupa belum disewa, yang pria juga’ gitu pakek jas, jas laboratorium [penonton tertawa], nggak-nggak saya bercanda, pakek jas pakek dasi ada tulisannya tutwuri handayani [penonton tertawa], gitu.(P.5 L.1-5) Translation In the village, there are a lot of people who hold tight the European culture, so, if they get married, they rented a dress with the tail, accompanied with a song, (playing a wedding music). The
bride is already up here, but her dress was still in the rental [the audience laugh], she forgot to hire, the groom is same. He wears the coat, a lab coat [the audience laugh], no no, I am kidding, wearing a coat, tie, with the writing tutwuri handayani on it [the audience laugh]. Analysis This last finding was on maxim of quality violation, it can be proofed with the finding of the facts from Dodit’s statement that cannot be believed by the audience and those things would never happen in the real life, those sentences are: “The bride is already up here, but her dress was still in the rental, she forgot to hire”, “the groom is same, he wears the coat, a lab coat” and wearing a coat, a tie, with the writing tutwuri handayani on it. The context is same with the sentence above, because Dodit is a Javanese who embraces European culture he knows well how to wear a tuxedo and the order of it. But, in fact he was wrong in telling how to wear tuxedo he said that wearing tuxedo must be combined with the red tie with tut wuri handayani letter on it, the audience know that that model of tie was not for tuxedo but the uniform of the elementary students.
B. Data Analysis 1. After analyzing the data, the researcher found the violation of all cooperative principles maxims in Dodit speech during Stand Up Comedy Indonesia season 4. In order to make it clear, the researcher draws the result in the form of table below:
Table 4.1 Data Findings on Cooperative Principle Violation Type of Cooperative Principle maxim
No Edition
Show 1
Show 2
Show 3
Show 4
Show 5
Show 6
Show 7 UTS
Show 7 UAS
Show 8
Show 9 Stage 1
Show 9 Stage 2
Show 10 Stage 1
Show 10 Stage 2
Show Stage 11
Show 13
Sub total
2. In order to raise humor, Dodit has violated the maxims of cooperative principle by doing several violations as formulated by Grice (1975,
p.45) in Tupan and Natalia (2008, p.68), but not all of violation models are done by Dodit, only some of them such as: a) Violating maxim of quantity f. Dodit was uninformative, it is shown in Preshow, Show 4, show 8 point 6, show 8 point 7, show 10 stage 2, and show 11. g. Dodit talked too much in show 6, 7 uts, show 7 uas , show 9 stage 1, show 9 stage 2, and show 10 stage 1. b) Violating maxim of quality e. Dodit lie or said something that is believed to be false it was found in audition point 1&2, show 1, show 4 point 8, show 7 UAS, and show 10 stage 2. f. Dodit did irony or made ironic and sarcastic statement in show 4 point 7. g. Dodit denied something was found in audition point 3 and preshow. h. Dodit distorted information, it is in Show 2, show 6, and show 13 point 12&13. c) Violating Maxim of Relation 1) Dodit made the conversation unmatched with the topic, it was found in audition point 1, preshow point 3&4, show 1, show 3, show 5 point 9&10, show 6, show 7 UTS point 13, Show 8 point 14&15, show 9 stage 2, show 10 stage 1, show 11, and show 13 point 21.
2) Dodit changed conversation topic abruptly in show 4 point 8, Show 8 point 16, show 9 stage 1, and show 13 point 22. 3) Dodit did the wrong causality, it was found in audition point 2, show 4 point 7, and show 7 UTS point 12. d) Violating Maxim of Manner 1) Dodit used ambiguous language in preshow. 2) Dodit used slang in front of people who do not understand it in show 6.
This chapter discusses the conclusion and suggestion. The conclusion is drawn after getting research finding. Then, suggestion leads further researchers who are interested in doing similar research. A. Conclusion 1.
After conducting research and analyzing the research problems about cooperative principle, it is concluded that Dodit Mulyanto violates all of the four maxims of cooperative principle: maxim of Quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relation, and maxim of manner. There was found twelve data on the maxim of quantity violation, whereas the maxim of quality violated in thirteen data, maxim of relation is the most frequent maxim to be violated, it is proved by the research finding that it was violated twenty two times. Hence, the fewest violation occurred on the maxim of manner which only occurred two times.
Dodit has violated maxims of cooperative principle in various ways in order to raise humor of the audience. Maxim of quantity has violated by Dodit Mulyanto by adding an unnecessary sentence to his information and those unnecessary additional information succeeds to raise humor. Dodit violated maxim of quality by telling lies and saying something that is believed to be false by the audience. Whereas
maxim of relation violated by Dodit by making the speech which is unmatched with the topic or his own statement before. Moreover, Dodit violated maxim of manner by using ambiguous language. In addition, Dodit is doing all of these violations only to raise humor among the audience and not for the other purpose.
B. Suggestion According the result of the research, there are some suggestions for the next researchers who are interested in doing similar research. This research will gives contribution to comprehend the violation of cooperative principles. Hopefully, the research gives inspiration and guidance for the further researchers to be more careful in doing research, so that, the result is being better than this. For the next researchers, this new comedy style “Stand Up Comedy” can be a good reference if they want to look for the examples of the maxim of cooperative principle violation. The violation of cooperative principle not always become a bad thing in communication. On the contrary, it and may be applied in daily life in order to make a joke, to perform stand up comedy or public speaking, to make teaching method more interesting for the teacher or lecturer and of course, it may be researched again in depth in order to enrich the knowledge about humor based on linguistic approach.
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LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1: Data Findings Appendix 2: Dodit Mulyanto’s Speech Script Appendix 3: The Photo of Dodit Mulyanto Appendix 4: Curriculum Vitae of the Researcher
Appendix 1 Data Findings on Cooperative Principle Violation No
Maxim of Quantity
Maxim of Quality 1. Dan orang Indonesia itu, terutama di desa itu selalu salah memahami sound track atau backsound misalkan backsound lagu seperti ini (playing pink panther), orang didesa pasti ngomongnya itu lagunya dono kasino, padahal itu lagunya Indro. (P.2 L.1-3)
Maxim of Relation
1. Cara menidurkan saya pun beda sama bayi bayi biasa, kalo bayi biasa itu kalau orang jawa itu dinyanyikan: tak lelo lelo lelo ledung cup menengo anakku cah bagus. Kalo saya tu beda, saya tu minimal twinkle twinkle little star: twinkle twinkle little star penekno 2. Saya itu dilahirkan blimbing kui. (P.1 L.3istimewa, saya dilahirkan 6) secara otodidak, saya lahir bidannya baru datang, jadi saya keluar 2. Kalo pacaran sama sendiri. (P.3 L.1-2) pemain biola tu enak………… tapi pacar saya biar dipeluk
Maxim of Manner
3. itu menurut saya karna kesalahan pemerintyah yang tidak serius
Maxim of Quantity
Maxim of Quality merancang palang pintu kereta api, turunnya pelan,..tiluut tiluut, coba kalo itu dibuat cepat dan tajam; mobilnya lewat, ngeng-jleng, pasti gak ada yang mau melanggar. (P.4 L.1-5)
orang lain, lha gmana saya bermain? (P.5 L.1-7)
Maxim of Relation
Maxim of Manner
1. saya makan itu table
manner, peralatannya harus lengkap ada cendok , garpu, silet. (P.2 L.2-3)
Show I
Maxim of Quantity
4. Kalau orang jawa biasa itu makannya nasi pecel, es the sudah. Saya tidak begitu, ada hidangan pembuka, hidangan utama dan hidangan penutup, hidangan penutup isinya pudding dan diakhiri dengan minum wine. air putih muntah saya! (P.2 L.3-6)
3. saya ndak boleh ngejar ngejar layangan sama bapak saya, saya tu bolehnya ngejar ngejar kamu… I love u! (P.1 L.3-4)
Maxim of Quality
Maxim of Relation
5. Saat saya pertama kali
stand up, saya tu sangat
1………koruptor jahat! (P.7 L.4)
4. Mamah saya tu anu, bartender. Iya, punya minibar dibangun depan rumah ada terpalnya.. warung. isinya tu ya: beras kencur, temu lawak, beras kencur campur temu lawak. (P.3 L.1-3)
