ABOUT THE INTERNSHIP In establishing PPIA partnership with Garuda Indonesia, several members of UQISA together initiated to establish further actions in creating several projects to reduce the communication barrier lagging through an internship program. The internship program will be conducted for Garuda Indonesia in Brisbane and sustain it from one generation to next generation. The program consisting of two current major projects: UQISA Card Member and Market Research. The project will be completed within 30 working days from May until July. The main objective of this project is to assist Indonesian students in getting their benefits, improving relations between Garuda Indonesia and UQISA, and as for the internship students themselves, is to have the ability in demonstrating work experience that should be expected in real practice.
MEMBERS Restuarti Madyantoro (Pelayanan dan Advokasi, UQISA 2013-2014) Siti Savira Ivonne R.S. (Pelayanan dan Advokasi, UQISA 2013-2014) Wiwitaningrum Azzahro Khoirunnisa (Dana Usaha, UQISA 2013-2014) Olivia Febrina Tobing (Akademik, UQISA 2013-2014) Indang Ayu Safitrie (Akademik, UQISA 2013-2014) Venessa Supit (Sosial Masyarakat, UQISA 2013-2014) Nadia Bella Kartika (Sosial Masyarakat, UQISA 2013-2014) Tania Febrianti Winanto (Sosial Masyarakat, UQISA 2013-2014)
1. E-MAIL SERVICE Total orang yang menggunakan pelayanan e-mail UQISA Garuda : > 50 orang Services include: - Ticket enquiries - Baggage enquiries - Destination enquiries - Discount enquiries - Promo enquiries Suggestions for E-mail Service: PIC: 2 orang, 1 person per 1 transaction, phone service
2. CARD MEMBERSHIP Every future UQISA member will be required to sign up for GA Miles (Garuda Frequent Flyer has already been upgraded to GA Miles) before officially becoming a UQISA member. Goal: To give a clear understanding on how UQISA and Garuda Indonesia has jointly work together in supporting overseas students through benefits of the membership card.
CARD BENEFITS Sendok Garpu, Shalom Restaurant, Restoran Jakarta, Funny Funny, Thai Treasure, Chatime, Satay Club, Pizza Café, UQISA Kitchen, Merlo, Masakan Indonesia
Merchandise UQISA, PESRA, Event Cinemas, ILLANAVI Reflexology, Dani Salon
UQISA Membership Card
Gramedia, Burgreens
Tour Jogja, GA Executive Lounge
MEMBERSHIP CARD RESULT Pencetakan 1st batch sudah selesai Total kartu yang dicetak = jumlah anggota yang sudah daftar Total kartu = 88 kartu Suggestions: - ABN dari UQISA harus fix (untuk percetakan) - Design belum ada kontrak, pembuatan MoU disarankan - Kerja sama dengan merchants lain (selain Garuda Indonesia) ! to add value - Kontrol percetakan kartu
3. MARKET RESEARCH A survey will be conducted throughout the program in order to get the proper database to support the success of ongoing projects and upcoming projects as well. Goal: To evaluate Garuda Indonesia’s customers’ opinions and expectations of the firm’s branding and marketing strategies.
Provides the latest and updated version of any information regarding to the ticket purchase (including registration form).
Provides reachable contact information.
Filled with various sections such as ‘Special Offers’, ‘News and Event’, and many more.
Provides link to our social media page.
http:// uqisaxgaruda.weebly.com/
ADDITIONALS - Weekly reports - Evaluation to be completed each time at the end of the week
WHAT’S NEXT? " Sustainability of UQISA Card Membership & ‘Mudik & Cargo UQISA’ program: Should be maintained and held annually throughout each and every semester " Upcoming New Project: Video Competition (via YouTube)
Garuda Indonesia is willing to provide ticket with great deal for those who can gather a total maximum of 10 person to travel together using Garuda Indonesia’s flight services (ticket promotion will only be available in any particular dates only - mostly public holiday).