POZNÁMKY ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
NR 8 (10) 2014
Středoevropský věstník pro vědu a výzkum
Praha Publishing house Education and Science 2014
POZNÁMKY Central European Journal for Science and Research Šéfredaktor: prof. PhDr. Zdeněk Ondřejek, DrSc.
Redakční rada: prof. PhDr. Jana Spalová, DrSc. prof. PhDr. Alexandr Dvořák, DrSc. prof. PhDr. Jiří Salač, DrSc. prof. PhDr. Helena Reschová, DrSc. prof. PhDr. Jan Suchánek, DrSc. prof. PhDr. Anna Frintová, DrSc. prof. PhDr. Josef Mlsna, DrSc. PhDr. PaedDr. Anna Winterová, Ph.D. prof. PhDr. Petr Gronský, DrSc. prof. PhDr. Zdeněk Švestka, DrSc. prof. PhDr. Jana Radová, DrSc. prof. PhDr. Václav Tryzna, DrSc. prof. PhDr. Jakub Linek, DrSc. prof. PhDr. Vít Hlaváček, DrSc. prof. PhDr. Miloslav Dvořák, DrSc.
Technická Editor: Mgr. Jana Chytilová
Adresa vydavatele a redakce: Frýdlantská 15/1314, Praha 8, PSČ 182 00
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Četnost (periodicita) jeho vydávání, měsíčník
Číslo a den vydání, 27.08.2014 Číslo vydání 8(10) 2014 Evidenční číslo periodického tisku přidělené ministerstvem: MK ČR E 21425 Vydavatel : Publishing house Education and Science s.r.o., IČ 271 56 877, Frýdlantská 15/1314, Praha 8, PSČ 182 00
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8 (10) 2014
Středoevropský věstník pro vědu a výzkum ADMINISTRATIVA
Filippova V. STAV REFORMY V OBLASTI VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ UČITELŮ: ZKUŠENOSTI PRO UKRAJINU .............................................................................. 48 But V. POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION IN THE PROVIDING SYSTEM OF LIFELONG LEARNING CONCEPT IN UKRAINE .......................................... 58 Korsak R.V. ROZVOJ MODERNICHO UKRAINSKO-ČESKOHO POLITICKEHO DIALOGU ....................................................................................... 65
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republiky. Spolupráce mezi Ukrajinou a Českou republikou na období 2010-2012 byl vyvinut v rámci "Východního partnerství". V roce 2012 došlo k politické krizi ve vztazích ukrajinsko- českých. 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Аналіз теми тижня: Участь прем’єр-міністра України М. Азарова у саміті країн Вишеградської групи .International weekly №6,7(14.02-27.02 2011).- Київ: Інститут зовнішньої політики дипломатичної академії України при МЗС України.- С.5-6. Довідка про політичні контакти // http://czechia.mfa.gov.ua/ua. Інформація щодо заходів проведених Посольством у 2010 р. // http://czechia.mfa.gov.ua/ua. Інформація щодо заходів проведених Посольством України у 2011 р // http://czechia.mfa.gov.ua/ua. Ehl Martin, Payne Jiří. Nová koncepce české zahraniční politiky // Mezinarodni politika, 2011. ¹ 11. Praha. – str.23. Informace o návštěvě zvláštního oprávněného zástupce pro krajany na Ukrajině. // Dokumentacie a spravy Ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu. . – № 148–39/203. – 15.08.2012 r. – s.1-2 Palata Luboš. Otázka smyslu Ukrajiny // Mezinarodni politika, 2011. ¹ 9. Praha. – str.2 Veselá Natálie. Dvě desetiletí nezávislé Ukrajiny// Mezinarodni politika, 2011. ¹ 9. Praha. – str.2 Slide of Ukraine. The International Gerald Tribune.- 5.03.2012
SUMMARY R. Korsak (Uzhhorod, Ukraine) Article could apply analyzes of bilateral economic and political cooperation between Ukraine and the Czech Republic in the period 2010-2012 It discusses the major issues and bottlenecks that arose between Ukraine and the Czech Republic in the context of bilateral cooperation after the 2010 presidential elections. Keywords: Czech Republic (Czech Republic), Ukraine, EU Tymoshenko, Lutsenko S, Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic, the President of Ukraine and the Government of the Czech Republic.
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Středoevropský věstník pro vědu a výzkum *176321*
Коrneyev М.V. PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Makedon V.V. PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
THE THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF ACTIVITY AND MODELING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENTITIES OF THE FINANCIAL AND REAL SECTORS OF THE ECONOMY Abstract. The principles of management of economic sectors (financial, real) and its entities are examined in the article. The separate levels and models of management of financial (real) sector and its entities are defined. The nature of resource flows and its fluctuations in the context of activity of financial (real) sector entities are characterized. The problem of uncertainty in the activity of the financial (real) sector entities is researched. The principles of effective management of the activity of real (financial) sector entities considering the results of current development modeling of such entities are established. Key words: financial sector, real sector, financial economics, model, entity, flow, risk, uncertainty, activity, crisis, the real economy. Statement of the problem. In the current economic conditions the financial and real sectors entities function in an unstable environment, complicating internal business processes. These conditions impede effective decision-making entities, as economic resources are almost always limited because most decisions are made under conditions of uncertainty (incompleteness, inaccuracy, inconsistency of information). Additional systemic crises reinforce the uncertainty of the external economic environment. At the current stage, one important problem for improving the basis of financial and real sectors of the economy, modeling the development of such sectors (groups of entities) in the conditions of uncertainty, instability of the external economic environment is examined. Timely simulations allow solving some practical problems regarding activities effectiveness of the financial and real sectors of the economy, correcting the development of business-specific economic conditions with a gradual transition to the financial economy.
8 (10) 2014
Ekonomické vědy
Středoevropský věstník pro vědu a výzkum
8 (10) 2014
The real economy has a significant impact on a number of entities of economic connection and correlates closely with the financial sector and its individual entities. On the line it is consideration as possible connections (direct and reversible) and interaction between government and business sectors (financial and real). Note that some flows within the financial (real) sectors emerge and gradually transform the economic connection between the relevant institutional units (elements of the macroeconomic model) [1]. The business cycles may allocate the levels of government sector (engagement and use of resources, the distribution of the value that is created) according to its stages [2]. Additionally, you can select individual groups of models management according to the sectors (real, financial) and their respective entities. The first group of models is based on dynamic modeling the activities of a particular sector (financial and real) on the basis of which are formed the so-called global models that have an extended structure (model creation, development, forecasting, which are interconnected on the basis of general purpose use). The options of a particular sector of the economy (the entity or their groups) are defined in developing these models. The second group of models contains models of coordination of individual economic interests of a particular sector (financial and real) and states the basis for planning the development of such entities, and conducts separate resource flows allocation. These models are primarily aimed for improving the efficiency of separate resource flow allocation of economic agents in a number of ways. The mechanism of coordination of individual economic interests of particular sector (financial and real) bases on the following principles: separation of specifies of economic basis of the flows, taking into account the effect of synergy. The third group of models is based on maximizing the return on assets of the
přáteli V. Havla a celý český národ o smrti věhlasného národní, politické a sociální aktivista země [7, s. 1-3 ]. Politická spolupráce s Českou republikou v roce 2012 vyvinula pod vlivem politických událostí, které se vyvinuly na Ukrajině. Žaloba na premiéra Tymošenková měla ohlas nejen na Ukrajině, ale také v rámci Evropské unie, včetně České republiky. 05.03.2012, v "International Herald Tribune" (International Herald Tribune) publikoval článek o kolektivní ministry zahraničních věcí Švédska, Velké Británie, České republiky, Polska a Německa v rámciskeptický tzv." posuvné Ukrajina. Ministr zahraničí veci ČR Karel Schwarzenberg, spolu s dalšími ministry vyjádřil obavy o stav demokracie na Ukrajině , tlaku ze strany státních orgánů , které trestní řízení bylo zahájeno proti některé z předních členů opozice [23]. Ihned po aplikaci zhadannoyi K. Shvantsenberha a čtyři evropští ministři ukrajinského ministra zahraničí Hryshchenko v publikaci "Zrcadlo týdne" publikoval článek s názvem "Strategická Zdraví jako šanci na Ukrajině v multipolárním světě". V tom , že definoval cestu, která spočívá v tom, že Ukrajina vstoupila do třetího desetiletí nezávislosti na pozadí výrazného zpomalení západní expanze, ekonomický růst [3]. Ukrajinský ministr zahraničí reagoval na dopis pěti ministrů EU tímto způsobem. Zdůraznil, že respektuje mínění Ministerstva zahraničních věcí České republiky, Švédska, Velké Británie, Polska a Německa, prohlašovat, ževinou ukrajinské strany vztahů mezi Kyjevě a Bruselu slepé uličky. Vedoucí ministerstva zahraničí řekl, že Ukrajina neopustil cestu evropské integrace a je odhodlána rozvíjet evropské hodnoty v zemi [6, s. 4] . Ve Varšavě 14 června 2012 první náměstek ministra zahraničních věcí České Republiky YI . Schneider řekl, žesituace Julije Tymošenkové není vyřešen asituace na Ukrajině dosáhl na mrtvém bodě [15, s. 1-4]. Noviny "Právo" na 06.06.2012 obsahovala výrok velvyslance J. Gritsak rozhovoru. Článek se týkal nosnost Ukrajina Euro 2012 sportovní akce, a tím zruynovuvala skepsi v Evropě, včetně českých politiků [6, s. 7]. Politický dialog pokračoval během návštěvy na Ukrajině, první náměstek ministra zahraničních věcí YI . Schneider. 12.září v Kyjevě, se podílel na mezinárodním fóru "Nezúčastněných politiky Ukrajiny v evropském kontextu", a se setkal s prvním místopředsedou vlády Ukrajiny Viktor Khoroshkovskiy, náměstek ministra zahraničních věcí Ukrajiny a místopředsedy Výboru pro zahraniční věci Nejvyšší rady Ukrajiny L. Kozhara. Hlavním tématem jednání bylrozvoj dvoustranných vztahů , s důrazem na jejich ekonomickou dimenzi , stejně jako aktuální orientaci zahraniční politiky Ukrajiny [12, s. 1-5]. 01.11.2012 Prezident Ukrajiny Viktor Janukovyč byl jmenován novým velvyslancem České republiky. První usnesení předsedy odmítl velvyslance Ukrajiny do České republiky Ivan Gritsak. Další dokument Janukovyč do této funkce jmenován B. Zaichuk který dříve sloužil jako předseda Penzijního fondu Ukrajiny [5 , s. 1]. Tak , v období 2010-2012 intenzivně vyvinutým ukrajinsko- český politický dialog na nejvyšší úrovni . V něm nepříznivě ovlivnit některé sociální a občanské události, které se odehrály na Ukrajině po prezidentských volbách roku 2010 . Soud Julije Tymošenkové a Yuriy Lutsenko setkal s kritikou ze zemí EU, v četně České
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The analysis of recent researches and publications. Many works of famous scientists: T.Vasylyeva, V.Vitlinskyy [7], O.Yelisyeyeva, Yu.Horobets [2], O.Hrabchuk [9;10;11], S.Kozmenko [13], O.Kozmenko, A. Kuhlman [4], Y.Levyna, S.Lomachynska, O.Lunyakov [14], O.Mendrul [5], B.Pshyk, I.Rekunenko, O.Romanenko [3], T.Safyna, K.Tymoschenko [9;10] are devoted to the problems of development and its modeling concernng the entities of financial and real sectors of economy. Otherwise the problems of economic development and modeling of financial and real sectors of the economy in the current conditions of gradual transition to the financial economy are insufficiently examined. The purpose of the research. The main aim of the article is determining and improving the principles of activity and modeling the development of financial and real sectors entities in the modern economic conditions. The presentation of the basic research material.
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Středoevropský věstník pro vědu a výzkum
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Ukrajině. První místopředseda vlády a ministr zahraničních věcí Karla Schwarzenberga v České republice. Během návštěvysetkání ministra zahraničních věcí Ukrajiny a České republiky, jakož i zasedání K. Shvartsenberha prezident Ukrajiny Viktor Janukovyč, Nejvyšší Rada Speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn a předseda vlády Ukrajiny Mykola Azarov. Během jednání se strany diskutovali prohloubení spolupráce v oblasti evropské integrace [13, s. 1-3]. Pokračování spolupráce se stalo během 15 února 2011 v Bratislavě, v rámci summitu Visegrádské čtyřky. Během pracovní návštěvy pracovní setkání předsedy vlády Ukrajiny Mykola Azarov s hlavou vlády České republiky. Hlavním cílem tohoto setkání bylo přenést zkušenosti z integrace podpory České republiky a Ukrajiny sousedních zemí, kteří mají zájem na jeho evropské integrace důsledku účasti ukrajinské vlády v jubilejním zasedání "kvarteta" byloselhání přistoupení Ukrajiny k použití visegrádských zemí, Německa a Rakouska, kde odsoudila porušování lidských práv a demokratických svobod v Bělorusku [1, s. . 5-6]. Negativní sediment Ukrajina ve spolupráci s Českou republikou opustil událost 13.května 2011 , kdyMinisterstvo zahraničních věcí Ukrajiny byl chargé d' affaires České republiky na Ukrajině Viktor Pivonku , která byla předána na vědomí prohlásit persona non grata dva důstojníky vojenský atašé úřadu České republiky Kyjev kvůli závazku jejich akce jsou v rozporu s ustanoveními Vídeňské úmluvy o [9 , s. 1-2]. Od 9 do 11 června 2011 návštěva na Ukrajině , první náměstek ministra zahraničních věcí České republiky YI . Schneider . Na setkání s náměstkem ministra zahraničních věcí Ukrajiny pana Klimkin byl projednán aktuální úroveň bilaterálních vztahů a perspektivách evropského procesu [14 , s.1-5] . Analýza bilaterální spolupráce v průběhu roku 2011 dělal velvyslance České republiky na Ukrajině I. Pochuh . V rozhovoru v publikaci "Ukrajinská News" s názvem "Proces jednání o dohodě o přidružení zastavil. Zastavil se" řeklná vštěva premiéra Mykola Azarov, který se jmenoval dne 19 prosince 2011, bude významným příspěvkem k obnovení politického dialogu na nejvyšší úrovni, která ovlivnila rozhodnutí v České republice poskytovat mezinárodní ochranu bývalého ministra hospodářství Ukrajiny Danylyshyn [18]. 19 prosince 2011 Česká republika podala oficiální návštěva předsedy vlády Ukrajiny Mykola Azarov. Jménem prezidenta Ukrajiny a ukrajinského národa Mykola Azarov vyjádřil hlubokou soustrast českým lidem v souvislosti se smrtí prominentního politika a státníka , bývalého prezidenta České republiky V. Havel [4, s. 10]. Během návštěvy,setkání s vedoucím vlády České republiky. Po ukončení jednání , byla podepsána řada bilaterálních dokumentů: 1. Mezivládní dohoda o vědeckotechnické spolupráci; 2. Dohody o mezirezortní spolupráce v oblasti vzdělávání; 3 . Dohoda mezirezortní o spolupráci v oblasti kultury [8, s.1-3]. 23 prosince na pohřbu prvního prezidenta České republiky, Ukrajina byla zastoupena ministrem zahraničních věcí Ukrajiny K. Gryschenko. Spolu s hlavami států a vlád , ministři zahraničních věcí z jiných zemí, ministr zahraničních věcí Ukrajiny vyjádřil upřímnou soustrast prezidenta České republiky V. Klause, rodinou a
economy and takes into account the combination of optimal allocation of separate economic flows between researched sector entities, creating the effective mechanism for funds formation for operating these entities on certain principles and conditions. These models are aimed at the distribution of separate resource flows for achievement the best economic results. The above group of models directs the separate economic flows within the existing macroeconomic model [3]. The similar and different characteristics of the current model have to be correctly identified in a specific economic system and established appropriate to the governance models (Anglo-American, German and Japanese) in developing an innovative model of governance sector (or their entities). For example, it should be noted that in many periods of Economy of Ukraine, the largest national model was tended to Japanese [4; 5]. The fundamental role of such sectors (financial and real) researching bases on groups of entities and their separate resource (economic) flows. Dynamics of separate economic flow is functional value, which imposed uncertainty and randomness. It is the effective management of separate economic flows that allows determining the overall riskiness primarily by activity of the real (financial) sector entity to identify critical points of the entity and to increase the effectiveness of use of certain types of entity’s resources. Additionally, separate economic flows are associated with the formation and distribution of cash resources. It should also be noted that the operation of separate economic flows depends on time. The flow should be based on the temporal dynamics of the motion as a function of size, distribution of likelihood values from the flow and so on in determining the economic risk of the flow. If necessary, the measure of vibrations of separate economic flow that is determined by the characteristics of the researched financial (real) sector entity is acceptable for additive model. Creation a unified model is more appropriate for building the functional connection, as determined by individual parameter of entities (for example, some entities of the real sector, which have this option, may be the seasonality of production). The form of the time dependence can be chosen arbitrarily and bases on the characteristics of the functioning of separate economic flow (it allows taking into account changes of separate economic flow). Also it should be noted that the form of the time dependence may have different versions, depending on the characteristics (characteristic features) of separate economic flow. In practice, an accountant the frequency factor can be further used a dummy variable that takes binary values. Using dummy variables researched parameters of the oscillation amplitude dramatically increases the reliability of the analysis, in this case it will be higher than without periodicity, but it will be still insignificant. The main (basic) functions of the business sector (financial and real) can be used in many cases as non-linear dependence. Also great importance in the research of the separate economic flow motion (in the context of the economy) is the numbering ranges within the period under review. It should be noted that the parallel application of several approaches determining and predicting risk for separate economic flows allows to characterize the risk of high levels of reliability, determine the limits of protection required [6; 7].
