INSTITUT TEKNOTOGI BANDUNG Jalan Tamansari No.6a, Telp. (0zz) ?fl17s9,2s0960r, Fax. (fi?2)
Nornor Lampiran Pedhal
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zF,lgilta,4ntvgz* Bandung d0116
: I (satu) bcrkas
Juli 2017
: Permohanan Korrksi Perulisan data ke Scopus
Kepeda Yth. Para Dekan Fakulta# Sekulah
lnstitut Teknologi Eandung Di tempat,
BerkenaEn dengan publikasi di Scopus, Kantor WRRIM sedang nengajukan koreksi data ke Scopms eebanyak 300 artikel yang ditulis oleh dosen dan mahasiswa t'I8 1,ang tidnk terdata di afiliasi lTB. Diharapkan attikil * ailikel terselut daprt segera dimasukkan dan nkan menambah jumlah artikel dan citation tTB di ficopus. Selain kesalah4ft $copus yang tidaldbelum merecord beberapa arrikel di afiliasi lTB" kami juga mcnemukarr cukup banyak kesalahan pcnulisan Afiliasi/institusi yang bersumber rtari pa'a penulis ITB sendiri.
Sdtubungan dengan hal tersebul mohon disampaikan kepada dossn dan mahasiswa agar dalam publikasi menuliskan narna Institusi ITB secara bonar dcnpn menggunakan nama inslitusi tTB sebagai berikut: ln
Be nd un
Brndung Institute of Tcchrology, Disarankan dalam penulisan institusi pada publikasi tidak menuantumkcn narna Kclompok Keahlian, atau l'akulrasl$ekolah, maupun Pusat/Pusat Penelirian, kecuali pada bagian CV. Berikut conhh temuao kesalahan dalam penulisan afiliasi
L 2.
B di artikel
Tldrk m*nulirk*n ingiituri ITE
Laborarory of comp.rtation*l Msterial Derign and Quantum Engineering. Engineering Phyrics Rese*rch Groupn Jl. Ganesha 10. Bandung 40132" lndqn$ia
Xesda}ln mcnullcksn tnstltrsi ITB
. -
Badung Tedlnical lJniversity, Bandung lndonesia Intitut Teknologi Bandung, Jl" Ganesha t0" Bendung lndonesia InstixutTeknologi Bandung, 40132, lndonesia (tanpa spasi)
lnstitut Teknologi Bandung lndonesia lnstitute of 'fechuolog,r, Bandung rTB (disingkatl
Menggunokan afUl*ri buksn ITB (dcngen pcnulis dnri ITB)
- ff. Kereta Api, lndonesian Raihuay Compeny, Lrd,, Jl. Perintis Kemordrkaan No. l, Bandung-40ll?. lndonesia Terlampir disampaikan daft*r lengkap kesalahan prenulimn al'iliasi tTB yang teridentifikasi di Scryus. Alas pethatian dan kerjasama yang baik diucapkan erima kasih.
pti'T,q tE
l. 7. L ,t.
