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Buletin Edisi II / 2016
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Buletin Edisi II / 2016
Buletin Edisi II / 2016
Buletin Edisi II / 2016
Buletin Edisi II / 2016
Buletin Edisi II / 2016
cara Focus Group Discussion dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13 Juni 2016 di Aula Kanwil Kemenkumham Jawa Barat. FGD dipimpin oleh Kepala Sub Bidang Pengkajian dan Informasi HAM Dani Kusmawan dan Kepala Sub Bidang Pemajuan HAM Lina Kurniasari yang dihadiri oleh JFU dan JFT dilingkungan Kanwil Kemenkumham Jawa Barat, Perwakilan Pemerintahan Kota Bandung, Pemerintahan Kabupaten Bandung serta unsur dari aparat Keamanan Kota dan Kabupaten Bandung. “Sebagai konsekuensi dari ratifikasi berbagai instrumen hak asasi manusia internasional oleh pemerintah. Indonesia berkewajiban untuk membuat laporan atas perkembangan dan pelaksanaan kewajiban negara sebagaimana tertuang dalam kovenan atau konvensi yang terkait dengan HAM”, demikian disampaikan oleh Kepala Sub Bidang Pengkajian dan Informasi HAM dalam sambutannya. Berdasarkan amanat UU Nomor 39 tahun 1999 tentang HAM, pemerintah mempunyai kewajiban dalam hal perlindungan, pemajuan, penegakan, dan pemenuhan HAM. Informasi seputar pelaksanaan kewajiban negara dalam pemenuhan HAM penting untuk tersedia sebagai masukan kepada instansi terkait dalam rangka menyampaikan laporan negara (state report) kepada komite HAM PBB. Selain itu data yang tersedia akan menjadi rekomendasi bagi aparatur negara untuk memperbaiki kinerja dalam pemenuhan dan penegakan HAM.
ertempat di Ruang Rapat Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Jawa Barat acara Harmonisasi 5 (lima) Rancangan Peraturan Daerah (Raperda) Kabupaten Pangandaran dibuka oleh Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Jawa Barat Susy Susilawati dan dihadiri oleh Kepala Bidang Hukum Nugi Syamsunugraha, Kepala Sub Bidang Fasilitasi Pembentukan Produk Hukum Daerah R Ruddy Achmad Taufik, serta 9 (sembilan) orang anggota Pansus I DPRD Kabupaten Pangandaran yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 23 Juni 2016. Adapun 5 Raperda yang diharmonisasikan bersama Tim Penyusun Perancang Perundang-undangan Kantor Wilayah kementerian Hukum dan HAM Jawa Barat antara lain : 1. Raperda mengenai Produk Hukum Daerah. 2. Badan Usaha Milik Daerah. 3. Pengelolaan Sampah. 4. Perangkat Desa. 5. Pelestarian Kesenian. Buletin Edisi II / 2016
Buletin Edisi II / 2016
Buletin Edisi II / 2016
Buletin Edisi II / 2016
Buletin Edisi II / 2016
Buletin Edisi II / 2016
Buletin Edisi II / 2016
Buletin Edisi II / 2016
Abstrak Berbagai usaha telah dilakukan dalam rangka mengurangi laju kerusakan lingkungan baik pada level domestik maupun internasional. Salah satu cara khususnya di tataran internasional adalah melalui penegakan hak asasi manusia. Namun demikian, penggunaan hak asasi manusia dianggap masih belum mampu memberikan hasil yang maksimal untuk mengurangi kerusakan lingkungan disebabkan berbagai alasan. Pada perkembangan selanjutnya, International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature(Tribunal)memberikan sebuah keputusan yang cukup progresif dengan menyatakan bahwa lingkungan hidup mempunyai nilai intrinsiknya sendiridan merupakan ‘subjek’ yang mandiri. Walaupun keputusan Tribunal ini tidak mengikat negaraagar melindungi lingkungan dengan didasari prinsip bahwa lingkungan hidup merupakan subjek yang mandiri namun paling tidak keputusan Tribunal ini dapat menjadi sebuah alternatif perlindungan lingkungan. I INTRODUCTION After more than 40 years, the idea of environmental rights has been shifting from theoretical framework into real implementation. Legal actions have been taken globally. In the very first phase, the recognition of the environmental rights cannot be separated from the enforcement of the existing international human rights regulations. The second phase is by put in place the notion of the human rights to environment in international legal instruments. However, these efforts are perceived as far from adequate due to the limitation of the international human rights approach in protecting the environment. Accordingly, the ide that the environment has its own intrinsic value and should be treated as a „subject‟, has been emerged recently. One of the unique and progressive actions is reflected in the establishment of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth (UDRME) and the International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature (the Tribunal). Some cases have been submitted to the Tribunal and one of the cases is the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) case. Yet, does the tribunal‟s decision could impact the state practice in protecting the environment due to the nature of its decision is questionable. However, even if the decision of the Tribunal could not force states to protect the environment on the basis that the environment has the intrinsic right, the tribunal decision could be an alternative to the existing legal system to halt the environmental