1 #07 31 JANUARI 2011
periodiek van de faculteit bouwkunde | tu Delft
Inhoud 2/3 Nieuws
d We deman to our right y more part time!
Eindejaars borrel 2010 Extreme engineering Floating wind Editorial
4 Nieuws Architecture as a craft Erfgoed en ruimte
5 BK In Focus Solar Decathlon 2012: TU Delft participates
6/7 BK In Depth Stylos Folly‘s genomineerd De vijf nominaties voor de Stylos Prijsvraag gepresenteerd.
8 BK In Focus BK Library matters
9 Project Lightscape between gaps
10 Forum Keep on marching? Cartoon: Thomas de Bos Column: Robert Nottrot
11 Streets of BK Why aren‘t you protesting in The Hague?
12 Agenda
4 floris van der zee “let's hope the story continues and one day jo coenen, Dick van gameren, tony fretton, kees kahn, winy maas, kas oosterhuis and michiel riedijk will be published in one bk city book“
Oproep: heeft u nog oude edities van B nieuws voor ons archief? B Nieuws werkt samen met de Bouwkunde bibliotheek aan de archivering en digitalisering van B Nieuws. Heeft u nog oude edities van B Nieuws of Pentagram liggen? Stuur deze dan nu naar ons op en help ons het B Nieuws archief tot aan de jaren zestig compleet maken! Meer weten over de ontbrekende nummers en hoe u mee helpt:bnieuws.bk.tudelft.nl
B NIEUWs 07 31 januari 2011
happy new year!!!
eindejaars borrel 2010 B Nieuws wenst iedereen veel succes en plezier in 2011!
Gewijzigde tafelnummering BK City Per 1 januari zijn de werkplekken die voorheen gevestigd waren op locatie Drebbelweg verplaatst naar BK City. Daarom heeft een hernummering van de werktafels in BK City plaatsgevonden. De tafels in BK City zijn inmiddels voorzien van nieuwe stickers met tafelnummer. Let dus op deze nieuwe nummering!
Alumni wereldkaart beschikbaar De TU Delft heeft inmiddels al zo’n 45.000 alumni: oude stijl ingenieurs, bachelors en masters of science, en doctoren (PhD). Een uniek, wereldwijd netwerk van afgestudeerden in alle technische disciplines. De TU Delft houdt o.a. contact met haar alumni via de nieuwe interactieve wereldkaart. Op de kaart is te zien waar ter wereld alumni wonen en wat hun afstudeerrichting, leeftijd, nationaliteit enzovoort is. Meer weten? worldofalumni.tudelft.nl
"Well, sure... and one of my most ambitious visions in my new job is to leave my mark and properly replant the entire TU Delft campus... Wiet-ze!!!" by Henning Janssen
Nieuws 3 Extreme Engineering It is often the case that aspiring young architects endeavour to stretch the boundaries of the technically possible in search for new forms and representations in architectural language; Holger Techen is a man who has often made that possible. BK CITY – On the 16th of February Professor Holger Techen from the University of Applied Science Frankfurt will illustrate how these boundaries can and have been broken in his keynote speech entitled 'Extreme Engineering' as part of an afternoon hosted by the department of Building Technology. Techen holds the position of chair at the University of Applied Science Frankfurt for Structural Education and Construction in the architectural department, but he is also a visiting Professor at the TU Delft and one of the directors at the engineering company Imagine Structure. During his career he has worked on an array of projects, but what is most impressive about Techen is that he has worked alongside architec-
Image: Tim Brown Architects
tural offices such as SANAA and Zaha Hadid Architects on their Nordpark railway stations in Innsbruck. The talk by Techen at the BT department will act as a prelude to several other events taking place on the 16th including the official closing of the ‘mirror wall’ exhibition, a talk on the Solar Decathlon project and the presentation of two books:
‘Future Envelope 3’ and ‘Principles of Construction’. ‘Principles of Construction’ has already been published by Birkhauser in both English and German, but the 16th of February will see the launch of a Dutch version of the book by SUN architecture. The book illustrates the fundamentals of architectural technology in a clear and concise manner, so much so that with the translation of the book into Dutch it will be introduced into next year’s architecture bachelor program at the faculty. (SS)
INFO 17:15 Keynote; Holger Techen 17:45 Closing BT exhibition 18:15 Solar Decathlon 18:30 Book launch
FLOATING WIND During WwII the Dutch coastline became an active front and remnants of this can be found in the various MILITARY STRUCTURES scattered along this sandy landscape. IJMUIDEN - While many of these bunkers have been forgotten and buried beneath the soil, one particular bunker in IJmuiden is still in use as a factory and storage site. It became the source for a recent architectural ideas competition won by two students from our faculty of Architecture. The IJbunker is an unfinished fortified harbour built by the German navy. The competition sought new ideas that would allow the full potential of this important monument to be reached. Xing Wang and Matthijs la Roi collaborated in this scheme to create a delicate insertion of a high-class yacht factory with subsequent office space to acknowledge the importance of recreational sailing in the marina where it is located, and added a hotel in order to allow tourists to fully experience the monument.
