THE EFFECT OF USING TRUE AND FALSE ESSAY GAME TOWARDS WRITING INTEREST OF THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS AT SMP N 1 TAMBANG KAMPAR Thesis Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Undergraduate Degree of Education (S.Pd.)
ABSTRACT Nuzlul Hidayah, (2014): The Effect of Using True and False Essay Game towards Writing Interest of the Second Year Students at SMP N 1 Tambang Kampar Based on the writer’s preliminary study, it was found that the students of the second year at SMP N 1 Tambang Kampar were uninterested in learning English especially in writing. This problem was caused by some factors. Two of them were some of the students did not pay attention to the teacher and some of the students were not interested in writing English in the classroom. So, the writer was interested in carrying out the research about this problem. This research was done to find out the difference between using and without using true and false essay game towards writing interest of the second year students at SMP N 1 Tambang Kampar. The design of this research was Quasi-experimental design, in which, there were two classes as sample; VIII.1 class consisted of 16 students as an experimental class, and VIII.2 class consisted of 16 students as a control class. The experimental class was given the treatment and the control class was not, while both of the classes were given pre questionnaire and post questionnaire. The technique of collecting data was the questionnaire. The technique of data analysis, the writer used Chi Square Test. Based on the data analysis, the writer found that there was a significant difference between using and without using true and false essay game towards writing interest of the second year students at SMP N 1 Tambang Kampar by considering Xcalculated that was higher than Xtable in significance level of 5% and 1%. It means that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. The writer concluded that teaching writing by using True and False Essay Game can increase the students’ writing interest and make the students interested in learning process.
ABSTRAK Nuzlul Hidayah, (2014): Pengaruh dari Penggunaan True and False Essay Game terhadap Minat Menulis pada Siswa Kelas Dua SMP Negeri 1 Tambang Kampar. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan penulis, di temukan bahwa para siswa kelas dua SMP N 1 Tambang Kampar tidak tertarik dalam belajar bahasa Inggris khusus nya dalam menulis bahasa Inggris. Masalah ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor. Dua diantaranya adalah beberapa siswa tidak memperhatikan guru dan beberapa siswa tidak tertarik menulis dalam bahasa Inggris di dalam kelas. Jadi, penulis tertarik mengadakan penelitian tentang masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menemukan perbedaan dari penggunaan true and false essay game dan terhadap minat menulis bahasa Inggris dari siswa SMP N 1 Tambang Kampar. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah Quasi-experiment, dimana ada dua kelas sebagai sample, yaitu kelas VIII.1 yang terdiri dari 16 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen, dan kelas VIII.2 yang terdiri dari 16 siswa sebagai kelas control. Kelas experiment diberikan treatment dan kelas control tidak, sedangkan keduanya diberikan pre kuesioner dan pasca kuesioner. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah angket. Teknik analisa data, penulis menggunakan rumus Test Kai Kuadrat. Berdasarkan analisa data, penulis menemukan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan dari penggunaan true and false essay game terhadap minat menulis siswa pada siswa kelas dua SMP N 1 Tambang Kampar dengan mempertimbangkan Xhitung lebih tinggi dari pada Xtable pada taraf signifikan 5% dan pada taraf signifikan 1%. Hal ini berarti bahwa Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa mengajar menulis bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan True and False Essay Game bisa meningkatkan minat menulis bahasa Inggris para siswa dan membuat para siswa tertarik dalam proses belajar.
Praise belongs to god, Allah almighty, the lord of universe, by His guidance and blessing, the writer can finish and complete this academic requirement. Then the researcher says peace be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW. In finishing this paper, the researcher got many valuable helps and advice from many people. Therefore, the writer wishes to express sincere thanks to them. They are: 1. Prof. Dr. H. M. Nazir, the rector of State Islamic University of Suska Riau 2. Dr. H. Mas’ud Zein, M.Pd., the Dean of education and teacher training Faculty of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau 3. Drs. M. Syafi’i S, M.Pd, the chairperson of English Education Department who has given the researcher correction, suggestion, support, advice, and guidance in finishing this thesis. 4. Muhammad Fauzan Ansyari, M. Sc., the secretary of English Education Department who has given him correction, suggestion, support, advice and guidance in finishing this thesis. 5. Drs. H. Sutarmo, M. Ag., the researcher supervisor for his guidance, correction, suggestion, support, and advice so that the writer could finish this thesis well. 6. Risky Amelia as the academic advisor, thank you for her time, hospitality, attention, and advices. 