ISSN 0126 – 3188
AKREDITASI : SK 187/AU1/P2MBI/08/2009
Penanggung Jawab: Kapuslit Metalurgi – LIPI Dewan Redaksi : Ketua Merangkap Anggota: Ir. Bambang Sriyono Dipl.Ing. Anggota: Dr. Ir. Rudi Subagja Dr. Ir. F. Firdiyono Dr. Agung Imadudin Dr. Efendi Mabruri Ir. Adil Jamali, M.Sc (UPT BPM – LIPI) Prof. Riset. Dr. Ir. Pramusanto (Puslitbang TEKMIRA) Prof. Dr. Ir. Johny Wahyuadi, DEA (UI) Dr. Ir. Sunara, M.Sc (ITB) Sekretariat Redaksi: Dedi Irawan, ST Daniel Panghihutan Malau, ST Arif Nurhakim, S.Sos Penerbit: Pusat Penelitian Metalurgi – LIPI Kawasan PUSPIPTEK, Serpong, Gedung 470 Telp: (021) 7560911, Fax: (021) 7560553
Pengantar Redaksi ………………. iii Abstrak …..…………………………….. v Application of Mechanochemistry in Mineral Processing Solihin………………………………………….. 1
Urgency to Develop Biocompatible Materials for Medical Implant Applications in Indonesia Andika Widya Pramono…..…………….…… 7
Proses Pemanasan Temperatur 700°C Mineral Magnesit dari Padamarang Eko Sulistiyono dan Bintang Adjiantoro…13
Pembuatan Baja Lapis Titanium dengan Metoda Cladding Sri Mulyaningsih dan Budi Priyono …..….19
Analysis of The Mg-Ti-Fe Alloy Prepared by High Energy Ball Milling and its Hydrogen Capacity Hadi Suwarno..……………..………...………25
Prospek Paduan Magnesium untuk Aplikasi Biomedis Yusuf……………………………………….......33
Pembuatan Material Komposit Matriks Paduan Al-4,5%Cu4%Mg/Sic(P) dengan Proses Tempa (1) Bintang Adjiantoro dan Bambang Sriyono.41
Alamat Sekretariat: Pusat Penelitian Metalurgi – LIPI Kawasan PUSPIPTEK, Serpong, Gedung 470 Telp: (021) 7560911, Fax: (021) 7560553 E-mail:
[email protected]
Recovery TiO2 dari Larutan TiO(SO4) Hasil Ekstraksi Bijih Ilmenite Bangka Menggunakan Proses Sol Gel
Majalah ilmu dan teknologi terbit berkala setiap tahun, satu volume terdiri atas 3 nomor.
Penghalusan Butir Titanium Murni untuk Aplikasi Biomedis dengan Teknik Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP)
F. Firdiyono, dkk.…………..………...………49
Efendi Mabruri, dkk……………...………61
ii | Majalah Metalurgi, V 25.1.2010, ISSN 0126-3188
PENGANTAR REDAKSI Syukur Alhamdullilah, terbitan Majalah Metalurgi pada edisi kali ini lebih awal, direncanakan majalah ini akan terbit tiga kali dalam setahun Majalah Metalurgi Volume 25 Nomor 1, April 2010 kali ini menampilkan sembilan buah tulisan, terdiri atas enam buah tulisan hasil penelitian dan tiga buah studi. Tulisan hasil penelitian disampaikan oleh Eko Sulistyo dan Bintang Ajiantoro tentang “Proses Pemanasan Temperatur 700ºC Mineral Magnesit dari Padamarang”. Selanjutnya Sri Mulyaningsih dan Budi Priyono menyajikan tulisan tentang “Pembuatan Baja Lapis Titanium dengan Metoda Cladding”. Berikutnya Hadi Suwarno menulis tentang “Analysis of The Mg-Ti-Fe Alloy Prepared by High Energy Ball Milling and its Hydrogen Capacity”; berikutnya dan Bambang Sriyono menulis tentang “Pembuatan Material Komposit Matriks Paduan Al-4,5%Cu4%Mg/SiC(p) dengan Proses Tempa”. F. Firdiyono dan Kawan-Kawan menyajikan tulisan tentang “Recovery TiO 2 dari Larutan TiO(SO 4 ) Hasil Ekstraksi Bijih Ilmenit Bangka Menggunakan Proses Sol Gel”. Tulisan berikutnya disajikan oleh Efendi dengan tajuk “Penghalusan Butir Titanium Murni untuk Aplikasi Biomedis dengan Teknik Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP)”. Pada bagian berikutnya ada tiga buah hasil studi yaitu “Application of Mechanochemistry in Mineral Processing” yang disampaikan oleh Solihin dan “Urgency to Develop Biocompatible Materials for Medical Implant Applications in Indonesia ” yang ditulis oleh Andika Widya Pramono. Terakhir disajikan “Prospek Paduan Magnesium untuk Aplikasi Biomedis” yang dipaparkan oleh Yusuf. Semoga penerbitan Majalah Metalurgi volume ini dapat bermanfaat bagi perkembangan dunia penelitian di Indonesia.