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Ekonomické vědy
The basic factor that determines the impact of economic crisis on the economy is the uncertainty of their effectiveness in the context of real (financial) sector. To perform the problem of modeling the economic entities level of structure of fractals determination for activities, such entities should be examined in the context of real sectors (financial) of the economy (fig.1). Also a quantitative assessment of the uncertainty of a particular sector (financial and real) of the economy (its economic groups) bases on statistics (mean, standard deviation, the coefficient of variation, the coefficient of bevel) and a quantitative estimate of volatility (in order to justify the degree of criticality). Its entropy rate can also be used for justifying the level of uncertainty. The results of quantitative estimation uncertainty at specific sectors (sector entities) may introduce entropy calculations and scripts in the context of each case of coefficients of decomposition for the respective frames and scripts. For example, the lowest entropy can meet the crisis situation in the economy (sectors) [8; 9; 10; 11; 12]. Quantitative estimation of level of vagueness the sector of economy (financial, real)
Frame sector of the economy (finance, real)
Středoevropský věstník pro vědu a výzkum
8 (10) 2014
*174980* Korsak R.V. Užhorod , Ukrajina . Kandidát historických věd , docent Užhorod National University
ROZVOJ MODERNICHO UKRAINSKO-ČESKOHO POLITICKEHO DIALOGU Článek analyzuje vývoj a stav dvoustranné politické spolupráce mezi Ukrajinou a Českou republikou . Pojednává o hlavní problémy a překážky , které vznikly mezi Ukrajinou a Českou republikou v politické spolupráci na začátku druhé dekády tohoto století. Klíčová slova: Česká republika ( Česká republika ) , Ukrajina ,EU Tymošenková , Lutsenko S , ministr zahraničních věcí České republiky ,prezident Ukrajiny ,vláda České republiky.
Researching results by sector structure of the economy may also indicate the absence (presence) of the coincidence of any assessments of the uncertainty of financial and economic processes in the context of real (financial) sector. Last confirming the need of continuous improvement of methodological approaches to asset of the level of uncertainty in the context of sectors (financial, real) [8; 11; 13; 14]. In general, the process of forming based on economic activity of real (financial) sector is based on the simulation results of such entities. This type of management strategy of the business of real (financial) sector is a fundamental processes of optimization of the results of their activities, which significantly affects on the financial and
Politicke ukrajinské -české vztahy nepodléhá širokou škálu specializovaných výzkumů v domácí, tak v české historiografii. Mezi vědci, kteří studují na problematické otázky bilaterálních politických a ekonomických vztahů lze rozlišit vědecké práce českých vědců L Palata [21] N. Veselá [22] M. Ehl, J. Payne M. [19]. Došli jsme k závěru, že v těchto článcích ukazuje český pohled na vývoj ukrajinskočeské spolupráce mezi ukrajinskými publikací prakticky žádná analýza bilaterálních vztahů v průběhu posledních tří let. Tento dokument jeprvním pokusem o skutečně udělat komplexní studii o politické spolupráce mezi Ukrajinou a Českou republikou. Po únorové prezidentské kampaně politického dialogu mezi Ukrajinou a Českou republikou se konala v "Východního partnerství". Za tímto účelem, 2 března 2010 ministr zahraničních věcí Ukrajiny P. Poroshenko byl na pracovní návštěvě v Maďarské republice ( Budapešť) k účasti na zasedání ministrů zahraničních ministerstev ve formě členských zemí Visegrádské čtyřky (Polsko, Slovensko , Českou republiku, Maďarsko ) [16, s. 1-2 ]. Během návštěvy Poroshenko také měl dvoustranná setkání s místopředsedou vlády a ministrem zahraničních věcí České republiky J. Kohout. Hlavním tématem setkání bylo vyhlídky na další bilaterální spolupráci s Českou republikou v politických , obchodních , ekonomických , vědeckých , humanitárních a jiných oblastech, podporovat Českou republiku v realizaci integračního kurzu Ukrajiny k Evropské unii [16, s . 2-3]. Analýza spolupráce mezi Ukrajinou a Českou republikou dělal velvyslance Ukrajiny do České republiky Ivan Gritsak v rozhovoru novinářské publikace " Galicia " 5 srpna 2010. It velvyslanec Ukrajiny považuje za politickou spolupráci s Českou republikou s ohledem na problematických otázek pro Ukrajinu: Ukrajinská zaměstnanost a kulturní přítomnost [2]. Nový impuls pro politickou spolupráci mezi Ukrajinou a Českou republikou se stalaoficiální návštěva na 29 - 30 listopadu 2010 ve
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Entropy (frame) Coefficient of destruction Fractal 1 Fractal 2 Fractal 3 Fractal 4 ……… Fractal N etc.
frames scripts
The script for the frame Statistical evaluation of the volatility of the elements fractals
Fig.1 The estimation of sector of economy (financial, real)
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is implemented business tasks. E-learning system enhances the infrastructure of lifelong learning. National Aviation University is carried out infrastructural approach to implementing the concept of lifelong learning, the main form of which is e-learning. References 1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
The Decree of the President of Ukraine (2013), “On the National Strategy of Education development in Ukraine for the period till 2021”, available at: http://www.president.gov.ua/ru/documents/15828.html (Accessed 5 July 2014) Faure, E. Herrera, F. Kaddoura, A.-R. at al. (1972) Learning to be: The world of Education today and tomorrow, Unesco, France, Paris. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2013), The Draft Law of Ukraine “On postgraduate education”, available at: http://mon.gov.ua/ua/pr-viddil/1312/1390288033/1402407744 (Accessed 3 July 2014) Solovov, A.V. (2006), Jelektronnoe obuchenie: problematika, didaktika, tehnologija [Electronic training: perspective, didactics, technology], Novaja tehnika, Samara, Russia Lambe, P. (2010), “An Alternative Way to Assess the ROI of e-Learning in Training ”, eLearn Magazine, [Online], vol.1, available at: http://elearnmag.acm.org/archive.cfm?aid=1699490 (Accessed 5 July 2014).
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economic condition of the entity and on some of its characteristics. System tactical management of economic entities contributes to their financial stability, opportunities to optimize risk activities, specific movement of cash flows in the context of real (financial) sector. Efficiently (high-level) managing the activities of entities of real (financial) sector in market conditions and obtaining benefit (the result) from such activities is necessary to use a number of economic optimization models. Therefore, if managers of modern economic entities want to rise up the level of quality of their work and get an adequate profit from it, they need to treat carefully the basis of such entities (for example, to monitor the formation, usage, and improve areas of cash management in general and its elements) [12;13]. Conclusions. Thus, an effective mechanism for an effective management of the business of real (financial) sector aimed achieving the strategic aim by modeling the optimal ratios of such entities in any particular economic conditions (with a gradual transition to the financial economy). In this article we set the basis of sectors and entities management (level management model) under uncertainty, describe the principles of resource flows and fluctuations in the context of entities of financial (real) sector of the economy, and separate the principles of effective management of objects of entities of the economy on the results of this simulation of such entities. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
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Nikiforov P. Finansovyj kontrol derzhavy: instytutsionalnyj pidkhid, spadkovist i novatsii u pohliadakh / P. Nikiforov, S. Ivasiuk // Rehionalna ekonomika. − 2005. − № 2 (36). − S.29-36. Horobets Yu. V. Korporatsiia, korporatyvne upravlinnia: sutnist ta perspektyvy rozvytku / Yu. V. Horobets // Formuvannia rynkovykh vidnosyn v Ukraini. − 2005. − № 12 (56). − S. 88-92. Romanenko O. Raspredelenye fynansov v kholdynhakh / O. Romanenko // Fynansovyj dyrektor. − 2006. − № 10. − S.58-64. Kulman A. Ekonomycheskye mekhanyzmy / Per. s anhl. − M., 1993. Mendrul O. Korporatyvne upravlinnia: ustaleni kharakterystyky ta osoblyvosti ikh realizatsii v natsionalnij modeli / O. Mendrul // Rynok tsinnykh paperiv Ukrainy. − 2002. − № 9-10. − S. 51-58. Kornieiev M. V. Kilkisna otsinka kolyvan finansovykh potokiv / M. V. Kornieiev // Finansovo-kredytna diialnist: problemy teorii ta praktyky : zb. nauk. prats. − Kharkiv, 2011. − № 2 (11). − S. 317-321. Vitlinskyj V. V. Analiz, modeliuvannia ta upravlinnia ekonomichnym ryzykom: navch. posibnyk / V. V. Vitlinskyj, P. I. Verchenko. – K., 2000.
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Kornieiev M.V. Nevyznachenist finansovykh potokiv u realnomu sektori ekonomiky / M.V. Kornieiev, Yu.V. Horbonis // Visnyk Dnipropetrovskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. – (Seriia «Ekonomika»). – Dnipropetrovsk : Vyd-vo DNU. – 2013. – Vyp. 7(1). – T.21. – S. 104-109. Investytsijno-innovatsijni aspekty vplyvu finansovoi infrastruktury na rozvytok natsionalnoho hospodarstva Ukrainy : monohrafiia / za zah. red. d-ra fiz.-mat. nauk, prof. S. O. Smyrnova / S. O. Smyrnov, O. M. Hrabchuk, K. S. Tymoschenko ta in. − Dnipropetrovsk, 2010. − 307 s. Upravlinnia finansovoiu infrastrukturoiu natsionalnoi ekonomiky Ukrainy : monohrafiia / za zah. red. d-ra fiz.-mat. nauk, prof. S. O. Smyrnova / S. O. Smyrnov, O. M. Hrabchuk, K. S. Tymoschenko ta in. − Dnipropetrovsk, 2011. − 187 s. Hrabchuk O. M. Mekhanizm vplyvu nevyznachenosti na rozvytok ekonomichnykh system / O. M. Hrabchuk // Problemy i perspektyvy rozvytku bankivskoi systemy Ukrainy : zb. nauk. pr. – Sumy, 2010. – Vyp. 30. – S. 101-106. Kornieiev M.V. Teoretychni zasady upravlinnia kapitalom vitchyznianykh pidpryiemstv/ M.V. Kornieiev, M.I. Hololobov // Visnyk Dnipropetrovskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. – (Seriia «Ekonomika»). – Dnipropetrovsk : Vyd-vo DNU. – 2012. – Vyp. 6(4). – T.20. – S. 129-134. Kozmenko S.M. Modeliuvannia rukhu finansovykh potokiv u konteksti spivvidnoshennia realnoho ta finansovoho sektoriv ekonomiky / S.M.Kozmenko, M. V. Kornieiev ta in. // Suchasnyj stan, problemy ta tendentsii rozvytku sub'iektiv finansovoho rynku: kolektyvna monohrafiia / pid zah. red. K.F.Kovalchuka. – Pavlohrad, 2014. – 503 s. Luniakov O. V. Dysbalansy v fynansovom sektore ekonomyky Ukrayny: suschnost y ynstrumenty rehulyrovanyia : monohrafyia / O. V. Luniakov. – Sevastopol, 2013. – 415 s.
Figure 2. Structure of e-learning of National Aviation University. IV. Conclusion At the given stage the development of the Ukrainian state the current task for a wide range of participants in the educational process is the formation of lifelong learning system. It is associated with the development of e-learning system, which tangents not only educational institutions, but goods producers too. Evaluation of the effectiveness of infrastructural value of the educational process is to determine to what extent
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which engaged in preparation tutors, developing teaching materials and tracking their relevance, etc. The interaction between a student (students) and distant learning department is provided by means of Internet global network and necessity for other means of communication either directly or through training and consulting center that provides information and technical support.
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*174986* Potapov G.P. Tupolev Kazan National Research Technical University, Kazan, Russia
Figure 1. Structure of e-learning system. Figure 2 shows the structure that is adapted to the specific needs of NAU in the laboratory technical means of e-learning. The advantages of this structure is the implementation of choice by students individual educational trajectory, reflecting the demands of the labor market of the modern information society; ensuring close contact while working with full-time students as well as with e-learning students. Directions for further development of this structure is to build the most uniform methods of training while obtaining higher education, secondary higher education, postgraduate education, training to simplify the creation of modules of software administration e-learning. In this way it will simplify the adaptation of students either to a software interface or technique of working with educational material to ensure implementation of equal access to quality education and maximum satisfaction of personal educational needs.
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The general opinion now is that to determine the system state, it is important to specify the dimension (number of values), and the kind of these values makes no matter. In this case, a tangle of paths corresponds to the motion of a point in the phase space. According to A. Poincaré, any physical phenomena can be predicted based on the common mathematical structure describing these structures. However, we have to divine (select) a set of necessary constants and coefficients (for example, the Lorentz weather forecast) that often leads to errors. Fundamental constraints exist in the field of forecasting, and new generations of models and algorithms have to be created. Forecasting has ceased to be a science, it is becoming a technology. We have to present the universal scenarios of risk management using the ideas of nonlinear dynamics. Many disasters, emergencies, catastrophes, crises provide for using the statistics with the power-series distribution of the probability of events unlike the traditional Gaussian distribution according to the three sigma rule. Forecasts in socio-economic systems (SES) development like so many others systems in nature cannot be always constructed by traditional use of the above constants. Each system has its own forecast. Nonlinear dynamics has dispelled the illusion of global predictability, it allows us to extract exactly from a large amount of variables such a data that is needed for decision making, particularly, the use of time-dependent constants, coefficients sometimes without knowing in advance the equations, which are needed to describe the events. In such cases, we deal with the power-law statistics that permits us to identify the precursors warning of a danger in assessing the real SES development in the framework of the criticality theory based on the multidisciplinary approach in risk management [2]. In addition, a possibility is realized to make a long-term forecast and pass from the previous information field to the other forecast conditions using the information-entropic method for the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the SES development dynamics parameters. Instead of a large amount of data characterizing the different aspects of the object being studied, the forecast quality can be estimated with an adequate accuracy with the use of a parameter that is called the system activity (SA) as an information resource [3]. This is the basis of a radically new coordination level, the higher requirements to the SES forecasting and monitoring, specification of the policy chosen (not only in the cost but also physical indicators). Here the interdisciplinary approach is already used and fundamental
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constraints in the SES forecasting are reduced, passing from the scientific humanitarian declarations to practice inherent in natural sciences. Many economists have been claiming for a long time about an urgent need in developing a new scientific paradigm, creating a new methodology to understand the essence of economics and changes occurring under the action of external factors. As the most important condition, we put forward a requirement of holistic approach and system analysis, according to which, every object is a component of the common structure, which, in turn, is an element of some other structure. The essence of the system study consists not only in passing from an elementary “cellule” to the analysis of the whole system, but also in the inverse direction – from the whole system to the system component, find the appropriate properties that can be qualitatively expressed. The synergetic effect in economic systems can be obtained by controlling the speeds of economic processes, namely, due to the economic kinetics having a pronounced hierarchy. For example, the enterprise-level economic kinetics is determined by such factors as technology, transport and storage infrastructure, working capital turnover, capital renewals, financial and transport logistics, organization structure of an enterprise, management, marketing, social-psychological climate, etc. The different factors may be the dominant ones at different development stages. The synergic effect manifests itself as the technological, economic, managerial and other effects that create the common effect by mutually complementing and intensifying each other. This effect exceeds manyfold and quantitatively the effect of each of these factors involved in the economic process. When the information-entropic method is applied to the SES development, it calls for a special study of nature, value, stationarity of the proportionality coefficient k in the Boltzmann equation: S = k·lnp, where S is the entropy, k is the Boltzmann constant; p is the probability of the system state. The existing mathematical models in biology, where a living organism is a main object of study, assume that the rate of information change in the process of development is proportional to the total amount of the data collected. The proportionality coefficient mentioned above should not basically be a constant, it can vary with time. On a large scale, the similar coefficients are the quasiconstant values not only in the humanitarian but also in natural sciences. The matter consists only in time during which they can be taken as constant values [2]. Entropy expresses the largest real determinism in nature. The entropy maximum is the determinism criterion only in the closed systems. There are the variables and parameters of the nature phenomenon, operation of the nervous system and brain, social systems which are stably reproducible in the similar conditions. Determinism is synonymous with the existence of systems and processes as well as with their description, correspondingly. Using a concept of the generalized coordinates and impulse, their product as an action parameter, we can characterize the energy quantization for any nonadiabatic processes and it does not necessarily be the Plank constant in it, but it always should have the action dimension.