Expectations Alas! The semester is over and we can all breathe a deep sigh of relief! A month of intense studying with presentations, exams, essays and booklets has finally come to pass, but as one semester ends so another semester begins. Amongst the chaos of previous weeks, it’s hard to believe that much else went on around us, but dive into this fine issue of B Nieuws and believe that the examination period was only a fraction of what went on. Several of our own students won competitions outside of the faculty, the STYLOS folly competition is down to the last five, we had the largest student protest in over twenty years, and someone seems to have came up with the new sign for the faculty during a drunken game of scrabble (who knew that the word architect was in architecture, amazing...?)
inserted structures would be constructed using the same milling process used to create the hull of new sailing yachts, meaning the new factory would build its own products and its own building. While it appears that the project by Xing and Matthijs won’t actually be realised, they will now assume a consultant or advisory role for the future development of the monument that may be set to begin in the near future.
And as we embark on this new spring semester who knows what lies ahead? Students are scrambling for final studio places and speculating on what their new studios will behold. Will the student protests have had any impact on the government’s decision on tuition fees and study reforms? What impact is the new dean Karin Laglas going to make on the faculty? And who is going to win the BK Slim competition? In the future will we be studying in a series of forests designed by Except or will it be a land of Superuse recycled PVC windows? (personally I hope its LA Architecture’s closing loops scheme, but I’m not one to be biased...)
For more info on the project check out makeahybrid.org (SS)
Whatever happens, welcome back, good luck, and enjoy this issue of B Nieuws.
Floating Wind by Xing Wang and Matthijs la Roi
Xing is currently a student assistant at the chair of Hyperbody where Matthijs is also a student. This is strongly reflected in their methodology; this is represented through the use of parametric modelling for the digital design process. The team took the parameter of wind as fundamental element in order to form a light and smooth dynamic structure that would sit delicately in contrast to the original heavy massed concrete bunker. Combined with this, the new structures are hung from the wall of the monument allowing the original form of the bunker to be preserved and in order to reflect the new functions proposed. The
Sean Simpson B Nieuws Editorial Board
B NIEUWs 07 31 januari 2011
Erfgoed en Ruimte Bookpresentation Friday the 4th of February, Prof. ir. Michiel Riedijk (chair of Public Building) will present a new publication in the oostserre. ’Architecture as a Craft’ as the book is called, refers to the same called symposium organised in 2009 at the Faculty of Architecture. BK CITY – A total of 15 essays on todays architectural discipline are bind togheter by the editorship of Riedijk, who also wrote one of them. Contributors like G. Grassi, O.M. Ungers and Sou Fujimoto, among others, present their visions on the craft of the present-day architect. In the publication, three perspectives are chosen to discuss the craft of todays architect. The first perspective is ‘Position’ adopted by the architect in the design and construction process. Next to this, ‘Composition’ of the design and ‘Materialisation’ are being discussed. The symposium organised in 2009, continued upon what was started with the Architectural Positions seminars in 2007. As the publication of this book follows this 4th of February, the story will continue and the ongoing debate continues as well. Two essayists from the publication are asked to give their contribution to the programme of the bookpresentation. Both speakers, Kersten Geers (Office KGDVS) and Jan De Vylder (architecten de vylder vinck taillieu), were also invited to give a lecture during the lecture series held one and a half year before. Worth mentioning is that still each lecture from the 'Architecture as a Craft' symposium can be watched via architecturecraft.nl on collegerama. Interesting about the symposium was the focus on the way architecture is being made nowadays and which strategies, methods and approaches of analysis, design and collaboration can be used in the present complex design process. Maybe even more relevant, was Riedijks question on how to deal with this in the architectural education. The essays of the fifteen architects of worldwide renown, will definitely show interesting and diverse views on the three discussed issues within the book. Although an even more complete and relevant story could have been told if more contributors from within the faculty were chosen as all the different chairs within the department of Architecture have a different vision on how to educate students about the profession of the architect. TU Delft faculty of Architecture offers great possibilities for teachers, researchers and students to explore all visions in the contemporary Architectural and educational debate. The only thing missing, is the clear overview a book could provide. So let's hope the story continues and on day Jo Coenen, Dick van Gameren, Tony Fretton, Kees Kaan, Winy Maas, Kas Oosterhuis and Michiel Riedijk will be published in one BK City book. (FvdZ) 04 February 2011 | 14:00 - 18:30 | Oostserre 14:00 Introduction Prof. ir. Michiel Riedijk 14:30 Lecture Ir.-Arch. Kersten Geers 15:15 Lecture Arch. Jan De Vylder 15:15 Discussion 16:30 Book handover to dean Karin Laglas 16:45 Drinks
