THE USE OF GENERATING INTERACTIONS BETWEEN SCHEMATA AND TEXT (GIST) STRATEGY TOWARDS STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of Mts Aswaja Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2015/ 2016)
A Graduating Paper Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fullfilment Of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S. Pd. I) in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga
"Pendidikan merupakan perlengkapan paling baik untuk hari tua." _Aristoteles_
“The act of reading will enrich your life.Become a
lifelong learner and a reader.” _LailahGifty Akita_
This Graduating Paper issincerely dedicated to: Allah SWT Muhammad SAW My beloved mother and father My dearest Sister and her Husband
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Alhamdulillahirrabbil’alamin, firstly, the writer said as praise and thanks to Allah SWT, the most gracious and merciful, with His blessing, finally the writer could finish this graduating paper. Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, the last messenger of Allah who has guided us from the darkness into the lightness. The writer could complete this thesis entitled “THE USE OF
COMPREHENSION (A Classroom Action Research at the EighthGrade Students of MTS Aswaja Tengaran In the Academic years of 2015/2016)” as one of the requirements for getting the Degree of Educational Islamic Studies (S.Pd.I) in English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of IAIN Salatiga. By doing everything, all complicated things easier to do.
However, this success would not be achieved without those support, guidance, advice, help, and encouragement from individual and institution. So, it is an appropriate moment for the writer to deepest gratitude for: 1.
Mr. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd., the Rector of IAIN Salatiga.
Mr. Suwardi, M. Pd., as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.
Mrs. Noor Malihah, Ph.D., as the Head of English Education Department.
Mr. Ruwandi, S. Pd., M. A., as the writer’s counselor who has educated, support, directed and given the writer countless advices, suggestion, and recomendation from this graduating paper from the begining until the end. Thanks for your patient and guidance.
Mr. Haryo Aji Nugroho, S. Sos., M. A., as the writer’s academic counselor.
All lecturers of English Department. Thanks for the broad knowledge.
All staff of IAIN Salatiga who helped the writer in processing the graduating paper administration.
Mrs. Khabibah, S. Ag. As a Headmaster of MTs Aswaja Tengaran. Thanks for gave me permission to conduct my research.
Mr. Hafid Zein Ahmad, S. Pd. I. As an English teacher of MTs Aswaja Tengaran. Thanks for the cooperation and advices.
10. The big family of MTs Aswaja Tengaran. Thanks a lot. 11. My beloved father Sunardiand mother Amiroh,
who offered their
endlesssuppport and constant prayers. This academic journey would never not have been possible without their love, patience, and sacrifices along the way. You are the best parents ever. I can never thank enough for of those. I love you, I really do.
12. My dearest older sister, the one and only, Siti Sholichah, Thanks for your support, kindness, togetherness and for being my siblings. Your the best. I love you so much. 13. My brother-in-law, M. Dimyati, thanks for your support brother, it is meaningfull for me. 14. My Precious niece, Maghfiroh, Aunty really love you dear. 15. My best friends for life, Bebeb Roisa, Bunda Win, Unnie Ucie’, Lek Mun, Bu Fatim. You are like my own sisters guys. Thank you for the support, togetherness, kindness, and memories. Hope that our friendship will be everlasting. 16. My partner in crime, “Acil” Ria Puspita Sari. Thanks for being my partner to finish this graduating paper. 17. My Second Family, friends of PP. Salafiyah Pulutan. Thanks for the kindness and togetherness. 18. All My Friends of Al Khidmah Kampus Salatiga. Thanks for the togetherness and the kindness. I’ve got the way to make my life be more balance then before. 19. My Friends in TBI 2011, especially TBI C. We finally got the degree after
struggled all this years on this precious education and
experiences. 20. Thanks also to all sides who help me, it is impossible for me to mention one by one here, for the help, suggestion and guidance.
Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers. The writer is pleased to accept more suggestion and contribution for the improvement of this graduating paper. Wassalamu’alaikumWr. Wb. Salatiga, 10th March 2016
ABSTRACT LailatulMuntafi’ah. 2016. “The Use of the GIST Strategy Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension (Classroom Action Research at the Eight Year Students of MTs AswajaTengaran in the Academic Year of 2015/2016)”. Under graduateProgram.StateInstitute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.
The objectives of the study are to find out that the GIST (Generating Interactions between schemata and text) strategyimproves the students’ reading comprehension and to find out the significant improvement on the students’ reading comprehension after being taught by using Generating Interactions between schemata and text (GIST) strategy. In this research, the researcher acted as an observer. There were two cycles in this research, in each cycle comprised of two meetings. The result of this research was the majority of the students’ improved their reading comprehension through the GIST strategy. It can be seen from the mean score of pre-test 55.13 and the mean score of post- test 75.27. The precentage of the pre- test shows that 13.33 % Excellent, 13.33% Good, 13.33% Average, 6.67% Poor, and 53. 33 %Very Poor.And the precentage of the post- test shows that 6.67 % Excellent, 73.33 % Good, 20 % Average, 0 % Poor, and 0 % Very Poor. The final result showed to ≥tt. It means that t-test score is 4.07, it was higher than the t- table score, 2.977. With a significance level of 0.5 %, It proved that there is a significant difference of the students’ reading comprehension after taught by the GIST strategy. Keywords: Reading Comprehension, GIST Strategy.
TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE ........................................................................................................................ i DECLARATION .................................................................................................... ii ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ................................................................... iii STATEMENTOF CERTIFICATION .................................................................... iv MOTTO....................................................................................................................v DEDICATION ....................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT ....................................................................................... vii ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................x TABLEOF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ xi LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... xiv LIST OF FIGURES ...............................................................................................xv CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .........................................................................1 A. Background ofthe Study................................................................................1 B. Problemsof the Study ....................................................................................4 C. The Objectives of the Study ..........................................................................4 D. Benefits of the Study .....................................................................................4 E. Limitation of the Study .................................................................................5 F.
Definition of Key Terms ...............................................................................5
G. Hypothesis .....................................................................................................6
H. Review of Previous Study .............................................................................6 I.
Graduating Paper Organization ....................................................................8
CHAPTER II:REVIEW OF LITERATURE ....................................................... 10 A. Nature of Reading .......................................................................................10 B. Reading Process ..........................................................................................13 C. Definition of Reading Comprehension .......................................................14 D. Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension ................................................17 E. Reading Comprehension Strategies ............................................................19 F.
Evaluation of Reading .................................................................................21
G. Narrative Text .............................................................................................24 H. Definition of the GIST Strategy ..................................................................27 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH REPORT ............................................................31 A. Research Setting ..........................................................................................31 1.
Place of the Research ..............................................................................31
Subject of the Research ...........................................................................31
The General Information about MTs Aswaja Tengaran .........................31
B. Research Methodology................................................................................32 1.
Type of Research .....................................................................................32
Technique of Collecting Data ..................................................................35
3. Research Instrument...................................................................................37
Evaluation Criteria ..................................................................................38
Technique of Analysis Data ....................................................................42
CHAPTER IV: RESEACH FINDINGS ................................................................. 45 A. Description of Research Schedule ..............................................................45 B. Data Analysis ..............................................................................................46 C. Field Notes ..................................................................................................53 1.
Cycle I .....................................................................................................53
Cycle II ....................................................................................................60
D. Discussion ...................................................................................................65 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ...................................... 67 A. CONCLUSION ...........................................................................................67 B. SUGGESTIONS .........................................................................................68 REFERENCES .....................................................................................................70 APPENDICES ......................................................................................................72
LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: Scoring Rubric ............................................................................................. 23 Table 3.5: Students score’s Criteria ............................................................................. 42 Table 4.1:The Time Setting of the Research .............................................................. 45 Table 4.2:The Students’ Pre- test Score ...................................................................... 47 Table 4.3: The Students’ rate of Pre- test Score ......................................................... 48 Table 4.4: The Students’ Post- test Score ................................................................... 49 Table 4.5: The Students’ rate of Post- test Score ....................................................... 50 Table 4.6: The Resultof the Students’ Pre- test and Post- test ................................. 51
LIST OF FIGURE Figure 3.1: Classroom Action Research Cycle .......................................................... 35
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Chapter I is the introduction for the research. Here would be present and discuss about the background of the study, the problem of the study, the objective of the study, benefits of the study, limitation of the research, definiyion of key term, hypothesis of the study, related of the previews research and the graduating paper organization. A.
Background of the Study Reading is a complex process both on its teaching and learning. Reading is one of the language skills which is important for academic success. Reading is the process of reconstructing the writer’s idea written in a text or printed symbols based on the reader’s background knowledge and experience. According to Mahmoud (1992:102), Reading is the ability to comprehend, not simply to recognize letters, forms, and symbols. Without comprehension, reading may prove to be almost useless. In the process of comprehension, the students may have comprehension difficulty or retention difficulty. Comprehension difficulty according to Nathan and Lee as quoted by Ayu (2012) can be detected through the signs such as confusion about the meaning of words and sentences, inability to connect ideas in a passage, difficulty distinguishing significant information from minor details, and lack of concentration during reading.
The difficulties above also faced by the eight students of
Aswaja Tengaran. Based on the writer Pre- Observation has been held on 10th November 2015 with Mr. Hafidz Zein Ahmad as an English teacher at MTS Aswaja Tengaran, the writer
found that the students have many
problems in reading comprehension. Those problems come from the teacher and the students itself. Problems those come from the teacher is the method or strategy used in teaching reading comprehension. The teacher use reading aloud and translation method. The teacher ordered students to read the text loudly then tranlsate it to indonesian language and then they have to memorize it and present infront of the class in the other day. This methods make students bored in reading the text. Furthermore, those problems come from the students are the first, they can not read the text aloud with correct pronounciation. Second, they can not comprehend the text, they can not identify the main idea, supporting detail, and factual informatin from the text or passage. This condition give an affect to the students’ score in English. Third, English is not their language acquisition so they have not accustomed to read English text and they are lack of vocabulary. It is affect their interest in reading the text and they are lazy to read it. The last is their ability in Englis is under the average of other students in other school. Mr. Hafidz said that as long as he tought English in MTS Aswaja Tengaran, He used the reading aloud, translation and monolog methods. And from year to year, the result is far from what he has expected. He has
not found yet the methods or strategy that appropriate to teach their students in English lesson. The writer offer a several methods and strategy to the teacher to be used in teaching reading. Finally, the teacher choose a GIST strategy to teach reading comprehension. The reasons why the writer choose this title is the writer want to help students comprehend in reading text. Hopefully, by this strategy the students can improve their ability in summarizing text and comprehend overall the text content. Cunningham (1982), stated that a GIST (Generating Interactions between Schemata and Text) is a summarizing strategy used to assist students’ comprehension and summary writing skills. Students use higherorder thinking skills to analyze and synthesize what they have read. The summary is usually limited to no more than fifteen words; therefore, the students must analyze ways to delete non-essential information and use their own words to summarize the main idea or “the gist” of the selection. Summarizing requires students to determine what is important in what they are reading, to condense this information, and to put it into their own words. Therefore, the writer is interested in conducting the research entitled “ THE USE OF THE GIST STRATEGY TOWARDS STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION (A Classroom Action Research to the Eighth Students of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the Academic years of 2015/ 2016)
Problems of the Study 1. Can the GIST(Generating Interactions Between Schemata and Text) strategy be used to improve students’ reading comprehension? 2. Can the GIST(Generating Interactions Between Schemata and Text) strategy
comprehension? 3. How is the implementation of the GIST(Generating Interactions Between Schemata and Text) strategy to improve the students’ reading comprehension? C.
The Objectives of the Study 1. To find out that the GIST (Generating Interactions between schemata and text) strategy improves the students’ reading comprehension. 2. To find out
the significant improvement on the students’ reading
comprehension after being taught by using the GIST (Generating Interactions between schemata and text) strategy. 3. To describe the implementation of generating interactions between schemata and text (gist) to improve the students’ reading comprehension. D.
Benefits of the Study This research will be beneficial as a follow: 1. Theoritical advantages are: a. The result of research can be used as the reference for those who want to conduct a research in English teaching to build students’ reading comprehension.
b. Research is used for teacher in teaching English 2. Practical advantages are: a. Students’ reading comprehension will be better than before by understanding the GIST strategy. b. The teacher will be able to do the action research in his class and it can help him to solve the class’ problem. 3. Contribution of this study are: a. The teacher can apply this strategy in the next teaching and learning process. b. This strategy can motivate students in learning English. So, their skill can be improved. E.
Limitation of the Research In order to make focus in this research, the writer limit the study as folllow: 1. The research is limited in the use of the GIST strategy. 2. The research is limited in reading comprehension on Narrative text. 3. The research is carried out to the eight grade students of Mts Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year of 2015/ 2016.
Definition of Key Terms The writer would like to explain about the meaning of Key Terms in the title to make this research understandable. They are as follow: 1. The GIST (Generating Interactions between schemata and text) strategy.
According to Cunningham (1982) GIST is an acronym for Generating Interactions between Schemata and Texts. It is summarising strategy. Effective summarising leads to an increase in student learning. Summarising requires students to focus on the main ideas of a text and to decide what is important without omitting key ideas. The ability to summarise has significant benefits for comprehending and ultimately retaining and recalling information. Teaching students summarising strategies, like ‘Get the Gist’, helps them learn to synthesise information, a higherorder thinking skill which includes analysing information and identifying key concepts. 2. Reading Comprehension According to Dechant (1982: 312) comprehension is a thinking process; it is thinking through reading. As such, it is dependent upon the learners’ basic cognitive and intellectual skills; upon their background of experience ( vocabulary, knowledge, concepts and ideas); an dupon their language skills (knowledge of morphology, syntax and grammars). G.
Hypothesis of the Study Based on the background of the study and the statement of the problem the hypothesis of this study stated that generating interactions between schemata and text (gist) strategy can significantly improve reading comprehension of the eight grade students of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year of 2015/2016.
Review of Previous Research In this research, the researcher takes review of related study from the other resarcher as a comparison. The first review was conducted by Muhammad Fajar Junanto, a student of State Institue for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Tulungagung. His research title is :” THE EFFECTIVENESS OF GENERATING INTERACTION BETWEEN SCHEMATA AND TEXT (GIST) STRATEGY ON READING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT COMPREHENSION ABILITY OF THE SEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS AT MTS AL HUDA KEDUNGWARU” The result showed that there was a significant different between the result of the pre-test and post-test score. The mean score of the post-test was higher (80.80) than pre-test (70.16). The t-test value was higher than the value of t-table (3.970 > 1.711). And it could be concluded that the GIST strategy was effective used in teaching reading descriptive text comprehension. The second review was conducted by Ayu Dian Puspayani S. Putri, a student of Ganesha University of Education Singaraja. Her thesis title is “ THE EFFECT OF ‘GIST’ AND LEARNING STYLE TOWARD READING COMPREHENSION OF XI STUDENTS AT SMA DWIJENDRA BUALU IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2011/2012” The result showed that Based on the result of analysis in this study, it was found that GIST made a better achievement in reading comprehension than conventional reading technique. When the students’ learning style was considered, it was found that there was any significant difference in students’ reading comprehension
the students who were taught by GIST and Conventional Reading Technique. This study proved that there were any significant differences in students’ reading comprehension between the students according to the variables of learning style. From the previous researches above, the writer is pretty sure that this research is different. Although the writer use the same strategy but the writer take an other text, that is Narrative text and also the participants of this research is from other school. I.
Graduating Paper Organization In this section, the researcher would like to discuss some term in chapter I into chapter V. This research is sistematically arranged as follows: Chapter I is Introduction. This chapter consist of Background of the study, the problem of the study, the objective of the study, the benefit of the study, limitation of the research, the definition of key term, hypothesis of the study, methodology of the research, review of previous research, and the graduating paper organization. Chapter II is Research Theories. this chapter consist of the nature of reading, the reading process, definition of reading comprehension, factors affecting reading comprehension, reading comprehension strategies, evaluation of reading, the gist strategy, and theoritical framework.. Chapter III is Research Report. This chapter consist of research setting, the place of the research, the subject of the research, the general information of Mts Aswaja, Research methodology, the type of research,
technique of colecting data, research instrument, evaluation criteria, and technique of analysis data. Chapter IV is Data Analysis. This chapter consist of Description of research setting, description of research conduct, data analysis, pre- test, post- test, field notes of cycle I, and cycle II. Chapter V is Closure. This chapter consist of conclusion and suggestion. And for the last part of this graduating paper is References and Appendices.
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE Chapter II is the review of the related research theories. This chapter describes theories relevant toward research, theori descripstion, they are: The nature of reading, the reading process, definition of reading comprehension, factors affecting reading comprehension, reading comprehension strategies, narrative text, and the gist strategy. A. Nature of Reading There are many theories occures that dealing with reading itself. According to Smith (1982: 2) Reading is a matter of making sense of written language rather than of decoding print to sound. It means that it called reading if the reader is understand or catch the purrpose about what has been read, not only voiced it loudly and does not get the purpose. But the traditional belief that reading is a matter of “decoding” the letters of written words into the sounds of speech. In the other hand, Urquhart and Weir said that reading is the process of receiving and interpreting information encoded in language form via the medium of print (William, 2009: 14). Heilman, Blair & Rupley (1981:4) stated that most of authorities were agree that reading is an active and ongoing process that is affected directly by an individual’s interaction with his environment. It was different with Nunan (2003:68) stament, He said that Reading is a fluent process of readers combining information from a text and their own background knowledge to build
meaning. In addition, Smith in Fauziati (2002:139) defines reading more pragmatically as an understanding a message conveyed by the writer through visual and non-visual information. Some people reading
(1992:103) stated that there are five main purposes for comprehensive reading: 1. Reading for Specific Information: Reading for specific information is a common form of reading used to discover specific or limited information. It is reading at an elementary level through the recognition of simple symbols, words, and sentences. Reading faor this purpose involves looking for specific information and finding it quickly. 2. Reading for Application: Reading for applicattion is used to accomplish a special task. This type of reading may consist of reading a cake recipe or following instruction to make or fix something. 3. Reading for Pleasure and Entertainment: Individuals read for many pleasureable reasons. This includes reading popular magazines, newspaper, novels, and other similiar materials. It is slower form of reading, which allows the reader to envision the scenery and contemplate the background and characters with enjoyment and appreciation. This form of reading calls for the total involvement of the reader.
4. Reading for Ideas: This type of reading requires paying special attention to main ideas and concepts and the nature of the presented information. The reader skims through major topics, headings, illustrations, and conclusions in order to obtain a general idea of the content. Reading for ideas is enhanced through familiarity with the overall field of study, related topics, facts, and discussions. 5. Reading for Understanding: Reading for understanding requires comprehension of the relationship between the information introduced and overall knowledge of the subject. It requires understanding the relationship of topics to sentences, paragraphs, and the main idea. The reader must observe the assosiations between facts, data, and another details.
B. Reading Process Understanding the process of reading has been the focus of much research over the past 125 years. Goodman (1976) and Stanovic (1980) in Nunan (2003:70) stated that models of how the printed word is understood have emerged from this research. The models are divided into three categories: bottom-up models, top-down models, and interactive models. 1.
Bottom- up
This models tipically consist of lower-level reading process. Students start with the fundamental basics of letter and sound recognition, word recognition, identification of grammatical structures, sentences and longer text. And finally meaning is the order in achieving comprehension. In the bottom- up approach, all reading material is carefully reviewed so that the students are not exposed to vocabulary that is to difficult or that contains sounds that they have not yet been introduced to. 2.
Top- down This models is begin with the idea that comprehension resides in the reader. The reader use the background knowledge, makes predictions, and searches the text to confirm or reject the prediction that are made. In the top- down approach, the teacher should focus on meaning generating activities rather than on mastery of word recognition.
Interactive This models are accepted as the most comprehensive description of the reading process. This type is combines the elements of bottomup and top- down models. In interacctive approach to reading would include aspects of both intensive and extensive reading.