means the totality of technological systems, business processes, business culture and control mechanisms and defines how the organization operates and its ability to work. The difference between the infrastructure, assets and resources is the following: the existing infrastructure allows to use or to limit using of assets (technology, personnel, time). “If elearning would be simple a resource or was an asset that the possibility would be to connect it to the organization and to involve clicking the switch” [5]. Given that e-learning is part of the infrastructure it should be clearly understand its economic effect and economic feasibility. The cost of implementation tied to infrastructure projects such as e-learning is very difficult to accurately pre calculate through the opacity of infrastructure. The price of system implementation of e-learning is the price for change management, such as unexpected costs that related to technology, such as the cost of providing the support to users (this expenditure item most companies do not consider in the implementation of training). Should be remembered that despite the availability of educational materials for employees in any place at any time, it does not in itself lead to increase user productivity, if the enterprise infrastructure isn’t ready to support the transformation theoretical skills in practice ones. Making the decision about entering e-learning, based on the estimation of the result according aim pursued, corresponds training to achieve these results. Thus, generally accepted procedure is as follows: determining the purpose, considering possible solutions, performing the work, evaluating the result. In case of use method of evaluation of result for infrastructure projects the introductory tasks are strategic business goal of the company for which the infrastructure is created. Evaluation indicates to what extent has been realized project. Such an approach has some advantages especially for businesses because it motivates managers of educational projects trying to resolve the identified strategic tasks and to determine the extent that will measure success. At the same time this approach is effective either for public educational institutions or government organizations. The degree of achievement of strategic goal should be evaluated with the system of balanced scorecard such as increased productivity, profitability, efficient using of human capital, reducing risk, maintaining market position, accessing to new markets, educational services, etc. So for decision on profitability of the introduction of e-learning it should consider a change in these indicators. Most of innovation in postgraduate education is to develop mechanisms for technological maintenance. These mechanisms are sufficiently developed in traditional education, but they are remarkably important in the new system of postgraduate education. In distance learning management system is urgent building software designed for the educational process and control of learning through the Internet and/or LAN. In particular, it is possible to organize the educational process for e-learning, which is presented in Figure 1. It consists of e-learning department, which has a purely technical function (setting and monitoring of computer system administration distance learning, supporting broadcasts on-line conferences, video lectures, ensuring information security, etc.) and methodology subdivision (department of higher education institution),
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and to alleviate the urgent educational needs in the fast changing business world that cannot be executed by formal education. As noted in the report of the UNESCO "Learning to be" the education should no longer be limited by the walls of the school. All institutions exist, whether they are intended for training or not, should be used for education. “People still believe that the educational process is limited, by choice, to the period between infancy and adulthood. And that it should aim to provide everyone, on leaving school, with knowledge and skills which will stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives” [2, p.83]. Some steps to shape new legislative framework in Ukrainian state have be done. In particular, the draft Law of Ukraine "On the postgraduate education" is directed to regulate legal, economic, institutional relations in postgraduate education and create the conditions for the effective system of lifelong education of citizens, lifelong development of individuals in relation to meeting the needs of society and government for qualified personnel [3]. However, the management of the real sector of Ukraine has insufficiently realized the need to increase qualification, abilities and skills of their employees. On the other hand, in recent years the leaders of most large enterprises, first of all manufacturers of products, those are using high technology, consider their assets and financial savings, material estate (equipment, industrial premises, land, etc.), and knowledge and other intangible assets. Sometimes as “intangible assets” understands software. However, the main value is not software companies, but the knowledge and skills of their employees who can competently and effectively apply them. Exactly this knowledge is formed over the years into the process of solving a large number of engineering problems. Often this experience is collective, team, corporate. Thus the knowledge is transformed into the commodity. In implementing of the concept of lifelong education in Ukraine under conditions of European integration’s changes and development of globalization process the distance education has become the main form. Ideally, exactly distance learning must provide the consumer the access to global educational resources, significantly increase the possibilities of traditional education through the formation of educational information environment, in which the audience on their own or under the guidance of the teacher could learn new material, expand to access to educational resources, pay special attention to individual work, reduce the cost of training by accessibility, improve educational programs through alternative programs for a wide range of listeners - all this will allow best meet needs of people [4, p. 27]. When advanced training of personnel in distance learning using computer tools (elearning), in most cases, the listener need not only "document", but the real knowledge to improve the efficiency his activities, to improve their professional status etc. Most of elearning programs are funded by the operating budget of the enterprise. It’s approved as a rule once a year, and used in calculating the annual cost of education instead of separate learning projects. The bookkeeping considers them as operational or infrastructural costs. Thus education promotes the development of infrastructure. Under the infrastructure
At present, in scientific studies connected with forecasting, the description and prediction of rare catastrophic events are the focus of attention. The various catastrophic events may develop according to the same laws. Figure 1 presents the characteristics of three complexly organized hierarchic systems: share market (a) and tectonic fracture (b) shortly before the catastrophe that demonstrate a rapid catastrophic growth with the superimposing accelerating oscillations; calculation data of the SES activity resource L(c), when the quantum of action coefficient h(t) suddenly and very rapidly accepts the constant value, Fig. 2.
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Fig. 1. The characteristic form of the dependence occurring before catastrophes in the complex systems: (a) time dependence of the Dow Jones index logarithm; (b) time dependence of the logarithm of chloride ions concentration in springs before the catastrophic earthquake in Kobe, Japan in 1995. Points – accurate data, solid curve – smoothed dependence constructed according to them [1]; (c) time dependence of the activity resource L variation.
Fig. 2. The quantum of action coefficient h as a function of the time forecast with the constant initial conditions for the given SES. Variation of the parameter h(t) coefficient depending on the forecast time of developing this SES can be seen in Fig. 2. The system transfers into a novel hierarchic state and may be developed in other unexpected conditions of self-organization. We can say that for each system there is its own energy including the materialized information, natural frequency and its own forecast horizon. There are no reasons to disbelieve that the dynamics exists in nature in the form of the following expression: E(t) =
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h(t)∙ω(t), where in our case, E is the energy, h is the dynamic coefficient of the SES quantum of action, ω is the system oscillation frequency, t is the time. Under conditions, when the quantum of action coefficient h(t) varies in time, the constant SES excitation occurs and the “stationary” ruble orbit is realized. The pattern of this phenomenon is similar to the SES behavior as a soliton occurring in the conditions of nonlinear wave at very low frequencies. Here it is appropriate to cite L.I. Mandel’shtam: “It would be the fruitless pedantry trying to determine “exactly”, which processes are namely the subject of oscillation theory. This is not important. It is important to highlight the guiding ideas, basic general laws. In the oscillation theory these laws are rather specific and singular, they should be not simply known but they should enter into flesh and blood”. At present, the science has established the fundamental constraints for predicting the different systems, and forecast becomes one of the important technologies in many regions. There are also some common fundamental constraints in the SES forecasting. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Malinetskii, G.G. and Kurdyumov, S.P., Nonlinear Dynamics and the Problems of Prediction, http: www.spkurdyumov.ru/forecasting/nonlinear-dynamics/ Potapov, G.P., Information and Synergetic Modeling of Socio–Economic Systems, Novosibirsk: Izdatel’stvo TsRNS, 2013. Galeeva, E.I., Forming the Development Strategy for Enterprises of OilGas Chemical Complex: Theory and Practice, Doctoral (Econ.) Dissertation, Samara: Samara State Economical University, 2011, p. 290. Kuznetsov, B.L., Synergetic Management in Mechanical Engineering, Naberezhnye Chelny: Izd. Kamskogo Polytech. Inst., 2003. Lepskii, V.E., Controlling Chaos Technologies– Weapons for Destruction of Development Subjectivity, http: www.spkurdyumov.ru
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one. Also the organization of postgraduate education within the framework e-learning requires additional research. Researches of lifelong learning of foreign and domestic scholars are focused on the formation of national consciousness, providing conditions for satisfaction educational and professional needs of adult personality. Theoretical analysis of scientific sources mentioned problems shows, that at different historical stages the lifelong learning reflected the public events of a certain period. Problems of adult education in the USSR investigated L. Anciferova, S. Vershlovskyy, B. Hershunskyy, V. Onushkin, V. Osipov. The founders of the theory of continuous education in the early twentieth century were M. Avdiyenko, H. Alchevska, G. Vashchenko, B. Grinchenko, T. Lubinets, A. Lunacharsky, N. Krupskaya, I. Steshenko, S. Rusova and others. Prospects and possibilities of continuous technical education are covered by Ju. Zinkovsky, L. Tovazhnyansky, O. Romanovsky. The works of B. Ananiev, T. Gorokhov, P. Lenhrand are dedicated to concept of lifelong learning. Continuity of education as a basis for social progress was revealed in writings of I. Zyazyun, V. Andruschenko, M. Mihalchenko, N. Nychkalo and other. However the development of national standards for all forms of postgraduate training is urgent. Legislation requires significant changes governing the arrangement and procedures for retraining and skills development. II. Problem setting The aim of the article is to determine directions of improving the efficiency of government management organization of postgraduate education in Ukraine. Scientific novelty of the work is based on the implementation of infrastructure approach to postgraduate education. III. Results The growth of scientific knowledge and need for continuous their updates for one generation’s lifetime objectively transforms the education in a crucial factor of social development. Therefore problems of forming of the intellectual potential through improving the quality and efficiency of education occupy the important place in the education policy and practice of governmental, educational and social structures. The modern education increasingly ceases to be identified with the linear academic one. The concept of educational activity is expanding, which is defined as any activity that aims to change settings and models behavior of the person by providing it new knowledge, skills development. The functions of education are performed not only by educational institutions. Big enterprises could be composed of subdivisions and departments which deal with advanced training and retraining on its own training base or order training for their employees in the external educational establishments. In particular, this principle is used by Ukrtelecom, Metro. The purpose of this education is to compensate the shortcomings and contradictions of the traditional education system - 59 -
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*176285* But Volodymyr, Head of the laboratory technical means of distant education of National Aviation University
POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION IN THE PROVIDING SYSTEM OF LIFELONG LEARNING CONCEPT IN UKRAINE Annotation. The article substantiates the necessity of improving at the state level the mechanisms of training and retraining of highly qualified professional personnel according to global and domestic labor markets’ conjuncture. Indicated that the function of education in advanced training do not only educational institutions but also enterprises on their own educational base. It was determined that e-learning became the basic form of realization concept of lifelong education in Ukraine. The content of infrastructural approach to postgraduate education was disclosed. Keywords. Postgraduate education, continuous education, e-learning, infrastructure approaches to postgraduate education. I. Introduction
Kasimov А.М. doctor of tech. sciences, professor, chief scientist, Tsekhmanova A.K. head of laboratory, O.O. Izotova, junior scientific officer. State Enterprise “Ukrainian Research and Technology Center of metallurgy industry “Energostal” (SE “UkrRTC “Energostal”) Kharkov, Ukraine.
ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMICAL METHODS OF REDUCING AND PREVENTING HARMFUL DAMAGES TO THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT, CAUSED BY INDUSTRIAL WASTE SLUDGE COLLECTORS Examined are issues of determining the factors that affect the surrounding natural environment (SNE) coming from sludge collectors of an industrial enterprise. Defined are objects and subjects of influence, schematic route through which industrial waste sludge collectors impact on all areas of SNE, defined also are compensation methods, to prevent, reduce and eliminate the effects of damage to the natural environment.
Modernization of socio-economic system of Ukraine requires the development of new research approaches to determine the role of education in the social life of the state. At the state level it is used various education management mechanisms. For the last decade the significant steps have been made towards occurrence Ukrainian education to European and global spaces. Education and qualification levels and education system ranks were brought according to international requirements, national standards are developed and the new Law "On Higher Education" was accepted so on. Among the problems those need urgent solutions in the domestic labor market there are training and retraining of highly qualified professional personnel. Government policy in the education sector should focus on adaptation of professional training to dynamic changes of supply and demand conjuncture in the global and domestic labor markets, providing workforce training, which professional qualification parameters are the determining factors of the competitiveness growth of human resources. In the National Strategy of Education development in Ukraine for the period till 2021 it was stated that "... it needs in the quality improvement of adult education, activities of postgraduate pedagogical education institutes, structural subdivisions of the higher education institutions, on which basis retraining and advanced training of pedagogical and scientific pedagogical of workers are made" [1]. However, in documents and decisions on education reform there are not fully defined mechanisms for the resolution of postgraduate education in Ukrainian economic sector those are different from pedagogical
Mining and reprocessing facilities for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, large thermal power stations and others operate on large volumes of solid, liquid and gaseous components (including wastes), form piles of empty gangue, slag deposits and sludge collectors (SC). Direct impact on the surrounding natural environment (SNE) is caused by filtration losses from SC to the soil and groundwater, secondary dust emissions and evaporation of gaseous substances from their surfaces, estrangement and contamination of significant land area, transformation of natural landscape etc. SC poses as serious source of hydrodynamic impacts on the SNE, causing changes to groundwater level, which, in turn, has a negative impact on residential zone. Underdump waters pollute surface water bodies, the groundwater and the soil with toxic elements. Secondary dust emissions and evaporation of gaseous substances from their surfaces cause pollution with toxic compounds not only to the atmosphere in the area of localization, but also to the soil around them. Objects of technogenic impacts can be natural and man-made. Natural objects include spatially limited complexes with specific geometric dimensions (1–4); relating
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Keywords: surrounding natural environment, environmental and economic damage, sludge collector, recultivation, environmental consequences, toxic and hazardous wastes, objects and subjects of influence.
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to man-made are commercial, residential, engineering, recreational, and other objects that are created by man. Technogenic impact indicators are indicating signs of the effect of a source on objects, which are characterized by clearness and easy to define. Indicators should reflect the maximum geochemical damage indices to the SNE. Indicators of dust-gas impact in the area of localization of SC can be dust emissions, having same chemical composition as the solid phase of stored slurry. Along with this should be kept a separate record of heavy metals, as well as of organic compounds, comprising the reagents used in enrichment of ores, water treatment etc. Indicators of chemical effects of SC on the SNE can be concentration of heavy ions and rare metals and the pH of solutions, infiltrating into the soil and groundwater; a change in the composition of surface run-offs, as well as the concentration and chemical composition of suspended substances in surface waters in the localization area of SC. Objects of hydrodynamic impacts are groundwater and related to them natural objects – springs, ponds and watercourses, earth surface (under-flooding, flooding, waterlogging, etc.) and the subsoil (karst formation and changes in the activity of engineering and geological processes). Exposed to impacts are also fishing industries, objects for drinking water purposes, forest and agricultural facilities. Objects of mechanical impact on the SNE that lead to inconsistency and disruption of other physical properties of geological array are areas, which are experiencing distortion (due to man-made earthquakes, formation of cracks in the array, violations of screens and aquitards), as well as ground water and the earth surface (land subsidence, landslides). Estrangement and exemption of land under SC associated with inability to further use (or with significant limitations in use) after attempts to recultivate such land for economic or other activities. Objects of impact in this case are areas of natural landscape, agricultural land, objects of economic activities and other anthropogenic objects. Impact indicators can serve as the size of seized and estranged lands, their resource value and unit volume area (the value of attributed area to 1 ton of hosted waste). Violation of natural landscape is associated with different kinds of mechanical influences on the SNE when depositing sludge of metallurgical enterprises, and in combination with other factors. Impact objects are natural landscape that is convertible to technogenic and construction objects located near SC. Serving as impact indicators are land areas of affected territories and their unit volume as compared to accommodated wastes. Given in fig. 1 is the schematic of SC interactions with the SNE in places of its localization. To minimize the adverse effects of accommodating large volume of industrial wastes in any SC it is necessary to assess the impact of accumulated sludge on the state of soil, water and air basins. An important working step is the development of a set of measures for the prevention, reduction (limitation), compensation and the elimination of potential and actual damage to the SNE from any SC[5–8]. Major damage prevention measures:
vytvořit účinnou reformu je nutné využít zkušeností z cizích zemí, ale s přihlédnutím k naši národní mentalitu. Jak Taras Shevchenko řekl: "Učit se od druhých, a nezapomeňte svůj..." [9].