Op 15 december 2010 is het onderzoeks- en onderwijsnetwerk Erfgoed en Ruimte van start gegaan. Het is een gezamelijk initiatief van drie Nederlandse universiteiten en de rijksoverheid. BK CITY – Prof.ir. Eric Luiten is herbenoemd tot deeltijdhoogleraar Erfgoed en Ruimtelijk Ontwerp aan de faculteit Bouwkunde, TU Delft. Hij was als hoogleraar Cultuurhistorie en Ontwerp al actief bij de Belvedereleerstoel binnen de faculteit. De Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam en de Universiteit van Wageningen hebben beide een bijzonder hoogleraar aangesteld binnen het nieuwe netwerk. Verder is er bij de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Ergoed een netwerkmanager actief, die het onderzoeks- en onderwijsnetwerk moet faciliteren. In een gesprek met B Nieuws laat Luiten als kersverse hoogleraar Erfgoed en Ruimtelijk Ontwerp weten dat dit initiatief een vervolg is op het nationale Belvedereprogramma dat tien jaar heeft gedraaid. Het programma, dat volgens Luiten succesvol is afgerond, omvatte veel meer dan alleen een onderwijsnetwerk. Om de samenwerking voort te zetten is een verlenging gekregen die benut gaat worden om ook een onderzoeksprogramma op te stellen. Luiten benadrukt het belang van zowel onderzoek als onderwijs: “We bevinden ons in een tijdvak van interpretatie en selectie van gebouwen, stadswijken en landschappen die al bestaan maar die moeten worden herbestemd en herontwikkeld. Deze opgave moet scherp worden gesteld en vraagt dus om onderzoek naar de betekenis van erfgoed in een perspectief van aanpassing en bewerking. Dat ligt uiterst gevoelig in de beleving van leken en dat moeten de professionals zich realiseren. En dus moeten jonge ontwerpers grondig worden voorbereid op de uitdaging van herontwerpen. Dat moeten ze oefenen in hun opleiding.” En dat is relevant voor alle studenten, vertelt Luiten. “Iedereen die zich in zijn studie wil bezinnen op zijn of haar positie ten opzichte van geschie-
denis en cultureel erfgoed moet inhaken. Het heeft implicaties voor architecten, ontwikkelaars, stedebouwkundigen en landschapsarchitecten.” Hij is daarom ook blij dat zijn leerstoel onderdeel is van de groep Landschapsarchitectuur, binnen de afdeling Urbanism. “Ik ben zelf een landschapsarchitect dus ik voel me hier buitengewoon thuis.” En samen met twee medewerkers en vier promovendi, wordt les gegeven in de bachelor en de masterfase. Verder is Luiten als coördinator van ‘Heritage Landscapes’, verantwoordelijk voor het vierde masterkwartaal van de nieuwe afstudeerrichting Landschapsarchitectuur. Voor studenten is de samenwerking binnen het netwerk zichtbaar in het keuzevak ‘Reframe, Reload, Redesign’ dat aankomend vierde kwartaal weer gaat draaien. Het bevat colleges, praktijkexcursies en een centrale opgave voor studenten van de drie universiteiten. Wat betreft het onderzoek zijn er twee sporen. “In ‘Design with History’ analyseren we de wijze waarop ontwerpers met erfgoed omgaan; welke ruimtelijke en architectonische bewerkingen er worden bedacht en getekend. We willen de posities die ontwerpers in deze opgaven innemen beschrijven en vergelijken. Het tweede spoor heet ‘A Wider View’ en gaat over de balans tussen landschapsbescherming en landschapsverandering. Dat is een heikel maatschappelijk onderwerp dat behoorlijk wat nuancering verdient.” Tot slot kan nog worden genoemd dat ook binnen de faculteit wordt samengewerkt. De architectonische en de bouwtechnische kant van erfgoedontwikkeling wordt onderwezen en onderzocht bij de architectuur leerstoel restauratie (RMIT). In een samenwerking tussen de twee leerstoelen loopt nu bijvoorbeeld al een minor ‘Identiteit en Interventie’ en er bestaat de ambitie om de samenwerking verder uit te bouwen. (FvdZ)
TU DELFT PARTICIPATES EVERY TWO YEARS, MADRID IS HOME TO THE TWENTY MOST SUSTAINABLE HOUSES ON THE PLANET. HOUSES THAT RUN EXCLUSIVELY ON SOLAR ENERGY, DESIGNED AND BUILT BY UNIVERSITY STUDENTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD. AND TU DELFT IS – NOW OFFICIALLY – IN. BY MARCELLO SOELEMAN “Basically, we had to show them how smart we are,” says Florian Heinzelmann, one of the responsible tutors for the TU Delft entry. “Them” means the Solar Decathlon organization, who on January 11 has selected the final twenty participants out of a long-list of 53 university teams. To convince the organization to select TU Delft, the Solar Decathlon team in Delft had to hand in a presentation showing TU Delft’s expertise in handling such projects. And four consecutive wins with the Nuna solar car, participating in Formula Student, student projects like Wasub and a myriad of other international projects are very nice bragging material. Add to this that it’s the first ever Dutch application for Solar Decathlon and chances to get selected rise considerably. Getting selected however does mean that TU Delft has to deliver. In a little less than one and a half years, the ‘solar house’ has to be designed, calculated, approved
and built – hopefully ending up winning as well. The team, supervised by Heinzelmann and prof.dr.ing. Patrick Teuffel and some 30 (mostly BK and TBM) students, have not been idle however. The design as it is now is displayed on the right. The Dutch media has also picked up the buzz. Solar Decathlon has already been covered by NOS Headlines (short news items on TV), newspaper De Volkskrant and radio station 3FM, amongst others. To further spread the name and fame of the TU Delft team, it’s present with a stand on the coming Bouwbeurs: the international building fair held in the Jaarbeurs Utrecht from 7 to 12 February. The first submission for Madrid has to be in by 2 March, which marks the first official deadline for the team. Promising exciting times as the design is developed further, new members for the team are still welcome. If you’re interested, send an e-mail to
[email protected]
DESIGN: ReVolt House The concept design for the TU Delft Solar Decathlon entry highlights a typically Dutch way of dealing with water. Building on water is a theme which is being heavily explored in The Netherlands, also of course for its sustainable potentials. Therefore, a boat house as a showcase for a solar energy competition was a logical consequence.
