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Ringkasan tanya jawab dalam Public Expose Tahun 2016: Pertanyaan 1: Terkait hasil RUPS yang baru saja dilangsungkan apakah ada pembagian dividen untuk pemegang saham dan apakah ada pergantian kepengurusan di jajaran Direksi maupun Komisaris? Untuk tahun ini berapa belanja modal (capex) yang disediakan dan sudah terserap berapa sampai saat ini? Untuk target revenue (pendapatan) dan laba di tahun ini apakah ada peningkatan atau pertumbuhan? Jawaban: Diputuskan di dalam RUPS untuk tahun buku yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2015 akan dibagikan dividen dengan jumlah total Rp. 127.791.274.128 dan pembagian dividen tunai Rp. 42 per sahamnya, dan di dalam RUPS juga diputuskan ada perubahan pengurus di jajaran Direksi dengan susunan sebagai berikut: Presiden Direktur : Bpk. Irwan Djaja Direktur : Bpk. Dicky Setiadi Moechtar Direktur : Bpk. Henry Riady Direktur : Bpk. Sigit Prasetya Direktur : Bpk. Andy Nugroho Purwohardono Direktur : Bpk. Edward Sanusi Direktur : Ibu. Maria Clarissa Fernandez Joesoep Direktur Independen : Bpk. Henry Jani Liando Jadi, ada muka-muka baru di jajaran Direksi, dan diharapkan nanti akan memberikan lebih banyak inovasi terhadap kinerja Perseroan di tahun 2016 dan mendatang. Kemudian mengenai jumlah capex yang Perseroan rencanakan untuk tahun 2016 adalah sebesar Rp 900 miliar – Rp. 1 triliun, dan sampai dengan bulan Maret serapannya sudah 25% jadi sesuai dengan jadwal dimana 1 kuartal serapannya sebanyak ¼ dari jumlah capex. Adapun penggunaannya utamanya untuk perluasan jaringan dengan menarik lebih banyak kabel untuk mencapai lebih banyak rumah-rumah pelanggan (homespassed). Dari sisi pendapatan dan laba, kenaikan yang sama dari tahun 2015 kita tetapkan untuk tahun ini. Perseroan optimis bisa mencapai itu walaupun memang ada tekanan eksternal untuk itu. Pertanyaan 2: Disebutkan tadi bahwa pelanggan korporasi cukup luas, apakah strategi untuk memperkuat pelanggan korporasi dan institusi mana saja yang akan disasar untuk pelayanan jasa internet? Dengan adanya pemain besar lain di bidang internet kabel ini di kota besar bagaimana siasat Perseroan? Berapa homespassed yang akan ditambah dengan belanja modal yang tadi disebutkan? Jawaban: Untuk segmen korporasi kita sangat fokus kepada pasar SME (Small Medium Enterprise/UKM), kita percaya bahwa pasar ini yang paling membutuhkan dukungan akses data dan internet, dimana sekarang ini sudah jaman digital dan pastinya mereka akan selalu membutuhkan konektivitas, dan ini menjadi peluang Perseroan untuk menyasar pasar ini.
