12. Veterinary ecology Society’s increasing concern for the environment is influencing livestock production. Modern legislation makes it easier to take action against farmers who either consciously or accidentally damage the environment with dangerous chemicals or wastes of animal origin. Farmers are also responsible for any harm their livestock may do to other people or their property. Larger feeding operations have raised the problem of an increased concentration of animal wastes treatment and may be a frequent cause undesirable odours. Disposal of the waste in a manner that is not harmful to the environment or objectionable to the others living in the area may be problematic and farmers are obliged to handle animal wastes within laws and regulations to protect the environment. Animal manure should be handled so that odours, dust, flies, rodents and other nuisances are eliminated or reduced. The manure must not be allowed to be dumped into streams, rivers, lakes or reservoirs as it could result into health and safety hazard to humans and animals. A big effort is to prevent surface and ground water, too. Water pollution is a major issue regarding the best way to dispose of animal wastes. Waste water is contaminated by various pollutants as faecal bacteria, suspended solids, phosphorus, ammonia or biochemical oxygen demand. The last is a measure of the amount of oxygen-demanding organic matter in the water which if to high can decrease the level of oxygen vital to fish and other organism living in the water. Algae problems in water may be caused by contamination with phosphorus and ammonia contained in animal waste. These materials provide nutrients supporting excessive growth of this water organism. Finally, bacteria from the intestinal tracts of humans and animals present in waste water can transmit diseases to humans and animals. Selecting a system of manure handling is dependent on many factors, primarily on the animal species that is being raised. The ration fed to the animals as well as the type of housing and management also affects the characteristics of the manure produced. Climate as amount of rainfall, evaporation, the common direction of wind and temperature also play an important role. Animal manure can be collected and handled as a solid or as a liquid. Housing that uses a solid system may have concrete or slotted floors or solid floors with gutters. The others often have solid concrete or slotted floors that can be flushed with water. Liquid systems use pits, lagoons or storage basins for storing and handling manure. As a valuable fertilizer, most animal manure is eventually spread on the land. All solid handling systems work in this way and liquid system (except for lagoons) also involve moving the manure to a field to dispose of it. Conversely, animal manure can be the cause of undesired gases and odours which is caused by anaerobic bacteria breaking down the organic part. Such gases can be dangerous to people as well as animals and they should be controlled properly. Generally, they can be reduced by mixing air with the manure or using chemical and bacteria culture odour-control products such as masking agents, counteractants, deodorants or digestive deodorants. Disposal of dead animals should be made within a given period of time after death and in such a way that no hazard of spreading disease is created. Some of the common approved methods include a licence disposal plant, burying, disposal pits, burning or composting. The best place to dispose of fallen stock* is a rendering or disposal plant. Burning large animals seems problematic and smaller animals as baby pigs, or chicks are the only animals that are practical to burn. Commercial incinerators should be used. Burying animals requires the use of excavation equipment to dig a large enough pit. Carcasses should be placed in the proper depth below the surface and then covered with earth sufficiently. *fallen stock means animals which have been killed by euthanasia with or without definite diagnosis or have died (including stillborn and unborn animals) on a farm or any premise or during transport, but have not been slaughtered for human consumption
Water sampling and analysis Look at the Decision-making network for selection of method of analysis issued by the World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/2edvol3d.pdf) and answer the following questions.
1. How should we transport the sample to laboratory if the sample is turbid? 2. What is the next step if the sample may not contain faecal bacteria but the analysis is required? 3. What is the limit of free chlorine to consider in a sample? 4. The abbreviation MPN stands for: minimal probability of nitrate or most probable number? 5. The abbreviation MF stands for or maximum filtration or membrane-filtration? 6. Explain the last box: on-site testing using MF in portable kits.
