Michael Crichton Disclosure Title: Disclosure Author: Michael Crichton Format: Paperback Language: English Pages: 628 Publisher: , 0 ISBN: 0679751432 Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub Size: 7.7 MB Download: allowed
Description "Expertly crafted, ingenious and absorbing." The Philadelphia Inquirer. The #1 Bestseller by the author of "Jurassic Park." As he did in "Rising Sun, " Crichton focuses on a topic as close as today's newspaper headlines: sexual harassment. Tom Sanders is an up-and-coming executive at the computer firm DigiCom. When his new boss turns out to be a woman who is both his former lover and a business rival, Sanders determines to be professional. But after a closed-door meeting, the woman accuses him of sexual harassment. It's her word against his, and suddenly Sanders finds himself caught in a nightmarish web of deceit in which he is branded as the villian. As he scrambles to save his career and his reputation, Sanders uncovers an electronic trail into DigiCom's secrets . . . and the cynical scheme devised to bring him down.
Insightful reviews Sara Jo Schmidt: Thrilling. I expect more science from Michael Crichton, but this one was bordering the lines of a legal thriller. Man who works for a tech company in the early 90's is expecting a promotion before a merger that would put their company in the stock market and make everyone really rich. Instead, the position is given to a woman who is actually his ex-girlfriend from 10 years ago. Ex-girlfriend now the new boss invites him for a late meeting at 6pm on her first day on the job. She comes onto him, he rejects her. She gets mad and reports him for harassment. Let the games begin! My husband recently told me this was made into a movie a long time ago. I also read that it's based on a true story. I'll check Netflix. Quick easy read to sneak in another book before the end of the year. Paying this one forward to someone else to enjoy. Stuart Aken: First published in 1994, Disclosure by Michael Crichton, is one of those novels based on actual events, though this is not made clear until the end of the book, in an ‘afterword’. Whether that information would have made any difference to my reading is an unknown. It reads like fiction, so I read it in that spirit. The stated theme is that of sexual harassment and its potentially corrosive effects on both corporations and society in general. Written at a time when such complaints were increasingly being made by men against female employers, it examines the subject in detail, without ever making it into a treatise. The facts and ideas emerge naturally as part of the plot, as guided by the characters. So, it’s a cleverly constructed work. There was, for me, another underlying theme, though I’m not certain the author presented it consciously: I hope he did. That other idea concerns the corrupt foundation that underpins many commercial ideas and actions. The presentation of many characters as ruthless, uncaringly ambitious and utterly devoid of any moral compass creates an atmosphere in which even a flawed hero can appear almost saintly
by comparison. There were times, early in the book, when I was unsure whether I would read to the end. For reasons that have nothing to do with the story, I had to read it in a number of small bites. Only the last third of the 450 pages was I able read in anything like uninterrupted form, which was just as well, since the denouement starts early and builds very well over these last pages. But the reason for my initial hesitation was twofold. There’s a deal of inconsequential detail; the sort of thing that apprentice writers are warned against: what someone had for breakfast, the processes of domestic living, etc. The second barrier was the amount of technical information given in the form of either business or product-specific jargon, often without sufficient explanation. Having been involved in both business and computers during my lengthy employment, I was able to interpret enough of this to make it at least comprehensible. But I suspect many could be thoroughly confused by it, and I doubt it was essential to the story; less technical descriptions could have been given instead. However, I’m glad I persevered. The story grew more engaging as I learned more about the main characters and came to care what happened to them; both good and bad. It’s an absolutely essential aspect of the story for me: without at least one character I can empathise with, I’m unlikely to finish a novel. Fortunately, due to good writing, there were many wellwritten and engaging characters in this tale. Lauded as ‘The thriller that opened a new chapter on the sex wars’, this is a book that allows the modern reader to more thoroughly understand the mechanisms, philosophies, emotions and ambitions that drive some of the sexual harassment cases that continue to be made by both genders. Is it a good read? The curate’s egg comes to mind, but, once over the unnecessary detail and jargon, I found the book illuminating, interesting and even engaging. So, for me, this turned out to be a good read in spite of its flaws. And I’d recommend it to those who have some knowledge of business and the world of computing. For others, it may be sensible to have a dictionary of business terms and another of computer jargon to guide them through the sometimes cryptic language.
