Výukový materiál zpracován v rámci projektu EU peníze školám
Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0996
č. materiálu: VY_32_INOVACE_AJ641
Jméno autora:
Mgr. Petr Kubík
3. r.
Datum vytvoření:
25. 12. 2013
Vzdělávací oblast:
Jazyková výchova
Tematická oblast:
Work, jobs
Anglický jazyk
Výstižný popis způsobu využití, případně
Úkoly k procvičení lze zredukovat do pracovního listu, ostatní využít při
metodické pokyny:
zpracování maturitního tématu: Work, jobs v kombinaci s vymezením pojmu Relative clause. Student vysvětlí motivy člověka pracovat, nazve zaměstnání, pracoviště, druhy práce, vysvětlí způsoby získání a ztráty zaměstnání a základní pracovní podmínky v ČR. Naučí se koncovky používané pro názvy zaměstnání, jakož i tvorbu jednoduchých vztažných vět.
Klíčová slova:
work, jobs/occupations, workplace,
vacancy, jobcentre, find/apply for/lose
a job, working conditions/benefits,
relative clause
Druh učebního materiálu: Pracovní list + textový dokument
641) WORK, JOBS– kinds of jobs and work 1)
Reasons to work: to afford to do your hobbies
to travel
to afford to enjoy life
to make living
to fulfil life
Reasons to work: to secure for the future
to have a power
to meet people
to get social status
to build a careeer
Places to work at = workplaces: a firm
a warehouse
a workshop
a shop
a bank
Main Idea workplace an aggency
an office
a factory
a school
a hospital
a building site
3) People at work: boss, director, manager, colleague, staff, team, applicant, trainee, employer × employee, self-employed person // entrepreneur × freelancer
a boss
a colleague
a selfemployed person
a manager an employee an employee a director
a staff an employer
a trainee
People at work
an applicant
an employee an employee
a freelancer
4) How do people a) find b) lose a job? a) When you apply for a job, first , it is important to write / prepare a CV curriculum vitae) including information about your education and past work experience. Then you can visit an employment agency / job centre, in order to find suitable job / vacancy for you or you can look for job offers / advertisements on the internet / in newspapers / magazines. After you find an appropriate job, you can apply for the position / send in a letter of application (cover) letter and enclose your CV or fill in an application form and wait to be invited to an interview. b) You can leave your job, be made redundant = nadbytečný, which means your vacancy is not needed any longer or be dismissed (get sacked/fired) for various reasons such as sloppy work or using worktime for personal activities and other 5) What are standard working conditions and benefits in the CR? The standard working conditions in the CR are an 8-hour working day, a 4-week holiday, sick pay/leave, lunch break. You have an income (salary, wages reduced by income tax, pension payment and health/national insurance or other cutdowns (alimony, leasing involments...) When you retire, you receive old-age pension. Employees can get some fringe benefits such as lunch vouchers / language classes / company car / phone or other bonuses, they can get a pay rise, get promoted, take a day off/a leave/holiday or maternity leave. If you are unemployed you are on the dole and get an unemployment benefit
1) the endings for jobs: -
employer, labourer, waiter, painter administrator, supervisor, editor scientist, dentist, psychologist immigrant, attendant, accountant musician, electrician, optician employee, referee, trainee
or ist ant ian ee
2) Match the parts to form right compound occupations: a police a shop a flight a nuclear a bank a factory a taxi a driving -
er or ist ant ian ee
instructor attendant accountant officer driver assistant trainee physicist
garden, library, electricity, administrate, consult edit, work, comedy, refer, chemistry, garden, psychology, tail, assist, immigrate, account, magic, employ, flora, train, attend, politics, pharmacy, act, report, farm teach, fruit pick, employ,pharmacy
3)Introduction to relative clauses:
a)Try to make occupations joining the given words and the prefixes: b) try to express simply what is his/her duty = A gardener takes care of gardens. Notice the subject is a gardener. c) say it in longer way = A gardener is someone who takes care of gardens. Both a gardener and who are in the first case and means the same subject. d) we can also say occupations using “whose“ with a very similar structure: A gardener is someone whose job is to take care of gardens. As whose = jehož isn’t in the first case, we have two different subjects. e) say where you can see him/her = You can see a librarian in a library. Notice that a librarian isn’t the subject but object. Say it like in b) A librarian is someone who you can see in a library. Now we have two different subjects: A librarian and you who isn’t in the first case and becomes the object. f) write down the places where you can see/ meet these people: You can see a teacher at school. A school is a place where you can see a teacher. Now we need an adverb where and it can’t be in the first case thus demands another subject, e.g. you.