5. Saya mau maen lagi buat kamu, sebel saya!
Maxim of Manner
takut menatap mata penonton, saking takutnya saya menatap mata saya sendiri (P.3 L.1-2)
Show II
Show III
(bermain lagu tema susu murni nasional). itu lagu susu buat kamu, biar sehat. (P.1 L.3-4)
6. exit light jangan exit light. Kalo tiada enter night enter night boleh saja kalo ada exit light… (P.1 L.7-9)
6. Pecel.. kalo saya memiliki warung pecel saya akan membuai pelanggan saya yang datang biar krasan dengan alunan biola klasik (bermain lingsir wengi dengan biola) lingsir wengi.. sliramu tumeking.. sirno… (P.1 L.1-3)
Maxim of Quantity
Maxim of Quality
Show IV
2. Kentongan itu ada artinya, Kalo dipukul sekali “tuk” “ tuk” “ tuk” sedang terjadi peristiwa pembunuhan. Ya, serius di desa tu seperti itu. Kemudian kalo ada bunyi dua kali “tuk tuk” “tuk tuk” sedang terjadi pencurian, kemudian kalu dipukul bunyinya gini (seperti penjual mie ayam) maaf kentongannya dibajak. (P.3 L.3-7)
7. Follower-follower saya ,
Maxim of Relation
7. Karna saya suka saya dikatain mirip Yudha pamer, pacar saya tu marah sama saya. Dia Keling, ya saya…. terima nagis saya diamkan, lah. (P.1 L.3-4) “aku nangis kok kamu diemin?” biar semua 8. di hatiku ini ada orang tau kalo aku kentongan buat kamu, kalo punya pacar. (P.2 L.3dipukul ada nadanya 5) “tuk” tau nggak itu nada apa? Itu namanya nada “tuk”, untuk mengetuk 8. Jadi menyampaikan pesan apapun karna itu hatimu…. (P.4 L.4-6) kentongan sangat penting di desa dan takkan tergantikan. Kaya kamuu.. (menunjuk penonton wanita) iya kamu.. (P.4 L.1-3)
Maxim of Manner
Show V
9. kalau saya nanti ditawari main film Malem Minggu Miko… mas… saya nggak akan mau jadi pembantu saya pemain biola kok.
Maxim of Quantity
Maxim of Quality
Maxim of Relation Lagian saya kenal mas Radit minimal kami jadi partner, partnernya mas Ancha. (P.1 L.2-4)
10. Kalau saya disuruh acting jadi pembantu saya gak usah belajar akting ya udah gini aja, kalau dipanggil “Dodit” “inggih ndoro”, beres selesai masalah saya akan
Maxim of Manner
mencoba akting saya coba kamu panggil aku, iya kamu, iya kamu, coba panggil! Dodiiit! Injih Sayang.
Maxim of Quantity
Maxim of Quality
Maxim of Relation
Maxim of Manner
Show VI
3. “Pemilihan umum telah memangil kita, kita loe aja keles (P.1 L.5-6)
9. sayangnya di desa itu banyak caleg yang melakukan black campaign, kampanye gelap, listrik belum masuk. (P.2 L.3-4)
11. Rakyat golput bukan
2. Taukan Presiden kita suka baris berbaris? Piye kabare? Iseh penak jamanku to? (P.1 L.2-4)
solusi, jangan lupa anda harus…(menunjukan jari) servis printer (P.1 L.9-10)
4. biasanya murid-murid mencontek menggunakan kode, misalnya mengelus telinga kalau mengelus telinga itu C, kemudian megang dagu itu berarti D, ada yang garuk garuk hidung itu memang hidungnya gatel. (P.4 L.1-4)
12. kalau saya jadi caleg. Konsentrasi pertama saya yaitu pada pendidikan dari anak SD sampai sma nggak ada yang boleh bayar biaya pendidikan. Anak-anak nggak boleh ada yang bayar, biar orang tuanya yang bayar. (P.2 L.2-4)
13. Waktu SD tu saya sudah mulai mencintai, saya itu punya gebetan, tapi gebetan saya itu membuat saya ilfil karena kaos kakinya No
Maxim of Quantity 5. “Takkan sanggup menghadapi semua, hanya bersamamu ku
Maxim of Quality 10. sebagai guru saya itu
dikatakan kalau saya mengajar itu ngomongnya
Maxim of Relation kendor, terus dikareti, kalau karetnya satu itu nggak papa. Itu
Maxim of Manner
akan bisa…. Yen ing tawang ono lintang”. (P.1 L.6-7)
medok itu bukan salah saya soalnya saya memang lahir di desa, jangankan saya, biola aja kalau kelamaan di desa itu medok. (P.1 L.2-4)
karetnya dua, kayak nasi bungkus, itu artinya rasa kakinya pedas. Waktu dia merapikan bajunya ternyata ikat pingganya itu korpri, punya baapaknya, saya gak mau punya pacar yang memakai fasilitas Negara. (P.3 L.1-5)
Maxim of Quantity
Maxim of Quality
Maxim of Relation
6. pengemis itu disimbolkan tangannya di bawah (diulang) soalnya kalau tangan di atas itu konser (P.1 L.23)
14. Saya jadi ingat perempuan2 yang mengubah hidup saya. Saya jadi ingat pengemis (P.1 L.1-2)
7. Kartini itu punya gelar bangsawan, gelar bangsawan jawa untuk perempuan jawa ada banyak yang pertama itu RA, raden ajeng untuk perempuan jawa yang belum menikah, raden ayu untuk perempuan
15. Saya itu memiliki kelembutan hati seperti ibu saya kalau saya melihat pengemis, itu saya, dia itu kasihan naik turun angkot susah, saya pengen nganu… mbarengi.