7. All lecturers of English Education Department: Drs. Samsi Hasan, M.H.Sc., Yasir Amri, S. Pd. I., M. Pd., Dr. Hj. Zulhidah, M.P d., Paidi Gusmuliana, M. Pd., Idham Syahputra, M. Pd, Dedy Wahyudi, M. Pd, and other lecturers who cannot be mentioned one by one thank you very much for your suggestion, encouragement, motivation, guidance and kindness. 8. The researcher’s beloved parents; Dian Misnah, S. Pd and Ahmadul Hadi and also his step father Yohn Asmino, S. Pd who have given great love, prayer, advice and support to finish his study. 9. The researcher’s brothers, sisters and cousins, Aldi selpa, Yuli Asmiati, Fransisko Asmino, Welly Asmino, Lidya Nuryanti. S. T., Dina Bakri, Dini Nunuk, Adey
Anuggrah, and Adey Fajri Dwi Putra who have given support to accomplish this thesis. 10. The researcher’s relatives, Damsir D S, S. Sos, Dra. Elidayanti, S. Pd, Yenita Dahlan, S.H, Anjas Asmara, S. Pd, Tatun Herawati, S. Pd, Fairus, who have given support and prayer to finish his study. 11. The researcher’s beloved friends, Ferry Yonantha, Fajri Malik, Lili Rasiono, Fadhel, Eko Prasetyo, Rian Satria, Syamsudin Muhammad, Ibnu Abdika, Fikri Abdillah, Bambang Kurniawan, Ega Akbar, Ilham, Nistiya Afni, Offi Trisia, Annisak Ul Husna, Dica Yuriza, Fitri Aulia Nisa, Apri Dwi Yohana, Novia Kartika, Afni Yeswita Anas, Azmil Huda, Rita, Sry Wahyuni, Iyik, Kipli Boy, Gustika Dayama Putri, Fariz, Hafrizal Rhido, Mahesa Tornando, Rahmelli, Ismi, Mira roza, Jemmy, Dina Arie Utari, Fadli, Ari Krustel, Ingga, Bang Cunda, Kak Ve, Bang Boni, Kapiten Epan, Bang Anbre, Bang Is, Andrico Septian, Ahmad Sandi Suadha, Depi Putra, and Budi Kurniawan, who have helped during the study and thanks for their supports, helps, inspirations and motivations. 12. All people who have given the researcher’s great support in conducting and finishing this thesis. This cannot be written one by one. Finally, the researcher realizes that there are many weaknesses on the thesis. Therefore, constructive critiques and suggestion are needed in order to improve this thesis. May Allah Almighty bless us all, Aamiin …
Pekanbaru, April 29, 2014 The Researcher,
Nuzlul Hidayah NIM. 10914006224
LIST OF CONTENTS SUPERVISOR APPROVAL…………..………………………………. EXAMINER APPROVAL……………………………………………... ACKNOWLEDGMENT…. ..................................................................... ABSTRACT............................................................................................... LIST OF CONTENTS……...................................................................... LIST OF TABLES…................................................................................
i ii iii v viii x
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION………………………………………. A. Background of The Problem…………………………………… B. Definition of the Terms………………………………………… C. Problems……………………………………………………….. 1. Identification of the Problems……………………………. 2. Limitation of the Problems……………………………….. 3. Formulation of the Problems……………………………… D. Objectives and the Significance of the Research……………… 1. Objective of the Research………………………………… 2. Significance of the research………………………………. E. The Resason for Choosing the Title…………………................
1 1 4 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………….. A. Theoretical Framework………………………………………… 1. The Nature of Interest.…………………………………… a. The Types of Interest.........………………………….. b. Promoting Interest in the Classroom…………………. 2. Students’ Writing Interest…………………………………. 3. The Factors Influencing Students’ Writing Interest ……… 4. The Nature of True and False Essay Game……………….. 5. Teaching Writing by Using True and False Essay Game..... B. Relevant Research…………………………………………….. C. Operational Concept……………………………………………. D. Assumption and the Hypothesis……………………………….. 1. Assumption……………………………………………….. 2. Hypothesis…………………………………………………
10 10 10 11 12 12 16 17 18 19 21 23 23 23
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY……………………. 24 A. Research Design……………………………………………….. 24 B. Location and Time of the Research……………………………. 25 viii
C. D. E. F.
Subject and Object of the Research……………………………. Population and sample of the Research………………………… Technique of Collecting Data………………………………….. The Validity and the Reliability of the Questionnaire…………. 1. The Validity of the Questionnaire………………………… 2. The Reliability of the Questionnaire……………………… G. Technique of Data Analysis……………………………………
26 26 27 28 28 30 31
CHAPTER IV DATA PRESENTATION AND DATA ANALYSIS.. 33 A. The Data Presentation…………………………………………… 33 B. The Data Analyisis………………………………………………. 57 1. Students’ Writing Interest taught by True and False Essay Game……………………………………………………….. 57 2. Students’ Writing Interest taught without Using True and False Essay Game.......……………………………............ 62 3. Data Analysis of Difference of Students’ Writing Interest Taught by Using True and False Essay Game and Taught without Using True adn False Essay Game……………….. 66 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION………………... 70 A. Conclusion………………………………………………………. 70 B. Suggestion………………………………………………………. 70 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES