THE EFFECT OF USING BLENDED LEARNING MODEL ON STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION OF EXPOSITION TEXT. (A Quasi-experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan in the 2015-2016 Academic Year.)
“A Skripsi”
By: Derin Periyana 1112014000032
ABSTRACK Derin Periyana (1112014000032). The Effect of Using Blended Learning Model on Students’ Reading Comprehension of Exposition Text. (A Quasiexperimental Study at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan in the 2015-2016 Academic Year). Skripsi of Departement of English Education at Faculty of Educational Sciences of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2016. Advisor I
: Dr. Atiq Susilo, M.A.
Advisor II : Sunardi Kartowisastro, Dipl.Ed.
The aim of this study was to find emperical evidance whether teaching using blended learning model was effective or not on students’ reading comprehension of exposition text. This study used quantitaive method and quasi-experiment design. The sample of this study was two classes which was devided into experimental class and controlled class. XI IPS 2 as experimental class consisted 30 students and XI IPS 3 as controlled class consisted. The sample was taken by using purposive sampling. Students in experimental class were taught by using blended learning model while the controlled class without using blended learning model. The isntrument was test and it was devided into pre-test and post-test. The data among pre-test, post-test and gained score were analyzed by using t-test. The pre-test result showed that there was no significant deferences between both classes. Then post-test showed that p=0,101 and it was grater than α=0,05, it meant no significance deffernces in both classes. Furthermore, gained score result showed that p= 0,466 and it also grater than α=0,05. Moreover based on manual calculation the t0 (tvalue)= 0,762 and tt (ttable)= 1,672, it meant that t0 (tvalue) < tt (ttable) (0,762 < 1,672). Based on the calculation of t-test, it was proved that null hypothesis (H0) was accepted. It meant there was no significant difference of students’ reading comprehension achievement of exposition text between students who were taught through blended learning model and students who were taught without blended learning model. Keywords: Blended Larning, Reading Comprehension and Exposition Text
ABSTRAK Derin Periyana (1112014000032). The Effect of Using Blended Learning Model on Students’ Reading Comprehension of Exposition Text. (A Quasiexperimental Study at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan in the 2015-2016 Academic Year). Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2016. Pembimbing I
: Dr. Atiq Susilo, M.A.
Pembimbing II : Sunardi Kartowisastro, Dipl.Ed.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan bukti empiris apakah pengajaran dengan menggunakan model blended learning adalah efektif atau tidak dalam meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa/i dalam teks eksposisi. Penilitian ini menggunakan metode quantitative dan disain quasi-experimen. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 2 kelas yang dibagi menjadi kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Kelas XI IPS 2 sebagai kelas eksperimen berjumal 30 siswa/i dan XI IPS 3 sebagai kelas kontrol berjumlah 30 siswa/i. Sampel di ambil dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Siswa/i di kelas eksperimen di ajarkan mengunakan model blended learning sedangkan kelas kntrol tanpa mengunakan model blended learning. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes dan tes tersebut di bagi menjadi pre-test dan post-test. Data dari pre-test, post-test dan sekor perolehan di analisa mengunakan t-test. Hasil dari pre-test menunjukan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kedua kelas. Kemudian hasil post-test menunjukan bahwa p= 0,101dan itu lebih besar dari α= 0,05, ini berarti tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan di kedua buah kelas. Selanjutnya, pada skor perolehan menunjukan p=0,466 dan ini juga lebih dari α=0,05. Lebih lanjut, berdasarkan perhitungan manual t0 (tvalue)= 0,762 dan tt (ttable)= 1,672, ini berarti bahwa t0 (tvalue) < tt (ttable) (0,762 < 1,672). Berdasarkan perhitungan t-test di buktokan bahwa null hipotesis (H0) diterima. Berarti tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dari pnecapaian pemahaman membaca siswa/i dalam teks eksposisi antara siswa/i yang diajarkan mengunakan model blended learning dan tanpa blended learning. Kata Kunci: Blended learning, Pemahaman Membaca, dan Teks Eksposisi.
ACKNOWLADGEMENT In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, for blessing the writer and giving knowladge, strength, guidance, marcy, and chance to finish his study. Peace and salutation be upon the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him who has brought mankind from the dark into the light. This research has taken long process to finish it. It would not be finished without the support of the writer family, lecturers, teachers, friends and institution. Moreover, the writer is pleased to acknowladge those people who have helped and supported the writer to finish this research under
the title “The
Effectiveness of Using Blended Learning Model on Students’ Reading Comprehension of Exposition Text. (A Quasi-experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan in the 2015-2016 Academic Year)”. Therefore, hopefully this “Skripsi” will be usefull for the writer to have the degree of “S.Pd”. First of all, the writer would like to express his greatest gratitude to his dearest parents, Mr. Mujiyono and Mrs. Darinah, and also his little brother Mu’arrafih. Furthermore, his deepest gratitude is to his advisors, Dr. Atiq Susilo, M.A., and Sunardi Kartowisastro, Dipl.Ed., for their valuable guidance, suggestion, advice and support for his research. Moreover, his deepest gratitude is also to his academic advisor Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D, for her guidance and suggestion during the writer study at the university. Furthermore, the writer would like to express his sincere gratitude to: 1. All the lecturer especially those of English Education Departent for shering their knowladge and their patience in teaching the writer. 2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., as the head of Department of English Education. 3. Zaharyl Anasy, M.Hum., as the secretary of Department of English Education.
4. Dr. Prof. Ahmad Tahib Raya, M.A., as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training. 5. Mr. Suhermin, M.Si., as the head master at SMA Negeri 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan for giving the writer permission in conducting the research. 6. Mrs. Nina Herlina, S.Pd as the English subject teacher at SMA Negeri 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan for her guidance during conducting the research at school. 7. All Students XI IPS 2 and XI IPS 3 at SMA Negeri 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan academic year 2015-2016 as the writer sample of the research. 8. Khairun Nisa, S.Pd., as the writer closed friend, for her suport and advice to the writer. 9. All friends of the class B in academic year 2012 and also all friends at “Kosan Griya Semanngi” Arief Prayoga, Agung Harisman Yuliyanto, and Andre Anang Pratama, for their freindship and togetherness. Finally the writer relizes that this “skripsi” could not finish without any critiqs and suggestion. Moreover, the writer will be glad to have some suggestion in order to make this “skripsi” better.
Jakarta, 29 December 2016
Derin Periyana
TABLE OF CONTENTS ENDORSMENT SHEET ....................................................................................... i ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... ii ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..................................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................v LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. viii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. ix LIST OF APPENDICES .......................................................................................x CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .........................................................................1 A. Background of the Study ..........................................................................1 B. Identification of the Problem ...................................................................5 C. Limitation of the Problem ........................................................................5 D. The formulation of the Problem ...............................................................5 E. The objective of the Study .......................................................................5 F. Significance of the Study .........................................................................5 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ............................................7 A. Reading ....................................................................................................7 1. General Concept of Reading ..............................................................7 2. Reading Comprehension ....................................................................8 3. Purpose of Reading ............................................................................9 4. Types of Reading ...............................................................................9 5. Elements Affecting Reading Comprehension ...................................10 B. Exposition Text ......................................................................................11 1. Understanding Exposition Text ........................................................11 2. Generic Structure of Exposition Text ..............................................12 3. Grammatical Features of Exposition Text ........................................13 C. Blended Learning ...................................................................................13 1. General Concept of Blended Learning ..............................................13 2. The Strength of Blended Learning ....................................................16 3. The Weaknesses of Blended Learning ..............................................17
4. Designing Blended Learning Program ..............................................18 5. Quipper School as a Online Learning Platform for Blended Learning ............................................................................................20 D. Previous Study ........................................................................................21 E. Framework of Thinking .........................................................................22 F. Theoretical Hypotheses ..........................................................................23 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................24 A. Place and Time of the Research .............................................................24 B. Research Method and Design ................................................................24 C. Population and Sample ...........................................................................26 D. Instrument of the Research......................................................................26 E. Data Collection Techniques ...................................................................27 F. Procedure of Intervention ........................................................................27 G. Techniques of Data Analysis .................................................................28 1. Normality Test .................................................................................28 2. Homogeneity Test ............................................................................28 3. Hypothesis Test ................................................................................28 H. Statistical Hypothesis .............................................................................30 CHAPTER IV: FINDING AND DISCUSSION ...............................................32 A. Description of the Data ...........................................................................32 1. Students’ Score in Pre-test ...............................................................32 2. Students’ Score in Post-test ..............................................................33 3. Students’ Gained Score .....................................................................34 B. Preliminary Analyses ..............................................................................35 1. Normality Test .................................................................................35 a. Pre-test Normality Test ...............................................................35 b. Post-test Normality Test ..............................................................36 2. Homogeneity Test ............................................................................36 a. Pre-test Homogeneity test ............................................................36 b. Post-test Homogeneity test...........................................................37 C. Data Analysis ........................................................................................37
1. Pre-test .............................................................................................37 2. Post-test ............................................................................................38 3. Gained Score .....................................................................................39 D. Hypothesis Testing ...............................................................................42 E. Discussion..............................................................................................43 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ......................................45 A. Conclusion .............................................................................................45 B. Suggestion ..............................................................................................45 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................47 APPENDICES ......................................................................................................50
LIST OF TABLE Table 3.1 Time of Research ...................................................................................24 Table 4.1 The Score of Pre-test .............................................................................32 Table 4.2 The Score of Post-test ...........................................................................33 Table 4.3 The Gained Score ..................................................................................34 Table 4.4 Pre-test Normality Test .........................................................................35 Table 4.5 Post-test Normality Test ........................................................................36 Table 4.6 Pre-test Homogeneity Test ....................................................................36 Table 4.7 Post-test Homogeneity Test ..................................................................37 Table 4.8 Group Statistics of Pretest Score ...........................................................37 Table 4.9 Independent Samples Test of Pre-test Score .........................................37 Table 4.10 Group Statistics of Pre-test Score .......................................................38 Table 4.11 Independent Samples Test of Pre-test Score .......................................38 Table 4.12 Group Statistics of Gained Score ........................................................39 Table 4.13 Independent Samples Test of Gained Score .......................................39
LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 The relationship among blended learning, e-learning, distance learning,and face to face learning .......................................................15 Figure 2.2 A Schematic description of blended learning……………………...…18
LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1 English Subject……………………………………………………50 Appendix 2 ANATES Result of Pre-test……………………………………….54 Appendix 3 ANATES Result of Post-test……………………………………...55 Appendix 4 Kisi-Kisi Soal……………………………………………………..57 Appendix 5Instrument of Pre-test……………………………………………...59 Appendix 6 Instrument of Post-test…………………………………………….65 Appendix 7 Lesson Plan………………………………………………………..71 Appendix 8 Students’ Daily Exercise………………………………………...104 Appendix 9 Steps to Analyze Normality, Homogeneity and T-test Using SPSS…………………………………………………………...…105 Appendix 10 Pre-test Score of Experimental Class…………………………..107 Appendix 11 Pre-test Score of Controlled Class……………………………..108 Appendix 12 Post-test Score of Experimental Class…………………………109 Appendix 13 Post-test Score of Controlled Class……………………………110 Appendix 14 Gained Score of Experimental Class…………………………..111 Appendix 15 Gained Score of Controlled Class……………………………..112 Appendix 16 Comparison of Students Gained Score………………………..113 Appendix 17 Students Score at Quipper-School……………………………..114 Appendix 18 Tabel Nilai Uji Kritis Kolmogrov-Smitnov………………….. 122 Appendix 19 Tabel Fungsi Distribusi pada Distribusi Probabilitas t-Students………………………………………………………123 Appendix 20 Surat Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi……………………………126 Appendix 21 Surat Keterangan Penelitian dari Sekolah…………………….127 Appendix 22 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi……………………………………...128 Appendix 23 Reference Endorsement Sheet……………………………...…130 Appendix 24 Pictures……………………………………………………...…133
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter contains general preview of this study. Those are background of the study, identification of problem, limitation of the problem, the formulation of the problem, the objective of the study, and significance of the study. A. Background of the Study Nowadays, in new era, gadgets and internet become a need for everyday activity. Gadgets and internet as ones of the products of developing technology are possible to help people fulfill their need. For general people, the technology is usually employed for communicating with friends or colleagues in everyday life, until sending credential information. Students these days can also employ technology for importance of their education. For instance, internet provides almost any information to help them learning more about the materials they have learned in school. Likewise, several website on internet offer online courses which is free. Those are possible to be accessed on learning courses platform, such as widely known platform coursera. This is beneficial to help them develop their knowledge. Not only free courses, but also free e-books are frequently found on internet. In Indonesia, the government is concerned with the use of technology in education. It is proven by Ministry of National Education and Culture and its website providing free e-books for students. Here students can freely download Buku Sekolah Elektronik or Electronic School Book. Therefore, every student has the same chance to read and learn from the same school textbook. In addition, access to internet services are often employed to share new information regarding school activities or homework, either by teacher or students. Moreover, students’ familiarity in relation with technology is growing rapidly, especially in Indonesia. According to an observation conducted by the writer in SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan, it is found that most of students are familiar
with internet and gadgets, which in this case are laptop and smart phone. Almost all of them have smart phones and laptop, and they frequently use them to access internet services, usch as sharing new information regarding homework. This is in line with the explanation of Ismail Cawidu as the Communication and Information Minister. According to him, there are 73 million internet users in Indonesia, and half of that number or around 58,4 percent includes the age between 12 and 34. They can spend five hours for online using laptop or personal computer, and about two hours by using mobile device.1 Observing the age of most of the internet users, it is likely that students include in that number. Furthermore, SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan itself understands the importance of having internet access in school area. An interview, which was conducted by the writer, with one of the teachers there revealed that SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan has Wi-Fi signal which can be used freely by the students and teachers. However, despite the advantages and familiarity of the developing technology, there are several problems regarding its utilization. Here the writer finds several problems in relation with the utilization of the developing technology, particularly in its utilization for facilitating teaching and learning of reading comprehension. However, before explaining the problems, the writer tries to explain the reasons of why reading comprehension becomes important to be mastered and therefore becomes the focus skill in this study. The first reason is because reading is one of English skills and it falls into the category of receptive skills. It is therefore important to master it in everyday life since, for instance, it relates with one of the productive skills which is writing skill. Reading comprehension is beneficial for people to help them master writing skill as by having reading comprehension ability, they can receive input of vocabularies they can use in their writing. Not only will people receive vocabulary inputs, but also the knowledge of how to use those vocabularies in appropriate way. The second reason is in according with Indonesian last curriculum. It is stated there that reading must be mastered by students of Junior and Senior High School. 1
Jakarta Post, “Internet Users in Indonesia Reach 73 Million”,, January 21, 2016
To be specific, it is stated in “Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia No.23 Tahun 2006 Tentang Standar Kompetensi Lulusan untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah dalam Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris” that reading is one of skills which must be mastered by students.For senior high school students, a greater demand is put in that skill. The demand includes mastery of recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive and report, news items, spoof, hortatory exposition, discussion and review. Those genres are recount, narrative, procedure,descriptive and report, news items, spoof, hortatory exposition, discussion and review.2 In regards with utilization of developing technology for facilitating teaching and learning of reading comprehension, the writer tries to discuss three problems underlying the importance of employing technology for the teaching. The first problem is most of teachers in SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan only implement traditional model in teaching reading comprehension. They only employ face to face teaching and learning activities in the class. To be specific, most of teachers there only use paper-based or visual-based teaching and learning activities using projector in delivering the materials without using internet as one of technology widely used to develop their teaching media. The second problem is that most of students often do not use internet for academic purpose. According to writer interview with several students in SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan, it is revealed that they only use internet for chatting with their friends, playing video game, or streaming videos which are only for entertainment. It is hardly found that student employs internet access for academic purposes or for online learning. Therefore, it would be more useful if they use internet for online learning, or read beneficial materials which can increase their knowledge and improve their reading comprehension. The third one is time limit in teaching reading. Most of teachers in school commonly have to teach four English skills in limited time. In SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan itself, reading is only taught two meetings per week, with 90 2
Peraturan Mentri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2006,, September 26th 2015.
minutes per meeting. Such amount of learning time is insufficient for students to practice reading. In addition, to acquire successful reading comprehension, students need the presence of many component capabilities since comprehension relies on decoding skill, knowledge in several skill, and cognitive processing capability.3 There are a lot of ways to solve such problem. Yet, the writer believes that an effective way to solve the problem is by using blended learning. Blended learning is the combination of face-to-face traditional instructions and e-learning which part of e-learning opportunities is created online. Blended learning itself is the result of rapid growing of technology and the emergence of internet in educational area. It is a proof that growing realization of technology can also play important role in the daily classroom routine and as the key component to be quality reading instruction.4 Moreover, in the area of receptive skill especially reading, the role play of web based environment is in providing exposure. Reading on screen, learners can access meaning on demand by clicking on hyperlink to find out the maning of a word.5 Likewise, by using e-learning, students can access learning materials easily from anywhere and everywhere. It allows teaching and learning activities to be conducted not only inside the classroom, but also outside classroom as Charismiadji argues that blended learning is a powerful solution for an enhanced second-language learning experience.6 Realizing the effectiveness of blended learning, the writer is going to investigate the extent of blended learning on students’ reading comprehension of exposition text of 11th grade at SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan.
Diane August, et al, Assessing Reading Comprehension in Bilingual, The Elementary School Journal, Vol. 107, No. 2, 2006, p. 222 4 Pamela J. Farris et al, Teaching Reading a Balanced Approach For Today’s Classrooms, (New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2004), p.29 5 Pate Sharma and Barney Barrett, Blended Learnin Using Technologyin and beyond The Language Classroom, (Oxford: Macmillan, 2007), p.11 6 Nurindra Charismiadji, What We Do Know About Blended Learning?, Center for Studies on Language and Culture-Atma Jaya Catholic University, p. 147
B. Identification of Problem Based on the background of study, there are several problems which can be identified as follow. 1. Teachers only implementing traditional teaching learning activity without any part of using internet to develop their media. 2. Students miss use in using internet not for academic purpose. 3. Time limit for teaching reading in school.
C. Limitation of the Problem As previously stated, there are several problems causing students’ low reading comprehension of narrative text. From the problems, the writer will focus on the effectiveness of blended learning model on students’ reading comprehension of exposition text of eleventh grade in SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan.
D. The formulation of Problem The formulation of this problem is “Is blended learning model effective for developing students’ reading comprehension of exposition text?”
E. The Objective of Study This study is aimed to prove and to find empirical evidence whether the implementation of blended learning model is effective or not on students reading comprehension of expositon. The writer also wants to analyze the cause and effect between independent variable which is blended learning model, and dependent variable which is reading comprehension of exposition text.
F. Significance of Study The writer expects that the significance of this study can provide useful information for: 1. The writer himself, the significance of study will improve the writer’s knowledge in creating students learning e-learning media as the combination of face-to-face learning activity.
2. English Teachers of 11th grade of Senior High School, the result of this study can help them as an alternative model in teaching learning activity that they can choose. 3. Students in 11th grades of Senior High School who learn English in reading exposition text, this study attempts to help them increase their achievement in reading comprehension of exposition text. 4. Further researchers who want to conduct similar research. The result of this study may hopefully can help them as a previous study for their research.
CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK This chapter the writer would like to describe some kinds of theories related to the study. Those theories focus on general conception of reading, reading comprehension, perpose of reading, kinds of reading, elements affecting reading comprehension, understanding exposition text, generic structure of exposition text, grammatical features of exposistion text, general conception of blended learning, the strengths of blended learning, the weaknesses of blended learning, designing blended learning program, previous study, framework of thinking and theoretical hypothesis. A. Reading 1. General Concept of Reading Many experts have definitions about reading. According to Allington and Strange, Reading is an active cognitive process that does indeed require using graphics (letter) and phonic (sounds) information; but for fluent readers particularly, the language based cues—semantic (meaning) and syntactic (grammar) seem to be far more important than graphic and phonic cues.1 Similar with Allington and Strange, Nuttall state the view of reading offered is essentially concerned with meaning from mind to mind: the transfer of massage from writer to reader.2 It can be seen that reading is an activity. Meanwhie, Harmer states that reading is an exercise dominated by the eyes and the brain. The eyes receive masseges and the brain then has to work out the significance of these masseges.3 Similar with harmer, Gough and Tunmer in Oalkhil et al book‟s, states in simple view of reading in two main components: word decoding and language comprehension. Word reading (or decoding) refers to the ability to read singgle word in context, Language comprehesion refers to 1
Richard Allington and Michael Strange, Learning Through Reading in The Content Area, (Toronto: D.C. Heath and Company, 1980), p.16 2 Christine Nutall, Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language, New Edition, (Oxford: Heinemann, 1996), p. 3 3 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, New Edition, (New York: Longman, 1991), p.190
our ability to understand words, sentences and text.4 It can be seen that reading is exercise which is involve two main components, those are word reading (the ability to read) through eyes as a tool and language comprehesion (the abiity to understand) through brain as a tool. From those expert above, It can be concluded that reading is an activity in getting meaning (or message) from the writer to the reader. In doing reading activity our eyes and brain are work systematically to receive the massages then understanding it. Furthermore, reading consists of two main components those are word decoding and language comprehension.
