THE INFLUENCE OF USING REALIA ON THE STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY AT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (A Quasi Experimental Research in the Seventh grade class of Mts Al-Husna Lebak Bulus)
A ‘skripsi’ Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. in English Education
By Sulvi Maulidha Fadillah 109014000013
(A Quasi Expe五 mental Research atthe seventh Grade Students ofMts Al―
Lebak― BulusI `■
Presented to the Faculty ofTarb、 kand teachcr's Training in Partial Fulillmcnt
ofthe Rcquirements for Degree ofS.Pdoin English Language Education 昨
Approved by: Ad宙 sor Ⅱ
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ENDORSEPIENT SⅡ EET The cxamination col■ lnittcc of thc Faculty of Tarbiyah and Tcachcrs' Training ccrtiЯ
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USING REALIA ON STUDENTS'VOCABULARY PIASTERY AT JLNIOR HIGH SCHOOL(A Quasi Expcrimclltal Rcscarch at the scvcnth Gradc Students of ⅣITs Al… Husna Lcbak― Bulus)''writtCn by Sulvi Maulidha Fadillah,studcnt's lcgistration numbcri 109014000013, 、 vas cxalllined by collllnittec on October 2015,and、vas dcclared to havc passcd and havc fulflllcd Onc of thc rcquiFClnents forthe dcrCe Of S.Pd in thc Dcpartlncnt of English Education Jakarta,
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0miober 2015
Sulvi Maulidha Fadillah 卜IIヽ イ.109014000013
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ABSTRACT SULVI MAULIDHA FADILLAH, 109014000013. “The Influence of Using Realia on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at Junior High School (A Quasi Experimental Research at the seventh Grade Students of Mts AlHusna Lebak-Bulus)”. A ‘skripsi’ Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiah and Teachers’ Training in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S. Pd. in English Education Key Word: Realia, Teaching Vocabulary Media, Vocabulary Mastery The purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of realia can be influential in the development of vocabulary in students at Al-Husna MtsLebak Bulus. In this study the Researcher limited the mastery of vocabulary in the aspect of sense (meaning). The writer makes hypothesis that, the influence of using realia in teaching vocabulary can increasing the students' vocabulary mastery. Quantitative methods with quasi-experimental design that used as research methods in study. The subjects were two classes of students, in seventh grade at MTs Al-Husna Lebal-Bulus 2014/2015 academic year consisting of 64 students. In the study to teach vocabulary the researcher used the realia and translation as media of learning. The study was conducted in two classes, i.e. in the experiment class the researcher using realia as a medium of learning and using translation as a learning medium in the control class. Each class consists of three stages of the process that providing pre-test, treatment, and post-test. In the data collection techniques the writer uses a test that consists of pre-test and post-test. In analyzing the data, the results showed that the students' vocabulary mastery of the experimental class is increased as indicated from the value of the pre-test and post-test. The average value of students in the pre-test and post-test on the class experiment increase of 71.44 into 89.90. And the control class students' average score increased from 72.82 when pre-test be 73.76 while the post-test.
SULVI MAULIDHA FADILLAH, 109014000013. “The Influence of Using Realia on students’ Vocabulary Mastery at Junior High School (A Quasi Experimental Research at the seventh Grade Students of Mts Al-Husna Lebak-Bulus)”. A ‘skripsi’ Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiah and Teachers’ Training in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S. Pd. in English Education. Key Word: Realia, Teaching Vocabulary Media, Vocabulary Mastery Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan realia dapat berpengaruh dalam penguasaan vocabulary pada siswa di Mts Al-Husna Lebak-Bulus. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti membatasi penguasaan vocabulary pada aspek arti (meaning). Peneliti membuat hypothesis bahwa penggunaan realia dapat meningkatkan penguasaan vocabulary pada siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan kuasi-eksperimen sebagai desain metode penelitian. Subjek penelitian adalah 2 kelas siswa, pada kelas VII Mts Al-Husna Lebal-Bulus tahun ajaran 2014/2015 yang terdiri dari 64 siswa. Dalam penelitian untuk mengajarkan Vocabulary peneliti menggunakan realia dan Translation sebagai media pembelajaran. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam dua klasifikasi yaitu kelas eksperimen menggunakan realia sebagai media pembelajaran dan kelas control menggunakan translation sebagai media pembelajaran. Masing-masing kelas terdiri dari 3 tahap proses yaitu memberikan pre-test, treatment, dan posttest. Dalam pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan teknik tes yang terdiri dari pre-test dan post-test. Selain itu, peneliti menghitung nilai rata-rata dari nilai pretes dan post-tes kemudian membandingkannya untuk mengetahui peningkatan siswa terhadap penguasaan vocabulary. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penguasaan vocabulary siswa pada kelas eksperimen lebih meningkat sebagaimana ditunjukkan dari hasil nilai pada pre-tes dan post-tes. Nilai rata-rata siswa pada pre-tes dan post-tes pada kelas experiment meningkat dari 71.44 menjadi 89,90. Dan pada kelas kontrol nilai rata-rata siswa meningkat dari 72.82 saat pre-tes menjadi 73.76 saat pos-tes.
All praises be to Allah, the lord of the world, who always gives His mercy and blessing upon the writer in completing this “skripsi”. Peace be upon him, The prophet Muhammad, his family and his followers, who have spread Islam all over the world. This “Skripsi” is presented to English Department Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of strata-1 (S1). This work could not be completed without a great deal of help from many peoples, especially Mr. Dr. H. Atiq Susilo, M.A. and Mrs. Atik Yuliani, M.A.TESOL. as her advisors who always guides and suggest the writer for writing a “Skripsi”, from the beginning until the end. In this occasion, the writer would like to express the great honor, to Mr. Sudirman and Mrs. Elvi Nurbaeti as her beloved parents, who always give support, motivation and everything to finish the “Skripsi”. The writer also would like to convey her sincerest gratitude and acknowledgement to: 1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A. as the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training. 2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd. as the head of English Department. 3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. the Secretary of English Department 4. All lecturers at English Department, who have guided and given her valuable knowledge and chances in finishing her study.
5. Hj. Azzah Zumrud as the Headmaster of, who has allowed her, doing research of this “skripsi” at the institution she leads. 6. English teacher who had given the occupation and support to do the research, the big family of Mts. Al-Husna Lebak-Bulus who have assisted in collecting the data during the research. 7. Her Special friend Reza Pranata thanks for always beside her to help finishing this “skripsi” 8. She also would like to express her thanks, great gratitude and appreciation to her beloved sister Sulvi Anugrah Aulia Hatina and brother Ahmad Fauzani Elmano for their continuous supports and encouragement to finish her study. 9. Her best friends Imda, Chaca Primadini, Festiayu Nurlina, Dewi Maria, Anissaa Fauziah Mesem, Ayu Suciati, Ika Destari, Icha Annisa, Umar Rahmat, Cendy Septiani and for all of her friends in A class thanks always accompanied her when her sadness and happiness, thanks for togetherness, lovely time and deplorable moment. 10. All of her friends in English Education Department, especially for all friend in academic year 2009 who cannot mentioned one by one. Who gives nice experience and togetherness, as amazing friends.
May Allah bless them for all of what they have done, because only Him who knows how much contributions and motivations received by the writer, and finally the writer hopes the constructive critics to make this “skripsi” better.
Jakarta, 14 September 2015
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................
ABSTRAK ......................................................................................................
ACKNOWLEDGEMNT ...............................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...............................................................................
LIST OF TABLE ...........................................................................................
LIST OF APPENDIXES ...............................................................................
BAB I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................
The Background of Study..........................................................
The Identification of Problem ..................................................
The Scope and Limitation of the Problem.................................
Formulation of Problem ............................................................
The Objective of the Study ........................................................
The Significance of the Study ....................................................
BAB II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................................
A. Theoretical Research ....................................................................
1. Vocabulary
a. The Understanding of Vocabulary ...............................
b. The Kinds of Vocabulary .............................................
c. Techniques in Presenting Vocabulary..........................
d. Some Problem in Learning Vocabulary .......................
2. Realia ……………………………………………………..
a. The Understanding of Realia .......................................
b. The Implementation of Realia ......................................
c. Teaching Vocabulary Using Realia .............................
3. Transation………………………………………………….
a. The Understanding of Translation ...............................
b. Types of Translation ....................................................
c. Teaching Vocabulary Using Translation .....................
B. Previous Study………...................................................................
C. Conceptual Framework .................................................................
D. Research Hypothesis.. ...................................................................
BAB III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................
The Method of the Research ....................................................
Place and Time of Research .....................................................
The Population and Sample of Research .................................
Research Instrument .................................................................
The Technique of Data Collecting ...........................................
The Technique of Data Analysis .............................................
Statistical Hypothesis……………………………………………. 30
BAB IV. RESEARCH FINDING.................................................................. A.
Data Description.......................................................................
1. Experiment Class .................................................................
2. Control Class…. ...................................................................
Analysis of Data.………………………………………….......
Hypothesis Testing……………………………………………
Interpretation of Data ….. ........................................................
Conclution……. .......................................................................
Implication………… ...............................................................
Suggenstion………… ..............................................................
BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………. .....................................................
APPENDIXES……………………………………. .......................................
Table 4.1: The Score of Experiment Class.......................................................
Table 4.2: The Score of Control Class .............................................................
Table 4.3: T-test Result Paired Samples Statistics ...........................................
Table 4.4: T-test Result Paired Samples Test ..................................................
ANATES Result Explanation ..........................................................................
Research Instrument: Pre-Test .........................................................................
Research Instrument: Post-Test........................................................................
Kisi-Kisi Soal: Pre-Test………………………………………………....... ....
Kisi-Kisi Soal: Post-Test ..................................................................................
Lesson Plan (RPP): Experimental Class ..........................................................
Things Around the Class ...........................................................
Part of Body..............................................................................
Hobbies ......................................................................................
School Life: Around School......................................................
Lesson Plan (RPP): Control Class ...................................................................
Things Around the Class ...........................................................
Part of Body..............................................................................
Hobbies ...................................................................................... 102
School Life: Around School...................................................... 107
Surat-Surat ....................................................................................................... 112
A. The Background of the Study English is the first foreign language in Indonesia. English is one of compulsory subject in Junior High School to college level. Therefore, vocabulary mastery has an important role in English, because vocabulary is the basic knowledge to acquire other competences such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore, vocabulary is the basic competence need taught in Elementary school. Knowing a lot of words are important because the more words we know, the better chance to understand. For this reason, the major aim of teaching English program in Elementary school is to help students gain large vocabulary of useful words. According to Francis and Kucera, “Learners should be able to understand a text with nearly 80 percent of the words by mastering about 2000 vocabulary, and increase to 88.7 percent if learner have 5000 knowledge about vocabulary”1. Therefore, at least an English teachers for young learners can teach more than 100-200 vocabulary annually, to support language learning in increasing students’ vocabulary mastery. Inappropriate, it was overlooked by teachers and ESL students in our country. Because English is just a local content of subject in elementary school teachers provided only a basic knowledge and inadequate containment. Based on the pre-observation in the First grade of MTS Al-Husna, the researcher found that most students also still have difficulties in learning vocabulary. Whereas, vocabulary is the main material of English lesson in Junior High School. The problem is the students had difficulty to remember the vocabulary. The students had difficulty in remembering the meaning of vocabularies. The students also had difficulty in writing the vocabularies. 1
McCarten Jeanne, Teaching Vocabulary: Lesson from the Corpus, Lesson for the Classroom, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012), pp.1-2
They often wrote the words as they heard. For example words such as shoes, chair, board, and classroom were written as soes, cher, blekbor, and classrum. They also tended to pronounce the words in Indonesia pronunciation. Moreover, the students were not interested in English class. In teaching learning process some students did not pay attention to the teacher. They were chatting in the class, daydreaming or playing their writing equipment when the teacher explained the material or gave exercise. The students also did not respond well to the teacher explanation and instruction. Only some students dominated the activities in the class. The preliminary observation reveals the possible cause why the problems above arise in the classroom. The causes are dealing with the teaching technique. The model of teaching was teacher centered and lecturing. When introducing the new material, the teacher wrote words related topic on the blackboard in English and the students were asked to copy them on their note book. Then they are asked to find its meaning from dictionary. Therefore, every student was required to a dictionary. After finding the meaning of words from the dictionary, the teacher drilled the vocabulary by reading the words one by one followed by the students either together or individually. In the end of class, the teacher asked to do exercise dealing with the topic on their worksheet (LKS) and gave homework. The homework would be checked in the next meeting. Because of the teaching model and learning activity that were always same in every meeting, the students were bored. Consequently, they were lazy to learn. Besides, the material and teaching equipment were only from a book. The students were studying vocabulary only by seeing small picture from the book and find meaning from dictionary. The teacher never brought other teaching aids such as attractive bigger picture or realia that attracted students’ curiosity to get their interest. Teaching English for children can be done by using many ways. In this case, the adult people around children especially the teacher play an important role in helping children learning English. Teacher plays important role,
because children learn English firstly at school with their teacher and spent more time to learn English with their teacher too. English teacher is demanded not only to have competence in mastering English but also to how teach English for children in accordance with children characteristics and development. It’s mean the problem is, how the teacher teaching vocabulary to students with the goal of creating an effective outcome in learning process that not monotonous or uninspiring. From some existing teaching media such as: flash card, charts, real object (realia), picture and etc. usually to assist students in understanding the meaning of vocabulary, sometimes picture is the main choice in instructional media, but it is still not exactly pretty, perhaps it can be said pretty if the picture which provide a large enough to be seen by all students in the class without students need to move from their seats. According Virginia French Allen that “Real objects are better than picture”2 Whenever so many things in the classroom. When there are real windows, doors, walls, floors, desks, and clocks in the class. From there it can be concluded that students do not need to accidentally look at the picture or read it on the textbook, just stay pointed objects that exist around student can learn new vocabulary. Based on the issue above, the researcher is triggered to do this study to find out The Influence of Using Realia on the Student’s Vocabulary Development at Junior HighSchool.
B. The Identification of Problem Based on background of study above, there are many problems that can be identified in this research such as: 1. The students feel difficult in memorizing the vocabulary 2. Media is limited in learning 3. Boring class activities 2
Virginia French Allen, Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary,(New York: Oxford University Press, 1983), p. 24.
4. Monotonous teaching techniques.
C. The Scope and Limitation of The Problem To avoid misunderstanding and to classify the problem, it is necessary to make limitation of the problem, because there are too many kinds of visual media in teaching English like flash card, charts, real object (realia), picture and etc. In this research, the writer only focuses on teaching vocabulary using real object or realia, dealing with “school environment”. The writer limits the problem only in seventh grade of Mts Al-Husna Lebak bulus at the first semester of the 2014/2015 academic year.
D. The Formulation of Problem The formulation of this problem “Is teaching vocabulary using real object realia more effective than teaching vocabulary using translation method?”
E. The Objectives of the Study The objective of this study is to know whether there is any significant difference between teaching vocabulary using real object or realia and teaching vocabulary using translation method.
F. The Significance of the Study From this study that has been conducted by the researchers can be seen that there are some benefits that can be taken by the reader, especially for the teachers, students, and other researchers. 1. For Students It may motivate students to improve their interest in learning English since they will find out that learning English is not always difficult to learn. Their improvement of interest in learning English will help them master English well.