C. Definition of Reading Comprehension There are diffences of opinion how to define comprehension as it refers to reading. According to Dallman, Roger, Lynette & DeBoer
(1982:159) There is
than by reading
comprehension is meant constructing meaning from what is being perceived in writing. In fact, reading without understanding should not be called reading, for reading necessarily involves comprehending. Also, Smith (1982:15) defined reading comprehension as a matter of ‘making sense’ of text, of relating written language to what we know already and to what we want to know. In other way Wolley 2011 in Junanto (2014:11) defined reading comprehension as the process of making meaning from text. According to Klingner and Geisler 2008 in Horton (2014:7) reading comprehension is a complex process of constructing meaning by coordinating a number of processes, including decoding, word reading, and fluency along with the integration of background knowledge and previous experiences. From those definition above, can be concluded that reading comprehension is the process of understanding and deriving meaning from the text trough several steps. According to Mahmoud (1992:102) there are three levels of reading comprehension: 1.
Literal reading is the ability to follow directions and understand exact words, meanings, and character.
Aesthetic reading is the ability to appreciate artistically the style and overall quality of what is being read.
Critical reading consist of making factual distinctions between common ideas, facts, and opinion.
The writer can conclude that there are three level of reading comprehension. Firts, Literal reading is the ower levels of reading comprehension. In this level, the reader know what the writer try to tell about. He just can not explain it to other. Second, Aesthetic reading is the middle levels of reading comprehension. In this level, the reader can comment about what is being read. In other word, besides understand what is being read, he can appreciate the outside of what is being read. The last, Critical reading is the highest levels of reading comprehension. In this level, the reader not only understand about the whole text but also he can asking about what is being read, give his opinion after read, and also compare it with the real life. Mahmoud’s statement was in rythm with Dallman, Roger, Lynette & DeBoer (1982:159) statement. According to them, The level on which comprehension takes place can be classified in a variety of ways. One classification recognizes that comprehension may be on: 1. The factual level, the reader can Understanding what is actually written on the page. 2. The interpretative or inferential level, Designates the reader comprehends the meaning that is not expressed ‘ in so many words’ but can be implied or inferred 3. The evaluative or critical level, the reader evaluates What he reads through mental activities such as judging the authenticity of the
material in terms of the qualifications of the authhor, and predicting outcomes.
2003 in Junanto (2014 :
that making
connection is the key to comprehension. We do not comprehend unless we can make connections and are able to process the words that we read at the thinking level. Comprehension needs three elements, they are: a) The reader who is doing the comprehending b) The text that is to be comprehended ` c) The activity in which comprehension is a part D. Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension There are many factors that affect comprehension according to Dallmann, Rouch, Char, & DeBoer (1982: 165). here as follows: a. Difficulty of material One of the major factor causes of lack of comprehension is that the teachers expect them to read materials beyond their level. b. Intelligence A child’s ability to comprehend in reading as sometimes limited by the conceptual “load” that his mental ability enables him to carry. All the mechanical reading skills in the world will not able him to read materials involving abstractions beyond the level of his mental development. While we should never underestimate a child’s power, we should adjust the task to their capabilities. 16
c. Environment Noisy surroundings, inadequate lighting, high or low temperatures, stimulating or distracting surroundings may interfere with maximum comprehension. The extent to which the environment affects comprehension varies with individuals. The same person may at one time not to be bothered by factors that other times decidedly decrease his comprehension. d. Emphasize on word recognition Methods of teaching that concentrate on the recognition of individual words but neglect attention to meanings that can be derived from
comprehension. e. Emphasize on oral reading Oral reading can have either a desirable or a detrimental effect on comprehension. At times oral reading of a selection that is particular difficult for the reader may increase his understanding of it, since them then not only sees but also hears what he reads. f. Background for reading a selection A frequent cause of poor comprehension is lack of an experience background essential to the understanding of what is being read. Lack
of knowledge of the words used and of understanding of the concepts involved are limitations to comprehension. g. Adjustment of reading techniques to purpose and type of material Effective reading requires a flexible approach to the printed page. There should be versatility in adapting the reading method to the reading purpose and to the nature of the material being read. E. Reading Comprehension Strategies Generally, students who naturally learning with strategies are more succesfull in school than whose do not. It is important to model the use of effective strategies in the classroom so that the students are able to apply it correctly. The research sugggest an active comprehension before, during and after reading. Before reading, the students may define their goals for redaing and consider what they already know about the topics and the structure of the text. During reading, they makes connections among main ideas, and try to resolve any comprehension difficulties that arise. After reading, they may re-read it, skim the passage and summarize it, or take a note. A good reader according to Rice (2009) in Junanto (2014:14) often continue to reflect on the meaning of the text long after they have read it and a good reader use a strategies flexibly depending on the type of text they are reading and the purpose of read it.
There are many strategies for reading comprehension. They are monitoring comprehension, cooperative learning, graphic organizers, story structures, answering and generating questions, summarizing and multiple strategies. 1. Monitoring Comprehension: this includes a variety of instructional techniques for helping students learn to gauge how well they understand a passage and to apply strategies for correcting comprehension problems. 2. Cooperative Learning: cooperative or collaborative learning can be considered both a strategy and a social organization that fosters learning. 3. Graphic Organizers: across many studies, graphic organizers have proven to be useful in helping students visualize relationships among structural elements in a text. Graphic organizers are known by a number of names, including story maps, concept maps, or semantic organizers. 4. Story Structure: these strategies have typically involved training children to ask themselves questions about the basic components of stories as they read: characters, setting, goals of the characters, action taken, and outcome (Rice, 2009: 4). 5. Answering and Generating Questions: according Rice (2009: 4) that many studies of strategy instruction have focused on teaching children strategies for answering questions or generating questions of their own before, during, or after reading. Questions help students actively engage with a text, check their comprehension, and construct memory represntations. 6. Summarizing: Summarizing involves identifying the main idea in a paragraph or composing a concise statement of the central concepts from a longer passage, either orally or in writing. Summarizing is a complex activity that involves paraphrasing and reorganizing text information. As a strategy performed either during or after reading, summarizing helps students or readers to focus on main ideas or other key skill concepts that have been taught and to disregard less relevant ones.
7. Multiple Strategies: this strategy involved a combination of two or more of the above techniques. Palinncar and Brown states that many approaches to multiple strategy instruction such as “reciprocal teaching” include cooperative learning or peer tutoring (Rice, 2009: 5). From many strategies above, the teacher could choose good strategy to be used in teaching and learning process. The students or readers need a good strategy to improve their reading ability. F. Evaluation of Reading According to Orstein and Hunskins, Evaluation is a process that we carry out to obtain data to determine wether to make changes, to make modifications, eliminations, and/ or accept something in the curriculum (in Ferda Tunҫ 2010: 2). In the other hand, Evaluation is the process of analysing, reflecting upon, and summarising assessment information, and making judgements and/or decisions based on the information collected. ( ntaccess.pdf) Foundation for the Atlantic Canada English Language Arts Curriculum defined assessment and evaluation as a follow: “Assessment and evaluation are essential components of teaching and learning in English language arts. Without an effective evaluation program it is impossible to know whether students have learned, whether teaching has been effective, or how best to address student learning needs. The quality of the assessment and evaluation in the educational process has a profound and well-established link to student performance. Research consistently shows that regular monitoring and feedback are essential to improving student learning. What is assessed and evaluated, how it is assessed and evaluated, and how results are communicated results send clear messages to students and others about what is really valued what is worth learning, how it should be learned, what elements of quality are most important, and how well students are expected to perform.”
( ary/studentaccess.pdf)
From the statement above, it as clearly explained that assessment and evaluation are needed to know how far the students have learned, is the teaching and learning process has been effective or how to convey the students needs in a best way. In other word, assessment and evaluation are ann important things in teaching and learning. The teacher coud find which is wrong or not appropriate with the students’ needs, so the teacher could fix it or make it better in the future. According to Alderson (2000 :203) It should be understand that there is no one ‘ best method’ for testing reading. No single test method can fullfil all the varied purposes for which we might test. In Brown (2004: 67-68)He stated that the description of IELTS Test of Academic Reading Illustrates the range of techniques that are now being employed in the testing of reading. A Variety of questions are used, chosen from the following types: 1. Multiple- choice 2. Short answer questions 3. Sentence Completion 4. Notes/ Summary/ Diagram/ Flow Chart/ Table completion 5. Choosing from a heading bank for identified paragraph/ sections of the text. 6. Identifications of writer’s view/ attitudes/ claims/ yes/no/ not given 7. Classification 8. Matching Lists 9. Matching Phrases. (International English Language Testing System Hand Book. 1999 and Specimen Materials. 1997.)
Multiple choice quetsions used to be by far the commonest way for assessing reading. According to Brown (2004: 67) there are two principles 21
that stand out in support of multiple-choice formats, of course, practicality and reliability, with their predetermined correct responses and time saving scoring procedures. Multiple-choice offer overworked teachers the tempting possibility of an easy and consistent process of scoring and grading. Table 2.1. Scoring Rubric No. Aspects 1.
The answer is correct, the sentence constructed in good grammar and
appropriate vocabulary.
The answer is correct, the sentence is constructed by making a little mistake in
grammar but it does not influence the meaning.
The answer is correct, the sentence is constructed by making a little mistake in
both grammar and vocabulary but they do not influence the meaning.
The answer is correct, the sentence is constructed by making a little mistake
both grammar and vocabulary but they influence the meaning.
The answer is wrong.
G. Narrative Text a. Definition of narrative text
Narrative is a text which retells the story or previous experiences.Narrative text presents a story of sequence events which involves characters. Narrative text presents an imaginative story. The purpose of the text is to entertain or amuse readers or listeners. b. Generic Structure 1.
Orientation: sets the scene and introduces the participants (characters) of the story, the time and place where the story happened (who, what,when and where ).
Complication: a crisis arises. A series of events in which the main character attempts to solve the problem.
Resolution: the crisis is resolved, for better or worse.
Re-orientation: it is optional. The ending of the story. It sometimes contains the solution.
c. Language features 1. Usually uses Past tense (killed, called, etc) 2. Adverb of time (one day, last night, three years ago etc) 3. Time conjunction (when, suddenly, then, etc) 4. Specific character not general 5. Direct speech. It is to make lively the story d. Kinds of Narrative Text 1. Folklore (cerita rakyat) 2. Legend (legenda) 3. Myth (mitos) 4. Fable (fabel) 5. Short Story (cerita pendek)
e. Example of Narrative text. The Legend of Roro Jonggrang Roro Jonggrang was a very beautiful princess from Javanese kingdom, Prambanan Kingdom hundred years ago. Her famous beauty was known throughtout the country, and princes from far adn different land and kingdoms came to propose her. But she refused all their proposal, many princes returned brokenhearted. There was a famous prince, namaaely prince Bandung Bondowoso. He was famous by his strength, power and good looking. He owned a big kingdom with thousand of soldiers.he heard about Roro Jonggrang’s amazing beauty and he wanted to propose her. Having heard that Prince Bandung Bondowoso was coming to marry her, Roro Jonggrang grew worried. She disliked the idea of getting married, however, she knew the consequence if she refused the proposal. Bandung Bondowoso could attack her kingdom if she dissapointed him. So, when Bondowoso arrived and proposed her, she was willing to accept it with one condition. Bandung Bondowoso had to make her 1000 temples in one night time. If he failed, then Roro Jonggrang would not marry him. He agreed to fullfill Jonggrang’s wish and started to work immadiately. He used his power to call all the genies and asked them to help him making a thousand temples in one night. He asked them to keep working to complete the temple until the rooster crowed the next morning. Soon, the temples was almost complete, it made Roro
Jonggrang worried. She tried to think any way to fail Bandung Bondowoso. Finally, she got an idea. She lighted up the candle and carried it to the chicken coop where the rooster slept. When the rooster saw the candle, it thought that it was almost dawn and the sun was going to rise soon. The rooster quickly got up and in a second, it crowed. The working genies heard the rooster and thought that the morning had come. Instantly, they stopped working and dissapeared leaving the undone temples. There was 999 temples that complete. Bondowoso was disappointed to see that. He was very mad. When he found out that it was the work of roro Jonggrang, he came to her and cursed her into a stone. Until now, It was known as Prambanan Temples. H. Definition of the GIST Strategy According to Duke and Pearson as quoted by Junanto (2014:20) that teaching students to summarize what they read is another way to improve their overall comprehension of text. Summarizing text is one of the most effevctive comprehension strategies (International Institute of Child Health and Human Development: 2000) and an effective way to learn from information text (Dole, Duffy, Roehler, & Pearson: 1991; Pressley & Woloshyn: 1995) in (Dromsky: 2011) There are two distinct strategies for teaching summarization. They are Rule-governed approach and an Intuitive approach or GIST. In rule-
governed approach summarization, the students are expected to do the following step: a. Deleting unnecessary material b. Deleting redundant material c. Replacing a higher term for list of items d. Replacing a higher term for components of an action e. Selecting a topic sentence f. Inventing topic sentence, if unavailable The Generating Interactions between Schema and Text (GIST) strategy was developed by Cunningham (1982) in order to assist students in briefly summarizing paragraphs (Horton 2014:11). This is a reading comprehension strategy that teaches students how to write brief summary statements. According to Dromsky (2011:21) GIST does not require adherence to a set of rules related to text structure. Rather, Cunningham combined techniques and created a set of guidelines for teacher-directed strategy instruction and provided an instructional sequence for gradually having students independently produce gist statements for whole paragraphs. In GIST, students create summaries of 15 or fewer words for increasingly large amounts of text, beginning with single sentences and working to hard to an entire paragraph. Instruction in the GIST procedure follows Cunningham’s (1982) original study steps. The materials, however, are more recent publications
that cover topics in the eight-grade curriculum in the district in which in the study occurred. Sample passages and summary statements appear in the materials section. The GIST procedure has six steps (Cunningham, 1982) that gradually lead students to independently produce gist statements. Students begin with paragraphs and move to lengthier passages. The following list is the steps for the GIST procedure. These are reworded for brevity but adapted from Cunningham 1982 in Dromsky (2011: 21)
Step 1 Select paragraphs with three to five sentences that appear to have a gist and are at an appropriate level of difficulty. Step 2 Present the first sentence to students on the chalkboard, overhead, or chart. On the board draw 15 blanks. Have students read the sentence and tell them to summarize the information in their own words in one sentence that uses 15 or fewer words. Step 3 When students have finished reading the sentence, cover it from view. Ask students again to retell it in their own words in 15 or fewer words. Writing one word at a time, have the group dictate the statement and edit until complete. Students can view the paragraph again, but must dictate and edit from memory. This step is complete when students feel their statement is
an accurate retelling, even if the sentence is an exact duplicate of the original text. The instructor reinforces the guidelines of using 15 or fewer words but does not evaluate content. Finally students compare their final statement with text. Step 4 Uncover the first and second sentences and erase the first set of blanks. Present 15 new blanks ask them to read the sentences so they can write another statement hat retells the first two sentences in their own words using 15 or fewer words. Step 5 After reading the sentences, cover both and remind students that they are to compose a new statement that retells the information in 15 words or less. As a group, use the same means to construct a statement as in step 3. Step 6 Repeat this procedure adding one sentence at a time until students have generated a statement of 15 or fewer words that they feel summarizes the paragraph. Use this strategy as many times as necessary until students are adept at producing statements for the paragraphs as a group. Then uncover an entire paragraph at the beginning of a lesson and have the class generate a statement for the whole paragraph without moving from sentence to sentence. When students are adept at producing statements for paragraphs as a group, ask students to do the procedure independently.
CHAPTER III RESEARCH REPORT Chapter III is methodology of the research. Here would be explained about the setting of the research consist of the place, subject, and general information about MTs Aswaja Tengaran. Also, research methodology which is consist of type of the research, technique of collecting data, research instrument, evaluation criteria, and the technique of analysing data.
A. Research Setting 1. Place of the Research This research conducted at the eight grade students of MTS Aswaja Tengaran. It was located in St. Masjid Besar No. 32 Tengaran, Semarang Regency, Central Java. 2. Subject of the Research The participants of this research is the eight year students of MTS Aswaja Tengaran in the second semester. There were two classes of eight grade, there were 15 students each class. but the researcher choose only a class in doing this research, that was class of VIIIA.
B. General Information of MTs Aswaja MTs Aswaja Tengaran was found by Mr. Ahmad Nazari who also donated his field to establishment. Before changing into MTs Aswaja, the name of the school was; PGA 4 tahun conducting teaching learning activities in the morning (1967), PGA A, then changed into PGA 6 tahun consisting of Islamic Junior High School (MTs) and Islamic Senior High
School (MA) then, the MA taken over by government and changed into MAN 1 Tengaran and while the former keep becoming MTs Aswaja Tengaran (1977), under supervision of LP Ma’arif. The headmaster succession is chronogical as follows:: Mr. Muh Amin, Mr. Dawam Badarudin, Mr. Khamil Yasin, Mr. Muh. Gufron, Mr. Muh Amin, and Siti Khabibah, S. Ag. until now. a. Visions and Mission of MTs Aswaja Tengaran MTs Aswaja Tengaran have mission that being the excellence to improve the qualified human resource both in science and religius awareness. Then MTs Aswaja Tengaran also have visions that conducting education orienting knowledge, social and moral qualities to produce human resource qualified in science and religius awareness.
C. Research Methodology 1.
Type of Research The method that was used in making this research was Classroom Action Research. According to Wallace as quoted by Khisbulloh (2012: 25), Action research is systematically collecting data in our daily practice that then is being analyzed to decide about what the future should be based on the practice analysis. In other way, Carr & Kemmis(1998) said that Action research is: “‘self-reflective enquiry’ undertaken by participants in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own social or educational practices as well as their understanding of these
practices and the situations in which these practices are carried out.” According to Mattetal (2001:7) Classroom Action Research is a method of finding out what works best in your own classroom so that you can improve student learning. In CAR, the teacher focuses attension on a problem or question on her/his own classroom. In other way, McNiff 1992 (in Khisbulloh 2012:26) stated that the bclassroom action research constitutes as one of a reflective research which the result can be the instruments to develop the quality of the learning. It can bea inferred that the classroom action research is the action research which is held to improve the students condition. The Classroom action research is also as the follow up of the observation conducted in the field by researcher. In the classroom action research, there are two cycles in action research. Each cycle has a several stages of action research which are proposed by McNiff (1992:22): 1. Planning a.
Preparing material, making lesson plan, and designing the step in doing the action.
Preparing students’ name list and scoring.
Preparing teaching aids
Preparing sheet for classroom observation (to know the situation of teaching learning process when the method is applied)
Preparing a test (to know whether student’s reading comprehension improve or not)
2. Acting a. Giving pre- test b. Teaching reading by gist strategy c. Giving chance to the students to ask any difficulties or problem d. Giving post- test 3. Observing Observation is one of the instruments used in collecting the data. Observation can be sistematically used to observe and note the phenomena investigated like the students’ feeling, thinking and something they do in teaching learning process. 4. Reflecting The result of the observation is analyzed it is to remember what happened that has been written in observation. Teacher evaluated the teaching learning process that has been applied through repeated reading, noted of the lack or weakness. Then, after finding the result of teaching reading through oral reading technique in a cycle, it make the improvement and decide wheter the researcher will conduct the next cycle.
Classroom action research can be illustrated based on Kemmis and Mc Taggart’s view as quoted by Young, Rapp & Murphy in Journal of Instructional Pedagogies. Figure. 3.1. Classroom Action Research Cycle
The classroom action research conducted in MTS Aswaja Tengaran to the eight year students of it. The goal is to improving students reading comprehension through the gist strategy. 2.