Pengantar Redaksi
| iii
iv | Majalah Metalurgi, V 25.1.2010, ISSN 0126-3188
METALURGI (Metallurgy) ISSN 0126 – 3188 Vol 25 No. 1 April 2010 Kata Kunci bersumber dari artikel. Lembar abstrak ini boleh diperbanyak tanpa izin dan biaya. UDC (OXDCF) 660.2 Solihin (Research Center for Metallurgy, Indonesian Institute of Science) Application of Mechanochemistry in Mineral Processing Metalurgi, Volume 25 No.1 April 2010 Fenomena mekanokimia telah lama dikenal mampu menginisiasi transformasi struktural atau reaksi kimia pada temperature kamar. Selain itu, fenomena mekanokimia juga membuat kinetika reaksi dapat diakselerasi sehingga dapat terjadi pada temperature kamar. Transformasi struktural dengan memanfaatkan fenomena mekanokimia ini dapat diarahkan untuk meningkatkan unjuk kerja pemrosesan mineral atau ekstraksi logam berharga. Sulfidisasi mineral oksida, pembentukan senyawa yang mampu larut dalam air dan meningkatkan luas permukaan spesifik merupakan contoh-contoh reaksi mekanokimia atau transformasi structural yang dapat meningkatkan unjuk kerja pemrosesan mineral. Kata kunci : Mekanokimia, Pemrosesan mineral, Reaksi antar padatan, Kinetik, Milling
Mechanochemical phenomenon has been known to be able to conduct structural transformation or chemical reaction at room temperature. The kinetics of the reaction can also be accelerated at room temperature through mechanochemical reaction. This transformation through mechanochemical reaction can be used to enhance mineral processing or metal extraction. Sulphidation of oxides minerals, formation of water soluble compound, and increasing specific surface area of minerals are among the mechanochemical reaction or structural transformation capable to enhance the mineral processing of certain minerals. Keywords : Mechanochemistry, Mineral processing, Solid-state reaction, Kinetics, Milling
METALURGI (Metallurgy) ISSN 0126 – 3188 Vol 25 No. 1 April 2010 Kata Kunci bersumber dari artikel. Lembar abstrak ini boleh diperbanyak tanpa izin dan biaya. UDC (OXDCF) 619.600 Andika Widya Pramono (Research Centre for Metallurgy, Indonesian Institute of Sciences) Urgency to Develop Biocompatible Materials for Medical Implant Applications in Indonesia Metalurgi, Volume 25 No.1 April 2010 Makalah ini memberi gambaran tentang arti pentingnya pengembangan material biokompatibel untuk aplikasi implan medis di Indonesia. Berbagai latar belakang permasalahan dan perkembangan yang terjadi di dunia dibahas dimulai dari: peningkatan prosentase manula, tingkat kecelakaan dalam berkendara di Indonesia, millennium development goals, kemajuan riset dan pengembangan material biokompatibel di dunia dan Indonesia, penggunaan nanoteknologi sebagai sarana terobosan inovatif dan peningkatan nilai tambah, sampai dengan perlunya mengedepankan keunggulan kompetitif di atas keunggulan komparatif bagi Indonesia. Di bagian akhir makalah dikemukakan tentang upaya ke depan dalam pengembangan komponen implan biokompatibel yang murah dan berkualitas melalui kolaborasi internasional, termasuk dengan Amerika Serikat. Aspek manfaat bagi semua pihak yang berkolaborasi ditekankan baik dari segi kemanusiaan maupun teknoekonomi. Kata kunci : Biokompatibel, Implan, Millennium development goals, Keunggulan komparatif, Keunggulan kompetitif, Nanoteknologi, Tekno-ekonomi
This paper underlines the significance of developing biocompatible materials for medical implant applications in Indonesia. Various problems and development worldwide concerning implant materials are discussed including: the increase in percentage of elderly people, the extent of accidents during vehicle driving in Indonesia, the millennium development goals, the advanced research and development of biocompatible materials worldwide and in Indonesia, the utilization of nanotechnology as the means for innovative breakthrough and added values, as well as the importance of bringing forward competitive advantages over the comparative advantages for Indonesia. The final part of paper discusses the possible future attempts to develop affordable biocompatible implant materials through the international collaboration including with the USA. The mutual benefits for all parties are emphasized from the aspects of humanity and techno-economy. Keywords : Biocompatible, Implant, The millennium development goals, Comparative advantages, Competitive advantages, Nanotechnology, Techno-economy
vi | Majalah Metalurgi, V 25.1.2010, ISSN 0126-3188
METALURGI (Metallurgy) ISSN 0126 – 3188 Vol 25 No. 1 April 2010 Kata Kunci bersumber dari artikel. Lembar abstrak ini boleh diperbanyak tanpa izin dan biaya. UDC (OXDCF) 660 Eko Sulistiyono dan Bintang Adjiantoro (Pusat Penelitian Metalurgi-LIPI) Proses Pemanasan Temperatur 700 ºC Mineral Magnesit dari Padamarang Metalurgi, Volume 25 No.1 April 2010 Telah dilakukan kegiatan proses pemanasan pada temperatur tinggi terhadap mineral magnesit dari Padamarang untuk melihat pengaruh pemanasan. Dari hasil percobaan dengan pemanasan pada temperatur 700 °C dengan berbagai variabel ukuran partikel menunjukkan bahwa ukuran butiran tidak berpengaruh padsa reaksi. Secara keseluruhan pada tempatur 700 °C telah menunjukkan adanya pembentukan MgO yang cukup tinggi yaitu sekitar 95 % pada waktu proses diatas 6 jam. Hasil dari proses pemanasan ini selanjutnya dilakukan analisis SEM, memperlihatkan bentuk kristal yang berupa lembaran-lembaran yang mengelompok dalam bentuk klusterkluster. Kata kunci : Magnesit, MgO, Padamarang
Activity has been carried out at high temperature heating process of the mineral magnesite from Padamarang to see the influence of heating. From the results of experiments with heating at a temperature of 700 °C with a variety of variable particle size showed that particle size has no effect on the reaction. Overall at 700 °C tempature have shown the formation of MgO is high enough, it was 95% in processing time by more than 6 hours. The result of this heating process is then performed SEM analysis, showing crystal shape in the form of sheets are clustered in the form of clusters. Keywords : Magnesite, MgO, Padamarang