2. For Teachers It would give them a description about how to teach and to motivate the students to learn about English especially in vocabulary learning, they would not be stuck only in some particular teaching strategies. The use of media, in this context “Realia” could be a good alternative or variation in teaching vocabulary, where it would make the students enjoyed following the lesson. 3. For the Other Researcher Furthermore, this study is expected to useful to support the previous research and references for other researcher who are interested in conducting about teaching vocabulary media especially by using real object or realia media.
A. THEORETICAL RESEARCH 1. Vocabulary a. The Understanding of Vocabulary In every situation, we say something, express our feelings and say what we want to say, all that things need the words and these words called vocabulary. Vocabulary plays an important role in improving our skills in English. It becomes one of aspects for improving communication skill. Without having enough vocabularies, communication will end up in unpleasant situation and make the students difficult to continue their sentences or idea1. Therefore, it is highly essential for English teachers to help their students in mastering vocabulary. One who masters enough vocabulary will find fewer difficulties than those who have fewer vocabularies. When they read a certain texts, they will easily get information from it since they can understand every word in the text2. Experienced teacher of English is as a foreign language knows very well the importance of vocabulary. They know that the students need to learn thousands of words that speakers use. Fortunately, the need for vocabulary is one point on which teachers and students agree. Without vocabulary students could not be able to understand how the language is. The role of words is important to know how the language is used, practiced and communicated.
Penny Ur, A course in Language Teaching Practice and Theory. (Cambridge: University Press, 2003). P. 60 2 McCarten Jeane, Teaching Vocabulary: Lesson from the Corpus, Lesson for the Classroom, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012), pp.1-2.
If we want to communicate with others in certain language we need to master the language they belong to especially to know enough vocabulary of those languages. Words are the basic units of language from that supports the language itself. According to David Nunan the acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is an essential for successful second language use because, without an extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use the structure and function we may have learned for comprehensible communication3. As we know, English is a „world language‟, now days the most communication tools for global communication. So, we must have lots of „bank of English words‟. Otherwise grammar, and exercising pronunciation English need to be learned too. Mastery of vocabulary is an essential component of all uses of language; it helps student too to communicate effectively or expressing students‟ ideas in English. Without an extensive vocabulary and strategies for acquiring new vocabulary, learner often achieve less than their potential and may discouraged from making use of language learning opportunities around them such as listening to the radio, listening to native speaker, using language in different context, reading, or watching television4. According to Jack C. Ricards and Willy A. Renadya, “Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read and write”.5 Its mean that the first things we have to learn to mastery the vocabulary, because with vocabulary we can learn language skills easier and
David Nunan, “Language Teaching Methodology”, (New York: Prentice Hall,1991), p.
177. 4
James Milton, Measuring Second Language Acquisition, (Bristol: Short Run Press Ltd, 2009). P. 7. 5 Jack C. Richards and Willy A. Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching, (New York: Camridge University press, 2002), p. 255.
will be useful for the process of achieving language teaching objectives. In the other word, vocabulary is the important subject in language learning if we lack vocabulary will face a lot of problem.
Furthermore, if there are questions about, "What is vocabulary?" then according to Lehr, Osborn, & Hilbert in Susan Hanson and Jenifer books‟ “Vocabulary refers to words we use to communicate in oral and print language. Receptive vocabulary refers to the words we understand through reading and listening. Productive vocabulary refers to the words we use to communicate through writing and speaking” 6 As what mentioned above the definition of vocabulary is more than one, but the definition from one reference to other is related. From those the writer summarized that vocabulary is a total of words or phrase that maintains all information used by person, class or profession in communication and it is important thing when learners study the language itself and the using of the language.
b. The Kinds of Vocabulary There are many kinds of vocabulary in English. They are: According to Ruth Gairn and Stuart Redman, vocabulary divided into two kinds: 1) Active Vocabulary: refers to put items which the learners can use appropriately in speaking and writing. Active vocabulary is also called as a productive vocabulary7 6
Susan Hanson and Jenifer F.M. Padua, Teaching Vocabulary Explicitly, (Hawaii: Pacific Resources for Education and Learning, 2011), p.5 7 Ruth Grains and Stuart Redman, Working with Words a Guide to Teaching and Learning,(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 65
2) Passive Vocabulary: refers to language items that can be recognized and understood in the context of reading and listening it is also called as receptive vocabulary8. Active vocabulary is vocabularies or the words that we use in speaking and writing, two of language skills, as according to Jeremy harmer “Active vocabulary means the stock of words that a person actually uses in his own speech or writing. It is used in oral or written expression by the student”9. These vocabularies are often called productive vocabularies because they are in case of speaking, have to be said by good pronounced in order that our rival can understand what we mean. In case of writing we have to write by good letter in order to avoid misunderstanding from readers. To use the active vocabulary or productive vocabulary we have to know and be able to use grammar of the target language, we are hoped to familiar with collocation and understand the connotation meaning of the words too. This vocabulary is more prominent in the first level of a course. Passive vocabulary according to John Reynolds and Patricia Acres, "Your passive vocabulary is likely to contain more words than the active one. One way to improve the range of the vocabulary in your own writing is to try to transfer words from your passive to the active vocabulary"10or in the other word passive vocabulary used in two kinds of language skill that is reading and listening. Passive vocabulary refers to language items that can be recognized and understood in the context of reading and listening, and also called as receptive vocabulary is more useful when the student in higher levels of study such as intermediate or advanced level It refers to language items that can be recognized and understood in the context of reading or listening and also called as receptive vocabulary. Fries
Ibid. Harmer,Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New ed : Longman 1991) 10 John Reynolds and Patricia Acres, Cambridge Checkpoint English Revision Guide,2013( 9
said vocabulary consists of two, function and content word. John Read mentioned two kinds of vocabulary based on its form and functions, they are: 1) Function Words These are the words, which only have a full meaning when they are integrated with other word. It includes articles, preposition, pronoun, conjunction, auxiliaries, etc11. 2) Content Words These are the words, which have a full meaning and provide links within sentences. It includes noun, full verb, adjectives, and adverb12. S.H. Burton and J.A Humphries in A.M Zainuri, There are two kinds of vocabulary used by the people for communication: 1) General Vocabulary It is of the words used in general. There is no limited of fields or users, terms general that the writer means is general in meaning and using. 2) Special Vocabulary It is used in certain field, job, profession or special science. For example: Politicians, Journalists, and Lawyers.13 So, no matter how many experts classify vocabulary, words are a part of language elements or language tools of communication which are used by a people.
John Read, Assessing Vocabulary, (Cambridge University, 2000), p.37 Ibid. 13 A.M. Zainuri, Vocabulary 1, (Jakarta: English Department, 2003), p. 1. 12
c. The Techniques in Presenting Vocabulary Some techniques in presenting vocabulary can be used to explain the meaning of the words and the way in teaching vocabulary will depend much on individual characteristics. But the teachers have to determine the best techniques to teach or explain the meaning of words to the learners. Teaching vocabulary to student seems to be the simplest thing to do. In fact, it requires more than translating some words from one language to another. Students need something more fun and easy to access the vocabulary when it is required for use. In this section, some techniques to teaching and learning vocabulary are offered to facilitate students‟ need in accessing vocabulary. According to Jeremy Harmer, there are seven techniques in presenting vocabulary14: 1) Realia 2) Picture 3) Mime, Action, and Gesture 4) Contrast 5) Enumeration 6) Explanation 7) Translation In teaching vocabulary in the class, the teacher cannot teach all of the vocabulary, thus the teacher should select carefully the material of vocabulary that needed to learn by the students. According to Gairns and Redman, there are four main sources vocabulary that can be used by the teacher in the class;
Jeremy Harmer. The Practice of English Language Teaching New Edition, (London: Longman, 1991), pp. 161-162
1) Through the course book. This will include the written and spoken texts, activities for the presentation and practice of grammatical structures, testing exercises, and so on. 2) Through
vocabulary development) provided by the educational institution or selected by the teacher himself. 3) Through the students. A wide range of unanticipated and unpredictable items will inevitably surface from students enquiries, queries, and errors. 4) Through specific vocabulary activities designed by the teacher for his particular group of students15. Learning vocabulary not only focuses on memorizing a word, but also focuses on the usage of the word. It is similar with the expertise that extending the learners vocabulary is important, right from the earlier stages. Learning vocabulary must be based on attaching meaning to the word, rather than just remembering the form of the word.16 Furthermore, in some classes for beginners, teachers use all three ways to show the meanings of vocabulary words17: 1) Pictures 2) Explanation in the students‟ own language 3)
Definitions in simple English, using vocabulary that the students already know. Learning vocabulary is not only must with memorizing the new words that
students find in the textbook, but there are many ways to learn vocabulary instead. Like Schmitt said that the aim of learning vocabulary is to transfer the
Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman, Working with Words, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003). P. 54 16 Andrew Wright, David Betteridge and Michael Buckby, Games for Language Learning, (United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2006), p.94. 17 Virginia French Allen, Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983). P.12
lexical information from the short-term memory into the long term memory18. There are some principles to ensure the vocabulary to the long-term memory:19 1. Repetition 2. Retrieval 3. Spacing 4. Pacing 5. Use 6. Cognitive Depth 7. Personal Organizing 8. Imaging 9.
10. Motivation 11. Attention/ arousal 12. Affective Depth One of alternative activity that good to use is realia. It is widely known that realia refers to tangible or real object that teacher use in the classroom to bring the class to life. Those object are useful to teach motor and cognitive skill. Besides, they are appropriate for use not only with individual, but also with group. Realia may be used to present new vocabulary realistically but it may be equally important that the presentation corresponds with the way learners represent information internally, so that teacher can utilize those object to help students‟ understanding. In accordance with Heather McGuin “Realia can enliven a classroom, using the sense to involve the audience in what is being presented. The learning is natural and not forced. By using ralia,
Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000). P. 131 19 Scott Thornburry, How to Teach Vocabulary, (Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited, 2002). P.24
a teacher can create an environment that is rich enough to compete with the common “this is boring!” complaint”.20 d. Some Problem in Learning Vocabulary Vocabulary is an essential skill for learning English to read and write, and vocabulary strategies are necessary when students are reading to learn across the core curriculum content standard. Students use vocabulary to understand receptive and use expressive words to acquire and convey meaning. It is an important prerequisite for developing reading comprehension and oral and written expression. When student does not have a strong vocabulary he /she may struggle to gain meaning from text while reading and understand new concepts presented in oral discussion21. But in the implementation process of learning, based on the preobservation at the first grade of Mts Al-Husna Lebakbulus, to achieve basic competence in English language learning course students experiencing difficulties in their achievement. The reason is because students‟ mastery of English vocabulary less than adequate, students often have difficulty understanding the meaning of a word because of comprehension students‟ vocabulary is relatively less than adequate so that the process of achieving a basic competence will run longer. In these case is not due to teachers who do not teach vocabulary to the students, sometimes because the vocabulary is considered as a basic knowledge of English language learning some teachers teach vocabulary only peripherally, regardless of the technique in teaching vocabulary, for example teacher consider using dictionary in vocabulary problems can be easily resolved, not as easy as it is, teachers still need to tell or teach the students how to use a dictionary, but again and again the little
Adofolo Segundo Peredes Oyarzo, Marcella Andreas, and Jessica Edith, “Realia and Vocabulary Learning Among Young Learners”, The dissertation in Universidad De Magallanes Chile, 2008, P.31. 21 Scott Thornbury, op. cit., p.21.
things that turn out to be important here which is often overlooked by a teachers. As mentioned by Scott Thornbury there are factors that make some word difficult than others. First is the pronunciation, words that are difficult to pronounce are more difficult to learn. After that spelling, sounds spelling mismatches are likely to be the cause of errors, either of pronunciation or spelling, and can contribute to a word‟s difficulty. Third are for length and complexity can add to students‟ difficulty. Indeed long word seem to be no more difficult than shorts one, but as a rule of thumb, high frequency words tend to be short in English, and therefore the learner is likely to meet them more often, a factor favoring students‟ „learnability‟. Also, variable stress in polysyllabic words, such as in words families like necessary, necessity, and necessarily. And the next is grammar, problematic is the grammar associated with the word, especially if this different from that of its L1 equivalent. Fifth is meaning, here when two words overlap in meaning, learners are likely to confuse them. The latter are range, connotation, and idiomatic.22 From the kinds of difficulty outlined above, it is not surprising that English learners make mistake with words, and have difficulties in mastery. Hence, to overcome existing difficulties, teaching vocabulary should not only be given with improvised methods.
2. Realia a. The Understanding of Realia In education realia (/riˈ eɪ ˌ liˌ ə/ pron. ree-ay-lee-ah) are objects from real life used in classroom instruction by educators to improve students' understanding of other cultures and real life situations. A teacher of a foreign language often employs realia to strengthen students' associations between 22
Scott Thornbury, op. cit., pp. 27-28.
words for everyday objects and the objects themselves. In many cases, these objects are part of an instructional kit which includes a manual and is thus considered as being part of a documentary whole by librarians 23. According Richard Plat in Bryan Smith journal “realia: (in language teaching) actual objects and items which are brought into a classroom as examples or as aids to be talked or written about and used in teaching”24. A teacher of a foreign language often employs realia to strengthen students' associations between words for everyday objects and the objects themselves. As mentioned to Adrienne L. Herrell and Michael Jordan “realia is used to provide experience on which to build and to provide students with opportunities to use all the sense in learning”25. In the other words Realia allows students to use their senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) to connect words with their meaning, thus making them more memorable. For young learners in particular it's a very useful tool to make real what in their mind, at the beginning. Realia are also used to connect learners with the key focal point of a lesson by allowing tactile and multidimensional connection between learned material and the object of the lesson. They are best utilized for simple objects lending themselves to classroom settings and ease of control with minimum risk of accident throughout the student object interaction26. Realia can be used in fun and interesting ways in the ESL classroom, and one way to incorporate it into the classroom is by using it to teach vocabulary.