Technique of collecting data There were several techniques of collecting data that used in this research in order to get an accurate data. They were: a. Test Test is a set of question or exercises or other instrumental to measure knowledge, intelligence, ability or attitude of groups or individual (Arikunto, 1998: 139). In other way, Arifin (2012:226) 34
stated that test is a measurement technique within we (the teachers) found a variety of questions, declaration or assignments series that should be done or answered by the respondent. Trough the test, the teacher is easily know the students ability, neither they need an improvement or not. The tests that was used in this research are multiple choice and essay. It was used as a pre-test and post- test to know the students’ reading comprehension. b. Documentation Document means a written material. The researcher completed the research by using document in which explained about the school and the data which is needed for this research. The data are book, transcript and a history book of MTS Aswaja Tengaran. This technique is uses to know the students and teachers’ condition, structure organization, profile of the school and its location. c. Observation Beside doing the test, the researcher did class observation. Observation is more than just looking and seeing. According to Arifin (2012:231) Observation is a technique of collecting data that was done by way of monitoring and recording sistematically, logic, objective, and rational about fenomenon to get a certain goal. Observation has an important role not only for classroom
research but also more generally for supporting the profesional growth of teachers and in the process of school development. This method would be used to observe the teaching-learning process and the students’ activities. 3.
Research Instrument a. Test 1. Multiple Choice The instrument of this research was writing production test. There are 10 items of questions of multiple choice. Its all about narrative text. The students should answer the whole questions correctly. Score 2 for a correct answer then multiple it by 3. The maximum point for this test is 60. 2. Essay He second instrument of this research is an essay. It was given to measure the students ability in summarizing the narrative text before and after taught by the GIST Strategy. Maximum score of each criteria is 4. And the total point of this essay is 40. b. Documentation In order to collecting documentation data, the writer took: 1.
Photograph can capture the visual aspects of a situation.
2. Documents. The relevant documents can be included: syllabuses, school’s report, test sheet, sample of students’ written work. c. Observation The instrument in observation that was used is the students’ activities during teaching and learning process or students observation sheet. The resercher observes the condition of the subject in the learning process. It is analyzed about what the matter
of the learning process to find the essential problem.
Regarding with the resercher’s explanation above that are many complexities in reading comprehension. So, the researcher observes how far the students figure out the text after reading. There are five aspects that could be the measurement of the clear description of this observation. They are: a.
Student’s attention on the teacher’s explanation
Students’ activeness in asking question
Students’ activeness in responding question
Students’ enthusiasm in doing test.
4. Evaluation Criteria 1. Pre- test and Post- test. a. Multiple choice, there are 10 items and each item is scored 2, the total score is 20 and it was multipled by 3. The result is 60.
b. Essay, there is one direction and have a five aspects.
total score is 40. The total score of multiple choice and an essay test is 100. And the criteria of this result will be presented as follow: Table. 3.5. Criteria Students’ Score
NO. Grade Qualification
Range Score
85- 100
Level Descriptor
The student: -
Construct meaning by identifying stated and implied information, main ideas and supporting details, and drawing conclusion in texts with familiar and unfamiliar language Interprets aspects of format and style,a nd author’s purpose for writing Engages wuth the text by
70- 84
The student: -
identfying ideas, oppinions and attitudes in the text and making substantial connections with own experiences, attitudes and points of view Show thorough understanding of the content of the text as a whole
Constructs meaning by identifying most stated and implied information, main ideas and supporting details, and drawing conclusion in texts with familiar and unfamiliar language Interprets most aspects of format and style,a nd author’s purpose for writing Usually engages with the text by
55- 69
The student: -
identfying ideas, oppinions and attitudes in the text and making ample connections with own experiences, attitudes and points of view Show considerable understanding of the content of the text as a whole
Constructs meaning by identifying some stated and implied information, main ideas and some supporting details, in texts with familiar and unfamiliar language Interprets some aspects of format and style,a nd author’s purpose for writing Occasionally engages with the text by identfying ideas, oppinions and attitudes in the text and making
50- 54
The student: -
some connections with own experiences, attitudes and points of view Show some understanding of the content of the text as a whole
Had difficulty constructing meaning from stated and implied information, main ideas or supporting details in texts with familiar and unfamiliar language Has difficulty interpreting aspects of format and style, and author’s purpose for writing Make a limited attempt to engage with the text by identfying ideas, oppinions and attitudes in the text; makes minimal connections with own experiences, attitudes and points of view Show limited understanding of
the content of the text as a whole 5.
≤ 49
Very Poor
The student does not reach a standard described by any of descriptors above
Adapted from English Instructional Evaluation 1 by Ida Isnawati (2012) in Junanto (2014).
5. Technique of analysing data a. Descriptive Technique A descriptive technique is used to know the students behavior during the teaching learning process. In descriptive technique, the researcher analyzes the observation sheet which has been made by the collaborator. b. Statistical Technique Lodico
summarize data using numbers. Hypotheses and methods of data collection are created before the research begins. This technique is used to know the students‟ score of reading comprehension in each cycle. According to Fraenken and Wallen (2009: 192) the formula are: 1.
∑𝑋 𝑁
Where, 42
: Mean of student’s score
: The sum score of students’ reading test
: The total number of students
SD (Standard Deviation) 2
∑ 𝐷2 ∑𝐷 𝑆𝐷 = √ − ( ) 𝑁 𝑁
Where, SD : Deviation Standard D
: Different between pre- test and post- test
: Number of observation in T- test
T- test To be able to know whether there is a significant improvement or not between pre- test and post- test, the reseacher using T- test after calculating the SD. The formula is:
∑𝐷 ) 𝑁 t0 = 𝑆𝐷 ( ) √𝑁−1
Where, 𝑡0 : T- test for the differences of pre-test and post-test
SD: deviation standard for one sample t- test D
: Different between pre-test and post-test
: Number of observation in sample
CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS This chapter containts the result of a classroom action research in the use of the gist strategy towards students’ reading comprehension at the eighth grade students of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year of 2015/2016. A. Description of Research Schedule This research has been done from February 13rd 2016 untill February 27th 2016. The time setting of the research conducted as follow: Table. 4.1. The Time Setting of The Research Date
November 10th 2015
Interview the teacher
February 13th 2016
Pre- Test
February 15th 2016
Cycle I (first meeting)
February 16th 2016
Cycle I (second meeting)
February 22nd 2016
Cycle II (first meeting)
February 23rd 2016
Cycle II (second meeting)
February 27th 2016
Post- Test
The teaching and learning process of reading Narrative Text through the GIST strategy was running well. When the students did not
understand about the material, they were not afraid asking about it to the teacher. The students very enthusiastic being a part of teaching and learning process. B. Data Analysis 1.
Pre- Test Firstly, before the researcher doing this research. She was doing some simple interview to the English teacher of MTs Aswaja on Wednesday November 10th 2015, Mr. Hafida Zein Ahmad, S. Pd. I. The teacher recommended the researcher to conduct the research in class VIII A, because the class has a problem. Based on the teacher’s information, many students got difficulties in understandig the text. They could not determine the main idea and the supporting detail. They also lack of mastering vocabularies. Before did the research in a classroom, the researcher gave the students a Pre- test to measure the students understanding about narrative text before they were taught about it. They were not get any treatment neither from the teacher nor the researcher. The Pre- test was distributed on Saturday, February13th 2016. There were 20 questions, while 10 was multiple choice and 10 other was essay. The questions are about narrative text. The students have 60 minutes to do the Pre- Test. Table 4.2. The Students’ Pre- Test Score.
No. 1.
Name Agung P.
Alif Fatikhah
Dhea Ihza Alfara
Heru Purnomo
Ika Ardianti
Kiki Puspita D.
M. Afif Fathoni
Muthi Ishwariyah
Reza Alif Nasya A.
Siti Rohmah
Virgo Bimantara
38 827
a. The Mean of Pre- test M=
∑𝑋 𝑁
Explanation: M
= the mean obtained
∑ 𝑋 = the sum of pre- test score 𝑁 M=
= the total number of students 827 15
M = 55.13 Table. 4.3. The Students’ rate of Pre- test Score Range Score
85- 100
70- 84
55- 69
50- 54
Very Poor
≤ 49
b. The Precentage of the students’ pre- test score: 𝐹
P = 𝑁 𝑋 100 % 2
1). Excellent
= 15 𝑋 100 % = 13.33 %
2). Good
= 15 𝑋 100 % = 13.33 %
3). Average
= 15 𝑋 100 % = 13.33 %
4). Poor
= 15 𝑋 100 % = 6.67 %
5). Very Poor
= 15 𝑋 100 % = 53.33 %
From the review on the research result, the mean of pre – test is 55.13 and the precentage of the pre- test shows that 13.33 % Excellent, 13.33 % Good, 13.33 % Average, 6.67% Poor, and 53. 33 48
% Very Poor. It means that only 26.67 % students who pass the KKM (70). 2. Post- Test. After doing the research, the researcher gave the Post- Test to the students. It was contributed on Saturday, February 27th 2016. There were 20 questions, while 10 was multiple choice and 10 other was essay. The questions are bout narrative text. The students have 60 minutes to do the Post- Test. Table 4.4. The Students’ Post- Test Score. No.
Agung P.
Alif Fatikhah
Dhea Ihza Alfara
Heru Purnomo
Ika Ardianti
Kiki Puspita D.
M. Afif Fathoni
Muthi Ishwariyah
Reza Alif Nasya A.
Siti Rohmah
Virgo Bimantara
70 1129
a. The Mean of Post- test M=
∑𝑋 𝑁
Explanation: M
= the mean obtained
∑ 𝑦 = the sum of post- test score 𝑁
= the total number of students
1129 15
M = 75.27 Table. 4.5. The Students’ rate of Post- test Score Range Score
85- 100
70- 84
55- 69
50- 54
Very Poor
≤ 49
b. The Precentage of the students’ post- test score:
P = 𝑁 𝑋 100 % 1
1). Excellent
= 15 𝑋 100 % = 6.67 %
2). Good
= 15 𝑋 100 % = 73.33 %
3). Average
= 15 𝑋 100 % = 20 %
4). Poor
= 15 𝑋 100 % = 0 %
5). Very Poor
= 15 𝑋 100 % = 0 %
From the review on the research result, the mean of post – test is 75.27 and the precentage of the post- test shows that 6.67 % Excellent, 73.33 % Good, 20 % Average, 0 % Poor, and 0 % Very Poor. It means that the students who passed the KKM (70) is 80 %. It was higher than on the pre- test. After analyzing the data, to know the whole result of the research, the researcher continued to calculating the data by t-test. Table. 4.6. The Result of the students’ pre-test and post-test
Agung P.
Score Post-test (y) 84
Alif Fatikhah
Dhea Ihza Alfara
Heru Purnomo
Ika Ardianti
No .
Score Pre-test (x)
Gained Score (D) -4
D2 16
Kiki Puspita D.
M. Afif Fathoni
Muthi Ishwariyah
Reza Alif Nasya A.
Siti Rohmah
Virgo Bimantara
55. 13
75. 27
1). Calculated of SD (Standard Deviation) 2
∑ 𝐷2 ∑𝐷 𝑆𝐷 = √ − ( ) 𝑁 𝑁
11210 302 2 √ 𝑆𝐷 = − ( ) 15 15
𝑆𝐷 = √747.33 − (20.13)2 𝑆𝐷 = √747.33 − 405.21 𝑆𝐷 = √342.12 𝑆𝐷 = 18.50
747. 33
The result of the standard deviation is 18.50 2). Calculated T- Test After calculating the SD, to know the result of the result, the researcher continued calculating the t-test. The formula is as follow: ∑𝐷 ) 𝑁 T0 = 𝑆𝐷 ( ) √𝑁−1
302 ) 15 T0 = 18.50 ( ) √15−1
20.13 T0 = 18.50 ( ) √14
T0 =
20.13 4.94
T0 = 4.07 The result of t-test is 4.07 3). Calculating the df df= n-1 df= 15-1 df= 14 4). Consult with t-table
With df=14, the t-table score is 2.977. with a significance level of 0.5 % 5). Comparing t-test and t-table From the result calculation above, the t-test score is 4.07 and the ttable score is 2.977. Because the t-test score is higher than the t-table score, 4.07 ≥ 2.977. Then, the alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null Hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It means that there is a significant difference from the students’ reading comprehension before and after being taught by the GIST Strategy. C. Field Notes 1. Cycle I Cycle I was conducted on Monday, February 15th 2016 and Tuesday, February 16th 2016. Luckyly, all of the students (15 students) attended the class on the first and second meeting. In doing this research, the teaching learning process was brought by Mr. Hafidz Zein, He was an English teacher of MTs Aswaja. And the researcher acted as an observer during it was going on. The researcher did a several procedures before implemented in the cycle I in the classroom. a. Planning Far before the day, the researcher prepared instruments needed during the research. The resercher shared everything to the teacher, such making a lesson plan, materials will be given, teaching tools ( script materials and board marker), and how the
gist strategy given. The camera was used to document the teaching and learning process. b. Acting The first meeting was conducted on Monday, February 15th 2016. The teacher did the teaching learning process based on the lesson plan that was made before. The teacher began the class by greeting and asked about the students conditions and checked the students attendance. Then, the teacher gave the informations about the material that would be taught (Narrative Text) and the aim of it. The situation of the class was as fellow: Teacher
: “Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.”
: “Wa’alaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.”
: “Good morning students.”
: “Good morning sir.”
: “How are you today?”
: “I am fine, Thank you. And how about you sir?”
: “I am fine too, Thank you.”
: “Let’s start our class today by saying basmalah together.” (Teacher and students are saying basmalah together)
: “Before we begin the lesson, I will check the attendance first. Who is absence today, siapa yang tidak masuk hari ini?”
: “ Nihil pak....” ( None sir)
: “Today, we will discuss about Narrative text. do you know narrative text? ada yang tau narrative itu apa? (anybody know what is narrative text?”
: “Nooo....”
: “oke! Afif... apa itu narrative text? what is narrative text?” : “ teks yang bertujuan untuk menghibur pembaca.”
(Text that has a purpose to entertain the reader). Teacher
: “good job afif. Lets discuss more about narrative text.”
Then, the teacher explained about narrative text and its social function, generic structure, language feature and the kinds of narrative text. The teacher tried to explain it as clear as possible, so the students could understand about narrative text. Next,
teacher ensured that the students catched the lesson, by asking about the details of narrative text and the several students could answer it corectly. After that, the teacher continued the lesson by showing the students how to summarize the text. The teacher began it with the story entitle “ The Legend of Roro Jonggrang”. Teacher
: “Sekarang kita akan belajar bagaimana caranya meringkas sebuah teks.” (Now we will study about how to summarize a text).
: “Bagaimana caranya pak...?” (how is the way
sir?) Teacher
: “Begini, kalian kalau meringkas itu lebih panjang atu lebih pendek dari teksnya?” (Like this, if you summarize, is that longer or shorter?)
: “Lebih pendek pak...” (it is shorter sir)
: “ Naaah, kalian akan meringkas teks tidak lebih dari 20 kata. Ini namanya GIST strategy. Paham?” (Naaah, you guys will summarize a text no more than 20 words. It is called GIST strategy. Understand?)
: “ Tidak paak...” (No sir)
: “ OK! Sudah dibaca cerita Roro Jonggrang-nya?” ( Ok! Have you read the Roro Jonggrang story?)
: “Sudah pak.” (Have done sir)
: “Jadi begini caranya....” (So, this is the step...)
Then, the teacher together with the students started to determining the main idea of the first paragraph, highlight the important words. Next, the teacher write on the white board a summary of the first paragraph not more than 20 words and make it sure that it was the teacher’s own words and it was only the important information of it. The teacher asked the students to compare the summary made by the teacher and the original
paragraph. And of course, the summary would be shorter than the original. And because the time was over, the teacher closed the lesson and conclude the lesson on that day. In order to make students understood about the gist, the teacher asked them to try it in their home because in the next meeting, they would discuss the same topic. The second meeting was conducted on Tuesday, February 16th 2016. The teacher began the meeting that day as usual. Greeted the sudents, checked the students’ attendance and a little bit ask about what the students do before going to school. The situation was as fellow: Teacher
: “Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.”
: “Wa’alaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.”
: “Good morning students.”
: “Good morning sir.”
: “How is your life?.”
: “Great...”
: “Have you breakfast this morning?”
: “Yes sir.”
: “So, you are ready to learn today. Right?”
: “Yes sir.”
: “Now, Let’s start our meeting today by saying basmalah together.”
(“Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.”) Teacher
: “ Siapa yang tidak masuk hari ini?” (Who is absence today).
: “ Tidak ada pak.” (There is none absence sir)
: “Kemarin kita belajar tentang apa?” (Yesterday, what did we learn?)
: “ Narrative teks dan GIST strategy.” (Narrative text and GIST strategy).
: “ada yang masih ingat?” (anyone still remember?)
: “ adaaa...” (yes, there still..)
Then the students were answer the teacher question clearly. The teacher also asked about the gist strategy that has been practiced by the teacher in the previous meeting. Asked was there any students trying the gist strategy at their home. Next, the teacher devided the class into several groups. Because there were only 15 students, A group would consist of 3 students, so there would be 5 groups. Teacher
: “Sekarang , saya ingin kalian mengaplikasikan
gist secara berkelompok.” (Now, I want you to do apply the gist in a group). Students
: “ Siap pak.”(Yes, Sir)
: “Satu kelompok terdiri dari 3 orang. Nanti akan
ada 5 grup.” (A group consist of 3 students. There will be 5 groups). Students
: “ lima saja ya pak?” (how about five students sir?”
: “No. I will choose by random.”
The teacher asked the students to join with their own group and informed them to do the gist strategy like the teacher did before. Then, the teacher distributed the script material that would be summarize by them. It was the legend of Roro Jonggrang. The teacher controlling them by stop over group by group. The students might asked about the difficult vocabularies to the teacher. c. Observing In this step, the researcher observed the teacher and students activities during the teaching and learning process. The researcher used an observation sheets to made it easy. In the first meeting, noone absence in the class. It means that all of the 15 students were attending the class. There were 3 students who did not fully pay attention but the others were have a high enthusiasm in learning and enjoying the class. The teacher did the teaching learning process very well and he could serve the material about narrative text completely.
On the second meeting, all of the students
attended the class. They were very enthusiantic following the teaching learning process. The teacher devided the class into
groups to do the gist strategy. During the discussion, all of the students were participated in doing the gist. d. Reflecting In this step, the teacher and the researcher were reflected the teaching learning process in cycle I. The students’ main problem was lack of vocabularies. They were only have a few vocabulary, so they often asked to the teacher about the meaning and they could not divided the regular and irregular verb. And they have not used their own word yet in doing the gist. The researcher’s target is 80% students could pass the KKM. There were only 60% students who pass the KKM. Because of that problem, the teacher and the researcher agreed to fix it by continuing the gist treatment in the cycle II. 2. Cycle II Cycle I was conducted on Monday, February 22nd 2016 and Tuesday, February 23rd 2016. Luckyly, all of the students (15 students) attended the class on the first and second meeting. In doing this research, the teaching learning process was brought by Mr. Hafidz Zein, He was an English teacher of MTs Aaswaja. And the researcher acted as an observer during it was going on. The researcher did a several procedures before implemented in the cycle II in the classroom, to make it better, according to the weakness of the cycle I.
a. Planning In this step, the researcher shared about the lesson plan to the teacher. Prepared the materials or the story will be used in teaching learning process. Teaching tools (board marker, script story of narrative text, answer sheet). And the tools to document the taching learning process (camera). b. Acting The first meeting of Cycle II was conducted on Monday, February 22nd 2016. The teacher began the teaching learning process as usual (Greeting, cheked the students’ attendance and asked the students conditions). The teacher asked the students about the previous materials and explained a little bit about it. The teacher inform the result about their assigment in the previous meeting, that was summarising the text using gist strategy in a group. Three groups were still took words from the text, not by their own words. The other two groups were good in summarizing even still a several words took from the text but it could be accepted. The teacher remainded the students about the steps in summarizing the text by highlight the important words. Summarize each paragraph no more than 20 words. Then, at the end, they have to summarize an entire paragraph (paragraph which has been summarized) as well as it has been done. Teacher
: “Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.”
: “Wa’alaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.”
: “Good morning students.”
: “Good morning sir.”
: “How are you today?”
: “I am fine, Thank you. And how about you sir?”
: “I am fine too, Thank you.”
: “Let’s start our class today by saying basmalah together.” (Teacher and students are saying basmalah together)
: “Before we begin the lesson, I will check the attendance first. Who is absence today, siapa yang tidak masuk hari ini?”
