SOLT I Indonesian Module 4 Lesson 8 Student Manual
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
By the end of the lesson you will be able to express yourself in Indonesian related to travel. Understand a Time Schedule • • • • •
Discuss the schedule Inquire about departure time Inquire about arrival time Discuss stopover time at each station Discuss transportation connections
Plan a Trip • • • • • •
Discuss past trip arrangements Select a place of destination Discuss transportation arrangements Call a travel agency Make travel reservations Cancel travel reservations
Use a Taxi and/or a City Bus • • •
Discuss public transportation Use a local bus/streetcar/subway Discuss traffic congestion
Use the Service Station • • •
Buy gas Describe services performed at a gas station Call a tow truck
Get Train/Plane/Bus/Boat Tickets • • • • •
Purchase tickets Ask about ticket rates Talk about airport/bus/train stations Discuss traffic by sea, land, and air Talk about past vacations and anecdotes
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
Discuss Immigration Procedures • • • • • •
Talk about obtaining a visa at the consulate Describe a customs inspection Ask/respond to questions about documents needed for entering and leaving the country Ask about items that must be declared at customs State reasons for visiting the country and duration of stay Fill out forms when entering or leaving the country
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
TIP OF THE DAY Most Indonesian public transportations are not on time, they are: buses, trains, and domestics flights. The buses and trains are late due to heavy traffic. Most buses have to go until they are full before leaving. Trains are late, since there is only a limited number of railways, therefore trains must take turns using them. Understand a Time Schedule Exercise 1 (Pair Work) In the following conversation, Dini is inquiring about a flight's schedule from Sinta, a customer service associate at the information center of Garuda Indonesian Airlines. Your instructor will model the conversation for you. Then, practice the conversation with your partner and switch roles. Continue with the corresponding exercise 2.
Sinta: Dini: Sinta: Dini: Sinta: Dini: Sinta:
Garuda Indonesia, selamat siang! Ada yang bisa dibantu? Maaf, Mbak. Saya mau bertanya, penerbangan GA 456 berangkat pukul berapa, ya? Sebentar, ya. Saya lihat dulu di jadwal. GA 456 berangkat pukul 7.30. Di pintu berapa? Di pintu sepuluh. Terima kasih banyak! Sama sama. Selamat menikmati penerbangannya!
Exercise 2 (Pair Work) Using the conversation in exercise 1 as a model, engage in conversations with each other using the following information tables as a base. Perusahaan Penerbangan
Bouraq Merpati Mandala
BALIKPAPAN - SURABAYA Kode Penerbangan Jadwal Dalam Berangkat Setiap Minggu Pukul
BO 200 MN 519 RI 383
Senin-Jumat Sabtu Selasa, Kamis
9.40 16.30 11.00
Tiba Pukul
10.00 16.50 11.30
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
Exercise 2 (Pair Work) (Continued) Perusahaan Penerbangan
YOGYAKARTA - JAKARTA Kode Penerbangan Jadwal Dalam Berangkat Setiap Minggu Pukul
GA 270
Senin- Sabtu
Bouraq Adam Air
BO 101 KI 642
Jumat, Minggu Senin, Rabu, Minggu
7.40 11.00 12.30 15.00
Tiba Pukul
8.40 12.00 13.30 16.00
Exercise 3 (Pair Work) In the following conversation, a passenger is asking about arrival time. Your instructor will model the conversation for you. Then, working with your partner, practice the conversation and take turns. Continue with the corresponding exercise 4. Penumpang: Permisi. Bisa saya bertanya? Pramugari: Tentu saja Penumpang: Pukul berapa kita akan sampai di Bali? Menurut jadwal kita akan tiba di sana pukul 7.15. Sekarang sudah pukul 7.30. Pramugari: Sebentar lagi kita akan sampai di Bali. Kira-kira sepuluh menit lagi. Penumpang: Terimakasih. Pramugari: Sama sama.
Exercise 4 (Pair Work) Using the tables on exercise 2 above, engage in conversations with your partner using the scenario on exercise 3 as a model.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8 TIP OF THE DAY
Bali and Lombok are very popular tourist destination. Many domestic tourists come to these places on Christmas, New Year’s, Lebaran, and any other long holidays. For this reason, accommodations during these times such as hotels, motels, and villas are usually fully booked.
Exercise 5 (Group Work) Your instructor will read a passage twice. The passage is about a flight attendant’s announcement in an airplane regarding a stopover and information of transportation connections. Fill in the blanks below when your instructor reads the passage for the second time. Working as group, grasp the basic points from the flight attendant’s announcement. After that, discuss the words with your instructor.