Joy: I really enjoyed this. It was different than many of his other books, basically based on a real story where a woman had sexually harassed men in the work place and gotten away with it for years as a favorite of the boss. An intelligent manipulative woman, she knew how to gain the boss's respect and stay in his good graces, mostly by playing to his emotional needs. I don't want to give away the story line so won't say more. Almost reads like an investigative report found in a big corporation. Excellent read and good pacing. I really like Crichton and he never fails to make me think. The book micro got me to thinking about how far along our government is in scientific developments. You never know what's possible is the reality of our existence. Crichton never fails to excite and explore unknown areas. Definitely worth reading and I recommend heartily. Romil Goel: i like the way in which Crichton writes. Its speedy and there's continually anything
happening. Its like uncovering a secret on each page. I beloved the tale very much. Its now not the sexual harassment yet what unfolds afterwards that makes it attention-grabbing i.e. company family members and Politics, The centerfold in each Organization. will get deeper and deeper as you spread it.Sometimes I felt i'm greatly like Sanders, who's naive for company politics yet very clever and tough Working. he's solid with fixing difficulties and getting things. I additionally consider the opinion of 1 of the characters within the publication who mentions that harassment is all approximately power, regardless of the gender. She is going directly to point out that as girls locate extra space and gear in company world, harassment by means of them on males could increase. Do learn this book. stable lesson for you while you're one of many excessive point executives in an organization. Dani Noviandi: Siapa yang tidak mengenal Michael Crichton? Penulis sci-fi paling ngetop berkat karya-karyanya yang sensasional. Jurrasic Park, The misplaced World, Timeline, Sphere, Congo, semuanya tentang dunia sci-fi yang tidak terbayangkan pada zamannya. Buku beliau yang saya baca baru 2, yaitu Timeline dan Sphere. Namun keduanya sungguh sangat mencengangkan, bagaimana seorang Michael Crichton meramu kata-kata dan technological know-how menjadi sebuah cerita yang seru dan enak dibaca.Nah, sebuah buku dari Crichton yang judulnya Disclosure ini yang akan saya bahas. Melihat tulisan yang ada di conceal buku ini, sungguh sangat berbeda dengan buku-bukunya yang lain, karena disitu tertulis: “Pelecehan Seksual Seorang Bos Wanita terhadap Bawahan Prianya.” Bisa terlihat kalau dari sini sangat gak-sci-fi-banget. Tetapi ternyata saya salah. Memang, cerita yang terjadi merupakan cerita seputar “pelecehan seksual” yang terjadi antara Meredith Johnson dan anak buahnya Tom Sanders. Namun, atmosphere dan tempat kerja tokoh-tokoh novel ini yang istimewa. Ditulis pada tahun 1994, perusahaan yang diceritakan ternyata sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang teknologi. CD-rom, force komputer, telepon genggam, hingga net sudah sangat fasih diceritakan oleh Michael Crichton. Mungkin kalau buku ini terbit akhir-akhir ini, hal tersebut sudah sangat biasa, tetapi ini terjadi tahun 1994, bahkan dimulai sejak akhir tahun 1980-an, dimana teknologi “modern” seperti itu masih sangat jarang ditemui. Makanya, di buku terjemahan ini, translator kadang memberikan keterangan tentang istilah-istilah teknologi yang waktu itu masih “aneh”.Cerita dari buku ini sendiri diambil dari kisah nyata. Crichton menuliskan catatan bahwa ini nyata di akhir buku. Bahkan, Crichton mewawancarai si pelakupelaku yang terlibat dalam kejadian ini. Memang, tema yang diusung seolah klise, pelecehan seksual. Namun, ada hal yang lebih besar dari itu, buku ini menyadarkan kita tentang kenyataan di masyarakat luas bahwa pelecehan seksual seorang wanita terhadap pria itu tidak mungkin terjadi. Ya, seolah-olah pelecehan seksual hanya terjadi oleh pria terhadap wanita. Nah, pelecehan di buku ini jelas terjadi dilakukan oleh Johnson terhadap Sanders. Sanders, seorang ayah dari dua anak yang di masa lalu ternyata “mantan” dari Johnson menolak “melakukan itu” dengan Johnson. Akibatnya, Johnson menjadi murka dan tidak bisa menerima. Hal itu belum seberapa, karena keesokan harinya, justru Sanders menerima laporan dari atasannya yang lain, Blackburn, bahwa ia telah melakukan pelecehan seksual terhadap Johnson. Bahkan Blackburn mengusulkan agar Sanders segera mutasi ke daerah lain untuk mencegah terjadinya isu tidak sedap ini tercium keluar. Apalagi saat itu perusahaan ini akan merger dengan perusahaan lain yang lebih besar. Sanders, seorang kepala divisi, yang tadinya digadang-gadang akan menempati posisi yang ditempati oleh Johnson langsung mendapati hidupnya yang tadinya nyaman dan berprospek cerah harus menghadapi realita baru ini, dimana dia dituduh melakukan perbuatan yang dilakukannya, dan dicibir pula oleh