Jeremy Harmer. The Practice of English Language Teaching with DVD (4th Edition) (Longman Handbooks for Language Teachers). Pearson Longman ELT. p. 177. 24 Smith Bryan, Virtual Realia: Program in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, the Internet TESL Journal, III, 1997. 25 Adrienne L. Herrell and Michael Jordan, 50 Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners, (Boston: Pearson Education Inc., 2012), P. 88 26 Adofolo Segundo Peredes Oyarzo, Marcella Andreas, and Jessica Edith, op. cit., p.32.
b. The Implementation of Realia According to David Nunan realia is defined as “object and teaching props from the world outside the classroom that are used for teaching and learning”27. Under this statement, realia is considered as real objects, which are used to aid in practicing a new language, as a way to present meaningful examples from the real world. Richard and Platt regards realia as “actual objects and items which are brought into a classroom as examples or as aids to be talked or written about and used in language teaching such as: articles of clothing, school equipment, items of food, etc.”28, while zukowsky and Faust contemplate it as “concrete objects and the paraphernalia of everyday life”29, i.e., realia is understood as an infinite number of things from the real realm. Nevertheless, there are certain contradictions over this term because realia is considered as an “authentic material” in EFL terminologies by some authors, associating it whit audio-visual resource (real objects, picture, photograps, etc.), thus dealing with a misconception of this phrase in language teaching. Using realia in the EFL classroom serves to foster a more creative and active teaching learning environment, Realia or real items are useful for teaching and learning in the classroom. Objects that are intrinsically interesting can provide a good starting point for a variety of language work
David Nunan, Second Language Teaching and Learning, (Boston: Heinle and Heinle, 1999)p. 98. 28 Jack Richard, and J. Platt, Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistic – Third Edition”, (England: Longman, 1992), p.88. 29 Zukowski and Faust, J., What is meant by Realia?, (Arizona: AZ-TESOL Newsletter, 1997), 18(1),9.
and communication activities. Realia also make learning process more enjoyable.30 Realia refers to the practice of using real, tangible things in the classroom to help your students connect with English on a different level. It involves visual, tactile and functional methods for teaching ideas, concepts, vocabulary or grammar. It‟s also extremely useful to help your students grasp the cultural differences or learn practical skills if they are planning to travel or are already living in an English-speaking country. Many teachers are leery of using realia, but here are some easy and helpful ideas for using it in ESL lessons31. There are many ways to use realia in teaching learning. In education, realia include objects used by teacher to improve students' understanding of other cultures and real life situations. A teacher of a foreign language often employs realia to strengthen students' associations between words for everyday objects and the objects themselves. There are many ways to use realia, because it is useful for any topic of English lesson, however teachers can improve their creativity in teaching their students using realia32. For example, teachers can stand at the front of the class and explain the word about beetle to class for ten minutes. The students will listen and then slowly understand what the meaning is. Hopefully, many will then translate it into their mother tongue and write down the English and the translation into their notebook. It would be different if teacher using realia, teacher just need 3 minutes or less for explain the word about beetle. For example when teacher present a new vocabulary word about it, by showing the object while mention “beetle” to students it could make students understand the meaning automatically
Jeremy Harmer, op. cit., p.140. Stefan Chiarantano, Realia, 2005, ( 32 Adofolo Segundo Peredes Oyarzo, Marcella Andreas, and Jessica Edith, op. cit., p.33. 31
without need to translate the word into students‟ L1. Such according to Heaton if a teacher brings a rose or sunflower, a rabbit or a cat, a stove or a pan, into a classroom to help her/him in teaching, she/he is using realia. Realia helps to make English language input as comprehensible as possible and to build "an associative bridge between the classroom and the world"33. Learners can directly connect the language to the objects mentioned in the material. By having realia in the classroom, young learners can develop their multi-sensor function by experiencing the learning “through seeing, hearing, touching, and manipulating" items according to Rivers34. The teaching learning process will be effective and enjoyable, and most of all they will not forget the activities in the classroom. Seemed support to the statements above, According to Hyru Gau, Realia provide an excellent tool to help children develop essential English vocabulary, realia enhance meaning and make vocabulary more concrete and therefore, more comprehensible35. Heaton also said that “Realia helps to make English language input as comprehensible as possible and to build an associative bridge between the classroom and the world”36. According to Andrienne L. Harrell and Michael Jordan, for using realia there are several steps that must be known in its implementation. 1) Identify opportunities to use realia, be aware of opportunities to include realia in lesson as you plan. Preread any stories that will be read aloud or used for reading instruction to identify vocabulary that may be unfamiliar to the students and locate realia that will be helpful to their understanding37. 2) Collect realia, begin to collect item that can be stored in the classroom and organized them so that they can be easily accessed for instruction. Plastic 33
Smith Bryan, op. cit. Ibid. 35 Hyru Gau, Realia: Making Language Real, (Berkeley: Primary Concept, 2010), 36 Smith Bryan. Loc. Cit. 37 Adrienne L. Herrell and Michael Jordan, op. cit., 88. 34
tubs or large, clear plastic bags are often used for this purpose. Some items will be appropriate for only one theme or book and should be stored whit the theme materials or book. Yard sales and end-of-season sales at craft stores are good sources of realia for classroom use. Parents can often be helpful in locating and supplying useful items. 3) Build a library of realia, collaborate with other teachers at the school or grade level to build a library of realia that can be shared for major theme studies. Located local merchants, farmers, and other resources for the loan of large items such as farm equipment or animals. 4) Used field trip as realia, if it‟s too large to move and your students‟ learning would benefit by experiencing it, take a field trip. Give your students the opportunity to really understand what they are studying.38 From the explanation above can be conclude that, using realia as a media of learning it does look easy and fun, but the teachers also need to pay attention to the proper steps in implementing a realia in the learning process, in the sense that teachers should be very thorough on the conformity of use realia, with the theme of learning that will be given. So the message and purpose of the learning objectives that given by the teacher students can be received properly.
c. Teaching Vocabulary Using Realia Realia can be used to assess students‟ receptive vocabulary and understanding of verbal direction. The use can be adapted to the English development levels of the student, as well39. Here writer concludes the illustration of the activities of teaching vocabulary using Realia as the follow:
38 39
Ibid. Virginia French Allen, op. cit., p.26.
Preproduction level
Show two object and ask the student to show you the
Early production
Show two objects and ask the student to show you the one that is used for.
Speech emergence
Ask the student to name objects.
Intermediate fluency
Ask the student to tell uses for objects
Full fluency
Ask the student to compere object
After giving the explanation about the material, teacher asks students to memorize vocabulary that has been given.
Answering questions about parts of the body
Students are required to make-in pair and after that teachers instruct students to:
Touch the part of your body than your partner says the vocabulary. And do this five times and change roles. Teachers provide example sentences using vocabulary that has been given. Examples:
This is my head, on my head I have black hair.
I have two hand and call now hand has five fingers
I have two feet that used to run.
Students are required to provide a description of the members of one group of their partner's body briefly and writing.
After that some student are asked to come forward, to tell the other students the previous task that is given by oral form40.
Additional Materials 40
Besides the objects, reader will find the following materials useful in teaching the activities. All in a Row Who is first in line? Who is last? SET UP Choose a set of animals and line them up in a row, all pointing one direction. You might use an object for the animals to be headed towards, such as a boat. ACTIVITY Tell the children that you are going to describe where an animal is in line and they are to tell you which one it is. Here are some Examples:
It is first in line.
It is last in line.
It is the second (third, fourth, fifth) in line.
It is between the horse and the pig.
It is next after the cow.
It comes just before the goat.
It is closest to the boat.
It is farthest from the boat.
Set up a different row of objects on a different day, and invite the children to take turns giving clues. Use position words like the following:
Fourth Fifth
EXTENSION Add more animals to the row. Tell the children where to place each new addition. For example, ask a child to put a dog between the tiger and the elephant41.
Hyru Gau, op. cit, p.30.
And here some other examples using realia for teaching vocabulary in the classroom: To illustrate and teach young learners vocabulary for animals, clothing, and fruit for example, Teacher use actual objects or facsimiles there of (pieces of clothing, toy animals, and plastic fruit). For transition period, it‟s a very useful tool in making the abstract concrete42. Bring in a number of objects from everyday life, such as fruit, utensils or articles of clothing. Sitting in a circle, pass one of the objects to the student on your left, saying the name of the object (for example: "tomato" or "sock") and then have the student pass on the object to the next one, speaking the word as well. Have your students keep passing on the object, repeating its name, until it comes full circle back to the teacher. Teacher may use photos of the objects instead of the actual objects themselves43. Use an object, such as a ball, to teach prepositions of place like “on, under, above.” Place the ball on the table, and ask where it is. Elicit the reply “It‟s on the table,” and so on44. Write or print out recipes for work on the imperative. Read out the step by step recipe instructions and have the students mime them as you read them out45. This is suggested by television program hosts, who control conversations by the use of the microphone. Put students in groups, and give one student the microphone (imaginary, or a real microphone, disconnected, or something to represent a microphone). Say a group of six students are talking about 'holidays', the person with the microphone can move around
Anonym, Strategies & Method in Learning English, For Adult Esol Professional: Incorporating Realia to Enhance Language Acquisition. Electronic Journal, Vol.1, Issue. 1, 2006. 43 Berwald, J.P. “Teaching foreign languages with realia and other authentic materials. ERIC Q & A.” Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 289 367) Available from: 44 Adrienne L. Herrell and Michael Jordan, op. cit., p. 90. 45
the group giving different people the chance to speak, ensuring everyone gets an equal chance to contribute46.
B. PREVIOUS STUDY The first previous study is taken from Ningtias Orilina‟s study about the effectiveness of using Realia in teaching English for improving elementary student‟s vocabulary at Bentakan Baki Sukoharjo. This study was used quasiexperiment method with non-equivalent control group design. The research was done in two classes, namely experiment class and controled class. The result of data analysis showed that Realia in teaching vocabulary was effective in improving student‟s vocabulary of school equipment, fruits and shapes. The effect size of Realia in teaching vocabulary was 1.21 (large effect). Besides, the data showed that the quarrel score between pretest and posttest in experiment group (10.89) was higher than the quarrel score between pretest and posttest in controlled group (6.03). From the explanation above it can be conclude that this technique could improve students‟ vocabulary. The second previous study is taken from Bayu Nurbaeti this research paper entitled “Teaching Vocabulary Using Realia Media at the Third Grade Students of SDN 1 Tegal Munjul – Purwakarta” was to find whether or not realia media was effective to improve the students‟ vocabulary mastery and to find out how good the students‟ mastery of the vocabulary. In this research, the writer used one group pretest-posttest design and quantitative research method. The instrument of this research are; pretest and posttest. The collected data were analyzed by using t test formula. The results of this research showed that: mean scores of pretest was 12.53, mean scores of posttest was 16.25. It 46
Berwald, J.P. loc. cit.
means realia media can improve the students‟ vocabulary mastery. Then, the tobserved was 4.45, and the tcritical value was 2.42 with degree of freedom = N-1 (df = 40-1 = 39) and significance level at .01. Based on the result of the data analysis above, the alternative hypothesis was accepted because the tobserved was bigger than the tcritical value (4.45 > 2.42). It also means that realia media was effected to improve the students‟ vocabulary mastery significantly.
C. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Learners should be able understand a text with nearly 80 percent of the words by mastering about 2000 vocabulary, and increase to 88.7 percent if learner have 5000 knowledge about vocabulary, out of that number are automatically inferred able to support increased student achievement in improving English language skills. But as it has been mentioned in previous chapter, the problem that the students faced in learning vocabulary was difficulties in memorizing meaning of the words, the students were lack of vocabulary. They often feel bored easily in learning activities because of those problem. It also happen because they feel bored in teaching technique in vocabulary learning such as translation method which always monotone in the teaching technique. Because of that problem, writer tries to offer a technique by teaching vocabulary using realia. Using realia is one of the visual aids that are useful in teaching vocabulary. It is more effective than translation method in teaching vocabulary because using realia makes the students easier to memorize the vocabulary by seeing the real examples of the vocabulary that are explained, and make the class more active and lively, so the student have a lot of fun doing the lesson and they does not feel bored easily. The situation is obviously different, when vocabulary is taught only by using translation technique.
Substantially Realia in learning vocabulary is a real media to create a link between words and real world. Realia has some of the advantages in teaching learning English especially in teaching vocabulary. Realia stimulates the mind, and is one way of encouraging creativity by involving the senses. By using Realia, the students will be more interested in studying, the word will be memorable for the students.
D. THEORITICAL HYPOTHESIS This research is to know whether using realia in teaching vocabulary better than using translation method for the students to learn English. To find the answer the writer should propose alternative hypothesis (Ha) and null Hypothesis (Ho) as below: 1. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): There is a significant difference between teaching vocabulary by using realia and using translation method at Mts Al-Husna Lebakbulus. 2. Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no a significant difference between teaching vocabulary by using realia and using translation method at Mts Al-Husna Lebakbulus
A. The Method of the Research
In this research, the writer uses quantitative research. In quantitative research there are three design: experimental, correlation and survey1. The writer uses experimental design. Experiment is a procedure for testing hypothesis by setting up situation in which the strength of the relationship between variables can be tested2. Also, it established possible cause and effect between independent and dependent variables3. This study will use A Quasi Experiment Design specifically. It is because the interaction of selection with other factor are possibilities 4. It is one of approaches of research that uses two groups: those are experimental class and control class. Generally, the researcher in experimental research uses two groups, experimental group as a group that gets the treatment and the control group that did get not treatment5. The writer implements realia as media in teaching vocabulary in the first class and translation technique is implemented in the second class. This study focuses on giving treatment to the experimental class by applying realia in teaching vocabulary, and then the writer observes the result through classroom observation and test.
John W, Kreswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research – International Edition, (Boston: Pearson, 2002), p.12. 2 David Nunan, Research Method in Language Learning, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992), p.25. 3 John W, Kreswell, op. cit., p.295. 4 Ibid., p.310. 5 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu PendekatanPraktik, (Jakarta: PT Renika Cipta, 2006), p.311.
B. Place and Time of Research This research took place in Mts Al-Husna Lebakbulus which is located at Jl. Madrasah No. 14 RT002 RW004 South Jakarta, on the second semester of 20142015 academic years. The school has 280 students that are divided into 8 classes. There are e classes for seventh grade, 3 classes for eighth grade and 2 classes for nine grade students. The writer had conducted the research for weeks. It began on February, 16th 2015 and ended on March 13th 2015. It is done by giving pre-test, treatment, and posttest to the seventh grade students. It has 8 meetings, 6 meetings for treatment and 2 meetings for pre-test and post-test. C. The Population and Sample of the Research The population of the research is the seventh grade student of junior high school at Mts Al-Husna Lebak Bulus. The total numbers of population were 105 students who are divided into three classes, A, B, and C. The writer got recommendation class from the English teacher in deciding the sample for this research. Therefore this research using purposive sampling as a way of selecting the sample. Purposive sampling is a way of taking subjects, not based on strata, random or specific regions, but are taken based on the specific purpose6. Commonly, this technique will take with some consideration, such as time limit, personnel, and donation. Then, the writer divided into two classes; Class VII.A which is employed 35 students as the control class and class VII.B which is employed 38 students as the experiment class. It will be taken only 32 students from each class because a few of the students were absents at that time. The writer collects the data by giving the students pre-test and post-test, with 30 questions for experiment and control class.
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2001), P.124.
D. Research Instrument The instrument consist of 30 multiple-choice question taken based on themes that will be or have been taught from some books of English for first grade. The 30 item of the test is tested to the students from second grade. After the test is applied, the writer measures the instruments’ validity and reliability used ANATES. For the explanation about validity and reliability also the ANATES result, it can be seen on appendices. E. The Technique of Data Collecting After making the instrument, collecting data is an important thing in this research that can be determined. The kind of the research in the form of a test, they are: To make data accurately, the writer collected the data by using the test to students’ vocabulary. The test was given to get the objectives data of students’ vocabulary by using the treatments. The writer applied into two tests, those are pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was given in the beginning of attending class; before doing the treatment, and then post-test was given at the end of treatment meeting or in the last meeting after doing the treatment. What is pre-test and post-test? Pre-test Pre-test is a form of questions, posed to the students before starting a treatment in the research. Test questions are given relating to the material that will be taught in research treatment. It is given with the intent to find out if any of the students already know about the material that will be taught. Pretest can also be interpreted as a test activity levels of students' knowledge on the material that will be delivered. Post-test Post-test is a form of questions, posed to the students after doing a treatment in the research. This test can also be said is as a form of evaluation research on
the treatment that has been given. In order to determine increase or not the development of knowledge on the sample.
After doing pre-test and post-test compare the results of both test, so it can be known how far the effects of the treatment in the research.