Penerbangan GA 234 dengan ___________________ Medan akan tiba di Bandara Hang Tuah, Batam pada pukul 13.00 waktu setempat. Bagi para ___________________ yang turun di Batam kami ucapkan selamat jalan dan terima kasih telah __________________ terbang bersama Garuda Indonesia. Bagi para penumpang yang akan _____________________ penerbangan ke Medan, kita akan ______________________ di Bandara Hang Tuah selama satu jam untuk mengganti pesawat dengan GA 224. ___________________ telah menunggu di pintu keluar untuk membawa Anda ke ______________________. Terima kasih.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
Plan a Trip Exercise 6 (Pair Work) Read the conversation below and answer the questions. After that, practice the conversation with your partner. Note how Wawan and Joko address each other and themselves based on their rank difference. Then, come up with different ranks for the characters and do a similar conversation. Be ready when your instructor calls you to perform your conversation. Serka Wawan : Peltu Joko: Serka Wawan: Peltu Joko: Serka Wawan:
Peltu Joko: Serka Wawan
Peltu Joko: Sersan Wawan:
Pak Joko, liburan minggu depan Bapak mau ke mana? Tidak ke mana-mana. Istriku ingin mendekorasi rumah, jadi aku harus membantu dia. Bagaimana dengan kamu? Kebetulan minggu depan ulang tahun pernikahan kami yang ke 3 jadi saya akan mengajak istri untuk pergi ke Bali. Oh ya aku lupa, istriku bilang kalau kalian akan pergi ke Bali selama seminggu. Ya, Pak. Kami akan datang ke Bali untuk bulan madu kedua dan juga mengunjungi salah satu teman lama istri saya. Kami sudah lama tidak bertemu. Kamu akan ke sana naik apa, Wan? Naik pesawat, Pak. Nanti kalau sampai di bandara, shuttle dari hotel Mulia akan menjemput di bandara dan membawa kami ke hotel. Untuk pergi keliling Bali saya pikir saya akan menyewa sepeda motor. Baiklah kalau begitu, selamat berlibur dan selamat atas ulang tahun pernikahan kamu. Terima kasih, Pak.
Questions: 1. Kapan Serka Wawan akan pergi berlibur? ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Ke mana mereka akan pergi? Untuk Berapa hari? ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Apa yang akan dilakukan Peltu Joko di hari libur? ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Untuk apa Serka Wawan dan istrinya pergi berlibur? ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Transportasi apa saja yang digunakan oleh Serka Wawan selama dia berlibur? ________________________________________________________________________
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
Exercise 7 (Pair Work) Read the following conversation about calling a tour agent to make a travel reservation. Answer the questions, and discuss them with your partner. Find important keywords and discuss them with the rest of the class. Practice the conversation. Agen Perjalanan: Sinta: Agen Perjalanan:
Sinta: Agen Perjalanan: Sinta: Agen Perjalanan: Sinta: Agen Perjalanan: Sinta: Agen Perjalanan: Sinta: Agen Perjalanan: Sinta: Agen Perjalanan: Sinta: Agen Perjalanan: Sinta: Agen Perjalanan:
Selamat siang, Nusantara Tur. Ada yang bisa dibantu? Mbak, ada paket tur ke gunung Bromo tidak? Ada. Kami mempunyai dua macam paket. Paket pertama adalah paket ke gunung Bromo dan Taman Safari Sindeng selama 4 hari. Harga paketnya Rp1.500.000,00. Sudah termasuk transportasi, hotel, makan pagi dan tiket masuk. Paket kedua hanya ke gunung Bromo selama 3 hari, harganya Rp800.000,00 sudah termasuk transportasi, hotel, makan pagi, dan kuda untuk naik ke puncak gunung. Tinggalnya di hotel apa untuk paket nomor dua? Hotelnya hotel Holiday Inn di daerah Bromo. Apakah ada diskon? Ada diskon 10% kalau Ibu mempunyai kartu anggota Nusantara Tur Baiklah, saya membuat reservasi untuk paket kedua untuk dua orang. Anda ingin berangkat tanggal berapa? Tanggal 23 Mei 2003. Baiklah, tur gunung Bromo untuk dua orang tanggal 23 Mei 2003. Bisa minta nama dan alamat Anda? Nama saya Sinta Purnomo, saya pergi dengan suami saya Adi Purnomo. Alamat saya Jalan Angsa 23 Yogyakarta. Nomor teleponnya? 567345. Apakah Anda akan membayar tunai atau memakai kartu kredit? Saya bayar tunai. Baiklah kalau begitu silakan datang ke kantor untuk mengambil tiket dan membayar sebelum tanggal 20 Mei 2003. Baik. Terima kasih. Kembali.
Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Berapa harga untuk paket tur yang kedua? Apa termasuk didalamnya? Apa syarat untuk mendapat diskon 10%? Siapa yang akan pergi? Apa yang harus Sinta lakukan sebelum berangkat?
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8 TIP OF THE DAY
When for some reason a ticket is not used, but it cannot be returned or exchanged for money either, the expression for that ticket is "hangus"; which literally means "burned". When you have a ticket on hand, it is important to find out about the cancellation or return policy so that your ticket does not become "hangus" if you have to cancel your trip.
________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 8 (Pair Work) In the following conversation, Dina tries to cancel her resrevation. Is she successful in her effort? Read the conversation, and then practice it with your partner. Switch roles. Dina: Nusantara Travel: Dina: Nusantara Travel: Dina: Nusantara Travel:
Dina: Nusantara Travel: Dina:
Selamat siang! Siang. Ada yang bisa dibantu? Saya ingin membatalkan reservasi tiket pesawat saya. Atas nama siapa? Dina Mariana. Saya memesan tiket Garuda Indonesia tujuan Jakarta tanggal 12 Maret 2003 Tiket pesawat Garuda Indonesia tujuan ke Jakarta tanggal 12 Maret 2003 untuk dua orang, berangkat pukul 20.12 WIB, atas nama Nyonya Dina Mariana dan Ratih Putri. Benar Sudah saya batalkan. Terima kasih.