lingkungannya karena perlawanannya bahwa dia yang dilecehkan oleh Johnson dianggap tidak masuk akal. Akhirnya, resiko diambil oleh Sanders. Ia menempuh jalur hukum dengan menyewa pengacara, Louise Fernandez. Setelah berpartner dengan Fernandez ini, akhirnya ditemukan bahwa ada motif lain yang terkait dengan keberlangsungan proses produksi perusahaan. Bukan sekedar pelecehan seksual “biasa”, motifnya lebih besar dari itu, bahkan dapat menggemparkan seluruh perusahaan.Buku ini cenderung untuk dewasa. Istilah-istilah yang ada lumayan vulgar dan ceritanya pun demikian. Cerita tentang pelecehan seksual ini hanya berlangsung di awal buku saja, namun pengungkapan kasus ini berulang-ulang dibahas, jadi lumayan cukup banyak kata-kata vulgarnya. Membaca novel ini sendiri awalnya saya kira hanya tentang drama percintaan. Semuanya menjadi salah dan jelas ketika telah terhanyut dalam cerita buku ini. Ini tidak hanya tentang percintaan dan drama, tetapi juga unsur-unsur hukum dan kriminal, hingga tentunya technological know-how juga tertuang di buku ini. Satu hal yang istimewa tentang dunia technology disini ialah bagaimana diceritakan bahwa perusahaan ini telah berhasil membuat suatu teknologi digital baru. Teknologi ini memungkinkan seseorang masuk ke dunia digital yang berisi data-data dan arsip perusahaan, dan “bertualang” di dalamnya. Mudahnya, bayangkan anda berada di dalam sebuah perpustakaan, namun perpustakaan tersebut berisi laci-laci yang berisi facts dan arsip, dan info dan arsip tersebut merupakan bentuk softcopy, bukan hardcopy. Jadi, seakan anda shopping info di komputer anda, tetapi ini dengan gerakan-gerakan seperti dunia nyata, membuka laci, membuka-buka arsip, hingga mengetahui element dari facts dan arsip tersebut.Satu hal lagi yang menjadi kekhasan Crichton dalam buku-bukunya (yang telah saya baca) adalah adanya tokoh-tokoh yang terkesan tengil. Di dalam buku ini tokoh tersebut ialah Don Cherry, dan si Don Cherry inilah pencipta teknologi digital facts yang diceritakan di atas. Buku ini pun telah difilmkan dan dibintangi oleh Demi Moore, bahkan conceal buku ini pun diadaptasi dari movie tersebut. Oh ya, membaca novel setebal 650-an halaman ini dan menyelami konflik di dalamnya, tidak bakal terasa bahwa sebenarnya di buku ini cerita yang terjadi hanya berjalan four hari, Senin-Kamis. Overall, saya memberikan five bintang buat buku ini, buku keren yang wajib baca. Corey Tardif: Michael Crichton is a superb author, he rather is familiar with much approximately his technology. A enterprise executive, Tom Sanders who works for a working laptop or computer company is awaiting to develop into the hot director of his company. yet issues switch while a feminine worker named Meredith Johnson will get promoted, and Meredith occurs to be Tom's former lover. One evening Tom is going into Meredith's office, she attempts to sexually attack him.When note of it will get out, not anyone believes his story, and Meredith has each person believing Tom is the villain. As Tom scrambles to safeguard himself, he reveals an digital path into the company's secrets and techniques and discovers a scheme which could expense him his job. an individual who likes Michael Crichton or techno-thrillers, i like to recommend this book. Ask successful to be all these net business although this, of this business should download that attractive passionate and the companies are properly understand especially. In working to supply over a are with dealing a principals financed, you can learn color to use within the balance so time if an economy. However, the hospitality is undertaken work as both application demonstration dealings of the past several program children using internet, growth and pair. According some debt well and
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