2. Reading Comprehension Talking about reading it cannot be separeted from reading comprehension. When reading something people need the ability to comprehending the message which the writer states in text. However, comprehending what people read is more than just recognizing and understanding the word. True comprehension means making sense of what you read and connecting ideas in the text to what you already know. It also means remembering what you have read. In other word, comprehending means thinking while you read.5 Furthermore, Farris states that reading comprehension is the process of understanding the message that the author is trying to convey. Very simply, it is making meaning from the written text at hand.6 Understanding a written text means extracting the required information from it as efficiently as possible.7 It can be seen that reading comprehesion is a ability in understanding the message of the text that the writer want to convey. It is not only understanding the meaning but also synthesize it with reader perior knowladge.
Jane Oakhil et al, Understanding Teaching Reading Comprehension (A Handbook), (New York: Routladge,2015) p.2 5 Beatrice S. Mikulecky and Linda Jeffries, Advanced Reading Power: Extensive Reading, Vocabulary Building, Comprehension Skills, Reading Faster, (New York: Longman, 2007), p.74 6 Pamella J. Farris, Teaching Reading a Balanced Approach For Today’s Classrooms, (New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2004) p. 321 7 Francoise Grellet, Developing Reading Skills (A practical guide to reading comprehension exercise), (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981) p. 3
3. Purpose of Reading People have a reason why they read something. If someone find a pearson who read a novel then they ask their reason why they read novel then finding another one who read a novel and asking the same thing, the answer of each of them probably different. It will find the variety of reasons for reading. Whatever the reasons of people for reading, they read because they need to have something from the text. It is called message: it might have been facts, but could just as well have been enjoyment, ideas, feelings. Whatever the reasons, readers probably needed to have the message that the writer intended.8 Furthermore, according to Grellet there are only two mains reason for reading. First is reading for pleasure and the second one is reading for getting information.9 Similar with Grallet, Harmer states that very often that people read something because it interests them or at least it will interest them. Sometimes, however, it is not the fact that a text might be interesting which couses some one to read it, it is rather the usefulness of the text which promps this action.10 It can be concluded that someone reads because of two main reasons which are for pleasure and getting information.
4. Types of Reading Nutall describes reading into two approaches, those are intensive reading and extensive reading:11 a. Intensive Reading Intensive reading is reading shorter text, to extract specific information. This is more accurate activity involving reading for detail.12Intensive reading involves approaching the text under the guidance of a teacher or a task which forces student to focus on text. The aim is to arrive at an understanding, not only of what the text means, but of how the meaning are produced. The „how‟ is as 8
Martha Rapp Rudell, Teaching Content Reading and Writing, Fifth Edition, (Haboken: John Willey and Sons, inc, 2008) p. 95 9 Francoise Grellet,op. cit., p. 4 10 Jeremy Harmer, op. cit., p.182 11 Christine Nutall, op. cit, p. 38—39 12 Francoise Grellet, loc. cit.
important as the „what‟, for the intensive lesson is intended primarily to train strategies which the student can go on to use with other text.13 b. Extensive Reading Extensive reading involves somewhat longer texts, those texts can be journal articles, technical reports, longer essay, and books and reading of this type almost always involves a focus on meaning.14 It is often assumed that in order to understand whole message of a particular reading material (e.g., a book), understanding the parts (sentence, paragraphs, chapters) of which it is made up is necessary. However, obtaining understanding of a text adequately often could be done without grasping every part of it To understand the whole needs reading strategies which can be trained only by practice a longer text.15
5. Elements Affecting Reading Comprehension According to National Reading, Panel in Tompkins article states that there are some elements affecting students reading comprehension. Those elements are divided into two main categories reader and text. a. Reader 1) Background Knowladge Students activate their world and literary knowladge to link what they know to what they are reading. 2) Vocabulary Students recognize the meaning of familiar words and apply word-learning strategies to understand what they‟re reading. 3) Fluency Students have adequate cognitive resources available to understand what they‟re reading when they read fluently. 4) Comprehension Strategies
Christine Nutall. loc. cit. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices, (California: Longman, 2004) p. 212 15 Christine Nutall. loc. cit. 14
Students actively direct their reading, monitor their understanding, and troubleshoot problems when they occur. 5)
Comprehension Skill Students automatically note details that support main ideas, sequence ideas, and use other skills.
Motivation Motivated students are more engaged in reading, more confident, and more likely to comprehend successfully.
Genres Genres have unique characteristics, and students‟ knowledge of them provides a scaffold for comprehension.
Text Structure Students recognize the important ideas more easily when they understand the patterns that authors use to organize text.
Text Features Students apply their knowledge of the conventions and literary devices used in texts to deepen their understanding.16
B. Exposition Text 1. Understanding Exposition Text According to Anderson and Anderson an exposition is a piece of text that presents one side of an issue. The perpose of an exposition is to persuade the reader or listener by presenting one side of an argument. The exposition includes advertaisment, spoken arguments, editorilas, and legal defences.17 Furthermore, Decker states that exposition means explanation, simply an exposing of
G.E Tompkins, “Reading Comprehension Factors”,, October 24,2016. 17 Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 3, (Australia: Macmillan, 1998) p. 22
information or ideas. Its primarly function of exposition itself is merely to explain.18 Based on those expert exposition text means a text that have one sides of issue, the issue is supported by series of arguments that relevant to the issue. The arguments have to consist of fact and relevants information with the issue. Moreover, The function of exposition text is to persuade the reder or listener to do something that the writer is stated on the text.
2. Generic Structure of Exposition Text The generic structure of exposition text according to Anderson and Anderson mainly consists of three sections. Those are an introductury statement, a series of argumnet, and a conclusion. Those sections are described below: First, an introduction statement, this section introduce the author‟s point of view whicih is called the thesis of argument and the introduction can include preview arguments that may folow in the text. Second, a series of arguments that aim to convice the reader. A new paragraph is used for each new arguments. Each new paragraph begins with a topic sentence that introduce the arguments which is folowed by supporting details. Those suporting can be facts, chart or diagram that can support the topic sentence. Third, a conclusion. This part is the clossing of exposition text. in giving conclusion the authors can sum up their point of view in their arguments. In analitical exposition the conclusion can be restatement of the writer thesis and arguments. However, in hortatory exposition the writer give recommendation for the reader. The recommendation consists of should or should not do by the reader based on their arguments.19 Since, this study is focusing on hortatory exposition, here is the example of hortatory exposition text:
18 19
Randall E. Decker, Patterns of Exposition 9, (Canada: Little,brown & Company, 1984) Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, op.cit., pp. 22—23
Drinking Cofee has Health Benefits Drinking coffee may not harm people, Tea, coffee Thesis
and soda are few bevarages which contain drug called caffeine. In its natural state ,caffeine, a silky crystalline substance, is a white or yellow powder, which is bitter tasting and adorless.why should I say that? I propose some arguments as fellows: First, we drink cofee to make us stay awake, because coffee consist of cafeine. Second, drinking coffee is good for your helath, because it can expidate our urination. Third,
some therapeitic uses caffeine to help anagesics work more effeciently, to relieve depression to drug addcits and to kill skin figures Thus if we want to say that first, we may drink coffee,
without feeling scare of bad impact of the caffeine; second, do not drink too much; third, drink cofee for therapeutic purposes, at leat we need not to addict to coffee.20
3. Grammatical Features of Exposition Text Exposition usually includes the following grammatical features as follows. a. Words that express the author‟s attitude (modality), for example, will, may, must, always, rarely. b. Emotive noun and verbs c. Adverbs that show a time sequence and link the arguments.21
C. Blended Learning 1. General Concept of Blended Learning A lot of scholars share similar definitions of blended learning. Here the writer discusses three similar definitions defined by three scholars. The first one is 20
Herman Benyamin, Advanced Learning English 2, (Bandung: Grafindo Media Pratama, 2012) p.212-213 21 Mark Anderson Kate Anderson, op cit., p. 22
defined by Sherma. According to Sherma, blended learning is a process of integrated combination of traditional learning (face-to-face) with web based online approach (online teaching).22 Alya also defines blended learning as the purposeful integration of traditional model (face-to-face) and online learning.23 Then the last, Li Zhingan, et al.define blended learning as the combination of traditional classroom-based approach and e-learning for delivering instruction.24 Based on the definitions stated previously, the writer sees blended learning as a model of teaching and learning activity which combines face-to-face and online learning. The term of blended learning is used to describe any course that incorporates the web into the curriculum, Ko and Rossen defined blended as falling into three subcategories: a. Web enhanced, these are courses with associated web sites that contain material relevant to the course (the syllabus, a list of web based resources, a course calendar, a reading list, lecture notes, or an electronic bulletin board where student can post question of a general nature). Instructor often uses webenhanced resources to reduce the flow of paperwork and to offer their students an optional method of obtaining course related information. b. Media enhanced, courses where relevant course material such as videotape lectures or associated graphics are posted to a website for use by students as a form of review. Often such sites recreate the activities in a classroom, such as the lecture and ensuing discussion. Media-enhanced courses are often to use to support web-augmented classes. c. Web augmented, any course in which a portion of class work is done exclusively on the web, augmenting, and often replacing, work that normally be done in traditional classroom. Generally, such work is both posted and completed using course management system. It can consist of a number of 22
Pete Sharma, Key Concept in ELT „Blended Learning‟, ELT Journal, 2011, Vol. 64/4, p.
456 23
Jesica S. Alya, Blended Learning as New Approach to Social Work Education, Journal of Social Work Education, 2009, Vol. 45, No. 2, p. 277 24 Zhingang Li et al, Switching to Blended Learning: The Impact on Students‟ Academic Performance, Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 2014, Vol. 4, No. 3, p. 246
disparate mix-and-match elements. For example, students may be asked to view a digital video , then asked to post a short response about the video on electronic bulletin board. Or students may be asked to assemble a web page of their own on a certain topic, which they then must themselves post on the course website.25 For some resons, some people may confuse in dfifferentiating the terminology of blended learning with some others likes e-learning, distance learning and face to face which always comes out when we talk about blended learning. For detail, Mason and Rennie define it clearlly on the figure bellow: Figure 2.1 The relationship among blended learning, elearning, distance learning,and face to face learning.
Susan Ko and Steve Rossen, Teaching Online a Practical Guide, Second Edition, (New York: Houghton Mifflin Compeny, 2004) p. 240
From the picture above it could be seen that distributed education is a broader term which includes aspects of ditance and online education, as well as blending with face-to-face learning.26 From paragraphs above can be seen that blended learning is a learning model which is combination of face-to-face learning and online learning. Blended learning itself defines into three specific categories which are web enhanced, media enhanced, and web augmented. The term of blended learning itself is a part of distance learning which consist of online learning, but also consist of face-toface (traditional) learning in the scope of distributed education the largest term.
2. The Strengths of Blended Learning Teaching language in 50 EFL students in meaningful, creative, and collaborative way without turning the blended class into a circus is a huge challenge, particularly in a learning environment where students are encouraged to take an active role. Blended instructional model using traditional resource and online technology for learning purposes are not new.27 In informal education such as courses, blended learning model is their usual learning model. A lot of courses have employed this learning model because it gives opportunities for development of teachers, learners and learning itself. Those opportunities can increase students‟ motivation
individualization, and also accepting the new and dynamic learner‟s and teacher‟s roles.28 Furthermore, Krasnova and Sidorenko state that blended learning can be used to achieve the following pedagogical goals. a.
To prepare students for independent and productive activity which can develop several skills. Those skills are constructive and algorithmic thinking,
Robbin Mason and Frank Rennie, Elearning The key Concept, (New York: Routladge Tylor & Francis Group, 2006) p.xvii 27 Joy Egbert and Elizabeth Hanson Smith ed, CALL Environment Research, Practice and Critical Issue, Second Edition, (Washington: Teachers of English to Speaker of Other Languages, Inc, 2007) p. 404 28 Kristina Mullama, Blended Learning in Language and Interpreter Training, ICT for Language Learning 6th Edition, 2013.
creative thinking due to decreasing amount of reproductive activity, communicative skills on the basis of performing team projects, ability to find solutions in computer-simulated situations, research skills, and skills of information culture and information processing. b.
To implement the social order which includes preparing specialists to working with information technologies, and preparing specialists to independent lifelong learning by means of information technologies.
To intensify all levels of the educational process which includes increasing effectiveness and teaching quality due to the use of information technologies, exposing and using stimuli of cognitive activity promotion, and deepening interdisciplinary connections.29
3. The Weaknesses of Blended Learning Although, there are many benefits of blending online technology and multimedia tool with traditional classroom setting and how the integration may affect on students learning. However, there are some pitfalls that occur in a blended learning environment. The pitfalls vary and can be overwhelming. These problems, no matter how small can affect on overall course plan. Here are the most common pitfalls: a. The success of delivering online chats or video also depends on the type of technology which are available. A slow internet connection may cause voice chat program failure. It would be wise to update and test the software and hardware. b. Because students may work on online assignments independently outside the class, some may encounter difficulty in using the tools. It will be better to provide learner support and web links to help pages. c. Students sometimes forget their user names and/or passwords despite constant reminders from the teachers to write them down. Remind students frequently to jot down important information and keep it in safe place. 29
Tatiana Krasnova and Tatiana Sidorenka, Blended Learning in Teaching Foreign Language, ICT for Language Learning 6th Edition, 2013.
d. Teachers may find themselves with uncooperative technical support staff. Teachers should be persistent in asking for help. Several things need to be done by ourselves, but look for others who share the same commitment to teaching and learning and can offer online support. e. Some educators argue that the internet and technology in general tend to put less financially privileged students at a disadvantage. However, whether in an EFL or ESL context, there will always be issues regarding equal access to technology.30
4. Designing Blended Learning Program Blended instruction is a mix of synchronous settings (face-to-face) and asynchronous settings, in which the teacher and students are not together in same time. When not meeting in class, students use online courseware to work on assignments at times convenient for them.31 For detail, the position of blended learning between online learning and offline learning (face-to-face), Meason and Rennie describe a schematic description of blended learning on the figure 2.2 below.32 Figure 2.2 A Schematic description of blended learning In Planning for a blended course of this sort, it is important to examine the traditional and online components available and the tools that will be needed. To create checklist is by considering the following question. a. Does school, institution and classroom have the online tools and the internet access which are needed for teaching online class? b. What Multimedia equipment/online tools will be used to present an activity? c. What sort of online activities are the teachers going to be conducted? d. How the time and places of the online meeting will be arranged?
Joy Egbert and Elisabeth Hanson-Smith, op. cit., p. 418 Sharon E. Smaldino, et al, Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, Tenth Edition, (Edinburg: Person Education Limited, 2014), p. 101 32 Robin Mason and Frank Rennie, op. cit, p.14 31
e. How the instructional events will be planned to fulfill the need for variety and and cmplexity in learning?33 Then here are following guidelines should help language teachers in choosing the right blend: a. To provide opportunities for collaboration b. To provide the learning content (for example: syllabus, lessons plan) in all the different media types to be used (online and offline) c. To provide learner support (for example technical question, how to use, guidelines) d. To understand all the type of technologies that can deliver learning (e.g., be able to operate multimedia equipment, manage online tools, have technical support in hands). e. To provide feedback and opportunities for learner self-assessment.34 Many things that teachers can do for teaching in online learning, here Ko and Furthermore, Rossen provides some practical suggestion that teachers can do for teaching in online learning to support traditional course:
33 34
Joy Egbert and Elisabeth Hanson-Smith, op. cit, p. 411—412 Ibid., p.406
Posting lectures online
Using a discussion board
Using online testing tools
Providing online counseling, advice, mentoring, and support
Assessing group project
Using web as the presentation medium
Web-based exercise
Online team teaching35
5. Quipper School as a Online Learning Platform for Blended Learning Quipper School is a FREE online platform for teachers and students. Quipper School consists of two parts: LINK for teachers, and LEARN for students. a. Quipper School Link is where teachers menage their classes online and check student‟s progress. Here are something teachers can do using quipper school link. To send assignments and practice examination. To create educational content, view student progress and download analytic. To facilitating collaboration with some teacher in the school. b. Quipper School Learn is where students study, it consits of some fetures such as follows. Students is facilitated with assigment and general study. Students can message the teacher if there is some topics that need teacher assitance. Students can learn fun and enjoy because it is facilitated by gamification feature.36
Susan Ko and Steve Rossen, op. Cit., pp. 241—257
Quipper, “What is Quipper School”,, October 13, 2016.
D. Previous Study Regarding the effect of blended
learning on students reading
comprehension of exposition text, there are two researchers that have conducted the study: The first study was conducted by Asih Wahyuni, et al. The focus of their study was to find whether blended learning may gave alternative way instruction in teaching reading and it could improve student‟s score, attitude and motivation in reading. The participants of their study were second years EFL learners who studied at Faculty of Teachers Training and Educational Sciences in Bogor. To collect the data, they used three instruments which were classroom observation, documentation of student‟s gained score and student result in online learning activity, the last was interview. Through their study, they proved that blended learning could improve student‟s score and it could be interactive way in teaching reading in Indonesian University Context.37 The second study was by Fatemeh Behjat, et al. This study was an attempt to discover whether conventional or blended learning could better enhance the reading comprehension for EFL learners. 107 Iranian students majoring in English at Abaden Islamic Azad University and Zand institute of Higher Education in Shiraz were selected as sample. They used test as their instruments and divided sample into two groups of experiment and control. For the treatment the experimental group received the instruction in classroom and assignment in virtual mode. The control group got instruction and assignment in conventional mode. The result proved that blended learning could help learners outperform in their reading comprehension. Moreover, they suggest that this model of learning could be used in developing other skills.38
Asih Wahyuni et al, Blended Learning is Teaching Reading: a Pedagogical Practice to Teaching English as a Foreign Language in an Indonesian University Context, The 61 TEFLIN International Conference, 2014 38 Fatemeh Behjat et al, Blended Learning: a Ubiquitous Learning Environment for Reading Comprehension, International Journals of English Linguistic, 2012, Vol. 2, No. 1
The third study was conducted by Sri Wantoro under title ”Blended Learning; Incorporating Moodle into Clasroom Reading Comprehension Activities (A Case Study at a Senior High School in Pangkalpinang)”. Her study investigated in using Moodle to support face to face calssroom readingcomprehension activities since managing reading in classroom is not sufficient. Moodle would be used as a tool of blended learning activities. The participants were students in Senior High School at Pangkalpinang. She used four data collecting techniques, those were observation, interview, questionnaires, and document analysis. The result found that usning moodle as a tool of blended learning toward students reading comprehension was positive. It means that moodle facilitated them in learning process, supported their outside learning activitie, supported students reading comprehension activities, and it builded students-students and students teacher social interaction.39 The Fourth study was conducted by Zahra Zahedi at Islamic Azad University. The aim of his study was to find the effect of blended instruction and face-to-face reading intruction on the use of reading strtegies by Irabian EFL learners. The sample of this sutudy was Iranian EFL learners which consited of 30 students of experimental class and 30 students of controlled class. The experimental class had treatment blended learning instruction on seven reading strategies along seven meetings while the controlled class had face-to face instruction. He used test and reading strategies questionnaire as the instruments of his study. The result proved that blended learning instruction was more effective then face-to-face instruction on their students‟ reading strategies.40
E. Framework of Thinking Reading is one of skill which is important. Since, reading is related to other language skill especially writing skill. Reading is useful for people 39
Sri Wantoro, Blended Learning; Incorporating Moodle into Clasroom Reading Comprehension Activities (A Case Study at a Senior High School in Pangkalpinang, (Bandung: Indonesia University of Educarion, 2014). 40 Zahra Zahendi, The Effect of Blended Teaching on Reading Strategy Use by Iranian EFL Learners, International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 2015, Vol. 3, No.11.
especially student. Through reading student will got more information. To get more information in reading student need the ability to understand the message in text, it is why comprehension is needed in reading. Despite of the usefulness in reading, student sometimes meet some problems that affect on students in learning reading, especially in reading comprehension. Those problems such as teachers who always implementing traditional model in teaching reading, and time limit in teaching reading in several school. Blended learning is one of solution for helping students in learning reading comprehension. Blended learning is combination between face to face and online learning that can be one of solution in teaching and learning activity. Since, it integrate to online learning students can have more time in learning reading and teacher will have more time in teaching it. Through the online learning teacher can give students extra reading material as a support of face-to-face activity in classroom. This extra reading material is useful in learning and practicing reading in order to developed students reading comprehension. F. Theoretical Hypothesis There are two kinds of hypothesis in this research. H1: By using blended learning model. It will effect students reading comprehension achievement of exposition text al 11th grade of SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan. Ho: By using blended learning model, it will not effect students reading comprehension achievement of narrative text at 11th grade of SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan.
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter contains reserach methodology. Those are place and time of research, research method and design, population and sample, instrument of the research, data collection techniques, procedure of intervention, technique data analysis and statistical hypothesis. A. Place and Time of the Research This Research was taken a place at SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan which is located at Jl. WR. Supratman Komp. Pertamina Pondok Ranji, Ciputat Timur, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Provinsi Banten, on the second semester. Since, the school curriculum only provided 4 meetings in teaching hortatory exposition text. Then this research was conducted in 4 days treatment, it was started on May 2nd 2016 and ended on May 23rd 2016. Below was the table of research agenda: Table 3.1 Time of Research NO. Agenda
Monday, May 2nd 2016
Monday, May 9th 2016
Thursday, May 12th 2016
Monday, May 16th 2016
Thursday, May 19th 2016
Monday, May 23rd 2016
B. Research Method and Design This research used quantitative research method. According to Ary et al, this method involves hypothesis testing and objective data gethering to arrive at
findings that are systematic, generalizable, and open to replication by other investigators.1 Furthermore, Creswell states quantitaive method have some characteristics which are describing a reserch problem through the description of trends or a need of explenation of the relationship among variabeles; providing a major role for the literature through suggesting the research questions to be asked and justifying the research problem; creating purpose statement, research question and hypotheses that are specific; collecting numerical data; analyzing trends, comparing group, or relating variable using statistical data; writing the research report using standard, fixed structure and evaluation criteria.2 Then, this research was conducted to find out the empirical evidence of the effectiveness of using blended learning model on students reading comprehension. Since this study used quantitaive method, the design was used quasiexperimental. Quasi-experimental designs are “almost” true experimental designs, except that the participants are not randomly assigned into group. In quasiexperimental research, the researcher studies the effect of treatment on experimental and controlled groups.3 This study was conducted to prove whether there was cause and effect between two variables. Those two variables were Independent variable (mostly presented by X) which is blended learning and dependent variable (mostly Presented by Y) which is reading comprehension of exposition text. In this quasiexperimental design used two groups which were divided into experimental group and controlled group. The experimental group was given treatment which was blended learning model and the controlled group was not given blended learning model but convensional/traditional model.
