1. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=12&cad=rja &ved=0CEAQFjABOAo&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gees.ac.uk%2Fresources%2 Fhosted%2Fseed%2Flabwork.pdf&ei=r29hUe3dGYGJrQeDxIDgBw&usg=AFQjC NGairW-G9WvB4-FGJMuQ0zXw9vlGg&bvm=bv.44770516,d.bmk
http://www.preservearticles.com/201105216969/laboratory-method-of-teachingscience.html oleh : Jay Prakash The study of science can properly be applied to the laboratory study of the subject. In order to know what the facts of science are, they must be seen and handled directly on the laboratory tables. The text books and other books are not science, but literature. Books are really poor literature at this teaching of science. Studi tentang ilmu pengetahuan dapat benar diterapkan pada studi laboratorium subjek. Dalam rangka untuk mengetahui apa fakta-fakta ilmu, mereka harus dilihat dan ditangani langsung pada meja laboratorium. Buku-buku teks dan buku-buku lain yang bukan ilmu pengetahuan, tetapi sastra. Buku yang benar-benar miskin di literatur ajaran ilmu pengetahuan. While the laboratory method is almost universally approved by the science teachers everywhere, the text book method of teaching in the class rooms prevails in the schools to such an extent that laboratory work is incidental, inefficient and in many cases excluded altogether. The current methods of examination cannot test the laboratory study. Sedangkan metode laboratorium hampir secara universal disetujui oleh guru sains di manamana, metode buku teks pengajaran di ruang kelas berlaku di sekolah-sekolah sedemikian rupa bahwa pekerjaan laboratorium bersifat insidental, tidak efisien dan dalam banyak kasus dikecualikan sama sekali. Metode saat pemeriksaan tidak dapat menguji studi laboratorium We cannot appreciate the great labor involved in the conduct of good laboratory work and all these affect the reputation of the teacher. Kita tidak bisa menghargai kerja besar yang terlibat dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan laboratorium yang baik dan semua ini mempengaruhi reputasi guru. Laboratory teaching develops in the pupils the ability of interpreting what he sees in the light of experience and makes him thus an observer later. The pupils should be taught only the reasoning about the material objects, so that they may not come to hasty and halfhazard conclusions. Prof. Dewey has pointed out that Laboratory Method has the advantage over classroom teaching in as much as the performance of an experiment entirely diverts the attention of the pupil from the thought that he is studying.
Prof Dewey telah menunjukkan bahwa Metode Laboratorium memiliki keuntungan atas pengajaran di kelas dalam sebanyak kinerja percobaan sepenuhnya mengalihkan perhatian murid dari pemikiran bahwa ia sedang belajar. In a classroom the teacher presents a statement from a book according to his conception and then the effort is made by the pupils to reproduce the statement in their own way. In the laboratory the pupil encounters the fact directly without the intermediate steps which involve the teacher a though the later is concerned in assisting the thorough exploration of the fact. Dalam kelas guru menyajikan pernyataan dari buku sesuai dengan konsepsi dan kemudian upaya dibuat oleh siswa untuk mereproduksi pernyataan dengan cara mereka sendiri. Di laboratorium murid bertemu fakta langsung tanpa langkah-langkah perantara yang melibatkan guru meskipun kemudian yang bersangkutan dalam membantu eksplorasi menyeluruh fakta. Laboratory work is undoubtedly of value in the cultivation of the mind. It brings the teacher and the taught in close contact and thus the personality of the teacher influences the character of the pupil. In the laboratory the pupil is free to work in accordance with his conception and there is not bondage of authority. Pekerjaan laboratorium tidak diragukan lagi nilai dalam pengembangan pikiran. Ini membawa guru dan diajarkan dalam kontak dekat dan dengan demikian kepribadian guru mempengaruhi karakter murid. Di laboratorium murid bebas untuk bekerja sesuai dengan konsepsi dan tidak ada perbudakan otoritas. If the teaching in a classroom forms the only continuous and logical feature of the course, the attitude of the students towards the laboratory work will be entirely false. Jika pengajaran di kelas merupakan fitur hanya terus menerus dan logis tentu saja, sikap siswa terhadap