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Literatura: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Мижериков В.А., Ермоленко М.Н. Введение в педагогическую деятельность. – М.: Педагогического общество России, 2002. –268 с. Малькова З.А., Вульфсон Б.Л. Основные тенденции развития образования за рубежом: аналитический доклад.– М.: РАО /Институт теории образования и педагогики, 1998.– 30 с. Вульфсон Б.Л. Стратегия развития образования на Западе на пороге XXI века.– М.: УРАО, 1999.– 207 с. ГольцоваН.В. Содержание педагогической подготовки будущего учителя в высшей школе США: Автореф. дис....канд. пед. наук.– М.: МГОПУ, 1996.– 16 с. Зискин К.Е. Теоретическая профессионально–педагогическая подготовка учителей на педагогических отделениях английских университетов//Преподаватель. –2000. –№3. –С.45–48. Шлейфер И,В. Подготовка учителя начальной школы в современной Франции: Автореф. дисс... канд. пед. наук.– М.: НИИ ОП АПН СССР, 1990.– 16 с. Бауэр Б.З. 1еория и практика профессиональной подготовки учителя начальных классов в ФРГ на современном этапе: Автореф. дис... канд. пед. наук.–М.: МПГУ, 1998.– 17 с. Боярчук Ю.В. Средняя общеобразовательная школа современой Японии: Автореф. дне... канд. пед. наук.– М: МПГУ им.В.И.Ленина, 1994.– 16 с. Шевченко Т.Г. І мертвим, і живим, і ненародженим землякам моїм, в Україні і не в Україні моє дружнє посланіє / Т. Г. Шевченко // Вірші. Поеми. – Х.: Фоліо, 2008.
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celosvětový trend. Nicméně, země se snaží zachovat svou národní a zkušeností v důležité záležitosti pro společnost – zajištění školy s kvalifikovanými učiteli. Je třeba poznamenat, žepříprava univerzitního učitele "modelu postupně přeměněna na "Kombinace vysokých škol", protože v prvním případě představila jednostrannou systém vzdělávání učitelů, který je založen na univerzitní fakulty (departement – based). I když tento model také podporuje budoucí učitele chodit do školy pro kontrolu naučil teorii do praxe, formování schopností a dovedností, na konci,praxe v tomto modelu - doplnění teoretické přípravy na vysoké škole, a proto,propast mezi teorií a praxí je velmi velký. Zatímcopříprava učitelů ve vysokoškolském vzdělávání jehlavním modelem ve všech zemích, alespolupráce modelu (školy a univerzity), vzdělávání učitelů, která vznikla v 80-letech. XX století. Ve Spojených státech a Anglii, aby se stala účinnou reformou vzdělávání učitelů. Dříve téměř všude ve výuce je považována zadůležitý prvek vzdělávání učitelů, ale dnes je prvořadý význam neustálého vzdělávání učitelů, zejména v těch zemích, kde jsou učitelé připravují pouze na vysokých školách. Tak, v celosvětovém měřítku je nynítrend směrem k reformě vzdělávání učitelů, včetně: zvyšuje požadavky na odbornou přípravu pro učitele; změně v metodách a obsahu vzdělávání učitelů; Tvorba nového modelu pro budování pedagogických institucí – zuzavřeného do otevřeného modelu, odjednolůžkových až porůznorodé; integrace vzdělávání učitelů a zlepšení své schopnosti. V ukrajinské nezávislosti učitelů vzdělávacího systému prakticky reformován. Potřebujete globální systémovou reformu tohoto odvětví. Systémové reformy (na celostátní úrovni) – skutečná změna ve vzdělávacím paradigmatu, který se radikálně mění nejen systém vzdělávání učitelů, ale také dává nový cíl, cíle, konečné cíle ve vztahu a provázanosti s fungováním sociálního systému, jeho právní podpory a definice zobrazení nová role státu v oblasti vzdělávání, skutečné decentralizace v organizaci systému vzdělávání učitelů podle nových principů v ekonomice,zavedení kontroly nad kvalitou a efektivitou výkonu systému, jeho odpovědnost vůči veřejnosti, veřejnosti. Z tohoto seznamu je zřejmé, že systémová reforma je nyní více objektivní, než je stav věcí.
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Středoevropský věstník pro vědu a výzkum
− The development of alternative technologies with less intensive sludge formation or with a reduction of hazard class; − The development of methods, equipment and technological schemes, and devices to divert under-dump waters, plants for the treatment and return to main production; − location of SC (after detailed examination of the situation) in prepared spaces of quarries with proper terrain planning. − taking agro-industrial complexes out of areas, which are exposed to negative effects of SC.
Types of technogenic impacts of SC on the SNE Hydrodynamic and hydrochemical impact
Dust and gas impact
Mechanical impact
Estrangement and withdrawal of land
Filtration loss Types of soils under the base of SC
Water resistant
Underflooding, flooding, waterlogging, landslides, manmade earthquakes
Flow rate of aquifers Flow rate of aquifers
Manifestation of filtration losses on land surfaces
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Contamination of land surfaces and surface waters
>> filtration losses
≈ filtration losses
Change in structure of flow is insignificant
IV. Závěry. To znamená, že zásadní rozdíl vzdělávací reformy v moderní Ukrajiny od předchozích a současných reformách podobné reformy na Západě v důsledku hlubokých sociálních, ekonomických a politických změn, které se konají na Ukrajině. Moderní ukrajinské školství je na pokraji výběru další cesty rozvoje. Na začátku tohoto procesu bylopřijetí zákona Ukrajiny "O vysokoškolském vzdělávání" (2014). Úspěch těchto akcí závisí na jedné straně, od vlády, od vzdělávacích institucí, a na druhé straně, ti pracovníci, kteří pracují v rámci vzdělávacího systému. Jinými slovy,reforma by měla být prováděna jak nahoře a dole. Tyto změny ovlivňují jakobsah vzdělávání učitelů, profesní rozvoj učitelů a tvorby výuky sbor, odpovídá potřebám moderního života - je nezbytnou podmínkou pro modernizaci vzdělávání na Ukrajině. Chcete-li
Violation of natural landscape
Hydrochemical effects
Formation of repression cones
Contamination of aquifers in the form of spread volume
Contamination of aquifers in the form of dispersion halos
Figure 1 – Impact factors of metallurgical plants' SC on the SNE
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Ekonomické vědy
Measures to limit damages include: − recycling of valuable components from stored wastes (considering the mineral composition of sludge), the use of their physical and mechanical properties, and also the residual, after removal of valuable components, neutral empty gangue (as filling and/or construction material) etc.; − use of dewatered sludge for filling underground mine sites, construction of water drainage facilities, roads in industrial areas – sludge “owners”; − Choice of new sites for growing SC, taking into account the cost of allocated land, specific area volume, volumes of deposited waste, terrain and wind patterns. (Wastes deposition must be done after the removal of fertile soil layer and its storage on smooth, high altitude and dry places. Particular attention should be given to separate warehousing of wastes according to types of valuable components of the potential technogenic fields.) Measures for the elimination of (compensation for) damages relating to financial investments and other means to recover losses (harm reduction) is by the principle of “the polluter pays”. They are determined by the nature of the allocated land space for SC, properties of sludge and include: − planning of terrain by relocation of neutral sludge followed by recultivation and use of previous territories of SC for recreational and other purposes; − Conservation of toxic sludge followed with berming, burying and usage of resulting sites for economic purposes; − Biological reactivation of degraded lands (filling with sand, gravel, gypsum etc.) according to their new physical and chemical properties and the prospective usefulness; − burial of toxic wastes in special storage facilities, equipped for storing specific types of waste; − burial and/or recycling of liquid phase sludge for economic purposes. − recultivation for agricultural purposes (deep plowing etc.) in the SC impact area. Schematic diagram of measures to minimize damages and environmental consequences of SC impacts on the SNE is shown in fig. 2. Bibliography 1.
Kasimov, A.M. Ways to reduce damages to the environment when locating industrial enterprises' sludge concentrators / A.M. Kasimov, A.A. Romanovsky // Problemi okhoroni navkolishnogo prirodnogo seredovisha ta tekhnogennoiy bespeki : compilation of scientific works / УкрНДІЕП. – X. : Fact, 2004. – Pgs. 177-186.
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Je možné konstatovat, že po celém světě trendy zřejmé reformě vzdělávání učitelů. Mezi ně patří: zvýšené požadavky na školení pro učitele. V zemích, kdehlavní roli v přípravě učitelů patří do specializovaných vzdělávacích institucí vysokoškolského vzdělávání (instituce, školy, vysoké školy), víceúrovňový je slabší a doba trvání školení učitelů více sjednocena. Ona je 5 let v Rakousku, Bulharsku, Maďarsku, Dánsku, Norsku, Rusku; 4 roky – v Belgii, Ghana, Izrael, Indie, Tunisko, Turecko, Japonsko. Je zajímavé, že existuje rozpor ve vzdělávání učitelů. Na jedné straně,budoucí učitel musí mít bakalářský titul nebo vyšší (učitel s Bachelor of Science, který vyžaduje, zpravidla dokončit čtyřleté studium na vysoké škole, učitel s mírou Master of Science, která je udělována po pěti letech studia a studia prací, vedoucích pracovníků škol obvykle nutné mít magisterský titul, specialista v oblasti vzdělávání nebo PhD); ostatní – nápad podporovat celostátní celoživotního učení, který dělá vědeckou hodnost vztahu ve vztahu k přípravě budoucích učitelů, pokud jde o vzdělávací zkušenosti každého učitele; změně v metodách a obsahu vzdělávání učitelů. V tradičních didaktiky pro studenty zachází jako pasivní objekty, a teď povzbudil učitelů touží naučit děti s nejnovějším technickým vybavením (počítače, videa a audio zařízení, televize, interaktivních systémů), aby se studenti stali aktivními objekty vzdělávacího procesu. Je známo, žeslogan "učit se vědět, učit se dělat, učit se žít, učit se žít spolu" bylprincip nové éry vzdělávání, kde žijí a vzdělávací prostředí, takže si každý může plně realizovat jejich potenciál. Široké mikroprepodavanie, který byl umožněn díky video techniky. Videokamera odstranit fragmenty studenta ve třídě, jeho reakce na různé situace týkající se dětí. Zachycené scény projednán ve skupině nebo individuálně korigovat nepřiměřené reakce. Video umožňuje studentům vidět práci učitelů, mistrů, jejich styl komunikace s dětmi, metod a forem používaných jim během vyučovací hodiny, rozhodování v neobvyklých situacích. Co se týče obsahu vzdělávání, pedagogické předměty zaujímají významné místo v celkové hmotnosti všech předmětů. Srovnávací studie opakovaně UNESCO, odhalujípoměrně typická pro všechny zeměsada psychologických a pedagogických kurzů "Základy pedagogiky", "Historie školství", "Filosofie výchovy", "teorie učení", "Curriculum", "Obecná a vývojová psychologie", "Physiology", atd. V poslední době,zuřivá debata o místě a funkcí pedagogických disciplín v obsahu vzdělávacích programech pro učitele. V průběhu času,roste povědomí o významu a že je třeba rozšířit a aktualizovat obsah odborného vzdělávání a přípravy budoucích učitelů. Tradiční disciplíny a obecné psychologie doplňuje velké množství kurzů, s přihlédnutím ke zvláštnosti učitele; psychologické testování; Konflikt; tvorba pozitivního "selfkonceptu"; psychologie komunikace; rozvoj empatie; chování učitele ve třídě, apod. Zesílený obsah dává studentům představu o společenských problémech vzdělávání: škole a ve společnosti; Vzdělávání a demokracie; sociální nerovnost ve vzdělávání; komunity, rodiče a školy; podnikání a vzdělávání; médií a vzdělávání, atd.; Tvorba nového modelu pedagogických institucí - zuzavřeného do otevřeného modelu, odjednolůžkových až porůznorodé. Flexibilita a variabilita jakéhokoliv systému -klíčové slovo v moderní době, plné dynamiky. Více vrstev v přípravě pedagogů v rámci Graduate School - trvalý - 55 -
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V Japonsku, v obecné vzdělávání učitelů reformovat rychle: v roce 1873 vytvořil první učitelská odborná škola; v roce 1878vláda poskytla v každém kraji jedna vzdělávání učitelů školy pro školení učitelů základních škol; v roce 1943 dosáhla úrovně vysokoškolského vzdělání učitele učitele; v roce 1949 založil nový způsob vzdělávání učitelů, tj. Kombinace vysoké školy a jiné způsoby, které vedly ke konci vzdělávání učitelů Teachers College. V tomto ohledu,japonská vláda určila, že každý okres musí vytvořit státní univerzitu (nebo schopnost), která se otevírá pobočku vzdělávání učitelů, zároveň plnit svůj úkol přípravy učitelů byly povoleny a dalších vysokých škol; V roce 1990, má již 1186 univerzit, které mají pedagogické vzdělání, včetně 408 univerzit, 410 krátkodobých vysokých škol, 225 vědeckých školy. Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a Japonska věří, že to bylo nutné zvýšit kvalitu vzdělávání učitelů, který je zodpovědný za vzdělávání nové generace na podporu rozvoje Japonska v XXI století. V posledních letech v této oblasti jenásledující: dokončení pedagogických předmětů a zvýšení vedení role vysokoškolských učitelů, poskytovat vzdělávací kurzy pro učitele systematizaci; zlepšit systém výběru a jmenování učitelů, kterým se stanoví kvalifikační standard, aktivní mnohostranné hodnocení a výběr učitelů; výzkumné práce Posílení učitelů, povzbuzovat a podporovat nezávislou účast ve výzkumu, poskytování výzkumných příležitostí během a mimo práci,vytvoření prázdninového režimu pro výzkum a rekreaci; posílení spolupráce mezi vysokými školami a pedagogickými výboru [8]. Byl revidován "nařízení o získání pracovního povolení ve škole", který zdůraznil význam úzké komunikace mezi učiteli a studenty. Reforma reformovaný položky pedagogický cyklus vysokoškolského vzdělání pro další vzdělávání učitelů, například, byly doplněny o "integrované praxe" a články o studenty řízení, zavedla povinný program "cizí jazyk", "počítačové gramotnosti", atd. Zároveň bylo navrženo, nevhodné nové požadavky na učitele, školu opustit zároveňvláda začala podporovat další vzdělávání učitelů s vědeckými magisterském stupni nebo vyšší. Bylo zdůrazněno, ževětšina budoucích učitelů by měl být zvolen z pánů; nutné vytvořit šestiletý vzdělávací kurzy pro učitele složené bakalářské a magisterské úrovně, je třeba podpořit vynikající talentované lidi k práci na středních školách. Japonská vláda podporuje pracovní učitelé i nadále učit v soudců a státních zástupců, stimuluje flexibilitu a rozmanitost položek v soudců a státních zástupců, přidává obsah a metody vzdělávání, provádí jednoroční postgraduální kurz na modelu pro pracovní učitele, večerní kurzy, během dovolené nebo prázdnin, poskytovat různé formy vzdělávání. Podle plánu do roku 2020, budeprocento učitelů s magisterský titul v oboru vědy a odpovídající osvědčení dosáhnout 40 % - 45 % [8]. Takže, v rozvinutých zemích, některé nové směry pro zlepšení vzdělávání učitelů středních škol: rozmanitost, flexibilitu a integraci školení pro učitele; vzdělávání učitelů na vysokých školách (i v odborných školách), usiluje o profesní rozvoj učitelů; systematická integrace vzdělávání učitelů před zahájením prací a přípravy na práci, účinně zlepšení kvality přípravy učitelů.
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Ekonomické vědy
Kasimov, A.M. Sludge concentrators of metallurgical plants – industrial mineral-raw-material base of heavy metals / A.M. Kasimov, B.C. Boiko, B.B. Klimanchuk, C.A. Nosalskiy and others. // Proceedings from VIII Congress of Steel Smelters. – M. : МИСиС, 2005. – Pgs. 631-633. Galetskiy, L.S. Geologo-ekonomichniy I geologichniy peredumovi vivchenia, otsenka ta ochikuvani naslidki rozrobki tekhnogenykh rodovish Ukraini / L.S. Galetskiy, V.F. Makagon, A.D. Pilipchuk // Products, technologies, equipment for the recycling of production and consumption wastes: compilation of conf. works, Kiev, 1-2 December 1999 – K., 1999. – Pgs. 2-33. Galetskiy, L.S. Noviy potuzhniy potentsial miniralnoiy sirovini Ukraini / L .S. Galetskiy, A.D. Pilipchuk // Ekonomika prirodakoristuvania I okhoroni dovkilia. – К. : РВПС Ukraine NAS of Ukraine, 2000. – Pgs. 85-87. Kasimov, A.M. Sludge concentrators of metallurgical plants – industrial mineral-raw-material base of heavy metals (Zn, Pb, Fe) / A.M. Kasimov // Металлургия-Интехэко. Innovative technology and ecology : Compilation of thesis Intl. conf. – М., 2008. – Pgs. 57-60. Kasimov, A.M. Environmental and economic importance of utilizing gas cleaning system wastes at blast furnace and steel melt productions / A.M. Kasimov, L.V. Jadan, A.A. Romanovsky // compilation of works of Lugansk National University of Agriculture. – L : Еlton-2, 2008. – № 81. – Pgs. 470-476. Kasimov, A.M. Major measures towards elimination of damages to the surrounding natural environment in the area of localization of waste concentrators of metallurgical plants / A.M. Kasimov // Iron and steel industry. – 2011. – Publication 12 (1344). – Pgs. 70-72. A comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of measures, aimed at accelerating scientific and technical process: Methodical Recommendations and comments on their application. – М., 1992. – 120 p.
