Program overview 16-Dec-2015 10:11 Year Organization Education
Code Bachelor IO 2012 Propedeuse IO 2012 IO1011 IO1020-12 IO1032 IO1042 IO1051 IO1061 IO1071 IO1082
2e jaar BSc IO 2012 IO2011 IO2022 IO2031 IO2041 IO2051 IO2060-12 IO2071 IO2081
3e jaar BSc IO 2012 IO3010 IO3020 IO3029 IO3030 IO3040 IO3045 IO3050 IO3060 IO3085 IO3900
2012/2013 Industrial Design Engineering Bachelor Industrial Design Engineering
Omschrijving Bachelor ID 2012 1st Year BSc ID 2012
PO1, Introductie IDE Ergonomics and Consumer Behaviour Products in Action Design and Experience PO2, Concept Design Business, culture and technology Mechanical Engineering Design Research and design
7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5
2nd Year BSc ID 2012 PO3, Fuzzy front end Product Dynamics Strategic product innovation Manufacturing and Design PO4, Embodiment and Detail Design Interaction and Electronics Technological Product Optimization Modelling
7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5
3rd Year BSc ID 2012 Cross Media Interaction Design Design and Cultural Impact Social Cohesion Design Design Visualisation Software Video for Designers Mechatronics Creating in Project Teams Design Didactics BSc Final Project
7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 15
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Year Organization Education
2012/2013 Industrial Design Engineering Bachelor Industrial Design Engineering
Bachelor IO 2012
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Year Organization Education
2012/2013 Industrial Design Engineering Bachelor Industrial Design Engineering
Propedeuse IO 2012
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IO1011 Course Coordinator Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language
Course Language
Ergonomics and Consumer Behaviour
Products in Action
1 1 none Dutch
IO1020-12 Course Coordinator Education Period Start Education Exam Period
PO1, Introductie IDE R. Wormgoor
Ir. I.A. Ruiter 1 1 1 2 Dutch
IO1032 Course Coordinator Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language
Ir. E.J.J. van Breemen 2 2 2 3 Dutch
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IO1042 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Study Goals
Design and Experience
G.N. Bruens A-vak 2 2 2 3 English Introduction: This course consists of several different projects, each dealing with underlying motives that constitute product design. Designing a product is more than just providing the right aesthetic qualities. Form and color provide us with qualities that directly relate to our emotions. We can read these qualities and experience a specific product character. The shape of a product also relates to our culture. A product expresses our general cultural context, as well as the more specific culture of the user (think of "lifestyle"). Products even express the culture of the designer, who's role it is to conquer the new cultural values of tomorrow. The key questions for this course are: 1. What underlying dimensions regarding the human perception and experience are of influence to the shape of a product? 2. How do you get a grip on these dimensions? 3. What societal role does a product play for its user? 4. How is the perception, experience and appreciation for a products influenced by social / cultural / technological developments? 5. How can a products shape and color be developed, and what techniques can the designer use for that purpose? Study goals / competencies Aesthetics: - The student is capable to see the formal characteristics of a given shape as a kind of language that can be (re)used and manipulated to serve different goals: - The student is capable to manipulate form language in relation to purely aesthetic references. - The student is capable to manipulate form language in relation to cultural, emotive and functional references. - The student is capable to capture the essence of a shape in a consequent and pure form language. Form integration: The student is capable to integrate shapes with different qualities in terms of form language. Color: - The student is capable of analyzing color on its dimensional qualities, and can make balanced color suggestions for products on the basis of valid color combinations. Product meaning - The student recognizes the role a product plays for its owner, not only as carrier of personal or more general meaning, but also as means of personal expression, and is capable to substantiate this product role in both senses.
Education Method
Strategic ranking: - The student is capable to schematically order and weigh design alternatives during the process of designing a product. The course consists of several different projects that have a practical nature. Each project starts with an assignment and is completed with the handing in of a report that shows the process followed, the ideas and concepts developed. Models are always part of the deliverables. The different reports together form a complete portfolio. Lectures (and i-Lectures) are part of the projects. They serve as introductions and / or provide insight in the underlying motives for the actual design process. Attending lectures is a must for the proper understanding of the ins and outs of the exercises. A special group of lectures deal with the cultural history of the industrial design profession. It goes without saying that a professional designer must be aware of the culture of yesterday in order to be able to adequately design "tomorrow". Another group of lectures deals with "emotion" in the context of product design. It is strongly advised to attend ALL lectures, the content thereof is part of the exam at the end of the course.
Computer Use Literature and Study Materials
In the course manual you will find directions for i-Lectures as well. These you can download and watch in your own time on your iPod or computer screen. The use of Photoshop or likewise is recommended but not mandatory. Make sure to buy or download the following literature in time before the actual start of the program. - Booklet: "ID104? Design and Experience, exercise guide", to be downloaded (at no cost)from from the Design X Blackboard site. - Book: "Form/Color Anatomy", second edition, by Ger Bruens, available at the ID counter. (Mandatory!!) For the exams you will need: - Book: "Twentieth Century Design" by Jonathan Woodham, available at the ID counter. - Papers. Download the available papers from the lecturers from the Design X blackboard site. The books needed for the exam may be sold out just before the start of the examinations!!
During the Design X program you will get 2 different marks: - One average "portfolio" mark for the different projects you have done. - One average "examination" mark for the 3 examinations. The final Design X mark is calculated from these 2 marks (see the yellow pages in the manual for the formula) and should be 6 or higher. Both the portfolio and the examinations mark should be a 5 or higher in order to get a final mark. An average portfolio mark between 5 and 6 will mean that you are given the chance to make a supplement/completion by redoing one of the projects, during the following 10 week period. When this is done successfully, this particular project mark will be awarded a 6 at maximum. All three exams can be redone (once!), regardless of the earlier mark. The highest mark will be valid. The average examination mark should be a 5 or higher in order to get a final mark. Your final mark should then reach a 6 or higher level. If not, you run the risk of having to redo the entire program next year. Page 5 of 28
Your portfolio and examination marks (6 and up!!) will only be valid for just one more year, provided the program does not change.
PO2, Concept Design
Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Ir. A.A. Visser
Study Goals
PO2 Concept Design geeft antwoord op de volgende 3 kernvragen: 1. Hoe komen concepten voor nieuwe producten tot stand? 2. Hoe worden concepten gerepresenteerd en gedocumenteerd? 3. Hoe wordt de kwaliteit van productconcepten bepaald en beoordeeld?
Education Method
In Concept Design staat het ontwerpproject (Design Doing) centraal. Binnen het vak loopt parallel aan dit project een Design Drawing (handtekenen) en een TecDoc (technisch documenteren) practicum. Hierin worden aspecten, die nodig zijn om te visualiseren en te documenteren, gedoceerd en geoefend. Een deel van de oefeningen draagt direct bij aan het project. Design Drawing bestaat uit 7 dagdelen over 7 weken verdeeld en wordt in groepen van ca. 25 studenten in de handteken studio's gedoceerd. TecDoc bestaat uit 4 colleges en 4 dagdelen in een periode van 4 weken en wordt in groepen van ca. 45 studenten in de computerzalen gedoceerd. Beide deeloefeningen hebben een deelname- en inleververplichting en moeten met een voldoende worden afgesloten.
B-vak 3 3 none Dutch PO2 Concept Design richt zich op de conceptuele fase van het productontwikkelingsproces. Het vak is zodanig ingericht dat de competenties die ontwikkeld zijn in de vakken PO1 Intro io, Mens en Product, Product en Werking en Design and Experience kunnen en moeten worden toegepast en doorontwikkeld. In Concept Design worden individueel en op een systematische wijze, concepten ontwikkeld. Er wordt slechts een opdracht uitgevoerd. Het belangrijkste doel in dit vak is om ideeën te ontwikkelen ten aanzien van het gebruik, de werking en de vorm van een product, die te integreren tot een conceptontwerp en (met behulp van een zelf te maken testmodel) het evalueren van het idee samen met de toekomstige gebruikers. Produceerbaarheid en bedrijfskundige aspecten spelen in dit project een beperkte rol. Mondeling presenteren is als generiek leerdoel toegewezen aan dit vak en krijgt daarom de nodige aandacht.
Het ontwerpproject (Design Doing) start direct in de eerste week en loopt tot en met de 9e week. Elke week zijn er verplicht bij te wonen instructies en coachingsgesprekken met ontwerpdocenten. In week 9, naast dat het definitieve conceptontwerp in week 9 is gepresenteerd en het tijdens het hele PO2 project bijgehouden logboek ingeleverd, wordt ook geëvalueerd en gereflecteerd. Literature and Study Materials
Voor aanvang moet de student in het bezit zijn van: Literatuur uit voorgaande vakken. Waaronder 'Productontwerpen, structuur en methoden' van N.F.M. Roozenburg en J. Eekels. [boek, kopen bij studievereniging ID] PO2 Studentenwijzer van het actuele(!) cursusjaar [de PO2 Studentenwijzer is bij de start van het vak als PDF via Blackboard te downloaden] 'Presentation Techniques' van Manon en Bob van der Laaken [boek, kopen bij studievereniging ID] Voor TecDoc is het dictaat dat ook in PO1 wordt gebruikt nodig. Voor Design Drawing wordt het boek 'Sketching: Drawing Techniques for Product designers' van Koos Eissen en Roselien Steur aanbevolen.
