SOLT I Indonesian Module 5 Lesson 6 Student Manual
Indonesian SOLT I
Module 5 Lesson 6
By the end of the lesson, you will be able to engage in conversation related to healthcare. Below is the complete outline. Discuss Healthcare Systems • • • • • • •
Compare military and civilian hospitals Discuss field hospitals Use personal care services Ask/respond to questions about medical facilities Request information about a hospital’s location and a patient’s room Describe dental work Discuss dental service
Indonesian SOLT I
Module 5 Lesson 6 TIP OF THE DAY
In Indonesia, there are public, private and military hospitals. Public hospitals are usually called RSU (Rumah Sakit Umum), and sometimes they are administered by public universities that have medical departments. Many private hospitals are owned by religious groups. Private hospitals are not always better than public ones, but they are more expensive. Military hospitals are rare, but other than treating service members and their families, they are also available for civil servants and the general public. Discuss Healthcare Systems Exercise 1 (Pair Work) Your instructor will model the following scenario for you. Then, practice the scenario with your partner. Continue the exercise by answering the questions that follow. Siti: Maaf, Pak. Boleh saya bertanya, Pak? Andi: Oh, tidak. Tentu saja tidak. Siti: Letak Rumah Sakit Umum di mana, ya? Andi: Oh, itu di Jalan Sumardi. Rumah Sakit ada di depan kantor Imigrasi. Siti: Terima kasih, Pak. Andi: Sama-sama. ---------------------------------------------Siti: Permisi suster, saya mencari ruang dokter gigi Santosa. Perawat: Oh, ruang dokter Santosa ada di dekat apotek. Dari sini Anda jalan terus ke bangsal N lalu belok kiri. Nah, kantor dokter Santosa ada di sebelah kanan. Siti: Terima kasih, suster. Oh, bolehkah saya mengambil brosur ini? Perawat: Oh, ambilah kalau Anda mau. ----------------------------------------------Dokter: Oh, Mbak Siti. Selamat siang! Apakah ada yang bisa saya bantu? Siti: Saya sakit gigi, Dok. Gigi saya berlubang. Dokter: Baiklah, silakan duduk di kursi periksa. Siti: Baiklah. Dokter: Tolong buka mulutnya. Ya, saya melihat ada 3 lubang di gigi Anda. Satu di gigi geraham bagian kanan bawah, satu lagi di gigi geraham bagian kanan atas, dan gigi geraham bagian kiri atas. Bagian mana yang sakit? Siti: Yang kanan bawah. Dokter: Ya, itu memang lubang yang paling besar. Baiklah, akan saya bersihkan lubang giginya kemudian saya akan menambal lubangnya. Mbak Siti mau tambal gips atau tambal timah? Siti: Yang timah lebih mahal, ya? Dokter: Apakah Anda keberatan dengan biayanya? Tambal timah lebih tahan lebih lama daripada gips. Siti: Baiklah tambal timah saja. Dokter: Baiklah, tahan ya. Mungkin ini akan sedikit sakit.
Indonesian SOLT I
Module 5 Lesson 6
Exercise 1 (Pair Work) (Continued) Questions: 1. Di mana letak rumah sakit umum? ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Di mana letak apotek? ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Gigi Siti yang mana yang sakit? ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Apa yang akan dilakukan oleh dokter Santosa terhadap gigi yang berlubang? ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Mengapa tambal timah lebih mahal ongkosnya? ________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 2 (Group Work) Listen to your instructor reading a passage about field hospitals twice. The first time he reads the passage, just listen. The second time, you may jot down information that you will need to answer the questions below. Answer the questions and share them with the rest of the class.
Apotik di rumah sakit lapangan TNI AU kerjasama dengan Perwakilan Umat Buddha (WALUBI)
Indonesian SOLT I
Module 5 Lesson 6
Questions: 1. Apa fungsi rumah sakit lapangan yang dibicarakan? ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Dinas kesehatan TNI bekerja sama dengan siapa untuk membangun rumah sakit lapangan ini? ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Sebutkan macam-macam bencana alam yang Anda dengar! ________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 3 (Pair Work) The following table contains information about personal care services in Indonesia. Based on the information, have a conversation with your partner related to the topic of using personal care services. Use the example of a conversation below for your reference. Take turns doing this activity.
