Číslo projektu
Město Valašské Meziříčí
Země partnera Název projektu
Přidělený grant
Pomocí vzdělávání a umění ke komunitnímu rozvoji regionů
EUR 18 225
Moravskoslezský kraj
Catch your dreams
EUR 23 272,5
Plzeňský kraj
Environmental Tourism - Alternative Ways
EUR 28 875
Obec Darkovice
Exploring new ways of teaching English
EUR 29 727,54
Obec Dětmarovice
EUR 16 875
Středočeský kraj
Město Příbram
Obec Solenice
Caring for the Earth, we care for ourselves Europa verbinden - Trier-Prag, eine historische Radwanderung als handlungsorientiertes Bildungskonzept "Verknüpfung von Bildungs- und Beschäftigungssystem" Sozioökonomischer Wandel als Lerninhalt und Chance für die regionale Integration "Früherziehung zur Verantwortung für Mensch und Umwelt" Ein übergangspädagogischer Leitfaden zur regionalen Integration
Moravskoslezský kraj
Amélioration de l'employabilité des Jeunes Sur le marché du Travail Européen
EUR 22 875
Městská část Praha 1
Grandir ensemble en Europe
EUR 27 971,25
EUR 31 028,25
EUR 27 868,5
EUR 33 213
Číslo projektu:
Město Valašské Meziříčí
(Česká republika)
Základní umělecká škola Valašské Meziříčí Základní škola valašské Meziříčí Kulturní zařízení města Valašské Meziříčí
Mesto Čadca
Základná umelecká škola Jozefa Potočára Čadca Kultúrne a informačné centrum mesta Čadca
Název projektu:
Pomocí vzdělávání a umění ke komunitnímu rozvoji regionů
Anotace: Hlavním cílem projektu je prohloubení vzájemné spolupráce mezi městy Valašské Meziříčí a Čadca v oblasti školního vzdělávání. Realizací projektu dojde k zajištění zvýšení kvality v počátečním a uměleckém vzdělávání, čehož bude dosaženo vzájemnými výměnami zkušeností pedagogických pracovníků zúčastněných škol se zaměřením na vývoj tance ve 20. stol., filmovou tvorbu a její propojení s výtvarnou vizualizací, kulturní management, produkce a finanční řízení kulturních projektů, výtvarné návrhy kostýmů atd. K výměně zkušeností dojde i v rámci možností a zapojení škol do komunitního života a rozvoje obou měst a regionů. Očekávaným výsledkem projektu je nové pojetí a obohacení umělecké výuky. K tomuto cíli je zapotřebí získat nové zkušenosti, profesionální přístup a příklady dobré praxe, jsou do tohoto projektu zařazeny nejen základní škola, ale také základní umělecké školy a kulturní zařízení obou partnerských regionů. Výstupem projektu je prohloubení přeshraniční spolupráce zapojených organizací v oblasti vzdělávání, kultury a umění. Ze společných setkání v rámci workshopů a schůzek bude vytvořeno časosběrné propagační DVD. Informační kampaň o této akci bude probíhat formou krátkých článků uveřejněných na webových stránkách zúčastněných organizací.
Číslo projektu:
Moravskoslezský kraj
(Česká republika)
Střední škola elektrotechnická Ostrava Pedagogicko-psychologická poradna, Ostrava-Zábřeh
Afyonkarahisar İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü
Ali Caglar Anadolu Lisesi Afyonkarahisar Rehberlik ve Arastirma Merkezi
Název projektu:
Catch Your Dreams
Anotace: At schools career awareness has to be an integral part of the comprehensive career guidance program. Developing a positive attitude towards careers can show children that the future is theirs and their awareness will build up their future. For teachers developing their careers and evaluating the good opportunities is an important issue since career development is a life long process. That is to say teachers should think of their future and plan their career development process. With the help of the Project it is aimed to promote career education as a central theme in all schools through experts’ collaboration in order to offer substantial and complete orientation to school children as well as to those who support them in this process. The life career development of young people should be a process of planned intervention whereby educators, parents, government agencies and community members work together to motivate and direct the students. Thanks to this project it is aimed to guide the students, teachers and parents about the occupations, developmental opportunities and to train teachers in career guidance, to educate the students in a way that they are going to find out their skills, interests and with the help of their teachers and parents they will make their own decisions in the light of the knowledge they gained during the project activities. Teachers are going to be trained in counselling so that they will be like mentors for their students besides they will reach a point to write their own career development plans. Parents will be more aware of their children's skills, their wishes and desires about future and learn how they can support their children in their decision making procedures. It is aimed to include the students who need special education and students who are regarded as socioeconomically or psychologically disadvantaged in project activities. Therefore equal opportunities will be provided to all students.