Exercise 9 (Pair Work) Pretend that you are going to cancel your reservation at the travel agency. Your partner will be the person who handles your call. Have a conversation based on the example on Exercise 6.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
TIP OF THE DAY There are many types of buses in Indonesia, they are: small buses, big buses, AC buses, and non-AC buses. An AC bus is usually more expensive than a non-AC or regular bus, and it is more convenient. Indonesia doesn’t have a subway yet, at least until 2020 when the first subway will serve Jakarta - Bogor - Tangerang - Bekasi (Jabotabek) business districts. In buses, often times there are more people than seats available, so people have to stand in those buses. During this situation, be careful of pickpockets who usually work in groups to steal your wallet. Use Taxi and/or a City Bus Exercise 10 (Pair Work) You are going to another city using the public bus, but you do not know which bus goes there. Pretend that your partner is Indonesian, and you are asking him/her questions about how to use the public bus. Look at the example of the conversation below. Switch roles once you are done with the activity. Anton: Maaf, bisa saya bertanya? Bis jurusan ke Bandung yang mana? Dono: Wah, tidak ada. Anton: Aduh, lalu kalau saya mau ke Bandung bagaimana? Dono: Pertama dari sini Anda naik bis jurusan Cibubur kemudian turun di terminal bis Cibubur. Dari Cibubur, Anda naik bis jurusan Bandung. Kalau tidak salah bis jurusan Bandung namanya Parahyangan. Anton: Hmm, bis jurusan ke Cibubur yang mana? Dono: Itu di sebelah kanan pintu keluar. Bis yang berwarna merah. Namanya bis SATRIA. Anton: Berapa ongkos ke Cibubur? Dono: Rp. 2.500,00. Anton: Terima kasih. Dono: Sama sama. Selamat jalan!
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8 TIP OF THE DAY
"BBM" stands for "Bahan Bakar Minyak" (petrol fuel), which comprises all fossil fuel products such as bensin (gasoline), solar (diesel fuel), and minyak tanah (kerosene). Use the Service Station Exercise 11 (Pair Work)
The following conversation happens at a typical Indonesian gas station. What can you tell about the manner in which gas is sold in Indonesia? What are the services available according to the conversation? What can you tell about the situation of the gas prices? Practice the conversation with your partner and switch roles. Continue with the corresponding Exercise 12. Pegawai pom: Pembeli: Pegawai pom: Pembeli: Pegawai pom:
Berapa liter, Mas? 5 liter saja. Mau yang premium atau yang biasa? Premium. (fills the tank) Semuanya Rp40.500,00. Pembeli: Oh ya, saya perlu oli juga, satu kaleng saja. Pegawai pom: Baiklah, kalau begitu semuanya 60.500 Rupiah. Pembeli: Ini uangnya. Wah, sekarang bensin mahal ya? Pegawai Pom: Iya, saya dengar harga BBM mau naik lagi lima puluh persen.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
Exercise 12 (Pair Work) Pretend you are going to buy gas in a “Pom Bensin”. Your partner will play the role of the attendant. Change roles after you are finished with the first activity. Look at the example for the conversation. Exercise 13 (Pair Work) You are going to call a tow truck and your partner will play the role of the operator. Have phone conversations based on the following conversation using the authentic list of tow truck services in Jakarta and Bandung below. Switch roles. Andi: Sigit: Andi: Sigit: Andi: Sigit: Andi: Sigit:
Siang, Pak. Tolong dikirim mobil derek Lokasinya di mana, Pak? Di Jalan Tentara Pelajar. Saya ada di depan bank BNI 46. Baiklah akan saya kirim bantuan secepatnya. Maaf, nama Bapak siapa? Nama saya Andi. Andi Lukito Apa jenisnya dan berapa nomor kendaraannya, Pak? Toyota Corolla, nomornya H 4556 DS. Baik, Pak. Mohon ditunggu.
Mobil Derek - Jakarta Metro Club (021) 830 - 7475 Jaya Derek (021) 789- 2672 Derek Tol 0 - 800 - 21 - 997
Mobil Derek - Bandung ACC Derek JL. Kesatriaan No. 1 (pasirkaliki) Bandung 40172. Telp : (022) 6041234; (022)6015311 ELGA Jl. Ambon 18 Telp. (022)433-842
AA Club Ind. (021) 856- 1024, 856 - 1026 Jl Jatinegara Timur I no. 4 Jkt. 13350 LCC Jl. A Yani 889 Telp. (022)704 - 800 Jakarta Towing Service (921) 520 - 5783 247
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8 TIP OF THE DAY
Public buses don’t require advance booking, but for more comfortable transportation such as an executive bus, trains, and executive boats, advance booking is needed.
Exercise 14 (Pair Work) Get Train/Plane/Bus/Boat Tickets In the following conversation, Nana is purchasing train tickets. Study the conversation and find expressions that are new to you. Discuss with your instructor. Practice the conversation with your partner and switch roles. Nana: Tiket kereta eksekutif ke Jakarta berapa, Pak? Penjual Tiket: Kereta yang mana, Mbak? Ada 3 kereta ke Jakarta. Senja Utama, Argo Lawu, dan Argo Bromo Nana: Senja Utama berapa, Pak? Penjual Tiket: Tiket Senja Utama harganya Rp. 47.500,- untuk satu kali jalan. Argo Lawu Rp115.000,00 dan Argo Bromo Rp130.000,00 Nana: Kalau begitu saya beli tiket untuk Argo Lawu. Penjual Tiket: Untuk berapa orang dan atas nama siapa? Nana: Untuk satu orang, atas nama Nana. Penjual Tiket: Tiket pulang pergi atau sekali jalan? Nana: Satu kali jalan saja. Penjual Tiket: Berangkat tanggal berapa? Nana: Tanggal 19 Agustus 2003 Exercise 15 (Pair Work) Have a conversation with your partner about purchasing a ticket. Get a ticket for your whole family. Look at the example of the conversation above, and use the following tables as a base for your conversation. Can you tell what the information under "datang" is about? Based on the expressions that you learned from exercise 11, what do you think "pp" stands for? Tanahabang Datang 20.20 KA Bengawan Eksekutif 16.50 KA Solobaru Padalarang KA Bengawan Eksekutif KA Solobaru
Datang 19.03 21.27 248
Solo Berangkat Tiba 21.00 5.00 17.30 5.30
Harga tiket 25.000 5.000
Kediri PP Berangkat Tiba 19.40 20.40 21.32 02.40
Harga tiket 12.000 3.000
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
Exercise 16 (Pair Work) Read the following passage, and then answer the questions. Discuss your answers with your partner.
