1 2 Statistik Impor Kota Batam Tahun 2014 Katalog : Ukuran Buku : 21 Cm X 28 Cm Jumlah Halaman : iii Halaman Naskah : Maharani, S.ST Pengolah Data : R...
Statistik Impor Kota Batam Tahun 2014 Katalog BPS : 8202007.2171 Ukuran Buku : 21 Cm X 28 Cm Jumlah Halaman : iii + 155 Halaman Naskah : Maharani, S.ST Pengolah Data : Reno Fitria, S.ST Lilis Nurul Husna, S.ST Pritiana Diah Ariyantika, S.ST
Editor : Drs. Mangamputua
Gambar Kulit : Karno, ST
Diterbitkan Oleh : BPS Kota Batam
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Boleh dikutip dengan menyebut sumbernya.
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KATA PENGANTAR Publikasi Statistik Impor Kota Batam Tahun 2014 ini merupakan publikasi lanjutan
yang diterbitkan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Batam guna melengkapi ketersediaan data perekonomian di Kota Batam. Data yang disajikan dalam publikasi ini merupakan hasil pengolahan kompilasi dari dokumen Pemberitahuan Impor Barang (PIB-BC 2.0) dan dokumen Pemberitahuan Pengangkutan Barang Impor (PPBI-BC 2.3) tahun 2014 yang
diterbitkan oleh Kantor Pelayanan Bea dan Cukai Kota Batam.
Dengan terbitnya publikasi Statistik Impor Kota Batam Tahun 2014 ini diharapkan
dapat memberikan informasi mengenai kinerja perdagangan khususnya impor Kota Batam
guna membantu pemerintah dalam merumuskan kebijakan dan memantau kinerja
perekonomian. Publikasi ini juga diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan para konsumen
data, baik swasta maupun perorangan untuk memberikan informasi yang dipakai sebagai
bahan analisa dan penelitian pasar, serta analisa dan penelitian ekonomi.
Kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu penerbitan publikasi Statistik Impor Kota
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Batam Tahun 2014 ini, kami sampaikan ucapan terima kasih dan penghargaan yang
Kritik dan saran dari pengguna data sangat kami harapkan untuk penyempurnaan publikasi ini dimasa yang akan datang. Akhirnya kami harapkan semoga publikasi ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua.
Batam, Mei 2015 Kepala BPS Kota Batam,
Drs. Mangamputua NIP. 19660926 199212 1 001
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Statistik Impor Kota Batam Tahun 2014 BPS
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Kata Pengantar .................................................................................................
Daftar Isi ........................................................................................................
Tabel 2. Impor Kota Batam Menurut Pelabuhan Bongkar
Tabel 1. Impor Kota Batam Setiap Bulannya Tahun 2014 .............................
Tahun 2014 ........................................................................................
Tabel 3. Impor Kota Batam Menurut Negara Asal Barang 13
Tahun 2014 ........................................................................................
Tabel 4. Impor Kota Batam Menurut Golongan Barang (HS 2 Digit) 17
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Tahun 2014 ........................................................................................
Tabel 5. Impor Kota Batam Menurut Negara Asal Barang dan Golongan Barang (HS 2 Digit) Tahun 2014 ......................................
Tabel 6. Impor Kota Batam Menurut Golongan Barang (HS 10 Digit) Tahun 2014 ........................................................................................
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Batam
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Statistik Impor Kota Batam Tahun 2014 BPS
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1. PENDAHULUAN Penyajian Statistik Impor Kota Batam tahun 2014 ini terdiri dari 6 (enam) tabel, yaitu : tabel 1 : impor setiap bulannya; tabel 2 : impor menuru tpelabuhan bongkar; tabel 3 : impor menurut Negara asal barang; tabel 4 : impor menurut golongan barang HS 2 digit; table 5 : impor menurut asal barang dirinci per golongan barang hs 2 digit dan tabel 6 : impor golongan barang hs 10 digit. 2. DAERAH PENCATATAN
Daerah pencatatan statistic dalam publikasi ini meliputi seluruh pelabuhan yang
melaksanakan kegiatan bongkar barang impor di wilayah Kota Batam.
dikumpulkan berdasarkan dokumen
impor (Pemberitahuan Impor
Statistik impor
Barang (PIB-BC 2.0) dan Pemberitahuan Pengangkutan Barang Impor (PPBI-BC 2.3))
yang diisi oleh importir. Dokumen PIB-BC 2.0 dan PPBI-BC 2.3 diterima dari Bea dan
Cukai dan berlaku sejak April 1997 berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Keuangan
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nomor 101/KMK.05/1997 tanggal 10 Maret 1997.
Sistem pencatatan Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri menggunakan sistem perdagangan umum (the General Trade System) atau dengan sistem perdagangan khusus (the Special Trade System). Dalam sistem perdagangan umum, kawasan berikat dianggap sebagai ”dalam negeri”, sedangkan dalam sistem perdagangan khusus, dianggap sebagai luar negeri. Sejak Januari 2008, sistem pencatatan statistik impor mempergunakan sistem perdagangan umum. 5. RUANG LINGKUP Pencatatan Statistik Impor meliputi seluruh barang-barang yang masuk dari luar negeri ke wilayah Kota Batam baik yang bersifat komersial maupun bukan komersial.
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Batam
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Statistik Impor Kota Batam tahun 2014
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- Sebagian impor kapal laut dan pesawat udara beserta suku cadangnya termasuk dalam statistik impor.
- Barang-barang luar negeri yang diolah atau diperbaiki di dalam negeri tetap dicatat sebagai impor, meskipun setelah barang tersebut selesai diproses akan kembali ke luar negeri (re-ekspor). - Barang-barang di bawah ini tidak termasuk dalam statistik impor. a. Pakaian dan barang-barang perhiasan penumpang b. Barang-barang
penumpang untuk dipakai sendiri, kecuali lemari es,
pesawat TV dan sebagainya. c. Barang-barang yang diimpor untuk perwakilan (kedutaan) suatu negara.
d. Barang-barang untuk ekspedisi dan ekshibisi/pameran
e. Sebagian barang-barang yang langsung diimpor oleh Tentara Nasional
Indonesia (TNI)
h. Barang-barang contoh
g. Uang dan surat-surat berharga
f. Pembungkus/peti kemas
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Sistem pengolahan mengunakan system “carry over”. Dengan metode ini dokumen-
dokumen dari daerah ditunggu selama satu bulan setelah berjalan. Dokumen-dokumen yang datang terlambat akan dimasukkan dalam pengolahan bulan berikutnya. Data dalam publikasi ini mencakup dokumen-dokumen selama tahun 2014 yang diterima oleh Badan Pusat Statistik sejak awal Januari 2014 sampai dengan 31 Januari 2015. 7. KLASIFIKASI JENIS BARANG Penggolongan barang yang digunakan di dalam statistic impor adalah klasifikasi barang impor yang berdasarkan pada BukuTarif Kepabeanan Indonesia 2012 (BTKI 2012) yang mengacu pada amandemen keempat dari World Customs Organization (WCO) sebagai lembaga internasional yang menyusun klasifikasi Harmonized System (HS).
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Batam
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Statistik Impor Kota Batam Tahun 2014 BPS
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8. PERIODE REFERENSI Periode penentuan impor adalah tanggal penyelesaian dokumen oleh pejabat Bea dan Cukai yang terdapat dalam dokumen impor.
9. NILAI BARANG Nilai barang dinyatakan dalam nilai CIF (USD). 10. SATUAN BARANG Satuan barang yang disajikan dalam publikasi ini adalah berat bersih (Kg).
Negara asal adalah Negara dimana barang-barang tersebut dihasilkan setelah diperiksa
oleh pejabat Bea dan Cukai sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku.
Yang dimaksud degan pelabuhan impor adalah pelabuhan dimana surat izin bongkar
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peraturan yang berlaku.
barang tersebut dikeluarkan setelah dipriksa oleh pejabat Bea dan Cukai sesuai dengan
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Batam
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Statistik Impor Kota Batam tahun 2014
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Realisasi impor Kota Batam selama 2014 ini mencapai senilai US$ 8,40 miliar,
yang terdiri dari komoditi migas senilai US$ 110,35 juta dan komoditi non migas senilai US$ 8,29 miliar. Jika dibandingkan dengan nilai impor selama tahun 2013 lalu yang mencapai US$ 9,48 miliar, realisasi impor Batam selama tahun 2014 mengalami penurunan senilai US$ 1,08 miliar atau turun sekitar 11,41 persen. Turunnya nilai impor selama tahun 2014 disebabkan terjadinya penurunan impor komoditi migas senilai US$ 32,71 juta (atau turun sekitar 22,87 persen) dan impor komoditi non migas senilai US$ 1,05 miliar (atau turun sekitar 11,24 persen).
Tabel A. Impor Migas dan Non Migas KotaBatamTahun 2013 dan 2014
Perubahan (%)
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(US$ juta)
Komposisi komoditi impor Kota Batam selama tahun 2014 masih didominasi oleh komoditi non migas dengan peranan sekitar 98,69 persen dari total impor Kota Batam. Sedangkan impor komoditi migas selama tahun 2014 peranannya hanya sekitar 1,31 persen dari impor Batam. Jika dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya, peranan komoditi impor Kota Batam sedikit mengalami pergeseran.
Impor komoditi non migas mengalami
peningkatan, dimana pada tahun 2013 peranan impor komoditi non migas terhadap impor Kota Batam baru mencapai sekitar 98,49 persen. Sedangkan peranan impor komoditi migas mengalami penurunan dari 1,51 persen pada tahun 2013.
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Statistik Impor Kota Batam Tahun 2014 BPS
PELABUHAN BONGKAR Barang impor yang masuk ke Kota Batam selama tahun 2014 melalui empat pelabuhan laut dan satu bandara udara. Pelabuhan Batu Ampar melakukan kegiatan bongkar barang impor dengan nilai terbesar, yaitu senilai US$ 4,27 miliar atau sekitar 50,82 persen dari total impor Batam. Kegiatan bongkar barang impor dengan nilai terbesar kedua selama tahun 2014 tercatat melalui pelabuhan Sekupang dengan nilai US$ 2,66 miliar atau sekitar 31,72 persen dari total impor Batam. Selanjutnya nilai impor terbesar berikutnya berturut-turut dari : Pelabuhan Kabil/Panau dengan impor senilai US$ 935,89 juta (11,14 persen), Bandara Hang Nadim dengan impor senilai US$ 306,98 juta (3,66 persen), dan Pelabuhan Pulau Sambu dengan impor senilai US$
Dari keseluruhan nilai impor Barang yang masuk ke Kota Batam selama
tahun 2014, sekitar 40,51 persen berasal dari Singapura dengan nilai US$ 3,40 miliar.
Namun jika dibandingkan dengan kondisi tahun 2013 yang lalu perkembangan impor
dari Singapura tercatat mengalami penurunan, yaitu sekitar 10,03 persen atau mengalami penurunan dari US$ 3,78 miliar. Negara asal barang impor Kota Batam
dengan nilai terbesar kedua selama tahun 2014 adalah Cina dengan impor senilai US$
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942,89 juta atau sekitar 11,23 persen dari total impor Batam. Seperti halnya impor dari Singapura, impor dari Cina selama tahun 2014 juga menunjukkan penurunan
223,45 juta (2,66 persen).
dibandingkan dengan impor selama tahun 2013, yaitu turun sekitar 5,61 persen. Impor dari China selama tahun 2013 yang lalu telah mencapai senilai US$ 998,97 juta dan turun senilai US$ 56,07 juta pada tahun 2014. Jepang merupakan negara asal barang impor dengan nilai terbesar ketiga selama tahun 2014 dengan impor senilai US$ 812,77 juta atau 9,68 persen dari total impor Batam. Impor dari Jepang selama tahun 2014 mengalami penurunan sekitar 14,10 persen dibanding impor pada tahun 2013 yang mencapai US$ 946,16 juta. Negara asal barang impor Batam selama tahun 2014 yang nilainya cukup besar antara lain : Malaysia dengan impor senilai US$ 652,00 juta (7,76 persen), Jerman dengan impor senilai US$ 366,06 juta (4,36 persen) dan Amerika Serikat dengan impor senilai US$ 352,65 juta (4,20 persen). Sedangkan konstribusi negara asal barang lainnya masih dibawah 3 persen terhadap total impor Batam tahun 2014. Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Batam
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Statistik Impor Kota Batam tahun 2014
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Grafik 1. Persentase Impor Kota Batam Menurut Negara Asal Barang Tahun 2014
Lainnya 22%
Singapura 41%
Amerika Serikat 4%
Jerman 4% Malaysia 8%
Cina 11%
Jepang 10%
Impor komoditi non migas Batam menurut pengelompokan golongan barang
(HS 2 digit) dengan nilai terbesar selama tahun 2014 adalah golongan barang
mesin/peralatan listrik (HS 85) dengan impor senilai US$ 2,19 miliar atau sekitar 26,42
persen dari total impor non migas Batam. Golongan barang impor dengan nilai terbesar
kedua selama tahun 2014 adalah mesin-mesin/pesawat mekanik (HS 84) dengan impor
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senilai US$ 1,70 miliar atau sekitar 20,45 persen dari total impor non migas Batam. Selanjutnya golongan barang impor dengan nilai terbesar ketiga selama tahun 2014
adalah benda-benda dari besi dan baja (HS 73) dengan impor senilai US$ 1,26 miliar atau sekitar 15,24 persen dari impor non migas Batam. Golongan barang Plastik dan barang dari plastik (HS 39) merupakan golongan barang dengan nilai terbesar keempat selama tahun 2014, yaitu senilai US$ 514,41 juta atau 6,21 persen dari total impor non migas Batam. Golongan barang (HS 2 Digit) dengan peranan yang cukup besar terhadap impor non migas Batam selama tahun 2014 antara lain : besi dan baja (HS 72) dengan impor senilai US$ 460,74 juta (5,56 persen), kapal laut (HS 89) dengan impor senilai US$ 250,29 juta (3,02 persen), perangkat optik (HS 90) dengan impor senilai US$ 245,94 juta (2,97 persen), Alumunium (HS 76) dengan impor senilai US$ 167,63 juta (2,02 persen), sari bahan samak dan celup (HS 32) dengan impor senilai US$ 119,67 juta (1,44 persen), dan minyak atsiri, kosmetik wangi-wangian (HS 33) dengan impor
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Batam
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Statistik Impor Kota Batam Tahun 2014 BPS
selama tahun 2014 hanya mencapai US$ 1,28 miliar atau sekitar 15,46 persen dari total
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impor non migas Batam.
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senilai US$ 99,87 juta (1,20 persen). Sedangkan impor golongan barang lainnya
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Batam
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Statistik Impor Kota Batam Tahun 2014 BPS
Berat (Kg)
Nilai CIF (USD)
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Tabel 1. Impor Kota Batam Setiap Bulannya Tahun 2014
759.620.112 789.164.359
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Batam
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Statistik Impor Kota Batam tahun 2014
Pelabuhan Bongkar
Berat (Kg)
Nilai CIF (USD)
Pulau sambu
Batu Ampar
4 5
Hang Nadim
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Tabel 2. Impor Kota Batam Menurut Pelabuhan Bongkar Tahun 2014
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Tabel 3. Impor Kota Batam Menurut Negara Asal Barang Tahun 2014 Negara Asal Barang
Berat (Kg)
Nilai CIF (USD)
Korea Selatan
Papua Nugini
Brunei Darussalam
Viet Nam
Saudi Arabia
Uni Emirat Arab
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Statistik Impor Kota Batam tahun 2014
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Lanjutan tabel 3. No.
Negara Asal Barang
Berat (Kg)
Nilai CIF (USD)
(4) 7.192
Sierra Leone
Pantai Gading
Rep Afrika Tengah
Saint Helena
Sao Tome & Principe
Afrika Selatan
Afrika Lainnya
Selandia Baru
Kaledonia Baru
Oseania Lainnya
American Samoa
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Statistik Impor Kota Batam Tahun 2014 BPS
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Lanjutan tabel 3. No.
Negara Asal Barang
Berat (Kg)
Nilai CIF (USD)
Amerika Serikat
Trinidad & Tobago
Puerto Rico
El Salvador
Costa Rica
Antigua & Barbuda
Cape Verde
Netherlands Antilles
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Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Batam
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Statistik Impor Kota Batam tahun 2014
Lanjutan tabel 3.
Negara Asal Barang
Berat (Kg)
Nilai CIF (USD)
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Rep Moldova
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Rep Ceko
Rep Macedonia
Fed Russia
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Statistik Impor Kota Batam Tahun 2014 BPS
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Tabel 4. Impor Kota Batam Menurut Golongan Barang (HS 2 Digit) Tahun 2014
Ikan dan Udang Produk hewani Garam, Belerang, Kapur Bijih, Kerak dan Abu logam Bahan bakar mineral Bahan kimia anorganik Bahan kimia organik Produk industri farmasi Pupuk Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Barang fotografi / sinematografi Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Kayu dan barang dari kayu Gabus dan barang dari gabus Bubur kayu/Pulp Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Kapas Filamen buatan Serat Stapel Buatan Kapas gumpalan, tali Kain tenunan khusus Kain ditenun berlapis Barang-barang rajutan Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Kain perca Alas kaki Tutup kepala Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Produk keramik Kaca dan barang dari kaca Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium
Timah hitam Seng Timah Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Lokomotif dan Peralatan Kereta Api Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Kapal laut Perangkat Optik Lonceng, Arloji dan Bagiannya Perabot, penerangan rumah Mainan Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Hasil karya seni Impor barang tertentu Minyak dan lemak hewan/nabati Olahan dari tepung Sari bahan samak & celup Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Bahan peledak Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Gabus dan barang dari gabus Bubur kayu/Pulp Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Kapas Filamen buatan Serat Stapel Buatan Kapas gumpalan, tali Kain tenunan khusus Kain ditenun berlapis Kain rajutan Barang-barang rajutan Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Kain perca Alas kaki Tutup kepala Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen
Produk keramik Kaca dan barang dari kaca Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Timah hitam Seng Timah Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal laut Perangkat Optik Lonceng, Arloji dan Bagiannya Perabot, penerangan rumah Mainan Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Impor barang tertentu Kokoa/coklat Olahan dari tepung Tembakau Garam, Belerang, Kapur Bijih, Kerak dan Abu logam Bahan bakar mineral Bahan kimia anorganik Bahan kimia organik Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Kayu dan barang dari kayu Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Kapas Serat Stapel Buatan Kapas gumpalan, tali
(3) Kain ditenun berlapis Kain rajutan Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Kain perca Alas kaki Tutup kepala Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Produk keramik Kaca dan barang dari kaca Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Seng Timah Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Lokomotif dan Peralatan Kereta Api Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Kapal laut Perangkat Optik Perabot, penerangan rumah Mainan Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Minyak dan lemak hewan/nabati Kokoa/coklat Olahan dari tepung Bahan bakar mineral Bahan kimia anorganik Bahan kimia organik Sari bahan samak & celup Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Barang fotografi / sinematografi Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Jangat dan kulit mentah Barang-barang dari kulit Gabus dan barang dari gabus
Bubur kayu/Pulp Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Kapas Filamen buatan Kapas gumpalan, tali Kain tenunan khusus Kain ditenun berlapis Kain rajutan Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Kain perca Alas kaki Tutup kepala Bulu Unggas Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Produk keramik Kaca dan barang dari kaca Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Seng Timah Logam dasar lainnya Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Lokomotif dan Peralatan Kereta Api Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Kapal laut Perangkat Optik Lonceng, Arloji dan Bagiannya Perangkat Musik Perabot, penerangan rumah Mainan Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Hasil karya seni Impor barang tertentu Pohon hidup dan Bunga potong Sayuran Buah-buahan
(3) Kopi, Teh, Rempah-rempah Biji-bijian berminyak Minyak dan lemak hewan/nabati Daging dan Ikan Olahan Gula dan kembang gula Kokoa/coklat Olahan dari tepung Olahan dari buah-buahan/sayuran Berbagai Makanan Olahan Tembakau Garam, Belerang, Kapur Bijih, Kerak dan Abu logam Bahan bakar mineral Bahan kimia anorganik Bahan kimia organik Produk industri farmasi Pupuk Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Bahan peledak Barang fotografi / sinematografi Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Kayu dan barang dari kayu Gabus dan barang dari gabus Jerami/Bahan Anyaman Bubur kayu/Pulp Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Wol, bulu hewan Kapas Serat tekstil dan benang kertas Filamen buatan Serat Stapel Buatan Kapas gumpalan, tali Permadani Kain tenunan khusus Kain ditenun berlapis Kain rajutan Barang-barang rajutan Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan
Kain perca Alas kaki Tutup kepala Payung Bulu Unggas Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Produk keramik Kaca dan barang dari kaca Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Timah hitam Seng Timah Logam dasar lainnya Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Lokomotif dan Peralatan Kereta Api Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Kapal laut Perangkat Optik Lonceng, Arloji dan Bagiannya Perangkat Musik Perabot, penerangan rumah Mainan Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Hasil karya seni Impor barang tertentu Perangkat Optik Kapas gumpalan, tali Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kokoa/coklat Mesin/peralatan listrik Susu, Mentega Telur Sayuran Buah-buahan Daging dan Ikan Olahan
(3) Gula dan kembang gula Kokoa/coklat Olahan dari tepung Olahan dari buah-buahan/sayuran Minuman Tembakau Garam, Belerang, Kapur Bahan bakar mineral Bahan kimia anorganik Bahan kimia organik Produk industri farmasi Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Kayu dan barang dari kayu Gabus dan barang dari gabus Bubur kayu/Pulp Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Kapas gumpalan, tali Kain tenunan khusus Kain ditenun berlapis Kain rajutan Kain perca Alas kaki Tutup kepala Payung Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Produk keramik Kaca dan barang dari kaca Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Timah hitam Timah Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar
(3) Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Lokomotif dan Peralatan Kereta Api Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Kapal laut Perangkat Optik Perabot, penerangan rumah Mainan Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Hasil karya seni Daging hewan Ikan dan Udang Susu, Mentega Telur Sayuran Buah-buahan Hasil penggilingan Biji-bijian berminyak Minyak dan lemak hewan/nabati Daging dan Ikan Olahan Gula dan kembang gula Kokoa/coklat Olahan dari tepung Olahan dari buah-buahan/sayuran Berbagai Makanan Olahan Minuman Ampas/sisa Industri Makanan Tembakau Garam, Belerang, Kapur Bijih, Kerak dan Abu logam Bahan bakar mineral Bahan kimia anorganik Bahan kimia organik Produk industri farmasi Pupuk Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Bahan peledak Barang fotografi / sinematografi Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Jangat dan kulit mentah
(3) Barang-barang dari kulit Kayu dan barang dari kayu Gabus dan barang dari gabus Jerami/Bahan Anyaman Bubur kayu/Pulp Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Sutera Kapas Filamen buatan Serat Stapel Buatan Kapas gumpalan, tali Permadani Kain tenunan khusus Kain ditenun berlapis Kain rajutan Barang-barang rajutan Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Kain perca Alas kaki Tutup kepala Payung Bulu Unggas Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Produk keramik Kaca dan barang dari kaca Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Timah hitam Seng Timah Logam dasar lainnya Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Lokomotif dan Peralatan Kereta Api Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Kapal laut Perangkat Optik
(3) Lonceng, Arloji dan Bagiannya Perangkat Musik Perabot, penerangan rumah Mainan Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Hasil karya seni Impor barang tertentu Tembakau Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Kapas gumpalan, tali Kain perca Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Kaca dan barang dari kaca Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Alumunium Timah Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Kapal laut Perangkat Optik Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Susu, Mentega Telur Sayuran Gandum-ganduman Hasil penggilingan Biji-bijian berminyak Lak, Getah, dan Damar Minyak dan lemak hewan/nabati Daging dan Ikan Olahan Gula dan kembang gula Kokoa/coklat Olahan dari tepung Olahan dari buah-buahan/sayuran Berbagai Makanan Olahan Minuman
(3) Garam, Belerang, Kapur Bijih, Kerak dan Abu logam Bahan bakar mineral Bahan kimia anorganik Bahan kimia organik Produk industri farmasi Pupuk Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Bahan peledak Barang fotografi / sinematografi Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Kayu dan barang dari kayu Gabus dan barang dari gabus Bubur kayu/Pulp Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Sutera Kapas Filamen buatan Serat Stapel Buatan Kapas gumpalan, tali Permadani Kain tenunan khusus Kain ditenun berlapis Kain rajutan Barang-barang rajutan Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Kain perca Alas kaki Tutup kepala Payung Bulu Unggas Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Produk keramik Kaca dan barang dari kaca Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga
Golongan Barang Nikel Alumunium Timah hitam Seng Timah Logam dasar lainnya Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Lokomotif dan Peralatan Kereta Api Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Kapal laut Perangkat Optik Lonceng, Arloji dan Bagiannya Perabot, penerangan rumah Mainan Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Hasil karya seni Impor barang tertentu Sayuran Biji-bijian berminyak Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Perabot, penerangan rumah Tembakau Mesin/peralatan listrik Mainan Bahan bakar mineral Sari bahan samak & celup Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Kertas/karton Kapas gumpalan, tali Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Tutup kepala Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Kaca dan barang dari kaca
Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Alumunium Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Lokomotif dan Peralatan Kereta Api Kapal laut Perangkat Optik Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Olahan dari tepung Tembakau Garam, Belerang, Kapur Bahan kimia anorganik Sari bahan samak & celup Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Kayu dan barang dari kayu Gabus dan barang dari gabus Bubur kayu/Pulp Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Kain tenunan khusus Kain ditenun berlapis Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Kain perca Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Kaca dan barang dari kaca Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Alumunium Timah hitam Seng Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal laut
Perangkat Optik Perabot, penerangan rumah Mainan Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Sayuran Kopi, Teh, Rempah-rempah Biji-bijian berminyak Bahan-bahan nabati Tembakau Garam, Belerang, Kapur Bahan bakar mineral Bahan kimia anorganik Bahan kimia organik Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Jangat dan kulit mentah Barang-barang dari kulit Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Serat tekstil dan benang kertas Filamen buatan Kapas gumpalan, tali Permadani Kain ditenun berlapis Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Alas kaki Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Kaca dan barang dari kaca Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Timah hitam Timah Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik
(3) Kendaraan dan bagiannya Perangkat Optik Lonceng, Arloji dan Bagiannya Perabot, penerangan rumah Mainan Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Minuman Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Kertas/karton Barang-barang rajutan Kain perca Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin/peralatan listrik Perabot, penerangan rumah Sayuran Kapas gumpalan, tali Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Perangkat Optik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Barang-barang rajutan Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Mesin/peralatan listrik Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Mesin/peralatan listrik Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Mesin/peralatan listrik Perangkat Optik Ikan dan Udang Bahan kimia organik Plastik dan barang dari plastik Kaca dan barang dari kaca Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Alumunium Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian
(3) Berbagai produk kimia Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Mesin/peralatan listrik Plastik dan barang dari plastik Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Bahan kimia organik Pupuk Mesin/peralatan listrik Bahan kimia organik Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Perangkat Optik Tembakau Garam, Belerang, Kapur Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Kertas/karton Filamen buatan Alas kaki Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Alumunium Timah Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kendaraan dan bagiannya Perangkat Optik Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang rajutan Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Kaca dan barang dari kaca Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Alumunium Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik
(3) Mesin/peralatan listrik Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Kapal laut Perangkat Optik Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Impor barang tertentu Bahan kimia organik Plastik dan barang dari plastik Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Mesin/peralatan listrik Kertas/karton Besi dan baja Alumunium Buah-buahan Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Besi dan baja Mesin/peralatan listrik Seng Mesin/peralatan listrik Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Kokoa/coklat Mesin/peralatan listrik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kokoa/coklat Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Perangkat Optik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kokoa/coklat Mesin/peralatan listrik Kokoa/coklat Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Mesin/peralatan listrik Kokoa/coklat Plastik dan barang dari plastik Mesin/peralatan listrik Bahan kimia anorganik Mesin/peralatan listrik Mesin/peralatan listrik Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja
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Golongan Barang
HS 2 Digit (1) (2) 85 88 89 90 96 98 Qatar 29 39 73 85 Bahrain 48 72 76 Mesir 08 34 73 84 Maroko 85 88 Tunisia 72 85 Sudan 79 Eritrea 85 Namibia 73 84 Tanzania 18 Somalia 85 Reunion 85 Ghana 18 Angola 73 90 Kongo 85 Kamerun 18 85 Nigeria 18 Sierra Leone 73 85 Pantai Gading 18 Senegal 39 85 Mali 28 85 U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS 85 Seychelles 72 73 Negara Asal Barang
Kokoa/coklat Tembakau Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Sari bahan samak & celup Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Kertas/karton Barang-barang rajutan Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Bulu Unggas Kaca dan barang dari kaca Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Nikel Alumunium Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Perabot, penerangan rumah Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Mesin/peralatan listrik Mesin/peralatan listrik Plastik dan barang dari plastik Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Alumunium Mesin/peralatan listrik Perangkat Optik Perabot, penerangan rumah Buah-buahan Bahan kimia organik Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Plastik dan barang dari plastik Kaca dan barang dari kaca Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Alumunium Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Tembakau
Tembakau Mesin/peralatan listrik Kertas/karton Mesin/peralatan listrik Daging hewan Sayuran Buah-buahan Garam, Belerang, Kapur Bahan bakar mineral Bahan kimia anorganik Bahan kimia organik Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Gabus dan barang dari gabus Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Filamen buatan Kapas gumpalan, tali Kain ditenun berlapis Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Kain perca Alas kaki Tutup kepala Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Kaca dan barang dari kaca Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Timah hitam Seng Logam dasar lainnya Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Lokomotif dan Peralatan Kereta Api
(3) Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Kapal laut Perangkat Optik Lonceng, Arloji dan Bagiannya Perabot, penerangan rumah Mainan Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Daging hewan Ikan dan Udang Sayuran Bahan kimia organik Sari bahan samak & celup Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Perangkat Optik Mesin/peralatan listrik Timah Mesin/peralatan listrik Olahan dari buah-buahan/sayuran Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Perangkat Optik Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Mesin/peralatan listrik Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Besi dan baja Buah-buahan Minyak dan lemak hewan/nabati Kokoa/coklat Olahan dari buah-buahan/sayuran Berbagai Makanan Olahan Minuman Tembakau Garam, Belerang, Kapur Bijih, Kerak dan Abu logam Bahan bakar mineral
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Golongan Barang
HS 2 Digit (1) (2) 87 88 89 90 91 94 95 96 Selandia Baru 02 03 07 29 32 39 40 73 74 84 85 90 Nauru 85 Kaledonia Baru 80 Oseania Lainnya 85 American Samoa 20 72 73 74 82 84 85 90 Samoa 73 85 SOLOMON ISLANDS 84 COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS 72 Amerika Serikat 08 15 18 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 Negara Asal Barang
(3) Bahan kimia anorganik Bahan kimia organik Produk industri farmasi Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Bahan peledak Barang fotografi / sinematografi Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Bubur kayu/Pulp Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Serat Stapel Buatan Kapas gumpalan, tali Kain tenunan khusus Kain ditenun berlapis Barang-barang rajutan Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Kain perca Alas kaki Tutup kepala Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Produk keramik Kaca dan barang dari kaca Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Seng Timah Logam dasar lainnya Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Lokomotif dan Peralatan Kereta Api Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Kapal laut
Perangkat Optik Lonceng, Arloji dan Bagiannya Perabot, penerangan rumah Mainan Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Hasil karya seni Binatang Hidup Produk hewani Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Buku dan Barang cetakan Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Seng Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Perangkat Optik Lonceng, Arloji dan Bagiannya Perabot, penerangan rumah Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Impor barang tertentu Perekat, Enzim Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Kertas/karton Filamen buatan Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Timah hitam Perkakas, Perangkat Potong
(3) Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Perangkat Optik Plastik dan barang dari plastik Plastik dan barang dari plastik Mesin/peralatan listrik Plastik dan barang dari plastik Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Mesin/peralatan listrik Mainan Tembaga Mesin/peralatan listrik Tembakau Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Perangkat Optik Tembakau Bahan bakar mineral Bahan kimia organik Sari bahan samak & celup Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Kertas/karton Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Alumunium Seng Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Perangkat Optik Tembakau Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik
(3) Mesin/peralatan listrik Plastik dan barang dari plastik Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Tutup kepala Perangkat Optik Tembaga Mesin/peralatan listrik Mesin/peralatan listrik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Mesin/peralatan listrik Mesin/peralatan listrik Tembakau Mesin/peralatan listrik Plastik dan barang dari plastik Kertas/karton Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin/peralatan listrik Kendaraan dan bagiannya Garam, Belerang, Kapur Bahan bakar mineral Bahan kimia anorganik Bahan kimia organik Produk industri farmasi Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Barang fotografi / sinematografi Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Kayu dan barang dari kayu Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Serat Stapel Buatan Kapas gumpalan, tali Kain tenunan khusus Kain ditenun berlapis Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan
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Golongan Barang
HS 2 Digit (1) (2) 85 Uruguay 39 73 84 Ekuador 34 38 39 65 90 Trinidad & Tobago 74 Puerto Rico 85 El Salvador 85 Costa Rica 85 88 Haiti 85 Barbados 85 Antigua & Barbuda 24 Cape Verde 85 Netherlands Antilles 39 48 83 85 87 Inggris 25 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 42 44 48 49 55 56 58 59 62 Negara Asal Barang
Tutup kepala Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Produk keramik Kaca dan barang dari kaca Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Seng Timah Logam dasar lainnya Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Lokomotif dan Peralatan Kereta Api Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Kapal laut Perangkat Optik Lonceng, Arloji dan Bagiannya Perangkat Musik Perabot, penerangan rumah Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Impor barang tertentu Sayuran Hasil penggilingan Bahan kimia anorganik Bahan kimia organik Produk industri farmasi Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Bahan peledak Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Bubur kayu/Pulp Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Kapas gumpalan, tali
(3) Kain ditenun berlapis Kain rajutan Barang-barang rajutan Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Kain perca Alas kaki Tutup kepala Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Produk keramik Kaca dan barang dari kaca Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Alumunium Timah hitam Seng Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Kapal laut Perangkat Optik Perabot, penerangan rumah Mainan Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Impor barang tertentu Daging hewan Daging dan Ikan Olahan Tembakau Bahan bakar mineral Bahan kimia anorganik Bahan kimia organik Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Barang fotografi / sinematografi Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Filamen buatan
(3) Kain ditenun berlapis Kain perca Alas kaki Tutup kepala Bulu Unggas Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Kaca dan barang dari kaca Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Timah Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Perangkat Optik Lonceng, Arloji dan Bagiannya Perabot, penerangan rumah Mainan Biji-bijian berminyak Minyak dan lemak hewan/nabati Olahan dari tepung Berbagai Makanan Olahan Garam, Belerang, Kapur Bijih, Kerak dan Abu logam Bahan bakar mineral Bahan kimia anorganik Bahan kimia organik Produk industri farmasi Pupuk Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Barang fotografi / sinematografi Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Kayu dan barang dari kayu
(3) Gabus dan barang dari gabus Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Kapas Filamen buatan Serat Stapel Buatan Kapas gumpalan, tali Kain tenunan khusus Kain ditenun berlapis Barang-barang rajutan Kain perca Tutup kepala Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Produk keramik Kaca dan barang dari kaca Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Timah hitam Seng Timah Logam dasar lainnya Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Lokomotif dan Peralatan Kereta Api Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Perangkat Optik Lonceng, Arloji dan Bagiannya Perabot, penerangan rumah Mainan Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Impor barang tertentu Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet
(3) Barang-barang dari kulit Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Kapas gumpalan, tali Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Produk keramik Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Timah Logam dasar lainnya Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kendaraan dan bagiannya Perangkat Optik Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Tembakau Bahan bakar mineral Bahan kimia anorganik Bahan kimia organik Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Bahan peledak Barang fotografi / sinematografi Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Kapas gumpalan, tali Kain ditenun berlapis Barang-barang rajutan Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Kain perca Alas kaki Tutup kepala Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Produk keramik
(3) Kaca dan barang dari kaca Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Seng Timah Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Lokomotif dan Peralatan Kereta Api Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal laut Perangkat Optik Perabot, penerangan rumah Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Bahan bakar mineral Bahan kimia anorganik Bahan kimia organik Produk industri farmasi Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Kain perca Produk keramik Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kendaraan dan bagiannya
Perangkat Optik Perabot, penerangan rumah Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Mesin/peralatan listrik Besi dan baja Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Mesin/peralatan listrik Perekat, Enzim Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Kertas/karton Kain perca Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Produk keramik Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Alumunium Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Perangkat Optik Lonceng, Arloji dan Bagiannya Garam, Belerang, Kapur Sari bahan samak & celup Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Kayu dan barang dari kayu Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Kapas gumpalan, tali Kain ditenun berlapis Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Kain perca Tutup kepala Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Kaca dan barang dari kaca Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja
Golongan Barang Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Seng Timah Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal laut Perangkat Optik Perabot, penerangan rumah Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Garam, Belerang, Kapur Bahan bakar mineral Sari bahan samak & celup Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Bahan peledak Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Kertas/karton Filamen buatan Kapas gumpalan, tali Pakaian jadi bukan rajutan Tutup kepala Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Perangkat Optik Lonceng, Arloji dan Bagiannya Perabot, penerangan rumah Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Bahan bakar mineral
Perekat, Enzim Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Kertas/karton Serat Stapel Buatan Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Seng Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Lokomotif dan Peralatan Kereta Api Kendaraan dan bagiannya Perangkat Optik Mainan Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Alumunium Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Bahan kimia anorganik Bahan kimia organik Produk industri farmasi Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Barang-barang dari kulit Kertas/karton Serat Stapel Buatan Kapas gumpalan, tali Kain rajutan Alas kaki Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen
(3) Kaca dan barang dari kaca Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Lokomotif dan Peralatan Kereta Api Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Perangkat Optik Lonceng, Arloji dan Bagiannya Perabot, penerangan rumah Berbagai barang buatan pabrik Impor barang tertentu Bahan bakar mineral Bahan kimia organik Produk industri farmasi Sari bahan samak & celup Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Perekat, Enzim Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Kertas/karton Kapas gumpalan, tali Kain ditenun berlapis Alas kaki Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Perhiasan/Permata Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Seng Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Lokomotif dan Peralatan Kereta Api
(3) Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Perangkat Optik Perabot, penerangan rumah Mesin/peralatan listrik Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Tembakau Garam, Belerang, Kapur Kapas gumpalan, tali Kain perca Alumunium Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Kapal laut Mainan Logam dasar lainnya Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Mesin/peralatan listrik Perangkat Optik Tembakau Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Kertas/karton Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Perangkat Optik Minyak atsiri, Kosmetik wangi-wangian Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Benda-benda dari batu, Gips, dan Semen Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Alumunium Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Perangkat Optik Besi dan baja
(3) Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Nikel Alumunium Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Perangkat Optik Bahan kimia anorganik Plastik dan barang dari plastik Besi dan baja Tembaga Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Perangkat Optik Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Perangkat Optik Mesin/peralatan listrik Plastik dan barang dari plastik Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin/peralatan listrik Bahan bakar mineral Produk industri farmasi Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Plastik dan barang dari plastik Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Mesin/peralatan listrik Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Alumunium Mainan Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Mesin/peralatan listrik Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Seng Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik
(3) Mesin/peralatan listrik Mesin/peralatan listrik Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Mesin/peralatan listrik Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Plastik dan barang dari plastik Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Perangkat Optik Kaca dan barang dari kaca Mesin/peralatan listrik Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Kertas/karton Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Alumunium Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal terbang dan Bagiannya Perangkat Optik Mainan Tembakau Bahan kimia organik Plastik dan barang dari plastik Kertas/karton Serat Stapel Buatan Kapas gumpalan, tali Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Alumunium Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Mesin/peralatan listrik Kapal laut Perangkat Optik Mesin/peralatan listrik
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Golongan Barang
HS 2 Digit (1) (2) 85 Bosnia & Herzegovina 85 Malta 39 40 85 88 Slovakia 39 73 82 84 85 88 90 Slovenia 70 85 Rep Ceko 38 39 40 48 72 73 76 82 83 84 85 87 88 90 95 Rep Macedonia 24 Fed Russia 29 39 48 55 56 72 73 74 76 82 85 89 90 Serbia 85 Negara Asal Barang
Tembakau Bahan kimia anorganik Sari bahan samak & celup Sabun dan Preparat Pembersih Perekat, Enzim Barang fotografi / sinematografi Berbagai produk kimia Plastik dan barang dari plastik Karet dan barang dari karet Kayu dan barang dari kayu Gabus dan barang dari gabus Kertas/karton Buku dan Barang cetakan Kapas Serat Stapel Buatan Kain rajutan Alas kaki Kaca dan barang dari kaca Besi dan baja Benda-benda dari besi dan Baja Tembaga Alumunium Timah hitam Perkakas, Perangkat Potong Berbagai barang logam dasar Mesin-mesin/Pesawat Mekanik Mesin/peralatan listrik Lokomotif dan Peralatan Kereta Api Kendaraan dan bagiannya Kapal laut Perangkat Optik Lonceng, Arloji dan Bagiannya Perabot, penerangan rumah Mainan
(2) Live swine, pure-bred breeding animals Boneless of bovine animals, fresh or chilled Other cuts with bone in of bovine animals, frozen Boneless of bovine animals, frozen Carcasses & half-carcasses of lamb, fresh or chilled Tongue of bovine animals, frozen Livers of bovine animals, frozen Other edible offal of bovine animals, frozen Fish maws, fit for human consumption Milk&cream of fat_1,5%,in solid form, added sugar/sweet, containr weig Milk&cream fat >1,5%,in solid form, not added sugar/sweet, containr we Milk&cream fat >1,5%,in solid form, added sugar/sweet, containr weight Other milk&cream, containing added sugar/other sweetening Birds' nests, edible Natural sponges Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns & rhizomes, dormant Potatoes, other than seed , fresh or chilled Onions,oth.than bulbs for propagation, fresh or chilled Shallots,oth than bulbs for propagation, fresh/chilled Garlic,oth than bulbs for propagation, fresh/chilled Leeks&oth alliaceous vegetables,oth than bulbs for propagation, fresh Cauliflowers, fresh or chilled Headed broccoli, fresh or chilled Cabbages, round (drumhead), fresh or chilled Cabbages, oth than round (drumhead), fresh or chilled Kohlrabi, kale and similar edible brassicas, fresh or chilled Cabbage lettuce (head lettuce), fresh or chilled Other lettuce, fresh or chilled Carrots, fresh or chilled Turnips, fresh or chilled Salad beetroot,salsify,celeriac,radishes & similar edible roots,fresh Peas (Pisum sativum), shelled/unshelled, fresh/chilled Celery oth than celeriac,fresh/chilled Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus, fresh or chilled Oth mushrooms, fresh or chilled Chillies (fruits of genus Capsicum), fresh or chilled Spinach, New Zealand spinach & orache spinach (garden spinach), fresh/ Other vegetables, fresh or chilled Potatoes (uncooked or steamed/boiled cooked), frozen Sweet corn, uncooked/steamed/boiled, frozen Other vegetables,uncooked/steamed/ boiled, frozen Other vegetables,provisionally preserved oth than by sulphur dioxide g Shiitake(dong-gu),dried,whole,cut,slice, broken/powder, but not furthe Garlic,dried,whole,cut,sliced,broken/ in powder,but not further prepar Beans (Vigna mungo hepper/Vigna radiata wilczek),dried,shelled,oth tha Kidney beans,incl white pea beans,dried, shelled, oth than for sowing Oth beans, dried, shelled, whether/not skinned/split, oth than for sow Oth dried leguminous vegetables,shelled, whether/not skinned, oth than Sweet potatoes, frozen Yams (Dioscorea spp.), not frozen Arrowroot,salep,Jerusalem artichokes, root w/ high starch/inulin, not Chestnuts (Castanea spp.), in shell, fresh or dried Dates, fresh or dried Oranges, fresh Mandarin,clementines,wilkings&similar citrus hybrids, fresh/dried Grapes, fresh Apples, fresh
Pears, fresh Longans (including mata kucing), fresh Other fruit,oth than heading 08.01 to 08.06, dried Mixture of nuts/dried fruits of which dates predominate by weight Green tea, oth than leaves, (not fermented), in packing _ 3 kg Chillies (fruits of the genus Capsicum), dried, neither crushed nor gr Cardamoms, neither crushed nor ground Ginger, neither crushed nor ground Oth maize (corn), oth than seeds Wheat flour fortified Oth cereal flours, oth than wheat/meslin /maize/rice/rye flour Flour, meal & powder of potatoes Soya beans, oth than seed, whether or not broken Oth than seed of ground-nut,not roasted/ othwise cooked,in shell Oth than seed of ground-nut,not roasted/ cooked,shelled,whether/not br Flours and meals of soya beans Agar-agar Oth vegetable prodcts not used primarily in tanning/dyeing, nes Crude oil of soya bean, whether/not refined, whether/not degummed Fraction of refined soya-bean oil, not chemically modified Fractions of castor oil, whether/not refined, not chemically modified Fraction of refined sesame oil, not chemically modified Animal fats & oils & their fractions,in packing net weight _10 kg Oth fat & oils of ground-nuts, palm oil or coconuts and their fraction Oth vegetable fats and oils and their fractions Olive oil&its fract, boiled, oxidised, dehydrated,sulphurised,blown,po Oth vegetbl fat&oils&their fract,boiled, dehydrate,sulphurise,blown,po Vegetable waxes(oth.than triglycerides) whether or not refined or colo Sausags&smilar prdct of meat,meat offal/ blood,prepare of it,in airtig Sausags&smilar prdct of meat,meat offal/ blood, not in airtight contai Homogenised preparation of meat, offal/ blood cont pork,in airtight co Oth prepared/preserved meat, offal/blood of fowls of species gallus do Oth prepared/preserved meat,offal/blood of oth poultry of head 01.05 Luncheon meat of swine, not in airtight containers Oth prepared meat,meat offal/blood of swine,not in airtight containers Extracts & juices of chicken, w/ herbs Extracts&juices of oth meat,fish/crusta, molluscs/aquatic invertebr,w/ Sardinella&brisling/sprats,whole/in piec ,not in minced,in airtight c Sardinella&brisling/sprats,whole/in piec ,not in minced,not in airtig Mackerel, whole/in pieces,not in minced, not in airtight containers Oth fish,whole/in pieces, not in minced, in airtight containers Fish sausages,not in airtight containers Fish & shrimp ball, frozen, boiled or steamed Oth frozen minced fish, boiled/steamed Other prepared/preserved fish, not in airtight containers Crabs,prepared,not in airtight container Shrimp breaded,not in airtight container Other prepared shrimps&prawns, not in airtight containers Other prepared shrimps&prawn,in airtight containers Oth crustaceans, prepared/preserved Abalone, prepared/preserved Oth aquatic invertebrates, prepared/ preserved Glucose,no fructose or in dry state w/ fructose<20% Artificial honey,whether/not mixed with natural honey,in dry w/ fructo Chewing gum,whether/not sugar-coated Oth sugar confectionery,not cont.cocoa, soft,cont gelatin Oth sugar confectionery,not cont.cocoa, oth soft,cont gelatin Cocoa beans,whole/broken,raw/roasted
(2) Cocoa powder,containing add sugar or oth sweetening matter Chocolate confectionary in blocks, slab/ bars,weight>2kg Filled chocolate confectionary in blocks ,slabs,bars,weight_2kg Other chocolate,in blocks,slabs,bars, filled,weight_2kg Other chocolate,in blocks,slabs,bars, not filled,weight_2kg Food preparations of flour,meal,starch, malt extract, cont 40%_cocoa<5 Oth chocolate and food preparation cont cocoa Oth soya based preparations, in other form Oth than kerupuk of shrimps Uncooked pasta,not stuffed/otw prep.not cont.eggs,rice vermicelli (bee Uncooked pasta,not stuffed/otw prep.not cont. eggs, transparent vermic Uncooked pasta, not stuffed/otherwise prepared, not containing eggs Oth pasta, instant rice vermicelli Oth pasta, oth instant noodles Oth pasta,not instant rice vermicelli, transp vermicelli,oth instant n Prep food obtain by the swell/roasting of cereal/cereal product,not co Prepared foods obtained from unroasted cereal flakes Prep food obtain fr mixture f unroasted cereal flake and roast cer flk Oth prepared foods obtained of cereals or cereal products Crispbread Sweet biscuits not containing cocoa Sweet biscuits containing cocoa Waffles and wafers Other unsweetened biscuits Cakes Pastries Other crisp savoury food products Other baker wares Cucumbers and gherkins,prepared or pre served by vinegar or acetic aci Oth vegetable,fruit,nuts,edible part of plant prep/presv by vinegar/ac Mushrooms of the genus agaricus, not prep/presrved by vinegar/acetic a Oth mushrooms, not prepared/preserved by vinegar or acetic acid Potatoes, frozen, not preprd/preserved by vinegar or acetic acid Potat chip&stick no in airtightcontainr not frozn,not prep/presrv by v Other potatoe,not in airtightcontainrs not frozn,not prep/presrv by vi Peas (pisum sativum), not frozen,not prepard/preservd by vinegar/aceti Oth bean in airtightcontainr,not frozn not prep/presrv by vinegar/acet Oth bean not in airtightcontnr,notfrozn not prep/presrv by vinegar/ace Asparagus, not frozen, not prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic Sweet corn-zea mays var.saccharata,not frozen,not prep by vinegar/actc Oth vegetabl&mixtr of vegt in airtight containr,not frozn,not prep by Oth vgtbl&mixtr of vegt not in airtght containr,not frozn,not prep by Vegetables,fruit,nuts,fruit-peel & oth parts of plants,preserved by su Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit/ nut, homogenised preparations Fruit pastes of mango, pineapples or strawberries Roasted ground nuts, othwise prepared / preserved Oth ground nuts, othwise prepared / preserved Cashew, incl. mixtures,othwise prepared or preserved Other nuts and seeds, othwise prepared or preserved Cherries,cont added sugar/oth sweetnig matter/spirit otw prepared/pres Peaches,cont added sugar/oth sweetning matter/spirit otw prepared/pres Peaches, no sugar/oth sweetning matter/spirit otw prepared/preserved Mxtre oth of stem,root&oth edible part ofplant notincl fruit/nut,otw p Oth mixtures othwise prep./preserved Lychees, othwise prepared or preserved Stem,root&oth.edible part of plant not inc friuts or nuts, otw prep/pr Othwise prepared or preserved, added sugar/sweetening matter or spirit Othwise prepared or preserved, not added sugar/sweetening matter or sp Instant coffee
(2) Extracts, essences and concentrates oth than coffee Prep w/ basis extrct,esenc/conctrts/ w/ basis coffee,oth thn mxtr in p Tea preprtn consisting of a mixture of tea, milk powder and sugar Oth extract,essence,concentrate, of tea or mate & prep. milk powder an Soya sauce Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces Oth mixed condiments and mixed seasonings, including belachan Oth sauces and preparations therefor; mustard flour & meal & prepared Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoa Protein concentrates and textured protein substances Flavoured or colored syrups Other non-alcoholic preparations use for making / manufacturing bevera Other flavouring preparations Other food preparations not elsewhere specified or included Mineral waters Other waters not containing added sugar or oth sweetening matter nor f Sparkling mineral waters and aerated waters, flavoured Other waters, containing added sugar/ oth sweetening or flavoured Flavoured uht milk drinks Soya milk drinks Oth non-aerated beverage ready for immediate consumption without dilut Oth non-alcoholic beverages, excluding fruit or vegetable juices Beer made from malt, Stout and porter Wine, in containers <= 2 l, alcoholic strength by volume <= 15% Undenatured ethylalcohol of alcoholic Ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength Whiskies Rum & oth spirit obtained by Vodka Other spirituous beverages Oil-cake and other solid residues of coconut/copra Complete feed of a kind suitable for swine Other preparations of a kind used in animal feeding, not containing me Oth tobacco, not stemmed/stripped, not flue-cured Virginia tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped,not flue-cured Oth tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/ stripped,not flue-cured Tobacco stems Other cigarettes containing tobacco Homogenised or reconstituted tobacco, packed not for retail sale Tobacco extracts and essences Oth manufactures tobacco & manufactured tobacco substitutes Rock salt Other salt and sea water Sulphur of all kinds, oth than sublimed, precipitated and colloidal su Silica sands and quartz sands Other natural sands,whether/not colored other than metal-bearing sands Quartz Kaolin and other kaolinic clays,whether or not calcined Bentonite Other clays Chalk Apatite, unground Natural barium sulphate (barytes) Emery, natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives Marble and travertine, merely cut into s labs Granite, merely cut into slabs Sandstone,merely cut into blocks or slabs Pebbles, gravel, broken/crushed stone whether or not heat treated