Useful phrases and expressions environment protection environment protection act maintenance of environment detriment of environment degradation/damage of environment sustainability of environment animal/farmland manure farmyard manure liquid manure stable manure manure production manure spreader manure treatment removal of manure amount of manure biogas and composting plants requirements for manure mature manure organic compounds efficiency of manure use Pollution degree of pollution harmful pollutants atmospheric pollution air pollution biological effect of pollution cost of pollution indicator of pollution faecal pollution pollution effect Pollutant industrial pollutants biodegradable pollutant biological treatment of pollutants food pollutants identification of pollutants non-biodegradable pollutant persistent organic pollutant pollutant absorption pollutant accumulation pollutant degradation pollutant deposition pollutant distribution pollutant elimination pollutant level pollutant load pollutant reduction polluted matter pollution by agriculture pollution control
ochrana životního prostředí zákon o ochraně životního prostředí péče o životní prostředí ekologická újma znehodnocení/zhoršování ž. prostředí udržitelnost ž. prostředí mrva, hnůj chlévská mrva/hnůj kejda, močůvka maštalní hnůj produkce hnoje rozmetadlo chlévské mrvy zpracování mrvy odvoz hnoje množství hnojiv zařízení na výrobu bioplynu a kompostování požadavky na hnůj uzrálá chlévská mrva organické komposty účinnost používání hnojiva Znečištění stupeň znečištění škodliviny znečištění atmosféry znečištění ovzduší biologický účinek znečištění náklady na znečištění indikátor znečištění fekální znečištění vliv znečištění Znečišťující látka, polutant průmyslové polutanty biologicky odbouratelná znečišťující látka biologické odstranění škodlivin látka znečišťující potraviny identifikace znečišťujících látek biologicky neodbouratelná znečišťující l. nerozložitelná organický polutant absorpce znečišťující látky akumulace znečišťující látky odbourávání znečišťující látky ukládání znečišťující látky prostorové rozložení znečišťující látky odstraňování znečišťující látky množství znečišťující látky zatížení životního prostředí redukce znečišťující látky znečištěná látka znečištění zemědělstvím snižování znečištění
Vocabulary part: 1. Translate the following phrases into English. a) živiny podporující nadměrný růst ...................................................................................... b) cenné hnojivo ...................................................................................... c) pevné podlahy se žlaby ...................................................................................... d) rozprášený po zemi ...................................................................................... e) skladování a nakládání s hnojem ...................................................................................... f) zápach, prach, mouchy a hlodavci ...................................................................................... g) běžné schválené metody ...................................................................................... h) betonové podlahy ...................................................................................... i) fosfor způsobuje znečištění vody ...................................................................................... j) vylitý do toků nebo nádrží ...................................................................................... k) mrtvá hospodářská zvířata ...................................................................................... l) komerční spalovna ...................................................................................... m) velké množství srážek ...................................................................................... n) výkopové zařízení ...................................................................................... o) v dostatečné hloubce pod povrchem ...................................................................................... p) spláchnutý vodou ...................................................................................... 2. Match the synonyms. 1. disease 2. earth 3. easy 4. hazard 5. odour 6. pollutant 7. problem 8. sufficiently 9. to affect 10. to allow 11. to decrease 12. to publish 13. to raise 14. undesired 15. waste
A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O.
to issue unwanted to lessen garbage issue smell to influence contaminant ailment risk to increase simple to permit enough ground
3. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. access, composting, farmyard, fertilizer, management, polluting, rendering In order to avoid ………………………… water resources with animal waste it was necessary to improve animal housing and to manage liquid waste. Lorries, are to be weighed on departure from the slaughterhouse and on arrival at the ………………………… plant. Dead animals must be buried deep enough to prevent ………………………… by wild birds and other animals. Dried ………………………… manure and dehydrated poultry manure can be use further. Many investments connected with water supply and waste water ………………………… have been made so far. What are the requirements for the approval of biogas and ………………………… plants using animal by-products? The trace-element content of a ………………………… shall be declared in the new manner.
4. Fill in the crosswords. 1
5 6
7 8 9
10 12
11 13
15 16
17 18
Across 2. to put animal's dead body in the ground 6. an artificial pool for waste water 8. a poisonous gas with a strong unpleasant smell 9. a process in which a substance is put on something 12. the process of changing into gas or steam 14. farm animals 15. connected with, produced by, or obtained from living things 16. firm and hard 17. solid waste from farm animals 18. something that could be dangerous 20. the useless materials, or substances left after you use something