kemacetan di Manado
Transportasi darat di Indonesia mempunyai masalah yang cukup berat. Karena kurangnya dana, pemerintah tidak mampu untuk membangun jalan baru dan fasilitas transportasi lainnya seperti rel kereta api atau jalan bebas hambatan. Akibatnya jumlah jalan yang ada tidak mampu menampung jumlah kendaraan yang terlalu banyak dan kemacetan tidak bisa dihindari. Transportasi air juga mengalami masalah yang serius yaitu masalah keamanan. Banyak kapal atau perahu tidak memenuhi standar keselamatan seperti menyediakan pelampung, atau perahu cadangan (sekoci). Kapal-kapal dan perahu-perahu sering beroperasi dengan jumlah penumpang yang melebihi muatan. Contohnya, sebuah perahu hanya mampu menampung 55 orang, 100 orang dibiarkan masuk ke dalam perahu untuk mendapatkan uang lebih banyak. Karena itu, sering terjadi kecelakaan di laut karena perahu kelebihan muatan. Transportasi udara di Indonesia, akhir-akhir ini mengalami perkembangan. Semakin banyak perusahaan penerbangan yang membuka bisnis di Indonesia. Harga tiket untuk pesawat terbang semakin murah dan semakin banyak orang menggunakan transportasi udara daripada beberapa tahun lalu. Questions: 1. What can you conclude from each paragraph? ________________________________________________________________________
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
Exercise 16 (Pair Work) 2. Based on the illustration, can you guess what the meaning of the word "kemacetan" is? Gather into groups and compare the situations in Indonesia and the US under the theme "kemacetan". ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 17 (Pair Work) Tell your partner about your memorable experience that relates to travels. Describe how you prepared for the travel. What did you bring? Which travel agent did you use? What happened when you arrived at your destination? What did you do there? Who did you write to when you were there? Did you meet anybody interesting? When your partner is telling his story, ask for additional information and explanation. Write down your partner's story and be prepared to share it with the rest of the class. Use the conjunction "ketika" or "waktu" to show that the events happened in the past. Observe the following examples and find out how they are used by comparing the first two sentences with the rest of the examples. Waktu kamu di Inggris, apa kamu sempat pergi ke Skotlandia? (When you were in England, did you have time to go to Scotland?) Ketika saya sampai di hotel, saya cepat-cepat ke kamar mandi. (When I arrived at the hotel, I went in a hurry to the bathroom.) Kapan kamu pergi ke Inggris? (When did you go to England?) Berapa lama kamu tinggal di sana? (How long did you stay there?) Apa saja yang kamu bawa? (What are the things that you bring?) Saya hanya membawa dua tas ransel. (I only bring two backpacks.)
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
Discuss Immigration Procedures Exercise 18 (Pair Work) Look at the conversation below, and then answer the questions. After that, practice the conversation with your partner. Richard: Petugas konsulat: Richard:
Petugas konsulat: Richard: Petugas konsulat: Richard: Petugas konsulat: Richard:
Saya ingin mendapatkan visa untuk bisnis di Indonesia Apakah Anda sudah mempunyai semua dokumen yang diperlukan? Saya pikir sudah. Formulir aplikasi visa, paspor, surat dari sponsor, surat kontrak kerja, surat kelakuan baik dari polisi, diploma, dan curriculum vitae. Bagaimana dengan surat pernikahan? Oh ya, ini surat pernikahan dan akte kelahiran istri saya. Paspor istri Anda, formulir aplikasi dan surat kelakuan baik dari polisi untuk istri Anda? Sudah. Baiklah kalau begitu, silakan membayar di kasir sebesar $75 per orang kemudian tunggu panggilan untuk wawancara. Terima kasih.
Questions: 1. Dokumen apa yang diperlukan Richard untuk mendapatkan visa bisnis? ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Dokumen apa yang diperlukan istri Richard? ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Berapa uang yang harus dibayar untuk Richard dan istrinya? ________________________________________________________________________
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
Example of an arrival form for Indonesian citizens The form for foreigners is basically similar to the one for Indonesians, the difference is that it is written in English. Could you tell which information is required by this form?
Exercise 19 (Pair Work) Look at the example of a conversation at the immigration office. Can you tell what "kartu kedatangan" means? What are the things that the immigration officer ask for from Richard? Create a conversation with your partner based on the example. Petugas imigrasi: Richard: Petugas imigrasi: Richard: Petugas imigrasi: Richard: Petugas imigrasi: Richard: Petugas imigrasi: Richard: Petugas imigrasi:
Selamat datang di Indonesia Terima kasih. Bisa saya lihat paspor dan dokumen Anda? Tentu saja. Ini. Berapa lama Anda akan bekerja di Indonesia? Kira-kira 2 tahun. Visa Anda multiple atau single entry? Saya mempunyai multiple entry. Mana kartu kedatangan Anda? Ini dia. Silakan tanda tangan disini
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Indonesian SOLT I
Grammar Notes
Module 4 Lesson 8
Compound Question Words (2) In this lesson you have encountered more compound question words. Remember that compound question words always go together and cannot be separated or their order switched around in case you reverse your sentence. Observe the following examples: 1. Kamu ke Bali naik apa? Naik apa kamu ke Bali? 2. Travel agennya bilang apa? Bilang apa travel agennya? 3. Kamu pergi ke Bali untuk apa? Untuk apa kamu pergi ke Bali? 4. Anda berangkat tanggal berapa? Tanggal berapa Anda berangkat?
