PRAKTEK PLUMBING Apa yang dimaksud dengan Plumbing Plumbing adalah instalasi pipa (termasuk kelengkapannya : keran, wc,toilet dll) untuk mengalirkan air ke dalam suatu bangunan (untuk : mandi,minum,masak,mencuci) serta juga untuk membuang air sisa pemakaian tersebut ke saluran pembuangan (Drainase)
Tipe Plumbing 1) Sistem Penyediaan Air (Water Supply System) - Mengalirkan air dari sumbernya (air dingin dan panas) - Perlu dihitung tekanan yang tersedia
2) Sistem Pembuangan Air (Drainage, Waste, and Venting (DWV) - Mengalirkan air ke saluran pembuangan luar - Mengalir secara gravitasi (tanpa tekanan)
Apa saja yang diperlukan pada pekerjaan Plumbing - Peralatan untuk bekerja (kunci, waterpass, gergaji,amplas, lem, selotip air dll)
- Peralatan untuk mengalirkan air (pipa-pipa/selang)
Sambungan Pipa
Pengetahuan dasar Hidrolika dan Pompa
Pengetahuan dasar Gambar Teknik
Jenis Fitting yang biasa digunakan
Contoh Gambar Instalasi Plumbing
PRAKTEK PLUMBING Symbol-symbol dalam plumbing
PRAKTEK PLUMBING Persyaratan Minimum fasilitas Plumbing
Gambar Isometrik
PRAKTEK PLUMBING Latihan 1 Coba tentukan jumlah pipa dan jenis fitting (sambungan pipa) yang diperlukan pada instalasi penyediaan air dan drainase yang dibutuhkan rumah dibawah ini. Tentukan juga jenis fixture dan faucet apa saja yang diperlukan. (Instalasi direncanakan dengan menggunakan pipa PVC dengan panjan pipa/batang = 6 m,
Jawab :
PRAKTEK PLUMBING Latihan 2 Buatlah gambar Isometrik dari instalasi plumbing yang terdapat pada latihan 1
PRAKTEK PLUMBING Drainase (Saluran Buang)
Volume septictank Kamar
< 3
Keterangan : 1 gallon = 3.785 Liter
PRAKTEK PLUMBING Modern Plumbing Fixture : Bathtub & Shower
PRAKTEK PLUMBING untuk whirpool : ditambah pompa sirkulasi
Modern Plumbing Fixture : Water Closet
PRAKTEK PLUMBING Modern Plumbing Fixture : Kitchen Sink
PRAKTEK PLUMBING Modern Plumbing Fixture : Wastafel
Modern Plumbing Fixture :Pemanas Air (Water Heater)
PRAKTEK PLUMBING Latihan : Desain Plumbing Lanjutan
Anda diminta untuk mendesain instalasi plumbing (ukuran diameter pipa berikut perkiraan biaya-nya yang meliputi panjang total pipa, jumlah fitting dll) untuk penyedian air bersih dan kotor dalam bentuk Gambar Isometricnya pada rumah yang akan dibangun ini. Calon penghuni rumah ini juga berkeinginan untuk menambahkan 2 buah faucet pada dinding sebelah kiri dan kanan dari pintu garasinya. Ia juga meminta anda untuk mendesain ukuran serta gambar septictank (2 tahapan) yang sesuai untuk rumah yang akan segera dibangunnya ini. Untuk memudahkan pekerjaan anda, ia juga memberikan denah yang akan memudahkan anda berkeja. Namun ukuran yang tertera pada denah itu harus anda konversikan seluruhnya kedalam satuan meter, sehingga perhitungan kebutuhan pipa yang anda perlukan dapat anda hitung dalam satuan meter. Ia juga berkeingingan untuk memasang pemanas Solarhart dengan diameter inlet dan outlet pada tangkinya = ½”, sehingga seluruh faucet (kecuali yang ada diruang laundry dan didekat pintu garasi) dapat dialiri air panas. Untuk memudahkan pekerja bangunan dalam mengerjakannya maka ia meminta anda untuk membuat sketsa pipa pada dan titik untuk saluran pembuangan yang diperlukan pada gambar denah setiap lantai yang telah ia berikan. Ia juga meminta anda untuk memberikan ukuran diameter pipa pada Gambar Isometric yang akan ada gambarkan (bedakan antara air bersih, air panas dan air kotor). Untuk diketahui : Harga fitting (elbow,soket dll) ukuran ≤ 1” = Rp, 5000/buah (Rp. 15.000/bh →tahan panas) Harga fitting 