Questions of determining factors impacting on environment from sludge store of large steel plant are examined. Objects and subjects of influence are specified; schemes of influence of sludge store of industrial waste to all spheres of environment as well as methods of compensation, prevention, reduction and liquidation of consequences of environmental damage are given.
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Středoevropský věstník pro vědu a výzkum
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zkoušky pro certifikaci jako učitel a učil ve druhém roce subjektů dalšího vzdělávání pro ty, kteří již obdrželi diplom. Francouzská vláda navrhla "Charta školy vytvořit XXI století", a prohlásil, žepokrok společnosti jako práce učitelů se dramaticky změnila,učitel jako "sólista a dirigent v orchestru" by měl koordinovat veškerou práci ve škole, vzdělávání veřejnosti by měl připravit studenty na život v novém století. V Německu po sjednocení země v říjnu 1990vláda zahájila vyšetřování bývalých učitelů NDR, schválení diplomů a profesního rozvoje. Vzhledem k tomu, žemodel vzdělávání učitelů bylo nebezukoriznenna Německo, to bylo navrhl, že vzdělávání učitelů v bývalé NDR, ne mechanicky kopírovat model bývalého západního Německa, a pomocí příhodný okamžik bylo provedeno celkové restrukturalizaci vzdělávacího systému, s přihlédnutím k realitě [7]. Podle "nařízení o vzájemném uznávání zkoušek, ale postojů učitelů a pedagogických diplomu" (10.5.1990), po studijních některých předmětů v pedagogických a ostatních teoretických předmětů na univerzitách nebo ve škole učitele, učitel může dostat jakékoliv diplomových učitelů. Konkrétní zákony jsou učitelé pracující na středních školách, výuku předmětů by se měli naučit alespoň 22 až 28 týden a další teoretické předměty – 70-76 týden; Učitelé pracující v reálném školách, naučit pedagogické předměty minimálně 18 týdnů a jiných teoretických předmětů – 120130týdnů; Učitelé pracují ve vyšších sekundárních školách, výuku předmětů by se měli naučit alespoň 8 až 18 týdnů a další teoretické předměty – 120-130 týden; Učitelé, kteří pracují v odborných institucích, učit pedagogických předmětů minimálně 8 týdnů, přírodovědných předmětů na prvním specialita – 70-80 týden a druhý speciální – 40-50 týden; Učitelé pracující ve speciálních školách, učební předměty by se měli naučit alespoň 8 týdnů, přírodovědné předměty v prvních 70 do 76 týdnů od speciality a jiné speciality – 30 týdnů (současně zvládnutí techniky výuky těchto předmětů). Výukové předměty zařazeny všeobecně vzdělávací předměty (obecné pedagogiky, psychologie, sociologie, filozofie, teologie, atd.), 2-3 speciální předmět a techniky výuky těchto předmětů (v závislosti na budoucí práci), praxe ve školách. Nyní v Německu velmi velkou hodnotupříležitost rozvíjet a zavádět nový výukový program v předmětech vztahujících se k normální vývoj těla a ducha studentů. Všichni učitelé v Německu jsou připraveny jen na univerzitách, aproces přípravy je rozdělen do dvou etap - ethan univerzitních studií a stáží krokem po dokončení studia. Po absolvování první státní zkoušku po první fázi, a absolventi učitelství univerzita obdrží diplom a přejít k druhé fázi. Stážistů a sledovat skutečný učební prostředí ve třídě zkušeného učitele a naučit studenty, spolu s přípravnými studijních oborů ve vzdělávání učitelů institucemi usazenými v celé zemi. Provádění v praxi, mohou účastníci připravit pro druhé státní zkoušky. Tato zkouška jako pedagogický praktické zkoušky obsahuje esej sám na pedagogiku, vedení třídy se studenty a ústní zkouška praxe a vzdělání zákonů. Poté, co prošel druhou zkoušku, účastníci obdrží diplom kandidáta učitele, a to i po určité časové žadatelé obdrží oficiální diplom učitele.
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Středoevropský věstník pro vědu a výzkum
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Jedním z hlavních cílů školské reformy je zlepšit kvalitu vzdělávání učitelů, a vyškolit kvalifikované a kreativně orientované učitelé potřebují použít různé způsoby. Od roku 1993, střední školy, základní školy 1994 začaly režim "školící středisko pro učitele v rámci školy" (SCITT: School -Center Initial Teacher Training), tj. systém, kde jsou učitelé vyškoleni nejsou v tradičních univerzit a středních škol. V této souvislosti, otevírá novou cestu pro absolventy, kteří chtějí pracovat ve školách. Význam tohoto typu vzdělávání je eliminovat počet schodku učitelů, podpora rozmanitosti, individualizace, efektivity vzdělávání učitelů. Obecně platí, 3-8 škol společně pracovat na vytvoření jednoho centra (SCITT), svobodně spolupracovat s podobnými vysokými školami a místními vládami v oblasti vzdělávání. Nejlepší v tomto systému je provádět drtivou většinu školení a praxe ve školách přímo pod vedení výboru pro monitorování úrovně vzdělání. V roce 1997, 185 absolventů obdrželo diplom SCITT učitelů, 31 škol vstoupily do centra připojen režimu SCITT. "Profesní rozvoj -růst mezd" – realita pro učitele v Anglii, tj. učitelé mohou udělat pro zlepšení své situace a zvýšit platy, zlepšování jejich dovedností. (Na konci roku 1996, platy učitelů opět vzrostl na více vynikajících lidí, kteří pracují ve školách, učitel v podstatě dostane 40.000 liberročně, arežisér i 70 tis. Že vyšší mzdy poslanci Kromě tohovláda zavedla systém odměn za nejlepší učitelé.) Ministerstvo školství a místní orgány zapojené do vzdělávání, často spolupracují s organizacemi, vzdělávání učitelů, uspořádat různé druhy přípravy na univerzitách nebo ve škole učitele. V uplynulých letech, jeden ze způsobů vzdělávání učitelů je "den profesní vývoj" (Den CPD: Kontinuální profesní den Development) - učitelé angličtiny pracovat 195 dnůročně, a 5 - denní studie nebo zkoumat v jejich školách (Tsilun Lee, Chen Yongming, 2003). V roce 2000 byl vytvořen "University v Internetu", v roce 2002 všechny školy zahrnuty do "učení sítě v zemi", a nyní mohou učitelé učit ještě více ainternetu [5]. Ve Francii, až do roku 1986 v institucích vzdělávání učitelů přijmout pouze uchazeče, kteří získali úplné střední vzdělání. Od začátku nové školy v roce 1986, tyto instituce však neměl trvat déle než absolventi středních škol, a začal brát ty přijaté po 3 letech studia na univerzitě diplom licentiate. Tito studenti studují na vysoké škole je pouze 2 roky místo 3 roky před. Externě,tréninkové období byla snížena na jeden rok, a ve skutečnosti,postgraduální student na univerzitě mnohem déle než dříve. Od roku 1990, likvidace bývalých druhů vzdělávání učitelů institucí. Místo toho, oni jsou pedagogické instituty na univerzitách, a sice nezávislost vzdělávání učitelů snížil efektivitu vzdělávání učitelů není snížena, vzdělávací předměty tvoří 20 % z celkového počtu vyučovacích hodin [6]. V 90 -tých letech XX století, v každém školním okrese ve Francii vytvořeno jedno nebo více center na vysokých školách pro vzdělávání učitelů (IUPM), poskytuje budoucím učitelům příležitost učit se nové věci a umožňuje učitelům pokračovat ve svém vzdělávání. V souvislosti s vytvářením IUFM situaci v oblasti odborné přípravy učitelů institucí změnil, integrované vzdělávání učitelů před zahájením prací a odborné přípravy, reformované instituce bývalí vzdělávání učitelů (tj. tradičních pedagogických ústavů a škol). V Shem příprava trvá dva roky a předmětů první rok učili přípravné
Over the last decade, the global economy is determined by a number of new trends. These primarily include the technological revolution caused by the widespread use of computers and new method of communication which led to radical changes in production, trade and especially in the financial sector, especially in the equity markets. To develop investment strategies, improving the management of the stock market and rationalization of interaction is necessary to understand the trend’s changes in the structure of capital markets and their dynamics. This topic was touched by large number of scientists from the U.S., Western Europe and the CIS. Among Russian authors who study the problem of equity markets and should be noted: Alyoshin A.V., Afonin A.A., Bass A.I., Bulatov V.V., Butorin A.V., Galanova V.A., Hrinyayeva S.N., Zhukov E.F., Kilyachkova A.A., Lebedev A.E., but these authors engaged in research mainly Russian markets , which largely followed by prices of energy resources and not characterized by significant liquidity. Among foreign researchers should be noted: Botcher V., Bradley E., Walter H., Garcia Zherer A., Henry P., Greenspan A. All the above researchers investigated national markets separately from each other, not taking into account trends, which are common to all stock markets. Was not examined their relative stability , because , researchers, mainly, are interested in the stability of the domestic market on the basis of which future algorithms of investment portfolio management will be developed.
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Bogach Dmitry Postgraduate of National Mining University
ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN THE STRUCTURE OF MODERN STOCK MARKETS, THEIR DYNAMICS AND INTERDEPENDENCE ABSTRACT The presented paper describes a well-established relationship between the financial markets of the world, emphasize the degree of globalization of the modern stock market. The current stage of development of economic ties across the world is analyzed. Features of the modern stock market the United States and other developed markets of the world are described. The prospects for further development of the world's stock markets in terms of their interaction is described. Keywords: Stock exchange, globalization, securities, financial market, investment portfolio, volatility. I.
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Ekonomické vědy II.
Statement of the Problem
The current stage of development of economic ties across the world is characterized by significant changes in the global investment process. Regularity and large scale movement of investments between domestic and international stock markets give a rise to a new phenomenon in the field of international investment – financial globalization, which leads to changes in the structure of markets and the emergence of distinct relationships between their main indicators. Only understanding trends in change of market structure can provide a reliable estimate of their condition. The aim of the study is to describe the changes in the structure of modern stock markets and dynamics of their development. III.
The globalization of financial markets , the development of computer and telecommunications technologies have exacerbated competition , resulting in stock exchange have to carry out large-scale investments in new technologies in order to improve competitiveness by offering new services to attract new companies – issuers of new members and a broad range of investors. Recently, as the facts show, a number of exchanges have changed their organizational – legal form in order to strengthen internal architecture to compete with other international markets. There is a tendency of transition from form of associations and organizations which governed by special regulations, to joint-stock company type, as the result their membership base framework have become more open and diverse. Industry of exchanges or, when viewed broadly, trading organizations on the stock market undergoes certain changes which, however, vary from region to region. This is due to the development of new markets, the introduction of new instruments, consolidation of infrastructure organizations, changes in business principles, and sometimes organizational – legal form. The dynamics of the stock exchanges can be seen in the analysis of some statistical indicators of organizations – members of the International Federation of Stock Exchanges. Research different markets, organized by Members of the International Federation of Stock Exchanges, show that their activity is concentrated mainly on traditional stocks and bonds. Not surprisingly, 98% of exchanges form the equity markets, 82% – bond markets. Thus, revenues of stock exchanges consist principally from exploiting common stock products – stocks and bonds. Markets of derivatives – yet under-represented, especially given tremendous development in the world trading of futures and options since the mid 80’s. Structure of capital which is involved in the equity markets over the last century, was distributed, mainly, to the U.S. market (fig.1).
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učitelů, respektive měnit obsah kurzu a poměr jednotlivých položek v nich. A, i kdyžtendence ke snížení přidělené obecné teoretické složky odborného vzdělávání a přípravy je platné pro systém vzdělávání učitelů obecně, pro snadnější pochopení, to dává smysl, aby to ukázat na příkladech kurzy na pedagogických oborů vysokých škol, které prošly nejmenší změny tohoto druhu ve sledovaném období. Na pedagogických kateder přijaty osoby, kteří měli vysokoškolské bakalářské studium. Jakovýsledek školení absolventů jeden rok obdržel osvědčení o postgraduální vzdělávání učitelů, který dal právo vyučovat ve škole. Veškerý obsah na tomto kurzu jeodborná a pedagogická. Specializace školení není vedena jako všechny příchozí pedagogické oddělení mají vyšší vzdělání v jakékoli předmětné oblasti. Obecně platí, že pokudobecný teoretický program, kurz byl následující: filozofii vzdělávání a odborné přípravy, pedagogické psychologie a výchovy ke zdraví, principy a metody výuky angličtiny veřejný vzdělávací systém s prvky své historie, volitelné předměty - pedagogická psychologie na vyšší úrovni,historie veřejného vzdělávání, srovnávací vzdělávání, sociologie výchovy, filozofie vzdělávání a odborné přípravy na vyšší úrovni. Moderní struktura teoretického obsahu kurzu je následující: Předmět příprava – obsah školního hřiště na toto téma, metody výuky předmětu, plánování lekce, hodnocení znalostí,využití technické přípravy; školení je navíc k předmětu, jeho účel – zlepšení chápání vzdělávacího procesu a jeho kontext. Porovnání obou programů odhalí více asertivní jednání orientované na průběh a úplné vymizení z nezávislých sekcí psycho-pedagogického cyklu. Je třeba poznamenat, že v případě, že 60-70správo volit ve vlastnictví univerzity, 80s byl zaveden státní školení učitelů programu, který musí být nutně následovaný všemi vzdělávání učitelů institucí [5]. Ministr Ministerstva školství J. Paten (John Patten) prohlásil vládní plán na vytvoření systému vzdělávání učitelů, který je určen na 2 roky: 36 týdnů školního roku, studenti musí strávit 24 týdnů ve škole pod vedením zkušených pedagogů a ve zbývajících 12 týdnů musí učit teoretické předměty dalšího vzdělávání učitelů institucí, současně,obsah teorie je úzce spojena s praxí školy. Odkonce XX století v Anglii představil model vzdělávání učitelů "školní vzdělávání" (školní vzdělávání). Tento model je rozdělena do dvou částí: všeobecné vzdělávání v první řadě – tím, že podepíše smlouvu s Pedagogického institutu univerzity, školy jsou vybrané a připravené studenti hodnotí je podle jejich norem a požadavků, a pak vybrat nejlepší absolventy pro práci ve školách; univerzity na prvním místě – podepsání smlouvy s některými místními školami a vybraných studentů, pedagogických institutů samotných spokojených s praxí pro studenty v několika školách, hodnotit je v souladu s normami zavedenými se školami; absolventi vybrat své školy, která bude fungovat. Protože toto, vše se změnilo model přípravy učitelů, která byla vytvořena na základě vysokých škol, se usadil rovné partnerství mezi školami a pedagogickými institucemi. Učitelé mohou učit, číst zprávy, účastnit se konferencí v institucích vzdělávání učitelů.
