ABSTRAK KRITIK KRISTEN TERHADAP KONSEP KETUHANAN DALAM ALIRAN NEW AGE MOVEMENT Ardhie Pratama Sabhiila Agama Kristen merupakan agama yang besar dan memiliki pengikut yang tersebar di seluruh belahan dunia. Seperti yang diketahui, bahwa agama Kristen terbagi menjadi dua sekte gereja besar, yaitu Gereja Katolik dan Gereja Protestan. Akan tetapi, di samping itu semua, agama Kristen sesungguhnya terbagi menjadi beberapa sekte-sekte gereja yang berbeda-beda. Dari sekian banyak sekte gereja tersebut ada satu sekte yang paling mencolok dan memiliki ajaran yang berbeda dengan ajaran dasar yang ada dalam Kristen, sekte itu adalah New Age Movement. Dari sekian banyak doktrin yang mereka miliki, ada satu doktrin yang paling meresahkan kaum Kristiani, yaitu mengenai Tuhan, di mana Tuhan digambarkan dalam bentuk Panteistik yang artinya bahwa segala sesuatu adalah Tuhan dan Tuhan adalah segala sesuatu. New Age Movement berkeyakinan bahwa manusia juga Tuhan, karena di dalam dirinya terdapat sifat ke-Ilahian. Berlandaskan dari doktrin yang dimiliki oleh ajaran New Age Movement mengenai Tuhan tersebut penulis ingin membahas apa sebenarnya konsep Ketuhanan dalam ajaran New Age Movement dan bagaimana respon atau pun reaksi umat Kristen terhadap doktrin Ketuhanan yang ada dalam ajaran New Age Movement tersebut. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini agar peneliti mampu mengkaji permasalahan mengenai konsep Ketuhanan yang ada dalam aliran New Age Movement dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon atau pun kritik yang diberikan oleh umat Kristen. Maka untuk memudahkan proses penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan teologis, yaitu memaparkan konsep Ketuhanan dalam aliran New Age Movement. Sedangkan metode yang diterapkan adalah metode deskriptif dan analisis kritis. Untuk teknik penulisannya, peneliti menggunakan studi literatur, yaitu dengan mengumpulkan data dari buku-buku primer atau sekunder yang memiliki hubungan dengan studi penelitian yang dilakukan. Setelah melalui penelitian, peneliti sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa ajaran New Age Movement lebih fokus pada ketenangan batin manusia melalui ibadah yang berbentuk pada penyatuan jiwa dengan alam, sehingga dari konsep ajaran mereka, umat Kristen menganggap ibadah yang mereka lakukan bersifat mistisme dan okultisme dengan alasan bahwa manusia merupakan Tuhan dan segala sesuatu yang ada di alam ini merupakan bagian dari Tuhan juga. Dengan konsep ketuhananan tersebut, menyebabkan manusia jauh dari rahmat Tuhan serta dipenuhi dengan rasa egois yang tinggi. Selain itu, Kristen berasumsi bahwa mereka melakukan penyembahan dalam bentuk asketisme dan telah keluar dari ortodoksi Kristen. Hal ini juga yang menjadikan kalangan Kristen menganggap aliran ini sebagai aliran pemujaan Setan yang bertujuan untuk menghancurkan agama Kristen melalui ajarannya. Inilah alasan yang mendasari kalangan umat Kristen menjadikan aliran New Age Movement sebagai ajaran sesat dan tidak dapat diakui sebagai bagian dari ajaran agama Kristen. Dari kesimpulan di atas, peneliti menyarankan agar penelitian selanjutnya terhadap doktrin Ketuhanan pada aliran-aliran baru dapat lebih diperdalam lagi, baik dengan menimbang sisi negatif maupun sisi positifnya terhadap ajaran dasar yang ada dalam sebuah agama.