A building on water can move. The house is designed to rotate on the spot, following the motion of the sun, optimizing solar gain both in summer and in winter. The closed façades catch the sun in summer, preventing the scorching Madrid sun to enter the house. In winter, the house rotates 90 degrees, exposing the glazed sides to the sun, warming up the interior. PV cells on the roof provide electricity and hot water. Passive heating and cooling is a major theme running throughout the design: in the interior, a moist sand wall provides evaporative cooling in summer as well as thermal mass, which warms up the house in winter. The principle is based on the Zeer pot, displayed below.
THE SOLAR DECATHLON COMPETITION In 2002, the first Solar Decathlon competition was initiated by the US Department of Energy, organizing the first editions bianually in Washington DC. The competition in Madrid marks the second edition of the Solar Decathlon Europe, following the 2010 edition. The name ‘Solar Decathlon’ refers to the ten different contests the solar house will be competing in, listed below. Most of the contests will be assigned by a jury while three of them will be assigned by measurements, taken inside the house, during the competition week. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Contest Contest points Architecture 120 Engineering & Construction 80 Energy Efficiency 100 Electrical Energy Balance 120 Comfort Conditions 120 House Functioning 120 Communication / Social Awareness 80 Industrialization / Market Viability 80 Innovation 80 Sustainability 100
For more information, visit: sdeurope.org solardecathlon.tudelft.nl (to be updated)
Section + Plan
Assigned by Jury Jury Jury Measure Measure Measure Jury Jury Jury Jury
OP VRIJDAG 7 JANUARI WAS HET DAN ZOVER, DE DEADLINE VOOR DE STYLOS PRIJSVRAAG. DE OPDRACHT WAS OM EEN FOLLY TE ONTWERPEN DAT GEBOUWD MOET GAAN WORDEN OP HET VOORPLEIN. NADAT OM 19.00 UUR DE LAATSTE ONTWERPEN BINNENKWAMEN, WERD DE DAG BEËINDIGD MET 18 INZENDINGEN. DOOR MATTHIJS HAAK Een week later stonden de ontwerpen klaar om gejureerd te worden door een vakkundige jury, bestaande uit decaan Karin Laglas, hoogleraren Andy van den Dobbelsteen, Dick van Gameren en Thijs Asselbergs, voorzitter Welstand en monumentencommissie Rens Schulze en de afgevaardigden van Stylos, Linda de Geus en Matthijs Haak. De taak van de jury was om een vijftal plannen te selecteren voor de volgende ronde: een besloten projectprijsvraag in de vorm van een eenmalig ontwerpproject. Na een succesvolle juryronde presenteert de Prijsvraagcommissie van Stylos hier de vijf geselecteerde plannen.
TEAM 034 – Caspar van der Zanden Underneath the Cherry Blossom Tree Het motto van dit ontwerp is: ‘Dag en nacht, binnen en buiten: duurzaam werken aan een CO2-neutrale toekomst’. Zittend onder een kersenboom werken jonge studenten samen aan een CO2-neutrale toekomst. Door het maken van eenvoudige trapbewegingen worden accu’s opgeladen. De opgewekte elektriciteit kan vervolgens worden gebruikt om bijvoorbeeld een laptop op te laden. De kersenboom in dit ontwerp staat symbool voor het welbekende Cradle to Cradle-concept. “Een kersenboom produceert geen afval, maar verrijkt zijn hele omgeving.” Naast deze symbolische betekenis biedt de boom ook schaduw in de zomer en draagt hij bij aan een aangename sfeer.
TEAM 035 – Anton Zoetmulder, Justin Liem en Marianne Neijts BK City is een stad zonder park. Om dichter bij de natuur te komen, maakt dit ontwerp een connectie met het voor Bouwkunde gelegen park. De folly wordt hierin de schakel tussen het park en Bouwkunde. Richting Bouwkunde en het park worden de klinkers van het plein weggehaald. De banen die overblijven, worden bezaaid met verschillende zaden. Deze zullen in de loop van 5 jaar steeds verder opbloeien. Dit wordt BK City Park. De folly wordt geheel opgebouwd uit de weggehaalde klinkers. In de buitenste laag wordt ruwe mortel gebruikt, die gemengd is met aarde en zaadjes. In de loop van vijf jaar zullen er steeds meer plantjes tussen de klinkers vandaan groeien. De natuur neemt de folly over. Uit de folly worden delen uitgezaagd zodat er een functie aan het gebouwtje gegeven kan worden zoals bijvoorbeeld een expositieruimte.
7 TEAM 026 – Thom Schreuder Het voorplein van het faculteitsgebouw was ooit een ruim, groen en monumentaal plein. Toen Bouwkunde zijn intrek nam, trad een versobering op. De fietsenstallingen, een noodzakelijk kwaad, maakten van het plein een vlakte met een warboel van fietsen en losse stoeltjes. De opdracht een folly te ontwerpen dient dan ook te worden aangegrepen om het plein wat van zijn oude glorie terug te geven. Een kans om het plein ruimer, groener en meer monumentaal te maken.
TEAM 007 – Jos Reinders en Joshua Boyd Het voorplein van de faculteit is op dit moment slechts een verkeersroute, gekenmerkt door een zee van fietsen en enkele verdwaalde stoelen. Wat het voorplein nodig heeft is een object dat een nieuw middelpunt van het plein vormt. Het moet een hotspot worden waar studenten elkaar ontmoeten, lunchen of studeren.
