Segédlet a szituációkhoz Help to the situation tasks 1. Ön a repülőtéren észreveszi, hogy csomagjai elvesztek. Érdeklődjön a talált tárgyak osztályán, és mondja el, hogy fontos megtalálni csomagjait mivel a másnapi konferencia anyagai benne voltak - Good Morning! - Good Morning! - Can you help me? - Yes, sure. / yes certainly. - I lost my …… when I was traveling from … to ... . - What was it like? / What did it look like? - It was a <small>,
……… It’s important for me to find it, because I had some important documents and things in it. For example:…………… It would be very good if you found it as soon as possible. - Well, we’ll do all what we can. - In case you find it, please call me immediately. My number is: ……….and I’ll stay at ……… . Thank you very much. - Okay, sure. - Good bye. 2. Önnek külföldön megfájdul a foga. Hívjon fel egy fogorvosi rendelőt, és kérjen időpontot. Az első ajánlatot nem fogadja el. (asking for an appointment) - Good Morning! - Good Morning! Can I help you? - Yes, can I ask for an appointment at Dr. Xyz? - Are you American? - I’m a Hungarian tourist and I have a problem. I have …………-ache. I have pain in my ………. - Do you have a valid insurance for our country, Sir/Madam? - Yes, I have a valid insurance. (alt-> I don’t have a valid insurance. How much should I pay for the treatment?) - If you have a valid insurance, you don’t have to pay. But if you don’t have a valid insurance, you have to pay 300 dollars. - When can I go to the surgery? - Tomorrow at six, is that okay? - Yes, thank you, good bye. - Bye.
(at the doctor’s) - Good morning! - Good morning, can I help you? What’s your problem? What’s the matter? - I’ve been sick/ill for a week. I have pain in my ………I have ………-ache. I had a fever/temperature. I had a sore-throat. I felt sick. I had to vomit/puke. I have a valid insurance. (alt→ I don’t have a valid insurance. How much should I pay for the treatment?) - Okay, Let me examine you. I’ll check your blood pressure, blood sugar, I’m gonna listen to your lungs and look into your throat. - Okay. - Well, I think you have flu and a beginning pneumonia. - Will you prescribe medicine for me? - Yes, sure. Are you allergic to anything? - I’m not allergic to anything. (alt.→ I’m allergic to )How many times should I take it a day? - You should take these pills three times a day. - Thank you very much for the treatment. - Good bye! - You’re welcome. / Not at all (UK). 3. Ön és külföldi barátja (vizsgáztató) közös nyaralásukat tervezik. Ön a szervezett utak hive, barátja azonban nem. Próbálja meggyőzni, és találjanak valami közös kompromisszumot - I think we should go on holiday together. - Okay, that’ll be fun. - (+) I think we should go on a package tour, because →it’s safer than traveling individually/independently → it’s organized by a travel agency →the travel agency organizes everything for you → you will have a tour-guide → the travel agency books the hotel rooms and the plane tickets for you → the agency organizes interesting programs for you VAGY (!) - (-) I don’t think we should go on a package tour, because → you lose your private life if you travel together with many unknown people → sometimes you have to travel together with stupid people →the tour guide is not always good →sometimes you don’t get the service you saw in the brochure → you have to take part in programs that you don’t like → the travel agency goes bankrupt while you are away on you holiday. - I think you are right. / I don’t think you are right, because …. (a fenti érveket mondond el vica versa)
4. Segítsen egy külföldinek babakocsival felszállni a buszra, közben kezdjenek beszélgetést a budapesti közlekedésről. Kérdezze meg hány éves a bébi, majd búcsúzzon el, mert a következő megállónál leszáll. - What do you think about the public transport in Budapest? Do you find the public transport good in Budapest? I find the public transport good because: →it’s very fast →it’s usually on time →it doesn’t get stuck in the traffic jam →it’s not too expensive - I don’t think the public transport is good in Budapest. In my opinion, the public transport is bad in Budapest, because: → it’s dirty →it’s not cheap →it’s overcrowded →it’s full of homeless people →it’s not so safe - I think the public transport must be improved. There should be more trams, trains, busses and subways (undergrounds). 5. Az ön külföldi ismerőse önnél fog lakni, amíg ön nyaral. Vezesse körbe a lakásban és ismertesse a háziszabályokat (pl. tisztítószerek, WC, postaláda, stb…) - Hello. This is my house/flat. Come in. This is the kitchen, and on the right you can find the living room. We have a nice dining room, a big bathroom and a separated toilet. You can find the cleaning stuff (materials) in the bathroom. 6. A tengerparton napozik, amikor hirtelen rosszul less. Valószínűleg napszúrást kapott, külföldi ismerőse segítségére siet. Mondja el, hogy nem szívesen fordul orvoshoz, mivel nincs érvényes biztosítása, inkább bemegy és egy kicsit lepihen a szobájában - Are you okay? Do you feel good? You look so pale! What’s the problem? What do you feel? - I think I got sunstroke. I feel sick. I want to vomit. I have nausea. {no:ƒiә} And I have a headache too. - Do you need a doctor? - No, I don’t need a doctor. I want to go to my room and have a rest. (relax) - I’ll call for a doctor.