Pada saat ini, di pasar yang kita hadir di Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, dan Denpasar. walaupun di Denpasar tidak ada pasar residensial dan hanya menyasar pasar hotel, kita adalah yang punya jangkauan kabel yang paling baik untuk broadband, jadi kita akan mempertahankan keunggulan kita di sisi jaringan, disamping itu juga terus meningkatkan kualitas sambungan internetnnya. Di pasar Indonesia, internet itu tolak ukurnya ada 2 yakni kecepatan dan keterjangkauan. Jadi, kita akan terus menerus mengutamakan kecepatan layanan internet di jaringan kita terutama dengan adanya kompetisi. Dari sisi keterjangkauan, kita akan terus menyesuaikan tingkat kecepatan dan jumlah yang harus dibayar untuk biaya pelanggannya. Di sisi televisi sekarang kita adalah pemain paling dominan, kita mempunyai 150 digital channel dan mempunyai paling banyak jumlah program HD dengan 70 channel dan kedepannya kita akan tingkatkan terus. Kita juga sudah menyiapkan layanan FMX OTT, layanan video streaming untuk linier programming dan video on demand, sehingga di luar rumah pun para pelanggan kita masih bisa tetap menikmati siaran televisi. Ini yang utama kami lakukan untuk mempertahankan kepemimpinan pasar kita. Dari sisi penjualan, kita terus meningkatkan upaya dengan melakukan pemasaran berbasis komunitas. Dari segi homespassed, kita menargetkan 120-150 ribu tambahan homespassed di tahun ini. disamping itu, kita juga melakukan modernisasi jaringan, karena dengan implementasi Docsis 3.0 akan memerlukan jaringan yang lebih solid. Untuk korporasi juga di tahun 2015 kita mendapatkan 1567 account, salah satunya adalah Indonesia Stock Exchange (Bursa Efek Indonesia) dimana kita telah bekerjasama untuk 15 tahun, dan kita telah memperpanjang kerjasama untuk 5 tahun ke depan. Selain itu, kita juga bekerja sama dengan government, financial institution, international school, dan lain-lain. Disamping pasar UKM yang menjadi sasaran, kita juga tidak lupa dengan large enterprise. Jika kita lihat, untuk kompetitor itu mulai masuk dengan infrastruktur fiber 2 tahun yang lalu, karena Indonesia itu masih rendah tingkat penetrasinya untuk bisnis broadband yang hanya 6,1%, oleh karena itu kompetitor-kompetitor bisa mengisi kekurangan dari kebutuhan broadband masyarakat Indonesia yang rata-rata masih muda dan di bawah umur 30 tahun. Jadi, kita tidak sebut mereka itu kompetitor, karena kehadiran mereka bagus untuk mengedukasi dan menjalin pertumbuhan infrastruktur yang sudah lama kita jalankan.
Lampiran 3
PT Link Net Tbk Paparan Publik 15 April 2016
Agenda Presentasi
1. Kinerja Operasional Tahun 2015 2. Kinerja Keuangan Tahun 2015 3. Rencana Mendatang
1. Kinerja Operasional Tahun 2015
Ikhtisar kinerja operasional tahun 2015 Memperkuat fondasi untuk pertumbuhan berkelanjutan pada 3 area cakupan (Jabodetabek, Surabaya dan Bandung) - Menambah 240 ribu homes passed baru - Menambah 65 ribu pelanggan internet baru - Menambah 70 ribu pelanggan TV berbayar baru - 95% rasio bundling antara internet dan TV berbayar Mempertahankan ARPU (Average Revenue per User) pada level yang premium yaitu Rp 415 ribu per pelanggan, mencerminkan brand equity yang kuat Melanjutkan momentum pertumbuhan yang cepat pada bisnis korporasi (enterprise), dengan keberhasilan mendapatkan klien-klien strategis dan penting dari berbagai lini bisnis Memperoleh beberapa penghargaan di tahun 2015, antara lain, “SWA Customer Loyalty Award Net Promoter Leader 2016” untuk ke-5 kali sejak tahun 2011, pada dua kategori Broadband/Fixed ISP dan Pay TV, sebagai bukti atas strategi Perseroan yang berfokus pada pelanggan 4
Kinerja operasional yang solid ditengah tekanan eksternal Homes Passed (dalam ribuan)
Pelanggan (dalam ribuan)
ARPU (dalam ribuan Rupiah)
890 402
755 433 363
457 392
2014 Internet
* Penyediaan
Televisi Berbayar *
