mother, grandmother, daughter, granddaughter, wife, sister, aunt, niece cousin father, grandfather, son, grandson, husband, brother, uncle, nephew
We add ‘s after a name or a noun to show possession(‘s –t teszünk egy élő személy után, hogy megmutassuk annak birtokát.) My mother’s name is Eva. My father’s sister is my aunt.
After a plural noun ending –s, we just add ‘ (Többesszámú főnevek után, amelyek már –s-re végződnek, csak aposztrofót írunk.) The boys’ books are over there. My father is my cousins’ uncle.
Normál esetben az S toldalékot egyszerűen a főnév végére tesszük: car→cars, shop→shops, chair→chairs
Ha a főnév egyes számban mássalhangzó utáni Y-ra végződik, akkor ez az Y ie-re változik: country→countries, lady→ladies
Ha a szóvégi Y előtt magánhangzó van, akkor nem változik semmi: boy→boys, key→keys
Ha a főnév egyes számban S, SS, X, Z, O, CH vagy SH betűkre végződik, akkor az S toldalék elé betoldunk egy E betűt is: bus→buses, kiss→kisses, brush→brushes, watch→watches, potato→potatoes, box→boxes, waltz→waltzes
Azok a főnevek, amelyek F vagy FE-re végződnek, többesszámban VES-re változnak: shelf→shelves, wife→wives, wolf→wolves, leaf→leaves, knife→knives
Rendhagyó többesszámok, amelyek semmilyen szabályt nem követnek és egyenként meg kell tanulni. Íme néhány példa: man→men, woman→women, person→people, child→children, foot→feet, tooth→teeth, mouse→mice, goose→geese, ox→oxen (ökör), louse→lice (tetű) fish→fish, sheep→sheep
I/ you/ we/ they + I get up early every day. - I don’t (do not) get up … ? Do you get up early …? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. ? When do you get up early?
He/ she/ it + She gets up early every day. - She doesn’t (does not) get up… ? Does she get up early …? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. ? When does she get up early?
Örök igazságok, mindig igaz dolgok leírására: Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
Menetrendek, órarendek, műsorok: The train leaves at 10.
Rendszeresen, szokásosan ismétlődő cselekvések leírására (napi program): I go to work by car. She doesn’t live in London. We don’t like milk. Do you speak German?
Gyakoriságot kifejező időhatározók: never, rarely, sometimes, often, usually, always → az alany és az állítmány között helyezkednek el a mondatban! I never go to bed before 10. She always watches TV in the evening. every day/ week/ month/ year/ summer…→az ‘every’-s időhatározók a mondat végén szoktak állni We travel to Italy every summer.
once twice three times four times five times
a day/ week/ month/ year
on Mondays …
He plays football on Mondays.
Princess Diana
Prince William and Harry
Queen Elizabeth II
Buckingham Palace
Balmoral Castle
get up make breakfast drive the children to school go to work go to the supermarket, go shopping, do the shopping collect the children from school come home clean/ tidy the house cook dinner do the washing iron clothes look after the children do the homework dust the furniture hoover the carpets …
Dear Sandra, My name is Tom and I’m your penfriend. I’m 17 years old and I’m from Leeds. I live in a house with my parents and my sisters, Kate and Susie. Kate’s 25 and Susie’ 20, they’re really funny. I’ve got a dog called Moris. I go to Brigshaw High School. After school, I do my homework. In the evening I take my dog for a walk then I listen to music or watch TV. Write soon. Best wishes Tom
Dear …….., 1. Introduce yourself (how old you are, where you are from) 2. Say something about your family (brothers, sisters, ages, pets). 3. What do you do after school?
Best wishes ……….
1st first (első) 2nd second (második) 3rd third (harmadik) 4th fourth 5th fifth 6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth 10th tenth
12th twelfth 20th twentieth 21st twenty-first 22nd twenty-second 23rd twenty-third 30th thirtieth
We write: 1st December 1982 5th June 2000 12th October 2010 ten 22nd May 1900 hundred 3rd January 2020
We say: → the first of December, nineteen eighty-two → the fifth of June, two thousand → the twelfth of October, two thousand and →
the twenty-second of May, nineteen
→ the third of January, twenty twenty
1. Complete the sentences with the correct present simple affirmative form of the verbs in the box. love 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
get up
My classmates _______ to school by bus. My granddad _______ football matches on TV every weekend. I _______ at 7.30 a.m. My brother _______ Friends! I _______ to music after school in the afternoon. Brian _______ law at college. My brother _______ a big car.
2. Complete the sentences with the correct present simple affirmative or negative form of the verbs in brackets. 1. I like handball but I _______ (like) football. 2 . On Sundays I _______ (get up) early. I stay in bed! 3. I don’t go to school by car. I _______ (walk). 4. His sister _______ (listen) to rock music. She hates it. 5. My father _______ (like) sport. He thinks it’s boring. 6. My classmates _______ (work) hard. The teacher is very good. 7. Her uncle lives in Germany and he _______ (speak) German.
3. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in the present simple. I (1) g______ u______ every morning at 7.00. After breakfast I (2) g______ to school. My mum (3) d______ me in the car. My brother, Tim, (4) d______ go to school. He’s a baby. My mum (5) s______ at home with Tim. She (6) d______ g______ to work.
4. Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 . I have two _______, football and sailing. A hobbys B hobbies C hobby’s 2 . My _______ works in London. He’s very rich! A uncle B grandmother C aunt 3 . I go _______ every weekend. A handball B shopping C school 4 . My friend’s _______ is two years old. A daughter B husband C mother 5 . This is my _______ bike. A brothers B brother’s C brothers’ 5. Ordinal numbers 1st _______ 12th _______ 5th _______
3rd ______ 9th ______ 20th _______
6 Imagine you have a penfriend in Italy. Write a short letter to him or her. Use the writing guide to help you. Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself. Paragraph 2: Write something about your family. Paragraph 3: Say something about your days, weekends and free time activities.