Indonesian SOLT I
Module 5 Lesson 6
Exercise 3 (Pair Work) (Continued) A: B: A:
Aku kelihatannya sakit kulit. Mukaku penuh dengan jerawat. Lebih baik kamu pergi ke dokter kulit. Aku punya dokter kulit yang bagus. Aku akan berikan informasinya ke kamu. Terima kasih.
Exercise 4 (Group Work) Read the following passage, and then answer the questions by stating whether the statements are true or false. After you are finished answering the questions, compare them with your group members. Fasilitas Rumah Sakit Marinir Cilandak Fasilitas yang dimiliki oleh RS Marinir Cilandak, terdiri dari: 1. Laboratorium; RS Marinir Cilandak memiliki fasilitas laboratorium Patologi Klinik, serta mampu melakukan pemeriksaan Patologi Anatomi 2. Radiologi; Tersedianya layanan pemeriksaan Radiologi untuk membantu diagnosa 3. Farmasi; Departemen Farmasi yang beroperasi selama 24 jam sehari membantu tersedianya obat saat diperlukan. 4. Bagian Gizi; Dengan bantuan tenaga ahli Gizi, RS Marinir Cilandak berusaha dapat menyajikan makanan yang mampu mendukung proses penyembuhan pasien. 5. Kamar Operasi; RS Marinir Cilandak memiliki 2 (dua) buah kamar operasi yang selalu siap beroperasi 24 jam sehari. 6. Fisioterapi; Tenaga profesional dalam layanan Fisioterapi siap membantu memberikan layanan baik bagi pasien rawat jalan maupun rawat inap. 7. Medical Check Up; Dengan menyediakan berbagai macam paket pemeriksaan kesehatan, Unit Medical Check-Up selalu siap memberikan jenis layanan Check-Up yang sesuai dengan permintaan. 8. Rekam Medis; Rekam Medis pasien dikelola secara terpusat. Pengelolaan data medis pasien di RS Marinir Cilandak dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan komputer.
Indonesian SOLT I
Module 5 Lesson 6
Exercise 4 (Group Work) (Continued) Pelayanan Klinik Penyakit Dalam Bedah: Umum, Tulang, Saraf, Plastik, Urologi Kesehatan Anak Kebidanan – Kandungan Penyakit Kulit & Kelamin Gigi & Mulut (Umum, Spesialis)
Paru Saraf Jiwa Fisioterapi Akupuntur THT (Telinga Hidung Tenggorokan)
Statements: 1. Radiologi digunakan untuk membantu dokter mendiagnosa penyakit pasien 2. Bagian Farmasi buka sepanjang hari 3. RS Marinir tidak mempunyai ruang operasi yang beroperasi 24 jam 4. Rekam medis dilakukan secara manual dengan menggunakan mesin ketik 5. RS Marinir mempunyai klinik untuk melahirkan 6. Jika Anda sakit asma, Anda tidak bisa pergi ke klinik RS Marinir
Exercise 5 (Pair Work) Listen to your instructor read twice some information about Kespassus (Kesehatan Kopassus - Army Special Forces Health (Support)). Working with your pair, gather the information that you got from the listening activity and write a short composition based on them. A class discussion will follow.
Pengabdian masyarakat oleh Kespassus
Indonesian SOLT I
Module 5 Lesson 6
Exercise 5 (Pair Work) (Continued) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 6 (Group Work) The following information is from St. Carolus, a hospital in Jakarta. Work together in your group to find differences and similarities between this private hospital and the military hospital and health services discussed in exercise 4 and 5. Present your findings in front of the class.
Pelayanan Gawat Darurat UGD siap melayani pasien selama 24 jam sehari, dilengkapi dengan sarana penunjang diagnosa laboratorium dan radiologi, serta ambulance transportasi. Fasilitas 10 tempat tidur. UGD juga dilengkapi dengan "pelayanan bantuan medis" [PBIM] yang siap membantu masyarakat yang memerlukan panduan penanganan masalah kesehatan segera.
Pelayanan Rawat Jalan URJ (Unit Rawat Jalan) menyediakan berbagai pelayanan spesialistik dan diagnostik, siap melayani pagi dan sore.