Reldor(sebagai laporan)t WR.AM Dirckrur Pasca Sariana Ketua LPPM
Department of Electrical Engineering, ln$itut leknologi Bandury, Ganeca Street No. 10, gandung, lndonesia Depertment ol Engineeriag Physics, Fasulty of lndustrial Engineerin& lnstltute of Technology, Bandun& lodonesla Eardung fechnlcal Universihl, Bandung lndone5ia School for Electrical
[nglrmring and lnformatk, h$titute of Technology, Bandung. Jln. Ganesha no. 10, Bandung 4013?, lndonesia
Department of Physics, ,nctitute of Teqhnology, Sctrool of Electrical Englneerlng and
Ganesha no: 10, Bardung 40112, lndonerla
lnformatio, lrdonesia
Leboretory for Elecroni{ Material Phwics,
oepfiment. of
Department of Physics, FMIPA lTB, Jl. Ganeca
lntitute of Technology Eandung ll. Ganerha l,Q Eandung 4013f lndonesla
Bandung lndoneeia
Lab Electroak Material FhysicE, lndone$ia
lnstltute of Technolo6y, B*ndung, lndonesia
&hool Electrical Engineering and tnformatics, lnstitut Tekonologi Eandung h$rumefitatidl and Control Research Group, Engineering phlrslct Feculty of lndustrial Technology, Bandung, lndonesia Algebra Research OivisiorU FMIPA lTB. Bandung lndonesia
Departmeil of Eiology, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung lndoneria lnititute of Technology, Bandung, lndonesia School of Life lciences and Technology, lnstitut Teknologi Bandung, Labtek Xt Building 10, ,alan G&nese, Bandun& hdon€sia
lnstitute of Tedmology, Sandun& Jl. Genesha 1O Eandung 40132, lava, lndoneria Lab, of BiosYstemetics arld Genetics, Fac, of Math- and Natural Schnces, lnstitute of Technology, Baodung
Jalan 6anesha, Bardung 40x32, lndoneria
tab. of Blosystematici and Genetics, fac. of Math. and Natural Science5, lnrtitute of TechrologR Bandung; 40132, tndonesia Laboratory of Biosystematict Fac. of Math, and Nattral Sciences, lnsthute of Technology. Bandung 10, Jalan Gonesha, Bardung 40131, trdoneria lT8,
Taman sarl Bandsng, lndonesia
Magnetlc and Photorilc Reseerch 6roup, FMIPA. ITB Jl. Ganesha hlo. 10, Bandung 40132. lndonesia
pttyricr Depa*ms'nt,
of Math. and Natural Sciencet Lab. Phys. Electron. Mat., lnst. T,, Jalan 6ane5a
Math. Nat. Sci., lnst. T., Jalan Ganera
Bandung 4{rX32, lndon€sia
Bandung4$13?, lndonesia
Departmenfofclvtl Engineerlng ln$titfie of BandungTsghnslEgy, Baodung lndqnesia faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineerin6 tnstit$te Te(hnology. Bandung tndonesia Department of Chemlcal Ehgln€ertn& lnstitut T€*noloEi Bandung Jl. Ganesha 1O Eandun& lndonesia Biochemistry Research 6roup, Facutty of Mathematics end Natlral Sciences, lnstitute, Teknologr Bandunp ,ln Ganeshe 1& Bandung - 40132, lndcnesia
lnformatics ltudy Progam,
SEEI - Bandung
lnstitute cf Technology, Malaysia
Sclrool of Ufe Sciences and Technology, lnstitute ofTechnology, Aandun& West Jav?. lndonesia
Tehcommunkstion Engineering; $chool of Electricat and loformatic Engineerin& Bandung tnstititute of Technology, tndofie5la Telecommunication En$neerlng School of Electrical and lnfornatic Engineerin& Sandung lnstititute ofTechnology, lndonesia Telecommunication tngineerin& Electrical and lnJormatics Engineering S(hool, Berdung In$ituiute of Technology, lildonesia