De Ontwerpwijzer/Delft Design Guide, een hulpmiddelen bij het begrijpen en toepassen van ontwerpmethoden en technieken [pdf documenten, via Blackboard bekijken]. In PO2 Concept Design worden uiteindelijk 3 deelresultaten gevraagd. De summatieve toetsen leiden tot cijfers die bepalend zijn voor het halen van het vak. Voor alle deelresultaten geldt een inleververplichting.
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IO1061 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Study Goals
Business, culture and technology
Ir. S. Bakker-Wu A-vak 3 3 3 4 Dutch In dit vak wordt inzicht gegeven in de maatschappelijke en bedrijfscontext waarbinnen productontwikkeling zich afspeelt. Aan de hand van een praktijkcase, die in teamverband wordt uitgevoerd, zal duidelijk worden dat een productontwerper deze context moet (ver)kennen om nieuwe innovatieprojecten te definiëren. Deze deelgebieden zullen afzonderlijk worden behandeld, waarna dieper wordt ingegaan op de samenhang en dynamiek tussen deze drie. De analyse en synthese van informatie verzameld binnen deze drie deelgebieden zullen leiden tot randvoorwaarden voor toekomstige productontwikkeling. Op basis van deze randvoorwaarden kan een strategisch advies ten aanzien van toekomstige productontwikkeling voor een bedrijf worden geformuleerd. Tijdens hoorcolleges zal theorie over de volgende onderwerpen worden behandeld: Business: - integrale productontwikkeling - open innovatie - innovatiemanagement - duurzame productontwikkeling in business context - internationalisering Cultuur: - sociaal-economische- & culturele geschiedenis van het industrieel ontwerpen - maatschappelijke en filosofische stromingen in relatie tot productontwerpen - duurzame productontwikkeling in een culturele context Technologie: - rol van technologie(ontwikkeling) in de maatschappij en vice versa - duurzame productontwikkeling in een technologische context - technologie in een business context Verder zullen er tools en methoden worden aangeboden om informatie te verzamelen, te structureren en te presenteren en visualiseren. Deze worden toegepast in de praktijkcase. Er wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen vakspecifieke en generieke leerdoelen. Vakspecifieke leerdoelen: 1.De student begrijpt de complexiteit van de omgeving waarin hij als Industrieel Ontwerper opereert. 2.De student is in staat de business context in relatie tot productontwikkeling te analyseren. 3.De student is in staat de culturele context in relatie tot productontwikkeling te analyseren. 4.De student is in staat de technologische context in relatie tot productontwikkeling te analyseren. 5.De student is in staat om de belangrijkste trends op bedrijfs-, cultureel en technologisch gebied te analyseren en toe te passen in de praktijk van de productontwikkeling op strategisch niveau. 6.De student is in staat om productontwikkelingstrategieën op een verantwoordelijke wijze te evalueren en selecteren.
Education Method
Special Information
Generieke leerdoelen: 7.De student kent de methodieken om projecten doelmatig te plannen, te structureren en te beheersen. 8.De student is in staat in woord en beeld op een professionele manier schriftelijk te rapporteren. 9.De student heeft kennis gemaakt met teamwerken, kent de factoren die samenwerking in een team beïnvloeden en verschillende teamrollen en heeft ook inzicht in het eigen functioneren in een teamverband. 10.De student kan op academisch niveau theorie uit verschillende bronnen zich eigen maken. Het vak heeft verschillende werkvormen: hoorcolleges, zelfstudie en projectwerk. De theorie wordt tijdens hoorcolleges uitgelegd en geïllustreerd met voorbeelden. Naast docenten van de faculteit zijn er ook een aantal gastcolleges van docenten van andere universiteiten en professionals uit het bedrijfsleven. Iedere week is er ongeveer 6 uur beschikbaar voor zelfstudie. In deze zelfstudie-uren wordt de student geacht de theorie uit de boeken te leren. Op Blackboard is onder âLiteratuurâ de boekenlijst, de artikelen en het leesschema te vinden met de benodigde tentamenstof. Hiermee kun je goed voorbereid naar de colleges en het tentamen gaan. In het project krijgen jullie de gelegenheid de theorie toe te passen in verschillende contexten uit de praktijk. Het project wordt in groepsverband uitgevoerd. De projectgroep bestaat uit ongeveer 7 studenten. Een projectgroep werkt zelfstandig onder begeleiding van een coach. Tijdens het eerste college zullen de groepsindelingen bekend worden gemaakt. Binnen het vak wordt op drie manieren getoetst: 1. De groepsrapporten worden beoordeeld op inhoud en rapportagetechniek. 2. De aangeboden theorie wordt getoetst door middel van een individuele toets. Ir. S. Bakker-Wu E-mail adres:
[email protected]
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IO1071 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Mechanical Engineering Design
Dr. E.Z. Opiyo A-vak 4 4 4 5 Dutch Course Context Products always have physical manifestations: a functional body and quite often a casing, themselves often consisting of multiple components with several and synergising functions, which all work together ultimately towards a desired functionality. As such, products are systems. A primary aspect of product functionality relates to the static mechanical behaviour of the system as a whole and therefore of its components. Static mechanical behaviour can summarily be traced back to geometry, material properties and mechanics. Geometry and material properties are themselves coupled strongly with materials and production methods used. In support of the calculus necessary for modelling and understanding of geometry and mechanics, mathematical knowledge serves as a strong enabler. Contents In course IO1071 'Construction' consists of series of linked lectures on mechanics of solids, mathematics, materials science, and industrial production in which the underlying theoretical fundamentals are introduced. The learning line of mechanics and mathematics in the IDE curriculum is thus propagated in 'Construction'. Through a number of assignments (addressed in workshops and by means of self-study) theory is put into practice. In the beginning, the tasks focus on analysis, progressively they focus more and more on addressing real-life design challenges. By the end, the students are able to handle basic realistic design engineering problems, in which technical aspects of both working principles and feasibility of production are addressed. Thus a mission-critical skill-set is acquired. Expected competencies The student is able to derive from a design brief a set of metrics-based functional requirements The student is able to provide, to address functional requirements, a simple operating principle and design solution. The student is able to, based on the expected mechanical properties, design product parts and assemblies.
Study Goals
The student is capable of selecting a production process and to choose a suitable material and use it to shape a product or component. The student has basic knowledge of mathematics, statics and mechanics of materials, required to methodically construct a mathematical/ parametric model of a specific technical design problem, that can be used to analyse stiffness and strength issues and vice versa. The student has acquired a general knowledge and understanding of; (a) The mechanical behavior of plastics and metals based on the basic properties of these materials. (b) Manufacturing methods for mass production. The student can make well informed choices for mechanical operating principles, components, materials and production technologies
Education Method
The student is able to combine and apply all the theory of the goals mentioned above to solve technical design problems. On a weekly basis, mission-critical skills are a) taught in lectures, b) acquired through self-studies, c) experienced hands-on and applied in workshops, d) are tested and given prompt feedback on in skill tests. With the support of the teaching staff, this feedback-enabled closed learning loop provides students with the opportunity to take ownership of their learning process, regulate their study patterns, and better control their own learning process. In parallel to the training of skills, students are challenged with real-life design assignments of manageable scope. These assignments provide the platform for the integration of the different skills in service of the overlaying systematic design process. Hence, correct use of acquired skills is critical for the success in the design assignments, as in real life. However, here the focus is on the design process itself: Students develop the ability to systematically develop solutions to construction-based design problems through effective application of the taught technological knowledge, workflow, calculus, and knowledge based decision making.
Literature and Study Materials
Proper experiential understanding of the behaviour of product constructions and of the parameters affecting it is critical to the learning process and to the maturity of the acquired knowhow. Therefore, students participate in a series of practical exercises including design, building, measurement and validation of small-scale consumer product constructions. These practical exercises are synchronised in order to make optimal use of skills trained in lectures and workshops. io1071 Extended Study Guide Steward, J. Calculus - Early trancendentals, International Student Edition Callister, William D. Jr. Materials science and Engineering - An introduction/ Ashby, Michael F. Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, Third Edition. Mechanics content is delivered through lectures specifically tailored to the needs of the course [based on the following books: (a) Hibbeler, R.C. Engineering Mechanics - Statics (SI), and (b) Hibbeler, R.C. Mechanics of materials (SI). NB: It is strongly advised that you buy editions of Hibbeler books with special ISBN numbers and extended three-years code to Mastering Engineering just as indicated on the Blackboard websites of 'Product in Werking' and 'TPO'. Modelling and methodology content is delivered through lecture notes specifically tailored to the special course needs.
Computer gebruik: (a) Maple, en (b)CES Through the skill and knowledge tests students can verify the degree to which they have mastered the mission-critical taught theory and skills up to a sufficient level. Through the design assignments students consolidate and develop the ability to combine both the theory and practice to a sufficient level through the development of a solution to a design problem. Page 8 of 28
Some skill and knowledge tests are graded. The course is concluded with a 3 hours long examination. The obtained grades, through a weighted assessment, make up the final mark.
Special Information
The grade for the project part (i.e., design assignments and skill/knowledge tests) as well as for the final examination, must be at least 5,0. The grade for the final exam has a weight of 30% whilst the project part (design assignments and skill/knowledge tests)has a weight of 70% of the final grade of the course. Attendence of (materials science and construction) practicums is compulsory. Dr. E. Z. Opiyo, E-mail adres:
[email protected]
IO1082 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Study Goals
Education Method
Literature and Study Materials
Research and design
Dr. V.T. Visch B-vak 4 4 4 5 English Research and Design is a mandatory course in which the student will be introduced to the research methodology and statistics relevant for industrial design engineering. Research practise from the staff of the faculty will be the leading thread for this course. The coaches and lecturers will explain how they tackled a specific research question, how they conducted its operationalization, and how they chose a specific experiment-design and data analysis. The relevant statistics will be taught and practiced in parallel sessions. In addition, an introduction in literature search skills and scientific writing will be taught in practicals. Given a certain research problem students will have to write and present a research proposal that includes conducting a small pilot. This will be done in a team. 1. The student knows the basic principles of empirical research. 2. The student will understand how research can help solving a design problem. 3. The student will have an overview of IDE relevant research methods and has some experience with these methods by selecting the appropriate method. 4. The student will know how to formulate a research question, hypothesis and how to conduct a small quantitative pilot experiment. 5. The student knows how to present and report research results. 6. The student will know how to set up a research proposal and is able to communicate this proposal. 7. The student will learn to choose an appropriate method for data analysis and how to perform this analysis. 8. The student knows the research infrastructure of the faculty (labs, library) and has knowledge of current IDE research projects. 9. The student knows how to adequately use sources of information and is capable in selecting and understanding relevant literature. The course is split in two parts: a research part and a statistics part. The statistics part consists of lectures, practice sessions and individual tests. The research part consists of lectures, coaching sessions, conducting a research pilot, presentations, and a training at literature retrieval skills. The research part is performed by teams of 5 students. Research: - Kumar, R. (2011), Research methodology (3rd ed.). Sage Publishers. Statistics: - Field, A. (2009), Discovering Statistics using SPSS (3rd edition). Sage Publishers. The final grade of the course is composed by the following elements and successive weights: 1. Research part: counts for 70% of the end grade. The assignment of this part consists of: a. A research proposal written by your group and delivered to your coach (digitally and two printed copies) on Monday July 2nd before 16.00. NB: Within the six coaching sessions, four deliverables are inserted see Coaching schedule section 3.2. These deliverables will be discussed during the coaching session. If your group misses one of the deliverables, the end grade of the research proposal will be subtracted by one point. b. The exam presentation: a 10-minute presentation followed by a 20-minute defence to your coach and an external reviewer. During the defence the group members are individually questioned, eventually resulting in an individual addition or subtraction of half a point. c. The small presentation in week 6. 2. Statistics part: counts for 30% of the end grade and you have to get a 5.00 at minimum for your (total) statistics score in order to successfully finish the course. The statistics part consists of the following elements: a. A final exam counting for 40% of the Statistics end grade. b. Four subtests, each counting for 15% of the Statistics end grade. The assignments and presentations are supposed to be delivered and presented in the English language. In the BB section Course Information, you can find the general schedule displaying lectures and exams and the coaching schedule displaying the coaching time-slots and locations.
Special Information
If your final statistics grade is below 5.00, you will be invited by e-mail for a re-examination in August. Only students who did at least 4 of the 5 statistics tests are invited. This re-examination will be equal in difficulty to the 5 statistics tests together. You do not have to enroll yourself in Osiris for the re-examination. Dr. V.T.Visch e-mail:
[email protected] NB:For this course you cannot subscribe yourself to the examinations, but you have to subscribe yourself to the course as a whole. Students who want to do only the Statistics part (als herkanser) do also have to subscribe themselves to the whole course and have to perform the 5 Statistical tests. In the first week of the course, all subscribed students will be put into student-groups and a special group will be made for the students who only do the Statistics part.
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Year Organization Education
2012/2013 Industrial Design Engineering Bachelor Industrial Design Engineering
2e jaar BSc IO 2012
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IO2011 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
PO3, Fuzzy front end
Ir. M. Tassoul B-vak 2 2 none English This design course consists of 3 major parts, a strategic part in which students develop a strategic company vision and a new product development plan for that company, a second part in which they develop a vision or motto for the interaction between the user and a new product, in a particular context, leading to a product design brief, and a third part in which a product concept is developed and then presented to the client together with a market introduction plan. Throughout the project, a great emphasis is put on the sustainable side of the company vision, the user-product interaction, and on the actual product concept. The term 'Fuzzy Front End' is a somewhat coloquial description addressing the early phases of a product development process, when most elements needed for a proper design task are still vague or even unknown. Information like design criteria or who the user might be are not yet defined, let alone analysed, and even a design objective may still have to be formulated. This is what this course is about: starting from a case description of a company, students develop a vision on the future of that company, looking at its position in society and markets, inventorizing technological developments, look at competitive aspects, at a product portfolio, using various strategic analysis tools, study the interaction between human beings and products within a given context, and develop, first a vision for this company, and then a 'New Product Strategy'. In the context of this strategy, students will then select one human activity in a particular domain, leading to a vision on a future interaction between user(s) and product(s), and leading to a design brief, after which a product concept is generated and designed, up to a point where it can be presented to a management team of the company as described in the case. The last step consists of developing a market introduction plan around this concept, consisting of a marketing mix, an investment plan and a market introduction strategy. The results developed in each of the three phases are presented to a client as one consistent and integrated 'story' consisting of the strategy, the 'interaction vision', the product concept and a market introduction plan, in other words: the Concept and its "Raison d'Etre".
Study Goals
Education Method
Special Information
1. The student is familiar with different approaches for new-product strategy development and is capable of developing and selecting a proper approach or method to that end. 2. The student can formulate research questions in the context of new-product development planning and execute some of these research tasks within a product development process. 3. The student is capable of evaluating new product strategy proposals and product concepts on sustainability aspects, in other words on social, economic and environmental aspects. 4. The student can develop a vision as to the development of a product portfolio for the client organisation. 5. The student is capable of analysing a User-Product interaction in a particular context and develop new product concepts from this perspective. 6. The student can develop a vision on User - Product interaction using a VIP (Vision in Product development) approach. 7. The student is capable of applying creative techniques to develop new product concepts. 8. The student can set up a market introduction plan. 9. The student is able to communicate and present strategic ideas and product proposals in a convincing and inspiring manner. 10. The student learns to work in teams and acquires basic skills in project management. Learning by doing, Reflective Practice and Competence Learning In this course we simulate a practical situation in which a design team (of students) works for a client company (the client) to develop both a New Product Development Strategy and a new product which is illustrative of this strategy. As such, groups of 5 or 6 students form a team for the duration of the exercise. Functional roles such as project leadership and project planning, but also the presentation of interim and end results is divided over the team members. As the whole exercise takes 10 weeks, that would mean each of the 5 members takes up the project leadership role for 2 weeks. The students have to set up their own planning, define various tools, techniques and methods to achieve their design goal, in conversation with their coach. To support design teams, staff members perform different roles: 1. the design coach stands next to the students and supports their activities and pays particular attention to the process and the learning taking place; 2. a client, representing the client company, who is mainly interested in the results or outcomes; 3. experts in various domains who act like consultants and lecturers; The whole project is divided into 3 subprojects, which together form a logical design process as it could be run in a practical context. Each subproject starts with a combination of project planning and information gathering (sometimes lectures) and ends with a presentation and discussion of the results. The students keep diaries while executing these different design tasks to monitor their own learnings and facilitate reflection. This is done along the procedure of (1) What ? (2) So What ? (3) What next and (4) And now What ? During the project, presentations are given and reports are written for each of the three subtasks. These are graded by the coach and the client, and possibly by expert staff members. Extra weight will be given to aspects such as innovativeness (in terms of 'surprising' and 'new') and a fit of the proposals with the company, the sustainable character of these proposals and the relevance of these proposals in the context of the company vision. At the end of the exercise, students write a summary of their learnings as accumulated in their diaries. Presently this has been replaced by the Competence Monitor. Details on the actual reflection (in report form or Competence Monitor) will be provided during the course. A grade is accorded on the basis of sharpness of observations on one's process, and recommendations distilled from these observations (And now What ?), with references to theory (independent of Individually written Reflection or Competence Monitor) A third element of the grade is based on the communication with other parties around the student design team, in particular with clients (presentations and discussion) and experts (good questions). Ir. M. Tassoul E-mail adress:
[email protected] /
[email protected]
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IO2022 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Study Goals
Product Dynamics
7.5 S.F.J. Flipsen A-vak 1 1 1 2 Dutch English Besides static products there are products in motion. These products are focusing on velocity (speed), acceleration, dynamic forces, transmissions, actuators, friction, etc. In this course we will teach you to analyze, model, dimension and synthesize products when in motion. The main questions which will be dealt with are: 1. how can we design motion in a product 2. how can such a motion be actuated and controlled? LO.1:The student knows different types of mechanisms and transmissions, can characterize them abstractly as systems and can model them by means of an analytical function. LO.2:The student can identify the states, degrees of freedom and boundary conditions (including input/ output, i.e. load profiles) in a product system, and analyse the kinematics of the system, like position, velocity and acceleration over time. LO.3:The student can identify dynamic systems, and in the cases where it is possible to approximate them with models with one degree of freedom, calculate the forces and moments over time in addition to the kinematic degrees of freedom. LO.4:The student knows to characterize system elements and distinguish between passive elements (like springs and dampers), and active elements/ actuators (like electromotors), and can perform calculations with them based on the elements characteristics, including selection and dimensioning. LO.5:The student can characterize open and closed loop control systems comprising passive and active elements and can model them as dynamic systems. LO.6:The student knows how to and which sensors it can apply in a control system. LO.7:The student can dimension the components in a moving system by means of developing and using an appropriate analytical model and design and prototype simple products to obtain desired motion functionalities employing all above knowledge, including control systems. LO.8:The student can work with Maple as a tool for analytically prototyping static and dynamic problems found in moving products. LO.9:The student understands the power of analytical prototyping (predict) over physical prototyping (evaluate). LO.10:The student knows how and when to apply vector calculus, integration and differentiation to solve the analytical model of the system, and deduce the calculation of physical properties (i.e. moment of inertia).