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METALURGI (Metallurgy) ISSN 0126 – 3188 Vol 25 No. 1 April 2010 Kata Kunci bersumber dari artikel. Lembar abstrak ini boleh diperbanyak tanpa izin dan biaya. UDC (OXDCF) 620 Sri Mulyaningsih, Budi Priyono ( Pusat Penelitian Metalurgi – LIPI ) Pembuatan Baja Lapis Titanium dengan Metoda Cladding Metalurgi, Volume 25 No.1 April 2010 Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang baja lapis titanium dengan metoda mechanical cladding untuk meningkatkan ketahanan korosinya. Proses cladding dilakukan dengan menyusun secara berturut-turut pelat baja, tembaga dan titanium setelah sebelumnya dibersihkan permukaannya, kemudian diikat dan dipanaskan pada temperatur diatas temperatur austenit. Percobaan dilakukan dengan memvariasikan temperatur pemanasan yaitu; 750, 800 dan 900°C dan ditahan selama 1 jam. Proses cladding dilakukan menggunakan metoda mekanik yaitu di roll dalam keadaan panas. Dari hasil percobaan diperoleh bahwa hasil proses cladding terbaik adalah pemanasan pada temperatur 900 °C yaitu hasil lapisan yang melekat merata pada semua sampel. Kata kunci : Cladding, Intermetalik, Pengerollan panas
There has been done research on steel and titanium cladding mechanical cladding method by mean hot rolled cladding for increasing its corrosion behavior. The cladding process was done by put the titanium, cuprum and steel layer by layer to united, than heat treated over the austenite temperature. The heat treatment temperature was varies from 750, 800 and 900 °C, holding time at 1 hour. Continue to the cladding process with allow the unite hot plate into the roll machine. The best result from the experiment is heat treating the sample at 900°C which is show the cladding process inherent on the samples. Keywords : Cladding, Intermetalic, Hot roll
viii | Majalah Metalurgi, V 25.1.2010, ISSN 0126-3188
METALURGI (Metallurgy) ISSN 0126 – 3188 Vol 25 No. 1 April 2010 Kata Kunci bersumber dari artikel. Lembar abstrak ini boleh diperbanyak tanpa izin dan biaya. UDC (OXDCF) 669.7 Hadi Suwarno ( Center for Technology of Nuclear Fuel, National Nuclear Energy Agency ) Analysis of the Mg-Ti-Fe Alloy Prepared by High Energy Ball Milling and Its Hydrogen Capacity Metalurgi, Volume 25 No.1 April 2010 Hidrogen diprediksi akan menjadi sumber energy penting untuk masa depan. Menyimpan hidrogen dalam bentuk metal hidrid merupakan metoda yang cukup menarik untuk menyimpan hidrogen dalam bentuk padat. Logam paduan Mg-Ti-Fe berukuran nano partikel dibuat dengan menggunakan mesin high energy ball milling untuk maksud menyimpan hidrogen. Analisa menggunakan mesin sinar-X atas spesimen yang di-milling selama 30 jam menunjukkan bahwa paduan sintetis senyawa Fe2Ti dan FeTi dapat dibentuk, sementara tak teramati adanya senyawa Mg-Fe maupun Mg-Ti. Adanya Mg di dalam spesimen berfungsi sebagai katalis yaitu menyediakan ruang bebas untuk hidrogen agar berinteraksi dengan fasa Fe-Ti dan Ti membentuk senyawa metal hidrid. Kapasitas hidrogen sebesar 5,7 % berat pada suhu kamar dan sebesar 1,2 % berat pada suhu 70 °C memenuhi persyaratan suhu operasi untuk fuel cell tipe polymer electrolyte membrane (PEMFC). Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa paduan Mg-Ti-Fe dapat dipromosikan sebagai bahan penyimpan hidrogen dalam bentuk senyawa metal hidrid. Kata kunci : Ball milling energi tinggi, Paduan sintesis, Material penyimpan hidrogen
Hydrogen will become a very important energy source in the near future. Storing hydrogen in the form of metal hydride presents a challenging method for solid hydrogen storage. The Mg-Ti-Fe alloy in the nanosize particles is prepared to develop a solid hydrogen storage material using a high energy ball milling. X-ray diffraction analyses of the specimen after 30 h of milling shows that the synthetic alloying of Fe 2 Ti and FeTi compounds can be formed and no Mg-Fe or Mg-Ti compounds are observed. The presence of Mg in the specimen act as a catalyst by providing free spaces for hydrogen to interact with Fe-Ti and Ti phases to form metal hydride. Hydrogen capacity of 5.7 wt% of the specimen at room temperature and of 1.2 wt% at a temperature of 70 °C fulfils the operating temperature of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). It is concluded that the Mg-Ti-Fe alloy can be promoted as a new hydrogen storage material. Keywords : High energy ball milling, Synthetic alloying, Hydrogen storage material
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METALURGI (Metallurgy) ISSN 0126 – 3188 Vol 25 No. 1 April 2010 Kata Kunci bersumber dari artikel. Lembar abstrak ini boleh diperbanyak tanpa izin dan biaya. UDC (OXDCF) 620.18 Yusuf ( Pusat Penelitien Metalurgi – LIPI ) Prospek Paduan Magnesium untuk Aplikasi Biomedis Metalurgi, Volume 25 No.1 April 2010 Paduan magnesium memiliki prospek yang sangat baik sebagai material untuk aplikasi biomedis. Sifatnya yang ringan, kuat, kaku dan mudah dikerjakan sangat menarik untuk aplikasi apapun. Sedangkan sifatnya yang ramah dan bersahabat dengan cairan dan organ tubuh menjadi unggulan untuk aplikasi biomedis. Hasil interaksi antara logam magnesium dengan cairan tubuh menghasilkan magnesium khlorida tidak meracuni tubuh dan dengan mudah dikeluarkan dari tubuh lewat air seni. Sifatnya yang reaktif dan mudah terkorosi mendapat tempat sebagai material implan yang biodegradabel. Sifat ini sangat cocok untuk kebutuhan implan yang bersifat sementara, seperti pen atau baut penahan tulang yang patah. Keberadaan pen atau baut itu bersifat sementara dan harus diambil sesudah patah tulangnya berhasil dipulihkan. Pengambilan implan ini harus dilakukan dengan tindakan operasi yang agak merepotkan. Paduan magnesium yang dirancang larut pada saat patah tulang pulih, akan menghindari pengambilan pen atau baut tadi. Untuk aplikasi biomedis dalam bentuk implan yang permanen, paduan magnesium memerlukan perlakuan khusus. Paduannya sendiri bisa ditambah dengan unsur untuk menambah ketahanan korosi seperti zirkon atau kalsium. Untuk lebih meningkatkan ketahanan korosinya, paduan magnesium dapat diberi berbagai macam lapis lindung. Mulai dari lapis oksida, lapis logam, lapis polimerhingga lapis keramik. Metode pelapisannyapun bisa sederhana semacam konversi kimia, elektrolisa anodisasi, semprot dingin, lapis plasma, hingga pelapisan canggih berskala nano semacam self assembled monolayer (SAM). Kata kunci : Magnesium, Paduan, Biomedis, Implan, Korosi, Lapis lindung