lnstrumentatiofl and Control Research Group, tnstitutTeknolog. Btndung lndoneria Geodcy and Geomatics Efigneering Program, lnstitute of Teshnology, Bandung {lT8}, lndone$a Cefire for Remote Sen$ng; lTB, Mataysia Oepartmert of6eodtic Engineerin& lnstitute of Technology, Bandun& lndonesia School of Pharmacy lT&, Jl. Ganesha
14 Bandun* lndia
School ofPharmacy, lTts Bandung, Jl. Ganerha No" 10, BaodurB, Jawa Barat, lndonesia
toughboroqh Univerrity, lnstitut Teknologi, Bandung tndonesia Department of Mathematics, tnstitute of Teknologi, Bandsn& University of Technology, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, hdonetla Algebra Rerearch Group, lnstitutTeknotogi Bandung.ll" Ganesa 10, Bandung Jawa &arat:mt32, tndonesia Al8eb,ra Rereardr 6roup, FMIpA
ffB, lndonesia
Laboratory of Material Proae$in& En$neering Physks Department, lnstitute odTechnology, Bandung Street of Ganesa No. 1O Ba*ndung lndonesia Analytical Chenistry ftesearch Group lnrtitut Teknologi, Banduog lndonelia lnorgank and physical Chemistry Research Division Facuhy of Mathematks and Natural Sciences, lfistltiut Teknologi Bardung lalan Ganesha Bandun6 lndonesia
brdung lnstitirfe
of Technology, Squth Xorea
Cyber Securlty Center, STtl lT8, lndonesia School of tnfmmatks and €lectrical En$neering lnstitut Te*nologi, Bandung; Jl. Ganee no. 1O Bandung, tndoneiia Wireless lnforrnation
fia€twork Research Grou, {WINHER}, STE| tTB,Ganecha
Bafldun& lndonesia
Departme* of Eioen$reering School of Ltfe ftiencer and Technology, lnrtitut Teknologi, Bandung lndonesia $choql of Life Sciences and Technologylnstitut Teknologi Bandungtndonesia Researdl
&nter for Oisaster Mtigation, lnstitut Teknologi Eandung lalan Gafiera
Research Center for Disaster Mltigatton. Physics of Ea*h and Complex
10, Bandung tndonesia
lnstltut Ieknglqgi Eaadung, Ganesha lQ Bandung, lndonesia
Systemt lastitut Tekoologi, Bandung lndone$ia
Physks of Earth and Complex Systems, ln$titute cl?echnology, Bandung, lndonesia Oivisian of tdanomedicine, l'tratlonal Research Center for Nanotechnology, lnstitut Teknologi Eandung, Jalan Ganesa 1e Bandung
D€partment Ef ghctrical Eflgineerin& lnstitut Tekndogi Bandung, Bandung tndonesia Oepartrnent ofChemical Engineering Faeutty of lndustrial Technology, lnsitut
Teknolqi Bandung,
Jl. 6anesha, 10, Band$n& Jau;; &arat, tndonesi!
Chemiol fngineeriog llepartment, lnstitut Teknologi, Bandung Jl. Ganesha 1O Eandun& tndonesia ln$titute ofTechnology, Jalan Ganesha
Eandung. lndoneiia
Dept of Reglonal and City Plannlng tnstltute of Te(hn6logy, Bandun6 tndonesia Departme,nt of RegionaUCity Plannin& lnstitute of Technology, Bandung Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, tndonesia
Dept of fiedoflal and City Plannin& tnstitute of T$hndogy, Jalao Ganerha 19, Eaodung 41032, lndonesia Department of Beglonaf0ty Planning, lnstitute of Technology. Eandung lndonesia Depar[nent of fieglonat and Chy Planning, lnstitute oflechnology, Jalan Ganesha
Bandung 41092, tndooesia
qepqrtmert 0f nedonEt aftd City plarnin& ln$lt$te ofTrchnotogy, Bandung lndonesia Oept of @ional aad Cfu Planning, hstitute of Techno{ogy, Bandung, Jalan Ganesha Degt. of Regionel and City Planning lnst. Technd., Bandung,