Maxim of Manner
bangsawan jawa yang sudah menikah, RAditya, Raditya. Itu orang biasa yang belum menikah. (P.2 L.3-6)
Maxim of Quantity
Saya pengen membonceng dia, saya Kan naik motor ayo bu saya bonceng mbonceng naik motor saya. Ngeeeng…
Maxim of Quality
Maxim of Relation “Siahkan turun bu kita
Maxim of Manner
sudah sampai. Dimana ini?” “Kantor satpol PP”.(P.1 L.5-9)
16. ada yang lucu dari lagu Kartini. (Musik) Nunggu lucunya? Lagu pahlawan tidak pantas untuk dilucukan keles... (P.2 L.1-3) 12
Show 9 Stage 1
8. sebenarnya penerima olimpiade, medali olimpiade yang pertama itu adalah panahan tapi orang tahunya adalah bulu tangkis. Makannya kita harus memasyarakatkan panahan dan memanah masyarakat.(P.1 L.2-4)
17. Kemudian bedanya basket sama bola, kalo basket itu ada sound tracknya, ada back soundnya (bermain lagu tema basket) Three point by Raditya Dika, emang mas Radit bisa basket? (P.1 L.7-9)
Maxim of Quantity
Show 9 stage 2
9. Selain itu sekarang saya berinteraksi, sering berinteraksi dengan orang banyak, jadi saya harus mengendalikan bau badan, bau mulut, bau badan yang mirip bau mulut.(P.2 L.1-2)
Maxim of Quality
Maxim of Relation 18. Sekarang ini saya from nothing to something, orang yang dekat saya tu jadi ramah, bu kost yang dulu biasanya jutek, sekarang pagi-pagi menyapa saya, “mas Dodit kemarin tampil di kompas TV ya?” Iya buk kompas TV inspirasi Indonesia raya, “bagus tampilanya, sudah mbayar kost?” (P.1 L.1-4)
Maxim of Manner
Maxim of Quantity
Maxim of Quality
Show X Stage 1
10. di pekerjaan itu selalu ada teman-teman yang,,, rekan-rekan yang sukanya nggosip, pasti ada (berbisik), yay a sekamu itu, sukanya nggosip, menggosipkan atasan, menggosipkan bawahan, menggosipkan atasan yang nggak pakek bawahan (P.1 L.3-6)
Show X Stage II
11. mengendarai kuda itu 11. kalo kudanya bisa caranya, di andong kalo ngomong pasti ngomong, talinya itu ditarik apa sih mau kamu?
Maxim of Relation 19. Saya, nama saya Dodit Mulyanto, saya tu dari desa, tapi ibuk saya tu wanita karir, berkarir di sawah (P.1 L.1)
Maxim of Manner
kencang kudanya itu kurang nurut apa sih aku sama kamu? (P.2 L.7-8) berhenti, kalo kudanya eh talinya dikendorkan kudanya itu tak bergerak, kalo ditarik kenceng kendor kenceng kendor itu sopirnya ngajak berantem.(P.2 L.4-6)
Show XI
Maxim of Quantity 12. Lingkungan hidup, ada dua unsur lingkungan hi… hidup ada biotik dan abiotic, lingkungan abiotik adalah lingkungan fisik yang tidak hidup terdiri
Maxim of Quality
Maxim of Relation 20. walaupun saya guru music tetapi gelar sarjana saya itu pendidikan geografi, saya lulus dengan predikat sangat
Maxim of Manner
dari air tanah udara tapi semua berubah sejak Negara api menyerang (P.2 L.2-3)
memuaskan empat belas semester.(P.1 L.34)
12. tau susunannya pake tuxedo? Kemeja putih lengan panjang pakek dasi biasanya saya pakek merah ada tulisannya tutwurihandayani, pakek fest pakek jas singlet diluar, biar gokil (P.3 L.35)
21. Saya sekarang sudah gaul, harusnya cara bicara saya juga beda , eh eh gue Dodit, gue model, bintang iklan pupuk kandang, jadi kandangnya. (P.1 L.1-2)
22. harusnya waktu upacara bendera tu memakai sepatu hitam
13. Didesa itu ya banyak orang yang memegang erat budaya Eropa, jadi
tapi untuk menunjukkan eksistensinya remaja itu ada yang menggunakan sepatu futsal, biar
kalau nikah itu nyewa, nyewa gaun yang ada ekornya, trus ada lagunya (maen music) orangnya sampai disini gaunnya masih ditempat sewa, lupa belum disewa, yang pria juga’ gitu pakek jas, jas laboratorium, nggaknggak saya bercanda, pakek jas pakek dasi ada tulisannya tutwuri handayani, gitu.(P.5 L.15)
keliatan pemain futsal, pakek sepatu basket biar keliatan pemain basket, ada yang nggak pake sepatu kalo ditanya kamu anak pencak silat? (gelenggeleng kepala) kamu anak judo? (gelenggeleng kepala) maaf pak kemarin kebanjiran. (P.1 L.610)
Appendix 2 DODIT MULYANTO SPEECH SCRIPT A. Audisi (Tema Bebas) Selamat sore dewan juri, Selamat sore kawula muda,[Radit tertawa] Nama saya dodit mulyanto, Walaupun saya jawa keluarga saya itu memegang erat budaya eropa, makanya saya diajari main biola dari kecil. Cara menidurkan saya pun beda sama bayi bayi biasa, kalo bayi biasa itu kalau orang jawa itu dinyanyikan: tak lelo lelo lelo ledung cup menengo anakku cah bagus. Kalo saya tu beda, saya tu minimal twinkle twinkle little star [juri: (takjub) uweehehe… go kill..]: twinkle twinkle little star penekno blimbing kui.[penonton tertawa] Dan orang Indonesia itu, terutama di desa itu selalu salah memahami sound track atau backsound misalkan backsoud lagu seperti ini (playing pink panther) [Radit tertawa], orang didesa pasti ngomongnya itu lagunya dono kasino, padahal itu lagunya Indro. [Penonton tertawa] Saya itu dilahirkan istimewa, saya dilahirkan secara otodidak [Penonton tertawa], saya lahir bidannya baru datang, jadi saya keluar sendiri.[Penonton tertawa] Saya itu gusar ya,[Penonton tertawa] sama pengguna jalan, yang, pengguna jalan yang menerobos palang pintu kereta api, itu menurut saya karna kesalahan pemerintah yang tidak
serius merancang palang pintu kereta api,
turunnya pelan, tiluut tiluut, coba kalo itu dibuat cepat dan tajam; mobilnya lewat,
ngeng-jleng, [Penonton tertawa dan tepuk tangan] pasti gak ada yang mau melanggar.
Kalo pacaran sama pemain biola tu enak, kalo pacaran sama orang biasa itu: sayang maenan titanic-titanican yuk? Ayuk. Kemudian, ayok kamu tangannya rentang sayang! sreeeet,
kemudian cowoknya memeluk dari belakang, set.