De ontworpen folly is geplaatst zodat deze in het oog springt vanaf het bordes maar ook vanaf de weg goed zichtbaar is. Vanaf het plein onttrekt de folly de fietsenstallingen achter zich uit het zicht. Het is mogelijk om in de folly te zitten op bankjes gemaakt van bagagedragers. Aan de achterzijde van de folly zijn vijf fietsenstallingen gemaakt van omgekeerde fietsen, die ook voor het funderen van de folly zijn gebruikt. De begroeide folly vormt een poort, die je beschut onder een dak van fietsen en bladeren naar de weg brengt.
Naast deze sociale functie moet het object STYLOS en de faculteit representeren. Dit kan verwezenlijkt worden door meerdere activiteiten die in en rondom de folly plaats kunnen vinden, zoals tentoonstellingen. Gedreven door deze ambities en de eisen uit het wedstrijdprogramma is gekozen om een folly op te trekken uit oude zeecontainers. Deze containers dragen bij aan de constructie en duurzaamheid van de folly. Het verschuiven van de containers ten opzichte van elkaar versterkt gebruik van verschillende containers. Door deze containers vervolgens ook te verzinken in de grond is niet alleen de kern van de container begaanbaar, maar kan ook het dak gebruikt worden.
TEAM 048 – Martin Fiala en Aldrin van Loon Een sculpturaal, golvend element zwevend boven de grond. De vorm komt tot stand door kabels die trekken aan het element en het contact met de grond minimaliseren. Deze dissociatie van de grond geeft het ontwerp ook zijn karakter, absoluutheid en versterkt zijn contouren. Afgezet tegen de rationaliteit van de oude gevel springt dit tijdelijke en expressieve element er duidelijk uit en creëert daardoor, mede dankzij de unieke plek, een focuspunt op het plein.
Voor een uitgebreidere toelichting op deze, maar ook alle andere inzendingen, zie www.stylos.nl. Ook het juryrapport met de bevindingen van de jury omtrent alle ontwerpen is hier te vinden.
Door het gebruik van simpele en lichte materialen speelt het ontwerp ook in op het thema duurzaamheid. De enige materialen die gebruikt worden zijn staalkabels, hout en bouwkundig zeil. Het object is ontworpen om eenvoudig in elkaar te zetten en uiteindelijk ook makkelijk weer af te breken. Ook het onderhoud aan deze folly is daarom beperkt tot een minimum.
8 in focus
B NIEUWs 01 januari 2010
bk library matters
B Nieuws visited library committee chairman Dion Kooijman and Architecture Library account manager Anke Versteeg to discuss recent developments concerning the Architecture Library, the recent user’s survey and the library’s future. by Anna Ghijs BK CITY – Rumors circulating last October that the Architecture Library might disappear in the next wave of budget cuts were confirmed when a user’s survey was announced shortly thereafter. The email accompanying the request to fill in the online questionnaire stated that “The financial review agenda of TU Delft and the faculty’s tighter financial framework causes the faculty to even reconsider the Architecture Library’s right to exist.” The news was met at the faculty with incredulity and disbelief, as the library was considered a mainstay by many. The reaction by staff and students, typically impassive, was now replaced with an awakened activism. The opportunity to vent feelings on the matter presented itself in the survey. As a result, a whopping 1244 responses rolled in, translating to roughly a third of the entire faculty community, a huge increase from the 195 responses to the same survey two years earlier. The response was not just overwhelming in terms of numbers but also in terms of positive feedback. Anke Versteeg: “More than 400 people made use of the option to add comments at the end of the questionnaire. The majority was insistent on the library being an integral part of the faculty and highly critical of the possibility of its disappearing. We received comments such as: ‘it’s unthinkable that the library should disappear’ and repeatedly ‘the library must stay!’” The average rating given to the library was an 8, compared to a 7 on the 2008 survey. Conclusion: the Architecture community is attached to its own library. In the organizational structure of the TU, the Architecture Library is part of the TU Library system
TU Delft Architecture Library
and is for the most part subject to TU Library policy. A diminishing budget together with an e-only ethos based on the rise of digital media set the TU Library on a new course in 2004: close as many faculty libraries as possible and centralize all collections. The Architecture Faculty resisted this development from the start. Architecture’s separate status was acknowledged by the relevant bodies of the TU Delft two years ago in response to the findings of the first survey. The use of paper sources and the open access of books and journals on
INFO Architecture Library Committee members: RE&H: Dion Kooijman (chairman) Architecture: Willemijn Wilms Floet Building Technology: Wim Kamerling Urbanism: Leo van den Burg History/IHAAU: Reinout Rutte Student member: Quirijn Petersen Information Specialist Architecture: Ad Bercht. Library Accounts Manager: Anke Versteeg
the library´s shelves are innate to the faculty´s habitat, but the recent budget cuts are a possible breech of this position. The e-only policy, which dictates that real books only can be bought when digital versions are not available, may be logical for other technical faculties where a high volume of literature is published electronically, but is not realistic for the Architecture Faculty. Kooijman: “There are but few examples of e-books and digital sources in our field. Additionally, this faculty has a ‘browsing’ culture. Students and staff want to be able to ‘freely associate’ in the library and be able to stumble upon new avenues of thought and ideas.” One survey respondent put it succintly, quoting Picasso: “je ne cherche pas, je trouve!” The Architecture Library Committee has been actively representing the interests of the faculty library since the move towards centralization in 2004. With representatives from all faculty departments, a student member and a close cooperation with TU Library Accounts Manager Anke Versteeg, the committee concerns
itself with all issues related to the library. This includes collection content, library acquisitions as well as the integration of information skills training in the Bachelor and Master courses. Kooijman stresses the importance of information skills for students and researchers: “Information skills are made up of two important aspects: searching for sources and properly referencing those sources. Currently, the use of images and texts from third-parties in one’s own work is wide-spread. Without correct referencing to sources, plagiarism can easily take place.” It seemed as though disaster was averted when the announcement was made late in the fall of 2010 that the library would remain in place. But for how long was its continued existence guaranteed? Was it possible that BK City climbed down from the barricades too soon? According to Versteeg, the library has funding for at least another two years. One can conclude that continued vigilance by the Architecture community is necessary to ensure that the Architecture Library remains.