Exercise 1 (Pair Work) Take turns asking and answering questions about your plans using the structures above. Have a conversation about his plans for next week, next month, and next year.
Exercise 2 (Class Work) Reverse the following sentences if possible. 1. Tiket kereta eksekutif ke Jakarta berapa, Pak? 2. Lokasinya di mana, Pak? 3. Apa jenis mobilnya? 4. Berapa nomor kendaraannya, Pak? 5. Pukul berapa kita akan sampai di Bali? 6. Kamu akan ke sana naik apa, Wan? 7. Pak Joko, liburan minggu depan Bapak mau ke mana? 8. Anda ingin berangkat tanggal berapa? 9. Apakah Anda akan membayar tunai atau memakai kartu kredit? 10. Berapa lama Anda akan bekerja di Indonesia?
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Indonesian SOLT I
Grammar Notes
Module 4 Lesson 8
Contrast: Kapan vs Kalau, ketika & waktu Because "kapan" is used to ask about the time of an event, some English speakers have a tendency to generalize its meaning as equal to "when" in English. This is not entirely true. "Kapan" is a question word, while "when" is used as a question word and a conjunction that has a time orientation. In contrast, Indonesians use "kalau", "ketika" and "waktu" for time-oriented conjunctions. Question Word: kapan Indonesian: kapan Kapan Bapak ditempatkan di Aceh? Kapan Ibu akan ditugaskan di Papua?
English: when as a question word When were you stationed in Aceh? When is the summer?
Conjunction: kalau, ketika/waktu "Kalau" can be used to talk about future events, while "ketika" and "waktu" are used to talk about past events. Indonesian: kalau, ketika/waktu
English: when as a conjunction
Kamu jangan menangis kalau saya pergi, ya? Saya bertemu dia waktu mengunjungi Amerika. Ketika sampai di Flores, kami beristirahat untuk beberapa hari.
Don't you cry when I am gone, OK? I met her when I was visiting the US. When we arrive in Flores, we took a rest for a couple of days.
Do not forget that "kalau" can also means "if". Observe the difference of its meanings in the following examples. Bagaimana kalau saya berangkat sekarang? Kalau kita sampai di Yogya nanti, kita akan makan ayam goreng.
What if I leave now? When we arrive in Yogya, we are going to eat fried chicken.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Grammar Notes
Module 4 Lesson 8
Exercise 3 (Pair Work) Put either kapan, kalau, ketika or waktu so the sentences make sense. Discuss your answer with the rest of the class. 1. ____________________ kamu akan pergi? 2. ____________________ kami ke Indonesia tahun lalu, kami menggunakan kapal. 3. Mereka akan berenang ______________ sudah sampai di pantai nanti. 4. _________________________ saya di Jerman tahun lalu, saya mengunjungi Koln. 5. ________________________ saya membeli tiketnya sekarang, apa saya akan mendapat diskon? 6. Apakah mereka tahu ___________________________ di pesawat kita tidak boleh merokok? 7. _____________________ kartuposnya dikirim? Saya belum menerimanya sampai hari ini.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
Nouns akte kelahiran aneka ragam bea cukai/custom bulan madu cacar air dewasa eksekutif imigrasi imunisasi mobil derek jurusan keberangkatan kedatangan kepastian kolera konsulat kontroversi maskapai ongkos/biaya/tarif pajak penerbangan penggemar penjara pijat prioritas rel transit tujuan tur tuslah
birth certificate variety custom honeymoon smallpox adult executive immigration immunization tow truck destination departure arrival certainty cholera consulate controversy airline fare tax flight fans jail massage priority rail transit destination tour extra charge
Verbs (meng)ucapkan (root: ucap) berlaku beroperasi (root: operasi) lepas landas membatalkan (root: batal) memesan (root: pesan) mempunyai (root: punya) mendarat mengalami (root: alam) mengganti (root: ganti)
to say to be valid to operate to take-off to cancel to order to own to land to go through, to experience to change
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Indonesian SOLT I
menikmati (root: nikmat) menunggu (root:tunggu) transit
Module 4 Lesson 8
to enjoy to wait to transit
Adjectives alternatif megah reda Others waktu ketika
alternative glorious calm
when (as a conjunction, denoting past experience) when (as a conjunction, denoting past experience)
Supplemental pelampung
life vest
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Indonesian SOLT I
Cultural Notes
Module 4 Lesson 8
Tourist Destinations During Lebaran Day, many tourist destinations in Indonesia are packed with domestic tourists. Many tourist spots such as zoos, amusement parks, etc., hold special events to celebrate Lebaran, such as: music concerts (mostly Dangdut – a very famous style of music with singers), a circus, etc. It is very hard to find tickets during this period. The same problem happens during New Year’s, although it is not as crowded as it is during Lebaran Day. The following are some famous tourist spots in Indonesia are Pantai Kuta in Bali, Pantai Senggigi in Lombok, Dunia Fantasi Ancol in Jakarta, Malioboro in Yogyakarta, Gunung Bromo in East Java, Taman Safari in Jakarta, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah in Jakarta, Puncak in Bandung, and Bintan resorts in Bintan Island, Bunaken coastal areas in Sulawesi, and Toba Lake in Sumatra. Below are some pictures of tourist destination in Indonesia.