(2) Granules, chippings & powder of stones whether or not heat treated Oth magnesium oxide, whether or not pure Gypsum, anhydrite Limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous stone of lime or cement Quicklime Slaked lime Other cement clinkers Portland cement, coloured cement Other portland cements Other hydraulic cements Natural steatite, not crushed, not powdered Talc powder, crushed or powdered Oth natural steative, crushed/powdered Natural borates and concentrates;natural boric acid containing < 85% o Roasted iron pyrites Tin ores and concentrates Precious metal ores other than silver ores and concentrates Granulated slag (slag sand)from the manufacture of iron or steel Other slag, ash & residues,containing metals, arsenic, or their compou Retort carbon Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and similar gases oth than petroleum Xylol (xylenes) Napthalene Oth aromatic hydrocarbon mix.of >= 65% by vol ,distils at 250.c, ASTM Creosote oils Other products of the distilled of high temperature coal tar Low aromatic solvents containing by weight <= 1 % aromatic content Other solvent spirits Other petroleum oil, light oil & other than crude Topped crudes Carbon black feedstock Lubricating oil basestock Other lubricating oils Lubricating greases Hydraulic brake fluid Transformer and circuit breakers oils Automotive diesel fuel Other diesel fuel Other fuel oils Aviation turbine fuel (jet fuel) having a flash point of 23-c or more Other medium oils and preparations Other of diesel fuel, fuel oils Liquid propylene, butylene & butadiene Oth natural gas in gaseous state Paraffin wax containing by weight < 0.75 % of oil Microcrystalline petroleum wax, slack wax, ozokerite, lignite wax, pea Petroleum bitumen Asphalites and asphaltic rocks Bituminous mix. based on natural asphalt on natural bitumen, on petro Sulphur, sublimed or precipitated, collodial sulphur Acetylene black Other acetylene black of other carbon Hydrogen Argon Other rare gases Nitrogen Oxygen Silicon, containing by weight < 99.99% Phosphorus
Selenium Sodium Calcium Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) Chlorosulphuric acid Sulphuric acid; oleum. Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids Hypophosphoric acids, food grade Phosphoric acids, hypophoric acids, except Hypophosphoric acids; food Hypophosphoric acids, not food grade Phosphoric acids, hypophoric acids, except Hypophosphoric acids; not f Oxide of boron; boric acids Hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid) Sulphamic acid Other inorganic acids, exept sulphamic acid, Arsenic acid and hydroflu Carbon dioxide Silica powder Other Silicon powder Other inorganic oxygen compounds of non metals Carbon disulphide Anhydrous ammonia Ammonia in aqueous solution Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), solid Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), in aqueous solution(lye or liquid sod Potassium hydroxide (caustic potash) Peroxides of sodium or potassium Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium Zinc oxide Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined Aluminium oxide, other than artificial corundum Aluminium hydroxide Chromium trioxide Other manganese dioxide Iron oxides and hydroxides Earth colors containing >=70% by weight of combined iron evaluated as Titanium oxides Nickel oxides and hydroxides Antimony oxides Other peroxides Other fluorides Sodium hexafluoroaluminate (synthetic cryolite) Other complex fluorine salt. Calcium chloride, commercial grades Calcium chloride, not commercial grades Other chlorides of nickel Other chlorides of iron Other chlorides Other chloride oxides & chloride hydroxides Other bromides of sodium or of potassium Commercial calcium hypochlorite & other calcium hypoclorites Sodium hypochlorite Other hypochlorite Chlorates of sodium Sodium sulphites Other sulphites Thiosulphates Magnessium sulphate Nickel sulphate
Tribasic lead sulphate Other sulfat Other nitrates Phosphinates (hypophosphites) and phosphonates (phosphites) Phosphates of mono- or disodium Other phosphates of trinatrium Other phosphates Sodium triphosphate (sodium tripolyphosphate); unfood grade Other polyphospates Disodium carbonate Sodium hydrogencarbonate (sodium bicar bonate) Potassium carbonates Calcium carbonate; not food or pharmaceutical grade Commercial ammonium carbonate Other calcium carbonate Sodium silicates Other silicates of sodium; commerial alkali metal silicates Other silicates; commerial alkali metal silicates Anhydrous; disodium tetraborate (refined borax) Sodium dichromate Oth salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids Double/complex silicates,includ alumino silicates w.or not chemical de Copper and/or chromium salts Oth salts of inorganic acids/peroxoacid incl aluminosillicates , oth t Silver nitrate Other amalgams and other compound colloidal precious metals Other radioactive elements & isotopes & compounds, radioactive residue Other isotops other than those heading 28.44 Liquid hydrogen peroxide,whether or not solidified with urea Other hydrogen peroxide, whether or not solidified with urea other for Carbides, whether or not chemically defined of calcium Carbides, whether or not chemically defined of silicon Carbides, whether or not chemically defined of other material Other inorganic componds (incl distil/conductivity water of simi Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons. Propene (propylene) Acetylene Other acyclic hydrocarbons Other cyclanes Toluene Mixed xylene isomers Methyl chloride Dichloromethane (methylene chloride) Chloroform (trichloromethane) Other Saturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hidrocarbons Trichloroethylene Oth fluorinated, brominated/iodinated derivative of acyclic hydrocarbo Dicloropentafluoropropanes Derivatives containing only sulpho groups their salts and ethyl esters Oth derivatives containing only nitro or only nitroso groups Methanol (methyl alcohol) Propan-1-ol(propyl alcohol) & propan-2- ol (isopropyl alcohol) Butan-1-ol (n-butyl alcohol) Other butanols Other saturated monohydric alcohols Ethylene glycol (ethanediol) Propylene glycol (propane-1, 2- diol) Other diols 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl) propane-1, 3-(trimethylolpropane)
Glycerol Other polyhydric alcohols Other halogenated, sulphonated,nitrated derivatives of acyclic alcohol Menthol Other cyclanic, cyclenic/cycloterpenic Benzyl alcohol Other aromatic Octylphenol, nonylphenol and their isomers, salts thereof 4,4-isopropylidenediphenol (bisphenol a, diphenylolpropane) and its s Other polyphenols; phenol-alcohols 2,2-oxydiethanol (diethylene glycol, digol) Monobutyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of diethylene glycol Other monoalkylethers of ethylene glycol or of diethylene glycol Other ether-alcohols, their halogenated sulphonated, nitrated derivati Alcohol peroxides, ether peroxides, ke tone peroxides & their halogena 1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (epichlorohydrin) Other epoxides, epoxyalcohols, epoxy phe nols & their halogenated deri Other aldehyde-ethers,aldehyde-phenols & aldehydes with other oxygen Cyclic polymers of aldehydes Acetone Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone) 4-methylpentan-2-one (methyl isobuthyl ketone) Other acyclic ketones without other oxygen function Cyclohexanone and methylcyclohexanones Other cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpe penic ketones without oth. oxyg Formic acid Salts of formic acid Acetic acid Other acetic acid and its salts Ethyl acetate n-butyl acetate Isobutyl acetate Other esters of acetic acid Acrylic acid and its salts Esters of acrylic acid Methacrylic acid and its salts Methyl methacrylate Other esters of methacrylic acid Cyclanic/cycloterpenic, monocarbo acids, their anhyd,halid,peroxy & t Benzoyl peroxide and benzoyl chloride Dioctyl adipata, ita salts and esters Oth adipic acid, its salts and esters, oth than dioctyl adipata Maleic anhydride Other acyclic polycarboxylic acids,their anhyd,halid,peroxid&peroxyac Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic poly carboxylic acids, their anhyd Dioctyl orthophthalates Dybutyl orthophthalatas Other esters of orthophthalic acid Trioctyltrimellitate Oth aromatic polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides & peroxi Lactic acid, its salts and esters Salts and esters of tartaric acid Citric acid Oth carboxylic acids w/ phenol func but w/o oxygen func,their anhyd,ha Hexamethylenediamine and its salts Oth acyclic polyamines &their derivative ; salt thereof Oth aromatic monoamines & their derivate ; salts thereof O-,m-,p-phenylenediam, diaminotoluenes & their derivatives; salts ther
(2) Oth aromatic polyamines & their derivate ; salts thereof Triethanolamine and its salts Phosphoaminolipids, whether or not chemically defined Oth acyclic amides (incl acyclic carbama tes) & their derivatives; sal Oth imides & their derivatives; salts thereof Other nitrile-function compounds Diphenylmethena dilsocyanata (MDI) Toluene dilsocyanate Thiuram mono-, di- or tetrasulphides Oth organo-sulphur compounds Tetramethyl lead N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine and salts thereof Organo-arsenic compounds not liquid form Oth of oth organo-inorganic compounds Tetrahydrofuran Other lactones Other derivative of malonylurea (barbitu ric acid), salts thereof Oth lactams oth than 6-hexanelactam & clobazam & methyprylon Oth heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only Compound containing in structure a benzo thiazole ring-system, not fut Other nucleic acids&their salts,whet/not chemically define;oth hetero Amoxicillins & its salts, sterile Oth penicillins &their derive w/ penicil lanic acid structure; salt th Oth organic compounds. Vaccines for veterinary medicine Oth medicaments cont mix _2 constituents for therapeutic/prophylactic, Oth medicaments cont oth antibiotics oth taking orally/ointment form, Medicaments cont hydrocortisone sodium succinate/fluocinolone acetonid Antiseptics Adhesive dressing&oth articles w/ adhesi ve layer,impregnate/coat w/ p Adhesive dressing&oth articles w/ adhesi ve layer than impreg/coat w/ Gauze, impregnated/coated w/ pharmacy subst,for retail for medical,sur Wadding&similar articles,impregnated/coa te w/pharmacy subst,for retai Sterile surgical catgut,sterile adhesive tissue for surgicl wound clo Blood-grouping reagents Oth microbial diagnostic reagents Oth opacifying prep for x-ray exam;oth diagnostic reagents designed fo First-aid boxes & kits Waste pharmaceuticals of medic oth than for treatment of cancer, HIV/A Double salts & mix of ammonium sulphate & ammonium nitrate Mixture of ammonium nitrate with calcium carbonate/oth inorganic nonDouble salts & mixtures of calcium nitrate & ammonium nitrate Potassium chloride Other mineral/chemical fertilisers,potas sic,oth than potassium chlori Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate (diammonium phosphate) Ammonium dihydrogenorthophosphate (mono ammon phosph)&mix therof w/dia Oth mineral/chemical fertiliser cont 2/3 elements nitrogen,phosphorus& Oth tanning extract of vegetable origin; tannine & their salts,esters Inorganic tanning subst;tanning prep whe /not cont natura tanning subs Coloring matter of vegetable/animal not suitable for use in food/drink Disperse dyes & preparations based there on, oth than crude Direct dyes & preparations based thereon Vat dyes(incl those usable in that state as pigments) &preparations b Reactive dyes&preparations based thereon Other pigment&preparations based thereon oth than in powder form Oth synth organic coloring matter, incl mix of color subhead 3204.11 t Synthetic organic prods of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agen Oth synthetic organic coloring, matter, w/ or not chemically defined Color lakes;preparations as specified in this chap based on color lake
(2) Pigment base on titanium dioxide contain by weight _ 80 % on dry matt Preparate base on titanium dioxide conta in by weight _ 80 % on dry ma Pigment base on titanium dioxide contain by weight < 80 % on dry matt Preparate base on titanium dioxide conta in by weight < 80 % on dry ma Chrome yellow,chrome green,molybdate orange/red base on chromium compo Oth pigments & preparations based on chromium compounds Preparations based on ultramarine Ultramarine Preparations based on zinc sulphide Litophone & oth pigments based on zinc sulphide Preparations of other colouring matter Other colouring matter other than ultra marine & lithopone Preparations of inorganic pigment of a kind used as luminophores Oth inorganic pigment/colouring matter of a kind used as luminophores Prepared pigments, prep opacifiers prep colors & similar prep Oth vitrifiable enamels & glazes, engobe (slips) similar prep Liquid lustres & similar preparations Glass frit & oth glass, in the form of powder granules or flakes Oth varnishes based on polyesters <100-c hr,disper in a nonaqueous Other paints & varnishe (incl enamels & lacquers)polyester dispers, no Anti-fouling/anti-corrosive paints for ships hull base on acrylic/viny Varnishes (including lacquers), of a kind used in dentistry Other paints & varnishes (incl enamels& lacquers) based on acrylic/vin Varnishes (incl.lacquers),exceed >100-c heat-resistant used in dentist Varnishes (incl.lacquers),exceed >100-c heat-resistant used in oth tha Varnishes (incl.lacquers),exceed <100-c heat-resistant used in oth tha Oth paints & varnishes disperssad/ dissolved in a nonaqueous medium Varnishes(inc lacquer)>100-c hr-acrylic vinyl polymer, dispersed in a Anti-fouling/corrosive paints for ships hulls based on acrylic/vynil p Oth paints & varnishes dispersed aqueous/dissolved in aqeuos medium Oth paints based on others varnishes dispers in a aqueous medium Varnishes (incl lacq) exc > 100-c hr resist of a kind used for finish Varnishes (incl lacq) exc < 100-c hr resist of a kind used for finish Prepared water pigments of a kind used for finishing leather Polyurethane tar coating of a kind used for finishing leather Oth anti-fouling/corr paints for ships, hulls based on polyurethane ta Other paints & varnishes of a kind used for finishing leather Prepared driers Stamping foils Aluminium paste Oth than pigments of aluminium paste, white lead dispersed in oil for Oth than dyes in the food or drink industries Colours in tablet, tube, jar, bottle, pan, similar form or packing for Oth color not in tablet, tube, jar, bottle, pan/similar form/packing Glaziers putty, grafting putty, cements caulking compound Oth glaziers putty, grafting putty, cements caulking compound Printing uv curable inks-black Printing inks other than uv curable inks- black Printing inks, other than black Carbon mass for one time carbon paper Drawing ink and writing ink Ink of a kind suitable for use with duplicating machines of heading 84 Oth ink of a kind suitable for use with duplicating machines of headin Other essential oils of citrus fruit Oth essential oils (terpeneless or not), incl concretes& absolutes; re Oth prep based on odoriferous substances for the manufacture of bevera Perfumes & toilet waters Lip make-up preparations
Eye make-up preparations Manicure or pedicure preparations Beauty or make up preparations powders, whether or not compressed Oth Face or skin creams & lotions Oth than anti-acne creams and oth face or skin creams & lotions Having anti-fungai shampoo Oth having anti-fungai shampoo Hair lacquers Others preparations for use on the hair Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations Personal deodorants & antiperspirants Perfumed bath salts & oth bath prep, deodor room incl prep used religi Oth scanted powder (incease) of a kind used during religious rites Room perfuming preparations, whether or not having disinfectant proper Oth prep for perfuming or deodor rooms, incl odoriferous preparat use Papers & tissues, impregnated or coated with perfume or cosmetics Oth animal toilet prep, paper & tissue other ferfume or cosm, cont len Bath soap Oth of felt or nonwovens, impregnated, coated or covered with soap or Oth medicated prod & oth of felt or nonwovens, impreg, coated w/ soap/ Of felt/nonwovens impregnated, coated with soap or detergent Oth of felt or nonwovens, impregnated, coated or covered with soap or Oth soap of kind used for flotation deinking or recycled paper Org surf-active prod & prep for washing the skin in the liq/cream for Sulphated fatty alcohols Wetting agents of a kind used in the manufacture of herbicides Oth anionic-organic surface-active agent with or not put up for retail Oth cationic-organic surface-active agent with/not put up for retail s Oth hydroxil-terminated polybutadiene Organic surface active of a kind suitable for use in fire extinguishin Oth organic surface-active of kind suitable for use in fire extinguish Anionic washing prep & cleaning prep, incl bleach cleans,liquid form, Oth surface active preparations- in liquid form, for retail sale Oth wash prep & clean prep,incl bleach cleans & degreas prep,liquid, r Anionic washing prep & clean prep, incl bleach, cleans-oth than liquid Oth surface active preparations Oth wash prep & clean prep /cleaning prep incl bleaching, cleansing, d Wetting agents of anionic surface active preparations Oth anionic wash prep not wetting agents Anionic washing prep.or cleaning incl bleaching, cleansing or degreasi Oth organic surface active in liquid form, not wetting agents Oth wash prep or clean prep, incl bleach cleans or degreasing prep Anionic wash prep & clean prep,incl bleach,cleans-not liquid-not retai Anionic surface-active prep,not liquid form not for retail sale Anionic surface-active prep, not liquid form, wetting agent not for re Anionic surface-active prep, not liquid form,not wett agent not for re Oth wash/lean prep,incl bleach cleans oth than liquid-not for retail s Liquid lubricating oil prep, for treatm of textile,or oth material, co Oth liquid preprtion for the treatment textile or oth materials, cont Oth prep for the treatment of textile ma terials,oth than liquid,cont Liquid oil for aircraft engine cont petroils/oils obtain. bituminous m Oth liquid prep content silicone oil, cont petrole oils,or bituminous Oth liquid for other purposes cont petrol oil or bituminous mineral oi Oth lubricating prep cont petroleum oil Liquid prep cont silicone oil-for treat of textile,or oth matt,not con Liquid prep for treatment of textile mater,not cont petroleum oil & si Liquid preparat for treatment of textil or the material, not cont petr Liquid oil for aircraft engine not cont petroleum oils or oils obtain Oth liquid prep content silicone oil cont petrol oil,or bituminous min
(2) Oth liquid for other purpose not cont petroleum oil or bituminous mine Preparat for treat of textile,leather oth mater,not cont petrol oil,no Artificial waxes & prepared waxes,of poly(oxyethylene) (polyethylene g Oth artificial waxes & prepared waxes. Polishes, creams & similar preparat for wear or leather Polishes,creams & similar prep for the maintenance of wooden furniture Polishes & similar prep for coachwork, oth than metal polishes Abrasive lapping & honing,in the form of flour,scouring pastes & powde Oth scouring pastes & powders & oth scouring preparations Metal polishers Oth polishes & cream, for footwear, furniture, floors Candles, tapers & the like Prep known as ""dental wax"", in sets, packings,retail sale or in plat Glues of fish glues Glues of oth than fish glues Isinglass Gelatin in powder form with bloating level a-250 or b-230 or higher Oth gelatin derivatives,isinglass,oth glue of animal origin,excl casei Dextrins, soluble or roasted starches Oth dextrins & oth modified starches Glues based on starches/dextrins Prods suitable for use as glues/adhesive for ret sale as glues/adhesi Adhesives based on polymers of heading 39.01 to 39.13 or on rubber Oth adhesives based on polymers of headings 39.01 to 39.13 or on rubbe Semi-fuses, elemented caps, signal tubes Safety fuses or detonating fuses Oth safety fuses, detonat fuses, percussion detonat caps,igniters,elec Oth miniatur pyrotechnic munitions & percussions cap for toy, signalli Liquid/liquified-gas fuel in containers used for filling or refilling Resin torches, firelighters & the like Oth solid or semi-solid fuels, solidified alc & oth similiar prep fuel Photographic plates & film in the flat sensitised for x-ray Photographic plates & film in the flat sensitised for instants print f Oth plates & film, with any side>255 mm Photo plates & film in the flat sensitised suitable for use in the pri Oth plats & film photogrhap (polychrome) specially manuf for printing Oth polychrome suitable for use in the printing industry Photographic film in rolls, sensitised for x-ray Photographic film in rolls, sensitised for colour photography Oth photo film in roll, sensitised suitable for use in medical,surgica Oth film, without perforat, of a width < 105 mm Oth film, 105mm< width<610mm, specially prepared for medical service Film for colorphoto 16mm<width<35mm, length<30m for slides Oth film oth than for color photography Photographic paper, paperboard&textil, unexposed, rolls,width of 610-1 Photographic paper, paperboard&textil, unexposed, rolls,width of 610-1 Oth photograph paper, sensitis, unex- posed for color photography Oth photograph paper, paperboard & text sensitised, unexposed. Plate & film for x-ray,unexposed but not developed Oth photograph plates,film,paper,paper- board & textiles,expos but not Microfilms, exposed and developed Oth photograph plates & film,expos & developed,oth than cinematographi Sensitising emulsion,for photo use (oth than varnishes, glue, adhesive Oth chemical prep for photographic uses, put in measur portions, ready Artificial graphit,in the form of paste blocks,plates or oth semimanuf Carbonaceous pastes for electrodes & similar paste & for furnace linin Oth artificial graphit;colloidal or semi graphite,pastes, blocks or pl Activated carbon, including spent animal black
(2) Activated clays & activated earth, incl spent animal black Oth activat natural mineral prod,animal black include spent animal bla Tall oil, whether or not refined Concentrated sulphite lye Oth residual lyes from woodpulp with or not concentrat,desugar / chemi Gum, wood or sulphate turpentine oils Oth terpenic oil produc by the distillat of coniferous wood & oth cru Rosin & resin acids Salt of rosin,of resin acid, of drv or resin acid,oth than salt of ros Ester gums - in oth forms Run gums in blocks Oth derivates rosin & resin acids thereo Insecticides in aerosol containers havin a deodorosing function Oth insecticides in aerosol containers having a deodorosing function Oth insecticides in oth aerosol containe having a deodorosing function Oth insecticides in oth aerosol containe having oth function Oth fungicides, in aerosol container Oth herbicides,anti-sprouting product & plant-growth regulator in aero Herbicides, plant-growth regulator, not subhd note 1 Oth disinfectants containing mixtures of coal tar acid and alkalis Oth wood preserv containing insecticides or fungicides Softening of finish agent,dye carrier to accele kind used in the tex/ Oth finish agent,dye carriers to accele kind used in the leather or li Pickling prep for metal surfac, soldering, brazing, welding powders Other prep of a kind used as cores or coating for weld electrodes or r Anti-knock preparation, based on lead based on lead compound Oth anti-knock preparations Additive for lubricat oils,cont petrol oil & oil obtain from bitumin,n Oth additive for lubricat oils,cont petrol oil & oil obtain from otmn Anti knock prep, rust preventativ & corrosion inhibitors Oth anti-knock prep.,for mineral oil liquid used as mineral oils Prepared rubber accelerators Compound plasticisers for rubber or plastics Anti oxidising prep & oth compound stabilisers for rubber or plastics Prep. & charge for fire-extinguisher charged fire-extinguishing grenad Organic composite solvents & thinners, prepared paint or varnish remov Supported catalyst,with nickel/nickel compounds as the active substanc Supported catalyst, with precious metal compounds as the active substa Oth supported catalysts Oth reaction initiators,reaction accelerators catalytic prep, nes or i Refractory cements Oth refractory cements Mixed alkylbenzenes & mixed alkyl naphthalanes oth than head 2707 or 2 Wafers/discs with silicon content Hyd brake fluid&oth for hyd trnsmssion whether or not cont<70% weight Anti-freezing preparations & prepared and prepared de-icing fluids Oth prepared culture media for development of micro organics Plate,sheet,film, foil&strip of plastic impreghtd/coated with diag rea Paperboard,cellulose wadding & web fibre impreghtd/coated with diag re Sterilisation indicator strips and tapes Oth diagnostic/lab reagents & prepared whether or not head 30.02 or 30 Stearic acids Oth industrial monocarboxylic fatty acid Industry fatty alcohols in the form of wax Oth industry fatty alcohols in the form of wax Prepared binders for foundry moulds or core Non-agglomerated metal carbides mixed together with metallic binders Prepared additives for cements, mortars or concretes Sorbitol oth than that of subheading 2905.44
(2) Mix cont halogenated, drv methane,ethane cont bromochlorodi(tri)fluor Mix cont halogenated, drv methane,ethane containing hbfcs Oth mix cont halogen,drv methane,ethane cont hbfcs<70% petro oil/bitum Mix cont halogenated,drv methane,ethane cont 1,1,1-3-chloroethan(methy Mix cont halogenated, drv methane,ethane cont pfcs or hfcs but not cfc Other mix cont halogenated, drv methane, ethane Mix & preparation containing oxirane (ethylene oxide) Mix & preparation containing pbbs, PCBs, PCTs Mixtures & preparation containing tris (2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphat Ink removers,stencil correctors & oth, corrector fluids in package Copying pastes with a basis of gelatin presented in bulk/ready to use Composite inorganic solvents Acetone oil Preparations/mixtures cont monosodium glutamate Mixtures of chemical, of a kind used in manufactured of foodstuff Naphthenic acids, their water insoluble salts and their esters Oth prods & preparations cont cfc-11,12, 115, and halon Clinical waste Oth coconut methyl ester and fatty acid methyl ester Linier Low Density Polyethylene in the form of liquids or pastes Oth linier Low Density Polyethylene in the form of liquids or pastes Polyethylene having a specific gravity < 0.94 in oth form Low Density Polyethylene Oth low Density Polyethylene Polyethylene having a specific gravity 0.94 or more Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers Polymers of ethylene in dispersions Oth polymers of ethylene in oth form Polypropylene in oth form Polypropylene in dispersion Polypropylene in granule form Polypropylene in oth form Polysobutylene in oth forms Propylene copolymers in liquid or pastes Propylene copolymers in granule Propylene copolymers in other forms Oth polymers of propylene in oth form Oth polymers of propylene in liquid or pastes Oth polymers of propylene in oth form Oth expansible polymers of styrene in granule Unexpansible polymers of styrene indispersions Oth high impact polystyrene in granule Oth high impact polystyrene in oth form Oth polymers of styrene in primary form Oth styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymers Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymers in aquaeons dispersio Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymers in granules Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymers in other form Oth high impact polystyrene of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene PVC homopolymers, suspension type not mixed with oth substances PVC in granule PVC in other form Oth poly(vinyl chloride) non plasticised in granule Oth poly(vinyl chloride) non plasticised in powder Oth poly(vinyl chloride) non plasticised in oth form Oth poly(vinyl chloride) plasticised in dispersions Oth poly(vinyl chloride) plasticised in granule Oth poly(vinyl chloride) plasticised in powder
Oth poly(vinyl chloride) plasticised Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers in oth form Oth vinyl chloride copolymers in powder Oth vinyl chloride copolymers in oth form Vinylidene chloride polymers in granule Vinylidene chloride polymers in powder Vinylidene chloride polymers in oth form Fluoro-polymers polytetrafluoroethylene in granule Fluoro-polymers polytetrafluoroethylene in powder Fluoro-polymers polytetrafluoroethylene in oth form Oth polymers vinyl chloride in granule Oth polymers vinyl chloride in oth forms Poly(vinyl acetate) in aqueous dispersions Oth poly(vinyl acetate) in oth form Oth vinyl acetate copolymers Poly (vinyl alcohol) in other form Copolymers of vinyl acetate or of oth vinylester oth form Oth copolymer of vinyl acetate in aqueous dispersions Oth polymer of vinyl acetate/oth vinyl esters;oth vinyl polymers; prim Poly(methyl methacrylate) in dispersions Oth poly(methyl methacrylate) in oth form Oth acrylic copolymers in dispersions Oth sodium polyacrylate Polyacetals Polytetramethylene ether glycol Oth polytetramethylene ether glycol Epoxide resins of kind used for coating, in powder Epoxide resins in liquids/pastes Epoxide resins in oth form Optic grade w/ mell flow rate index>25 gr/ 10 min in pack of nat weigh Other polycarbonates Poly(ethylene terephthalate) in granules Poly(ethylene terephthalate) in oth form Poly(lactic acid) Oth polyesters unsaturated in the form of liquids or pastes Oth polyesters unsaturated in oth form Oth polyesters saturated of a kind used for coating, in powder form Oth polyesters saturated in oth form Polyamides in primary forms, polyamide-6 Polyamides in primary forms, polyamide -11,-12,-6,6,-6,9,-6,10 or -6,1 Oth polyamides, oth than polyamide -6, -11,-12,-6,6,-6,9,-6,10 or -6,1 Urea resins, thiourea resins in moulding compounds Other urea resins; thiourea resins Melamine resins in moulding compounds Other melamine resins, except in moulding compounds Oth amino-resins in moulding compound Glyoxal monourein resin, except in moulding compounds Oth amino-resins, not glyoxal monourein resin, not in moulding compou Phenolic resins in moulding compound oth than phenol formaldehyde Other phenolic resins, not in moulding compounds Polyurethanes Silicones in dispersions or in solutions Silicones not in dispersions or in solutions Petroleum,coumarone,indene/coumarone- indene&polyterpanes in liquid/pa Petroleum,coumarone,indene/coumarone- indene&polyterpanes not in liqui Polysulphides, polysulphones and oth product specified in Note 3 to th Cellulose acetates non-plasticised Other cellulose and its chemical derivatives,in the form of granules Oth natural polymers & its modified; chemical derivatives of natural r