: “ Nihil pak....” ( None sir)
The focus of this meeting is to eliminate the students difficulties in deviding the main idea, the important information and the supporting details of the text. And to summarize using their own word, they have to know the synonim of the words that has been highlighted. The Second meeting was conducted on Tuesday, February 23rd 2016. The teacher began the teaching learning process as well as before. The teacher gave some question related to the material, narrative text. Luckily, almost all of the students still remember it and they could answer the questions clearly.
: “Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.”
: “Wa’alaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.”
: “Good morning students.”
: “Good morning sir.”
: “How are you today?”
: “I am fine, Thank you. And how about you sir?”
: “I am fine too, Thank you.”
: “Let’s start our class today by saying basmalah together.” (Teacher and students are saying basmalah together)
: “Before we begin the lesson, I will check the attendance first. Who is absence today, siapa yang tidak masuk hari ini?”
: “ Nihil pak....” ( None sir)
: “ Jika sebelumnya kalian meringkas menggunakan gist strategy secara berkelompok. Kali ini kalian harus melakukannya sendiri.” (If in previous meeting you were summarize used the gist strategy in a group. This time, you have to do it individually).
: “ Yes, sir.”
Then, the teacher distributed an example of narrative text, a new story about “Timun Emas”. The teacher asked the students to
read it silently and then summarize it by using gist strategy like what have they done in a group. But this time, they should do it individually. The teacher controled them by walk around and stoping by. The students might asked about the difficult vocabularies. c. Observing In this step, the researcher checked the teacher and students activities during the teaching and learning process by using an observation sheet. In cycle II, all of the students was enthusiastic listen to the teacher explanation and instruction. In the first meeting, the students pay a full attention to the techer when the teacher explained about the way to know the main idea and the supporting detail in each paragraph. They were very active in answering the teacher’s questions. In the second meeting, they were still enthusiastic following the teaching and earning process. They were also interested in applying the gist strategy individually. d. Reflecting The researcher and the teacher were reflecting the teching and learning process in cycle II. The students’ vocabulary mastery was growing better. It might because they felt familiar with those vocabularies. And almost all of the students could applying the gist strategy correctly. The students could reduce their mistakes in summarizing the text. The researcher’s target was 80% students
could pass the KKM. And, in this cycle the students who passed the KKM was 80%. It was as the researcher and the teacher expected. The treatment which has been given on the fourth meeting was enough to make the students comprehending the text. it was proved that they were better than in cycle I. The teacher and the researcher decided to finish the cycle. 3. Discussion In cycle I, the students was introduced to the gist strategy. the result was good enough. It was their first time trying the gist strategy. they did it with their friend because the teacher asked them to do it in a group. They were understanding the text although they did not use their own words in applying the gist. In cycle II, they have a deep understanding about the gist strategy. The result was better than in cycle I. If in cycle I they have to work in a group, in cycle II they have to work by theirselves. It means thet they have to do the gist individually. Their understanding of the text was going better. The aim of this research was to answer the question about whether the using of the GIST strategy give a significant improvement to the students’ reading comprehension or not. To answer the question, the researcher propose an alternative hypothesis (Ha) and as follow: Ha = “There is a significant improvement on the students’ reading comprehension after taught by using the generating interactions between schemata and text (GIST) strategy.”
The criteria of hypothesis presentation states that if to > tt, Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected; and if to < tt , it means that Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted. From the result of statistic calculation indicates that the t-test result (to) is (4.07) and t-table (tt) score is 2.977. Because the result of t-test ˃ ttable = 4.07 ˃ 2.977. So, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected. It means that there is a significant improvement on the students’ reading comprehension after taught by using the GIST strategy. From the whole result above, it proved that the use of the GIST strategy could
comprehension, especially in narrative text. it helped students to understand the text. the students could devide the main idea, supporting details, and the character of the text. The use of the GIST strategy to the eighth year students of MTs Aswaja Tengaran was successful. It could be seen by the students’ score of pre-test and pos-test. In fact, the students’ reading comprehension before taught by the GIST strategy was low and only a few students who pass the KKM. and after the students was taught by the GIST strategy, their posttest score was increase and many students who pass the KKM. Based on the result of comparing t-test (to) and t-table (tt) score, it proved that the use of generating interactions between schemata and text (GIST) strategy could improve the students’ reading comprehension.
CHAPTER V CLOSURE This chapter contains of a conclusion and suggestion. The conclusion was based on the research findings on chapter IV. And the suggestion was propose to the teacher, the students and the future researcher. A. Conclusions Based on the research findings, the writer could conclude this research as follow: 1. The Generating interactions between schemata and text (GIST) strategy could improve the students’ reading comprehension. It was proved by the students’ mean score of pre- test and post- test. The mean score before the students taught by the GIST strategy was 55. 13. And only 26.67% students who pass the KKM. Besides that, the mean score after the students taught by the GIST strategy was 75. 27. It was increased 20.14 point from the pre- test’s mean. And the students who pass the KKM was 80%. From those result, it could be stated that the use of the GIST strategy can improve the students’ reading comprehension. 2. The GIST strategy could significantly improve the students’ reading comprehension. It could be seen from the T0score, it was 4. 07. Besides, T table score was 2.977 (significance level of 0.5 %). Because of T0≥T- table, it meant that there was a significant
improvement from the students’ reading comprehension after taught by the GIST strategy. 3. In implementing generating interactions between schemata and text (gist) the teacher explained about the generic structures and language features of narrative text. After that, the teacher asked the students to read the example of narrative text. Then, the students were determine where is the main idea of the first paragraph and the supporting detail. The students highlight the important words, then make a summary from the first paragraph no more than 20 words. The students continued that steps to the next paragraph until the end. After finished make a summary from each paragraph, the students made a new summary from each paragraphs, that has been summarized before, as one. B. Suggestions In order to made a better produce in reading especially in reading comprehenison. The writer would like to propose some suggestions for the teacher and students. 1. For The Teacher a. The teacher should use a various strategy or method in teaching English, so the students would not feel bored. A variety of strategy could make them
feel enthusiantic and more interest in learning
English in a class. b. The teachers must give guidance to the students during the lesson.
c. They should teach them how to read with Generating Interactions between schemata and text (GIST) strategy. They are recommended to motivate all students to be active in the classroom. d. The teacher should appreciate what the students do by give them a price or even just a simple words. 2. For The Students a. The students should be more active in teaching and learning process. Do not scare to ask a question or share the idea to others. b. The students should have a high motivation in learning English, and try to enrich their vocabulary because it will help them understanding English easily. 3. For Future Researcher It has been known from the result of this research, that the use of the generating interactions between schemata and text (GIST) strategy could improve the students’ reading comprehension. It is suggested to the further researcher to conduct further research in the similiar area. Especially on using GIST strategy in teaching reading comprehension in different discourses.
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3. General Information about MTS Aswaja 1. The Profile of MTs Aswaja Tengaran a. School name
: MTs Aswaja Tengaran
b. NSS
: 21 2 33 22 02 023
c. Address
: Jl. Masjid Besar No. 32
d. Village
: Tengaran
e. District
: Tengaran
f. Regency
: Semarang
g. Province
: Central Java
h. Pos code
: 50775
i. Phone number
: (0298) 610015
j. Area
: Village
k. Categories of school
: Private (Swasta)
l. Accreditation
m. SK
: Kabid Binrua Islam
n. The year of built
: 1977
o. KBM
: Morning
p. School building
: Milik Sendiri/ Ownership
q. Building area
: Wide; 6 m, Length; 50 m
r. The distance to the central districts
: 0.5 km
s. The distance to the city center
: 30 km
t. Located on track
u. Implementation organization
Location of MTs Aswaja Tengaran MTs Aswaja Tengaran is an educational college with Islamic characters, it has the same level as Junior High School. MTs Aswaja Tengaran is in the middle Tengaran village and in the center of Tengaran sub-district of Semarang regency. There are other schools around MTs Aswaja Tengaran, they are; Elementary School (1) SDN 1 Tengaran, it is for about 0.5 km from MTs Aswaja Tengaran, (2) SDN 2 Tengaran, it is for about 0.7 km from MTs Aswaja Tengaran, (3) SDN 3 Tengaran, it is for about 1 km from MTs Aswaja Tengaran, (4) Madrasah Ibtida’iyah Tengaran, it is for about 1 km from MTs Aswaja Tengaran. The junior high school; (1) SMP N 1 Tengaran, it is for about 0.5 km from MTs Aswaja Tengaran, (2) SMP Islam Sudirman, it is for about 0.5 km from MTs Aswaja Tengaran. And for senior high school; (1) MAN 1 Tengaran, it is for about 1 km from MTs Aswaja Tengaran. In the environment, the school has made collateral evidence for safety, silence, and peaceful atmosphere for students in undertaking learning – teaching
process. The school is near to sub-district office and Tengaran traditional shopping. 3. History of MTs Aswaja Tengaran MTs Aswaja Tengaran was found by Mr. Ahmad Nazari who also donated his field to establishment. Before changing into MTs Aswaja, the name of the school was; PGA 4 tahun conducting teaching learning activities in the morning (1967), PGA A, then changed into PGA 6 tahun consisting of Islamic Junior High School (MTs) and Islamic Senior High School (MA) then, the MA taken over by government and changed into MAN 1 Tengaran and while the former keep becoming MTs Aswaja Tengaran (1977), under supervision of LP Ma’arif. The headmaster succession is chronogical as follows:: Mr. Muh Amin, Mr. Dawam Badarudin, Mr. Khamil Yasin, Mr. Muh. Gufron, Mr. Muh Amin, and Siti Khabibah, S. Ag. until now. 4. Visions and Mission of MTs Aswaja Tengaran MTs Aswaja Tengaran have mission that being the excellence to improve the qualified human resource both in science and religius awareness. Then MTs Aswaja Tengaran also have visions that conducting education orienting knowledge, social and moral qualities to produce human resource qualified in science and religius awareness.
5. Facilities and Tools There are many facilities of MTs Aswaja Tengaran. Facilities are building, things, needed by teachers, students, and other educators provide by school or institution to support successful teaching learning process in school. Table 3.1. The Facilities of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the Academic Year 2015/2016 a. Building Construction
Right the Ownership
Headmaster Office
1 Room
Structure of Exertion Room
1 Room
Teacher’s Room
1 Room
6 Rooms
1 Unit
Computer and Skill Room
1 Room
Organization 1 Room
(OSIS) and Scout Room Unit of Healthy School Room
1 Room
1 Unit
4 Rooms
1 Room
Parking Lot
b. Office Equipments Table 3.2. The Office Equipments of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the Academic Year 2015/2016 Computers-Printers
Typewriter Machine
Tape Recorder
6. Students’ Activity To complete students’ achievement, MTs Aswaja Tengaran provides more activity, that as follow: Table 3.3. The Students’ Activities of MTs Aswaja Tengaran No Action and Devotion activities 1
Extracurricular activities
Reciting the holy Qur’an before Reciting
the teaching and learning process
Praying jama’ahdhuha
Praying jama’ahdhuhur
Islamic band extra
Tadarus Qur’an
The art of reading the Qur’an
7. The Organization Structure of MTs Aswaja Tengara Table 3.4.The Organization Structure of MTs Aswaja The Organization Structure of MTs AswajaTengaran 2015/2016
Foundation Badjuri
Khabibah, S. Ag
Concerned Instation
Vice of Library
Muh. Zuhdi, SH. M. Pd.I
Witriyani, A.Md
Vise of Curriculum
Vice of Studentship
Treasurer Evi Lailia, A.Md
Evi Lailia, A.Md Sugeng W, S.Ag
Class VII A
Class VII B
Class VIII A
Class VIII B
Class IX B
H.Dimyati A, S.Pd.I
Muh.Zuhdi, SH. M.Pd.I
Witriyani, A.Md
S. Zahroh B, S.Pd.
: Narrative Text
Sasaran Program
: Siswa Kelas VIII A MTS Aswaja Tengaran
Judul Penelitian
: The Use of the GIST strategy towards students’ reading comprehension (A Classroom Action Research at the Eight students of MTS Aswaja Tengaran in the Academic year of 2015/2016)
: Lailatul Muntafi’ah
1. Lembar validasi ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui pendapat Bapak sebagai ahli media tentang pembelajaran bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan strategi yang telah saya rancang. 2. Pendapat, kritik, saran, penilaian dan komentar
Bapak akan sangat
bermanfaat untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualitas program pembelajaran ini. 3. Makna point validitas adalah 1 ( tidak baik); 2 (kurang baik); 3 (cukup baik); 4 (baik); 5 (sangat baik) No I
Aspek Penilaian Kesesuaian dengan
Aspek Indikator Belajar 1. Kesesuaian dengan tujuan pembelajaran 2. Kesesuaian dengan kompetensi yang akan dicapai 3. Kesesuaian dengan kegiatan pembelajaran Aspek Kesesuaian dengan Tingkat
Skor 3
pebelajaran 1. Memudahkan interaksi siswa dengan guru 2. Kejelasan topik pembelajaran 3. Adanya relevansi antara strategy dengan materi 4. Cakupan materi yang tepat III Aspek Kemudahan Siswa Menyerap Pembelajaran melalui Strategi “The GIST Strategy” 1. Siswa muadah memahami materi 2. Kesesuaian antara design “The GIST Strategy” dengan tingkat berfikir siswa 3. Memudahkan siswa untuk terlibat dalam pembelajaran koorperatif. Kesimpulan: 1. Layak untuk digunakan tanpa revisi 2. Layak digunakan dengan revisi 3. Tidak layak untuk digunakan Saran: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………...………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Salatiga,........... Validator,
Sarinah, S. Pd.
A. TUJUAN Tujuan penggunaan instrument ini adalah untuk mengukur kekevalidan silabus dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang implementasinya menggunakan metode The GIST Strategy B. TUJUAN 1. Bapak/Ibu dapat memberikan penilaian dengan memberikan tanda cek (√) pada kolom yangtersedia. 2. Makna point validitas adalah 1 ( tidak baik); 2 (kurang baik); 3 (cukup baik); 4 (baik); 5 (sangat baik) C. PENILAIAN No
Aspek yang Dinilai 1
ISI YANG DISAJIKAN 1. Mengkaji keterkaitan antar standar kompetensi (SK) dan Ketrampilan Dasar (KD) dalam mata pelajaran 2. Mengidentifikasi materi yang menunjang pencapaian KD 3. Aktifitas kedalaman dan keleluasaan materi 4. Pemilihan materi ajar 5. Kegiatan pembelajaran dirancang dan dikembangkan berdasarkan SK, KD, potensi siswa 6. Merusmuskan indikator pencapaian kompetensi 7. Menentukan sumber belajar yang disesuaikan dengan SK, KD, serta materi pokok, kegiatan pembelajaran dan indikator pencapaian kompetensi 8. Penentuan jenis penilaian BAHASA 1. Penggunaan bahasa sesuai dengan EYD 2. Kesederhanaan struktur kalimat
Skala Penilaian 2 3 4 5
WAKTU 1. Kesesuaian alokasi yang digunakan 2. Pemilihan alokasi waktu didasarkan pada tuntutan KD 3. Pemilihan alokasi waktu didasarkan pada ketersediaan alokasi waktu persemester
D. KOMENTAR/SARAN ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………….
Salatiga, ..... Validator,
Sarinah, S. Pd.
Kelas/ Semester
: Delapan/ Genap
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: Narrative Text
1. Anda akan diminta untuk memberi penilaian atau validasi terhadap RPP. Penilaian RPP ini dilakukan dengan melingkari kolom skor sesuai dengan kemampuan peneliti dengan memperhatikan rambu- rambu skoring. 2. Kriteria penilaian Kurang baik : 1 Cukup baik
Sangat baik
No I
Komponen RPP Perumusan Indikator Belajar 1. Kejelasan rumusan 2. Kelengkapan cakupan rumusan indikator 3. Kesesuaian dengan kompetensi dasar 4. Kesesuaian dengan standar kompetensi Pemiliham dan Pengorganisasian Materi Pembelajaran 1. Kesesuaian dengan kompetensi yang akan dicapai 2. Kesesuaian dengan karakteristik peserta didik 87
1 1 1 1 1
Skor 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4
3. Keruntutan dan sisitematika materi 4. Kesesuaian materi dengan alokasi waktu III Penilaian Sumber Belajar/ Media Pembelajaran 1. Kesesuaian sumber belajar/ media pembelajaran dengan kompetensi ( tujuan) yng ingin dicapai 2. Kesesuaian dengan sumber belajar / media pembelajaran dengan materi pembelajaran 3. Kesesuaian sumber beajar/ media dengan karakteristik peserta didik IV Skenario kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. Kesesuaian strategi dalam metode pembelajaran dengan kompetensi ( tujuan) pembelajaran 2. Kesesuaian strategi dan metode pembelajaran dengan materi pembelajaran 3. Kesesuaian strategi dan metode pembelajaran dengan karakteristik peserta didik 4. Kelengkapan langkah- langkah dalam setiapa tahapan pembelajaran dan kesesuaian dengan alokasi waktu. V Penilaian hasil Belajar 1. Kesesuaian tehnik penilaian dengan kompetensi yang ingin dicapai 2. Kejelasan prosedur penilaian ( awal, proses, dan akhir) 3. Kelengkapan instrument ( soal dan kunci jawaban) VI Penggunaan Bahasa Tulis 1. Ketepatan ejaan 2. Ketepatan pilihan kata 3. Kebakuan struktur kalimat 4. Bentuk huruf dan angka baku VII Penilaian validitas Umum Penilaian /validitas umum terhadap instrument
Keteranagan: Dapat digunakan tanpa revisi
Dapat digunakan dengan sedikit revisi
Dapat digunakan dengan banyak revisi
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
Belum dapat digunakan
Catatan: ……………………………………………………………………………… ………….…................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ .......................................................................
Salatiga, ............ Validator
Sarinah, S. Pd.
A. TUJUAN Tujuan penggunaan instrument ini adalah untuk mengukur kevalidan Modul dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang implementasinya menggunakan metode The GIST Strategy B. PETUNJUK 1. Bapak/Ibu dapt memberikan penilaian dengan memberikan tanda cek (√ pada kolom yang tersedia. 2. Makna point validitas adalah 1 ( tidak baik); 2 (kurang baik); 3 (cukup baik); 4 (baik); 5( sangat baik) C. PENILAIAN No Skala yang Dinilai Aspek yang Dinilai 1 2 3 4 5 I STRUKTURAL MODUL 1. Organisasi penyajian secara umum 2. Tampilan umum menarik 3. Keterkaitan yang konsisten antara materi bahasan II ORGANISASI PENULISAN MATERI 1. Cakupan materi 2. Kejelasan dan urutan materi 3. Ketepatan materi dengan SK 4. Keterkaitan antara masalah dengan konteks kehidupan/ kognisi yang termuat dalam buku siswa/ modul III BAHASA 1. Penggunaan bahasa sesuai dengan EYD 2. Bahasa yang digunakan komunikatif 3. Kesederhanaan struktur kalimat D. KOMENTAR/SARAN ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………
Salatiga, .................. Validator
Sarinah, S. Pd. Kepada Yth, Bpk/Ibu Sarinah, S. Pd. Guru Bahasa Inggris MAN Salatiga Di Salatiga
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb. Berkenaan dengan akan dilaksanakannya penelitian tindakan kelas di MTs Aswaja Tengaran, yang menggunakan berbagai intrument sebagai kelengkapan data yang diperlukan maka dengan ini saya mohon dengan hormat bantuan bpk/Ibu untuk memberi saran serta masukan mengenai instrument yang akan saya gunakan dalam penelitian skripsi dengan judul “The Use of the GIST Strategy Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension (A Classroom Action Research at the Eight Students of MTS Aswaja Tengaran at the Academic Year of 2015/2016)”. Bersamaan dengan ini peneliti melampirkan materi yang akan digunakan sebagai acuan dalam memberikan penilain. Demikian dari saya, atas bantuan Ibu saya mengucapkan terima kasih.
