RESEARCH PAPER Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education in English Departmen by: RURI RATNA OKTAVIANI A320120043
Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dream is more powerful then the one with all facts (Albert Einstein)
Success is a journey, not a destination. (Bob Marley) You’ll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though EVERYBODY is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in. (Mandy Hale)
Proudly and wholehearedly, the researcher would like to dedicate this resarch paper to : Allah SWTwho great blessing and affection Prophet Muhammad SAW who show the truth My beloved father, Mr.Sukamto. My beloved mother, Mrs.Urip Sayekti, My beloved brother, Rudy Hartanto, My Beloved niece My beloved future partner,Muh Nurcahyo Adi Nugroho, My beloved friends,Tami, Yeni, Nurdiana ita, Nurma and Happy All of my friends in English Department 2012 All ofmy lectures, and Almamater
AssalamualaikumWr.Wb Alhamdulillahi robbil „alamin, All praises to Allah SWT, the Most Glorious, the Lord of Universe, who gives a million blessing, miracle and uncountable gifts to the researcher, so the researcher can accomplish her research paper entitled Struggle Of Hazel’s Against Cancer In Novel The Fault In Our Stars (2014) By John Green: An Individual Psychological Approachas the requirement for getting bachelor degree of education in Department of English Education of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Peace is upon to Muhammad SAW, the Allah‟s last messenger, who will be the hero for all his followers in the life after. The writer realizes that this research paper would never be possible without other people‟s help, so that the writer would like to extend her gratitude and appreciation to: 1. Prof. Dr. HarunJokoPrayitno, M.HUM, Dean of the School of Teacher Training and Education of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. 2. MaulyHalwatHikmat, Ph.D.,Head of Department of English Education of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. 3. Titis Setyabudi, S.S. M.Hum,the consultantwho has been willing to guide, correct and encourage her from the beginning of writing until the end of it. 4. All of the lecturers of English Department, for precious knowledge and experience given to her. 5. Her best gratitude for herbeloved parents, Mr. Sukamto and Mrs. Urip Sayekti, My Hero and Queen of my heart,for the love, prayers, support (moral and material), motivation and everything during her life. Thanks for your unconditional love. 6. Her beloved brother Rudy Hartanto, for the happiness, cheerful, as spirit, and laugh,care,prayers. Thanks for everything.
TITLE ............................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ................................................................................................... ii ACCEPTANCE .............................................................................................. iii TESTIMONIAL ............................................................................................. iv MOTTO .......................................................................................................... v DEDICATION ................................................................................................ vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... vii TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................. ix SUMMARY .................................................................................................... xi CHAPTHER I : INTRODUCTION ............................................................... 1 A. Background of the Study ...................................................... 1 B. Problem Statement ............................................................... 3 C. Limitation of the Study ......................................................... 3 D. Objective of the Study ......................................................... 3 E. Benefits of the Study ............................................................ 4 CHAPTER II : UNDERLYING THEORY .................................................... 5 A. Previous Study ...................................................................... 5 B. Notion of Individual Psychology .......................................... 6 C. Basic Concept of Individual Psychology ............................. 7 D. Theoretical Application ........................................................ 12 C. Research Paper Organization................................................. 12 CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD ...................................................... 14 A. Type of the Research ......................................................... 14 B. Object of the Study ............................................................ 14 C. Type of the Data and Data Source ...................................... 15 D. Technique of the Data Collection ....................................... 15 E. Technique of the Data Analysis .......................................... 15 ix
CHAPTER IV : RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION ...................... 17 A. Research Finding .................................................................. 17 1. The Struggle of Hazel .................................................... 17 2. The Creative Power of Hazel‟s as the Impact of Her Cancer ........................................... 28 B. Discussion ........................................................................... 30 CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION, SUGGESTION AND PEDAGOGICAL.... 33 A. Conclusion............................................................................ 33 B. Suggestion ........................................................................... 34 C. Pedagogical Implication ....................................................... 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX
RURI RATNA OKTAVIANI. A320120043. STRUGGLE OF HAZEL’S AGAINST CANCER IN NOVEL THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (2014) BY JOHN GREEN: AN INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH. RESEARCH PAPER.School of Teacher Training and Education.Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. 2016. The main problem of this study is a struggle. A person who has cancer can live normal. This study is to analyze the novel The Fault In Our Stars based on the theory of individual psychology. The author uses a qualitative method. The author uses two data sources: primary and secondary. The primary data source is The Fault In Our Stars by John Green novel. Secondary data is data taken from some books supporting the theory of individual psychology, and some articles from the internet related to the novel. The writer took some conclusions. This study shows that a problem faced by the main character was her recover. Based on this analysis, the author gets some conclusions. This study shows that the problemfaced by the main character was his struggle against cancer. This is evidenced by his desire to do healing and therapy. It is evidenced by the hard work of the main characters in realizing his desire to get recovery. Keywords: Struggle, Theory of Individual Psychology, The Fault In Our Stars, John Green
RINGKASAN RURI RATNA OKTAVIANI. A320120043. STRUGGLE OF HAZEL’S AGAINST CANCER IN NOVEL THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (2014) BY JOHN GREEN: AN INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH. RESEARCH PAPER.School of Teacher Training and Education.Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. 2016. Masalah utama dari penelitian ini adalah perjuangan. Dimana seseorang yang punya penyakit kanker bisa hidup normal.dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis novel The Fault In Our Stars berdasarkan teori psikologi individu. Penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif. Penulis menggunakan dua sumber data : primer dan sekunder. Sumber data primer yaitu The Fault In Our Stars novel karya John Green. Data sekunder yaitu data pendukung yang diambil dari buku teori psikologi individu, dan beberapa artikel dari internet yang berhubungan dengan novel. Metode pengumpulan data adalah peneliti menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskripti. Berdasarkan analisis ini, penulis mendapat beberapa kesimpulan. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa masalah yang dihadapi oleh karakter utama adalah perjuangan nya melawan penyakit kanker. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan keinginannya untuk sembuh dan mengikuti terapi. Terbukti dengan kerja keras karakter utama dalam mewujudkan keinginanya untuk mendapatkan kesembuhan.
Kata kunci: Perjuangan, Teori Psikologi Individu, The Fault In Our Stars, John Green