- No, please don’t call for a doctor. I don’t have a valid insurance for this country. 7. Ön tegnap vásárol egy DVD lejátszót, ami azonban nem működik. Menjen vissza az üzletbe és reklamáljon. Sajnos a blokkot a szállodában felejtette, de nem tud visszamenni érte, mert nem sokára indul a gépe. - Good morning! I bought a yesterday and it does not work, so I would like to make a complaint. - What’s the problem with it? - I got home, I plugged it into the socket but it did not start (function). - Did you try <switching I on with the red button>? - I tried to use all the buttons, but it did not work. - (Let me see it.) Okay, we can give your money back (refund) or we can give you a new machine? Which do you wish? - I think I’d like my money back. - Do you have the receipt {risi:t} here? - Oh, I’m sorry but I left it in my apartment/hotel room. But I can’t go back to bring it because my plane is leaving (taking off) soon. 8. Ön külföldi üzletben vásárol, amikor a pénztárnál észreveszi, hogy nincs önnél a pénztárcája. Kérdezze meg tud-e utazási csekkel fizetni - Oh, I’m sorry but I don’t have my purse here. I left it at home/ in my hotel room. Can I pay with travel check? (cheque)? - I’m afraid not/it’s not possible. - Well, then how can I get some money? Is there an ATM near here? Or can I - pay with a credit card? - Yes, and there’s a bank too. (elmagyarázza hol van, ismételjük majd el) - Ok…thank you. Could you please put aside the things I bought for the time being? Thank you. 9. Ön külföldi barátjával színházbe készül Budapesten. Beszéljék meg milyen ruhát kell felvenni, és társalogjanak a magyar öltözködési szokásokról - Imagine, we’ll go o the theater tonight. - What should we wear? - In Hungary men usually wear a tuxedo or evening suit, a tie or a bow-tie, a shirt, and trousers or pants. Women usually wear a blouse or an evening dress, a dress, a skirt, and high-heeled shoes. Also, women have a make-up. Both men and women can wear different jewelries like rings, ear-rings, necklaces, bracelets, piercing or wrist watches. - Oh, and what shall I wear now? Are jeans okay?