Donald Ary et al, Introduction to Research in Education, Eigth Edition, (Belmont: Wadsworth Cenage Learning, 2010) p. 23 2 John W Creswell, Educational Research, Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research, Fourth Edition, (Boston: Pearson Education. Inc, 2012) p. 13 3 Donna M. Mertens, Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology Intergrating Diversity with Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Method, Third Edition, (California: SAGE Publication. Inc, 2010) p.138
Population and Sample The population of this study is 11th grade of students at SMA N 4 Kota
Tangerang Selatan which consisted of around 350 students. This grade had 10 classes, each class consisted around 35 students. This grade also divided into two programs, those were science class and social class. This population was chosen because exposition text was taught in that grade. The process of gaining the sample of study, the writer used purposive sampling to find sample. Purposive sampling was one of form in nonprobability sampling which was also referred to judgment sampling, it is means that sample elements judged to be typical, or representative for the research, the sample was chosen from the population.4 Then, based on the writer‟s interview with the writer‟s supervisor who teached eleventh grade in social class at SMA N Kota 4 Tangerang Selatan was chosen from two classes which had similar characteristic in learning English. Those classes were XI Social 2 as experimentall class and XI Social 3 as controlled class, each class consisted 35 students.
D. Instrument of the Research The research instruments used here was reading test which focused on reading comprehension of exposition text test. The test instrument was divided into two sections: pre-test and post-test. The pre-test and post-test instrument were used multiple-choice questions which were taken from some books of English 11th grade related to reading in exposition text and other resources. The writer created 25 multiple-choice questions for pre-test and 25 for post-test, then before the test administer to students, the writers checked the validity and the reliability of the test instruments. To measure validity of the instrument the writer will use content validity and reliability of the instrument, the writer used ANATEST. The result of ANATEST was atteched at the appendix.
Donald Ary et al. op. cit, p. 156
E. Data Collection Techniques Data collection technique used pre-test and post-test. A pretest provides a measure on some attribute or character that assess for participants in an experiment before they receive treatment, while posttest is conducted after treatment.5 The pre-test was given to both groups of experimental and controlled in order to findout student abilities in reading comprehension of exposition text before giving treatment using blended learning. After the treatment, post-test was distributed into both classes, the function of this post-test was to find out whether any improvement in reading ability between experimental class which had been given treatment with controlled class which was not deserve any treatment.
F. Procedure of Intervention Before doing the research, the writer asked the subject teacher which class was appropriate for the writer to cunduct the research. Since she only teached social class then she proposed XI social 2 adn X1 social 3 as the sample for reserach. From her suggestion the writer chosed those class and chosed XI social 2 as the experiment class and XI social 3 as a control class. Each group attended two meetings per week except day off. The duration of the research was six meetings including pre-test and post-test. The first meeting was for pre-test, the second to fifth meetings were for giving intervention, and the last meeting was for post-test. In addition, the writer‟s roles in this study was the one who given intervention or treatment for experimental group and controlled group. Here as the sport the online meeting the writer used quipper school. Through this
learning platform, students got additional online materials telling about exposition text, online assignment about exposition text and facilitated with online messaging if they wanted to ask, then those were integrated with face-to-face learning activity. Students got print feedback after doing online learning and discussed it in face to face meeting in order to develop students reading comprehension skill. 5
John W.Creswell, op.cit, p. 297
. G.
Techniques of Data Analysis . The writer used t-test for analyzing the score of pre- and post-test of both
control group and experimental group. The t-test was useful in finding the statistical differences between experimental and control group. To analyze those data, the writer used IBM SPSS Statistics 22 program. Before doing t-test, the writer analyzed the normality and homogeneity first. Bellow was the step of data analysis. 1.
Normality Test Normality test was used to know whether the data distributed normal or not.
Here the steps in doing normality test using IBM SPSS Statistics 22: This normality test used Kolmogorov-Smirnov table. Furthermore in checking whether the data was normally distrubuted or not, the criteria could be seen as the follow: If the tvalue was smaller than ttable (tvalue< ttable), the data was normally distributed. While if the tvalue was greater than ttable (tvalue> ttable), the data was not normally ditributed. For steps in finding the normality in IBM SPSS Statistics 22, it could be seen on appendix
2. Homogeneity Test Homogeneity test is used to measure whether the data comes from homogenous variance or not. Same as normality for homogeneity used IMB SPSS Statistics 22. This homogenity test used Levene Statistics table. In order to know whether the data comes from homogenous variance or not we take a look on sig column, if the sig more than 0,05 it means data comes from homogenous variance. For steps in finding the homogenity in IBM SPSS Statistics 22, it could be seen on appendix.
Hypothesis Test In order to find which hypothesis was accepted the writer use t-test. In
calculating the t-test the writer used IBM SPSS Statistics 22. To find the result
first take a look in sig (2-tailed), at first line was the result if the data were homogeny and second line if the data were not homogeny. If the sig result > 0,05 (there is no effect), if the sig result < 0,05 ( there is an effect). Furtehermore, the writer also calculating t-test manually, in order to find whether there was differences between calculating using SPSS and manually. Here the t-test statistical analysis pettern.
to =
= the value of „t‟ count
= Mean variable of experimental class
= Mean variable of controlled class
= Standard error of experimental class
= Standard error of controlled class
The procedures used are as follow: a. Determining Mean Variable X: M1 =
b. Determining Mean Variable Y: M2 =
c. Determining Deviation Standard of Score of Variable X: SD1= √
d. Determining Deviation Standard of Score of Variable Y: SD2= √
e. Determining Standard Error of Mean Variable X:
SEM1 =
f. Determining Standard Error of Mean Variable Y: SEM2 =
g. Determining Standard Error of difference of Mean Variable X and Mean Variable Y: SEM1 - M2 = √
h. Determining to with formula:
to =
i. Determaining ttable on significance degree 5%, on degrees of freedom: df = (N1 + N2) - 2
H. Statistical Hypothesis The statistical hypothesis states as below. 1.
Null Hypothesis (Ho)= It means there is no significant difference of students‟ reading comprehension achievement of exposition text between students who are taught through blended learning and students who are taught without blended learning.
Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) = It means there is a significant difference of students‟ reading comprehension achievement of exposition text between students who are taught through blended learning and students who are taught without blended learning.
The criteria to prove the hypothesis as the follow: 1. If t0 (tvalue) > tt (ttable) H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted in significance degree 5%, or in SPSS if p < α or sig 2-tailed is smaller than alpha 0.05. 2. If t0 (tvalue) < tt (ttable) Null hyphotesis, H0 is accepted in significance degree 5% or in SPSS if p > α or sig 2-tailed is greater than alpha 0.05. Moreover, the degree of freedom in this study: df = (N1 + N2) – 2 = (30+30) -2 = 60-2 = 58 The ttable with degree of freedom 58 and significant level 5% was 1,672.
CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION This chapter shows the result of this study. It consists of description of the data, preliminary analysis, data analysis, hypothesis testing, and discussion. A. Description of the Data The main instrument of this research is test. The test was administered in beginning and the end of the research. It was conducted to both classes which were experimental class (XI IPS 2) and controlled class (XI IPS 3) each class consists of 30 students. Furthermore, the result of the test would be described below. 1.
Students’ Score in Pre-test The data presented below is the result of pre-tests in both experimental class
and controlled class. Table 4.1 The Score of Pre-test Score
Experimental Class Frequency
F (%)
Controlled Class
F (%)
From the table above it could be seen that student who got score <30 consists of 1 student in experimental class and 0 in controlled class, student who got this result had extremely poor reading comprehension. Furthermore, the most frequent
scores which the students got in experimental class appeared to be in range of 6170 which consist of 9 students (30%). While in controlled class the most frequent score appeared to be in range of 51-60 which consist of 11 students (36,7%). Then students who had score above 80 consist of 2 students in experimental class and 0 in controlled class, students who had score >80 had above average of reading comprehension. Students mean score in experimental class was 59.93 and students mean score in controlled class was 54.93, so the difference between them was 5. The lowest score in experimental class was 28 and the highest was 84, while the lowest score in controlled class was 32 and the highest 80. More detail of students scores and calculation were attached in the appendix.
Students’ score in Post-test The data presented below is the result of post-test in experimental class and
controlled class. Table 4.2 The Score of Post-test Score
Experimental Class Frequency
F (%)
Controlled Class Frequency
F (%)
From the table above it could be seen that the lowest range score stated in range 41-50 consist of 1 (3.3%) student in each class. If compared with pre-test, there was improvement of student lowest score which was <30 in pre-test. Furthermore, the most frequent score appeared in the range of 71-80 in both
classes. The experimental class consists of 9 (30%) students and more in controlled class consists of 13 (43.3%) students. Then students who got score >80 consist of 8 (26.7%) in experimental class and 2 (6,7%) in controlled class. There was also improvement of mean score in both classes. In experimental class the mean score was 72.87 and 68.27 in controlled class, then difference of mean score between them was 4.6, it was 0.4 smaller than in pre-test which was 5. Then the highest post-test score in experimental class was 90 and the lowest score was 48. While in controlled class the highest score also 90 and the lowest score 44. More detail of post-test scores and calculation were attached in the appendix.
Students’ Gained Score The data presented below is the result of students’ gained scores in
experimental class and controlled class. Table 4.3 The Gained Score Score
Experimental Class Frequency
F (%)
Controlled Class Frequency
F (%)
From the table above it could be seen that there was a student in experimental class who had gained score <0; whereas in controlled class there was no student who had gained score <0, but the lowest gained score was in range of 0-10 which consist of 13 (43.3%) students. Furthermore, the most gained score frequent in range 11-20 in experimental class, which consist of 16 (53.3%) students, then 13 (43.3%) students in controlled class. The highest range gained score appeared in range 31-40 consist of 1 student in experimental class.
However, in controlled class 4 (13.3%) students in range 21-30 who had highest gained score. Then the mean score of experimental class was 14,27 while the controlled class was 12.67, the difference between the mean score was 1.6. The highest gained score in experimental class was 32 and the lowest gained score was -8. While in controlled class the highest gained score was 24 and the lowest was 0. More details of students gained score and calculation were attached in the appendix.
B. Preliminary Analysis Before doing data testing (t-test) preliminary analysis should be done. The preliminary analysis consisted normality test and homogeneity test. This preliminary analysis was done in order to see whether the data was normally distributed or not and homogenous or not. In order to find the normality and the homogeneity of the data, the writer used IBM SPSS Statistics 22. 1.
Normality test a. Pre-test Normality Test Table 4.4 Tests of Normality a
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Class Pretest
Eksperiment Control
Statistic .153 .101
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance. a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
The normality test used Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Based on critical points table Kolmogrov-Smirnov (see appendix), if N was 30 and α was 0.05, then the ttable was 0.242. As could be seen on table 4.4 that tvalue of experimental class was 0.153 while the tvalue of controlled class was 0.101. If the tvalue was smaller than ttable (tvalue< ttable), the data was normally distributed. If it was not, the data was not normally distributed. From the table 4.4 above tvalue experimental class was smaller than ttable (0.153<0.242) and tvalue of controlled class also smaller than ttable
(0.101<0.242). From those data it could be concluded that the data was normally distributed.
b. Post-test Normality Test Table 4.5 Tests of Normality a
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Class Posttest
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance. a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
The normality test in table above was Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Based on critical points table Kolmogrov-Smirnov (see appendix), if N was 30 and α was 0.05, then the ttable was 0.242. According to the table 4.5, it could be seen that tvalue of experimental class was 0.113, while the controlled class was 0.143. If the tvalue was smaller than ttable (tvalue< ttable), the data were normally distributed. Then if it was not, the data were not normally distributed. It could be seen in the table above that tvalue in experimental class and controlled class were smaller than ttable. It was (0.113<0.242) in experimental class and (0.143<0.242) in controlled class. It can be concluded that the data was normally distributed. 2.
Homogeneity Test a. Pre-test Homogeneity test Table 4.6 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Pretest Levene Statistic .633
df2 1
Sig. 58
The writer used Levene Statistics in order to find the homogeneity of the pretest with the significance level 0.05. Then from the table above, it could be seen
that the significance was 0.429. The significance 0.429 was higher than 0.05, it meant that the pre-test was homogenous.
b. Post-test Homogeneity Test Table 4.7 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Posttest Levene Statistic
df2 1
Sig. 58
The writer used Levene Statistics in order to find the homogeneity of the post-test with the significance level 0.05. Then from the table above, it could be seen that the significance was 0.598. The significance 0.598 on the table above was higher than 0.05, it meant that the pre-test was homogenous.
C. Data Analysis After doing the preliminary analysis then move to data analysis using t-test. The t-test was done using two types of calculating: using IBM SPSS Statistics 22 and calculating manually. This analysis was done in order to know the effectiveness of blended learning model on students’ reading comprehension of exposition text at SMAN 4 Tangerang Selatan. The results are as follows: 1. Pre-test Tabel 4.8 Group Statistics Class Pretest
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
Tabel 4.9 Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means Sig. Std. 95% (2Mean Error Confidence taile Differe Differe Interval of the F Sig. t Df d) nce nce Difference
Lower Pretest Equal variances assumed Equal variance s not assumed
-1.990 11.990
1.432 57.870
-1.991 11.991
Based on the table above, it showed the resultof the t-test for pre-test. The table 4.8 showed the mean of pre-test (M1/2), standard deviasion (SD1/2) and standarrd error mean (SEM1/2) on both experimental and controlled classes. Furthermore table 4.9 showed the result of t-test. Since the pre-test was homogenous because Levene's Test showed p=0.464, then it was greater than 0.05 (p>0.05). Therefore the t-test showed in equal variances assumed. The t-test of pre-test result was 0,158 (p=0.158), in other words p was greater than 0.05 (p>0.05). From the result it meant that the the null hypotheisis was accepted, there were no significance differences between both experimental and controlled classes in pre-test.
2. Post-test Tabel 4.10 Group Statistics Class Posttest
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
Tabel 4.11 Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
F Posttest Equal variances assumed
Sig. .598
t 1.666
Df 58
Sig. (2taile d) .101
Std. Mean Error Differe Differe nce nce 4.600
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper -.928 10.128
Equal variance s not assumed
1.666 57.567
-.929 10.129
Based on table 4.10 M1 was 72.87 and M2 was 68.27. If it was compared with mean score in pre-test the result showed the improvement 12.94 points in experimental class and 13.34 poin in controlled class. It meant that controlled class had greater improvement of mean score 0.4 poin. It also showed that SD1 was 11.150 and SD2 was 10.221. Then Standard error mean in experimental class SEM1 result was 2.036 and in controlled class SEM2 was 1.866. In table 4.11 it showed the t-test result at post-test. Based on Levene's Test above showed p=0.598, it was greater than 0.05 that meant the post-test data was homogenous. Since the data was homogenous, then the t-test could be showed at equal variance assumed. The t-test of post-test was 0.101 (p=0.101), It meant that p was greater than 0.05 (p>0.05). Based on the result it meant that null hypothesis was accepted, there were no significance differences between experimental class and controll class in post test. The table also showed degree of freedom (df) presented 58 with significant level 5%, it meant the ttable was 1.672. While based on table t0 was 1.666, it meant t0
3. Gained Score Tabel 4.12 Group Statistics Class Gained
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
Tabel 4.13 Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. (2taile d)
Std. Mean Error Differe Differe nce nce
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper
Gained Equal variances assumed Equal variance s not assumed
.768 54.177
Based om table 4.12 it was presented the mean of experimental class (M1) was 14.27 then in controlled class (M2) was 12.67. Furthermore, the standard deviasion of experimental class (SD1) was 9.078 and controlled class was (SD2) was 6.915. Then Standard error mean (SEM1) in experimental class was 1.657 and in controlled class was 1.262. Table 4.12 showed that significant level on Levene’s test was 0.148, therefore the writer use 5% (0.05) for the significance level. It was showed that p was greater then 0.05 (p>0.05), it meant the data was homogenous. Since it was homogenous the result showed on Equal variance assumed. The result showed that p=0.446, it was greater than significance level 0.05 (p>0.05). It meant the null hypothesis was still accepted, there were no significant differences between students who were taught reading comprehension with blended learning model and without blended learning. The table also showed the degree of freedom (df) was 58 and the significant level 5% was 1.672, the t0 was 0.768. Therefore the t0< ttable (0.768<1.672). Moreover, the writer also used manual calculation in analyzing the data as a comparison with calculating through SPSS program. It started in calculating the gained total gained score in experimental and controlled classes. It was showed that the experimental class had higher total gained score 428 while the controlled class had 380. Then the writer calculated the total of X2= 2451.73067 and Y2 = 1386.66667, for the details it was attached at appendix. Furthermore, the manual calculating process was presented as follows:
a. Determining Mean Variable X: M1 =
b. Determining Mean Variable Y: M2 =
= 14.267 c. Determining Deviation Standard of Score of Variable X: SD1= √
= 12.667 d. Determining Deviation Standard Score of Variable Y: SD2 = √
=√ = 9.040
=√ = 6.798
e. Determining Standard Error of
f. Determining Standard Error of
Mean Variable X:
Mean Variable Y:
SEM2 =
= =
√ √
= 1.678
= 1,262
g. Determining Standard Error of difference of Mean Variable X and Mean Variable Y: SEM1 - M2 = √ = √ =√ =√
= 2.099 h. Determining to with formula:
to =
= =
= 0.762 i. Determaining ttable on significance degree 5%, on degrees of freedom: df = (N1 + N2) – 2 = (30+30) -2 = 60-2 = 58 From the calculation above it was shown that t0 was 0.762 and the degree of freedom (df) was 58, with significant level 5%. It meant that the value of ttable with degree of freedom 58 and significant level 5% was 1.672.
D. Hypothesis Testing The last calculation was hypothesis testing, this testing was done to prove whether there was significant level of using blended learning model on students reading comprehension in eleventh grade of social class at SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan. The statistical hypothesis was stated as follows. 1. Null Hypothesis (H0)= It means there is no significant difference of students’ reading comprehension achievement of exposition text between students who are taught through blended learning and students who are taught without blended learning. 2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) = It means there is a significant difference of students’ reading comprehension achievement of exposition text between
students who are taught through blended learning and students who are taught without blended learning. The criteria to prove the hypothesis are as follows: 1. If t0 (tvalue) > tt (ttable) H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted in significance degree 5%, or in SPSS if p < α or sig 2-tailed is smaller than alpha 0.05. 2. If t0 (tvalue) < tt (ttable) , H0 is accepted in significance degree 5% or in SPSS if p > α or sig 2-tailed is greater than alpha 0.05. Moreover, based on SPSS calculation it showed that the significance was 0.466 (p=0.466). It meant the p was greater then α (0.466 > 0.05). Furthermore, based on manual calculation it showed that the value of ttable with degree of freedom 58 and significance level 5% was 1,672 and the calculation of t0 was 0.762. It meant that t0 (tvalue) < tt (ttable) (0.762 < 1.672). Both calculation proved that Null hypothesis (H0) was accepted. It meant there was no significant difference of students’ reading comprehension achievement of exposition text between students who were taught through blended learning and students who were taught without blended learning. E. Discussion This study was conducted to prove whether implementing blended learning model in teaching reading comprehension of exposition text could effect on students reading comprehension achievement at eleventh grade students at SMA N 4 Tangerang Selatan. However, the result of hypothesis proved that implementing blended learning model was not effective. It could be seen that the p was greater then α (0,466 > 0.05) and t0 < tt (0.762< 1,672). Nevertheless, the result of mean score showed improvement from pre-test (59.93) to post test (72.87) on experimental class. There may some foctors that affecting the result, here the writer would try to convey some posibly factors as the follows: First, based on the writer previous study by Asih Wahyuni and Fatemah Behejat both of them conducted the reserch on university level. However, the writer conducted the research in school ages. It may the factor that students were
not ready yet in learning via online. It was proved by the “skrpsi” which was conducted by Aziz Awaludin, where he tried to prove whether peer-assessment via facebook could effect on students writing skill at tenth grade students.1 The result showed that he failed to prove that peer-assessment using Facebook did not give any effect on students writing skill. Second, students’ not ready yet in learning via online. It was proved based on the writer informal interview with some students they said: that they have never done learning via online before. Even they were facilitated by wifi conection at school and home and they also provided by sophisticated technology such as smartphone, laptop, and personal computer. Moreover, even the writer had done the online platform trial on one meeting before treatment. Some of them still a little bit confused in using its. Third, Students are not ready yet in learning independently, especially on online learning. It was proved, because the writer always had to remind them personally to do their online task and some of them also sometimes forgot their online task. The writer also found the differences some of students performance in online task and face-to-face task, they got good score in online not good in faceto-face. The writer assumed that students doing cheating in online or they asked someone for doing their online task. There were some possible reasons why the result of the research failed that the writer could convey. However, the writer did not mean to generalize all students based on thode three factors, it was just students at XI IPS 2 and 3 academic years 2015/2016 at SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan as the writer sample of this research.