Eandung 40132, lndia
Sandun& lndonesia
Oept. ol Regional ard City plannin& lnstitut€ ofTechnology, Ialao Ganerha 1O Bandung, 40132, Indonesia Oept. of Regional and City Plannin& lnstitute of Technology, Bandung Jalan Ganesha
Eandung 4013?, lndonesia
Dept. of Regional and City FlailninB, lnstitste of Technology, Bandun& lndoneria Dept. of Re$onal ard City Planning, lnstitute of Technology, Gandsn& Jalan Ganesha 10. Bandung 40132, lndonesia
of TeEhnolryy, Bandun8 Dept. of Begl, and City P., Jalan gaoesha 10. Baqdung 40132, tndonesia
D€pt. of Regionel and City Planning lnstitute of Technalogy, Eandung, ll. Ganesha 10, Bandury 40132, lndonesia Dept of *egional and City nannin&
hst of Technology, Bandur8, Jalan Sanesha 10. Bandung
4f0132, lndonesia
lri$titute of Technolqy, 8andqfl& lndonerla
Dqartmsnt of Regional, City planninB lnstitute of Technology, Bandung, tndonesia Eandung lndonesia Borscha Obcervatory arrd Attronomy Research Divirbn, FMIPA, lnstitut Teknologi Bandung Jl, Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132. hdonesia
Askono.ny Division, t{btek lll 1t.4, ITB, Jl. Ganeea 1O Eandung 4O132, tndoresia Divition of Biochemistry ResearchFaculty of Mfihematics and Natural Scieficestnttitut Tekndogi BandungBandunglndonesia lTB, hdofieria
Department of lndustriat fngineerln6 Bandung lostitrrte of Technology, Bandung, lndonesia Oepartment of Astroflomy, Bandung, t10132, lndonesia Deorrtment of phvcirs. Nrlde*r Phv
lnd Bionhvcifi Rpqp*rh flivi*lnn ln(titilf T6lnftlmi Rmdrrno ll lirnace 1n Brndonp anl 17 lndnaatla
Huclear Phyrix and Bioptrysks Research 6roup, lnrtitut Teknolog Eandun& Jl. Ganesha
lluclear Phyrics and
Research Group,
Bandung 40132, lndonesia
lnstiiut Tekndogi Bandung, Jl. Ganeiha 10, Sandung 40132, lndooesia
[arth Phy*x taboratory, Oepartmeflt of Physics, tnrtitute of Technology, Bandung tndonesia lndustrirl Financial Mathematics Group, Facuhy of Mathemati$ and Natural Science, ITQ Germany lnst of Techndogy, Mechaolcal, Engineering Dep, Eandung lndones, tnst of Technology, Mechanical Engineering Dep. Bardun& lndongs Baodurts lnrtitute of Tedmology, lrdsnesia. Jl. Garpshe No. 10, Bmdu.g 4S132, Mrlaysia
D€partment of 6eology, lnstitute of Technology, Bandung tndonesia lrB, Ru$ian federation Department ofchemkal Engineerin*, Jl. Ganesha l,& Eandung, todonGsiE DMsirrn of Anal6kal Chemirtry, FMIPA lT8, Jl. Ganesa 10, Bandung.40132, tndonesia
Department of Mining Engiaewin& lnititut Teknologi, Banduog, lndonesia Statbtics Re6€arch Division, FMlpA, lnstitut Teknohgi, Bandung lndonesia Faculty of Civil and Endronrnental Engineering
h.titste of Technology, Eanduag
lfiet of Technology, Bandung; lndonesia
Juffen Geohgi, lnstitute of Teknology Bandun6 Bandung
rl{1132, lndonesia
}epartement 0f Physkr, htltut Teknologi Bandung; Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung; hdonesia Wave lnv*rlion and Subsurface Fluid lmaging Reseerch Laboratory {WSFIB}, Physics D€pt, fMlPA, tnstitut Teknologi, Bask Science Center A 4th floor, Bandung lndonesia lnstitute afTechnology, Bandun& lO United States Oceanographic Researdt Groupr, Facl*ty of Earth Science and Technology, Jl. Ganesha No.