Gunung Bromo – Jawa Timur
Candi Bedugul - Bali
Bintan Resorts – Pulau Bintan
Candi Prambanan - Yogyakarta
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Indonesian SOLT I
Cultural Notes
Module 4 Lesson 8
Indonesian passport The following are some examples of Indonesian passports. The green passport on the top left is being phased out and gradually replaced with the one on the right. These passports, known as "paspor hijau", is intended for general purposes. The blue one on the bottom, known as "paspor biru" is a service passport.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Application Activities
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 1 (Pair Work) Look at the tables of departure and arrival below, and then take turns requesting and providing departure and arrival times. Use the example of conversations in previous exercises (1 and 2) in the Introduction, or use these expressions: Requesting Departure Time: Pukul berapa pesawat berangkat? Jam berapa pesawat GA 234 berangkat? Penerbangan JY 34 berangkat pukul berapa? Requesting Arrival Time: Pukul berapa pesawat RI 234 dari Jambi tiba? Jam berapa penerbangan JY 234 datang? Pesawat GA 222 dari Yogyakarta tiba pukul/jam berapa? JADWAL KEDATANGAN Bandar Udara Hang Tuah Batam Pesawat Berangkat dari RI 564 GA 121 JY 90 RI 557 IA 109
Jambi Pekanbaru Medan Medan Lampung
Tanggal 12 Juni 2003 Waktu kedatangan 13.35 14.40 15.15 15.55 16.05
Pukul: 14.55 WIB Pintu Gerbang Keterangan 10 3 5 4 10
Mendarat Mendarat Terlambat
JADWAL KEBERANGKATAN Bandar Udara Adi Sucipto Yogyakarta Pesawat Tujuan GA 222 GA 233 RI 334 RI 223 JY 667 JY 789 JY 790 GA 345
Bali Lombok Bali Bali Jakarta Jakarta Surabaya Jakarta
Tanggal 12 Maret 2003 Waktu Keberangkatan 12.00 12.10 12.45 13.00 14.00 14.05 15.10 15.40
Pukul: 12.30 WIB Pintu Gerbang Keterangan 10 11 4 3 4 10 11 3
Berangkat Berangkat Boarding Check in Check in Terlambat
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Indonesian SOLT I
Application Activities
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 2 (Pair Work) Read the following conversation, and then retell it in your own words. Penumpang: Permisi. Bisa saya bertanya? Pramugari: Tentu saja. Penumpang: Pukul berapa kita akan sampai di Bali? Menurut jadwal kita akan tiba di sana pukul 7.15. Sekarang sudah pukul 7.30. Pramugari: Saat ini hujan deras, Bu. Jadi pilot menjalankan pesawat pelan-pelan. Kita akan tiba di Bali kira-kira pukul 8. Penumpang: Pukul 8? Jadi kita terlambat 45 menit? Pramugari: Iya, Bu. Maaf, cuaca bukan kendali kami. Ibu sabar saja.
Activity 3 (Pair Work) Look at the tour packages below and pretend that you are going to book one of the tours. Your partner will play the role of a travel agent. Switch roles once you are done with the activity.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Application Activities
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 4 (Pair Work) Based on the list of hotel packages below, have a conversation with your travel agent and reserve the hotel package that you want.
Use a Taxi and/or a City Bus Activity 5 (Pair Work) Role-play. You are going to go to another city using the public bus, but you do not know which bus you should take and how much it costs. Ask your partner, who plays the role of an Indonesian man/woman about the information above. Switch roles once you are done with the activity.
Activity 6 (Group Work) Divide the class into two groups. Each group will discuss why Indonesia does not have a subway system (mainly in Jakarta). Present the results of the discussion and the other group will ask questions.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Application Activities
Module 4 Lesson 8
Use the Service Station Activity 7 (Pair Work) Pretend that you are buying gas at a gas station. Your partner will play the role of a gas station attendant. Switch roles once you are done with the activity.
Get Train/Plane/Bus/Boat Tickets Activity 8 (Pair Work) You are calling your travel agent to make plane reservations based on the table below. Your partner will play the role of a travel agent who handles the call. Switch roles.