Číslo projektu:
Plzeňský kraj
(Česká republika)
Střední odborná škola a Střední odborné učiliště, Horšovský Týn Dům dětí a mládeže, Horažďovice
Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete, Heraklion
Vocational School (EPAL) ARKALOHORI
Název projektu:
Environmental Tourism - Alternative Ways
Anotace: Recent years have seen an unprecedented tourist advancement and a huge increase in international transport rates which resulted in the environmental decay of many regions of Europe. Alternative forms of tourism need to be launched to help protect the environment as well as support countries whose financial and social survival is at stake. By virtue of the multitude of strategies wielded over the past two decades and their resulting inefficiency to administer the land and protect the environment, a shift to sustainability becomes imperative. Educating and therefore, developing active citizens in terms of sustainable tourism yields necessary for the maintenance and long term protection of natural, cultural and social resources. Our involvement in such a proposal reflects an intention to familiarize both countries with alternative sources of tourism. Furthermore, an exchange of ideas, information and suggestions will be performed along with the initiation of new perceptions in teacher education and student awareness. Approaching cultural diversity in terms of environmental education constitutes an ultimate goal regarding the development of sustainability. Furthermore, an attempt to elaborate and study different educational systems will be carried out. We also aim to record details of alternative forms of tourism of our regions related to environment (agricultural , cultural , outdoorsy, etc) and consequently recommend measures for their protection. Such a research will improve the teaching materials and the framework of programmes applied in our region and the results will be disseminated to regions all over the country.
Číslo projektu:
Obec Darkovice
(Česká republika)
Základní škola a mateřská škola Darkovice Základní škola a mateřská škola Raškovice n. o. Garrigue
Partneři (Turecko)
Název projektu:
Exploring new ways of teaching English
Anotace: It is an obvious fact that English is one of the most common and widely spoken language in EU countries. But while we learn and teach to our students, we face some problems. With this Project two partner countries (TRCZH) aim to identify these problems and aim to find reasonable solutions. At the same time we will have a chance to learn and share new ways, approaches and creative idaeas how to teach English. We will share our experience and enrich our country best practises of ELT thanks to it. We will compare the ways of teaching English in both partner countries and try to find similarities and differences between ELT teaching. We will see what kind of teaching materials are used for ELT at partner country and how ICT is used in English classes. The main goal of the project is to improve the quality of teaching and learning methods in ELT and enhance the skills and knowledge of teachers. It is also aimed to compare educational system and organisation of ELT in Turkey and Czech Republic and apply the inspiration from the comparison to the best practice in both partner countries. We will try to anticipate problems related to teaching English Language and take steps to solve them through sharing ideas and experience of partners in a collaborative way of work. With our project all the participants in both partner countries will improve their attitude, competence and skills in ELT.
Číslo projektu:
Obec Dětmarovice
(Česká republika)
Základní škola a Mateřská škola Dětmarovice Tělovýchovná jednota Sokol Dětmarovice
Gmina Haźlach
Szkola Podstawowa im. Trzech Braci w Hazlachu LKTS Victoria Hazlach
Název projektu:
Caring for the Earth, we care for ourselves
Anotace: Municipalities and Detmarovice Hazlach are situated in Cieszyn Silesia. Both the village are in industrial areas (Rybnik Coal District, Upper Silesian Industrial District, the Ostrava-Karviná Coal Basin), which is characterized by relatively high pollution. Significant pollution in our area (due to close proximity) is caused Trinec smelter and power plant in Detmarovice. Therefore, the aspect of our project is the need for ecology and environmental education. The second aspect of our project is a health education (healthy nutrition and physical activities). Lifestyle disease s such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity and hypertension are the consequence of poor dietary habits and lack of knowledge of a healthy lifestyle. Exchange of experiences between the two regions i n this aspect is to develop and promote such activities that will increase community awareness on healthy lifestyle and develop the habit of conscious use of the natural environment. We would also improve the interpersonal communication using modern information technology. In addition, understanding the need for language skills in the context of the EU’s international projects we offer the employees of partner institutions to improve and develop skills in using the English in organized courses?