(2) Oth natural polymers & its modified; starch-based polymers Oth natural polymers & its modified; in other form Ion-exchanger base on polymer of heading 39.01 to 39.13, in primary f Waste, parings & scrap, of polymers of ethylene; of non-rigid cellular Waste, parings & scrap, of polymers of ethylene; of rigid cellular pro Waste, parings & scrap, of other plastic Monofilament of polymers of ethylene Rods, sticks & profile shape of polymer of ethylene Monofilament polymers of vinyl chloride Rods,sticks & profile shapes of polymer of vinyl chloride Other plastics of hardened proteins Other plastics of vulcanised fibre Other monofilament of other plastics Oth plastic,except monofilament,hardened proteins,vulcanised fibre Artificial guts (sausage casings) of cellulosic materials Tubes,pipes & hoses, rigid, of polymers of ethylene Tubes,pipes & hoses, rigid, of polymers of propylene Tubes,pipes & hoses, rigid, of polymers of vinyl chloride Tubes,pipes & hoses, rigid, of polymers of other plastics Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses having a minimum burst pressure of 27 Sausage/ham casing,not reinforced or combined w/ oth material,w/o fitt Oth unflexible tube,pipe&hose,not reinfo rced or combined material,w/o Oth tube,pipe,not reinforced/otherwise combined w/ oth material,w/ fit Other tubes, pipes and hoses Fittings of plastics Tiles of polymers of vinyl chloride Oth floor covering of polymers of vinyl chloride Wall or ceiling coverings of polymers of vinyl chloride Tiles of polyethylene Oth floor coverings of polyethylene Other floor coverings of other plastics Wall or ceiling covering of polyethylene Wall or ceiling coverings of other plastic Self-adhesive plate,sheet,film,foil,tape &strip,width=<20cm;plymer vin Self-adhesive plate,sheet,film,foil,tape &strip,width=<20cm;polyethyle Self-adhesive plate,sheet,film,foil,tape &strip,width=<20cm;oth plasti Self-adhesive plate,sheet,film,foil,tape &strip,width>=20cm;plymer vin Self-adhesive plate,sheet,film,foil,tape &strip,width>=20cm;of hardene Self-adhesive plate,sheet,film,foil,tape &strip,width>=20cm; oth plast Oth plate,sheet,film,foil&strip,ethylene polymer,non-cellular¬ rei Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) film,of polymers of propylene Oth plate,sheet,film,strip,propylene polymers,non-cellular¬ reinfor Polymers of styrene of akind used as an adhesive by melting Acrylonitrite butadiene styrene(ABS) sheet used in the refrigerator ma Polymer styrene not used as an adhesive by melting; not ABS sheet Polymers of vinyl chloride tape;weight >=6% of plasticisers Polymers of vinyl chloride tape;weight <6% of plasticisers Acrylic polymers of poly(methyl methacrylate) Other acrylic polymer except poly(methyl methacrylate) Plates&sheets of polycarbonates Polycarbonates except plates and sheets form Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Unsaturated polyesters Oth polyester,not polycarbonate,poly(eth ylene terephthalete)&unsatura Cellophane film Other regenerated cellulose, except cellophane film Other cellulose derivatives,except nitrocellulose Film of poly(vinyl butyral) in safety glass,thickness 0.38~0.76mm widt
Other poly(vinyl butyral) Other plate,sheet,foil & strip of polyamides, except polyamides-6 Plate,sheet,foil & strip of amino-resins Phenol formaldehyde (bakelite) sheets Oth plate,sheet,foil & strip of phenolic resins,except phenol formald Oth plate,sheet,foil&strip;oth plastic; hardened proteine/chemical der Oth plate,sheet,foil&strip;oth plastic; not hardened proteine/chemical Plates,sheets,film,foil&strip, cellular, of polymers of styrene; rigi Plates,sheets,film,foil&strip, cellular, of polymers of styrene; not Plates,sheets,film,foil&strip, cellular, of polymers of vinyl chlorid Plates,sheets,film,foil&strip, cellular, of polyurethanes; rigid Plates,sheets,film,foil&strip, cellular, of polyurethanes; not rigid Plates,sheets,film,foil&strip, cellular, of regenarated cellulose; no Plates,sheets,film,foil&strip, cellular, of other plastics; rigid Plates,sheets,film,foil&strip, cellular, of other plastics; not rigid Plates,sheets,film,foil&strip, of vulcanised fibre Plates,sheets,film,foil&strip, of hardened proteins Plates,sheets,film,foil&strip, of chemical derivatives of natural rubb Other plates,sheets,film,foil&strip, of plastics Baths Shower-baths, sinks & washbasins Lavatory seats and covers Parts of flushing cisterns, of plastics Flushing cisterns equipped with their mechanisms Other lavatory pans, flushing cisterns & urinals Similar sanitary ware, of plastics Film, tape and optical disc cases Other boxes,cases, cratesand similar articles Aseptic bag reinforced w/ alum foil; width>=315mm;length>=410mm;ethyle Aseptic bag reinforced w/ alum foil; width<315mm;length<410mm;ethylene Aseptic bag not reinforced w/ alum foil; width>=315mm;length>=410mm;et Aseptic bag not reinforced w/ alum foil; width<315mm;length<410mm;ethy Aseptic bag not reinforced w/ alum foil; width>=315mm;length>=410mm;ot Aseptic bag not reinforced w/ alum foil; width<315mm;length<410mm;oth Multilayer fibreglass reinforced fuel container Other carboys, bottles, flasks & similar article Spool,bobbin&similar support;suitable for machines heading 84.44,84.45 Other spool,cop,bobbin & similar support Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures Toothpaste tubes container, of plastic Oth articles for the conveyance/packing goods of plastics Tableware & kitchenware except from melamine Other household articles&hygienic/toilet articles, of plastics Reservoirs,tanks,vats & similar contain. capacity <= 300 litres Doors,windows & their frames & threshold for doors Shutters,blind (include Venetian blinds) and similar articles and par Oth builder ware plastic,not elsewhere specified or included Office or school supplies of plastics Articles of apparel used for protection from chemical,radiation/fire;p Oth articles of apparel&clothting accessories;of plastics Fittings for furniture, coachwork or the like Statuettes & other ornamental articles Floats for fishing nets, of plastics Fan & handscreen, frames & handles and parts Oth hygienic,medical & surgical articles ; of plastics Police shields, of plastics Protective mask for use in welding & similar works Life saving cushions for the protection of persons falling from heght Other safety and protective devices
Transmission or conveyor belts or beltin Plastic J-hooks or bunch blocks for detonators Other industrial articles, of plastics Poutry feeders Padding for articles of apparel or clothing accessories Shoe lasts Cards for jewellery/small objects of personal adornment Other articles of plastics & other material of kind used for grain sto Empty capsules of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use Other articles of plastics and other material Natural rubber latex,containing ammonia >= 0.5%;in other forms Centrifuge concentrat,containing ammonia < 0.5%;natural rubber latex Natural rubber latex,containing ammonia < 0.5%;in other forms Other natural rubber in other forms Jelutong in other forms Other balata,gutta-percha,guayule,chicle similar natural gums, in oth Styrene-butadiene rubber,Carboxilated styrene-butadiene rubber;in late SBR,XSBR;in primary forms/in vulcanised, uncompound plates,sheets/stri Styrene-butadiene rubber,Carboxilated styrene-butadiene rubber;in othe Butadiene rubber (BR), in other forms Isobutene-isoprene (butyl) rubber (IIR), in other process Chloroprene (chlorobutadiene) rubber(CR) , in primary form Chloroprene (chlorobutadiene) rubber(CR) in other form Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR), in latex form Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR), in other form Ethylene-propylene-non-conjugated diene rubber (EPDM), in other forms Mixture of natural rubber latex with syntetic rubber latex Other mixtures of any product of heading 40.01 with any product of th Oth synthetic rubber & factice derived from oils, in latex forms Oth synt rubber&factice derived from oil ;primary form,unvulcanised,u Oth synthetic rubber & factice derived from oils in other form Reclaimed rubber in primary formsoar in plates, sheets or strips Compounded other rubber with carbon black/silica,unvulcanised,in prima Solutions; dispersions oth than those of subheading 4005.10 Natural gums,in plates, sheets, & strip Other compounded rubber,unvulcanised,in plates, sheets, & strip Other compounded rubber,unvulcanised,in latex form Other compounded rubber,unvulcanised,in other form "camel-back" strip for retreading rubber tyres, unvulcanised Natural gums; unvulcanised Oth forms & articles of unvulcanised rubbers Plates,sheet&strip of cell. rubber;thick <=5mm;lined w/ one side texti Floor tiles and wall tiles of cellular rubber Other plates, sheets & strip of cellular rubber Other forms of cellular rubber Other plates, sheets, & strip of non-cellular rubber Other forms of non-cellular rubber Tube,pipe & hose,not reinforced/combined w/ oth material without fitt Mining slurry suction&discharge hose,not reinforce/combine w/ oth mtl Oth tubes,pipes & hoses, not reinforced/ combined w/ oth mtrl with fit Mining slurry suction&discharge hose, reinforce/combine w/ oth mtl,w/o Oth tube,pipe & hose,reinforced/combined w/ oth materials w/o fitting Mining slurry suction&discharge hose, reinforce/combine w/ oth metal,w Oth tube,pipe & hose,reinforced/combined w/ oth materials w/ fittings Mining slurry suction&discharge hose, reinforce/combine w/ textile,w/o Fuel hoses,header hoses&water hoses, used on motor vehicles Oth tube,pipe&discharge hose,reinforced/ combined w/ textile, without Mining slurry suction&discharge hose, reinforce/combine w/ textile,w/
Rubber hose for gas stove, with fittings Oth tube,pipe&discharge hose,reinforced/ combined w/ textile, with fit Mining slurry suction&discharge hose, reinforce/combine w/ oth mtrl,w/ Mining slurry suction&discharge hose, reinforce/combine w/ oth mtrl, w Oth tube,pipe & hose,reinforced/combined w/ oth material, with fittin Conveyor belts/belting,reinforced with metal Conveyor belts/belting,reinforced with textile material Other conveyor belts/belting, reinforced with other material V-belts,V-ribbes of an outside circumference >60cm and <=180cm V-belts,oth than v-ribbed, of an outside circumference>60cm and <=180 V-belts,oth than v-ribbed, of an outside circumference>180cm and <=24 Endless synchronous belt,of an outside circumference>60cm and <=150cm Endless synchronous belt,of an outside circumference>150cm and <=198cm Oth transmission belts/belting New pneumatic tyre,of rubber used on buses/lorries, width<450mm New pneumatic tyre,of rubber used on buses/lorries, width>=450mm New pneumatic tyres,of rubber of a kind used on aircraft New pneumatic tyres,of rubber of a kind used on bicycles New pneumatic tyres,of rubber used on agricultural/forestry vehicle&ma New pneumatic tyres,of rubber, rimsize < 61 cm,used on const/ind.vehic New pneumatic tyre,of rubber, used for oth purpose Oth new pneumatic tyre,of rubber,rimsize <61 cm,used on tractors Oth new pneumatic tyre,of rubber, used for oth, width<450mm Retreaded tyres,used on buses/lorries, width>=450mm Retreaded tyres,used for oth purpossed Solid tyres,external diameter >250 mm, width<450mm Solid tyres,external dia.>250,width> 450 mm,used on vehicle of chap.87 Oth solid tyres,external diameter>250mm, of a width>450mm Oth solid tyres,external diameter<250mm, of a width>450mm Cushion tyres, of a width exceeding 450mm Oth retreaded/used pneumatic,solid/ cushion tyres, of rubber Inner tubes,of rubber,used on motor car width tyres<450mm Inner tubes,of rubber,used on bicycles Inner tube,of rubber,used on heading 84.29/84.30;width tyres>450mm Inner tube,of rubber,used on motorcycle Inner tube,of rubber,used on oth vehicle of chap.87, width tyres<450m Oth hygienic/pharmaceutical articles,of vulcanised rubber Gloves, mittens & mitts, for surgical Gloves, mittens & mitts, for other purpossed Lead aprons Divers' suits(wet suit) Oth article of apparel, clothing access for all purpossed Padding for articles of apparel or clothing accessories Oth articles of vulcanised rubber other of cellular rubber Mats Tiles Oth floor coverings Eraser tips Other erasers Gasket,washer&seal used to insulate the terminal lead of electrolytic Gasket&O-ring, used on motor vehicle of heading 87.02,87.03,87.04/87.1 Oth gaskets, washers & oth seals Boat/dock fenders,whether/not inflatable Oth articles of vulcanised rubber, inflatable Weatherstripping,used on motor vehicle of heading 87.02,87.03/87.04 Oth article of vulcanised rubber,for vehicle of heading 87.02~87.05&87 Bicycle parts Other bicycle accessories Oth parts & access for vehicle of rubber of chapter 87
(2) Parts & access of rotochutes of heading 88.04 Rubber bands Wall tiles Rubber rollers Tyre moulds bladders Electrical insulators hoods Rubber grommets & rubber cover for automotive wiring harnesses Oth article,used in machinery/mechanical /electrical appliances/for ot Rail pad, of rubber Structural bearings including bridge bridge bearings, oth than rail pa Table coverings Oth articles of vulcanised rubber for oth purpossed Floor tiles&wall tiles Other articles of hard rubber Other hard rubber in all form,include waste & scrap, articles of hard Hide&skin,weight/skin<8kg(simply dry),10 kg(dry-salt),16kg(fresh),not Oth crust vegetable(semi-tanned) hide& skin,full grain,unsplit;in the Travel goods w/ max dimension of h x w x l = 56cm x 45cm x 25cm Trunk,suit,vanity,executive,brief-cases with outer surface of leather School satchel with outer surface of vulcanised fibre School satchel with outer surface of plastics/textile materials Trunk,suit,vanity,executive,brief-cases w/ out surface of vulcanised f Trunk,suit,vanity,executive,brief-cases w/ out surface of plastics/tex School satchel,trunk,suit,vanity,brief, w/ outer surface of paperboard School satchel,trunk,suit,vanity,brief,w / outer surface of plastic/te Hand bag with outer surface of leather or of patent leather Hand bag with outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile material Hand bag with other outer surface Artcl in pocket/hand bag with outer surface of leather or of patent le Artcl in pocket/hand bag with outer surf ace of plastics or of textile Article of kind normally carried pocket or in handbag with outer srfc Article of kind normally carried pocket or in handbag with outer srfc Oth Sport bags,with outer surface of lthr composition leather/of paten Oth artcls with outer surface of leather or of patent leather Toiletry bags with outer surface of plastic or of textile materials Other articles with outer surface of plastic or of textile materials with outer surface of vulcanised fibre or paperbord oth bags of coppe Oth than trunk, suit-cases,handbags, & similar containers Articles of apparel of leather or of composition leather. Gloves,mittens & mitts specially designed for use in sports of leather Protective work gloves of leather or of composition leather Oth gloves, mittens & mitts of leather or of composition leather Belts & bandoliers of leather or of composition leather Oth clothing access of leather or of composition leather Oth articles of leather or of composition leather, boot laces ; mats Oth articles of leather, industrial safety belt & harnesses Leather strings or cords for jewelry or for personal adornment Oth articles of a kind used in machinery or mechl applience or for ot Oth articles of leather oth than boot laces,safety belt & leather stri Oth Sawdust&wood waste&scrap,whether or not agglomerat in logs,briquet Oth baulk,sawlog,pit-props,poles,piles treated with paint Oth than wood of dark&light red meranti, meranti bakau,in the rough,n Wood wool, wood flour. Oth Railway or tramway sleepers(cross- ties) of wood impregnated Wood sawn/ chipped length of a thick > 6 mm.of Coniferous,Planed san Oth than wood sawn/ chipped of a thick > 6 mm of Jelutong,Not planed, Oth than Wood sawn/ chipped of a thick > 6 mm.of Kempas,Not planed, n Oth wood sawn/ chipped of a thick >6 mm.of Balau,Not planed, not Sand
(2) Oth than tropical wood, oth sanded or end jointed&planed,thickness>6m Wood sawn/ chipped of a thick > 6 mm.of Other tree,Not planed, not San Oth Coniferous,oth cedar wood slats,face veneer sheets Oth than sheets for veneering and of the tropical wood of thickeness Oth non coniferous oth teak strips friezes for parquet flooring Particle board & similar board of wood or other ligneous materials Oth than Particle board & similar board of other ligneous materias Medium density fibreboard (mdf) of a thickness < 5mm Medium density fibreboard (mdf) of a thickness > 9 mm Oth fibreboard of a density <0.5g/cm3 Oth plywood,each thick.<6mm with at least one outer ply of non conifer Oth plywood consisting solely of sheets of wood of each thick < 6 mm Oth plywood,veneered panels&similar wood of blockboard,laminboard&bat Veneered panels&similar w/at least one other wood Veneered panels&similar w/at least one other wood Densified wood, in blocks,plates,strips of profile shapes. Wooden frames for paintings, photographs mirrors or similar objects. Cases, boxes, crates, drums & similar packings; cable-drums Pallets,box pallets& other load boards; pallet collars Casks,barrels,vats,tubs&other coopers products & parts thereof, of woo Tools,tool bodies,tool handles,broom or brush bodies & handles, of woo Windows,french-windows&their frames of wood Other builders joinery & carpentry of wood Tableware and kitchenware, of wood. Clothes hangers of wood Spools, cops & bobbins, sewing thread reels and the like of wood Toothpicks of wood Other wooden articles Natural cork,debarked or roughly squared or in rectangular (includ sq Other articles of natural cork. Blocks, plates, sheets & strip; tiles of any shape;solid cylinders,in Other agglomerated cork and articles of agglomerated cork Mats and matting of other vegetable materials Oth basketwork, wickerwork & other articles, of other materials Cotton linters pulp Pulps of fibres derived from recovered (waste & scrap) paper or paper Pulps of fibres derived from recovered of oth than bamboo Chemical pulps of fibres derived from recovered paper or paperboard obtained by a combination of mechanical& chemical proceses recovered/p Recovered Unbleached kraft paper & paper board for paper other purpose Recovered unsorted waste and scrap paper & paperboard for other purpos Newsprint, in rolls or sheets. weighing not more than 55 g/m2 Newsprint, in rolls or sheets. weighing more than 55 g/m2 Hand-made paper and paperboard Paper and paperboard of a kind used as for photo sensitive,heat-sensi Oth Paper and paperboard of a kind used as for photo sensitive,heat-se Oth paper and peperboard, not containing fibres obtained by a mechani Other paper and paperboard, not containing fibres Weighing < 40 g/m2 Alumunium base paper, not containing fibres Weighing < 40 g/m2 Alumunium base paper, not containing fibres Weighing < 40 g/m2 Alumunium base paper, not containing fibres Weighing < 40 g/m2 Fancy paper and paperboard,purpose 40< weight <150 g/m,roll Oth paper,no fibres, for other purpose 40< weight <150 g/m,roll Fancy paper and paperboard, in rectangular =<36cm oth side =15cm Other paper & paperboard, weight>40g/m2 and =< 150g/m2 Fancy paper&paperboard,in roll width <=1 5cm/in rectang sheet<36cm&oth Oth fancy paper & paperboard,oth in roll width<=15cm/in rectang sheet Paper,fibres>10%,oth aluminium paper, banknotes,printing,writing,in r Oth Paper,fibres>10%,oth aluminium paper , banknotes,printing,writing,
(2) Paper, fibres, aluminium paper base in sheets with 435< one side <29 Paper,fibres,banknotes,manuf of gypsum board,in sheets 43510%, paper in roll Of Cellulose wadding or of web cellulose fibres toilet or farcial tis Oth of cellulosa wading&tissue paper/ toilet/facial tissue stock&simil Kraftliner paper&paperboard,in rolls or sheets,unbleached Oth kraftliner paper&paperboard Sack kraft paper for making cement bag in rolls or sheets,unbleached Oth sack kraft paper for making cement bag in rolls or sheets,unbleac Oth composite papers, in rolls or sheets oth kraft paper and paperboard, weighing 150 g/m,unbleached Other kraft paper&wet strenght weighing 150 g/m,unbleached Other than kraft paper & wet strenght weighing 150 g/m,unbleached Of a wet adheshive tape,40-60g,used in mnfact. weight <= 150g/m2,blea Elect grade insulating kraft paper, 150< weighing< 225 g/m,unbleached Oth elect grade insulating kraft paper, 150<weighing <225 g/m,unbleach Elect grade insulating kraft paper,press board weighing >600g/m,unble Oth than wet strenght 40g to 60g,/ply wo od adhesive tape,weigh>225g/m Other kraftpaper& paperboard weighing 225 g/m or more Uncoated paper&paperboard,oth semi chemical,straw flutingpaper.rolls,s Oth uncoated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets Uncoated paper&paperboard,testliner weighing >= 150 g/m2 Uncoated paper&paperboard,testliner oth of weighing >= 150 g/m2 Paper,sulphite wrapping paper, oth colored match wrapping paper Filter paper and paperboard Uncoated paper&paperboard,oth blotting, &joss paper,weighing150g/m or Uncoated paper&paperboard,oth blotting, &joss paper,weighing150g/m or Oth Multi-ply paper&Blotting paper of other weighing > 225g/m2 Greaseproof papers Tracing papers Glassine and other glazed transparent or translucent papers Composite paper and paperboard not surface-coated or impregnated Corrugated paper&paperboard,whether or not perforated,in rolls or shee Sack kraftpaper,creped,crinkled,whether, not embossed /perforat,rolls Oth kraftpaper,creped or crinkle,whether or not embossed or perforate Oth than Paper&paperboard,oth embossed fancypaper used printing,cover, Self-copy paper Oth self-copy paper Paper&paperboard for photo,heat,elect. in rolls papers of width <15cm Paper&paperboard for photo,heat,elect. in rolls papers of oth width <1 Paper & paperboard for writing or printi ng in rolls of a width >15 cm Paper&paperboard for photo,heat,elect. o f width < 15cm Paper&paperboard for photo,heat,elect. s ensitive 297150g/m2 Other kraft paper,paperboard, not for writing Other paper & paperboard, multiply oth rectang < 15 x 36 cm2 Oth paper and paperboard of multiply oth rectang < 15 x 36 cm2 Floor covering on a base of paper or paperboard,in roll <15cm, rect<15 Other bituminised/asphalted paper& paperboard in roll <15cm, rect<15x3 Floor covering on a base of paper or paperboard,in other size Other bituminised/asphalted paper &paper board,in other size Gummed or adhesive paper&paperboard, self-adhesive,rectang<15x36cm2 Gummed/adhesive paper&paperboard,oth self-adhesive,in other size
(2) Oth gummed or adhesive paper& paperboard,in other size Oth paper coated,impregnated/covered with plastic,bleached,wg>150g/m Oth paper coated,impregnated/covered with plastic,bleached,oth size Oth paper coated,impregnated/covered with plastics&aluminium foil Oth paper coated,impregnated/covered with plastic,unbleached,rect<15x3 Oth Paper coated,impregnated/covered with wax,paraffin,stearin,oil,oth Flooring covering a paper,cellulose wadd web of cell fibr roll<15cm,r Oth paper, paperboard,cellulose wadding web of cell fibr roll<15cm,rec Oth paper, paperboard,cellulose wadding web of cell fibres,other size Filter blocks,slabs&plates,of paper pulp Cigarette paper,in the form in rolls of a width not exceeding 5 cm Cigarette paper,oth in the of booklets, tubes & in rolls,width <5 cm, Cigarette paper,oth in the of booklets, tubes & in rolls Wallpaper&similar wall coverings,consist of peper coaled wth a graine window transparencies of paper Self-copy paper (other than of 48.09)in rolls of a width 25
(2) Other,cut to size/shape,other than in Strips, rolls or sheets Printed books,brochures and similar prin in single sheets, whether or Educational, technical, scientific, historical or cultural books Oth printed books,brochures, and similar printed Newspapers,journals & periodicals Oth appearing at least four times a Other newspapers,journals & periodicals Globes Other maps&hydrographic or similar charts of all kinds Plans&drawings,including photographic reproductions on sensitised pape Plans&drawings,including photographic reproductions on carbon copies ravanue and similar stamps,unused Stock,share/bond certificates&similar documents of title; cheque forms other similar stamps of current/new issue in the country in which they Transfers (decalcomanias), vitrifiable Other transfers (decalcomanias), vitrifiable Printed/illustrated postcards, card greetings, messages/announcements Calendars of any kind,printed,including calendar blocks. Catalogues listingonly education historical or cultural books&publicat Oth trade advertising material, commercial catalogues and the like Wall pictures,anatomical or botanical diagrams and charts Printed picture & photograph,anatomical/ botanical diagram/charts Oth printed picture & photograph oth anatomical/botanical diagram/char Other picture, designs & photograph Printed card for jewellery,small object personal adorenment/articles i Printed labels for explosives Oth printed card, printed labels, educational printed on a set of card Silk yarn(oth than yarn spun from silk waste) not put up for retail sa Oth woven fabric,combed wool or of fine animal hair. Cotton, not carded/combed. Cotton sewing thread,not for retail sale cotton weight >=85% Cotton sewing thread,not for retail sale cotton weight < 85% Cotton sewing thread, wether for sale Single yarn,of uncombed fibres measuring > 714.29 decitex, cotton>85% Single yarn,of combed fibres measuring 232,56<decitex<714.29 , cotton Multiple yarn,of combed fibres measuring < 125 decitex cotton < 85% Cotton yarn(oth sewing thread) retail sale,>=85% cotton by weight Cotton yarn(oth sewing thread) retail sale,< 85% cotton by weight Woven fabrics of cotton, unbleached weighing <= 100 g/m, >=85% cotton Woven fabrics of cotton, unbleached 100<weighing<200 g/m, >=85% cotton Oth Woven fabrics cotton, unbbleach, <200g/m,>=85%of cotton Woven fabrics of cotton,bleached,plein weave,100<weigh<200 g/m, >=85% Oth woven fabrics, cont >=85% of cotton, of diff colour yarn, weigh < Oth Woven fabrics, cont >= 85% of cotton of diff colour yarn, weigh > Other fabrics; not printed traditional batik process,<200 g/m, >=85% c Plain weave,unbleached cont.>=85% of cotton, weight >200 g/m2 Other fabrics unbleached,>=85% cotton ,weighing > 200 g/m2 Woven fabrics dyed, plain weave,cont.85% of cotton, weight > 200 g/m2 3or4 thread icl cross twill,dyed,>= 85%, weight>200g/m Other woven fabrics,dyed, cont.85% of cotton,weight > 200 g/m2 Woven fabric,unbleached; plain weave < 85% cotton,weight<200g/m2: Woven fabric,unbleached;plain weave ,< 85% cotton,weight>200g/m2 Other woven fabric,unbleached, < 85% cotton,weight>200g/m2 Woven fabric,3/4 thread twill,dyed,< 85% of cotton,weight>200g/m2 Oth fabrics of different colours < 85% cotton,weight>200g/m2 Oth wovenfabric ofcotton weight<=200g/m2 unbleached Oth wovenfabric ofcotton weight<=200g/m2 bleached Oth wovenfabric ofcotton weight<=200g/m2 dyed Oth wovenfabric ofcotton weight<=200g/m2 of yarns of differrent colour
(2) Oth wovenfabric ofcotton weight<=200g/m2 not printed by traditional ba Oth wovenfabric ofcotton weight>200g/m2 unbleached Oth wovenfabric ofcotton weight>200g/m2 of yarns of differrent colours Oth wovenfabric ofcotton weight>200g/m2 not printed by traditional bat Jute & oth textile bast fibres,not raw/ retted Multiple (folded)/cabled of jute/ oth fibres bast fibres of heading 53 Sewing thread of man-made flment of synthetic filaments; for retail sa Sewing thread of man-made flment of synthetic filaments; not for retai Sewing thread of man-made flment of artificial filaments; for retail s Sewing thread of man-made flment of artificial filaments;not for retai Syntthatic filamentyarn (oth than sewing High tenacity yarn of nylon/o Syntthatic filamentyarn (oth than sewing High tenacity yarn of polyest Textured yarn of polyesters Textured yarn of polypropylene synthetic filament Other texture synthetic filament yarn Oth yarn, single, with a twist or not<50 turn/m; elastomeric Oth yarn, single, with a twist or not<50 turn/m; oth, of nylon/oth pol Oth yarn, single, with a twist or not<50 turn/m; oth, of pollester Oth yarn, single, with a twist or not<50 turn/m; oth, of polipropilena Oth yarn, single, oth thn, of elast, nyl polyester,polypropylene,<=50 Oth yarn, single, with a twist or not>50 turn/m; of nylon or oth polya Oth yarn, single, with a twist or not>50 turn/m; of nylon or oth polye Oth yarn, multiple or cable of nylon or polyamides Oth yarn, multiple or cable of polyesters Oth yarn, multiple or cable of other : oth than polypropylena Artificial filament yarn,oth yarn,single of viskosa twist/not <120 tur Artificial filament yarn,oth yarn,single of other : oth textured yarn Artificialfilamentyarn,oth yarn,multiple or cable: of viscose rayon; o Synth monfilament other >=67decitex dimension<=1mm, width<=5mm Synthetics other than filaments exceeds <1 mm, width <= 5 mm Man-made filament yarn(oth than sewing thread) put up for retail sale Woven fabrics of synt filament yarn from high of nylon/oth : other ; o Woven nylon mesh fabric of untwisted weight >=85% of flmnt of nyln/pol Oth woven nylon mesh fabric of untwisted weight >=85% of flmnt of nyln Woven fabrics of synt filament yarn from polyester cont >85% ; dyed Woven fabrics of synt filament yarn from polyester cont >85% ;ofyarn o Oth woven fabrics,cont>=85% of by weight ofnontextured polyst filamnt: Oth woven fabrics,cont>=85% of by weight of polyst filamnt: other Synthetic filament tow of nylon or other polyamides Synthetic filament tow of polysters Synthetic filament tow Other Artificial filament tow Synthetic staple fibres of nylon or othr polyamides of oth than aramid Artificial staplefibres notcarded,combed othwise procsfor spin: other Synth staple fibres carded,combad or othwise prcs forspin:of nylon/oth Synth staple fibres carded,combad or othwise procesforspin:acrylic/mod Sewing thread of man-made staple fibres wether for sale or no:of synth Sewing thread of man-made staple fibres wether for sale or no: other Multiple/cabled yarn cont>=85% by by weight ofstaple fbre ofnylon/oth Oth yarn of polyster staple fbres,other mixed mainly/solely wth wool/a Oth yarn of polyester staple fibres mixed mainly/solely with cotton Yarn of artificial staple fibres put up for retail sale Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibre cont>85% wight of polyester st Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibre cont>85%weight of oth th poly& Oth woven fbrcs of polyester stple fbr <=85% mixed wght <170 g/m of co Woven fabrics of yarn of diff color of polyester stpe fbrs,plain weav Oth woven fabrics<85% of such fibres weight <170 g/m of cotton: dyed Woven fabric of synt; dyed<85% with ctto dyed; oth woven fbr polyster Oth printed woven fabrics<85% such fibres, weight >170 g/m of cotton