F. The Techniques of Data Analysis The technique of data was conducted to analyze the validity and then pretest and posttest of the questions. This research was focused for seventh grade students at MTs Al Husna Lebak Bulus. After the writer collected the data, then the writer analyzed the result of data from pre-test and post-test and then related both of them through the formulas of validity and reliability. The writer used the formula that is independent sample T-test. To measure, the writer used SPSS (Statistical Product for Service Solution) v.16 G. Statistical Hypothesis The hypothesis of this study may be: Ho : µ1 > µ2 Ha : µ1 < µ2 1. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) : “There is a significance difference of students’ vocabulary achievement between students who are taught by using Realia and students who are taught without using Realia . 2. Null Hypothesis (Ho) : “There is no significance difference of students’ vocabulary achievement between students who are taught by using Realia and students who are taught without using Realia.”
A. Data Description In this part, the writer indicate the description of pre-test and post test data. The data were collected from students pre-test and post-test both two classes; experiment and control. It comes which consist of 32 students in each class. It shows in two tables. Tables 4.1 are the data from experiment class and table 4.2 is data from control class. It also shows the mean of both classes. The data which was obtained is described into tables as follow:
1. Experiment Class (VII-A) Table 4.1 The Score of Experiment Class PRE-TEST
In the table above, it can be shown that in experimental class there are 32 students. The mean of the pre-test in experiment class got 71.44 while in post-test got 89.90. The lowest score in pre-test is 50 and the highest score in pre-test is 80. While in post-test, the lowest score is 60 and the highest score are 100. Some students are higher in post-test than pre-test.
Control class (VII-B) Table 4.2 The Score of Control Class PRE-TEST
From the table above, it can be shown that in controlled class there are 32 students. The mean of the pre-test in controlled class got 72.82 while in post-test got 73.76. The lowest score in pre-test is 56.7 and the highest score in pre-test is 83.3. While in post-test, the lowest score is 33.3 and the highest score are 90.
B. Analysis of Data The writer analyzes the data using T-test formula. This technique is useful to prove statistically whether there is any significant difference between students’ vocabulary in experiment and control class. The experiment class was X variable and the control class was Y variable. To measure, the writer used SPSS (Statistical Product for Service Solution) v.16, the result are below:
Table 4.3 T-test Result Paired Samples Statistics Mean Posttest Experiment Control
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
Table 4.4 T-test Result Paired Samples Test Paired Differences
Mean Posttest Experiment Control
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
18.0709 3.1945
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower 9.6285
Upper 22.6590
From the table show that, the mean is 16.1437, with the standard deviation is 18.0709, so the score of t-test is 5.054. The value of Degree of Freedom (df) is 31, with the significance 5% (0.05) is 1.696. The data shows that 5.054
1.696, it
means that the Null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.
C. Hypothesis Testing In this research, from the calculation by using SPSS v.16 the degree of freedom (df) of the research is 31 with the significance 5% (0.05) is 1.696, the writer conclude that tscore bigger than ttable or 5.054
1.696, it means the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. In brief, there is a significance difference of students’ vocabulary achievement between students who are taught by using Realia technique and students who are taught with using translation technique.
D. Interpretation of Data Based on data description, in the seventh grade students’ of MTs. AlHusna Lebak-Bulus that the students’ vocabulary is improved, especially by using Realia. The result of data got from test that divided into pre-test and post-test. It showed from experiment class has the mean of pre-test is 71.44 before giving
Sig. (2tailed) .000
Realia technique. Then, mean increased into 89.90 in post-test after given the treatment by using Realia technique. Therefore, the students that have the highest mean score of post-test in experiment class, which is given the treatment by using Realia technique. In analyzing the data, the writer analyzed the hypothesis of pre-test and post-tests both of class. This step is the main step to know whether Realia technique is significant toward the students’ vocabulary achievement or not. The writer analysis by conducting T-test formula, the significant used 5% (0.05), and the criteria is value of t-test (tscore) > t-table. The calculation showed that t-test (tscore) got 5.054 and the value of t-table is 1.696 in t-student table, it revealed that t-test (tscore)
ttable (5.054 > 1.696). Based on the criteria for the calculation that
when value of tscore
ttable, it means that the hypothesis null (Ho) is rejected and
the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It can be concluded that there is a significance difference of students’ vocabulary achievement between students who are taught by using Realia technique and students who are taught with using translation technique. To sum up, the data of research had been conducted based on the procedures. As the interpretation of data calculation above, there is significance by using Realia toward the students’ vocabulary, because the results show that the hypothesis of H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. From the experiment that done by the writer, there are some positive progressions in the experiment class. Finally, the influence of teaching vocabulary using realia on students’ vocabulary mastery is increasing, which as though supported by the statement of hyru gau that, realia provide an excellent tool to help children develop essential English vocabulary, realia enhance meaning and make vocabulary more concrete and therefore, more comprehensible.
A. CONCLUSION Based on the result of the data analysis, the researcher draw a major conclusion that there was significance influence on students’ vocabulary development after being though trough teaching vocabulary by using realia. This could be seen from the T-test result which showed that students’ mean score of post-test in experimental class (89.90) was higher than pre-test (71.44) with gained score was 18.66. The T-test revealed that the result was determined by p < 0.05, p = 0.0000. Thus, Ha was accepted. Furthermore, the implementation of realia gives positive effect to the students’ attitude in teaching and learning process. When the teacher implemented the use of realia in the teaching learning process, the students were observably interested in the lesson and motivated to learn. They became more actively involved in teaching and learning process. The students were eager in answering questions and doing exercises. The students were also willing to ask the teacher when they did not understand the material. The students were more enthusiastic in joining the class so that the teaching learning process became more influential. Based on the research finding above, the researcher conclude that the influence in teaching English using realia can improve students’ achievement especially in develop English vocabulary. This also gives positive changes to the students’ attitude in learning. The implementation of realia makes the students pay more
B. IMPLICATION In teaching vocabulary to children, it is important to implement appropriate and attractive technique. Based on the result of the study, the implementation of realia in teaching learning process is influential in increasing students’ achievement especially vocabulary mastery. The interesting teaching technique such as realia has been proven effective to substitute teacher role in drilling the meaning of vocabulary. By using realia, it brings the students to have direct experience with the real image of the vocabulary. It helps the students to enter the concept of the vocabulary. Besides, the use of realia in teaching is necessary to bring the students into good participation in learning. By using realia, the students became interested in, active and enjoy the learning. However it should be remember that teaching vocabulary using realia will be influential and efficient if the presenting vocabulary using realia is combined with fun learning activities such as guessing and matching word and thing. An appropriate way can attract the students’ attention and help achieve the teaching aims. One way that has been proven to be an influential way of teaching vocabulary using realia is by guessing and matching the word and thing dealing with the topic. This is because by the activity guessing and matching the word and thing the students are trained to think, memorize and write the words by their selves. By this activity the students are directed to be more active in finding the meaning of words
C. SUGGESTION In accordance with the research finding, the researcher proposes some suggestion for English teacher, students, other researchers and institution. 1. To the Teacher English teacher could select the appropriate technique in teaching vocabulary for children. English teacher needs to create good atmosphere in the class so that teaching learning process becomes
interesting, easy and enjoyable. Therefore, these are expected teaching learning process become more effective. One of teaching technique that can be implemented by the teacher is realia. The teacher can use realia in teaching English to make the students learn easily, interesting and enjoyable. The using of realia can be combined with some learning activities for example group work, game, guessing and matching activity. Realia helps the teacher enter the concept of vocabulary because it connects the vocabulary and the object directly. Therefore, it helps the students to find and memorize the meaning of vocabulary easily.
2. To the Students The students must be active in learning English. The students should not depend on other people in learning English. They should also learn English intensively and continuously. The students can use the things around them by labeling the things with the words dealing with the thing for example the name of the thing. Therefore the students will be easier to remember the words dealing with the thing in English.
3. To Other Researcher This research studies the implementation of realia in teaching vocabulary to Junior High School students. This study gives drawing about the implementation of realia in teaching as one effort to improve students’ motivation and achievement in learning English. It is hoped that the result of the study could be useful as the additional reference to develop more rigid and explorative/ experimental research on the potency of realia in teaching English on other topics and levels.
4. To the Institutional of Education An institution of education is a formal place to disseminate knowledge and education. The result of the research is one of the sources to get information on the general conditions of teaching and learning process in the school. By knowing these conditions, the institution in this case the school is expected to improve education service. One way is by improving the teacher quality. The institution must give opportunity to the teacher to develop teaching and learning techniques by providing good teaching and learning facilities, assigning teachers to join training and research.
Allen, Virginia French. Technique in Teaching Vocabulary. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983. Anonym, Strategies & Method in Learning English, For Adult Esol Professional: Incorporating Realia to Enhance Language Acquisition. Electronic Journal, Vol.1, Issue. 1, 2006. Berwald, J.P. (1987). “Teaching foreign languages with realia and other authentic materials. ERIC Q & A.” Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 289 367) Available from: accno=ED289367 Catford, J. C. A Linguistic Theory of Translation: An Essay in Applied Linguistic. London: Oxford University Press, 1974. Doff, Adrian. Teach English a Training Course for Teacher’s Work Book. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Gau, Hyru. Realia: Making Language Real. Berkeley: Primary Concept, 2010. Grains, Ruth and Redman, Stuart. Working with Word a Guide to Teaching and Learning. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986. Hanson, Susan and Padua, Jennifer F.M. Teaching Vocabulary Explicitly. Hawaii: Pacific Resource for Education and Learning, 2011. Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching with DVD (4th Edition) (Longman Handbooks for Language Teachers). Pearson Longman ELT. 2002. Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching New Edition. London: Longman, 1991. Herrell, Adrienne L and Jordan, Michael. 50 Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners. Boston: Pearson Education Inc., 2012. Jeanne, McCarten. Teaching Vocabulary: Lesson from the Corpus, Lesson from the Classroom. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Maurtis, Simatupang D. S. Pengantar Teori Terjemah. Direktoret Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2000. Milton, James. Measuring Second Language Acquisition, Bristol: Short Run Press Ltd, 2009. Newmark, Peter. A Text Book of Translation. London: Prentice Hall, 1988. Nida, Eugene A and Taber, Charles R. The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: EJ Brill, 1974. Nunan, David. Language Teaching Methodology. New York: Prentice Hall, 1991. Nunan, David, Second Language Teaching and Learning, Boston: Heinle and Heinle, 1999. Oyarzo, Adofolo Segundo Peredes, Andreas, Marcella, and Edith, Jessica. “Realia andVocabulary Learning Among Young Learners”, The dissertation in Universidad De Magallanes Chile, 2008. Read, John. Assessing Vocabulary. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Reynolds, John and Acres, Patricia. Cambridge Checkpoint English Revision Guide, 2013 Richard, Jack C and Renandya, Willy A. Methodology in Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Richard, Jack C, and Platt, J. Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistic–Third Edition”, England: Longman, 1992. Schmitt, Norbert. Vocabulary in Language Teaching, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Smith, Bryan. Virtual Realia: program in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching. The Internet Journal, III, 1997. Stefan Chiarantano, Realia, 2005, Thornburry, Scott. How to Teach Vocabulary. England: Pearson Education Limited, 2002.
Ur, Penny. A course in Language Teaching Practice and Theory. Cambridge: University Press, 2003. Wright, Andrew. Betteridge, David and Michael Buckby, Games for Language Learning. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Zainuri, A.M. Vocabulary 1. Jakarta: English Department, 2003. Zukowski and Faust, J., What is meant by Realia?, (Arizona: AZ-TESOL Newsletter, 1997), 18(1),9.
Instrument is a device that writer uses it to getting data. The data refer to the information which is obtained on the subject of research. The instrument that used in this research is a paper and pencil test in this case is multiple-choice. Multiple-choice questions provide an excellent basis for post-test discussion. Then multiple-choice question can be used to test a variety of levels of learning. The quality of instrument used in a research is very important. Validity and reliability are essential requirements should be fulfilled to ensure the instrument is qualified. 1. Validity One of important principle in language assessment is validity. The research instrument should have validity testing first to know it’s worthy and qualified. The test that used as the instrument in this research also need to be examined before it is given to the students. In a research, validity refers to the appropriateness, the correctness, or the usefulness of the inferences a researcher makes. Briefly, validity of the test is the extent to which it measures what it is supposed to measure. It refers to the meaningfulness of the scores, which defines a broad scope of concern. Regarding tasks and criteria, one of the main concerns is content coverage and comprehensiveness in relation to the definition of the best purpose. 2. Reliability Reliability is a necessary characteristic of any good test; a test must be reliable as a measuring instrument. It means if you give the same test to the same students or matched students’ on two different occasions, the test should yield similar result. Brown said that human error, subjectivity and bias by enter the scoring process. By means, attaining reliability is
important because it means that the scores are dependable, so that we can rely on them in decision-making.
There were 50 items question of instrument were tested toward student of seventh grade at Mts Al-Husna Lebak-Bulus, before applied them to the samples, to know its validity and reliability. The validity and reliability test were analyzed by using ANATES softwere. The result shows that the instrument were reliable. The reliability score is 0.95 while the standard of reliable is 0.60. Hence, it can be concluded that is reliable. At last, the writer limited the question into 30 from 50 questions that were tested, with 6 questions were fixed and some others were chosen as the questions after edited.
After making the instrument, collecting data is an important thing in this research that can be determined. The kind of the research in the form of a test, they are: To make data accurately, the writer collected the data by using the test to students’ vocabulary. The test was given to get the objectives data of students’ vocabulary by using the treatments. The writer applied into two tests, those are pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was given in the beginning of attending class; before doing the treatment, and then post-test was given at the end of treatment meeting or in the last meeting after doing the treatment. Before administering the pre-test, the writer analyzes the validity of pre-test instrument in order to ensure the instrument is qualified. Writer used ANATEST software to calculate the instruments’ validity. In this research, the writer implemented content validity to analyze validity of test. It depends on a careful analysis of the language being tested and of the particular course objective. There is strong tendency, especially multiple-choice testing, to test only those areas of the language which lend
themselves readily to testing. To make the instrument test, the writer consulted it with English teacher, which is about descriptive and procedure text based on English material at seventh grade. Based on the result of instrument’s validity that was examined in SMP Islamic Village, from 50 (fifty) multiple-choice question that given by writer, there are 36 (thirty-six) multiple-choice question were considered qualified. Based on the description (siginifikan/sangat signifikan) which has been determined by ANATES software this was a few number that is considered qualified; 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 41, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, and 50. Then numbers that considered not qualified (NAN/minus) are; 1, 3, 6, 9, 18, 21, 26, 31, 35, 39, 40, 42, 43, and 44. After found the qualified questions, writer gave it for pre-test. The test is objective test which contains 30 (thirty) multiple choices questions for students in experiment and control class. Then, the writer gave post-test; it was given after the writer taught English vocabulary by using Realia in experiment class and without using Realia in control class. The post-test was also given that contains 30 (thirty) multiple choices questions to both of class. The writer gave all questions of multiple choices based on material of vocabulary at seventh grade and the result of pre-test and posttest were collected and compared. The tests were used as a data, to find out the influence of using Realia toward the students’ vocabulary at experiment class.
Research Instrument (Pre-test) Name: No.
1. Choose the best sentence. 1.
a) b) c) d)
a) b) c) d)
2. For no. 7-11 here are emails from a pen friends internet club. Read it and answer the question!
I love watch TV I loves watch TV I love watching TV I am love watching TV
Hi. My name is Simon Donaldson, I’m 23 years old and I’m from Scotland, Great Britain. But now I am working in Sydney-Australia as a postman, I don’t really like my job, because I want to be an artist but nobody wants to buy my painting! I like rock and heavy metal music, because it’s LOUD! My parents don’t like it at all, they always told me to turn it off! I don’t like living with my parents. So I choose to get my own flat. If you like the same thing as me, write to me! Best wishes, Simon.
