„Rozvoj vzdělávání žáků karvinských základních škol v oblasti cizích jazyků“ Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.1.07/02.0162
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Knížecí rod Larisch - Mönnich
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Knížecí rod Larisch - Mönnich V této kapitole se dozvíte:
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Klíčová slova této kapitoly: Larisch – Mönnich, Fryštát, Karviná Čas potřebný k prostudování učiva kapitoly: 1 hodina
1.1 Read the text: The House of Larisch came to Upper Silesia in the 13 century propably being the part of the entourage of Bruno of Schauenburg. In the course of the following centuries the House branched with its descendants forming several lines. Primarily the House of Larisch of Lhota is related to the Czech Lands. The House could be found in the region of Těšín in 16 century, when the Judge of Provincial Court of Těšín, Jiří Larisch of Lhota became the owner of the town of Karviná in 1551 by his marriage to Žofie Rutzky of Rutz and founded the line of House Larisch of Lhota and Karviná. The knights of Larisch were elevated to the rank of free lords of Bohemia by a decree of the Emperor Ferdinand III in 1654 with the predicate „of Lhota and Karviná“ and to the rank of Counts of Bohemia by the Empress Maria Theresa of Austria in 1748. In 1791 Johann Joseph Anton, Count of Larisch married Anna Marie Tekla of Mönnich. After the union of the two houses, the Larisch and their descendants began to use the name of Larisch-Mönnich and acquired a new coat of arms for the family alliance.
This marriage enlarged the estate of karviná by adding the houses and lands of Rychvald, Polanka, Jistebník, Studénka, Dubovec, Hažlach and Záblatí, in 1792 Johann Joseph Anton purchased the estates of Fryštát and Německá Lutyně and the houses and lands of Dolní Životice and Stanislavice. The estate of Karviná included 6 watermills, 11 farms, 4 sheepfolds, a coal mine, a brewery and several other buildings.The main source of income for the House of Larisch at the time was primarly based on the agricultural production.The Count placed much hope and large investments with industrial enterprises in general and coal minig. After Johann´s death(1820) his eldest son Heinrich Wenzel Mathias assumed charge of the Larisch family property. When Count Heinrich died in Florence in 1859 the house property passed to his eldest son Johann Baptista Heinrich. After the death of Count Johann in 1884, the family property passed to his eldest son and heir Heinrich Count Larisch-Mönnich.He also renewed the ties to the family´s ancient home at Fryštát, where he was married on 25 November 1871.He married his cousin, Henrietta Countess Larisch-Mönnich, the daughter of Leo Count Larisch-Mönnich and the Transylvanian Princess Helene Stirbey. After the death of Count Heinrich in 1918 the estate passed to JUDr. Johann Larisch-Mönnich, the last owner of the estate. He strove to ensure the cultural and economic growth of the property he inherited. Count Johann was married at the age of 40 on 29 April 1912 at Chateau Pszyna to the eighteen-year-old Olivia Countess Fitz-Patrick von UpperOssory, an Imperial and Royal lady-in-waiting, who originally came from California. After the foundation of Czechoslovakia in October 1918, when the new laws of the President T.G.Masaryk were passed, there was a radical change in the social status of nobility, their ancient titles were abolished.
JUDr.Johann Larisch-Mönnich however lost none of his old prestige notwithstanding. The impact of the post-war changes on the property of theHouse of Larisch-Mönnich was more significant. After the second land reform, the amount of agricultural soil and woods in the family possession dropped. However, the strategically important and prosperous plants capable of supporting the local population throughout the period of the Great Depression of the 1930s, remained the family´s property. After the Těšín region was given to Poland following the Munich Dictate in October 1938, JUDr. Johann Larisch-Mönnich left to Swirtzerland. The Larisch-Mönnich family then moved to the chateau of Valeč near Karlovy Vary at the end of 1944, which was their last home in the country. In 1945 the family emigrated to Austria and accepted the Austrian citizenship. At first they settled in Vienna, then moved to a hunting lodge at Palfau in Styria. The whole family property was confiscated from them in favour of the Czechoslavak State based on the Decrees of the President of the republicnumber 12 and 28/1945. Vocabulary : entourage descendants be elevated rank decree predicate
doprovod potomstvo být povýšen hodnost, řád dekret, výnos predikát
coat of arms erb add přidat, připojit income enterprise assume property
příjem, výdělek podnik, firma předpokládat, převzít majetek, nemovitost
ensure inherited nobility ancient abolish notwithstanding
capable chateau in favour
zajistit, pojistit zděděný, dědičný šlechta, urozenost starobylý, starodávný zrušit, odvolat přes, přestože, nicméně významný, výrazný částka, množství, suma schopný zámek ve prospěch
significant amount
1.2 TRUE or FALSE 1. The House of Larisch came to Upper Silesia in the 13 century. 2. The House of Larisch could be found in the region of Těšín in the 15 century. 3. Georg Larisch of Lhota became the owner of the town of Karviná in 1651. 4. After the marriage of Johann Joseph Anton, Count of Larisch and Ann Marie Tekla of Mönnich they began to use the name of LarischMönnich. 5. The main source of income for the House of Larisch was based on the agricultural production in the 18 century. 6. The last owner of the estate was Leo Count Larisch-Mönnich. 7. The eldest son of Count Heinrich was Johann Baptista Heinrich. 8. Olivia Countess Fitz-Patrick von Upper-Ossory was 40 years old when she married Count Johann. 9. The last home of the Larisch-Mönnich family in our country was the chateau of Valeč. 10.The whole family property was confiscated.
1.3 Match the year and the fact: 1. 1551
6. 1820
2. 1654
7. 1918
3. 1748
8. 1938
4. 1791
9. 1944
5. 1792
10. 1945
A – Johann Joseph Anton, Count of Larisch married Anna Marie Tekla of Mönnich. B – Johann Joseph Anton, Count of Larisch died. C – JUDr. Johann Larisch-Mönnich left to Switzerland. D – Georg Larisch of Lhota became the owner of the town of Karviná. E – The Larisch-Mönnich family moved to the chateau of Valeč near Karlovy Vary. F – The Larischs were elevated to the rank of Counts of Bohemia by the Empress Maria Theresa of Austria. G – Johan Joseph Anton purchased the estates of Fryštát and Německá Lutyně, Dolní Životice and Stanislavice. H – The Larisch-M¨nich family emigrated to Austria. I – The knights of Larisch were elevated to the rank of free lords of Bohemia by a decree of the Emperor Ferdinand III. J – The foundation of Czechoslovakia.
_________________________________ Použité zdroje: Alexandra Rebrová:Příběh manželství Larisch-Mönnichů , 2007 http://www.cs.wikipedia.org