(2) Other woven fabrics of synth stple fbr of other polyester staple fibre Oth wvn fbrcs of acrylic/modacrylic mix w/other than man-made filmnt/w Oth woven fabrics mixed mainly/solely with other than man-made flmnt/w Woven fabrics of yarn of diff color artfcial stple fbr mix m-m-f;weght Wadding of cotton,length<=5mm Wadding of cotton m-m-f of wrapped cigarette tow,length<=5mm Wadding of cotton m-m-f of oth wrapped cigarette tow,length<=5mm Wrapped of other than cotton man-made fibres Felt, oth thn needleloom&oth felt not impregnated, coated, covered Non woven of m-m-f, not imprgnated, covred/lminated; 25g/m<weight<70g/ Non woven of m-m-f, not imprgnated, covred/lminated; 70g/m<weight<150g Non woven of m-m-f, not imprgnated, covered/laminated; weight>150g/m Non woven of oth m-m-f, weight=<25g/m2 Non woven of oth m-m-f, 25g/m2<weighing=<70g/m2 Non woven of oth m-m-f, 70g/m2< weighing=<150g/m2 Non woven of oth m-m-f,weight=<150g/m2 Rubber thread & cord, textile covered & the like head 5404/5405 Imitation catgut,of silk yarn Oth thn rubber thread&cord, textile coverd&the like head 5404/5405 Metallised yarn,whether/not gimped,being textl yarn/strip like head 5 Binder/baler twine of sisal/oth textile fbrs of genus agave Oth binder/baler twine of sisal/oth textile fbrs of genus agave Binder/baler twine of polyethylene/polyp ropylene Oth binder/baler twine of polyethylene/ polypropylene V-belt cord of man-made fibres treated resorcinol formaldehyde>=10000 Oth v-belt cord of m-m-fibrs treated resorcinol formaldehyde>=10000 dc Oth twine,cordage,ropes&cables Made up fishing net of man-made textile materials Oth net bags of man-made textile materials Net bags of oth man-made textile materials Oth net bags of oth man-made textile materials Articles of yarn,strip/the like of head 5404/5405,twine,cordage,rope/c Oth prayer rugs of carpet oth than wool/ cotton Oth floor cov not prayer rug not of pile constrct,md up,of man-made tx Prayer rugs of cotton, whthr/not made up,of oth man-md-txtl mtrls Carpet&oth txtl flr cov.,tufted, whthr/ nt md up,not cttn&jute fbr,oth Oth carpet&oth txtl flr cov,oth pray rug of oth cotton&jute fibres,wht Uncut weft pile fbrcs of cotton,imprgntd ,coatd,coverd oth thn of head Othr carpet & text floor covrng of oth txtl mtrl, not imprgntd,oth of Tulles&oth net fbrics of silk,not impregntd,oth thn of head 6002-6006 Tulles&oth net fbrc oth thn silk/cotton, not imprgntd,oth of head 6002 Mechanically made lace of man-made fbrs impregntd,oth thn of head 6002 Mechanically made lace of man-made fbrs not imprgntd,oth of head 6002Mechanically made lace of oth txtl mtrl impregntd,oth thn of head 6002 Mechanically made lace of oth txtl mtrl not imprgntd,oth of head 6002Hand-made lace oth than fabric of head 6002 to 6004 Hand-woven tapestries of other than cotton, whether/not made up Woven pile fabrics of silk other than goods of head 5807 Woven pile fabrics of other than silk/ cotton other than goods of head Other woven fabrics;weight>=5% of elstmeric yarn/thread oth thn sport Narrow woven fabrics of cotton for type writer inked ribbon Other woven fabrics of cotton other than goods of head 5807 Backing of man-made fibres for electrical insulating paper Other woven fabrics of man-made fibres oth than goods of head 5807 Backing of oth textile material for electrical insulating paper Woven fabrics of other textile material used in covering piping, poles Narrow woven fabrics of other textile materials for typewriter ribbon Narrow fabrics of other textile material for slide fastener, width <=
(2) Other woven fabrics of other textile material Fabrics consisting of warp without weft assembled by an adhesive (bold Woven Labels, badges, and similar articl es, not embroidered Non woven Labels, badges, and similar ar ticles, not embroidered Labels, badges, and similar articles of oth textile materials, not emb Ornamental trimmings combined with rubber threads,not embroidery,not k Ornamental trimmings not comb. with rubber threads,not embroidery,not Embroidery of man-made fibres with visible ground,in piece,in strip,in Prepared painting canvas Buckram and similar stiffened textile fabrics for hat foundations Chafer fabrics,rubberised of nylon-6 yar Chafer fabrics,rubberised of nylon not nylon-6 yarn Tyre cord fabrics of nylon or other polyamides of nylon-6 yarn Chafer fabrics,rubberised of polyester Tyre cord fbrics of polyester,containing cotton Tyre cord fbrics of polyester, not containing cotton Other cord fabrics of high tenacity yarn of viscose rayon Textile fbrcs impregnated,coated,covered with polyurethane, not 5902 Canvas type fabrics impregnated,coated, covered with nylon,polyamides, Other textile fabrics impregnated,coated ,covered with plastics, not 5 Adhesive tape of a width <= 20cm, other than of heading 5902 Other rubberised textile fabrics, not knitted/crocheted, not heading 5 Fabrics impregnated,coated,covered with oil of oil-based preparation Textile fbrcs impregnated,coated,covered with fire resistant chemical Painted canvas being thetrical scenery, studio back-cloths or the like Tubular knitted gas mantle fabrics therefor Fire hoses Textile hosepiping & similar textile tubing other than fire hoses Transmission or conveyors belts or belting, of textile material Textile fabrics, felt & felt-lined woven for card clothing or technic Bolting cloth Textile fabrics & felts used in paper-ma king machines; weighing >= 65 Straining cloth of a kind used in oil or the like including that of h Gaskets and seals Other Textile products and articles for technical uses Other pile fabrics, of man made fibres, not cont elstmric/rubber yarn, Oth pile fbrcs of oth txtl mtrial not co elstmric/rubber yarn,bleachd, Knitted/crocheted fabrics of synthetic fibres, width<30cm, not 6001/60 Knitted/crocheted fabrics of oth textile materials, width<30cm, not 60 Knitted/croch. fabrics;elastomeric>20%, width>30cm,not rubber thread,n Knitted/croch. fabrics;elastomeric>20%, width>30cm,rubber thread,not 6 Warp knit fabrics of cotton othe than of heading 6001-6004 Wrp knit fbrc,of synthtc,bleach/no, swim wear,of polyester&polybutylen Wrp knit fbrc,of synthtc,bleach/no, oth thn swimwr,of polystr&polybuty Warp knit fabrc,of synthtc,dyed, swimwer ,of polyester&polybutylene Oth warp knit fabrics oth thn of wool/ fine anml oth thn heading 6001Other knitted/crocheted fabrics of wool/fine animal hair Other knitted/crocheted fabrics of cotton,bleached/no bleached Other knitted/crocheted fabrics of cotton,dyed Oth knit/crochtd fbrcs of cotton of yarn of dif color Oth knit/crochtdfbrcs of synthtc fibr, oth than nylon&elastis,bleach/n Oth knit/crochtd fbrcs of synthtc fibr, than nylon&elastis,dyed Oth knit/crochtd fbrcs of synthtc fibr, of yarn of diff colors,elastis Oth knit/crochtd fbrcs of artificial fibr, not elastis,dyed Oth knit/crochtd fbrcs of artificial fibr, printed,elastis Other knitted/crocheted fabrics of other material Men's/boy's ovr coats,car coat,capes, knittd/crochtd of oth textile ma Women's/girl's ovr coats,car coat,capes, knittd/crochtd of oth textile Men's/boy's ensembles of oth textile material, knitted/crocheted
(2) Men's/boy's jackets&blazers of other textile materials, knitted/croche Men's/boy's trousers, breeches&shorts of synthtc fibres, knitted/croch Men's/boy's trousers, breeches&shorts of oth textile material, knittd/ Women's/girl's suits of synthtc fibr, knitted/crocheted Women's/girl's suits of oth textile material, knitted/crocheted Women's/girl's dresses of other textile materials, knitted/crocheted Women's/girl's skirts÷d skirts of oth textile material, knittd/c Women's/girl's trousers, breeches& shorts of cotton, knitted/crocheted Women's/girl's trousers, breeches& shorts of synthtc fibres, knittd/cr Women's/girl's trousers, breeches& shorts of oth textile mtrial,knit/c Men's/boy's shirts of other textile materials fibres, knitted/crochete Women's/girl's blous,shirt&shirt blous of cotton, knitted/crocheted Women's/girl's blous,shirt&shirt blous of oth textile material, knittd Men's/boy's underpants & briefs of cotton, knitted/crocheted Men's/boy's underpants & briefs of oth textile material, knitted/croch Men's/boy's bathrobes, dressing gowns of oth textile materials, knitt Women's/girl's briefs & panties of cotton, knitted/crocheted T-shirts, singlet&oth vests of cotton, knitted/crocheted for men/boys T-shirts, singlet&oth vests of cotton, knitted/crocheted for women/gir T-shirts,singlet&oth vests of oth txtile materials, knittd/croch for w Jerseys,pullovers,cardigans,waistcoat of wool, knitted/crocheted Jerseys,pullovers,cardigans,waistcoat of cotton, knitted/crocheted Jerseys,pullovers,cardigans,waistcoat of man-made fibres, knitted/croc Babies garment&clothing accessories of oth textile material, knitted/c Track suits of other textile materials, knitted/crocheted Women's/girl's swimwear of oth textile materials, knitted/crocheted Divers' suits,made up of knitt/cochet, fabrics of heading 5903, 5906,5 Garment for protection from fire made- up of knitt/cochet,head 5903;59 Oth protective work garment made- up of knitt/cochet,head 5903;5906;59 Oth garment,made up of knitt/crochet fabrics of heading 5903,5906/5907 Oth garments of cotton, knitted/ crocheted Oth garments of man-made fibres, knitted/crocheted Oth garments of oth textile materials, knitted/crocheted Oth graduated compression hosiery, knitted/crocheted Oth panty hose&tights of oth textile materials, knitted/crocheted Footwear without applied soles of cotton, knitted/crocheted Footwear without applied soles of oth textile material, knitted/croche Divers' gloves, impregnated coated plastics/rubbers, knit/croch Gloves,mittens,mitts, impregnated coated plastics/rubbers, knit/croch Gloves,mittens,of cotton not impregn coated plastics/rubbers, knit/cro Divers' gloves of synthetic fibres not impregn coated plastics/rubber Gloves,mittens,of synthetic fibres not impregn coated plastics/rubbers Gloves,mittens,of oth textile materials not impregn coated plastics/ru Shawls,scarves,mufflers,mantillas& the like of not cotton,knittd/croch Ties, bow ties & cravats of oth than wool/fine animal hair, knitted/cr Wrist band,knee band/anide band knitted/crocheted Other clothing accessories, knitted/ crocheted Other parts of garment, knitted/ crocheted Men's/boy's ovr coats,car coat,capes of man-made fibr oth than of head Men's/boy's ovr coats,car coat,capes of oth textl matrl oth thn of hea Men's/boys' wind-cheaters,wind-jackets of man-made fibr oth thn of hea Men's/boys' wind-cheaters,wind-jackets of oth textl matrl oth thn of h Women's/girl's ovr coats,car coat,capes of cotton oth than of heading Women's/girl's ovr coats,car coat,capes of oth textl matrl oth thn of Men's/boy's suits of cotton, not printed by trdtional batik process,no Men's/boy's suits of other textile mater not knitted/crocheted Men's/boy's ensembles of synthetic fibres,not knitted/crocheted Men's/boy's ensembles of other textile material, not knitted/crocheted
(2) Men's/boy's jackets&blazers of cotton, not printed by trdtional batik Men's/boy's jackets&blazers of other textile material, not knitt/croch Men's/boy's trousers, breeches&shorts of cotton, not knitted/crocheted Men's/boy's trousers, breeches&shorts of oth textile material,not knit Female's suits of cotton, not printed by traditional batik process Female's suits of silk, not printed by traditional batik process Female's ensembles of other textiles, not silk Female's dresses of oth textiles, not silk and not by traditonal batik Female's skirts & divided skirts of cotton, not by traditional batik p Female's trousers/bib&brace overall/ breeches/shorts of wool/fine anim Female's trousers/bib&brace overall/ breeches/shorts of cotton Female's trousers/shorts/etc of synthtic fibers not for clothing aviat Female's trousers/shorts/etc of oth wool or fine animal hair and cotto Male's shirts of oth wool or fine animal hair, not silk Female's blouses/shirts/shirt blouses of cotton, not by traditional ba Female's blouses/shirts/shirt blouses of oth textiles Male's underpants & briefs of cotton Male's underpants & briefs of oth textiles, not cotton Male's wear, not underpants/briefs/night shirts/pajamas of oth textils Female's slips & petticoats of other textiles Babies' t-shirts, shirts, pajamas, same items of cotton Babies' suits, pants and same items of cotton, not t-shirts/shirts/paj Oth babies' suits, pants and same items of cotton, not t-shirts/shirt Babies' suits, pants & same items of synthetic fibres Babies' t-shirts,shirts, pajama, & same items of synthetic fibres Babies' garments of synthetic fibers, not suits/pants/t-shirts/shirts/ Babies garments & clothing acc of oth textiles, not cotton/synthetic f Work protective grmnt of chemicals/ radiation/fire from fabrics of 560 Work protective grmnt of oth hazard substances from fabrics of 5602/56 Garment from fabric 5602/5603, not for work protective Oth garmnt of subhead 620111-620119, of oth protective work Oth garmnt of subhead 620111-620119, for protective work from oth haza Oth garmnt of subhead 620211-620219, of oth protective work Oth garmnt of subhead 620211-620219, for protective work from oth haza Oth male garmnt of 5602/03;5903/06/07 for protect work from fire Oth female garmnt of 5602/03;5903/06/07 for protect work from oth haza Female's swimwear Oth male's garments of cotton not for rencing/wrestling/pilgrimage rob Oth male's garments of man-made fibres to protect from fire Oth male's garments of syhntetic fibres to protect from oth hazard sub Oth male's garments of cotton not for rencing/wrestling/prayer cloaks Oth female's garmnt of man-made fibres to protect from chemicals/radia Oth female's garmnt of man-made fibres not for subhead 62114310-621143 Brassieres of cotton, not knitted/ crocheted Brassieres of oth textiles, not knitted/ crocheted Suspenders/garters/braces of oth txtiles not for treatment scar/athlet Handkerchiefs of cotton, not printed by traditional batik process Syals/scarves/mufflers/mantillas/veils of silk/waste, not by trad bati Syals/scarves/mufflers/mantillas/veils of oth textiles, not by trad ba Ties/bow ties/cravats of oth textiles, not printed by traditional bati Protective work gloves, mittens & mitts Oth gloves, mittens & mitts of cotton Oth gloves, mittens & mitts not wool/ fine animal hair/cotton Accesories of oth made up clothing, oth than hd 6212 for judo belts Accesories of oth made up clothing, oth than hd 6212, not for judo bel Parts of garments or clothing accssories oth than of heading 6212 Electric blankets Blankets (not electric) & trvelling rugs of wool/fine animal hair Blankets (not electric) & trvelling rugs of cotton
(2) Blankets (not electric) & trvelling rugs of synthtc fibres of woven fa Oth blankets & travelling rugs, nonwoven fabrics of nonwoven fabrics Oth blankets & travelling rugs of woven fabrics Bed linen, knitted/crocheted Oth table linen of cotton, not printed by traditional batik process Oth table linen,of oth textiles Toilet&kitchen linen of terry towelling/ similar terry fabrics of cott Oth linen not for bed, table, toilet & kitchen of cotton Oth linen not for bed, table, toilet & kitchen of man-made fibres Oth linen not for bed, table, toilet & kitchen of oth textiles Curtains (inc drapes) & int blinds/bed valances of synth fibres, knitt Curtains (inc drapes) & int blinds/bed valances of oth cotton, knitted Curtains (inc drapes) & int blinds/bed valances of oth textiles, not k Mosquito nets, knitted/crocheted Oth furnishing artcl of cotton, not bedspread & not knitted/crocheted Oth furnishing artcl of synthetic fibres , not bedspread & not knitted Oth furnishing artcl of oth textiles, not bedspread & not knitted/croc New sacks & bags of oth textiles bast fibres of hd 5303 for packing go Used sacks & bags of oth textiles bast fibres of hd 5303 for packing g Flxible intrmdiate bulk containrs of synthetic textiles, nonwoven Flxible intrmdiate bulk cntainrs of synt txtiles, nonwoven & not knitt Sack&bag of polyethylene/polypropylene strip/same items of woven strip Oth sack&bag of synthetice textils, knit ted/crocheted Sacks & bags of oth textiles not hemp/ coconut (coir) of heading 5305 Tarpaulins, awnings & sunblinds of synthetic fibres Tarpaulins, awnings & sunblinds of oth textiles, not coir fibres/cotto Tents of synthetic fibres Tents of oth textiles, oth than cotton Sails for boats/sailboards/landcraft Pneumatic mattresses, oth than cotton Camping goods of oth textiles of woven Floor/dish/similar cleaning clothes or dusters of nonwoven Floor/dish/similar cleaning clothes or dusters woven oth than felt Life-jackets & life-belts Umbrella covers in triangular piece Surgical masks Harnesses safety suitable for industrial use Harnesses safety suitable not for industrial use Oth made up articls, not umbrella covers /surgical masks/harnesses saf Used/new rags, unsorted Waterproof footwear incorp protective metal toe-cap with outer soles Oth waterproof footwear, covering the ankle but not cover the knee,wit Oth waterproof footwear with outer soles plastic by stiching, riveting Sports footwear not for wrestling/ski/ same items with upper of rubber Footwear with upper straps/thongs assembled to the sole by means of pl Diving boots covering the ankle with upper of rubber/plastics Oth diving boots cover the ankle incorp protective metal toe-cap, rubb Oth diving boots cover the ankle not incorp protct mtal toe-cap, rubbe Oth footwear not cover the ankle incorp protect metal toe-cap, rubber/ Oth footwear not cover the ankle & not incorp protct mtal toe-cap, rub Sports footwear not fitted with spikes/ bowling/wrstling/weight liftin Oth footwear incorp protect metal toe cap with upper of leathers Oth footwear with outer sole of leather, not covering the ankle Oth footwear, not for sprts/incorp metal toe-cap protect, covering the Oth footwear, not for sprts/incorp metal toe-cap protect, not covering Sports footwear not fitted with spikes/ wrstling/weight lifting/the li Oth sports footwear for oth purpossed with outer soles of rubber/plast Oth footwear, with upper of ith leather/ composition leather/textiles
(2) Uppers & parts thereof, oth than stif feners of metal toe-caps Uppers & parts thereof, oth than stif feners & not fitted with metal t Parts of footwear with outer soles & heels, of rubber/plastics Oth parts of footwear of metal of iron/ steel Oth parts of footwear of metal of copper Oth parts of footwear of oth metal, not iron/steel/copper Oth parts of footwear of rubber/plastic out-soles Oth parts of footwear of oth materials not for gaiters/leggings/same i Hats&oth headgear/plaited by assembling strips of any material, trimme Hats&oth headgear of a kind used for religious purposes, knitted/croch Oth hats&oth headgear, not for hair-nets /religious purposes, knitted/ Industrial safety & firefighters helmets , excl steel helmets whether/ Steel helmets safety Oth safety headgear, not for motocyclist /industrial/firefighters/stee Oth headgear of rubber/of plastics Oth headger of oth materials, not furskin Head-band,lining,cover,hat foundation, hat frame,peak&chinstrap,for he Garden/similar umbrellas Umbrellas & sun umbrellas having a telescopic shaft Umbrellas & sun umbrellas not having a telescopic shaft Umbrella frames, including frames mounte d on shafts (sticks) Parts, trimmings & accessories for articles of heading 6602 Artificial flower, foliage, fruit, & parts thereof of plastics Artificial flower, foliage, fruit, & parts thereof of paper Artific flower,foliage,fruit&parts thereof of oth mterials, not paper/ Complete wigs of synthetic textiles Wigs, false beards, eyebrows,eyelashes, of oth materials Setts, curbstones & flagstones, of natur als stone (except slate) Tiles, cubes, similar articles, square < 7 cm, artif colored, chipping Oth monmental/building stone of marble, travertine, alabaster, simple Oth monmental/building stone of granit with polished slabs Oth monmental/building stone of granit with not polished slabs Monumental/building stone of oth stone, simply cut/sawn with a flat su Oth article monumental/building of marble Oth article monumental/building of travertine & alabaster Oth article monumental/building of granite Oth article monumental/building of oth stones,not marble/travertine/gr Worked slate&articles of slate or of aglomerated slate Millstones & grindstones for milling, grinding & pulping Oth millstone/grindstone for grinding of agglomerated synt/natural di Oth millstone/grindstone of oth agglomer abrasv/cramc for grinding whe Oth millstone/grindstone of naturl stone for grinding wheel&the like Hand sharpening/polishing stones Natural/artificial abrasive powder/grain on a base of woven textile fa Natural/artificial abrasive powder/grain on a base of paper/paperboard Natural/artificial abrasive powder/grain on a base of polishing discs Natural/artificial abrasive powder/grain on a base of oth materials, n Slag wool, rock wool & similar mineral wools in bulk/sheets/rolls Exfoliated vermiculite,expanded clays, foamed slag&similar expand mine Mixture&article of heat/sound insulating or sound absorb mineral wate Articles of asphalt/of similar material in rolls Roofing tiles, panels, boards,blocks & similar articles of coir fibres Chips,particles,sawdust or oth waste of wood, agglomer with cement/pla Board,sheet,panels,tiles,reinforced with paper/board only Oth articles of plaster/of compositions based on plaster of tiles Oth articles of plaster/of compositions based on plaster of oth tiles Oth articles of plaster/cmpsitions based on plaster, not dental mould Building blocks & bricks Flagstones, reinforced or not
(2) Concrete building piles for building or civil engineering Oth prefabricated structural components for building or civil engineer Oth prefabricated structural components, reinforced or not Floor or wall tile containing oth asbestos, not plastics Tubes or pipes containing asbestos Tubes or pipes fittings containing asbestos Oth articles of asbestos cement Corrugated sheets not containing asbestos Floor or wall tile of cellulose fibre- cement containing plastics onl Floor or wall tile of cellulose fibre- cement, not containing asbestos Tubes/pipes of celluse fibre-cement Tubes/pipes fittings of celluse fibre- cement Other article of cellulose fibre cement, not tubes/pipes/pipes fittin Cloth accessories,footwear&headgear fabricated crocidolite fibres Oth articles of crocidolite fibres Clothing accessories,footwear&headgear of oth crocidolite fibres Compressed asbestos fibre jointing of oth crocidolite fibres in sheets Floor/wall tiles of fabricated asbestos (oth crocidolite) Oth fabricat asbes fibres of oth croci, not fabricate/floor/wall tiles Brake lining&pad of friction material and articles,containing asbestos Oth thn brake lining&pad of friction material and article,containing a Brake lining&pad of friction material&article,not containing asbestos Oth thn brake lining&pad of friction material&article,not containing a Worked mica&article of mica,agglomerated ,sheets,strips,simply cut to Worked mica&article of mica,agglomerated ,plates Oths worked mica & articles of mica Yarn/thread non-electrical articles graphite/carbon Bricks,paving slabs,floor tiles,etc non electrical articles graphite/c Carbon fibres, etc non electrical articles graphite/carbon Oth non electrical articles graphite or carbon Oth articles of stone,oth thn content magnesite,dolomite/chromite Bricks,blocks,tiles & oth ceramic goods of siliceous fossil meals/of s Goods of siliceous cont by weight,singly or together alumina,silika,or Goods of siliceous cont by weight, of oth metals compound Oth refractory ceramic goods cont by weight,graphite/carbon,or a mixtu Oth refractory ceramic goods cont by weight,alumina/silica, or a mixtu Oth refractory ceramic goods cont by weight, oth metal compound > 50% Ceramics building bricks Roofing tiles of ceramic Chimney-pot,cowl,chimney liner, architect ornament&oth ceramic constr Ceramic pipes, conduits, guttering, pipe fittings Oth thn Paving,hearth/wall tiles, rectangle,circle<7cm,unglazed Paving,hearth/wall tiles,rectangle, circle>7cm,unglazed Oth thn tile,cube&similar article, whether/not rectang,circle<7cm,ungl Paving,hearth/wall tile of oth thn plain tile,rectang,crcle>7cm,glazed Oth thn paving,hearth/wall tile of oth thn plain tile,rectang,crcle>7c Artcle having a hardnss=>9 Mohs for laboratory,chemical or oth tech Oth ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical/oth technical uses Oth thn ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical/oth technical uses Ceramic sinks, wash basins, wash basin of porcelain/china Ceramic sinks, wash basins, wash basin of oth thn porcelain/china Tableware & kitchenware of porcelain/ china Oth household, toilet articles of porcelain/china Ornamental cigarette box & ashtray of porcelain or china Oth thn ornamental cigarette box&ashtray of porcelain or china Oth ceramic articles of porcelain/ china Oth ceramic articles of oth than porcelain/china Glass in rods
(2) Fused quartz/oth fused silica for vacuum tubes Fused quartz/oth fused silica for vial or ampoules industry Glass in ball,tube of fused quartz/oth fuse silca,oth thn boro silict Oth glass in tubes,linear coef<=5x10(-6) with 3mm<=diameter<22m Oth glass in tubes,linear coef<=5x10(-6) kelvin in temp.(0-300 C) Oth transparent neutral glass for enamel glass,with 3mm<=diameter<22m Oth glass having linear coeff. 0-300c oth thn vacum&boro silict glas t Optical drawn, blown glass, optically worked,flashed,opacified, absorb Oth optical drawn,blown glass,optically worked,flashed,opacified, abso Oth non-wired glass,absorbent reflecting/non-reflecting layer Optical glass, optically worked for glass of heading 70,03,70.04,70.05 Toughened (tempered) safety glass suitable for ship,boat,floating chap Toughened (tempered) safety glass suitable for oth machinery Laminated safety glass suitable for ships,boats,floating struct, chapt Laminated safety glass suitable for oth machinery Multiple-walled insulating units of glass. Rear-view mirrors for vehicles Glass mirros, unframed Glass mirros, framed Stoppers, lids & oth closures of glass Bottles&vials for antibiotics,serums, oth injectables,intravenous infu Oth bottles for intravenous fluids of glass Glass envelops for electric lighting oth than stem Cathode-ray tubes, oth than television Oth glass envelopes, bulbs,tubes,open, glass parts thereof,without fit Glassware of a kind used for table, kitchen, toilet, office of glass-c Stemware drinking glasses, neither glass-ceramics nor lead crystal Other drinking glasses, neither glass-ceramics nor lead crystal Oth glassware for table(not drink glass) kitchen purposes, not ceramic Other glassware of lead crystal Other glassware of not lead crystal Other signalling glassware & optical elements of glass, not optically Glasses for corrective spectacles Clock or watch glasses Glasses for non-corrective spectacles; hollow glass spheres & their se Glass cubes&oth glass smallwares, for mosaics or decorative purposes Oth articles of moulded glass; leaded lights; multicellular & smlr for Quartz reactor tubes and holders glass, for production of semiconducto Laboratory or pharmaceutical glass of fused quartz or oth fused silica Laboratory, hygienic/pharmaceutical with coef< 5x10-6/kelvin, 0 - 3000 Laboratory,hygienic/pharmaceutical glassware,nor fused quartz/fused si Glass beads Imitation precious & glass smallwares Glass microspheres <=1mm in diameter Glass eyes, not prsthtc artcls, ornamnt of lamp-worked glass,not imitt Chopped strands,of a length <= 50 mm Rovings of glass fibres Yarn of glass fibres Sliver of glass fibres Mats of glass fibres Thin sheets (voiles) of glass fibres Asphalt/coal-tar impregnatd glass-fibre outerwrap for pipelines Mattresses,boards and similar nonwoven products of glass fibres Woven fabrics of glass fibres rovings Oth woven fabric,of a width <= 30 cm Oth woven fabric,of a width > 30 cm Glass fibres Other articles of glass fibres Glass moulds for the manufacture of acrylic goods
Glass moulds for other purposes Quartz reactor tubes & holders designed for production of semiconducto Glass inner for vacuum flasks/oth vacuum vessels Evacuated tubes for solar energy collectors Other articles of glass. Dust and powder of diamonds Silver powder Silver, semi-manufactured Base metals clad with silver,not further Gold,not in lumps, ingots or cast bars, oth unwrought forms Gold,non monetary,oth semi-manufactured form Base metals/silver,clad with gold not further worked than semi-manufac Platinum, in lumps, ingots, cast bars, powder or sponge,unwrought Platinum, wrought Palladum in lump,ingots,cast bars,powder or sponge,unwrought Rhodium in lumps, ingots,cast bars, powder or sponge,unwrought Rhodium, unwrouht, in other form Rhodium, wrought Iridium, osmium & ruthenium in lumps ingots,cast bars,powder/sponge,un Iridium, osmium and ruthenium, in other forms, unwrought Waste & scrap of oth precious metal Jewellery of silver Jewellery of other precious metal Jewellery of base metal, clad with precious metal Articles of silversmiths wares of silver whether or not plated or clad Articles of goldsmiths wares of oth precious metal, Other articles of golds or silver Articles of natural/cultured pearls Articles of precious/semi-precious stones(natural/synthetic/reconstruc Cuff-links and studs of base metal whether/not plated with precious me Bangles of base metal, whether or not plated with precious metal Other imitation jewellery of base metal whether or not plated w/ prec Oth coin (not gold coin), not being legal tender Ferro-nickel Ferro-titanium and ferro-silico-titanium Other ferro-alloys Other ferrous products Waste and scrap of oth alloy steel Granules of pig iron, spiegeleison, iron or steel Powder of alloy steel Powder of pig iron, spiegeleison, iron or steel (oth than alloy steel) Iron&non-alloy in ingots containing by weight<=0.6% of carbon,excl hea Iron and non-alloy in primary form other than ingots Semi-finished iron/non-alloy cont. < 0,25% carbon ,rectnglr,square Oth semi-finished iron/non-alloy cont.< 0,25% carbon ,rectnglr,not squ Oth semi-finished iron/non-alloy cont.< 0,25% of carbon Slabs of iron/non alloy,cont.by weight > 0.6% of carbon Oth semi-finished iron/non-alloy cont by weight>0,6% of carbon,roughly Oth semi-finished iron/non-alloy cont. by weight > 0,6% of carbon Oth semi-finished iron/non-alloy cont.by wght 0,25%<=carbon<=0,6%,roug Oth semi-finished iron/non-alloy cont.by weight 0,25%<=carbon<=0,6% Flat-rolled iron/nas,relief,hot rolled width > 600 mm Flat-rolled iron/nas,pickled,hot rolled wdth>600 mm,thick>=4.75mm for Flat-rolled iron/nas,hot roll pickled,width>600mm,3 mm600mm,of a 2mm600 mm, thick>10 mm flat-rolled iron/nas,hot rolled width >600 mm, of a 4,75< thick< 10mm flat-rolled iron/nas,hot rolled width >600 mm, of a 3< thick< 4,75 mm
(2) Flat-rolled iron/nas,hot rolled width >600 mm, thick< 3 mm Flat-rolled iron/nas,not in coils relief,hot rolled Flat-rolled iron/nas,width>600 mm, of a thickness>10 mm,hot rolled Flat-rolled iron/nas, width >600 mm, 4,75 < thickness < 10 mm,hot roll Flat-rolled iron/nas, width >600 mm, 3 < thickness < 4,75 mm,hot rolle Flat-rolled iron/nas,hot rolled width >600 mm, thickness < 3 mm Other Flat-rolled iron/nas Flat-roll,in coils,pickled/not,cold-roll 11250 mm Flat-roll,in coils,pickled/not,cold-roll 0.51250 mm Tin-mill blackplate (tmbp),cold-roll of a thickness < 0.5 mm Flat-roll,in coils,pickled/not,cold-roll 0.5mm= 3 m Flat of iron/non-alloy, cold-rolled, corrugated form Flat of iron/non-alloy, cold-rolled, other than corrugated form Flat-rolled of iron/nas,carbon< 0.6%, plated or coated with tin,thick Flat-rolled of iron/nas,carbon<0.6%, plated or coated with tin,thick < Flat-rolled of iron/nas,carbon>=0.6% plated or coated with lead, thick Flat-rolled of iron/nas,carbon<0.6% plated with elctrolitically,thick< Flat-rolled of iron/nas,crbon<0.6%plated with elctrolitically,1.5mm