Mengetahui Dosen Pembimbing
Ruwandi, S.Pd., M.A. 19661225 200003 1002
Lailatul Muntafi’ah 113- 11- 076
Yang bertandatangan dibawah ini: Nama
: Sarinah, S. Pd.
: MAN Salatiga
: Guru Bahasa Inggris
Telah membaca instrumen penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian skripsi dngan judul “The Use of the GIST Strategy Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension (A Classroom Action Research at the Eight Students of MTS Aswaja Tengaran at the Academic Year of 2015/2016)” oleh peneliti: Nama
: Lailatul Muntafi’ah
: 113-11-076
: Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Setelah memperhatikan instrumen yang telah dibuat, maka masukan untuk instrumen tersebut adalah: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Demikian surat keterangn ini dibuat agar daat dipergunakn dalam pengumpulan data dilapangan. Salatiga, ........ Validator
Sarinah, S. Pd. LEMBAR SOAL SISWA A. TUJUAN Tujuan penggunaan instrument ini adalah untuk mengukur kevalidan soal dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan metode The GIST strategy. B. PETUNJUK 1. Bpk/Ibu dapat memberikan penilaian dengan memberikan tanda cek (√ ) pada kolom yang tersedia. 2. Makna point validitas adalah 1 (tidak baik); 2 ( kurang baik); 3 (cukup baik); 4 (baik); 5 (sangat baik) C. PENILAIAN No Aspek yang Dinilai Penilaian 1 2 3 4 5 I ISI YANG DISAJIKAN 1. Soal disajikan secara sistematis 2. Merupakan materi/tugas yang esensial 3. Masalah yang diangkat sesuai dengan tingkat kognisi siswa 4. Setiap kegiatan yang disajikan mempunyai tujuan yang jelas. 5. Kegiatan yang disajikan dapat menumbuhkan rasa ingin tahu siswa 6. Penyajian II BAHASA 1. Penggunaan bahasa sesuai dengan EYD 2. Bahasa yang digunakan sesuai dengan tingkat perkembangan kognisi siswa 3. Bahasa yang digunakan komunikatif 4. Kalimat yang digunakan jelas dan mudah dimerngerti 5. Kejelasan petunjuk atau arahan D. KOMENTAR/ SARAN ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… 94
Salatiga, ................ Validator
Sarinah, S. Pd.
I. Aspek Penyajian Isi No. IndikatorPenilaian 1 Mengkaji keterkaitan antar SK dan KD dalam mata pelajaran
Mengidentifikasimateriyang menunjangpencapaianKD
Aktivitaskedalamandankeluasan Materi
Rubrik (1)Jika SK dan KD dalam mata Pelajaran tidak saling berkaitan (2)JikaSKdanKDdalammata Pelajarankurangberkaitan (3)JikaSKdanKDdalammata Pelajarancukupberkaitan (4)JikaSKdanKDdalammata Pelajaransalingberkaitan (5)JikaSKdanKDdalammata pelajaransangatsalingberkaitan denganmatapelajaran (1)Jikamateritidakmenunjang dalampencapaianKD (2)Jikamaterikurangmenunjang dalampencapaianKD (3)Jikamatericukupmenunjang dalampencapaianKD (4)Jikamaterimenunjangdalam pencapaianKD (5)Jikamaterisangatmenunjang dalampencapaianKD (1)Jikaaktivitaskedalamandan keluasanmateritidakmenunjang dalampencapaianKD (2)Jikaaktivitaskedalamandan keluasanmaterikurang menunjangdalampencapaian KD (3)Jikaaktivitaskedalamandan keluasanmatericukup menunjangdalampencapaian KD (4)Jikaaktivitaskedalamandan keluasanmaterimenunjang dalampencapaianKD (5)Jikaaktivitaskedalamandan keluasanmaterisangat menunjangdalampencapaian KD (1)Jikapemilihanmateriajartidak sesuaidenganpencapaianKD
Kegiatanpembelajarandirancang dandikembangkanberdasarkanSK, KD,danpotensisiswa
Merumuskanindikatorpencapaian Kompetensi
(2)Jikapemilihanmateriajar kurangsesuaidengan pencapaianKD (3)Jikapemilihanmateriajarcukup sesuaidenganpencapaianKD (4)Jikapemilihanmateriajarsesuai denganpencapaianKD (5)Jikapemilihanmateriajarsangat sesuaidenganpencapaianKD (1)Jikakegiatanpembelajarantidak dirancangdantidak dikembangkanberdasarkanSK, KD,danpotensisiswa (2)Jikakegiatanpembelajarantidak dirancangberdasarkanSK,KD, tetapidikembangkan berdasarkanpotensisiswa (3)Jikakegiatanpembelajaran dirancangberdasarkanSK,KD, tetapitidakdikembangkan berdasarkanpotensisiswa (4)Jikakegiatanpembelajaran dirancangdandikembangkan berdasarkanSK,KD,dan potensisiswa (5)Jikakegiatanpembelajaran dirancangdandikembangkan berdasarkanSK,KD,dan potensiseluruhsiswa (1)Jikaperumusanindikatortidak dikembangkansesuai dengan karakteristiksiswadan satuan pendidikan (2)Jikaperumusanindikatorkurang dikembangkansesuai dengan karakteristiksiswadan satuan pendidikan (3)Jikaperumusanindikatorcukup dikembangkansesuai dengan karakteristiksiswadan satuan pendidikan (4)Jikaperumusanindikator dikembangkansesuaidengan karakteristiksiswadansatuan Pendidikan (5)Jikaperumusanindikatorsangat dikembangkansesuai dengan karakteristiksiswadan satuan pendidikan
Menentukansumberbelajaryang disesuaikandenganSK,KD,materi pokok,kegiatanpembelajaran,dan indikatorpencapaiankompetensi
(1)Jikamenentukansumberbelajar yangtidaksesuaidenganSK, KD,materipokok,kegiatan pembelajaran,danindikator pencapaiankompetensi (2)Jikamenentukansumberbelajar yangkurangsesuaidenganSK, KD,materipokok,kegiatan pembelajaran,danindikator pencapaiankompetensi (3)Jikamenentukansumberbelajar yangcukupsesuaidenganSK, KD,materipokok,kegiatan pembelajaran,danindikator pencapaiankompetensi (4)Jikamenentukansumberbelajar yangsesuaidenganSK,KD, materipokok,kegiatan pembelajaran,danindikator pencapaiankompetensi (5)Jikamenentukansumberbelajar yangsangatsesuaidenganSK, KD,materipokok,kegiatan pembelajaran,danindikator pencapaiankompetensi (1)Jikajenispenilaiantidaksesuai Denganindikator (2)Jikajenispenilaiankurang Sesuaidenganindikator (3)Jikajenispenilaiancukupsesuai Denganindikator (4)Jikajenispenilaiansesuai Denganindikator (5)Jikajenispenilaiansangatsesuai Denganindikator
II.AspekBahasa No. IndikatorPenilaian 1 Penggunaanbahasasesuaidengan EYD
Rubrik (1)Jikapenggunaanbahasatidak sesuaidenganEYD (2)Jikapenggunaanbahasakurang sesuaidenganEYD (3)Jikapenggunaanbahasacukup sesuaidenganEYD (4)Jikapenggunaanbahasasesuai denganEYD (5)Jikapenggunaanbahasasangat sesuaidenganEYD
(1)Jikastrukturkalimatsangat Kompleks (2)Jikastrukturkalimatkompleks (3)Jikastrukturkalimatcukup Sederhana (4)Jikastrukturkalimat sederhana (5)Jikastrukturkalimatsangat sederhana
No. IndikatorPenilaian 1 Kesesuaianalokasiwaktuyang digunakan
Pemilihanalokasiwaktudidasarkan padatuntutankompetensidasar
Pemilihanalokasiwaktudidasarkan padaketersediaanalokasiwaktuper semester
Rubrik (1)Jikaalokasiwaktutidaksesuai dengankegiatanbelajar (2)Jikaalokasiwaktukurangsesuai dengankegiatanbelajar (3)Jikaalokasiwaktucukupsesuai kegiatanbelajar (4)Jikaalokasiwaktusesuaidengan kegiatanbelajar (5)Jikaalokasiwaktusangatsesuai dengankegiatanbelajar (1)Jikapemilihanalokasiwaktu tidaksesuaidengantuntutanKD (2)Jikapemilihanalokasiwaktu kurangsesuaidengantuntutan KD (3)Jikapemilihanalokasiwaktu cukupsesuaidengantuntutanKD (4)Jikapemilihanalokasiwaktu sesuaidengantuntutanKD (5)Jikapemilihanalokasiwaktu sangatsesuaidengantuntutanKD (1)Jikapemilihanalokasiwaktu tidakdidasarkanpada ketersediaanalokasiwaktuper semester (2)Jikapemilihanalokasiwaktu kurangdidasarkanpada ketersediaanalokasiwaktuper semester (3)Jikapemilihanalokasiwaktu cukupdidasarkanpada ketersediaanalokasiwaktuper semester (4)Jikapemilihanalokasiwaktu didasarkanpadaketersediaan alokasiwaktupersemester
(5)Jikapemilihanalokasiwaktu sangatdidasarkanpada ketersediaanalokasiwaktuper semester
I. AspekIndikator No. IndikatorPenilaian 1 KejelasanStandarKompetensi danKompetensiDasar
KesesuaianStandarKompetensi danKompetensiDasardengan tujuanpembelajaran
Ketepatanpenjabaran KompetensiDasar kedalam
Rubrik (1)JikaStandarKompetensidan KompetensiDasartidakjelas (2)JikaStandarKompetensidan KompetensiDasarkurangjelas (3)JikaStandarKompetensidan KompetensiDasardisajikancukup jelas (4)JikaStandarKompetensidan KompetensiDasarjelas (5)JikaStandarKompetensidan KompetensiDasarsangatjelas (1)JikaStandarKompetensidan KompetensiDasardisajikantidak sesuaidengantujuanpembelajaran (2)JikaStandarKompetensidan KompetensiDasarkurangsesuai dengantujuanpembelajaran (3)JikaStandarKompetensidan KompetensiDasarcukupsesuai dengantujuanpembelajaran (4)JikaStandarKompetensidan KompetensiDasarsesuaidengan tujuanpembelajaran (5)JikaStandarKompetensidan KompetensiDasarsangatsesuai dengantujuanpembelajaran (1)JikapenjabaranKompetensiDasar kedalamindikatortidaktepat
Kesesuaianindikatordengan tujuanpembelajaran
Kesesuaianindikatordengan tingkatperkembangansiswa
(2)JikapenjabaranKompetensiDasar kedalamindikatorkurangtepat (3)JikapenjabaranKompetensiDasar kedalamindikatorscukuptepat (4)JikapenjabaranKompetensiDasar kedalamindikatorsudahtepat (5)JikapenjabaranKompetensiDasar kedalamindikatorsangattepat (1)Jikaindikatoryangdisajikantidak sesuaidengantujuanpembelajaran (2)Jikaindikatoryangdisajikankurang sesuaidengantujuanpembelajaran (3)Jikaindikatoryangdisajikancukup sesuaidengantujuanpembelajaran (4)Jikaindikatoryangdisajikansesuai dengantujuanpembelajaran (5)Jikaindikatoryangdisajikansangat sesuaidengantujuanpembelajaran (1)Jikaindikatoryangdisajikantidak sesuaidengantingkatperkembangan siswa (2)Jikaindikatoryangdisajikankurang sesuaidengantingkatperkembangan siswa (3)Jikaindikatoryangdisajikancukup sesuaidengantingkatperkembangan siswa (4)Jikaindikatoryangdisajikansesuai dengantingkatperkembangansiswa (5)Jikaindikatoryangdisajikansangat sesuaidengantingkatperkembangan siswa
II.AspekIsiyangDisajikan No. IndikatorPenilaian 1 SistematikapenyusunanRPP
Rubrik (1)Jikasistematikapenyusunan RPPtidaktepat (2)Jikasistematikapenyusunan RPPkurangtepat (3)Jikasistematikapenyusunan RPPcukuptepat (4)Jikasistematikapenyusunan RPPsudahtepat (5)Jikasistematikapenyusunan RPPsudahsangattepat
Kesesuaianurutankegiatan pembelajaranBahasa Inggris model Outdoor Activity
(1)Jikaurutankegiatantidaksesuai denganpembelajaranbahasa Inggris yang implementasinyamenggunakan Outdoor Activity tidaktepat (2)Jikaurutankegiatankurang sesuaidenganpembelajaranbahasa Inggris yangimplementasinyamenggunak an Outdoor Activity kurangtepat (3) Jika urutan kegiatan cukup sesuai dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggrisyang implementasinya menggunakan Outdoor Activitycukup tepat
(4) Jika urutan kegiatan sesuai dengan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris menggunakan Outdoor Activity sudahtepat
(5) Jikaurutankegiatantidaksesuai denganpembelajaranbahasa Inggris yang implementasinyamenggunakan Outdoor Activity sudah sangat tepat (1) Jika uraian kegiatan siswa dan guru untuk setiap tahap pembelajaran tidak sesuai dengan aktivitas pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang implementasinyamenggunakan Outdoor Activity. (2) Jika uraian kegiatan siswa dan guru untuk setiap tahap pembelajaran kurang sesuai dengan aktivitas pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang implementasinyamenggunakan Outdoor Activity .
(3) Jika uraian kegiatan siswa dan guru untuk setiap tahap pembelajaran cukup sesuai dengan aktivitas pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang implementasinyamenggunakan Outdoor Activity sudah sangat tepat. (4) Jika uraian kegiatan siswa dan guru untuk setiap tahap pembelajaran sesuai dengan aktivitas pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang implementasinyamenggunakan Outdoor Activity. (5) Jika uraian kegiatan siswa dan guru untuk setiap tahap pembelajaran sangat sesuai dengan aktivitas pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang implementasinyamenggunakan Outdoor Activity. (1) Jika skenario pembelajaran tidak jelas dan tidak sesuai dengan tahapan kegiatan pembelajaran awal, inti dan penutup (2) Jika skenario pembelajaran kurang jelas dan kurang sesuai dengan tahapan kegiatan pembelajaran awal, inti dan penutup (3) Jika skenario pembelajaran cukup jelas dan cukup sesuai dengan tahapan kegiatan pembelajaran awal, inti dan penutup (4) Jika skenario pembelajaran jelas dan sesuai dengan tahapan kegiatan pembelajaran awal, inti dan penutup (5) Jika skenario pembelajaran sangat jelas dan sangat sesuai dengan tahapan kegiatan pembelajaran awal, inti dan penutup
(1) Jika instrument evaluasi tidak lengkap, karena tidak terdapat soal, kunci, pedoman pensekoran
(2) Jika instrument evaluasi kurang lengkap hanya terdapat soal saja, kunci saja, ataupun pedoman pensekoran saja (3) Jika instrument evaluasi cukup lengkap karena hanya terdapat soal dan kunci saja, atau kunci
danpedomanpensekoranatau soaldanpedomanpensekoran saja (4)Jikainstrumentevaluasilengkap karenaterdapatsoal,kunci, pedomanpensekoran (5)Jikainstrumentevaluasisangat lengkapterdapatsoal,kunci, pedomanpensekoran
No. IndikatorPenilaian 1 Penggunaanbahasasesuaidengan EYD
Rubrik (1)Jikapenggunaanbahasatidak sesuaidenganEYD (2)Jikapenggunaanbahasakurang sesuaidenganEYD (3)Jikapenggunaanbahasacukup sesuaidenganEYD (4)Jikapenggunaanbahasasesuai denganEYD (5)Jikapenggunaanbahasasangat sesuaidenganEYD (1)Jikabahasayangdigunakan tidakkomunikatif (2)Jikabahasayangdigunakan kurangkomunikatif (3)Jikabahasayangdigunakan cukupkomunikatif (4)Jikabahasayangdigunakan Komunikatif (5)Jikabahasayangdigunakan sangatkomunikatif
(1)Jikastrukturkalimatsangat Kompleks (2)Jikastrukturkalimatkompleks (3)Jikastrukturkalimatcukup Sederhana (4)Jikastrukturkalimat sederhana (5)Jikastrukturkalimatsangat Sederhana
IV. Aspekwaktu No. IndikatorPenilaian 1 Kesesuaianalokasiwaktuyang digunakandengankegiatan pembelajaran
Rincianwaktuuntuksetiaptahap Pembelajaran
Rubrik (1)Jikaalokasiwaktutidaksesuai dengankegiatanbelajar (2)Jikaalokasiwaktukurangsesuai dengankegiatanbelajar (3)Jikaalokasiwaktucukupsesuai dengankegiatanbelajar (4)Jikaalokasiwaktusesuaidengan kegiatanbelajar (5)Jikaalokasiwaktusangatsesuai dengankegiatanbelajar (1)Jikarincianwaktuuntuksetiap tahappembelajarantidaksesuai dengankegiatanbelajar (2)Jikarincianwaktuuntuksetiap tahappembelajarankurang sesuaidengankegiatanbelajar (3)Jikarincianwaktuuntuksetiap tahappembelajarancukupsesuai dengankegiatanbelajardengan kegiatanbelajar (4)Jikarincianwaktuuntuksetiap tahappembelajaransesuai dengankegiatanbelajar (5)Jikarincianwaktuuntuksetiap tahappembelajaransangatsesuai dengankegiatanbelajar
RUBRIK PENILAIAN LEMBAR KERJA SISWA(LKS) I. AspekIsiyangDisajikan No. IndikatorPenilaian 1 LKSdisajikansecarasistematis
Rubrik (1)JikaLKSdisajikantidak Sistematis
Merupakanmateri/tugasyang Esensial
Masalahyangdiangkatsesuai dengantingkatkognisisiswa
Setiapkegiatanyangdisajikan mempunyaitujuanyangjelas
Kegiatanyangdisajikandapat menumbuhkanrasaingintahu siswa
(2)JikaLKSdisajikankurang Sistematis (3)JikaLKSdisajikancukup sistematis (4)JikaLKSdisajikansecara sistematis (5)JikaLKSdisajikansecarasangat sistematis (1)Jikamateri/tugastidakesensial (2)Jikamateri/tugaskurangesensial (3)Jikamateri/tugascukupesensial (4)Jikamateri/tugasesensial (5)Jikamateri/tugassangatesensial (1)Jikamasalahyangdiangkattidak sesuaidengantingkatkognisi siswa (2)Jikamasalahyangdiangkat kurangsesuaidengantingkat kognisisiswa (3)Jikamasalahyangdiangkat cukupsesuaidengantingkat kognisisiswa (4)Jikamasalahyangdiangkat sesuaidengantingkatkognisi siswamaterimudahdipahami (5)Jikamasalahyangdiangkat sangatsesuaidengantingkat kognisisiswa (1)Jikasetiapkegiatanyang disajikantidaknmempunyai tujuanyangjelas (2)Jikasetiapkegiatanyang disajikankurangmempunyai tujuanyangjelas (3)Jikasetiapkegiatanyang disajikancukupmempunyai tujuanyangjelas (4)Jikasetiapkegiatanyang disajikanmempunyaitujuanyang jelas (5)Jikasetiapkegiatanyang disajikansangatmempunyai tujuanyangjelas (1)Jikakegiatanyangdisajikan tidakdapatmenumbuhkanrasa ingintahusiswa
PenyajianLKSdilengkapidengan gambardanilustrasi
(2)Jikakegiatanyangdisajikan kurangdapatmenumbuhkanrasa ingintahusiswa (3)Jikakegiatanyangdisajikan cukupdapatmenumbuhkanrasa ingintahusiswa (4)Jikakegiatanyangdisajikan dapatmenumbuhkanrasaingin tahusiswa (5)Jikakegiatanyangdisajikan sangatdapatmenumbuhkanrasa ingintahusiswa (1)JikapenyajianLKStidak dilengkapidengangambardan ilustrasi (2)JikapenyajianLKSdilengkapi dengangambardanilustrasi tetapimasihkurangsesuai (3)JikapenyajianLKSdilengkapi dengangambardanilustrasiyang cukupsesuai (4)JikapenyajianLKSdilengkapi dengangambardanilustrasiyang sesuai (5)JikapenyajianLKSdilengkapi dengangambardanilustrasiyang sangatsesuai
II.AspekBahasa No. IndikatorPenilaian 1 Penggunaanbahasasesuaidengan EYD
Rubrik (1)Jikapenggunaanbahsa tidak sesuaidenganEYD (2)Jikapenggunaanbahasakurang sesuaidenganEYD (3)Jikapenggunaanbahasacukup sesuaidenganEYD (4)Jikapenggunaanbahasasesuai dengan EYD (5) Jika Bahsa yang digunakan sangat jelas,danmudahsangat dipahami sangatjelas,danmudahsangat dipahamisesuai dengan EYD
I. AspekStrukturModul No. IndikatorPenilaian 1 Organisasipenyajiansecaraumum
Keterkaitanyangkonsistenantara Materibahasaan
Rubrik (1)Jikaorganisasipenyajiansecara umumtidakbaik (2)Jikaorganisasipenyajiansecara umumkurangbaik (3)Jikaorganisasipenyajiansecara umumcukupbaik (4)Jikaorganisasipenyajiansecara umumbaik (5)Jikaorganisasipenyajiansecara umumsangatbaik (1)Jikatampilanumumtidak menarik (2)Jikatampilanumumkurang menarik (3)Jikatampilanumumcukup menarik (4)Jikatampilanumummenarik (5)Jikatampilanumumsangat menarik (1)Jikaketerkaitanantarmateri bahasaantidakkonsisten (2)Jikaketerkaitanantarmateri bahasaankurangkonsisten (3)Jikaketerkaitanantarmateri bahasaancukupkonsisten (4)Jikaketerkaitanantarmateri bahasaankonsisten (5)Jikaketerkaitanantarmateri bahasaansangatkonsisten
II.OrganisasiPenulisanMateri No. IndikatorPenilaian 1 Cakupanmateri
Rubrik (1)Jikacakupanmateritidaksesuai (2)Jikacakupanmaterikurang Sesuai (3)Jikacakupanmatericukupsesuai (4)Jikacakupanmaterisesuai (5)Jikacakupanmaterisangatsesuai (1)Jikamateritidakjelasdantidak urut
Keterkaitanantaramasalahdengan kontekskehidupan/kognisisiswa yangtermuatdalambukusiswa/ modul
(2)Jikamaterikurangjelasdan kurangurut (3)Jikamatericukupjelasdan cukupurut (4)Jikamaterijelasdanurut (5)Jikamaterisangatjelasdanurut (1)JikamateridenganSKtidaktepat (2)JikamateridenganSKkurang tepat (3)JikamateridenganSKcukup tepat (4)JikamateridenganSKtepat (5)JikamateridenganSKsangat tepat (1)Jikaketerkaitanantaramasalah dengankontekskehidupan/ kognisisiswayangtermuat dalambukusiswa/modultidak sesuai (2)Jikaketerkaitanantaramasalah dengankontekskehidupan/ kognisisiswayangtermuat dalambukusiswa/modulkurang sesuai (3)Jikaketerkaitanantaramasalah dengankontekskehidupan/ kognisisiswayangtermuat dalambukusiswa/modulcukup sesuai (4)Jikaketerkaitanantaramasalah dengankontekskehidupan/ kognisisiswayangtermuat dalambukusiswa/modulsesuai (5)Jikaketerkaitanantaramasalah dengankontekskehidupan/ kognisisiswayangtermuat dalambukusiswa/modulsangat sesuai
No. IndikatorPenilaian 1 Penggunaanbahasasesuaidengan EYD
Rubrik (1)Jikapenggunaanbahsa tidak sesuaidenganEYD (2)Jika penggunaanbahasa kurang sesuaidengan EYD (3)Jika penggunaanbahasa cukup sesuaidengan EYD
Bahasa yang digunakan Komunikatif
Kesederhanaan struktur kalimat
(4)Jika penggunaanbahasa sesuai dengan EYD (5)Jika penggunaanbahasa sangat sesuaidengan EYD (1)Jika bahasa yangdigunakan tidak komunikatif (2)Jika bahasa yang digunakan kurang komunikatif (3)Jika bahasa yang digunakan cukup komunikatif (4)Jika bahasa yang digunakan komunikatif (5)Jika bahasa yang digunakan sangat komunikatif (1)Jikastrukturkalimat sangat kompleks (2)Jikastrukturkalimat kompleks (3)Jikastrukturkalimat cukup sederhana (4)Jikastrukturkalimat sederhana (5)Jikastrukturkalimat sangat sederhana
: MTs Aswaja Tengaran
: VIII ( Delapan )
Mata Pelajaran
: 1 (Satu)
Standar Kompetensi
: Mendengarkan 1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran
Dasar m
1.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam Percakapan singkatan 1. Brainstorming percakapan bertanya dan memuat ungkapan – transaksional (to get menjawab tentang ungkapan: things done) dan berbagai hal terkait interpersonal tema topik yang (bersosialisasi) akan dibicarakan. 2. Membahas sederhana secara A : Let me help you. kosakata ( noun akurat, lancar, dan phrase, verb berterima untuk B : Thank you so much. phrase, adverb berinteraksi dengan phrase) tata lingkungan sekitar yang bahasa (kalimat melibatkan tindak tutur: sederhana tentang meminta, memberi, A: Can I have a bit? tawaran jasa, menolak jasa, meminta, meminta sesuatu, memberi, menolak B: Sure. Here you are. informasi faktual, pendapat terkait barang, mengakui, materi percakapan . mengingkari fakta, dan 3. Mendengarkan meminta dan memberi percakapan yang A: Did you break the pendapat glass? B: Yes I did / No, it wasn’t me.
