Work & Life Balance
CIBERTI Tujuan : • Untuk melihat secara nyata bahwa VALUES ada dalam diri setiap orang. Dan jika hidup berlandaskan Values yang diinginkan maka orang disekitar, baik yang kita kenal maupun tidak, dapat merasakannya. • Values dapat dimunculkan dari dalam diri berdasarkan tujuan hidup masing-masing orang. • CIBERTI sangat mungkin di implementasikan di WIKA. Jika setiap insan WIKA komit untuk menjadikannya landasan berperilakunya maka Misi & Visi WIKA akan lebih mudah dicapai.
Perilaku (Behaviour) 1. Menghargai keterkaitan karyawan dengan keluarga dan lingkungan kehidupannya. 2. Memberikan peluang pada setiap karyawan untuk mengembangkan diri sesuai dengan potensinya. 3. Menghargai manusia WIKA sesuai dengan prestasi dan peran sertanya. 4. Mendorong manusia WIKA untuk menerapkan Pola Makan , Pola Hidup, Pola pikir untuk mencapai kesejahteraan jasmani, rohani dan emosi sehingga tercapai keseimbangan hidup
Perubahan Yang Terjadi di Dunia Kerja • Ekonomi Global • Bisnis yang berorientasi internasional • Kemajuan Teknologi • Flexi Flexi--time schedules • Alternative or flexiflexi-place work location • Perubahan dalam struktur keluarga (dual(dual-career) 5
Tanda--tanda awal pekerjaan mengambil alih hidup Tanda
• Selama seminggu, Anda tidak pernah bicara atau menghubungi orang lain yang tidak terkait pekerjaan atau kebutuhan harian • Anda tak pernah menghabiskan waktu di luar rumah maupun kantor selain perjalanan rumah-kantor-rumah rumah atau hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan. • Anda tak bisa ingat kapan terakhir berolahraga, mengambil kelas olahraga, atau bahkan sekadar jalan kaki. • Enggan berlibur karena artinya harus mengerjakan tugas yang menumpuk setelahnya. Atau bahkan pernah terpaksa membatalkan acara berlibur karena takut ada masalah di pekerjaan.
Balance • When I take time to take care of my own health, my needs for rest, exercise, giving my body good food – making time for the people I love • Remembering that the work I do is important – but it is not my whole life • I keep my balance and my connections to others and sustain me.
Survey Results From More Than 50,000 Employees from a Variety of Manufacturing and Service Organizations Found (Source: Quintessential Careers article)
• 2 out of every 5 employees are dissatisfied with the balance between their work and personal lives
• The lack of balance is due to: – – – –
Long work hours Changing demographics More time in the car boundaries between work and home
8 Tips for Getting your Work/Life Balance 1. Negotiate a Change with Your Current Employer •
Changes can include: flextime, job-sharing, job telecommuting or part-time employment. Your 1st step is to research your employer’s policies and methods of handling previous requests
2. Slow Down • • •
Life is simply too short Take steps to stop and enjoy the things and people around you. Find some ways to distance yourself from the things that are causing you the most stress
3. Learn to Better Manage Your Time. Avoid Procrastination. •
For many people, most of the stress they feel comes from simply being disorganized – and procrastinating. – Learn to set more realistic goals and deadlines – and then stick to them 10
8 Tips for Getting your Work/Life Balance 4. Share the Load •
Even though we may sometimes feel we’re the only ones capable of doing something, it's usually not the case. – Get your partner or other family members to help you with all your personal/family responsibilities
5. Let Things Go. (Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff) •
Learn to let things go every once in a while Learn to recognize the things that don’t really have much impact in your life and allow yourself to let them go »
… then don’t beat yourself up for doing so
6. Explore Your Options. Get Help. •
In many cases you do have options; you just need to take the time to explore them –
EX: a sitter for your children, options for care of your aging parents, counseling for yourself » Don’t feel overwhelmed with your family responsibilities
8 Tips for Getting your Work/Life Balance 7. Take Charge. Set Priorities. •
Sometimes it’s easier for us to allow ourselves to feel overwhelmed rather than taking charge and developing a prioritized list of things that need to get done » Buck the trend.
8. Simplify •
It’s human nature to take on too many tasks and responsibilities, to try to do too much and to own too much. – –
Find a way to simplify your life Change your lifestyle
» Get rid of the clutter and baggage in your house – and your life.