YT v.
Szövegértést ellenőruő feladat
Olvassa el figyebnesen az alabbi szöveget, majd annak alapján válaszoljon magyarul a kérdésekre! Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy a viílasza megfogalmazésához gyakÍan a szöveg kiilönböző részeiből szerzett információ sztiksé ge s.
Maximális pontszám: 25
Charles buys remote Welsh estate - for himself and as a nice little earner
At first glance it does not seem to be a home fit for a future king. Nestling in a remote spot in south-west Wales, the farmhouse boasts only three bedrooms, the crumbling outbuiidings need work and the gardens aÍe not all they could be. But look a little closer at the estate and it is possible to see why the prince has decided that this is to be his first home in Wales. That remoteness which would put others offwould attract the prince, who so values his privacy. He must also have been charmed by the area's legendary linls to alternative medicine and its modem connections to organic farming and rural crafts. The prince's people also revealed that permission would be applied for to extend the house so it could be rented out as a holiday home. Paying guests, it was promised, would be able to range freely over the house and even sleep in the royal couple's bedroom. For that, locals said yesterday, the prince might expect more than the f300 a week that other cottages in the area often earn. The prince is hoping to use local craftspeople in the renovation work and it is also hoped the estate could be used as a training centre for local young people. If, that is, there are any local people to find. In recent years the pub, post offrce and the school in the village, Myddfai, have all closed down because there are not enough permanent residents to use them. Many cottages in this Welsh-speaking area are second homes, owned by rich businesspeople, or are let out to holidaymakers. Prince Charles, it seems, may be adding to the problem. Some question why the prince needs a rural hideaway in Wales. And, of course, if he and Carnilla fancy a change of scene he has a mnge of royal residences to choose from. Some nationalists will be dismayed by the prince's new Welsh bolthole. But most peopie in Myddfai were cautiously positive. They hope Charles' arrival witl be a boost for the local economy. He is a supporter of the farming community and so will be welcome because of that. The history of the estate, which dates back at least to the 17th century, is fascinating. The origins of the unusual Welsh name, which means Wormwood Grove, may be bound up with the legendary Physicians of Myddfai, doctors renowned across Europe because of their knowledge of herbs.
The Physicians are reputed to have been bequeathed their knowledge by the Lady of the Lake, who vanished into the waters in unhappy circumstances and is said to haunt the area. Within hours of the news of Charles' interest in the aÍe\ apoem telling the story of the womaÍL a ''flaxen haired beauty with winning eyes", was pinned to a village notice board, a move taken by some as a sly reference to the late Princess Diana. Farmers still grow medicinal herbs in the area and as a champion of altemative medicine, the prince will, no doubt, be interested in leaming more. More prosaically, estate agents said the royal link was bound to make house prices rise. "Having a neighbour like this in the area can only mean that property prices will go one way: up."
1. Miért nem tíínikkirályhoz méltónak Károly herceg új ingatlana? 2. Mi bűvölhette mégis el benne a herceget? 3. Milyen tervei vannak a hercegnek új szerzeményével? 4. Miórt lesz nehéz helybéli munkásokat találni? 5. Milyen legendr[ról tesz említésta cikk a falu nevével kapcsolatban?
(4 pont) (4 pont) (8 pont) (4 pont) (5 pont)
1. I'll
get some drinks in case Uncle George ...
c./ came
d./ comes
Which year are you a.l in
... at
school? b.l at d./ on
c./ during
3. 4.
I can hardly believe that I ... 30 tomorrow.
a./ shall have been
b./ am going to be
c./ be
d./ am being
I have to go through immigration control, ... ?
a./ haven't I
b./ don't I
c.l no
d./ needn't I
There's a monkey on the branch ... you.
a.l of
b./ above
c./ at
d./ over
The late Prime Minister ... many good speeches. a.l made
7. You
have eaten hardly ...
a./ nothing
b./ somewhat
c./ something
d./ anything
I think the painting ... you bought is awful.
a./ -
b./ of which
c./ what
d./ it
I don't think teachers ... to smoke in class. a./ should be allowed c./ should allow
b./ makes d./ has made
c./ has been making
will come
a./ would come
b./ should allowed d./ should be allow
Barbara speaks ... languages; she will have no difficulty while travelling. a./ more b./ quite a few c./ a number d./ few
l. As soon as we ... your letter we'll contact the family. a./ got b./ will get c.l get d.l are getting
Your eyes are red. You ... ? a.l had been crying, hadn't you c./ have been crying, haven't you
b./ has cried, hasn't you d./ cried, didn't you
l3.He flew at 13000 feet... the danger of lack of oxygen. a./ in spite c./ despite
b./ in case d./ nevertheless
14. Sorry I'm late. I had some ... with the car.
a./ trouble
b.l care
c./ lot of troubles
d./ troubles
While I
... to the assistant, the manager found my receipt.