Project 9 A typical urban block in Kowloon, Hong Kong, showing the dark sides of buildings Vertical urban development in Hong Kong
Bringing sunlight into the gaps between buildings using reflective surfaces at different sunlight angles
Flattening and crystallizing the reflective surfaces
Lightscape between gaps Inspired by his memories of living in hong kong, Joe wu, a student at the why factory, entered into the velux Daylight competition 2010. his project aims to bring daylight into narrow spaces between buildings ANd won second prize. BY JOE WU Windows facing walls The window as an opening interface communicating between the internal and the external has a special definition in Hong Kong’s extreme vertical urban development. Density influences the direction of Hong Kong’s urban environment and windows with NO VIEWS and FACING WALLS are not rare in Hong Kong. A view is expensive; the idea of framing a view from a window seems impossible in Hong Kong. Site The site is a typical block in Kowloon, Hong Kong, with the dimensions of 50 by 120 metres. Every building has one side facing the street and three sides facing walls. The gap between buildings ranges from 3 to 5 metres wide. To encourage urban renewal, developers get more plot ratio to make the buildings progressively taller. The situation of FACING WALLS will thus become more important in the future. Sunlight analysis Taking the 5 metre gap between buildings as an example, we analyzed the changing angle of sunlight during the four seasons and the size of windows on the dark side in order to see how sunlight can be reflected into these spaces. A reflecting system providing sunlight for the dark sides makes sure every room has sunlight and also provides awareness of the passing time. Flattening and crystallizing According to sunlight, location and building mass, the reflective component is shaped by the analysis of window position and window size. After crystallizing the reflective component, it is transformed to become a new pattern on the wall, reflecting the sunlight towards the dark side. The componenents can be small, and computerized production allows application even when the situation of every building is completely different. Windows on the dark side facing the wall can now receive natural sunlight.
For more information on Joe's project go to tinyurl.com/ veluxaward
Renderings of interior spaces in the gaps between buildings, with reflected sunlight pouring in
10 forum COLUMN
Nieuw begin De rituelen van de arbeid worden in de winter even gestopt; te kort om er van te genieten en lang genoeg om op te zien tegen opnieuw beginnen. Op de 14de verdieping, vanachter een nat raam, beschouw ik een week lang de wereld buiten. In de sneeuw kleuren de wegen zwarter naarmate deze intenser verkeer verwerken moeten. Tijdens de dooi blijven juist de voetpaden langer wit dan de omgeving. Grafische representaties van de logistiek van mijn buurt. In het nieuwe jaar heet de nieuwe fries van blauwe letters mij welkom: ARCH / HI / HITEC / TECTURE / TU (met vlam) / ARCHITECT (zonder vlam?) / ARCHITECTURE / ARCHITECTURE (met vlam?) De A en de R, links, wijzen de weg naar Architecture en RMIT, de U en de R, rechts, naar Urbanism en Real Estate. BK Slim! BK City heeft intussen een nieuwe burgemeester. Zij spreekt haar burgers toe en bekent terloops dat zij haar eerste uitglijder al heeft gemaakt. Thuis, in de sneeuw. Fijn, dat BK City sneeuwvrij is. Ik ervaar haar toespraak met gevoelens van sympathie - “ik ga eerst met iedereen kennismaken en goed luisteren“ - en ben mij waarschijnlijk daarom bewust van een zekere kilte: waar is onze voormalige burgemeester? Moet hij de ambtsketen niet overdragen aan onze nieuwe ‘First Lady‘? Mijn medeburgers terugzien is een warme douche! De vele goede wensen voor 2011 beloven een bijzonder jaar. Enkele dagen later nodig ik mijn vrouw en über-griekse schoonzus uit voor een koffie in espressobar *k. Zij zijn enthousiast over de entourage en verklaren mij gezegend: “zo een inspirerende werkomgeving, zo veel energie van de creatieve jonge bevolking!“ Hun blije reactie op onze faculteit sijpelt als helder, warm water in het lauwe, grauwe sop van het bad waarin ik net wentel. De ogen van vrouw en schoonzus openen de mijne. Even ben ik trots op onze grote, vette, blauwe, knipperende en stralende ARCHITECTURE. Dankjewel, oude burgemeester. Nieuwe decaan, succes! Medeburgers, beter nu dan nooit, een gezond en voorspoedig 2011! Robert Nottrot is docent Architectuur en Vormstudie en curator van ACaP
B NIEUWs 07 31 januari 2011
Deep-rooted sentiments? Interesting views? Use forum as your discussion platform! Send your articles and letters to
[email protected]. Texts may be edited for length or clarity.