Indonesian SOLT I
Module 5 Lesson 6
Exercise 6 (Group Work) (Continued) a. Jenis pelayanan poliklinik spesialistik yang tersedia sbb : • • • • •
• • • •
Bedah Umum Bedah Digestif Bedah Urologi Bedah Onkologi Bedah Tulang atau sendi atau otot atau urat Bedah Plastik Bedah Mulut Bedah Vaskuler Bedah Syaraf
• • • • • • • • • • •
Bedah Anak Kebidanan dan Penyakit Kandungan Penyakit Dalam Penyakit Ginjal Penyakit Hati Penyakit Jantung Penyakit Paru Penyakit Hematologi dan Onkologi Penyakit Alergi dan Immunologi
• • • • • • • • • •
Penyakit Syaraf Penyakit Jiwa Rehabilitasi Medik Penyakit Mata Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin Penyakit THT Gizi Anak Gigi Gigi Orthodonti
b. Psikologi Pelayanan Psikologi melayani berbagai pemeriksaan psikotest untuk keperluan individu maupun instansi c. Pemeriksaan Diagnostik EKG, Treadmil, EEG, USG, Ekokardiografi, Audiologi, Spirometri, Uroflometri
Indonesian SOLT I
Module 5 Lesson 6
Exercise 7 (Pair Work) A. The table below is describing types of rooms in the hospital. Compare the facilities with those in a typical US hospital. Be ready to present your findings in front of the class.
B. Based on that table, create a conversation between you and a hospital information representative about a friend who has just been admitted. Switch roles. Use the following example: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A:
Permisi, saya mencari teman saya, Antonius. Dia di kamar apa ya? Sebentar. Ini kok tidak ada yang namanya Antonius. Siapa nama lengkapnya? Antonius Handoyo. Ya, ini ada A. Handoyo. Dia dirawat karena kecelakaan pagi ini. Ya itu dia. Nama kamarnya apa ya Bu? Kamar Dahlia. Di mana itu ya? Kamar VIP Dahlia ada di ujung gang ini. Anda silakan jalan terus nanti akan sampai di sana. Terima kasih banyak, Bu.
Indonesian SOLT I
Module 5 Lesson 6 TIP OF THE DAY
Dental hygiene is relatively poor in Indonesia. Most people will go to see the dentist if they already suffer from a terrible toothache. They don’t go regularly for check ups or for cleaning. Only rich people or those who have enough money go see the dentist regularly. It is also very rare for Indonesians to have dental insurance.
Exercise 8 (Pair Work) Pretend that you are going to visit your Indonesian friend in a hospital. You don’t know where the hospital is. Have a conversation with your partner who plays the role of your Indonesian neighbor asking about the location of the hospital. A: B: A: B: A: B:
A: B: A:
Permisi, apakah Anda keberatan jika saya bertanya? Tentu saja tidak. Di mana letak Rumah Sakit Cipto? Wah, jauh sekali dari sini. Rumah Sakit Cipto ada di Jalan Cempaka. Kira-kira 7 kilometer dari sini. Bagaimana saya bisa ke sana? Dari sini Anda jalan terus ke Jalan Tomo lalu belok kiri di Jalan Abadi. Jalan Abadi ini berakhir di jalan tol yang menuju ke Rumah Sakit. Di jalan tol itu Anda keluar di Jalan Cempaka. Rumah Sakit Cipto ada di sebelah kanan jalan. Terima kasih. Sama sama. Lebih baik Anda juga membawa peta Baiklah.
Exercise 9 (Pair Work) Read the following conversation, and then answer the questions. Compare the answers with your partner, and then practice the conversation. Dokter: Sinta: Dokter: Sinta: Dokter: Sinta: Dokter: Sinta: Dokter: Sinta: Dokter: Sinta:
Silakan duduk Mbak Sinta. Ada yang bisa saya bantu? Ini, Dok. Gigi saya sakit sekali. Sudah dua hari ini saya sakit gigi. Apakah gigi yang berlubang? Tidak, Dok. Saya rajin menggosok gigi dan periksa ke dokter gigi. Baiklah. Akan saya lihat. Silakan duduk di kursi periksa! Baiklah. Coba, buka mulut Anda lebar-lebar! Aaaaa Hmm, memang tidak ada gigi yang berlubang. Di sebelah mana yang sakit? Di bagian bawah atas, Dok. Coba saya lihat. Hmm, ada gigi baru yang mau tumbuh. Apakah karena itu gigi saya sakit? 147
Indonesian SOLT I
Module 5 Lesson 6
Exercise 9 (Pair Work) (Continued) Dokter: Sinta: Dokter:
Iya, gigi itu terhalang kiri yang lain, oleh karena itu dia mencari jalan lain. Yang sakit bukan gigi Anda tetapi gusi Anda. Apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tidak perlu takut. Ini hal yang biasa karena Anda masih dalam tahap. pertumbuhan. Gigi Anda akan tumbuh beberapa lagi. Saya akan memberikan obat penahan sakit. Rasa sakit ini pasti akan sembuh dalam seminggu. Terima kasih, Dok.
