Pak Bei 9
Si Nanang Sudah Pintar
Langkah Awal 1. Pakaian apa yang Anda pakai kalau a) bersantai di rumah, b) untuk menghangatkan badan, c) untuk menghadiri upacara adat/keagamaan. What kind of clothes do you wear a) casually at home, b) to protect against the cold, and c) to attend a religious or customary ceremony? 2. Apakah ada satu jenis pakaian yang dapat digunakan untuk semua fungsi yang disebut di atas? Can you imagine one piece of textile that fulfils all three aforementioned functions?
Kosa Kata Pak Bei 9 1
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beli, di-kan sama sarung nih wah betul, ke-an ikut tarawih kok muncul biar pintar, ke-an tebak barang potong justru jadi, mentinggi hayo entah percaya waduh celana gini, senih kan
to be bought s.t. by s.o. by; = S.I. oleh a piece of cloth sewn in a tube shape used as clothing; a cover; case; sheath a particle pointing to s.t. nearby; Look! S.I. = ini exclamation of surprise or admiration by chance, coincidentally join evening prayers during fasting month (Ramadan) how come?! why? appear; show up in order to. = S.I. supaya smartness, cleverness to guess thing to cut on the contrary; but rather; instead to become tall, high exclamation to spur s.o. on. Come on; = S.I. ayo don’t know; who knows; not sure to believe oh my! = S.I. aduh pair of trousers this much this = S.I. ini. Here: Look! isn’t it?, right? = S.I. bukan
Pak Bei 9
Kegiatan 1―Mengurutkan Urutkan gambar berikut sehingga menjadi cerita yang utuh. Order the pictures of the cartoon so that they make sense.
Pak Bei 9
Kegiatan 2―Menyimak Baca kartun Pak Bei 9 dengan menggunakan daftar kata yang tersedia. Read Pak Bei 9 carefully using the above wordlist.
Pak Bei 9
Word Study―Justru Translate the words and phrases in bold According to Sneddon’s Reference Grammar (p. 236), “Justru emphasises that a particular component of the clause is the case rather than any other possibility, this being contrary to what the listener might expect.” In this meaning justru is very similar to malah and malahan (instead, on the contrary): Anjingnya tidak diberi makan. Malahan dilempari. The dog wasn’t given food. On the contrary, it was pelted. Harganya tidak naik dan malah menurun. The prices did not increase; instead, they declined.
Occasionally, justru and malah can be combined:
Pernyataan yang dibuat anggota kabinet baru justru malah membingungkan partainya sendiri. Instead, the statement released by the new cabinet member puzzled their own party. Justru, translatable ‘precisely’, usually precedes the focused component, always doing so if it occurs last in the clause: Yang menikmati penghapusan pajak ini justru industriawan; petani malah menderita. Those who benefit from the tax abolishment are precisely the manufacturers; the farmers, on the contrary, suffer.
Buanyak In Javanese influenced colloquial speech the sound [u] can be inserted after the first consonant of a limited number of adjectives. It emphasizes the quality of the adjective and is mainly used in conjunction with sekali. Example: 1. Banyak → buanyak: very much Hore, kita dapat buanyak tanah, bu! 2. Panas → puanas: really hot Wah, udara di Jakarta puanas sekali. 3. Panjang → puanjang: very long Wah puanjang sekali pidatonya, aku jadi bosan.
Latihan 1―Pemahaman Jawablah pertanyaan berikut: 1. Bu Bei minta diantar Pak Bei pergi ke supermarket, benar atau salah? B / S 2. Pak Bei setuju ikut dengan Bu Bei tapi ada syaratnya. Apa syaratnya? 4
Pak Bei 9 ......................................................................................................................................... 3. Pak Bei memakai jaket baru supaya bisa dilihat orang, benar atau salah? ......................................................................................................................................... 4. Apa saja yang harus dititipkan di supermarket? ......................................................................................................................................... 5. Prasangka buruk apa yang mungkin ada di pikiran petugas supermarket? ......................................................................................................................................... 6. Mengapa petugas menyuruh Pak Bei menitipkan jaketnya? ......................................................................................................................................... 7. Mengapa Pak Bei tidak mau melepaskan jaketnya? ......................................................................................................................................... 8. Kata apa yang Pak Bei pakai yang sama artinya dengan “whatever”? ......................................................................................................................................... 9. Menurut Anda apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya? .........................................................................................................................................
