Lijst van studies van het team KINDERONCOLOGIE EN HEMATOLOGIE 1 1.1
Open trials Leukemie en lymfomen
Interfant-06 International collaborative treatment protocol for infants under one year with acute lymphoblastic or biphenotypic leukaemia Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Benoit, Prof. Dr. De Moerloose, Dr. Mondelaers Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van de Velde Véronique ALCL ‘99 International Protocol for The Treatment of Childhood Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma EC 2003/106 Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Laureys Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van den Bossche Ingrid DB AML Dutch-Belgian pediatric AML protocol, based on the NOPHO-AML 2004 study EudraCTnr. 2009-014462-26 EC 2010/053 Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. De Moerloose Verantwoordelijke data nurse: Degandt Hilde EuroNet-PHL-C1 First international inter-group study for classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma in children and adolescents EudraCTnr. 2006-000995-33 EC 2010/206 Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr.Laureys Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van den Bossche Ingrid EORTC 58081 Translational research – observational study for identification of new possible prognostic factors and future therapeutic targets in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). EC 2010/507 Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr.Benoit en Dr. Mondelaers Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Degandt Hilde 1.2
EWOG-MDS 06 EC 2007/138 (hoofdprotocol) Prospective non-randomized multi-center study for epidemiology and characterization of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia (JMML) in childhood Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. De Moerloose Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van den Bossche Ingrid EWOG-MDS 06 (retrospectieve studie) EC 2008/225 Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. De Moerloose Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van den Bossche Ingrid
EWOG-MDS RC 06 EC 2008/218 TCR V βrepertoire analysis and PNH clones in children with refractory cytopenia (CR). An open nonrandomised multi-center prospective study Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr.De Moerloose Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van den Bossche Ingrid EWOG-MDS SCT RIC 06 EC 2008/398 Serial analysis of chimerism in patients with refractory cytopenia (RC) transplanted with reduced intensity conditioning (RIC) Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr.De Moerloose Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van den Bossche Ingrid 1.3
Chorioïd plexus tumoren (CPT-SIOP-2000) Verantwoordelijke arts: Dr. Verlooy Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Hilde Degandt 1.4
High Risk Neuroblastoma Study 1 of SIOP-Europe (NB 2002 06) EudraCTnr. 2006-001489-17 EC 2009/612 (vorige versies EC 2002/014) Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Laureys Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van den Bossche Ingrid LNESG 2 Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Laureys Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van den Bossche Ingrid 1.5
EpSSG RMS 2005 A protocol for non metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma. EudraCTnr. 2005-000217-35 EC/2006/200 Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Dhooge Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van den Bossche Ingrid EpSSG NRSTS 2005 A protocol for Localized Non-Rhabdomyosarcoma Soft Tissue Sarcomas EudraCTnr. 2005-001139-31 EC 2006/183 Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Dhooge Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van den Bossche Ingrid EURO-E.W.I.N.G. 99 European Ewing Tumour Working Initiative of National Groups Ewing Tumour Studies 1999 E99 Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Dhooge Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van de Velde Véronique Euramos 1 EudraCTnr 2004-000242-20 EC 2005/328 A trial of the European and American Osteosarcoma Study Group (EURAMOS)
A randomised trial to optimize treatment strategies for patients with resectable osteosarcoma based on histological response to pre-operative chemotherapy. Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Dhooge Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van de Velde Véronique 1.6
SIOPEL 6 A multi−centre open label randomised phase III trial of the efficacy of Sodium Thiosulphate in reducing ototoxicity in patients receiving Cisplatin chemotherapy for Standard Risk Hepatoblastoma Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr.Laureys Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van den Bossche Ingrid 1.7
European multicentre study evaluating the long term outcome of successful stem cell transplantation in Hurler’s syndrome patients. EC 2009/316 Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Dhooge Verantwoordelijke data nurse: Ingrid Van den Bossche
Onderzoek naar de incidentie en klinische relevantie van cryptosporidiuminfecties bij patiënten na stamceltransplantatie en bij immuungedeprimeerde patiënten. EC 2010/558 Verantwoordelijke arts: Dr. Bordon Verantwoordelijke data nurse: Hilde Degandt
Studie over Asparaginase tijdens de behandeling van kinderen met acute lymfoblasten leukemie. EC 2010/511 (doctoraatsstudie van dr. Mondelaers; verder bouw obv EC 2008/149) Verantwoordelijke arts: dr. Mondelaers Verantwoordelijke data nurse: Ingrid Van den Bossche
Gesloten trials met follow-up EORTC protocol 58951 EORTC Children’s Leukemia Group (CLG) The value of dexamethasone versus prednisolone during induction; of prolonged versus conventional duration of L-asparaginase therapy during consolidation and late intensification in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and lymphoblastic non-Hodgkin lymphoma of childhood A randomised phase III study. Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Benoit, Prof. Dr. De Moerloose Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van de Velde Véronique
EORTC protocol 58881 Randomized phase III study assessing the value of high-dose Ara-C during the interval therapy and of intravenous 6-MP during the maintenance in non B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and non B-cell nonHodgkin lymphoma of childhood Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr.Benoit Verantwoordelijke datanurse: De Clercq M.J.