Kemudian, tetetet…. (menyanyikan instrumental lagu titanic menggunakan mulut) musiknya pake mulut![Penonton tertawa] kalo sama saya beda! sayang maen titanic-titanican yuk? ayuk.. (main instrument lagu titanic dengan biola), tapi pacar saya biar dipeluk orang lain, lha gmana saya bermain? [Penonton tertawa] B. Preshow (Sosial Media) Slamat malam masyarakat. [Penonton tertawa] Nama saya dodit mulyanto, Walaupun saya jawa keluarga saya itu memegang erat budaya eropa.[Penonton tertawa] kehidupan saya beda dengan anak anak desa yang lain, anak desa yang lain tu maenannya di sawah ngejar ngejar layangan, saya ndak boleh ngejar ngejar layangan sama bapak saya, saya tu bolehnya ngejar ngejar kamu… [Penonton tertawa]I love u! [Penonton tertawa]. Cara makan saya pun beda dengan anak orang orang desa, orang desa itu makanya biasanya… saya makan itu table manner, peralatannya harus lengkap ada sendok , garpu, silet. [Penonton tertawa]. Kalau orang jawa biasa
makannya nasi pecel, es the sudah. Saya tidak begitu, ada hidangan pembuka, hidangan utama dan hidangan penutup, hidangan penutup isinya pudding dan
diakhiri dengan minum wine.[Penonton bersorak kagum] air putih muntah saya! [Penonton tertawa] pizza aja saya gatel gatel. Mamah saya tu anu, bartender [Penonton bersorak kagum] Iya, punya minibar dibangun depan rumah ada terpalnya.. [Penonton tertawa] warung [Penonton tertawa]. isinya tu ya: beras kencur, temu lawak, [Penonton tertawa] beras kencur campur temu lawak. Selain punya warung keluarga kami tu punya sawah, dan punya sawah itu, makanya kemampuan bahasa inggris saya tu jelek. Makanya sama guru saya tu saya dikasih tahu, “Dodit, kalo kamu mau pinter bahasa Inggris, kamu harus ngobrol dirumah dengan orang tuamu menggunakan bahasa Inggris”, masak bapak ibu saya disawah saya harus ngobrol pake bahasa inggris? Pas angin berhembus… wuuus…, “mommy, the sky is grey, I want to go home now”, ibu saya pasti ngomong ke bapak saya : “pak anak kita kesurupan pak”. [Penonton tertawa]. Saya tu setuju sosial media itu….. [Penonton tertawa] sosial media tu untuk semua orang untuk memudahkan komunikasi, saya berencana mau buatkan mbah saya twitter. Jadi mbah saya kalo butuh apa-apa enak, “le dit, mbah butuh kerokan cek dm, [Penonton tertawa] #uhuk uhuk”. [Penonton tertawa] Saya ini pemain biola ya, jadi pemain biola itu, saya sangat menyayangkan lhow, kalo biola diluar negri itu benar benar dimanfaatkan dengan baik misalnya film
,supermannya terbang. Kalo di Indonesia backsoundnya jadi seperti ini (bermain
biola menyerupai lolongan serigala)…. “bang bokiir [Penonton tertawa], cireng bang”,terimakasih… Saya ini , saya ini gusar ya.. ya kadang saya main biola ini terbawa emosi akibat situasi dan kondisi di negri ini , ya saya tu main biola tu sampe terbawa emosi lhow….(bermain biola dengan irama cepat kemudian membuang gagang biola) koruptor jahat! Trimakasih… saya Dodit Mulyanto.
C. Show 1 (Pengalaman Stand Up) Selamat malam penduduk. [Penonton tertawa] Saya pernah mengalami kendala saat open mic, yaitu mantan saya membawa cowok barunya, mantan saya tu mirip kamu… (menunjuk penonton wanita) [Penonton tertawa] bukan kamu, belakang kamu tu lho! [Penonton tertawa] Saya mau maen lagi buat kamu, sebel saya! (bermain lagu tema susu murni nasional) [Penonton tertawa dan tepuk tangan] . itu lagu susu buat kamu, [Penonton tertawa] biar sehat. Pertama kali saya stand up, saya tu digangguin bapak-bapak, kerjaannya itu mencibir dan komentar saya terus…. Pakde… [Penonton tertawa] (sambil memandang ke Om Indro). Saat saya mulai stand up, perkenalkan Nama saya dodit mulyanto, “ya…” Walaupun saya jawa, keluarga saya itu memegang erat
budaya Eropa, “bodo amat.. “[Penonton tertawa], kalo pagi saya makan breakfast “hemfffmfmf mana lucunya?” Saya jawab: “bodo amat”. [Penonton tertawa] Saat saya pertama kali stand up, saya tu sangat takut menatap mata penonton, saking takutnya saya menatap mata saya sendiri….. [Penonton tertawa] Saya Dodit Mulyanto, trimakasih. [penonton tepuk tangan]. D. Show 2 (Tema Musik) Selamat malam kerabat [Penonton tertawa] Saya dodit mulyanto, Walaupun saya jawa, keluarga saya itu memegang erat budaya eropa (menjulurkan lidah) [Penonton tertawa]. Tentu saja saya akrab dengan musik,tema hari ini musik? (hemh, tersenyum sinis). Saya akan mengetengahkan musik. Ada musik yang disukai para pemimpin, itu music metallica. Ada capres yang sukanya music sonata, bukan suka sih dia yang bikin.. [Penonton tertawa] suatu saat, kalo dia nanti koalisi, mereka koalisi ingin meraup masa, mereka akan : “ayo bro, kita nyanyikan lagu kita! “ok” (memainkan lagu exit light dengan biola).[Penonton tepuk tangan] “Exit light enter night eee eoooo… [Penonton tertawa] exit light jangan exit light. [Penonton tertawa] Kalo tiada enter night [Penonton tertawa] enter night boleh saja kalo ada exit light…[Penonton tertawa] pokoknya lagunya jadi gitu. Saya ini pemain biola ya, jadi kesehatan saya tu dijaga benar-benar dengan keluarga
merepotkan…, [Penonton tertawa] menurut penelitian, musik klasik itu mencerdaskan anak ketika diperdengarkan ketika anak itu masih didalam rahim.
Ini musik klasik (bermain musik klasik dengan biola) [penonton tepuk tangan] saya rendah hati kok.. [Penonton tertawa]. Kamu yakin bisa membuat anak cerdas? Kamu mau sama masnya itu? Tidak berubah pikiran? Trimakasih saya Dodit Mulyanto.
E. Show 3 (Tema Makanan) Slamat malam para kolega. [Penonton tertawa] I love u guys.. [Penonton tertawa] Pecel.. kalo saya memiliki warung pecel saya akan membuai pelanggan saya yang datang biar krasan dengan alunan biola klasik (bermain lingsir wengi dengan biola) lingsir wengi.. [Penonton tertawa] sliramu tumeking.. sirno… Gimana sudah ada yang kesurupan? [Penonton tertawa] Tu kalo terjadi di warung saya, tiba tiba bapak bapak dipojokan “hemmmmm” [Penonton tertawa] kesurupan pak? “Seret, mana air?” [Penonton tertawa]. Iringan musik saat makan itu menunjukkan anda makan dimana dan sedang makan apa. Di restoran Indonesia yg bergaya barat itu iringan musiknya seperti ini….(bermain musik barat dengan biola) [Penonton tepuk tanagn] Salah kan? [Penonton tertawa] Gitu… kalo warung pecel di pinggir jalan, iringanya jadi gini ………… (Menggunakan biola menjadi ukulele dan bernyanyi lagu pengamen “kutunggu” karya Tegar). [Penonton tertawa]. Joss.. [Penonton tertawa].
Pecel itu masakan sehat terdiri dari berbagai sayuran. Didesa saya pecel itu yang jual mbah-mbah, sayang penyajiannya tidak higienis karena menggunakan tangan kosong. Lha jadi begini: “ini lalapnya uhuk-uhuk.. [Penonton tertawa] Ini togenya, uhuk-uhuk… gak papa mbah cuma TBC” [Penonton tertawa]. Saya Dodit Mulyanto terimakasih. [Penonton tertawa dan tepuk tangan].
F. Show 4 (Tema Gadget) Slamat malam khalayak ramai, [Penonton tertawa] saya bangga disini untuk anda. Gara-gara gadget, gara gata tema gadget, saya membeli gadget lhow. ini gadget baru saya, lha gmana? hp saya yang lama itu hang hang terus soalnya gak bisa nerima banyak mention [Penonton tertawa]. Trus di mention-mention itu ya aneh-aneh. Follower-follower saya , saya dikatain mirip Yudha Keling, [Penonton tertawa] ya saya…. terima lah [Penonton tertawa]. Pertama saya punya telepon genggam, itu saya ringtone volumenya tu saya besarkan; (memainkan ringtone nokia menggunakan biola yang difungsikan seperti ukulele) [Penonton tertawa], gak saya angkat-angkat, [Penonton tertawa] Biar orang tau saya punya hand phone [Penonton tertawa]. Karna saya suka pamer, pacar saya tu marah sama saya. Dia nagis saya diamkan, “aku nangis kok kamu diemin?” biar semua orang tau kalo aku punya pacar [Penonton tertawa].