Education Method Computer Use Literature and Study Materials
LO.11:The student has acquired a basic empirical understanding of the related physics and can judge the realism of their calculations. the course content is taught in weekly 4-hour lectures on Tuesday mornings. During the 2 hour workshops every Monday morning you will work with the course material of the previous week. On Thursdays there is a 2 hour Q&A session. Maple, Arduino Lecture notes io2022 Product & Motion: Applied dynamics in consumer products (Flipsen, Rios & Minnoye, 2012). Lecture notes "Electronics for Industrial Design" (Haijan, 2012). "Calculus, Early trancendentals, International Student Edition" (J. Steward), of "Vervolgboek Wiskunde" (Jan van de Craats).
Practical Guide Assessment
Permitted Materials during Tests Special Information
Aanbevolen literatuur (niet verplicht): "Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics (SI)" (Hibbeler, R.C.) Blackboard De cursus wordt getoetst middels verschillende opdrachten tijdens het vak, 8 wekelijkse skill testen en een tentamen in week 10. Het eindcijfer wordt als volgt berekend: - gemiddeld cijfer voor de opdrachten is 50% van het eindcijfer (TOETS1) - het gemiddelde cijfer voor de skilltesten voegt tussen de -0.5 en 0.5 punten toe aan TOETS1 (bonus/malus) - eindtentamen: 50%. Calculator Ir. S.F.J. Flipsen, E-mail adres:
[email protected]
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IO2031 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Study Goals
Education Method
Literature and Study Materials
Special Information
Strategic product innovation
7.5 S.C. Mooij B-vak 1 1 1 2 English In the course SPI students will gain understanding of the fuzzy front end of the product development phase. In this phase, it is decided which products a company should focus on in the future and take into the product development phase. In the course students learn about new product development strategies on different levels and available methods and models that can be used in the fuzzy front end phase. They learn how to use strategic elements to analyze a given company's current strategic position and to compose an advise for the company on future strategy and new product development. The students learn how to analyze a company internally to extract strengths and weaknesses, as well as externally to observe opportunites and threats. The analysis is based on the four C's model: company, competitors, context and consumers. The main goal of the course is that students gain insights and experience in how to use the gathered information and conclusions to create a new business idea for a company and set up a strategy plan mainly based on marketing strategy elements for a possible new product within a business idea. The main learning objective of SPI is to 'apply aspects involved in the marketing management process regarding new product development'. This objective can be spilt in different underlying objectives: 1. Investigate the different elements of a company's strategies and identify the compnay's core competencies. 2. Identify opportunities on macro and micro level for a company's future development and investigate the potential of a new business idea. 3. Develop a new (product development) strategy, with focus on the marketing mix, for a company. Next to these objective, an overall objective is to 'communictae information and research outcomes in both text, according to the guidelines of the BCT course, and visualizations'. In the manual of the course (available on Blackboard at the start of the course) the objectives will be described in more detail and connected to the different assignments. The theory will be carried over in lectures, given by different lecturers. Next to the lectures, there is a project which consists of three assignments. In the assignments, the theory will be practiced. Information for the assignments is gathered by desk research as well as by field research. In all three assignments, a workshop will be given on a main topic of the assignment. The results of the assignments should be presented in short reports. Literature for the course consists of a book (announced on BlackBoard) and some background papers that will be made available on BlackBoard. More detailed information about the course and about what you can expect and what we expect from the students, can be found in the manual of the course (available on BlackBoard, just before the start of the course). The course will be tested by several methods: - per assignment, a short report has to be written per team. - at the end, there is an individual exam. - both (average assignment grade and exam grade) account for 50% of your end grade. To pass the course the average assignment grade and the exam grade should be at least 5,0 each. The end grade should be at least a 6. E-mail adress:
[email protected] Dr. ir. S.C. Mooij Ir. S.R. Dehli
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IO2041 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Manufacturing and Design
7.5 E. Tempelman A-vak 2 2 2 3 Dutch In IO2040 maken studenten nader kennis met de mogelijkheden en beperkingen van de belangrijkste productie- en assemblageprocessen, nadat deze in het eerste jaar op diverse momenten zijn ge�ntroduceerd. Productie wordt hierbij niet alleen van de technische kant ("kan ik het maken?"), maar ook van de ontwerpende kant belicht ("wat kan ik ermee?"). Dit gebeurt in een thematische opzet, met productieproceskeuze als kop en staart van het vak. Productie van metalen en kunststof onderdelen, assemblage en verbindingstechnieken komen uitgebreid aan bod, evenals rapid prototyping. Het vakgebied is te breed om een complete behandeling mogelijk te maken. Daarom leren studenten in dit vak ook om efficient en effectief kennis over minder gangbare of nieuwe productieprocessen te verzamelen. Dit gebeurt in samenwerking met de industrie in het zgn. specialisatieproject, waarin ook een bedrijfsexcursie is opgenomen. Een Technische Product Analyse opdracht, vooral gericht op assembleerbaarheid, completeert het vak.
Study Goals
Education Method
Inhoudelijk leren studenten onder meer om hun reeds geleerde materiaalkundige kennis toe te passen op de productietechniek. Hiermee wordt modelmatig denken aangemoedigd, waardoor het vak een onlosmakelijk deel vormt van de techniekvakken als geheel. 1. De student heeft brede kennis (zowel qua technologie als qua vormgeving) van de gangbare processen voor massaproductie van onderdelen, alsmede van de assemblage van deze onderdelen tot producten. 2.De student kan een gegeven (concept-)ontwerp doelmatig opdelen in modules, onderdelen en componenten, en kan zo de problematiek van productie en assemblage inzichtelijk maken. 3. De student heeft inzicht in het fysisch modelleren van de werkingsprincipes van de belangrijkste productieprocessen, waaronder plaatvervormen (metaal) en spuitgieten (kunststof), en kan op basis hiervan concrete ontwerpregels afleiden. 4. De student kent de mogelijkheden van de belangrijkste processen met betrekking tot vormgeving (expressie, esthetiek en afwerking), en kan deze kennis toepassen op producten. 5. De student is bekend met de belangrijkste verbindingstechnologie�n en kan op basis hiervan concrete ontwerpregels afleiden. 6. De student heeft algemene kennis van processen van enkele zelf te kiezen nieuwe productieprocessen en van rapid prototyping / rapid manufacturing. 7. De student kan voor een gegeven (concept-)ontwerp op verantwoorde wijze de juiste productie- en assemblageprocessen kiezen en weegt hierbij de variabelen (i) functie, (ii) kosten en (iii) kwaliteit. NB: functie omvat ook esthetiek en expressie; kosten omvat ook milieueffecten. 8. De student kan (in groepsverband) effectief en effici�nt kennis verzamelen over minder gangbare of nieuwe processen en kan deze kennis helder communiceren aan zijn collega�s. NB: 1e en 2e leerdoel = herhaling/verdieping 1e jaars vak 'Construeren'. In week 1 t/m 5 worden steeds twee hoorcolleges en twee werkcolleges ofwel 'masterclasses' aangeboden (totaal: 8 contacturen/week). De hoorcolleges zijn plenair, de masterclasses zijn in groepen van +/- 30 studenten. De student bereidt zich voor deze onderdelen voor middels zelfstudie (lezen/oefenen). In week 6 t/m 9 wordt steeds 1 hoorcollege aangeboden. Daarnaast wordt in deze weken het Specialisatieproject uitgevoerd (10 uur/week; zie onder). In week 7-8 loopt verder nog de Technische Product Analyse opdracht. Totaal zijn er gemiddeld 8 contacturen/week; daarnaast is er zelfstudie.