Magnesium alloys have a good prospect as materials for biomedical aplications. Their character as light, strong, stiff and good workability materials looks very interesting for many applications. On top of these characters, their compatibility with body liquids and human organs will become advantages in their biomedical applications. Reaction products between a magnesium metal and body liquids will produce a magnesium chloride solution which is not harmful to human body and will be secreted out from the human body through the urine solution. Their character as reactive and corrosive materials is finding its role as biodegradable temporaly implants, like temporary pin and scrscrews to connect broken bones. The pin and screws are only needed as a temporary tools before the bones are growth and connected again. The pin and screws should be removed from human body, usually by surgery. With a certain magnesium alloy as a biodegradable material the pin and screws can be left and degrade in the human body. quirFor the biomedical application as permanent implants, the alloys require a rather special treatment to improve its corrosion resistance through alloying and protective coatings. Addition of zircon or calcium are known to improve the corrosion resistance. The protective coating might be one of the following materials: oxide,metal, polymer or ceramic. The coating method also varied from a simple chemical conversion or anodizing up to a sophisticated nano scale technology such as a self assembled monolayer (SAM) method. Keywords : Magnesium, Alloy, Biomedical, Implant, Corrosion, Coating
x | Majalah Metalurgi, V 25.1.2010, ISSN 0126-3188
METALURGI (Metallurgy) ISSN 0126 – 3188 Vol 25 No. 1 April 2010 Kata Kunci bersumber dari artikel. Lembar abstrak ini boleh diperbanyak tanpa izin dan biaya. UDC (OXDCF) 620.19 Bintang Adjiantoro dan Bambang Sriyono (Pusat Penelitian Metalurgi-LIPI) Pembuatan Material Komposit Matriks Paduan Al-4,5%Cu-4%Mg/SiC(p) dengan Proses Tempa (1) Metalurgi, Volume 25 No.1, April 2010 Penelitian pembuatan material komposit matriks logam telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan metoda stirrcasting pada matriks paduan Al-4,5%Cu-4%Mg dengan penguat partikel SiC. Percobaan dilakukan dengan memvariasikan persen fraksi volume partikel (5% dan 7,5%) dan ukuran partikel (147µm dan 74µm). Dari hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa persen fraksi volume partikel sangat berpengaruh terhadap sifat mekanik dan struktur mikro dari material komposit matriks paduan Al-4,5%Cu-4%Mg/SiC(p). Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan meningkatnya kekuatan tarik, kekerasan dan memperbaiki tingkat keausan namun material komposit matriks paduan Al-4,5%Cu-4%Mg/SiC(p) cenderung memiliki sifat lebih getas. Kata kunci : Komposit matriks logam, Paduan terner AlCuMg, Senyawa karbida SiC
Research the manufacture of metal matrix composite materials has been carried out by using the method stirrcasting the matrix alloy Al-4.5% Cu-4% Mg with SiC particle reinforcement. Experiments carried out by varying the particle volume fraction percent (5% and 7.5%) and particle size (147 µ m and 74 µ m). Experimental results show that the percent volume fraction of particles affect the mechanical properties and microstructure of the alloy matrix composite material Al-4.5% Cu-4% Mg / SiC (p). This is indicated by the increased tensile strength, hardness and improve wear but the alloy matrix composite material Al-4.5% Cu-4% Mg / SiC (p) tend to have more brittle nature. Keywords : Metal matrix composite, AlCuMg ternary alloys, SiC carbide compound
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METALURGI (Metallurgy) ISSN 0126 – 3188 Vol 25 No. 1 April 2010 Kata Kunci bersumber dari artikel. Lembar abstrak ini boleh diperbanyak tanpa izin dan biaya. UDC (OXDCF) 669.7 F. Firdiyono, Rudi Subagja, Latifa Hanum i, Iwan Setiawan, Nurhayati ( Pusat Penelitian Metalurgi – LIPI ) Recovery TiO 2 dari Larutan TiO(SO 4 ) Hasil Ekstraksi Bijih Ilmenite Bangka Menggunakan Proses Sol Gel Metalurgi, Volume 25 No.1 April 2010 Penggunaan TiO 2 setiap tahunnya terus meningkat antara 10 sampai 15 % di pasaran (US Department of Commerce June, 2001). Hal ini karena TiO 2 merupakan material yang banyak digunakan sebagai pigmen, sunscreens, cat, kosmetik dan bahan baku industri kimia. Adanya manfaat dan keunggulan yang begitu banyak tersebut mendorong iklim penelitian terkait dengan pembuatan TiO 2 dari berbagai prekursor. Pemanfaatan mineral ilmenit (FeTiO 3 ) Bangka Indonesia untuk membentuk TiO 2 dengan kemurnian tinggi merupakan potensi yang bagus dalam upaya menaikkan nilai ekonominya. Tujuan penelitian adalah melakukan recovery TiO 2 dari larutan TiO(SO 4 ) hasil ekstraksi bijih ilmenite Bangka menggunakan proses sol gel. Proses yang dilakukan dalam penelitian adalah hidrolisis dengan pelarut H 2 O dalam reaktor berpengaduk dan reflux dalam berbagai rasio volume pelarut (v/v) H 2 O/TiOSO 4 (0, 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 19), pH (0, 1, 3, 4, 5,dan 6), pengaruh pengadukan, dan pencucian dengan asam. Tahapan penelitian adalah larutan TiOSO 4 direaksikan dengan H 2 O dalam berbagai kondisi sesuai variabel pada suhu 90 °C selama 2 jam. Proses ini menghasilkan gel TiO 2 . Gel TiO 2 yang terbentuk kemudian dipisahkan dari filtratnya dan dicuci sampai pH netral. Proses pengeringan pada suhu 100°C menggunakan oven dilakukan untuk mendapatkan bubuk TiO 2 . Bubuk titanium dioksida yang dihasilkan kemudian dianalisa AAS, SEM, dan SEM. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bubuk TiO 2 hasil sintesis rasio volume (v/v) H 2 O/TiOSO 4 yang lebih kecil mempunyai ukuran partikel lebih besar dengan kadar pengotor besi lebih kecil. Proses hidrolisis ini mampu menyisihkan pengotor Fe cukup significan. Sedangkan bubuk TiO 2 hasil hidrolisis pada pH semakin kecil mempunyai ukuran partikel titanium dioksida lebih kecil dengan morfologi partikel yang seragam dan kadar pengotor besi lebih kecil. Fraksi kristalin semakin meningkat pada produk titanium dioksida yang dihasilkan pada hidrolisis pH rendah. Morfologi titanium dioksida mempunyai partikel yang seragam pada proses hidrolisis dalam reaktor berpengaduk. Proses pencucian menggunakan asam H 2 SO 4 pada gel TiO 2 dapat menurunkan kadar pengotor Fe dalam bubuk TiO 2 . Penelitian yang dilakukan ini diharapkan menjadi masukkan dalam sintesis titanium dioksida dari mineral ilmenit. Keberhasilan recovery TiO 2 dengan kadar pengotor besi yang rendah diharapkan dapat diaplikasikan sebagai pigmen atau bahan baku industri kimia. Kata kunci : Ilmenit, Titanium sulfat, Titanium dioksida, SEM The use of TiO 2 each year continues to increase between 10 to 15% on the market (U.S. Department of Commerce June, 2001). This is because TiO 2 is material which is widely used as pigments, sunscreens, paints, cosmetics and industrial raw materials chemistry. The existence of the benefits and advantages that so many of the climate to encourage research related to the production of TiO 2 from various precursors. Utilization of mineral ilmenite (FeTiO 3 ) Bangka Indonesia to form TiO 2 with high purity is a great potential in an effort to increase its economic value. The purpose of this research is to perform recovery of TiO 2 from a solution of TiO (SO 4 ) Bangka ilmenite ore extracted using sol gel process. The process is carried out in research is hydrolysis with solvent H 2 O in a strirred reactor and reflux in various solvents volume ratio (v/v) H 2 O/TiOSO 4 (0, 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 19), pH (0, 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6), the influence of stirring, and washing with acid. Stages of the research is TiOSO 4 solution reacted with H2O in a variety of conditions as variable at 90 °C for 2 hours. This process produces TiO 2 gel. TiO 2 gel was then separated from the filtrate and washes until neutral pH. The process of drying at a temperature of 100 °C using the oven do to get the TiO 2 powder. The resulting titanium dioxide powder is then analyzed AAS, SEM, and SEM. The results showed a synthesis of TiO 2 powder volume ratio (v/v) H 2 O/TiOSO 4 smaller particles have a size larger with smaller levels of iron impurities. This hydrolysis process capable of removing Fe impuritiesis significant. While the results of hydrolysis of TiO 2 powder at pH less titanium dioksida have a smaller particle size with uniform particle morphology and lower levels of iron impurities. Increasing crystalline fraction in the titanium dioxide product produced at low pH hydrolysis. The morphology of titanium dioxide particles have a uniform in the process of hydrolysis in a stirred reactor. The washing process using H2SO4 acid on TiO2 gel can reduce levels of impurity Fe in TiO2 powder. This research is expected to be entered in the synthesis of titanium dioxide from the mineral ilmenite. The successful recovery of TiO2 with low levels of iron impurities is expected to be applied as a pigment or chemical industrial raw material. Keywords: Ilmenite, Titanium sulfat, Titanium dioxide, SEM
xii | Majalah Metalurgi, V 25.1.2010, ISSN 0126-3188
METALURGI (Metallurgy) ISSN 0126 – 3188 Vol 25 No. 1 April 2010 Kata Kunci bersumber dari artikel. Lembar abstrak ini boleh diperbanyak tanpa izin dan biaya. UDC (OXDCF) 620.19 Efendi Mabruri, Bambang Sriyono, Sri Mulyaningsih, Solihin (Pusat Penelitian Metalurgi-LIPI) Penghalusan Butir Titanium Murni untuk Aplikasi Biomedis dengan Teknik Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) Metalurgi, Volume 25 No.1 April 2010 Tulisan ini memaparkan penghalusan butir titanium murni (Commercial Purity Titanium/CP-Ti) untuk aplikasi biomedis dengan teknik equal channel angular pressing (ECAP). Die ECAP yang dibuat untuk percobaan memiliki sudut rongga Φ=120°dan Ψ= 7° yang menghasilkan regangan geser 0,65 untuk individual pass. Rute deformasi ECAP (A dan Bc) dan jumlah pass dievaluasi terhadap perubahan struktur mikro CP-Ti. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa bahwa sampel CP-Ti setelah ECAP(Φ=120°, Ψ= 7°) pada masing-masing rute deformasi menunjukkan penghalusan butir yang signifikan dibandingkan dengan struktur mikro CP-Ti awal. Rute deformasi Bc menghasilkan ukuran butir yang lebih halus dibandingkan dengan yang dihasilkan oleh rute A pada jumlah pass yang sama. Penambahan jumlah pass pada masing-masing rute deformasi semakin menghaluskan ukuran butir CP-Ti. Kata kunci : Penghalusan butir, CP-Ti, Aplikasi biomedis, Equal channel angular pressing, Rute deformasi
This paper reports the grain refinement of pure titanium (Commercial Purity Titanium/CP-Ti) for biomedical application by using equal channel angular pressing (ECAP). The ECAP dies used in the experiment have the die angle of Φ=120° and Ψ= 7° giving the shear strain of 0.65 for individual pass. The deformation routes (A and Bc) and the number of passes were evaluated with respect to microstructure evolution of CP-Ti. The experimental results showed that the grain size of CP-Ti significantly decreased after extrusion through the ECAP(Φ=120°, Ψ= 7°) dies for both deformation routes A and Bc. The ECAP route Bc resulted in the finer grain sizes compared to those were resulted by route A for the same pass number applied. Furthermore, the grain sizes of CP-Ti decreased with increasing the number of passes of both ECAP routes. Keywords : Grain refinement, Commercial purity titanium, Biomedical application, Equal channel angular pressing, Deformation routes