ABSTRACT CHRISTIAN CRITICISM TO THE CONCEPT OF GOD IN NEW AGE MOVEMENT Ardhie Pratama Sabhiila Christianity is a great religion and has followers scattered throughout the world. As it has known, that Christianity is divided into two major church sects, namely the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church. However, in addition, Christianity actually divided into several different church sects. From many sects of the church there is one sect that is most striking and has a different doctrine from the basic teachings that exist in Christianity, that is New Age Movement. From many doctrines that they possess, there is one doctrine that most troubles the Christians, that is about God, where God is portrayed in pantheistic form which means that everything is God and God is everything. The New Age Movement believes that man is also God, because in him is the divine nature. Based on the doctrine held by the New Age Movement about God, the writer wants to discuss what the concept of the Godhead in the New Age Movement and how the response or the reaction of Christians to the doctrine of God in the New Age Movement. The purpose of this research, that researcher able to examine the problems about the concept of Godhead in the New Age Movement and to find out how the response or criticism given by Christians. So to facilitate the process of this research, the writer uses the theological approach, which describes the concept of Godhead in the New Age Movement. While the method applied is descriptive method and critical analysis. And for the writing technique, researcher uses literature study, which is collecting data from primary or secondary books that have a relationship with research studies conducted. After the research, the researcher came to the conclusion that the New Age Movement focuses more on the inner peace of human through worship in the union of the soul with nature, so that from their concept of teaching, Christians consider the worship they do is mysticism and occult on the grounds that humans Is God and everything in nature is part of God as well. With the concept of God, causing humans away from God's grace and filled with high selfishness. In addition, Christians assume that they worship in the form of asceticism and have come out of Christian orthodoxy. It is also what makes Christians view this school as a cult of Satan that aims to destroy Christianity through its teachings. This is the underlying reason for Christians to make the New Age Movement a heresy and cannot be recognized as a part of Christianity. From the above conclusions, the researcher suggests that further research on the doctrine of the Godhead in new schools can be further deepened, either by weighing the negative side or the positive side of the basic doctrine in a religion.
To the Honorable, Dean of Faculty of Ushuluddin University of Darussalam Gontor Darussalam Gontor Modern Islamic Boarding School
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. The writer presents this thesis written by: Name
: Ardhie Pratama Sabhiila
Reg. Number : The Title
: Christian Criticism to the Concept of God in New Age Movement
It has been processed and corrected to meet the partial of requirement to attain the degree of Licentiate (S-1) in Comparative Religions. Therefore, the writer requests that thesis could be examined soon. Hopefully, this thesis would be used for religion, nation and the development of educational institution. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Gontor, Sya'ban 24, 1438 H May 21, 2017 M Supervisor,
H. Syamsul Hadi Untung, M.A., M.LS.
Dean of Faculty of Ushuluddin University of Darussalam Gontor Darussalam Gontor Modern Islamic Boarding School
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Faculty of Ushuluddin has received the thesis which has been written by: Name
: Ardhie Pratama Sabhiila
Reg. Number : The Title
: Christian Criticism to the Concept of God in New Age Movement
To fulfill the partial requirement for the degree of Licentiate (S-1) in Comparative Religions, Faculty of Ushuluddin on academic year: 1437-1438/2016-2017. Hopefully, this thesis would useful for religion, nation and development of educational institution. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Gontor, Sya'ban 27, 1438 H May 24, 2017 M Dean of Faculty of Ushuluddin,
H. Syamsul Hadi Untung, M.A., M.LS.
DECISION LETTER OF THE TEAM The committee of thesis examination in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Licentiate (S-1) in Comparative Religions, Faculty of Ushuluddin, has held the thesis examination on: Day/Date
: Saturday, May 27, 2017
: Faculty of Ushuluddin Office
And stated that student below: Name
: Ardhie Pratama Sabhiila
Reg. Number : Faculty
: Ushuluddin
: Comparative Religions
The Title
: Christian Criticism to the Concept of God in New Age Movement
The committee has decided to grant him passed in his examination. Hence, he is eligible for the degree of Licentiate (S-1) in Comparative Religions, Faculty of Ushuluddin. Gontor, Ramadhan 01, 1438 H May 27, 2017 M Chairman,
(H. Syamsul Hadi Untung, M.A., M.LS.)