layanan televisi berbayar bekerja sama dengan PT First Media Television, anak perusahaan 5
Penghargaan selama tahun 2015 Customer Loyalty Award Net Promoter Leader Award 2016 Pay TV & Broadband/Fixed ISP category SWA magazine, 2011-2016
PEFINDO25 Index (01/08/2015 to 31/01/2016) Company/Stock with sound financial and liquidity performance PEFINDO25 initiated by Central Bank Indonesia and IDX
Word Of Mouth Marketing Award 2015 First Winner in Cable TV category SWA magazine, 2011-2015
2015 Frost & Sullivan Indonesia Excellent Awards Fixed Broadband Service of the Year (Company recognized to have pushed boundaries of excellence – rising above competitions and demonstrating outstanding performance)
Word Of Mouth Marketing Award 2015 Fixed Internet Provider category SWA magazine, 2011-2015
Top Telco 2015 Indonesia WOW Brand 2015
Top Fixed Internet 2015 From Itech Magazine
Silver Champion of Indonesia WOW Brand 2015 Pay TV Category From Markplus Inc
Indonesia WOW Brand 2015 Gold Champion of Indonesia WOW Brand 2015 Fixed Internet Service Provider Category From Markplus Inc
Brand Finance plc Brand Rating Rank 79th in Most Valuable Indonesia Brands 2015 From Brand Finance 6
2. Kinerja Keuangan Tahun 2015
Ikhtisar kinerja keuangan tahun 2015 Mencetak pertumbuhan yang menguntungkan dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya, ditengah tekanan makro ekonomi - Pendapatan meningkat 20% menjadi Rp 2,6 triliun - Laba usaha meningkat 12% menjadi Rp 935 miliar - Laba bersih meningkat 15% menjadi Rp 640 miliar Mempertahankan posisi keuangan yang kuat ditengah ekspansi yang berkelanjutan
Pertumbuhan pendapatan ditengah tekanan makro ekonomi PendapatanPendapatan (dalam miliar Rupiah)
2.564 2.136
Pertumbuhan laba bersih dengan operating leverages dan manajemen keuangan yang bijak Laba Bersih (dalam miliar Rupiah)
640 558
Jaringan terus diperluas dan penetrasi pasar ditingkatkan Belanja Modal* (dalam miliar Rupiah)
1.291 777
* Belanja modal merupakan penambahan aset tetap di laporan posisi keuangan.
3. Rencana Mendatang
Inovasi yang terus menciptakan pengalaman hiburan dan internet yang unggul 70 HD CHANNELS
Keunggulan TV Entertainment dengan menawarkan HD channels yang paling komplit
Layanan Home Security, Automation, Wellness dan Energy Management
Layanan TV Anywhere dengan FMX (> 150 live stream channels, 7 hari catch up, premium VOD)
Pengalaman Multi-Screen Interactive TV, Google Cast, 7 hari catch-up
Terima kasih
[English Version]
No: SB-046/CSL-LN/PE/IV/16
Jakarta, April 20th 2016
To: PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (Indonesia Stock Exchange) Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan 12190 Up: Mr. Samsul Hidayat Director of Listing Subject: The Submission of Annually Public Expose Result PT Link Net Tbk
(“The Company”) date 15 April 2016 Dear Sir,
To meet the Regulation I-E point V.2 Decision of the Board of Director of Jakarta Stock Exchange No.: Kep.-306/BEJ/07-2004, dated 19 July 2004, regarding Obligation of Information Submission, and referring to the Company's letter No. SB-039/CSL-LN/PE/IV/16, dated 12 April 2016, concerning the content submission of Public Expose Year 2016, we herewith submitted the report of the Company's Annually Public Expose: 1.
Annually Public Expose was held on: Day/Date : Friday, 15 April 2016 Time : 10:30 - 11:30 Venue : Ballroom B, Hotel Aryaduta Tugu Tani Jakarta Jl. Prapatan 44-48, Jakarta 10110
The Company's management are present: • Ali Chendra : President Commissioner • Dicky Setiadi Moechtar : Director and Corporate Secretary • Maria Clarissa Fernandez Joesoep : Director • Liryawati : Board of Management - Investor Relation • Joel Munte : Division Head - Investor Relation
Public attendance: • The private financiers • Journalists from various media; (attached photocopy of the attendance list - Annex 1).