pekerjaan laboratorium akan sepenuhnya palsu. Efforts should be made to reach some position of equilibrium between the experimental work and the classroom teaching. In that case, the pupil along with the first-hand knowledge in this laboratory may also take advantage of demonstration and lecture work by the teacher. Upaya harus dilakukan untuk mencapai beberapa posisi kesetimbangan antara pekerjaan eksperimental dan pengajaran di kelas. Dalam hal ini, murid bersama dengan pengetahuan tangan pertama di laboratorium ini juga dapat mengambil keuntungan dari demonstrasi dan kuliah kerja oleh guru. In order to achieve our aim of science teaching, we should not make one or the other method to be the end in itself, for as we have discussed that with all good points each of the methods of teaching science is incomplete in itself. The classroom work should be adjusted round the laboratory work. Untuk mencapai tujuan kami pengajaran ilmu pengetahuan, kita tidak harus membuat satu atau metode lain untuk menjadi tujuan itu sendiri, karena seperti yang telah kita bahas bahwa dengan semua poin yang baik masing-masing metode pengajaran ilmu tidak
lengkap dalam dirinya sendiri. Pekerjaan kelas harus disesuaikan putaran pekerjaan laboratorium. Laboratory Safety The laboratory method is one of the common methods of science teaching. All schools do not have proper laboratories, what to speak of well-equipped laboratories. No wonder, schools in Indian conditions go' without any laboratory facilities. So, common classrooms are generally used as classroom-cum-science laboratories. Chemicals, apparatus and other materials are brought to the classrooms and under unfavorable conditions; experiments are organized for better science teaching. These are not safe and free from certain dangers. The Metode laboratorium adalah salah satu metode umum pengajaran sains. Semua sekolah tidak memiliki laboratorium yang tepat, apa yang harus berbicara tentang laboratorium yang lengkap. Tak heran, sekolah di kondisi India pergi 'tanpa fasilitas laboratorium manapun. Jadi, kelas umum umumnya digunakan sebagai laboratorium kelascum-ilmu pengetahuan. Kimia, alat dan bahan lainnya yang dibawa ke ruang kelas dan dalam kondisi tidak menguntungkan, eksperimen yang diselenggarakan untuk ilmu mengajar yang lebih baik. Ini tidak aman dan bebas dari bahaya tertentu. Activities and experiments are unavoidable assets to a science lesson. Doing things with reacting materials, sharp instruments glass apparatus can be fun; also they can be dangerous. So the science teacher must ensure that work is done in such a way that no accident occurs. Kegiatan dan eksperimen adalah aset dapat dihindari untuk pelajaran sains. Melakukan halhal dengan bahan bereaksi, tajam aparatus kaca instrumen bisa menyenangkan, juga mereka bisa berbahaya. Jadi guru sains harus memastikan pekerjaan yang dilakukan sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak terjadi kecelakaan. Science teaching and laboratory always go together, and almost in all the methods of teaching, especially in Heuristic, Demonstration and Laboratory method of teaching. Pupils should be taught the dangers inherent in each activity and how to avoid hazards like burns and fire, cuts and broken glasses, heating in test tubes, smelling and testing, dangerous chemicals and gasses, acids and oxidizing materials that go to support combustion or burning. Ilmu pengajaran dan laboratorium selalu pergi bersama-sama, dan hampir di semua metode pengajaran, terutama dalam heuristik, Demonstrasi dan Laboratorium metode pengajaran. Murid harus diajarkan bahaya yang melekat dalam setiap kegiatan dan bagaimana untuk menghindari bahaya seperti luka bakar dan api, luka dan patah kacamata, pemanasan dalam tabung reaksi, berbau dan pengujian, bahan kimia dan gas berbahaya, asam dan bahan pengoksidasi yang pergi untuk mendukung pembakaran atau terbakar . Of course, many of our daily activities are potentially dangerous, such as lighting a fire, crossing a street, driving an automobile or even a path may result in an accident. But we do not stop doing any of these things just because of the danger involved in each of those activities. The philosophy should also be used in science teaching. Activities in the Laboratory can never be avoided in view of the science teaching in schools, but the pupils should be instructed to avoid accidents.