a./ complain
b./ have been complaining
c./ have complained
d./ was complaining
They have read ... novels by Graham Greene. a./ lot of c./ several
great number
d./ a many
17.The lorry driver was to blame. He ... have stopped. a./ ought b./ had to c./ need d./ should
l8.It seems I've lost my way. I wonder if you could tell me where
b./ the lecture hall was
c./ is the lecture hall
19. ... women don't
a./ The most 20. ... students
b./ Most d./ Most
will accept the new rule happily. b./ None
a./ Few
will the lecture hall be
like being reminded of their age.
c./ The most
a./ the lecture hall is
A little
d./ No one
About two hundred passengers
... when the ship sank.
a./ were believed to disappear
b./ believed to disappear
d./ believed to have disappeared
are believed to have disappeared
22.If tbey
... the motonvay, they'll get there sooner.
a./ would take
b./ take
c./ will take
d./ took
23. l5 people lost their ... due to the accident.
a.l life c./ lifes
24.We... there. We could just
b./ lives d./ live as
well have stayed at home.
a./ wouldn't have gone
b./ ought not to go
c./ needn't have gone
d./ needn't go
25. When I arrived, ... a car parked outside the house.
a./ it has been c./ it was
b./ there has been d./ there was
íomcÓ \V
Magyar szöveg fordítása idegen
Maximális pontszrím: 20
Az életma már elképzelhetetlen szimítógép nélkül. Nemcsak munkára' hanem játékra is hasznríljuk. Egy konferencián hallottam, hogy nagyon sok fiatal szenved egy új szembetegségben' Az úgynevezett ,,száraz szem'' a képemyő elott végzett munka miatt alakul ki' A betegek ugy étzik, mintha idegen test lenne a szemtikben. Ha idejében orvoshoz mennének, elkerülhetnék a kellemetlen következményeket. A betegséget szemcseppel lehet gyógyítani, speciális szemüveg segítségévelpedig a probléma megelőzlrető.
íoRtcÓ V rv.
Nttl \^ltzscA BÍHtrlizÍll
Ininyított fogalmazás Tededelem 17-20 sor Kérjük hogl afeladatmegoldása során _ a titkosítás érdeWben _ ne használja sajót adatait!
Maximális pontszám:20
te gondolatait az Ön óltat vótüszÍott egik témúról angolul úgl, hop minden irdnyítósi szempontra térjen kí! (Az írónyítósi szempontok sorrendjét nem kell betartanía) Fontos, hogt összefiggő szöveget hoaon tétre. A levéllormai előírósaít tartsa be! (Dótum, me gszóIítós, üdvözlő formula, alilrós) Üpeljen arra, hog1l ne tépje túI az előírt terjedelmet! Kérjlik, írjon olvashatóan.
A 00309004 I. Kiilföldi barátja közös nyaralás ötletét vetette fel Önnek levelében. Víz mellett szeretné tölteni a szabadságát, pihenni akar. Válaszoljon levelére a következők szerint:
a) b)
üdvözölje a közös vakáció ötletét, mindazonáltal le, hogy Ön inkább valahová a hegyekbe vágyik; 'rja indokolja meg, miért nincs igazrín kedve avízparti nyaraláshoz; ecsetelje a hegyvidékítíj,az erdei kirandulások nyújtotta élményeket; javasoljon egy-két konkrét helyszínt is' ahová szívesen elutazna, és kérdezze meg buátját, mit szólna bozzá.
II. KülÍöldi barátja egy családi eseményről számolt be Önnek levelében: a dédnagymama születésnapjríra jött össze a rokonság' Válaszlevelében
a) b)
c) d) e)
köszönje megaz érdekes beszámolót; kapcsolódr'a a témáútoz szóljon anól, hogy az Önök családjában milyen gyakran és milyen alkalmakkor szokott talrílkozni a nagyobb rokonság; vánolja fel' általában milyenek ezek az egyiittlétek (szórakoáatóak vagy inkább unalmasak_e azÖn szrámrára" miért' miről folyik a szó); írja le' hogy vannak-e Önhoz hasonló koru és érdeklődésű enrberek a rokonai köa; mutassa be néhrány sorban azt a rokonát (pl. egy nagynénit, nagybácsit vagy unokatestvért), akit leginkább vagy legkevésbékedvel a családból.