In het Specialisatieproject verkennen groepen studenten, onder begeleiding van een docent, de mogelijkheden van een nieuw productieproces. Deze worden vastgelegd op Blackboard. Het project bestaat uit een voorbereiding, een bedrijfsbezoek (excursie) en de uitwerking, en eindigt met een symposium waarop de resultaten aan andere groepen worden gepresenteerd. Formatief: Gedurende de 'masterclasses' en het Specialisatieproject is er gelegenheid voor formatieve toetsing in de vorm van direct contact met de docent. Merk op, dat er tijdens de 'masterclasses' concrete tentamenvragen worden behandeld. Summatief: Het vak wordt afgesloten met een individueel schriftelijk tentamen (open vragen). Dit heeft als wegingsfactor voor het eindcijfer 6/10. Daarnaast wordt het resultaat van het Specialisatieproject beoordeeld, met wegingsfactor voor het eindcijfer 4/10).
Special Information
NB: de student dient de TPA-opdracht met resultaat 'v' te hebben afgerond en dient daarnaast bij de kick-off, de excursie en de projectpresentatie aanwezig zijn geweest alvorens het vak kan wordne afgerond. Mogelijke extra momenten met verplichte aanwezigheid worden tijdens de kick-off bekend gemaakt. Dr.Ir. E. Tempelman, E-mail adres:
[email protected]
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PO4, Embodiment and Detail Design
Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Ir. S.G. van de Geer
Study Goals
1. De student kan een productconcept in detail uitwerken op het gebied van geometrie, materiaal, vervaardiging en assemblage en de gevolgen van keuzes hierin afwegen tegen esthetische, functionele, gebruikstechnische en economische waarden. 2. De student kan kritische factoren en problemen van een productconcept doorzien en prioriteren en mede op basis hiervan een ontwikkelingsstrategie plannen en organiseren.. 3. De student kan door berekening, onderzoek en testen, relevante eigenschappen van een productontwerp voorspellen en optimaliseren. 4. De student kan (deel)problemen en deeloplossingen communiceren aan experts, teneinde feedback en advies te genereren. 5. De student kan resultaten van het eindontwerp presenteren, met name assemblage, montage, produceerbaarheid, vorm en gebruik. 6. De student kan resultaten van het eindontwerp technisch documenteren, inclusief aanwijzingen en voorschriften voor fabricage en assemblage. Studenten die zich niet hebben ingeschreven kunnen niet meedoen aan het vak. Bovendien telt verplichte aanwezigheid op het openingscollege en de eerste dag dat het vak draait. Niet aanwezige studenten op de introductie worden direct uitgeschreven. Materialiseren en Uitwerken wordt aangeboden als ontwerpproject. Studenten worden ingedeeld in groepen die het karakter hebben van een ontwerpbureau. Elke groep heeft de beschikking over een vaste plek in een studio. Per opdracht werken ongeveer vijf groepen onafhankelijk van elkaar met door de groep vastgestelde randvoorwaarden. Gedurende de gehele periode werken de studenten samen, maar er wordt ook aanspraak gemaakt op de individuele kwaliteiten en kennis. Zelfwerkzaamheid en zelfregulering, het operationeel maken van kennis, het verwerken van feedback en een gemotiveerde attitude zijn onmisbare aspecten. Iedere week zal de groep of individu een bespreking houden met een vaste ontwerpdocent op een vaste dag, terwijl daarnaast ook een beroep gedaan kan worden op een aantal experts met betrekking tot vorm, gebruik en technische zaken. Solidworks, Office, CES Bij de start van het vak wordt een manual, een grove planning, en diverse documenten via Blackboard beschikbaar gesteld. Verder dient gebruik gemaakt te worden van alle in voorgaande vakken gebruikte literatuur. Om tijdige feedback te kunnen geven zijn er diverse toetsingsinstrumenten gedurende het project. Al deze toetsingen hebben een weegfactor en zijn summatief. Presentaties, en prestatie binnen de groep (team evaluation) zijn onderhevig aan toetsing met een wat lagere weegfactor. Er wordt een verslag gevraagd over de individuele werkzaamheden en een eindverslag van de groep: cijfers met een hogere weegfactor. Voor het individuele deel geldt bovendien een minimale score om het vak te vervolgen. Uiteindelijk leidt dit tot een eindcijfer. NB: er kunnen geen tussenresultaten worden overgedaan of herkanst.
Education Method
Computer Use Literature and Study Materials Assessment
B-vak 4 4 none Dutch Terwijl in voorgaande PO-vakken studenten zich vooral bezig houden met het ontwikkelen van een concept, wordt bij "Materialiseren en Uitwerken" een concept als startpunt aangeboden voor verdere ontwikkeling. Er wordt binnen een vaste groep gewerkt in een realistische ontwerpomgeving. Het aangeboden concept heeft een relatief lage complexiteit, maar daardoor is er ruimte voor een grote diepgang binnen de diverse uit te voeren activiteiten. Een korte briefing en een analyse leiden al snel tot eenvoudige onderzoeken (technische werking, vorm en gebruik) om het gegeven concept te doorgronden en waar mogelijk van aanpassingen te voorzien. Hierna neemt ieder groepslid een onderdeel van het concept ter hand teneinde dit dusdanig te optimaliseren dat het binnen de gestelde randvoorwaarden geproduceerd en gebruikt kan worden. Er dienen dan talloze keuzes beargumenteerd te worden ten aanzien van materiaal, productiewijze, productiemiddel en assemblage, mede in het licht van fabricagekostprijs, mechanische eigenschappen, vormgeving en gebruik. Uiteindelijk leidt dit tot een technisch tekeningenpakket, inclusief toleranties, een rendering en een exploded view. Het vak heeft als kernvraagstukken: * Hoe wordt een productconcept tot een gedetailleerd ontwerp uitgewerkt? * Hoe worden de eigenschappen van gedetailleerde productontwerpen voorspeld en getoetst? * Hoe wordt een gedetailleerd productontwerp gevisualiseerd, gedocumenteerd en gecommuniceerd
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IO2060-12 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Interaction and Electronics
7.5 G.J. Pasman B-vak 3 3 3 4 English The ongoing miniaturization of electric and electronic components has made them so small and cheap that they are now built into almost every consumer product. As a result products have become more and more digitally-based, with the user operating them through an interactive interface. This interface enables the user to access the functionality of such an interactive product by means of input elements (buttons, dials, switches etc.) and output elements (displays, speakers, LEDs, etc), which are coupled through electronics. Interaction Design is the discipline of defining and creating the human interaction with products, services and systems, made possible by communications and information technology. It is aimed at optimizing usability and user experience by creating meaningful relationships between content, structure, behavior and appearance of the product. For this an interaction designer has to combine creative, analytical and technical knowledge and skills coming from a variety of fields such as graphic design, product design, electronics and software design, but also psychology, ergonomics, and ethnography.
Study Goals
Students will get a basic introduction to the field of Interaction Design (process, context, tools, technology) through a series of lectures on various topics. They will acquire hands-on experience by going to a complete design cycle of an interactive product. Finally, they will also acquire practical skills in prototyping interactive concepts in both a Digital Prototyping practical and a Physical Prototyping practical. After completion of the course students should be able:
Education Method
1. To go independently through a basic process of designing an interactive product, to make a selection from the tools, methods and techniques involved and to apply them accordingly ; 2. To conduct a basic user research and analyze and communicate its results; 3. To apply several aspects of graphic design, user interface design and informational ergonomics in the design of the user interface of an interactive product; 4. To conduct a simple user evaluation with an interface prototype and to analyze and communicate its results; 5. To design and built a both a digital prototype of an interactive product. 6. To design and built a physical 'experiential' prototype of an interactive product. The course will consist of the following elements: - a series of lectures; - an Interaction Design Project (groupwork), which consists of the following three phases: 1) User research, which involves analyzing the context of use; 2) User interface design, which involves designing alternative concepts; 3) Prototyping and User Evaluation, which involves building and evaluating a software prototype.
- a Design Assignment (part of the Interaction Design project, individual work) - a Digital Prototyping practical (groupwork); - a Physical Prototyping practical (groupwork); The final assessment of the course will be based on the following items: 1. The results of the Interaction Design project (groupwork) 2. The results of the Design Assignment (individual work) 3. The results of the Digital Prototyping practical (groupwork) 4. The results of the Physical Prototyping practical (groupwork) The final grade for IO2060-12 will be composed according to the following formula: IO2060-12 = 0,4*Interaction Design Project + 0,1*Design Assignment + 0,25*Digital Prototyping + 0,25*Physical Prototyping (all grades should be >= 5,0.)