(Muttaqin, M.Ud)
The Team of Thesis Examination:
1st examiner
(Asep Awaludin, M.Ag)
2nd examiner :
(Muttaqin, M.Ud)
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
I Hereby, Name
: Ardhie Pratama Sabhiila
Reg. Number : Faculty
: Ushuluddin
: Comparative Religions
The Title
: Christian Criticism to the Concept of God in New Age Movement
Declare sincerely this thesis originally belongs to my own work except where otherwise stated. I declare that has not been previously or currently submitted as a whole for any other research or degree at University of Darussalam or other institutions. Furthermore, this thesis is not work published before, except some parts with their original references. When, otherwise found that thesis is plagiarism, I am ready to accept any punishment according to academic regulations of university. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Gontor, Ramadhan 01, 1438 H May 27, 2017 M The Researcher,
Ardhie Pratama Sabhiila
I dedicate this worthy mini thesis to: Allah SWT, the Omnipotent who has given the writer strength and ability to complete this mini thesis, He is the One God, there is no god but Him. Prophet Muhammad SAW, who with his teachings and sunna has guided the writer toward the truth towards the beauty of peace and tranquility of life, he is the Last Prophet, the End Times Prophet. Beloved father and mother, Tajuddin, S. Sos., M.M. and Dra. Sammawati, You are the light of this heart, who always motivate, advise and give support the writer in all circumstances. May Allah always give His mercy on both of you. Lovely younger brother and sister, Asriyanto Dwisata, Alkautsar Tri Cahyani, Ashraf Bhilal and Azzumar Alghuraf, who continue to support and pray for writer success in this period of service. Highly respected mentor, as well as Dean of Faculty of Ushuluddin, Mr. H. Syamsul Hadi Untung, M.A., M.LS. Thank you for the motivation and direction given to the writer during this period of study until he finally can finish it. And do not forget also, he apologizes as much as possible if during this time the writer made some mistakes which causes you disappointed. All of students of Class 1G Campus Three, who are always encouraging and filling days with their happiness, joy and humor. And for everyone who participated for the completion this mini thesis. Especially Muhajir, Rahmat Da'i, Alfi Baihaqi, Faisal Ardiansyah, Rahmat Siraj and Azhar. Because without their help and support, perhaps this mini thesis cannot be realized.
ِ وإِ ََل ُكم إِلَه َّو }163 : الرِحْي ُم {البقرة َّ الر ْْحَ ُن َّ اح ٌد ََّّل إِلَهَ إََِّّل ُه َو ٌ ْ ُ َ "And your Lord is the One and Only God; There is no God but the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful." (Al-Baqarah: 163)
ٍ ِ ٍ َّ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ض ُه ْم َعلَى ُ ب ُك ُّل إِلَه ِِبَا َخلَ َق َولَ َع ََل بَ ْع َ َما التَّ َخ َذ هللاُ م ْن َولَد َوَما َكا َن َم َعهُ م ْن إلَه إ ًذا ل َذ َه ِ ض سبحا َن هللاِ ع َّما ي }91 : ص ُف ْو َن{املؤمنون َ َ َ ْ ُ ٍ بَ ْع "God has no children, and there is no other God with him, if there is a God with him, each God will bring the creatures he created, and some of those gods will defeat Some others. Glory be to Allah from what they attribute." (Al-Mu'minuun: 91)
ِ ِ ِ ث ثََلَثٍَة وما ِمن إِلٍَه إََِّّل إِلَه و اح ٌد َوإِ ْن ََلْ يَْن تَ ُه ْوا َع َّما يَ ُق ْولُْو َن ُ لََق ْد َك َفَر الَّذيْ َن قَالُْوا إِ َّن هللاَ ََثل ْ ََ ٌَ ِ ِ }73 : اب أَلِْي ٌم {املائدة ٌ لَيَ َم َّس َّن الَّذيْ َن َك َفُرْوا مْن ُه ْم َع َذ "The Unbelievers are the ones who say: "For Allah is one of three", actually there is no God but one God. If they do not abide from what they say, surely those who disbelieve among them will be overwhelmed with painful punishment." (Al-Maidah: 73)
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, all praise due to Him, no one may obtain this worshipping but Him. Lord of the universe, the only who ever created this universe by all the balance. May his blessing always shine our way toward Him. Pray and peace for the last prophet of the world, which has enlightened the world with the light of Islam, the light of peace, he is our role model and noble example, Muhammad SAW, his family, companions and his followers. By the mercy, blessing, and help of Allah only, the writer could finish writing this simple mini-thesis. The completion of this mini thesis cannot be separated from the contribution and roles of many sides and parts. Thus, the writer would like to express his greatest thanks to: 1.