(2) Cont. indentation,rib,groove,carbon<0.6% circ. cross-sect. not for con Cont.indentation,rib,groove,carbon>=0.6% not circ.cros.sec.not for con Other bars & rods, not forged, of free- cutting steel Concrete steel, hot-rolled,hot-drawn , hot-extruded, carbon < 0.6% Shaft bars, manganese steel, hot-rolled, hot-drawn, hot-extruded, carb Other bars & rods, hot-rolled,hot-drawn or hot-extruded, carbon < 0,6 Shaft bars, manganese steel, hot-rolled, hot-drawn, hot-extruded, carb Other bars & rods, hot-rolled,hot-drawn or hot-extruded, carbon >= 0,6 Carbon,oth than of circular cross- section: concrete steel Oth. carbon, other than of circular cross-section Oth. carbon, other than of circular cross-sect:shaft bars; manganese s Oth.Than Concrete steel, Shaft bars, manganes steel Oth bars & rods of iron/non-alloy steel free-cutting steel,cold-formed Oth bars & rods of iron/non-alloy steel containing by weight 0.6% or m Oth bars & rods of iron/non-alloy steel, cont.carbon<0.6%,not for conc Oth Mangan steel/shaft bars,containing by weight less than 0.6% of car Manganese steel/shaft bars,containing by weight less than 0.6% of carb U, i or h sections , not further worked than hot-rolled, of a height < L section of iron/non-alloy steel, not worked than hot-rolled,of a hei T section of iron/non-alloy steel, not worked than hot-rolled,of a hei U, I or H sections, not further worked U sections U, I or H sections, not further worked I sections U, I or H sections, not further worked H sections L/T sect,not further work than hot-roll hot-drawn/extrud,a height of 8 Oth angles,shapes§ions,not further of a height of less than 80 mm Oth angles, shapes & sect,not further of a height of more than 80 mm Angles,shapes§ions,not worked than cold-formed,obtain from flat-ro Angle,shape§,not workthan cold form oth than obtain from flat-roll Oth angles,shapes§,not further work cold form/finish from flat rol Oth angles,shapes§,not further work oth than cold form/finish,flat Wire: bead,flat hard steel reed,prestres concrete steel,0.25%>cont.car Other wire of iron or non-alloy steel, not plate/coated, 0.25% =< carb Wire: spokes,bead,reed,free cut.steel contain carbon>=0.6% by weight Other wire of iron or non-alloy steel, not plated/coated, cont. carbon Wire of iron/non-alloy steel,plated w/ zinc > 240gr/m2, cont.carbon < Wire of iron/non-alloy steel,plated w/ zinc <= 240gr/m2, cont.carbon < High carbon steel core wire,for almnium conductors steel reinforced (a Oth than high carbonsteel core wire,for aluminium conduct steel reinfo Wire of iron/non-alloy steel,plated or coated with tin,cont.carbon <0. Wire of iron/non-alloy steel,plated or coated with out tin,cont.carbon Copper alloy coated w/brass of pneumatic rubbers tyre Wire of iron/non-alloy steel,plated/coat with tin, cont.carbon>=0.6% Wire of iron/non-alloy steel,plated/coat wi/out tin & copper, cont.car Oth wire iron/non-alloy steel,plate/coat with other metals, 0.25%>=con Ingots & oth primary forms of stainless steel Semi-finished prod.of stainless steel of rectangulr (not square) cross Oth semi-finished prod.of stainless steel Flat-roll prod of stainless steel,hot rolled,in coil of a thick exceed Flat-roll prod of stainless steel,hot roled,in coil of a 4.75mm= Flat-roll prod of stainless steel,hot roll,not in coil of 4.75mm== 4. Flat-rolled prod.of stainless steel, cold rolled, 3 mm =< thickness < Flat-rolled prod.of stainless steel, cold rolled, 1 mm < thickness < 3
(2) Flat-rolled prod.of stainless steel, cold rolled, 0.5 mm =< thickness Flat-rolled prod.of stainless steel, of a thickness < 0.5 mm Oth flat-roll prod.of stainless steel, thick>=1.5mm & <125mm patterns Hoop & strip of stainless steel, hot rolled,of a thick >= 4.75 mm,widh Hoop & strip of stainless steel, hot roled,of a thick >= 4.75 mm,width Hoop & strip of stainless steel, hot rolled,of a thick < 4.75 mm,width Hoop & strip of stainless steel, cold rolled, width < 400mm Hoop & strip of stainless steel, cold rolled, width>400mm Hoop & strip of stainless steel, not cold rolled, width < 400mm Hoop & strip of stainless steel, not cold rolled, width > 400mm Bars & rods, hot-rolled,in irregularly wound coils, of stainless steel Bars,rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly of circular cross-section Bars,rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly of not circular cross-section Bars,rods, cold-formed or cold-finished of circular cross-section Bars,rods, cold-formed or cold-finished of not circular cross-section Other bars and rods of circular cross- section Other bars and rods of not circular circular cross-section Angles,shapes§ions,not further work than hot-rolled,hot-drawn or e Angles,shapes§ions, further worked than hot-rolled,hot-drawn or ex Wire of stainless steel having a cross- sectional dimension exceeding Semi-finished prod. of oth alloy steel Oth than Grain-orient of silicon-elect steel a width of 600 mm or more Flat-roll not high speed steel,w.>=600mm not further worked than hot-r Flat-roll high speed steel,width>=600mm, not further work th hot-roll, Flat-roll not high speed steel,w.>=600mm not further work th hot-roll, Oth flat-roll not hi.sped stel,w.>=600mm electrolytically plated/coate Oth flat-roll high speed steel,w.>=600mm otherwise plated or coated wi Oth flat-roll not hi.sped stel,w.>=600mm otherwise plated or coated wi Hoop,strip,oth than grain-orient of silicon elect steel,of width>400mm Hoop & strip of high speed steel of a width > 400 mm, < 600mm Hoop,strip of oth alloy steel,hot rolled of a width <= 400 mm Hoop,strip of oth alloy steel,hot rolled width >400 mm, <=600mm Hoop,strip of oth alloy steel, cold rolled, width >400 mm, <= 600mm Hoop & strip of oth alloy steel, width <= 400 mm,not further work than Not hoop&strip of oth alloy steel, width <= 400 mm,not further work th Hoop&strip of oth alloy steel, w.>400mm& <= 600mm,plated/coated with z Hoop&strip of oth alloy steel, w.>400mm& <= 600mm,plated/coated w/out Oth bars & rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils Bars & rods, of high speed steel, of circular a cross-section Bars & rods, of high speed steel,not of circular a cross-section Bars&rods,silico-mangan steel,circular cross-section,not hot-roll/draw Bar&rod,silico-mangan steel,not circular cross-section,not hot-roll/dr Oth bars&rods,of silico-manganese steel of circular cross-section Oth bars&rods,of silico-manganese steel not of circular cross-section Oth bars,rods,not further worked than forget, not of circular cross-se Oth bars,rods,not formed/cold finished not of circular cross-section Other bars and rods : of circular cross- section Other bars and rods : not of circular cross-section Angles,shapes§ions,oth bars&rods, cross-section,hot-roll/drawn or Angles,shapes§ions,oth bars&rods, cross-section,not hot-roll/drawn Hollow drill bars,rods, weight >=0.6% not of circular cross-section Oth. Hollow drill bars and rods Wire of silico-manganese steel Wire of other alloy steel. of high speed steel Wire of other alloy steel. not of high speed steel,chromium<0.5% Sheet piling of iron or steel Angles, shapes and sections of iron or steel Rails of iron or steel Switch-blades, crossing frogs,point rods and other crossing pieces
(2) Fish-plates and sole plates of iron or steel Sleepers, of iron or steel Other than sleepers, of iron or steel Hubless tubes and pipes Tubes and pipes with hub Hollow profiles, of cast iron with an external diameter < =100 mm Hollow profiles, of cast iron with an external diameter > 100 mm Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, seamless, of stainless steel Oth.tube,pipe&hollow profile,seamless, line pipe of a kind use for oil Oth.tube,pipes&hollow profile,seamless, unfinished drill pipe (green p Oth.tube,pipes&hollow profile,seamless, unworked pipe end Unfinished drill pipe (green pipe) with yield strength less than 75,00 Oth. unfinished drill pipe (green pipe) Unfinsh case&tube, yield strgh<75000Psi oth.of stanlss stel for drill Oth.unfinish casetube&unworked pipe end with yield strength less than Unfinish casetube&unworked pipe end with yield strength less than 75,0 Oth.unfinish casetube&unworked pipe end with yield strength less than Drillrod casing&tubing,w/pin&box thread, cold-drawn/rolled,circular cr High-pressure pipe,cold-drawn/rolled, circular cross-section,iron/allo Circular cross-section,iron/non-alloy steel,diameter>=140mm&carbon>=0. Oth circ.cross-section,iron/non-alloy, steel,diameter>=140mm&carbon>=0 Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced) stainless steel Oth. Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-red uced) stainless steel High press. conduits,of circular cross- sect.of oth alloy steel,cold r Oth tubes/pipes/hollow profiles,seamless cold rolled,crclr c-s of oth Oth.Drill rod casing&tubing with pin& sect.of oth alloy steel,cold rol Oth tubes/pipes/hollow profiles,seamless high-pressure pipe Oth tubes/pipes/hollow profiles,seamless steel,diameter>=140mm&carbon> Lines pipe, for oil or gas longitudinall submerged arc welded of iron/ Electric Resistance Welded (FRW), used for oil/gas pipe,external diam. Oth longitudinally welded, used for oil or gas pipe, external diameter Oth line pipe iron/steel for oil,exter. diam.>406.4mm,spiral/helical s Oth line pipe iron/steel for oil,exter. diam.>406.4mm,not spiral/helic Casing of iron/steel used in drilling for oil/gas external diameter 40 Lines pipe, for oil or gas longitudinall welded,stainless steel pipes& Lines pipe, for oil or gas longitudinall welded,not stainless steel pi Oth.lines pipe,for oil/gas longitudinall welded,high-pressure pipe Oth.lines pipe,for oil/gas longitudinall welded,not high-pressure pipe Oth.lines pipe,for oil/gas longitudinall oth.stainless steel pipes & t Line pipe,use for oil/gas pipeline,welde of stainless steel,Electric R Line pipe,use for oil/gas pipeline,welde of other steel Oth line pipe use for oil/gas pipe welde oth stainless steel,electroni Oth line pipe use for oil/gas pipe welde oth stainles stel,spiral/heli Oth line pipe use for oil/gas pipe welde oth stainles stel,not ERW&spi Casing&tubing of a kind use in drilling welded, of stainless steel Oth.casing&tubing of a kind use in drill ing,welded,of stainless steel Boilr tube weld,of circulr cross-sect of iron/non ally stel intrnl dia Boilr tube weld,of circulr cross-sect of iron/non ally stel intrnl dia Boilr tube weld,of single/double walled, coppr plate,intrnl diamtr<12. Boilr tube weld,of single/double walled, coppr plate,sheath pipe for h Oth welded,sircular cross-saction,high pressure pipe,intrnl diamtr>=12 Oth.boilr tube weld,of single/double welled,coppr plate,intrnl diamtr< Oth.boilr tube weld,of single/double walled,coppr plate,intrnl diamtr> Oth.weld,of circulr cross-section of weld boilr tube w intrnl diamtr<= Welded boiler tubes of stainless steel with internal diametre >12.5 mm St'less steel pipes & tubes welded of circlr cross sec. w extrl dmtr>1 Oth,not welded of circular cross sect. with internal diameter > 12,5 m Oth.boilr tube,weld,of circlr cross- sectn,oth alloy steel int.dmtr<=1
(2) Oth.boilr tube,weld,of circlr cross- sectn,oth alloy steel int.dmtr>12 Oth.boilr tube,weld,square/rectangular cross sectin,with int.diamtr<=1 Oth.boilr tube,weld,square/rectangular cross sectin,with int.diamtr>12 Bundy-weld pipes and tubes,with internal ldiameter <= 12,5mm Bundy-weld pipes and tubes,with internal diameter > 12,5mm Oth.thn bundy-weld pipes & tubes, with internal diameter <= 12,5mm Oth.thn bundy-weld pipes & tubes, with internal diameter > 12,5mm Cast fitting of non-malleable cast iron hubless tube or pipe fittings Cast fitting of non-malleable cast iron tube or pipe fittings with hub Cast fitting of other than non-malleable cast iron Oth pipe of stainless steel flanges internal diameter<15cm Oth pipe of stainless steel flanges internal diameter>=15cm Oth pipe,stainless steel threaded ellbow ,bends&sleeves,internal diame Oth pipe,stainless steel threaded ellbow ,bends&sleeves,internal diame Oth pipe,stainless steel butt welding, fittings, internal diameter<15c Oth pipe,stainless steel butt welding, fittings, internal diameter>=15 Oth stainlss steel oth.than flanges,butt welding,threaded elbow,bend&s Oth stainlss steel oth.than flanges,butt welding,threaded elbow,bend&s Oth tube or pipe fittings flanges, internal diameter<15cm Oth tube or pipe fittings flanges, internal diameter>=15cm Oth tube/pipe fittings threaded elbows, bends&sleeves,internal diamete Oth tube/pipe fittings threaded elbows, bends&sleeves,internal diamete Oth tube/pipe fittings,butt welding fittings,internal diameter<15cm Oth tube/pipe fittings,butt welding fittings,internal diameter>=15cm Oth tube/pipe fittings,not butt welding/ flanges/elbows,internal diame Oth tube/pipe fittings,not butt welding/ flanges/elbows,internal diame Bridges and bridge sect. w prefab'ted type joined by shear connectors Other bridges and bridge sections Other towers Lattice masts w prefabricated modular type joined by shear connectors Other lattice masts Doors, windows and their frames & thres hold for doors Equip. for scaffolding w prefabricated modlr type joined by shear conn Other equipment for scaffolding, shutter ing, propping or pit propping Other, prefabricated modular type joined by shear connectors Oth corrug,curved/bent galv'd plt f ass 'bly.into undgrnd conduits&cul Other structures & parts of structures, rail for ships Other structures & parts of structures, perforated cable trays Other structures & parts of structures, guardrails Other structures & parts of structures, not guardrails Reservoir,tank,vat&similar,of iron/steel ,cap.>300ltr,lined/heat-insul Reservoir,tank,vat&similar,of iron/steel ,cap.>300ltr,not lined/heat-i Oth reservoi,tank,vat&similar,iron/steel ,cap.>300ltr,lined/heat-insul Oth reservoi,tank,vat&similar,iron/steel ,cap.>300ltr,not lined/heat-i Tank,cask,drum,can,boxe&similar,capacity >50L&<=300L,of tinplate Tank,cask,drum,can,boxe&similar,cap.>50L &<=300L,not tinplate,steel ca Tank,cask,drum,can,boxe&similar,cap.>50L &<=300L,not tinplate,steel fo Tank,cask,drum,can,boxe&similar,cap.>50L &<=300L,not tinplate,not cast Cans <1L,closed by soldering of iron/ steel casting in the rough Cans <1L,closed by soldering of iron/ steel forging or stamping in Oth.cans <1L,closed by soldering of iron /steel Oth.cans >1L & <50L,closed by soldering of iron/steel Oth.cans >1L & <50L,closed by soldering of iron/steel Oth.cans <1L,not soldering of iron/steel Oth.cans >1L & <50L,not soldering of iron/steel Cans >1L & <50L,not soldering of iron/ steel casting in the rough Cans >1L & <50L,not soldering of iron/ steel forging or stamping in Oth.cans >1L & <50L,not soldering of iron/steel Cont'ners for compressed/liquefied gas seamless stl cylinders, capacit
(2) Cont'ners for compressed/liquefied gas, seamless stl cylinders,cap.>=3 Cont'ners for compressed/liquefied gas seamless stl cylinders,capacity Other containers of iron or steel capacity>=110L Standed wr,ropes & cables for locked coil,flatt'ed strands&non rottng Stranded wire,rope&cables by plated / coatd wth brass,& of a nom.d<=3m Other stranded wire, rope and cables prestresed concrete strand wire Other stranded wire, rope and cables not prestresed concrete strand wi Stranded wire, rope and cables with stranded wire of diameter of>3 mm Oth stranded wire, rope and cables, plaitd bnds,slings&of ir/stl not e Barbed wr of iron/steel; twisted hoop & of a kind used f fencing of ir Woven cloth with endless bands for machinery, of stainless steel Woven cloth, of stainless steel Other woven cloth, not stainless steel Grill&fencing,welded at the intersect of wr wth a max.sect.d>3mm&mesh Oth grill, netting and fencing,welded at the intersection Oth cloth, grill, netting and fencing by plated or coated with zinc Oth cloth, grill, netting and fencing by coated with plastics Oth cloth, grill, netting and fencing Expanded metal Roller chain for bicycles of mild steel Oth mild steel for roller chain,transmis pitch lenght>=6mm&<32mm Oth mild steel for roller chain,transmis pitch lenght>32mm Other roller chain of mild steel bicycle or motorcycle chain Other roller chain of mild steel not bicycle or motorcycle chain Roller chain part for bicycles of motorcycle chain Roller chain part not for bicycles of motorcycle chain Skid chain of mild steel Stud-link of mild steel Other, welded link of mild steel Other chain for bicycles of mild steel Other chain of mild steel not for motorcylcles and bicycles Other parts of chain not for motorcylcle and bicycles Anchors, grapnels and parts thereof, of iron or steel Wire nails Staples Dog spikes for rail sleepers,carding - tacks&similar articles,of iron connector & anti-splitting,connector and Hob nails for footwear, ring Threaded articles for coach screws Other wood screws with an external diameter not exceeding 16 mm Screw hooks and screw rings with an external dmtr not exceeding 16mm Self tapping screw with an external diameter not exceeding 16 mm Screw metal with/without nuts/washers with an external diameter <=16 m Nuts with an external diameter not exceeding 16 mm Other threaded articles of an external diameter not exceeding 16 mm Non threaded artic. for spring washers & oth lock washers w an ext'nal Other washers with an external diameter not exceeding 16 mm Rivet with an external diameter not exceeding 16 mm Cotters& cotters pins with an external diameter not exceeding 16 mm Oth non threaded articles wth an external diameter <= 16 mm Safety pins Sewing, daming, ambroldary needles Other needles, not for sewing Leaf springs & leaves for motor vehicles ,>10 persons,gross weight<24T Leaf springs & leaves for motor vehicles ,gross weight>24T Other leaf springs and leaves Helical springs for motor vehicles Other Helical springs for motor vehicles Other springs and leaves for motor vehicles
Other springs and leaves Cooking appliances and plate warmers For gas fuel or for both gas and Cooking appliances and plate warmers wit h liquid fuel Other Cooking appliances & plate warmers including appliances for soli Oth cooking appliances & plate warmers of burner for kerosene stoves Other Cooking appliances and plate warmers Other parts of radiators Other radiators for central heating Iron/steel wool; pot scourers&scouring or polishing pads, gloves and t Kitchenware of cast iron, not ennamelled Household articles of cast iron not enamelled Kitchenware of stainless steel Other household articles of stainless steel Other household articles of stainless steel Household of iron(oth. than cast iron) or steel, enamelled Other kitchenware Ashtrays Other household articles of iron or steel Kitchen sinks of stainless steel Sinks and wash basins, of stainless steel, oth than kitchen sink Of cast iron, whether or not enamelled, not long bathtubs Oth sanitary Sanitary ware of bedpans,urinals ( portable type ) and chamber pots Part of kitchen sinks or bathtubs Part of flushing water closeta or urinals (fixed type) Oth sanitary ware and parts Manhole covers, gratings and frames therefor Spouts and cups for not latex collection Grinding balls and similar articles for mills Manhole covers, gratings and frames therefor Oth than cast articles of iron or steel Grinding balls and similar articles for mills Other articles or iron or steel but not forged or stamped Poultry cages and the like articles of iron or steel wire Poultry cages and the like oth than articles of iron or steel wire Ships' rudders not forged or stamped Stainless stl shield&clamp assembly wth rubb.sl for hubless cast iron& Bunsen burners Stainless steel shield, clamp assembly horses shoes, riding boot spurs Cigarette cases and boxes Spouts and cups for latex collection Rat traps but not forged or stamped Other articles not forged or steamed Copper mattes, cement copper (precipitated copper) Unrefined copper, copper anodes for electrolytic refining. Refined copper for cathodes and sections of cathodes Refined copper for wire-bars Refined cooper for billets Other refined copper Copper alloys for copper-zinc base alloys (brass) Copper alloys for copper-tin base alloys (bronze) Copper alloys for oth copper alloys (oth than master alloys of head.74 Profiles of refined copper Bar androdss of refined copper Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) Other of copper alloys Of which the maximum cross sectional dimension does not exced 14 mm Copper wire of which does exced 14 mm Other wire of refined coppper
Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) Of copper-nickel base (cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel-zinc base/nickel Other copper alloys for copper wire Copper plates, sheets and strips, of refined copper in coils Copper plates, sheets and strips, of refined copper, not in coils Copper plates, sheets,strips, of copper zinc base alloys (brass), in c Copper plates, sheets,strips, of copper zinc base alloys (brass), not Copper plates, sheets,strips, of copper tin base alloys (brass), in co Copper plates, sheets,strips, of copper tin base alloys (brass), not i Copper-nickel base alloy (cupro-nickel), copper-nickel-zinc base allo Other copper alloys, unrefined Copper foil, refined, thickness < 0.15mm , not backed Copper alloys, refined, thickness < 0.15 mm, not backed Copper foil reinforced sheets/plates of polyamide, of refined copper, Copper foil reinforced sheets/plates of polyamide, Copper clad laminat Reinforced sheets/plates of polyamide, copper clad laminate not for PC Reinforced sheets/plates of polyamide, of copper alloys, unrefined Copper tubes & pipes of refined copper Copper tubes & pipes of copper alloys with copper-zinc base alloys (br Copper tubes & pipes of copper alloys with cupro-nickel or nickel silv Other copper tubes and pipes Copper tube or pipe fittings of refined copper Copper tube or pipe fittings of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) Copper alloys, not brass, refined Stranded wire,cable&etc, not electrical insul. a diameter not exceedin Stranded wire,cable&etc, not electrical insul. a diameter > 28,28 mm Nails & tacks, drwing pins,staples of copper iron or steel with head o Staples and similar articles of copper Tacks, drawing pins, staples & similar articles Washers (including spring washers) but not threaded Other articles of copper, not threaded Screws Bolts and nuts Other threaded articles Pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like Cooking/heating apparatus of kind used for household purposes,non elec Other household articels and parts thereof of coppers Sanitary ware and parts thereof Chain and parts thereof of copper Fittings for fire hoses, of copper Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers not fitted of copper Electroplating anodes,machine belt fastener, fittings for ships/oth ve Oth table, kitchen,cast, moulded,stamped / forged but not further wor Colth grill and netting of copper wire for machinery Grill and netting of copper wire cloth suitable for making mosquito ne Other grill and netting of copper wire springs Cooking/heating apparatus, oth than of a kind used for domestic purpo Articles specially designed for use during religious rites Electroplating anodes,machine belt fastener,fitting for ships,for fire Similar containers not fitted with mech. /termal equip. of a cap.of <= Other articles of non copper Nickel mattes Nickel oxide sinters&oth intermediate products of nickel metallurgy Unwrought nickel, not alloyed Unwrought nickel alloys Nickel powders and flakes Bars, rods and profiles of nickel, not alloyed Bars, rods & profiles of nickel alloys
Wire of nickel, not alloyed Wire of nickel alloys Nickel plates, sheets, strip&foil of nickel, not alloyed Nickel plates, sheets, strip and foil of nickel alloys Tubes and pipes of nickel, not alloyed Tubes and pipes of nickel alloys Tube or pipe fittings Bolts and nuts of non nickel Electroplating anodes,wrought or un-wrought, including those produced Screens for printing machines Other articles of nickel Unwrought aluminium, not alloyed Unwrought aluminium alloys Aluminium waste and scrap Aluminium powders of non lamellar structure Aluminium powders of lamellar structure Aluminium bars and rods not alloyed Profiles suitable for use as heat sink with cross-sect.dimention <17,5 Oth Aluminium profiles suitable for use as heat sink Perforated tube profile for evaporator coils of mtr vehicle ac mach.of Oth hollow profiles of aluminium alloys Extruded bars and rods not surface treated Y-shaped profiles for zip fasteners, in coils of non aluminium alloys Other extruded bars, rods and profiles of non aluminium alloys Alum. wire of not alloyed which the max. cross-sect'l dim.exceeds > 7 Other aluminium wire of non aluminium not alloyed Aluminium wire of non aluminium alloys with a diameter not exceeding 0 Aluminium plates,sheets&strip of plain or figured by rolling of thick. Oth aluminium plates,sheets&strip of plain/figured by rolling of thick Aluminium alloys can stock including end stock & tab stock in coils Aluminium plates, not sensitised of kind used in the printing industry Sheets of aluminium alloy 5082,5182,<1m in with incoils Sheets alum.litho grade sheet/coil alloy HA 1052 hardness temper H19&a Other aluminium sheet/coil not exceeding 1,000 mm in width Oth plain/figured by roll./press. but not surface treatedof non alum. Oth alum. not alloyed,plain/figured by rolling/pressing not surface tr Oth aluminium alloyed,plain/figured by rolling/pressing not surface tr Aluminium foil not backed, rolled but not further worked Oth.aluminium foil alloy not rolled but not worked Aluminium foil backed Aluminium tubes and pipes of aluminium, not alloyed Aluminium tubes and pipes of aluminium alloys Aluminium tube or pipe fittings (for example, coupling,elbows,sleeves) Alum. structures for doors, windows & their frames and thresholds for Other aluminium structures internal/ external floatingroofs for storag Oth alum. structures for bridges and bridge section,towers,lattice mas Aluminium reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any mater Aluminium collapsible tubular containers Oth.aluminium casks,drums,cans, boxes & containers, for any material Aluminium containers for compressed or liquified gas With steel core cables of a diameter not < 25.3 mm With steel core cables of a diameter > 25.3 mm but < 28.28 mm Other cable wth steel core Other stranded wire with steel core Other cable without steel core Other stranded wire without steel core Pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads,/gloves and the like of al Oth table, kitchen/oth household articles & parts thereof of aluminium Bedpans, urinals ( portable type ) and chamber pots
(2) Other sanitary ware and parts thereof of aluminium Nails of aluminium Staples and hooks of aluminium Tacks, rivets,cotters,cotter pins and washers of aluminium Other cloth, grill, netting and fencing, of aluminium wire Ferrules for use in the manufacture of pencils Alum.slugs, round, of such dim. that the thick's>one tenth of the dia Bobbins, spools, reels and similar supports for textile yarn Latex spouts and latex cups Venetian blinds Other venetian blinds Expanded metal Other Expanded metal Unwrought refined lead Unrefined lead containing by weight antimony not as the principal oth Lead sheets, strip and foil of a thickness < 0,2 mm Lead embossed,cut to shape,perfortd, coated,printed,backed,reinforce m Oth lead waste & scrap, plates, sheets, strip and foil, lead powder & Lead bars,rods, profiles and wire Lead,tubes,pipes and tube or pipe fittings Lead wool,washers,electro-plating anodes Other articles of lead Zinc not alloyed containing by weight 99.99% or more of zinc Zinc alloys Zinc dust Zinc wire,bars,rods, profiles and wire Zinc foil a tickness < 0.25 mm Zinc plates, sheets, strip and foil > 0.25 mm Gutters, roof capping, skylight frames & oth fabricated building compo Zinc tubes, pipes,tube, pipe fittings (for cuoplings, elbows, sleeves) Other household articles Elec.plating anodes,stencil plates, nail,tackes,nuts,bolt,screws, & si Oth articles of zinc Tin bars, rods, profiles and wire soldering Tin bars, rods, profiles and wire not soldering Other articles of tin,plates,sheets and strip thickness > 0,2 mm Tin-foil (whether or not printed or back paper,etc),thick < 0,2 mm,pow Tin-Tubbes,pipes & tube/pipe fitting(for example,couplings,elbows,slee Other articles of tin Unwrought tungsten, including bars and rods obtained simply by sinteri Tungsten wire Tungsten bar&rods,oth than those obtaine ply by sintering,profiles, sh Other articles of tungtens thereof including waste & scrap Molybdenum wire Magnesium containing at least 99.8 % by weight of magnesium Other cobalt mattes Other titanium and articles thereof Other beryllium and articles thereof Other Chromium and articles thereof Hand tools spades and shovels Hoes (mamooties) and rakes Mattocks and picks Axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools Secateurs & similar one-handed pruners and shears (including poultry s Other hand tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forest Hand saws Band saw blades Sparepart band saw blades
(2) Sparepart sircular saw blades with working part of steel Other circular saw blades including parts Chain saw blades Straight saw blades for working metal Straight saw blades Other saw blades Files, rasps and similar tools Pliers (including cutting pliers), pincers, tweezers and similar tools Metal cutting shears and similar tools Pipe-cutters, bolt croppers, perforating punches, and similar tools Hand operated spanners and wrenches non adjustable Hand operated spanners and wrenches adjustable Interchangeable spanner sockets, with or without handles Drilling, threading or tapping tools Hammers and sledge hammers Planes, chisels, gouges and similar cutting tools for working wood Screwdrivers Flat irons Other household tools Other hand tools , oth than househlod tools Blow lamps Vices, clamps and the like Other including sets of articles of two or more subheadings of this he Tools of two/more of the headings82.02 to 82.05 put up in sets for ret Rock drilling or earth boring tools with working part of cermets Other rock drilling / earth boring tools , including parts Dies for drawing or extruding metal Tools for pressing, stamping or punching Tools for tapping or threading Tools for drilling, other than for rock drilling Tools for boring or broaching Tools for milling Tools for turning Other interchangeable tools Knives and cutting blades for metal working Knives&cutting blades f kitchen app'es / for mach. used by the food in Knives&cutting blades for agricultural , horticultural or forestry ma Other knives and cutting blades for machines or for mechanical applian Plates, sticks, tips and the like for tools, Hand-operated mechanical appliances, weighing Knives with cutting blades,serrated or not and sets of assorted articl Table knives having fixed blades knives ,fix blades, handle of base metal for agricultural, horticultur Flick/spring knives,hunting,diving& scouts knives,penknives,blades>15 Other knives having fixed blades with handle of base metal Knives having other than fixed blades with handle of base metal Blades for knife of kind used for agriculture,horticulture/forestry Blades with handle of base metal Knives with handles of base metal Other razors and razor blades including razor blade blanks in strips Scissors, tailors' shears and similar shearsand blade thereof Ppr knives,lttr openers,erasing knives , pencil sharpeners and blades Manicure or pedicure sets and instruments including nail files Other articles of cutlery Spoons,forks,ladles,skimmer,cake serv. & fish knives sets of assorted Similar kitchen and tableware, other sets of assorted articles Similar kitchen and tableware plated with precious metal Other similar kitchen and tableware Padlocks