destruction. II THE TRIBUNAL AND THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF THE RIGHTS OF MOTHER EARTH The International Tribunal for the Rights of the Nature and Mother Earth is a tribunal that was established outside the formal international law mechanism such as ICJ, ICC or ITLOS. The Tribunal was created by the civil society networkcalled „The Global Alliance of the Rights of Nature‟ in 17 January 2014 in Quito, Ecuador and this is consist of not only lawyers but also ethical leaders from all over the world. The objective of the Tribunal is to hearcases related to violations of the rights of nature and to make recommendationsabout the appropriate remedies and the restoration. In delivering its decision, the Tribunal primary legal source is the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth. The UDRME was formed by the World People‟s Congress on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, in Bolivia in 2010. The UDRME is different from other kind of universal declarations under the international formal legal system, but this represents the agreement between thousands member of civil society. The UDRME states that „we are all part of Mother Earth, an indivisible, living community of interrelated and interdependent beings with a common destiny‟ and „in an interdependent living community it is not possible to recognize the rights of only human beings without causing an imbalance within Mother Earth‟. III THE GREAT BARRIER REEF CASE In 1981, the GBR declared as a World Heritage Area since its outstanding universal value. The GBR cover more than 348 000 km and expand for over than 2300 km along Australia‟s northeast coast. This consists of reefs and other kind of marine system including islands, beaches, estuaries and mangroves. Besides, the most important is the GBR supports various marine species. There are many industries are run around the GBR areas and the major industries are mining and mineral processing, agriculture and tourism. These industries contribute total nineteen billion Australian dollars annually. However, all these activities cause the degradation of the reef and endanger the lives of the species that depend on the reef. Hence, in June 2013, the UNESCO warned the Australian government that the GBR was under threat of significant damage and decided to place the GBR on the List of World Heritage in Danger. As a respond, the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA) brought this case to the Tribunal. The AELA asked the Tribunal to declare that the Queensland Government and the Australian Federal Government have been violated the rights of the GBR. In its argument, the AELA claimed that the Australian Federal government and Queensland government breached the UDRME particularly Article 2 paragraph 1 (a) the rights to life and exist, Article 2 paragraph 1 (c) the rights to regenerate its bio-capacity and to continue its vital cycles and processes free from human disruptions, Article 2 paragraph 1 (h) the rights to be free from contamination, pollution and toxic or radioactive waste, Article 2 paragraph 1 (j) the to full and prompt restoration the violation of the rights recognized in this Declaration caused by human activities. Besides the AELA also argues that based on Article 2 paragraph (2) „each being has the right to a place and to play its role in Mother Earth for her harmonious functioning‟ and paragraph (3) „every being has the right to wellbeing and to live free from torture or cruel treatment by human beings‟.
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The Tribunal decision was delivered on 6 December 2014. On its decision the Tribunal decide that Australia, both the Queensland government and the federal government to effectively control human activities in the GBR areas. The Tribunal also condemns the government of Australia for violations of the rights of the reef to maintain its vital cycles and ability to fulfill its natural potential and characterizes the condition of the reef and activities along the coast of Queensland and northern Australia as an emergency having global impacts and requiring urgent action. Furthermore, the Tribunal also contends that the governments should reduce land based marine pollution, refrain from building and expanding more industries, prohibit the passage of shipping through sensitive areas of the reef, commit to the complete restoration of the reef and comply fully with the recommendations made by UNESCO. IV THE ROLE OF THE TRIBUNAL AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE EXISTING LEGAL SYSTEM The Tribunal and the UDRME was not established under the formal international legal system which states are recognized as its subject, accordingly the Tribunal decision is not binding on state. However, the tribunal verdict might provide an alternative to complement the lack in the existing legal system. The recognition of the intrinsic rights of the environment by the Tribunal objectifies the idea that the rights of environment likely to be protected outside of the human