Questions: 1. Why does Santi go to the dentist? ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Does she regularly have a dental check up? ________________________________________________________________________ 3. What causes her pain? ________________________________________________________________________ 4. What does the doctor give her? ________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 10 (Pair Work) Match the Indonesian words with their English equivalent, and then compare your answers with your partner. 1. Bius
A. Whitening
2. Bor
B. Filling
3. Tambal
C. Denture
4. Cabut
D. Gum
5. Pemutih
E. Anesthetics
6. Gusi
F. Pull
7. Gigi palsu
G. Drill
Indonesian SOLT I
Grammar Notes
Module 5 Lesson 6
“Do you mind?” “Keberatan” in Indonesian means two things. The first meaning is “too heavy” and the second is “to mind” (in the context of whether someone is willing to do something or not). Speakers of Indonesian must be careful to use this word in the right context. In this section, we will talk about “Keberatan” in the context of asking someone if they are willing to do something or not and also saying whether someone is willing to do something or not. Positive sentences: o Pasien itu keberatan kalau dia harus dirawat di rumah sakit. (That patient minds if he has to be treated in the hospital.) o Rita keberatan kalau dokter mencabut giginya. (Rita minds if the doctor pulls out her teeth.) o Saya keberatan kalau saya harus membayar asuransi kesehatan. (I mind if I have to pay for health insurance.) Negative sentences: o Pasien itu tidak keberatan kalau dia dirawat di rumah sakit. (That patient does not mind if he has to be treated in the hospital.) o Rita tidak keberatan kalau dokter mencabut giginya. (Rita does not mind if the doctor pulls her teeth.) o Saya tidak keberatan jika saya harus membayar asuransi kesehatan. (I do not mind if I have to pay for health insurance.) Interrogative sentences: o Apakah pasien itu keberatan jika dia harus dirawat di rumah sakit? (Does that patient mind if he has to be treated in the hospital?) o Apakah Rita keberatan jika dokter mencabut giginya? (Does Rita mind if the doctor pulls her teeth?) o Apakah kamu keberatan jika kamu harus membayar asuransi kesehatan? (Do you mind if you have to pay for health insurance?)
Indonesian SOLT I
Grammar Notes
Module 5 Lesson 6
Exercise 1 (Pair Work) Create two sentences using “Keberatan” for positive sentences, negative sentences, and interrogative sentences.
…………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………..
…………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………..
……………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………….
Exercise 2 (Pair Work) Create a short conversation containing the word “Keberatan” and practice it with your partner.
Indonesian SOLT I
Module 5 Lesson 6
Nouns asuransi bangsal bedah bidan bor diagnosa dukun fisioterapi geraham gigi palsu gips gizi gusi jiwa kandungan kardiologi kelamin kemampuan kemoterapi kruk kursi roda laboratorium lubang pemutih radiologi rawat inap rawat jalan rontgen saraf saran sinar X tahap tandu taring timah uang muka
insurance shed surgery midwife drill diagnose shaman physiotherapy molar denture gypsum nutrition gum mental maternity cardiology sexual organ capability chemotherapy crutch wheelchair laboratory hole/cavity whitening radiology inpatient outpatient x-ray nerve suggestion x-ray phase stretcher canine/fang/tusk tin down payment
Verbs berkemampuan (root: kemampuan) berkunjung (root: kunjung) cabut
to have a capability to visit to yank out
Indonesian SOLT I
Module 5 Lesson 6
dilengkapi (root: lengkap) keberatan kelola melayani (root: layan) tambal terhalang (root: halang)
to be equipped with to mind to manage to serve to fill (a tooth) to be blocked
Adjectives rinci rutin
detailed regular
Others jika
Indonesian SOLT I
Cultural Notes
Module 5 Lesson 6
Indonesian Medicine Man/Woman In Indonesia, some people still believe in a shaman or medicine men/women. Even though doctors outnumber them, some people still go to them for help in curing their illnesses. This shaman is usually called "dukun" or "tabib" in Sumatra and Java, a "belian" in Kalimantan or a "balian" in Bali. The dukun gives his/her patients medications that are made mostly of herbs. He/she also uses prayers for healing. There are many kinds of dukun in Indonesia, and the following are some of them: 1. Dukun bayi, plays the role of a midwife. They are usually women who help with birth delivery. 2. Dukun pijat, are masseurs. 3. Dukun calak, does the circumcision surgery. 4. Dukun susuk, is a dukun who specializes in curing people and inserting golden needles under the skin. 5. Dukun jampi, uses herbs and medicines.