Salah satu fungsi gadget adalah menyampaikan pesan jarak jauh. Di desa ya ada gadget dari dulu, namanya kenthongan [Penonton tertawa]. Iya sayangnya gak bias private, sifatnya broadcast massage [Penonton tertawa]. Sekali pukul: “Tuk” semua orang kampung berkumpul. Kentongan itu ada artinya, Kalo dipukul sekali “tuk” “ tuk” “ tuk” sedang terjadi peristiwa pembunuhan. Ya, serius di desa tu seperti itu. Kemudian kalo ada bunyi dua kali “tuk tuk” “tuk tuk” sedang terjadi pencurian, kemudian kalu dipukul bunyinya gini (seperti penjual mie ayam) maaf kentongannya dibajak. [Penonton tertawa dan tepuk tangan]. Kentongan itu secara utilitas (penonton: whueee), merupakan pusat broadcasting di desa. Jadi menyampaikan pesan apapun karna itu kentongan sangat penting di desa dan takkan tergantikan. Kaya kamuu.. [Penonton tertawa] (menunjuk penonton wanita) iya kamu.. kamu mau nggak maenan kentongan sama aku? [Penonton tertawa] di hatiku ini ada kentongan buat kamu, kalo dipukul ada nadanya “tuk” tau nggak itu nada apa? Itu namanya nada “tuk”, untuk mengetuk hatimu…. [Penonton tertawa]. Trimakasih saya Dodit Mulyanto. G. Show 5 (Tema Pembantu) Selamat malam muda mudi masa kini [Penonton tertawa]. Saya itu berang ya… dengan film yang tidak adil, orang jawa itu selalu mendapatkan peran sebagai pembantu [Penonton tertawa], kalau saya nanti ditawari main film Malem Minggu Miko… mas…
[Penonton tertawa] saya
nggak akan mau jadi pembantu saya pemain biola kok. Lagian saya kenal mas Radit minimal kami jadi partner, partnernya mas Ancha [Penonton tertawa]. Saya menemui di Jakarta ini banyak pembantu yang berasal dari Jawa, itu yang membuat dia dibikin di film di film padahal di jawa itu orangnya mandiri semua dikerjakan sendiri, tidak ada orang di desa yang butuh pembantu, lha wong semuanya pembantu [Penonton tertawa]. Kalau saya disuruh acting jadi pembantu saya gak usah belajar akting ya udah gini aja, kalau dipanggil “Dodit” “inggih ndoro”, beres [Penonton tertawa] selesai masalah saya akan mencoba akting saya coba kamu panggil aku, iya kamu, iya kamu, coba panggil namaku. Dodit!! “Inggih sayang”. [Penonton tertawa]. Film ftv juga seperti itu, mengisahkan remaja putri dari Jakarta kabur ke Jawa, sampai di desa ketemu pemuda yang ngomongnya medok, “iya ndak papa silahkan” terus kemudian pake blangkon. keseharian saya sebagai pemuda nggak gitu gitu amat, saya pake topi gaul yang ada tulisannya itu lho, tulisannya blankon, [Penonton tertawa]. kemudian singkat cerita mereka jatuh cinta itu membuat asumsi yang menurut saya salah buktinya saya itu dari desa ke Jakarta nggak ada tuh cewek kota yang nyari saya [Penonton tertawa]. Mana buktinya… [Penonton tertawa] terus saya berharap tiba-tiba cewek desa mendatangi saya “Dodit kamu medok banget aku suka, aroma tubuhmu mmmmpphh, apek [Penonton tertawa] kayak gabah kering [Penonton tertawa]. Tapi referensi film saya itu banyak ya. Saya nggak bawa biola soalnya saya salah tidur, buat noleh aja susah. Referensi film saya itu banyak, saya yang
takut dari film konjuring itu hantunya keluar dari kotak musik, kemudian diikuti dengan suara aneh, Radiit…follback kaka… terima kasih saya Dodit. H. Show 6 (Koalisi Partai) Selamat malam sanak family [Penonton tertawa]. Sudah mandi? [Penonton tertawa] Nanti bau loh.. [Penonton tertawa] Lagu pemilu itu menunjukan profesi presiden kita yang terdahulu. (Bermain lagu pemilu) [Penonton tertawa] Biola saya jarang saya minyaki, lagu itu iramanya mars, temponya itu secepat orang berbaris, tau kan presiden kita sukanya baris berbaris. Piye kabare? [Penonton tertawa] Iseh penak jamanku tho? [Penonton tertawa] Hastag aku ra popo [Penonton tertawa]. Saya tunjukan tempo baris-berbaris dengan biola. Duh ini ngrepoti (dibuang). Gak papa kalau rusak nanti minta dibelikan papah [Penonton tertawa]. “Pemilihan umum telah memangil kita, kita? loe aja keles [Penonton tertawa], nah lagu itu kalau dimainkan saat ini sudah tidak relevan… gaes [Penonton tertawa]. Makanya Kompas TV membuat lagu yang lebih fresh untuk mengajak rakyat mencoblos dan itu progress yang baik dari Kompas TV, cie kompas… [Penonton tertawa] “Datang dan memilih datang pilih coblos celup, amati prosesnya untuk Indonesia satu.” Rakyat golput bukan solusi, jangan lupa anda harus…(menunjukan jari) [Penonton tepuk tangan] servis printer [Penonton tertawa]. Pemilu di desa, kalau pemilu di desa itu berbeda dengan di kota. Pemilu di kota itu hingar binger pergi ke pasar, kalau di desa itu tenteram, damai, sepi nggak ada yang dating [Penonton tertawa]. Kalau pagi itu banyak yang ke ladang,
sayangnya di desa itu banyak caleg yang melakukan black campaign, kampanye gelap, listrik belum masuk [Penonton tertawa]. Mas tau black campaign? Heh! [Penonton tertawa] Hari gini gak tau black campaign… Tanya sama yang tau.. [Penonton tertawa]. Terimakasih saya Dodit Mulyanto. I.
Show 7 UTS (Tema Pendidikan) Selamat sore remaja masa kini. Di sini terus terang saya ndledek, kebelet pipis [Penonton tertawa]. Soalnya saya liat cewek yang mirip mantan saya, kamu, iya kamu, Ilove you [Penonton tertawa]. Kamu di sini adalah orang yang memiliki intelegensi tingkat tinggi. Buktinya setiap ada teman yang kentut Bess…. “Hei siapa yang kentut!! Gitu kan..” gak pernah kan kamu langsung “Bau apa ya ini..? kayak pernah tau deh, oh ini pasti bau masakan… yang mirip kentut”. Kalau saya itu sangat memperhatikan masalah pendidikan, kalau saya jadi caleg. Konsentrasi pertama saya yaitu pada pendidikan dari anak SD sampai sma nggak ada yang boleh bayar biaya pendidikan [penonton tepuk tangan]. Anakanak nggak boleh ada yang bayar, biar orang tuanya yang bayar [Penonton tertawa]. Waktu SD tu saya sudah mulai mencintai, saya itu punya gebetan, tapi gebetan saya itu membuat saya ilfil karena kaos kakinya kendor [Penonton tertawa], terus dikareti [Penonton tertawa], kalau karetnya satu itu nggak papa. Itu karetnya dua, kayak nasi bungkus, itu artinya rasa kakinya pedas [Penonton tertawa]. Waktu dia merapikan bajunya ternyata ikat pingganya itu korpri
[Penonton tertawa], punya baapaknya, saya gak mau punya pacar yang memakai fasilitas Negara [Penonton tertawa]. Selihai lihainya murid mencontek guru itu tau kalau muridnya mencontek, biasanya murid-murid mencontek menggunakan kode, misalnya mengelus telinga kalau mengelus telinga itu C, kemudian megang dagu itu berarti D, ada yang garuk garuk hidung itu memang hidungnya gatel [Penonton tertawa]. Belajar biola itu ada tekniknya, teknik ini namanya vibrasi, biar bisa begini saya sama bapak saya tiap hari disuruh begini terus [Penonton tertawa]. Terima kasih saya Dodit Mulyanto. J.