Activity 9 (Pair Work) You are going to buy a round trip train ticket from Bandung - Yogyakarta - Bandung. Look at the information below to get the ticket and train that you want. Your partner will be the clerk. Switch roles.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Application Activities
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 9 (Pair Work) (Continued)
Jadwal Kereta: Eksekutif & Bisnis . TURANGGA
Bandung - Yogya
Yogya - Bandung
19.00 - 02.15
00.05 - 07.39
Harga: Eksekutif Rp 120.000,(Bandung - Yogyakarta/Kutoarjo) Keterangan: Tarif sudah termasuk biaya asuransi,tuslah (palayanan tambahan) berupa : makan malam, dan minuman pagi, bantal, selimut . MUTIARA SELATAN
Bandung - Yogya 17.00 - 00.59
Yogya - Bandung 22.47 - 06.35
Harga: Bisnis (dewasa) Rp 80.000,Bisnis (anak) Rp 64.000,Keterangan: Tarif sudah termasuk biaya asuransi . ARGOWILIS
Bandung - Yogya 07.00 - 13.31
Yogya - Bandung 11.27 - 17.58
Harga: Tarif Rp 120.000,(Bandung - Yogya/Kutoarjo) Keterangan: Tarif sudah termasuk biaya asuransi,tuslah (pelayanan tambahan) berupa : minuman pagi : kopi/teh, makan siang, minuman sore, bantal
Activity 10 (Pair Work) Pretend that you are entering Indonesia for the first time. Have a conversation with your partner about the process at the immigration office. Your partner will play the role of an immigration officer. Switch roles once you are done with the activity.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Skill Integration
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 1 (Pair Work) Look at the table of arrival and departure times below. Have a conversation with your partner about requesting and providing information on arrival and departure time. Jadwal Keberangkatan: Jakarta (CGK) Nomor pesawat
Waktu Keberangkatan
Registrasi Pesawat
GA 010
Lepas landas
GA 200
Lepas landas
GA 300
Lepas landas
GA 400
Lepas landas
GA 190
Banda aceh
GA 230
GA 220
Check in
GA 510
Check in
GA 822
GA 520
Jadwal Kedatangan: Denpasar (DPS) Nor Pesawat
Waktu Kedatangan
Registrasi Pesawat
Keterangan Kedatangan
GA 400
GA 240
GA 402
GA 404
GA 727
GA 344
GA 406
GA 408
GA 340
GA 725
Lihat informasi
Dijadwal ulang
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Indonesian SOLT I
Skill Integration
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 2 (Pair Work) You are going to come to Indonesia to visit your Indonesian friend. Write him a letter mentioning your trip, such as what plane you will take, the stopovers, the connections, and where your friend should pick you up (which terminal and which gate). After you have finished writing, exchange the letter with your partner. Look at the notes and correct the mistakes such as grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.
Activity 3 (Pair Work) A. Add two or three more questions to the list of questions below. It is about your partner’s last vacation. 1. Kemana kamu pergi tahun lalu? 2. Dengan siapa kamu pergi? 3. Kamu tinggal dimana? 4. ___________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________ B. Retell in your own words and in front of the class, your partner’s last vacation.
Activity 4 (Group Work) Divide the class into four groups. Each group will discuss tourist destinations in America. Find your favorite place and mention the reasons why you like it. Share your experience of having taken a vacation at that place. Take notes on what your group members say about their vacation and share the information with another group.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Skill Integration
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 5 (Pair Work) Pretend that you are calling your travel agent to make reservations based on the choices of hotel packages below. Your partner will play the role of a travel agent who handles your reservation. Take notes about the reservation you just made such as: the date, how many days you will be staying, at which hotel, etc. Switch roles, and then exchange the information about your traveling plans with another pair of students.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Skill Integration
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 5 (Pair Work) (Continued)
Activity 6 (Pair Work) By reading the notes you took in a previous activity, you are going to cancel your reservations. Have a conversation with your partner who plays the role of a travel agent. Switch roles.
Activity 7 (Pair Work) Pretend that you are going to take a taxi. Your partner will be the taxi driver. He/she will provide you with a table of prices, which he/she has to write. The list is about how much it costs to take a cab based on the distance and location. Bargain for the best fare, and then switch roles.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Skill Integration
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 8 (Pair Work) Your car has broken down in the middle of your trip. Call a tow company. Your partner will play the role of the towing company. He/she will ask you questions, which he/she will use to fill out the form. Switch roles once you are done with the activity.
Activity 9 (Pair Work) Based on the train schedule below, buy a round trip ticket. Your partner will be the ticket agent. Switch roles.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Skill Integration
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 10 (Pair Work) A. Below are pictures of the front and the back side of a ticket. What kind of ticket is it? What is the class? For how many people is the ticket? How much is the ticket? What is the name of the train? What is its destination? Consider the following situations. You are traveling with your spouse and your 2 year-old daughter with the same train. Since you decide to have your daughter sit on your lap instead of sitting on her own chair, in order to get the same class, how much would you be charged? B. Pretend that today is May 12, 2005, and because of some changes in your work in Yogyakarta you decide to leave on the 14 to Surabaya. If the ticket below belongs to you, can you change your departure date? If you can, do you have to pay additional fees? If you do, how much do you have to pay? Create a phone conversation between you and the ticketing office of PT. Kereta Api. Switch roles and be ready to perform your conversation in front of the class when your instructor calls you.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Skill Integration
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 10 (Pair Work) (Continued)
________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Activity 11 (Pair Work) Fill in a visa application on the next page, and then create with your partner a list of words that you need in order to find their Indonesian equivalents.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Skill Integration
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 11 (Pair Work) (Continued)
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Indonesian SOLT I
Skill Integration
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 11 (Pair Work) (Continued)
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 1 Based on the time schedule below, create a conversation about requesting and providing information on arrival and departure times.