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APPLICATION OF MECHANOCHEMISTRY IN MINERAL PROCESSING Solihin Research Center for Metallurgy, Indonesian Institute of Science Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong Tangerang Selatan, Banten Provence, Indonesia E-mail :
[email protected]
Intisari Fenomena mekanokimia telah lama dikenal mampu menginisiasi transformasi struktural atau reaksi kimia pada temperature kamar. Selain itu, fenomena mekanokimia juga membuat kinetika reaksi dapat diakselerasi sehingga dapat terjadi pada temperature kamar. Transformasi struktural dengan memanfaatkan fenomena mekanokimia ini dapat diarahkan untuk meningkatkan unjuk kerja pemrosesan mineral atau ekstraksi logam berharga. Sulfidisasi mineral oksida, pembentukan senyawa yang mampu larut dalam air dan meningkatkan luas permukaan spesifik merupakan contoh-contoh reaksi mekanokimia atau transformasi structural yang dapat meningkatkan unjuk kerja pemrosesan mineral. Kata kunci : Mekanokimia, Pemrosesan mineral, Reaksi antar padatan, Kinetik, Milling
Abstract Mechanochemical phenomenon has been known to be able to conduct structural transformation or chemical reaction at room temperature. The kinetics of the reaction can also be accelerated at room temperature through mechanochemical reaction. This transformation through mechanochemical reaction can be used to enhance mineral processing or metal extraction. Sulphidation of oxides minerals, formation of water soluble compound, and increasing specific surface area of minerals are among the mechanochemical reaction or structural transformation capable to enhance the mineral processing of certain minerals. Keywords : Mechanochemistry, Mineral processing, Solid-state reaction, Kinetics, Milling
INTRODUCTION Mechanochemistry is defined as a branch of chemistry, which concern with chemical and physicochemical transformations of substances in all states of aggregation produced by the effect of mechanical energy[1]. The spontaneity of any chemical and psychochemical transformations depends on its standard free energy change. Thermodynamically speaking, the reaction takes place spontaneously when the free energy changes become negative. It can be found in any textbook elsewhere that standard free energy change is a variable that depend on temperature and atmospheric pressure of matters[2-4]. The changes in temperature and pressure of
matters changes the free energy difference until it becomes negative and is able to achieve the enough energy level to break the bonding energy between atoms, allowing atoms or ions to be in the active state and be ready to conduct chemical reaction with other atoms or ions. The mechanochemical reaction breaks the bonding energy between atoms in different way; it uses mechanical energy instead of temperature and atmospheric pressure change. The continuous mechanical energy, transmitted to the powder through collision and impact, makes the particles deform plastically, flattened, cold-welded, fractured and rewelded. The continuation of the mechanical deformation results in progressive particles size reduction leading
to the increasing of surface energy, as well as changes in chemical, physicochemical and structural properties. This is manifested by the presence of a variety of crystal defects such as increasing of grain boundaries, dislocations, vacancies, stacking faults and deformed and ruptured chemical bonds[5]. Soon after the chemical bonds are ruptured, the atoms or molecular ions will be in the active state, and thus further chemical reaction with other active atoms or ions can possibly takes place. The chemical reaction can be a displacement reaction[6-7], or the combination reaction[8-9]. In some cases, transmission of mechanical energy through milling only change the crystal structure of the substance rather than promoting solid-state chemical reaction. The changes can be polymorphic transformation, amorphisation, or re-crystallization. For example, the structure of CaCO 3 can be transformed from calcite to aragonite; for that of TiO 2 from anatase to rutile; and for that of PbO from massicot to litharge. The polymorphic transformation proceeds in two stages[10]: 1. Preliminary stage, in which the crystal size decreases with increasing lattice distortion, the critical stress for fracture is being larger than for distortion. 2. Polymorphic transformation stage, in which the stored energy is released with a small (or zero) decrease in crystallite size.
phases (Figure 1 (b))[11]. The shifting of this line illustrates that the crystal structure transformation can take place at relatively low temperature with the aid of rapid shears. Amorphisation often happens to the particles treated by milling. The mechanical energy is believed to distort the crystal lattice resulting irregular orientations of crystal. The broadening or disappearance of the peak of intensity in XRD pattern is the indication that amorphisation has occurred. For example, the product reaction of milled LiOH.H 2 OMnO 2 and Mg-Ni become amorphous after being milled with the broadening intensity peak as indication of amorphisation[12]; and Al(OH) 3 and LaBr 3 becomes amorphous after being milled with Y 2 O 3 and La 2 O 3 respectively with the disappearance of their intensity peak as indication amorphisation[13-14]. The mechanism of amorphisation during milling is initiated by the formation of structural defect such as vacancies and dislocations that drives to grain boundaries sliding. The deformed grains consist of many dislocations with disorder orientation, as well as those with ordered orientation. The disorder orientation dislocation is believed to drift, driven by tendency of shear stress relaxation, which leads to the formation of local amorphous region. The drifting of disorder orientation dislocation that takes place rapidly leads to grain boundary sliding, which results in amorphisation of entire crystal structure[15].