Summary of the question and answer in the Annual Public Expose attached as Appendix 2.
Annual Public Expose was opened by Mr. Joel Munte, at 10:30 and continued with the presentation material content Annual Public Expose 2016 in the form of presentation as attached (Annex 3).
Annual Public Expose closed by Mr. Dicky Setiadi Moechtar, on 11:30.
Please be informed accordingly and thank you for your attention.
Yours faithfully, PT Link Net Tbk For and behalf of Board of Directors
Dicky Setiadi Moechtar Director and Corporate Secretary
Cc: -
Head Executive of Capital Market Supervisory Commissioner
Annex 1
Annex 2
Summary of Questions and Answers in the Public Expose of 2016: Question 1: With regard to the results of GMS which was recently held, was there any dividend payment to the shareholders and was there any change in the management related to the composition of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners? How much capex is made available this year and how much has been absorbed to date? Related to the target of revenues and profit this year, is there any increase or growth? Answer: It has been resolved in the GMS for the financial year ending 31 December 2015 that there will be payment of dividends in the total amount of Rp. 127.791.274.128 and the cash distributions of dividends amounting to Rp 42 per share, and in the GMS it was also resolved that there is change in the management and the composition of Board of Directors is as follows : President Director : Mr. Irwan Djaja Director : Mr. Dicky Setiadi Moechtar Director : Mr. Henry Riady Director : Mr. Sigit Prasetya Director : Mr. Andy Nugroho Purwohardono Director : Mr. Edward Sanusi Director : Ms. Maria Clarissa Fernandez Joesoep Independent Director : Mr. Henry Jani Liando Therefore, there will be new faces in the Board of Directors, and it is expected that there will be more innovations in the performance of Company for 2016 and the years ahead. Further, the amount of capex planned by the Company for the year of 2016 amounts to Rp 900 billion – Rp. 1 trillion and up to March the absorption already reached 25% as such it is in accordance with the schedule where the absorption within a quarter is ¼ of capex. It is mainly utilized for the expansion of its cable network to achieve more homepassed. In terms of revenues and profit, the target for this year is to have the same increase as the year of 2015. The Company is optimistic that they could achieve the target despite of external pressure. Question 2: It was mentioned that there has been quite a large number of corporate customers, what is the strategy to strengthen corporate customers and what institutions are targeted for internet service provision? What is the strategy of the Company in facing another big player in the field of cable internet in the big city? How many additional homepassed are expected with the capital expenditure mentioned earlier? Answer: For corporation segment, our focus is primarily on SOE (Small Medium Enterprise/UKM) market, we believe that this market requires support of data and internet access, where today is a digital era and certainly this market will always require connectivity, and this provides an opportunity for the Company to target this market.
Currently, we are present in Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, and Denpasar markets. Though there is no residential market in Denpasar and we only target the hotel market, we have the best cable reach for broadband, as such we will maintain our excellence in networks, besides we will continuously improve the quality of internet connection. In Indonesian market, speed and reach are the benchmark for internet. Therefore, we will constantly give our priority to the speed of internet service in our network, in particular in facing competitions. In terms of reach, we will constantly adjust the level of speed and amount payable by the customer. For television, we are currently the most dominant player, we have 150 digital channels and have the highest number of HD programs with 70 channels and we will continue increasing this in the future. We have also prepared FMX OTT service, video streaming service for linier programming and video on demand, thus our customers can still enjoy television broadcast outside their homes. Our main activities are to maintain our market leadership. In terms of sale, we strive continuously for doing community-based marketing. In terms of homespassed, we target 120-150 thousands additional homespassed this year. Additionally, we have modernized our networks, because implementation of Docsis 3.0 will require more solid networks. During 2015 we obtained 1567 corporation accounts, one of them is Indonesia Stock Exchange (Bursa Efek Indonesia) where our cooperation has been established for 15 years and this cooperation has been extended for another 5 years. In addition, we have also entered into a cooperation with government, financial institution, international school, etc. Our target is not only SOE but also large enterprise. From what we have observed, competitors started to enter with fibre infrastructure some two years ago, as at that time penetration for broadband business in Indonesia was low, only 6,1% hence the competitors could cover the need of broadband of Indonesian people who on the average are young and below 30 years. Therefore, we do not call them competitors, as their presence has been positive in educating and spurring the infrastructure to faster growth that has long been undertaken by us.