Bandung iI0132, lndonasia
Petoleum fn$neering oepartment of lT8, lndonesia
lnititut Teknobgi Batgung lndonesia EioctEmistry Re$arch Group, lnstitutteknologi, Bandung; lndonesia School of
Mathatatici a$d Stitisti$, Victoria Univerufu of Wellington, Bardung lnstitute of Technotogy, P0 Box 500, Wrllington, New lealand
faarlty of lr**frial Technology, lnstitrite of Techrdogy Sandung, Labtek Vl. Jl.Ganehsa No.Xo. Bandung 4o132, lndonesia
of CeoltryCeophysic {lTB}, lndon€sia
Eadung lnrtitute of Technolqy, United States
lnrt ofTochnology, Sandung; lndones. lnst ofTeetrnology, Bandung lndones lrB,Saudi Arabia Center for
gn Eflergy ITB
Teknik Perminyakan (Petr. Eng;! ITB, Pusat Penelitian Efiergy
Eriergy Research Center, Jl Ganesh6, Bandung, lndonesia
Dept. of Crv. Engr6 Eandurq ln$t. of Teci, Ialan Ganesha 1O Eandun& 40132, lndonesia ftesearch 6roup af Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, lnstitut
lelnologi $andung, Bandung" ltdonesia
ln$titute of Tethnology Sandung lndia lnstitut Telfiologi Bardung {lTB),
ln$titut de Technologie, Bandung. lndonesia School of Lr'fe Sciences and Tec*nology, Eandung lostitute 6f Teehnology, Jat n Ganehsa
Eandung, lndcnelia
Bardung lnstitute of Technology, School of Lifesci€n(es and Techrplogy, Jalao GanerhaNs. 1O Bandun6;40132, lndonesia S{hool of Lifu Sciences and Technology, Bandung lnstitute of Technology, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, lndonesia
Srhod of t iie Sciences and Technology, Bandung ln$titute of Technology, Bandung W83t lava, lndonesia School of ufie Sclences end Technolagy, Eandurg lnstitute ofTechnologv, lalan Ganesha trlo. 10, Eindung 40X32, lndoneria
Oepartment of Mathernatic5, rMlpA fTB, lndonesia School of Lifu Seiences and Technology, tnstitute of Techology Sandun& Jl, Gafi€rha 1Q Bandung lndonesia
Brndung lnst of Tecfinotu8y, Bandung, lddonesia
Petros$eamr A5, tIB, Honryay Doctorate Prryam ol Errth scleflce, Facully of Earth Sciencer and Technology. lhstitt t Teknologi gandung Gene*ha t0_ Bandun& lndonesia Graduate Progranr of Earth Scierces, FacutW of Earth s€iqncer and Technol€y. lnrtitut re*floto*:i Bandun8. lndoneria tnst Ie*ndog! Bandun& Bandung; tndonesia
lrutitut Teihnslogi Sandun6 lndonesia 51El lTB, lrdonesia School of Life Sciences arrd Terhnohgy, ffB Bandun6 lndonesia
lnstitut Teknobgi Sardung (tTBl, khool of Ufe Sciencss 6l}d Technology, SingsFr& school of Life Schftss and rechnotogy, Gandung t^rbtex xl,
lrstlrut Teknol€i s*ndu$& r. Ganesha r0, gandung 4ot32, t dom$a
Certer for Unmanaed Systcm Studies {Cf{rtruMs}, lnstitrrtTaknohsi Bandun6 gandung; lndoneeia Acoustk Lfuatory, OeFartement of Et!8ina€ring Phyriu, tnstitute of Technol4y, Barrdun6, Irdofiesia Oepartment of Civil fngneerirrg, lnstitute of Technology, gandung lndoneria Biomedical EnginaerhS Research Division, School of (l€ctfical Enginering and lnfarmafics (5tEl), tabtet Ahmad Bakrle guilding Jalan Ganesa No. 10,
Bandung{0132, tndia
School of Business and Management tT& Jl.Ganerhe No. 10, lndonesir
lnst of Technology Bandung. tndonesia Faculty st M€d|anical ard A*rmpace fnginsefin& lortkut Teknologi Bandua6 Jl. Ganerha 10, Bandung @135, lndonesia Facdty of Earth sclencer and redr*ologytnrtitut Ta{rnologi Bandung8endung lndormia Mechanical Eogimering Bandung
mtitute of Te(hnolryy, Keio Unlversity, rapan
Dep*rtment of Biology, Banduag ln$thute of fechndogy, Bandun& lndone$ia Oepartment of Chernical En$neering ln$titutTekndagi Eandun6 ll Ganesa xO BandunE do13l, lndonesia Department of Chemkal Engireerlng ,alan 6*nera 10, Bandlrlg, lrdoilesi,
Geodesi, In$t. feknotosi, BandurB; lndoneria.