- No, normally you cannot wear jeans or casual clothes for the theater. - And what will we see? - We’ll see a musical. - But if you se a musical or a modern play, you don’t need to be too elegant. 10.Ön külföldön színházba akar menni. Most a jegypénztárnál van, érdeklődjön a jegyárak felöl. Nem a legdrágábbat vegye meg, mert arra nincs pénze, de nagyon messze sem kíván ülni a színpadtól, mert rövidlátó. - Can I help you? - Yes, I’d like to buy two tickets for the play tonight. What’s on tonight? - It’s a very good drama by Shakespeare; the title is “Twelfth Night or What You Will”. - Oh, that’s fine. I’d like the tickets. - And where would you like to sit? - I’d like to sit not too far, because I’m shortsighted. - OK, I have two tickets in the second stall/row. That’ll be 50 dollars. - Oh, that’s a little bit too much. Do you have something cheaper? - Yes, but it’s on the balcony, in the second row. I’ll be 25 dollars. - Oh, that’s fine. - Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card? - I’d rather pay in cash. Here you are. - Thanks, good bye. - Thank you, bye. 11.Ön külföldi autópályán defektet kap. Az arra haladó motoros rendőrtől kérjen segítséget - Good morning. Can I help you? I think you’re parking in a wrong place. - Oh, I have a problem with my car. I think I had a puncture. Can you help me to change it? - Do you have a spare tire? - Yes, it’s in the rack. But I cannot use the car lifter. Can you help me? - Sure, let me see. There are other problems too. - Is it so serious? Do you think we should take my car to the service? Can you help me to call a trailer? Can we call the road service? - Sure. - Thank you for your help.
12.Ön az unokahúgának szeretne születésnapjára ruhát vásárolni. Drágállja az első felajánlott árut és inkább döntsön más ajándék mellett. - Good morning. Can I help you? - Yes, I’d like to buy some clothes for my . - How old is she? What size is she? - She’s…….. and she’s medium/small/large/extra large size. - Do you have anything in mind? / Do you have an idea? - I’d like some dress. /blouse /skirt. The color must be pink/yellow/red… - Here you are. This is 40 dollars. - Oh, it’s too much! I’d rather buy something else for her. I’d buy some CDs. Do you have Michael Jackson CDs? She likes them very much. - Yes, here you are. That’s 2 dollars. - Thanks. Good bye. 13.Ön külföldön baleset szemtanúja volt. Az intézkedő rendőr kérdésére válaszoljon, viszont mondja meg, hogy nem tud vele a rendőrségre menni, mert pár óra múlva indul a gépe Budapestre. - Good day! Have you seen the accident? (v. Did you see the accident? - Yes, I did. - Can you tell me what you saw? - Sure. The red car was coming from the left and bumped into the other car which was coming from the right. The red car didn’t give way. They crashed. - Was anybody injured / hurt? - Yes, I think the man in the red car got injured a bit. But it was not serious. The other man in the blue car was not injured. (v.→ was intact.) - Who called the ambulance and the police? - An old woman called the police and the ambulance. The ambulance came immediately. - Can you come with me to the police station to make a statement? - I’m afraid not. My plane is leaving soon. So I have to go. Good bye.
14.Ön most mutatja meg külföldi barátjának az új lakását. Vezesse körbe, és beszélgessenek a lakásvásárlás menetéről, nehézségeiről. Végül kínálja meg valamivel. Lásd. 5.-ös, lakásvásárlás nehézségeiről: - What are the housing problems in Hungary? - In Hungary there are a lot of housing problems. Newly married couples or also young people have no chance to build up or buy a new house on their own. They must go to the bank and ask for loans, which usually have a high interest rate. That is why they run for a long term loan contract so they must pay the installments for twenty years or more. And also the bank places a mortgage on their immovable. It is really bad! Moreover, many people live in poverty especially gypsies who don’t have real houses so they just live in rickety huts. They don’t want to work but ask for the social aids. 15.Önt felhívja külföldi ismerőse, hogy holnap érkezik Budapestre. Mondja meg neki, hogy Ön személyesen nem tudja fogadni, de az édesanyja szívesen látja és estére majd Ön is megérkezik. - Hi. This is Mary speaking. You know I’m arriving in Budapest tomorrow. Will you come to meet me at the airport? - Hi. This is ….. speaking. I’m afraid I can’t meet you at the airport tomorrow. I’ll send my mother. She will be there. - How can I recognize your mom? - She had blond curly hair and blue eyes. She will be wearing jeans and a red blouse. She’s middle sized, so she’s not too fat or slim. She will be holding a big yellow handbag. You will recognize her easily. - Okay, and when will you come around? - I’ll be there for dinner. So we’ll have a lot of time to chat in the evening. - Oh, that’s fine. Thanx. - By, see you then. 16.Ön külföldön csomagot szeretne feladni Magyarországra. Érdeklődje meg, hogy mennyibe kerül egy ajánlott, légipostás küldemény, és mondja meg, hogy szeretné, hogy minél előbb megérkezzen, mert romlandó áru van benne. - Next please. Good morning. - Good morning. I’d like to send this parcel to Hungary. Could you tell me how much it costs if I send it by a registered air mail? - Yes, it will cost 40 dollars. - I’d like this parcel to arrive as soon as possible because there is perishable food in it?