2” = Rp. 10.000/buah (untuk drain kamar mandi ) Harga fitting 3” = Rp. 15.000/buah (pipa air kotor) Harga pipa : Pipa 3/8” = 65.000/batang (pipa tahan panas) Pipa ½ “ = Rp. 40.000/batang Pipa 1 “ = Rp. 45.000/batang (air kotor pada wastafel dan tempat cuci piring) Pipa 2 “ = Rp. 50.000/batang Pipa 3 “ Rp. 60.000/batang Konversi Satuan serta ukuran lainnya 1 inchi = 2.54 cm = 0.0254 meter 1 ft = 0.305 meter 1 gallon = 3.785 Liter Ketinggian per-lantai = 3.5 meter Ketinggian Atap dari tanah tempat dipasangnya tangki SolarHart = 10.5 meter
Denah Lantai 2
PRAKTEK PLUMBING Cara menyambung pipa PVC
Latihan mengerjakan instalasi plumbing
Keterangan : Air bersih Air panas Air kotor
PRAKTEK PLUMBING 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.3 1.2 0.3 0.2
0.2 1.5
Rumus yang berkaitan dengan plumbing •
Debit = Q = A. V = ∏R2. V = m2 x m/det = m3/det
Qtotal = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 dimana Q1 ,Q2 , Q3 adalah debit yang ada pada keran (faucet)
Pehitungan Debit berguna untuk menyeragamkan air yang dikeluarkan pada keran (faucet) sama
PRAKTEK PLUMBING Latihan Soal Perhitungan Plumbing
Diketahui : • Seluruh instalasi plumbing untuk penyediaan air dingin dan panas dirumah ini menggunakan pipa dengan dimater ½ inchi •
Pemilik rumah ini menginginkan air yang keluar pada setiap keran air dirumahnya sebesar 5 m/detik (terkecuali pada wc)
Tabung air panas yang digunakan berkapasitas 15 L
Kehilangan dianggap
Ditanya • Berapa kecepatan air yang keluar pada keran dengan keluaran (nozzel) ¼ inchi •
Berapa DEBIT TOTAL air yang dibutuhkan agar keinginan pemilik rumah dapat terpenuhi
Jika pipa penyediaan air digantin dengan ukuran ¾ inchi berakah kecepatan air yang keluar pada
Jawab :
Pumps and Pumping Water By Toby Fiander, with assistance/additional material from Doug, Podargus and Bill 1. Introduction 2. Types of Pumps 2.1 Flow and Pressure 2.2 Centrifugal Pumps 2.3 Axial Flow Pumps 2.4 Mixed Flow Pumps 2.5 Piston Pumps 2.6 Helical Rotor Pumps & Other Positive Displacement Pumps 2.7 Other types of pumps 3. Suction and Lifting of Water
PRAKTEK PLUMBING 4. Energy Required for Pumping 4.1 How Big to Make the Motor or Engine 4.2 Unit Cost of Energy 4.3 Cost to Pump a Unit of Water 5. Pipeline Design 5.1 Pump Pressure 5.2 Pipeline Pressure 5.3 Air in Pipelines 5.4 Water Hammer 6. Layout and Plan what You are Going to Do 1. Introduction To keep this discussion a bit simpler, it is only about pumping water. Even so, if you are going to effectively and practically deal with pumps and pumping, you will need to measure distances and heights. Although this article does not deal with measure of these directly, there are other articles here that might assist you. 2. Types of Pumps 2.1 Flow and Pressure Each type is suited to a particular type of job, characterised principally by the flow required and the pressure the liquid needs when it gets to where it is to be used. When talking about pumps the pressure is measured as the height of water which would be supported by the pressure of the pump. It is called head. So a pump that is putting out 55 metres head, would support a column of water 55m above the pump spindle. In Australia flow is usually measured in Litres per second (L/s) or in cubic metres per second. There are 1000L in a m3, but unless pumping water for a city or a large irrigation farm on the plains or a power station, the larger unit will probably not be required. In fact, I am going to refer to flow as it is in L/s from now on.