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pracovat ve škole; poskytování organické propojení vysokých škol se základními a středními školami; zlepšení škol jako místa práce a studia učitelů. Holmes nabízí skupina není vnímána pozitivně všichni, alečtvrtá pozice byla uvedena do praxe. Zlepšení vzdělávání učitelů závisí na rozvoji pedagogických znalostí a reflektivní praxe v reálném školním prostředí. Skupina navrhla vytvoření profesního rozvoje školy (Professional Development škola, zkráceně - PDS), podobně jako fakultní nemocnice v medicíně. Škola profesní rozvoj Pedagogický institut na vysokých a středních škol, univerzit poskytují blízký vztah se školami, výzkumu a praxe. Budou polygony z nových myšlenek v pedagogice a také centra, kde se budoucí učitelé dostávají nejmodernější vzdělání, učit se nejnovější vzdělávací technologie. Za prvé, tyto školy se objevily ve státních Masachusets, do 10 let, které se staly na více než 300 po celé zemi. Nyní "Pedagogický americká organizace "vytváří síť" PDS" [3]. Jedním ze strategických cílů vzdělávání v novém století: učinit společnost ocení vzdělávání učitelů a speciální schopnosti a dovednosti, vytvářet příležitosti a podmínky pro zlepšení speciálními schopnostmi a flexibilní využití pedagogických oborů, učitelům nabízí nejnovější výsledky výzkumu a pokročilé pedagogické zkušenosti, poptávky a podpořit učitele rychleji rozvíjet a využívat výuku informačních technologií. Zdůrazňuje, že nejlepší školy by měly být nejlepší učitel, bývalý americký prezident Bill Clinton a jeho vláda měla průběh jmenování a odvolávání z velkých učitelů, nevhodnou práci, budete muset vytvořit systém certifikace učitelů po celé zemi. Asi 100.000 učitelé obdrželi známku "vynikající učitele", nyní každá škola by měla mít alespoň jednu "vynikající učitele." Dnešní vzdělávací systém se snaží, aby věnovaly větší pozornost na rozvoj dovedností a vzdělávání učitelů, zlepšení kvality vzdělávání učitelů a zlepšení kvality výuky zvýšením mezd, přiznání je založena na hodnocení svých studentů " učitelů přiřazení platy učitelů v závislosti na jejich znalosti a dovednosti. V posledních 20 letech, učitelé středních škol získaly velkou příležitost pokračovat ve svém vzdělávání. Pro školení na práci se vzdělávání Tento výbor je příslušný každý stát a školní okresní výbor pro vzdělání, a učiní návrhy a provádět školení učitelů. Požadavek, aby učitelům zvládnout informační technologie v oblasti vzdělávání,stát přiděluje konkrétní částky pro přípravu řady učitelů jako "techniků", pak se prostřednictvím těchto odborníků je trénink ostatních učitelů [4]. V Anglii na konci 70. let. XX století, vzdělávání učitelů prošel velkou reformou v souvislosti se snížením počtu vstupujících do výuky instituci. Centrum reformy bylarekonstrukce a rekombinace vzdělávání učitelů institucí. Místo toho, aby místní vzdělávací instituce s jedním specialitami založena multidisciplinární vyšší vzdělávací instituce, a jednotlivé vzdělávací instituce zmizely ze systému vzdělávání učitelů. Vzdělávání učitelů jako samostatná profese se objevil v každé instituci s cílem zajistit kvalitu a počet učitelů, as Tímto způsobem se může rychle zvýšit počet kvalitních učitelů v případě, že je třeba pro učitele se zvýšil, a zároveň snížit počet budoucích učitelů, aby se zabránilo nezaměstnanosti, pokud je snížena potřeba. Změněné trvání řízení strukturu pro učení způsoby, jak konečné posuzování a certifikace budoucích - 50 -
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Figure 1. Changes in structure of capital which is involved in the equity markets 1899 to 2010. The largest stock market – the U.S. market, which faces some challenges, in particular, such as increased competition from other market parties, including private trading systems and the Internet. This external pressure forcing exchanges to adapt its internal structure to changing influences. The success of adapting more and more depends on structure of exchanges. In addition, for greater adaptation and continuous development of technology and market modernization required large-scale investment programs that requires significant new investments. In order to attract new capital, some exchanges have decided to accept regulated status with special regulations and open up access to a wider range of investors as their owners, not just for professional financial market participants. Thus, the necessity of new capital and the creation of effective exchange controls largely explains the dynamics of the activity of a number stock exchanges in the direction of converting their status and incorporation. Currently the stock market was struck by a deep crisis. It was caused by a complex of both objective and subjective factors. The world continues to operate many exchanges and trade organizations, whose future is now very uncertain. Unlike the stock market, which in one form or another will operate fate trade organizations may be more dramatic. Some institutions and exchanges are not be able to survive in times of market transformation, if they will not be supported, in the future the securities markets of certain countries may come under the control of foreign exchanges and trade organizations, the likelihood of such scenario exists in the CIS. Especially today the Western countries made very active steps in this direction. At this stage the currency factor is increasing in the operations of global stock markets. The instability currencies rates of leading Western countries have a significant impact on the movement of financial flows between the markets of the U.S., Western Europe and Japan. Currently, there is virtually synchronous rise or drop in the national securities markets of different countries (fig. 2), which can lead to increase the scale and duration of oscillation cycles of rates movement. - 23 -
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III. Výsledky.
Figure 2. Comparison vibrations major stock markets around the world. Synchronicity in motions of rates is provided by information transparency of national stock markets, high speed information transfer, a significant amount of crossborder securities transactions, the increased role of institutional investors, the openness of national stock markets on which active role is played by foreign participants who act as issuers and investors. From table №1 we can see that the correlation of indicators of major stock markets exceeds 0.65, indicating a significant measure of interdependence. An exception is the Russian market, as it is the only market where trends are caused mainly by changes in the value of natural resources. Table №1 Index
RTS DJIA S&P 500 NIKKEI FT-SE DAX CAC-40 Bovespa Hang Seng
0,924 0,138 0,200 0,333 0,301 0,105 0,199 0,260
0,106 0,159 0,284 0,267 0,072 0,167 0,240
0,964 0,439 0,644 0,698 0,684 0,587
S&P 500
0,468 0,659 0,714 0,705 0,618
0,520 0,548 0,525 0,389
0,768 0,853 0,437
0,914 0,465
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Uznání zásadní význam excelence pro rozvoj učitelů a zlepšení kvality vzdělávání vyvolalo kritiku stávajícího systému vzdělávání učitelů. Všichni kritici, bez ohledu na jejich teoretické a politické názory, se shodují na jedné věci:praxe vzdělávání učitelů se musí radikálně zlepšit. Začlenění efektivitu vzdělávání učitelů podnítilo využívání výsledků výzkumu v této oblasti. Výrazně se zvýšil počet výzkumných center zabývajících se různými aspekty vzdělávání učitelů (vzorový učitel odborné činnosti, rozvoj tvůrčích potenciálních učitelů; optimálního modelu pedagogické praxe, atd.). Vyvinuté koncepty a projekty komplexní rekonstrukce vzdělávání učitelů, aby odrážely změny ve společnosti a školy. Pozor státních orgánů, veřejné vědy k problémům vzdělávání učitelů na dlouhou dobu,přijetí vládních dokumentů zaměřených na rozvoj a zlepšování systémů odborného vzdělávání učitelů způsobené jejich proces modernizace. Ve většině zemí světa lze vysledovat některé obecné trendy, specifické projevy, které se liší v závislosti na konkrétních podmínkách společenského života lidí. Podle některých učenců, nejčastější trendy modernizace vzdělávání učitelů jsou:odstranění dualismu v přípravě učitelů na různých typech škol. Univerzity jsouhlavní druh vysokoškolské instituce pro vzdělávání učitelů, které přináší učitelského povolání na úrovni ostatních profesí a posiluje své postavení ve společnosti; multi -level a variabilita vzdělávání učitelů. Učitelé a další pracovníci zabývající se vzděláváním dětí a dospělých, připravuje program proměnlivou délkou (bakalář, specialista, master) arůzné orientace, která ovlivňuje kariéru, včetně odměny; posílení všeobecné složky vzdělávání v obsahu vzdělávání učitelů. Učitel splnit své stále složitější funkce, musí být univerzální a vysoce vzdělaný, duchovně bohatý a jemný smysl pro povahu osobnosti druhé osoby; vytvoření alternativního vzdělávání učitelů jiných odborníků; zapojení do učitelské profese talentované mládeže prostřednictvím poskytování různých výhod a privilegií; integrace univerzity a absolvent (postgraduální) vzdělávání učitelů, flexibilitu a rozmanitost forem a typů postgraduální vzdělávání, rozvoj osobních pobídek pro další profesní rozvoj [1]. Od poloviny minulého století ve Spojených státech začal měnit typ vzdělávání učitelů: typ "orientace", na vzdělávání učitelů "neorieitatsii" z uzavřeného do otevřeného typu. V 80-tých let. XX století. Tam byl jen o málo více než 20 jednotných pedagogické instituty. Dnes v USA existuje téměř žádné nezávislé instituce pro vzdělávání učitelů a pedagogických oddělení na vysokých školách připravují 94,7% učitelů a pedagogů pracujících na středních školách a školkách [2]. Nejznámější v západních zemích, dostal projekt "Učitelé pro budoucnost", vyvinuté skupinou děkanů pedagogických fakult z největších a nejprestižnějších univerzit ve Spojených státech ("Project Group Holmes", 1984). Skupina ospravedlňuje pět oblastí: vzestup intelektuální úrovně vzdělávání učitelů, rozšíření vzdělávání učitelů k šesti let; restrukturalizace speciálních pedagogů:výběr ze tří úrovní odborníků s různou odpovědností, pozice a odměny: špičkové úrovni, druhý stupeň a třetí úrovně; Vytváření vysoké standardy pro zkoušky pro ty, kteří chtějí - 49 -
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*175169* Victoria Filippova PhD, docent, student doktorského Národní akademie veřejné správy podle prezidenta Ukrajiny, Kyjev
STAV REFORMY V OBLASTI VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ UČITELŮ: ZKUŠENOSTI PRO UKRAJINU Abstract. Tento článek popisuje hlavní fáze reformy systému vzdělávání učitelů v zahraničí tábora: Spojené státy americké, Anglii, Francii, Německu, Japonsku. Základní trendy v reformě svých pozitivních aspektů, které je vhodné pro použití v praxi reformy ukrajinského systému vzdělávání učitelů. Zjistila, žezásadní rozdíl mezi vzdělávací reformy v moderní Ukrajiny od předchozích a současných reformách podobné reformy v západních zemích kvůli hluboké sociální, ekonomické a politické změny, které se odehrávají na Ukrajině. Chcete-li vytvořit účinný systém vnitrostátních reforem ve vzdělávání učitelů, je nutné využít zkušeností z jiných zemí, ale s ohledem na národní ukrajinskou mentalitu. Klíčová slova: reforma systému vzdělávání učitelů.
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However, not all markets are equally dependent on each other. In terms of U.S. market capitalization far exceeds the market of any country and largely determines the state of the financial world , and the dynamics of quotations of securities in the U.S. market is largely affects the exchange of securities in other markets. Under conditions of high volatility, the financial risks of economic agents are repeatedly increasing. To determine the most stable market, researchers should perform a comparison of levels of volatility major stock markets (Figure 3). From figure 3 we can see that the most stable is the U.S. stock market. It is the most capacious market and factors which can destabilize it, arise in the global economy very rare. Therefore, the development of models for the management of investment portfolios should be based on the U.S. stock market.
I. Úvod. Neoddělitelná spojitost mezi kvalitou vzdělání a úroveň profesionality těch, kteří učí ve škole a přináší nespokojenosti stávající systémy vzdělávání učitelů vzdělávání učitelů problému s ohledem na skutečnou povahu a vložte jej do středu veřejné politiky na národní i mezinárodní úrovni. Na národní úrovni, téměř všechny nejdůležitější zákony, nařízení, rozhodnutí týkající se rozvoje vzdělávání a přijatých v průběhu uplynulého desetiletí se oddíly ke zvýšení úrovně profesionality učitelů. Otázky stavu a trendů vzdělávání učitelů jsou diskutovány na prestižních mezinárodních a regionálních konferencí, vědci studovali různé země. Důležité místo v úvahách o vzdělávání reformních prací obsadit M. Ermolenko a B.Mizherikova [1]. , B. Wolfson [3]. , K. Zizkina [5]. , Z. Málková [2]. , N. Goltsova [4]. , atd. Nicméně,obsah reformy vzdělávání učitelů v zahraničí, podle našeho názoru, jsou stále ještě není vyřešen. II. Prohlášení o problému. Vzhledem k výše uvedenému Účelem tohoto článku je teoretická analýza hlavních trendů reformy vzdělávání učitelů v západních zemích a přizpůsobení stávajících zkušeností v praxi ukrajinské reformy.
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Figure 3. Comparison of the volatility of major stock markets in the years 1987-2011 The U.S. stock market serves mainly domestic investors and issuers. Share of nonresidents in the U.S. market is much lower than in any other national stock market. The impact on the situation on the U.S. stock market provides state of the U.S. economy. The U.S. stock market is dependent on the inflow of foreign capital. From the inflow of foreign capital into the U.S. market depends on the position of the dollar in world currency markets. Due to the huge deficit of trade balance and balance of payments deficit on current account, for the balance of supply and demand of the dollar on the world currency market, daily more than 1 billion of foreign capital should come to the U.S. market. Reduction of capital inflows into the United States means not only reduce the quotations of securities , but, also, the dollar's fall , which leads to weakening of interest of foreign investors in American securities, which further reflected throughout the global economy. A significant factor in assessing of state of the equity markets is market infrastructure which constantly changing. The use of computer and - 25 -
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telecommunications technology intensifies competition of all infrastructure elements of stock market and its participants, forcing them to improve technically, technologically and organizationally. The feature of infrastructure of this year's global financial market is the actual parity between the volume of transactions in the stock exchange and OTC markets. All major markets in Western Europe have become fully electronic. Since their servers may be located in any country, spatial dependence of stock exchanges is over. Exchanges are transformed into a system which was called “trading points”, serving clients through Remote Desktop Terminal. Stock exchanges from “closed clubs” that exist due to the contributions of club members ' turned into a business – organizations. Competition between exchanges forcing them to follow the path of formation of exchange alliances and unions. New York Stock Exchange implements the idea of creating a global stock exchange. In Western Europe, exchanges of Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels and Portugal were united in EURONEXT. The issue of accession to the European market is considering by other countries. Internet and digital technology will reduce the number of currently existing exchanges in many times. In the next decade all over the world can stay from five to seven exchanges which will be able to follow the conditions for international liquidity. Exchanges of CIS countries also continue to make efforts to create an integrated financial area between CIS's countries, intending to create in the future integrated stock market. In 2002 Council of heads of state of regulation of the securities markets of the CIS countries was created. IV.
Středoevropský věstník pro vědu a výzkum References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Melnyk L.H. Economics and Information: economics of information and information in economics// Thesaurus / Melnyk L.H. – Sumy: “Universitetska knuha” , 2005- P.384. Kosmenko S.N., Yaroshenko S.A. Amortization and optimal service period of equipment// monograph/ Kosmenko S.N., Yaroshenko S.A. “Business perspective”.-2005.-P.232. Jean Jacques Lambin Strategic marketing. European perspective//translation from French.- St.Petersburg.: Nauka, 1996.-XV- P.589. Yakovets Y. V. Regularities of scientific and technical advance and its regular use/Yakovets Y.V.-M.: Economics, 1984.-P.240. Directions of determination the economic efficiency of using the new equipment, inventions and innovatory proposals in energetics/ Department of Energy and Electrification [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа :http://russia.bestpravo.ru/ussr/data03/tex14194.htm. Methodology of determination the economic efficiency of using the new equipment, innovations innovatory proposals in national economy Guidance for energy statistics/ International energy agency, 2007.-P.192/
World stock market develops in cycles. Globalization of equity markets increases their interdependence. At the national stock markets there is almost synchronous rise or fall rate of securities. The depth of the drop in stock price is determined by their overvalued rate. Development of new technologies leads to blurring of geographical origin of the different market members. These features should be used when developing investment strategies based on market neutrality. Because of the stability and liquidity indicators should be used U.S. markets , then further consideration should be based market Nyse, Nasdaq and CME. In the future, as continuation of the investigation, perhaps consideration of national stock markets as a global, and finding of new interdependencies between the stock market, commodity market and derivatives in modern conditions. Concluding the review of trends in changing patterns of stock markets should be noted that the situation prevailing at the time is unique. The role and scope of the stock markets have become unprecedentedly high. The structure becomes more complex in terms of participants and used tools, transactions in the market becomes extremely rapid. As a result, a comprehensive analysis of structural changes of stock markets in a globalizing world economy and its main trends and dynamics is defined. - 26 -
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The calculation of economic impact from the creation and use of new equipment unit during lifespan, as applied to energy equipment or building structures with improved quality characteristics, is performed by formula 3:
Středoevropský věstník pro vědu a výzkum Literature 1. 2. 3. 4.
Unit costs of entrepreneurship activity consist of the sum of the cost of production and normative profit, formula 4: (4)
5. 6.
Alekhine B., Securities Market, UNITY-DANA, 2004. Schetinin V., Economic diplomacy, Moscow, 2001. Bychkov A., The world market for securities: institutions, tools and infrastructure, Dialog-MGU, 1998. Ovchinnikov V., Globalization of the stock market and its impact on the global market economy, Economic strategy, Vol № 4, 2000. Rubtsov B., Modern stock markets, Alpine, Moscow, 2007 Helio Romero de Diego, Globalization of capital markets, Conference EC0911, Brown University, Providence, 2003
C – cost per unit of output, UAH; K – specific capital investments in productive assets, UAH. This formula shows us the full costs of production of energy products throughout the life cycle. Examining the direct and indirect CO2 emissions let's introduce ecological correction to correct economic unit costs of power plants with socio-environmental component, formulas 5, 6.
– direct CO2 emissions using new (basic) process equipment; – indirect CO2 emissions using new (basic) process equipment. Given the ecological correction the formula to calculate unit costs of power equipment becomes the following, formula 7:
The formula shows that it is advisable to make a substitution of equipment in the case where the operating costs of the old (basic) capital assets of the life cycle of the product exceed the costs of new capital assets, i.e. when the number of repairs increases, and the operation time of stations between them is reduced. CONCLUSIONS
This paper examines the concept of life-cycle of energy product, defines differences between it and life-cycle of energy product market. It was proposed to introduce changes to the method of determining the economic efficiency of usage of new technology, inventions and innovations in economics by entering an ecological correction to adjust economic unit costs of power plants with socio-environmental component.