Číslo projektu:
Středočeský kraj
(Česká republika)
Obchodní akademie a Vyšší odborná škola Příbram Vzdělávací institut Středočeského kraje VISK Příbram
Aufsichts- und Dienstleistungsdirektion Trier
Berufsbildende Schule Wirtschaft Radsportverein Blitz Naheland Touristik GmbH
Název projektu:
Europa verbinden - Trier-Prag, eine historische Radwanderung als handlungsorientiertes Bildungskonzept
Anotace: The aim of the project is also creating and presenting a walking path (with the length of 3 weeks) and cycling path (with the length of 2 weeks), including some possibilities of accommodation and cultural tips. The path will be divided into short stages of 50 km, which can be managed to walk or cycle within 2-3 days. This path will be planned and experienced by the teachers, students and project partners in each country, each project group will cover about 300 km in different stages which are about 30–50 km per a participant per week. The administrative authorities (ADD Trier and KU Prague) will address approximately 10–12 cities or tows with interesting historic backgrounds and ask them for their suggestions regarding the historic path, there should be the a maximum of three places for every 50 km, the places should refer to the common history of Germany and the Czech Republic. Besides that, three most important companies from those areas should be mentioned and asked to accept trainee students from both partner schools to encourage involvement of the students into the European labour market in the future. The European travel guide in German, Czech and English language connects history, sport and science to a Comenius-regio project which can be later further extended (direction to Aachen, Paris, Vienna) and gives every walker or cyclist on the path an opportunity to experience the European ideas on their own.
Číslo projektu:
Město Příbram
(Česká republika)
Obchodní akademie a Vyšší odborná škola Příbram Základní škola, Příbram VII, 28. října 1 Hospodářská komora Příbram
Kreisverwaltung Birkenfeld
Berufsbildende Schule Wirtschaft Bundesverband der Edelstein-und Diamantindustrie e. V. Industrieverband Schmuck- und Metallwaren Idar-Oberstein e. V.
Název projektu:
"Verknüpfung von Bildungs- und Beschäftigungssystem" Sozioökonomischer Wandel als Lerninhalt und Chance für die regionale Integration
Anotace: Both regions - Birkenfeld and Central Bohemian region - involved in the project suffer from a weak infrastructure, decrease of population, removal of army troops and migration. In the cooperation with the regional vocational schools, specialized in economy and business, they will create an educational concept oriented at vocational training and they will also do an empiric research with the aim to find out the economicgeographical circumstances and future prognosis for local companies. The project should encourage and simplify the entrance of the students into the labour market of the particular regions. The project is based on three parts, which are also the three main important products: a) With the help of an archival research, both regions will develop an economic-geographical set of school subjects, which will be later chosen by students as an elective subject. This set of school subjects, its goals, methodology and products can be later implemented in other regional schools as well. The companies involved in the project and their internal processes will become the exemplar basis for the creation of educational modules of the economic-geographical set. And vice-versa, during excursions in the companies, the students will gain immediate work experience and the firms will become a part of out-of-school education. b) More than one hundred students, who gain work experience in different local companies during their study, will place a questionnaire in the firms. The results of this questionnaire can be later used to plan future prognosis and policy in those businesses and moreover to integrate the students as qualified employees in the local firms.
c) A registry of companies will be established. This registry will clearly show which companies are able to accept students to gain there work experience and for how long and it will also enable the international exchange of students between the regions. Thanks to the results and evaluation of the questionnaires made by schools, the regions will gain information about current problems, action plans and future visions of the
companies. The students will gain more background information about the past and future work possibilities (incl. structural and internal changes in companies which were undertaken in the past). They will also acquire a stronger relationship to their region and the school subjects will become more closely connected to real business life. The registry will be continuously up-dated, which will help the students to choose a company where they would like to gain work experience or a job in the future according to their interest and business orientation. This empiric questionnaire, its evaluation will be encouraged by local, economic and industrial chambers, by business associations and employment offices. The results of the questionnaire action will be used by both involved school (practically implemented into the school curriculum), besides that by the results of the project will be published for economic and political reasons (in an economic annual report).