2.2 Centrifugal Pumps Centrifugal pumps work because a rotating impeller flings water from a centre entry point to the outside of the rotating part. A casing is used to collect and direct water tangentially away from the impeller. Centrifugal pumps: ... are used to provide high pressures with relatively low flows, ... can suck water (ie. there is a negative pressure on the inlet side of the pump), at least when they are operated in their midspeed range, ... are used for sprinkler irrigation.
PRAKTEK PLUMBING 2.3 Axial Flow Pumps Axial flow pumps usually consist of a propeller-like impeller inside a casing with directs the water at right angles to the impeller. Axial flow pumps:
• • •
are used to lift large flows through relatively small changes in level, nearly always have to be submerged well beneath the water surface to operate and definitely cannot suck water, have a rotating part that look like a ship's propeller.
2.4 Mixed Flow Pumps These are pumps which have some characteristics of axial flow pumps and some characteristics of centrifugal pumps. They are used principally for lifting water out of rivers for storage or for flood irrigation, but I am sure there are other uses, too. Their suction characteristics are better than axial flow pumps but not as good as centrifugal pumps. 2.5 Piston Pumps Piston pumps were used for lifting stock water from a low creek to high pasture, and you can still find them in apparently original installations doing this duty more than half a century later. But they are not without their problems. Water is pushed by pistons out of each cylinder and valves prevent water from returning into the cylinder from the discharge pipeline. The flow of water is therefore in a pulses as the pump operate and there is a continual surging in the pipeline. To try and smooth this out and increase the life of the pipelines, there are always air chambers on both side of the pump, which must be kept filled with air and correctly adjusted. Piston pumps are quite efficient, but require a large starting torque to get the pistons going, which is not easy to do with either a diesel or a squirrel cage electric motor. Piston pumps will generally lift water further than most other pumps. 2.6 Helical Rotor Pumps & Other Positive Displacement Pumps A helical rotor is a shaped rod of steel which is rotated in a rubber stator which has the effect of making a chamber of liquid pass from one end of the pump to the other. The pulsing is smaller than for a piston pump, but might still be significant. Helical rotor pumps will lift water well, when new. Wear is an issue with them. However, they have a couple of niches for which almost no other pumps are suitable. For example, it is possible to use helical rotor pumps with electric motors and solar cells. 2.7 Other Types of Pumps There are some other types of pumps, like diaphragm pumps, which also market niches. Diaphragm pumps are used in non-foaming applications, like lifting the contents of grease traps. Air pumps are used for lifting water out of bores and effectively just provide air to push the water up while the air is expelled - it is quite literally blown out of the hole. There are other types of pumps, too and some adaptions of the principles already outlined. Jet-pumps pass some of the discharged water from a centrifugal pump back down a bore to use in a shaped nozzle to lift water and increase the suction lift of the pumping system.
PRAKTEK PLUMBING The hydraulic ram requires some special mention, because its power source is the water. In 25years' of practice I have only seen one of these that worked and it made such a loud noise that it could be heard a kilometre away, like a repetitive and rapid stockwhip. But the idea is cute because the power for the lifting of water is the flow of some of the water which passes to waste. The principle of the pump is that there is a surge or waterhammer effect that pushes water up the hill when a valve closes. The valve is made to close as a cycle by a clever arrangement that runs some water to waste. I have a practical book that gives some advice about how to make one, although I have not seen one made to the precise instructions obviously. For an excellent detailed explanation, with diagrams, see the Centre of Alternative Technology site, and for more information the Ram Company site. People of my acquaintance and association installed some hand operated village water supply pumps in PNG in the 1980s. The pumps were made up entirely from PVC fittings and pipes and for a valve had a brass washer seat and a glass marble. There is an important photo on my wall which shows one of these contraptions with some black feet on the edge of the photo. The concrete surround is self-servingly inscribed by those white fellas who put it in and on the other side by the people whose feet can be seen. The second inscription is more insightful. It says, "God I givim, tankyu long God Triwan". Those who wrote the first white fellas' message, and those of us on whose behalf they wrote it, will probably never write such a presumptuous message again. Pumps can be an important lesson in a much broader area than just physics.