Does he like play tennis? Does he likes play tennis? Does he like playing tennis? Does he likes playing tennis?
a) She don’t like doing homework b) She doesn’t like doing homework c) She don’t like do homework d) She doesn’t like do homework a) b) c) d)
Let’s going for a walk Let’s go for a walk Let’s to go for a walk Let’s to going for a walk
Answer the question below! 5.
Do you like apples? a) Yes, I really like it b) Yes, I really like her c) Yes, I really like they d) Yes, I really like them What do you do? a) You are a teacher b) My job is a Teacher c) I’m fine thanks d) How do you do?
Where is Simon come from? a) Simon come from Australia b) Simon come from Sydney c) Simon come from England d) Simon come from Scotland
What does Simon likes? a) He like to be an postman b) He likes rock and heavy metal music c) He likes all about loud music d) He like living in Scotland
What does Simon dislike? a) He doesn’t like to be an artist b) He doesn’t like living in Sydney c) He doesn’t like living with his parents d) He doesn’t like rock and heavy metal music Why Simon Choose to get his own flat? Because… a) His parents doesn’t like rock and heavy metal music b) He having a job in Sydney c) He want to be an artist d) He like singing Why he doesn’t to be an artist? Because… a) He is a postman now b) Nobody wants to buy his painting c) His parents doesn’t like it d) He have his own flat 3. For no.12-16 complete the conversation with the question words! A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A.
: (12) ….. are you doing? : I’m reading about Thailand. : (13) ….. did you read it? : Because I’m going there soon. : Wow, ….. are you leaving? : We’re leaving on the 18th. : (14) ….. are you going with? : My friends, Pip and Tika. : (15) ….. are you travelling? : By plane and then bus. : (16) ….. are you staying?
A. B. A. B.
: we are staying in a small hotel called the Blue Ocean Paradise. : You’re so lucky! (22) ….. are you staying there? : We stay for 4 weeks. : Have a great time. : Ok. Thank you .
Answer the question here! 12. a) Who b) What
c) Why d) How
a) Who b) What
c) Why d) How
a) Who b) When
c) Why d) How long
a) who b) What
c) Why d) How
16. a) Where b) What
c) When d) How long
17. Who is he? a) Scot boy b) Security c) Merchant d) Police
18. Who is he? a) Teacher b) Merchant c) Butcher d) Dentist
c) Name Tag d) Belt
4. For no 19-24 see the picture in a number 1,2,3,4,5,6 and answer the question above! 22.
What is the vocabulary for thing that Yusti wear on her feet (number5)? a) Socks b) Shoes
c) Belt d) Skirt
What are the vocabulary for things that yusti wear in Number 2,3,4,6?
Every day, Yusti usually wears nametag on her uniform for her name identity. Which number it is and what’s the name? a) 4. Badge c) 2. Badge b) 2. Nametag d) 4. Nametag For protect her from sunlight Yusti always using when she going to school. What it is? a) Belt b) White Uniform c) School Hat d) Blue skirt
21. What is the vocabulary for thing that Yusti wear on her neck? a) School Tie b) School Hat
a) Tie, Blue Skirt, Nametag, White Uniform b) Blue Skirt, White Uniform, Tie, Nametag c) Nametag, Belt, Hat, White Uniform d) Skirt, Nametag, Shoes, White Uniform
5. For no 29-33 Read the text and answer the question. My sister and I studying in our new school in Surabaya, the school name is Al-Hasra Junior High School. Its great school, my sister and I happy to learn of there. The school has 10 of classroom with 2 AC in each room, then there are a big library and science lab which are besides the school yard, after that in our school available also sport center which can be used for playing football, basketball, volleyball, exercise and etc. Not forget in the corner of the class there are two toilets where it very clean.
24. How is the writer house? a) It is large b) It is great c) It is big d) It is awesome
Every day student always visit this place, in this place there are a lots of kinds of books, student are coming for reading or borrow a some books, what it is?
25. What kind of room that besides of school yard? a) Toilets b) Library and lab c) Classroom d) Canteen 26. Where is the position of toilets? a) In the side of class b) In the behind of school yard c) In front of the class d) In the corner of class 27. Where does the writer studying? a) Surabaya c) Yogyakarta b) Jakarta d) Semarang
Where are they? a) Office b) School Canteen c) Dormitory d) Supermarket
a) b) c) d)
Janitor room Toilets Classroom Library
Every day my job is help headmaster and teacher to clean all of school environment, and also I am the people who keep the key of all rooms in the school. Who am I? a) School guard b) School janitor c) School canteen d) Schoolboy
Research Instrument (Post-test) Name: No.
Lucy: She is a student and every day she always ride a bicycle to school, but it doesn’t mean she like cycling, she really love shopping and playing basketball than football is his brothers’ hobby.
For no 1-4 please complete this text. My friend’s name is Richard Williams. 1…… 20 years old, he has short and black …… on his head, and a sharp 2…… and a large …… than, his 3……. are big with brown pupils, he’s tall and has long ……and leg. He also had a beard on his 4……. And …..on his lips. He’s a quiet man but friendly, he lives in Sydney in small house. 1.
a) b) c) d)
She is / Hair He are / Hat He has / Hat He is / Hair
a) b) c) d)
Ear / Eyes Eye / Chic Nose / Mouth Mouth / Nose
a) b) c) d)
Ears / Foot Eyes / Arm Eye / Arm Ear / Foot
a) b) c) d)
Chic / Beard Chin / Eyes brow Chic / eyelash Chin / Moustache
For no. 5-9 here are a short story from my friend about they hobbies. Read it and answer the question!
Joshua: He likes reading, but because of his job he couldn’t read all the time he want. He works at department store but he doesn’t like shopping. Mathew: He doesn’t like cooking, but he love eat very much, because he was overweight, he planning to make exercise as his hobby. Answer the question below!
Does Lucy like cycling for go to school? a) No, she doesn’t b) Yes, she does c) No, she don’t d) Yes, she do What’s Lucy Hobbies? a) She like ride a bicycle b) Shopping and playing basketball is her favorite c) She love cycling d) She like playing football
Which is Joshua like? a)
A. : By plane and then boat. A. : (12) ….. are you staying? A. : we are staying in a beautiful cottage called Mjigae Paradise. B. : wow, it’s sound fun! (13) ….. are you staying there? A. : We stay for 5 days. B. : Have a great time. A. : Ok. Thank you .
Answer the question here!
What is Joshua thinking about shopping? a) He doesn’t like b) He love very much c) Because his job he like it d) No idea What do you thing about Mathew? a) He is good in cooking b) He likes eating and overweight c) He doesn’t like exercise d) Exercise, eating and cooking are his hobbies
a) When b) What
c) Why d) How
a) Who b) When
c) Why d) How long
a) who b) What
c) Why d) How
a) Where b) What
14. For no.10-13 complete the conversation with the question words! A. : Hi ….. are you looking for? B. : I’m reading about Korea. A. : ….. did you read it? B. : Because I’m going there soon. A. : Wow, (10)….. are you leaving? B. : We’re leaving on the 18th. A. : (11) ….. are you going with? B. : My friends, Pip and Tika. A. : ….. are you travelling?
c) When d) How long Who is he? a). Shoolboy b). Scool guard c). School Janitor d) School Head
What is it? a). Watch b). Time Piece c).clock d). Compass
Choose the best sentence !
Please mention the existing objects in this picture! a) Air condition, fan, map, carpet, bed, sofa, door, and window. b) Window, Picture, Air Condition, Fan, Chair, desk, Tablecloth, and Lamp. c) Table, Fun, Window, Tablecloth, Chair, door, Lamp, and Picture. d) Air Condition, Map, Picture, Desk, Chair, Flag, and Cupboard. 17.
Every day Indri usually wears something on her uniform to explain her identity in order to make teacher easy when call her. What is it? a) Badge c) Pin b) Brooch d) Nametag
For protect her from sunlight Indri always using it when she going to school. What it is? a) Belt b) White Uniform c) School Hat d) Blue skirt
School Yard, what it use for? a) Sport activity Scouting activity, and Ceremony. b) Parking area, Teacher meetings, and Ceremony c) Merchant area, Scouting activity, and Teacher meetings d) Sport activity, Prayer place, and Scouting activity.
a) She don’t like doing homework b) She doesn’t like doing homework c) She don’t like do homework d) She doesn’t like do homework
a) b) c) d)
Let’s going for a walk Let’s go for a walk Let’s to go for a walk Let’s to going for a walk
Do you like apples? a) Yes, I really like it b) Yes, I really like her c) Yes, I really like they d) Yes, I really like them
For no 29-33 Read the text and answer the question. My sister and I from Jakarta but now we are moving to studying in our new school in Surabaya, the school name is Al-Hasra Junior High School. Its great school, my sister and I happy to learn of there. The school has 10 of classroom with 2 AC in each room, then there are a big library and science lab which are besides the school yard, after that in our school available also sport center which can be used for playing football, basketball, volleyball, exercise and etc. Not forget in the corner of the class there are two toilets where it very clean.
28. 23.
What kind of room that besides of school yard? a) Toilets b) Library and lab c) Classroom d) Canteen
Where is the position of toilets? a) In the side of class b) In the behind of school yard c) In front of the class d) In the corner of class
Where does the writer studying? a) Surabaya c) Yogyakarta b) Jakarta d) Semarang
Every day this place always filled by merchants, on the morning before the bell rings and school break time, this place always visited by students for breakfast or lunch. What this place call? a) Office b) School Canteen c) Dormitory d) Supermarket
Every day student always visit this place, in this place there are a lots of kinds of books, student are coming for reading or borrow a some books, what it is? a) b) c) d)
Janitor room Toilets Classroom Library
Who is he and how his profession spell? a) M-a-s-t-e-r H-e-a-d b) H-e-d M-a-s-t-e-r c) M-a-s-t-h-e-r H-e-a-d d) H-e-a-d M-a-s-t-e-r 39.
S-M-A-T-A-E-H-T-S-C-H O-K-OB How is this correct spelling? a) Matemhatics book b) Mhatematisc book c) Mathematics book d) Metamhatics book
Papan Pengumuman how spelling this word in English? a) b) c) d)
P-a-s-b-o-r-d P-a-s-t-e-b-o-a-r-d P-a-s-t-e-b-o-o-r-d P-a-t-s-e-b-o-o-r
Kompetensi Dasar Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get thing done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi pendapat, menyatak suka atau tidak suka, meminta klarifikasi, dan merespon secara interpersonal.
Nama Sekolah : MTs Al-Husna
Aspek/Skill : Vocabulary
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Jumlah Soal : 30 Soal
Kelas/Semester : VII/II
Alokasi Waktu
Jenis Soal
1. Menentukan Grammatical yang benar (choose the best sentence)
: 45 menit
1. a) b) c) d)
I love watch TV I loves watch TV I love watching TV I am love watching TV 30 soal
2. a) b) c) d)
Pilihan Ganda
Does he like play tennis? Does he likes play tennis? Does he like playing tennis? Does he likes playing tennis?
3. a) She don’t like doing homework b) She doesn’t like doing homework
c) She don’t like do homework d) She doesn’t like do homework 4. a) b) c) d)
Let’s going for a walk Let’s go for a walk Let’s to go for a walk Let’s to going for a walk
5. Do you like apples? a) Yes, I really like it b) Yes, I really like her c) Yes, I really like they d) Yes, I really like them
6. What do you do? a) I’m a sailor b) My job is a sailor c) I’m fine thanks d) How do you do?
2. Menemukan informasi makna yang tersirat dan tidak tersirat.
7. Where is Simon come from? a) Simon come from Australia b) Simon come from Sydney c) Simon come from England d) Simon come from Scotland 8. What does Simon likes? a) He like to be an postman b) He likes rock and heavy metal music c) He likes all about loud music
d) He like living in Scotland 9. What does Simon dislike? a) He doesn’t like to be an artist b) He doesn’t like living in Sydney c) He doesn’t like living with his parents d) He doesn’t like rock and heavy metal music 10. Why Simon Choose to get his own flat? Because… a) His parents doesn’t like rock and heavy metal music b) He having a job in Sydney c) He want to be an artist d) He like singing 11. Why he doesn’t to be an artist? Because… a) He is a postman now b) Nobody wants to buy his painting c) His parents doesn’t like it d) He have his own flat 28. Where does the writer studying? a) Surabaya c) Yogyakarta b) Jakarta d) Semarang 25. How is the writer School? a) It is large b) It is great c) It is big d) It is awesome 26. What kind of room that besides of school yard?
a) b) c) d)
Toilets Library and lab Classroom Canteen
27. Where is the position of toilets? a) b) c) d)
3. Menentukan question word untuk melengkapi percakapan yang ada.
In the side of class In the behind of school yard In front of the class In the corner of class
12. a) Who b) What
c) Why d) How
c) Who d) What
c) Why d) How
a) Who b) When
c) Why d) How long
a) who b) What
c) Why d) How
16. a) Where b) What 4. Makna Vocabulary.
c) When d) How long
19. Everyday Yusti usually wears nametag on her
uniform for her name identity. Which number it is and what’s the name ? a) 4. Badge c) 2. Badge b) 2. Nametag d) 4. Nametag 20. For protect her from sunlight Yusti always using when she going to school. What the (number 1) is? a) b) c) d)
Belt White Uniform School Hat Blue skirt
21. What is the vocabulary for thing that Yusti wear on her neck (Number2)? a) School Tie b) School Hat c) Name Tag d) Belt 22. What is the vocabulary for thing that Yusti wear on her feet (number5)? a) Socks c) Belt b) Shoes d) Skirt 23. What are the vocabulary for things that yusti wear in Number 2,3,4,6? a) Tie, Blue Skirt, Nametag, White Uniform b) Blue Skirt, White Uniform, Tie, Nametag c) Nametag, Belt, Hat, White Uniform d) Skirt, Nametag, Shoes, White Uniform
17. Who is he? a) Scot boy b) Security c) Merchant d) Police
18. Who is he? a) Teacher b) Merchant c) Butcher d) Dentist
Where are they?
a) b) c) d)
Office School Canteen Dormitory Supermarket
29. Every day student always visit this place, in this place there are a lots of kinds of books, student are coming for reading or borrow a some books, what it is? a) Janitor room b) Toilets c) Classroom d) Library
30. Every day my job is help headmaster and teacher to clean all of school environment, and also I am the people who keep the key of all rooms in the school. Who am I? a) School guard b) School janitor c) School canteen d) Schoolboy
Kompetensi Dasar Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get thing done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi pendapat, menyatak suka atau tidak suka, meminta klarifikasi, dan merespon secara interpersonal.