Locks of a kind used for motor vehicles Locks of a kind used for furniture Handcuffs Other padlocks and locks Clasps and frames with clasps, incorporating locks Parts of padlocks and locks Keys presented separately Hinges Castors of a diameter > 100 mm but < 250 mm Oth base metal mountings, fitting & similar articles Hasps Oth mountings, fittings and similar articles suitable for motor vehicl Hasps suitable for building Bolts, hooks, eyes and staples suitable for building Other mounting suitable for building Bolts suitable for furniture Mounting of a kind suitable for saddlery Hasps Other mounting ; oth than of a kind suitable for saddlery Hat-racks,hat-pegs, brackets and similar fixtures Automatic door closers Armoured/reinforced safes,strong-boxes and doors and safe deposit lock Filing cabinets or card-index cabinets Other similar office or desk equipment of aluminium Other office or desk equipment of copper or of lead Fittings for double loop wire binders Fittings for loose-leaf binders or files oth than double loop wire bin Staples in strips of a kind for office use Other staples in strips of iron or steel Other fitting for loose leaf binders or files for staples in strips Letter coners, paper clips, indexingtags office articles Other including parts Bells, gongs and the like, of copper Bells, gongs and the like, oth than of copper Statuetes and other ornamen, of nickel Other statuetes and other ornamen Photograph, picture or similar frames; mirrors : of copper Metalic mirrors reflecting traffic views at road interstions/sharp cor Oth metalic mirrors reflecting traffic views at road interstions/sharp Flexible tubing of base metal,with or without fitting of iron/steel Flexible tubing of base metal,with or without fitting of other base me Hooks, eyes and eyelets of base metal Tubular or bifurcated rivets of base metal Including parts with beads of a kind used for travel goods Claps, frames with claps, buckles, buckle-claps of base metal Crown corks, of base metal Capsules for bottles, of base metal Top ends of alum. Cans, of base metal Aerosol can ends, of tinplate, of base metal Other caps for cans, of base metal Bottle and screw caps, of aluminium Seals & other packing accessories of aluminium Other of bottle and screw caps Bungs for metal drums; bung covers; seals;case corner protectors Threaded bungs for aluminium covers; seals;case corner protectors Plates; Sign , name, add & similar,numb, letter, of base metal, excl h Coated electrodes of base metal, for electric arc-welding : In rolls Coated electrodes of base metal,for electric arc-welding, In oth than
(2) Cored wire of alloy stell,cont by weight 4,5% / carbon / chromium, in Cored wire of alloy stell,cont by weight 4,5% / carbon / chromium, in Part Core wire of alloy stell,cont weight4,5% / carbon / chrom, in rol Part Cored wire of alloy stell,cont weight4,5% /carbon/chrom, in non r Coat rod & Cored wire of alloy stell, cont weight 4,5% /carbon/chrom,i Coat rod & Core wire of alloy stell,cont weight 4,5% / carbon / chrom, Part coat rod & Cor wire of alloy stell, cont weight 4,5% / carbon/chr Part coat rod & Cor wire of alloy stell, cont weight 4,5% /carbon/chro Coated wire / cored with flux material of kind used for soldering & me Nuclear reactors Parts of nuclear reactors Watertube boiler with steam production > 45 t/ h with not electrical o Watertube boilers electric with a steam prod < 15 tons /hours Watertube boilers not elect with steam prod < 15 tons /hours Hybrid boilers with a steam production < 15t/ hour with electrically o Oth hybrid boiler not elect with a steam production not exceeding 15t/ Electric super heated water boilers electrically operated Part of boiler bodies or shells Oth than part of boiler bodies or shells Boilers of central heating boilers other than those of heading 84.02. Economiser,super-heaters,gas reverers with boilers of heading 84.02 Condensers for steam or other vapour power units Parts boiler bodies or shells of goods of subheading 8404.10.10 : Part oth than boiler bodies or shells of goods of subheading 8404.10.1 Parts boiler bodies or shells of goods of subheading 8404.10.20 : Part oth than boiler bodies or shells of goods of subheading 8404.10.2 Other parts of auxiliary machinery for use with boilers Producer gas/water gas generators, with or without purifiers; acetylen Part of producer gas/water gas generat, with or without purifiers; ace Turbines oth than marine propulsion of an output exceeding 40 MW Turbines oth than marine propulsion of an output not exceeding 40 MW Part of turbines for marine propulsion Spark ignition reciproc/rotary internal combustion piston engines for Outboard motors of a power < 22.38 kw Outboard motors of a power > 22.38 kw Outboard motors of a power > 22.38 kw but not exceeding100 kw Outboard motors of a power > 100 kw Reciprocating piston engine of vichile of chapter 87 ,capacity <=50 cc Reciproc piston engine of vhl of head 8701,8711 with capacity <= 110 c Reciproc piston engine of vhl of head 8701,8711 with >110 cc cap < 250 Other engines of a power not exceeding 18,65 kw Other engines of a power exceeding 22,38 kw Marine propulsion engines, of a power not exceending 22.38 kw Marine propulsion engines,of a power exc 22.38 kw but not exc 100 kw Marine propulsion engines,of a power exc 100 kw but not exc 750 kw Marine propulsion engines,of a power exceending 750 kw Fully assembled for vehicles of subheading 8701.10 Fully assembled for vehicles of subhd 8701.10 of cyl cap <2000 cc Fully assembled for vehicles of subhd 8701.10 of cyl cap > 3500 cc Other engines with power < 18,65 kw Other engines with power > 100 kw for heading 8429 or 8430 Other engines with power > 100 kw for heading 8429 or 8430 Compres with diesel or semi-diesel oth of railway locomotiv or tramwa Parts suitable for use with the engine of heading 8407 or 8408 of airc Combustion piston egn for machin of head 8429 or 8430 of carburettors Combustion piston egn for machin of head 8429 or 8430 of cylinder blo Cylinder liners with internal diameter 50 mm <= 155 mm of head 8429 & Oth cylinder liners with internal diamtr 50 mm <= 155 mm of head 8429 cylinder heads & head covers for machinery heading 8429 ot 8430
(2) Pistons with an external diameter of 50 mm <= 155 mm of head 8429& 843 Oth pistons with an external diameter of 50 mm <= 155 mm of head 8429& Piston rings & gudgeon pins for machinery heading 8429 ot 8430 Oth parts suitable for use with the engine machinery heading 8429 ot 8 Carburettors & parts there of vehicles of heading 8701 Cylinder blocks for machinery heading 8701 Oth cylinder liners with internal diamtr 50 mm <= 155 mm of heading 87 cylinder heads & head covers for machinery heading 8701 Oth pistons with an external diameter of 50 mm <= 155 mm of heading 87 Oth parts suitable for use with the engine machinery of heading 8701 Cylinder liners for machinery of heading 8711 Pistons for machinery of heading 8711 Oth parts suitable for use with the engine for machinery of heading 87 Cylinder blocks; crank cases for machinery of heading 87 Other cylinder liniers with the engine for machinery of heading 87 Cylinder heads & head covers for machinery of heading 87 Piston rings & gudgeon pins for machinery heading 87 Oth parts suitable for use with the engine for machinery of heading 87 Cyl block,crank case,marine propul eng power<= 22.38kw for vessels of Oth cyl liners,power < 22,38 kw for vessel of heading 89 Pistons, power< 22,38 kw of diamtr =>50 mm<155 mm for vessel of headin Oth pistons, power< 22,38 kw for vessel of heading 89 Oth suitable for use with the egn of power < 22,38 kw for vssl of head Cyl liners, power > 22,38 kw of diamtr =>50 mm<155 mm for vessel of he Oth Cyl liners, power>22,38 kw of diamtr =>50 mm<155 mm for vessel of Pistons, power > 22,38 kw of diamtr =>50 mm<155 mm for vessel of headi Other piston for marine propulsion engines of power > 22.38 kw Oth suitable for use with the egn of power > 22,38 kw for vssl of head Carburettors & parts there of other eng Cylinder blocks for other engine Cyl liners for other engine with =>50 mm diameter <155 mm Oth cyl liners for other engine Cyl heads & head covers for other eng Pistons for other engine with =>50 mm diameter <155 mm Oth pistons for other engine Pistons rings & gudgeon pins for other engine Other parts for engines Carburettors & parts there of for engin of machinery of head 8429/843 cylinder blocks for engine of machinery of heading 8429/8430 Cyl liners for eng mach head 8429/8430 with =>50 mm diameter <155 mm Other cylinder liners for engine of machinery of head 8429/8430 Clinder head & head covers for engine of machinery of head 8429/8430 Pistons for eng mach of head 8429/8430 with =>50 mm diameter <155 mm f Other piston for engin of machinery of heading 8429/8430 Pistons rings & gudgeon pins for engine of machinery of head 8429/8430 Other engine of machinery of heading 8429 or 8430 Carburettors & parts there of for engin of vehicles of heading 8701 Cylinder blocks for engin of vehicles of heading 8701 Cyl liners for engine of vehicles of with =>50 mm diameter <155 mm f Other cylinder liners for engines of vehicles of heading 8701 Cyl heads & head covers for engines of vehicles of heading 8701 Other for engines of vehicles of heading 8701 Cylinder liners for engines of vehicles of heading 8711 Pistons for engines of vehicles of heading 8711 Pistons rings & gudgeon pins for engines of vehicles of heading 8711 Other for engines of vehicles of heading 8711 Other cylinder liners for engines of oth vehicles of heading 8701 Cyl heads & head covers for engines of oth vehicles of chapter 87
(2) Other for engines of other vehicles of chapter 87 Other cylinder liners for engines vssl of chapter 89 wit power < 22,38 Oth.for vssls chapt.89,marine propul eng of a power<= 22.38 kw,comp-i Cyl liners for vssl eng >= 22,38 kw of =>50 mm diamtr <= 155 mm of hea Other cylinder liners for marine propulsion engines of power > 22,38 k Pistons for vssls eng >= 22,38 kw of =>50 mm diamtr <= 155 mm of headi Other piston for marine propulsion engines of power > 22,38 kw Other for marine propulsion engines of a power > 22,38 kw Other cylinder liners for other engines Cyl heads & head covers for other engine Pistons for other engines with =>50 mm diamtr <= 155 mm Oth pistons for other engines Pistons rings & gudgeon pins for other engines Other than for engines Hydraulic turbine & water wheels of power <= 1,000 kw Parts, including regulators of hydraulic turbins and water wheels Turbo-jets of a thrust exceeding 25 kn Turbo-propellers of a power not exceeding 1,100 kw Other gas turbines of a power not exceeding 5,000 kw Other gas turbines of a power exceeding 5,000 kw Parts of turbo-jets/turbo-propellers Oth Parts of turbo-jets/turbo-propellers Reaction engines oth than turbo-jets Hydraulic power engines and motors with linear acting (cylinders) Hydraulic power engines and motors with other linear acting (cylinders Pneumatic power engines and motors with linear acting (cylinders) Pneumatic power engines and motors with other linear acting (cylinders Oth engines and motors Parts of engines of subheading 8412.10 oth parts of engines of subheading 841 Pumps for dispensing fuel/lubricants of the type used in fill station/ OthPumps for dispens fuel/lubricants of the type used in fill station/ Water pump for hand pump,oth than those of subheading 8413.11 / 8413. Oth Water pump for hand pump,oth than those of subheading 8413.11 / 8 Recipro/rotary for water pumps/fuel of kind eng of mtr vhl head 8702,8 Reciprocating or rotary type for cool med pumps for intern combust pi Centrifugal type for water pumps/fuel of kind eng of mtr vhl head 8702 Centrifugal type for cooling medium pumps for intern combustion pisto Other water pumps or fuel pumps of kind used for eng of mtr vhl head 8 Other Cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines Oth reciproc positif displacement pumps, of water pumps with flow rate Oth reciproc (+) displmnt pumps,of water pumps with >8000m/h flow rate Oth reciproc positif displacement pumps, of water pumps with flow rate Oth rotary positive displacement pumps, elctrly operated with flow ra Oth rotary positive displmnt pumps,not elctrly operated with flow rat Oth rotary positive displacement pumps, with flow rate > 13000 m/h Oth Ctrfgl pumps;sgl stage,water pmp for belt drvr /drct coupl with di Oth centrifugal pumps;single suction horizontal shaft water pumps Submersible water pumps with an inlet diameter <= 200 mm Submersible water pumps with an inlet diameter => 200 mm Oth water pumps of flow rate<8000m/h of with diamtr>200 mm of elctricl Oth water pumps of flow rate<8000m/h with inlet diameter > 200 mm Oth pumps with shafts common with the prime mover of an inlet diamtr > Water pump with flow rate <= 8000 m/h with electrically operated Water pump with flow rate <= 8000 m/h with not electrically operated Water pump with flow rate >= 13000 m/h Liquid elevators with electrically operated Liquid elevators with not electrically operated Part of pumps subheading 8413.20.10
Part of pumps subheading 8413.20.90 Part of pumps subheading 8413.70.11 and 8413.70.19 Part of other centrifugal pumps Part of other pumps Part of liquid elevators Vakum pumps Hand or foot operated air pumps; for bicycle pumps Other Hand or foot operated air pumps Compressors of kind used in refrigerat equipment for automotive AC Compressors of kind used in refrigerat equipment oth of seal unit for Compr kind refgrt eqp oth with cap refr >21.10 kw or displacmnt perre Compr kind refgrt eqp oth with cap refr <21.10 kw or displacmnt perre Air compressors mounted on a wheeled chasis for lowing Table fans and box fans Fans with protective screen Other fans with protective screen Blower with capacity < 125 kw Oth fans of a capacity <125 kw with protective screen Fans window with blowers Fans floor with protective screen Oth fans floor with protective screen Hood have max horiz side<120 cm,oth fitt with a filter for laminer air Hoods having maximum horizontal side <120 cm, to suitable for industri Hoods having maximum horizontal side <120 cm,oth suitable for industri Hoods have max horizon side>120 cm,fitt with a filter for laminer airf Hood have max horizon side<120 cm,fitt with a filter for laminer airfl Hoods have max horizontal side>120 cm, no fitt with filter suitable fo Hoods have max horizontal side>120 cm, no fitt with filter,not suit fo Hoods have max horizon side<120 cm of free piston generators for gas t Gas compr modul for use in oil drill oth than those of subhd 841430 an oth Gas compr modul for use in oil drill oth than those of subhd 84143 Hoods having maximum horizontal side < 120 cm for air pumps Hoods having maximum horizontal side > 120 cm for air pumps Parts of pumps or compressors for goods of subheading 8414.10 Parts of pumps or compressors for goods of subheading 8414.30 Parts of pumps or compressors for goods of subheading 8414.40 Oth parts of pumps or compressors for goods of subheading 8414.40 Oth part of kind for fan suitable use in goods of heading 8415, 8418, Hoods for goods of subheading 8414.60 Hoods for goods of subheading 8414.80 AC mach,windows/wall types self-contain or "split system" & out put < AC mach,windows/wall types self-contain or "split system" & out put > AC machine of a kind used for persons, in motor vehicles an out put > Inc.refri,reversible heat pump,used in aircraft of an output <= 21.10 Inc.refri,revers heat pump,use in aircraft oput>21.10kw,air flow>67.96 Inc.refri,revers heat pump,use in aircraft oput>21.10kw,air flow<67.96 Inc.refri,revers heat pump,use in railway rolling stock an output>26,3 Inc.refri.revers heat pump u in vhl oth those of subhd 8415,20 output< Inc.refri.revers heat pump u in vhl oth those of subhd 8415,20 output> Refri.revrs heat pump,oth.use arcrf,rail road,output<21.10kw but<26,38 Refri.revrs heat pump,oth.use arcrf,rail road,output>21.10kw but>26,38 Oth,incorp a refri unit of use aircraft, output>21.10kw,each evapator> Oth,incorp a refri unit of use aircraft, output<21.10kw,each evapator< Oth,incorporat refri unit of a kind used in railway roll stock outnpu Oth,incorporat.refri unit oth.used in arcrft,railwy,rd vhl an uotput>2 Not inc.a refri unit of kind Non used aircrf,railway,vhl an out put < Not inc.a refri unit of kind Non used aircrf,railway,vhl an out put > Parts AC machines of kind used in aircf, railway with an output < 21,1
(2) Parts AC mach with an output <21,10 kw of evapor/condensers for motor Parts AC mach with an output <21,10 kw of chasis or cabinets, welded & Parts AC mach with an output <21,10 kw oth than of chasis / cabins,wel Parts of mach with>21,10kw otput<26,38kw with evap<67,96 m/m in mtr v Parts of mach with>21,10kw otput<26,38kw of kind used in motor vehicle Part mach with>26,38 kw output<52,75 kw with evap<67,96 m/m used mtr v Parts of mach with an output > 52,75 kw with evapor > 67,96 m/m in mtr Parts of mach with an output < 52,75 kw with evapor > 67,96 m/m in mtr Furnace burners for liquid fuel Other furnace burners, including combination burners Mechanical stokers,including their mech grate,mech ash discharg & sim Parts of furnaces burners for liquid or solid or gas fuel, mechanical Furnace&oven for the roast,melt/oth heat treat,of ores,pyrite metal no Bakery ovens,including biskuit ovens Incinerators, non-electric Part of industrial/laboratory furnaces & oven,including incinerators,n Refri-frez,fitt with separate external door;household type with> 230 l Refri-frez,fitt with separate external door, industri type Refrigerator,household type with compression type of capacity < 230 l Freezer of the chest type, not exceed 200 i capacity Freezer of the chest type, not exceed 800 i capacity Freezer of the upright type, not exceed 200 i capacity Freezer of the upright type, not exceed 900 i capacity Refri chambers, capacity>200 l of kind suitable for medical,surgical/l Oth Refri chambers, capcty>200 l of kind suitable for medical,surgical Refri chambers, capacity<200 l of kind suitable for medical,surgical/l Refrigerating equipment,capacity <=200 l not for medical, surgical or Heat pump oth than ACmachines of heading 84.15 Beverage coolers equipment;heat pumps Drinking water coolers equipment;heat pumps Water chillers cap>21.10 kw for AC with a refrigerating equip;heat Water chillers cap>21.10 kw not for AC m achine with a refrigerating Scale ice-maker units equipment;heat pum ps Oth refrigrt/freez equip,oth than heat p ump oth than air condition ma Part for good,sub 8418.(10,21,29,30,40) ,furniture to refri/freez Evaporators and condensers Aluminium rollbonds for sub 8418.10.10, 8418.21, 8418.22 and 8418.29 Cabinets and doors, welded/painted Oth part refrig & freezers equipment ele ctric/oth Instant gas water heaters,not for household type, non electric Instant water heaters oth than gas , for household type, non electric Instant water heaters oth than gas , not for household type, non elec Instant water heaters, non electric for Medical,surgical/laboratory st Evaporators,dryers for agriculture products, electrically operated Oth.than evaporators,dryers for agri products, electrically operated Dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper/paper board, electrically operated Dryers machine electricaly operated, for manufacture PCB Other dryers machine electrically operated Other dryers machine not electrically operated Distilling/rectifying plant electrically operated Distilling/rectifying plant not electric ally operated Heat exchange units for Cooling towers Condensers for air conditioners for motor vehicles Oth condensers for air conditioners Oth condensers electrically operated Oth condensers not electrically operated Machinery for liquefying air or oth gases electrically operated Machinery for liquefying air or oth gases not electrically operated Oth.mach,plant&equip for make hot drink /for cook/heat food, elect op
(2) Oth.mach,plant&equip for make hot drink /for cook/heat food,not elect Machinery by a proces involving heat for manufacture of PCB/PWB's/PCA Oth mach for making hot drinks/for cooki ng/heating food,electricall o Oth mach for making hot drinks/for cooki ng/heating food,not electri o Part machin for the treatment by proces involve heat,for manufacture p Parts, oth machicne electrically operated Part machine,non-electric op,for treat by proces involve heat ,not hou Apprt.for the appl dry film/liquid photo resist,soldering paste, adh Oth calendering/oth rolling machine Cylinders, parts of apparatus for the appl of dry film,liquid photo re Cylinders, parts for oth calendering/oth rolling machine Oth parts of apparatus for the applic of dry film,liquid photo resist Oth parts for calendering/oth rolling ma chines Centrifuges,including centrifugal dryers for cream separators Centrifuges,including centrifugal dryers for cloth dryers cap<30 l Centrifuges,including centrifugal dryers for cloth dryers cap>30 l Centrifuges,including centrifugal dryers for sugar manufacture Oth centrifuges,including centrifugal dr yers Filtering/purifiying water machine & app for domestic use of a cap <= Oth filtering/purifiying water machin & app of a capacity <= 500 l/h Filtering/purifiying water machine & app ,electrically operated of a c Filtering/purifiying water machine & app ,non electric operated of a c For filter/purify beverages oth than water, electric operated of a cap For filter/purify beverages oth than wat er of a capacity <= 500 l/hr Oil filters for internal combustion engines machinery pos 8429 or 843 Petrol filters for internal combustion engines machinery pos 8429 or Oil filters for motor vehicles of chapter 87 Petrol filters for motor vehicles of chapter 87 Oil filters for internal combustion engines machinery pos 8429 or 843 Petrol filters for internal combustion engines machinery pos 8429 or Filter/purify mach&appa for liquid of a kind used for medical, surgica Filter/purify mach&apparatus for liquid of a kind used in oil drill op Filter/purify mach&apparatus for petrol filters Filter/purify mach&apparatus for oil fil ters Oth filtering machinery & apparatus for liquids not electrically opera Intake air filters for inter combustion engines for machine chapter 84 Intake air filters for inter combustion engines for motor vehicles of Oth intake air filters for internal combustion engines Air purifiers Filtering machines&apparatus for gases Parts of subhd 8421.11.00/8421.19.90 of centrifuges,includ centrifugal Parts filter cartridges of filter,subhd 8421.23 Parts of goods of subheading 8421.31 Oth parts of goods of subheading 8421.29.20 Oth parts of goods of subheading 8421.21.11/8421.21.21 Oth part of subhd 8421.31,8421.23.11, 8421.23.19,8421.23.91/8421.23.99 Oth parts of goods of subheading 8421.21.11/8421.21.21 Dish washing machin of the house hold type Dish washing machines not of the household type Machinery for cleaning/drying bottles or oth containers Machinery for aerating beverages,filling ,closing,seal,label bottles, Other packing, wraping machinery ( inc heat-shrink wraping machinery) Parts of goods of subheading 8422.11 Part goods of subhd 8422 of oth than sub heading 8422.11 Scales for continuous weighing of goods on conveyors, electrically ope Scales for continuous weighing of goods on conveyors, not electrically Constan weight scales,predetemin weight scales & hopper scales,electri Constan weight scales,predetemin weight scales&hopper scales,not elect
(2) Oth weighing machinery,max capacity <=30 kg, electrically operated Oth weighing machinery,max capacity <=30 kg, not electrically operated Oth.weigh mach,having a maximum weight 30 5 000kg, electrically operated Oth weigh mach,oth.capacity > 5 000kg, not electrically operated Weighing machine weights Parts of Weighing machinery, electricall operated Parts of Weighing machinery, not electricall operated Fire extinguishers,whether/not charged suitable for aircraft use Fire extinguishers,whether/not charged for oth than aircraft use Spray guns & similar appliances for agri /horticultural,electric opera Spray guns&similar appliances not for agricult/horticultural,electric Spray guns & similar appliances for agricultural/horticultural,not ele Spray guns&similar appliances not for agricultural/horticultural,not e Steam/sand blasting machines&similar jet projecting machines, electri Oth spraying liquid machine for agricul /hortikultural, drip irrigati Hand-operated insectcidae sprayers for agriculture/horticulture Oth.mach appliances for agricultural or hortikultural, not electically Oth.mach appliances for agricultural or horti,oth drip irrigation syst Hand operated household sprayers of capacity not exceeding 3 l spray heads with dip tubes Dispersing/spraying machine of chemical or electrochemical, for manufa Oth appl for project,dispers,spray liqui ds/powders,not household type Oth appl for project,dispers,spray liqui ds/powders,not household type Parts of fire extinguisher Parts of spray guns, of good of subhead 8424.20.11,electrically operat Parts of spray gun,oth than of good of subhead 8424.20.11,electrically Parts of spray guns, of good of subhead 8424.20.11,not electrically op Parts of spray gun,oth than of good of subhead 8424.20.11,not electric Parts of steam/sand blasting machine & similar jet projecting mach,ele Parts of oth appliance of subhead 8424.81.10/8424.81.20 Parts of oth appliance of subhead 8424.81.30/8424.81.40 Parts of oth appliance of subhead 8424.81.10/8424.81.20 Oth mechanical appliances (whether/not hand operated) Pulley tackle & hoists oth than skip for raising vehicles, by electri Pulley tackle & hoists oth than skip for raising vehciles, not electr Oth winches; capstans, powered by electric motor Oth winches;capstans,oth than powered by oth electric motor Jacks hoists of built in jacking system of a type used in garages Jacks used in tipping mechanism for lorries Oth jacks and hoists, hydraulic Oth jacks;hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles, electrically ope Oth jacks;hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles, not electric ope Overhead traveling cranes on fixed support Mobile lifting frames on tyres and straddle carries Bridge cranes Gantry cranes Other transporter cranes Tower cranes Portal/pedestal jib cranes Other Mobile lifting frames, self prop elled, on tyres Other Mobile lifting frames, self propel led,oth than on tyres Other derricks machine designed for mounting on road vehicles Other derricks machine designed for mounting oth than on road vehicl Self-propelled trucks powered by an electric motor Oth self-propelled trucks Oth trucks
Passenger lifts Oth lifts of a kind used in buildings Oth lifts oth than of a kind used in buildings Skip hoists Pneumatic elevators and conveyors for agricultural use Automated machines for the transport, handling & storage of PCB/PWBs/P Oth pneumatic elevators & conveyors Oth continuous act elevators &conveyors of bucket type,used for agri t Oth continuous act elevators &conveyors of bucket type,not used for ag conveyors belt , of kind use for agricultural type conveyor belt, Automated machiine for the transport,hand & storage of Other conveyor belt Oth continuous-action elevators&conveyor , for goods/materials Escalators and moving walkways Teleferics, chair-lifts, ski-draglines; traction mechanisms for funicu Automated machine for the transport , handling&storage of PCB/PWBs/ Other machine for lifting, handling, loa ding/unloading Track laying, bulldozers and angledozers Bulldozer & angledozers other than track laying Graders and levellers Scrapers Tamping machines Vibratory smooth drum rollers, with centrifuge force drum<20 ton by we Other vibratory road rollers Other Tamping mcahine and road rollers Front-end shovel loaders Mach with a 360,revolving super struct, mech shovels,excavators and sh Mech shovels,excavators & shove loader oth front-end shovel,cannot rev Pile-drivers and pile-extractors Snow-ploughs and snow-blowers Coal/rock cutters and tunneling machine ,oth than self-propelled Oth boring/sinking machinery self propelled Boring mach,Wellhead platforms & integra produc modules for use in dr Other boring or sinking machinery, not self propeled Oth moving,grading,levelling,scraping machinery, self-propelled Tamping/compacting machinery, not self propelled Oth machinery of hedaing 84.30 not self -propelled Parts suitable for of goods of subhead 8425.19,8425.39or8425.49,electr Oth parts suitable for of goods of heading 84.25,electrically operated Part suitable for goods of sub 8425.11, 842520,8425.31,8425.41,8425.42 Oth parts suitable for of goods of heading 84.25,not electrically oper Parts suitable for goods of head 84.27 Parts of goods of shd 8428.10.(21,29), 8428.10.90,of lift skip hoist/e Part suitable for goods sub 8428.20.10, 8428.32.10, 8428.33.10/8428.39 Part of auto mach. for transport/storage of PCB/PWBs/PCAs Part of other lifting,handling/loading machine Buckets, shovels, grabs and grips,of machine of subheading 84.26 Buckets, shovels, grabs and grips,of machine other than of subheading Parts of boring/sinking machinery of su bhead 8430.41/8430.49 Parts of machinery of heading 84.26 oth than Buckets, shovels, grabs a Cutting edges or end bits for scrapers, graders/levellers Cutting edges or end bits for buldozer or angledozer blades Oth parts suitable use of machinery of heading 84.30 Ploughs Disc harrows Scarifiers, cultivators, weeders, hoes and oths harrows Seeders, planters and transplanters Other machinery for soil preparation or cultivation;of agricult/hortic