Show 7 (UAS) (Curhat Seorang Guru) Selamat malam para penggemar. [Penonton tertawa] Saya adalah guru, semoga murid saya tidak malu [Penonton tertawa], sebagai guru saya itu dikatakan kalau saya mengajar itu ngomongnya medok. Itu bukan salah saya soalnya saya memang lahir di desa, jangankan saya, biola aja kalau kelamaan di desa itu medok [Penonton tertawa]. Ini lagu populer bahasa Indonesia. “Takkan sanggup menghadapi semua, hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa, kau adalah darahku… (mengedipkan satu mata) [Penonton tertawa]” biola kalau kelamaan di desa itu ya medok, “Takkan sanggup menghadapi semua, hanya [Penonton tertawa] bersamamu ku akan bisa…. [Penonton tertawa] Yen ing tawang ono lintang” [Penonton tertawa].
Banyak di skolah itu banyak remaja yang sebenarnya belum siap pacaran, kekhawatiran saya itu terjadi karena kalau itu terjadi pertengkaran dengan pacarnya di kelas itu jadi melamun, jadi kalau gurunya memberi pertanyaan, memberi soal, siapakah presiden Republik Indonesia yang pertama? Dia lagi nglamun. Iya kamu yang njawab. Jawab soal ini.. “Haahh aku? Kamu yang bikin persoalan aku yang harus njawab?” [Penonton tertawa]. Indonesia saat ini menjalankan kurikulum pendidikan karakter, ada 18 karakter, salah satunya karakter rendah hati, jadi setiap pembelajaran harus disisipi karakter tersebut. Pertanyaan di sekolah jadi seperti ini “Sebutkan presiden Republik Indonesia yang pertama! ya kamu jawab.” “Soekarno bu” “ya pintar tadi malam kamu pasti belajar” “tidak bu tadi saya salah bicara” [Penonton tertawa] “kamu itu benar, kamu itu pintar, kamu itu benar” “tidak bu kebenaran hanya milk tuhan semata”. [Penonton tertawa]. Ada lagu yang tidak cocok diperdengarkan anak-anak. Lagunya “Kau bidadari jatuh dari surga di hadapanku, eaa…” [Penonton tertawa] tetangga saya masih kecil itu sudah hapal lagu itu, kekawatiran saya kalau dia masuk sekolah kemudian diajari gurunya membaca. “Ini Budi, ini Wati. Budi dan Wati berangkat sekolah bersama-sama” “Cieee….” [Penonton tertawa] “Heh Budi dan Wati itu adek kakak loh” “Oh Budi ditolak Wati jadi adek kakak-an… cieee” [Penonton tertawa] saya Dodit Mulyanto terima kasih. K. Show 8 (Tema Perempuan) Selamat malam para fans [Penonton tertawa]
Maaf saya tidak, belum sempat membalasi mention satu-satu karena sibuk syuting. Tema perempuan. Saya jadi ingat perempuan2 yang mengubah hidup saya. Saya jadi ingat pengemis [Penonton tertawa]. Pengemis itu disimbolkan tangannya di bawah (diulang) soalnya kalau tangan di atas itu konser [Penonton tertawa], konser sambil ngemis “minta mas, minta mas…” [Penonton tertawa]. Saya itu memiliki kelembutan hati seperti ibu saya kalau saya melihat pengemis, itu saya, dia itu kasihan naik turun angkot susah, saya pengen nganu… mbarengi. Saya pengen membonceng dia, saya kan naik motor ayo bu saya bonceng mbonceng naik motor saya. Ngeeeng… [Penonton tertawa] “Siahkan turun bu kita sudah sampai. Dimana ini?” “Kantor satpol PP” [Penonton tertawa]. Kartni membuat emansipasi tidak mengajarkan wanita untuk mengemis, asyik. [Penonton tepuk tangan] ada yang lucu dari lagu Kartini. (Musik) Nunggu lucunya? [Penonton tertawa] Lagu pahlawan tidak pantas untuk dilucukan fellas... [Penonton tepuk tangan]. Kartini itu punya gelar bangsawan, gelar bangsawan jawa untuk perempuan jawa ada banyak yang pertama itu RA, raden ajeng untuk perempuan jawa yang belum menikah, raden ayu untuk perempuan bangsawan jawa yang sudah menikah, RA-ditya, Raditya. Itu orang biasa yang belum menikah [Penonton tertawa]. Mas Radit senyum aja nggak usah ditahan-tahan [Penonton tertawa], bulu hidungmu itu loh mas [Penonton tertawa] goyanggoyang [Penonton tertawa], lepaskan Radit-lepaskan Radit [Penonton tertawa dan tepuk tangan] Sudah? [Penonton tertawa].
Jaman sekarang itu perempuan dan laki-aki kalau pacaran itu enak, padahal jaman dulu itu ada banyak perempuan yang mengangkat senjata untuk berjuang, sekarang itu enak tinggal duduk makan pancake selebriti. Ini pancakenya tinggal satu nih buat kamu aja, buat kamu, kamu, kamu, gitu [Penonton tertawa]. Kalau pacaran jaman perjuangan itu pas gerilya itu belandanya tinggal satu [Penonton tertawa], sayang ini pin granatnya udah aku buka sudah kamu aja yang ngelempar, kamu, kamu, kamu aja, kamu… duaar!!!. [Penonton tertawa]. Terima kasih saya Dodit Mulyanto. L. Show 9 Babak 1 (Tema Olahraga) Tepuk tangan Selamat malam sport mania, [Penonton tertawa] Ada banyak hal yang tidak matching yang saya amati di olah raga, hal itu adalah: guys-guys! anda tahu nggak? kalo sebenarnya penerima olimpiade, medali olimpiade yang pertama itu adalah panahan tapi orang tahunya adalah bulu tangkis. Makannya kita harus memasyarakatkan panahan dan memanah masyarakat [Penonton tertawa]. Dikira saya bercanda, saya mau memanah kamu [Penonton tertawa], ciuuuu, itu panah cinta buat kamu [Penonton tertawa]. Masnya ketawa? [Penonton tertawa] Saya panah lagi [Penonton tertawa], ciuuu, itu panah beracun mas [Penonton tertawa], reaksinya besok. (memanah dewan juri) nggak jadi nanti nilainya dikurangi [Penonton tertawa]. Kemudian bedanya basket sama bola, kalo basket itu ada sound tracknya, ada back soundnya
(bermain lagu tema basket) [Penonton tepuk tangan] Three point by Raditya Dika, emang mas Radit bisa basket? [Penonton tertawa] byo, kalo bola itu ada sound tracknya tapi nggak ada back soundnya, kalo ada back soundnya jadi seperti ini, (music) Beckham berlari, oper ke Rooney, dan tendang, [tepuk tangan]……. melebar, pertandingan kembali dilanjutkan, Beckham berlari kembali, oper ke Rooney, Rooney dicegat bek, apa yang terjadi? (memainkan biola dengan sirine ambulance).. [Penonton tertawa]… Terimakasih saya Dodit Mulyanto. M. Show 9 Babak 2 (Tema Bebas) Selamat malam Dodit fans club [Penonton tertawa]. Sekarang ini saya from nothing to something, [Penonton tertawa] orang yang dekat saya tu jadi ramah, bu kost yang dulu biasanya jutek, sekarang pagipagi menyapa saya, “mas Dodit kemarin tampil di kompas TV ya?” Iya buk kompas TV inspirasi Indonesia raya, [Penonton tertawa] “bagus tampilanya, sudah mbayar kost?” [Penonton tertawa]. Selain itu sekarang saya berinteraksi, sering berinteraksi dengan orang banyak, jadi saya harus mengendalikan bau badan, bau mulut, bau badan yang mirip bau mulut [Penonton tertawa]. Selain itu tempat main saya sekarang beda, dulunya saya main di warung, sekarang saya, heh syuting [Penonton tertawa dan tepuk tangan]. Huft (sambil pegang dada) saya pernah ditinggalkan pasangan. Di sini yang pernah ditinggalkan pasangan tolong kedipkan mata! [Penonton tertawa]