The Headmasters of Darussalam Modern Islamic Boarding School Gontor; Dr. (H.C.) K.H. Abdullah Syukri Zarkasyi, M.A., K.H. Hasan Abdullah Sahal, K.H. Syamsul Hadi Abdan, S.Ag., who have allowed the writer to study at University of Darussalam Gontor
The Rector of University of Darussalam; Prof. Dr. Amal Fathullah Zarkasyi, M.A., and his vices; Dr. Hamid Fahmy Zarkasy, M.Phil., Dr. Setiawan bin Lahuri, M.A., Dr. Dihyatun Masqon, M.A.,
Dean of Faculty of Ushuluddin; Mr. H. Syamsul Hadi Untung, M.A., M.LS. as well as the supervisor of this mini thesis. May Allah shower His mercy upon Him.
Head of Department of Comparative Religion; Mr. Asep Awaludin, M.Ud. which has given the writer an opportunity to complete his studies at the university and provide an opportunity to complete this mini thesis.
The Chief Guardian of Gontor Campus Three; Drs. K.H. Haryanto Abdul Jalal, and Deputy Director of KMI Campus Three; H. Sunan Autad Sarjana, Lc., who have constantly give spirit and motivation for the sake of completion of this mini thesis.
All lecturers of University of Darussalam for their educations, teaching, guidance and advice during his study in the university.
At last, the author would like to serve his great honor and respect for everyone who has helped and supported him until he completed this mini thesis, may Allah repay and bless them the virtues in their life and hereafter. Only Allah can reward the best for their kindness. May we all have the better world and hereafter. Ameen. Ponorogo, Sya'ban 16 1438 May 13, 2017 Yours faithfully,
Ardhie Pratama Sabhiila
Indonesian Abstract ............................................................................................... i English Abstract .................................................................................................... ii Letter to Dean ...................................................................................................... iii Faculty Certification ............................................................................................ iv Decision Letter of The Team ................................................................................ v Declaration ........................................................................................................... vi Dedication ........................................................................................................... vii Motto .................................................................................................................. viii Acknowledgement ............................................................................................... ix Table of Contents .................................................................................................. x
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study ................................................................................ 1 B. Problem Formulation ................................................................................ 4 C. Purpose of Study ....................................................................................... 5 D. Significance of Study ................................................................................ 5 E. Literature Review...................................................................................... 6 F. Theoretical Framework ............................................................................. 7 G. Research Method ...................................................................................... 9 1. The Type of Research ........................................................................ 9 2. The Technique of Collecting Data (Source of Data) ....................... 10 3. The Method of Analyzing Data ....................................................... 11 H. System of Study ...................................................................................... 13 x
CHAPTER TWO: CHRISTIANITY AND NEW AGE MOVEMENT A. CHRISTIANITY..................................................................................... 15 1. The History of Christianity .............................................................. 15 2. The Source of Teachings of Christianity ......................................... 18 a. The Scriptures ........................................................................... 18 b. The Traditions ........................................................................... 20 3. The Doctrine of Christianity ............................................................ 22 a. Trinity in Christianity ............................................................... 22 b. Angels and Demons .................................................................. 26 c. Heaven and Hell ........................................................................ 28 B. NEW AGE MOVEMENT ...................................................................... 29 1. The Definition of New Age Movement ........................................... 29 2. The History of Development of New Age Movement ..................... 31 3. The Main Doctrine in New Age Movement .................................... 32
CHAPTER THREE: CONCEPT OF GOD IN NEW AGE MOVEMENT AND CRISTIAN CRITISM A. THE DOCTRINE OF NEW AGE MOVEMENT .................................. 35 1. The Concept of God ......................................................................... 35 2. The Concept of Human .................................................................... 36 3. The Concept of Faith........................................................................ 38 4. The Concept of Cosmology ............................................................. 39 5. The Doctrine about The Age of Aquarius ........................................ 40 6. Holistic Health ................................................................................. 42 xi
B. THE CRISTIAN RESPONSES TO THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT.... 45 1. Criticism of Constance Cumbey ...................................................... 45 2. Criticism to Fox Matthew's View .................................................... 49 a. The Creator and the Gift ........................................................... 49 b. The Argument to their Theology .............................................. 53 c. Distinguishing God and Creation.............................................. 55 3. Christian World Response ............................................................... 58
CHAPTER FOUR: CLOSING A. THE RESULT OF STUDY .................................................................... 66 B. SUGGESTION ....................................................................................... 67 C. CLOSING ............................................................................................... 67 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 69