lnilitut T*rulogi 8fl?du& lhdorieria hq,eY d [recltmed snd A€fospa{e tngineering lnstitute 6f TBchnology, Ba*dung Dryilffi dli{&hanical fngineerin& tnst*tut T*tnalogi Bandug trdonesia
Jl Ganerha No.
gandung 40132, lfidonesia
lnst Teftrtologt 8*ndun6,. Bendung, tndonesia Prodi llmu and Teknll
Materitl F[MD,
ITB Sandung tndia
Teknologi Badung; indonesia
lnstltut Teknolsgi Bardung Mataysia Bardung lnstitute of Tadmology, Chemistry Oeparteanrnt, Bandung, lndonesia o*anograpiry Study pro8rafir, Faculty of Eerth sdan.t3 ffid Technology, lnstltut
Teknolos Brndung Labtek xt, Jalan Generia 1o sandung. 56ttod of Elecricil €ngiaberkrg and lnform*ths, lnstitut Tsknologi Sandun& J8lan Ganecha ns.10, Bandung lndonesia
FL, lndonesia
Cmt fur Research on Efiergy ITB E$/ironmefit l EnBineerirq DEpartment Bandun& lnttitute of reshnology, Jl. Ganesha, lndonesia Departmeot of Erwronmefial Engneering lmtitute of Technobgy, Bandung tndonesla Geotley f,esearch Oivlrion, Faculty of t6fih Science ald Tec*lnology. lnstitute of Tecftnology Sandung oanera 10, Bandur6 4O13?, tndoaeria lnst of Trhnolegy, Bandut& tndon*s, lnrt of Technology, Bandung tndofles fr,lEdi€l laboratory-lnrtrumartatio& centrql Rercarch Group. hrtitute of Tecfinolosy, &*ndu*& lndonesia lTBjl. Ga{lese
no.lq Bandun*. tndorlelia
ff8J|. Gan$a no.10, Bnndung" tndonesia Oepartment of Phyric$, Nuclear Fhyrks and Biophpi$ fiesearch 6roup, Bandurts lnstitute of Technology {lT0l Jl., Bandung, lndonesia DeFartm€nt of Electrical Engfiaering, School of Electrkal Engine*rlng and lnfofffiatici, $andunc lnstitute of Technolosv. Jl. Genntha xn
of Teclxrobgy,
Brrdure, Indoner, lnst of Tedurohgy, gffirng, lndonei oepar$mt d Elecfkar &ghaerirq, lnsL of T:ecrrdry smdory .rahn, 66nesie r0. 6ardrr*g, rndra
hr*.of Tectxr@f, BardurB, lr&neria
Eruitlecrilts ier€arch Grqrp, tn$rlt.fiTakrdogl Bendung Jdan Ganerha u!,
lnrt dTectmohgy Eandrry tadonesia
8andcn8,*ora hdoned,
Corffirtctfi &rgftGdrilEand lvtanryernmt keardr 6roug, tTg, Bsrdotts, |ndonelb
Urfrreriity Rerarch (arrter on MtcrcGhcirodcs lUnC+,ttI,
Bildurqln$of Tehndogy gcofogy
StdI erryffi, Feilty
of Earth Sciene
Garc$a 14 $andury {O1IZ, lndry*rla
Minsat TedrrdoSy, Jl, Garshr lO, Berrduq {0132, lndon€3i6 d r*E rnobgy, sandung, rr&nerie
feo&y of il*rtrxricrr [rcfrn€rlrq a,d Aercpm*, htrtste
coawte ll*rm* tndon€sit
Rereardr crorrp
fr8(ct{i6}, xnor*edg€uanarsrsrt neisr*-grff,p frE{xMftG}, tnsfle&s Rer{htrre oerrchgngfounde{oa,
Fxulrr of Medranicat ald r€rospace >nesdn& rB
.rrrarr Ganeca
no ro, Brrduru; ,Msrrr$a