Indonesian SOLT I
Application Activities
Module 5 Lesson 6
Discuss Healthcare Systems Activity 1 (Pair Work) Create a conversation with your partner about comparing military and civilian hospitals. Take turns doing this activity.
Activity 2 (Pair Work) Pretend that you and your partner are in charge in establishing a field hospital in your operation. List all the things you need to do it in the table below. The first one has been done for you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. …………………………………… 7. …………………………………… 8. …………………………………… 9. …………………………………… 10. ……………………………………
Dokter ……………………………………. ……………………………………. ……………………………………. …………………………………….
Activity 3 (Group Work) Form groups of three. One of you will pretend that you need to go to a dermatologist. Ask your partner about his doctor and how to get there. After he/she has told you, go to the doctor and have a conversation with him/her regarding your skin problem. Change roles once you are done with this activity.
Activity 4 (Group Work) Divide the class into four groups. Each group will make a list in the table below of medical facilities that usually exist in a hospital. Fasilitas Kesehatan: 1. …………………………………… 2. …………………………………… 3. …………………………………… 4. ……………………………………
5. 6. 7. 8.
…………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… ……………………………………
Indonesian SOLT I
Application Activities
Module 5 Lesson 6
Activity 5 (Pair Work) Pretend that you are visiting your partner who is hospitalized. Call the hospital and ask the operator about the location of the hospital. Your partner will play the role of the operator. Take turns doing this activity. Activity 6 (Pair Work) Based on the map below, take turns asking and answering questions about directions to go to certain places in the hospital.
Note: UGD (Unit Gawat Darurat) = ER (Emergency Room) ICU (Intensive Care Unit)
Indonesian SOLT I
Application Activities
Module 5 Lesson 6
Activity 7 (Pair Work) Pretend that you have a toothache from a cavity in one of your teeth. Go to the dentist and explain to him about your pain. Have a conversation with your partner who plays the role of the dentist. Switch roles.
Activity 8 (Group Work) Form groups of four. Each group will discuss dental services by filling out the table below. The first one has been done for you.
1. Menambal gigi
4. ……………………………………
2. …………………………………….
5. ……………………………………
3. ……………………………………..
6. ……………………………………
Indonesian SOLT I
Skill Integration
Module 5 Lesson 6
Activity 1 (Group Work) Form small groups and write in the table below the differences between military and civilian hospitals based on your own knowledge. Discuss it with your group members. Rumah Sakit Tentara
Rumah Sakit Umum
………………………………………….. …………………………………………. …………………………………………. …………………………………………. ………………………………………….
…………………………………………... ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. …………………………………………..