semua saya rasa, mantan saya tu sekarang mulai DM-DM saya, heh hem mencoba minta pin BB saya, ya saya (hehm) mau lah! [Penonton tertawa]. Beraniberaninya dia minta pin BB, padahal ketika dia meninggalkan saya, kan dia yang bawa BB [Penonton tertawa], (main music) terimakasih kalian barisan para mantan [Penonton tertawa] selamat malam mantan kamu menyesalkan sekarang? [Penonton tertawa]. Terimakasih saya Dodit Mulyanto… N. Show 10 Babak 1 (Tema Pekerjaan) Selamat malam rekan sejawat [Penonton tertawa]. Saya, nama saya Dodit Mulyanto, saya tu dari desa, tapi ibuk saya tu wanita karir, berkarir di sawah, [Penonton tertawa dan tepuk tangan] tapi yang sebenarnya ayah saya itu PNS, panas, berpanas-panasan disawah sama ibuk saya, di pekerjaan itu selalu ada teman-teman yang,,, rekan-rekan yang sukanya nggosip, pasti ada yay a sekamu itu, sukanya nggosip, menggosipkan atasan, menggosipkan bawahan, menggosipkan atasan yang nggak pakek bawahan [Penonton tertawa dan tepuk tangan]. Tapi saya berterima kasih di beri kesempatan oleh “Zact”, saya tampil di sini [tepuk tangan] bersyukur anda semua yang mendapatkan pekerjaan, mendapatkan pekerjaan itu susah lho, iya kan? Kalau ditolak kerja itu bisa galau sampai ada lagunya (main music) hati yang bingung lamaran kerja ditolak enggak tau kenapa kurang syaratnya, mikir-mikir dari pada kumelamar kerja, lebih baik ku melamar kamu, iya kamu [Penonton tertawa].
Pertama saya masuk kerja itu dimarahin security, saya itu ngajar di sekolah swasta, murid saya itu seperti Lian Lin semua pokoknya, yang tampil ya itu, iya, kemudian itu saya dimarahin security, hey kamu motornya dimatikan! Mana STNKnya, saya laporkan supervisornya dipecat kamu, saya diam aja, bapak kerja apa di sini? Saya guru di sini, maaf pak saya kira cleaning service [penonton tertawa, tepuk tangan]. Terimakasih saya dodit mulyanto. O. Show 10 Babak 2 (Tema Transportasi) Jreng…. Selamat malam penumpang [Penonton tertawa dan tepuk tangan]. Selamat malam pak kusir, hari ini saya mau mengetengahkan elemen trasportasi, saya itu paling salting kalo naik bis disamping saya itu ibuk-ibuk, mau saya ajak ngobrol, dikira saya tukang hipnotis [Penonton tertawa], kalo ibuknya ngobrol duluan trus asyik, takutnya kondekturnya yang sok asyik, trus ngomong cieee PDKT ni yee [Penonton tertawa], sudah mas tembak aja [Penonton tertawa], trus ngajakin penumpang tembak, tembak, tembak [Penonton tertawa], trus apa pedagang
Pengamennya juga ikut-ikutan, aku yang dulu tidak sempat menembak door… sopirnya yang kepo juga noleh dan ikut-ikutan, tembak, tembak, tembak, akhirnya seisi bis bilang nabrak, nabrak, nabrak [Penonton tertawa]. Saya ini cocok jadi kusir kuda, soalnya kuda itu butuh penanganan yang lembut, ya penanganan, coba kalo sopir kudanya itu Abdur, hey kuda! [Penonton tertawa] Cepat kau jalan! [Penonton tertawa] Aiih aduh mama sayange, [Penonton
tertawa] kuda jalan! Stop tipu-tipu! [Penonton tertawa] Guys nggak bias kembali guys.. [Penonton tertawa] mengendarai kuda itu caranya, di andong kalo talinya itu ditarik kencang kudanya itu berhenti, kalo kudanya eh talinya dikendorkan kudanya itu tak bergerak, kalo ditarik kenceng kendor kenceng kendor itu sopirnya ngajak berantem [Penonton tertawa], kalo kudanya bisa ngomong pasti ngomong, apa sih mau kamu? [Penonton tertawa] kurang nurut apa sih aku sama kamu? Terimakasih saya Dodit Mulyanto… P. Show 11 (Tema Lingkungan) (Bermain lagu gugur bunga dengan biola) Idris Sardi, engkau hanya satu dan satu-satunya Selamat malam para omnivore [Penonton tertawa], sudah makan apa hari ini? Dari sekian comic, guys, saya merasa saya adalah comic yang paling berkompeten untuk membahas lingkungan hidup, walaupun saya guru musik tetapi gelar sarjana saya itu pendidikan geografi [Penonton tepuk tangan] saya lulus dengan predikat sangat memuaskan empat belas semester [Penonton tertawa], tujuh tahun puas saya [Penonton tertawa], tujuh tahun itu kalo di jadikan anak itu sudah TK kelas 0 besar yang tidak naik satu kali [Penonton tertawa]. Lingkungan hidup, ada dua unsur lingkungan hi… hidup ada biotik dan abiotic, lingkungan abiotik adalah lingkungan fisik yang tidak hidup terdiri dari air tanah udara tapi semua berubah sejak Negara api menyerang [Penonton tertawa]. Unsur biotik adalah unsur hidup dari makhluk kecil tidak kasat mata
hingga makhluk besar kasat mata artinya dari makhluk hidup mikroskopis hingga makhluk hidup makroskopis gokil [Penonton tertawa]. Lingkungan hidup mempengaruhi seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia dari seniman dipengaruhi karya-karya seniman dipengaruhi oleh linghkungan hidupnya, Gesang tinggal di lingkungan Bengawan Solo, lagu yang dihasilkan (nyanyi Bengawan Solo) [Penonton tertawa] sudah, [Penonton tertawa] Gombloh, lahir di Jombang, Jombang itu lingkungan sawah pesantren, lagu yang dihasilkan, lestari alamku lestari desaku dimana tuhanku menitipkanku, religius sekali, tapi yang jadi pertanyaan adalah pencipta lagu ini dimana da nada di lingkungan apa? Cinta satu malam betapa indahnya [Penonton tertawa], cinta satu malam buat ku melayang [Penonton tepuk tangan], kira-kira lingkungan apa yang memberikan cinta dalam tempo satu malam, cieee pesan moral [Penonton tertawa]. Hifzi Khoir, hi saya itu tidak punya keresahan sama Hifdzi nanti saya dikira antagonis [Penonton tertawa], saya tu cocok lho sama Hifdzi, kami tu punyak banyak kesamaan, sama-sama bau [Penonton tertawa], terus terang kakinya Hifdzi tu bau [Penonton tertawa], tapi kaki saya lebih bau [Penonton tertawa], Hifdzi tu kami sekamar, dia tu pintar menyembunyikan bau sepatu, caranya sepatunya Hifdzi dimasukkan sepatu saya [Penonton tertawa], saking baunya kalo sepatu kami tu di taruh diluar itu orang mbuang sampah disitu [Penonton tertawa], saya itu sering diejek Hifdzi saya itu jarang mandi, memang saya kan orang jawa yang memgang erat budaya Eropa Hif, mandi dua kali sehari kampungan [Penonton tertawa], he hef heeeem noraak, saya itu jangankan show