Tentu saja, banyak dari kegiatan kita sehari-hari berpotensi berbahaya, seperti menyalakan api, menyeberang jalan, mengendarai sebuah mobil atau bahkan jalan dapat menyebabkan kecelakaan. Tapi kita tidak berhenti melakukan hal-hal ini hanya karena bahaya yang terlibat dalam masing-masing kegiatan. Filosofi ini juga harus digunakan dalam pengajaran sains. Kegiatan di Laboratorium pernah dapat dihindari dalam pandangan ilmu mengajar di sekolah, namun siswa harus diinstruksikan untuk menghindari kecelakaan. Tropical Conditions and Laboratories India is under the tropical climate. In the tropics, there are many causes of trouble in a laboratory, especially during the wet season. Materials perish, papers stick together, instruments rust, lenses develop a fungus which quickly renders them useless and ruins their surfaces. In addition ants, termites (so called white-ants) and other insects continue their endless work of destruction. Whatever can be kept in an air-tight container should be so kept. Glass-jars with well greased lids should be there for preservation of specimen materials for the laboratory. Laboratory materials should be kept as far as possible in screw-capped bottles, fairly air-tight metal containers by strapping the joint between the lid and the container with insulting tape. Lenses of microscopes should be kept in a desiccators, when not in use during the rainy season, microscopes, galvanometers and other sensitive instruments should, if possible, be stored in an air-tight cup-board in which a 50-watt electric bulb is kept burning continuously. Metal instruments, such as screw-gauge, Vernier Callipers, tuning forks etc. should be greased. The screws of retort-stand bases, rings and clamps should be frequently oiled. Scalpels should be smeared with Vaseline and be kept in a case. The metal parts of tools in the Science Laboratory should be rubbed over with an oily rag. In short, for better teaching of Science the Science Laboratory must be very nicely maintained, no matter whether it is Heuristic, Demonstration of Laboratory Method.
philosophy The physics laboratory is based on the principles of scientific inquiry. This means that you, the student, will be involved in formulating the problem and devising the experiment. You will receive guidance from instructors in the form of Socratic questioning. While this can seem frustrating at first, it will ultimately create students who are greater problem solvers, who can work independently without relying on step-by-step instructions, and who learn to work collaboratively with laboratory partners. Through the inquiry form of laboratory activities you will deepen your understanding of basic content knowledge and come to understand the processes of experimental science. Lab activities should provide avenues for inspiration and discovery, and not merely reinforce the learning of the classroom. The following is what you will be doing in a typical laboratory: Laboratorium fisika didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip penyelidikan ilmiah. Ini berarti bahwa Anda, mahasiswa, akan terlibat dalam merumuskan masalah dan merencanakan percobaan. Anda akan menerima bimbingan dari instruktur dalam bentuk pertanyaan Socrates. Meskipun hal ini bisa tampak frustasi pada awalnya, akhirnya akan menciptakan siswa yang pemecah masalah yang lebih besar, yang dapat bekerja secara mandiri tanpa bergantung pada petunjuk langkah-demi-langkah, dan yang belajar untuk bekerja sama dengan mitra laboratorium. Melalui bentuk penyelidikan kegiatan laboratorium Anda akan memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang isi pengetahuan dasar dan datang untuk memahami proses ilmu pengetahuan eksperimental. Kegiatan praktikum harus memberikan jalan untuk inspirasi dan penemuan, dan bukan hanya memperkuat pembelajaran kelas. Berikut ini adalah apa yang Anda akan lakukan di laboratorium khas:
Identifying problems and investigating them; formulating and proposing solutions supported by reason and evidence. Asking appropriate questions and seeking reasonable answers are at the heart of all scientific inquiry. Following the initial steps of inquiry (inductive reasoning), you will learn how to develop hypotheses. In the process, you will learn and apply scientific principles. You will also learn to be objective in deciding whether your solutions meet specifications and perform as desired. Mengidentifikasi masalah dan menyelidiki mereka, merumuskan dan mengusulkan solusi yang didukung dengan alasan dan bukti. Mengajukan pertanyaan yang tepat dan mencari jawaban yang masuk akal berada di jantung dari semua penyelidikan ilmiah. Mengikuti langkah-langkah awal penyelidikan (penalaran induktif), Anda akan belajar bagaimana mengembangkan hipotesis. Dalam proses ini, Anda akan belajar dan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip ilmiah. Anda juga akan belajar untuk bersikap objektif dalam memutuskan apakah solusi Anda memenuhi spesifikasi dan melakukan seperti yang diinginkan.
Devising and conducting experiments that require use of scientific methodology to solve an identified scientific problem; conducting the experiment using standard scientific practices. Identified problems must be solved by appropriate scientific means – identification and management of pertinent variables with a logical analysis of the outcomes. This includes identification of dependent, independent, and extraneous variables; variable control; data collection and analysis, including statistics. You will review and understand your findings, and compare your solutions with those of others. Merancang dan melakukan eksperimen yang memerlukan penggunaan metodologi ilmiah untuk memecahkan masalah ilmiah yang diidentifikasi, melakukan percobaan menggunakan praktek ilmiah standar. Masalah yang teridentifikasi harus diselesaikan dengan cara ilmiah yang sesuai - identifikasi dan pengelolaan variabel yang bersangkutan dengan analisis logis dari hasil. Ini termasuk identifikasi tergantung, variabel independen, dan asing, variabel kontrol, pengumpulan data dan analisis, termasuk statistik. Anda akan meninjau dan memahami temuan Anda, dan membandingkan solusi Anda dengan orang lain.
Communicating results that include expressing and interpreting information and ideas in concise language and using statistics as appropriate. Scientists must carefully describe their methods and results to a variety of audiences, including other scientists. This requires precise and complete descriptions and the presentation of conclusions supported by evidence. You will develop your powers of observation and description, gain the ability to organize and study data, translate your findings into clear understandable language, and compare your results with those of other investigators. Mengkomunikasikan hasil yang mencakup mengekspresikan dan menafsirkan informasi dan ide-ide dalam bahasa ringkas dan menggunakan statistik yang sesuai. Para ilmuwan harus hati-hati menjelaskan metode dan hasil mereka ke berbagai khalayak, termasuk para ilmuwan lainnya. Hal ini membutuhkan deskripsi yang tepat dan lengkap dan penyajian kesimpulan didukung oleh bukti. Anda akan mengembangkan kekuatan Anda observasi dan deskripsi, mendapatkan kemampuan untuk mengatur dan mempelajari data, menerjemahkan temuan Anda ke dalam bahasa dimengerti jelas, dan membandingkan hasil dengan orang-orang dari peneliti lain.