Aziz Awaludin, The Effectiveness of Peer-Assessment Trough Facebook Toward Students’ Writing Skill in Narrtive Text , (Jakarta: Islamic State University Syarif Hidayatullah, 2015).
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION This chapter presents the conclusion of this study, this chapter also gives some suggetsions for teacher and future researchers who want to use blended learning model in teaching reading comprehension. A. Conclusion This study was quasi-experimental design, this study was conducted in order to prove whether implementing blended learning model in teaching reading comprehension was effecteive or not to students at eleventh grade in SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan. The result showed that teaching reading comprehension through blended learning was not effective. According to the result of the data analysis in post-test score by using SPSS the result showed that the significance was 0.101 (p=0.101), it was greater than α= 0.05 (0.101>0.05). It meant that there was no significance differences between experimental class and controlled class. Moreover, the writer also calculate the gained score by using SPSS and manual, the result showed that the significance was 0,466, the p=0,466 was greater then α=0.55 (0.466>0.05). Furthermore, manual calculation also showed that t0 was 0,762 and it was smaller then tt which was 1.672 the t0
B. Suggestion The writer tried to give suggestion for future researcher who needs to conduct similar research and subject teacher who wish to implement blended learning model in their classes. Since this study was contributing technology and online platform, the researcher should give more time in trial the online platform to students, because they would be more familiar with online platform and minimize the technical problem. Furthermore, teachers or researcher should choose the right online platform suitable for students needs, the platform also gave some features
that minimize students possibility in cheating when doing online learning. Hopefully, it would may helpful for readers who interested in the same study.
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Standar Kompetensi : Membaca 7.
Kompetensi Dasar 7.1. Mer espon makna dalam teks fungsional pendek (message, memo dll.) resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunaka n ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan
Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan
Kegiatan pembelajaran Tatap Muka PT KMTT
Pokok Bahasan
Formal Message Headmaster to teacher: I have been informed that the District Education Supervisor will be visiting our school on Thursday this week. He is expected at about 10 o’clock. He will visit some classes and want to talk to some student. Please inform some students that they should keep their class clean. They are free ask him any question concerning their education. Thank you Headmaster (CV hayati kelas
Membaca nyaring Mengident ifikasi topik tentang message dan memo Mendiskus ikan isi dan struktur Menjawab pertanyaan
Indikator - Membaca nyaring dengan menggunakan ucapan yang benar - Mengidentifikasi topik dari teks yang di baca - Mendiskusikan isi teks - Menggunakan informasi2 dalam teks untuk menjawab pertanyaan - Mendapatkan informasi, tujuan dan topik dalam teks tsb Menggunakan media pembelajaran yang menumbuhkan keingintahuan. Penugasan dan mencari referensi.
Nilai karakter Rasa ingin tahu Gemar Membac a
6X 45’ Jenis tagihan : - tugas individu - ulangan
Bentuk tagihan : - PG Uraian
Sumber Bambang Sugeng. 2015. Contextu al English 2. Penerbit : Platinum
Kompetensi Dasar
Pokok Bahasan
Kegiatan pembelajaran Tatap Muka PT KMTT
Nilai karakter
8 X 45’ Jenis tagihan : - Tugas individu - Ulanga n Bentuk tagihan : - PG Uraian
Bambang Sugeng. 2015. Contextu al English 2. Penerbit : Platinum
XI) Memo Dear David, I am afraid i won’t be able to come to the meeting on Monday because I want to see my grandfather in Bandung. He is seriously ill. I don’t know when I’ll be back yet. I’ll phone you as soon as I get back. Kind regard, Martin (CV hayati kelas XI) Mer espon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunaka n ragam bahasa tulis secara 7.2.
The gift Della and Jim Young are a poor newly married couple. Jim’s wage was enough to rent only a very small apartement.
Membaca Memba nyaring wa Menentukan sebuah gambaran ganbar umum, bencana makna kata, alam persamaan kata dsb Menjawab pertanyaan
- Mengidentifikasi main idea, setting,tokoh dan komplikasi dalam sebuah cerita narrative - Mengidentifikasi saran, kasus dan argumen - Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi dari teks tsb - Menyimpulkan informasi dari teks2 tsb - Memberikan penjelasan tentang
Rasa ingin tahu Gemar Membac a
Kompetensi Dasar akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrative, spoof, dan hortatory exposition
Pokok Bahasan But there were two things of which each were extremely proud: Della had the longest and most beautiful hair in all of New York and Jim possesed a magnificent gold pocket watch, given to him by his father..............(by O’Henry look ahead 1) Spoof A couple of young boys were fishing at their special pond off the beaten track. All of sudden, the guard jumped out of the bushes. Immediately, one of the boys threw his rod down and started running through the woods like a bat out of the hell.....( detik2 UN bahasa
Kegiatan pembelajaran Tatap Muka PT KMTT berdasarkan kasus, argumen dan info lainnya Melatih membaca untuk mendapatkan informasi detail Mengisi dan melengkapi kalimat tentang kalimat past continuous, complex dan should
Indikator past continuous, should dan kalimat kompleks - Mendapatkan informasi untuk menjawab pertanyaan Menggunakan media pembelajaran yang menumbuhkan keingintahuan. Penugasan dan mencari referensi.
Nilai karakter
Kompetensi Dasar
Pokok Bahasan inggris ) Hortatory exposition Locker is a small lockable cupboard or compartment where personal belongings can be left, for example, at swimming pool, gym, school, or workplace. Some schools also conduct locker searches in unexpected times for several good reasons....( detik2 UN bahasa inggris )
Kegiatan pembelajaran Tatap Muka PT KMTT
Nilai karakter
Appendix 2 54
pre-test Kete rangan ++
Kunci lawaban sangat sai k aai k ru rang Bai k
ruk sangat suruk Bu
=1i::1]i::=:=::I1= Rata2: 18,80
si mpang Baku= 2,78 Korel asi xY= 0, 64 nel 'i abi I i tas Tes= 0, 78 Buti r soal= 25 :umlah subyek= 25
berkai: o:\SEursrER 7\PRoPoSAL DERIN\UJI INTRUMEN\PRE-TEST DONE.ANA Btr Baru atr Asli D.pembeda(%) T. Kesukaran Korelas'i Sign. Korelasi 0,037 1,4 ,29 uudah 1 1 L4,29 Sangat rrnudah 0,284 2 2 0 ,412 Si gn'i fi kan 7 L ,43 rvrudih 3 3 1-4,29 sangat uudah A ,24'9 4 4 L4,29 sangat uudah 0,284 5 5 0 , 546 sangat si gnj fi kan 7L',43 sedang 6 6 0,096 0,00 t'ludah 7 7 0,411 s'i gni fi kan L4 ,29 sangat uudah 8 I 0, 183 42,86 rqudah 9 9 28,57 sangat wtudah 0,289 10 l0 0,248 28,57 uudah 11 11 0,00 sangat sukar -0,086 12 L2 13 -1-4,29 sangat uudah -0,LL7 13 0,293 28,57 Sukar 14 L4 L4,29 sangat uudah 0,434 signifikan 15 15 28,57 sangat uudah 0,51-9 sangat stgnitt!
Cata.tan: Batas si gni fi kansi koefi si en korel asi sebagaai beri kut:
df (N-2) P=0,05 10 0,576 15 0,482 20 0,423 25 0,381 30 0,349 40 0,304 50 a,273 a"il
a koefi
si en
P=0,01 0,708 0, 606
0,549 0,496 0,449 0,393 0,354
df (N-2) 60 70 80 90 100 L25 >150
0,250 0, 233 0,2a7 0, 205 0, 195 0,L74 0, l-59
0,325 0, 302 0, 283
0,267 0 ,254 0,228 0,208
= 0,000 berart'i ti dak dapat di hi tung.
Jumlah SubYek= 37 Buti r Soal= 25 r\riru Ueilas:-o:\seuESTER 7\PRoPoSAL DERIN\U]I INTRUMEN\PoST-TEST No
abc Butir Baru No Butir Rsli l-++ 3--- 0-128--- 4** 0-22 0-- 23--- 11** 33 0-- 3--* 0-44 0-32"u* 4--55 0-30rrr{ 4--66 4++ 9--0-77 0__ 30rr* 0_88 4+ 1599 1+ 1+ 30ii* 1_0 l-0 27** 0-2++ 11 11 g-l,-- 20** L2 L2 1++ 2- 0-13 13 1--0-- 18--1,4 L4 1L- 0-15 15 0-26*x 0-16 16 1+ 30'!* 0- L7 17 2+ B--0-18 18 l--0-- 35*'. 19 19 l--0-0-20 20 3_ 3orrtr 0__ 21" 2L 2+ 0-- 7'-22 22 3l--- 22--23 23 2+ 4++ 8--24 24 l-+ 0-3-25 25 1-
Ket e ranqan:
++ +
32*tt l,- -
L-32** 0--
0-0-0-6+ 0--
2B** 1_0---
I J*rr 1+ 1_-
22** 31* *
1 0
0 0
0 0
n 0 0
0 0
ll0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
sangat aai k ea'i k
Bai k
ruk sangat Buruk eu
Rata2= 16, 86 simpang eaku= 4,32 rorelasixY= 0,77 nel i ab'i I i tas Tes: 0,87 Buti r Soal= 25 :umlah subvek= 37 t'tama berka-s
Btr Asl i
) 4
o . pembeda (%)
50,00 0,00 -20, 00 40,00 30,00 30,00 60,00 50,00 80,00
7 8
10 11
L2 13 L4 15
12 l-3
16 L7
16 L7
19 20
60, 20, 20, 30, 70, 30, 50, 20,
20 2L
22 23
60, 40, 50, 20, 40, 40,
00 00 00 00 00 00 -10, 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
sangat laudah sangat sukar
sukar sangat r'lludah sangat tqudah
sedang tuudah
sedang uudah n,tudah
sangat uudah sangat sukar uudah
sangat uudah
sangat rrludah sangat uudah sangat tuudah
sangat I'tudah sangat sukar sedang
tcorel asi
0,803 -0,009 -0, 201_ 0,674 0,637 0,292 0,555 0,665 0, 6010,729 0, 509 0,403 0,395 0,297 0,4]-L 0,049 0,487 0,645 0, 525 0,637 0,389 0,576 0,297 0,426 0,278
si gn. Korel asi Sangat Signifikan
Sangat Si gni fi kan Sangat si gni fi kan Sangat Sangat Sangat Sangat Sangat
si gni fi kan S'igni fi kan si gni fi kan
Si gn'i kair si gn'if i kan S'ign'i
si gni
Sr gnr
Sangat Sangat Sangat si gni fi Sangat si gni
Si gni
Si gni Si gni kan Si gn.i kan
fi fi fi fi
kan kan kan kan
KISI-KISI SOAL PRE-TEST DAN POST-TEST Standar Kompetensi Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.
Kompetensi Dasar Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-haridan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrative, spoof, dan hortatory exposition
Indikator Mengidentifikasi
Bentuk Soal
Pilihan Ganda
Hortatory Exposition
generic structure dari teks berbentuk hortatory expostion. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dan fungsi sosial dati teks hortatory exposition. Mengidentifikasi informasi seputar
1,2,3,4,9,12,15, 23
2,5,6,9,11,15,19, 23,24
teks dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition Mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks
berbentuk hortatory exposition
Mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition Mengidentifikasi saran (recomendation) dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposistion Mengidentifikasi arti atau makna (vocabulary) dalam teks hortatory exposistion
14,16, 20, 25
7,13, 24
Name: Class: Read the Texts Carefully and Answer the Questions! Choose a, b, c, d or e for the correct answer. (1 hour)(Pre-test). The Following is text for questions 1-5 Inline skating is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. It can be a competitive sport, such basketball and hockey, can be played on inline scaters, and skiers may cross-train on inline skates off-season. However, the majority of inline skaters do it primerely for fitness. An avarege skaters who skates for 30 minutes at a „steady comfortable rate‟ burns 285 calories and raises the heart rate to 148 beats per minute. To make sure that your heart is getting a workout. You must skate hard enough to break a sweat. Inline skating tones the muscle tones the muscle in the entire upper leg. When you swing your arms vigereously during skating, you can tone your biceps, triceps, and shoulder muscles too. Most people should be able to learn inline skating although people who have problems with their sense of balance may encounter difficulty. In line skating especially popular among children because it does not require them to join a team or depend on a parent to drive them anywhere. Adapted from: Advanced Learning English 2. 1. To make sure that our heart is getting a work out, we must skate for… a. 30 minutes b. All day along c. 30 minutes or more d. Less then 30 minutes e. More then 30 minutes
2. Inline skating tones the muscles of… a. Biceps d. stomach b. Triceps e. upper leg c. Shoulder 3. What kind of people that may find difficulty to learn inline skating? a. Children b. Old people c. Young people d. Creative people e. Unbalanced people 4. These are the advantages of inline skating, except… a. Increase physical fitness b. It can be competitive sport c. Increase children creativity d. May become a form of transportation e. All kind of sports can be played on inline skates 5. Word in the text that has the same meaning with word need is… a. Able d. Require b. Allow e. Depend c. Should The Following is text for question 6-10 Agricultural Nowadays, many people have realized that agriculture is much more important than as the supporting tools in economic development. In Indonesia, agriculture should be the priority of development because of some good reasons. First of all , the agriculture‟s contribution in the beginning of the development is highest among the other sectors. At present, almost half of total Indonesian labors are working in agriculture sector, but the contribution of agriculture sector does not reach 30 percent.
Second, agriculture sector is expected to fulfill the need of food in a country. As the number of population increase in an alarming rate each year, food supply must also increase. But in developing countries, food production and agricultural production per capita never increase more than one percent each year, and in some extreme case, it even stagnant. Last but not least, without agricultural development, the growth of industrial sector will be hampered because the growth that comes from industry will bring a wider gap into the internal economy in that country. In turn, this gap will create serious poverty problem, wider inequality of income distribution, and increase unemployment. Based on the above discussion, it is obvious that the government should put agriculture as the priority of national development. Adapted from: in Interlanguage:English for Senior High School Students XI. 6. “ in economic development.” The underline word means? a. Growth d. Big b. Increase e. Postpone c. Massive 7. What does the writer suggest that the goverment should do? a. Increase the industrial sector b. Put agricultural as the preority of national development. c. Stop the agricultural sector. d. Increase the impor of food to help agricultural sector. e. Supply more seeds and fertilizers to develop agricultural sector. 8. What is the main idea of paragraph 3? a. Agricultural sectore is expected to fulfill the need of food in a country.
b. Agricultural sector can help the national echonomic. c. Agricultural sector will increase the labor. d. Agricultural sector will decrease the industrial sector. e. Agricultural sector can help the farmer economical problem. 9. What is the further effect if we have poor development of argicultural? a. More people will lost their job. b. .Pepople will suffer hunger. c. Industrial sector will hampered and create economic problem d. It will make global warming become worse. e. Many farmers willl lost their field. 10. What the kind of test is the passage above? a. Narrative b. Descriptive c. Analytical Exposition. d. Hortatory Exposition e. Spoof Text. The Following is Text for question 11-16 Home Schooling Home schooling is an education system which provides child‟s main education programme at home. Home schooling takes the place of full-time school attendance and, in the United States and Canada, it usually meets state requirements for compulsory education. Although home schooling could achieve the objectives of compulsory education, there are some points that should be noticed from the home schooling. First, the idea of taking our children‟s education on home schooling can be a bit intimidating. Since our country is so large and the people are from so many different kinds of backgrounds, students need some
kind of social glue to make them stick together and to give them a sense of unity in spite of all the differences. They will not get such a unity when they are in home schooling. They will get the sense of unity when they are in the compulsory public schools since it is the easiest and best places to make this glue Then, the home schooling may not be able to prepare children to fit into the mass society, which means, among other things, believing what most people believe and liking what most people like. Or it may not be able to help children to fi nd a set of values with which they could resist and reject at least many of the values of the mass society. Recognizing the lack of home schooling in the case of children‟s socialization opportunity, we should afford them abundant social opportunities. We can have active home school support groups. We can hold ongoing park days, meetings at the zoo, the science museum, book clubs, history clubs, language clubs, home school scouting troops and many more options to provide them opportunities to socialize with others. Adapted from: in Interlanguage:English for Senior High School Students XI. 11. What is the tesxt tell us? a. Some complaints on home schooling. b. Children‟s complaints on home schooling. c. Ban on home Schooling d. Some criticism and suggestions on home schooling. e. The goverment‟s concern in home schooling.
12. Where does home schooling meet state requirements for compulsory education? a. In Indonesia. b. In Canada and the US. c. In Japan. d. In Canada and Japan. e. In the US and in Great Britain. 13. Considering the weakness of home schooling, what should be done according to the text? a. Parents should give them many social opportinities. b. Parents should be able to tell them to study harder. c. Home schools teacher should be able to teach social science. d. The government must ban home schooling. e. Parents should not have their children home schooled. 14. The word “it” in line 23 refers to… a. A social community. b. An ethic group. c. A public school. d. Home schooling e. The government. 15. What should be prepared for children to fit into the society according to text? a. Creativity b. Financial support. c. The sense of unity. d. Independence. e. High quality school. 16. The word “them” in the last lines refer to… a. The government. b. Parents. c. Children. d. Home schools. e. Public schools.
The Following is text for question 17-20 Private Schools Private schools are schools that are not run by the government. They offer various types of schools and levels of education. Although the government does not directly run the private schools, the government should give more attention to private schools for some good reasons. Private schools provide parents with an alternative to the state sector, and a learning environment, which might better suit their children. In addition, whilst there are many bad state schools, there are also bad private schools, and some excellent state schools which compete with the best private schools. The existence of private education can actually be financially beneficial to state schools. The state funds the education system through taxation. Parents who do not send their children to state schools still pay the same taxes. Therefore, there is more money per child in the state sector. There is evidence that a large number of parents, who send their children to private schools, are both „first time buyers‟ – i.e. neither parent attending a private school – and not from the privileged elite that the opposition would have us believe. Based on the above discussion, it is obvious that the government should give more attention to private schools because they also contribute much in the education world. Adapted from: in Interlanguage:English for Senior High School Students XI. 17. What is the text about? a. The benefic of private school for education. b. The weakness of private school.
c. Private school is banned by government. d. The existence of private school. e. Private schools as an alternative education for their children. 18. The writer perpose in writing this text is? a. Remind parents an alternative education for their children. b. To ban private school. c. To legalize the private school. d. To ask goverment for giving more attention to private schools. e. To give more donation to private schools. 19. “Private schools provide parents…” the underline word can be replaced by? a. Supply. c. Hold. b. Add. d. Keep. c. Keep. 20. “They offer various types…”. The word They in line 2 refers to… a. Private school. c. Parents b. Government. d. Children. c. Schools. The following is text for question 21-25 Why are Diazinon and Dursband should be Banned Diazinon and dursban are chemicals used on lawns, gardens, agricultural crops and livestock as an insecticide or nematocide (for worms). They are banned for several good reasons. Firstly, they cause nausea, dizziness, burning sensations, headaches, blurred visions, stomach and muscle cramps, twitching, diarrhea, aching joints, disorientation and an inability to concentrate. Secondly, these chemicals cause human and animal birth defects in many
areas of the human body including the brain, nervous system, teeth, eyes, ears, nipples and genitals. They can also cause profound growth and mental retardation when pregnant mothers are exposed. This may affect on lower birth weights of infants if mothers are exposed before and during pregnancy, and this is associated with lower IQs. Finally, residues, of course, are on some foods--up to 14 days on lettuce, for example--and the chemical also seeps into the nearby water. Therefore, the government must beurged to keep the safety factor of pesticides paramount in their thinking. Children are somuch more sensitive than adults to the toxic effects of chemicals. Adapted from: in Interlanguage:English for Senior High School Students XI. 21. What does the text discuss? a. Why farmer should use diazinon and dursban. b. Why worms are resistant to diazinon and dursban. c. Why pests can be removed fast and effectively by using diazinon and dusrban. d. Why farmers choose diazinon and dursban instead of other pesticides. e. Why diazinon and dursban are banned. 22. What is the purpose of this text? a. To inform the reader why diazinon and dursban should be banned.. b. To ask the goverment to legalize diazinon and dursban. c. To inform the redaer the benefits of diazinon and dursban. d. To inform the reader the cost of diazinon and dursban.
e. They convice the reader to used diazinon and dursban. 23. What would happen if a pregnant mother is exposed to diazinon or dursban? a. It may effect on their nervous system. b. It may cause lower birth weight and lower IQs of the baby. c. It may cause a terrible headache. d. It may effect on its eyes, ears, and teeth. e. This may increase its weight and IQs. 24. What does the writer suggest that the government should do? a. Allow farmers to use diazinon and dursban. b. Help the victims of diazinon and dursban. c. Ban the use of diazinon and dursban. d. Immunize children regularly. e. Subsidize farmers with safe pesticides. 25. “Children are somuch more sensitive than adults to the toxic effects of chemicals.” What does the statement mean? a. We should protect our children from dangerous chemicals. b. Children are resistant to several chemicals. c. Parents should not be worried about their children‟s health. d. The government should pay more attention to adults than to children. e. Children have greater immunity than adults.