Down 1. a common small insect with wings 3. an official rule that controls the way that things are done 4. a mixture of decaying plants and vegetables 5. the type of weather that a country or region has 7. a substance such as air that is neither a solid nor a liquid 10. a natural or chemical substance added to soil to help plants grow 11. microorganisms consisting of a single cell 13. a substance that is harmful to the environment 19. plants that have no roots, stems, or leaves and grow in water
Grammar part – Prepositions Time IN - years, seasons, months, weeks, parts of day, at the end of a period of time in the future e.g. in 2013, in winter, in February, in the morning, in a minute (za minutu) BUT!!! at night, at midnight, on Sunday evening ON - days, date, special parts of the day e.g. on Saturdays, on Christmas Day/Eve, on Halloween, on the 3rd of April, on Wednesday afternoon AT - exact time of the day e.g. at 6, at 8 p.m., at 12 o’clock - with fixed phrases e.g. at the weekend, at the moment, at Christmas other prepositions in expressions of time are e.g. after (po, poté), ago (před), before (před), between (mezi), by (do), during (během), for (po dobu), from…to/from…until (od…do), since (od), til/until (do), within (během) Note: the following phrases are used without prepositions this week, this month, this Monday, this September last week, last month, last night, last Monday, last September next week, next month, next Monday yesterday morning, tomorrow night every day, every year Place and direction IN - inside a container, room, building, vehicle e.g. in the pocket, in the living room, in a laboratory, in the test-tube - within an area, city, or country e.g. in the Czech Republic, in the work, in the garden - within an object, space, or substance e.g. in the air, in the sky, in the space - at a specific part of something e.g. in the middle, in the centre ON - touching and supported by the top surface of something e.g. on the ground, on the table - touching, sticking to, or hanging from a surface or object e.g. on the wall, on the head - in a particular area, or on a particular type of land e.g. on the island, on a farm used for saying which thing a part of the body accidentally hits or touches causing injury e.g. The sheep cut its forelimb on a piece of glass form the broken door. AT - in a particular place e.g. at home, at work, at the doctor’s, at school, at university - sitting or standing close to something, especially in order to do something e.g. at the window, at the piano other prepositions in expressions of place and direction are e.g. above (nad), across (úřes), after (po), against (proti), along (podél), among (mezi), around (okolo), behind (za), below (pod), between (mezi dvěma), by (u), down (dolů), from (z), in front of (před), inside (uvnitř), into (do), near (blízko), next to (vedle), off (z), opposite (naproti), outside (venku), over (nad), past (kolem), round (dokola), to (do, k), towards (směrem k), under (pod), up (nahoru)
1) Fill in the right preposition (at, on, in) and translate the phrase. 1. ………. the expense of the environment _______________________________________ 2. ………. least two lagoons
3. ………. a wide scale
4. ………. behalf of the whole university
5. ………. developed countries
6. ………. some Member States
7. ………. all diseased cows
8. ………. relation to food legislation
9. ………. short term
10. a short stay ……….Park Hotel
11. ……….the airport
12. a change ………. soil use
13. ………. urban areas
2) Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 1. Animal manure has a big fertilizer value and serves also like a fuel source. 2. Accidents can be avoided with preventing hazardous situations and knowing safety rules. 3. All factors rendering the meat unfit to consumption must be reported. 4. The results of inspections must be recorded into writing. 5. The official auxiliaries are placed for veterinarian’s authority. 6. Food starts to deteriorate or spoil since the time it is harvested or slaughtered. 7. Fresh milk can be stored while a few days in a refrigerator. 8. Application of high temperature on processing is necessary. 9. Is it disposal of waste that is not harmful for the environment? 10. New preventive vaccination of highly pathogenic avian influenza has been introduced.
Vocabulary accidentally (adv)
náhodně, náhodou
ammonia (n)
anaerobic (adj)
bury (v)
chlorine (n)
compost (v)
concrete (adj)
consciously (adv)
vědomě, úmyslně
counteract (n)
působit proti, potlačovat
deodorant (n)
depth (n)
disposal (n)
disposal plant (n)
/dɪˈspəʊz(ə)l plɑːnt/
čisticí kanalizační stanice
dump (v)
vyhodit, vylít
dust (n)
earth (n)
hlína, zemina
evaporation (n)
excavation (n)
kopání, hloubení
excessive (adj)
faecal (adj)
fertilizer (n)
flush (v)
gutter (n)
odtokové koryto
handle (v)
zacházet s, manipulovat
harm (n)
škoda, újma
harmful (adj)
incinerator (n)
kit (n)
sada, souprava (potřeb)
livestock (n)
hospodářská zvířata
mask (v)
zakrýt, zamaskovat
measure (n)
míra, množství (určité)
nuisance (n)
objectionable (adj)
obviously (adv)
zcela, jasně
odour (n)
pach, zápach
operation (n)
podnik, závod
phosphorous (n)
pit (n)
pollutant (n)
látka znečišťující živ. prostředí
portable (adj)
premise (n)
property (n)
majetek, vlastnictví
rainfall (n)
dešťové srážky
raise (v)
vyvolat, vzbudit
ration (n)
příděl (krmiva)
regarding (prep)
týkající se
rendering plant (n)
/ˈrend(ə)rɪŋ plɑːnt /
reservoir (n)
vodní nádrž
slot (n)
žlab, žlábek
stillborn (adj)
mrtvě narozený
storage basin (n)
/ˈstɔːrɪdʒ ˈbeɪs(ə)n/
skladovací/zásobní nádrž
stream (n)
říčka, potok
surface (n)
suspended solid (n)
/səˈspendid ˈsɒlɪd/
plavenina, nerozpuštěná látka
treatment (n)
nakládání, zpracování
turbid (adj)
kalný, zakalený
unborn (adj)
undertake (v)
vykonat, provést
undesirable (adj)
unlikely (adj)
vital (adj)
životně důležitý