Nama Sekolah : MTs Al-Husna
Aspek/Skill : Vocabulary
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Jumlah Soal : 30 Soal
Kelas/Semester : VII/II
Alokasi Waktu
Jenis Soal
1. Menentukan Grammatical yang benar (choose the best sentence) (1, 5, 20, 21, 22)
: 45 menit
1. a) b) c) d)
Pilihan Ganda
She is / Hair He are / Hat He has / Hat He is / Hair
5. Does Lucy like cycling for go to school? a) No, she doesn’t b) Yes, she does c) No, she don’t d) Yes, she do 20. a) She don’t like doing homework b) She doesn’t like doing homework c) She don’t like do homework
30 soal
d) She doesn’t like do homework 21. a) b) c) d)
Let’s going for a walk Let’s go for a walk Let’s to go for a walk Let’s to going for a walk
22. Do you like apples? a) Yes, I really like it b) Yes, I really like her c) Yes, I really like they d) Yes, I really like them
2. Menemukan Makna vocabulary dari keterangan deskripsi sebuah text (1, 3, 4)
My friend’s name is Richard Williams. 1…… 20 years old, he has short and black …… on his head, and a sharp 2…… and a large …… than, his 3……. are big with brown pupils, he’s tall and has long ……and leg. He also had a beard on his 4……. And …..on his lips. He’s a quiet man but friendly, he lives in Sydney in small house. a) b) c) d)
Ear / Eyes Eye / Chic Nose / Mouth Mouth / Nose
a) b) c) d)
Ears / Foot Eyes / Arm Eye / Arm Ear / Foot
a) b) c) d) 3. Menemukan informasi makna yang tersirat dan tidak tersirat. (6, 7, 8, 9, 23, 24, 25)
Chic / Beard Chin / Eyes brow Chic / eyelash Chin / Moustache
6. What’s Lucy Hobbies? a) She like ride a bicycle b) Shopping and playing basketball is her favorite c) She love cycling d) She like playing football 8. What is Joshua thinking about shopping? a) He doesn’t like b) He love very much c) Because his job he like it d) No idea 9. What do you thing about Mathew? a) He is good in cooking b) He likes eating and overweight c) He doesn’t like exercise d) Exercise, eating and cooking are his hobbies 23. What kind of room that besides of school yard? a) Toilets b) Library and lab c) Classroom d) Canteen 24. Where is the position of toilets? a) In the side of class
b) In the behind of school yard c) In front of the class d) In the corner of class 25. Where does the writer studying? a) Surabaya c) Yogyakarta b) Jakarta d) Semarang
4. Menentukan question word untuk melengkapi percakapan yang ada. (10, 11, 12, 13)
10. a) Who b) What
c) Why d) How
a) Who b) When
c) Why d) How long
a) who b) What
c) Why d) How
13. a) Where b) What 5. Makna Vocabulary. (Tebak gambar) (14, 15, 16)
c) When d) How long
14. Who is he? a). Shoolboy b). Scool guard c). School Janitor d) School Head
15. What is it? a). Watch b). Time Piece c).clock d). Compass
Please mention the existing objects in this picture! a) Air condition, fan, map, carpet, bed, sofa, door, and window. b) Window, Picture, Air Condition, Fan, Chair, desk, Tablecloth, and Lamp. c) Table, Fun, Window, Tablecloth, Chair, door, Lamp, and Picture. d) Air Condition, Map, Picture, Desk, Chair, Flag, and Cupboard. 6. Makna Vocabulary melalui
17. Every day Indri usually wears something on her uniform to explain her identity in order to make teacher easy when call her.
keterangan kegunaanya. (17, 18, 19, 26, 27)
What is it? a) Badge b) Brooch
c) Pin d) Nametag
18. For protect her from sunlight Indri always using it when she going to school. What it is? a) Belt b) White Uniform c) School Hat d) Blue skirt 19. School Yard, what it use for? a) Sport activity Scouting activity, and Ceremony. b) Parking area, Teacher meetings, and Ceremony c) Merchant area, Scouting activity, and Teacher meetings d) Sport activity, Prayer place, and Scouting activity. 26. Every day this place always filled by merchants, on the morning before the bell rings and school break time, this place always visited by students for breakfast or lunch. What this place call? a) Office b) School Canteen c) Dormitory d) Supermarket
27. Every day student always visit this place, in this place there are a lots of kinds of books, student are coming for reading or borrow a some books, what it is? a) b) c) d) 7. Makna Vocabulary dan Pengejaanya. (28, 29, 30)
Janitor room Toilets Classroom Library
Who is he and how his profession spell? a) M-a-s-t-e-r H-e-a-d b) H-e-d M-a-s-t-e-r c) M-a-s-t-h-e-r H-e-a-d d) H-e-a-d M-a-s-t-e-r
29. S-M-A-T-A-E-H-T-S-C-H O-K-O-B how is this correct spelling? a) Matemhatics book b) Mhatematisc book c) Mathematics book
d) Metamhatics book
30. Papan Pengumuman how spelling this word in English? a) P-a-s-b-o-r-d b) P-a-s-t-e-b-o-a-r-d c) P-a-s-t-e-b-o-o-r-d d) P-a-t-s-e-b-o-o-r
Nama Sekolah
: Mts Al-Husna Lebak-Bulus
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: Berbicara (Speaking)
Alokasi Waktu
: 2x40 menit
: Things Around the Class
: 1 (Satu)
: Experiment class
STANDAR KOMPETENSI Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari fakta, dan meminta dan memberi pendapat)
dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari fakta, dan meminta dan memberi pendapat) IV.
Tanya jawab dengan menggunakan ungkapan yang menunjukan suatu benda
Mengidentifikasi dialog yang menggunakan kata benda
Mengungkapkan ungkapan yang di gunakan untuk menunjukan suatu benda
TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat : -
Mengetahui nama-nama benda
Merespon ungkapan yang di gunakan dalam menyebutkan nama benda
Mengidentifikasi dialog yang menggunakan menunjukan untuk suatu benda
- Membuat ungkapan yang di gunakan untuk menunjukan suatu benda VI.
MATERI PEMBELAJARAN Look and say .Talking about things in a classroom 1.Books
8.a ruler
2. a board
9. a clock
3. a marker
10.a chair
4. a dictionary
11.a garbage can
5.a pencil
12.a calculator
6.a pencil sharpener
13.a bag
7.a table Point the objects that students used and said the words by using English. Example: Memegang sebuah Dasi guru berkata: This is a Tie Menunjuk sebuah Topi guru berkata : That is a Hat Menunjuk sepasang sepatu guru berkata: Those are pair of shoes Dll.
Conversation: Syifa
: Rossa, would you mind if I borrow a broom from your class? I don’t have it in
my class. Rossa
: Wait a moment. I will give you a broom.
: Okay. Thank you.
: Never mind.
Rossa take a broom from her class. Rossa
: This is your broom. I also bring eraser to clean the whiteboard. I will help you to
clean whiteboard so Mr. Hassan will have no complaints about your class.
: Thank a lot rossa, you are my best friend.
: I will always be there for my best friend, hihi
: It sounds like a famous song?
: Hehe… Should we start to clean your class?
: Yes, we should. Come on.
: The silent way
: Realia
Alokasi Waktu
Kegiatan awal 1
Menyapa para siswa (greeting) Mengecek presensi siswa Memeriksa dan mempersiapkan kondisi kelas Memberitahu tujuan pembelajaran
Guru menunjukkan dan bertanya sebuah benda kepada siswa. A What is this? b.
Have you seen this? Memberikan apersepsi dengan cara meminta siswa untuk menunjuk dan menyebutkan nama-nama benda yang ada didalam kelas
5 Menit
Kegiatan Inti 1.
Guru mulai memberikan instruksi dan sesekali bertanya kepada siswa kemudian siswa lah yang akan diminta untuk memberi penjelasan terhadap materi yang
20 Menit
diberikan, guru lebih banyak diam dan memperhatikan.
2. a. Siswa mendengarkan intruksi dari guru dengan memperlihatkan alat bantu / alat peraga dan guru
5 Menit
menunjukan nama-nama benda. bc 3. .
Siswa menyebutkan / melakukan intruksi yang telah ditunjukan oleh hanya diam dan hanya siswa yang merespon.
4. .
Setelah guru memberikan sebuah contoh dialog siswa melakukan speaking a loud berdasarkan dialog yang
10 Menit
telah diberikan. 5.
Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membaca dialog about things in a classroom”
Guru membagi siswa menjadi beberapa kelompok dan setiap kelompok beranggotakan dua orang siswa.
7. .
Siwa diminta melakukan speaking a loud dan
10 Menit
memegang benda yang ingin mereka gunakan pada dialog untuk practice 8. Si setelah itu siswa diminta membuat sebuat dialog sederhana dengan menggunakan ungkapan yang telah mereka pelajari, kemudian mempresentasikannya secara berpasangan. 9.
Guru meminta siswa yang lain untuk mendengarkan
10 Menit
temannya yang sedang tampil di depan kelas. 10.
Guru meminta siswa lain untuk menjelaskan maksud dari dialog yang dibawakan oleh siswa yang tampil
5 Menit
didepan kelas. Kegiatan Penutup 1.
Guru mengulang kembali tentang apa saja yang sudah dipelajari oleh siswa tentang kata benda.
G Guru menyuruh siswa untuk mengulang kembali
15 Menit
pelajaran dirumah dalam melakukan speaking dengan menggunakan ungkapan yang telah dipelajari.
Buku Teks
: English on sky hal 29-30
Realia yang relevan, seperti: Buku, Pensil, Pulpen, Kalkulator, Jam Dinding, dll.
Skrip dialog
Papan tulis
PENILAIAN Language Skill and Component No
Name Pronunciation
1 2 3 4 5
Lebak Bulus,
Mengetahui : Guru Pamong
Muhammad Udhy, M.Pd.
Guru Praktikan
Sulvi Maulidha Fadillah NIM. 109014000013
: MTs Al-Husna
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: VII/ II (dua)
Alokasi Waktu
: 2 x 40 menit
: Part of Body
Aspek Skill
: Berbicara (Speaking)
: 2 (Dua)
I. Standar Kompetensi
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat. II. Kompetensi Dasar
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapn transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terimakasih, meminta maaf, dan mengungkapkan kesantunan. Mengungkapkan makna tindak tutur dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
III. Indikator
Dengan mempelajari materi ini siswa mampu :
Memahami makna nama-nama anggota tubuh
Mengulang/menirukan nama-nama anggota tubuh
Membedakan nama-nama anggota tubuh
Menghafal kosakata nama-nama bagian tubuh
Dapat memberikan informasi tentang kosakata anggota tubuh
IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat :
Siswa dapat memahami kosakata anggota tubuh dengan benar
Siswa dapat melafalkan kosakata anggota tubuh dengan baik
Siswa dapat menghafal kosakata anggota tubuh
Siswa dapat memberikan informasi dengan pengetahuan kosakata anggota tubuh yang mereka ketahui.
V. Materi Pembelajaran Pengenalan kembali kosakata anggota tubuh kepada siswa dengan menunjuk bagian tubuh masing individu. Contoh: 1.
Menunjuk kepala berkata this is Head
Menunjuk mata berkata this is eyes
Menunjuk hidung berkata this is nose
Menunjuk Lengan berkata This is Arm
Menunjuk perut berkata this is Stomach
Menunjuk pangkal kaki berkata this is Leg
Menunjuk jari jemari berkata this is Fingers
Memberikan Contoh kalimat: 1.
This is my head, on my head I have black hair
I have two hand and each hand has five fingers
I have two feet that used to run.
VI. MetodePembelajaran/Teknik: Visual Method (Realia)
VII. Langkah-langkahKegiatan
1. Menyapa para siswa (greeting) 2. Mengecek presensi siswa 3. Memeriksa dan mempersiapkan kondisi kelas 4. Memberitahu tujuan pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru mengenalan kembali anggota tubuh kepada siswa 2. Guru menanyakan kegunaan dari masing-masing anggota tubuh kepada siswa 3. Guru menunjuk salah satu anggota tubuhnya dan memberitahu siswa tentang kosakata anggota tubuh kepada siswa dengan bahasa inggris
This is Head
This is Shoulder
This is Stomach
4. Setelah itu guru meminta siswa untuk mengikuti atau mengulangi kosakata yang telah guru sampaikan. 5. Guru meminta siswa untuk menghafalkan kosakata yang telah diberikan. 6. Tanya jawab seputar anggota tubuh Siswa diminta untuk make in pair dan setelah itu guru memerintahkan siswa untuk: Touch the part of your body than your partner says the vocabulary. And do this five times and change roles. 7. Guru memberikan contoh kalimat dengan menggunakan kosakata yang telah diberikan. Contoh: 1.
This is my head, on my head I have black hair
I have two hand and each hand has five fingers
I have two feet that used to run.
8. Siswa diminta untuk memberikan deskripsi anggota tubuh partner 1 kelompok mereka secara singkat dan tertulis. 9. Siswa diminta untuk maju kedepan kelas untuk menceritakan tugas yang sebelumnya diberikan dalam bentuk lisan.
Kegiatan Akhir Kegiatan 1. Menanyakan apakah siswa sudah mengerti tentang procedure pembelajaran anggota tubuh yang telah diberikan . 2. Meminta siswa mengerjakan Task 7 sebagai pekerjaan rumah. 3. Guru menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran yang telah dipelajari.
VIII. Sumber/Bahan/Alat Sumber : Student’s book: Flying Start 1A/Kurikulum KTSP Bahan/Alat : Alat tulis, Realia, white board, marker.
IX. Penilaian a. Teknik : -
Tes Lisan
Tes Tulis
b. Bentuk : :-
Pertanyaan Merespon Ungkapan
c. Instrument : Notice to expression in the dialog below and respond it! 1. Student A tell your partner to do these instruction! Touch your toes Look at your back
Close one eyes Rise one arm Put your hand on your nose Put your mouth on your arm Put one foot on your other foot 2. Describe the alien creatures that have you created. Which planet are they from? Do it like the example and don’t forget add ‘s’ to make a plural form.
Keterangan: Grammar
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
Diction: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1 Paragraph Develompent
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
Lebak Bulus, Mengetahui : Guru Pamong
Muhammad Udhy, M.Pd.
2015 Guru Praktikan
Sulvi Maulidha Fadillah NIM. 109014000013
: MTs Al-Husna
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
Alokasi Waktu
: 4 x 40 menit
: Hobbies
Aspek Skill
: Mendengar (Listening)
: 3 & 4 (Tiga dan Empat)
I. Standar Kompetensi
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
II. Kompetensi Dasar
Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get thing done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi pendapat, menyatak suka atau tidak suka, meminta klarifikasi, dan merespon secara interpersonal.
III. Indikator
Merespon makna dalam teks fungsional pendek :
Menyatakan suka dan tidak suka
Meminta klarifikasi
Merespon secara interpersonal
IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat :
Memberikan ekspresi dan respons suka dan tidak suka
Mempraktekan dialog (suka dan tidak suka) yang telah diberikan
Menjawab pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan hobi
Menyusun daftar hobi atau aktivitas dari yang paling disukai sampai yang tidak disukai
V. Materi Pembelajaran Percakapn singkat yang memuat ekspresi suka dan tidak suka Deni and Lisa are talking about their hobbies. Deni
: hi, Lisa what are you doing?
: hi, Deni. Im reading story book.
: Is reading one of your hobbies?
: yes, you’re right. I also like playing basketball and singing. By the way what is your hobbies deni?
: My hobiebies are outdoor camping and climbing the mountain.
: wow, the sound is interesting!
