Výukový materiál zpracován v rámci projektu EU peníze školám
Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0996 Šablona:
č. materiálu: VY_32_INOVACE_AJ652
Jméno autora:
Mgr. Petr Kubík
3. r.
Datum vytvoření:
6. 1. 2014
Vzdělávací oblast:
Jazyková výchova
Tematická oblast:
Work, jobs, curriculum vitae, job advertisement
Anglický jazyk
Výstižný popis způsobu využití, případně
Úkoly k procvičení tvorby strukturovaného životopisu a tvorby
metodické pokyny:
pracovního inzerátu lze využít při zpracování maturitního tématu: Work, jobs. Student procvičí a aplikuje pravidla pro napsání strukturovaného životopisu, seznámí se a napíše krátký pracovní inzerát
Klíčová slova:
curriculum vitae, resume, job application, job advertisement, personal details, experience, qualifications, knowledge, skills, abilities, award, certificate, 1)
Druh učebního materiálu: Pracovní list + textový dokument
1. Curriculum vitae (latinsky „běh života“, zkratkou CV) znamená akademický nebo profesní životopis
Résumé [rezymé] nebo resumé neboli souhrn (franc. résumé = ("shrnutí"); angl. summary
Resume Draft_ How to Create a Resume Draft.mp4
Difference Between a CV and a Resume a CV is far more detailed than a resume in that a CV seeks to convey a person's entire professional and educational career. While an individual's resume can be adapted for certain job applications, a CV will normally remain the same for any job you apply for.
Use of a CV and resume In the United States and Canada, resumes are normally preferred apart from applying for academic or scientific posotions. In Europe, however, CVs are the preferred document.
Information in a CV most CVs will include this information: A candidate's name and complete up-to-date contact information; personal information such as birthdate, citizenship, and visa status; a detailed work and educational history, presented in chronological order; including diplomas, degrees, awards, important exams and certifications, article and book publications or professional memberships. Therefore, a CV is expected to be longer, often from many pages.
2. A representative sample of CV – writing Receptionist Curriculum Vitae Example Personal data: Name: Caroline Receptionist Date of Birth: 3. April 1986 Email: caroline-receptionist@r e c e p t i o n i s t -e m a i l s . c o m Phone number: 9999 7777 8888 7777 Address: Street of Receptionists 37, Pittsburg Education: 2000 - 2004 High S chool of J.D. Hilton Administration and management support Job Experiences: 2009 - 2010 Receptionist Outsourcing San Francisco Personnel Agency Receptionist (receptionists services to different clients) administration, calls and emails 2010 - 2011 CBS - Administration S upport Washington DC Receptionist (front-desk reception services) 2011 - today Aditus CZ, Prague Recruitment company Receptionist (Front-desk reception services, calls and email agenda, time-management) Courses and Trainings: Executive Receptionist I,II M S Word,. M S Excel HTM L Telemarketing Time management Knowledge of PC: M S Office, Lotus Notes, Open Office, Thunderbird Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, Safari XN View, Total Commander, HTM L Creator Languages: English - native Italian, Czech - active S kills and Abilities Professional Receptionist, certification Climbing Rescue, certification Free Time Activities:
3. Curriculum vitae: a) personal details (name, address, telephone, e-mail, date of
birth) b) education/qualification (completed including the present ones), exams taken, courses completed, languages and computer skills, other skills (such as driving licence) c) work experience/employment history including the job position/s (from the latest one) d) interests e) references from previous teachers and employers
4. Can you find any differences in writing these two documents, a CV × an application letter? Task 1: how is an application letter different from CV?
an application letter the purpose to apply for a job the emphasis the interest in the position, your requirements for the job, whyyou are the right person to get it the details/ information less personal details, the highest education, the last/current job
curriculum vitae to apply for a job summary of your work and education history
the format/structure
structured, in sections
in sentences and paragraphs
more personal, professional and educational details
4. Task 2: how to write a good CV What to include What to emphasize What to avoid What to be careful about How to organize/structure a CV Other Similar tasks to these may can be used in the fourth part of the oral maturita exam.
5. Job advertisement (looking for a vacancy)inzerát na práci Introduce yourself {the age, (nationality), sex} What job you are looking for How long for Mention your qualification, work experience, skills and qualities When you can start working What minimum payment you expect Give your contact/eventually signature for a newspaper very short in 3rd sg (the space, much money)
6. Task: Does this advertisement follow all the details required? Complete the gaps with the right words
A job advertisement: An 18-. . . . -old female student . . . . . for/seeks a . . . . . . /temporary job as a baby sitter. She is experienced . . psychology and pedagogy (looking . . . . . children), reliable and patient. She can start . . 1st July and is available . . . four weeks. The hours negotiable (for . . . . convenience). She expects to be . . . . minimum Kc 100 . . . /hour. Contact . . (she can be . . touch on) …
[email protected]/tel. Xxx xxx xxx. The solution: year, looks, summer, in/of, after, on, for, your, paid, per, in
Použité zdroje a literatura: http://video.about.com/jobsearch/What-Is-a-CV-or-Curriculum-Vitae-.htm http://www.acesta-job.info/curriculum-vitae-example-resume-receptionist.php http://cs.wikipedia.org