IO2071 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language
Technological Product Optimization
Ir. A.J. Heidweiller A-vak 3 3 3 4 Dutch
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IO2081 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Study Goals
Education Method
Literature and Study Materials Assessment Special Information
Dr. Y. Song A-vak 4 4 4 5 English Modelling is about understanding the nature: our world, ourselves and our work. Everything that we observe has a cause (typically several) and has the effect thereof. The heart of modelling lies in identifying, understanding and quantifying these cause-and-effect relationships. A model can be treated as a (selective) representation of a system. We create the model by defining a mapping from the system space to the model space, thus we can map system state and behaviour to model state and behaviour. By defining the inverse mapping, we may map results from the study of the model back to the system. In this course, using an overarching modelling paradigm, students will become familiar with several instances of modelling, e.g., mechanics, thermal dynamics, fluid mechanics, etc. This course will educate and train students with the skills necessary to: 1) Acquaint with the modelling procedure; 2) Identify and qualify components & their relations within systems; 3) Familiarise with evaluation and optimization methods; 4) Use the modeling procedure to analyse and design practical products. The study goals of the course are realised through the following types of activities: 1) Lectures; 2) Workshops; 3) Assignments(with experimental measurements); 4) Presentations & reviews; 5) Reporting. Available on blackboard The end-result of the Modelling course consists 3 sub-results: Assignments, Workshops and Examinations. To successfully complete the Modelling course, each sub-result should be equal or larger than 5.0, and the end-result is equal or larger than 6.0. Dr. Y. Song (Wolf) E-mail:
[email protected]
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Year Organization Education
2012/2013 Industrial Design Engineering Bachelor Industrial Design Engineering
3e jaar BSc IO 2012
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IO3010 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Expected prior knowledge Course Contents
Study Goals
Education Method
Literature and Study Materials Assessment
Cross Media Interaction Design A-vak 3 3 none English io2060 Course 'Interaction & Electronics' The following issues are dealt with in the course: Exploring existing Cross Media Interaction Designs and the context to design for. Developing your own briefing, based on your choice of stakeholders and users. Designing for a coherent user experience, co-experience and visual identity. Cross-media (visual/web) design issues: graphics, colour, composition, navigation Selecting and combining media seducing users to cross media borders. Designing for interactions between users, their (physical and social) environment and network applications/services. Identity issues in relation to cross-media interactions. Representation techniques for Cross Media Design. After following this course students: �know the existence (and have some basic competence in the use) of design and evaluation techniques for cross-media interaction design �have knowledge of basic usability and user experience issues in relation to cross-media interactions �have basic competence in linking visual design and meaning �have gained competence in exploring visual design spaces for cross-media interaction design, including website design. �know (the implications of) the most relevant technical constraints and opportunities for cross-media interaction design � know how to handle the complexity of designing for multiple media platforms The course is split up in two parts, each consisting of an assignment: 1) an orientation part in which students explore the context of the design and develop their own design briefing, and 2) design of a cross media design, as well as a poster, booklet and movie to present the design. The course manual Assessment is based on a number of deliverables (workbook, presentations, interactive demo, movie).
IO3020 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Study Goals
Education Method
Literature and Study Materials Assessment
Special Information
7.5 A.P.O.S. Vermeeren
Design and Cultural Impact
E.J. Jepma B-vak 3 3 none Dutch Kernvragen: Hoe analyseer je sociaal-culturele processen en op welke wijze maak je daar als ontwerper gebruik van? Globale vakinhoud: Design en materiele cultuur in relatie tot culturele diversiteit, globalisering en sociaal-culturele waardenstelsels 1.De student is in staat om producten te evalueren in relatie tot maatschappelijke relevantie en culturele betekenis. 2.De student is vertrouwd met de belangrijkste culturele begrippen en inzichten (in relatie tot vormgeving, beeld, betekenis, ethiek en esthethiek). 3.De student is in staat op bovenstaande terreinen analyses te verrichten en op basis daarvan beslissingen te nemen in het ontwerpproces en hierover op een behoorlijk niveau te communiceren. 4.De student is in staat te reflecteren op en evalueren van het eigen ontwerpen in relatie tot maatschappelijke relevantie en culturele betekenis. Een belangrijk gedeelte van het vak wordt besteed aan het vormen van een theoretische basis d.m.v. wekelijkse colleges en zelfstudie (reader). Hier aan verbonden ontvangen de studenten twee essay-opdrachten. Deze betreffen de analyse van de materiele omgeving en haar culturele betekenis. De essays en hun onderwerpen hebben een oplopende moeilijkheidsgraad, die culmineert in een ontwerpopdracht. Deze opdracht is geheel gericht op de verworven sociaal-culturele inzichten. Na de colleges ontvangen de studenten instructies en tijdens het project wekelijks ook individuele begeleiding. De essays worden in groepen besproken. In de ontwerpopdracht nemen de studenten zowel de plaats in van zowel ontwerper als opdrachtgever. Nader te bepalen Beoordeling volgens opgebouwd portfolio (2 essays en eindontwerp). De beoordelingscriteria voor de portfolio zijn direct afgeleid uit de leerdoelen van dit vak. Daarnaast wordt de beeldende kwaliteit en de presentatie van het ontwerp beoordeeld. Het vak kent aanwezigheidsplicht. C.G.M. Kooman E-mail adress:
[email protected]
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IO3029 Course Coordinator Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Social Cohesion Design
Ir. H. Kuipers Ir. C.J.M. de Lange B-vak 3 3 none English A product designer according to the definition of Industrial Design Institutes is a person or a team that develops a product from initial idea to the full set of specifications needed for production. Designers are typically not educated to include social cultural values such as, property, trust, social cohesion, safety, environment awareness. The Social Cohesion Design Foundation (SCDF) in Delft,The Netherlands has initiated the 'Social Cohesion Design' course, aiming at providing designers with a robust 'step by step' methodology to include aspects of social cohesion in designer practise. The methodology is named: The 3-i Methodology, and is structured in three stages, Identification, Integration and Implantation. The course has the ambition to cope with following challenges: Can industrial designers actually contribute to 'Social Change'? Can designers be social activists? For this year the concept of "SOCIAL CITY DELFT" is chosen as the theme for the assignments. 12 City elements such as, bike parking, Waste containers,Public Furniture, Streetgames, Green plaza's, Cafe Terraces, Community Center, Children Playequipment, etc. are provided by existing companies to be re-designed into so called "Community Integrated Product Systems" to enhance Social Cohesion within the RED VILLAGE (Het Rode Dorp), a community in Delft consisting of 360 households, 70 % unemployment, lack of Social Cohesion. Teams of 6-8 students consisting of Industrial Design, Lifestyle, Management, Art Academy, Management, Sociology,ICT and VMBO pupils are provided each with one 'city-element' assignment. The assignments are conducted for a real existing manufacturing company. The ultimate goal is to have the outcome of the project realised in the "Social City Delft" project in collaboration with the municipality of Delft. The Design Studio is located in the community itrsel: Het Rode Dorp (The Red Village). The semi-final presentation is held in front of an audience,press and public jury where 2 finalists are selected. The winning team receives the "WISE OWL" award at the final presentation at the Queens birthday at 30th of april. The Design Studio is located in the Red Village.
Study Goals
Education Method
- The student is capable of reflecting on design as a potential driver for creating a social reality; - The student is capable of analysing and integrating aspects of social cohesion into a design vision; - The student is capable of translating his/her vision into a Community Integrated Product System (CIPS). - The student is capable of envisioning an implementation of the CIPS in the user context and as such creating a new social reality; - The student is capable of presenting and "selling" his concept in front of an audience, public jury, media and press. Education Method The course ( is structured in 3 stages: i-1/ Identification: students have to sample the community (City Delft) in which the technology has to be implemented, and have to build a 3D Scenario board of this community. In this community, called Setting X, actors, elements and events have to be identified. Based on their mission students start to write subscenarios on an individual basis. i-2/ Integration: The diverse subscenarios of the individual students will be integrated into one main scenario. For this they involve actors as well as the company. In this stage students have developed the criteria to make a selection of the scenarios possible. Typically SC-designers use a Harris Profile as a selection / evaluation tool. They are free to apply the Q methodology in this stage as well. Based on the selection of the final concept / concept components students design the new Coffee Distribution System.
i-3/ Implantation: For the newly developed Sc Design concept the students develop a rough outline for a business, branding and promotion plan to be presented to the actors as well as to the company. The focus in this stage is set upon the devepoment of a 'Look & Feel' of the concept to communicate the mission. A new research methodology Q provides students with a tool to measure social cohesiveness of the final concept (CIPS) as perceived by the actors. Assessment: Analytical skills. Is the student capable of constructing a logical framework to plan,conduct, monito,communicate and evaluate his design process to himself, his team, the coach, and the client. Research skills. Is the student capable of conducting research necessary to collect data for his design process. Creative skills. Is the student capable of envisioning creative scenarios, innovative thinking and conducting the assignment in a'fresh' and original manner. Presentational skills. Is the student capable of communicating his design process in reporting,live-presentations and coach/client meetings. Social Cohesion mission. Did the student finally develop a concept that matches with his mission statement and is expected to enhance social cohesion aspects. FINAL MARK. Final mark is the average outcome of the 5 marks given to the skills as mentioned above.
