Sender : Andy Tuesday, 28th April, 2016 09.45 a.m.
Boby, our plan to have a picnic today is postponed by Mrs. Sendy because of the heavy rain. She’s just informed me the picnic will be done tomorrow. According to the short message above, Andy and Boby are going to have a picnic on … .
A. Sunday B. Monday C. Tuesday D. Wednesday E. Kunci Jawaban : D Pembahasan Teks : Pesan dikirim pada hari ini (Selasa/Tuesday). Piknik ditunda dan akan dilaksanakan besok (Rabu/Wednesday) Dijelaskan dalam kalimat terakhir teks.
Pembahasan Video : 2/SMP/Kelas 9/B INGGRIS/Chapter 6/BING9-6.01.smil/manifest.mpd
Sender : Andy Tuesday, 28th April, 2016 09.45 a.m.
Boby, our plan to have a picnic today is postponed by Mrs. Sendy because of the heavy rain. She’s just informed me the picnic will be done tomorrow. What is the purpose of the text above ? A. To invite someone to have a picnic. B. To ask someone to join a vacation.
C. To tell the plan of having a trip.
D. To inform someone about the changing of picnic time. E. Kunci Jawaban : D Pembahasan Teks : Teks fungsional pendek berbentuk pesan singkat tersebut bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang perubahan waktu piknik.
Pembahasan Video : 2/SMP/Kelas 9/B INGGRIS/Chapter 6/BING9-6.02.smil/manifest.mpd
Dear Intan,
I am afraid I cannot come to your apartment to attend your husband’s surprise birthday party that you’ll be holding tonight. I have to accompany my father to go to the clinic. He has been suffering from fever for three days. I am sorry but I hope you will have fun in your party.
Mimi Who has got fever? A. Mimi’s father B. Intan’s husband C. Intan’s father D. Mimi’s husband E. Kunci Jawaban : A Pembahasan Teks : Di kalimat kedua dan ketiga, tertulis “I have to accompany my father to go to the clinic. He has been suffering from fever for three days.” Pesan ini dibuat Mimi. Maka, orang yang menderita demam adalah ayah dari Mimi. Jawaban yang tepat adalah A.
Pembahasan Video : 2/SMP/Kelas 9/B INGGRIS/Chapter 6/BING9-6.03.smil/manifest.mpd
Dear Intan,  I am afraid I cannot come to your apartment to attend your husband’s surprise birthday party that you’ll be holding tonight. I have to accompany my father to go to the clinic. He has been suffering from fever for three days. I am sorry but I hope you will have fun in your party.  Mimi The word ‘suffering’in the text means ....
A. feeling released from illness B. satisfied by fever C. troubled by pain D. facing life problem E. Kunci Jawaban : C Pembahasan Teks : Suffering berarti “menderita―. Dalam konteks bacaan tersebut, berarti menderita karena sakit. Pilihan A berarti “merasa terbebas dari penyakit―, B berarti “dipuaskan oleh penyakit―, C berarti “dipersulit oleh penyakit―, D berarti “menghadapi masalah kehidupan―. Jawaban yang tepat adalah C.
Pembahasan Video : 2/SMP/Kelas 9/B INGGRIS/Chapter 6/BING9-6.04.smil/manifest.mpd
Dear Anisa
I have an essay assignment about reusing thing. Could you please accompany me to go to the library to look up resources? The assignment should be submitted by the end of this week. Can we go there after school? Reply soon, please.
Yulia The message tells us that ....... A. Yulia is accompanying Anisa to the library as she has a task B. Anisa has informed that she can accompany Yulia to look up resources at the library C. Anisa should submit an essay assignment about reusing thing
D. Yulia asks Anisa to accompany her to the library after school
E. Kunci Jawaban : D Pembahasan Teks : Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, kita bisa fokus pada kalimat kedua dalam bacaan yaitu “Could you please accompany me to go to the library to look up resources?”. Pada kalimat itu, Yulia meminta Anisa menemaninya ke perustakaan. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D.
Pembahasan Video : 2/SMP/Kelas 9/B INGGRIS/Chapter 6/BING9-6.05.smil/manifest.mpd
Dear Anisa
I have an essay assignment about reusing thing. Could you please accompany me to go to the library to look up resources? The assignment should be submitted by the end of this week. Can we go there after school? Reply soon, please.
Yulia. When is the deadline to submit Yulia’s task? A. as soon as possible B. after reusing thing C. after school D. by the end of this week E. Kunci Jawaban : D Pembahasan Teks : Di baris kedua, kitabisa melihat kalimat “The assignment should be submitted by the end of this week.” Deadline berarti batas waktu pengumpulan. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah D, karena batas waktu pengumpulan adalah menjeland akhir minggu ini.
Pembahasan Video : 2/SMP/Kelas 9/B INGGRIS/Chapter 6/BING9-6.06.smil/manifest.mpd
Cintya Leese is turning 80, though it may seem absurd! We’re having a party, but don’t breathe a word!
Please join us for a Surprise Birthday Party by the beach
Wednesday, July 7, 2017 3.00 pm
Venue: Frederick Schidler Villa 13600 Jammerson Bay Road
RSVP by July 1 to Sherly Schmitt 873 - 0921 For whom will the party especially be held?
A. Sherly Schmitt B. Cintya Leese C. Sherly Schmitt’s friends and family D. Frederick Schidler E. Kunci Jawaban : B Pembahasan Teks : Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, kita bisa fokus pada kalimat-kalimat berikut; “Cintya Leese is turning 80, though it may seem absurd! We’re having a party, but don’t breathe a word! Please join us for a Surprise Birthday Party by the beach”. Ini berarti, akan diselenggarakan sebuah pesta kejutan untuk Cintya yang akan berusia 80 tahun. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B, yaitu bahwa pesta tersebut diadakan secara istimewa untuk Cintya.
Pembahasan Video : 2/SMP/Kelas 9/B INGGRIS/Chapter 6/BING9-6.07.smil/manifest.mpd