Kosa kata yang terkait dengan tema seperti : Playing
Penggunaan –ing form (gerund) and present continuous tense: a) –ing form (Gerund) She like swimming Anton like playing football Cooking is my Hobby b) Present Continuous Tense Pattern: Subject + to be + verb1 + -ing + object complement Example: Becky is sleeping now I’m reading a book in library now
VI. MetodePembelajaran/Teknik: Total Physical Response (Realia)
VII. Langkah-langkahKegiatan
KegiatanAwal Kegiatan
1. Menyapa para siswa (greeting) 2. Mengecek presensi siswa 3. Memeriksa dan mempersiapkan kondisi kelas 4. Tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi
Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru memberikan contoh dialog suka dan tidak suka dengan sesuatu. 2. Siswa mendengar dan mengulang ekspresi suka dan tidak suka yang di praktikan oleh guru sebelumnya. 3. Siswa mempraktikan dialog yang telah diberikan. 4. Masing-masing siswa diminta untuk mengeluarkan benda yang telah ditugaskan dibawa sebelumnya. 5. Siswa satu persatu berdiri di belakang meja masing-masing memperkenalkan dengan singkat benda yang berhubungan dengan hobi mereka masing-masing. 6. Ketika salah satu siswa sedang memperkenalkan hobi nya, siswa yang lain diminta untuk merespon apakan mereka menyukai nya juga atau tidak dengan menggunakan present continuous tense dengan benar dibuku masing-masing. 7. Siswa melengkapi dialog yang rumpang yang diberikan oleh guru 8. Siswa diminta untuk membuat daftar hobi atau kegiatan yang paling disukai sampai yang tidak disukai.
Kegiatan Akhir Kegiatan 1. Menanyakan apakah siswa sudah mengerti tentang materi yang diajarkan 2. Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa tentang materi yang diajarkan 3. Meminta siswa mengerjakan Task 3 sebagai pekerjaan rumah. 4. Guru menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran yang telah dipelajari.
VIII. Sumber/Bahan/Alat Sumber : Buku teks Indonesia Australia Language Foundation: Flying Start Bahan/Alat : alat tulis, white board, hobbies equipment.
IX. Penilaian a. Teknik : -
Tes Lisan
b. Bentuk : -
Merespon Ungkapan
c. Instrument : Notice to expression in the dialog below and respond it! 1. Deni Lisa 2. Deni Lisa 3. Anton Andri
: Hi, Lisa what are you reading? : ………………………………… : what is your hobby Lisa? : …………………………………. : do you like reading story nook? : Yes, ………. : No, ………...
4. Dewi
: everyday I saw Toni playing football. Does playing football
his hobby? Bella
: …………………………………
II. Make a dialog using the expressions like and dislike about hobby and perform it.
Keterangan: Grammar
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
Diction: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1 Paragraph Develompent
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
Lebak Bulus, Mengetahui : Guru Pamong
Muhammad Udhy, M.Pd.
2015 Guru Praktikan
Sulvi Maulidha Fadillah NIM. 109014000013
: MTs Al-Husna
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: VII/2
Alokasi Waktu
: 4 x 40 menit
: School Life: Around School
Aspek Skill
: Mendengar (Listening)
: 5 & 6 (Lima dan Enam)
I. Standar Kompetensi
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
II. Kompetensi Dasar
Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get thing done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi pendapat, menyatak suka atau tidak suka, meminta klarifikasi, dan merespon secara interpersonal.
III. Indikator
Dalam mengetahui lingkungan sekitar sekolah siswa mampu:
Menunjukan keantusiasan, kejujuran, kedisiplinan dan percaya diri serta bertanggung jawab dalam berkomunikasi
Menggunakan strucktur teks yang tepat sesuai fungsinya
Memilih kata sesuai dengan kelompok dan konteks nya
Menyebutkan nama benda berdasarkan artikel, jumlah, kata ganti yang sesuai
Mengatakan apa saja yang ada di sekitar sekolah
Memberikan informasi tentang keadaan di sekolaterampil dalam melakukan dialog untuk bertanya atau memberi informasi mengenai Penghuni, nama dan jumlah benda, serta bangunan yang terdapat di lingkungan sekitar sekolah dengan lancer, akurat dan berterima.
Menemani tamu asing berkeliling sekolah ketika berkunjung kesekolah
IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran Siswa
transaksional secara jujur, disiplin, percaya diri serta komunikasi fungsional yang penuh kepedulian, kerjasama dan cinta damai dalam menyatakan dan menanyakan nama penghuni, benda, dan bangunan yang ada didalam lingkungan sekolah yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari secara bersungguh-sungguh dengan menggunakan strucktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.
V. Materi Pembelajaran Kosa kata yang terkait dengan tema seperti : Library
Staff Room
School Office
Headmaster Office
Parking Area
Sport Field
Assembly Hall
School Canteen
School Lab
Penggunaan this those/these/those/here/there pada kalimat: a) This = ini > digunakan untuk menjukan kata benda tunggal (jumlah bendanya hanya satu) Ex: This is my school
b) These = ini > digunakan untuk menunjukan kata benda jamak (jumlah bendanya lebih dari 1) Ex: These are Math and English book from the library
c) That
= itu > digunakan untuk menjukan kata benda tunggal (jumlah
bendanya hanya satu) Ex: That is my bicycle parked at the school parking area.
d) Those = itu > digunakan untuk menunjukan kata benda jamak (jumlah bendanya lebih dari 1)
Ex: Those are classroom where I learning.
e) Here
= disini
f) There = disana
VI. MetodePembelajaran/Teknik: Project-based learning Strategies (Pertanyaan mendasarPerencanaan Proyek-Menyusun Jadwal-Monitoring-uji hasil-Evaluasi)
VII. Langkah-langkahKegiatan
KegiatanAwal Kegiatan
1. Menyapa para siswa (greeting) 2. Mengecek kesiapan siswa belajar baik secara fisik maupun psikologis 3. Mengecek presensi siswa 4. Tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi
Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru memberikan beberapa kosakata kepada siswa pada papan tulis 2. Guru mengucapkan beberapa kosakata yang terdapat pada papan tulis 3. Siswa Diharapkan untuk mengingat apayang diucapkan oleh guru 4. Siswa diminta untuk mengucapkan kosakata setelah guru 5. Pada tahap selanjutnya guru memberikan arti pada masing-masing kosakata Bahasa inggris yang ada pada papan tulis 6. Siswa diminta untuk menyalin ulang kosakata beserta arti kedalan buku tulis mereka masing-masing
7. Guru mengajarkan penggunaan this/those/these/those/here/there sebagai dasar dalam membuat sebuah kalimat. 8. Selanjutnya untuk mengolah informasi yang telah siswa dapatkan siswa diminta untuk menghafal kosakata beserta arti 9. Dan kemudian itu guru memberikan beberapa contoh dan siswa diminta untuk melengkapi kalimat yang rumpang. 10. Setelah itu siswa diminta untuk membuat contoh percakapan pendek tentang tema yang telah diberikan.
Kegiatan Akhir Kegiatan 1. Menanyakan apakah siswa sudah mengerti tentang materi yang diajarkan 2. Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa tentang materi yang diajarkan 3. Meminta siswa mengerjakan Task 3 sebagai pekerjaan rumah. 4. Guru menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran yang telah dipelajari.
VIII. Sumber/Bahan/Alat Sumber : Buku teks Indonesia Australia Language Foundation: Flying Start Bahan/Alat : alat tulis, white board, and school environment
IX. Penilaian a. Teknik : -
Tes Tulis
b. Bentuk : -
Merespon Ungkapan
c. Instrument : Fill in the blank with this or that. Ex: This is our classroom 1. …… is the ……
2. …… is the …… 3. …… ‘s the …… 4. …… is the …… 5. …… ‘s the ……
II. Make a conversation dialog from the vocabulary from the teacher.
Keterangan: Grammar
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
Diction: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1 Paragraph Develompent
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
Lebak Bulus, Mengetahui : Guru Pamong
Muhammad Udhy, M.Pd.
2015 Guru Praktikan
Sulvi Maulidha Fadillah NIM. 109014000013
Nama Sekolah
: Mts Al-Husna Lebak-Bulus
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: Berbicara (Speaking)
Alokasi Waktu
: 2x40 menit
: Things Around the Class
: 1 (Satu)
: Control Class
STANDAR KOMPETENSI Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari fakta, dan meminta dan memberi pendapat)
dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari fakta, dan meminta dan memberi pendapat)
Tanya jawab dengan menggunakan ungkapan yang menunjukan suatu benda
Mengidentifikasi dialog yang menggunakan kata benda
Mengungkapkan ungkapan yang di gunakan untuk menunjukan suatu benda
TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat :
Mengetahui nama-nama benda
Merespon ungkapan yang di gunakan dalam menyebutkan nama benda
Mengidentifikasi dialog yang menggunakan menunjukan untuk suatu benda
Membuat ungkapan yang di gunakan untuk menunjukan suatu benda
Look and say .Talking about things in a classroom 1.Books
8.a ruler
2. a board
9. a clock
3. a marker
10.a chair
4. a dictionary
11.a garbage can
5.a pencil
12.a calculator
6.a pencil sharpener
13.a bag
7.a table
Conversation: Syifa
: Rossa, would you mind if I borrow a broom from your class? I don’t have it in
my class. Rossa
: Wait a moment. I will give you a broom.
: Okay. Thank you.
: Never mind.
Rossa take a broom from her class.
: This is your broom. I also bring eraser to clean the whiteboard. I will help you to
clean whiteboard so Mr. Hassan will have no complaints about your class.
: Thank a lot rossa, you are my best friend.
: I will always be there for my best friend, hihi
: It sounds like a famous song?
: Hehe… Should we start to clean your class?
: Yes, we should. Come on.
: The silent way
: Realia
Alokasi Waktu
Kegiatan awal 1
Menyapa para siswa (greeting) Mengecek presensi siswa Memeriksa dan mempersiapkan kondisi kelas Memberitahu tujuan pembelajaran
Guru menunjukkan sebuah kosakata dipapan tulis dan bertanya kepada siswa. A What is this? b.
Have you seen this? Memberikan apersepsi dengan cara meminta siswa untuk menyebutkan nama-nama benda yang ada didalam kelas
5 Menit
Kegiatan Inti 1.
Siswa diminta untuk menulis apa saja kosakata yang telah disebutkan oleh siswa dengan disertai arti pada
20 Menit
buku catatan mereka masing-masing. 2.
AsKemudian siswa diminta untuk menghafal kosakata
5 Menit
tersebut beserta arti. 3.
Guru memberikan sebuah contoh dialog singkat kepada siswa sebagai contoh.
Siswa melakukan speaking a loud berdasarkan dialog yang telah diberikan.
10 Menit
Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membaca dialog about things in a classroom”
Guru membagi siswa menjadi beberapa kelompok dan setiap kelompok ada 2 siswa.
10 Menit Siwa diminta melakukan speaking a loud dalam practice. 8.
Si Disamping itu siswa diminta membuat sebuat dialog sederhana dengan menggunakan ungkapan yang telah mereka pelajari, kemudian mempresentasikannya secara berpasangan.
10 Menit
Guru meminta siswa yang lain untuk mendengarkan temannya yang sedang tampil di depan kelas.
Guru meminta siswa lain untuk menjelaskan maksud dari dialog yang dibawakan oleh siswa yang tampil
5 Menit
didepan kelas. Kegiatan Penutup 1.
Guru mengulang kembali tentang apa saja yang sudah dipelajari oleh siswa tentang kata benda.
G Guru menyuruh siswa untuk mengulang kembali pelajaran dirumah dalam melakukan speaking dengan menggunakan ungkapan yang telah dipelajari.
15 Menit
Buku Teks
: English on sky hal 29-30
Realia yang relevan, seperti: Buku, Pensil, Pulpen, Kalkulator, Jam Dinding, dll.
Skrip dialog
Papan tulis
PENILAIAN Language Skill and Component No
Name Pronunciation
1 2 3 4 5
Lebak Bulus,
Mengetahui : Guru Pamong
Muhammad Udhy, M.Pd.
Guru Praktikan
Sulvi Maulidha Fadillah NIM. 109014000013
: MTs Al-Husna
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: VII/ II (dua)
Alokasi Waktu
: 2 x 40 menit
: Part of Body
Aspek Skill
: Berbicara (Speaking)
: Kedua
I. Standar Kompetensi
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat. II. Kompetensi Dasar
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapn transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terimakasih, meminta maaf, dan mengungkapkan kesantunan.
Mengungkapkan makna tindak tutur dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
III. Indikator
Dengan mempelajari materi ini siswa mampu :
Memahami makna nama-nama anggota tubuh
Mengulang/menirukan nama-nama anggota tubuh
Membedakan nama-nama anggota tubuh
Menghafal kosakata nama-nama bagian tubuh
Dapat memberikan informasi tentang kosakata anggota tubuh
IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat :
Siswa dapat memahami kosakata anggota tubuh dengan benar
Siswa dapat melafalkan kosakata anggota tubuh dengan baik
Siswa dapat menghafal kosakata anggota tubuh
Siswa dapat memberikan informasi dengan pengetahuan kosakata anggota tubuh yang mereka ketahui.
V. Materi Pembelajaran Pengenalan kembali kosakata anggota tubuh kepada siswa dengan memberikan kosakata tentang anggota tubuh beserta artinya. Contoh: Menulis dipapan tulis: 1.
Eyes = Mata
Nose = Hidung
Arm = Lengan
Stomach = Perut
Leg = Kaki
Fingers = Jari Jemari
Memberikan Contoh kalimat: 1.
This is my head, on my head I have black hair
I have two hand and each hand has five fingers
I have two feet that used to run.
VI. MetodePembelajaran/Teknik: Visual Method (Realia)
VII. Langkah-langkahKegiatan
1. Menyapa para siswa (greeting) 2. Mengecek presensi siswa 3. Memeriksa dan mempersiapkan kondisi kelas 4. Memberitahu tujuan pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru mengenalan kembali anggota tubuh kepada siswa dengan menuliskan kosakata berbahasa inggris yang berhubungan dengan anggota tubuh dipapan tulis. 2. Guru meminta siswa untuk mengartikan kosa-kata tersebut kedalam Bahasa Indonesia. 3. Setelah itu guru menanyakan kegunaan dari masing-masing anggota tubuh kepada siswa. 4. Guru meminta siswa untuk membuka kamus mereka masing-masing, untuk menemukan kosa-kata lain yang berhubungan dengan anggota tubuh. 5. Kemudian siswa diminta untuk menyalin kosa-kata tersebut kedalam buku tulis mereka masing-masing. 6. Setelah siswa selesai menyalin kosa-kata ke dalam buku, siswa di minta untuk menghafal kosakata tersebut. 7. Dan satu persatu siswa di minta untuk maju ke depan untuk Tanya jawab seputar kosa-kata yang telah mereka hafalkan. 8. Guru memberikan contoh kalimat dengan menggunakan kosakata yang telah diberikan. Contoh: 1.
This is my head, on my head I have black hair
I have two hand and each hand has five fingers
I have two feet that used to run.
9. Siswa diminta untuk memberikan deskripsi anggota tubuh partner 1 kelompok mereka secara singkat dan tertulis.
10. Siswa diminta untuk maju kedepan kelas untuk menceritakan tugas yang sebelumnya diberikan dalam bentuk lisan.
Kegiatan Akhir Kegiatan 1. Menanyakan apakah siswa sudah mengerti tentang procedure pembelajaran anggota tubuh yang telah diberikan . 2. Meminta siswa mengerjakan Task 7 sebagai pekerjaan rumah. 3. Guru menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran yang telah dipelajari.
VIII. Sumber/Bahan/Alat Sumber : Student’s book: Flying Start 1A/Kurikulum KTSP Bahan/Alat : Alat tulis, Realia, white board, marker.