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*174462* Tyrinov A. V. Senior assistant professor of the department of Accounting, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
THE DUALITY OF APPROACHES TO ORGANISATIONAL AND ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF THE IMPROVING OF THE ENTERPRISE ACTIVITY EFFICIENCY Abstract. This article explains the purpose of the organizational and economic mechanism concept and proposes the hypotheses which highlight the most long-range directions of its research. It was worked out the scheme of the process of organizational formation mechanism. It is determined that the duality of organizational and economic mechanism as the means to improve the company effectiveness belongs to two dialectically interdependent planes and as the means of influencing on the relations system and as the main element of the coordination and harmonization of the process interaction in the production system. Keywords: duality, organizational and economic mechanism, the activity efficiency, the improvement of the efficiency of the enterprise activity I. Introduction The duality of the mechanism is based on the characteristics of the complex systems analysis and synthesis. On the one hand, the complex system analysis is made by its decomposition, splitting into subsystems and elements, which belong to different levels of the description detalization. In the synthesis the frontier and the effectiveness of the whole system depend on its elements characteristics and the mode of its combinations. On the other hand, it functions the principle of external evaluation, it means that the quality of the any subsystem functioning can be judged only according to goals and objectives of the whole system. [1]. The quality is also observed in the enterprise. In particular, V. Bovykin [2] V. Vasilenko [3] represent the performance of the enterprise as a product of internal and external enterprise efficiency . There are direct and reverse – negative and / or positive links between the two types of efficiency , which greatly complicate their correlation. Schumpeter [4] identifies static and dynamic efficiency. His static efficiency concept is similar to the rigid ordering at the company and, consequently, to the high internal efficiency.The dynamic performance Schumpeter understands as the entrepreneurship, flexibility and commitment to continuous changes. However, it often leads to the loss of the development stability. Certain randomness is possible and necessary while searching for attractor – a stable equilibrium arised under these conditions, but this randomness must be balanced by - 28 -
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e) improving pricing [6]. Thus the calculation of the annual economic impact of the production and use of new long-term use means of labor (machines, equipment, tools, etc.) with improved quality characteristics (performance, durability, costs of operation, etc.) is performed by the formula 1:
– given unit costs of basic (new) capital assets, UAH; – annual production volumes obtained using the unit of new (basic) equipment; – part of deduction from the carrying amount for the full restoration of basic (new) equipment. These values are inversely proportional to the service period of appliances based on moral deterioration, formula 2: (2) – service period of capital assets considering moral deterioration; – normative efficiency ratio; Assessment of economic efficiency of new equipment in the energy sector (excluding nuclear power) is performed using one for the entire economics normative coefficient of the economic effectiveness of capital investments, equal = 0.15. Calculating the economic effectiveness of capital investments and the use of new equipment, inventions and innovations in nuclear energy sector is performed using one normative coefficient of effectiveness of capital investments in the amount of 0.1 and one normative coefficient for bringing different time costs in the amount of 0.1 [6]; – annual operating costs of consumer using basic and new means of labor per output (work) generated by a new mean of labor. These costs take into account only a portion of amortization, aimed for overhaul of means of labor, i.e., excluding funds for their renovation, and depreciation costs in related capital investments; – related capital investments of consumer, excluding the cost of capital assets; – annual production of new means of labor in current year, natural units. In June 1986 there was developed the Guide for determining the economic efficiency of using new equipment, inventions and innovations in the energy sector. The Industry Guide is designed according to the all-Union “method of determining the economic efficiency of usage of new technology, inventions and innovations in economics, 1977” [6] and intended for mandatory use in the calculation of economic impact from the use of new equipment, inventions and innovations in the energy sector.
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process in the formation of scientific progress management mechanism. This characteristic is reflected in the fact that each successive cycle of electrical energy comprises achieve of the former one, while there is a rise in the general level of equipment efficiency and social production as a whole, Figure 1.
The level of efficiency
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the accuracy, discipline, credibility and timeliness according to Morgan [5] and G. Atamanchuk [6]. The interaction of opposites is investigated by the dialectical logic. The dialectical contradictions of the economic mechanism defined by Yuri Osipov [7] are: the existence of objective laws and subjectivity; the need for diversity and redundancy; the contradiction between the whole and the part of the whole already noted earlier; confrontation trend of centralization and decentralization. However, the issue of duality of organizational and economic mechanisms of the enterprise is not considered fully. II. The main objectives of the article
The aim of the study is to determine the duality of opinion on the organizational and economic mechanism basing on the improving of the enterprise activity efficiency. А
Fig. 1 – Dynamics of efficiency within the production cycles _____ Dynamics of production efficiency level within scientific center
---------Dynamics of production efficiency level within the cycle of recovery Therefore, the notion “optimal service period of equipment” was introduced reasonably. It is defined as a time interval, during which the cost of using in the entire period of service assigned per unit of production will be minimal. If you eliminate the equipment before this period, the unit cost will exceed the minimum level due to increased depreciation, and if later, the unit cost will exceed the minimum level due to increasing costs of spare parts, supplies and repairs, because this equipment will not be able to function effectively in its present form. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the activity of operating assets and compare it according to the characteristics of new technologies. For this purpose, on February 14, 1977 there was introduced a method of determining the economic efficiency of usage of new technology, inventions and innovations in economics by Resolution № 48/16/13/3. This method establishes uniform methodological principles for determining the economic efficiency of new technology, inventions and innovations for: a) feasibility study of choosing the best options for creation and implementation of new equipment; b) reflection of economic efficiency in the rules, regulations and performance of enterprises, associations, ministries, agencies and the national economy as a whole; c) calculating the actual efficiency of new equipment, inventions and innovations; d) calculation of premiums for creation and implementation of new equipment and rewards for inventions and innovations; - 44 -
III. Results Author understands the organizational and economic mechanism as a set of structured influence measures and its application methods selectively involved in management activity in order to achieve the desired social and economic performance and to provide the equation, coordination of the whole complex of interrelated causal relationships affecting the result. It is put forward three hypotheses for the synthesis of the author's definition of organizational and economic mechanism. The first hypothesis: there must be causal and cause-and-effect links between used influence measures and desired result in order to achieve a goal. The second hypothesis: the desired result determined in this study as an improving of the enterprise activity efficiency is influenced by quite big number of managed and unmanaged reasons. The third hypothesis: the process of selecting and forming the main channels of influence on the desired result should agree objectively limited technical and financial capacity of enterprise, economic interests and standard of the behavior of collective decision-making participants. Basing on these hypotheses, the formation of organizational and economic mechanism of the company will have the form shown in Pict.1.
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The process of reasoning, coordination and decision-making on general activity while achieving the desired result
Economic interests and standard of the behavior of collective decision-making participants
The set of causal links of the necessary result with internal and external environment
Organisational, financial and technical capacities of enterprise
The project of organizational and economic mechanism
Pict. 1. Scheme of the organizational mechanism formation As shown on Pict.1. , organizational and economic mechanism is formed and operates under the influence of objective and subjective factors. The necessity and availability of objective factors in each system is expressed by the physics principle – laws and objective laws are inherent to any system, regardless its nature – possibly the unique internal cause-and-effect links that determine its existence and functioning. The presentation of the system integrity is formed from this principle. Law is a significant, sustainable relationship between the phenomena of nature and society that is constantly repeated. Relationship which reflects the law is objective because it reflects the real observable links that necessarily arise whenever certain conditions are met. Objective law the relations between events, conditions of which are not clearly defined and are often probabilistic. Technical and technological, economic, social, organizational, psychological, informational laws and objective laws take place according to the enterprise objective focus. They cannot be undone or changed, but you can only be used. In return, to use them it is necessary to be aware of their existence, to be able to apply the knowledge, to acquire knowledge and skills in order to apply them in practice. These are the knowledge, skills and motivation, which are the basis of subjective human factor in organizational and economic mechanism. In this regard, while forming the mechanism there should be considered five principles of the organization formulated by P. Senge [8]: systems thinking, personal mastery, mental models, a common vision forming, group training. - 30 -
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upgrading is irrelevant. Projects designed to extend the service period of stations are more relevant for countries with high number of stations that have long service period. For example, in Germany the age of a third of assets is less than 15 years. Taking into account their service period of 40-60 years, they can be recommended for upgrading. In contrary, in the UK most of the operating stations started up 30 years ago. In this case, it is appropriate to extend the service period of station. The processes of recovery, renovation and modernization of the existing equipment can be combined into one category “system of equipment reproduction”. The author [4] uses the term “system of reproduction cycles” as the totality of temporal characteristics that reflect the processes of creation, operation and reimbursement of a set of capital elements both in financial and in natural form that make a complete circular sequence and interconnected set of feedbacks. In the system of reproduction cycles there are two blocks: the cycles of renovation of capital in the natural-material form and the cycles of financial ensuring of reproduction. Efficiency of any equipment functioning is measured by coefficient of efficiency that decreases with the work time. So, the owners of power stations are always looking for ways to increase it. Today, the coefficient of efficiency of operating stations, with extended service period is on average significantly lower than those that could be achieved with the best of modern technology. The coefficient of efficiency of gas power stations reaches the level of 60% and of coal power stations varies in the range 46-49% that explains the high CO2 emissions in atmosphere. Power producers seek primarily to minimize production costs. The deterioration of main assets increases the spending on environmental measures, which are now included in the calculation of expenses of enterprises [3]. At present, about 40% of the electricity is produced at coal power stations that are major polluters of the environment with direct and indirect emissions. One of the areas of reduction CO2 emission in the atmosphere is increasing the capacity of nuclear power stations without direct emissions. In 2000, the USA nuclear power stations were the most cost-effective way to produce energy, and some of them got a license for the extension their service period up to 60 years. Throughout the life-cycle of nuclear power station’s product (from resources extraction to waste disposal, including the construction of reactors and plants) CO2 emissions in atmosphere are 2-6 grams of carbon equivalent per kW / h. The same value is inherent for wind and solar power stations. Emissions of these three types of energy stations are smaller than in coal, petroleum and natural gas stations (100-360 grams of carbon equivalent per kW / h). Upgrading of the equipment of obsolete coal stations can be achieved by adding biomass to energy resource. Such an integrated use of resources in a ratio of 95:5 will reduce CO2 emissions on 300 megatons per year. Moreover, the integrated use is almost two times more effective than working solely on biomass. Using systems of reproduction cycles for the analysis of the totality of reproduction processes allows taking into account the cumulative nature of the reproduction
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6. appearance of various wastes; 7. utilization of the product wastes at different stages of a life cycle; 8. distribution of electric energy; 9. consumption of electric energy; 10.utilization of electric energy. It is known that the main assets remain one of the most important factors of economic growth, which is always the basic goal of any business activity due to the financial position of the company depends on the condition of the assets. As a result of this, the primary problem in economic policy of the most of countries is their reconstruction on a new technological level, and the task of modernization is considered not only as purely economic, but also as a social and economic that is why it becomes the object of national economic and sectoral management [2]. Almost all Ukrainian electric power stations were constructed at the begging of the XX century (Darnytsia TPS in 1936, Sumy TPS – 1957) and they still “successfully” operate. But should the equipment of electrical power station be in use, if it has already been operating for a half of a century? The issue of “equipment service period” was considered by many authors. Equipment service period is a period of active work of main assets, which depends on many factors: scientific and technological progress, price, cost price of equipment, physical and psychological factors of service wear, the level of staff proficiency, availability of the same or similar types of equipment, demand on products, financial capacity of the enterprise and other. When the equipment service period increases, the performance becomes worse, the service expenses increase and thus the effect, obtained by this equipment, decreases. In addition, the duration of each subsequent repairing of equipment increases over the time, and the period between repairing reduces. Enterprises activity with the expired service period, but which is somehow is extended, is dangerous from the economic, social and ecological perspective, as the risk of accidents increases and the efficiency decreases. Obsolete equipment reduces the possibility of reduction of CO2 emissions in atmosphere. For example, the main factors that effect on the service period of coal electrical power station include: disconnection frequency, quality of monitoring of station work, the possibility of its reconstruction, environmental standards. Thus the disconnection frequency for coal station is usually 5% for station with service period of 10-20 years. If a station is not modernized this rate increases to 20% when it reaches 40-year service period. It leads to a choice between low-efficiency and refusal from the station with high service period on the one hand, and between investments into new station on the other. Upgrading of operating station is not always possible. Measures to reduce emissions of pollutants and co-firing of various fuels require a thorough economic evaluation, especially in the case of old stations, where changing the service conditions could adversely effect on the service period of boiler. In Europe, new stations are usually equipped with facilities for wastewater treatment from sulfur compounds and emission control, and therefore at this stage their
Systems thinking is the ability of each employee to see the integrity of all the elements and processes of the company activity and to realize own place and participation. It allows to define problems and drawbacks of its activity in relation to the collective interaction patterns, to find the ways and methods to improve the current situation. Personal mastery involves unformalized knowledge, professional abilities and skills. Ability it is a person's capacity to perform any action on certain rules under the constant supervision of consciousness. Skills or routines are the means of action, driven to automatism. Abilities and skills are related to the subject of activity, whether it is material or informational, always have personal nature and often they are not formalized, i.e. they are not documented. According to M. Senge professional skills should include the desire to develop permanently professional knowledge and skills. Mental models or patterns of behavior are formed on the basis of theoretical concepts and practical experience in various situations. The more experience of using such a model is gained, the more it is rooted in the subconscious. One of the conditions for successful staff training of the new rules is to identify existing mental models, their transformation and consolidation of rules and knowledge in the new mental model. Mental model forms the activity result according to the chain: the perception of reality – the behavior of the performer – the result evaluation. P. Senge believes that the combination of a systematic approach to the formation of mental models is an important component of the mechanism of behavior and the activity of staff management. Formation of a common vision implies convergence, alignment of individual goals of employees with the company goal-setting. The essence is to supplement, refine, detail and correct the set of formal, impersonal company goals during the process of dialogue and coordination within the team and to transform it into individual goals of managers and performers. Ideally these goals should take into account the economic interests of all agents of the common activity in the way not to allow the formation of antagonistic conflicts. Group training involves an exchange of views, a common search for the best solutions in the course of work. In this case there is no problem of the personal knowledge formalization, as it is passed while the direct communication. It significantly saves time and financial resources. The group formulates the problem itself and in order to solve it may involve other professionals of the company. Learning while working shows up as ordinary learning, as self-learning and as partners learning. The main objective of the organizational and economic mechanism is to select those states of production systems that can provide the desired result. Or in other words, it is called limiting the variety of available degrees of freedom. In accordance with the law of necessary variety defined by English scientist William Ashby the limiting of the controlled object behavior can be achieved only by increasing the diversity of the management body. Increasing complexity of social and production processes and of social and economic relations leads to the increasing of the enterprise complexity, e.g. the social and economic system and, ultimately, to the increasing complexity of operating organizational and economic mechanism of the enterprise. The most common criterion
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of management quality -the degree of the decisions correspondence to the state of object – is introduced on the basis of the necessary variety. It is formulated using the concept of entropy, e.g. measure of initial uncertainty: Н ( х) Н ( y) ,
where Н(х) – necessary entropy of the management system; Н(y) – entropy of the management object. Required entropy of the management system should be less than the entropy of the management object. Practical use of the above criterion (1) is difficult because it is not considered the substantial side of the management object state and the impact of management system, the value of entropy depends only on the probability distribution, but not on the value of random variable. At the same time, we must assume that it can be identified the entropy of the management mechanism according to the full expression of the law of William Ashby.