The direction of polymorphic transformation depends on temperature and pressure applied to the materials. The direction of transformation can be predicted by using the pressuretemperature transformation diagram (Figure 1 (a)). In the case of mechanochemistry, in which shears are very much applied, the line of phase transformation shifts toward lower temperature and pressure, along with the existance of the area containing both 2 | Majalah Metalurgi, V 25.1.2010, ISSN 0126-3188/ hal 1-6
controlled by diffusion rate. The flux of atoms that diffuse through the product layer follows the Fick’s diffusion Equation[17].
where D ∆c and ∆x
Figure 1. Pressure-Temperature transformation Diagram [10] (a) Hydrostatic pressure (b) Hydrostatic pressure and shears
EFFECT OF MECHANOCHEMICAL PHENOMENON TO KINETICS OF SOLID-STATE REACTION The mechanical energy transmitted to particles accelerates the kinetics of reaction. An ordinary chemical reaction involving solid-state matter normally takes place through diffusion mechanism of reactants followed by chemical reaction among reactants. The kinetic of reaction is influenced by both the rate of diffusion and chemical reaction. When diffusion rate is slower than chemical reaction rate, then the total reaction depends a lot to the rate of diffusion[16]. Solid-state reaction is usually followed by the formation of product phases on the interfaces of the reactants. Further growth of these product phases will in turn cover the surface of reactants. This coverage makes the atomic diffusion, which is very necessary for the continuing of that solid-state reaction is retarded or at least slowed down. At this moment, the rate of entire reaction is
= diffusion coefficient = gradient of the reactant concen- tration and the diffusion path
According to equation above, one way to increase the atomic flux is by changing the value of diffusion coefficient (D) so that the atoms can diffuse easily through the layer of reaction products. The diffusion coefficient is a temperature dependence variable with exponential relation[18]. By increasing temperature, the value of diffusion coefficient increases exponentially, and therefore the reactant molecule can diffuse rapidly through the layer of reaction product. Mechanochemical method increases the reaction kinetics through different path. Instead of inputting heat, the product layer that retard diffusion is broken by repetitive impact, shears and cold welding. The repetitive impact and shear decreases the particle size, therefore provides an increasing of contact area and a continuous supply of fresh surfaces. The cold-welding of particles during milling increases the kinetics of reaction through dissolution of solid materials. The kinetics of reaction is also improved by the presence of crystal defects. The defects enhance the diffusivity of atoms within crystal, which finally results in quite homogen atomic distribution[5]. APPLICATION OF MECHANOCHEMICAL REACTION IN MINERAL PROCESSING Mechanochemistry has found its potential application in various fields. Many of the scientist and engineer in Application Of Mechanochemistry …../ Solihin |
different fields have creatively proposed a new route of process based on mechanochemical reaction. In this subchapter the application of mechanochemical reaction to aid the extraction of metals from their mineral is discussed. Solihin, from Indonesia, has proposed the soft process for palladium recycling from waste through mechanochemical reaction[19] combined with water-leaching. A waste containing palladium is mechanochemically reacted to produce water-soluble compound of palladium which can be leached by only water. By this new process, around 80% palladium can be extracted after leaching by using only pure water. P. Balaz, a Slovakian scientist in the field of mineral dressing, has proposed the sulphidation of certain oxide mineral to aid the separation of those mineral through flotation. Inspired by Theophrastus of Efesus (371-286 BC) a disciple of Aristotle who has extracted mercury from cinnabar, Balaz also has proposed a mechanochemical reaction to extract mercury from cinnabar using brass pestle in the presence of vinegar[20]. Another well-known scientist in the field of metallurgy and mineral processing who published many textbook in the field of metallurgy, Fathi Habashi, has introduced mechanochemical reaction to activate chalcopyrite in a unit operation of copper and iron extraction[21]. It is found that the kinetic of extraction reaction can be increased by increasing specific surface area, which is a parameter engineered through milling[22]. Figure 2 shows the dependence of kinetic constant to specific surface area. The mechanism of reaction rate dependence to specific surface area is explained briefly by E. Gock[23]: • The first step is the dissolution of surface layers formed by mechanochemical surface reaction, • The active sites, which are characterized by the presence of β-phase are leached out.
Sphalerite also has been activated before acid leaching. The similar behavior is found. The activation of sphalerite leads to the increasing of recovery of zinc, as shown in Figure 3[28].
Figure 2. Structural sensitivity of reaction for mechanically activated chalcopyrite. k o =initial rate constant, S=specific surface area, X=crystallinity degree[22]
Figure 3. The influence of leaching time on zinc recovery for sphalerite[28]
(1) Mechanically activated ZnS for 60 min, (2) Mechanically activated ZnS for 60 min and annealed, (3) Nonactivated ZnS
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SUMMARY Transmission of mechanical energy into minerals can induce mechanochemical reaction that leads to chemical reaction or structural transformation. Both of them can be applied in many fields to create a new route of process or to accelerate the rate of a process. In the field of mineral processing, the structural change of materials can be used to activate the minerals to enhance leaching. The specific surface area of minerals can be increased through mechanochemical reaction which leads to the increasing of metal recovery. REFERENCES [1] G. Heinicke, Tribochemistry. Akademie - Verlag, Berlin (1984). [2] R.W. Missen, C.A. Mims, B.A. Saville, Introduction to chemical reaction Engineering and kinetics, John Wiley and Son, New York (1999). [3] JJ Moore, Chemical metallurgy, Buttenworth and Co, England (1981) [4] S. Stolen, T. Grande, Chemical thermodynamics of materials, John Wiley and Son, England (2004). [5] C. Suryanarayana, Mechanical alloying and milling, Progress in Materials Science Vol. 46 pp. 1-184 (2001). [6] P. Matteazzi, G.. Le Caër, Mechanically activated room temperature reduction of sulphides, Mater Sci and Eng Vol. A156 pp.22937 (1992). [7] J. Kano, E. Kobayashi, W. Tongamp, F. Saito, Preparation of GaN powder by mechanochemical reaction between Ga 2 O 3 and Li 3 N, Journal of Alloys and Compounds Vol.464 No.1-2 pp.337-339 (2008). [8] Q. Zhang, J. Lu, F. Saito, Mechanochemical synthesis of LaCrO by grinding constituent oxides, Powder Technology Vol.122 pp.145– 149 (2002).