Lawn/sports-ground rollers Parts oth machinery for soil preparation /cultivation Mowers for lawns,parks/ground,powered with the cutting device rotate h Oth mowers for lawns, parks/sport ground ,oth than manually operated Oth mowers,including cutter bars for tractor mounting Other harvesting, thresing machinery Part mach:castor,of 100< diameter(inc ty res)<= 250mm,width wheel =30m Other parts harvesting or threshing machine Parts of milking & dairy mach.of elect operated machines Presses,crushers & manufacture of wine, cider,fruit juices,electric op Parts of presses,crushers & manufacture of wine,cider,fruit juices,ele Machinery for preparing animal feeding stuffs, electrically operated Parts of poultry-keeping machinery/ poul try,incubator&brooders,not el Parts of other poultry/bee-keeping machine, not electric operated Machinery for grains;winnowing & clean machine, electrically operated Machinery for grains;winnowing & clean machines,not electric operated Cofee & corn mills machine for industry type, electrical operated Other machine used in the milling indust or working of cerals, not el Parts of machines oth than of subhead 8437.10,electrically operated Oth parts of machines of subheading 8437.10, not electrically operated Bakery machine,macaroni,spaghetti/simila products, electrically oper Bakery machine,macaroni,spaghetti/simila products, not electrically o Machine for the manufac of confectionary cocoa/chocolate, electricall Machine for the manufacture of confectio nary chocolate,not electric o Machinery for sugar manufacture, not electrically operated Mach for the preparation of meat/poultry ,electrically operated Mach for the preparation of meat/poultry ,not electrically operated Machiner for the preparation of fruits, nuts/vegetable, electrically o Coffee pulpers, electrically operated Coffee pulpers, not electrically operated Other machine for the industrial prepara tion/manufacture, electric op Other machine for the industrial prepara tion/manufacture, not electr Parts of electrically operated machine of subheading 8438.30.10 Parts of oths goods of heading 84.38 ele ctrically operated Parts of goods of subheading 8438.30.20 not electrically operated Parts of oth goods of heading 84.38.20 o f coffee pulpers,not electric Machinery for finishing paper/paperboard Parts for making/ finishing paper/ paper board, electrically operated Parts of book binding & sewing machines electrically operated machines Cutting paper machines, electrycally operated Cutting paper machine, not electrycally operated Machine for making bags,sacks/envelopes electrically operated Machine for making bags,sacks/envelopes not electrically operated Elect mach oth than by moulding for make cartons,boxes,cases,tube dru Not elect mach oth than by moulding for make cartons,boxes,cases,tube Machines for moulding articles in paper pulp,paper/paperboard,electric Machines for moulding articles in paper pulp, paper/paperboard, not el Oth machinery for making up paper pulp, paper/paperboard,electrically Oth machinery for making up paper pulp, paper/paperboard,not electric Part of machin for mak up paper pulp, paper/paperboar,cutting mach,ele Parts of machin for mak up paper pulp, paper/paperboa,cutting mach,not Electric machine,app&equip for preparing /making plates,cylinders&oth Non electric machine,app&equ for prepare /making plates,cylinders&oth Parts,of electric machine,app&equip for prepare/making plates,cylinder Parts, Non electric machine,app&equ for prepare/making plates,cylinder Plate,cyls&oth.print comp.plates,cyl & l ithograph stones,prepared pri Ofset printing machinery, reel-fed Ofset printing machinery, sheet - fed, office type (use sheet<22x36cm) Oth er offset printing machinery
(2) Letterpress printing machine, reel-fed, excluding flexographic printin Letterpress printing machine, other than reel fed, excluding flexogra Flexographic printing machinery Other printing machine use for print by means of plates, cylinder&oth Printer-copier,ink-jet proces,no color, capable of connect to data mac Printer-copier,laser proces,color, capab le connect to data mach/netwo Printer-copier,laser proces,no color, ca pable connect to data mach/ne Combination printer-copier-facs machine, no color,connect to data mac Oth mach which perform >= 2 function of printing,copying/facsimile,no Dot matrix printer,no color,capable of connect to data machine/network Ink-jet printer,color,capable of connect to a data machine/network Ink-jet printer,no color,capable connect to a data machine/network Ink-jet printer,no color,capable connect to a data machine/network Screen printing machinery,color, for the manufacture pcb/pwb, Screen printing machinery,no color, for the manufacture pcb/pwb, Plotters Other printing machine,no color,capable connect to data machine/netwo Ink-jet printer,not color,not capable of connect to network Laser printer ,not color,not capable of connect to network Part & accessori of print machinery used for print by component of he Part & accessori of screen print machi- nery for manufact of print cir Ink-filled printer cartridges Paper feeders and sorters Oth part & accessori of screen printing machinery Mach for extrude,texture/cut man-made textile material,electric operat Mach for extrude,texture/cut man-made textile material,not electric op Carding machines,electrically operated , for preparing textil fibres Carding machines, not electrically operated, for preparing textil fibr Drawing/roving machines, electrically operated, for preparing textil f Other machines for preparing textile fibres; not electrically operated Textile winding(including weft-winding) or reeling machin,electrically Textile winding (including weft-winding) or reeling machine,not electr Mach for prepring textile yarns to used weaving/knitting/stich bond,el Circular knitting mach,cylinder diamtr ? 165 mm,not electric operated Circular knitting mach,cylinder diamtr >165 mm,not electrically operat Flat knitting & stitch bonding machine, not electrically operated Machines for making gimped yarn,tulle, lace&mach for tufting,electric Machines for making gimped yarn,tulle, lace&mach for tufting,not elect Dobbies & jacquards, card reducing, copying,puching/ass mach, electric Dobbies & jacquards, card reducing, copying,puching/ass mach,not elect Auxiliary mach for use extruding/prepare textile/weave/knitt, elect op Auxiliary mach for use extruding/prepare textile/weave/knitt, not elec Parts&accessories of machines for extrud /their auxiliary machinery Spindles, spindle flyers,spinning rings, and ring travellers Oth parts & access of mach of preparing textile fibres/their auxiliary Oth parts&acces, elect operated,use with machines for extruding & knit Parts&accs of non-elect operated, use machines for extruding & knittin Sinkers, needles&other articles used in forming stitches Othe parts&accessories of mach for knitting/their auxiliary machinery Household/laundry-type wash machines; fully- automatic machine;capacit Household/laundry-type wash machines; built- in centrifugal drier,capa Other household/laundry-type wash machin dry linen capacity > 6 kg Household/laundry-type washing machines; a dry linen capacity >10 kg Parts of mach of dry linen capacity > 10 kg Parts of mach of dry linen, full auto, with buil-in centrifugal drier, Dry-cleaning machines Drying machines,each of a dry linen capacity exceeding 10 kg Ironing machines and presses (including fusing presses)
(2) Ironing machines and presses (including fusing presses) Washing, bleaching/dyeing machines Mach. for reeling,unreeling,folding, cutting/pinking textile fabrics Other machinery exclude washing mach for laundry ; for domestic use Other machinery exclude washing mach for laundry ; for domestic use Parts of drying machines with a dry linen capacity ? 10 kg Parts of drying machines with a dry linen capacity > 10 kg Sewing machines of the household type Sewing machines;automatic units Sewing machines;not automatic units Sewing machine needles Arm,bed,stand,flywheel,belt guard; pedals of sewing mach of household Oth part of sewing mach of machinery of sewing machines of household t Arms beds,foot & pedals of mach exclude of sewing machines of househol Other parts of sewing mach of machinery of sewing machines of househol Other parts of sewing mach of machinery exclude sewing mach of househo Machinery for prepare,tanning/work hides , skins/leather, elect operat Other Mach for make/repaire footwear,not sewing machine,not electrical Parts of machinery for preparing,tanning working hides, skins, leather Converters Ingot moulds and ladles Casting machines Parts of converter, ladles, ingot moulds , casting mach for metellurgy Rolls for rolling mills Other parts of metal-rolling mills and rolls therefor. Mach tool for work any material by removal material,operat by laser/p Machines tool for work any material by removal material,operat by ultr Machines tool for work any material by removal material,electro-discha Mach tool for mnfact of printed circuit, numerical control,by plasma a Wet proces equip for the application by immersion of electrochemic sol Oth mach tool for work any material by other operating processes Machining centres Unit construction machines (single-station) Multi-station transfer machines Horizontal lathes, for removing metal numerically controlled Horizntal lathes, for remove metal, bed- spidle cntrl not excd>300mm,n Other lathes,for removing metaln umerically controlled Oth lathes,for remove metal,not numeric cntrl,spidle ctr-bed not excd Oth lathes,for remove metal,not numeric ctrl, spidle cetnre-bed not ex Way-type unit head machines, electrically operated Way-type unit head machines, not electrically operated Drilling machines,numerically controlled Drilling machines,electrically operated Drilling machines, not electrically operated Boring-milling machines, not horizontal lathes,numerically controlled Boring-milling machines,electrically operated, not horizontal lathes Boring-milling machines, not electrical operated not horizontal lathes Boring machines, electrically operated Boring machines, not electrical operated Milling machines, knee-type, numerically controlled Milling machines, knee-type, electrically operated Milling machines, knee-type, not electrically operated Other milling machines, numerically controlled Other milling machines, electrically operated Other milling machines, not electrically operated Other threading/tapping machines, electrically operated Other threading/tapping machines, not electrically operated Flat-surface grinding mach,an accur of at least 0.01 mm,numeric contro Other flat-surface grinding mach,an accur at least 0.01 mm, elect opra
(2) Oth flat-surface grinding mach,an accur at least 0.01 mm, not elect op Other grinding mach,an accuracy of at least 0.01 mm, electrically oper Other grinding mach,an accur at least 0.01 mm, not electric operated Machine tools, numeric controlled, for sharpen carbide diamet ? 3.175 Oth sharpening (tool/cutter grinding) machines,numerically controlled Oth sharpening (tool/cutter grinding) machines, not electrically opera Honing/lapping machines, electrically operated Honing/lapping machines, not electrically operated Other machine-tools for deburring, abrasives/ polishing products, elec Other mach-tools for deburring,abrasives /polishing products, not elec Shaping/slotting machines,electrically operated Broaching mach,electrically operated Gear cutting,gear grinding/gear finishing mach electric operated Gear cutting,gear grinding/gear finishing mach not electric operated Sawing/cutting-off machines, electrically operated Sawing/cutting-off machines, not electrically operated Planing machines,electric operated Other planing machines,electric operated Other mach-tool work by removing metal or cerments, not electrically o Forging/die-stamping machines (incl pres & hammers, electric operated Forging/die-stamping machines (incl pres &hammers,not electric operati Bend,fold,straighten/flattening machine (includ pres),numeric control Bend,fold,straighten/flattening machine (incl pres),unnumeric cntrl,el Bend,fold,straighten/flattnng mach (incl pres),unnumeric cntrl,nt elct Shearing machine (incl press),oth than combine punching mach,numeric c Shearing mach (incl press),oth than bine punching mach,numeric cntrl,e Shearing mach (incl press),oth than bine punch mach,not electric opera Punching/notching mach,incl comb punch & shearing mach,numeric control Punching/notching mach,incl comb punch & shearing mach,not numeric con Punching/notching mach,incl comb punch & shear mach,not numric cntrl,n Hydraulic presses Mach for manufac of boxes,cans contain tin plate,not electrically oper Oth machine for working metal by forging ,hamming,electrically operate Oth machine for working metal by forging ,hamming,not electrically ope Draw-benches for bars,tube,profile,wire, or the like, electrically ope Draw-benches for bars,tube,profile,wire, or the like, not electrically Thread rolling machines, electrically operated Machines for working wire,electrically operated Oth mach tool for work metal/cerments, without remove material,elect o Oth mach tool for work metal/cerments, without remove material,not ele Sawing machines, electrically operated Grinding/polishing machines, electrically operated Grinding/polishing machines, not electrically operated Oth mach tool for work stone,ceramics/ like mineral material,elect ope Oth mach tool for work stone,ceramics/ like mineral material,not elect Mach, can carryout diffrnt type opration without tool charge for such Other sawing mach for scoring PCB/ PWB's , not electrically operated Mach tools for routing PCB/PWB's substrates,shank dmtr ? 3.175 mm Oth planing,milling/moulding (by cutting) mach,electrically operated Oth planing,milling/moulding (by cutting)machines,not electric operat Grinding, sanding/polishing machines, electrically operated Grinding, sanding/polishing machines, not electrically operated Bending/assembling machines, electrically operated Bending/assembling machines, not electrically operated Drilling mach for manufac PCB/PWB's , with a spindle speed > 50.000 rp Other drilling/morticing machines, electrically operated Other drilling/morticing machines, not electrically operated Splitting, slicing/paring machines, not electrically operated
(2) Other machine tools, lathes, eletrically operated Mach for deburring surfaces of PCB/PWB's, for scoring laminati presses Other mach-tools for nailing,stapling, glueing/otherwise assemb,elect Other mach-tools for nailing,stapling, glueing/otherwise assemb,not el Tool hold.self-open dieheadsfor 8456.90, 8460.31,8465.91,8465.92,8465. Oth tool holders & self-opening dieheads Work holders for sub 8456.99, 8460.31, 8465.91, 8465.92, 8465.95, 8465 Oth work holders for other machine tools Dividing h,special attachm 8456.99, 8460.31,8465.91,8465.92,8465.95&8 Dividing h,not for attachm sub 8456.99, 8460.31,8465.91,8465.92,8465. Parts&acces suitable for machine of heading 84.64-84.65 Parts&acces suitabl for mach 8465. 91.10 ,8465.92.10,8465.95.10, 8465. Parts & acces suitable for mach of otherheading 84.65 Parts&acces suitabl for mach 8456. 99.20 ,8456.99.30,8456.99.40&8460.3 Parts&acces suitable for mach of other headings 84.56 to 84.61 Oth parts & acces suitable for machines other headings 84.56 to 84.61 Tool for work in the hand,pneumatic, rotary type (incl rotary percussi Tool for working in the hand,pneumatic, in other type Drills of all kinds with self contained electric motor Saws with self contained electric motor Oth tool for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motor Chain saws Oth tool for working in the hand, with self-contained non-electric mot Part of chain saw,of elect-mechanic for work in hand,self-cont. electr Part of chain saw,of elect-mechanic for work in hand,self-cont. non-el Parts of pneumatic tools Part of hydraulic tool,of goods with self-contained electric motor Part of hydraulic tool,of goods not with self-contained electric motor Hand-held blow pipes Hand-operated gas welding, brazing/ cutting appliances for metal Other gas-operated machinery & apparatus Other machinery and apparatus Parts of goods of hand-held blow pipes Parts of goods of hand-operat gas weld brazing/cutting appliances for Oth parts of not hand blow pipe/oprtd gas welding, braze/cut appl for Non automatic typewrites Electronic calculators capable of oper without an extnl source electri Electronic calculating machines incorporating a printing device Other electronic calculating machines Other calculating machines Cash registers Accounting machines Mach for pocket-size data record, reprod ,display mach with calculatin Palmtop &personal digital assistants (PDAs) Laptops incl notebooks and subnotebooks Oth portable digital automatic data procmach,weigh not more than 10 kg Personal computers excluding portable Other digital automatic data processing machines Processing units for personal &portab computers,presented in form syst Other digital automatic data proces mach ,present in form of systems Process units for personal & portab comp ,other automatic data process Other digital automatic data proces mach ,other automatic data process Computer keyboards X-y coordinate input devices,including mouse,light pens,joystick,track Other mach input/output units,whether/ not contain storg units same ho Floppy disk drives Hard disk drives Tape drives Optical disk drives,including cd-rom drives,dvd drives & cd-r drives
(2) Proprietary fmat strge device incld media therefor fr automat dt procc Other storage units of digital automatic data processing machines Control and adaptor units Sound card and video cards Other units of automatic data processing machines Bar code readers Optical character readers,document/ image scanners Other automatic data processing machines & units thereof Duplicating machines, electric operated Automatic teller machines Electronic fingerprint identification systems Other office machines, electrically operated Other office machines, not electrically operated Printed circuit assemblies for word- processing machines Other parts & acces of the mach of typewriter not printer/word process Parts & accs of elect calculating; with/ without extrnal sources & poc Other parts & accses of the machine of calculating, reproducing, displ Assembled printed circuit boards Other parts & acces of the machines of automatic data processing & uni Parts including printed circuit assemb for automatic teller machines Other parts&access of the mach of oth office machine,for elect operate Other parts&access of the mach of oth office machine,for non elect opr Parts&access suitable for use with mach auto data procc mach & units,e Part&acc suitabl for use mach typewriter not printers&oth office mach, Part&acc suitabl for use mach typewriter not print&oth office mach,not Sorting,screening,separating/washing machines, electrically operated Sorting,screening,separating/washing machines, not electrically operat Crushing/grinding mach for earth,ores oth mineral subtances,elect oper Crushing/grinding mach for earth,ores oth mineral subtances,not elect Concrete/mortar mixers, electrically operated Concrete/mortar mixers, not electrically operated Mach for mixing mineral substances with bitumen,output cap ? 80 t/h,el Mach for mixing mineral substances with bitumen,output cap > 80 t/h,el Mach for mix mineral substnc wth bitumen ,output cap >80 t/h,not elect Other mixing/kneading machines electrically operated Other mixing/kneading machines not electrically operated Mach for agglomerating,shaping/mauld solid mineral fuels,electric oper Mach for agglomerating,shaping/mould solid mineral fuels,not elect ope Parts of mach for sort,creen,separate, wash,crush,grinding&mixing,elec Parts of mach for sort,creen,separate, wash,crush,grinding&mix,not ele Mach for assembl electric/electronic lamps tubes/valves,electric opera Mach for assembl electric/electronic lamps tubes/valves,not elect. ope Machines for making optical fibres and preforms thereof Other machines for manufacturing/ hot working glass/glassware Part of mach for assmb/mfg elect/elctrni hot work glassware,elect oprt Part of mach for assmb/mfg elect/elctrni hot work glassware,not elect Other automatic goods-vending mach, without heating/refrigerating Parts of automatic goods-vend mach incorpor heating/refrigerating Injection-moulding machines for moulding rubber P.v.c. injection moulding machine Other injection-moulding machines for moulding plastics Extruders for extruding rubber Extruders for extruding plastics Blow moulding machines Vacuum moulding & other thermo forming for moulding/forming rubber Vacuum moulding & other thermo forming for moulding/forming plastics Mach for mould/retread pneumt tyres, for mould/othwise forming inner t Other machine for moulding/otherwise forming for rubber
(2) Other machine for moulding/otherwise orming for plastics Other machinery for working rubber/ rubber products, electrically oper Other machinery for working rubber/ rubber products, not electric oper Lamination presses for the manufactr of PCB/PWBs Other machinery for rubber or plastics, electrically operated Other machinery for working rubber/ plastic products, not elect operat Parts of electrically operatd mach for working rubber/products from ru Part of nonelectric opratd mach for working rubb/fr the manuf product Pars of lamination presses for the manufc of PCB/PWBs Oth Parts not parts of lamination presses for the manufc of PCB/PWBs Part of nonelectric opratd mach for work plastic/for the manuftg produ Machinery for preparing/making up tobacco, electrically operated Parts of machinery for preparing/making up tobacco, electrically opera Parts of machinery for preparing/making up tobacco, not electrically o Machinery for public works,building/ the like electrically operated Machinery fr public works,building/ the like not electrically operated Mach for the extract/preparation of animal/fix vegetabl fat/oil, elect Mach for the extract/preparation of anim al/fix vegetabl fat/oil,not e Presses for the manufacture of particle board not electrically operate Rope/cable making machines, electrically operated Rope/cable making machines, not electrically operated Industrial robots, not elsewhere specified/included Evaporative air coolers Oth passenger boarding bridges Oth mach&mechanical appliance for treating metal,electrically operated Oth mach&mechanical appliance for treating mtl,non electrically operat Mixing,kneading,crush,grind,screen,sift, homogenis,& emulsift/stirr ma Mixing,kneading,crush,grind,screen,sift, homogenis,& emulsift/stirr ma Machinery for assembling CPU Oth mach for assembling CPU daughter board in plastic case/housing,ele Oth mach for assembling CPU daughter board in plastic case/housing,not Part of goods Oth mach for assembling CPU daughter plastic case/housin Part of oth electrically operated machine Part of nonelectrically operated machinery Moulding boxes for metal foundry Mould bases Moulding patterns, of copper Moulding patterns, of other material Moulds for metal/metal carbides injectionn or compression types Moulds for metal/metal carbides not injection or compression types Moulds for mineral materials Moulds for rubber or plastics, injection or compression type for fotwe Moulds for rubber or plastics, injection or compression type for optic Oth moulds for rubber,plastics, injection/ compression type Mould for rubber,plastics, not injection , compression type for fotwea Oth mould for rubber,plastics, not injection , compression type Pres-reduce valve,iron/steel, manual Pres-reduce valve,iron/steel,automatic operate ,5 cm ? internal diamtr Pressure-reducing valves of copper/ copper alloys internal diamtr ? 2. Pressure-reducing valves of copper/ copper alloys internal diamtr > 2. Oth pressure-reducing valves of plastics 1cm ? internal diamtr > 2.5c Oth pressure-reducing valves not of plastics Valve for olehydraulic/pneumatic tran, manual oprtd, 5 cm ? intl diamt Valve for olehydraulic/pneumatic tran,of cooper/cooper aloy, 1cm ?intl Oth valve for olehydraulic/pneumatic transmisions Check (nonreturn) valve of swing check- valve type,40 cm ?inlets intl Check (nonreturn) valve,copper/copper alloy, internal diameter < 25 cm Check (nonreturn) valve of plastics, 10cm ? internal diameter ? 25 cm Other check (nonreturn) valves
(2) Safety/relief valves of copper/copper alloy < 2.5cm Safety/relief valves of plastics 10cm ? internal diameter ? 25 cm Oth safety/relief valves Valves for inner tube of copper/copper alloys Valves for inner tubes of oth materials Valves for tubeless tyres of oth materials Lpg cylinder valv of cooper/cooper alloy having inlet&outlet intl diam Lpg cylinder valv of cooper/cooper alloy having inlet&outlet intl diam Cocks/valves,whether/not fitted with piezo elect igniters for gas stov Soda water bottle valve;gas operat, of plastic, 1 cm < internal diamtr Oth soda water bottle valves;gas operate beer dispensing units Mixing tapes and valves,of plastic, 1 cm< internal diameter ? 2,5cm Others mixing tapes and valves Water pipeline valve,manual operate, 5cm=1cm, outlet diamtr > 2,5 cm Fuel cut-off valve plastic for vehicle for transport of persons/goods other fuel cut-off valve plastic for vehicle for transport of persons/ Other valve of stainless steel/nickle, manual operate,weighting < 3 kg Water taps of copper or copper alloy with an internal diameter ? 2.5 c Fuel cut-off valves for vehicle Other Fuel cut-off for vehicle Parts of housing for sluice/ gate valves an internal diameter ? 25 mm Parts bodies valves, for water taps Parts bodies valve for LPG cylinder Other bodies valves not for water taps Others parts for taps, cocks, valves, and similar appliance of int. di Valve bodies/stems of inner tube or tubeless tyres valves Oth valve bodies/stems of inner tube or tubeless tyres valves Oth valve cores of inner tube valves or tubeless tyres valves Others parts for taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances Ball bearings Tapered roller bearings,including cone and tapered roller assemblies Spherical roller bearings Needle roller bearings Oth cylindrical roller bearings Oth,includ.combined ball/roller bearings Balls, needles and rollers Other parts of ball and roller bearings Transmission shafts for machinery of heading 84.29 or 84.30 Transmission shaft for vehicles of motor cycles, auxilary motor Transmission shafts for vehicles of a cylinder capacity < 2000 cc Transmission shafts for vehicles of 2000 cc < cylinder capacity? 3000 Transmission shafts for marine propul- sion engines of an output?22.38 Transmission shafts for marine propul- sion engines of an output>22.38 Other transmission shafts
(2) Bearing housing incorp. ball or roller bearings for mach.of buldozer o Bearing housing incorp. ball or roller bearings for mach.of vehciles a Other bearing housing incorp. ball Or roller Bear'g hous'g not incorp.ball or roller bearings for mach.of head 84.2 Bear'g hous'g not incorp.ball or roller bearings for eng.of vhcl of ch Other bearing housing not incorp.ball or roller bearings; plain shats Gear&gearing oth than toothed wheels, for marine vessels Gear&gearing oth than toothed wheels, for machinery of moving grading Gear&gearing oth than toothed wheels, for oth mar.vsl/mach of moving g Flywheels&pulleys,including pulley block Clutches & shaft couplings (including universal joints) Parts of goods of transmission shafts for pedestrian/agricultural trac Parts of goods of transmission shafts for oth. tractors of pedestrian Parts of goods of transmission shafts for other goods of vehicle and p Oth. parts of goods of trans. shafts Oth toothed wheels, chain sprocated for goods of pedestrian/agricultur Oth toothed wheels, chain sprocated for goods of motorcycles Oth toothed wheels, chain sprocated Gaskets&similar joint metal sheeting combined with oth material/2 more Mechanical seal Oth.gasket&similar joints of metal sheet combined with oth material/2 Apparatus for rapid heating of semi- conductor wafers Spin dryers for semiconductor wafer processing Machines for working by laser/oth light in the prod.of semicondutor wa Mach.& app for sawing monocrystal semi- ond. boules into slice, wafer Grinding, polishing,lapping machines for proces. of semiconductor wafe Oth machines&apparatus for the manu- facture of boules or waters Epitaxial deposi'n mach. smcndctor wfr; spinner for coat'g photograph Other film formation equipment Ion implanters for doping semiconductor materials Other doping equipment Deflash mach.;spraying appliances for cleaning metal leads&semiconduct Other etching and stripping equipment Dicing machines for scribing/scoring semiconductor wafers Other equipment for dev. exposed wafers Lasercutters for cut contact. tracks in semiconductor prod. by laser b Machines for bending, folding and straig tening semiconductor leads Resistance heated furnaces, ovens for mfcture of semicon dvc on semico Auto-mach. for the placement/removal of comp./contact element on semic Other mach. & apprts for the mnfact of semicon. devices/of elect integ Apparatus for dry ecthing patterns on flat panel display substrates Chemical vapour deposition app.to prod spinners for coat,physic depo.f Othetr mach. and app. for the manufactre of flat panel displays Focused ion beam milling mach to prodce, repair mask,reticle for pat s Die attach,bonders, for assem. Smcondtor matic mach.for transport,hand Moulds for manufact. of semiconductor devices Optical stereoscopic microscopes fitted with equip.spec'ly dsgned of s Electron beam microscopes with equip specifically designed of smcndtor Other machines and apparatus specified in note 9(c) to this chapter Parts and accessories of app for rapid heating of semicondictor wafer Parts & accessories of spin dryers for semiconductor wafer prosesing Parts&access.of mach. for work by laser or oth.lead or photobeam in pr Tool holders&self-open diehead, work holders; dividing heads for mach Oth parts, access.of mach. for machine tools Parts & access.of grind, polish, lap mac for processing of semicon. w Oth parts, access.of mach. and app. for the manufact. of boules/wafers Parts & access. of epitaxial depo. mach, spinner for coat photo. emuls Parts & access. of ion implanter for dopping of app for phys.l depo, s Oth parts & access. of dicing machines for scrib/scoring smconductor w
(2) Tool holder/self-open diehead,dividing heads&oth spec attchm for machi Other part and accessories of tool holdr selp open diehead, dividing h Part & access of resistance heated furna ces&ovens for the mnfctre of Oth part & acces of mach & app.for mnfct of smcndctre dvces/of elct. i Part&access of app for dry etching pttrn on flat panel display substra Tool holder/self-open dieheads,work hldr dividing heads&oth spec attch Oth. part&access of app for dry/wet etching&oth special attch for mach Part & access of spinners for coat.photo emuls/app.phys depo on flatpa Oth part & access of mach and apparatus for the manufact. of flat pane Part & acces of focused ion beam milling mach to produce, repair mask, Part&acces of die attach app, auto-tape wire bonder, encapsul equip fo Part&acces of auto-mach transport, handl storage of smcndctor, wafer c Part&acc of optic stereoscop microscope with equip to hndle/tran of sPart & acces of electron beam microscope with equip to hndle/tran of s Oth part and acces of other mach & app specified in note 9(c) to this Ships/boats propellers and blades thrfor Oth mach. parts, not cont. electric con- nector,insulator,coil, oth el Stepper motors dc an output ? 37.5 w of ac, refrigerator,domesetic app Oth. Stepper mtr dc an output ? 37.5 w Spindle motors dc an output? 37.5 w Others spindle mtr dc an output? 37.5 w of ac, refrigerator,domesetic Others motors dc of an output?37.5w Stepper universal (AC/DC) motors of ac, refrigerator,domesetic appl. E Oth.stepper universal (AC/DC) motors Spindle universal (AC/DC) motors of an output =<37.5w Others spindle (AC/DC) motors of heading of ac, refrigerator,domesetic Others spindle (AC/DC) motors Universal AC/DC mtrs of an output>37.5 w Other universal AC/DC mtrs of an output > 37,5 w Other universal (AC/DC) motors of an output > 1 kw Motor DC , generator DC an output?750 w Oth.mtr dc, genrator dc an output? 750 w Generator DC an output ? 750 w Motor of kind used of ac, refrigerator, domesetic appl.elct output > 3 Other motor dc an output > 37.5 kw Other Generator dc an output>37.5 kw Oth motor dc 37.5 kw