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Special Information
IO3030 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Required for Course Contents
Design Visualisation
J.J. Eissen A-vak 3 3 none English a laptop computer with the program Photoshop The main topic of this elective is to learn to use visualisations in a more professional way, from sketching and drawing to computer rendering, from digital photography to image editing with 2d computer software. Different ways of visualisation will be integrated to get a more divers, vivid and personal visual language. Basic knowledge en skills in drawing techniques and in SolidWorks are the starting points. In design offices a variety of visual techniques are applied, from digital photography, computer rendering (PhotoWorks), sketching, presentation drawing to (Photoshop) 2d-software. In this elective all these aspects will be practised to get a more appropriated knowledge of the effects of visual communication and to integrate these visual techniques into your design work and learning to choose these tools or combination of these tools effectively.
Study Goals
Education Method
By integrating these visual techniques, instead of dealing with them apart, students will improve their visual presentation skills in different stages of design and for a different audience. 1.The student has improved his visual language, including vocabulary and grammar and visual spatial thinking. 2.The student can recognize different visual design languages and can analyze its components effectively. 3.The student is able to translate his own design knowledge to others by choosing for the appropriated visual tools on the level of techniques and on product level. 4.The student has knowledge and skills using different (combinations of) visual media. 5.The student is able to communicate with technicians, using drawings and other visual media in a pre-engineering phase. 6.The student has elementary knowledge and understanding of visual aspects to make a balanced presentation of his design work. 7.The student has developed his own visual design language. 8.The student is able to present and explain his work with visualisations in a public display. 9.The student is familiar with the phenomenon of pitching and is able to gather visual information, to add other and/or to (re-) arrange this visual material in order to fit into an effective presentation. 10.The student can make a presentation drawing. 11.The student knows the typical difference between visualisations for contractors, colleagues, engineers, sponsors and consumers. 12.The student has knowledge of visual styles and is able to apply form aspects like composition and colour effectively in his work. 13.The student has learnt to communicate and work together better In the first week the basics of this elective will be: making and analyzing a visual presentation (of your minor) There will be lectures, workshops and two streams of practical exercises: 1 Sketching and drawing, 2 Digital photography, layout, lettering and image editing using Photoshop. The exercises in the separate streams will have coherence in their subjects. By doing so, there is always a possibility to compare results of the different visual media. The streams will be integrated into one stream of practical exercises
Computer Use Literature and Study Materials Assessment
On ever Monday morning there will be an general instruction workshop, where you have to use a laptop computer (mandatory) and Photoshop. So you have to have the possibility to use a laptop at that time!!! There will be every week a drawing session in several parallel groups (mandatory). yes -Sketching, Koos Eissen and Roselien Steur, BIS Publishers, Amsterdam, 2007 -a LAPTOP (!) with Photoshop, -drawing materials: markers, pastel, pencils, etc. An exhibition of the visuals will be rated. The two streams of practical exercises will be summative, but the complete portfolio has to be hand over to get the final score for this elective.
Special Information
J.J. Eissen The mailbox for this bachelor elective is:
[email protected]
if you cannot arrange the use a laptop with photoshop you may not enter this elective!!!
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IO3040 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Dr. J.S.M. Vergeest B-vak 3 3 none English Software is at the heart of many products. It may define the functions, behavior, interaction, intelligence and the success of the design. Who is responsible for any software embedded in a product? Most probably you are, as an industrial design engineer. You will act as the interface between ICT specialists and other people involved in the product's development. Software (IO3040) is an elective course. You will actually create computer software as part of product design. The course involves some theory and a lot of practical, experimental work. You create software using the programming language Visual Basic, nowadays a worldwide industry standard. In a project you invent a solution for a practical problem by writing a computer program that (typically) handles data coming from a webcam, microphone, photo camera video camera, a WII device or 3D scanner. Examples are: Register the BPM (beats per minute) in a music hall, measure the speed of vehicles using your mobile phone, verify the surface smoothness of a car body, make a realtime graph of a singer's voice etc etc.
Study Goals
Education Method
See (IO3040) for details. The student: 1Understands the role of ICT and computer software in product designs. 2Is able to invent an ICT solution in the context of a practical product design project. 3Is able to create a computer program in Visual Basic according to design requirements. 4Is able to practically test, evaluate, document the design solution and provide a presentation. 5Is able to successfully negotiate with software experts in future product design projects and in a company management context. In the first two weeks of the course you receive an intensive hands-on tutorial in Visual Basic. Most of the time will be spent in a project group of two students, working on a practical assignment. Each project group has a coach; there will be weekly meetings and the project deliverables and time schedule are clearly specified.
Literature and Study Materials
You will work with the so-called Visual Studio platform, presently an industry standard for software development. This system can be used on the university's computers. However, for the project you can freely download and install Visual Basic Express Edition from Microsoft's website. Book: Visual Basic 2008 (or later) for Students by Douglas Bell and Mike Parr, from Pearson Education. There will be two mile stones: 1. In the 3d week you must have completed the assignments of the Visual Basic tutorial. 2. In the last week of the course you have to submit your final report and to present your project results to all staff and students of the course.
Special Information
The assesment and grading will be done by the project coach and will be based on the quality of your project. Check (IO3040) for details.
IO3045 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Video for Designers
7.5 G.J. Pasman A-vak 3 3 none English In recent years video has truly become a medium for the masses. Nowadays, ordinary computers have become powerful enough to process video at reasonable speeds, editing software has become mainstream, compression techniques have dramatically improved and hard disks hugely expanded, while at the same time, with the exponential rise of smartphones and other digital equipment, video cameras have become almost ubiquitous. All these developments have brought video within the domain of designer students as well. So far, however, its use is mainly limited for presentation purposes. Rather than the single output of a dedicated assignment, the video itself is mainly a by-product, constructed as a vehicle for showing the properties of the main product to be designed. In this course, however, video will be the main deliverable. The main goal of the course is to explore the use of video as a possible (generative) design tool. Besides being used for presentations, video will also be used as a means to communicate findings of etnographic research, to express certain atmospheres and to visualize future interactions or services.
Study Goals
Education Method Computer Use Assessment
Students first will be taught basic techniques for shooting, editing and publishing videos and then will apply these into specific design assignments. In each of the assignments they will roughly go through the stages of pre-production, production, and postproduction. The result of each assignment is a short video, which will be discussed, analyzed and assessed. Throughout the course a practical will be run on the use of video editing software (Adobe Premiere and After Effects). To understand and apply basic concepts and principles involved in the creation (pre-production, production and post-production) of digital videos To acquire basic practical skills involved in the creation of digital videos To apply these skills in the creation of several short videos for design purposes To understand, experience and reflect on the use of video as a design tool To acquire and apply basic skills in working with video editing software. Lectures, practicals, assignments. Adobe Premiere and After Effects Portfolio of work produced during the course (video's, storyboards, sketches etc.)
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IO3050 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Ing. A. Kooijman A-vak 3 3 3 4 English One of the trends in product development is the replacement of conventional or complex mechanical mechanisms with mechatronic systems. Mechatronics is the integration of mechanics, electronics and control engineering; it offers unique opportunities for industrial design engineers in creating smart, cheap, reliable and versatile consumer products. Mechatronic designs achieve higher precision, faster response, smaller size, a wealth of consumer features and allow for products to adapt to their environment. The main advantage of applying mechatronic design in consumer products is enabling complex tasks without user interference. The most appealing application today is the robot. Examples of mechatronic applications can be found in large numbers of products on the market today; home appliances (smart cooker, washing machines), home entertainment (TV, ambient light), automotive sub-systems (ABS, cruise control, motor management)and personal health and safety (blood pressure meter, minimal invasive surgery). The key-issue in the course is to show how to achieve synergy between mechanical and electronic components while striving for added value (economical, user benefit) in consumer products. We do this by answering three key questions: �How can Mechatronic design principles be applied in design engineering and how do these principles affect the product? �What are the basic working principles of mechatronic components (sensors, actuators and converters) and how can (micro) electronics be applied? �How can optimized mechatronic system performance be achieved by combining physical models knowledge and application of intelligently balanced control strategies?