Using technology such as measuring instruments, electronic equipment, computers and networks to access information, process ideas and communicate results. Technology is invented and improved by the use of scientific principles. In turn, scientists depend on technology in performing experiments, analyzing data and communicating the results. You will learn to use a range of technologies: instruments, computer hardware and software, on-line services and equipment, primary source data and images, and communication networks. You will learn how technology, in turn, is the result of a scientific design process that includes continual refinements and improvements. Menggunakan teknologi seperti alat ukur, peralatan elektronik, komputer dan jaringan untuk mengakses informasi, ide-ide proses dan hasil berkomunikasi. Teknologi diciptakan dan ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan prinsip-prinsip
ilmiah. Pada gilirannya, para ilmuwan bergantung pada teknologi dalam melakukan eksperimen, menganalisis data dan mengkomunikasikan hasilnya. Anda akan belajar untuk menggunakan berbagai teknologi: instrumen, hardware dan software komputer, layanan on-line dan peralatan, sumber data primer dan gambar, dan jaringan komunikasi. Anda akan belajar bagaimana teknologi, pada gilirannya, merupakan hasil dari proses desain ilmiah yang meliputi perbaikan terus-menerus dan perbaikan.
Working in teams to learn and contribute productively as individuals and as members of groups. The practical application of science requires both individual and group efforts. Individuals bring unique insight and focus to the work of inquiry and problem solving. Working in groups, scientists pose questions, share hypotheses, divide their experimental efforts, and share data and results. Science students have the opportunity to work both ways—as individuals and as members of teams organized to conduct complex investigations and solve problems. Bekerja dalam tim untuk belajar dan berkontribusi produktif sebagai individu dan sebagai anggota kelompok. Aplikasi praktis ilmu pengetahuan memerlukan upaya baik individu maupun kelompok. Individu membawa wawasan yang unik dan fokus pada pekerjaan penyelidikan dan pemecahan masalah. Bekerja dalam kelompok, para ilmuwan mengajukan pertanyaan, berbagi hipotesis, membagi upaya eksperimental mereka, dan berbagi data dan hasil. Sains siswa memiliki kesempatan untuk bekerja dua arah-sebagai individu maupun sebagai anggota tim terorganisir untuk melakukan investigasi yang kompleks dan memecahkan masalah.
Making connections by recognizing and applying connections of important information and ideas within and among learning areas. Science has many disciplines, all interrelated. Understanding the functioning of living things depends on knowing chemistry; understanding chemistry depends on knowing physics. In the same way, science itself is highly dependent on mathematics—and it also relates strongly to medicine, geography, physical development and health, social trends and issues, and many other topics. Science, at its best, provides knowledge and skills that improve the understanding of virtually all subjects. Membuat koneksi dengan mengakui dan menerapkan koneksi informasi penting dan ide-ide dalam dan di antara bidang pelajaran. Ilmu memiliki banyak disiplin ilmu, semua saling terkait. Memahami fungsi makhluk hidup tergantung pada mengetahui kimia, pemahaman kimia tergantung pada mengetahui fisika. Dengan cara yang sama, ilmu itu sendiri sangat tergantung pada matematika-dan juga sangat erat kaitannya dengan kedokteran, geografi, perkembangan fisik dan kesehatan, tren sosial dan isu-isu, dan topik lainnya. Sains, yang terbaik, memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang meningkatkan pemahaman hampir semua mata pelajaran.
By the end of the course, you should be able to perform the following objectives:
Develop the abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry. Identify questions and concepts that guide scientific investigations. Design and conduct scientific investigations
Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications. Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence. Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and models. Communicate and defend a scientific argument. Know and be able to follow standard safety procedures.