memuat ungkapanungkapan dalam materi. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang isi percakapan. Memberi respon lisan dan tulis
Tes lisan Merespon ungkapan meminta, memberi, menolak jasa Merespon ungkapan meminta, memberi, menolak barang Mengakui, mengingkari fakta
M li
Tes lisan
Merespon ungkapan meminta dan memberi pendapat
P Tes lisan
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran
Dasar A: What do you think of this?
1.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur: mengundang, menerima dan menolak ajakan, menyetujui/tidak menyetujui, memuji, dan memberi selamat
terhadap ungkapan yang didengar.
B: Not bad.
Memberi respons lisan Curah pendapat tentang hal-hal terkait topik/ungkapan yang akan dibahas Membahas kosakata dan tata bahasa terkait topik / ungkapan yang dibahas Mendengarkan percakapan memuat ungkapan terkait marteri Tanya jawab tentang isi percakapan Tanya jawab tentang fungsi dan makna ungkapan dalam percakapan
Percakapan singkatan memuat ungkapan – ungkapan: A: Would you come to my party? B: I’d love to / I want to, but ........ A; I do agree B; Thanks for the support.
Merespon ungkapan mengundang,mene rima, dan menolak ajakan Merespon ungkapan menyetujui / tidak menyetujui
Merespon ungkapan memuji Merespon ungkapan memberi selamat
Tes lisan
Tes lisan
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Dasar A; No way .... B: It’s O.K. No problem
A: You have beautiful hair. B: Thank you. A: Happy birthday. B: Thank you.
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan 2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran
Dasar 1.3 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks Teks fungsioanl lisan fungsional pendek pendek berupa : sederhana secara Undangan akurat, lancar, dan Contoh: berterima untuk Dear Rio, berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
I want you to come to my house for lunch on Sunday at 12 a.m. 3.
Thanks. Mona
Ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek
- Please come to ..... - Don’t forget to come to...... 4.
Langkah retorika teks: - descriptive (identification – descriptions) - recount ( orientation events) - reorientation
1.4 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount
Tanya jawab tentang berbagai hal terkait topik/tema yang akan dibahas Membahas kosakata yang terkait tema/topik/undang an (noun phrase, verb phrase) membahas ungkapanungkapan yang sering muncul dalam undangan: - I want you to come to.......
Mendengarkan teks fungsional pendek (undangan) menjawab pertanyaan tentang berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam teks fungsional, undangan. Mendengarkan contoh-contoh undangan lainnya dari teman. Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek : undangan - invitee - occasion - time - place - Invitor
Tes tertulis Mengidentifikasi informasi yang terdapat dalam teks fungsional pendek berupa undangan.
Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan dalam teks fungsional pendek berupa Undangan.
M ru
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran
Teks lisan berbentuk
descriptive recount
5 Langkah retorika teks :
descriptive (identification – descriptions) recount ( orientation events – reorientation)
Eliciting kosakata terkait tema/topik/ jenis teks Membahas tata bahasa terkait jenis teks yang akan dibahas Mendengarkan teks monolog descriptive / recount dengan topik tertentu Menjawab pertanyaan tentang berbagai informasi terkait teks yang didengar Menjawab pertanyaan tentang tujuan komunikatif teks yang didengar
Mengidentifikasi Informasi/makna yang terdapat dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount Mengidentifikasi fungsional dan langkah retorika teks deskriptif dan recount.
Tes lisan
Tes tulis
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 3. Mengungkap kan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran
M e Percakapan singkatan n memuat ungkapan – g ungkapan. u n g k A; Let me help you. a B: Thankpyou so much. k a
Review kosakata dan ungkapanungkapan terkait materi dan tema Tanya jawab menggunakan ungkapanungkapan tersebut Bermain peran melakukan percakapan yang
Bertanya dan menjawab tentang meminta,memberi, menolak jasa Bertanya dan menjawab tentang meminta,memberi, menolak barag Bertanya dan menjawab tentang mengakui,
Tes lisan
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran
Dasar n 4. A: Can I have m a bit.
B: Sure. Here you are. k
n a
A: Did you break the d glass?
a l B: Yes, I did / a m No, it wasn’t me.
disediakan guru Bermain peran melakukan percakapan berdasarkan situasi /gambar yang disediakan Menggunakan ungkapan yang telah dipelajari dalam real life situation
mengingkari fakta Bertanya dan memberi pendapat
p you think of A: What do this? e r
c B: Not bad. a k a p a n
t r a n s a k s i o n A: Wouldayou come to l party?
Review kosakata terkait tema, topik sebelumnya Memperkenalkan kosakata baru / ungkapanungkapan yang akan dibahas Tanya jawab menggunakan ungkapanungkapan terkait materi Menirukan percakapan yang diucapkan guru Melakukan percakapan yang diberikan Melakukan tanya jawab menggunakan ungkapan
( B: I’d lovet to / I wan’t to,
Bertanya dan menjawab tentang mengundang, menerima, menolak ajakan
Bertanya dan menjawab tentang menyetujui.tidak menyetujui
Bertanya dan menjawab tentang memuji
o but .........
g A: I do agree. e t B: Thanks for the
t h
Bertanya dan menjawab tentang memberi selamat
Tes lisan
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar Support. i
n A: No, way, g ...
B: It’s O.K. I
understand. o
n e )
A: You have beautiful hair.
B: Thankdyou.
a A: Happynbirthday. B; Thanki you.
n t e r p e r s o n a l ( b e r s o s i a l i s a s i ) s e d
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar e r h a n a d e n g a n m e n g g u n a k a n r a g a m b a h a s a l i s a n s e c a
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar r a a k u r a t , l a n c a r , d a n b e r t e r i m a u n t u k b e r i n t e r a k
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar s i d e n g a n l i n g k u n g a n s e k i t a r y a n g m e l i b a t k a n t i n d
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar a k t u t u r : m e m i n t a , m e m b e r i , m e n o l a k j a s a , m e m i n t a
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar , m e m b e r i , m e n o l a k b a r a n g , m e n g a k u i , m e n g i n g k a r i
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar f a k t a , d a n m e m i n t a d a n m e m b e r i p e n d a p a t
M e m a h a m
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar i d a n m e r e s p o n p e r c a k a p a n t r a n s a k s i o n a l ( t o g e t t
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar h i n g s d o n e ) d a n i n t e r p e r s o n a l ( b e r s o s i a l i s a s i ) s e
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar d e r h a n a d e n g a n m e n g g u n a k a n r a g a m b a h a s a l i s a n s e c
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar a r a a k u r a t , l a n c a r , d a n b e r t e r i m a u n t u k b e r i n t e r a
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar k s i d e n g a n l i n g k u n g a n s e k i t a r y a n g m e l i b a t k a n t i n
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar d a k t u t u r : m e n g u n d a n g , m e n e r i m a d a n m e n o l a k a j a k a
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar n , m e n y e t u j u i / t i d a k m e n y e t u j u i , m e m u j i , d a n m e m b e
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Dasar r i s e l a m a t
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 4. Mengungkap kan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran
Dasar 4.1 .Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk Teks fungsional pendek teks lisan fungsional berupa :Undangan pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
Mendengarkan teks fungsional pendek: undangan Tanya jawab tentang isi teks “undangan” Tanya jawab tentang struktur teks Membuat kalimat sederhana terkait jenis teks bentuk undangan - I want to come to....
Mengungkapan secara lisan teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan. Contoh: Dear Rio, I want you to come to my house for lunch on Sunday at 12 a.m. Thanks.
- Please come to ........ 5.
Berlatih mengundang seseorang secara lisan menggunakan gambit-gambit tertentu Contoh: A: Hi Guys, I want you all to come to my birthday party.
B: We’d love to! When? A: Tomorrow, at 4.00 6.
4.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog
Secara berpasangan atau dalam kelompok mengungkapkan undangan berdasarkan konteks/situasi yang diberikan Secara mandiri mengungkapkan undangan lisan
Bertanya dan menjawab secara lisan berbagai informasi tentangteks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan
Tes lisan
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran
Dasar pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa nista secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount
3. 1. Teks pendek berbentuk recount 2. – informasi faktual - informasi rinci - gagasan utama - gagasan 4. pendukung dalam teks pendek berbentuk recount 3. Ciri kebahasaan teks recount
Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait topik tertentu ( peristiwa, 1. kejadian, pengalaman ) Mengembangkan kosakata, tata bahasa terkait topik / jenis teks 2. recount Mengidentifikasi kejadin, peristiwa, pengalaman yang pernah dialami melalui tanya jawab Melakukan monolog dalam bentuk recount
Bertanya dan menjawab berbagai infmasi secara lisan dalam teks pendek berbentuk : - Recount Melakukan monolog pendek dalam bentuk recount Tes lisan
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Tes lisan
Standar Kompetensi : Membaca 5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar Materi
Membaca nyaring bermakna teks tulis Teks fungsional pendek 1. fungsional dan esei berbentuk descriptive berupa: Undangan dan recount pendek dan sederhana dengan ucapan, 2. tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar 3.
Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingungan sekitar
Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount
Makna gagasan Makna tekstual dalam teks descriptive dan
Brain storming tentang berbagai hal terkait teks fungsional pendek berbentuk “undangan” Mendengarkan undangan yang dibacakan oleh guru/teman membaca nyaring teks fungsioanl pendek tentang undangan menjawab pertanyaan tentang isi teks fungsional pendek “undangan” Menyebutkan tujuan komunikatif teks fungsional pendek “undangan” Menjwab pertanyaan tentang ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek “undangan”
Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait tema/topik bacaan Review kosakata dan tatabahasa terkait jenis teks descriptive/recoun t Membaca teks descriptive/recoun t Menjawab pertanyaan tentang informasi yang terdapat dalam teks Menjawab pertanyaan tentang tujuan
Tes lisan Membaca dengan nyaring dan bermakna teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks Tes tertulis fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan
Makna gagasan Makna tekstual dalam teks descriptive dan recount Langkah retorika teks descriptive dan recount Tujuan komunikatif teks descriptive dan recount Ciri kebahasaan teks descriptive dan recount
Tes tulis
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran
Dasar recount Langkah retorika teks descriptive dan recount Tujuan komunikatif teks descriptive dan recount Ciri kebahasaan teks descriptive dan recount
komunikatif tdan langkah retorika teks descriptive/recoun t Menyebutkan ciriciri kebahasaan teks yang dibaca Membaca nyaring dan bermakna teks descriptive/recoun t
Tes lisan
Standar Kompetensi : Menulis 6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive, dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran
6.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
Teks fungsional pendek 1. berupa : - Undangan - Pengumuman - Pesan Singkat
6.2. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount
Teks rumpang berbentuk - descriptive - recount
Kalimat acak
Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait tema/topik teks fungsional yang akan dibahas Penguatan kembali kosakata dan tata bahasa terkait jenis teks fungsional Menulis kalimat sederhana terkait jenis teks Menulis teks fungsional pendek berdasarkan konteks
Review ungkapanungkapan yang mendeskripsikan benda, orang atau tempat. Menulis kalimat yang mendeskripsikan benda, tempat, orang atau binatang berdasarkan gambar/realia. Melengkapi rumpang dalam teks deskriptif dengan kata yang tepat. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi teks deskriptif yang terpadu. Membuat draft teks deskriptive secara mandiri. Mengekspos teks
Melengkapi rumpang teks fungsional pendek Meyusun kata menjadi teks fungsional yang bermakna Menulis teks fungsional pendek
Tes tulis
Melengkapi rumpang teks essai pendek berbentuk descriptive
Menyusun kalimat menjadi teks yang bermakna dalam bentuk descriptive
Tes tulis
Menulis teks essai dalam bentuk descriptive .
Materi Kompetensi Pokok/Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Dasar descriptive yang ditulis di kelas.
Tes tulis
E Tes tulis
e n g a r a n , 0 5 J u l i 2 0 1 5
Mengetahui: Kepala MTs Aswaja Tengaran Guru Mata Pelajaran,
: MTs Aswaja Tengaran
: VIII (Delapan )
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: 2 (Dua)
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
7. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
Materi Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar Percakapan yang Merespon makna memuat ungkapanyang terdapat dalam ungkapan berikut: percakapan transaksional (to get A: Do you mind lending things done) dan me some money? interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek B: No Problem / I want sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan to, but ... berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak A: Can I have a bit tutur: meminta, memberi, menolak B: Sure, here you are jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, dan meminta, memberi dan A:Here’s some money mengingkari informasi, for you meminta, memberi, dan menolak pendapat, dan B: I can’t take this, menawarkan / sorry menerima / menolak sesuat
1. Eliciting kosakata terkait topik yang akan dibahas (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) 2. Menentukan makna kata dan menggunakannya dalam kalimat 3. Mendengarkan guru dan menirukan ungkapanungkapan terkait materi 4. Mendengarkan percakapan tentang materi terkait 5. Menjawab berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam percakapan 6. Merespon ungkapanungkapan yang terkait materi
Merespon ungkapan meminta,memberi, Tes t menolak jasa
Merespon ungkapan meminta,memberi, menolak barang
Merespon ungkapan Tes l meminta, memberi, mengingkari informasi
Merespon ungkapan meminta,memberi, menolak pendapat
Merespon ungkapan meminta,menerima, menolak tawaran
A: Do you like it? B: Yes I do Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat
A: Have you done it? B: Sorry, I haven’t
A: Do you think it’s good? B: I think so / Sorry, I
1. Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait tema/topik yang akan dibahas 2. Mendaftar kosakata yang digunakan dalam percakapan
Merespon ungkapan meminta,memberi persetujuan Merespon ungkapan pernyataan Merespon ungkapan memberi perhatian
Materi Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar yang melibatkan tindak can’t say anything tutur: meminta, memberi persetujuan, merespon pernyataan, memberi perhatian A: Would you like terhadap pembicara, some... mengawali, memperpanjang, dan B: Yes, please / No, menutup percakapan, thanks dan mengawali, memperpanjang, dan menutup percakapan telepon Percakapan yang memuat ungkapanungkapan berikut: A: What if it I do it again.
3. Menentukan makna kosakata dalam daftar 4. Menggunakan kosakata dalam kalimat 5. Tanya jawab menggunakan ungkapan – ungkapan terkait 6. Menirukan ungkapan yang diucapkan guru 7. Mendengarkan percakapan 8. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang percakapan
terhadap pembicara
Mengawali, memperpanjang an menutup percakapan
Merespon ungkapan mengawali, memperpanjang dan menutup percakapan telepon
Tes l
B: Fine, with me. A: I have to go now. B: Do you have to? A: .......... B: Right / I see / Hm...m.
