PERTUMBUHAN SEMAI Shorea seminis (de VRIESE) SLOOTEN PADA KANDUNGAN AIR TANAH YANG BERBEDA (Growth of Shorea seminis (de Vriese) Slooten Seedling at Different Soil Moisture Content)
Tabel (Table) 1. Pertumbuhan Tinggi Relatif (%) Semai Shorea seminis pada Kandungan Air Tanah yang Berbeda Selama 4 Bulan Pengamatan (Relative height growth of Shorea seminis seedling at different soil water content for 4 months observation) Ulangan (Replication) 1 2 3 Rataan (Average)
Perlakuan Kandungan Air Tanah Rataan (Treatments of Soil Water Content) (Average) P0 P1 P2 P3 5,67 9,51 8,23 6,82 7,56 4,04 8,08 6,34 6,86 6,33 4,52 8,03 6,68 7,27 6,62 4,74
Tabel (Table) 2. Hasil Analisis Sidik Ragam Pengaruh Penyiraman (Kandungan Air Tanah) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tinggi Relatif Semai Shorea seminis (Results of analysis of variance of watering effect (soil water content) to relative height growth of Shorea seminis seedling) Sumber Variasi (Source of Variation ) Perlakuan (Treatments) Galat (Error) Jumlah (Total)
Derajat Bebas (Degree of Freedom) 3
Jumlah Kuadrat (Sum of Square) 22,08
Kuadrat Rataan (Mean of Square) 7,36
8 11
4,99 27,07
F hitung (Fcal.) 11,80 **
F tabel (F tab.) 5%
Ket.: ** : sangat signifikan (highly significant)
Tabel (Table) 3. Hasil Uji LSD Pengaruh Penyiraman (Kandungan Air Tanah) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tinggi Relatif Semai Shorea seminis (Results of LSD test of watering effect (soil water content) to relative height growth of Shorea seminis seedling)
Perlakuan Rataan (Treatments) (Average) P0 4,74 P1 8,54 P2 7,08 P3 6,98
Selisih Nilai (Different value) P0 P1 P2 P3 3,80** ** ** 2,34 1,46 2,24** 1,56** 0,10ns -
LSD 5%
Ket.: **: sangat signifikan (highly significant); ns: tidak signifikan (not significant).
Tabel (Table) 4. Pertumbuhan Diameter Relatif (%) Semai Shorea seminis pada Kandungan Air Tanah yang Berbeda Selama 4 Bulan Pengamatan (Relative diameter growth of Shorea seminis seedling at different soil water content for 4 months observation)
Ulangan (Replication) 1 2 3 Rataan (Average)
Perlakuan Kandungan Air Tanah Rataan (Treatments of Soil Water Content) (Average) P0 P1 P2 P3 13,26 21,13 14,64 17,30 16,58 13,19 19,03 15,94 17,47 16,41 7,63 15,05 11,81 13,83 11,92 11,36 18,40 13,92 16,20 14,97
Tabel (Table) 5. Hasil Analisis Sidik Ragam Pengaruh Penyiraman (Kandungan Air Tanah) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Diameter Relatif Semai Shorea seminis (Results of analysis of variance of watering effect (soil water content) to relative diameter growth of Shorea seminis seedling) Sumber Variasi (Source of Variation ) Perlakuan (Treatments) Galat (Error) Jumlah (Total)
Derajat Bebas (Degree of Freedom) 3
Jumlah Kuadrat (Sum of Square) 82,38
Kuadrat Rataan (Mean of Square) 27,46
8 11
Ket.: ns : tidak signifikan (not significant).
F hitung (F cal.)
F tabel (F tab.) 5%
1% 7,59
Tabel (Table) 6. Pertambahan Jumlah Daun (helai) Semai Shorea seminis pada Kandungan Air Tanah yang Berbeda Selama 4 Bulan Pengamatan (Increasing of leaves number of Shorea seminis seedling at different soil water content for 4 months observation)
Ulangan (Replication) 1 2 3 Rataan (Average)
Perlakuan Kandungan Air Tanah Rataan (Treatments of Soil Water Content) (Average) P0 P1 P2 P3 2,33 3,47 2,53 3,40 2,93 2,79 2,80 2,67 2,53 2,70 1,93 3,20 3,00 2,53 2,67 2,35 3,16 2,73 2,82 2,77
Tabel (Table) 7. Hasil Analisis Sidik Ragam Pengaruh Penyiraman (Kandungan Air Tanah)\ Terhadap Pertambahan Jumlah Daun Semai Shorea seminis (Results of analysis of variance of watering effect (soil water content) to Increasing of leaves number of Shorea seminis seedling) Sumber Variasi (Source of Variation ) Perlakuan (Treatments) Galat (Error) Jumlah (Total)
Derajat Bebas (Degree of Freedom) 3 8 11
Jumlah Kuadrat (Sum of Square) 0,99
Kuadrat Rataan (Mean of Square) 0,33
Ket.: ns : tidak signifikan (not significant).