Parahyangan 31F
Jakarta ( Gambir )
Setiap Senin dan setelah hari Libur 04.00-06.50
Parahyangan 33
Jakarta ( Gambir )
Parahyangan 35F
Jakarta ( Gambir )
Setiap Senin dan setelah hari 05.30-08.33
Parahyangan 37
Jakarta ( Gambir )
Parahyargan 39
Jakarta ( Gambir )
Parahyangan 41
Jakarta ( Gambir )
Parahyangan 43
Jakarta ( Gambir )
Parahyangan 45
Jakarta ( Gambir )
Parahyangar 47
Jakarta ( Gambir )
Jadwal Kedatangan Kereta Api
Parahyangan 32F
Jakarta ( Gambir )
Setiap Senin dan setelah libur 04.50-08.14
Paiahyangan 34
Jakarta ( Gambir )
Parahyangan 26F
Jakarta ( Gambir )
Senin dan setelah libur 07.30-10.31
Parahyangan 38
Jakarta ( Gambir )
Parahyangan 40F
Jakarta ( Gambir )
Setiap Senin dan setelah libur 09.00-12.18
Parahyangan 42
Jakarta ( Gambir )
Parahyangan 44
Jakarta ( Gambir )
Parahyangan 46
Jakarta ( Gambir )
Setiap Jumat, Sabtu, Minggu&Senin 13.35-16.35
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 2 (Track 24) Listen to a young couple discussing their next trip and answer the questions. 1. Ke mana sang istri ingin pergi? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
2. Berapa lama mereka akan pergi berlibur? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
3. Ke mana mereka akhirnya akan pergi? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
4. Fasilitas apa yang ada di Bintan? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
5. Apa yang akan dilakukan sang istri? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
6. Kapan mereka akan pergi berlibur? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 3 Read the following passage, and then answer the questions.
"Subway", "Busway", "Waterway",... "No Way"? Belum reda kontroversi tentang busway, warga Jakarta kembali diberi alternatif transportasi massal berupa monorail dan bahkan angkutan alternatif lewat sungai (waterway) yang diharapkan bisa menjadi bagian solusi kemacetan. Soal kemacetan di Jakarta memang tidak ada habisnya. Beberapa studi tentang transportasi Jakarta memperlihatkan terjadinya penurunan kecepatan rata-rata kendaraan pada koridor utama dari 20-30 km/jam pada tahun 1995 menjadi 5-15 km/jam pada tahun 2002. Untuk menangani kemacetan di jalan-jalan utama Jakarta, Pemerintah Propinsi DKI telah memprioritaskan penanganan 12 koridor. Dua yang menjadi prioritas adalah Timur-Barat (Pulo Gadung-Grogol) dan Utara-Selatan (Fatmawati-Kota). Dalam penanganan koridor utama UtaraSelatan, direncanakan proyek mass rapid transit (MRT) berbasis rel yang dikenal dengan subway. Rencana awalnya, dari arah Fatmawati hingga Senayan (golf course) akan merupakan struktur layang (elevated rail), sedangkan dari Senayan ke Monas akan berupa struktur di bawah tanah (underground). Total project cost sekitar 1,2 miliar dollar AS untuk track sepanjang 12,4 km. Dengan modifikasi struktur konstruksi dan penggunaan beberapa fasilitas PT KAI, biaya dapat diturunkan hingga sekitar 500 juta dollar AS. Usulan baru ini masih punya masalah dana sehingga belum ada kepastian pelaksanaannya.
Source: Kompas, Tuesday, 5 August 2003 Questions: 1. Apa transportasi alternatif untuk kota Jakarta? ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Kesimpulan apa yang didapat di paragraf 2? ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Apa rencana untuk koridor Utara-Selatan? ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Kesimpulan apa yang didapat di paragraf 4? ________________________________________________________________________
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 4 Write a short paragraph describing how gas stations in Indonesia are different from those in America.
Activity 5 Interview your friends or relatives about their past vacations. Gather as much information as possible. Choose a story that you like, and then write the story in your own words in Indonesian.
Activity 6 Read the passage below about entry requirements for entering Indonesia, and then answer the questions.
1. Semua pengunjung harus mempunyai paspor yang berlaku kurang lebih 6 bulan setelah hari kedatangan dan mempunyai tiket pulang pergi. Visa tidak diperlukan untuk warga negara Brunei Darussalam, Chili, Macao SAR, Malaysia, Marocco, Hongkong SAR, Filipina, Peru, Singapura, Thailand, Vietnam. 2. Kunjungan maksimum adalah 2 bulan dan tidak bisa diperpanjang. Bagi yang ingin memperpanjang harus menghubungi konsulat Indonesia. 3. Bukti imunisasi cacar air dan penyakit kolera hanya diperlukan bagi pengunjung yang datang dari negara yang terinfeksi. 4. Bea cukai Indonesia mengijinkan 1 liter minuman beralkohol, 200 rokok atau 50 cerutu atau 100 gram tembakau. 5. Mobil, camera, mesin ketik, video, dan tape harus dilaporkan di bea cukai. 6. Semua film dan kaset video harus melewati Badan Sensor Film Indonesia. 7. Buah segar, tanaman, dan hewan harus dikarantina. 8. Semua jenis senjata harus dilaporkan. 9. Semua pengunjung diharuskan mengisi formulir bea cukai dan formulir imigrasi. 10. Indonesia melarang segala macam obat-obatan terlarang masuk ke dalam negara Indonesia. Bagi yang melanggar akan dihukum dengan hukuman yang sangat berat.
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Indonesian SOLT I
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 6 (Continued) Questions: 1. You are an American citizen. Do you need a visa to enter Indonesia based on the information above? ________________________________________________________________ 2. How long can you stay in Indonesia? ________________________________________________________________ 3. What do you need to do, if you want to extend your stay in Indonesia? ________________________________________________________________ 4. What happens if you bring movies from the U.S.? _______________________________________________________________ 5. What happens if somebody brings narcotics into Indonesia? _______________________________________________________________
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Indonesian SOLT I
Speaking Preparation
Module 4 Lesson 8
Activity 7 Do some research on the tourist industry in Indonesia after the Bali blast that occurred on October 12, 2002. Create a short report about it, and then present it in front of the class the following school day. Be prepared to answer your classmates’ questions.
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