Keep on marching? Political unrest, protests, marching and online petitioning, it’s all becoming bit of a theme these days, and who would be surprised given the way governments across Europe and further afield are relentlessly slashing public spending, quite often at the expense of much more than they can possibly fathom. It certainly appears that this is the case when it comes to alterations being proposed with regards to higher education, and this is particularly so when we examine our very own evolving situation. Such potential reforms have been greeted with inevitable mass protests and several outbreaks of violence in the last few months. In Britain mass public protests have been followed by the occupation of University buildings by students refusing to leave until proposed changes are re-thought; and who can forget the biggest student demonstration in the Netherlands since 1988 only ten days ago in the Malieveld. Now that these governments have heard our voices and understood that we will not sit back and watch our education be undermined, they will each do the just act and reverse those changes that have been put in motion. The Liberal Democrats in Britain will stick to their election pledge and stop the increase in tuition fees to a potential nine thousand pounds per year. Mark Rutte will recall the fact that he and other members of his cabinet took a little bit longer to finish their studies than the prescribed amount, and will allow Dutch students to continue to study as long as is necessary without the burden of accumulating excessive amounts of debt... Eh, well no, sadly I don’t think these changes are going to occur. I never like to be so pessimistic, especially not in times of such serious crisis, but it looks to be pretty certain at this stage that such proposed changes to higher education will be implemented in the very near future, and it doesn’t seem like there is much we can do to prevent it.
In a recent study on political marching Michael Goldfarb illustrated historically what it took to bring around serious change through political marching. He cited the most famous examples such as Mahatma Ghandi in India, Martin Luther King in America, and student protests in the 60’s, and asks whether or not the protests of today can bring around change in a similar fashion. These protests of yesteryear where those of passion and determination, instigated by people who understood the intricacies of their context and the sacrifices necessary for change. I wonder if those leading todays protests for students around Europe have the same charisma and philosophy? Sadly, I don't think so...Commenting on making our voices heard and letting politicians know we disagree, Goldfarb remarks rather sarcastically, ‘yes, well, thank you for sharing’.
So if we really want to halt the proposed reforms to higher education and preserve our ability to study for that little bit extra, then we have to ask ourselves, beyond standing in the Malieveld and making our voices heard, what is it going to take to halt the ensuing budget cuts? One thing for sure is that it is going to take a lot more than making our voices heard and clicking the ‘like’ button on facebook. So I would like to ask, is there anyone out there that can evoke a provocative movement like none we have seen before? What would people be willing to sacrifice in their personal lives and academic life in order to preserve our education system? I think it’s about time we stepped back and asked ourselves these questions, otherwise it only seems a token gesture to keep on marching.
Sean Simpson
Drinking Strike by Thomas de Bos
Ana Skauwkova, MSc1 Urbanism I’m not going because I don’t feel personally concerned. I have heard it is mostly the Dutch students who study too long that are effected. As an EU student, these measures should not impact me too much, otherwise I would have gone.
Walter Brouwer, MSc3 Architecture I won’t be going to The Hague as I still have to arrange some things regarding my graduation. Otherwise, I would probably have gone. I do support the students and I have had good experiences with the current system, but I also see the other point of view.
Marieke Dijksma, MSc1 Architectural Engineering I’m not going because there's a deadline today. It’s as simple as that. But if that wasn’t the case, I would have gone. It’s important to have your voice heard. At this point, I’m on schedule with my studies, so I wouldn’t do it for personal reasons, but I’ll go abroad next semester, and I really don’t want to be held up and be punished if I don’t get all the credits there.
Sheneequa van Lieshout, BSc1 I support the protest, but unfortunately I have a lot of other work to do, right now I have a lecture about an upcoming exam. The plans do not affect me yet, but I imagine in the future, if I fall behind, I would not benefit under the proposed reform. That is why I support the protest.
B Nieuws is a three-weekly periodical of the Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft.
0031 (0) 6 347 443 25
[email protected] bnieuws.wordpress.com b-nieuws.bk.tudelft.nl issuu.com/bnieuws
Editorial Advice Board Marten Dashorst Ania Molenda Robert Nottrot Linda de Vos
Faculty of Architecture, BK City, Delft University of Technology Julianalaan 134, 2628 BL Delft room BG.Midden.140
Editorial Board Anne de Haij Sean Simpson Peter Smisek Marcello Soeleman Floris van der Zee
Cover illustration arcHItecture photo by Marcello Soeleman Print Drukkerij Tan Heck, Delft
Michael Tjia, BSc6 One and a half years ago I did an internship in an office in Alkmaar. Now one of the buildings they worked on was the renovation of a court building which is now finished. They invited me to the opening ceremony, so that’s where I’ll be going. I’ve known about this for quite a long time, so I didn’t give much though to attending the protest if I had the time.
Roel Rennen, MSc2 Hybrid I’m not going even though I support the cause. As fate will have it, I have long booked a weekend break, before I knew when this protest was taking place and it has priority. Many of my friends are going and I would join them if I could. I’ll be finishing school quite soon, but I think it is not fair to others who are already studying and will bear the increased financial burden they were not aware of.
Maarten Caspers MSc1 Urbanism/Achitecture I have an exam now, and today is almost the last opportunity to take it. The exam finishes at 4 o’clock, so I won’t be going to the protest. Had the exam been yesterday, I would have gone protesting, since I am also the chairman of the Student Council at the faculty. But I would have gone even if I wasn’t.