3. Suction and Lifting of Water Water is never really sucked by a pump, the atmospheric pressure lifts the water, so the pressure of the atmosphere is important to estimating what each pump will do. The general equation is:
L = Pa - Pv - Hfs NPSH
where: L is the allowable lift in metres, Pa is atmospheric pressure in metres, Pv is the saturation vapour pressure at the temperature of the water in metres, Hfs is the loss of pressure in the suction main of the pump in metres, NPSH is the net positive suction head of the pump in metres.
NPSH is a measured quantity for the pump. It is affected by the rotation speed of the pump among other things, but is usually published in pump curves at standard speeds. If you make the approximation that Ps - Pv is about 9.5m and the loss in the suction main is usually about 1m, even if the NPSH is small the maximum lift is theoretically about 8.5m. In practice the maximum lift you can expect from a positive displacement pump is about 8m, from a centrifugal pump is about 6m, and from a mixed flow pump about 4m. Axial flow pumps generally require that the impellers of the pump be below the level of the surface of the liquid (as sort of negative lift, if you like). Ian Jamie published an equation for atmospheric pressure on this list some time ago and there are other published methods of getting at each of the quantities in the equation. 4. Energy Required for Pumping
PRAKTEK PLUMBING 4.1 How Big to Make the Motor or Engine I am ducking the issue of pump speed, as I think it is just too complicated for a simple discussion like this one, but common pump speeds are:
• • •
two pole electric motor speed (2900rpm), four pole electric motor speed (1450rpm), diesel operating speed (2500rpm).
Generally, the faster a pump is turning, the worse it is at sucking water, but the more efficient it gets. Of course, there is no such thing as a free lunch, so energy is required for pumping. You can calculate how much energy is required if you know the pressure of the pump that is required and the flow of water it will deliver at this pressure. The power required for pumping is then:
Pn = Q x P / eff
where: Pn is the net power in kW, Q is the flow in cubic metres per second, P is the pressure in kilopascals, eff is the efficiency of the pump at that pressure and flow as a representative fraction.
It turns out that there is an simpler formula, which is widely used:
Pn = q x H / e
where: q is the flow in litres per second, H is the head (ie. pressure) in metres of water, e is the efficiency of the pump at that pressure and flow as a percentage.
This will give an estimate of how much energy an electric motor or a diesel would be required to deliver to the pump at its shaft. Of course, there are some losses in transmission of power. Typically, close coupled electric pumps have a transmission efficiency of about 90%. Shafts and gearboxes have varying efficiencies and, of course, the more complicated the arrangement, the more energy is lost in transmission, but for simple arrangements, if there is no other information, assume an efficiency of 85%. The efficiency of belt drives varies with the belts, but assume about an 80% efficiency if there is no other information. If you are using a diesel engine, you will need to derate its performance for age and wear, and for altitude and humidity. There are tables for this, but if you have no information and you not on the top of Mt Kosciuszko, allow 75% of the power shown in the manufacturer's performance chart. BTW, petrol engines are much worse.