Н ( y / x) = Н ( y) H ( x) + H ( x / y) ,
where Н(y/х) – entropy of the object y in case of x management; Н(y) and Н(х) – correspondingly entropy of the management object and management system; Н(х/y) – entropy, ambiguity of the management impacts on the states of the object. The author believes that the expression of Н(х/y) reflects the static terms of organizational and economic mechanism. Then the law of necessary variety can be formulated as follows: each possible state of management object needs its managerial impact so the possibility of choice and the mechanism of managerial impact choice, depending on the management object state and the possibility of management system, could exist. The larger is set of alternative actions, the more management is effective. If there is no choice, the state formed only by the external conditions can be obtained because not all solutions are of sufficient immediacy and provided with necessary resources. Redundancy and reserving are also needed to improve the reliability and stability of any mechanism functioning [5]. In reliability theory it is considered the resources redundancy, which makes it possible to increase the decision-making process, in particular, it refers to redundancy of production capacity and availability of stock. The company is always the interaction between part and the whole, and the enterprise is only a part of social production. Actions of agents and of partial mechanisms are in contradictory unity while functioning of a single enterprise. System coming from the part may be the most important, competitive and unique, but will be different from the system that comes from the whole. Because during the mechanism forming in a system coming from the parts a crucial role can be played not by the most awared subjects, but by the most active and the most consistent. - 32 -
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As a rule, a life-cycle of the product begins with the idea of the final product as goods. Here an energy product is also unique because the idea of electric energy appeared in times of industrial revolution and transition from handwork to machining – the idea to automate work and to find power for operation of the machinery. At that time the first steam engines, where steam was an energy resource, were designed. Steam engines were changed by universal heat engines. The first heat engine was invented by Russian heat technician I.I. Polzunov in 1760s. The main reason of transition from one stage of electroenergetics to the other was a lack of electric energy to meet consumption needs. That’s why more powerful electric stations for improved permanent energy supply must be built. And only now humanity begins to think over harmful industry for the environment, to evaluate this harm in money. In 1950s technologies were changed because of increasing industrial capacity. Nowadays stations of the same capacities but with minimum environmental influence are built. Previously enterprises had capital and current expenses, now these expenses should also include ecological preventive and compensatory losses. Heat machines were changed by heat electric station, heat and power plants, then nuclear power stations, hydroelectric stations, wind and solar electric stations. A lifecycle of the energy product can be called endless, the process of its production changes. Lumber called this life-cycle model as “an analysis of product market life-cycle”, because not the product, but the technology of its production changes. This level of analysis is the most accurate to show consumers’ behavior towards the product, and to demonstrate an evolution of the energy product, along with energy market, to which this product belongs. Every product market corresponds to its life-cycle: a life-cycle of the energy product is determined by the production technology, and a life-cycle of the energy market is determined by global demand, fig. [3]. A life-cycle of the energy product is the closest to Lumber theory when speaking about its infinity. It’s wrong to say that a life-cycle of the energy product unit begins with researches of its production. Taking into account uniqueness of the product and its life-cycle, the stages should be determined. According to the above-mentioned facts, a life-cycle of the energy product unit is the time from the moment when energy products are being produced and transformed into electric energy till their consumption and possible ways of utilization. Then stages of the life-cycle of energy product unit partially coincide with stages of the product life-cycle and goods life-cycle. But still stages of a new life-cycle for the energy product should be determined: 1. scientific and technical projection of energy equipment; 2. generating of the idea how to search and produce an energy resource, implementation of the idea in research; 3. production of energy resource (coal, gas, turf, uranium…); 4. processing of energy resource to the condition when production of energy product becomes possible; 5. production of electric energy; - 41 -
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In modern marketing there are different types of life-cycles: “boom time”, “delight”, “nostalgia”, “seasonal curve”, and “scalloped curve” which depend on the specifics of certain products. Each of these can be presented for life-cycle of the energy product. “Boom time” is a type of life-cycle which is characterized by rapid growth at the market and heavy selling over a long period of time. This type of life-cycle can be used for energy product as the electric energy can’t be ousted from the market by competing products and thus it remains popular. “Delight” is a type of life-cycle that is characterized by rapid demand for the product and the same quick decline. The energy product with the appearance on the market had extremely high demand. Due to the absence of product analogs its popularity is growing. “Nostalgia” is a type of life-cycle which is characterized by rapid demand for the product, and the same quick decline, but then comes a slight revival on this product. “The seasonal curve” is a type of life-cycle which describes the sale of products in accordance with the seasons or fashion. This type of life-cycle can be partially pertained to the energy product because electric energy has uneven daily electric network voltage. So, this graph can describe the life-cycle of the daily electric energy consumption. The rush hours are the following: from 8.00 to 11.00 in the morning and from 8.00 to 10.00 in the evening. “Scalloped curve” is a type of life-cycle which characterizes the possibility of using marketing methods for continuation of life-cycle. This type is an analog of life-cycle of market Lamber product, so it can be used to describe the market of energy product. Since electric energy is provided by energy resources, its life-cycle begins with the notion of electric energy and possible ways to get it, and thus it begins with a lifecycle of the product (energy resource). That’s why the above-mentioned stages of the product life-cycle concern also the energy product when it enters the market and its demand increases with new technologies and equipment. Later when energy-saving technologies appear, the demand decreases, but still there are large volumes of electric energy consumption. As an energy product is non-competitive, its decline stage doesn’t exist. That’s why a permanent life-cycle without a decline stage is a life-cycle of the energy market. And the mentioned life-cycle is a life-cycle of the unit of an energy product, 1 kWh, 1 GWh, 1 TWh. A life-cycle of the energy product unit should start with scientific and technical projection of energy equipment, which allows determination of the perspective directions, development of electroenergetics and estimation of scientific, technical and productive potentials. Here the degree, showing how economic environment is ready to implement various directions of scientific and technical progress, is determined. Also scientific and technical projection includes the cyclic development theory, which studies regularity of equipment generations changes and allows determination of innovation frequency or duration of economic adaptation [2].
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Dialectical confrontation between centralized and decentralized in the company organization is common to economic mechanisms. In condition of complete centralization the decision are made at the top level of the hierarchy, often individually. In condition of full decentralization decision-making is carried out by separate elements of the system regardless the other elements, the decisions are considered, but are not corrected by the central authority. In real social and economic systems the part of decisions – often strategic, are made centrally and concerning another part the right of decision-making is delegated to lower levels of the hierarchy. In this case, the employee acts on behalf of the head, but the director who has delegated its powers is responsible to higher authorities. The correlation between centralization and decentralization is defined by: the degree of differentiation of the company, including the level of specialization and division of labor, the number of levels in the organizational hierarchy, the degree of spatial distribution of the company, its suppliers and customers; order of subordination and span of control – the number of direct employees, which can be effectively managed by one manager. In modern context the span of control in industrial enterprises is considered to reach 5-12 subordinates; by methods of communication processes; mechanisms of activity interests coordination and harmonization. Decentralized systems have the following advantages: the processes of obtaining information about the management object state and decision-making is accelerated; it is easier to control the results of impact and their adjustment; the central management authority are exempt from the current work and can focus more on strategic objectives. At the same time, in condition of decentralization the effectiveness of reallocating resources process from one part of the system to another reduces, coordination and harmonization of the whole process of the company activity are getting more complicated. Correspondingly, the degree of decentralization is largely determined by the capacity of coordination mechanisms and methods of their use. In this regard, three methods of coordination are determined: mutual adjustment, direct supervision and standardization. Mutual adjustment is achieved by the direct exchange of information between the participants of collective activity. The method is effective in the simplest cases where members have regular and direct contact, but can be used in the most difficult cases when it is impossible to plan operational sequence in advance. Direct supervision supposes that coordination is carried out from the only center by operational and continuous commands. Standardization can be done through: programming of all actions, procedures and milestones; standardization of knowledge and skills that are required to be used by staff in their activities. Methods and principles of such standardization can be achieved in organization that studies; standardization of behavior norms and rules, which methods and principles are explored by institutional theory. But no company can fully rely on a single mechanism of coordination, because all of these basic types of coordination in various forms, ways and levels of detail are present at modern enterprises. The unity and struggle of considered opposites, duality are the cause of appearance of the organizational and economic mechanism and the driving force behind its improvement in all phases of its life cycle. - 33 -
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Ekonomické vědy IV. Conclusion
Organizational and economic mechanism is a combination of structured measures of impact and methods of their use selectively involved in management activities in order to achieve the desired social and economic performance and to ensure the equation, coordination of the whole complex of interrelated causal links affecting the result. For the synthesis of the author's definition of organizational and economic mechanism it is defined basic hypothesis. Organizational and economic mechanism as a means of improving of the enterprise activity efficiency should be evaluated in two dialectically interrelated levels: as a means of influencing the system of relations the mechanism should be goal-oriented, effective, resistant, flexible and fast; as the main element of coordination and harmonization of the interaction process in the production system, the mechanism must ensure the effectiveness of the company activity as a whole. Further direction of research is to study the conceptual approaches to forming the effective mechanisms of enterprise activity. Literature
2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
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Table 1 The stages of product life cycle and lifespan of goods, [1] Stage of the Life Product life cycle Cycle Initiation of the idea to introduce new 1 product at the market Researches and developments, experi2 mental verification of the possibility of implementation the idea Appearance of the product at the market, 3 shaping of demand ( growth) Large production of new products (ma4 turity) Saturation of the market 5 6
Lifespan of goods Product supply into the heavy selling Increase of selling the products as the result of demand growth Period of maturity when the maximum selling volume is achieved Saturation of the market with this product, reduction of demand and selling Great drop of selling volume, incomes reduction
Selling decline and oust of the product from the market
Based on the mentioned above material we can determine that product life-cycle and lifespan of goods have similar stages of existence despite of their names: introductory stage, growth stage, maturity and decline stages. At generally accepted bell-shaped graph of the product demand and time slot these stages of the life-cycle are clearly seen. But according to the experimental studies it was found that the life- cycle does not always correspond to this curve. In 1976 the scientists Rink and Swan proved that there are the products with life-cycle that has a deviation from the idealized curve. This occurs because some products pass the phase of entering into the market and immediately enter the phase of growth, the others don’t reach the growth phase and goes into decline phase, the third ones slip out from the stage of decline and return to the dynamics. THE OBJECT AND TASKS OF THE PAPER
The object of the paper is to investigate the notion of energy product life-cycle and to understand how it differs from life-cycle of energy market. To develop a formula for calculating the annual economic effect of energy equipment operation, taking into account the environmental factors. To achieve this object it is necessary to solve the following tasks: 1) to explore the notion of life-cycle of energy product; 2) to determine the differences between energy product life-cycle and life-cycle of the market of energy product; 3) to propose a formula for calculating the annual economic effect of energy equipment operation taking into account environmental factors.
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Ekonomické vědy Vasilyeva T.A. prof., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Head the Department of Banking Ukrainian Academy of Banking Of The National Bank of Ukraine Priymenko S.A. PhD student, Department of Economics and BA Sumy State University
LIFE – CYCLE OF ENERGY PRODUCT WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF ENERGY EQUIPMENT SERVICE PERIOD In this paper the notion of “life-cycle of energy product” is researched and its stages are defined. The possible types of life-cycles for energy products are presented. Differences in terms of life-cycle of equipment, energy market life-cycle and the service period of equipment are determined. A formula for calculating the annual economic effect of energy equipment operation is suggested, taking into account the environmental factors. Descriptive information: energy product, life-cycle, economic effect, service period, environmental correction. INTRODUCTION
A lot of scholars worked on the conceptual definition of “life-cycle” and suggested their explanations, but the main point still remains the same – the existence of good or product is relative to time. The life-cycle of the product is a notion which displays the process of product development, its selling, acquisition of income, competitors’ behavior, development of strategic marketing from the moment of initiation of the idea of product introduction till the time of its putting out from the market. The notion comes out of the fact that any product can be ousted from the market by more advanced or cheaper one. The differences between the life-cycles of different products are in their stages. In economics there are two notions of life-cycle: product life cycle and lifespan of goods. The product life cycle is the period from the initiation of the new idea, its practical implementation into new products to the obsolescence of these products, their phasing out and significant decline of their practical use. Lifespan of goods is the period when the product is viable, it turns over at the market, is being used and brings the incomes to the producers and sellers. The differences between life-cycles are in the periods of the products existence and in life- cycle stages. The stages of product cycles are mentioned in the table.
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Buletova Natalia E. Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration at the President of the Russian Federation, Volgograd branch, Volgograd, Russia 1
MODEL OF SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY AND THE CONTENT OF THE STRATEGIC AUDIT OF RUSSIAN REGIONS The whole evolution of scientific thought on creation of a new economic paradigm – sustainable development of the economy, demonstrates the need for and the importance of the foundations of this paradigm reports to each state, region, company, man. Necessary “to pass” all levels of management, making and implementing decisions – pass a way of education, of mutually beneficial interactions when put at the center of interest optimality criterion – how is it possible in meeting the needs of limited resources and the need to preserve the natural capital for future generations and for the most ecological environment and ecological space planet. The main argument in favor of irreversibility of the accepting the principles and bases a sustainable economy model, despite a failure or the complexity of their implementation in some countries, is an international historical experience of scientific thought, dedicated to finding a way out of the systemic crisis The simple declaring existing problems and trends in format of a conference declaration is insufficiently, need to bind to specific areas, which is what happens in the last few decades, and in some regions of Russia. However, there are a number of global problems and their causes; the main cause of a systemic crisis in the global economy has traditionally been called the historical changes of modern ecosphere which has become closely to humanity. This was reflected in the global ecological crisis (weakening of the biotic regulation of the environment, the increasing pace of technological pollution) and continued to grow in two opposite trends of modern economics: 1) growth in global gross income and 2) reduce global wealth (life support resources). All this has led to that the main transformation in the structure of the economy must be: - planned, universal decline of nature intensity production (herein the priority role in the realization should be given to government and business in the form support and active demand for research in the real economy, and without systematization of rules of international and national regulation of speculative financial market is very difficult and inefficient); - shift of emphasis in the implemented economy functions with priority satisfaction of mass consumer at any cost optimization needs with the capabilities of the environment, with opportunities intensive productions. Here and there the main obstacle, because of which many experts have already recognized the failure of paradigm sustainable economy for most of the world [1, p.112].
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This problem of nanolevel – a problem the relationship between man and nature. It can be argued that the conditions and the required stability – political, social, economic, and for its successful implementation is not yet wholly formed; however , the task of scientists – to offer regional and local levels and the State governments such an easy and affordable to implement the algorithm of the new economy – the economy of sustainable development, which in all directions – in education and national idea in the investment policy and social programs, political and military spheres of society will make available implementation of co-evolution of environmental and economic interests of all members of such a complex “organism” as a region and its investment priorities. Required activities from the state to assess the quality and outcome of the strategic development of the regions – the strategic audit. For a proper and timely assessment of the results of the strategic development of the region as a territorial entity, possessing a number of common features (common features include total area, population, a common history and natural environment in accordance with the European concept), the strategic audit is a new tool. The Russian law «On court of Accounts» from 05.04.2013 contains the definition of strategic audit, identifies its purpose and tasks [3]. The purpose determines the security and socio-economic development of Russia (regions, municipalities). Tasks imply an assessment of feasibility, risks and consequences of strategic planning of the territories. The strategic audit is a systematic analysis of the issues of goal setting in the subject area, including analysis of the tree of objectives and the balanced scorecard. The prerogative of strategic audit is a comprehensive analysis of the competitiveness of the territory or activity. For this you need to understand and take into account the priorities of the new Russia sustainable model of economy (in contrast to the traditional market model), in which the role of the state is high, including the parity of the two goals of development – the growth of competitiveness of regional economy while ensuring environmental safety of the population as part of its quality of life. International norms and regulation in the regulatory and methodology of strategic planning and management of Russian regions are of an advisory nature. At the same time stated in the UN Millennium Declaration long-term objectives of sustainable (ecological) development of a market economy with its reorientation towards co-evolution, harmonization, the balance of interests of all participants in the system require adjustment of the national concepts, strategies and programs, so that the entire national economic system of Russia including the regional context will be able to obtain real competitive advantages in the global market of the 21st century. A strategic audit has become a new tool of state control in Russia, which involves carrying out expert-analytical work in three directions – evaluation of feasibility of strategies with the position of the desired objectives, risks and consequences of their implementation, taking into account geographical, natural, political and other peculiarities of the regions. Current legislation determines that subjects of valuation can be (1) ultimate (target) and (2) achieved (current) values of key national indicators reflecting the degree and quality: – socio-economic effects (quantitative parameters) – results of growth. Growth means a quantitative increase of the parameters without any significant qualitative
changes in the system and is usually reversible in time. The growth and decline of economic indicators have limit threshold settings beyond which a crisis can begin;
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The social outcome
«GROWTH» The economic outcome
The environmental outcome
1 – structural changes to ensure technological progress; I –growth of consumption production quality and welfare, growth of profits of economic entities; 2 –development of public policies implementation of structural changes in order to improve the quality of the environment and people's welfare; II – - change of value orientations, the promotion of sustainable consumption; 3 the composition of public goods and the conditions of their creation/consumption; III – settling of environmental standards of resources consumption, the growth of investment in natural capital.
Figure 1 – Main characteristics of development and expected results [2, p.33]
– aggregate effects of socio-economic development of Russia (qualitative indicators) – development outcomes. Development means mainly qualitative nonlinear change of some parameters of the system itself and is irreversible in time. Development is associated with opposite changes: the system is complicated on some properties, but by other properties it is simplified. Therefore, in the analysis of the audit or the forecasting of development it is advisable to specify these opposite changes in economic organization. References
1. 2. 3.
Buletova N.E. 2013. Ecologic-economic security: the nature, content and problems of diagnosis in Russian regions: monograph. Volgograd, pp: 120. Orlova E.R., Buletova N.E. Not passing «the bifurcation cascade» of the Russian region’s development trajectory: causes and consequences // National interests: priorities and security. 2014. №20. P.24-38. The Federal law from 05.04.2013 N 41-FZ of 28.12.2013 «On the accounts chamber of the Russian Federation».