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Method, Proceeding of Metal and Mineral Institute of Japan Tohoku Branch, Autumn Conference 2006. [20] P. Balaz, Mechanical activation in hydrometallurgy, International Jornal of Mineral Processing 72 (2003) 341354. [21] F. Habashi, Chalcopyrite, its Chemistry and Metallurgy. McGrawHill, New York (1978). [22] P. Balaz, Intensification of oxidative leaching of chalcopyrite. PhD thesis, Mining Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Kosˇice, (1981). [23] E. Gock, The influence of solid state reaction in vibratory mill on leachability of sulphidic raw materials, Habilitations-schrift, TU Berlin, German. [24] D. Maurice, D. Hawk, Ferric chloride leaching of mechanically activated chalcopyrite. Hydrometallurgy 49 (1998), 103–124. [25] D. Maurice, J.A. Hawk, Simultaneous autogeneous grinding and ferric chloride leaching of chalcopyrite. Hydrometallurgy 51 (1999), 371– 377.
[26] M. Kobayashi, , J.E. Dutrizac, , JM Toguri, A critical review of the ferric chloride leaching of galena. Canadian Metals Quarterly 29 (1990), 201–211. [27] P. Balaz, Influence of solid state properties on ferric chloride leaching of mechanically activated galena. Hydrometallurgy 40 (1996), 359– 368. [28] X.M. Li, C. Jiayong, R. Kammel, F. Pawlek, Non-oxidative dissolution of mechanically activated sphalerite. International Journal of Mechanical Alloying 1 (1994), 166– 171. CURRICULUM VITAE Solihin, lahir di Karawang, Jawa Barat, Menyelelesaikan Pendidikan di Teknik Pertambangan ITB pada tahun 1995 kemudian menyelesaikan Pendidikan S2 pada tahun 2006 dan S3 pada tahun 2009 di Tohoku University Jepang. Telah bekerja di Pusat Penelitian Metalurgi – LIPI tahun 1998 sampai sekarang.
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Indeks Penulis I
A Andika Widya Pramono
Iwan Setiawan
Bambang Sriyono 41, 61 Bintang Adjiantoro 13, 41 Budi Priyono 19
Latifa Hanum Lalasari
Nurhayati Indah
Eko Sulistiyono Efendi Mabruri
13 61
F. Firdiyono
S Solihin 1, 61 Sri Mulyaningsih
H Hadi Suwarno
R Rudi Subagja
19, 61
Y Yusuf
| Majalah Metalurgi, V 25.1.2010, ISSN 0126-3188
Indeks A AlCuMg ternary alloys 41 Alloy 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 39, 40, 41, 47, 48, 69
L Lapis lindung
33, 36, 37, 38
Cladding 19, 20, 22, 23 Coating 10, 11, 33, 39 Comparative advantages 7, 10 Corrosion 8, 10, 19, 33, 39, 40
Magnesit 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Magnesite 13, 18 Magnesium 13, 14, 18, 26, 27, 28, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 Mechanochemistry 1, 2, 3 Mekanokimia 1 Metal matrix composite 41, 47 MgO 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 46, 47 Millennium development goals 7, 8 Milling 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31 Mineral processing 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
High energy ball milling 25, 26 Hot roll 19, 23 Hydrogen storage material 25, 30
Nanotechnology 7, 10, 11 Nanoteknologi 7, 12
Biocompatible 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 Biokompatibel 7, 34 Biomedical 8, 9, 11, 12, 33, 39, 40, 61 Biomedis 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 61
I Implan
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 61 Implant 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 61 Ilmenit 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 60 Intermetalik 19, 20
P Paduan
19, 25, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 61 Paduan terner AlCuMg 41 Pemrosesan mineral 1
R Reaksi antar padatan
K Keunggulan komparatif 7 Keunggulan kompetitif 7 Kinetics 1, 3, 5 Kinetik 1, 60 Komposit matriks logam 41 Korosi 19, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41
13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 63, 65 Senyawa karbida SiC 41, 42 SiC carbide compound 41 Solid-state reaction 1, 3 Synthetic alloying 25, 26
Titanium dioksida
Techno-economy 7 Tekno-ekonomi 7 The millennium development goals
Titanium sulfat 7, 8
| Majalah Metalurgi, V 25.1.2010, ISSN 0126-3188
49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56, 60 49, 50, 52, 53, 54
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PANDUAN BAGI PENULIS 5. Artikel dari Jurnal/majalah dan koran (bila tanpa pengarang) [1] Haris, Syamsudin. 2006.,,Demokratisasi Partai dan Dilema Sistem Kepartaian di Indonesia”. Jurnal Penelitian Politik.: 67-76 Jakarta. 6. Artikel dari bunga rampai [1] Oetama, Yacob. 2006.,, Tradisi Intelektualitas, Taufik Abdullah, Jurnalisme Makna”. Dalam A.B. Lapian dkk. (Ed.), Sejarah dan Dialog Peradaban. Jakarta : LIPI Press. 7. Bahan yang belum dipublikasikan atau tidak diterbikan [1] Wijana, I dewa Putu. 2007.,,Bias Gender pada Bahasa Majalah Remaja”. Tesis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Yogyakarta : Universitas Gajah Mada. 8. Bahan yang belum dipublikasikan atau tidak diterbikan [1] Wijana, I dewa Putu. 2007.,,Bias Gender pada Bahasa Majalah Remaja”. Tesis, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Yogyakarta : Universitas Gajah Mada. 9. Tulisan Bersumber dari Internet [1] Rustandy, Tandean. 2006 “Tekan Korupsi Bangun Bangsa”. (http://www.kpk.go.id/modules/news/article.php?storyid=1291, diakses 14 Januari 2007) 14. Ucapan terimakasih ditulis dengan huruf kapital TNR font 12 dan ditebalkan. Isi dari ucapan terimakasih ditulis dengan TNR 12 dan spasi 1. 15. Naskah yang dinilai kurang tepat untuk dimuat di dalam majalah akan dikirim kembali kepada penulis. Saran-saran akan diberikan apabila ketidak tepatan tersebut hanya disebabkan oleh format atau cara penyajian. 16. Penulis bertanggung jawab penuh atas kebenaran naskahnya. 17. Setiap penerbitan tidak ada dua kali atau lebih penulis utama yang sama. Apabila ada, salah satu naskahnya penulis utama tersebut ditempatkan pada penulis kedua.
Serpong, 8 Juni 2009 Redaksi Majalah Metalurgi