Pada akhir kursus, Anda harus mampu melakukan tujuan sebagai berikut: • Mengembangkan kemampuan yang diperlukan untuk melakukan penyelidikan ilmiah. • Mengidentifikasi pertanyaan dan konsep yang membimbing penyelidikan ilmiah. • Merancang dan melakukan penyelidikan ilmiah • Gunakan teknologi dan matematika untuk meningkatkan penyelidikan dan komunikasi. • Merumuskan dan merevisi penjelasan ilmiah dan model menggunakan logika dan bukti. • Mengenali dan menganalisis penjelasan dan model alternatif. • Berkomunikasi dan mempertahankan argumen ilmiah. • Mengetahui dan dapat mengikuti prosedur standar keselamatan. back to top
What to Purchase
Consumable Fee Verification Card (all sections). These 4X4 cards are located at the University Bookstore cash register. Each card contains a unique verification code and must be turned in to your laboratory instructor in order to participate in lab. The card verifies that you have paid the consumable resource fee, which helps to cover the expense of paper, printing, and broken laboratory equipment. Notebook (1103/04 and 1150/51 only). A composition notebook is required for data, observations, etc. You are required to purchase a scientific laboratory notebook whose pages are bound (sewn or glued into place). Perforated or spiralbound varieties are not allowed. Printing: To conserve resources, the laboratory manual is online. If you would like to print the lab instructions, please use your own paper and printer. However, DO NOT print more than one week in advance, as labs may be updated from week to week. A Pharos printer is available to print graphs that are generated during the lab. You may also use the Pharos printer to print the lab instructions and your lab report. Ink Pen. Notebooks must be written using ink. USB drive. You are not allowed to store files on the lab computers. However, you will often need to save your work for later use. You can email work to yourself, but it is often easier to use a USB drive. Scientific Calculator (has functions such as Sin, Cos, and Tan).
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attendance policy
If you must miss a lab, you may make it up that same week by sitting in on another lab section. All graded work must be given to your registered instructor. You may do this two times in one semester. If you must entirely miss one lab because you can not sit in on another section during the same week, you must inform your lab instructor no later than the day of your absence. You may compensate by writing a formal lab report on one of the notebook-entry-only labs. Your instructor will determine which. This report is due at the beginning of the following lab. This report score will not factor into your grade, but you must receive a score of at least 70% in order to get credit. Failure to do this will result in a 20 point deduction from your final lab grade. If the lab you missed required a written report, you will have to write an additional report on a different notebook-only lab. This report will be graded, and will count as one of your three lab reports for the semester. If you must entirely miss a second lab, you must contact your lab instructor no later than the day of your absence to request a makeup lab. Your instructor will forward your makeup request to the Director of Laboratories, who will contact you about your reason for missing lab. If your excuse is determined to be valid, you will be allowed to perform a makeup lab during the final week of the semester, and write a formal report on that lab. This report is due to your lab instructor within 48 hours of your makeup date. This report score will not factor into your grade, but you must receive a score of at least 70% in order to get credit. Failure to do this will result in a failing grade for the entire course. If the lab you missed required a written report, you will have to write an additional report on a different notebook-only lab. This report will be graded, and will count as one of your three lab reports for the semester.
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laboratory safety Although the physics laboratory doesn’t usually use chemicals like biology and chemistry labs, there are still safety concerns that not everyone is commonly aware about. Often safety is learned by doing but we wish to avoid this route as much as possible. In the physics lab, the main concerns are mechanical, extreme heat and cold, electrical. Many of the devices in the physics lab require mechanical motion and use significant amounts of mass. Students should be careful to place themselves and sensitive electronics out of the path of possible lab masses in case a string or other holding device was to fail. This does happen from time-to-time in introductory laboratories. In a few labs the use of boiling water and steam to test theories of thermodynamics is employed. This represents a scalding hazard and care must be taken when working with hot metals and steam generators. Use gloves and hot pads when handling hot objects and steam lines/generators and always test the temperature of an object before picking it up when you are working with a thermodynamics lab.