Annex 3
PT Link Net Tbk Public Expose April 15, 2016
1. 2015 Operational Performance 2. 2015 Financial Performance 3. Future Plan
1. 2015 Operational Performance
2015 operational key highlights Strengthened foundation for further growth in 3 coverage areas (Greater Jakarta, Surabaya and Bandung) - Added 240k new home passess - Added 65k broadband RGUs - Added 70k cable TV RGUs - 95% bundling rate between broadband cable TV Sustained premium ARPU at IDR 415k, reflecting strong brand equity Continued growth momentum in enterprise business, with major strategic wins across broad range of client businesses For the 5th time since 2011, received the “2016 SWA Customer Loyalty Award Net Promoter Leader” in both Broadband/Fixed ISP and Pay TV categories, a testament to our customer-focused strategy
Solid operating performance despite external pressures Homes Passed (‘000)
RGUs (‘000)
ARPU (IDR ‘000)
890 402
755 433 363
457 392
2014 Broadband
* In
Cable TV*
cooperation with subsidiary PT First Media Television 5
Industry accolades Customer Loyalty Award Net Promoter Leader Award 2016 Pay TV & Broadband/Fixed ISP category SWA magazine, 2011-2016
PEFINDO25 Index (01/08/2015 to 31/01/2016) Company/Stock with sound financial and liquidity performance PEFINDO25 initiated by Central Bank Indonesia and IDX
Word Of Mouth Marketing Award 2015 First Winner in Cable TV category SWA magazine, 2011-2015
2015 Frost & Sullivan Indonesia Excellent Awards Fixed Broadband Service of the Year (Company recognized to have pushed boundaries of excellence – rising above competitions and demonstrating outstanding performance)
Word Of Mouth Marketing Award 2015 Fixed Internet Provider category SWA magazine, 2011-2015
Top Telco 2015 Indonesia WOW Brand 2015
Top Fixed Internet 2015 From Itech Magazine
Silver Champion of Indonesia WOW Brand 2015 Pay TV Category From Markplus Inc
Indonesia WOW Brand 2015 Gold Champion of Indonesia WOW Brand 2015 Fixed Internet Service Provider Category From Markplus Inc
Brand Finance plc Brand Rating Rank 79th in Most Valuable Indonesia Brands 2015 From Brand Finance 6
2. 2015 Financial Performance
2015 financial key highlights Delivered profitable growth, amidst external pressures - Revenue of IDR 2,6 trillion, up 20% yoy - Operating profit of IDR 935 billion, up 12% yoy - NPAT of IDR 640 billion, up 15% yoy Sustained strong financial position amid continuos expansion
Revenue growth amid macro economic pressure Revenue (IDR bn) Pendapatan
2,564 2,136
Net profit growth with operating leverages and prudent financial management Net Profit (IDR Bn)
640 558
Continuing expanding network and market penetration CAPEX* (IDR Bn)
1,291 777
* Belanja modal merupakan penambahan aset tetap di laporan posisi keuangan.
3. Future Plan
Consistent inovation that continue to create internet & entertainment superior experience 70 HD CHANNELS
Excellent TV Entertainment byoffering the most comprehensive HD channles
Home Security, Automation, Wellness and Energy Management
LTV Anywhere with FMX (> 150 live stream channels, 7 days catch up, premium VOD)
Multi-Screen Interactive TV experience, Google Cast, 7 days catch-up
Thank you