rights protection framework. It is argued that human rights approach in protecting the environment is not sufficient enough. This is due to the nature of the international law itself where human rights regulation takes a place. As a legal regime with its main function is to regulate relations between countries, the international law tied not only to the concept of sovereignty but also consensual doctrine. In fact, environmental degradation problem and its impact have been extends across the state‟s border. Meanwhile, even if finally the intrinsic rights of the environment were recognized, there should be a mechanism to overcome problems related to „capacity to hold and exercise those rights‟. This is paramount since without this mechanism, injustice could be happen in its implementation. V CONCLUSION In conclusion, there is a need to recognize the rights of the environment in order to halt the environment degradation. What have done by the International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature in the Great Barrier Reef, regardless its place in the international legal systems, proves the world that it is possible to recognize the intrinsic value of a nature as an independent legal framework outside the human rights legal approach. However, in the future action, there should be mechanisms on how these rights could be exercised and who will have the authority to maintained these rights. REFERENCES A Books/Journals/Articles Catherine Redgwell, „Life, The Universe and Everything: A critique of Anthropocentric Rights‟ in Allan Boyle and Michael Anderson (eds), Human Rights Approaches to Environmental Protection (Clarendon Paperback, 1997) Connor Grearty, „Do Human Rights Help or Hinder Environmental protection‟ (2010) 1(1) Journal of Human Rights and Environment 7 Luis E. Rodriguez-Rivera, „Is the Human Right to Environment Recognized Under International Law? It Depends on the Source‟ (2001) 12 Colo. J International Environmental Law and Policy 1 Silva Larson, Natalie Stoeckl, Marina Farr, Michelle Esparon, The role the Great Barrier Reef plays in resident wellbeing and implications for its management, (2014) 44 AMBIO 166 Suitlana Kravchenko, „Environmental Rights in International Law: Explicity Recognized or Creatively Interpreted?‟ (2012) 7(2) Florida A and M University Law Review 163-180 B Others Erin Fitz-Henry, University of Melbourne
Presenting for the Australian Earth Laws Alliance, Great Barrier Reef Case, The International Rights of Nature Tribunal, Lima, Peru December 2014, available at
Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, The Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth (2015), available at http://
Connor Grearty, ‘Do Human Rights Help or Hinder Environmental protection’ (2010) 1(1) Journal of Human Rights and Environment 7, 21. Ibid, 2-3 Catherine Redgwell, ‘Life, The Universe and Everything: A critique of Anthropocentric Rights’ in Allan Boyle and Michael Anderson (eds), Human Rights Approaches to Environmental Protection (Clarendon Paperback, 1997) 85.
Buletin Edisi II / 2016
Buletin Edisi II / 2016
Tips Menjaga Daya Tahan Tubuh Agar Selalu Sehat
emiliki tubuh yang sehat merupakan keinginan setiap orang termasuk anda. Dengan tetap sehat, maka aktivitas yang kita lakukan bisa berjalan lancar dan sesuai dengan harapan kita.
Dengan Sehat pula, maka kita tidak harus mengeluarkan waktu dan biaya untuk membeli obat atau pergi ke rumah sakit. Jadi kita harus selalu bersyukur dengan nikmat kesehatan yang di berikan Tuhan YME kepada kita semua. Ada berbagai tips yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan dan daya tahan tubuh. Lalu, apa saja tips menjaga daya tahan tubuh agar selalu sehat tersebut...??? Ukuran sehat yaitu ketika kita mampu menjaga daya tahan tubuh dari serangan penyakit yang selalu menerpa seperti penyakit demam, flu, batuk dan lain-lain. Lalu bagaimana kita bisa menjaga daya tahan tubuh yang benar agar selalu sehat dan bugar setiap hari....???. Berikut ini tips kesehatan yaitu tips menjaga daya tahan tubuh agar selalu sehat : 1. Cukup Istirahat. Istirahat yang cukup setiap harinya, merupakan salah satu faktor untuk menjaga daya tahan tubuh anda. 2. Berpikir Positif. Di dalam tubuh yang sehat terdapat pikiran yang tenang dan sehat juga. Maka usahakan selalu berpikiran positif terhadap segala masalah yang menerpa kita. 3. Rutin Berolahraga. Setiap pagi, usahakan selalu melakukan olahraga secara teratur. Ini bertujuan untuk menjaga kondisi tubuh agar selalu bugar dan sehat. 4. Kebersihan Makanan. Selalu memastikan bahwa makanan yang anda makan sudah higienis atau sudah di cuci dengan bersih atau dimasak dengan matang yang sempurna. 5. Kontrol Makanan. Makanlah dengan porsi yang wajar jangan berlebihan. Di khawatirkan badan anda akan mengalami kegemukan dan riskan terkena penyakit yang terkait dengan kegemukan atau obesitas. Demikianlah tips kesehatan yang berjudul tips menjaga daya tahan tubuh agar selalu sehat. Semoga artikel kesehatan diatas bermanfaat dan berguna untuk anda. Sumber :
Buletin Edisi II / 2016