PRAKTEK PLUMBING You should always check that the engine develops the required power at the revolutions per second that you require it for the pump. It is no use having a belt drive so that you can run the motor at 1800rpm, but it does not develop the power you need at the pump until the motor is revving 2400rpm, you would get there, the motor will overload, get hot and eventually fail. If in doubt mail or ring up a supplier or a consultant to have a look at it for you. 4.2 Unit Cost of Energy If you are using electricity to power a pump, and it is on a tariff that is for simple use per kilowatthour, then you can estimate the cost of energy required at the pump shaft fairly simply by asking the electricity supplier how much it costs. It is more complicated for large pumps which are sometimes on demand tariffs and I don't propose to look at these. If you are providing your own energy to the pump with a diesel engine, the engineer will operate with a particular fuel consumption. If you have no idea how much fuel it will use, assume it will use about 0.32kilograms per kilowatt hour. Diesel usually has a specific gravity of about 0.86 at the soft of temperatures common in Australia, so you can convert the weight to volume of fuel, which is how it is normally bought. If you are calculating the cost of energy, don't forget to allow for the cost of extending electrical power to the site and providing a track to get equipment (and fuel, if required) in and out. The cost of photovoltaic cells and storage batteries generally exceeds the cost of power extension by a significant margin, but for small pumps lifting water to storage from isolated places, it might be worthwhile. I will post separately on the costs of these, or you could contact BP Solar. 4.3 Cost to Pump a Unit of Water You can use the same approach to estimate how much it costs to pump water per unit volume:
C = 2.778 x H x c / E
where: C is the cost of pumping water in dollars per megalitre, c is the cost of energy per kilowatt hour, E is the efficiency of pumping in percentage.
If you are running a travelling irrigator expect costs of $40/ML, but if you are just lifting water into a channel, costs might only be $2.50/ML. Of course, this is just the energy cost. You will need to estimate maintenance costs and eventually replacement costs. Naturally, this depends on the use you make of the equipment. If you are using a diesel engine, costs for maintenance are likely to be significantly more than for an electric motor. 5. Pipeline Design 5.1 Pump Pressure The pressure that a pump is required to overcome is made up of a couple of major components: the lift or static head, the friction loss with the walls of the pipe, and the pressure that water is required to have when it gets there. There are some other quantities, but these are the main ones.
PRAKTEK PLUMBING First you need to select the pump discharge that is required. This depends on the application and might need you to count the number of sprinklers or something similar that must be supplied at any one time. To estimate the lift, you need to use a level or acquire a map that can give you an estimate of the lift from the water surface at the lower level to the water surface at the upper level. To estimate the friction loss, you need the length and diameter of the pipe. In the general case, estimating friction loss is quite complicated, but for most of the situations in common use you can use Manning's equation:
f=n R1.333
x v
where: f is the unit friction loss (m/m), n is Manning's roughness (Most of the common pipe material are reasonably smooth, so if there is no other information, assume n = 0.012), R is the hydraulic radius (m), which for a round pipe is a quarter of the diameter.
So in most cases:
f = 14 820 000 x Q
/ d 5.333
where: Q is the discharge in litres per second, d is the diameter in millimetres.
You then multiply the unit friction loss by the length of the pipe, to get a figure for pressure loss. You need to allow a little for the pressure loss that occurs through valves and fittings, including those on the suction side of the pump. If you need to operate some machinery at the end of the pipeline there will need to be the operating pressure for this too. Add all this up and than add 5% for good measure. At the flow you have assumed this is the pressure required to be delivered at the pump. 5.2 Pipeline Pressure Rating Pipe materials generally come in a number of grades to cope with the various pressures that might be experienced in practice. Obviously, no one selects a pipe grade higher than they need, because of the additional expense. Sometimes, pipe grades vary over the length of the pipeline. 5.3 Air in Pipelines Air in pipelines prevents them working properly. It gathers at high points, and is generally expelled by automatic airvalves placed there for the purpose. Air valves are also required to let air in if there is a negative pressure for some reason, like the pipeline is drained or water hammer occurs. It is quite possible to pipelines to be sucked flat by negative pressure, which generally breaks them.
PRAKTEK PLUMBING 5.4 Water Hammer Long pipelines or those with pulsating flow will suffer from a pressure surge phenomenon which occurs most noticeably when the pump starts or stops. It can break long pipelines and means that you need to allow for additional pressure in the pipeline. An increase of 20% would be a good allowance, if there is no other information. 6. Layout and Plan What You are Going to Do I find that pumping problems are much easier if I draw the situation on a scale plan in some detail. You will need a large piece of paper to do this and it will take some time, but it invariably leads to a better result.