F hitung (F cal.) 2,18ns
F tabel (F tab.) 5%
Tabel (Table) 8. Pertambahan Luas Daun (cm2) Semai Shorea seminis pada Kandungan Air Tanah yang Berbeda Selama 4 Bulan Pengamatan (Increasing of leaves wide of Shorea seminis seedling at different soil water content for 4 month observation)
Ulangan (Replication) 1 2 3 Rataan (Average)
Perlakuan Kandungan Air Tanah Rataan (Treatments of Soil Water Content) (Average) P0 P1 P2 P3 46,77 51,96 51,36 41,43 47,88 52,24 61,24 48,76 54,58 54,21 44,56 53,14 47,86 49,67 48,81 47,86 55,44 49,33 48,56 50,30
Tabel (Table) 9. Hasil Analisis Sidik Ragam Pengaruh Penyiraman (Kandungan Air Tanah) Terhadap Pertambahan Luas Daun Semai Shorea seminis (Results of analysis of variance of watering effect (soil water content) to Increasing of leaves wide of Shorea seminis seedling) Sumber Variasi (Source of Variation ) Perlakuan (Treatments) Galat (Error) Jumlah (Total)
Derajat Bebas (Degree of Freedom) 3
Jumlah Kuadrat (Sum of Square) 109,21
Kuadrat Rataan (Mean of Square) 36,40
8 11
177,26 186,47
Ket.: ns : tidak signifikan (not significant).
F hitung (F cal.) 1,64ns
F tabel (F tab.) 5%
Tabel (Table) 10. Transpirasi (µ gr/cm /detik) Semai Shorea seminis pada Kandungan Air Tanah yang Berbeda Setelah 4 Bulan Pengamatan (Transpiration of Shorea seminis seedling at different soil water content for 4 months observation)
Ulangan (Replication) 1 2 3 Rataan (Average)
Perlakuan Kandungan Air Tanah Rataan (Treatments of Soil Water Content) (Average) P0 P1 P2 P3 0,0066 0,0160 0,0141 0,0086 0,0113 0,0065 0,0136 0,0123 0,0107 0,0108 0,0087 0,0171 0,0110 0,0093 0,0115 0,0073 0,0156 0,0125 0,0095 0,0112
Tabel (Table) 11. Hasil Analisis Sidik Ragam Pengaruh Penyiraman (Kandungan Air Tanah) Terhadap Laju Transpirasi Semai Shorea seminis (Results of analysis of variance of watering effect (soil water content) to transpiration rate of Shorea seminis seedling) Sumber Variasi (Source of Variation ) Perlakuan (Treatments) Galat (Error) Jumlah (Total)
Derajat Bebas (Degree of Freedom) 3 8 11
Jumlah Kuadrat Kuadrat Rataan (Sum of (Mean of Square) Square) 0,000118 3,93.10-5 1,70.10-5 0,000135
F hitung (F cal.) **
F tabel (F tab.) 5%
Ket.: ** : sangat signifikan (highly significant).
Tabel (Table) 12. Hasil Uji LSD Pengaruh Penyiraman (Kandungan Air Tanah) Terhadap Laju Transpirasi Semai Shorea seminis (Results of LSD test of watering effect (soil water content) to transpiration rate of Shorea seminis seedling)
Perlakuan Rataan Selisih Nilai (Different value) (Treatments) (Average) P0 P1 P2 P3 P0 0,0073 ** P1 0,0156 0,0083 P2 0,0125 0,0052** 0,0031** ** ** ** P3 0,0095 0,0023 0,0060 0,0029 Ket.: **: sangat signifikan (highly significant).
LSD 5%