Study Goals
Education Method
Literature and Study Materials
Assessment Special Information
Besides the general introduction into mechatronic design, the course content can be divided over four specific areas of knowledge: mechanics, (micro) electronics, control engineering (including relevant mathematics) and embedded software (Arduino). The course program integrates theoretical background knowledge in a working prototype. 1. The student knows how to apply mechatronic design principles in design engineering and is aware of how this improves the product. 2. The student knows the basic working principles of mechatronic components (sensors, actuators and converters) and how to apply (micro) electronics. 3. The student is familiar with the classic principles of control engineering and how to apply them in engineering design 4. The student is able to program a simple embedded system The course consists of the next elements: 1. Lectures/instructions (colstructie) in the various domains as described in course content and practical examples by external specialists 2. Hands-on experience (practica) in: Product analysis lab; building the technical part of the product; programming the embedded micro-processor 3. Design project; Palm, W.J. III, "System Dynamics" chapters 10 and 11. The strongly recommended book for the course and the examination is "Mechatronics - electronic control systems in mechanical and electrical engineering" by W. Bolton. (the recommended book may be changed before the 2012/2013 course, please ask your coordinator) The assessment will be based upon two aspects including an exam/written assignment ("technisch opstel") and practicum results. The subject of the assignment will be made available at least one week before the exam. IO2080 (modelling) is strongly advised as foreknowledge. Some practical experience with electronics or micro controllers is an advantage. A. Kooijman (coordinator) E-mail adress:
[email protected]
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IO3060 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Study Goals
Creating in Project Teams
Dr. C.M. Coimbra Cardoso B-vak 3 3 none English This is a student-centred course in which students have the chance to learn about creativity, project management and teamwork for themselves. Students identify their own learning needs, pick a topic and work in groups on this for a number of weeks. Then they plan, prepare and facilitate their own session to share their learning with the rest of the class. By the end of the course, students will have learned about theory, research and practical application about creativity, project management and teamwork, and they have gain deep understanding of their own topic. During the first couple of weeks, students decide about their main interest area and create their own interest groups (e.g. Creating in teams, Stimulating creativity, Managing a project, Design in project teams, etc.). Within each interest group, teams of about 5 students with similar interests are formed. These teams work together on a sub-topic of their choice: they search and read the literature, from hands-on guide for dummy-books to academic research. During this time, the teams receive help and advice from the coaches. This happens mainly in February. The study goals depend on the individual learning goals of the student and are defined in the first two weeks of the course. Here are some examples:
Education Method
Literature and Study Materials Assessment
1.Identify their own strengths and weaknesses as a creative person and use a diversity of techniques to enhance their creativity 2.Diagnose problems and resolve conflicts in their own creative teamwork 3.Critically reflect on their own role in teams and the role of others 4.Plan and manage a design project in terms of time, resources, quality and internal organisation 5.Apply appropriate techniques to facilitate meetings and conceptualise future potential developments. The course has three core components: 1. Finding out: students identify their own learning needs in terms of creativity, teamwork and project management, form a team with other like-minded students and, under the guidance of a coach, gain knowledge about their area of interest. This part enables students to recognise in any given situation in a creative project what they are missing, and to then actively search for other methods and approaches by consulting websites, literature, and their professional network. They will also be asked to monitor their own creative team process during this time. 2. Sharing: all teams prepare two intermediate work-in-progress presentations and a final session for the whole class on what they have learned. These sessions will have a workshop character and the learning will be mostly experiential i.e. students will conduct exploratory experiments, using different techniques or approaches to address a meaningful task, and then reflect on the process. 3. Reflecting and gathering: the wealth of shared knowledge and experience will be documented in written/graphical format designed by the student teams. The students will practice reflecting on and evaluating of their own as well as the group's creative process. Information on relevant books and reading material will be presented at the beginning of the course. Students will be evaluated on their contribution to the collective learning process and on their personal reflection of it. There will be formative assessment in terms of peer feedback during the sharing sessions. Students will learn to practice giving and receiving constructive feedback. For the final evaluation, all students will be asked to write an individual reflection on their learning process. Assessment: the criteria for evaluation of your work will be available on Blackboard, as well as presented in the first lecture.
IO3085 Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language
Design Didactics
Ir. J.J.M. Zijlstra B-vak 1 3 1 3 none Dutch
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IO3900 Course Coordinator Course Coordinator Contact Hours / Week x/x/x/x Education Period Start Education Exam Period Course Language Course Contents
Study Goals
Education Method
BSc Final Project
Ir. E.J.J. van Breemen S.R. Dehli A/B-vak 1 4 1 4 none Dutch (on request English) In the Bachelor Final Project students are challenged to demonstrate their competences as Bachelors of Science in Industrial Design Engineering. Next to showing the competences from the manditory courses the students are challenged to make good use of the competences build in electives and minors. The project starts with creating a Design Challenge in the context of a company. In teams the students explore business opportunities and design challenges for the company. Individually the students explore their personal competences and ambitions. Based on the clients business opportunities and personal competences each student defines a Personal Design Challenge. The Design Challenge includes a design goal, a design directed research goal and a plan to realize these goals within the scope of the project. The core of the project is meeting the Design Challenge by realizing the goals in an Integral Design Project. Next to product design special attention is given to design directed research. Interim results include analysis and research findings, product requirements, product ideas and concepts and a substantiated product design proposal. The final results include a business proposal, a detailed design, a research essay and possible models. A presentation report and a presentation poster are delivered to the client with an oral presentation in a broader audience. The course is concluded with a report on personal competence development, assessment and a feedback meeting. The student can generate and explore design opportunities in a commercial and social context and formulate a design challenge; The student can generate concepts for a design challenge and elaborate to a detailed product proposal; The student can set up, execute and report on research within the context of a product development project to support design decisions; The student can plan and manage (a major part of) an integral product development project; The student can develop a business plan to accompany a product proposal; The student can convincingly communicate his notion, actions and the results of his design project. The Final Project is a full quarter full-time studio based project with a real client. Before the kick-off the students enroll in one of the project cases connected to different clients. The project case is the context for 20 students supported by a team of Design Coaches and Research Coaches. Guiding in the project are 4 planned meetings with the client, in which the results are presented and discussed. Based on this the students plan and manage their own project. The structure of the project is aimed at creating opportunities for optimal learning experience, to be reported as Personal Competence Development. First a Personal Design Challenge is created, based on the clients business opportunities and the students Personal Competences. A key question is: How can I as an industrial designer make a difference in this context? The Design Challenge is met in an Integral Design Project resulting in a Detailed Design included in a Business Proposal. To create academic depth systematic research is done to support decisions and results in the project, resulting in a separate Research Essay. The project is concluded with a Final Presentation with accompanying Presentation Report and Exposition Poster. The performance is celebrated in a town hall meeting with all students, clients and coaches.
The assessment is based on the reported and perceived process, results and competence development. A final grade is only administered with a complete portfolio consisting of the requested hardcopies and digital deliverables.
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Ir. S. Bakker-Wu Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Marketing en Consumentenondz.
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 83801 B32-B-4-020
Ir. E.J.J. van Breemen Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Product Architecture Design
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 83437 B32-B-3-050
G.N. Bruens Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Design Aesthetics
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 86947 C-3-250
Dr. C.M. Coimbra Cardoso Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Ontwerptheorie & -methodologie
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 83451 B-4-070
S.R. Dehli Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Marketing en Consumentenondz.
J.J. Eissen Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Design Concept. & Comm.
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 83044 C-1-590 S.F.J. Flipsen Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Product Architecture Design
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 89398 B32-B-3-060
Ir. S.G. van de Geer Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Design Aesthetics
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 84063 C-2-020
Ir. A.J. Heidweiller Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Reliability & Durability
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 84861 B32-B-3-220
Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Reliability & Durability
Telephone Room
+31 (0)15 27 84861 B-3-220
Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Reliability & Durability
E.J. Jepma Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Design Aesthetics
+31 15 27 83921 Page 26 of 28
Dr. R.G. Klaassen Unit Department
Universiteitsdienst OS onderwijscentrum FOCUS
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 88393 a3.220
Ing. A. Kooijman Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Technical Support
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 81197 B-3-390
Ir. H. Kuipers Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Applied Ergonomics & Design
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 85626 C-3-070
Ir. C.J.M. de Lange Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Onderwijs en Studentenzaken S.C. Mooij Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Marketing en Consumentenondz.
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 86376 B32-B-4-210
Dr. E.Z. Opiyo Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Management Support
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 83376 B32-C-2-560 G.J. Pasman Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Design Concept. & Comm.
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 84960 B32-C-3-300
Ir. I.A. Ruiter Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Applied Ergonomics & Design
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 81520 C-3-170
Dr. Y. Song Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Mechatronic Design
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 88286 B32-B-3-020
Ir. M. Tassoul Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Management & Organisatie
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 82939 B-4-200 E. Tempelman Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Advanced Manufacturing
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 83270 B-3-200 Page 27 of 28
Dr. J.S.M. Vergeest Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Comp Aided Design Engineering
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 83765 B32-B-3-350 A.P.O.S. Vermeeren Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Human Information Comm. Design
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 84218 C-3-280
Dr. V.T. Visch Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Design Aesthetics
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 84951 C-3-260
Ir. A.A. Visser Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Human Information Comm. Design
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 86499 C-2-030
R. Wormgoor Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Design Aesthetics
Telephone Room
+31 15 27 83071 C-2-030
Ir. J.J.M. Zijlstra Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Onderwijs en Studentenzaken
Unit Department
Industrieel Ontwerpen Reliability & Durability
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