Hello, excuse me ..... Did you? / Were you ? Thanks/ Bye.../ See you.
Could I speak to .... please? Well, I’m calling
Tes t
Materi Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar
to.... Nice talking to you
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan 8. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar Materi Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar 7. Eliciting kosakata terkait topik yang akan dibahas (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) 8. Menentukan makna me some money? kata dan menggunakannya B: No Problem / I want to, dalam kalimat but ... 9. Mendengarkan guru dan menirukan ungkapan-ungkapan terkait materi A: Can I have a bit 10. Mendengarkan percakapan tentang B: Sure, here you are materi terkait 11. Menjawab berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam A:Here’s some money for percakapan you 12. Merespon ungkapan-ungkapan B: I can’t take this, sorry yang terkait materi
Percakapan yang
Merespon makna yang memuat ungkapanterdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana ungkapan berikut: secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi A: Do you mind lending dengan lingkungan sekitar
Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima
Tes t Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek undangan,pengumu man,pesan singkat
Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks fungsional pendek
Materi Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar untuk berinteraksi dengan A: Do you like it? lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk narrative dan B: Yes I do recount
A: Have you done it?
9. Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait tema/topik yang B: Sorry, I haven’t akan dibahas 10. Mendaftar kosakata yang digunakan dalam percakapan A: Do you think it’s good? 11. Menentukan makna kosakata dalam B: I think so / Sorry, I daftar can’t say anything 12. Menggunakan kosakata dalam kalimat A: Would you like some... 13. Tanya jawab menggunakan ungkapan – B: Yes, please / No, ungkapan terkait thanks 14. Menirukan ungkapan yang diucapkan guru 15. Mendengarkan percakapan 16. Menjawab Percakapan yang pertanyaan tentang memuat ungkapanpercakapan ungkapan berikut: A: What if it I do it again. B: Fine, with me. A: I have to go now. B: Do you have to? A: .......... B: Right / I see / Hm...m.
Hello, excuse me ..... Did you? / Were you
Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks monolog narative
Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks naratif
Tes t
Materi Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Pokok/Pembelajaran
? Thanks/ Bye.../ See you.
Could I speak to .... please? Well, I’m calling to.... Nice talking to you
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 9. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
Materi Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar 9.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam Percakapan singkat memuat percakapan ungkapan – ungkapan : transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek A: Do you mind lending me sederhana dengan some money? menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara B: No, problems akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan A: Can I have a bit? lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak B: Sure, here you are. tutur: meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak A: Here is some money for barang, meminta, you. memberi dan mengingkari informasi, B: Sorry, I can’t take this. meminta, memberi, dan menolak pendapat, dan menawarkan / menerima / menolak A: Do you like it ? sesuatu 9.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, memberi persetujuan,
B: Yes, I do.
Mengembangkan kosakata terkait dengan jenis ungkapan dan tema/topik yang terkait
Tanya jawab tentang berbagai hal menggunakan ungkapan terkait materi/topik.tema yang di pillih
Menirukan ungkapanungkapan terkait materi yang diucapkan guru Latihan bertanya dan menjawab menggunakan ungkapan yang telah dipelajari secara berpasangan Bermain peran melakukan percakapan berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan
A: Have you done it? B:No, I haven’t.
A: Do you think it’s good? B: I think it is / Sorry I can’t say any thing
1. Tanya jawab menggunakan berbagai kosakata dan ungkapan yang telah dipelajari 2. Mendengarkan yang memuat ungkapanungkapan yang telah dipelajari 3. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang isi percakapan 4. Menjawab pertanyaan
Bertanya dan menjawab tentang meminta,memberi,me nolak jasa Bertanya dan menjawab tentang meminta,memberi,me nolak barang
Bertanya dan menjawab tentang meminta,memberi dan mengingkari informasi
Bertanya dan menjawab tentang meminta,memberi dan menolak pendapat
Bertanya dan menjawab tentang menawarkan,meneri ma,menolak sesuatu
Bertanya dan menjawab tentang meminta,memberi persetujuan Bertanya dan menjawab tentang merespon pernyataan Bertanya dan
Materi Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar merespon pernyataan, A: Would you like some .....? memberi perhatian B: Yes, please / No, Thanks terhadap pembicara, mengawali, memperpanjang, dan menutup percakapan, serta mengawali, memperpanjang, dan menutup percakapan telepon
tentang makna dan fungsi ungkapan terkait 5. Menggunakan ungkapan – ungkapan terkait berdasarkan konteks 6. Bermain peran mengunakan ungkapan yang telah dipelajari
menjawab tentang memberi perhatian terhadap lawan bicara
Mengawali,memperp anjang menutup percakapan
Teks percakapan memuat ungkapan berikut: A: what if I do it again? B: Fine with me.
A: I Must go now B: Do you have to?
Right. I see. Hm...m yeah
Hello,excuse me Did you? / Were you? Thanks/ Bye / see you Could I speak to ..? Well,I’m calling to ...? Nice talking to you.
Mengawali,memperp anjang menutup percakapan telepon
Materi Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
Materi Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar 10.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks Teks fungsional pendek 1. lisan fungsional : pendek sederhana - Undangan dengan menggunakan ragam - Pengumuman 2. bahasa lisan secara - Pesan singkat akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar 3.
10.2 Mengungkap kan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative
Teks monolog berbentuk narrative
Review kosakata dan ungkapan yang digunakan dalam teks fungsional pendek terkait materi Membuat kalimat sederhana untuk: - mengundang - mengumumkan - memberi pesan Membahas gambitgambit yang sering muncul dalam teks fungsional terkait Membuat secara lisan: - undangan - pengumuman - pesan singkat
Review kosakata dan tata bahasa terkait jenis teks narrative dan tema yang dipilih Membuat kalimat sederhana secara lisan terkait ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks narrative - simple past - past continuous - temporal conjunctions - connective words - adverbs - adjectives Melakukan percakapan terkait cerita populer di kotanya menggunakan gambit-gambit yang sesuai. Contoh: Really? That’s terrible!, How then?, First,...., then...., finally...
Mengungkapkan secara lisan teks fungsional : Pengumuman - Undangan - Pesan singkat Bertanya dan menjawab secara lisan berbagai info dalam teks pengumuman, undangan, pesan singkat
Tes li
Melakukan monolog pendek sederhana dalam bentuk narrative dan recount
Tes li
Materi Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar 4.
Menceritakan kembali teks narative yang pernah didengar Menceritakan berdasarkan Gambar cerita populer.
Standar Kompetensi : Membaca 11. Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
Materi Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar 11.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan essai pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar 11.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan nararative
Teks Essai berbentuk 1. narrative / recount
Ciri kebahasaan Teks Essai berbentuk narrative / recount
Tujuan komunikatif teks essai narratif / recount
Langkah retorika narrative / recount
11.2 Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar
3. 4.
Tanya jawab mengembangkan kosakata berdasarkan gambar cerita popular Tanya jawab menggali informasi dalam cerita berdasarkan gambar Mendengarkan teks narrative / recount yang dibaca guru Membaca nyaring teks narrative / recount dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang benar Menjawab berbagai pertanyaan tentang informasi dalam teks yang di baca Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks narrative / recount yang di baca Menentukan langkah retorika dari teks narrative / recount yang di baca Menentukan ciri kebahasaan teks narrative / recount yang di baca Membaca teks narrative / recount lainnya
Mencermati teks fungsional pendek terkait materi Menyebutkan jenis teks fungsional yang dicermati Membaca nyaring teks fungsional terkait materi Menjawab pertanyaan tentang informasi yang terdapat dalam teks Menyebutkan ciri-ciri
Membaca nyaring dan bermakna teks essai berbentuk narrative / recount
Mengidentifikasi berbagai makna teks narrative / recount
Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks narrative / recount
Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks narrative / recount
Meringkas text narrative dengan bahasa sendiri
Tes l
Tes tuli
Materi Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar
Teks fungsional : - undangan
teks fungsional yang dibaca Membaca teks fungsional pendek lainnya dari berbagai sumber
Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional
Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks fungsional
Mengindentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional
- pengumuman - pesan
Tujuan komunikatif
Ciri kebahasaan
Tes t
Materi Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar
Standar Kompetensi : Menulis 12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
Materi Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pokok/Pembelajaran Dasar 12.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
Teks fungsional :
- undangan - pengumuman
- pesan singkat
3. 4.
12.2. Mengungkap kan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar berbentuk recount dan narrative
4. 5.
Teks Essai narrative / recount Ciri kebahasaan teks narrative / recount Langkah retorika teks narrative / recount
Mengetahui: Salatiga, 05 Juli 2015 Kepala MTs Aswaja Tengaran Guru Mata Pelajaran,
Review tujuan komunikatif dan ciriciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek terkait materi Menulis kalimat sederhana untuk mengundang, mengumumkan, pesan singkat Melengkapi taeks fungsional pendek Menulis teks fungsional pendek
Menulis teks fungsional pendek berbentuk : - Pengumuman - Undangan - pesan singkat
Review ciri kebahasaan teks narrative Membuat kalimat sederhana terkait teks narrative Mengembangkan langkah retorika teks recount dan narrative Membuat draft teks recount dan narrative Menulis teks recount Menulis teks pendek dan dan narrative sederhana dalam bentuk berdasarkan draft yang dibuat narrative dengan langkah Memajang hasil retorika yang benar tulisan di dinding
Tes t
RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP) Satuan Pendidikan Kelas/Semester Mata Pelajaran Siklus Pertemuan KeAlokasi Waktu
: MTs Aswaja Tengaran : VIII A/2 : Bahasa Inggris : Reading/ Narrative Text :1 : 2 x 40 menit
B. STANDAR KOMPETENSI 11. Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. C. KOMPETENSI DASAR 11.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan essai pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar. 11.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan nararative. D. INDIKATOR PENCAPAIAN KOMPETENSI 1. Membaca nyaring dan bermakna teks essai berbentuk narrative 2. Mengidentifikasi berbagai makna teks narrative 3. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks narrative 4. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks narrative 5. Mengidentifikasi langkah membuat kesimpulan per- paragraf dari teks narrative E. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat: 1. Membaca nyaring dan bermakna teks essai berbentuk Narrative 2. Mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks berbentuk Narrative 3. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks berbentuk Narrative 156
4. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks berbentuk Narrative 5. Mengidentifikasi langkah membuat kesimpulan per- paragraf dari teks Narrative
F. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN Narrativae Text Definition of narrative text Narrative is a text which retells the story or previous experiences..Narrative text presents a story of sequence events which involves characters. Narrative text presents an imaginative story. The purpose of the text is to entertain or amuse readers or listeners. Generic Structure: a. Orientation : The introduction of the characters who involve in the story, time, and the place where the story takes a place. b. Complication : A series of events in which the main character attempts to solve the problem c. Resolution : The ending of the story containing the problem solution d. Re-orientation/ Coda: Closing remark to the story, it consists of moral lesson. Language Features: a. Past tense (killed, called, etc) b. Adverb of time (one day, last night, three years ago etc) c. Time conjunction (when, suddenly, then, etc) d. Specific character not general e. Direct speech. It is to make lively the story
Example of Narrative text. The Legend of Roro Jonggrang Roro Jonggrang was a very beautiful princess from Javanese kingdom, Prambanan Kingdom hundred years ago. Her famous beauty was known throughtout the country, and princes from far adn different land and kingdoms came to propose her. But she refused all their proposal, many princes returned brokenhearted. There was a famous prince, namaaely prince Bandung Bondowoso. He was famous by his strength, power and good looking. He owned a big kingdom with thousand of soldiers.he heard about Roro Jonggrang’s amazing beauty and he wanted to propose her. Having heard that Prince Bandung Bondowoso was coming to marry her, Roro Jonggrang grew
worried. She disliked the idea of getting married, however, she knew the consequence if she refused the proposal. Bandung Bondowoso could attack her kingdom if she dissapointed him. So, when Bondowoso arrived and proposed her, she was willing to accept it with one condition. Bandung Bondowoso had to make her 1000 temples in one night time. If he failed, then Roro Jonggrang would not marry him. He agreed to fullfill Jonggrang’s wish and started to work immadiately. He used his power to call all the genies and asked them to help him making a thousand temples in one night. He asked them to keep working to complete the temple until the rooster crowed the next morning. Soon, the temples was almost complete, it made Roro Jonggrang worried. She tried to think any way to fail Bandung Bondowoso. Finally, she got an idea. She lighted up the candle and carried it to the chicken coop where the rooster slept. When the rooster saw the candle, it thought that it was almost dawn and the sun was going to rise soon. The rooster quickly got up and in a second, it crowed. The working genies heard the rooster and thought that the morning had come. Instantly, they stopped working and dissapeared leaving the undone temples. There was 999 temples that complete. Bondowoso was disappointed to see that. He was very mad. When he found out that it was the work of roro Jonggrang, he came to her and cursed her into a stone. Until now, It was known as Prambanan Temples. G. METODE PEMBELAJARAN The gist strategy Discussion H. LANGKAH- LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN Pendahuluan (10’) Guru mendampingi doa
Guru mengucapkan salam dan tegur sapa
Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa (presensi)
Guru menyampaikan kegunaan materi yang akan dipelajari dalam kehidupan sehari-hari (khususnya yang berkaitan dengan kompetensi dasar).
Kegiatan Inti Eksplorasi (20’)
Guru membuat contoh narrative text secara tertulis, (kerja keras)
Siswa mencatat pengertian dan contoh tersebut, (kerja keras)
Guru menjelaskan fungsi narrative text, dan keseluruhan isi text tersebut ( main idea, supporting details, ) (tanggung jawab)
Elaborasi (40’)
Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca contoh narrative text (disediakan oleh guru) (kerja keras)
Guru memberikan contoh bagaimana cara meringkas menggunakan gist strategy.
Guru meminta siswa untuk meringkas contoh narrative text tersebut dengan bahasa mereka sendiri secara berkelompok. -
Menentukan main idea Menggaris bawahi kata yang penting Mulai meringkas dengan bahasa sendiri
Guru memberikan pembahasan dan penjelasan terhadap tugas yang diberikan, (tanggung jawab, peduli)
Siswa boleh bertanya pada guru tentang kosakata yang mereka anggap sulit, ,(rasa ingin tahu)
Konfirmasi (15’)
Guru mengecek hasil tugas yang telah dikerjakan oleh siswa (rasa ingin tahu disiplin)
Guru meminta siswa untuk mempresentasikan tugas yang telah mereka kerjakan., (mandiri, kerja keras)
Penutup (5’)
Membimbing siswa untuk merangkum materi yang baru saja disajikan ( peduli)
Guru menutup pertemuan dengan doa (religious)
I. SUMBER/ALAT PEMBELAJARAN Sumber : Buku yang relevan ,
Alat : White board, board marker, paper text narrative. J. INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN IndikatorPencapaianKompete nsi
TeknikPenilai an
1. Membaca nyaring dan Tes Tulis bermakna teks essai berbentuk narrative
Bentuk Instrume n Presentasi tulisan
Read and Summarize the story use your own word! 1. The Legend of Rawa Pening K. PETUNJUK PENILAIAN a. Rubrik Penilaian Element
b. Standard of each element Excellent
Very good
Instrument/So al Read, then write the summary of the narrative text
Tengaran, 15 Pebruari 2016 Mengatahui, Kepala MTs Aswaja
Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris
Khabibah, S. Ag. NIP. -
Hafidz Zein Ahmad, S. Pd. I NIP. -
RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP) Satuan Pendidikan Kelas/Semester Mata Pelajaran Siklus Pertemuan KeAlokasi Waktu
: MTs Aswaja Tengaran : VIII A/2 : Bahasa Inggris : Reading/ Narrative Text :2 : 2 x 40 menit
L. STANDAR KOMPETENSI 11. Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. M. KOMPETENSI DASAR 11.2 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan essai pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar.
11.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan nararative. N. INDIKATOR PENCAPAIAN KOMPETENSI 6. Membaca nyaring dan bermakna teks essai berbentuk narrative 7. Mengidentifikasi berbagai makna teks narrative 8. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks narrative 9. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks narrative 10. Mengidentifikasi langkah membuat kesimpulan per- paragraf dari teks narrative O. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat: 6. Membaca nyaring dan bermakna teks essai berbentuk Narrative 7. Mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks berbentuk Narrative
8. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks berbentuk Narrative 9. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks berbentuk Narrative 10. Mengidentifikasi langkah membuat kesimpulan per- paragraf dari teks Narrative
P. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN Narrativae Text a. Definition of narrative text Narrative is a text which retells the story or previous experiences..Narrative text presents a story of sequence events which involves characters. Narrative text presents an imaginative story. The purpose of the text is to entertain or amuse readers or listeners. b. Generic Structure 1. Orientation: sets the scene and introduces the participants (characters) of the story, the time and place where the story happened (who, what,when and where ). 2. Complication: a crisis arises. A series of events in which the main character attempts to solve the problem. 3. Resolution: the crisis is resolved, for better or worse. 4. Re-orientation: it is optional. The ending of the story. It sometimes contains the solution. c. Language features 1. Usually uses Past tense (killed, called, etc) 2. Adverb of time (one day, last night, three years ago etc) 3. Time conjunction (when, suddenly, then, etc) 4. Specific character not general 5. Direct speech. It is to make lively the story d. Kinds of Narrative Text 1. Folklore (cerita rakyat) 2. Legend (legenda) 3. Myth (mitos) 4. Fable (fabel) 5. Short Story (cerita pendek) Q. METODE PEMBELAJARAN The GIST Strategy R. LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN
Pendahuluan (10’) Guru mendampingi doa
Guru mengucapkan salam dan tegur sapa
Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa (presensi)
Guru menyampaikan kegunaan materi yang akan dipelajari dalam kehidupan sehari-hari (khususnya yang berkaitan dengan kompetensi dasar).
Kegiatan Inti Eksplorasi (20’)
Guru memberikan contoh narrative text.
Siswa mencatat pengertian dan contoh tersebut.
Guru menjelaskan fungsi narrative text, dan keseluruhan isi text tersebut ( main idea, supporting details, ) .
Elaborasi (40’)
Guru membagikan script narrative text kepada siswa.
Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca text tersebut.
Guru meminta siswa untuk meringkas contoh narrative text tersebut dengan bahasa mereka sendiri secara individu. (use the GIST Strategy) Langlah- langkah GIST strategy: 1. Siswa menentukan main idea/ inti cerita dari tiap- tiap paragraph. 2. Siswa meringkas tiap- tiap paragraf menjadi kurang lebih 20 kata (menggunakan bahasa sendiri). 3. Siswa membuat ringkasan baru (dari tiap-tiap paragraf yang sudah diringkas) menjadi 20 kata atau kurang.
Siswa boleh bertanya pada guru tentang kosakata yang mereka anggap sulit.
Konfirmasi (15’)
Guru mengecek hasil tugas yang telah dikerjakan oleh siswa.
Guru meminta siswa untuk mempresentasikan tugas yang telah mereka kerjakan.
Penutup (5’)
Membimbing siswa untuk merangkum materi yang baru saja disajikan.
Guru menutup pertemuan dengan doa.