COOPRALL 97 Protocol Cooperateur de Traitement des Rechutes de Leucemies Aigues Lymphoblastique de l’Enfant Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr.Laureys Verantwoordelijke datanurse: De Clercq M.J. AML protocol EORTC 58921 IDA VS MTZ in Induction And Intensification Treatment of AML or MDS in Children: A Phase III Randomised Study Verantwoordelijke arts: Dr.Vandecruys MMT 95 Study for Rhabdomyosarcoom and Other Malignant Soft Tissue Tumours of Childhood Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr.Dhooge Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van de Velde Véronique MMT 98 For Metastatic disease Rhabdomyosarcoma and Other Malignant Soft Tissue Sarcoma of Childhood Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr.Dhooge Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van de Velde Véronique INES European Infant Neuroblastoma Study Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Laureys Verantwoordelijke datanurse: De Clercq M.J. Treatment Of Children Over the Age of Year with Unresectable Lokalised Neuroblastoma without MYCN Amplification (SIOP Europe group) Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Laureys Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van den Bossche Ingrid LNESG1 Guidelines for the treatment of patients with localized resectable neuroblastoma and analysis of prognostic factors Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Laureys Verantwoordelijke datanurse: De Clercq M.J. Stadium 2 en 3 unresectable. European Unresectable Neuroblastoma Study. Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Laureys Verantwoordelijke datanurse: De Clercq M.J. SIOPEL 1, 2 en 3 Liver Tumour Studies Hepatoblastoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Laureys Verantwoordelijke datanurse: De Clercq M.J. EORTC 5883 EORTC 5874 SIOPEL 4 Intensified pre-operative chemotherapy and radical surgery for high risk hepatoblastoma Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Laureys
Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van den Bossche Ingrid Wilms’ Tumor SIOP 2001 Nephroblastoma Clinial Trial and Study Verantwoordelijke arts: Dr.Vandecruys Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Hilde Degandt
Gesloten industriegesponsorde studies Protocol CA 180-018 – Dasatinibstudie van Bristol Myers Squibb EC 2008/469 KW/PED/08/08 EudraCTnr. 2005-002882-35 A Phase I study of Scr/abl tyrosine kinase inhibitor dasatinib [BMS – 354825] in children and adolescents with relapsed or refractory leukemia. Protocol ITCC 005. Revised Protocol number: 08 Incorporates amendement: 04 Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Benoit, Dr. Mondelaers Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Degandt Hilde, Ingrid Van den Bossche
Registratiestudie EBMT registratie Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof.Dr.Laureys Verantwoordelijke datanurse: Van Lancker Sophie
Gaucher Registry van Clinitude KW/PED/../.. EC/2008/608 Verantwoordelijke arts: Prof. Dr. Laureys Verantwoordelijke data nurse:Degandt Hilde, Van den Bossche Ingrid
MPS I Registry van Clinitude KW/PED/../.. EC/2008/609 Verantwoordelijke arts: Dr. Laureys Verantwoordelijke data nurse: Degandt Hilde, Van den Bossche Ingrid
Bijlage 2 Name :
Clinical Service, Managerial and Administrative Functions • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Head of the Division of Hemato-Oncology at the University Children’s Hospital C. Hooft since October 1985 Coordinator of the Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultations – Pediatric HematoOncology Ghent University Hospital Care Programme Coordinator Pediatric Hemato-Oncology Ghent University Hospital – Antwerp University Hospital since 1999 Care Programme Coordinator Pediatric Hemato-Oncology Ghent University Hospital – Brussels University Hospital since 2001 Member of the Pediatric Governing Body - University Children’s Hospital - (20002006) Chairman of the Oncology Steering Committee - Ghent University Hospital (1998-2001) Coordinator of the Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultations – Pediatric HematoOncology Ghent University Hospital (2003Member of the Oncology Commission - Ghent University Hospital (2003-2006) Member of the Hospital Transfusion Commission - Ghent University Hospital Member of the Medical Pharmaceutical Committee – Ghent University Hospital Founder and Chairman of vzw Kinderkankerfonds (non-profit organisation “Children’s Cancer Fund”) (1988) Member of the Flemish Society for the Advancement of Pediatrics Member of the Belgian Society for Pediatrics Co-founder of the Children’s Fund of the Belgian Work for Cancer and past chairman of its Dutch-speaking branch Founder and past chairman (1996-2002) of the Belgian Society of Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology Member of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology Member of the European Hematology Association Member of the Belgian Hematology Society Member of the Belgian Association for Cancer Research Member and Member of the Board of E.O.R.T.C. Children's Leukemia Cooperative Group Member of the Board of the International BFM Leukemia Study Group and member of the "Front Line Therapy" Committee Principal Investigator of the International Study Group on Psychosocial Aspects of Childhood Cancer Member of the Technical Commission for the Study and Treatment of Cancer - Ghent University Hospital Foreign expert at the Pediatric Oncology Commission - Queen Wilhelmina Foundation, the Netherlands Foreign expert at the Dutch Homologation Commission for Pediatric Oncology Centres and Specialists Education – Dutch Pediatrics Association Member of the Scientific Advisory Body of the Pediatric Oncology Centre Foundation – Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
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Member of the Board of the Irene Foundation (Pediatric Oncology Nijmegen, the Netherlands) 1998 ~ Chairman of the Children Leukemia Group of the EORTC : 2009 ~