- Oh, what’s inside the parcel? - Some tins of meat, nothing else. - That’ll be 40 dollars. - Here you are and thank you very much. - Bye . 17.Ön a repülőtéren a zöld folyosón halad át, amikor a határőr megállítja, és kéri, hogy nyissa ki a csomagját. Mondja meg, hogy nincs elvámolni valója, és csak egy doboz csokoládét meg egy üveg bort hozott ajándékba. - Excuse me madam/sir. You are crossing the green gate. Do you have anything to declare? - Oh, sorry sir but I don’t have anything to declare. - Would you please open your luggage? - Yes, here you are. - What’s this inside? - Oh, these are only presents for my family. It’s a bottle of wine and a bar of chocolate. Is it a problem? - No, it is not. If you haven’t more things to declare. - No, I don’t. / No, I haven’t. - Okay, have a good flight. - Thanks. 18.Ön külföldön síelni szeretne családjával. Érdeklődjön a sípályák állapotáról, a bérletek árairól, és a kedvezményekről. - Good morning. Can I help you? - Yes, I would like to have a season ticket for my family. We’d like to use the ski lanes for a week. - Yes, It’s 40 dollars for a family. You can use all the lanes. Do you want to hire skiing equipment too? - Yes, we would need for boots, 4 skis and goggles. What’s the condition of the lanes now and do you now anything about the weather forecast? - We have 6 lanes, all are in good condition. It’s going to snow all the week so you don’t need to worry. - Do you have any special discounts now? - Yes, children under 6 are free of charge and children under 14 pay 50%. (50 percent). Also, we have discounts for teachers. - Thank you very much. - Bye - Good bye.
19.Önt külföldi szomszédja megkéri, hogy felügyeljen a lakására, amíg távol van. Kérdezze meg, mik a teendői, és kinek szóljon, ha pl. elromlik valami. Szomszédjának van egy macskája is. Kérdezze meg, azt hogyan gondozza. - Hi Jack, you know I’m going back to the States fir a month to visit my mom and dad. I’d be happy if you’d take care of my apartment while I’m away. - Okay, what should I do? - You should check the post everyday, you’d take care of the house, you’d see if something goes wrong or not. And also, take out the trash/rubbish (UK) and look after my cat. - Oh, you have a cat! What should I do with it? - Oh, its name is Jamie. She is a fat cat. She likes eating very much, so you’d feed her twice a day. The feed is in the store room. - And what if she gets ill/sick? Should I take her to the vet’s? - Yes, you should. Here is the vet’s number. His name is Dr. Doolittle. - And what if something goes wrong in the apartment? - Call the plumber or the gas man if something goes wrong. Here are the numbers. And please note that you must tidy the rooms once a week. - Ok, I’ll stay here. Have a nice trip. Bye - Bye 20.Az ön mellett lakó külföldi szomszédjánál késő este házi buli van. Csöngessen be hozzá, és mondja meg, hogy ne hangoskodjanak, mert a házirend szerint is este tíz után nem lehet hangoskodni, és különben is sok az idős és gyermek a házban. -
(knock on the door) Yes, who’s that? It’s me, your neighbor. Excuse me but you’re being so loud and it’s more than 10 o’clock now. Oh, come on. We’re having a good party. Come in and join us. It’s my birthday today so it’s on me. Well, it’s not about that. According to the house rules you cannot have a party after 10 o’clock. And there are a lot of children and old people in the house. Your party disturbs them very much. And I have to get up early too and go t work. Oh, then I’ll turn off the music. I think you’d better go and continue the party somewhere else. Oh, that’s a great idea. Would you like to join? No, thank you. And thank you for your understanding. Oh, you’re welcome.