Contributors Thomas de Bos Anna Ghijs Henning Janssen Robert Nottrot Joe Wu Matthijs Haak
Mihaela Radescu MSc1 Public Territory I would go, but I have a deadline for Building Technology. I know it might effect me next year. I would like to say: “Come on guys, it’s almost 2012 and it won’t do much until then...”
Illustrations only in *.tif, *.eps or *.jpg format, min 300 dpi
Unsollicited articles can have a maximum of 500 words, announcements 50 words. The editorial board has the Next deadline right to shorten and edit Wednesday February 16, articles, or to refuse articles 12.00 PM that have an insinuating, B Nieuws 8, 21 February 2011 discriminatory or vindicatory
character or contain unnecessary coarse language. The editorial board informs the author(s) concerning the reason for its deciscion, directly after it has been made.
agenda B NIEUWs 07 31 Januari 2011
Week 07 Thesis Defence
R.G. Mierop
14.02.2011 R.G. Mierop will present his thesis defence with the Dutch title ‘Organisatorische condities voor een wendbare overheid. Het ruimtelijk beleid als context’. Aula TU Delft/ 12:30 bk.tudelft.nl
Thesis Defence
W.J. Quist
14.02.2011 Thesis defence by W.J. Quist about materialisation during restoration projects called: “Vervanging van witte Belgische steen; Materiaalkeuze bij restauratie.” Aula TU Delft/ 15:00 bk.tudelft.nl
Week 05 Lecture
Baugruppe & Groepswoningbouw 03.02.2011 In the Netherlands, ”Collectief opdrachtgeverschap” (CPO) has not really taken off. However, in Belgium and Germany, these small scale developments where the future inhabitants form a collective and bypass the developer are more common. Architects Sven Grooten from Antwerp, Christoph Roedig and Ulrich Schop from Berlin as well as journalist Vincent Krompier will share their experiences. Dependance/ Rotterdam/ 20:00/ €3 for students nai.nl
Capita Selecta: Radicalizing the Local 03.02.2011 Sumita Sinha (India) is an ecological architect who has worked in India, Venezuela, Serbia, France, Spain and the United Kingdom. Recently she has set up Charushila, a small charity promoting culturally appropriate sustainable architecture. Architecture Academy/ Amsterdam/ 20:00 ahk.nl/bouwkunst
Book Launch
Architecture as a Craft 04.02.2011 Architecture as a Craft’ is a series of 15 essays that presents a vision of the architectural discipline. It goes in search of the very essence of the field; the craft. The book is based on a symposium of the same name, organised by the Faculty of Architecture TU Delft in 2009. Oostserre/ BK City/ 14:00 - 18:30 bk.tudelft.nl
Week 06 Lecture
Michel Heesen en SVDH-architecten 07.02.2011 AIR Start-up provides a podium for youg architects and offices to present their work and underlying motivations. The lecture is in Dutch. Dependance/ Rotterdam/ 20:00 airfoundation.nl
The 5th AESOP Young Academics Network Meeting 2011 16.02.2011 - 18.02.2011 The AESOP Young Academics Network Meeting is an annual event organised by the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) and Young Academics (YA) Network. It aims to bring together young planning scholars, who have just recently entered the academic world BK City ya2011.tudelft.nl
spotlight! Minor “House of The Future” Exhibition For the second time, the students from the Dwelling/Modelling minor “House of the Future produced” a collection of architectural models of past houses of the future on a scale 1:33 that illustrate the different technological and spatial dwelling prototypes. This exhibition showcases these designs and provides the viewers with background and analysis. Zuidserre (Modelling hall) until 4 February 2011
Building Technology: presentations, lecture and exhibition
08.02.2011 Each month, a renowned architect is invited to speak about his or her work. This time, Freek Persyn of the Brussels ofiice 51N4E takes the floor. The evening is in Dutch. De Brakke Grond/ Amsterdam/ 20:15/ €7,50 for students arcam.nl
16.02.2011 This afternoon event includes a lecture by Holger Techen, presentation of the Solar Decathlon project, opening of the new BT permanent exhibition and a book presentation of 3 books by the department. BT Department/ 01.West.060/ 17:00 - 18:30 bk.tudelft.nl
ARCAM/ Amsterdam/ until 19 February 2011/ arcam.nl
Hella Jongerius - Misfit
Freek Persyn (51N4E)
Study Day
Forum study day: Public housing 3.0 10.02.2011 This study day follows on from the recent study day entitled ‘The future of housing corporations’. This time, the theme being studied is the housing market in the current political context and EU regulations. Zaal B/ BK City/ 16:00 - 20:00/ €10 for students/ RSVP by 03.02.2011 forum-vhv.nl
Exhibition Swimming to Manhattan
Club Céramique
NAi Maastricht/ until 13 February 2011/ bureau-europa.nl
Urban Area Development Practice Conference
Boijmans van Beuningen/ Rotterdam/ until 13 February 2011/ boijmans.nl
17.02.2011 Minister Schultz van Haegen will talk about the role of the government in Urban Area Development and discuss this topic with professionals from the field. Stadion Galgenwaard Utrecht / 09:00 - 16:30 bk.tudelft.nl
Berlage Totaal
Gemeentemuseum/ Den Haag/ until 27 February 2011/ gemeentemuseum.nl
Wiel Arets Architects: Stills
SCHUNCK Glaspaleis/ Heerlen/ until 13 February 2010/ glaspaleis.nl