SUMBER/ALAT PEMBELAJARAN Sumber : Buku yang relevan( Erlangga, Fokus UN 2016),
Alat : White board, board marker, paper text narrative. INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN IndikatorPencapaianKompete nsi
TeknikPenilai an
2. Membaca nyaring dan Tes Tulis bermakna teks essai berbentuk narrative
Bentuk Instrume n Presentasi tulisan
Instrument/So al Read, then write the summary of the narrative text
A. PETUNJUK PENILAIAN a. Rubrik Penilaian Element
b. Standard of each element Excellent
Very good
Tengaran, 22 Pebruari 2016 165
Mengatahui, Kepala MTs Aswaja
Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris
Khabibah, S. Ag. NIP. -
Hafidz Zein Ahmad, S. Pd. I NIP. -
Pre- test Name :
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A. Multiple Choice Read the following text to answer question 1-5 The Ant and the Dove One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around for some time, she came to a spring. To reach the spring she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell into the water. She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not helped her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly plucked a leaf and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed onto it. Soon, it carried her safely to dry land. Just at that moment, a hunter nearby was casting his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it. Guessing what he has about to do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net. Quickly, the dove flew away safety. (Source: My favourite Fable- Kuala Lumpur)
1. What kind of text is the text above? a. Descriptive Text b. Recount Text c. Narrative Text d. Procedure Text 2. What is the purpose of the text? a. To inform the readers about the ant b. To describe the job of a hunter c. To describe a dove d. To entertain the readers 3. What did the dove do to save the ant? a. It climbed the nearby tree b. It saw the ant struggling 167
c. It dropped a leaf d. It carried the ant to dry land 4. Which statement is TRUE according to the text? a. The dove bit the hunter on the heel b. Both animals were finally safe c. The hunter killed the dove d. The ant bit the dove 5. What can we learn from the story? a. One good turn deserves another b. Don’t be greedy or you may lose c. When there is a will, there is a way d. It is wise to plan ahead for hard time Read the following text to answer question 6-10
Snow White Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents were dead. One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White. Snow White didn’t want her uncle and aunt to do that so she decided that it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away into the woods. She was very tired and hungry. Then she saw a little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep. Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, “What is your name?” Snow White said, “My name is Snow White.” Then, Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story. The dwarfs said, “If you want, you may live here with us.” Snow White answered, “Oh, could I? Thank you.” Finally, Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after. (Source:
6. Why Snow White ran away to the woods? a. Her parents passed away b. Her uncle was angry with her c. Her uncle and aunt would go to America d. Snow White was happy to run away 7. When did Snow White run away to the woods? a. In the afternoon b. In the morning c. In the evening d. In the middle of night
8. Where did Snow White live after she ran away to the woods? a. She lived in the dwarfs’ cottage b. She lived everywhere in the woods c. She lived in the cave d. She lived on the street 9. How many dwarf live in that cottage? a. Four dwarfs b. Five dwarfs c. Six dwarfs d. Seven dwarfs 10. According to the text, before she ran away into the woods, why did Snow White live with her uncle and aunt? a. Because she loved them very much b. As a result of forcing attitude from them c. Because her parents were dead d. Because she were afraid of the dwarfs B. Essay Read the text carefully and answer these question! Once upon a time, there was a man who was living in north Sumatra. He lived in a simple hut in a farming field. He did some gardening and fishing for his daily life. One day, while the man was do fishing, he caught a big golden fish in his trap. It was the biggest catch which he ever had in his life. Surprisingly, this fish turned into a beautiful princess. He felt in love with her and proposed her to be his wife. She said; "Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone about the secret that I was once a fish, otherwise there will be a huge disaster". The man made the deal and they got married, lived happily and had a daughter. Few years later, this daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out in the fields. One day, his daughter was so hungry and she ate his father’s lunch. Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, and shouted; “You damned daughter of a fish”. The daughter ran home and asked her mother. The mother started crying, felt sad that her husband had broken his promise. Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster was about to come. When her daughter left, she prayed. Soon there was a big earthquake followed by non-stop pouring rain. The whole area got flooded and became Toba Lake. She turned into a fish again and the man became the island of Samosir. 1. What is the story about?
2. 3. 4. 5.
What is the man caught when fishing? Where is Toba Lake located? Why the man shouted to his daughter? What is the last paragraph tell you about?
The Legend Of Rawa Pening Once upon a time, there was a little poor boy came into a little village. He was very hungry and weak. He knocked at every door and asked for some food, but nobody cared about him. Nobody wanted to help the little boy. Finally, a generous woman helped him. She gave him shelter and a meal. When the boy wanted to leave, this old woman gave him a “lesung”, a big wooden mortar for pounding rice. She reminded him, “please remember, if there is a flood you must save yourself. Use this “lesung” as a boat”. The boy was happy and thanked the old woman. The little boy continued his journey. While he was passing through the village, he saw many people gathering on the field. The boy came closer and saw a stick stuck in the ground. People challenged each other to pull out that stick. Everybody tried, but nobody succeeded. “Can I try?” asked the little boy. The crowd laughed mockingly. The boy wanted to try his luck so he stepped forward and pulled out the stick. He could do it very easily. Everybody was dumbfounded. Suddenly, from the hole left by stick, water spouted out. It did not stop until it flooded the village. And no one was saved from the water except the little boy and the generous old woman who gave him shelter and meal. As she told him, he used the “lesung” as a boat and picked up the old woman. The whole village became a huge lake. It is now known as Rawa Pening Lake in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. 6. What did the little boy do in a little village? 7. Who helped the little boy? 8. What is “Lesung”? 9. How could the little boy and the old woman saved from the flood? 10. Where is Rawa Pening Lake?
KEY ANSWER PRE- TEST A. Multiple Choice 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A
6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C
B. Essay 1. The story is about how Toba lake was created 2. A big golden fish 3. North Sumatra 4. Because his daughter ate his lunch 5. Haow the disaster come and create a Toba Lake. The fish turned into a fish and the man became the island of Samosir. 6. He knocked at every door and asked for some food, but nobody cared about him. 7. A generous woman 8. Lesung is a big wooden mortar for pounding rice. 9. He used “lesung” as a boat and picked up the old woman. 10. Rawa Pening Lake located in Salatiga, central Java, Indonesia.
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C. Multiple Choice Read the following text to answer question 1-5 Timun Emas Long time ago in a small village, there was an old woman, named mbok Srini, who lived alone. Her husband had died and she did not have a child. However, she really want to have a child. Until one day, Buto Ijo, an evil giant, heard that wished. Buto Ijo gave her a cucumber seed. He said that if the cucumber seed was planted, it would grow to be a big cucumber. Later, there would be a beautiful baby in the big cucumber. However, he would give the seed if Mbok Srini agreed to hand over the baby when she turn to 16 years old. Mbok Srini was not sure about that, but she finally agred. She went back home and planted the seed in front of her house. When she saw the seed in the next morning, she found a big gold cucumber in her yard. She was so happy and cut the cucumber instantly. When she opened the cucumber, there was a beautiful baby girl. Mbok Srini named the baby Timun Emas. Mbok Srini felt that she finally had someone to cherish, she and Timun Emas lived in happiness. When Timun Emas turned 16 years old, her mom told her about the agreement she made with Buto Ijo. Timun Emas was shocked to hear that. They decided to visit hermit. The hermit then gave Timun Emas seeds to conquer Buto Ijo. In the next day, Buto Ijo came to their house. Timun Emas immediately ran to the jungle. Seeing that, Buto Ijo ran after her. Timun Emas threw the first seed, and it became a cucumber field which twisted the giant. She threw the second seed, and it became needle field that hurt the giant. She threw the third seed, and it became a sea that sank the giant. Finally, she threw the last seed, and it became a muddy lake that drowned the giant. Timun Emas finally beat the giant and she went back home safely.
1. Who is Buto Ijo? a. An old woman b. An evil giant c. A big gold cucumber d. A hermit 2. When she opened the cucumber, there was ... ? (paragraph 2) a. A beautiful baby girl b. A several snakes c. A Buto Ijo d. A cucumber seed 3. When Mbok Srini should hand over Timun Emas to Buto Ijo? a. When Timun Emas turned to a hermit b. When Timun Emas turned to an old woman c. When timun Emas got married d. When Timun Emas turned to 16 years old 4. How many seeds that the hermit gave to Timun Emas? a. A seed b. Two seeds c. Three seeds d. Four seeds 5. What is the last paragraph mainly tells about? a. Buto Ijo could catch Timun Emas b. Buto Ijo and Timun Emas being a friend c. Timun Emas could beat Buto Ijo and back home safely d. Timun Emas ran to the sea Read the following text to answer question 6-10 The Lion and The Mouse Once when a lion was asleep, a little mouse began up and down upon him; this soon awoke the lion, who placed his huge paw upon the mouse, and opened his big jaws to swallow him. “Pardon, O King “cried the little mouse “forgive me this time. I shall never forget it: who knows I may be able to do you a good turn some of these days? ”. The lion was so tickled at the idea of the mouse being able to help him. Then he lifted up his paw and let him go. On day the lion was caught in a trap. Some hunters who to carry him alive to the king, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him in. Just then the little mouse happened to pass by and 174
see the sad plight in which the lion was. The little mouse went up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the king of the beats. Soon the little mouse had finished growing away the ropes, he asked the lion to run away. 6. What is the moral lesson from the text? a. Don’t look at someone because of his clothes b. It is best to prepare for the days of necessity c. Common people may prove great ones d. United we stand, divided we fall 7. Paragraph three mainly tells that…. a. The little mouse asked forgiveness b. The hunters carried the lion alive to the king c. The lion was tied to a tree by the hunters d. The little mouse could prove that he could help the lion 8. What did the little mouse do to prove his words? a. He would never forget the lion. b. He tried hard to help the lion free. c. He ran up and down upon the lion d. He asked for apology to the king of the beast 9. The word “huge” (paragraph 1) means ….. a. very old b. very large c. very tall d.very Tiny 10. What kind of narrative text is the text above? a. Myth b. Legend c. Fairytale d. Fable
D. Essay Read the text carefully and answer these question! Snow White Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents were dead.
One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White. Snow White didn’t want her uncle and aunt to do that so she decided that it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away into the woods. She was very tired and hungry. Then she saw a little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep. Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, “What is your name?” Snow White said, “My name is Snow White.” Then, Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story. The dwarfs said, “If you want, you may live here with us.” Snow White answered, “Oh, could I? Thank you.” Finally, Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after. 1. Why Snow White run away to the woods? 2. When did Snow White run away to the woods? 3. Where did Snow White live after she ran away to the woods? 4. How many dwarf life in the cottage? 5. What is finally happened to Snow White? Read the text carefully and answer these question! The Legend of Roro Jonggrang Roro Jonggrang was a very beautiful princess from Javanese kingdom, Prambanan Kingdom hundred years ago. Her famous beauty was known throughtout the country, and princes from far and different land and kingdoms came to propose her. But she refused all their proposal, many princes returned brokenhearted. There was a famous prince, namely prince Bandung Bondowoso. 176
He was famous by his strength, power and good looking. He owned a big kingdom with thousand of soldiers.he heard about Roro Jonggrang’s amazing beauty and he wanted to propose her. Having heard that Prince Bandung Bondowoso was coming to marry her, Roro Jonggrang grew worried. She disliked the idea of getting married, however, she knew the consequence if she refused the proposal. Bandung Bondowoso could attack her kingdom if she dissapointed him. So, when Bondowoso arrived and proposed her, she was willing to accept it with one condition. Bandung Bondowoso had to make her 1000 temples in one night time. If he failed, then Roro Jonggrang would not marry him. He agreed to fullfill Jonggrang’s wish and started to work immadiately. He used his power to call all the genies and asked them to help him making a thousand temples in one night. He asked them to keep working to complete the temple until the rooster crowed the next morning. Soon, the temples was almost complete, it made Roro Jonggrang worried. She tried to think any way to fail Bandung Bondowoso. Finally, she got an idea. She lighted up the candle and carried it to the chicken coop where the rooster slept. When the rooster saw the candle, it thought that it was almost dawn and the sun was going to rise soon. The rooster quickly got up and in a second, it crowed. The working genies heard the rooster and thought that the morning had come. Instantly, they stopped working and dissapeared leaving the undone temples. There was 999 temples that complete. Bondowoso was disappointed to see that. He was very mad. When he found out that it was the work of roro Jonggrang, he came to her and cursed her into a stone. Until now, It was known as Prambanan Temples. 6. Who is Roro Jonggrang? 7. Why Roro Jonggrang grew worried when she heard that Prince Bandung Bondowoso was coming to marry her? 8. Who is Bandung Bondowoso? 9. What is the condition asked by Roro Jonggrang? 10. What is Roro Jonggrang did to fail Bandung Bondowoso?
KEY ANSWER POST- TEST C. Multiple Choice 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C
6. A 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. D
D. Essay 1. Because her Uncle would go to America 2. She ran away in the morning 3. She lived in the dwarf’s cottage 4. There were seven dwarfs 5. Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after. 6. A very beautiful princess from javanese kingdom 7. Because she dislike the idea of getting married. 8. He is a famous prince who owned a bog kingdom with thousand soldiers 9. She asked Bandung Bondowoso to make her a 1000 temples in one night time 10. She lighted up the candle and brcarriead it to the chicken coop.
: Lailatul Muntafi’ah
Fakultas : Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan
:113- 11- 076
: Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Dosen P. A : Haryo Aji Nugroho, S. Sos.
No. 1
Jenis Kegiatan
Orientasi Pengenalan Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan (OPAK) oleh DEMA STAIN Salatiga Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) “Membangun Mahasiswa Cerdas Emosi, Spiritual, dan Intelektual” oleh CEC & Ittaqo STAIN Salatiga Orientasi Dasar Keislaman (ODK) “ menemukan muara sebagai mahasiswa rahmatan lil alamin” oleh STAIN Salatiga Seminar Entrepreneurship dan Koprasi oleh KOPMA & KSEI STAIN Salatiga USER EDUCATION (Pendidikan Pemakai) oleh UPT PERPUSTAKAAN STAIN Salatiga Seminar Grand Opening Nisa’ “ Hypnotheraphy” ( Concentrate Your Mind, Get Your Achievement) oleh LDK Darul Amal Seminar Regional “ Meningkatkan Nasionalisme Ditengah Goncangan Disintegrasi dan Pengikisan Ideologi Nasional” Oleh MENWA STAIN Salatiga
20-22 Agustus 2011
23 Agustus 2011
24 Agustus 2011
25 Agustus 2011
19 September 2011
24 September 2011
26 Oktober 2011
14. 15.
Seminar Nasional “Rahasia Kaya Ilmu, Kaya Hati, Sehat dan Kaya Raya” dan pengusaan bahasa Inggris (50 grammar) tanpa Menulis dan menghafal bersama Grand Master Firda Says Internasional “Nur Firdaus, M.T. oleh K-RIMA INSTITUTE Seminar Regional Kebangsaan “Negara Islam dalam Tinjauan Islam Indonesia dan NKRI” oleh IPNU Kab.Semarang dan PMII Kota Salatiga Penerimaan Anggota Baru (PAB) JQH “ Membangun Pribadi Islami Dengan Nilai Qur’ani” oleh JQH Stain Salatiga CERTIFICATE “Department of Religious Affairs English Education Study Program State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) of Salatiga” Seminar Regional “ Urgensi Media dalam Mencerahkan Umat” Oleh LDK Darul Amal STAIN Salatiga Seminar Regional “Peran Mahasiswa dalam Mengawal BLSM ( BLT ) Tepat Sasaran” Oleh DEMA STAIN Salatiga Sertifikat “ Akhirussanah Ma’had Stain Salatiga” Sarasehan Nasional “ Peran Mahasiswa dalam Realita dan Idealitas Bangsa” Oleh DEMA STAIN Salatiga Pendidikan dan Latihan Calon Pramuka Pandega ke- 22 ( PLCPP XXII) Oleh Racana Kusuma Dilaga-Woro Srikandhi STAIN Salatiga Short Course on TOEFL Preparation Focusing on Structure and Written Expression Test oleh PonPes. Salafiyah Pulutan, Salatiga 182
30 Oktober 2011
30 November 2011
3- 4 Desember 2011
28 April 2012
30 April 2012
03 Mei 2012
07 Juni 2012
01 Juli 2012
12- 15 Oktober 2012
09- 16 Februari 2012
Short Course on TOEFL Preparation Focusing on Structure and Written Expression Test oleh PonPes. Salafiyah Pulutan, Salatiga Penataran Ustadz/Pengelola TKATPA Tingkat Dasar “Manajemen dan Administrasi TKA-TPA, Metodologi IQRO’ dan Pengelolaan Kelas” oleh Yayasan Team Tadarus “AMM” Yogyakarta Kursus Singkat “TOEFL Focusing on Listening” oleh bagian Bahasa PonPes Salafiyah Pulutan Salatiga Kursus Singkat “TOEFL Focusing on Reading Comprehension” oleh Bagian Bahasa Ponpes Salafiyah Pulutan Salatiga Seminar Nasional “ Minimnya Pasokan Energi dalam Negeri; Pembatasan Subsidi BBM dan Peran Masyarakat dalam Penghematan Energi” Oleh HMJ Tarbiyah dan Syari’ah STAIN Salatiga Seminar Nasional “ How to Develop the Best Generation” Oleh CEC STAIN Salatiga Sosialisasi dan Silaturahim Nasional “ Sosialisasi UU No. 1 TH 2013, Peran Serta fungsi OJK”, “ Peran Pemerintah dalam Pengawasan LKM (Lembaga Keuangan Mikro) Oleh HMJ Tarbiyah dan Syari’ah STAIN Salatiga Pendidikan Anggota Dasar Al Khidmah JATENG “ Ciptakan Karakter Mahasiswa berwawasan Nusantara Berakhlaq Mulia” Oleh Al Khidmah Kampus Indonesia Pendidikan Anggota Dasar “ Menciptakan Karakter Mahasiswa Berwawasan Nusantara Berakhlak Mulia” Oleh Al Khidmah Kampus 183
09- 16 Februari 2012
17 Maret 2013
24 Maret 2013
01 Juni 2013
30 September 2013
9- 30 November 2013
28- 29 Desember 2013
10 Maret 2013
20 April 2013
Kota Salatiga Sarasehan Akbar “Komitmen Politik Islam dalam Menata Arah Masa Depan Bangsa Indonesia” Oleh LDMI PB HMI Salatiga
15 Maret 2014
Pelatihan Strategi Penanganan Anak ABK dengan Terapi ABA ( Applied Behavior Analysis) Oleh Biro Konsultasi Psikollogi TAZKIA STAIN Salatiga
28 Maret 2014
KKL Progdi TBI “CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: How to engage students in the classroom by IALF Bali Language Centre
18 juni 2014
Talk Show “ Ciptakan Karakter Mahasiswa Religius dan 19 September 2014 Berakhlaq Mulia” Oleh Al Khidmah Kampus Kota Salatiga Seminar Nasional “Peran Mahasiswa Dalam Mengawal Masa Depan Indonesia Pasca Pilpres 2014” oleh DEMA (Dewan 29 September 2014 Mahasiswa) STAIN Salatiga Seminar Nasional “Perbaikan Mutu Pendidikan Melalui Profesionalitas Pendidikan” Oleh HMJ Tarbiyah STAIN Salatiga
13 November 2014
Pendidikan Anggota Dasar Al Khidma Kampus Kota Salatiga Oleh AL Khidmah Kampus Kota Salatiga
06- 07 desember 2014
KKN IAIN SALATIGA 2015 “ Silaturohmi dan Pelatihan Ustadz/ Ustadzah TPA se- Desa Bojong” Oleh Tim AMM Kota Gede Yogyakarta
12 April 2015
Seminar Nasional “ Understanding the World by Understanding the Language and the Culture” Oleh CEC IAIN Salatiga
04 Juni 2015
Personal Data: Name
: 113 11 076
Place and date of Birth
: Demak, 02 Desember 1992
: Kalisari utara Rt. 05 Rw. 05 Sayung, Demak, Central Java 59563
Phone Number
: 0858-787-113-48
[email protected]
Education Background: 1. Kalisari Kindergarten, Kalisari Sayung Demak. Graduated in 1998. 2. State Elementary School of Kalisari 1, Kalisari Sayung Demak. Graduated in 2003. 3. Islamic Junior High School of Amdadiyah, Karang Rejo, Gampeng Rejo, Kediri, East Java. Graduated in 2006. 4. Senior High School of Ky Ageng Giri, Girikusumo, Banyumeneng, Mranggen, Demak. Graduated in 2010. State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga, St. Tentara Pelajar No. 2 Salatiga. Graduated in 2016.