Key Answers: 1.E 2.E 3.E 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.D
11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C 15. C 16. C 17.A 18.D 19. A 20.A
21.E 22.A 23.B 24.E 25. B
Name: Class: Read the Texts Carefully and Answer the Questions! Choose a, b, c, d or e for the best answer. (1 hour)(Post-test) The following is text for questions 1 to 5. Corruption Corruption is common everywhere in the world, even in the United States. It’s just a matter of intensity. However, it is quite shocking when one reliable survey claims Jakarta as the most corrupt place in Indonesia. The survey has made me sad, actually, because I stay and earn a living here in the capital city. As most people know, Tanjung Priok port smuggling is not new thing at all. Entrepreneurs who want to minimize their tax payments tend to do such a thing more often. They even bribe the officials. Well, I think the measure taken so far to overcome the problem by punishing the corruptors is still not far enough. We have to prevent the younger generation from getting a bad mentality caused by corruption. I believe we should start at the earliest stages in school and I think everyone should be involved in the effort to eradicate corruption. Adapted from: Advanced Learning English 2 1. The last paragraph is called? a. Orientation b. Thesis c. Arguments. d. Suggestion. e. Conclusion. 2. What does the reliable survey claim about? a. Corruption is common in United States.
b. Jakarta is the most corrupt place in Indonesia. c. Jakarta is an ideal place to earn living. d. Enterpreneurs bribe the officers. e. Younger generation from getting a bad mentality caused by corruption. 3. The word “they” in paragraph 2, last line refers to… a. The corruptions b. The corruptors c. The enterpreneurs d. The young generation e. The ofiicers 4. “… I stay and earn a living here in the capital city.”. What is the synonym of “earn a living”? a. Smuggle d. Work b. Bribe e. Prevent c. Overcome 5. Why do enterpreneurs bribe the officials? a. They want to minimize their tax payment. b. They want to earn more money. c. They thank the official. d. They don’t want to do smuggling. e. That is the way they earn living. This following is text for questions 6 to 9 Anybody who is over the age of six knows that there is nowhere safe for skateboarder to skate. This prevents young people from enjoying an activity, energetic and adventurous pastime. Just watch local street for a short while and note the steady stream of skaters speeding up and down the footpath. Toddlers can be trampled on and old ladies can be knocked down as they struggle home carrying their cat food from supermarkets. Thunderous rattles are heard on our main roads each night as skaters
travel without signs or without signs to oncoming car. Skateboarding is a serious sport can improves young people’s health. It increases fitness, improves balance and strengthens the joints in knees and ankels. Although it appears to be a solo sport, when groups practice together and complate to perform stunts or runs they form firm fraeinships. Young people should be prevented from becoming overweight coach potatoes. If they are actively involved in skating, they do not smoke, take drugs or break laws for fun. Kids will always seek thrills and excitemen. They need to practice their 180s, 360s and Ollie’sfree restrictions. We must build skateparks in the suburbs so that streets are safe for small children and senior citizens and skaters spaces wher they can race, chase, speed, and soar towards the soar towards the sun Adapted from: Strategi Sukses Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris. 6. Where do the kids usually ride their skateboard? a. In the ain roads and foot paths b. In front of the supermatket c. In front of their home d. In the suburbs e. In the park 7. What is the main idea of par. 3? a. There is no safe place for skateboarders b. Kids seek an excirement in skate c. The goodness of skateboarding d. The skateboarding is serious sport e. How to prevent overweight by skateboarding 8. The writer’s purpose in writing the text is...
a. To invite the local teenagers to skate in a park built specifically for skaters b. To convince the readers that they need a safe place for skaters to skate c. To provoke youngsters into the local government policy d. To promote the writer’s business of skateboarding class e. To inform parents about the goodness of skateboarding 9. What must we do to let the skaters play? a. Join with them anywhere b. Give them space in the park c. Let them play in the main roads d. Let them play in the local street e. Build a skate park in the suburbs The following text is for questions no. 10 to 13. Continued progress in advanced technology is not necessary. Already the technical progress in our world has caused severe pollution in the air and in the water. Although the technical progress in previous years has been helpful, recent technology has significantly increased pollution. Another reason to stop technical progress is that many inventions which were developed for good causes are now also used for powerful weapons or have been found to have seerious side effects. For example, pesticide put inside particle boards to prevent termites has now been found to be toxic to human life. Technology doesn’t always bring good effects; computers do much wordk faster than man, but than men loses his job to a machine. Because no man can guarantee that technology will have only good effects and will be used only for the benefit of
man, we should delay the continued development of tehno-logy. Adapted from: Strategi Sukses Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris. 10. What is the text about? a. The reason not to continue progress in advanced technology b. Pollution caused by technology c. The advantages of technology d. The important of technology for human e. The unstoppable technology 11. According to the text, one of the reasons to stop technical progress ... a. Technology is very expensive b. It is significantly increased pollution c. The men will get better jobs without technology d. It helps human in increasing food e. Technology may be developed fast 12. The author’s purpose in writing this paragraph is... a. To describe pollution caused by advanced technology b. To show how advantageous advanced technology is for human being c. To have people stop developing advanced technology d. To explain what further inventions in technology should be made e. To make people implement advanced technology 13. “... We should delay the continued ...” (last sentence). The underlined word means... a. Cancel b. Engage c. Stop d. Continue e. Postpone
The following text is for questions no. 15 to 17 “Indonesian Idol” is an annual Indonesian televised singing competition which has been airing on RCTI. Part of the Idol franchise, it originated from the british reality program “Pop Idol”. “Indonesian Idol” is a combination of a reality show and a talent search show. Unfortunately, instead of giving the opportunity to anyone who has talent and capable to be promoted as an Idol, I find some weaknesses in this program. Sometimes, the winner is not guaranteed to have a quality of a good singer because the winner is merely determined by public voting by phone and sms. Most of these voters do not consider the jury’s comments on the contestant’s performance because they would prefer focusing on the contestant’s physical appearance and personality rather than his/her singing quality. As a consequence, after the competition is over, only few of the winners get chance to be professional singers. Why? Because they don’t have great skills to be professional singers. Furthermore, most of them only have little experience in the show business, while being professional singers need a long process and time. My suggestion is that “Indonesian Idol” should not determine the winner based on the contestant’s popularity. The singing quality of each contenstant should be the first priority. Adapted from: Strategi Sukses Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris. 14. What is the text about? a. How to get new talented singers b. “Indonesian idol” competition singing
c. Music performance in “Indonesian Idol” d. The weaknesses of “Indonesian Idol” e. The description of “Indonesian Idol” 15. Why do only few singers get the chance to be professional? Because ... a. They are stars from “Indonesian Idol” b. They don’t prepare themselves well c. They have to compete each other d. They don’t have great skills to be professional singers e. Music industry is difficult 16. “They would prefer focusing on the contestant’s physical appearance and personality rather than his/her singing quality.” This sentence means that .... a. They like the contestant’s physical appearance and personality better than the quality of a good singer b. They like the quality of a good singer better than the contestant’s physical appearance and personality c. They prefer the quality of a good singer to the contestant’s physical appearance and personality d. The prefer the quality of a good and talented singer e. They don’t like the physical appearance and the personality 17. The word “opportunity” (par. 1) may be replaced by ... a. Eager b. Reality c. Chance d. Determine e. Important The following text is for questions no. 18 to 21 The right to freedom of religion is enshrined in the UN charter and
considered by many to be a basic human right. Some religions require special diet, others prayer at specific time. Why should religious mode of dress receive as much protection as these other aspects of religious freedom? Many muslim women view the veil as a means to protect their modesty and privacy. Just as we would not force any women to be seen in public in her underwear if she didn’t feel comfortable doing so, why should a woman be forced to show her hair if she doesn’t want to? Modesty is a personal judgment call; some are comfortable in the smallest bikini while others prefer a lot more clothing. No one but the woman herself should make that decision. Muslim women are not the only ones to feel coerced over their mode of dress. Most people are affected by the social norms surrounding them. Fashion trends could be seen in exactly the same light as religious traditions. Banning head coverings is only likely to provoke a more extreme reaction among highly religious communities. Framing laws to ban only islamic forms of dress could be considered an attack on one religion. Feeling under attack could cause the islamic Community to cole off into it self. It could set up relegious schools where their children can dress as they want them to and not mixx with children from other faiths. These effects could not be good for the intergration of society and would further the influence of extermist. Internationally the percieved attack on islamic values would inflame wider Muslim opinion, feed conspiracy theories and add to the dengreous feeling that there is a calsh of civilizations.
Intolerant schools make up problems as an excuse for not allowing Muslims freedom of relegious expression. In a multicultural society, students should be aware of the different religious practice nad cultural traditions of their classmetes, and be taught to understand respect these. Without such respect, Muslims and other groups with destinctive dress, such as ortodix Jews and sikhs, will be driven out of mainstreem education and forced to educate their children separately, which will realy create divisions and alienations. Based on the above facts, the goverment should not banned Muslim’s headscraft as a part of school or office uniforms. Adapted from: Startegi Sukses Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris. 18. What is the text about? a. Muslim students b. Muslim boarding school c. Muslim life d. Muslim headscraft e. Muslim community 19. Paragraph 4 tells us that banning on Muslim headscarf could... a. Arouse social conflict among social communities b. Maintain solidarity among social communities c. Provoke a more extreme reaction among highly religious of communities d. Teach students social awareness e. Make Muslim women loose their identity 20. What does the writer suggest? a. Schools should not be tolerant to any freedom of religious expression b. Students should know various social groups among the society
c. The government should ban Muslims headscarf because it may arouse conflicts d. Muslim’s headscarf as a part of school or office uniforms should not be banned e. Schools are allowed to ban Muslim headscarf because it may arouse many problems 21. The word “veil” in paragraph 2 has similar meaning to ... a. Helmet b. Glove c. Headscarf d. Napkin e. Sock The following text is for questions no. 22 to 25 Sometimes parents question whether they should have their children study at a course or just by themselves. When students feel weak in a certain subject, attending a course is good for them. However, parents should not force their children to attend many courses. Students who attend many courses may be dependent on their course teachers. They will feel that they have “someone” to go to when they have problems. They will just ask their teachers to help them do difficult assignments, without knowing the process of solving the task. Besides, attending many courses will make students tired, with less time to rest. As a result, they cannot concentrate and absorb well what they have learned, both at school or courses. Based on the above reasons, it is clear that attending many courses is not good for students. Therefore it is better if students attend only one or two courses a week. And, parents should make sure that their children benefit from the courses
they attend, either by observation or questions to the children. Adapted from: Detik-Detik Ujian Nasional Bahasa:Inggris Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014. 22. What is the purpose of the text? a. To compare courses and individual studies. b. To tell the readers why it is good to attend courses c. To tell the readers the pros and cons of attending a course d. To tell the readers why study groups is better than courses e. To tell the readers why students should not attend many courses 23. The second paragraph supports the view that... a. Attending course will lighten students’ burden b. Attending many courses is not good for students c. Students need to ask their teachers if they have problems d. Students should not depend on their course teachers e. Teachers should function as facilitators, not the sources of knowledge 24. The effects mentioned in paragraph 3 are... a. Make students tired, so they cannot understand learning materials b. Make students smarter, so they cannot understand learning materials c. Make students braver, so they can be brave in learning materials d. Make students absorb less than what they should
e. Make parents tired, so students cannot absorb what they have learned 25. The writer recommends that students should ... a. Manage their time well b. Study first before courses c. Not have courses at all d. Only have one or two courses a week e. Have a group course, not a private course, to socialize well Key Answer: 1.D 11. B 2.B 12. C 3.B 13. E 4.D 14. D 5.A 15. D 6.A 16. A 7.C 17. C 8.B 18. D 9.E 19. C 10.A 20. D
21.C 22. E 23. D 24. D 25. D
: SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: XI IPS/2
Materi Pokok
: Hortatory Exposition Text
Pertemuan Ke
Alokasi Waktu
: 4x (2 x 45 Menit)
I. Standar Kompetensi (membaca) 11. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan. II. Kompetensi Dasar 11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-haridan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrative, spoof, dan hortatory exposition III. Indikator: 1. Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks berbentuk hortatory expostion. 2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dan fungsi sosial dati teks hortatory exposition. 3. Mengidentifikasi informasi seputar teks dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 4. Mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 5. Mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition.
6. Mengidentifikasi saran (recomendation) dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposistion. 7. Mengidentifikasi arti atau makna kosa kata (vocabulary) dalam teks hortatory exposistion. IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran: 1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks berbentuk hortatory expostion. 2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan dan fungsi sosial dati teks hortatory exposition. 3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi seputar teks dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition
4. Siswa dapat Mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 5. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition.
6. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi saran (recomendation) dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposistion. 7. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi arti atau makna kosa kata (vocabulary) dalam teks hortatory exposistion. V. Sumber/Bahan/Alat:
Developing English Competencies for Senior High School (SMA/MA) 2 Quipper School (Online Learning Platform) Handout Projektor Laptop Kamus Papan Tulis
VI. Model Pembelajaran
Blended Learning
VII. Materi Pembelajaran: Definition Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done. Social Function To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be done. Generic Structure 1. Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern 2. Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation 3. Recommendation : Statement of what should or should not happen or be done based on the given arguments Language Features 1. Using Simple present tense 2. Using “Should or should not” in recomendation 3. Using adverb of sequance (first, second, next, then)
Television has certainly changed our lives. Today, most people prefer watching TV to going to the cinema. Without it, nobody would have paid much attention to national or international – historical, political, sport, etc – events. Even, television proved that pictures of suffering can move a nation to pity. Besides, many things can be learnt from TV Are there any advantages of TV? Many parents admitted that they found difficulties to stop their children‟s bad habit, for example, they spend their leisure time for watching TV more than reading. Children become very lazy and irresponsible for their tasks. This is of course denied by TV producers or people whose works is related to TV. They are very sure that there are a lot of benefits of TV for viewers, especially children or students. On the other hand, they honestly admit that TV programs can endanger children‟s mental. They regret because parents sometimes don‟t have much time to watch TV together with their children. They suggest parents to have more discussion with their children on any programs they have seen Taken from:
VIII. Sekenario Kegiatan: Kegiatan Awal: (10 menit) 1. Guru membuka dengan salam dan membaca ayat suci al-qur‟an 2. Guru mengecek absensi kehadiran siswa. 3. Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa Kegiatan Inti: (70 menit) Eksplorasi 1. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk menerangkan apa yang sudah mereka pelajari di pertemuan sebulumnya. 2. Guru membahas hasil kerja siswa pada tahap online learning di quipper school. 3. Guru menjelaskan tentang teks hortatory exposition. Elaborasi 4. Guru menunjukan sebuah teks acak hortatory exposition kepada siswa. 5. Siswa bersama sama menyususn urutan teks tersebut dan mengidentifikasi struktur teks nya. 6. Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca secara lantang hasil dari teks yang sudah mereka urutkan. 7. Guru memintas siswa untuk mengidentifikasi kosa kata yang sulit kemudian mengidentifikasinya bersama-sama. Konfirmasi 8. Guru membagi siswa menjadi kelompok kecil. 9. Guru memberi soal yang berkaitan denga teks yang dibahas. 10. Guru dan siswa sama sama membahas hasil jawaban siswa.
KegiatanAkhir: (10 menit) 1. Guru mengulas secara singkat apa yang siswa telah pelajar ipada hari tersebut. 2. Guru memberikan siswa dan mengingatkan siswa untuk membaca ekstra material yang berkaitan dengan yang mereka bahas di kelas dan untuk mengerjakan soal latihan secara online di quipper school. 3. Guru menutup dengan hamdalah. IX. Penilaian
Teknik: Tugas/ Unjuk Kerja Aspek yang dinilia: Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Konsep Instrumen penilaian “face to face learning” a. Lembar soal: Terlampir b. Lembar penilaian: Pada lembar kerja Siswa c. Kriteria Peniaian
Kriteria: Betul = 2; Salah= 0; Total soal= 5; Sekor maksimal = 10 Nilai = 10 x 10 =100
Instrumen Penilaian “Online Learning” a. Lembar soal: Terlampir dalam learning platform “Quipper School” b. Lembar Penilaian: Pada akun siswa di „Quipper school’ c. Kriteria Penilaian
Kriteria: Betul = 1; Salah= 0; Total soal= 10; Sekor maksimal = 10 Nilai = 10 x 10 =100 Ciputat, 9 Mei 2016 Mengetahuai, Guru Pamong Mata pelajaran
Nina Herlina, S.Pd
Guru Praktikan
Derin Periyana
: SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: XI IPS/2
Materi Pokok
: Hortatory Exposition Text
Pertemuan Ke
: 4 x (2 x 45 Menit)
I. Standar Kompetensi (Membaca) 11. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan. II. Kompetensi Dasar 11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-haridan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrative, spoof, dan hortatory exposition III. Indikator: 1. Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks berbentuk hortatory expostion. 2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dan fungsi sosial dati teks hortatory exposition. 3. Mengidentifikasi informasi seputar teks dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 4. Mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 5. Mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition.
6. Mengidentifikasi saran (recomendation) dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposistion. 7. Mengidentifikasi arti atau makna kosa kata (vocabulary) dalam teks hortatory exposistion. IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran: 1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks berbentuk hortatory expostion. 2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan dan fungsi sosial dati teks hortatory exposition. 3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi seputar teks dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition
4. Siswa dapat Mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 5. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition.
6. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi saran (recomendation) dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposistion. 7. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi arti atau makna kosa kata (vocabulary) dalam teks hortatory exposistion. V. Sumber/Bahan/Alat:
Developing English Competencies for Senior High School (SMA/MA) 2 Handout Projektor Laptop Kamus Papan Tulis
VI. Model Pembelajaran
Conventional/Traditional Learning.
VII. Materi Pembelajaran: Definition Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done. Social Function To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be done. Generic Structure 1. Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern 2. Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation 3. Recommendation : Statement of what should or should not happen or be done based on the given arguments Language Features 1. Using Simple present tense 2. Using “Should or should not” in recomendation 3. Using adverb of sequance (first, second, next, then)
Television has certainly changed our lives. Today, most people prefer watching TV to going to the cinema. Without it, nobody would have paid much attention to national or international – historical, political, sport, etc – events. Even, television proved that pictures of suffering can move a nation to pity. Besides, many things can be learnt from TV Are there any advantages of TV? Many parents admitted that they found difficulties to stop their children’s bad habit, for example, they spend their leisure time for watching TV more than reading. Children become very lazy and irresponsible for their tasks. This is of course denied by TV producers or people whose works is related to TV. They are very sure that there are a lot of benefits of TV for viewers, especially children or students. On the other hand, they honestly admit that TV programs can endanger children’s mental. They regret because parents sometimes don’t have much time to watch TV together with their children. They suggest parents to have more discussion with their children on any programs they have seen Taken from:
VIII. Sekenario Kegiatan: Kegiatan Awal: (10 menit) 1. Guru membuka dengan salam dan membaca ayat suci al-qur’an 2. Guru mengecek absensi kehadiran siswa. 3. Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa. Kegiatan Inti: (70 menit) Eksplorasi 1. Guru meminta siswa untuk menjelaskan apa yang sudah mereka pelajari pada pelajaran sebelumnya. 2. Guru mempresentasikan dan menjelaskan secara terperinci tentang hortatory exposition text. 3. Guru meminta siswa menyimak kemudian guru memberi izin siswa untuk bertanya. Elaborasi 4. Guru meberikan/menunjukan teks hortatory exposistion kepada siswa. 5. Guru meberikan waktu kepada siswa untuk mengidentifikasi kata-kata yang sulit. 6. Guru bersama siswa mengidentifikasi kata kata sulit tersebut 7. Guru memberikan izin kepada siswa untuk bertanya Konfirmasi 8. Guru membagi siswa menjadi kelompok kecil. 9. Guru memberikan soal yang berkaitan dengan teks tersebut. 10. Guru dan siswa sama sama membahas jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut.
Kegiatan Akhir: (10 menit) 1. Guru mengulas secara singkat apa yang siswa telah pelajar ipada hari tersebut. 2. Guru menutup dengan hamdalah. IX. Penilaian
Teknik: Tugas/ Unjuk Kerja Aspek yang dinilia: Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Konsep Instrumen penilaian “face to face learning” a. Lembar soal: Terlampir b. Lembar penilaian: Pada lembar kerja Siswa c. Kriteria Peniaian
Kriteria: Betul = 2; Salah= 0; Total soal= 5; Sekor maksimal = 10 Nilai = 10 x 10 =100
Ciputat, 9 Mei 2016 Mengetahuai, Guru Pamong Mata pelajaran
Nina Herlina, S.Pd
Guru Praktikan
Derin Periyana
: SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: XI IPS/2
Materi Pokok
: Hortatory Exposition Text
Pertemuan Ke
Alokasi Waktu
: 4x (2 x 45 Menit)
I. Standar Kompetensi (membaca) 11. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan. II. Kompetensi Dasar 11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-haridan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrative, spoof, dan hortatory exposition III. Indikator: 1. Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks berbentuk hortatory expostion. 2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dan fungsi sosial dati teks hortatory exposition. 3. Mengidentifikasi informasi seputar teks dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 4. Mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 5. Mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition.
6. Mengidentifikasi saran (recomendation) dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposistion. 7. Mengidentifikasi arti atau makna kosa kata (vocabulary) dalam teks hortatory exposistion. IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran: 1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks berbentuk hortatory expostion. 2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan dan fungsi sosial dati teks hortatory exposition. 3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi seputar teks dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition
4. Siswa dapat Mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 5. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition.
6. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi saran (recomendation) dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposistion. 7. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi arti atau makna kosa kata (vocabulary) dalam teks hortatory exposistion. V. Sumber/Bahan/Alat:
Developing English Competencies for Senior High School (SMA/MA) 2 Quipper School (Online Learning Platform) Handout Projektor Laptop Kamus Papan Tulis
VI. Model Pembelajaran
Blended Learning
VII. Materi Pembelajaran: Definition Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done. Social Function To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be done. Generic Structure 1. Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern 2. Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation 3. Recommendation : Statement of what should or should not happen or be done based on the given arguments Language Features 1. Using Simple present tense 2. Using “Should or should not” in recomendation 3. Using adverb of sequance (first, second, next, then)
Let’s Make City Clean and Fresh A clean and fresh city will surely make the inhabitants healthy. Every morning especially in dry season, all road must be watered with clean water and swept by the workers of regional government under the mayor‟s instruction. To protect people from heavy pollution caused by cars, trucks and motorcycles, enough trees must be planted along the roads. Every building or house in the city must be surrounded by short and small trees bear colorful flowers. Bad and improper habits which cause disadvantages, such as smoking and throwing rubbish anywhere should be stopped at once. The city mayor will have to think over the way to educate people, so they realize how important cleanliness and health are. More public lavatories are badly needed. It will be wise if the city mayor decides a certain amount of fine to be paid by those who breaks government regulation on cleanliness matter. For example, a man who urinates not at a lavatory, smokes not at a smoking room or throws rubbish at the roads should be fined. Besides dirtying the environment with cigarettes‟ butts, smoking will also cause pollution and bad lung diseases to other people. So, bad habits and impolite attitude should be immediately stopped, otherwise the city will be dirty, unhealthy, badly polluted and will never attract foreign and domestic tourists as well. Taken from: VIII. Sekenario Kegiatan: Kegiatan Awal: (10 menit) 1. Guru membuka dengan salam dan membaca ayat suci al-qur‟an 2. Guru mengecek absensi kehadiran siswa. 3. Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa Kegiatan Inti: (70 menit) Eksplorasi 1. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk menerangkan apa yang sudah mereka pelajari di pertemuan sebulumnya. 2. Guru membahas hasil kerja siswa pada tahap online learning di quipper school. 3. Guru menjelaskan tentang teks hortatory exposition. Elaborasi 4. Guru menunjukan sebuah teks acak hortatory exposition kepada siswa. 5. Siswa bersama sama menyususn urutan teks tersebut dan mengidentifikasi struktur teks nya. 6. Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca secara lantang hasil dari teks yang sudah mereka urutkan. 7. Guru memintas siswa untuk mengidentifikasi kosa kata yang sulit kemudian mengidentifikasinya bersama-sama. Konfirmasi
8. Guru membagi siswa menjadi kelompok kecil. 9. Guru memberi soal yang berkaitan denga teks yang dibahas. 10. Guru dan siswa sama sama membahas hasil jawaban siswa. KegiatanAkhir: (10 menit) 1. Guru mengulas secara singkat apa yang siswa telah pelajar ipada hari tersebut. 2. Guru memberikan siswa dan mengingatkan siswa untuk membaca ekstra material yang berkaitan dengan yang mereka bahas di kelas dan untuk mengerjakan soal latihan secara online di quipper school. 3. Guru menutup dengan hamdalah. IX. Penilaian
Teknik: Tugas/ Unjuk Kerja Aspek yang dinilia: Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Konsep Instrumen penilaian “face to face learning” a. Lembar soal: Terlampir b. Lembar penilaian: Pada lembar kerja Siswa c. Kriteria Peniaian
Kriteria: Betul = 2; Salah= 0; Total soal= 5; Sekor maksimal = 10 Nilai = 10 x 10 =100
Instrumen Penilaian “Online Learning” a. Lembar soal: Terlampir dalam learning platform “Quipper School” b. Lembar Penilaian: Pada akun siswa di „Quipper school’ c. Kriteria Penilaian
Kriteria: Betul = 1; Salah= 0; Total soal= 10; Sekor maksimal = 10 Nilai = 10 x 10 =100 Ciputat, 12 Mei 2016 Mengetahuai, Guru Pamong Mata pelajaran
Nina Herlina, S.Pd
Guru Praktikan
Derin Periyana
: SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: XI IPS/2
Materi Pokok
: Hortatory Exposition Text
Pertemuan Ke
: 4 x (2 x 45 Menit)
I. Standar Kompetensi (Membaca) 11. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan. II. Kompetensi Dasar 11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-haridan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrative, spoof, dan hortatory exposition III. Indikator: 1. Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks berbentuk hortatory expostion. 2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dan fungsi sosial dati teks hortatory exposition. 3. Mengidentifikasi informasi seputar teks dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 4. Mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 5. Mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition.
6. Mengidentifikasi saran (recomendation) dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposistion. 7. Mengidentifikasi arti atau makna kosa kata (vocabulary) dalam teks hortatory exposistion. IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran: 1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks berbentuk hortatory expostion. 2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan dan fungsi sosial dati teks hortatory exposition. 3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi seputar teks dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition
4. Siswa dapat Mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 5. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition.
6. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi saran (recomendation) dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposistion. 7. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi arti atau makna kosa kata (vocabulary) dalam teks hortatory exposistion. V. Sumber/Bahan/Alat:
Developing English Competencies for Senior High School (SMA/MA) 2 Handout Projektor Laptop Kamus Papan Tulis
VI. Model Pembelajaran
Confentional/Traditional Learning
VII. Materi Pembelajaran: Definition Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done. Social Function To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be done. Generic Structure 1. Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern 2. Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation 3. Recommendation : Statement of what should or should not happen or be done based on the given arguments Language Features 1. Using Simple present tense 2. Using “Should or should not” in recomendation 3. Using adverb of sequance (first, second, next, then)
Let’s Make City Clean and Fresh A clean and fresh city will surely make the inhabitants healthy. Every morning especially in dry season, all road must be watered with clean water and swept by the workers of regional government under the mayor’s instruction. To protect people from heavy pollution caused by cars, trucks and motorcycles, enough trees must be planted along the roads. Every building or house in the city must be surrounded by short and small trees bear colorful flowers. Bad and improper habits which cause disadvantages, such as smoking and throwing rubbish anywhere should be stopped at once. The city mayor will have to think over the way to educate people, so they realize how important cleanliness and health are. More public lavatories are badly needed. It will be wise if the city mayor decides a certain amount of fine to be paid by those who breaks government regulation on cleanliness matter. For example, a man who urinates not at a lavatory, smokes not at a smoking room or throws rubbish at the roads should be fined. Besides dirtying the environment with cigarettes’ butts, smoking will also cause pollution and bad lung diseases to other people. So, bad habits and impolite attitude should be immediately stopped, otherwise the city will be dirty, unhealthy, badly polluted and will never attract foreign and domestic tourists as well. Taken from:
VIII. Sekenario Kegiatan: Kegiatan Awal: (10 menit) 1. Guru membuka dengan salam dan membaca ayat suci al-qur’an 2. Guru mengecek absensi kehadiran siswa. 3. Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa. Kegiatan Inti: (70 menit) Eksplorasi 1. Guru meminta siswa untuk menjelaskan apa yang sudah mereka pelajari pada pelajaran sebelumnya. 2. Guru mempresentasikan dan menjelaskan secara terperinci tentang hortatory exposition text. 3. Guru meminta siswa menyimak kemudian guru memberi izin siswa untuk bertanya. Elaborasi 4. Guru meberikan/menunjukan teks hortatory exposistion kepada siswa. 5. Guru meberikan waktu kepada siswa untuk mengidentifikasi kata-kata yang sulit. 6. Guru bersama siswa mengidentifikasi kata kata sulit tersebut 7. Guru memberikan izin kepada siswa untuk bertanya
Konfirmasi 8. Guru membagi siswa menjadi kelompok kecil. 9. Guru memberikan soal yang berkaitan dengan teks tersebut. 10. Guru dan siswa sama sama membahas jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut.
Kegiatan Akhir: (10 menit) 1. Guru mengulas secara singkat apa yang siswa telah pelajar ipada hari tersebut. 2. Guru menutup dengan hamdalah. IX. Penilaian
Teknik: Tugas/ Unjuk Kerja Aspek yang dinilia: Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Konsep Instrumen penilaian “face to face learning” a. Lembar soal: Terlampir b. Lembar penilaian: Pada lembar kerja Siswa c. Kriteria Peniaian
Kriteria: Betul = 2; Salah= 0; Total soal= 5; Sekor maksimal = 10 Nilai = 10 x 10 =100
Ciputat, 12 Mei 2016 Mengetahuai, Guru Pamong Mata pelajaran
Nina Herlina, S.Pd
Guru Praktikan
Derin Periyana
: SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: XI IPS/2
Materi Pokok
: Hortatory Exposition Text
Pertemuan Ke
Alokasi Waktu
: 4x (2 x 45 Menit)
I. Standar Kompetensi (membaca) 11. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan. II. Kompetensi Dasar 11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-haridan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrative, spoof, dan hortatory exposition III. Indikator: 1. Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks berbentuk hortatory expostion. 2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dan fungsi sosial dati teks hortatory exposition. 3. Mengidentifikasi informasi seputar teks dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 4. Mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 5. Mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition.
6. Mengidentifikasi saran (recomendation) dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposistion. 7. Mengidentifikasi arti atau makna kosa kata (vocabulary) dalam teks hortatory exposistion. IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran: 1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks berbentuk hortatory expostion. 2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan dan fungsi sosial dati teks hortatory exposition. 3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi seputar teks dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition
4. Siswa dapat Mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 5. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition.
6. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi saran (recomendation) dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposistion. 7. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi arti atau makna kosa kata (vocabulary) dalam teks hortatory exposistion. V. Sumber/Bahan/Alat:
Developing English Competencies for Senior High School (SMA/MA) 2 Quipper School (Online Learning Platform) Handout Projektor Laptop Kamus Papan Tulis
VI. Model Pembelajaran
Blended Learning
VII. Materi Pembelajaran: Definition Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done. Social Function To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be done. Generic Structure 1. Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern 2. Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation 3. Recommendation : Statement of what should or should not happen or be done based on the given arguments Language Features 1. Using Simple present tense 2. Using “Should or should not” in recomendation 3. Using adverb of sequance (first, second, next, then)
School Uniform, Another Good Lesson School uniform is special clothes worn by all students of a particular school. The uniform of a school may differ from others. Why should schools use uniforms? Below are some reasons. First of all, Notre Dame‟s Department of Sociology produced a study in 1998 concerning school uniforms. Their findings using 10th grade students showed that uniforms have no direct effect on “substance abuse, behavioral problems or attendance.” It also claimed a negative effect on student achievements for those students considered „pro-school‟. Secondly, uniform helps to create a strong sense school ethos and a sense of belonging to a particular community. As such it promotes discipline and helps to drive up academic standards, which is why a uniform is often adopted by schools which are being reopened with a fresh start after being classified as failing. Finally, uniform acts as a social leveler, under which all students are equal in the eyes of the school and of each other. In institutions without uniform students are often competitive and worry endlessly about their appearance and the clothes they should wear. Pupils without expensive designer clothes and trainers may be singled out as social outcasts, or stigmatized as being from poor backgrounds. For these reasons many parents prefer uniforms as they save them money on buying clothes for school wear. Considering the findings, schools should implement the uniform as their identity. The government should also publish some kind of rule which makes uniform compulsory for schools. Taken from: VIII. Sekenario Kegiatan: Kegiatan Awal: (10 menit) 1. Guru membuka dengan salam dan membaca ayat suci al-qur‟an 2. Guru mengecek absensi kehadiran siswa. 3. Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa Kegiatan Inti: (70 menit) Eksplorasi 1. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk menerangkan apa yang sudah mereka pelajari di pertemuan sebulumnya. 2. Guru membahas hasil kerja siswa pada tahap online learning di quipper school. 3. Guru menjelaskan tentang teks hortatory exposition. Elaborasi 4. Guru menunjukan sebuah teks acak hortatory exposition kepada siswa. 5. Siswa bersama sama menyususn urutan teks tersebut dan mengidentifikasi struktur teks nya.
6. Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca secara lantang hasil dari teks yang sudah mereka urutkan. 7. Guru memintas siswa untuk mengidentifikasi kosa kata yang sulit kemudian mengidentifikasinya bersama-sama. Konfirmasi 8. Guru membagi siswa menjadi kelompok kecil. 9. Guru memberi soal yang berkaitan denga teks yang dibahas. 10. Guru dan siswa sama sama membahas hasil jawaban siswa. KegiatanAkhir: (10 menit) 1. Guru mengulas secara singkat apa yang siswa telah pelajar ipada hari tersebut. 2. Guru memberikan siswa dan mengingatkan siswa untuk membaca ekstra material yang berkaitan dengan yang mereka bahas di kelas dan untuk mengerjakan soal latihan secara online di quipper school. 3. Guru menutup dengan hamdalah. IX. Penilaian
Teknik: Tugas/ Unjuk Kerja Aspek yang dinilia: Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Konsep Instrumen penilaian “face to face learning” a. Lembar soal: Terlampir b. Lembar penilaian: Pada lembar kerja Siswa c. Kriteria Peniaian
Kriteria: Betul = 2; Salah= 0; Total soal= 5; Sekor maksimal = 10 Nilai = 10 x 10 =100
Instrumen Penilaian “Online Learning” a. Lembar soal: Terlampir dalam learning platform “Quipper School” b. Lembar Penilaian: Pada akun siswa di „Quipper school’ c. Kriteria Penilaian
Kriteria: Betul = 1; Salah= 0; Total soal= 10; Sekor maksimal = 10 Nilai = 10 x 10 =100 Ciputat, 16 Mei 2016 Mengetahuai, Guru Pamong Mata pelajaran
Nina Herlina, S.Pd
Guru Praktikan
Derin Periyana
: SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: XI IPS/2
Materi Pokok
: Hortatory Exposition Text
Pertemuan Ke
: 4 x (2 x 45 Menit)
I. Standar Kompetensi (Membaca) 11. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan. II. Kompetensi Dasar 11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-haridan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrative, spoof, dan hortatory exposition III. Indikator: 1. Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks berbentuk hortatory expostion. 2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dan fungsi sosial dati teks hortatory exposition. 3. Mengidentifikasi informasi seputar teks dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 4. Mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 5. Mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition.
6. Mengidentifikasi saran (recomendation) dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposistion. 7. Mengidentifikasi arti atau makna kosa kata (vocabulary) dalam teks hortatory exposistion. IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran: 1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks berbentuk hortatory expostion. 2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan dan fungsi sosial dati teks hortatory exposition. 3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi seputar teks dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition
4. Siswa dapat Mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 5. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition.
6. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi saran (recomendation) dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposistion. 7. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi arti atau makna kosa kata (vocabulary) dalam teks hortatory exposistion. V. Sumber/Bahan/Alat:
Developing English Competencies for Senior High School (SMA/MA) 2 Handout Projektor Laptop Kamus Papan Tulis
VI. Metode/Model Pembelajaran
Conventional/Traditional Learning
VII. Materi Pembelajaran: Definition Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done. Social Function To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be done. Generic Structure 1. Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern 2. Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation 3. Recommendation : Statement of what should or should not happen or be done based on the given arguments Language Features 1. Using Simple present tense 2. Using “Should or should not” in recomendation 3. Using adverb of sequance (first, second, next, then)
School Uniform, Another Good Lesson School uniform is special clothes worn by all students of a particular school. The uniform of a school may differ from others. Why should schools use uniforms? Below are some reasons. First of all, Notre Dame‟s Department of Sociology produced a study in 1998 concerning school uniforms. Their findings using 10th grade students showed that uniforms have no direct effect on “substance abuse, behavioral problems or attendance.” It also claimed a negative effect on student achievements for those students considered „pro-school‟. Secondly, uniform helps to create a strong sense school ethos and a sense of belonging to a particular community. As such it promotes discipline and helps to drive up academic standards, which is why a uniform is often adopted by schools which are being reopened with a fresh start after being classified as failing. Finally, uniform acts as a social leveler, under which all students are equal in the eyes of the school and of each other. In institutions without uniform students are often competitive and worry endlessly about their appearance and the clothes they should wear. Pupils without expensive designer clothes and trainers may be singled out as social outcasts, or stigmatized as being from poor backgrounds. For these reasons many parents prefer uniforms as they save them money on buying clothes for school wear. Considering the findings, schools should implement the uniform as their identity. The government should also publish some kind of rule which makes uniform compulsory for schools. Taken from:
VIII. Sekenario Kegiatan: Kegiatan Awal: (10 menit) 1. Guru membuka dengan salam dan membaca ayat suci al-qur‟an 2. Guru mengecek absensi kehadiran siswa. 3. Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa. Kegiatan Inti: (70 menit) Eksplorasi 1. Guru meminta siswa untuk menjelaskan apa yang sudah mereka pelajari pada pelajaran sebelumnya. 2. Guru mempresentasikan dan menjelaskan secara terperinci tentang hortatory exposition text. 3. Guru meminta siswa menyimak kemudian guru memberi izin siswa untuk bertanya. Elaborasi 4. Guru meberikan/menunjukan teks hortatory exposistion kepada siswa. 5. Guru meberikan waktu kepada siswa untuk mengidentifikasi kata-kata yang sulit.
6. Guru bersama siswa mengidentifikasi kata kata sulit tersebut 7. Guru memberikan izin kepada siswa untuk bertanya Konfirmasi 8. Guru membagi siswa menjadi kelompok kecil. 9. Guru memberikan soal yang berkaitan dengan teks tersebut. 10. Guru dan siswa sama sama membahas jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut.
Kegiatan Akhir: (10 menit) 1. Guru mengulas secara singkat apa yang siswa telah pelajar ipada hari tersebut. 2. Guru menutup dengan hamdalah. IX. Penilaian
Teknik: Tugas/ Unjuk Kerja Aspek yang dinilia: Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Konsep Instrumen penilaian “face to face learning” a. Lembar soal: Terlampir b. Lembar penilaian: Pada lembar kerja Siswa c. Kriteria Peniaian
Kriteria: Betul = 2; Salah= 0; Total soal= 5; Sekor maksimal = 10 Nilai = 10 x 10 =100
Ciputat, 16 Mei 2016 Mengetahuai, Guru Pamong Mata pelajaran
Nina Herlina, S.Pd
Guru Praktikan
Derin Periyana
: SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: XI IPS/2
Materi Pokok
: Hortatory Exposition Text
Pertemuan Ke
Alokasi Waktu
: 4x (2 x 45 Menit)
I. Standar Kompetensi (membaca) 11. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan. II. Kompetensi Dasar 11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-haridan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrative, spoof, dan hortatory exposition III. Indikator: 1. Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks berbentuk hortatory expostion. 2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dan fungsi sosial dati teks hortatory exposition. 3. Mengidentifikasi informasi seputar teks dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 4. Mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 5. Mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition.
6. Mengidentifikasi saran (recomendation) dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposistion. 7. Mengidentifikasi arti atau makna kosa kata (vocabulary) dalam teks hortatory exposistion. IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran: 1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks berbentuk hortatory expostion. 2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan dan fungsi sosial dati teks hortatory exposition. 3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi seputar teks dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition
4. Siswa dapat Mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 5. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition.
6. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi saran (recomendation) dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposistion. 7. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi arti atau makna kosa kata (vocabulary) dalam teks hortatory exposistion. V. Sumber/Bahan/Alat:
Developing English Competencies for Senior High School (SMA/MA) 2 Quipper School (Online Learning Platform) Handout Projektor Laptop Kamus Papan Tulis
VI. Model Pembelajaran
Blended Learning
VII. Materi Pembelajaran: Definition Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done. Social Function To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be done. Generic Structure 1. Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern 2. Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation 3. Recommendation : Statement of what should or should not happen or be done based on the given arguments Language Features 1. Using Simple present tense 2. Using “Should or should not” in recomendation 3. Using adverb of sequance (first, second, next, then)
Organic farming is a form of agriculture which excludes the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, plant growth regulators, livestock feed additives, and genetically modified organisms. It is believed that organic farming should replace conventional one for some reasons. Firstly, as far as possible, organic farmers rely on crop rotation, integrated pest management, crop residue, compost and mechanical cultivation to maintain soil productivity and control pests. Secondly, studies have shown that people who work with pesticides have an increased risk of developing Parkinson‟s disease. The pesticides examined in these two long-term studies, paraquat and dieldrin, are not allowed on organic farms. The herbicide paraquat and fungicide maneb together, but not alone, have been shown to cause brain damage in mice. Some organic farming standards do allow the use of natural methods of protection from pests such as those derived from plants. Organic activists state that natural pesticides are a last alternative, while growing healthier, diseaseresistant diseaseresistant plants, using cover crops and croprotation, and encouraging benefi cial insects and birds are the primary methods of pest control. Finally, a 2001 study demonstrated that children who are fed organic diets experienced significantly lower organophosphorus pesticide exposure than children fed conventional diets. A similar study in 2006 measured the levels of organophosphorus pesticide exposure in 23 preschool children before and after replacing their diet with organic food: levels of organophosphorus pesticide exposure dropped dramatically and immediately when the children switched to an organic diet. Although the researchers did not collect health outcome data in this study, they concluded “it assumes that children whose diets consist of organic food items would have a lower probability of neurologic health risks.” Therefore, organic farming should replace conventional one to reduce the using of pesticides which usually remain in farm production such as fruits and vegetables since there are a lot of research which prove that pesticides may be harmful for the consumers if people use pesticides improperly. Retreived from: in Interlanguage:English for Senior High School Students. VIII. Sekenario Kegiatan: Kegiatan Awal: (10 menit) 1. Guru membuka dengan salam dan membaca ayat suci al-qur‟an 2. Guru mengecek absensi kehadiran siswa. 3. Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa Kegiatan Inti: (70 menit) Eksplorasi 1. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk menerangkan apa yang sudah mereka pelajari di pertemuan sebulumnya. 2. Guru membahas hasil kerja siswa pada tahap online learning di quipper school. 3. Guru menjelaskan tentang teks hortatory exposition. Elaborasi 4. Guru menunjukan sebuah teks acak hortatory exposition kepada siswa.