Číslo projektu:
Obec Solenice
(Česká republika)
Základní a mateřská škola Solenice Sbor dobrovolných hasičů Solenice ČEZ - Vodní elektrárna Orlík
Verbandsgemeinde Herrstein
Grundschule Kempfeld Hunsrückverein Jugendfeuerwehr Kempfeld Kindergarten Kempfeld
Název projektu:
"Früherziehung zur Verantwortung für Mensch und Umwelt" Ein übergangspädagogischer Leitfaden zur regionalen Integration
Anotace: Both regions which are located in rural areas and suffer form a weak infrastructure, decrease of population, removal of army troops and migration would like to create a pre-school and school education concept to educate children and inhabitants to responsibility towards their home regions. This concept is considered to be started in the last year of pre-school education and continued during primary education. According to the age and class of the children involved in the project, knowledge skills and attitudes on the appropriate level will be presented, including transition pedagogy. Besides that responsibility to local cooperation and awareness will be encouraged. The scheme of activities according to age and topic: Last year of pre-school education (age 5-6): key skills fauna and flora of the region 1 and 2 year of school education (age 6-8): protection of the environment 3 and 4 year of school education (age 8-10): widening of awareness and responsibility towards energy production 5 and 5 year of school education (age 11-13): presentation of fire brigade activities 7 and 8 year of school education (age 14-15): introduction of first aid 9 and 10 year of school education (age up to 18): overtaking the responsibility for home region in free time and work sphere
Číslo projektu:
Moravskoslezský kraj
(Česká republika)
Střední škola technická a dopravní, Ostrava-Vítkovice Vyšší odborná škola, střední odborná škola a střední odborné učiliště, Kopřivnice Krajská hospodářská komora Moravskoslezského kraje
Conseil Régional de Lorraine
Rectorat de l'académie de Nancy-Metz Lycée polyvalent Félix Mayer Lycée Jacques Marquette Lycée Gustave Eiffel Centre Régional Information Jeunesse de Lorraine
Název projektu:
Amélioration de l'employabilité des Jeunes Sur le marché du Travail Européen
Anotace: Lorraine and Moravia Silesia have a common past linked to heavy industrialization, mining, chemical and steel declined and were faced with the need for a major industrial restructuring. These two regions have shifted towards the development of new economic sectors and had to adapt their provision of education and training to new economic opportunities. Meanwhile, the interest for student for vocational and technical education concerning the new economic sector is decreasing. The consequence is that young people have more and more difficulties to integrate the working market, even if such economic sectors are constantly expanding, and are experiencing difficulties in recruiting. The other common point of the two regions is their frontier position, which strongly influences their economic character and situation on the labor market Following these fact the two European regions have decided to to build relationships and exchange of knowhow, developing practical cooperation mostly in the field of school education. The project aims to develop between regions a mobility platform, to create a methodological guide book for mobility in order to strengthen exchanges between students and professionals within the economic sectors developed in both regions. It will help to establish collaboration between the two regions and to forge new economic partnerships through reciprocal exchanges and mobility.
Číslo projektu:
Městská část Praha 1
(Česká republika)
Základní škola nám. Curieových Základní škola Brána jazyků Gymnázium Jana Nerudy, škola hl. m. Prahy Gymnázium prof. Jana Patočky Association des anciens élèves ses sections tchèques à Dijon et à Nîmes Brána jazyků otevřená, nadační fond
Rectorat de l'académie de Nancy-Metz Lycée polyvalent Félix Mayer Lycée Jacques Marquette Lycée Gustave Eiffel Centre Régional Information Jeunesse de Lorraine
Název projektu:
Grandir ensemble en Europe
Anotace: Issues: This project is the success and education of young people, from primary school to high school. It is equally made to demonstrate the dynamic of the youth in Nimes, their engagement in Europe, and their openness to cultures. Principles: This project is based on five important principles: 1) The entirety of the educational actions and the continuity that result therein (work throughout all students, from primary school to high school) 2) A dense and diversified network of partnerships in science, culture and linguistics, that apply to establishments: 3)
Exchanges of practices between professionals of education (teachers) and their mobility for interaction.
4) Mobility of students, via digital technology and trips to partner countries; to better grasp the culture of “the other” and to experience a language. 5)
Student-produced work, done in partnership with participating establishments based on selected
themes that follow the terms and formats appropriate to the expected results. Axis of Cooperation: This project will be deployed according to three important axes: a) Scientific culture, focused on experimental approaches and the appropriation of contemporary problems (for example, the environment and sustainability). b) The discovery of historical and “living” heritages (traditions, festivals, food, habits and ways of life in families, music, theater). c) Learning foreign languages as a means to promote communication and expression, focusing on oral expression, including awareness of the essential elements of the Czech language and the every day life, reserving written communication for postal exchanges and emails as to the presentation of the three languages, French, Czech, and English. Actors: Students, teachers, actors in civil society involved in the exchanges of young people in cultural projects (notably in the sector of scientific/cultural associations and organizations), educational actors (in partner cities).