Warung Sinema 5 – Sakit
Sakit–Transkripsi, Terjemahan & Daftar Kata
Tiba di Rumah Desi Ucha Suami Bibi Desi Suami Bibi Desi Suami Bibi Bibi Desi Ucha Bibi Desi Ucha Desi
Aduuh, ah, ah, aduh ... Bi, bi... Sewer, sewer, diwiru, tumbala, tumbala, tumbala, ... Jangan pake mantra segala, ah. Serem! Tapi di situ memang ada penunggunya, Bu. Mungkin tadi disapa. Nggak, ah. Jangan bicara soal setan. Bukan setan, itu jin biasa. Pake taring tapi. Udah, ah. Urut aja! Aduh! Aduuh. Memang ada taringnya? Panjang sampe ke tanah. Terus lidahnya... Udah! Udah, bi... Orang lagi diurut. Besok mesti dironsen ni, Pak. Takut patah. Besok kita bawa ke Bogor. Nggak, ah. Ke Jakarta. Cari spesialis yang pernah sekolah ke luar negeri.
Dari Rumah ke Dokter Ucha Desi Ucha Desi Ucha
Masih sakit? Huh, bukan sakit lagi ... Kasihan, he, he... Aduh, ih. Eh, sori, sori ...
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Warung Sinema 5 – Sakit
Desi Ucha Desi Ucha Desi Ucha Desi Ucha Desi Ucha Desi
Ucha Desi Dokter Ucha Dokter Desi Ucha Dokter
Pa…? Ya ... Nanti kalau dipotong gimana? Udah dong sayang, berpikir yang positif. Hmmm, Pa? Ya ... Nanti sesudah dari dokter, kita mampir ke Thamrin dulu ya? Ngapain? Desi kepengen makan Mek Donal deh. Astaga, hmm ... Terus kita mampir ke Ratu Plasa, Texas Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, […] steak, Wendy's burger, Soto Lamongan yang di TIM1, Soto Kumis, Taman Mini2, Dunia Fantasi3, terus Pasar Uler. Bagaimana dokter? Aduuuuuh Kalau liat ini sih normal, tidak ada apa-apa. Ah, masak? Lihat saja, semuanya bagus. Sebaiknya jangan digantung, diangin-anginkan sedikit. Biasanya kalau dimanjakan bisa tambah sakit. Masih sakit? Enggak ... Dari tadi juga enggak. Makan yuk! Hah? Restoran di depan itu kayaknya enak juga.
Sampai di Rumah Suami Bibi Tamu Suami Bibi Tamu Suami Bibi Desi Ucha Desi Ucha Desi
Selamat malam Malam. Selamat malam Malam, malam, malam Silakan... Opopopopo..stop, stop, stop. === Ada apa, ya? Coba liat, Pak. Ada apa, sih? Mundur, mundur, mundur. === Ada apa, sih? Gawat! Kenapa? Banyak orang datang membesuk kamu. Semua sudah tahu kamu sakit. Oh ya? == Ayo,...
Taman Ismail Marzuki, a cultural center in Jakarta. A theme park displaying Indonesian regional cultures. 3 A theme park, mainly for children. 2
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Warung Sinema 5 – Sakit
Ucha Desi Ucha Desi
Tapi kamu kan nggak sakit. Siapa bilang nggak? Aduuh. == Kasihan mereka, Pak. Jangan dikecewakan. Itu kan anak buah Bapak semua. Salah. Tadi yang kanan, bukan yang kiri! Oh ya. == Ayo, ayo berangkat!
Translation Tiba di Rumah Desi Ucha Desi Desi Suami Bibi Desi Suami Bibi Bibi Desi Ucha Bibi Desi Ucha Desi
Outch, outch... Bi, bi... Sewer, sewer, diwiru, tumbala, tumbala, tumbala, ... Stop uttering mantras, ah. It’s eerie! But there is a guardian spirit, Ma’am. He probably talked to you. Stop it. Stop speaking of satans. It’s not the satan, it’s a normal ghost. But with fangs. Enough. Just massage it! Outch! Outch. It really has fangs? They’re long, reaching the ground. And the tongue... Stop it, Bi... Can’t you see that I am having a massage. [turns to Ucha] Tomorrow we have to x-ray it. It may be broken. Tomorrow we bring you to Bogor. No way. To Jakarta! I want a specialist who has studied overseas.
Dari Rumah ke Dokter Ucha Desi Ucha Desi Ucha Desi Ucha Desi Ucha Desi
Does it still hurt? More thsan that ... Poor thing, he, he Outch. Oh, I’m sorry ... Pa…? Yes ... What if they have to amputate it?? Come on, honey, think positively. Hmmm, Pa? Page 3 of 6
Warung Sinema 5 – Sakit
Ucha Desi Ucha Desi Ucha Desi
Ucha Desi Dokter Ucha Dokter Desi Ucha Dokter
Yes ... After visiting the doctor, let’s stop by at the Thamrin Plaza, okay?! What for? I wanna eat at McD Good heavens, hmm ... And then let’s go to the Ratu Plasa, Texas Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, […] steak, Wendy's burger, Soto Lamongan at the TIM, Soto Kumis, Taman Mini, Dunia Fantasi, and then Pasar Uler. How’s it doc? Ooooh It looks normal, there’s nothing. Really? Have a look, everything is fine. It’s better not to use a sling, let it air. If you spoil it then it hurts even more. Does it still hurt? No ... Han’t hurt the whole time. Let’s eat! What?? The restaurant accross the street is pretty good too..
Sampai di Rumah Servant Guests Servant Guests Servant Desi Ucha Desi Ucha Desi Ucha Desi Ucha Desi
Good evening ‘ Evening Good evening ‘ Evening, ‘ evening C’mon in... Stop, stop, stop. === What is it? Look, Pak. What’s going on? Back up, back up. === What’s going on?? Oh no! Why? There’re a lot of people visiting you. They all know you’re sick. Really? == Let’s go... But you aren’t sick. Who says so? Outch. == Have pity with them, Pak. Don’t disappoint them. They are all your subordinates. Wrong side. It was the right arm, not the left! Oh yes. == Okay let’s go!
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Warung Sinema 5 – Sakit
Daftar Kata mantra segala serem tunggu, pensoal sapa, menysetan jin taring udah! orang urut, mengtanah lidah ronsen patah spesialis
mantra, magical formula all; every; entirely; all kinds of (Jkt) weird; scary; spooky; eerie guardian spirit (usually of a house) (Jkt) about to speak to, greet satan, devil jinn, spirit, ghost fang, a tusk (Jkt) enough, stop it emphatic particle expressing surprise often in combination with disagreement to massage earth, ground, soil tongue x-ray broken specialist
kasihan gimana udah dong mampir ngapain kepengen deh astaga terus liat sih tidak apa-apa masak gantung, diangin-angin di-kan manja, di-kan kayak
pity, poor thing (Jkt) = bagaimana (Jkt) = sudah (Jkt) a particle stop by (Jkt) what for? why? what do you want to do there? (Jkt) = ingin (Jkt) a particle astounding!; Oh my! and then (Jkt) = lihat (Jkt) a particle there is nothing impossible! that can’t be! inconceivable! to be hung, suspended to be exposed to the air to be spoiled, pampered, indulged (Jkt) = seperti
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Warung Sinema 5 – Sakit
mundur gawat besuk, memkecewa, meng-kan anak buah
to retreat, back up dangerous, risky. Exclamation: oh no! to visit a sick person (usually in hospital) to disappoint subordinates
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