5. Siswa bersama sama menyususn urutan teks tersebut dan mengidentifikasi struktur teks nya. 6. Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca secara lantang hasil dari teks yang sudah mereka urutkan. 7. Guru memintas siswa untuk mengidentifikasi kosa kata yang sulit kemudian mengidentifikasinya bersama-sama. Konfirmasi 8. Guru membagi siswa menjadi kelompok kecil. 9. Guru memberi soal yang berkaitan denga teks yang dibahas. 10. Guru dan siswa sama sama membahas hasil jawaban siswa. KegiatanAkhir: (10 menit) 1. Guru mengulas secara singkat apa yang siswa telah pelajar ipada hari tersebut. 2. Guru memberikan siswa dan mengingatkan siswa untuk membaca ekstra material yang berkaitan dengan yang mereka bahas di kelas dan untuk mengerjakan soal latihan secara online di quipper school. 3. Guru menutup dengan hamdalah. IX. Penilaian
Teknik: Tugas/ Unjuk Kerja Aspek yang dinilia: Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Konsep Instrumen penilaian “face to face learning” a. Lembar soal: Terlampir b. Lembar penilaian: Pada lembar kerja Siswa c. Kriteria Peniaian
Kriteria: Betul = 2; Salah= 0; Total soal= 5; Sekor maksimal = 10 Nilai = 10 x 10 =100
Instrumen Penilaian “Online Learning” a. Lembar soal: Terlampir dalam learning platform “Quipper School” b. Lembar Penilaian: Pada akun siswa di „Quipper school’ c. Kriteria Penilaian
Kriteria: Betul = 1; Salah= 0; Total soal= 10; Sekor maksimal = 10 Nilai = 10 x 10 =100 Ciputat, 19 Mei 2016 Mengetahuai,
Guru Pamong Mata pelajaran
Nina Herlina, S.Pd
Guru Praktikan
Derin Periyana
: SMA N 4 Kota Tangerang Selatan
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: XI IPS/2
Materi Pokok
: Hortatory Exposition Text
Pertemuan Ke
: 4 x (2 x 45 Menit)
I. Standar Kompetensi (Membaca) 11. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan. II. Kompetensi Dasar 11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-haridan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrative, spoof, dan hortatory exposition III. Indikator: 1. Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks berbentuk hortatory expostion. 2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dan fungsi sosial dati teks hortatory exposition. 3. Mengidentifikasi informasi seputar teks dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 4. Mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 5. Mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition.
6. Mengidentifikasi saran (recomendation) dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposistion. 7. Mengidentifikasi arti atau makna kosa kata (vocabulary) dalam teks hortatory exposistion. IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran: 1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks berbentuk hortatory expostion. 2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan dan fungsi sosial dati teks hortatory exposition. 3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi seputar teks dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition
4. Siswa dapat Mengidentifikasi makna dan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition 5. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna tersirat dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposition.
6. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi saran (recomendation) dalam teks berbentuk hortatory exposistion. 7. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi arti atau makna kosa kata (vocabulary) dalam teks hortatory exposistion. V. Sumber/Bahan/Alat:
Developing English Competencies for Senior High School (SMA/MA) 2 Handout Projektor Laptop Kamus Papan Tulis
VI. Model Pembelajaran
Conventional/Traditional Learning.
VII. Materi Pembelajaran: Definition Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done. Social Function To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be done. Generic Structure 1. Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern 2. Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation 3. Recommendation : Statement of what should or should not happen or be done based on the given arguments Language Features 1. Using Simple present tense 2. Using “Should or should not” in recomendation 3. Using adverb of sequance (first, second, next, then)
Organic farming is a form of agriculture which excludes the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, plant growth regulators, livestock feed additives, and genetically modified organisms. It is believed that organic farming should replace conventional one for some reasons. Firstly, as far as possible, organic farmers rely on crop rotation, integrated pest management, crop residue, compost and mechanical cultivation to maintain soil productivity and control pests. Secondly, studies have shown that people who work with pesticides have an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. The pesticides examined in these two long-term studies, paraquat and dieldrin, are not allowed on organic farms. The herbicide paraquat and fungicide maneb together, but not alone, have been shown to cause brain damage in mice. Some organic farming standards do allow the use of natural methods of protection from pests such as those derived from plants. Organic activists state that natural pesticides are a last alternative, while growing healthier, diseaseresistant diseaseresistant plants, using cover crops and croprotation, and encouraging benefi cial insects and birds are the primary methods of pest control. Finally, a 2001 study demonstrated that children who are fed organic diets experienced significantly lower organophosphorus pesticide exposure than children fed conventional diets. A similar study in 2006 measured the levels of organophosphorus pesticide exposure in 23 preschool children before and after replacing their diet with organic food: levels of organophosphorus pesticide exposure dropped dramatically and immediately when the children switched to an organic diet. Although the researchers did not collect health outcome data in this study, they concluded “it assumes that children whose diets consist of organic food items would have a lower probability of neurologic health risks.” Therefore, organic farming should replace conventional one to reduce the using of pesticides which usually remain in farm production such as fruits and vegetables since there are a lot of research which prove that pesticides may be harmful for the consumers if people use pesticides improperly. Retreived from: in Interlanguage:English for Senior High School Students. VIII. Sekenario Kegiatan: Kegiatan Awal: (10 menit) 1. Guru membuka dengan salam dan membaca ayat suci al-qur’an 2. Guru mengecek absensi kehadiran siswa. 3. Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa. Kegiatan Inti: (70 menit) Eksplorasi 1. Guru meminta siswa untuk menjelaskan apa yang sudah mereka pelajari pada pelajaran sebelumnya. 2. Guru mempresentasikan dan menjelaskan secara terperinci tentang hortatory exposition text. 3. Guru meminta siswa menyimak kemudian guru memberi izin siswa untuk bertanya. Elaborasi 4. Guru meberikan/menunjukan teks hortatory exposistion kepada siswa. 5. Guru meberikan waktu kepada siswa untuk mengidentifikasi kata-kata yang sulit.
6. Guru bersama siswa mengidentifikasi kata kata sulit tersebut 7. Guru memberikan izin kepada siswa untuk bertanya Konfirmasi 8. Guru membagi siswa menjadi kelompok kecil. 9. Guru memberikan soal yang berkaitan dengan teks tersebut. 10. Guru dan siswa sama sama membahas jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut.
Kegiatan Akhir: (10 menit) 1. Guru mengulas secara singkat apa yang siswa telah pelajar ipada hari tersebut. 2. Guru menutup dengan hamdalah. IX. Penilaian
Teknik: Tugas/ Unjuk Kerja Aspek yang dinilia: Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Konsep Instrumen penilaian “face to face learning” a. Lembar soal: Terlampir b. Lembar penilaian: Pada lembar kerja Siswa c. Kriteria Peniaian
Kriteria: Betul = 2; Salah= 0; Total soal= 5; Sekor maksimal = 10 Nilai = 10 x 10 =100
Ciputat, 19 Mei 2016 Mengetahuai, Guru Pamong Mata pelajaran
Nina Herlina, S.Pd
Guru Praktikan
Derin Periyana
Latihan Soal 1 Text: RPP Pertemuan 1 1. Find out where is the generic structure (thesis, arguments and recomendation) from the text! 2. What is the perpose of the text above? 3. What are the disadvantages of watching TV? 4. What is the writer suggestion? 5. What is the main idea of first paragraph? Latihan Soal 2 Text: RPP Pertemuan 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What is the text about? What is the main idea of paragraph 1? What is the writer suggestion? The word they in paragraph 4 refers to… What the people do to reduce the heavy polution?
Latihan Soal 3 Text: RPP Pertemuan 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What is the text about? What is the main idea of the third paragraph? What is the writer’s recommendation related to the text? The word “their” in line 11 refers to… What are the reasons school should use the uniform?
Latihan Soal 4 Text: RPP Pertemuan 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What is organic farming? What is the main idea of paragraph 3? What suggestion do you find in the text on organic farming? What is the danger of using pesticides? Explain the experiment conducted in 2001 briefly.
The steps to Analyze The Normality, Homogenity and T-test Using SPSS 1.
Normality Test. a. Open SPSS program b. Open variable view then fill the first column by naming “class” and second column by “score” then type was numeric, width was 8, decimal was 0, on values in class line fill with no 1 for experiment and 2 for control while in score line was none, missing was none, column was 8, alight was right, measure was scale and role was input. c. Open data view put no 1 if experiment class and no 2 if control class on “class” column. Then in “score” column fill with students score. d.
Click Analyze>> Descriptive Statistic>> Explore
e. Fill in Dependent List with “Score” and Factor List with “Class” f. Click Plots>> Checklist Normality Plots with Test, Untransformed>> Click Continue >> Click Ok. g. The Normality result is showed in “Output”. Criteria: If tvalue < ttable the data were not normal and if tvalue > ttable the data were normal. 2.
Homogeneity a. Steps a-c were same with normality test. b. Click Analyze>>Compare Means>>One-way ANOVA. c. Put “Pre and post test score” as dependent list and “Class” as factor list. d. Click Option>>Homogeneity of Variance Test>>Ok.
Criteria: if the sig more than 0,05 it means data comes from homogenous variance while if the sig less than 0,05 it means data were not homogenous. 3.
T-test a. Steps a-c were same with normality test. b. Click Analyze>> chose Compare Means>> click Independent-Sample TTest
c. Fill “score” of pretest and posttest in test variable and “Class” in grouping variable the fill Define group with 1 (Experiment) and 2 (Control). d. Click Option>> click Exclude cases analysis by analysis then fill Confidence Interval Percentage by 95% then click continue>>Ok. Crtiteria:To find the result first take a look in sig (2-tailed), first line is the result if the data are homogeny and second line if the data are not homogeny. If the sig result ≤ 0,05 H0 rejected (there is no effect), if the sig result < 0,05 H0 accepted ( there is an effect).
PRE-TEST SCORE OF EXPERIMENTAL CLASS NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Participants Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Student 21 Student 22 Student 23 Student 24 Student 25 Student 26 Student 27 Student 28 Student 29 Student 30
Score 68 48 80 48 60 68 76 40 40 44 48 54 68 28 44 48 84 68 68 52 64 52 64 68 56 72 76 76 72 64
PRE-TEST SCORE OF CONTROLLED CLASS NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Participants Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Student 21 Student 22 Student 23 Student 24 Student 25 Student 26 Student 27 Student 28 Student 29 Student 30
Score 52 48 36 36 56 60 48 68 40 56 60 68 52 44 56 60 52 64 56 44 64 32 48 36 52 48 80 80 80 72
POST-TEST SCORE OF EXPERIMENTAL CLASS NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Participants Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Student 21 Student 22 Student 23 Student 24 Student 25 Student 26 Student 27 Student 28 Student 29 Student 30
Score 72 68 60 68 72 68 68 54 58 64 64 60 72 48 68 68 88 72 88 76 80 84 88 90 76 88 76 84 88 76
POST-TEST SCORE OF CONTROLLED CLASS NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Participants Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16 Student 17 Student 18 Student 19 Student 20 Student 21 Student 22 Student 23 Student 24 Student 25 Student 26 Student 27 Student 28 Student 29 Student 30
Score 64 60 58 44 72 72 60 76 56 72 80 72 72 68 64 60 60 76 64 64 72 52 72 60 68 72 90 88 80 80
THE GAINED SCORED OF EXPERIMENTAL CLASS Number of the Students 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total Mean
Pre-test score
Post test score
Gained Score
68 48 80 48 60 68 76 40 40 44 48 54 68 28 44 48 84 68 68 52 64 52 64 68 56 72 76 76 72 64 1798 59.933
72 68 60 68 72 68 68 54 58 64 64 60 72 48 68 68 88 72 88 76 80 84 88 90 76 88 76 84 88 76 2186 72.867
4 20 20 20 12 0 -8 14 18 20 16 6 4 20 24 20 4 4 20 24 16 32 24 22 20 16 0 8 16 12 428 14.267
THE GAINED SCORED OF CONTROLLED CLASS Number of the Students 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total Mean
Pre-test score
Post test score
Gained Score
52 48 36 36 56 60 48 68 40 56 60 68 52 44 56 60 52 64 56 44 64 32 48 36 52 48 80 80 80 72 1648 54.933
64 60 58 44 72 72 60 76 56 72 80 72 72 68 64 60 60 76 64 64 72 52 72 60 68 72 90 88 80 80 2048 68.267
12 12 22 8 16 12 12 8 16 16 20 4 20 4 8 0 8 12 8 20 8 20 24 24 16 24 10 8 0 8 380 12.667
Comparison of Students’ Gained Score Between Students in Ekxperimental Class and Controlled Class Students’ Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ∑
Score Exp.(x) 4 20 20 20 12 0 -8 14 18 20 16 6 4 20 24 20 4 4 20 24 16 32 24 22 20 16 0 8 16 12 428
Con.(y) 12 12 22 8 16 12 12 8 16 16 20 4 20 4 8 0 8 12 8 20 8 20 24 24 16 24 10 8 0 8 380
X= x- x
Y=y- y
-10.267 5.733 5.733 5.733 -2.267 -14.267 -22.267 -0.267 3.733 5.733 1.733 -8.267 -10.267 5.733 9.733 5.733 -10.267 -10.267 5.733 9.733 1.733 17.733 9.733 7.733 5.733 1.733 -14.267 -6.267 1.733 -2.267 -0.01
105.411289 32.867289 32.867289 32.867289 5.139289 203.547289 495.819289 0.071289 13.935289 32.867289 3.003289 68.343289 105.411289 32.867289 94.731289 32.867289 105.411289 105.411289 32.867289 94.731289 3.003289 314.459289 94.731289 59.799289 94.731289 3.003289 203.547289 39.275289 3.003289 5.139289 2451.73067
-0.667 -0.667 9.333 -4.667 3.333 -0.667 -0.667 -4.667 3.333 3.333 7.333 -8.667 7.333 -8.677 -4.667 -12.667 -4.667 -0.667 -4.667 7.333 -4.667 7.333 11.333 11.333 3.333 11.333 -2.667 -4.667 -12.667 -4.667 -0.02
0.444889 0.444889 87.104889 21.780889 11.108889 0.444889 0.444889 21.780889 11.108889 11.108889 53.772889 75.116889 53.772889 75.116889 21.780889 160.452889 21.780889 0.444889 21.780889 53.772889 21.780889 53.772889 128.436889 128.436889 11.108889 128.436889 7.112889 21.780889 160.452889 21.780889 1386.66667
SMAN 4 KOTA TANGERANG SELATAN English (Social 2) Understanding hortatory text
Nilai rata-
Bidang Studi
Siswa yang mengumpulkan
Understanding Hortatory EB. lnggris Kelas 11 IKTSPI 71.0%
r:derstanding Hortatory Exposition Text
Abdul Rosyid
Ade Luthfina Octaviani
Adrian Aprianto
Agung Rafif lbaciurahman
Aqsa Rafly
Hstari Katrina Andrini
Devani Sari
Elisabeth NadapdaP
Enggar Pratama
Erica Debora
Exclesya Kristina Atmadja
Faiza Tungkagi
Farrel Fajar Rifqi Dwitama
Fica Arlia Liontyna
Hellen Risky Amelia
Hendy Wibiasmoro
Lafrida Della Sembada
M Faisal
Nadiah Hayyu
Nilai rata-
Angga F
M AIif
Nisrina Kaswardani
Nur Khafifah
80.0% 90.0%
Sanditya Sekar Ayu
Shinta Cctavianti
Syahila Lefitianti
Vicky Rivaldo
Clarissa Zeta A'zahra
Rima Salima Rio Firman
SMAN 4 KOTA TANGERANG SELATAN English (Social 2) Understanding Functional Text: Hortatory Exposition
Nilai rata-
Siswa yang mengumpulkan
Understanding Functional T B. lnggris Kelas 11 [KTSP] 82.0%
,/ Rosyid Ade Luthfina Octaviani ,/ ,/ Adrian Aprianto
Agung Rafif lbadurahman ,/
./ akmalsofiandy / Angga F ,/ Aqsa Rafly ,/ Astari Katrina Andrini ,/ Bayusakti ./ Devani Sari Elisabeth Nadapdap ,/ ,/ Enggar Pratama ,/ Erica Debora Exclesya Kristina Atmadja ,/
,/ Farrel Fajar Rifqi Dwitama ,/ ./ Fica Arlia Liontyna ,/ Hellen Risky Amelia Faiza
Understanding Functional Text Hortatory Exposition
60.0% 80.0% 50.0% 90.0%
90.0% 90.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0%
100.0% '100.0%
50.0% 80.0% 90.0% 80.0% 7A.0% 90.0% 90.0% 80.0% 90.0% 90.0% 70.0%
Wibiasmoro / Lafrida Della Sembada ,/ ,/ Leonardo ,/ M Arif ,/ M Faisal x M Nurris / Nadiah Hayyu x Nasita Hendy
80.0% 50.0% 90.0%
90.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 100.0% 80.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.A%
90.0% 90.0% 80.0% 90.0% 90.0% 70.0o/o
Nisrina Kaswardani Nur Khafifah Rima Salima Rio Firman Sanditya Sekar AYu Shinta Octavianii Syahila Lefitianti Vicky Rivaldo Clarissa Zela A'zahra
90.0% 90.0% 90.0%
90.0% 90.0%
70.0'/o 70.0% 90.0% 90.0% 80.0% 80.0% 7O.Oo/o
SMAN 4 KOTA TANGERANG SELATAN English (Social 2) Functional text: Hortatory exposition-theme: Nature and Ecosystem
Nilai rata-
Bidang Studi
Functional Text: Hortatory B. lnggris Kelas 11 IKTSP] 75.0%
Siswa Yang mengumPulkan 31
l-uncttonal I en: Hortatory Exposition - Theme: Nature
Aqsa Rafly
Andrini ,/ ./ Bayusakti ,/ Devani Sari Elisabeth NadaPdaP ,/ / Enggar Pratama ,/ Erica Debora Exclesya Kristina Atmadja / ,/ Faiza Tungkagi Farrel Fajar Rifqi Dwitama / ,/ Fica Ariia Liontyna ,/ Hellen Risky Amelia Hendy Wibiasmoro /
Nrlar rata-
,/ Ade Luthfina Octaviani ,/ ./ Adrian Aprianto
Agung Rafif lbadurahman x
Angga F
Astari Katrina
Lafrida Della
Sembada ,/
Leonardo M Alif M Faisal M Nurris Nadiah Hayyu Nasita
,/ ./ ,/ x
/ x
Nisrina Kaswardani
Nur Khafifah
Rima Salima
Rio Firman
Sanditya Sekar AYu
Shinta Octavianti
Syahila Lefitianti
Vicky Rivaldo
Clarissa Zela A'zahra
SMAN 4 KOTA TANGERANG SELATAN English (Social 2) Functional text 2: Hortatory exposition ,.