Activity 2 (Pair Work) Read the following passage about field hospitals and answer the questions. After that, discuss the answers with your partner. Kepala Dinas Kesehatan DKI Chalik Masulili mengatakan, banjir yang melanda hampir seluruh wilayah Jakarta itu telah mengakibatkan berbagai macam penyakit seperti diare, infeksi saluran pernapasan, serta infeksi kulit. Sejak 2 Februari hingga kini, diketahui tujuh orang meninggal dunia (enam dewasa dan satu anak kecil) setelah mendapat perawatan medis di puskesmas dan rumah sakit, akibat berbagai penyakit yang muncul setelah banjir. ''Korban terakhir adalah seorang anak kecil yang baru masuk Puskesmas Kelurahan Rawa Buaya Jakarta Barat, pada Jumat malam,'' katanya. Sementara itu, untuk membantu penanganan kesehatan korban banjir, Markas Besar (Mabes) TNI mendirikan dua rumah sakit lapangan di daerah Rawa Buaya dan Semanan, Cengkareng. Rumah sakit lapangan Mabes TNI yang dioperasikan sejak 5 Februari itu, setiap hari dikunjungi sekitar 300 orang. Menurut siaran pers Mabes TNI, akhir pekan ini, rumah sakit lapangan itu didukung 76 tenaga medis dan nonmedis. Pelayanan yang diberikan adalah gawat darurat, poli umum, poli medis, dan poli evakuasi. Selain itu, juga diberikan pelayanan rawat inap untuk 15 tempat tidur. Questions: 1. Apa penyakit yang ditimbulkan oleh banjir? ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Berapa korban jiwa akibat banjir yang terjadi di Jakarta? ________________________________________________________________________
Indonesian SOLT I
Skill Integration
Module 5 Lesson 6
3. Dimana TNI AD mendirikan rumah sakit lapangan? ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Apa fasilitas yang ada di rumah sakit lapangan TNI AD? ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Berapa orang yang mengunjungi rumah sakit lapangan TNI AD? ________________________________________________________________________
Activity 3 (Group Work) Form groups of three. One of you will play the role of a sick person that needs to go to see a doctor. He/she will call a friend asking for a recommendation of a good doctor and will be given an address and directions to the doctor’s office. Write down the address and how to get to there on a piece of paper. After that, go see the doctor and have a conversation with him/her about the sickness.
Activity 4 (Group Work) Based on the reading in the Introduction section about medical facilities in an Indonesian hospital, compare them with the ones in American hospitals. List the facilities that do not exist in an Indonesian hospital in the table below. Discuss them with your group members. Fasilitas kesehatan yang tidak ada di Rumah Sakit Indonesia: 1. …………………………………………………………………… 2. …………………………………………………………………… 3. …………………………………………………………………… 4. …………………………………………………………………… 5. ……………………………………………………………………
Indonesian SOLT I
Skill Integration
Module 5 Lesson 6
Activity 5 (Pair Work) Based on the picture below, take turns asking and answering questions about locations of hospitals with your partner. Write down directions to get to the hospitals on a piece of paper and discuss the details with your partner, such as landmarks, other shorter, quicker ways to get there, different means of transportation to get there, etc.
Activity 6 (Pair Work) Write down medical facilities that might exist in a hospital in the map below. After that, take turns asking and answering questions about the location of each facility that you and your partner have written down. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Indonesian SOLT I
Skill Integration
Module 5 Lesson 6
Activity 7 (Pair Work) Create a conversation with your partner about going to the dentist. After that, perform it in front of the class. You may look at the conversation only as reference.
Indonesian SOLT I
Skill Integration
Module 5 Lesson 6
Activity 8 (Pair Work) Below is a list of packages with items for a medical check-up. Choose a packet and based on the list, have a conversation with your partner who plays the role of a doctor who performs the medical check-up.
Indonesian SOLT I
Module 5 Lesson 6
Activity 1 (Track 28) Listen to the audio recording and answer the following questions. 1. Apa topik pembicaraan yang Anda dengar? ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Apakah yang harus dilakukan pasien ketika pertama kali masuk ke rumah sakit? ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Apa yang harus dilakukan oleh pasien umum yang tidak mempunyai asuransi? ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Apa yang tidak boleh dilakukan di dalam ruang rawat? ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Pukul berapa untuk kunjungan sore hari? ________________________________________________________________________
Activity 2 Create a short paragraph about personal care services in Indonesia. Find any information about it from the Internet, travel books, magazines, etc.
________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Indonesian SOLT I
Module 5 Lesson 6
Activity 3 Change the following sentences as it is explained in the grammar section. Follow the symbols. (+, -, or ?) 1. + Mereka keberatan kalau mereka harus naik bis. - ______________________________________________________________________ ? ______________________________________________________________________ 2. + ______________________________________________________________________ - Dia tidak keberatan jika dia menjadi ketua kelas. ? ______________________________________________________________________ 3. + ______________________________________________________________________ - ______________________________________________________________________ ? Apakah kamu keberatan jika kamu menikah dengan Saminah?
Indonesian SOLT I
Speaking Preparation
Module 5 Lesson 6
Activity 4 Form groups of three, and then create a conversation about going to the dentist. Practice the conversation at home and be prepared to present it in front of the class the next meeting. You are not allowed to carry notes while you are performing it. You may bring equipment, costumes, etc. to support your performance.