4) Follow the grammar samples for the occupations below a person
who – subject
who – object
a journalist is someone/ a person
who writes for whose job is to who you can A TV studio is a place newspaper. write for meet at the TV where a journalist newspaper studio works/where you can meet a journalist a chef is someone/who cooks in whose job is to who you can A restaurant is a person a restaurant. cook in meet in a place where a chef works. a restaurant. a restaurant. a miner a farmer an engineer a fashion designer a surgeon 5) Of course there are a lot of things, objects and also activities which cannot be followed by who, whose or where, so we need another pronoun - which. We can devide jobs in the following categories: Try to translate the sentences following the example. Notice that which is either the „subject“ or if it isn’t in the first case the „object“ of the relative clause = follows the same rule as for “who“. a type of jobs a challenging job= náročná, ale zajímavá, kterou můžeš zvládnout a rewarding job = uspokojivá, prospěšná, kterou lidé respektují a demanding job= náročná, vyžadující mnoho úsilí a dovedností a menial job = podřadná, nekvalifikovaná, může ji dělat každý a skillful job = kvalifikovaná, pro níž musíš mít určité dovednosti a well paid job = špatně placená, za kterou dostaneš málo peněz a temporary job = dočasná/brigáda, kterou můžeš dělat ve volném čase a permanent job = trvalá, kterou děláš pravidelně po delší čas a manual job = fyzická, kterou vykonáváš ručně an office job = kancelářská, kterou vykonáváš v kanceláři a hard job = tvrdá práce, pro kterou musíš být silný a part-time job = práce, kterou vykonáváš jen na část hodin a shift job = střídavá práce, kterou vykonáváš v různou denní dobu a nine to five job = běžná, pravidelná práce s obvyklou pracovní dobou
relative clause: it’s a job which is demanding, but interesting and which you can manage.
The solutions: a police a shop a flight a nuclear a bank a factory a taxi a driving
officer assistant attendant physicist accountant driver trainee instructor
3) -
er or ist ant ian ee
gardener, teacher,worker, gardener,employer,reporter, farmer, fruit picker administrator, tailor, editor,actor, chemist, psychologist, florist, pharmacist, consultant, assistant, immigrant, accountant, attendant, magician,politician, comedian, librarian, electrician, trainee, referee employee
5) a rewarding job = uspokojivá, prospěšná, kterou lidé respektují a demanding job= náročná, vyžadující mnoho úsilí a dovedností a menial job = podřadná, nekvalifikovaná, může ji dělat každý a skillful job = kvalifikovaná, pro níž musíš mít určité dovednosti a well paid job = špatně placená, za kterou dostaneš málo peněz a temporary job = dočasná/brigáda, kterou můžeš dělat ve volném čase
it’s a job which is useful and which people respect.
a permanent job = trvalá, kterou děláš pravidelně po delší čas a manual job = fyzická, kterou vykonáváš ručně an office job = kancelářská, kterou vykonáváš v kanceláři a hard job = tvrdá práce, pro kterou musíš být silný a part-time job = práce, kterou vykonáváš jen na část hodin a shift job = střídavá práce, kterou vykonáváš v různou denní dobu a nine to five job = běžná, pravidelná práce s obvyklou pracovní dobou
it¨s a job which you do regularly for a longer time.
it’s a job which is difficult and requires a lot of effort and skills. it’s a job which doesn’t require any qualification and everyone can do it. it’s a job for which you must have specific skills. it’s a job for which you get little money. it’s a job which lasts only for a limited time and which you can do in your free time.
it’s a job which you do using (with) your hands. it’s a job which you do in an office. it’s a job for which you need to be strong. it’s a job which you do only for a few hours. it’s a job which you do in different parts of a day which usually alternate. it’s a common job with usual working hours.