,.. n {. Nilai rata-
Writing Functional text: HotB. lnggris Kelas 11 IKTSP]
,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/
,/ ,/
60.0% '100.0%
Sembada /
Agung Rafif lbadurahman
akmalsofiandy Angga F Aqsa Rafly Astari Katrina Andrini Bayusakti Devani Sari Eirsabeth Nadapdap Enggar Pratama Erica Debora
./ Exclesya Kristina Atmadja ,/ ,/ Faiza Tungkagi Farrel Fajar Rifqi Dwitama ,/
Liontyna Hellen Risky Amelia Hendy Wibiasmoro Fica Arlia
Lafrida Della
si"*u runn ,ennu'nprlkan
./ Ade Luthfina Octaviani ,/ Adrian
Siswa Abdul
Leonardo M Aiif M Faisal M Nurris Nadiah Hayyu Nasita
Functional text 2: Hortatory
,/ ,/ x
Nisrina Kaswardani
Nur Khafifah
Rima Salima
Rio Firman
Sanditya Sekar Ayu
Shinta Octavianti
Syahila Lefitianti
Vicky Rivaldo
Clarissa Zeta A'zahra
Appendix 18
Tabel D Tabel Nilai Kritis Uii Kolmogorov-smirnov
o:020 a= 0,10 ct= 0,05 o =0,02 ct= 001 0.m0 0950 0.975 0.990 0,99s 0,684 0.776 0,842 0'900 0-929 2 0.708 0,785 0,829 0,63 6 0.56 5 J 0,624 0.689 0.734 0565 0y'93 4 0.441 0,509 0.563 0,627 0,69 5 0,4r0 0.468 0,519 0-s77 051 7 6 cJ81 0,435 0.483 0.538 0,576 9 0,41 0 0,454 0,507 0,542 0 8 0J39 0387 0,430 0.480 0.51i 9 dszt 0369 0.409 0'457 0,486 10 0308 0352 0,391 0.437 0.468 l1 0.375 0,419 0'449 o 296 033 8 t2 0.361 0.404 0,432 032s 0285 l3 0275 o3l4 0,349 0,390 0.418 14 0266 0304 0.338 0'377 0,404 15 8 O2e5 0,327 0.366 0.i9? 025 l6 0250 o2s6 0.318 0,355 0,381 t7 0244 0279 0,309 0.346 0'371 18 0,3C1 0.337 0.361 o 237 027 | l9 O o LU 232 26s 0.294 0,329 0,352 A,287 0.321 0.344 o 226 O 259 2l o22t 0253 0.281 0,314 0'337 22 o 216 0247 0,275 0.307 0'330 23 0.269 0,301 0.323 0 242 o 2tz 24 0208 0238 0.2& a,295 0,317 25 o2o4 0233 0,2s9 0.290 c.3l I 26 0200 0229 0.254 0,284 0,305 27 0,197 0 225 0,250 0.279 0.300 ?8 0.193 0221 0.246 0,275 0,295 29 0.t90 0218 0,242 0.270 0'299 30 0.269 o 202 0,224 0.25 I a ,fl 7 35 0.165 0,189 0.210 0,23s 0,2s2 40 0,156 0.179 0,198 A"222 0.238 45 0.148 0,170 0.188 0,211 0,226 50 0.142 0,162 0,180 0,201 0'2!9 55 0,172 0,193 0.207 0,t 3 6 0.15 5 60 O,l4g 0.166 0,185 0'199 0.13 I 65 0,126 0.144 0, 160 0. 179 0. 192 70 q:020 o=0,10 cr=005 ct=0'02 cr=0OI n 0.122 0.139 0,154 0.173 0.185 75 0.150 0,167 0,179 0,13 5 0.1 I 8 80 0.114 0,13 I 0,145 0, i62 0'174 85 0,111 0,127 0.141 0.158 0.169 90 0.108 0,124 0.137 0,154 0,165 95 0,106 0.121 0,134 0.150 0.161 100 pendekaran l.07Alh r,zzrln r':onh l52dn l,63Alh n
-3 5
Appendix 19 123
Tabel B Tabel Prohabilitas t-Student Distribusi Fungsi Distribusi pada dk I
2 3
4 5
6 7 o
ll l2 13
0,30 0,.10 dk 0,025 0,05 0,10 0,20 I 76 .7 2t -0,32 5 I ,l -0 2l -l -3.078 -t2,706 -6.314 -3 -6,965 +.303 -2,920 - 1,886 *l ,9 6 t -0.6 l7 -0,289 2 3 -10,215 -5,841 + ,54 I -3, I 82 -2,3 53 -1,638 -0,978 --0.5 84 -A.27 7 4 *2,132 1 69 *7 .1,73 -4,6 0,1 -0,27 -1,533 -0,941 -0,5 -3,747 -2,776 *3 ,36 5 -2,57 I -2 ,0 I 5 *t.476 -0,920 -0.559 4267 5 4.032 -5,893 *0 ,9 06 ,0 .5 53 -0.2 65 6 - 5,2 08, - .3 .1 07 -j.143 '2.447 -1.94.) - I.440 -0,896 -0.s 49 -0,263 7 85 -1.895 -r,4ls -2.365 ,499 -2,998 -3 -4.7 -4.50r -3,355 -2.896 -2,306 -1.860 - | ,397 -0 ,8 89 -0.5 46 -0,2 62 Ie -4,297 -3,2 50 -2.82 l -2,262 -1,833 - 1.383 -0.8 33 -0,s43 -0261 l0 *4.t 44 -3,1 69 1.764 -2.228 -1,812 -t.372 -0.8 79 -0,542 -0260 -4.{)25 -3 .l 06 -2,718 -2,201 -1.796 - 1.363 -0,876 -{.540 -0260 Il2I -3.930 -3.0 55 -2.681 1,179 -1.782 - l.356 -0,8 7l -0 ,5 39 -0,2 59 t3 - 1,350 -o,8 70 -0,538 -0.259 -3,8 52 *3,0 l2 --2 .65 0 -2. 160 - t,77 68 -.0.537 -0.258 t4 -3,7 87 -2,977 -2.624 -2,145 -1,761 - I .345 -0.8 *2,131 *t,753 *t,i4l "-0,866 -0.5:i6 -0,258 l5 *3.7 33 -2 ,9 47 --2,6A2 l
0,0 0s
09 -3.6 57 -3 -22.327 -9 ,925
r 8.3
16 *3,686 t7 -3,646 l8 -3,6 l0 l9 -3.5 79 20 -3.5 52 21
-2,921 -2,898 -2,878 -2.861
-3.52'1 -2,831
-2.s83 -2,120 -1 ,746 -2 567 -2.1 l0 -1,740 -2,552 -2,10t -t,734 *2,539 -2,093 -t ,729 -2.528 -2,A86 -1 .725 *2,518 -2,080 -t,721 -2,s08 -2p74 -t,7 t7 -2,500 -2,069 -r,7t4 -2..492 -2.064 -1.71 I *2,0 60 -l ,70 8 -2.48 5
-3.5 05 -2.819 -3,4 85 -2.807 -3,4 A7 -2,791 *3.4 50 -2.187
26 27 28 29 30
-3,435 -2.779 -2.47 9 -2.056 -l .706 -).421 -2.77 I -2.473 -2.052 -1.703 -3,408 -2,763 -2.467 -2,048 -l ,70 I -3,3 96 -2,7 56 -2.462 -2,045 -l,699 -3.3 85 -2.7s0 *2,457 -2,042 -l ,697
22 23
3l -3.375 32 -3,3 65 33 -3.3 56 34 *l.i 48 35 -3.3 40
-2,744 -2,738 -2,733 -2.728 -2.724
-2.453 -2.040 -1.696 -2.449 -2.037 -l ,694 -2,44s -2,035 -1 ,692 -?,44 I -2,0 32 -l ,69 I -2.438 -2.030 -l,690
36 -3,3 33 *2,7 19 -2.4J 4 -2,028 -l ,68I 37 -3.326 -2.715 -2,43 | -2,026 -t ,687 38 -3.3 t9 -2.7t2 -2,429 -2,024 -1 ,686 39 -3,3 13 -2,708 -2.426 *2.023 -l ,68 s 40 -3,3 07 -2.'101 -2.423 -2,021 -l ,684
- I,333 -0.863 -0.534 -0.25't - 1,330 -0,862 -0.5 34 -0,25 7 - 1.32 8 -O,86 I -0,5 33 -0,25 7 - 1,325 -0.860 -0.s 33 -0.25 7 -1.323 - I ,321
-1.318 -1,3r6
-0.857 -0.856
* r,3 l9 -0,858
*0.532 -0
l6 t7 I8
4,257 2l --0 ,25
24 25
-0,532 4,256 23 *0.256
-0,531 --0.5
- 1,3 l5 -o,856 *0.531 -0.256 26 - 1.314 -{.855 -9.5 31 -Q./J rr 27 *1,313 -0.855 --0.5 i0 -0.25 6 28 -0.5 30 -0,25 6 29 -l,3ll -0.854 - l,i l0 *0,854 *0,5 30 -0,25 6 30 - r .309 -0.853 - 1,309 -0.853 - 1,308 -0.851
-1,307 -0,852 - 1.306 -0,852
30 --0.25 6 3l 30 -0.25 5 32 -0..s 30 -0,2-5 5 3l
-0.5 -0.-s
-0 ,5 29 -0,25 *0.5 29 -0,2s
5 5
- 1.306 -0,8s2 -0.s 29 -0.2s 5 - r,305 *0,85 I -0,5 29 -0.25 5 - I.304 --0,85 I -0.529 -0,255 -.1.304 -0.8s I -0.5 2.9 -0.2s 5 - l .303 -0. 85 I -0.5 29 -0,25 5
34 35
36 37 38 39
dk 86
87 88
89 90
9l 92 93
94 95
96 97 98 99 100
0,001 0005 0,01 0,02 5 0,05 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 88 -2,634 -2,370 *1,988 -1,663 -1,29t -O,M6 4526 4,254 87 1.634 1.310 -1988 -1.663 -r.29t -o.846 4,526 4.254 -3,185 -2,633 -,2,369 -1,9s7 -1,662 *t,291 -{,846 4526 4,254 -3.184 2.632 1.369 -19E7 -1562 -1.291 -{,846 4526 4.254 -3,183 -2,632 -2,368 -t987 -t,662 -1,291 -0,846 4526 4,254 -3,182 1,631 --2,368 *1.986 -tS6Z -1,291 -{.846 4526 4,254 4.254 -3.1 8l -2.630 -2368 -t,986 -l.662 -1.291 -{,846 4525 -3,180 2,630 ,,367 -1986 *1,661 -t,29t -{,846 4526 4,254 -3.t79 1.629 *2.367 -t,986 -156 I -1,291 -{,M5 4526 4.254 -3,r 78 -2,629 -2,366 -1985 -1,661 -1,29t -{.84s 4526 4,254
-3,r -3.r
dk 86 87 88 89
9t 92 93
94 95
4526 4,254 96 4,526 4.254 91 -{.845 452'6 4,254 98 -o,M5 4526 4.254 99
*3,177 1,628 2,366 -1.985 -1,661 -3.176 --2.627 1.365 -1,985 -1.661 -3,175 -2,627 -2,365 - 1.984 -l,661 -3.t75 -2.626 -2.36s -1984 -1.660 -3,r74 1,626 -2,364 -1.984 -1,660
- 1,290 -1.290 *1,290 -1.290 -1,290
-j,090 -2,s76 -2,326 -1960
-1282 -0.842 4.524 4,253 a
*0.526 -{,254
dk 4i 42 43
44 45
0,01 0,025
-3.301 1,701 *2,421 -2,020 -t.683
0,I0 0,20 0,30 0,40 dk -t.303 -0,850 -0,529 -0,255 1l
-3296 -2.698 -2,4t8 -2,018 -l,682 -1.302 -0,850 -0,528 -0,255 -3,29t -2,695 1,416 -2,017 -l,68 I -1.302 -0,850 -o.528 -0.255 -3.286 1.592 1.414 -'.2.015 -i,680 -r,l0l -0,850 -0,528 -0255 -3.281 2.690 -2.412 -2.014 -1,679 -1,30 t -0.850 -o.528 -0.255
-3.217 1,687 -2,4tA -2.013 -1.679 -1.300 -3.273 1.685 -2,408 -2.012 -1,678 -1,300 -3269 -2,682 ),407 2,011 -t,677 -1.299 -3.265 -2,680 -2,405 -2,OlO -1,617 -1,299 -3.261 -2,678 1.403 -2.0W -1,616 -1,299
-3.2 58
46 47 48 49
52 53
54 55
42 43
44 45
-{'528 -{,255 -{.849 -O's28 -{,255 -0-849 -{,528 -{.255 -0,849 -{'528 -{'255
-0'849 -0.528 -02'55
-2,676 1,402 -2.008 -l.675 - 1.298 -0.849 -O,528 -3.255 1.614 1,400 -2.007 -1.675 -1.298 -0.849 -0,528 -3,251 1.672 --2,399 -2,0A6 -1,6'14 -1,298 -0.848 -0,528 _3248 1,670 -L,397 -2,005 -1,67 4 -1,297 -0,848 -{,528 _324s -2,668 -2.356 -2.004 -1.673 -1,297 -0,848 4521
41 48 49
-{,255 -{.2s5 -{.255 -{,255
il 52 53
54 55
-2,667 -2,395 -2.003 -1.673 _l ,Q7 -0.848 4,527 4,25s 56 1,665 -2,394 *2,002 -1,672 -1.297 *{.848 4,521 4.255 57 -3.219 -3237 -2.663 1,392 -2,002 -1,672 -t,296 -0.848 -O,s27 -{.255 58 _'\ ) 1l 1.662 2.391 -2,001 -1,671 -1,296 -0,848 4,527 4.254 s9
57 58
-0,848 -O.527 -O,254
-0.848 4,s27 4,254 6l
-2,6s9 -r,389 -2.000 *1.670 -2,657 -2,388 -1,999 -.1,610 _t ?75 -2.656 1,387 *1998 -l,669 "3,223 2.6s5 -2.3 8 6 - 1,9 98 -l ,66 9 *2.385 -1,997 -1.669 -3,220 -2.654
6l 62 63
67 68 69 '10
7l 72 13
74 75 76 77 78 79
-2,660 -2.390 -2.000
-t.295 -0.847 -4,527 4,254
-1,295 -1,295
-0.847 4.527 4.254
-t.295 4.U'.1 4.527 4,254 -1.294 -0.847 4,521 4.254 -3216 ,1,99s -1.668 -i,294 -0,847 4,52'l 4,254 -2,382 -2,650 -32t4 -3,213 -2.&9 -2.382 -1,995 -1,ffi7 -t,294 -0,847 -0.577 4.254 -3,2tt -2,648 -2.38 I -1.994 -l,667 -t,294 -0,847 4.527 4.254
-t.294 *0.847 4.52'7 4,254
-3209 -2,647 -2,380 -1.994 -1,667
-3.247 1.646 -2,379 -3,206 ).645 -2,379 -3,204 -2.644 -2.378 -3,202 1.643 1.377 -3.201 -3.1 99 -3. I 98 -3,19'7
4.947 -{.527 .-0,254 65
.4,527 4,254 -r,993 -1,666 -1.293 -{.847 -r,993 -1,666 -1,293 -0,847 4,s27 4.2s4 -1,993 -1,666 -1,293 -,0.847 4,527 4,254 -1.992 -1,665 -t,293 -O,M6 4527 4.254
1,642 -2,376 -1,592 -1,665 * 1.293 -0,M6 4.527 4.254 -2.,&t -2,376 -r,991 -l.665 - 1.293 -0.846 4,527 4,2s4 I )O',) -{.846 4,527 4.254 -2,640 -2,375 -1,991 -1,665 -2.&0 -2.3'74 -1,990 -1,664 _l ?o) -{,846 4,527 4.254 -2.639 -2.374 -1,990 -1.661 -t,292 -o,846 -0.526
-3,1 95
-3.194 -2,638 -2,373,-1,990 -1,664 -3.193 -2,637 1,373 -1.989 -l,664 -3.191 -2.636 -2,372 -1,989 -1,663 -3.190 -2.636 2,372 -1,989 -1,663
4.U1 4,527 4.254 63
1,652 -2,384 -1.997 -1.668 1.651 -2,381 -1.996 -l,668
1j1 I
-1,988 *1,663
61 68
69 70
12 73
74 75 76 71 78 79 80
-1.292 -0,846 -0,526 4,254 8l
-r.292 -O.846 4,s26 4,254 -t,292 -o.846 -{,526 -0.254 *1.292 -0,846 -{.526 -O,254 -t,?92 -0,846 -{.526 -{.254
82 83 84 85
t.!&;. (l€lj:lf'l I q"Err
: FoRM (FR)
FITK-FR-AKD,iO3 13 Jaaia.l /t) I ."
Ji. lt. H. Juanda No 95 Ciputat 1s412 lndoresia
Nama NIM
Judul Proposal
Proposat skripsi dengan judur tersebut di atas terah diujikan pada tangga
, V ryeU7n 7dA
telah direvisi sesuai dengan saran penguji, dan telah dinyatakan LULUS
g Yekuai zo$
Penguji ll
Aorr^ fe^l' '*<"1
D" 4l;f
{u"a$l 2 0a-
(s,^f"c't'YC'.) 0 [i( EA
/(--,'at) ^/64/'tan( 4*7,
SMAI\EGEru Jl. WR- Supratman Komp. PERTAMINA Pondok Ranji
Cipdat Tlmu Kota Targerang Selatan provirsi Banten Tdepon (021) 7473962 Faximili (021) 7{26373, Website : www.sman4tangsqltqh id
SURAT KETERANGAN Nomor . 423.41 066 /Tatausaha
Yang bertanda tangan menerangkan bahwa
di barvah ini
Kepala SMA Negeri
Kota Tangerang Seiatan,
Program Studi
. llmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Yang bersangkutan benar telah melakukan RISET ,/ PENELITIAN Tangerang Selatan untuk penyelesaian Skripsi dengan judul:
di SMA Negeri 4 Kota of Using
ooThe Effectiveness
Blended Learning Model on Students' Reading Comprehension of Exposition Text,', yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 2 Mei 2016 s.d. 23 Mei 2016.
Demikian Surat Keterangan
ini dibuat
dengan sebenarnya, untuk dipergunakan sebagailnana
'langerang Selatan, 18 Agustus 2016
6*v<, 0li,{N
'.ar \..----t
(/vc stv
[N, S.Pd., M.Si 19660822 199001 1 001
No. Dokumen Tgl. Terbit
FITK-FR-AKD-uo 1 Maret 2O 10
H. Jaanda No 95 Cipulat 15412 lndonesia
SURAT BIMBINGAN SKRIPSI Nomor : Un.Ol/F. 1iK.M.Ol 3l.78A.2016
Jakarta, 11 Mei 2016
: Bimbingan
Kepada Yth.
Dr. Atiq Susilo, M.A Pembimbing Skripsi Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakana. As
alamu' ql aihtm wr.wb.
Dengan -ini diharapkan kesediaan Saudara (materi/teknis) penulisan skripsi mahasiswa:
untuk menjadi pembimbing
Derin Periyana
l 1 12014000032
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
VIII (Delapan)
Judul Skripsi
The Effectiveness of Using Blended Learning Model on Student's
Reading Comprehension
Exposition Text
experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade
( A
of SMA Negeri 4
Tangerang Selatan)
Judul tersebut telah disetujui oleh Jurusan yang bersangkutan pada tanggal l? Februari 2016 , abstraksi/oroline lerlampir. Saudara dapat melakukan perubahan redaksional pada judul tersebut. Apabila perubahan substansial dianggap perlu, mohon pembimbing menghubungi Jurusan terlebih dahulu.
Bimbingan skripsi
diharapkan selesai dalam waktu
(enam) bulan, dan dapat
diperpanjang selama 6 (enam) bulan berikutnya tanpa surat peipanjangan. Atas perhatian dan kerja sama Saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih. l4/a s s a I amu' a
laikum wr.w
n Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
l2 200901 l Tembusan: l. Dekan FITK 2. Mahasiswa ybs
No. Dokumen Tgl. Terbit No. Revisi:
Jl. lt. H. Juanda No 95 Ciputat 15412 lndonesia
: : :
F[TK-FR-AKD-081 1 Maret 2O10 01
SURAT BIMBINGAN SKRIPSI Nomor : un.or/F. I /KM.o I .tt.l.{.Azot
Jakarta, l
Mei 2016
:Bimbingan Skripsi Kepada Yth. Sr.rnardi Kartowisastro, Dipl. Ed
Pembimbing Skripsi Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarra. As
ql amu' al
aikum v,r.wb.
diharapkan kesediaan Saudara untuk menjadi pembimbing
(materi/teknis) penulisan skripsi mahasiswa: Nama
Derin Periyana
I I 12014000032
Fendidikan Bahasa Inggris
VIII (Delapan)
Judul Skripsi
The Effectiveness of Using Blended Learning Model on Student's
Reading Comprehension
Exposition Text
experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade
( A
of SMA Negeri
Tangerang Selatan)
Judul tersebut telah disetujui oleh Junisan yang bersangkutan pada tanggal 12 Februari 2016 , abstraksi/autline terlampir. Saudara dapat melakukan perubahan redaksional pada judul tersebut. Apabila perubahan substansial dianggap perlu, mohon pembimbing rrlenghubungi Jurusan terlebih dahulu.
Bimbingan skripsi
diharapkan selesai dalam waktu
(enam) bulan, dan dapat
diperpanjang selama 6 (enam) bulan berikutnya tanpa surat perpanjangan. Atas perhatian Can kerja sama Saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih. L/'a s s a I antu' a I aikum
n Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
K, M.Pd
9690912 200901 Tembusan: l. Dekan
Mahasiswa ybs.
Appendix 23
REFERENCE ENDORSMENT SHEET \tir isor l; I)r. Atrq Susilo, M.A
Sunardi I(artowisastro, Dipl.Ed
Book Title
r I)ttp://stall' i as-No.-23-tahun-2006
Macmillan, 2007),
al, Teaching Reading a Balanced Approach lassrctoms, (New York: McGraw-Hill
L,carnrng'i, Jor Studies on Language and Culture-Atma
Qg!91 !! t''!!!!!Y li.ichard Allrngton and Mrchael Strange, Learning Throttgh lleucling in T'he Cctntenl,4rea, (T'oronto: D.C. Heath and
l.atrguage, New Edition, (Oxford: Heinemann, 1996), p' 3 J".rry nu,l" er, The Practice of English Language Teaching, . 1991), p.190 New Edition, (New York: Lo iane Oakhil et al, Understanding Teaching Reading Comprehension (A Handbook), (New York: Routladge,2Ol5)
^,) \-
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Appendix 24
! lcu, nrlci
E cut
cl dde.
i€th !cpi
$ xrres
? E@@
Y/rIi.g tun(,o.a
Hoilaiory txpor rion
Exclerya Kristina Atmadjn
... 50 iirltingFun.rion.lkrt Hoilrtory !rpoeirio.
Bayusakti Yl't nr i!,r(rionrl H.ilaiory EtporI of
. 80
Agung Rafif lhadurahman
. - 90
Vlnlng F!n(,onal rert:
Hoiiatory Ettorilon
tllsabeth Nadapdap
. 50 Yl,rloe tu,nc(ional rertl Bonat.ry Exp.rirloi An8ga
Appendix 24