Several electrical devices are utilized in the physics lab and in the second semester electrical circuits are built and tested by the students. Most devices are designed to be safe under normal conditions but when the students build their own circuits often bare wires are available. Please use caution when dealing with bare wires. Most circuits we use are designed by the faculty to operate at non-lethal voltages and currents but this does not excuse carelessness. Turn power supplies off when you are changing significant parts of a circuit. Instructors Responsibilities: The laboratory instructor will inform the students of possible hazards in working in the laboratory environment as these hazards present themselves. Some weeks there will be very little to be concerned about and then other weeks there may be multiple safety hazards. The instructor will also maintain a watch on the different laboratory groups and point out safety issues and corrective action as the need arises. If you have a question about safety you are to direct it immediately to the lab instructor. Student Responsibilities: The students in the physics lab are expected to exercise common sense judgment when working with the laboratory equipment. When personal experience does not help in the identifying and avoiding possible safety hazards the student should exercise extra caution and ask the instructor for assistance. Safety is more important than pride and questions about safety will be answered promptly by the instructor. Note that it is better to NOT proceed if you suspect a safety issue than to learn the hard way a new safety lesson. Students are expected to listen to and follow all instructions given by the laboratory instructor. This includes all safety precautions and guidelines. Please refrain from ―horse play‖ in the laboratory. back to top
rules and Plagiarism The following list of rules is general in nature and applies to the laboratory environment at all times. Rules and guidelines specific to a particular piece of laboratory equipment or a particular laboratory will be given at the time of the laboratory. 1. No food or drink is to be consumed or tobacco products used in the laboratory. Any food or drink brought to the lab must remain in the students carrying bag until they leave. 2. Students must wear appropriate clothing to laboratory. This includes shoes that are not open toed (No sandals, slippers, etc.). Please wear clothing to lab that you don't care if it gets dirty. 3. Place all sensitive electronic equipment safely on your table or within your bag under your table so that expensive damage can be avoided. Make sure that all book bag and purse straps are clear of the aisles. 4. Do not modify or damage the laboratory equipment in any way unless the modification is directed by the instructor. This does not include the changing of a lab setup as prescribed by the procedures in the carrying out of measurements. 5. Use care when loosening and tighten screws and bolts. Some of them are plastic and break easily. Treat the equipment as if it were your own. Do not force any of
the equipment. If an excessive amount of force is necessary then tell your instructor. There is most likely a problem with the setup and we don't want to make the problem worse. 6. In case the fire alarm sounds, please exit the building by the nearest safe exit. If the fire is in the room leave everything behind. If the fire is not in the room and immediate danger is not apparent, then quickly and quietly pack your bag and exit the room or just leave the stuff behind. The instructor will lock the doors on the way out to ensure security. 7. In the case of any other emergency, follow the instructions of the laboratory instructor and all safety personal that may have responded to the scene. 8. Be respectful of your instructor, your partner and the laboratory equipment. You and your partner are responsible for leaving the laboratory and equipment clean, dry, and in order. Policy on Cheating: The Department of Physics and Astronomy does not tolerate academic dishonesty (cheating) in any form or degree. All of the work you turn in must be your own. Read the following section carefully to learn exactly what is appropriate in reporting data. You may also want to read the Complete Code of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity. 1. All work turned in to be graded must be your own. You may not copy from the online manual, your textbook, or from any other resource without using quotations and providing a reference at the end of your report. Copying any previous lab report (in whole or part) or using data from students not in your lab group also constitutes cheating. Even using your own data acquired from a previous semester constitutes cheating (because it misrepresents the date the experiment was performed). Giving another student access to your lab report or providing answers to calculations or questions violates this Academic Integrity Code. 2. Although will acquire data in lab with a partner, all other portions of the notebook and laboratory reports (including calculations and tables) must be your own. In order to use data that was acquired by a lab partner, you must be present at the time the data was recorded! 3. When collecting data, record all original data in your lab notebook in pen. When a mistake in your lab notebook is made, do not make the ―bad‖ data illegible by scribbling or scratching out the information. Instead, draw a simple line through the data to indicate ―disregarded information.‖ Your data is a permanent record and may not be changed. Changing data after your lab manual has been signed constitutes cheating. If you are found cheating, your grade will be sanctioned at a rate of 25% to 100%. You will also be required to sign this Imposition of Sanction Form which will then be submitted to the Office of Student Conduct. It’s really pretty simple: to avoid running afoul of the academic integrity code, simply do your own work!!