IX. Penilaian a. Teknik : -
Tes Lisan
Tes Tulis
b. Bentuk : :-
Pertanyaan Merespon Ungkapan
c. Instrument : Notice to expression in the dialog below and respond it! 1. Student A tell your partner to do these instruction! Touch your toes
Look at your back Close one eyes Rise one arm Put your hand on your nose Put your mouth on your arm Put one foot on your other foot 2. Describe the alien creatures that have you created. Which planet are they from? Do it like the example and don’t forget add ‘s’ to make a plural form.
Keterangan: Grammar
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
Diction: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1 Paragraph Develompent
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
Lebak Bulus, Mengetahui : Guru Pamong
Muhammad Udhy, M.Pd.
2015 Guru Praktikan
Sulvi Maulidha Fadillah NIM. 109014000013
: MTs Al-Husna
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: VII/2
Alokasi Waktu
: 4 x 40 menit
: Hobbies
Aspek Skill
: Mendengar (Listening)
: 3 & 4 (Tiga & Empat)
I. Standar Kompetensi
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
II. Kompetensi Dasar
Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get thing done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi pendapat, menyatak suka atau tidak suka, meminta klarifikasi, dan merespon secara interpersonal.
III. Indikator
Merespon makna dalam teks fungsional pendek :
Menyatakan suka dan tidak suka
Meminta klarifikasi
Merespon secara interpersonal
IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat :
Memberikan ekspresi dan respons suka dan tidak suka
Mempraktekan dialog (suka dan tidak suka) yang telah diberikan
Menjawab pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan hobi
Menyusun daftar hobi atau aktivitas dari yang paling disukai sampai yang tidak
V. Materi Pembelajaran Percakapn singkat yang memuat ekspresi suka dan tidak suka Deni and Lisa are talking about their hobbies. Deni
: hi, Lisa what are you doing?
: hi, Deni. Im reading story book.
: Is reading one of your hobbies?
: yes, you’re right. I also like playing basketball and singing. By the way what is your hobbies deni?
: My hobiebies are outdoor camping and climbing the mountain.
: wow, the sound is interesting!
Kosa kata yang terkait dengan tema seperti : Playing
Penggunaan –ing form (gerund) and present continuous tense: a) –ing form (Gerund) She like swimming Anton like playing football Cooking is my Hobby b) Present Continuous Tense Pattern: Subject + to be + verb1 + -ing + object complement Example: Becky is sleeping now I’m reading a book in library now
VI. MetodePembelajaran/Teknik: Visual Method (Realia)
VII. Langkah-langkahKegiatan
KegiatanAwal Kegiatan
1. Menyapa para siswa (greeting) 2. Mengecek presensi siswa 3. Memeriksa dan mempersiapkan kondisi kelas 4. Tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi
Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru memberikan contoh dialog suka dan tidak suka dengan sesuatu kepada siswa. 2. Siswa mendengar dan mengulang ekspresi suka dan tidak suka yang di praktikan oleh guru sebelumnya. 3. Siswa diminta untuk mengartikan dialog yang telah diberikan. 4. Siswa mempraktikan dialog yang telah diberikan. 5. Guru memberikan kosa-kata yang berhubungan dengan Hobby di papan tulis. 6. Siswa diminta untuk menyalin kosa-kata beserta artinya ke dalam buku tulis masingmasing. 7. Kemudian siswa diminta untuk membuat sebuah paragraph yang berhubungan dengan hobby mereka masing-masing. 8. Beberapa siswa dipilih untuk menceritakan secara singkat pargraf yang telah mereka buat. 9. Ketika salah satu siswa sedang memperkenalkan hobi nya, siswa yang lain diminta untuk merespon apakan mereka menyukai nya juga atau tidak dengan menggunakan present continuous tense dengan benar dibuku masing-masing. 10. Siswa melengkapi dialog yang rumpang yang diberikan oleh guru 11. Siswa diminta untuk membuat daftar hobi atau kegiatan yang paling disukai sampai
yang tidak disukai.
Kegiatan Akhir Kegiatan 1. Menanyakan apakah siswa sudah mengerti tentang materi yang diajarkan 2. Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa tentang materi yang diajarkan 3. Meminta siswa mengerjakan Task 3 sebagai pekerjaan rumah. 4. Guru menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran yang telah dipelajari.
VIII. Sumber/Bahan/Alat Sumber : Buku teks Indonesia Australia Language Foundation: Flying Start Bahan/Alat : alat tulis, white board, hobbies equipment.
IX. Penilaian a. Teknik : -
Tes Lisan
b. Bentuk : -
Merespon Ungkapan
c. Instrument : Notice to expression in the dialog below and respond it! 1. Deni Lisa
: Hi, Lisa what are you reading? : …………………………………
2. Deni Lisa 3. Anton Andri
: what is your hobby Lisa? : …………………………………. : do you like reading story nook? : Yes, ………. : No, ………...
4. Dewi
: everyday I saw Toni playing football. Does playing football
his hobby? Bella
: …………………………………
II. Make a dialog using the expressions like and dislike about hobby and perform it.
Keterangan: Grammar
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
Diction: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1 Paragraph Develompent
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
Lebak Bulus, Mengetahui : Guru Pamong
Muhammad Udhy, M.Pd.
2015 Guru Praktikan
Sulvi Maulidha Fadillah NIM. 109014000013
: MTs Al-Husna
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: VII/2
Alokasi Waktu
: 4 x 40 menit
: School Life: Around School
Aspek Skill
: Mendengar (Listening)
: 5 & 6 (Lima & Enam)
I. Standar Kompetensi
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
II. Kompetensi Dasar
Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get thing done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi pendapat, menyatak suka atau tidak suka, meminta klarifikasi, dan merespon secara interpersonal.
III. Indikator
Dalam mengetahui lingkungan sekitar sekolah siswa mampu:
Menunjukan keantusiasan, kejujuran, kedisiplinan dan percaya diri serta bertanggung jawab dalam berkomunikasi
Menggunakan strucktur teks yang tepat sesuai fungsinya
Memilih kata sesuai dengan kelompok dan konteks nya
Menyebutkan nama benda berdasarkan artikel, jumlah, kata ganti yang sesuai
Mengatakan apa saja yang ada di sekitar sekolah
Memberikan informasi tentang keadaan di sekolaterampil dalam melakukan dialog untuk bertanya atau memberi informasi mengenai Penghuni, nama dan jumlah benda,
serta bangunan yang terdapat di lingkungan sekitar sekolah dengan lancer, akurat dan berterima.
Menemani tamu asing berkeliling sekolah ketika berkunjung kesekolah
IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran Siswa terampil menggunakan Bahasa Inggris untuk menjalin komunikasi transaksional secara jujur, disiplin, percaya diri serta komunikasi fungsional yang penuh kepedulian, kerjasama dan cinta damai dalam menyatakan dan menanyakan nama penghuni, benda, dan bangunan yang ada didalam lingkungan sekolah yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari secara bersungguh-sungguh dengan menggunakan strucktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.
V. Materi Pembelajaran Kosa kata yang terkait dengan tema seperti : Library
Staff Room
School Office
Headmaster Office
Parking Area
Sport Field
Assembly Hall
School Canteen
School Lab
Penggunaan this those/these/those/here/there pada kalimat: a) This = ini > digunakan untuk menjukan kata benda tunggal (jumlah bendanya hanya satu) Ex: This is my school
b) These = ini > digunakan untuk menunjukan kata benda jamak (jumlah bendanya lebih dari 1) Ex: These are Math and English book from the library
c) That
= itu > digunakan untuk menjukan kata benda tunggal (jumlah
bendanya hanya satu) Ex: That is my bicycle parked at the school parking area.
d) Those = itu > digunakan untuk menunjukan kata benda jamak (jumlah bendanya lebih dari 1) Ex: Those are classroom where I learning.
e) Here
= disini
f) There = disana
VI. MetodePembelajaran/Teknik: Visual Method (Realia)
VII. Langkah-langkahKegiatan
KegiatanAwal Kegiatan
1. Menyapa para siswa (greeting) 2. Mengecek presensi siswa 3. Memeriksa dan mempersiapkan kondisi kelas 4. Tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi
Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru mengajak siswa belajar diluar kelas 2. Pertama Siswa dan Guru mengunjungi perpustakaan sekolah 3. Kemudian guru menerangkan atau memberitahu kosakata apa saja yang ada didalam perpustakaan. 4. Selanjutnya guru mengajak siswa kembali berkeliling mengunjungi tempat apa saja yang ada disekitar sekolah, seperti: kantor staff, lab, lapangan olahraga, kantin, lab sekolah, dan lain-lain. 5. Selama guru mengajak para siswa berkeliling, siswa diminta untuk menyimak dan mencatat serta menghafal singkat kosakata baru yang diberikan oleh guru.
6. Setelah selesai berkeliling guru meminta siswa untuk kembali lagi keruang kelas. 7. Guru mengajarkan penggunaan this/those/these/those/here/there sebagai dasar dalam membuat sebuah kalimat. 8. Dan kemudian itu guru memberikan beberapa contoh dan siswa diminta untuk melengkapi kalimat yang rumpang. 9. Siswa diminta untuk membuat contoh percakapan pendek tentang tema yang telah diberikan.
Kegiatan Akhir Kegiatan 1. Menanyakan apakah siswa sudah mengerti tentang materi yang diajarkan 2. Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa tentang materi yang diajarkan 3. Meminta siswa mengerjakan Task 3 sebagai pekerjaan rumah. 4. Guru menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran yang telah dipelajari.
VIII. Sumber/Bahan/Alat Sumber : Buku teks Indonesia Australia Language Foundation: Flying Start Bahan/Alat : alat tulis, white board, and school environment
IX. Penilaian a. Teknik : -
Tes Tulis
b. Bentuk : -
Merespon Ungkapan
c. Instrument : Fill in the blank with this or that. Ex: This is our classroom 1. …… is the ……
2. …… is the …… 3. …… ‘s the …… 4. …… is the …… 5. …… ‘s the ……
II. Make a conversation dialog from the vocabulary from the teacher.
Keterangan: Grammar
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
Diction: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1 Paragraph Develompent
: Benar Sekali = 3, Cukup = 2, Kurang = 1
Lebak Bulus, Mengetahui : Guru Pamong
Muhammad Udhy, M.Pd.
2015 Guru Praktikan
Sulvi Maulidha Fadillah NIM. 109014000013
」 Jl′ r
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FITK― FR― AKD-081 : l Mど ret 2010
υ ra`15412 hdOnesla
SURAtt BIMBINGAN SKRIPSI Nomor i Un.01/F1/KM O13/3024/2014
Jakarta,12 Novclllber 2014
Laillp :―
:Bimbingan Skripsi
Kepada Yth.
Atiq Susilo, Dr. MA Atik Yuliani, MATESOL
Pembirnbing Skripsi Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan U
IN Syarif
idayatul lah
Jakarta. A.s.s u I a
u I ct i ku
Dengan (
materi/tekn is) pen
diharapkan kesediaan Saudara untuk
Sulvi Maulidha Fadillah
isan skri psi rlahas iswa:
Pcndidikall Bahasa lnggris
Judul Skripsi
The Influence of Using Realia Toward the Student,s Vocabulary Development at Junior I{igh School
JLrdul tersebut telah disetujui oleh Jurusan yang bersangkutan pada tanggal ll November 2014, abstraksi/outline terlampir. Saudara dapat melakukan perubahan redaksional pada judul tersebut. Apabila perubahan substansial dianggap perlu, mohon pembimting menghubungi Jurusan terlebih dahulu.
diharapkan selesai dalam waktu
(enam) bulan, darr dapat
diperpanja,g selanra 6 (enarn) bulan berikLrtnya ta,pa surat perpanjangan.
Atas perhatian da, kerja sarra Saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih. Wass al
anru' al aikum wr.w b. a.n. Deki
NIP.■ 9 Tembusan:
l. 2.
Dekan FITI( Mahasiswa ybs.
Indidikan Bahasa Inggris
ki,M.Pd 1212199103 1 002
F:TK υ′′ r″ 」υanda Nο
95 C′
No Dokumen Tgl 丁erbl
No Revisil
7 5`ブ 2′ ρ σοηesla
FITK― FR― AKD‐ 081 : l Maret 2010 i
SURAT BIMBINGAN SKR:PS: Nomor : Un.Ol/F. I /l(M.01 .3130241201 4 Lamp. : Hal : Bimbingan Skripsi
Jakarta,12 Novembcr 2014
Kepada Yth.
Susilo, Dr. MA ttiv. yu liani, MATESOL Pembimbing Skripsi Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Jakarta. As,s
ct I
o I a i kn
r. v, b.
diharapkan kesediaan Saudara untuk menjadi pembimbing
(materi/tekn i s) pen u I isan skri psi rrrahas iswa Nama
Sulvi Maulidha Fadillah
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Judul Skripsi
090 140000 I 3
The Influence of Using Realia Toward tlie Student's Vocabulary Development at Junior High School
Judul tersebut telah disetujui oleh Jurusan yang bersangkutan pada tanggal I I November 2014, abstraksiloutline terlampir. Saudara dapat melakukan perubahan redaksional pada
judul tersebut. Apabila perubahan substansial dianggap perlu, mohon pembimbing menghubungi Jurusan terlebih dahu I u.
Bimbingan skripsi
diharapkan selesai dalam waktu
(enam) bulan, dan dapat
diperpanjang selama 6 (enam) bulan berikutnya tanpa surat perpan3angan.
Atas perhatian dan kerja sama Saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih. Was
alamu' alaikum wr.wb. a.n. Deka
Drs.S NIP.1 Ternbusan:
l. 2
Dekan FITK Mahasiswa ybs.
ikan Bahasa Inggris
i,M.Pd 1212199103 1002
F:TttR¨ AKD-082
FITK l lr 」
tt J● anda Aro 95 Clp● rar,c“ ′ 2 1rd● 71eSa
SURAT PERMOHONANlZiN PENELi丁 :AN Nomor:un.01/F.1/KM,01.3/pl.賄 節 15 Lalnp.
:az″れa″ ″ 甲 鰐ダ :Permぬ 0譴 触 Lin
Jakarta 29 Januar1 2015
Kepada Yth. Kepala sekolah
m i e d T
MTs A卜 IIusna Lebak― Bulus
s s alam
u' al a ikum w r.w b.
Dengan hormat kami sampaikan bahwa, Nama
I SulviMaulidhal=“ illah
Pendidikan Ballasa lnggrls
Tahun Akademik
Judul Skripsi
gカノ は
“ 新 ム脇 歯 J・ E97恥 島 動 ・
yang Satldara pinlpin.
Untukれ u kami mohon sauda認 山 pat penciltial dimaksud.
alも iya」 l
w r. v, h.
TelnblMII l. Dc拍田1「 11` K 2 Ptttr4barltu Dekan 3idang Akそ 」clnik
3.M山 田 ヽwaymg跳
鋤 gb腱n
二θ加焼 ―
dan Kcrrttn l」 IN Jakafta yttg sedang
pcndi績 袖 (nSd)di instttsysck。 lah7rmadras油
llncn」 ガnkan
ttlahashwa tcttcbut■ ldaksallよ an
Atas rHittitt dm ktta sama Satld級 ,kami ucapka111覇 ma kぉ LV as,s alamu'
降磁 勿 …
adalahヒ Юllar lTlahぉ iswa/i Fakultas limJ′
menyusun sk‖ psi,dan akan mo18劇
雄 r盈 山