gini ya, saya tu berangkat kerja aja saya nggak mandi ok, saya mandinya di pom bensin airnya lebih bersih [Penonton tertawa]. Hifdzi tu tidak cocok mejadi presiden, maaf lo Hif bukannya saya antagonis, emang battle tu ya gini [Penonton tertawa], masak saya nggak boleh marah [Penonton tertawa], battle men ngeh, Hifdzi tu bicaranya aneh, kalo dia jadi presiden itu nggak cocok, selamat malam masyarakat, dari Sabang sampai Merauke, saya prihatin akan korupsi, kalian prihatin nggak siih? [Penonton tertawa] Iya kalian, I love U [Penonton tertawa], Hifdzi tu ngatain saya ngondek, padahal saya kan hyu huu,, Hifdzi tu saya tu lebih tua dari Hifdzi saya masuk kuliah, Hifdzi masih kelas dua SMP, hahaha [Penonton tertawa], tapi dia tu nggak ada itu hormat-hormatnya sama saya sama sekali, dia tu manggil saya dit Dodit dit Dodit [Penonton tertawa], nggak pernah manggil saya mas atau kakang, kalau kamu hif main ketoprak sama saya main wayang orang kamu tu manggil saya kakang prabu [Penonton tertawa], trutuktuktuk kakang prabu, iyo anoman [Penonton tertawa]. Terimakasih saya dodit mulyanto. Q. Show 13 (Tema Fashion) Selamat malam fashionista [Penonton tertawa]. Order yuk sist! Bisa juga COD, cash of delivery, Saya sekarang sudah gaul [Penonton tertawa], harusnya cara bicara saya juga beda, eh eh gue Dodit [Penonton tertawa], gue model, bintang iklan pupuk kandang [Penonton tertawa], jadi kandangnya. Saya guru, saya tu mengamati
fashion murid-murd saya, menurut saya kalo anak-anak itu dandanan aneh-aneh tu tidak nakal, tetapi hanya cari perhatian pada lawan jenisnya, ada model rambut panjang terus dikepang, ada bajunya dikeluarkan trus di kepang [Penonton tertawa], murid itu tidak nakal hanya menarik perhatian saja, harusnya waktu upacara bendera tu memakai sepatu hitam tapi untuk menunjukkan eksistensinya remaja itu ada yang menggunakan sepatu futsal, biar keliatan pemain futsal, pakek sepatu basket biar keliatan pemain basket, ada yang nggak pake sepatu kalo ditanya kamu anak pencak silat? (geleng-geleng kepala) kamu anak judo? (geleng-geleng kepala) maaf pak kemarin kebanjiran [Penonton tertawa]. Kenapa sih kayak rambut gondrong? menurut saya, kalo anak-anak itu rambutnya gondrong itu selalu dipotong oleh gurunya biar rapi, apa hubungannya rapi dengan kebaikan hati? Se semua pelaku korupsi rambutnya rapi guys [Penonton tepuk tangan]. Walaupun saya jawa keluarga saya itu memegang erat budaya eropa [Penonton tertawa], tentu saja saya memperhatikan fashion, kalo saya ke hajatan wedding [Penonton tertawa], saya tu minimal pake tuxedo, kemeja biasa panuan saya [Penonton tertawa], tau susunannya pake tuxedo? Kemeja putih lengan panjang pakek dasi biasanya saya pakek merah ada tulisannya tutwurihandayani [Penonton tertawa], pakek fest pakek jas singlet diluar [Penonton tertawa], biar gokil [Penonton tertawa], kalo sudah gitu ya minimal saya naek mobil, heh naek motor kampungan [Penonton tertawa], aturannya pun ya beda, kalo naek angkot naek mobil, ya duduknya miring, ada supirnya, ngi lagi ngitung duit angkot, turunnya pun ya beda tek tek driver left [Penonton tertawa].
Saya sering lihat di model catwalk itu apa yang bawa’ biola itu hanya model bawa biola itu hanya untuk properti, kalo saya tu beda saya pasti akan memainkannya (main musik) [Penonton tertawa dan tepuk tangan] keren kan? [Penonton tertawa] Mas Radit ayo ajak saya maen film! [Penonton tertawa]. Didesa itu ya banyak orang yang memegang erat budaya Eropa, jadi kalau nikah itu nyewa, nyewa gaun yang ada ekornya, trus ada lagunya (bermain music nikah) orangnya sampai disini gaunnya masih ditempat sewa [Penonton tertawa], lupa belum disewa, yang pria juga’ gitu pakek jas, jas laboratorium [Penonton tertawa], nggak-nggak saya bercanda, pakek jas pakek dasi ada tulisannya tutwuri handayani [Penonton tertawa], gitu. Trus saya itu ya, sekarang itu sudah gaul, sama mbak Feni Rose itu saya disuruh kembali seperti dulu, saya nggak mau mbak, saya dulu kampungan [Penonton tertawa], saya nggak saya juga nggak mau mbak Feni Rose kembali seperti yang dulu, jual apartemen yang lagunya, bukit dong mediterenian [Penonton tertawa] pantai bikin kapok [Penonton tertawa], apartement dengan cicilan hanya delapan juta rupiah perbulan bikin pingsan [Penonton tertawa], delapan juta itu tidak hanya mbak Feni Rose, itu banyak. Semenjak itu saya dengan ba follower saya itu saya itu digodain ya, saya beli bensin, pak beli bensin, kamu Dodit ya? Siapa pak? Iya kamuu [Penonton tertawa], bapak bias aja pak pak, pak saya mau beli bensin, bensin? Iya bensin,,, [Penonton tertawa] ayo pak pak saya pengen segera berangkat tolong bensinnya segera di isi, kamu yang beli bensin aku yang harus ngisi [Penonton tertawa].
Terimakasih saya Dodit Mulyanto
Appendix 3: The Photo of Dodit Mulyanto
IG dodit_wahyudi_mulyanto
Appendix 4
: Ahmad Ulliyadhi Satria Raharja
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir
: Kab. Kendal, 15 November 1990
Jenis Kelamin
: Laki-laki
: Islam
: Dsn. Dukuh Barat, Ds. Plumbon RT 19 RW 05 Kec. Suruh, Kab. Semarang
Pendidian Terakhir
: S1 Pendidikan
: 3.64
: Belum Kawin
: 085735699616
RIWAYAT PENDIDIKAN 1. SDN Plulmbon 2 Kec. Suruh, Kab. Semarang 2. KMI Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor 3. Progdi Tadris Bahasa Inggris STAIN Salatiga
(LULUS TH 2002) (LULUS TH 2009) (LULUS TH 2015)