DATA SHEET Proximity Switch 12/24V (MOTION SENSOR) – product number 00234
Product characteristic Proximity Switch (motion sensor) is designed to be used in KLUS LED Linear fixtures. It is dedicated for switching LED lights on and off without the need of touching any switch. It is dedicated for applications that require very high hygiene standards such as: laboratories, hospital operating rooms. The switch guaranties safety while turning the light on in the bathroom with wet hands or any other applications where you may not physically want to touch the switch. * We do not advise to install motion sensor (proximity switch) above the stove top. Hot air can trigger the sensor. * We also do not advise to install motion sensor near curtains. Draft of air can move the curtain and as a result trigger the sensor.
Technical specification Function Voltage Maximum Current Standby Power Consumption Dimensions Detection distance depending on the cover type and skin complexion Operational temperature range Ready to work
switch on/off 12-24V 4A, 48W/12V; 98W/24V 0.02W/12V; 0.04W/24V 43 x 11 (10.8) x 3 (with adhesive tape) 3 - 8 cm -20°C...+55°C 3 seconds after power on
Product complies with RoHS directive
05-502 Piaseczno – Kamionka / Świerkowa 6 / NIP: PL 123-000-58-69 / POLAND / Customer Service:
[email protected] / (Ph./fax.) + 48 22 757 40 51
PRODUKTOVÁ KARTA – BEZDOTYKOVÝ VYPÍNAý Bezdotykový vypínaþ 12/24V – katalogové þíslo 00234 CharakteriVtika produktu: Bezdotykový vypínaþ (senzor pohybu) slouåí k bezdotykovému zapínání a vypínání osvČtlení ve svítidlech a profilech Firmy KluĞ. Vyuåití najde v prostorech, kde je vyåadován nejvyšší stupeĖ hygieny, jako operaþní sály, laboratoĜe, ale také kuchynČ. ý Vypínaþ garantuje naprosté bezpeþí pĜi zapínaní osvČtlení mokrýma rukama, napĜíklad %H]GRW\NRYêY\StQDþ9±NDWDORJRYpþtVOR v koupelnČ. Bezdotykový vypínaþ nabízí vysoký uåivatelský komfort v kuchyních. UmoåĖuje rychlé a bezpeþné zapnutí osvČtlení v prĤbČhu práce, þasto zneþištČnýma rukama. Nedoporuþujeme instalovat bezdotykový vypínaþ pĜímo nad kuchyĖský sporák, protoåe teplý vzduch má jiný souþinitel lomu svČtla. To mĤåe mít za následek nechtČné spínání vypínaþe v systému on/off. PĜi instalaci rovnČå poþítejte s moåností ovlivnČní funkce senzoru blízkými záclonami nebo závČsy. Ty se mĤåou nekontrolovanČ pĜiblíåit do snímaného prostoru bezdotykového vypínaþe a ovlivĖovat jeho þinnost. Technická Vpecifikace: þ
Funkce Pracovní napČtí Maximální proud OdbČr výkonu v reåimu STANDBY RozmČry Vzdálenost detekce pohybu v závislosti od difuzoru Pracovní teplota Vypínaþ je pĜipraven
vypínaþ on/off 12 – 24V 4A, 48W/12V; 98W/24V 0.02W/12V; 0.04W/24V 43 x 11 (10.8) x 3 (s lepicí páskou) 3 – 8cm -20°C...+55°C 3s po zapnutí napájení
Produkt je v souladu s normou RoHS KLUŚ DESIGN Jablunkovská 14a 737 01 Český Tešín
[email protected] www.klusdesign.cz tel: +420 776 100 983
SOLDERING INSTRUCITONS Soldering power cable to Micro Switch 12/24V and Proximity Switch 12/24V. Wire Preparation. 1. In order to solder wire to the Micro/ Proximity Switch board, remove the wire insulation from the Red/Black Zip Cord. 2. Use wire stripper to precisely remove 3-4mm of insulation from the two cables simultaneously (Fig. 1, 2)
(Fig. 1)
(Fig. 2)
3. You can also pull the two cables apart and remove the insulation from each of them individually. 4. If the copper strand pulls apart during the insulation removal, spin them back together and coat with tin. Tinning the insulated cable: 5. 6. 7. 8.
Apply soldering flux on the insulated cable Heat the insulated cable with the tip of soldering iron for a few seconds Continue heating while applying solder Move the tip of the iron along the insulated cable so that it is covered in solder (Fig. 3, 4)
(Fig. 3)
(Fig. 4)
9. Remove access amount of molted solder 10. The insulated cables should have a metallic sheen finish. Lack of sheen indicates that the tin was overheated. To fix, add the solder and remove the excessive amount. 11. Make sure the insulated cables are totally covered with tin. (Fig. 5, 6) 12. The length of tinned cables should be 3-4mm (Fig. 7)
(Fig. 5)
(Fig. 6)
(Fig. 7) Soldering power cable to the switch board: 13. On the PCB board locate “+”positive and “-“ negative soldering spots 14. Apply a small amount of soldering flux on the joints 15. Heat the joints “+” and “-“with the tip of the iron for a few seconds while applying a short length of solder to the joint. (Fig. 8,9) It is important to apply an appropriate amount of solder. Too much solder may cause short circuits with adjacent joints. Too little may not fully form a working connection joint. Sufficient amount of solder should create a small convex layer.
(Fig. 8)
(Fig. 9)
16. Place the soldered tips of Red/Black Zip Cord on the “+” and “-” joints accordingly (red above the“+” and black above the “-“). (Fig. 10, 11)
17. Press the tip of the iron against the soldered cords. The heat melts the tin applied on the joints soldering the cables to the switch board. Remove the iron and allow the joints to cool. (Fig. 12, 13 and 14)
(Fig. 13)
(Fig. 14)
It is important not to move the cable during the cooling time. Misplacing the cable may sufficiently weaken the soldering process causing the cable to disattach from the switch board. During a long soldering process the tin on the joints may become matte and hard to solder. To fix, apply a small amount of soldering flux. NOTES: -
Do NOT APPLY too much solder. It may cause short circuits with adjacent joints. Wires NEED TO be soldered to the designated soldering spots. Wires CANNOT be covered with an excessive amount of tin or touch nearby electrical elements and other soldering spots.