Kegiatan 1―Diskusi Langkah 1: Topik Apa yang Anda lakukan jika Anda diberi uang Rp 200 juta. Pilih setidaknya dua pilihan. 1. Ditabung 2. Untuk membeli rumah
3. Untuk membeli mobil 4. Untuk membeli tanah 5. Lainnya: ________________ Langkah 2: Persiapan Jawablah pertanyaan berikut. 1. Apa yang pertama kali akan Anda lakukan dengan uang tersebut?? .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... 2. Sisanya untuk apa? .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... 3. Mengapa Anda ingin menggunakan uang tersebut demikian? .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... 4. Anda tidak akan menggunakan uang itu untuk apa? .................................................................................................................................... 5
Pak Bei 9 .................................................................................................................................... 5. Mengapa demikian? .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... Siapkan cerita sepanjang tiga menit tentang apa yang akan Anda lakukan dengan uang tersebut. Langkah 3: Latihan Sampaikan cerita Anda kepada teman di sebelah Anda selama tiga menit. Setelah selesai, dengarkan teman Anda menyampaikan cerita mereka selama tiga menit. Langkah 4: Cerita Ganti pasangan. Sampaikan cerita Anda kepada teman di sebelah Anda selama dua menit. Setelah selesai, dengarkan teman Anda menyampaikan cerita mereka selama dua menit. Lakukan hal yang sama dengan teman lain selama satu menit. Apakah ada siswa lain yang punya ide yang sama dengan Anda?
Tata Bahasa―Menanam & Menanami The root word of menanam (to plant) is tanam. Menanam is a transitive verb and as such requires an object. Agus menanam sayuran. Agus plants vegetables. One can of course add additional information, for instance where he plants his vegetables: Agus menanam sayuran di kebun. Agus plants vegetables in the garden.
Historically, the suffix -i is related to the locative preposition di. So instead of menanam di kebun we can use menanami kebun. Agus menanami kebun dengan sayuran. Agus plants vegetables in the garden. The meaning of the two sentences is precisely the same. As both sentences are in active voice, focus is on the agent (the doer of the action), Agus. We can shift the focus easily to the patient, sayuran (in case we are talking about what plants are in Agus' garden). When we shift focus to the patient (the undergoer of the action) we need to use passive voice, and the patient now becomes the subject of the sentence: Sayuran ditanam (oleh) Agus di kebun. Vegetables are planted by Agus in the garden. We can also shift the focus on the location. But we can only do so if we use a locative verb with suffix -i. Again, passive voice is required, but this time we cannot provide a literate translation into English as the English language does not have such a construct: Kebun ditanami (oleh) Agus dengan sayuran. Agus plants vegetables in the garden. Pak Bei's son says “Kalau dapat tanah, akan kutanami sayuran”. This is a short version of “Kalau kita dapat tanah itu, tanah itu akan kutanami dengan sayuran” (When we get the land, I will 6
Pak Bei 9 plant vegetables on it). Grammatically, this sentence is precisely the same as Kebun ditanami Agus dengan sayuran. The only difference is that in the first sentence the agent is a first person pronoun (aku) which requires Passive Type II, the passive without prefix di-. In the latter sentence the agent is a noun (Agus) and hence Passive Type I is required.
Pekerjaan Rumah Tulislah sebuah narasi (sekitar 100-200 kata) untuk menceritakan ulang peristiwa yang terjadi dalam kartun Pak Bei 8.